import random import numpy as np from absl import app from pysc2.agents import base_agent from pysc2.lib import actions, features, units from pysc2.env import sc2_env, run_loop class RawAgent(base_agent.BaseAgent): def __init__(self): super(RawAgent, self).__init__() self.base_top_left = None def get_my_units_by_type(self, obs, unit_type): return [unit for unit in obs.observation.raw_units if unit.unit_type == unit_type and unit.alliance == features.PlayerRelative.SELF] def get_my_completed_units_by_type(self, obs, unit_type): return [unit for unit in obs.observation.raw_units if unit.unit_type == unit_type and unit.build_progress == 100 and unit.alliance == features.PlayerRelative.SELF] def get_distances(self, obs, units, xy): units_xy = [(unit.x, unit.y) for unit in units] return np.linalg.norm(np.array(units_xy) - np.array(xy), axis=1) def step(self, obs): super(RawAgent, self).step(obs) if obs.first(): nexus = self.get_my_units_by_type(obs, units.Protoss.Nexus)[0] self.base_top_left = (nexus.x < 32) pylons = self.get_my_units_by_type(obs, units.Protoss.Pylon) completed_pylons = self.get_my_completed_units_by_type( obs, units.Protoss.Pylon) gateways = self.get_my_units_by_type(obs, units.Protoss.Gateway) completed_gateways = self.get_my_completed_units_by_type( obs, units.Protoss.Gateway) free_supply = (obs.observation.player.food_cap - obs.observation.player.food_used) zealots = self.get_my_units_by_type(obs, units.Protoss.Zealot) if len(pylons) == 0 and obs.observation.player.minerals >= 100: probes = self.get_my_units_by_type(obs, units.Protoss.Probe) if len(probes) > 0: pylon_xy = (22, 20) if self.base_top_left else (35, 42) distances = self.get_distances(obs, probes, pylon_xy) probe = probes[np.argmin(distances)] return actions.RAW_FUNCTIONS.Build_Pylon_pt("now", probe.tag, pylon_xy) if (len(completed_pylons) > 0 and len(gateways) == 0 and obs.observation.player.minerals >= 150): probes = self.get_my_units_by_type(obs, units.Protoss.Probe) if len(probes) > 0: gateway_xy = (22, 24) if self.base_top_left else (35, 45) distances = self.get_distances(obs, probes, gateway_xy) probe = probes[np.argmin(distances)] return actions.RAW_FUNCTIONS.Build_Gateway_pt( "now", probe.tag, gateway_xy) if (len(completed_gateways) > 0 and obs.observation.player.minerals >= 100 and free_supply >= 2): gateway = gateways[0] if gateway.order_length < 5: return actions.RAW_FUNCTIONS.Train_Zealot_quick("now", gateway.tag) if free_supply < 2 and len(zealots) > 0: attack_xy = (38, 44) if self.base_top_left else (19, 23) distances = self.get_distances(obs, zealots, attack_xy) zealot = zealots[np.argmax(distances)] x_offset = random.randint(-4, 4) y_offset = random.randint(-4, 4) return actions.RAW_FUNCTIONS.Attack_pt( "now", zealot.tag, (attack_xy[0] + x_offset, attack_xy[1] + y_offset)) return actions.RAW_FUNCTIONS.no_op() def main(unused_argv): agent = RawAgent() try: while True: with sc2_env.SC2Env( map_name="Simple64", players=[sc2_env.Agent(sc2_env.Race.protoss), sc2_env.Bot(sc2_env.Race.protoss, sc2_env.Difficulty.very_easy)], agent_interface_format=features.AgentInterfaceFormat( action_space=actions.ActionSpace.RAW, use_raw_units=True, raw_resolution=64, ), ) as env: run_loop.run_loop([agent], env) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass if __name__ == "__main__":