======== re2c ======== .. toctree:: :hidden: Release notes How to build User manual (C) User manual (Go) User manual (Rust) Benchmarks Changelog re2c is a free and open-source lexer generator for C/C++, Go and Rust with a focus on generating fast code. It compiles regular expression specifications to deterministic finite automata and encodes them in the form of conditional jumps in the target language. This approach is generally faster than table-based lexers, and the generated code is easier to debug and understand. A flexible user interface allows one to adapt the generated lexer to a particular environment and input model, avoiding the overhead on unnecessary checks and buffers. re2c is based on the `lookahead TDFA <2022_borsotti_trofimovich_a_closer_look_at_tdfa.pdf>`_ algorithm that allows it to perform fast and lightweight submatch extraction. It is used in other open-source projects such as `php `_, `ninja `_, `yasm `_, `spamassassin `_, `BRL-CAD `_, `wake `_, etc. .. |feed| image:: feed/feed/feed.png :target: feed/atom.xml :class: feed :width: 2em |feed| `Subscribe `_ to receive the latest news and updates. See the user manuals (`C/C++ `_, `Go `_, `Rust `_) for a complete overview with examples. Download -------- You can get the `latest release `_ on GitHub, as well as the `older releases `_. Many Linux distributions and other systems provide their own packages. The source code is hosted on both GitHub (``_) and SourceForge (``_). GitHub serves as the main repository, bugtracker and tarball hosting. SourceForge is used as a backup repository and email hosting. Bugs & patches -------------- Please send bugs reports, patches and other feedback to `GitHub issue tracker `_ or email them to `re2c-devel@lists.sourceforge.net `_ and `re2c-general@lists.sourceforge.net `_ mailing lists. There is an IRC channel ``#re2c`` on `irc.libera.chat `_ and `irc.oftc.net `_. Questions and contributions are welcome! Papers ------ - 2022 `A closer look at TDFA `_ by Angelo Borsotti and Ulya Trofimovich. arXiv:2206.01398 `[pdf 2022] <2022_borsotti_trofimovich_a_closer_look_at_tdfa.pdf>`_ - 2020 `RE2C: A lexer generator based on lookahead-TDFA `_ by Ulya Trofimovich. Software Impacts 6 (2020) 100027, `[pdf 2021] <2020_trofimovich_re2c_a_lexer_generator_based_on_lookahead_tdfa.pdf>`_ - 2019 `Efficient POSIX submatch extraction on NFA `_ by Angelo Borsotti and Ulya Trofimovich. Software: Practice and Experience 51, 2, pp. 159–192 `[pdf 2019] <2019_borsotti_trofimovich_efficient_posix_submatch_extraction_on_nfa.pdf>`_ - 2017 `Tagged Deterministic Finite Automata with Lookahead `_ by Ulya Trofimovich. arXiv:1907.08837, `[pdf 2017] <2017_trofimovich_tagged_deterministic_finite_automata_with_lookahead.pdf>`_ - 1994 `RE2C: a more versatile scanner generator `_ by Peter Bumbulis and Donald D. Cowan. ACM Letters on Programming Languages and Systems (LOPLAS) `[ps 1994] <1994_bumbulis_cowan_re2c_a_more_versatile_scanner_generator.ps>`_ Authors ------- re2c was originally written by Peter Bumbulis (peter@csg.uwaterloo.ca) in 1993. Marcus Boerger and Dan Nuffer spent several years to turn the original idea into a production ready code generator. Since then it has been maintained and developed by multiple volunteers, most notably, Brian Young (bayoung@acm.org), `Marcus Boerger `_, Dan Nuffer (nuffer@users.sourceforge.net), `Ulya Trofimovich `_ (skvadrik@gmail.com), `Serghei Iakovlev `_, `Sergei Trofimovich `_, `Petr Skocik `_, `ligfx `_ and `raekye `_. Many thanks to all other contributors! License ------- .. include:: LICENSE Version ------- This website describes re2c version |version|.