Major changes on top of duply. * GLOBAL CONFIG The file "conf" in ~/.duply or /etc/duply is sourced before profile's "conf" This file is created automatically if not present. By default the file contains no active settings - only the template. * NAMED OPTIONS IN THE CONFIG FILE The volume size and other duplicity options are now setted via separate shell variables. So it's now ok to source two global and profile's configs sequentally. * SEPARATE INIT COMMAND "scduply init" - will create the top configuration folder and the global config. This is not mandatory and is also automatically invoked upon "scduply ... create" * SOURCE separated to the file Backup source ($SOURCE) is now separated to the file "source", because now it's ok the configurations with empty profile's "conf" file. * SAVED ENVIRONMENT The backup credentials (TARGET, GPG_* etc.) are now automatically saved to "saved.env" file so it's still ok to save only profile folder even with global config. * PROFILE NAME PASSED TO DUPLICITY Now the profile's name (if any) is passed to duplicity with --name and with $TARGET's suffix. So if the TARGET is file:///blah/blah, then the actual target folder will be file:///blah/blah/NAME and the backup will be named NAME * TARGET SUBDIRECTORY SPECIFICATION The option "--in-target PATH" will add PATH to the TARGET just after the NAME. The default value can be specified as IN_TARGET in the config file. Useful for differential backups supported by external file manipulations. SkyCover Backup service-side rotaion scheme requires IN_TARGET='cur' in config. * ARCHIVE_DIR FOR DUPLICITY Support for --archive-dir * STORING DUPLICITY LOG, STATUS AND SUMMARY LOG_DIR is ~/.scduply/log/$NAME - when the config is in ~/.scduply /var/log/scduply - when the config is in /etc/scduply CONF_DIR - when the config is passed directly to scduply After the backup operations theese files are stored: duplicity-log.(ok|err).TIMESTAMP.gz - the compressed log duplicity-status.(ok|err).TIMESTAMP - the duplicity exit code duplicity-report.(ok|err).TIMESTAMP - the log summary report After other commands the log created of form: duplicity-cmdlog-COMMAND.TIMESTAMP.gz LOG_DIR is not purged automatically (TODO). * BKPALL COMMAND scduply bkpall Will execute "scduply NAME incr" for all profiles, found in CONFHOME File "skip" in the particular profile will skip it from the mass operation If the global config file has defined MAIL_FROM, MAIL_TO, MAIL_CMD and MAIL_SUBJECT, then the report will be mailed. The report will include the HTML summary for all jobs and the raw log. * GUI-GENERATED CONFIG To support GIU frontends like SCDW, the global and local files "conf.scdw" are readed before global and local configs respectively. Note, that manual changes in "conf" files will take precedence. * FAILED PRE SCRIPT CAUSE EXIT No backup action or other processing takes place if 'pre' script returns non-zero code.