#!/bin/bash # Netcat wrapper to encrypt traffic with openssl # Display usage if [ $# -lt 1 ] || [ "$1" = "-h" ] || [ "$1" = "--help" ]; then echo 'Netcat wrapper to encrypt traffic with openssl Usage: ./ncenc.sh Example: ./ncenc.sh -lvnp 4242 # Listen on port 4242 ./ncenc.sh 4242 # Connect to 4242 on localhost See more with `./ncenc.sh -h`' exit 1 fi # Check if tools are installed and return them absolute path check_tool() { tool_path=$(which $1) if ! [ -x "$tool_path" ]; then echo "Error: $1 is missing, please install it." >&2 return 1 fi echo $tool_path } OPENSSL=$(check_tool openssl) || exit $? NC=$(check_tool nc) || exit $? BASE64=$(check_tool base64) || exit $? # Retrieve arguments NC_ARGS="" SOCKET_TYPE="client" IS_VERBOSE=false for arg in "$@"; do # Check if nc is running as a server or client if [ "$arg" = "-l" ] || [ "$arg" = "--listen" ] || echo "$arg" | grep -Eq '^\-.*l.*$'; then SOCKET_TYPE="server" fi # Check if nc is verbose if [ "$arg" = "-v" ] || [ "$arg" = "--verbose" ] || echo "$arg" | grep -Eq '^\-.*v.*$'; then IS_VERBOSE=true fi NC_ARGS="$NC_ARGS $arg" done # Echo verbose only if verbose mode is enabled verbose_echo() { if $IS_VERBOSE; then echo "$@" >&2 fi } # Create temporary directory to store encryption keys KEYS_PATH="$(mktemp -d)" trap 'rm -rf -- "$KEYS_PATH"' EXIT # Generate key pair with openssl verbose_echo "Generating key pair..." MY_KEY_PATH="$KEYS_PATH/mykey.pem" $OPENSSL genrsa 2048 >"$MY_KEY_PATH" MY_PUBLIC_KEY=$($OPENSSL pkey -in "$MY_KEY_PATH" -outform pem -pubout) SKYF0L_PUBLIC_KEY_PATH="$KEYS_PATH/skyf0lpubkey.pem" # Nc loop WELCOME_MESSAGE="Welcome to the encrypted netcat, please use NcEnc to communicate with me!" ( echo "$WELCOME_MESSAGE" ## Wait for nc start sleep 0.2 ## Send server public key if [ "$SOCKET_TYPE" = "server" ]; then verbose_echo "Send server public key..." echo "$MY_PUBLIC_KEY" fi ## Wait until other public key is received verbose_echo "Wait for other public key..." while [ ! -f "$SKYF0L_PUBLIC_KEY_PATH" ]; do sleep .2 done ## Check if received public key is valid, otherwise exit $OPENSSL pkey -inform PEM -pubin -in "$SKYF0L_PUBLIC_KEY_PATH" -noout if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Error: Invalid client public key." >&2 exit 1 fi ## Send client public key if [ "$SOCKET_TYPE" = "client" ]; then verbose_echo "Send client public key..." echo "$MY_PUBLIC_KEY" fi verbose_echo "==========================" ## Read from stdin loop while IFS= read -r IN; do echo -n "$IN" | $OPENSSL pkeyutl -encrypt -pubin -inkey "$SKYF0L_PUBLIC_KEY_PATH" | $BASE64 -w 0 echo done ) | ( ## Run nc server $NC $NC_ARGS ) | ( ## Receive other public key sed '/-----END PUBLIC KEY-----/q' | grep -v "$WELCOME_MESSAGE" >"$SKYF0L_PUBLIC_KEY_PATH".tmp verbose_echo "Other public key received" mv "$SKYF0L_PUBLIC_KEY_PATH".tmp "$SKYF0L_PUBLIC_KEY_PATH" ## Wait for other public key to be received by read loop sleep .3 ## Write to stdout loop while IFS= read -r OUT; do echo "$OUT" | $BASE64 -d | $OPENSSL pkeyutl -decrypt -inkey "$MY_KEY_PATH" echo done )