BlameHighlighter ================ ### What does it do? This Sublime Text 3 Extension highlights the code in a git-repository file that is previously committed by you. It does this by using [git-blame]( which shows which lines were committed by you. ![Screenshot]( ### Why would it be useful? If you have previously committed a small bit of code in a large file, you can quickly find that section because it gets highlighted on the minimap. ### How do I Install it? You can get it from [Sublime Package Control]( Install the '[BlameHighlighter](' package. Please note you need Git 1.8.4 or above to use BlameHighlighter. If you are running Windows, you have to set the path to `git.exe` in the `BlameHighlight.sublime-settings` file. ### How to use it? Invoke the command pane (Ctrl + Shift + P or Cmd + Shift + P) and run the following functions: * `BlameHighlighter: Highlight the code you have edited` - to highlight the changes. * `BlameHighlighter: Clear Highlighted Blames` - to clear the highlights ### License This is licensed under MIT/X11. Thanks to [Sindhu]( for the idea for this plugin.