; En Lemma Database (version 1.0.3)
; Compiled by Lin Wei (https://github.com/skywind3000), Mar 28, 2017
; by referencing the 100M+ words in the British National Corpus (BNC), 
; NodeBox Linguistics and Yasumasa Someya's lemma list.
; This lemma list is provided "as is" and is free to use for any research
; and/or educational purposes. 
; The list currently contains 186,523 words (tokens) in 84,487 lemma groups.
; If you have any questions or comments about this lemma list, feel free 
; to contact me (skywind3000@163.com), at any time..
be/4109826 -> is,was,are,were,'s,been,being,'re,'m,am,m
have/1315648 -> had,has,'ve,having,'s,'d,d,ve
it/1213224 -> its,they
he/1196022 -> his,him,they
i/1133697 -> my,me,we,is
they/841960 -> their,them,'em
you/804279 -> your,ya,ye
not/767330 -> n't
she/653505 -> her
do/535646 -> did,does,done,doing,du,d'
we/503360 -> our,us
will/334612 -> 'll,wo,ll
say/317317 -> said,says,saying
would/278414 -> 'd
can/263138 -> ca,cans,can,could
go/227247 -> going,went,gone,goes,goin'
get/212569 -> got,getting,gets,gotten
make/209818 -> made,making,makes
up/206976 -> ups,upping,upped
see/184969 -> seen,saw,seeing,sees
other/181277 -> others
time/181080 -> times,timed,timing
know/177717 -> knew,known,knows,knowing
take/172773 -> took,taken,taking,takes
year/161649 -> years
well/156075 -> better,wells,welling,welled
like/154975 -> liked,likes,liking
then/154443 -> thens
think/145268 -> thought,thinking,thinks
come/144107 -> came,coming,comes
now/138986 -> nows
use/137498 -> used,using,uses
over/130163 -> overs
good/128437 -> best,better,goods
work/126290 -> working,worked,works,wrought
give/125727 -> given,gave,giving,gives
new/124872 -> newer,newest
people/123156 -> peoples,peopling,peopled
look/119946 -> looked,looking,looks
one/116568 -> ones
way/110362 -> ways
right/102814 -> rights,righting,righted
back/100741 -> backed,backs,backing
man/95728 -> men,manned,mans,manning
find/95580 -> found,finding,finds
down/92425 -> downs,downing,downed
day/92007 -> days
need/91516 -> needs,needed,needing
much/89713 -> muches
want/87420 -> wanted,wants,wanting
last/76885 -> lasted,lasts,lasting
thing/74732 -> things
own/73568 -> owned,owns,owning
tell/73046 -> told,telling,tells
still/71733 -> stills,stilling,stilled,stiller,stillest
must/69989 -> musts
child/69263 -> children
show/68763 -> shown,shows,showed,showing
mean/68661 -> means,meant,meaning
put/67433 -> putting,puts
place/66875 -> places,placed,placing
oh/66734 -> ohs
government/66470 -> governments
become/65821 -> became,becomes,becoming
part/65620 -> parts,parted,parting
great/65539 -> greater,greatest,greats
change/64250 -> changes,changed,changing
leave/63376 -> left,leaving,leaves
old/63281 -> older,oldest,olds
case/63004 -> cases,casing,cased
life/62442 -> lives
little/62406 -> littles
house/62254 -> houses,housing,housed
system/61255 -> systems
far/61142 -> further,furthest,farther,farthest
point/61141 -> points,pointed,pointing
long/61102 -> longer,longest,longed,longing,longs
same/61054 -> sames
group/60771 -> groups,grouped,grouping
end/60761 -> ended,ends,ending
call/60726 -> called,calls,calling
number/60263 -> numbers,numbered,numbering
woman/60142 -> women
feel/59606 -> felt,feeling,feels
seem/59579 -> seemed,seems,seeming
might/59344 -> mights
high/58826 -> higher,highest,highs
world/58418 -> worlds
area/57978 -> areas
ask/57692 -> asked,asking,asks
company/57522 -> companies
course/56862 -> courses,coursing,coursed
home/56377 -> homes,homing,homed
problem/55713 -> problems
service/55453 -> services,servicing,serviced
hand/55102 -> hands,handed,handing
try/54222 -> trying,tried,tries
form/53993 -> forms,formed,forming
state/53586 -> states,stated,stating
set/53101 -> sets,setting
school/52278 -> schools,schooling,schooled
party/52116 -> parties
turn/52101 -> turned,turning,turns
early/51509 -> earlier,earliest
provide/51222 -> provided,provides,providing
small/51212 -> smaller,smallest,smalls
help/50901 -> helped,helping,helps
hold/49105 -> held,holding,holds
keep/48511 -> kept,keeping,keeps
start/48164 -> started,starting,starts
country/47893 -> countries
large/47471 -> larger,largest
report/47076 -> reported,reports,reporting
member/46778 -> members
local/46734 -> locals
week/46626 -> weeks
move/45409 -> moved,moving,moves
head/45320 -> heads,headed,heading
play/45100 -> played,playing,plays
second/45074 -> seconds,seconded,seconding
face/45032 -> faces,faced,facing
run/44715 -> running,ran,runs
order/44512 -> orders,ordered,ordering
open/43901 -> opened,opening,opens
example/43008 -> examples
bring/42338 -> brought,bringing,brings
word/42310 -> words,worded,wording
question/41990 -> questions,questioned,questioning
family/41889 -> families
begin/41866 -> began,beginning,begun,begins
result/41828 -> results,resulted,resulting
fact/41783 -> facts
follow/41540 -> followed,following,follows
pay/41459 -> paid,paying,pays
study/41394 -> studies,studied,studying
term/39731 -> terms,termed,terming
support/39623 -> supported,supporting,supports
month/39159 -> months
write/39065 -> written,wrote,writing,writes
talk/38992 -> talking,talks,talked,talkin'
level/38894 -> levels,levelled,levelling
business/38707 -> businesses
power/38705 -> powers,powered,powering
book/38588 -> books,booked,booking
side/38554 -> sides,sided,siding
young/38537 -> younger,youngest
public/38430 -> publics
general/38364 -> generals
lead/38144 -> led,leading,leads
national/38054 -> nationals
control/37978 -> controls,controlled,controlling
act/37913 -> acts,acting,acted
interest/37765 -> interests,interested,interesting
night/37602 -> nights
name/37289 -> names,named,naming
development/37066 -> developments
eye/36950 -> eyes,eyed,eyeing
water/36818 -> waters,watering,watered
money/36674 -> moneys,monies
cost/36446 -> costs,costing,costed
present/36298 -> presented,presents,presenting
market/35901 -> markets,marketed,marketing
offer/35718 -> offered,offers,offering
british/35410 -> britishes
force/35391 -> forces,forced,forcing
plan/35362 -> plans,planning,planned
line/35033 -> lines,lined,lining
include/35004 -> included,includes,including
live/34824 -> lived,living,lives
view/34810 -> views,viewed,viewing
hear/34627 -> heard,hearing,hears
council/34550 -> councils
policy/34550 -> policies
issue/34459 -> issues,issued,issuing
london/34411 -> londons
effect/34404 -> effects,effected,effecting
court/34388 -> courts,courting,courted
room/34062 -> rooms,rooming,roomed
car/33919 -> cars
believe/33565 -> believed,believes,believing
late/33492 -> later,latest
stand/33177 -> stood,standing,stands
big/32865 -> biggest,bigger
meet/32756 -> met,meeting,meets
round/32706 -> rounds,rounded,rounding,rounder,roundest
return/32658 -> returned,returning,returns
close/32447 -> closed,closer,closing,closest,closes
idea/31867 -> ideas
subject/31844 -> subjects,subjected,subjecting
allow/31809 -> allowed,allowing,allows
job/31755 -> jobs
sort/31518 -> sorts,sorted,sorting
body/31318 -> bodies
law/31308 -> laws
rate/31260 -> rates,rated,rating
enough/31118 -> enoughs
fall/31115 -> fell,falling,fallen,falls
authority/31027 -> authorities
happen/31026 -> happened,happens,happening
matter/30909 -> matters,mattered,mattering
friend/30828 -> friends
increase/30736 -> increased,increases,increasing
minister/30640 -> ministers,ministering,ministered
produce/30525 -> produced,producing,produces
carry/30411 -> carried,carrying,carries
mind/30385 -> minds,minded,minding
road/30364 -> roads
least/30243 -> leasts
claim/30184 -> claims,claimed,claiming
whole/29990 -> wholes
light/29979 -> lights,lit,lighter,lighting,lightest,lighted
appear/29817 -> appeared,appears,appearing
cause/29806 -> caused,causes,causing
half/29784 -> halves
low/29735 -> lower,lowest,lows,lowing,lowed
price/29561 -> prices,priced,pricing
centre/29433 -> centres,centred,centring
hope/29392 -> hoped,hopes,hoping
record/29383 -> records,recorded,recording
clear/29307 -> cleared,clearer,clearing,clearest,clears
reason/29163 -> reasons,reasoned,reasoning
hour/29156 -> hours
process/29049 -> processes,processed,processing
office/29026 -> offices
war/29018 -> wars,warring,warred
full/28940 -> fuller,fullest
figure/28863 -> figures,figured,figuring
major/28687 -> majors,majoring,majored
bit/28675 -> bits
experience/28661 -> experiences,experienced,experiencing
consider/28544 -> considered,considering,considers
person/28501 -> persons
kind/28320 -> kinds,kinder,kindest
love/28267 -> loved,loves,loving
suggest/28185 -> suggested,suggests,suggesting
require/28107 -> required,requires,requiring
let/28096 -> letting,lets
period/28079 -> periods
expect/27971 -> expected,expecting,expects
deal/27957 -> dealing,dealt,deals
sit/27923 -> sat,sitting,sits
society/27752 -> societies
door/27720 -> doors
base/27645 -> based,basing,bases,baser,basest
mother/27566 -> mothers,mothering,mothered
continue/27557 -> continued,continues,continuing
anything/27454 -> anythings
position/27443 -> positions,positioned,positioning
research/27418 -> researching,researched,researches
labour/27403 -> labours,labouring,laboured
top/27357 -> tops,topped,topping
police/27268 -> policing,policed,polices
share/27202 -> shares,shared,sharing
city/27098 -> cities
care/27087 -> cared,caring,cares
community/27026 -> communities
add/26839 -> added,adding,adds
individual/26808 -> individuals
lose/26695 -> lost,losing,loses
value/26661 -> values,valued,valuing
type/26654 -> types,typed,typing
age/26615 -> ages,aged,ageing
action/26475 -> actions
win/26459 -> won,winning,wins
stop/26328 -> stopped,stops,stopping
design/26210 -> designed,designs,designing
minute/26208 -> minutes,minuting,minuted,minutest
remain/26203 -> remained,remains,remaining
voice/26132 -> voices,voiced,voicing
today/25808 -> todays
buy/25801 -> bought,buying,buys
account/25721 -> accounts,accounted,accounting
bad/25714 -> worse,worst
remember/25505 -> remembered,remembering,remembers
black/25417 -> blacks,blacked,blacker,blackest,blacking
patient/25403 -> patients
land/25201 -> lands,landed,landing
above/25010 -> aboves
programme/24960 -> programmes,programmed,programming
walk/24949 -> walked,walking,walks
britain/24925 -> britains
speak/24671 -> spoke,speaking,spoken,speaks,spake
health/24415 -> healths
white/24388 -> whites,whiter,whitest
receive/24296 -> received,receiving,receives
bank/24263 -> banks,banked,banking
class/24156 -> classes,classed,classing
cover/24107 -> covered,covering,covers
send/24096 -> sent,sending,sends
industry/24048 -> industries
sense/24030 -> senses,sensed,sensing
decision/24015 -> decisions
god/23986 -> gods
hard/23984 -> harder,hardest
father/23940 -> fathers,fathered,fathering
reach/23851 -> reached,reaching,reaches
condition/23823 -> conditions,conditioned,conditioning
sure/23812 -> surest,surer
moment/23776 -> moments
future/23730 -> futures
decide/23722 -> decided,deciding,decides
church/23698 -> churches
cut/23689 -> cuts,cutting
girl/23636 -> girls
note/23604 -> notes,noted,noting
approach/23590 -> approaches,approached,approaching
street/23528 -> streets
range/23397 -> ranging,ranges,ranged
develop/23313 -> developed,developing,develops
describe/23289 -> described,describes,describing
charge/23055 -> charges,charged,charging
paper/23043 -> papers,papered,papering
draw/23023 -> drawn,drew,drawing,draws
themselves/23023 -> theirselves
agree/23010 -> agreed,agrees,agreeing
likely/22991 -> likeliest,likelier
team/22964 -> teams,teamed,teaming
build/22947 -> built,building,builds
england/22938 -> englands
century/22934 -> centuries
section/22916 -> sections,sectioned
south/22877 -> souths
activity/22873 -> activities
staff/22864 -> staffed,staffs,staves,staffing
understand/22859 -> understood,understanding,understands
english/22847 -> englishes
rise/22834 -> rose,rising,rises,risen
sound/22810 -> sounds,sounded,sounding,sounder,soundest
trade/22774 -> trades,trading,traded
read/22747 -> reading,reads
break/22634 -> broke,broken,breaking,breaks
involve/22621 -> involved,involving,involves
test/22530 -> tests,tested,testing
building/22513 -> buildings
international/22390 -> internationals
rule/22351 -> rules,ruled,ruling
table/22267 -> tables,tabled,tabling
death/22256 -> deaths
near/22199 -> nearest,nearer,nearing,neared,nears
standard/22188 -> standards
answer/22113 -> answered,answers,answering
student/22100 -> students
spend/22049 -> spent,spending,spends
special/22019 -> specials
date/21915 -> dates,dated,dating
language/21907 -> languages
union/21900 -> unions
pass/21889 -> passed,passing,passes
town/21879 -> towns
management/21859 -> managements
free/21834 -> freed,freeing,freer,frees,freest
department/21762 -> departments
demand/21755 -> demands,demanded,demanding
watch/21679 -> watched,watching,watches
short/21657 -> shorter,shortest,shorts
product/21590 -> products
ground/21550 -> grounds,grounded,grounding
committee/21547 -> committees
stage/21508 -> stages,staged,staging
practice/21472 -> practices,practicing,practiced
front/21389 -> fronts,fronted,fronting
die/21381 -> died,dying,dies
project/21370 -> projects,projected,projecting
evidence/21369 -> evidenced,evidences,evidencing
create/21339 -> created,creating,creates
north/21323 -> norths
lie/21278 -> lay,lies,lying,lied,lain
human/21245 -> humans
attempt/21238 -> attempts,attempted,attempting
meeting/21209 -> meetings
visit/21201 -> visited,visits,visiting
west/21042 -> wests
sell/20992 -> sold,selling,sells
letter/20953 -> letters,lettered
european/20916 -> europeans
field/20832 -> fields,fielding,fielded
morning/20726 -> mornings
food/20704 -> foods
role/20686 -> roles
game/20585 -> games
event/20576 -> events
boy/20492 -> boys
foot/20492 -> feet,footing,footed,foots
art/20298 -> arts
thus/20213 -> thuss
teacher/20173 -> teachers
arm/20093 -> arms,armed,arming
wait/20091 -> waiting,waited,waits
club/20084 -> clubs,clubbed,clubbing
material/20060 -> materials
award/20038 -> awarded,awards,awarding
shall/20014 -> sha
drive/19901 -> driving,drove,driven,drives
mark/19847 -> marked,marks,marking
firm/19759 -> firms,firmer,firmed,firmest,firming
accept/19745 -> accepted,accepting,accepts
easy/19726 -> easier,easiest
history/19699 -> histories
parent/19666 -> parents
tax/19641 -> taxes,taxed,taxing
manager/19603 -> managers
amount/19583 -> amounts,amounted,amounting
stay/19578 -> stayed,staying,stays,staid
situation/19526 -> situations
benefit/19449 -> benefits,benefited,benefiting,benefitted,benefitting
single/19394 -> singles,singled,singling
training/19284 -> trainings
strong/19277 -> stronger,strongest
sign/19272 -> signed,signs,signing
wish/19226 -> wished,wishes,wishing
apply/19138 -> applied,applies,applying
central/19113 -> centrals
raise/19089 -> raised,raising,raises
model/19083 -> models,modelled,modelling
pound/19075 -> pounds,pounding,pounded
complete/19072 -> completed,completing,completes
university/18994 -> universities
difference/18875 -> differences
miss/18866 -> missed,missing,misses
american/18814 -> americans
mrs/18777 -> mrss
learn/18776 -> learned,learning,learnt,learns
step/18732 -> steps,stepped,stepping
structure/18730 -> structures,structured,structuring
bear/18655 -> born,bearing,bears,borne,bore
quality/18628 -> qualities
air/18595 -> aired,airs,airing
explain/18593 -> explained,explains,explaining
relationship/18581 -> relationships
relation/18528 -> relations
sir/18472 -> sirs
total/18443 -> totalling,totalled,totals
grow/18396 -> grew,grown,growing,grows
window/18396 -> windows
board/18393 -> boards,boarded,boarding
detail/18355 -> details,detailed,detailing
wife/18339 -> wives
rest/18319 -> rested,resting,rests
worker/18133 -> workers
data/18087 -> datum
europe/17995 -> europes
list/17986 -> lists,listed,listing
unit/17887 -> units
nature/17875 -> natures
necessary/17864 -> necessaries
true/17845 -> truer,truest,trues,truing,trued
method/17806 -> methods
story/17780 -> stories
contain/17736 -> contained,contains,containing
hospital/17710 -> hospitals
officer/17641 -> officers
reduce/17598 -> reduced,reducing,reduces
private/17594 -> privates
accord/17591 -> according,accorded,accords
movement/17532 -> movements
measure/17503 -> measures,measured,measuring
march/17409 -> marched,marches,marching
contract/17375 -> contracts,contracted,contracting
establish/17334 -> established,establishing,establishes
computer/17306 -> computers
uk/17275 -> uks
fire/17239 -> fired,fires,firing
east/17228 -> easts
king/17183 -> kings
scheme/17144 -> schemes,scheming,schemed
press/17116 -> pressed,pressing,presses
plant/17105 -> plants,planted,planting
feature/17056 -> features,featured,featuring
former/17034 -> formers
president/17022 -> presidents
wall/16999 -> walls,walled,walling
join/16982 -> joined,joining,joins
wide/16872 -> wider,widest,wides
bed/16789 -> beds,bedded,bedding
fine/16789 -> finest,fined,fines,finer,fining
french/16789 -> frenches
supply/16760 -> supplied,supplies,supplying
bill/16685 -> bills,billed,billing
picture/16669 -> pictures,pictured,picturing
achieve/16653 -> achieved,achieving,achieves
seek/16559 -> sought,seeking,seeks
property/16558 -> properties
smile/16555 -> smiled,smiling,smiles
chapter/16517 -> chapters
shop/16510 -> shops,shopping,shopped
director/16465 -> directors
colour/16408 -> colours,coloured,colouring
choose/16370 -> chosen,chose,choosing,chooses
theory/16363 -> theories
leader/16346 -> leaders
cos/16285 -> coss
attack/16272 -> attacks,attacked,attacking
final/16188 -> finals
application/16134 -> applications
secretary/16090 -> secretaries
production/16041 -> productions
son/15993 -> sons
poor/15961 -> poorer,poorest
operation/15949 -> operations
agreement/15913 -> agreements
site/15911 -> sites,sited,siting
opportunity/15857 -> opportunities
fail/15847 -> failed,failing,fails
direct/15825 -> directed,directing,directs
chance/15805 -> chances,chanced,chancing
recent/15690 -> recents
official/15664 -> officials
wrong/15658 -> wrongs,wronging,wronged
serve/15648 -> served,serving,serves
simple/15626 -> simplest,simpler
security/15581 -> securities
source/15579 -> sources,sourced,sourcing
election/15562 -> elections
occur/15415 -> occurred,occurs,occurring
represent/15334 -> represented,represents,representing
loss/15264 -> losses
green/15189 -> greens,greener,greenest
following/15144 -> followings
animal/15113 -> animals
david/15056 -> davids
influence/15012 -> influenced,influences,influencing
aim/15009 -> aims,aimed,aiming
red/15000 -> reds,redder,reddest
forward/14983 -> forwarded,forwards,forwarding
notice/14960 -> noticed,notices,noticing
purpose/14945 -> purposes,purposing,purposed
kill/14941 -> killed,killing,kills
current/14903 -> currents
catch/14900 -> caught,catching,catches
royal/14887 -> royals
factor/14865 -> factors
wear/14858 -> wearing,wore,worn,wears
music/14851 -> musics
concern/14835 -> concerns,concerned,concerning
heart/14766 -> hearts
risk/14731 -> risks,risked,risking
grant/14720 -> granted,grants,granting
pattern/14717 -> patterns,patterning,patterned
discuss/14716 -> discussed,discussing,discusses
doubt/14701 -> doubts,doubted,doubting
mr./14687 -> mr.s
pick/14663 -> picked,picking,picks
april/14626 -> aprils
couple/14620 -> couples,coupled,coupling
link/14595 -> links,linked,linking
argue/14574 -> argued,argues,arguing
regard/14570 -> regarded,regards,regarding
evening/14569 -> evenings
page/14559 -> pages,paging,paged
prove/14551 -> proved,proving,proves,proven
key/14546 -> keys,keyed,keying
doctor/14532 -> doctors,doctoring,doctored
performance/14514 -> performances
pressure/14511 -> pressures,pressured,pressuring
population/14478 -> populations
june/14471 -> junes
response/14454 -> responses
appeal/14436 -> appeals,appealed,appealing
fear/14416 -> fears,feared,fearing
function/14401 -> functions,functioning,functioned
size/14391 -> sizes,sized,sizing
piece/14382 -> pieces,piecing,pieced
knowledge/14365 -> knowledges,knowledge
please/14360 -> pleased,pleases,pleasing
environment/14357 -> environments
garden/14357 -> gardens,gardening
despite/14354 -> despites
film/14354 -> films,filming,filmed
space/14237 -> spaces,spaced,spacing
introduce/14218 -> introduced,introducing,introduces
fund/14199 -> funds,funded,funding
enjoy/14164 -> enjoyed,enjoying,enjoys
success/14150 -> successes
analysis/14148 -> analyses
tree/14130 -> trees
hair/14101 -> hairs
station/14094 -> stations,stationed,stationing
contact/14038 -> contacts,contacted,contacting
ensure/14021 -> ensuring,ensured,ensures
capital/14013 -> capitals
region/14001 -> regions
train/13970 -> trained,trains,training
match/13961 -> matches,matched,matching
park/13901 -> parks,parked,parking
enter/13867 -> entered,entering,enters
statement/13862 -> statements
association/13853 -> associations
village/13752 -> villages
eat/13741 -> eating,ate,eaten,eats
principle/13737 -> principles
inside/13735 -> insides
wonder/13719 -> wondered,wondering,wonders
player/13718 -> players
per/13664 -> pers
express/13656 -> expressed,expressing,expresses
drink/13645 -> drinks,drinking,drank,drunk
fight/13619 -> fighting,fought,fights
attention/13564 -> attentions
refer/13560 -> referred,refers,referring
arrive/13557 -> arrived,arriving,arrives
choice/13557 -> choices,choicer,choicest
pull/13468 -> pulled,pulling,pulls
dark/13462 -> darker,darkest
machine/13458 -> machines,machined,machining
income/13429 -> incomes
fit/13415 -> fitted,fits,fitting,fitter,fittest
hotel/13393 -> hotels
sea/13385 -> seas
thought/13358 -> thoughts
cup/13348 -> cups,cupped,cupping
affect/13341 -> affected,affecting,affects
organisation/13330 -> organisations
relate/13271 -> related,relating,relates
finish/13253 -> finished,finishing,finishes
professional/13253 -> professionals
technology/13226 -> technologies
german/13183 -> germans
lack/13179 -> lacking,lacked,lacks
nice/13172 -> nicer,nicest
damage/13121 -> damages,damaged,damaging
resource/13092 -> resources,resourced,resourcing
identify/13085 -> identified,identifying,identifies
effort/13070 -> efforts
cell/13048 -> cells
vote/13037 -> votes,voted,voting
scotland/13033 -> scotlands
review/12995 -> reviewed,reviews,reviewing
treatment/12971 -> treatments
difficulty/12969 -> difficulties
energy/12965 -> energies
drop/12959 -> dropped,drops,dropping
release/12940 -> released,releases,releasing
modern/12935 -> moderns
male/12889 -> males
county/12876 -> counties
growth/12872 -> growths
degree/12863 -> degrees
provision/12818 -> provisions,provisioning,provisioned
compare/12812 -> compared,comparing,compares
defence/12765 -> defences
limit/12755 -> limited,limits,limiting
manage/12724 -> managed,managing,manages
style/12674 -> styles,styled,styling
behaviour/12673 -> behaviours
exercise/12671 -> exercises,exercised,exercising
mile/12667 -> miles
obtain/12652 -> obtained,obtaining,obtains
hall/12647 -> halls,halling
task/12638 -> tasks,tasked
college/12624 -> colleges
middle/12614 -> middles
commission/12609 -> commissioned,commissions,commissioning
means/12609 -> meanss
thank/12575 -> thanked,thanking,thanks
science/12553 -> sciences
announce/12514 -> announced,announcing,announces
skill/12492 -> skills,skilled
happy/12488 -> happier,happiest
user/12463 -> users
travel/12444 -> travelling,travelled,travels
race/12402 -> racing,races,raced
lady/12360 -> ladies
longer/12356 -> longers
investment/12352 -> investments
peter/12341 -> peters,petered,petering
respect/12323 -> respects,respected,respecting
trust/12311 -> trusts,trusted,trusting
save/12308 -> saved,saving,saves
character/12296 -> characters
dog/12281 -> dogs,dogged,dogging
economy/12274 -> economies
prime/12265 -> primed,priming,primes
horse/12230 -> horses,horsing,horsed
depend/12229 -> depends,depending,depended
gain/12220 -> gained,gains,gaining
mention/12216 -> mentioned,mentions,mentioning
treat/12213 -> treated,treating,treats
maintain/12195 -> maintained,maintaining,maintains
normal/12191 -> normals
check/12173 -> checked,checking,checks
cold/12148 -> colder,colds,coldest
cross/12139 -> crossed,crossing,crosses,crosser,crossest
touch/12129 -> touched,touching,touches
army/12116 -> armies
feeling/12112 -> feelings
worth/12109 -> worths
season/12104 -> seasons,seasoning,seasoned
post/12102 -> posts,posted,posting
indicate/12084 -> indicated,indicates,indicating
floor/12073 -> floors,floored,flooring
publish/12070 -> published,publishing,publishes
chief/12067 -> chiefs
title/12031 -> titles,titled
strike/12029 -> struck,strikes,striking,stricken
argument/12000 -> arguments
suffer/12000 -> suffered,suffering,suffers
ring/11986 -> rang,rings,ringing,rung
responsibility/11973 -> responsibilities
comment/11965 -> comments,commented,commenting
brother/11942 -> brothers,brethren
chairman/11935 -> chairmen
hit/11923 -> hits,hitting
judge/11872 -> judges,judged,judging
deep/11854 -> deeper,deepest,deeps
element/11836 -> elements
july/11833 -> julies
profit/11825 -> profits,profited,profiting
forget/11809 -> forgotten,forgot,forgetting,forgets
avoid/11787 -> avoided,avoiding,avoids
separate/11772 -> separated,separating,separates
determine/11771 -> determined,determining,determines
address/11738 -> addressed,addresses,addressing
soviet/11700 -> soviets
campaign/11696 -> campaigns,campaigning,campaigned
husband/11673 -> husbands,husbanding,husbanded
appropriate/11663 -> appropriated,appropriates,appropriating
glass/11662 -> glasses
anyway/11650 -> anyways
duty/11648 -> duties
tend/11622 -> tended,tends,tending
suppose/11555 -> supposed,supposing,supposes
discussion/11511 -> discussions
aspect/11482 -> aspects
object/11479 -> objects,objected,objecting
transfer/11474 -> transferred,transfers,transferring
seat/11453 -> seats,seated,seating
original/11436 -> originals
fish/11403 -> fished,fishing,fishes
basic/11377 -> basics
access/11362 -> accessed,accessing,accesses
box/11347 -> boxes,boxed,boxing
customer/11323 -> customers
institution/11312 -> institutions
specific/11290 -> specifics
military/11279 -> militaries
summer/11279 -> summers
remove/11278 -> removed,removing,removes
throw/11278 -> thrown,threw,throwing,throws
fast/11269 -> faster,fastest,fasting,fasted,fasts
blue/11261 -> blues,bluer,bluest,blueing,blued
paul/11255 -> pauls
potential/11254 -> potentials
daughter/11203 -> daughters
sun/11184 -> suns,sunning,sunned
exist/11176 -> exists,existed,existing
leg/11175 -> legs,legging,legged
encourage/11167 -> encouraged,encourages,encouraging
conference/11135 -> conferences
division/11107 -> divisions
stone/11097 -> stones,stoned,stoning
river/11094 -> rivers
reflect/11079 -> reflected,reflects,reflecting
listen/11071 -> listening,listened,listens
procedure/11021 -> procedures
proposal/11020 -> proposals
survey/11020 -> surveys,surveyed,surveying
oil/11019 -> oils,oiled,oiling
independent/11018 -> independents
exchange/11008 -> exchanges,exchanged,exchanging
baby/10957 -> babies
sector/10954 -> sectors
star/10954 -> stars,starring,starred
assume/10941 -> assumed,assuming,assumes
aid/10905 -> aids,aided,aiding
improve/10898 -> improved,improving,improves
image/10885 -> images,imaging,imaged
admit/10878 -> admitted,admits,admitting
display/10870 -> displayed,displays,displaying
replace/10856 -> replaced,replacing,replaces
lay/10836 -> laid,laying,lays
northern/10832 -> northerns
circumstance/10816 -> circumstances
prepare/10791 -> prepared,preparing,prepares
laugh/10779 -> laughed,laughing,laughs
sorry/10769 -> sorrier,sorriest
speaker/10765 -> speakers
client/10752 -> clients
average/10720 -> averaged,averages,averaging
instance/10687 -> instances,instanced
balance/10673 -> balanced,balances,balancing
disease/10672 -> diseases
employment/10655 -> employments
direction/10654 -> directions
fill/10651 -> filled,filling,fills
addition/10647 -> additions
goal/10630 -> goals
attitude/10624 -> attitudes
surface/10615 -> surfaces,surfaced,surfacing
bar/10613 -> bars,barred,barring
push/10576 -> pushed,pushing,pushes
refuse/10558 -> refused,refusing,refuses
intend/10552 -> intended,intends,intending
october/10533 -> octobers
trouble/10504 -> troubles,troubled,troubling
search/10489 -> searching,searched,searches
holiday/10487 -> holidays,holidaying,holidayed
technique/10480 -> techniques
working/10432 -> workings
document/10423 -> documents,documented,documenting
version/10412 -> versions
pupil/10408 -> pupils
prevent/10388 -> prevented,preventing,prevents
target/10387 -> targets,targeted,targeting,targetted,targetting
item/10384 -> items
popular/10376 -> populars
affair/10372 -> affairs
wind/10370 -> winds,wound,winding,winded
ability/10369 -> abilities
copy/10360 -> copies,copied,copying
reference/10356 -> references,referenced,referencing
sales/10342 -> saless
drug/10335 -> drugs,drugged,drugging
september/10320 -> septembers
reply/10309 -> replied,replies,replying
fly/10250 -> flew,flying,flies,flown,flied
discover/10242 -> discovered,discovering,discovers
alternative/10221 -> alternatives
heavy/10216 -> heavier,heaviest,heavies
except/10212 -> excepted,excepting,excepts
library/10212 -> libraries
culture/10189 -> cultures,cultured,culturing
rock/10172 -> rocks,rocked,rocking
teach/10172 -> taught,teaching,teaches
stock/10171 -> stocks,stocked,stocking
operate/10129 -> operating,operated,operates
advantage/10126 -> advantages,advantaged
reveal/10117 -> revealed,reveals,revealing
variety/10113 -> varieties
january/10098 -> januaries
ready/10092 -> readies,readying,readied,readier
flat/10073 -> flats,flatter,flattest
challenge/10071 -> challenged,challenges,challenging
sleep/10067 -> slept,sleeping,sleeps
competition/10064 -> competitions
parliament/10055 -> parliaments
chair/10052 -> chairs,chaired,chairing
shape/10013 -> shapes,shaped,shaping
majority/9994 -> majorities
enable/9983 -> enables,enabled,enabling
james/9980 -> jamess
extent/9955 -> extents
complex/9940 -> complexes,complexed
memory/9918 -> memories
television/9914 -> televisions
scottish/9907 -> scottishes
ah/9865 -> ahs
payment/9858 -> payments
file/9827 -> files,filed,filing
sunday/9819 -> sundays
blood/9809 -> bloods,blooded,blooding
western/9809 -> westerns
female/9742 -> females
extra/9741 -> extras
sentence/9734 -> sentences,sentenced,sentencing
facility/9714 -> facilities
straight/9699 -> straighter,straights,straightest
york/9685 -> yorks
double/9674 -> doubled,doubles,doubling
context/9671 -> contexts
dress/9656 -> dressed,dressing,dresses
budget/9653 -> budgets,budgeted,budgeting
edge/9653 -> edges,edged,edging
district/9641 -> districts
finance/9578 -> financed,finances,financing
ireland/9569 -> irelands
importance/9568 -> importances
planning/9564 -> plannings
extend/9553 -> extended,extending,extends
phone/9545 -> phoned,phones,phoning
fair/9543 -> fairs,fairer,fairest
associate/9535 -> associated,associates,associating
collection/9532 -> collections
communication/9528 -> communications
article/9520 -> articles,articled
mouth/9509 -> mouths,mouthed,mouthing
agency/9495 -> agencies
primary/9494 -> primaries
arise/9493 -> arising,arises,arose,arisen
transport/9477 -> transported,transporting,transports
bird/9466 -> birds
card/9462 -> cards,carded,carding
weight/9461 -> weights,weighted,weighting
speed/9459 -> speeds,speeding,sped,speeded
text/9429 -> texts
realise/9422 -> realised,realising,realises
promise/9418 -> promised,promises,promising
possibility/9387 -> possibilities
conservative/9381 -> conservatives
progress/9377 -> progressed,progressing,progresses
debate/9366 -> debates,debated,debating
score/9364 -> scored,scores,scoring
define/9357 -> defined,defining,defines
beat/9356 -> beaten,beating,beats
lift/9342 -> lifted,lifting,lifts
career/9336 -> careers,careered,careering
focus/9335 -> focused,focusing,focuses,focussed,foci,focussing
december/9332 -> decembers
solution/9323 -> solutions
november/9316 -> novembers
executive/9264 -> executives
scale/9263 -> scales,scaled,scaling
organization/9255 -> organizations
earth/9253 -> earthed,earths,earthing
examine/9249 -> examined,examining,examines
hill/9249 -> hills
welcome/9249 -> welcomed,welcomes,welcoming
medical/9245 -> medicals
wales/9234 -> waless
network/9230 -> networks,networking,networked
requirement/9199 -> requirements
sport/9186 -> sports,sporting,sported
quarter/9182 -> quarters,quartered,quartering
p/9177 -> pp,ps
occasion/9152 -> occasions,occasioned,occasioning
opposition/9140 -> oppositions
hot/9138 -> hotter,hottest,hotting,hots,hotted
option/9137 -> options
band/9116 -> bands,banded,banding
recognise/9116 -> recognised,recognising,recognises
telephone/9107 -> telephoned,telephones,telephoning
opinion/9096 -> opinions
railway/9091 -> railways
forest/9087 -> forests
sister/9078 -> sisters
content/9064 -> contents,contented,contenting
favour/9056 -> favoured,favours,favouring
island/9038 -> islands
radio/9029 -> radios,radioing,radioed
dear/8984 -> dearest,dearer,dears
none/8984 -> nones
concept/8979 -> concepts
store/8963 -> stores,stored,storing
essential/8952 -> essentials
attend/8948 -> attended,attending,attends
reform/8948 -> reforms,reformed,reforming
charles/8939 -> charless
partner/8924 -> partners,partnered,partnering
arrangement/8917 -> arrangements
objective/8913 -> objectives
tomorrow/8896 -> tomorrows
employee/8893 -> employees
ball/8888 -> balls,balled,balling
waste/8888 -> wasted,wasting,wastes
sex/8876 -> sexes,sexing,sexed
equipment/8861 -> equipments,equipment
farm/8855 -> farms,farmed,farming
clean/8850 -> cleaning,cleaned,cleaner,cleans,cleanest
hang/8848 -> hung,hanging,hangs,hanged
shake/8841 -> shook,shaking,shaken,shakes
interview/8826 -> interviews,interviewed,interviewing
oxford/8815 -> oxfords
strategy/8804 -> strategies
length/8770 -> lengths
failure/8735 -> failures
branch/8725 -> branches,branched,branching
perform/8711 -> performed,performing,performs
corner/8710 -> corners,cornered,cornering
reader/8703 -> readers
speech/8699 -> speeches
owner/8692 -> owners
cash/8689 -> cashed,cashing,cashes
wood/8671 -> woods
brown/8661 -> browns,browned,browner,browning,brownest
finger/8654 -> fingers,fingered,fingering
peace/8652 -> peaces
master/8641 -> masters,mastered,mastering
crime/8633 -> crimes
scene/8630 -> scenes
estimate/8615 -> estimated,estimates,estimating
message/8597 -> messages,messaging
credit/8570 -> credits,credited,crediting
adopt/8563 -> adopted,adopting,adopts
launch/8556 -> launched,launching,launches
dream/8536 -> dreams,dreamed,dreaming,dreamt
saturday/8532 -> saturdays
mum/8523 -> mums
mass/8521 -> masses,massed,massing
expression/8493 -> expressions
protect/8491 -> protected,protecting,protects
confirm/8489 -> confirmed,confirms,confirming
shoulder/8484 -> shoulders,shouldered,shouldering
afternoon/8480 -> afternoons
marriage/8470 -> marriages
trial/8465 -> trials,trialled
league/8463 -> leagues
nation/8430 -> nations
senior/8427 -> seniors
track/8415 -> tracks,tracked,tracking
stress/8394 -> stressed,stresses,stressing
positive/8389 -> positives
truth/8380 -> truths
relative/8371 -> relatives
christian/8316 -> christians
february/8310 -> februaries
adult/8306 -> adults
square/8285 -> squares,squared,squaring
accident/8255 -> accidents
stick/8255 -> stuck,sticks,sticking
ship/8251 -> ships,shipping,shipped
commercial/8245 -> commercials
warm/8240 -> warmer,warmed,warming,warmest,warms
newspaper/8233 -> newspapers
tea/8232 -> teas
spirit/8231 -> spirits,spirited,spiriting
pair/8218 -> pairs,paired,pairing
kitchen/8209 -> kitchens
wave/8191 -> waves,waved,waving
annual/8181 -> annuals
advance/8167 -> advanced,advances,advancing
mine/8142 -> mines,mining,mined
block/8129 -> blocks,blocked,blocking
gas/8127 -> gases,gassing,gasses,gassed
slow/8126 -> slower,slowed,slowing,slows,slowest
contribution/8125 -> contributions
dry/8123 -> dried,drying,dries,drier,driest,dryer
museum/8119 -> museums
proportion/8105 -> proportions,proportioned
tour/8085 -> tours,touring,toured
feed/8072 -> fed,feeding,feeds
best/8054 -> bests,bested,besting
pain/8051 -> pains,pained,paining
strength/8051 -> strengths
justice/8050 -> justices
stare/8027 -> stared,staring,stares
living/8020 -> livings
protection/8007 -> protections
shoot/7977 -> shot,shooting,shoots
agent/7964 -> agents
works/7958 -> workss
conduct/7957 -> conducted,conducting,conducts
imagine/7957 -> imagined,imagining,imagines
count/7953 -> counts,counted,counting
sample/7951 -> samples,sampled,sampling
august/7950 -> augusts
smith/7935 -> smiths
overall/7924 -> overalls
queen/7913 -> queens
battle/7909 -> battles,battling,battled
struggle/7909 -> struggling,struggled,struggles
representative/7906 -> representatives
joint/7900 -> joints,jointed,jointing
candidate/7899 -> candidates
meaning/7898 -> meanings
contrast/7887 -> contrasts,contrasted,contrasting
presence/7886 -> presences
safe/7877 -> safer,safest,safes
employ/7859 -> employed,employing,employs
cry/7849 -> cried,crying,cries
rich/7840 -> richer,richest,riches
spring/7837 -> springs,sprang,sprung,springing
murder/7827 -> murdered,murders,murdering
flow/7807 -> flows,flowing,flowed
plus/7807 -> pluses
regional/7805 -> regionals
assessment/7803 -> assessments
artist/7801 -> artists
distance/7778 -> distances,distanced,distancing
guide/7776 -> guides,guided,guiding
suit/7775 -> suits,suited,suiting
collect/7765 -> collected,collecting,collects
regular/7761 -> regulars
pretty/7750 -> prettiest,prettier
consequence/7749 -> consequences
africa/7744 -> africas
marry/7742 -> married,marrying,marries
stuff/7739 -> stuffed,stuffing,stuffs
consideration/7736 -> considerations
driver/7731 -> drivers
flower/7704 -> flowers,flowering,flowered
video/7691 -> videos,videoing,videoed
request/7687 -> requested,requests,requesting
impact/7680 -> impacts,impacted,impacting
worry/7665 -> worries,worried,worrying
practical/7662 -> practicals
latter/7657 -> latters
understanding/7649 -> understandings
bottom/7630 -> bottoms,bottoming,bottomed
gold/7604 -> golds,golding
correct/7602 -> corrected,correcting,corrects
beginning/7599 -> beginnings
daily/7586 -> dailies
appoint/7565 -> appointed,appointing,appoints
winter/7544 -> winters,wintering,wintered
emerge/7541 -> emerged,emerging,emerges
net/7536 -> nets,netted,netting
spot/7534 -> spots,spotted,spotting
route/7520 -> routes,routing,routed
skin/7468 -> skins,skinned,skinning
deny/7457 -> denied,denying,denies,denys
package/7454 -> packages,packaged,packaging
rain/7439 -> raining,rains,rained
spread/7439 -> spreading,spreads
reaction/7435 -> reactions
equal/7432 -> equals,equalled,equalling
expert/7419 -> experts
belief/7418 -> beliefs
conflict/7418 -> conflicts,conflicted,conflicting
danger/7417 -> dangers
sight/7384 -> sights,sighted,sighting
decline/7383 -> declined,declining,declines
conclusion/7382 -> conclusions
purchase/7372 -> purchased,purchases,purchasing
secure/7346 -> secured,securing,secures
observe/7334 -> observed,observing,observes
politics/7333 -> politicss
bridge/7322 -> bridges,bridged,bridging
bag/7312 -> bags,bagged,bagging
estate/7298 -> estates
handle/7295 -> handled,handling,handles
propose/7284 -> proposed,proposing,proposes
path/7276 -> paths
farmer/7273 -> farmers
boat/7256 -> boats,boating
debt/7251 -> debts
hole/7250 -> holes,holed,holing
escape/7225 -> escaped,escaping,escapes
active/7224 -> actives
employer/7206 -> employers
vehicle/7197 -> vehicles
reality/7185 -> realities
settle/7179 -> settled,settling,settles
repeat/7172 -> repeated,repeating,repeats
row/7170 -> rows,rowed,rowing
weekend/7168 -> weekends
wine/7157 -> wines,wined,wining
writer/7150 -> writers
tear/7134 -> tears,torn,tore,tearing
injury/7125 -> injuries
respond/7121 -> responded,responding,responds
wage/7117 -> wages,waged,waging
insurance/7091 -> insurances
tie/7082 -> tied,ties,tying
ignore/7075 -> ignored,ignoring,ignores
connection/7065 -> connections
blow/7057 -> blew,blown,blowing,blows,blowed
prison/7048 -> prisons
survive/7036 -> survived,survives,surviving
desire/7019 -> desires,desired,desiring
colleague/7009 -> colleagues
concentrate/7008 -> concentrated,concentrating,concentrates
somebody/7007 -> somebodies
ride/6992 -> riding,rode,rides,ridden
dance/6978 -> dancing,danced,dances
arrange/6976 -> arranged,arranging,arranges
legislation/6965 -> legislations
confidence/6959 -> confidences
commitment/6943 -> commitments
painting/6942 -> paintings
generation/6930 -> generations
clothes/6923 -> clothess
initial/6923 -> initials,initialled,initialling
shift/6911 -> shifted,shifts,shifting
sum/6908 -> sums,summed,summing
select/6906 -> selected,selecting,selects
volume/6906 -> volumes
threat/6902 -> threats
roll/6879 -> rolled,rolling,rolls
bloody/6874 -> bloodiest,bloodied,bloodies,bloodying,bloodier
introduction/6858 -> introductions
entry/6855 -> entries
domestic/6846 -> domestics
visitor/6846 -> visitors
secret/6845 -> secrets
mary/6840 -> maries
code/6830 -> codes,coded,coding
author/6817 -> authors,authoring,authored
kingdom/6810 -> kingdoms
impossible/6808 -> impossibles
song/6808 -> songs
discipline/6807 -> disciplines,disciplined,disciplining
ordinary/6802 -> ordinaries
administration/6800 -> administrations
background/6798 -> backgrounds
actual/6795 -> actuals
paint/6772 -> painted,paints,painting
cabinet/6756 -> cabinets
regulation/6745 -> regulations
characteristic/6743 -> characteristics
fresh/6742 -> fresher,freshest
technical/6739 -> technicals
thomas/6739 -> thomass
investigation/6738 -> investigations
bus/6713 -> buses,busses,bussing,bussed
loan/6713 -> loans,loaned,loaning
m/6704 -> med,ms
engine/6692 -> engines,engined
henry/6691 -> henries
ec/6689 -> ecs
internal/6678 -> internals
acquire/6677 -> acquired,acquiring,acquires
demonstrate/6675 -> demonstrated,demonstrates,demonstrating
football/6672 -> footballs
victim/6665 -> victims
exhibition/6657 -> exhibitions
cheap/6655 -> cheaper,cheapest
screen/6651 -> screens,screened,screening
dad/6646 -> dads
consumer/6639 -> consumers
category/6634 -> categories
strange/6634 -> stranger,strangest
yard/6625 -> yards
broad/6624 -> broader,broadest,broads
reading/6617 -> readings
print/6615 -> printed,prints,printing
prefer/6610 -> preferred,preferring,prefers
chemical/6608 -> chemicals
tape/6607 -> tapes,taped,taping
construction/6605 -> constructions
commit/6600 -> committed,committing,commits
tradition/6598 -> traditions
russian/6588 -> russians
threaten/6582 -> threatened,threatening,threatens
manner/6581 -> manners
relief/6581 -> reliefs
housing/6580 -> housings
tonight/6569 -> tonights
experiment/6568 -> experiments,experimenting,experimented
improvement/6565 -> improvements
quick/6558 -> quicker,quickest
heat/6545 -> heated,heats,heating
channel/6534 -> channels,channelled,channelling
distribution/6531 -> distributions
promote/6524 -> promoted,promoting,promotes
description/6516 -> descriptions
divide/6516 -> divided,dividing,divides
session/6513 -> sessions
insist/6497 -> insisted,insists,insisting
bind/6494 -> bound,binding,binds
existence/6493 -> existences
rose/6475 -> roses
meal/6472 -> meals
quiet/6459 -> quieter,quietest,quieted,quiets,quieting
prince/6446 -> princes
religious/6444 -> religiouss
liberal/6441 -> liberals
retain/6427 -> retained,retaining,retains
appearance/6424 -> appearances
gentleman/6422 -> gentlemen
output/6422 -> outputs,outputting,output
crisis/6417 -> crises
sheet/6409 -> sheets,sheeted,sheeting
unemployment/6401 -> unemployments
reject/6379 -> rejected,rejecting,rejects
pension/6363 -> pensions,pensioned,pensioning
coffee/6361 -> coffees
audience/6356 -> audiences
thanks/6356 -> thankss
switch/6349 -> switched,switches,switching
asset/6348 -> assets
inc/6347 -> incs
assess/6335 -> assessed,assessing,assesses
limited/6335 -> limiteds
consist/6330 -> consists,consisted,consisting
soft/6329 -> softer,softest
photograph/6328 -> photographs,photographed,photographing
nurse/6324 -> nurses,nursing,nursed
formal/6322 -> formals
deliver/6318 -> delivered,delivering,delivers
plate/6317 -> plates,plated,plating
pack/6307 -> packed,packs,packing
mountain/6302 -> mountains
hide/6298 -> hidden,hiding,hid,hides
ideal/6297 -> ideals
theatre/6296 -> theatres
attract/6288 -> attracted,attracting,attracts
roman/6286 -> romans
protest/6282 -> protests,protested,protesting
freedom/6279 -> freedoms
contribute/6278 -> contributed,contributing,contributes
narrow/6269 -> narrowed,narrower,narrowing,narrows,narrowest
dinner/6267 -> dinners
vary/6253 -> varied,varies,varying
writing/6253 -> writings
magazine/6240 -> magazines
explanation/6238 -> explanations
mistake/6233 -> mistakes,mistaken,mistaking,mistook
flight/6232 -> flights
trip/6229 -> trips,tripped,tripping
arrest/6227 -> arrested,arrests,arresting
institute/6226 -> institutes,instituted,instituting
selection/6210 -> selections
impose/6207 -> imposed,imposing,imposes
map/6206 -> maps,mapped,mapping
youth/6204 -> youths
capacity/6201 -> capacities
examination/6183 -> examinations
shout/6168 -> shouted,shouting,shouts
conversation/6162 -> conversations
belong/6159 -> belonged,belonging,belongs
lovely/6154 -> loveliest,lovelier,lovelies
victory/6153 -> victories
surprise/6150 -> surprised,surprises,surprising
aircraft/6146 -> aircrafts
invite/6146 -> invited,inviting,invites
brief/6134 -> briefed,briefing,briefs,briefest,briefer
reduction/6134 -> reductions
intention/6132 -> intentions
decade/6125 -> decades
recall/6121 -> recalled,recalls,recalling
glance/6109 -> glanced,glancing,glances
lip/6103 -> lips,lipped
definition/6095 -> definitions
x/6091 -> xes
empty/6088 -> emptied,emptying,empties,emptier,emptiest
crowd/6086 -> crowds,crowded,crowding
load/6086 -> loads,loaded,loading,laden
program/6085 -> programs,programming,programmed
lock/6082 -> locked,locks,locking
leading/6081 -> leadings
declare/6080 -> declared,declaring,declares
warn/6076 -> warned,warns,warning
egg/6073 -> eggs,egged,egging
register/6068 -> registered,registers,registering
kid/6062 -> kids,kidding,kidded
factory/6056 -> factories
onto/6046 -> ontos
fourth/6041 -> fourths
signal/6040 -> signals,signalled,signalling
cook/6033 -> cooking,cooked,cooks
reserve/6018 -> reserves,reserved,reserving
phase/6017 -> phases,phased,phasing
bright/6014 -> brighter,brightest
stretch/6004 -> stretched,stretching,stretches
castle/6003 -> castles
sing/5998 -> singing,sang,sung,sings
climb/5988 -> climbed,climbing,climbs
destroy/5978 -> destroyed,destroying,destroys
combine/5958 -> combined,combining,combines
opposite/5957 -> opposites
edinburgh/5955 -> edinburghs
nod/5952 -> nodded,nodding,nods
acid/5951 -> acids
offence/5945 -> offences
paris/5938 -> pariss
slip/5932 -> slipped,slipping,slips
jump/5930 -> jumped,jumping,jumps
growing/5919 -> growings
burn/5916 -> burned,burning,burnt,burns
concentration/5914 -> concentrations
crown/5906 -> crowned,crowns,crowning
error/5906 -> errors
module/5905 -> modules
appointment/5891 -> appointments
delay/5890 -> delayed,delays,delaying
undertake/5883 -> undertaken,undertaking,undertook,undertakes
nobody/5865 -> nobodies
criminal/5863 -> criminals
enterprise/5863 -> enterprises
perfect/5861 -> perfected,perfecting,perfects
recommend/5858 -> recommended,recommends,recommending
absence/5854 -> absences
weapon/5849 -> weapons
irish/5847 -> irishes
weather/5838 -> weathered,weathers,weathering
birth/5836 -> births
settlement/5834 -> settlements
teaching/5829 -> teachings
assembly/5822 -> assemblies
bottle/5811 -> bottles,bottled,bottling
recognize/5804 -> recognized,recognizing,recognizes
pool/5801 -> pools,pooling,pooled
criticism/5793 -> criticisms
instruction/5791 -> instructions
silence/5785 -> silenced,silences,silencing
fee/5784 -> fees
component/5780 -> components
temperature/5780 -> temperatures
command/5777 -> commands,commanded,commanding
wild/5775 -> wilder,wildest,wilds
implication/5771 -> implications
recognition/5759 -> recognitions
bishop/5752 -> bishops
defeat/5731 -> defeated,defeats,defeating
jack/5726 -> jacks,jacked,jacking
sequence/5713 -> sequences,sequenced,sequencing
solicitor/5710 -> solicitors
export/5700 -> exports,exported,exporting
expenditure/5699 -> expenditures
republic/5690 -> republics
publication/5676 -> publications
thin/5662 -> thinner,thinning,thinned,thinnest,thins
neck/5657 -> necks,necking,necked
mix/5653 -> mixed,mixing,mixes
captain/5644 -> captains,captained,captaining
household/5643 -> households
friday/5641 -> fridays
moral/5630 -> morals
bedroom/5625 -> bedrooms
treaty/5620 -> treaties
guest/5604 -> guests,guesting,guested
index/5604 -> indices,indexes,indexed,indexing
grey/5599 -> greys,greying,greyed,greyer,greyest
familiar/5586 -> familiars
journey/5581 -> journeys,journeyed,journeying
pleasure/5577 -> pleasures,pleasuring
academic/5571 -> academics
curriculum/5569 -> curricula,curriculums
ear/5566 -> ears
circle/5564 -> circles,circled,circling
unlikely/5557 -> unlikeliest
border/5551 -> borders,bordering,bordered
tory/5547 -> tories
conclude/5541 -> concluded,concludes,concluding
organise/5530 -> organised,organising,organises
specialist/5530 -> specialists
resident/5528 -> residents
initiative/5527 -> initiatives
metal/5527 -> metals
fashion/5526 -> fashioned,fashions,fashioning
taste/5515 -> tastes,tasted,tasting
violence/5515 -> violences
wash/5515 -> washed,washing,washes
congress/5513 -> congresses
brain/5512 -> brains,braining,brained
scientist/5497 -> scientists
favourite/5496 -> favourites
assumption/5492 -> assumptions
illustrate/5487 -> illustrated,illustrates,illustrating
monday/5485 -> mondays
imply/5484 -> implies,implied,implying
realize/5482 -> realized,realizing,realizes
liverpool/5480 -> liverpools
china/5467 -> chinas
jesus/5463 -> jesuss
smoke/5456 -> smoking,smoked,smokes
ministry/5455 -> ministries
instrument/5454 -> instruments
guarantee/5442 -> guaranteed,guarantees,guaranteeing
opening/5442 -> openings
root/5441 -> roots,rooted,rooting
till/5437 -> tills,tilled,tilling
gun/5427 -> guns,gunned,gunning
theme/5423 -> themes
generate/5422 -> generated,generates,generating
learning/5417 -> learnings
investigate/5413 -> investigated,investigating,investigates
italian/5409 -> italians
gallery/5407 -> galleries
lane/5405 -> lanes
cat/5400 -> cats
communist/5397 -> communists
sky/5392 -> skies,skied
valley/5379 -> valleys
lunch/5375 -> lunches,lunched,lunching
upper/5370 -> uppers
prospect/5364 -> prospects,prospecting,prospected
fuel/5357 -> fuels,fuelled,fuelling
novel/5353 -> novels
remark/5352 -> remarks,remarked,remarking
priority/5348 -> priorities
location/5347 -> locations
combination/5340 -> combinations
contemporary/5340 -> contemporaries
busy/5339 -> busiest,busied,busier,busying,busies
troop/5337 -> troops,trooped,trooping
interpretation/5334 -> interpretations
martin/5334 -> martins
motion/5320 -> motions,motioned,motioning
rely/5317 -> relied,relying,relies
tool/5315 -> tools,tooling
coal/5310 -> coals
fan/5310 -> fans,fanned,fanning
revenue/5302 -> revenues
disappear/5294 -> disappeared,disappearing,disappears
membership/5293 -> memberships
tom/5292 -> toms
advise/5291 -> advised,advising,advises
ban/5289 -> banned,banning,bans
noise/5289 -> noises,noised
tiny/5285 -> tiniest,tinier,tinies
constant/5284 -> constants
gate/5280 -> gates,gated,gating
earn/5277 -> earned,earning,earns
motor/5275 -> motors,motored,motoring
proceed/5275 -> proceeds,proceeded,proceeding
witness/5275 -> witnesses,witnessed,witnessing
succeed/5268 -> succeeded,succeeds,succeeding
wing/5265 -> wings,winging,winged
criterion/5225 -> criteria
faith/5219 -> faiths
deputy/5215 -> deputies
inform/5214 -> informed,informing,informs
knock/5211 -> knocked,knocking,knocks
variation/5211 -> variations
afford/5210 -> afforded,affords,affording
approve/5207 -> approved,approving,approves
professor/5204 -> professors
shut/5200 -> shutting,shuts
smell/5200 -> smells,smelt,smelled,smelling
remind/5199 -> reminded,reminds,reminding
elect/5198 -> elected,electing,elects
suspect/5198 -> suspected,suspects,suspecting
palace/5191 -> palaces
soldier/5191 -> soldiers,soldiering,soldiered
lean/5189 -> leaned,leaning,leant,leans,leaner
married/5188 -> marrieds
cope/5186 -> coping,coped,copes
hurt/5186 -> hurts,hurting
winner/5180 -> winners
indian/5172 -> indians
tone/5170 -> tones,toned,toning
chain/5158 -> chains,chained,chaining
iron/5154 -> irons,ironed,ironing
literature/5154 -> literatures
kick/5136 -> kicked,kicking,kicks
principal/5133 -> principals
dispute/5131 -> disputes,disputed,disputing
tooth/5131 -> teeth
kiss/5128 -> kissed,kissing,kisses
incident/5127 -> incidents
maximum/5127 -> maxima,maximums
shock/5119 -> shocked,shocks,shocking
leaf/5117 -> leaves,leafing,leafed,leafs
suggestion/5117 -> suggestions
aye/5112 -> ayes
derive/5108 -> derived,derives,deriving
guard/5105 -> guards,guarded,guarding
hell/5099 -> hells
h/5095 -> hed,hs
minimum/5067 -> minima
italy/5064 -> italies
hate/5059 -> hated,hates,hating
religion/5059 -> religions
lake/5058 -> lakes
foundation/5055 -> foundations
vital/5048 -> vitals
minor/5036 -> minors
tall/5035 -> taller,tallest
frame/5030 -> frames,framed,framing
bid/5024 -> bids,bidding,bade,bidden,bid
passage/5023 -> passages
fruit/5022 -> fruits,fruiting,fruited
representation/5021 -> representations
ill/5020 -> ills
blame/5017 -> blamed,blaming,blames
manchester/5013 -> manchesters
comparison/5011 -> comparisons
quote/5005 -> quoted,quotes,quoting
cast/5004 -> casting,casts
device/5001 -> devices
persuade/4998 -> persuaded,persuading,persuades
guy/4997 -> guys
fun/4996 -> funs
mp/4986 -> mps
fellow/4984 -> fellows
variable/4980 -> variables
restaurant/4974 -> restaurants
recover/4973 -> recovered,recovering,recovers
coast/4972 -> coasts,coasting,coasted
thick/4961 -> thicker,thickest
bond/4959 -> bonds,bonded,bonding
breath/4958 -> breaths
shot/4958 -> shots
wake/4953 -> woke,woken,waking,wakes,waked
ancient/4952 -> ancients
usa/4952 -> usas
soil/4949 -> soils,soiled,soiling
gather/4942 -> gathered,gathering,gathers
australia/4937 -> australias
champion/4936 -> champions,championed,championing
external/4932 -> externals
marketing/4925 -> marketings
creation/4924 -> creations
rare/4923 -> rarer,rarest,raring
engineering/4922 -> engineerings
negative/4920 -> negatives,negatived
pub/4920 -> pubs
grand/4918 -> grander,grandest,grands
mechanism/4916 -> mechanisms
clause/4912 -> clauses
silver/4911 -> silvered,silvering,silvers
observation/4910 -> observations
oppose/4902 -> opposed,opposing,opposes
elderly/4899 -> elderlies
permit/4896 -> permitted,permits,permitting
milk/4895 -> milked,milking,milks
rent/4887 -> rents,rented,renting
port/4886 -> ports,porting,ported
defendant/4880 -> defendants
panel/4871 -> panels,panelled,panelling
badly/4861 -> worse
cool/4856 -> cooling,cooled,cooler,cools,coolest
african/4854 -> africans
neighbour/4842 -> neighbours
abuse/4841 -> abused,abuses,abusing
liability/4830 -> liabilities
atmosphere/4827 -> atmospheres
pocket/4826 -> pockets,pocketing,pocketed
secondary/4826 -> secondaries
championship/4824 -> championships
distinction/4821 -> distinctions
attach/4819 -> attached,attaching,attaches
diet/4819 -> diets,dieting,dieted
revolution/4815 -> revolutions
leeds/4814 -> leedss
engineer/4810 -> engineers,engineered,engineering
impression/4800 -> impressions
leadership/4798 -> leaderships
fat/4797 -> fats,fatter,fattest
negotiation/4793 -> negotiations
welfare/4787 -> welfares
prior/4776 -> priors
plenty/4766 -> plenties
fix/4764 -> fixed,fixing,fixes
camp/4763 -> camps,camped,camping,camper
sharp/4753 -> sharps,sharper,sharpest
establishment/4750 -> establishments
explore/4750 -> explored,exploring,explores
tip/4739 -> tips,tipped,tipping
roof/4738 -> roofs,roofed,roofing
tank/4736 -> tanks
deposit/4733 -> deposits,deposited,depositing
outline/4733 -> outlined,outlines,outlining
trend/4723 -> trends,trending
meanwhile/4718 -> meanwhiles
beach/4716 -> beaches,beached,beaching
shoe/4715 -> shoes,shod,shoeing,shodden
accuse/4711 -> accused,accusing,accuses
rush/4708 -> rushed,rushing,rushes
ticket/4705 -> tickets
origin/4698 -> origins
accompany/4696 -> accompanied,accompanying,accompanies
equivalent/4693 -> equivalents
entire/4691 -> entires
drawing/4690 -> drawings
cancer/4682 -> cancers
catholic/4680 -> catholics
coach/4675 -> coaches,coaching,coached
expense/4670 -> expenses
convention/4653 -> conventions
construct/4651 -> constructed,constructing,constructs
exclude/4646 -> excluded,excluding,excludes
jones/4644 -> joness
swing/4642 -> swung,swinging,swings
pause/4641 -> paused,pausing,pauses
pop/4638 -> popped,pops,popping
height/4634 -> heights
split/4633 -> splitting,splits
fundamental/4631 -> fundamentals
significance/4630 -> significances
mirror/4612 -> mirrors,mirrored,mirroring
urge/4609 -> urged,urging,urges
honour/4608 -> honours,honoured,honouring
charity/4607 -> charities
editor/4607 -> editors
rail/4606 -> rails,railed,railing
vast/4602 -> vaster,vastest
withdraw/4602 -> withdrawn,withdrew,withdrawing,withdraws
outcome/4601 -> outcomes
wheel/4600 -> wheels,wheeled,wheeling
severe/4599 -> severest,severer
label/4596 -> labelled,labels,labelling,labeled
steal/4596 -> stolen,stole,stealing,steals
vision/4594 -> visions
citizen/4592 -> citizens
corporate/4591 -> corporates
gift/4576 -> gifts,gifted,gifting
bone/4570 -> bones,boning,boned
monitor/4566 -> monitoring,monitored,monitors
warning/4561 -> warnings
bomb/4559 -> bombs,bombed,bombing
achievement/4555 -> achievements
ooh/4555 -> oohs
pursue/4553 -> pursued,pursuing,pursues
expectation/4546 -> expectations
cycle/4545 -> cycles,cycling,cycled
enemy/4545 -> enemies
plain/4543 -> plains,plainer,plainest
schedule/4543 -> scheduled,schedules,scheduling
nose/4535 -> noses,nosed,nosing
christ/4532 -> christs
parish/4532 -> parishes
manufacturer/4530 -> manufacturers
tenant/4522 -> tenants,tenanted
bob/4518 -> bobbing,bobbed,bobs
guess/4514 -> guessed,guessing,guesses
servant/4513 -> servants
corporation/4510 -> corporations
funny/4510 -> funniest,funnier,funnies
radical/4510 -> radicals
prisoner/4508 -> prisoners
ta/4507 -> tas
collapse/4504 -> collapsed,collapsing,collapses
justify/4504 -> justified,justifying,justifies
lesson/4504 -> lessons
democracy/4502 -> democracies
notion/4499 -> notions
lawyer/4489 -> lawyers
inflation/4485 -> inflations
complaint/4481 -> complaints
van/4481 -> vans
bush/4480 -> bushes,bushed
surround/4478 -> surrounded,surrounding,surrounds
plane/4477 -> planes,planing,planed
councillor/4473 -> councillors
wednesday/4467 -> wednesdays
permanent/4462 -> permanents
bath/4457 -> baths,bathing,bathed
passenger/4444 -> passengers
territory/4439 -> territories
finding/4436 -> findings
spain/4436 -> spains
yellow/4428 -> yellows,yellower,yellowest,yellowing,yellowed
being/4427 -> beings
licence/4426 -> licences,licenced
import/4425 -> imports,imported,importing
weak/4420 -> weaker,weakest
abandon/4419 -> abandoned,abandoning,abandons
trace/4417 -> traced,traces,tracing
desk/4414 -> desks
independence/4414 -> independences
breakfast/4410 -> breakfasts,breakfasted,breakfasting
owe/4408 -> owed,owing,owes
coat/4407 -> coats,coated,coating
gap/4397 -> gaps
string/4396 -> strings,strung,stringing
lots/4394 -> lotss
rank/4393 -> ranks,ranked,ranking
supporter/4393 -> supporters
prize/4392 -> prizes,prized,prizing
accommodation/4391 -> accommodations
boundary/4388 -> boundaries
tower/4388 -> towers,towering,towered
formation/4385 -> formations
sweet/4383 -> sweets,sweeter,sweetest
plastic/4379 -> plastics
transaction/4377 -> transactions
implement/4370 -> implemented,implementing,implements
repair/4368 -> repairs,repaired,repairing
phrase/4367 -> phrases,phrased,phrasing
yorkshire/4367 -> yorkshires
mill/4362 -> mills,milling,milled
occupy/4357 -> occupied,occupying,occupies
buyer/4353 -> buyers
mike/4353 -> mikes
unknown/4347 -> unknowns
exception/4342 -> exceptions
connect/4340 -> connected,connecting,connects
sick/4337 -> sicker,sickest
resolution/4333 -> resolutions
column/4331 -> columns
harry/4331 -> harried,harrying,harries
knee/4328 -> knees,kneeing,kneed
crash/4327 -> crashed,crashing,crashes
appreciate/4326 -> appreciated,appreciating,appreciates
topic/4325 -> topics
database/4322 -> databases
resolve/4318 -> resolved,resolving,resolves
anne/4316 -> annes
inquiry/4315 -> inquiries
host/4314 -> hosts,hosted,hosting
politician/4311 -> politicians
engage/4310 -> engaged,engaging,engages
assistance/4302 -> assistances
mount/4301 -> mounted,mounting,mounts
dominate/4297 -> dominated,dominates,dominating
gene/4294 -> genes
pilot/4293 -> pilots,piloting,piloted
beauty/4289 -> beauties
grass/4282 -> grasses,grassed,grassing
ease/4270 -> eased,easing,eases
preparation/4267 -> preparations
fault/4264 -> faults,faulted,faulting
russia/4262 -> russias
assistant/4261 -> assistants
slide/4261 -> slid,slides,sliding
identity/4260 -> identities
metre/4258 -> metres
draft/4255 -> drafted,drafting,drafts
proceeding/4253 -> proceedings
premise/4246 -> premises,premised
extreme/4245 -> extremes,extremest
bell/4240 -> bells,belled
unix/4239 -> unixes
currency/4233 -> currencies
incorporate/4233 -> incorporated,incorporating,incorporates
complain/4226 -> complained,complaining,complains
quantity/4225 -> quantities
sink/4225 -> sank,sunk,sinking,sinks,sunken
minority/4221 -> minorities
spokesman/4211 -> spokesmen
emergency/4210 -> emergencies
input/4208 -> inputs,inputting,inputted
interpret/4204 -> interpreted,interpreting,interprets
dismiss/4202 -> dismissed,dismissing,dismisses
inch/4197 -> inches,inched,inching
involvement/4197 -> involvements
glasgow/4196 -> glasgows
reward/4191 -> rewards,rewarded,rewarding
tension/4177 -> tensions,tensioned
poll/4168 -> polls,polled,polling
ward/4167 -> wards,warding,warded
joke/4162 -> jokes,joking,joked
bother/4161 -> bothered,bothering,bothers
alter/4160 -> altered,altering,alters
acknowledge/4159 -> acknowledged,acknowledges,acknowledging
rival/4157 -> rivals,rivalled,rivalling
gaze/4154 -> gazed,gazing,gazes
partnership/4144 -> partnerships
thinking/4138 -> thinkings
pollution/4136 -> pollutions
expand/4134 -> expanded,expanding,expands
extension/4129 -> extensions
bend/4127 -> bent,bending,bends
steel/4126 -> steeled,steels,steeling
defend/4122 -> defending,defended,defends
encounter/4121 -> encountered,encounters,encountering
boot/4117 -> boots,booted,booting
analyse/4116 -> analysed,analysing,analyses
frank/4116 -> franked,frankest,franker,franks,franking
classic/4108 -> classics
holder/4103 -> holders
protein/4103 -> proteins
obligation/4100 -> obligations
calculate/4099 -> calculated,calculating,calculates
advertising/4087 -> advertisings
ice/4083 -> icing,ices,iced
delivery/4081 -> deliveries
wet/4078 -> wetter,wetting,wettest,wets,wetted
greek/4077 -> greeks
assist/4075 -> assisted,assisting,assists
convert/4075 -> converted,converting,converts
tight/4075 -> tighter,tights,tightest
consent/4070 -> consented,consents,consenting
saving/4069 -> savings
crew/4067 -> crews,crewed,crewing
framework/4067 -> frameworks
regime/4065 -> regimes
friendly/4063 -> friendlier,friendlies,friendliest
possess/4057 -> possessed,possessing,possesses
strain/4055 -> strains,strained,straining
angry/4052 -> angrier,angriest
anger/4051 -> angered,angers,angering
boss/4050 -> bosses,bossed,bossing
constitution/4047 -> constitutions
breach/4044 -> breaches,breached,breaching
depth/4044 -> depths
stable/4041 -> stables,stabled,stabling
lucky/4037 -> luckier,luckiest
peak/4024 -> peaks,peaked,peaking
tough/4013 -> tougher,toughest,toughs
ref/4012 -> refs
socialist/4012 -> socialists
behalf/4011 -> behalves
specify/4008 -> specified,specifying,specifies
approval/4003 -> approvals
landscape/3995 -> landscapes,landscaped,landscaping
funding/3982 -> fundings
governor/3979 -> governors
setting/3974 -> settings
wilson/3974 -> wilsons
poem/3971 -> poems
restriction/3971 -> restrictions
co/3969 -> coes
graham/3963 -> grahams
healthy/3956 -> healthier,healthiest
maintenance/3955 -> maintenances
possession/3950 -> possessions
strip/3938 -> strips,stripped,stripping
conservation/3936 -> conservations
recommendation/3936 -> recommendations
mode/3931 -> modes
restore/3931 -> restored,restoring,restores
pace/3924 -> paces,pacing,paced
preserve/3922 -> preserved,preserving,preserves
chip/3916 -> chips,chipped,chipping
restrict/3908 -> restricted,restricting,restricts
cloud/3907 -> clouds,clouded,clouding
reckon/3906 -> reckoned,reckons,reckoning
profession/3886 -> professions
smooth/3886 -> smoothed,smoothing,smoother,smooths,smoothest
countryside/3882 -> countrysides
voluntary/3882 -> voluntaries
plaintiff/3881 -> plaintiffs
solid/3880 -> solids
recession/3876 -> recessions
layer/3875 -> layers,layered,layering
dependent/3870 -> dependents
distinguish/3868 -> distinguished,distinguishes,distinguishing
keen/3863 -> keener,keenest,keening,keened,keens
curve/3861 -> curves,curved,curving
shareholder/3861 -> shareholders
recovery/3859 -> recoveries
reputation/3859 -> reputations
parallel/3853 -> parallels,paralleling,paralleled
agriculture/3844 -> agricultures
cottage/3843 -> cottages
sugar/3842 -> sugars,sugaring,sugared
trading/3841 -> tradings
habit/3839 -> habits
constitute/3838 -> constitutes,constituted,constituting
dramatic/3838 -> dramatics
comfort/3834 -> comforted,comforts,comforting
excuse/3827 -> excuses,excused,excusing
angle/3822 -> angles,angled,angling
self/3819 -> selves
reverse/3813 -> reversed,reversing,reverses
temporary/3804 -> temporaries
aside/3798 -> asides
willing/3798 -> willings
creature/3796 -> creatures
submit/3792 -> submitted,submitting,submits
thursday/3792 -> thursdays
judgment/3791 -> judgments
empire/3790 -> empires
pipe/3788 -> pipes,piped,piping
slight/3786 -> slightest,slighter,slighted,slights,slighting
spell/3786 -> spells,spelt,spelled,spelling
presentation/3783 -> presentations
yield/3782 -> yields,yielded,yielding
penalty/3778 -> penalties
muscle/3777 -> muscles,muscled,muscling
glad/3769 -> gladder,gladdest
wealth/3767 -> wealths
camera/3760 -> cameras
stream/3757 -> streams,streaming,streamed
certificate/3756 -> certificates,certificated,certificating
chest/3756 -> chests,chested
lewis/3755 -> lewiss
sail/3755 -> sailing,sailed,sails
pitch/3746 -> pitched,pitches,pitching
efficiency/3745 -> efficiencies
solve/3742 -> solved,solving,solves
lifespan/3729 -> lifespans
cake/3728 -> cakes,caked,caking
critic/3727 -> critics
perspective/3727 -> perspectives
laboratory/3725 -> laboratories
predict/3725 -> predicted,predicting,predicts
illness/3720 -> illnesses
hello/3713 -> hellos
lee/3709 -> lees
routine/3708 -> routines
hat/3702 -> hats,hatted
arrival/3701 -> arrivals
highlight/3699 -> highlighted,highlights,highlighting
brush/3694 -> brushed,brushes,brushing
resistance/3692 -> resistances
drama/3690 -> dramas
locate/3688 -> located,locating,locates
meat/3688 -> meats
snow/3688 -> snowing,snows,snowed
soul/3687 -> souls
bay/3686 -> bays,baying,bayed
spending/3683 -> spendings
promotion/3681 -> promotions
tackle/3678 -> tackled,tackling,tackles
symptom/3674 -> symptoms
bread/3672 -> breads
rapid/3666 -> rapids
blind/3661 -> blinds,blinded,blinding,blinder
custom/3660 -> customs
commons/3655 -> commonss
philosophy/3653 -> philosophies
taylor/3650 -> taylors
lecture/3649 -> lectures,lectured,lecturing
alliance/3648 -> alliances
pale/3642 -> paler,paled,pales,palest,paling
producer/3640 -> producers
tap/3639 -> tapped,taps,tapping
ratio/3638 -> ratios
zone/3638 -> zones
dollar/3636 -> dollars
j/3634 -> js
beer/3633 -> beers
venture/3629 -> ventures,ventured,venturing
whisper/3627 -> whispered,whispering,whispers
trap/3626 -> trapped,traps,trapping
electric/3625 -> electrics
spare/3623 -> spared,spares,sparing
comprehensive/3620 -> comprehensives
stairs/3620 -> stair
intellectual/3617 -> intellectuals
belfast/3613 -> belfasts
tuesday/3612 -> tuesdays
cambridge/3608 -> cambridges
hunt/3604 -> hunting,hunted,hunts
invest/3601 -> invested,investing,invests
actor/3599 -> actors
personality/3593 -> personalities
rough/3593 -> rougher,roughest,roughs,roughed,roughing
intervention/3592 -> interventions
sensitive/3588 -> sensitives
core/3586 -> cores,cored,coring
inspector/3584 -> inspectors
expansion/3583 -> expansions
frequency/3580 -> frequencies
tendency/3578 -> tendencies
chancellor/3575 -> chancellors
qualification/3574 -> qualifications
uncle/3572 -> uncles
bowl/3571 -> bowls,bowled,bowling
elizabeth/3564 -> elizabeths
chamber/3550 -> chambers
sweep/3544 -> swept,sweeping,sweeps
investor/3543 -> investors
awareness/3539 -> awarenesses
recording/3534 -> recordings
festival/3531 -> festivals
attribute/3528 -> attributed,attributes,attributing
mood/3528 -> moods
retire/3525 -> retired,retiring,retires
clock/3523 -> clocks,clocked,clocking
wedding/3520 -> weddings
capture/3516 -> captured,capturing,captures
equation/3516 -> equations
interior/3511 -> interiors
pure/3511 -> purest,purer
running/3510 -> runnings
mail/3505 -> mailed,mailing,mails
breed/3492 -> breeds,bred,breeding
spanish/3489 -> spanishes
landlord/3487 -> landlords
dealer/3486 -> dealers
guitar/3481 -> guitars
nick/3481 -> nicked,nicking,nicks
ruling/3481 -> rulings
substance/3477 -> substances
absolute/3471 -> absolutes
echo/3468 -> echoed,echoes,echoing,echos
scream/3468 -> screaming,screamed,screams
medium/3462 -> mediums,media
mixture/3461 -> mixtures
mortgage/3460 -> mortgages,mortgaged,mortgaging
pour/3453 -> poured,pouring,pours
sad/3453 -> saddest,sadder
phenomenon/3452 -> phenomena
researcher/3450 -> researchers
apple/3448 -> apples
tourist/3448 -> tourists
mere/3446 -> merest,meres
discovery/3445 -> discoveries
drag/3445 -> dragged,dragging,drags
visual/3445 -> visuals
hearing/3444 -> hearings
grade/3443 -> grades,graded,grading
retirement/3442 -> retirements
sand/3442 -> sands,sanding,sanded
scope/3437 -> scopes
intelligence/3435 -> intelligences
birmingham/3434 -> birminghams
luke/3431 -> lukes
rugby/3431 -> rugbies
celebrate/3429 -> celebrated,celebrating,celebrates
crop/3425 -> crops,cropped,cropping
brilliant/3421 -> brilliants
calm/3410 -> calmed,calming,calmer,calms,calmest
upset/3409 -> upsetting,upsets
infection/3403 -> infections
disk/3400 -> disks
tim/3393 -> tims
golf/3392 -> golfs
comprise/3391 -> comprising,comprises,comprised
overcome/3391 -> overcoming,overcame,overcomes
giant/3389 -> giants
gloucester/3388 -> gloucesters
seed/3385 -> seeds,seeded,seeding
allowance/3381 -> allowances
dna/3381 -> dnas
shirt/3381 -> shirts
eh/3375 -> ehs
cream/3374 -> creams,creamed,creaming
enquiry/3370 -> enquiries
plot/3366 -> plots,plotted,plotting
journal/3364 -> journals
thatcher/3363 -> thatchers
salt/3362 -> salts,salted,salting
volunteer/3360 -> volunteers,volunteered,volunteering
birthday/3359 -> birthdays
resist/3359 -> resisted,resisting,resists
paragraph/3357 -> paragraphs,paragraphing
bury/3355 -> buried,burying,buries
detect/3355 -> detected,detecting,detects
burst/3354 -> bursting,bursts
emotion/3352 -> emotions
province/3349 -> provinces
entrance/3346 -> entrances,entranced,entrancing
medicine/3346 -> medicines
organize/3345 -> organized,organizing,organizes
jacket/3344 -> jackets
rome/3343 -> romes
hero/3335 -> heroes,heros
no./3332 -> no.s
interaction/3331 -> interactions
permission/3327 -> permissions
rear/3327 -> reared,rearing,rears
lad/3325 -> lads
cigarette/3324 -> cigarettes
cricket/3324 -> crickets
gulf/3319 -> gulfs
judgement/3317 -> judgements
crack/3315 -> cracks,cracked,cracking
studio/3312 -> studios
acquisition/3310 -> acquisitions
assault/3310 -> assaults,assaulted,assaulting
dare/3309 -> dared,daring,dares
personnel/3304 -> personnels
shell/3304 -> shells,shelled,shelling
tail/3304 -> tails,tailed,tailing
breathe/3299 -> breathing,breathed,breathes
storm/3299 -> storms,stormed,storming
carpet/3297 -> carpets,carpeted,carpeting
differ/3297 -> differs,differed,differing
grin/3291 -> grinned,grinning,grins
sigh/3289 -> sighed,sighs,sighing
aged/3288 -> ageds
williams/3288 -> williamss
tale/3284 -> tales
demonstration/3283 -> demonstrations
platform/3283 -> platforms
knife/3281 -> knives,knifed,knifes,knifing
rescue/3281 -> rescued,rescuing,rescues
peasant/3280 -> peasants
behave/3276 -> behaved,behaving,behaves
perception/3274 -> perceptions
disaster/3269 -> disasters
circuit/3257 -> circuits,circuited,circuiting
sarah/3254 -> sarahs
throat/3254 -> throats
airport/3253 -> airports
pink/3253 -> pinks,pinker,pinkest,pinking,pinked
adviser/3252 -> advisers
l/3252 -> ls
catalogue/3251 -> catalogues,catalogued,cataloguing
duke/3251 -> dukes
cheek/3244 -> cheeks,cheeked,cheeking
pose/3239 -> posed,poses,posing
junior/3238 -> juniors
consumption/3235 -> consumptions
harm/3221 -> harmed,harming,harms
washington/3221 -> washingtons
excess/3218 -> excesses
formula/3217 -> formulae,formulas
nineteenth/3214 -> nineteenths
curtain/3213 -> curtains,curtained,curtaining
israel/3211 -> israels
resign/3209 -> resigned,resigning,resigns
consultant/3208 -> consultants
compensation/3203 -> compensations
earnings/3202 -> earningss
stake/3202 -> stakes,staked,staking
classical/3201 -> classicals
policeman/3199 -> policemen
guidance/3195 -> guidances
edition/3194 -> editions
install/3194 -> installed,installing,installs
workshop/3194 -> workshops
extract/3193 -> extracts,extracted,extracting
statistics/3192 -> statisticss
burden/3187 -> burdens,burdened,burdening
compete/3180 -> competing,competed,competes
relax/3180 -> relaxed,relaxing,relaxes
wound/3178 -> wounds,wounded,wounding
fishing/3175 -> fishings
ken/3172 -> kens
iraq/3167 -> iraqs
pile/3167 -> piled,piles,piling
percentage/3166 -> percentages
survival/3163 -> survivals
wire/3162 -> wires,wired,wiring
shadow/3161 -> shadowed,shadowing,shadows
steam/3158 -> steamed,steaming,steams
brand/3148 -> brands,branded,branding
darkness/3148 -> darknesses
supplier/3140 -> suppliers
counter/3136 -> countered,counters,countering
occupation/3133 -> occupations
priest/3132 -> priests
journalist/3131 -> journalists
given/3128 -> givens
musical/3127 -> musicals
altogether/3126 -> altogethers
mission/3126 -> missions
ownership/3124 -> ownerships
preference/3120 -> preferences
grip/3116 -> gripped,grips,gripping
joy/3113 -> joys
proud/3113 -> proudest,prouder
magic/3112 -> magics,magicking,magicked
negotiate/3112 -> negotiated,negotiating,negotiates
bet/3110 -> bets,betting,betted
expose/3104 -> exposed,exposing,exposes
found/3103 -> founded,founding,founds
resort/3103 -> resorts,resorted,resorting
indication/3100 -> indications
hurry/3098 -> hurried,hurrying,hurries
desert/3094 -> deserted,deserts,deserting
disabled/3088 -> disableds
enhance/3088 -> enhanced,enhancing,enhances
anxiety/3086 -> anxieties
lease/3085 -> leases,leased,leasing
chart/3083 -> charts,charted,charting
practitioner/3083 -> practitioners
distribute/3082 -> distributed,distributing,distributes
dish/3079 -> dishes,dished,dishing
arab/3074 -> arabs
sake/3074 -> sakes
stroke/3073 -> strokes,stroked,stroking
pot/3072 -> pots,potting,potted
loose/3066 -> loosed,loosing,looses,looser,loosest
developing/3065 -> developings
sue/3051 -> sued,suing,sues,sueing
consultation/3048 -> consultations
observer/3046 -> observers
measurement/3044 -> measurements
discount/3039 -> discounts,discounted,discounting
opponent/3038 -> opponents
alcohol/3035 -> alcohols
exceed/3034 -> exceeded,exceeds,exceeding
gesture/3034 -> gestures,gestured,gesturing
stomach/3031 -> stomachs,stomaching,stomached
mad/3025 -> madder,maddest,mads
prayer/3025 -> prayers
climate/3023 -> climates
luck/3023 -> lucks
symbol/3023 -> symbols
substitute/3022 -> substituted,substitutes,substituting
poverty/3019 -> poverties
ruth/3019 -> ruths
bite/3016 -> bit,biting,bites,bitten
evil/3016 -> evils
operator/3016 -> operators
evaluation/3012 -> evaluations
implementation/3012 -> implementations
asia/3011 -> asias
pride/3010 -> prided,prides,priding
dominant/3009 -> dominants
steady/3008 -> steadied,steadying,steadier,steadies,steadiest
deserve/3007 -> deserves,deserved,deserving
dust/3007 -> dusted,dusting,dusts
fucking/3007 -> fuckings
twin/3007 -> twins,twinned,twinning
fortune/3006 -> fortunes
moon/3003 -> moons,mooning,mooned
summary/3003 -> summaries
barrier/2996 -> barriers
interval/2995 -> intervals
borrow/2994 -> borrowed,borrowing,borrows
cap/2994 -> caps,capped,capping
emphasise/2994 -> emphasised,emphasises,emphasising
holy/2994 -> holiest,holier,holies
transform/2994 -> transformed,transforming,transforms
practise/2992 -> practised,practising,practises
confine/2991 -> confined,confines,confining
sheep/2986 -> sheeps,sheep
chase/2980 -> chasing,chased,chases
qualify/2980 -> qualified,qualifying,qualifies
aunt/2979 -> aunts
processing/2977 -> processings
uniform/2969 -> uniforms
publisher/2968 -> publishers
orange/2967 -> oranges
loud/2964 -> louder,loudest
remote/2963 -> remoter,remotest
architecture/2960 -> architectures
dimension/2958 -> dimensions,dimensioned
native/2958 -> natives
democrat/2955 -> democrats
swim/2953 -> swimming,swam,swims,swum
enthusiasm/2950 -> enthusiasms
snap/2948 -> snapped,snapping,snaps
hire/2945 -> hired,hiring,hires
poet/2944 -> poets
cheese/2941 -> cheeses,cheesed
seal/2941 -> sealed,seals,sealing
princess/2940 -> princesses
tube/2940 -> tubes,tubed
storage/2938 -> storages
peer/2926 -> peers,peered,peering
turnover/2925 -> turnovers
historian/2921 -> historians
cease/2919 -> ceased,ceases,ceasing
moscow/2919 -> moscows
confusion/2917 -> confusions
heaven/2917 -> heavens
contrary/2916 -> contraries
vessel/2914 -> vessels
strengthen/2913 -> strengthened,strengthening,strengthens
grab/2911 -> grabbed,grabbing,grabs
talent/2911 -> talents
assure/2910 -> assured,assures,assuring
proof/2910 -> proofs,proofed,proofing
dig/2907 -> dug,digging,digs,digged
flash/2906 -> flashed,flashing,flashes,flasher
discharge/2903 -> discharged,discharges,discharging
perceive/2903 -> perceived,perceiving,perceives
replacement/2903 -> replacements
canada/2902 -> canadas
joseph/2896 -> josephs
percent/2896 -> percents
remedy/2894 -> remedies,remedied,remedying
patrick/2893 -> patricks
profile/2892 -> profiles,profiling,profiled
alarm/2887 -> alarms,alarmed,alarming
salary/2887 -> salaries
mouse/2882 -> mice,mouses
norman/2877 -> normans
participate/2872 -> participating,participated,participates
bristol/2866 -> bristols
economics/2866 -> economicss
admission/2865 -> admissions
extraordinary/2865 -> extraordinaries
walker/2863 -> walkers
australian/2861 -> australians
sustain/2860 -> sustained,sustaining,sustains
tissue/2858 -> tissues
satisfaction/2856 -> satisfactions
lend/2855 -> lent,lending,lends
designer/2853 -> designers
format/2853 -> formats,formatting,formatted
leisure/2851 -> leisured
coin/2843 -> coins,coined,coining
pit/2841 -> pits,pitted,pitting
cheque/2837 -> cheques
rape/2836 -> raped,raping,rapes
drift/2835 -> drifted,drifting,drifts
unity/2835 -> unities
determination/2834 -> determinations
ally/2831 -> allies,allied,allying,!allies
satisfy/2831 -> satisfied,satisfies,satisfying
prompt/2828 -> prompted,prompting,prompts,prompter
compound/2824 -> compounds,compounded,compounding
exploit/2823 -> exploited,exploiting,exploits
magistrate/2823 -> magistrates
stamp/2823 -> stamps,stamped,stamping
supplement/2822 -> supplements,supplemented,supplementing
flood/2821 -> flooded,floods,flooding
merchant/2821 -> merchants,merchanting
divorce/2820 -> divorced,divorces,divorcing
shrug/2817 -> shrugged,shrugs,shrugging
sponsor/2817 -> sponsored,sponsors,sponsoring
movie/2815 -> movies
fancy/2812 -> fancied,fancies,fancying,fancier,fanciest
fabric/2810 -> fabrics
recruit/2809 -> recruited,recruits,recruiting
tennis/2807 -> tenniss
standing/2802 -> standings
tunnel/2801 -> tunnels,tunnelled,tunnelling
audit/2800 -> audits,audited,auditing
squad/2800 -> squads
gear/2789 -> geared,gears,gearing
adapt/2788 -> adapted,adapting,adapts
childhood/2787 -> childhoods
pacific/2786 -> pacifics
breast/2783 -> breasts,breasted,breasting
hint/2783 -> hints,hinted,hinting
amendment/2780 -> amendments
ben/2777 -> bens
gentle/2775 -> gentled,gentling,gentler,gentlest
charter/2774 -> charters,chartered,chartering
lover/2773 -> lovers
boost/2772 -> boosted,boosting,boosts
surgery/2770 -> surgeries
dirty/2764 -> dirtiest,dirtier,dirtied,dirtying,dirties
manufacture/2764 -> manufactured,manufactures,manufacturing
shopping/2764 -> shoppings
unemployed/2764 -> unemployeds
participant/2760 -> participants
filter/2759 -> filters,filtered,filtering
liquid/2759 -> liquids
stem/2759 -> stems,stemmed,stemming
mate/2758 -> mates,mating,mated
bow/2757 -> bowed,bows,bowing
consult/2757 -> consulted,consulting,consults
grave/2752 -> graves,gravest,graver,graving,graven,graved
brick/2748 -> bricks,bricked,bricking
classroom/2748 -> classrooms
pen/2747 -> pens,penned,penning,pent
wan/2745 -> wans,wanning,wanned
conviction/2744 -> convictions
dawn/2742 -> dawned,dawns,dawning
reinforce/2741 -> reinforced,reinforcing,reinforces
latin/2733 -> latins
adjust/2731 -> adjusted,adjusting,adjusts
leap/2731 -> leapt,leaping,leaps,leaped
twist/2731 -> twisted,twisting,twists
praise/2725 -> praised,praising,praises
belt/2724 -> belts,belted,belting
announcement/2723 -> announcements
refugee/2723 -> refugees
ray/2722 -> rays
discourse/2720 -> discourses,discoursing,discoursed
composition/2715 -> compositions
vegetable/2715 -> vegetables
acceptance/2714 -> acceptances
mystery/2710 -> mysteries
limitation/2709 -> limitations
poetry/2704 -> poetries
compromise/2702 -> compromised,compromises,compromising
inevitable/2702 -> inevitables
ok/2698 -> oks
fox/2695 -> foxes,foxed,foxing
pat/2692 -> patted,patting,pats
manual/2691 -> manuals
pc/2690 -> pcs,pc's
architect/2683 -> architects
deficit/2682 -> deficits
newcastle/2681 -> newcastles
silly/2680 -> silliest,sillier
transition/2678 -> transitions,transitioned
guardian/2673 -> guardians
constituency/2672 -> constituencies
participation/2672 -> participations
album/2668 -> albums
grace/2667 -> graced,graces,gracing
departure/2665 -> departures
tongue/2664 -> tongues,tonguing
advocate/2663 -> advocated,advocates,advocating
craft/2658 -> crafts,crafted,crafting
entitle/2658 -> entitled,entitles,entitling
shed/2657 -> sheds,shedding,shedded
bathroom/2652 -> bathrooms
fool/2650 -> fools,fooled,fooling
graduate/2649 -> graduates,graduated,graduating
summit/2649 -> summits
universal/2649 -> universals
patch/2648 -> patches,patched,patching
treasury/2647 -> treasuries
button/2643 -> buttons,buttoned,buttoning
weakness/2643 -> weaknesses
raid/2639 -> raids,raided,raiding
collective/2638 -> collectives
deaf/2632 -> deafer,deafest
pretend/2631 -> pretending,pretended,pretends
victorian/2631 -> victorians
zealand/2631 -> zealands
concrete/2630 -> concreted,concreting,concretes
revolutionary/2629 -> revolutionaries
temple/2628 -> temples
pleasant/2625 -> pleasanter,pleasantest
psychology/2622 -> psychologies
upstairs/2621 -> upstairss
mess/2620 -> messing,messed,messes
corridor/2619 -> corridors
ford/2619 -> fords,fording,forded
imagination/2616 -> imaginations
slope/2614 -> slopes,sloped,sloping
absorb/2610 -> absorbed,absorbing,absorbs
crystal/2610 -> crystals
expertise/2610 -> expertises
pole/2609 -> poles,poling,poled
kent/2606 -> kents
frequent/2605 -> frequented,frequenting,frequents
margin/2604 -> margins
sole/2604 -> soles,soled,soling
cow/2603 -> cows,cowed,cowing
stir/2598 -> stirred,stirring,stirs
uncertainty/2597 -> uncertainties
forecast/2591 -> forecasts,forecasting,forecasted
cathedral/2589 -> cathedrals
pin/2589 -> pinned,pins,pinning
rid/2589 -> ridding,rids,ridded
arthur/2587 -> arthurs
driving/2586 -> drivings
multiple/2585 -> multiples
premier/2584 -> premiers,premiered
concert/2582 -> concerts,concerting
universe/2582 -> universes
fulfil/2581 -> fulfilled,fulfilling,fulfils
canal/2579 -> canals
capitalist/2579 -> capitalists
delight/2574 -> delights,delighted,delighting
tune/2574 -> tunes,tuned,tuning
react/2573 -> reacted,reacting,reacts
ceiling/2572 -> ceilings
sergeant/2572 -> sergeants
timber/2571 -> timbers,timbered
halt/2570 -> halted,halting,halts
feminist/2567 -> feminists
wrap/2567 -> wrapped,wrapping,wraps,wrapt
delegate/2564 -> delegates,delegated,delegating
prosecution/2563 -> prosecutions
consciousness/2561 -> consciousnesses
constraint/2561 -> constraints
opera/2561 -> operas
wise/2560 -> wiser,wisest,wised,wises,wising
privilege/2558 -> privileges,privileging,privileged
cite/2556 -> cited,cites,citing
excitement/2554 -> excitements
trick/2553 -> tricks,tricked,tricking
guideline/2552 -> guidelines
objection/2550 -> objections
innocent/2548 -> innocents
coalition/2547 -> coalitions
tin/2547 -> tins,tinning,tinned
chicken/2544 -> chickens,chickened,chickening
cattle/2542 -> cattles
terminal/2542 -> terminals
drain/2541 -> drained,drains,draining
polish/2540 -> polished,polishing,polishes
cable/2535 -> cables,cabled,cabling
grammar/2534 -> grammars
victoria/2534 -> victorias
w/2533 -> ws
shelf/2530 -> shelves
allocate/2529 -> allocated,allocating,allocates
bench/2526 -> benches,benched
completion/2526 -> completions
lower/2523 -> lowered,lowering,lowers
folk/2522 -> folks
specimen/2522 -> specimens
alexander/2521 -> alexanders
weekly/2521 -> weeklies
roger/2518 -> rogered,rogering
infant/2516 -> infants
clerk/2511 -> clerks
closure/2510 -> closures
govern/2510 -> governed,governing,governs
communicate/2509 -> communicated,communicating,communicates
shade/2508 -> shades,shaded,shading
pray/2507 -> prayed,praying,prays
swallow/2507 -> swallowed,swallowing,swallows
superior/2506 -> superiors
regret/2502 -> regretted,regrets,regretting
virtue/2501 -> virtues
terry/2500 -> terries
injure/2499 -> injured,injuring,injures
interface/2499 -> interfaces,interfaced
lodge/2499 -> lodged,lodging,lodges
nursing/2498 -> nursings
flying/2497 -> flyings
taxation/2497 -> taxations
marine/2491 -> marines
lucy/2487 -> lucies
publicity/2487 -> publicities
carbon/2486 -> carbons
contest/2485 -> contested,contests,contesting
seize/2485 -> seized,seizing,seizes
evolution/2484 -> evolutions
creative/2481 -> creatives
fold/2481 -> folded,folds,folding
bare/2480 -> bared,barest,baring,bares,barer
rebel/2478 -> rebels,rebelled,rebelling
trail/2478 -> trailed,trailing,trails
update/2477 -> updated,updating,updates
duck/2476 -> ducks,ducked,ducking
reception/2475 -> receptions
diary/2474 -> diaries
agenda/2473 -> agendas
pig/2472 -> pigs,pigging,pigged
accounting/2468 -> accountings
ocean/2468 -> oceans
pump/2468 -> pumps,pumped,pumping
nerve/2467 -> nerves,nerved,nerving
printer/2467 -> printers
ultimate/2467 -> ultimates
leather/2466 -> leathers,leathering,leathered
closer/2465 -> closers
hook/2464 -> hooked,hooks,hooking
passion/2463 -> passions
portrait/2462 -> portraits
disorder/2460 -> disorders,disordered
dividend/2458 -> dividends
earl/2458 -> earls
potato/2458 -> potatoes,potatos
darling/2457 -> darlings
durham/2456 -> durhams
detective/2452 -> detectives
traveller/2451 -> travellers
bitter/2450 -> bitters,bitterest
shine/2448 -> shone,shining,shines,shined
punishment/2447 -> punishments
rabbit/2446 -> rabbits,rabbiting,rabbited
jury/2445 -> juries
vat/2444 -> vats
berlin/2443 -> berlins
ideology/2439 -> ideologies
applicant/2438 -> applicants
seller/2438 -> sellers
ad/2433 -> ads
desperate/2433 -> desperates
undergo/2430 -> undergoing,undergone,underwent,undergoes
reflection/2429 -> reflections
evaluate/2428 -> evaluated,evaluating,evaluates
trousers/2428 -> trouser
lost/2425 -> losts
abstract/2424 -> abstracts,abstracted,abstracting
gross/2421 -> grossed,grosser,grossing,grossest,grosses
ulster/2418 -> ulsters
harbour/2416 -> harbours,harbouring,harboured
innovation/2416 -> innovations
dose/2415 -> doses,dosed,dosing
murmur/2414 -> murmured,murmuring,murmurs
raw/2414 -> rawest
cotton/2413 -> cottons,cottoned,cottoning
exposure/2412 -> exposures
integration/2412 -> integrations
rat/2412 -> rats,ratted,ratting
horror/2408 -> horrors
decrease/2407 -> decreased,decreases,decreasing
junction/2406 -> junctions
purchaser/2404 -> purchasers
eliminate/2402 -> eliminated,eliminating,eliminates
machinery/2402 -> machineries
conversion/2400 -> conversions
flesh/2400 -> fleshed,fleshing,fleshes
grasp/2400 -> grasped,grasping,grasps
clash/2399 -> clashes,clashed,clashing
illegal/2395 -> illegals
imperial/2394 -> imperials
informal/2390 -> informals
outer/2389 -> outers
float/2388 -> floating,floated,floats
gary/2388 -> garies
companion/2386 -> companions
fragment/2384 -> fragments,fragmented,fragmenting
maker/2383 -> makers
constable/2382 -> constables
strict/2382 -> stricter,strictest
borough/2381 -> boroughs
compose/2381 -> composed,composing,composes
mummy/2380 -> mummies
singer/2380 -> singers
premium/2379 -> premiums
mayor/2377 -> mayors
planet/2367 -> planets
convey/2364 -> conveyed,conveying,conveys
fence/2363 -> fences,fenced,fencing
registration/2363 -> registrations
vendor/2363 -> vendors
wipe/2363 -> wiped,wiping,wipes
exact/2361 -> exacted,exacting,exacts
clever/2359 -> cleverer,cleverest
essay/2359 -> essays,essayed,essaying
cliff/2357 -> cliffs
disc/2356 -> discs
terrace/2356 -> terraces
commissioner/2355 -> commissioners
resignation/2355 -> resignations
foster/2352 -> fostered,fostering,fosters
wander/2352 -> wandered,wandering,wanders
emperor/2350 -> emperors
attraction/2349 -> attractions
commander/2349 -> commanders
sack/2349 -> sacked,sacks,sacking
confront/2346 -> confronted,confronting,confronts
pope/2345 -> popes
dutch/2343 -> dutches
assurance/2341 -> assurances
depression/2341 -> depressions
freeze/2341 -> frozen,froze,freezes,freezing
particle/2340 -> particles
funeral/2339 -> funerals
stimulus/2335 -> stimuli
subsidiary/2335 -> subsidiaries
automatic/2334 -> automatics
chapel/2334 -> chapels
anticipate/2332 -> anticipated,anticipating,anticipates
exhibit/2329 -> exhibited,exhibits,exhibiting
organ/2329 -> organs
shore/2329 -> shores,shoring,shored
cousin/2328 -> cousins
oral/2328 -> orals
anthony/2327 -> anthonies
grain/2327 -> grains,grained,graining
merit/2326 -> merits,merited,meriting
retail/2326 -> retailing,retails,retailed
baker/2325 -> bakers
suspend/2323 -> suspended,suspending,suspends
villa/2323 -> villas
friendship/2320 -> friendships
republican/2320 -> republicans
la/2317 -> las
dublin/2316 -> dublins
weigh/2316 -> weighed,weighing,weighs
destruction/2315 -> destructions
ethnic/2315 -> ethnics
chocolate/2314 -> chocolates
fleet/2312 -> fleets,fleeting
incentive/2312 -> incentives
toy/2311 -> toys,toyed,toying
fibre/2308 -> fibres
punch/2308 -> punched,punches,punching
carriage/2306 -> carriages
holding/2306 -> holdings
rally/2306 -> rallies,rallied,rallying
sympathy/2306 -> sympathies
needle/2305 -> needles,needling,needled
spiritual/2305 -> spirituals
allocation/2304 -> allocations
conception/2304 -> conceptions
garage/2301 -> garages,garaged,garaging
kit/2301 -> kits,kitted,kitting,kiting
nicholas/2295 -> nicholass
declaration/2293 -> declarations
petrol/2291 -> petrols
rational/2291 -> rationals
logical/2289 -> logicals
directive/2288 -> directives
inadequate/2287 -> inadequates
disposal/2286 -> disposals
ambition/2285 -> ambitions
essex/2285 -> essexes
inspection/2285 -> inspections
fate/2283 -> fates,fated,fatest
acute/2282 -> acutes,acutest
spin/2281 -> spun,spinning,spins
flame/2280 -> flames,flamed,flaming
bike/2275 -> bikes,biking,biked
diana/2275 -> dianas
correspondent/2274 -> correspondents
prominent/2274 -> prominents
mortality/2273 -> mortalities
electrical/2269 -> electricals
identification/2266 -> identifications
silk/2266 -> silks
oliver/2264 -> olivers
logic/2263 -> logics
condemn/2262 -> condemned,condemning,condemns
nowhere/2260 -> nowheres
cancel/2259 -> cancelled,cancelling,cancels
mineral/2257 -> minerals
molecule/2252 -> molecules
nail/2252 -> nails,nailed,nailing
angel/2250 -> angels
calculation/2250 -> calculations
modify/2249 -> modified,modifying,modifies
thrust/2249 -> thrusting,thrusts
withdrawal/2248 -> withdrawals
voter/2247 -> voters
mature/2246 -> matured,matures,maturing,maturer,maturest
pan/2246 -> pans,panned,panning
correspond/2245 -> corresponding,corresponds,corresponded
dictionary/2238 -> dictionaries
humour/2238 -> humours,humouring,humoured
devise/2237 -> devised,devising,devises
entertainment/2236 -> entertainments
hypothesis/2235 -> hypotheses
underground/2233 -> undergrounding
equity/2231 -> equities
federation/2230 -> federations
rubbish/2229 -> rubbished,rubbishing,rubbishes
era/2228 -> eras
coverage/2226 -> coverages
complexity/2225 -> complexities
youngster/2224 -> youngsters
inspire/2223 -> inspired,inspiring,inspires
mutual/2221 -> mutuals
squeeze/2221 -> squeezed,squeezing,squeezes
competitor/2220 -> competitors
neglect/2218 -> neglected,neglecting,neglects
asian/2213 -> asians
swear/2213 -> sworn,swore,swearing,swears
miller/2209 -> millers
marginal/2208 -> marginals
rumour/2207 -> rumours,rumoured
chat/2206 -> chatting,chatted,chats
broadcast/2202 -> broadcasts,broadcasting,broadcasted
forth/2202 -> forths
atlantic/2201 -> atlantics
induce/2200 -> induced,induces,inducing
rob/2199 -> robbed,robbing,robs
shower/2199 -> showers,showered,showering
turkey/2199 -> turkeys
flag/2197 -> flags,flagged,flagging
jew/2197 -> jews
mrs./2197 -> mrs.s
rub/2197 -> rubbed,rubbing,rubs
rover/2196 -> rovers
invitation/2194 -> invitations
triumph/2193 -> triumphs,triumphed,triumphing
farming/2189 -> farmings
pond/2187 -> ponds
isle/2185 -> isles
disability/2183 -> disabilities
integrate/2183 -> integrated,integrating,integrates
faint/2182 -> faintest,fainted,fainter,fainting,faints
clinic/2181 -> clinics
stranger/2181 -> strangers
tonne/2181 -> tonnes
beam/2180 -> beams,beamed,beaming
cure/2179 -> cured,cures,curing
slice/2177 -> slices,sliced,slicing
convince/2174 -> convinced,convincing,convinces
california/2173 -> californias
accountant/2172 -> accountants
frown/2171 -> frowned,frowning,frowns
statute/2171 -> statutes
insight/2169 -> insights
knit/2168 -> knitting,knitted,knits
lamb/2166 -> lambs
rope/2166 -> ropes,roped,roping
processor/2165 -> processors
bull/2164 -> bulls,bulling
robin/2164 -> robins
reign/2163 -> reigns,reigned,reigning
bulk/2162 -> bulked,bulking,bulks
domain/2160 -> domains
cinema/2158 -> cinemas
egypt/2158 -> egypts
butter/2157 -> buttered,buttering,butters
removal/2157 -> removals
bang/2154 -> banging,banged,bangs
sheffield/2153 -> sheffields
damn/2151 -> damned,damning,damns
publishing/2150 -> publishings
suspicion/2150 -> suspicions
skirt/2148 -> skirts,skirted,skirting
organic/2146 -> organics
anniversary/2143 -> anniversaries
civilian/2141 -> civilians
ceremony/2140 -> ceremonies
saint/2140 -> saints
westminster/2140 -> westminsters
translate/2139 -> translated,translating,translates
acre/2134 -> acres
satellite/2133 -> satellites
monopoly/2132 -> monopolies
daddy/2131 -> daddies
dock/2130 -> docks,docked,docking
dump/2123 -> dumped,dumping,dumps
stability/2123 -> stabilities
miner/2122 -> miners
drill/2121 -> drilling,drilled,drills
nest/2121 -> nests,nesting,nested
gloucestershire/2120 -> gloucestershires
jail/2119 -> jailed,jails,jailing
shortage/2118 -> shortages
merger/2117 -> mergers
tribunal/2117 -> tribunals
stitch/2116 -> stitches,stitched,stitching
curious/2115 -> curiouser
explosion/2115 -> explosions
jurisdiction/2115 -> jurisdictions
adjustment/2109 -> adjustments
alert/2108 -> alerted,alerting,alerts
allegation/2108 -> allegations
christopher/2108 -> christophers
controversy/2107 -> controversies
insect/2104 -> insects
render/2104 -> rendered,renders,rendering
sanction/2104 -> sanctions,sanctioned,sanctioning
lion/2101 -> lions
albert/2100 -> alberts
kelly/2099 -> kellies
rachel/2098 -> rachels
cm/2097 -> cms
penny/2097 -> pennies,pence
shame/2097 -> shamed,shames,shaming
don/2096 -> dons,donned,donning
lawrence/2096 -> lawrences
insert/2094 -> inserted,inserting,inserts
panic/2093 -> panicking,panics,panicked
specification/2092 -> specifications
cloth/2090 -> cloths
dot/2089 -> dots,dotted,dotting
stuart/2089 -> stuarts
sussex/2088 -> sussexes
gang/2086 -> gangs,ganging,ganged
tide/2086 -> tides,tiding,tided
russell/2084 -> russells
greet/2083 -> greeted,greeting,greets
clothing/2081 -> clothings
illustration/2081 -> illustrations
initiate/2081 -> initiated,initiating,initiates
colony/2078 -> colonies
emission/2077 -> emissions
devote/2075 -> devoted,devoting,devotes
exclusive/2075 -> exclusives
banking/2074 -> bankings
stewart/2074 -> stewarts
taxi/2073 -> taxis,taxiing,taxied
celebration/2072 -> celebrations
therapy/2072 -> therapies
louis/2070 -> louiss
poland/2068 -> polands
effectiveness/2067 -> effectivenesses
fiction/2067 -> fictions
passing/2067 -> passings
laughter/2065 -> laughters
tournament/2065 -> tournaments
accommodate/2064 -> accommodated,accommodating,accommodates
episode/2064 -> episodes
romantic/2064 -> romantics
admire/2063 -> admired,admiring,admires
receipt/2063 -> receipts
trustee/2062 -> trustees
nursery/2059 -> nurseries
ace/2058 -> aces
accordance/2056 -> accordances
overlook/2056 -> overlooked,overlooking,overlooks
comply/2052 -> complied,complying,complies
sheer/2052 -> sheers,sheered,sheering
flee/2051 -> fled,fleeing,flees
transformation/2050 -> transformations
assert/2048 -> asserted,asserting,asserts
criticise/2048 -> criticised,criticising,criticises
verse/2047 -> verses,versed
tender/2046 -> tenders,tendered,tendering,tenderest
disadvantage/2044 -> disadvantages,disadvantaged,disadvantaging
probe/2043 -> probes,probed,probing
piano/2042 -> pianos
thames/2039 -> thamess
advertisement/2037 -> advertisements
shield/2037 -> shields,shielded,shielding
invasion/2036 -> invasions
graphics/2035 -> graphicss
testing/2034 -> testings
bible/2032 -> bibles
adventure/2031 -> adventures,adventuring,adventured
embrace/2031 -> embraced,embracing,embraces
evolve/2029 -> evolved,evolving,evolves
battery/2027 -> batteries
rhythm/2027 -> rhythms
hardware/2026 -> hardwares
navy/2026 -> navies
maria/2025 -> marias
stimulate/2025 -> stimulated,stimulates,stimulating
toilet/2025 -> toilets
undermine/2025 -> undermined,undermining,undermines
discrimination/2024 -> discriminations
chemistry/2023 -> chemistries
bernard/2021 -> bernards
disturb/2021 -> disturbed,disturbing,disturbs
enforce/2021 -> enforced,enforcing,enforces
shelter/2021 -> shelters,sheltered,sheltering
proposition/2020 -> propositions,propositioned,propositioning
abbey/2019 -> abbeys
boom/2019 -> boomed,booming,booms
bass/2018 -> basses
fluid/2016 -> fluids
necessity/2014 -> necessities
photo/2013 -> photos
thou/2013 -> thee,thy,thine,ye
courage/2012 -> courages
myth/2012 -> myths
server/2011 -> servers
widow/2011 -> widows,widowed
instant/2009 -> instants
monthly/2009 -> monthlies
interrupt/2008 -> interrupted,interrupting,interrupts
fighting/2005 -> fightings
provoke/2005 -> provoked,provoking,provokes
hesitate/2004 -> hesitated,hesitating,hesitates
await/2003 -> awaiting,awaited,awaits
eighteenth/2002 -> eighteenths
gender/2002 -> genders,gendered
sandwich/2001 -> sandwiches,sandwiched,sandwiching
handicap/1999 -> handicapped,handicaps,handicapping
menu/1999 -> menus
gay/1998 -> gays,gayer,gayest
lamp/1998 -> lamps
damp/1997 -> damped,damper,damping,damps,dampest
situate/1996 -> situated,situates,situating
wright/1996 -> wrights
emphasize/1995 -> emphasized,emphasizes,emphasizing
restoration/1992 -> restorations
wildlife/1992 -> wildlives
motive/1989 -> motives
clue/1987 -> clues,clued
noble/1985 -> nobles,nobler,noblest
doctrine/1983 -> doctrines
manor/1982 -> manors
lorry/1980 -> lorries
virus/1980 -> viruses
artificial/1979 -> artificials
mutter/1979 -> muttered,muttering,mutters
heating/1978 -> heatings
airline/1977 -> airlines
jackson/1977 -> jacksons
dc/1975 -> dcs
institutional/1975 -> institutionals
iran/1974 -> irans
pity/1973 -> pitied,pitying,pities
mechanical/1972 -> mechanicals
biological/1971 -> biologicals
brave/1970 -> braved,braver,bravest,braving,braves
creditor/1970 -> creditors
nationalist/1970 -> nationalists
heritage/1968 -> heritages
luxury/1968 -> luxuries
flexibility/1967 -> flexibilities
circular/1966 -> circulars
intent/1965 -> intents
leaflet/1965 -> leaflets,leafleting,leafleted
forgive/1964 -> forgiven,forgave,forgives,forgiving
sin/1964 -> sins,sinned,sinning
smart/1963 -> smarter,smarting,smartest,smarted,smarts
functional/1962 -> functionals
spectrum/1962 -> spectra,spectrums
hierarchy/1961 -> hierarchies
log/1958 -> logs,logged,logging
warmth/1958 -> warmths
worship/1957 -> worshipped,worships,worshipping
pensioner/1956 -> pensioners
theft/1955 -> thefts
computing/1952 -> computings
ghost/1952 -> ghosts,ghosted,ghosting
iraqi/1952 -> iraqis
attendance/1950 -> attendances
copper/1949 -> coppers
indicator/1949 -> indicators
ritual/1949 -> rituals
elaborate/1948 -> elaborated,elaborating,elaborates
pet/1948 -> pets,petting,petted
km/1946 -> kms
loyalty/1946 -> loyalties
sociology/1946 -> sociologies
spectacular/1944 -> spectaculars
fraction/1943 -> fractions
pardon/1942 -> pardoned,pardons,pardoning
portfolio/1941 -> portfolios
successor/1940 -> successors
harris/1939 -> harriss
sacrifice/1939 -> sacrifices,sacrificed,sacrificing
pursuit/1938 -> pursuits
productivity/1937 -> productivities
fig/1936 -> figs,figging
interim/1936 -> interims
probability/1936 -> probabilities
virgin/1935 -> virgins
dull/1933 -> dulled,duller,dullest,dulling,dulls
chap/1931 -> chaps,chapping,chapped
developer/1927 -> developers
essence/1927 -> essences
forum/1927 -> forums,fora
separation/1926 -> separations
availability/1925 -> availabilities
ed/1925 -> eds,eder
painter/1924 -> painters
businessman/1922 -> businessmen
continent/1922 -> continents
fare/1922 -> fares,fared,faring
refusal/1922 -> refusals
overnight/1920 -> overnights
seminar/1920 -> seminars
equip/1917 -> equipped,equipping,equips
raf/1917 -> rafs
tragedy/1917 -> tragedies
breeding/1916 -> breedings
devil/1914 -> devils,devilled,devilling
flavour/1913 -> flavours,flavoured,flavouring
hammer/1911 -> hammered,hammering,hammers
landing/1910 -> landings
curl/1909 -> curled,curls,curling
justification/1908 -> justifications
amateur/1907 -> amateurs
beg/1904 -> begged,begging,begs
consume/1903 -> consumed,consuming,consumes
retreat/1903 -> retreated,retreating,retreats
steep/1903 -> steeper,steeped,steepest,steeping,steeps
carrier/1901 -> carriers
classification/1901 -> classifications
nasty/1900 -> nasties,nastier,nastiest
ross/1899 -> rosses
unfair/1899 -> unfairest
eliot/1897 -> eliots
builder/1896 -> builders
marx/1896 -> marxes
duration/1894 -> durations
analyst/1893 -> analysts
continental/1893 -> continentals
heel/1892 -> heels,heeled,heeling
mask/1891 -> masks,masked,masking
oxygen/1891 -> oxygens
legislative/1889 -> legislatives
aids/1887 -> aidss
fraud/1886 -> frauds
discretion/1885 -> discretions
lifetime/1885 -> lifetimes
primitive/1885 -> primitives
coming/1884 -> comings
receiver/1884 -> receivers
missile/1883 -> missiles
capitalism/1881 -> capitalisms
juice/1881 -> juices
riot/1881 -> riots,rioted,rioting
colonel/1878 -> colonels
oak/1878 -> oaks
prejudice/1878 -> prejudices,prejudiced,prejudicing
unite/1878 -> united,uniting,unites
working-class/1878 -> working-classes
appendix/1877 -> appendices,appendixes
density/1877 -> densities
sculpture/1877 -> sculptures,sculptured,sculpturing
fade/1876 -> faded,fading,fades
shit/1875 -> shits,shitting,shitted,shat
mud/1874 -> muds,mudding,mudded
polytechnic/1874 -> polytechnics
jet/1873 -> jets,jetting,jetted
reporter/1873 -> reporters
palestinian/1871 -> palestinians
unionist/1871 -> unionists
execute/1870 -> executed,executing,executes
leicester/1869 -> leicesters
succession/1869 -> successions
liberty/1868 -> liberties,libertys
avenue/1866 -> avenues
coloured/1866 -> coloureds
hip/1865 -> hips,hippest,hipper
unhappy/1865 -> unhappier,unhappiest
abolish/1864 -> abolished,abolishing,abolishes
hunter/1863 -> hunters
educate/1862 -> educated,educating,educates
modification/1861 -> modifications
dean/1860 -> deans
rod/1860 -> rods,rodding
bureau/1859 -> bureaux,bureaus
installation/1859 -> installations
apartment/1858 -> apartments
isolation/1858 -> isolations
administer/1857 -> administered,administering,administers
diagnosis/1855 -> diagnoses
palm/1855 -> palms,palmed,palming
trigger/1854 -> triggered,triggers,triggering
eg/1853 -> egging,egs
smoking/1853 -> smokings
moor/1852 -> moors,moored,mooring
heading/1850 -> headings
norm/1849 -> norms
knight/1848 -> knights,knighted,knighting
aggregate/1846 -> aggregates,aggregated,aggregating,aggregated.
protestant/1846 -> protestants
residence/1846 -> residences
coup/1843 -> coups,couped
dialogue/1843 -> dialogues
allege/1842 -> alleged,alleging,alleges
strand/1842 -> strands,stranded,stranding
whisky/1842 -> whiskies
inn/1841 -> inns
musician/1841 -> musicians
cluster/1840 -> clusters,clustered,clustering
cupboard/1840 -> cupboards
defender/1840 -> defenders
physics/1840 -> physicss
preliminary/1840 -> preliminaries
blast/1839 -> blasted,blasts,blasting
subsidy/1839 -> subsidies
tutor/1838 -> tutors,tutoring,tutored
champagne/1837 -> champagnes
hedge/1837 -> hedges,hedged,hedging
speculation/1837 -> speculations
isolate/1836 -> isolated,isolates,isolating
israeli/1836 -> israelis
narrative/1834 -> narratives
suicide/1833 -> suicides
canadian/1832 -> canadians
vertical/1831 -> verticals
cardiff/1830 -> cardiffs
directory/1830 -> directories
sensation/1829 -> sensations
collector/1828 -> collectors
glory/1828 -> glories,gloried,glorying
casual/1827 -> casuals
envisage/1827 -> envisaged,envisages,envisaging
morgan/1827 -> morgans
warrant/1827 -> warrants,warranted,warranting
capability/1825 -> capabilities
ingredient/1823 -> ingredients
stance/1823 -> stances
vietnam/1823 -> vietnams
obscure/1820 -> obscured,obscures,obscuring,obscurer,obscurest
bean/1819 -> beans
screw/1819 -> screwed,screws,screwing
evans/1818 -> evanss
hungry/1818 -> hungrier,hungriest
re/1818 -> res
timing/1817 -> timings
autonomy/1816 -> autonomies
delegation/1816 -> delegations
elder/1816 -> elders
accent/1814 -> accents,accented,accenting
cave/1814 -> caves,caved,caving
tactic/1811 -> tactics
trainer/1811 -> trainers
diagram/1809 -> diagrams,diagrammed
invent/1809 -> invented,inventing,invents
olympic/1806 -> olympics
entity/1805 -> entities
minus/1803 -> minuses,minusses
progressive/1803 -> progressives
fantasy/1802 -> fantasies
assign/1799 -> assigned,assigning,assigns
consensus/1798 -> consensuss
midnight/1798 -> midnights
tropical/1798 -> tropicals
resemble/1797 -> resembles,resembled,resembling
cater/1796 -> catering,catered,caters
opt/1796 -> opted,opting,opts
concession/1795 -> concessions
founder/1795 -> founders,foundered,foundering
scratch/1795 -> scratched,scratching,scratches
compact/1794 -> compacts,compacted,compacting,compacter
blank/1793 -> blanks,blanked,blanking,blanker,blankest
drum/1792 -> drums,drummed,drumming
allen/1791 -> allens
killer/1791 -> killers
organism/1791 -> organisms
resume/1790 -> resumed,resuming,resumes
combat/1789 -> combating,combats,combatting,combated,combatted
ferry/1789 -> ferries,ferried,ferrying
hunting/1789 -> huntings
ambulance/1788 -> ambulances
disclose/1788 -> disclosed,disclosing,discloses
petition/1783 -> petitions,petitioned,petitioning
scholar/1783 -> scholars
intensive/1782 -> intensives
liberation/1782 -> liberations
regulate/1781 -> regulated,regulating,regulates
morris/1779 -> morriss
eagle/1777 -> eagles,eagled
offender/1777 -> offenders
trader/1777 -> traders
q/1775 -> qing
bye/1774 -> byes
bat/1772 -> bats,batting,batted
concede/1771 -> conceded,conceding,concedes
edit/1771 -> edited,editing,edits
lung/1771 -> lungs,lunging
bastard/1770 -> bastards
radiation/1770 -> radiations
teenager/1770 -> teenagers
pregnancy/1769 -> pregnancies
stride/1769 -> strode,strides,striding,stridden,strid
wool/1769 -> wools
rider/1768 -> riders
thesis/1768 -> theses
pakistan/1766 -> pakistans
constituent/1765 -> constituents
partial/1765 -> partials
bonus/1763 -> bonuses
fitting/1762 -> fittings
incidence/1761 -> incidences
shakespeare/1761 -> shakespeares
striking/1761 -> strikings
easter/1759 -> easters
query/1759 -> queries,queried,querying
swimming/1759 -> swimmings
horizon/1758 -> horizons
persist/1758 -> persisted,persists,persisting
conceive/1757 -> conceived,conceiving,conceives
auditor/1756 -> auditors
christianity/1756 -> christianities
truck/1754 -> trucks,trucking,trucked
ash/1753 -> ashes
crazy/1753 -> craziest,crazier,crazies
redundancy/1753 -> redundancies
defect/1751 -> defects,defected,defecting
fetch/1751 -> fetched,fetching,fetches
deck/1749 -> decks,decked,decking
clark/1748 -> clarks
correlation/1745 -> correlations
clay/1744 -> clays
inherit/1744 -> inherited,inheriting,inherits
instruct/1741 -> instructed,instructing,instructs
charm/1738 -> charms,charmed,charming
motivation/1738 -> motivations
assignment/1736 -> assignments
exceptional/1736 -> exceptionals
incur/1734 -> incurred,incurring,incurs
rage/1733 -> raged,raging,rages
facilitate/1731 -> facilitated,facilitating,facilitates
neat/1731 -> neater,neatest
striker/1731 -> strikers
dislike/1730 -> disliked,dislikes,disliking
organiser/1730 -> organisers
pledge/1730 -> pledged,pledges,pledging
suffering/1730 -> sufferings
hey/1728 -> heys
mild/1727 -> milder,mildest,milds
cheer/1726 -> cheered,cheers,cheering
plead/1726 -> pleaded,pleading,pleads,pled
sphere/1725 -> spheres
sword/1725 -> swords
walking/1725 -> walkings
sterling/1723 -> sterlings
engagement/1722 -> engagements
interfere/1722 -> interfering,interfered,interferes
casualty/1721 -> casualties
erect/1720 -> erected,erecting,erects
prey/1720 -> preyed,preying,preys
basket/1719 -> baskets
lighting/1719 -> lightings
pavement/1718 -> pavements
queue/1718 -> queues,queuing,queued,queueing
bargain/1716 -> bargains,bargaining,bargained
remainder/1716 -> remainders,remaindered
sweat/1716 -> sweating,sweated,sweats
parameter/1714 -> parameters
lap/1713 -> laps,lapped,lapping
instinct/1712 -> instincts
stall/1711 -> stalls,stalled,stalling
scandal/1710 -> scandals
arch/1709 -> arches,arched,arching
venue/1708 -> venues
liver/1705 -> livers
spray/1703 -> sprayed,sprays,spraying
translation/1703 -> translations
intensity/1701 -> intensities
surrender/1701 -> surrendered,surrendering,surrenders
envelope/1700 -> envelopes
rating/1697 -> ratings
accuracy/1696 -> accuracies
auction/1696 -> auctions,auctioned,auctioning
monster/1696 -> monsters
nightmare/1695 -> nightmares
cleveland/1694 -> clevelands
horn/1694 -> horns,horned
mobile/1693 -> mobiles
tray/1692 -> trays
creep/1691 -> crept,creeping,creeps
lonely/1691 -> loneliest,lonelier
moderate/1691 -> moderates,moderated,moderating
packet/1691 -> packets
systematic/1691 -> systematics
debut/1689 -> debuts
smash/1689 -> smashed,smashing,smashes
payable/1688 -> payables
supervision/1688 -> supervisions
awake/1687 -> awoke,awoken,awakes,awaking
criticize/1686 -> criticized,criticizing,criticizes
lancashire/1685 -> lancashires
photographer/1685 -> photographers
benjamin/1684 -> benjamins
slave/1684 -> slaves,slaving,slaved
counterpart/1683 -> counterparts
doorway/1683 -> doorways
matrix/1683 -> matrices,matrixes
ussr/1683 -> ussrs
brazil/1682 -> brazils
lounge/1682 -> lounges,lounging,lounged
pint/1682 -> pints
sensitivity/1682 -> sensitivities
drunk/1681 -> drunks,drunker
fighter/1679 -> fighters
orchestra/1677 -> orchestras
carer/1676 -> carers
relevance/1676 -> relevances
clutch/1675 -> clutching,clutched,clutches
intervene/1675 -> intervened,intervening,intervenes
sketch/1675 -> sketches,sketched,sketching
similarity/1674 -> similarities
harsh/1673 -> harsher,harshest
jaw/1671 -> jaws,jawed,jawing
questionnaire/1671 -> questionnaires
archbishop/1669 -> archbishops
monitoring/1667 -> monitorings
notable/1667 -> notables
hughes/1666 -> hughess
diamond/1664 -> diamonds
scot/1664 -> scots
descend/1663 -> descended,descending,descends
sweden/1662 -> swedens
neighbourhood/1661 -> neighbourhoods
elite/1659 -> elites
starting/1657 -> startings
fierce/1655 -> fiercest,fiercer
legitimate/1654 -> legitimated,legitimating,legitimates
toe/1654 -> toes,toed,toeing
metropolitan/1653 -> metropolitans
rice/1653 -> rices,ricing,riced,rice
tribute/1653 -> tributes
guilt/1652 -> guilts
hostility/1651 -> hostilities
thief/1651 -> thieves
muslim/1650 -> muslims
plunge/1650 -> plunged,plunging,plunges
plc/1649 -> plcs
super/1647 -> supers
faculty/1646 -> faculties
surgeon/1646 -> surgeons
broadcasting/1645 -> broadcastings
greece/1645 -> greeces
bolt/1643 -> bolts,bolted,bolting
exclusion/1643 -> exclusions
exploration/1643 -> explorations
binding/1642 -> bindings
caution/1642 -> cautioned,cautions,cautioning
memorial/1642 -> memorials
midland/1641 -> midlands
assemble/1640 -> assembled,assembling,assembles
bias/1639 -> biased,biassed,biases,biasing
socialism/1639 -> socialisms
whip/1639 -> whipped,whips,whipping
dismissal/1638 -> dismissals
hiv/1638 -> hivs
bronze/1637 -> bronzes,bronzing
disappointment/1637 -> disappointments
marshall/1637 -> marshalls
script/1637 -> scripts,scripted,scripting
limb/1636 -> limbs,limbed
blanket/1635 -> blankets,blanketed,blanketing
ton/1635 -> tons,toning,tonner
geography/1634 -> geographies
hitler/1633 -> hitlers
provincial/1633 -> provincials
arrow/1632 -> arrows,arrowed,arrowing
hazard/1632 -> hazards,hazarded,hazarding
conceal/1631 -> concealed,concealing,conceals
killing/1631 -> killings
scatter/1630 -> scattered,scattering,scatters
kuwait/1628 -> kuwaits
hollywood/1627 -> hollywoods
recipe/1627 -> recipes
surrey/1627 -> surreys
explode/1626 -> exploded,exploding,explodes
thread/1626 -> threads,threaded,threading
deem/1623 -> deemed,deems,deeming
distress/1623 -> distressed,distresses,distressing
stiff/1623 -> stiffer,stiffs,stiffest
happiness/1622 -> happinesses,happiness
temper/1622 -> tempered,tempers,tempering
owl/1621 -> owls
spoil/1621 -> spoiled,spoilt,spoils,spoiling
legend/1620 -> legends
tile/1619 -> tiles,tiled,tiling
canvas/1617 -> canvases,canvassed,canvassing
dec/1617 -> decs
mexico/1617 -> mexicoes
reservation/1617 -> reservations
mould/1616 -> moulded,moulds,moulding
reproduce/1615 -> reproduced,reproducing,reproduces
rubber/1614 -> rubbers
ridge/1613 -> ridges,ridging
catherine/1612 -> catherines
decorate/1612 -> decorated,decorating,decorates
medal/1612 -> medals
pulse/1612 -> pulses,pulsing,pulsed
hostile/1611 -> hostiles
elbow/1610 -> elbows,elbowed,elbowing
endorse/1610 -> endorsed,endorsing,endorses
transmission/1610 -> transmissions
competence/1609 -> competences
lump/1609 -> lumps,lumped,lumping
scan/1609 -> scanning,scanned,scans
cutting/1608 -> cuttings
segment/1608 -> segments,segmented,segmenting
gp/1607 -> gps
contemplate/1605 -> contemplated,contemplating,contemplates
poster/1605 -> posters
tumour/1605 -> tumours
coincide/1603 -> coincided,coincides,coinciding
keeper/1603 -> keepers
neutral/1603 -> neutrals
inhabitant/1602 -> inhabitants
respondent/1602 -> respondents
commerce/1600 -> commerces
dolphin/1600 -> dolphins
jam/1599 -> jammed,jams,jamming
unfortunate/1599 -> unfortunates
handsome/1596 -> handsomest,handsomer
jonathan/1596 -> jonathans
sauce/1596 -> sauces,sauced
trophy/1596 -> trophies
supermarket/1595 -> supermarkets
derby/1594 -> derbies,derbys
contractor/1592 -> contractors
scrap/1591 -> scraps,scrapped,scrapping
overhead/1589 -> overheads
breakdown/1588 -> breakdowns
dip/1588 -> dipped,dipping,dips
cling/1587 -> clung,clinging,clings
frustration/1587 -> frustrations
glimpse/1586 -> glimpsed,glimpses,glimpsing
marxist/1586 -> marxists
coffin/1584 -> coffins
economist/1584 -> economists
verdict/1583 -> verdicts
workforce/1583 -> workforces
predecessor/1582 -> predecessors
shallow/1582 -> shallows,shallower,shallowest,shallowed,shallowing
treasure/1581 -> treasures,treasured,treasuring
bruce/1576 -> bruces
recruitment/1576 -> recruitments
sleeve/1575 -> sleeves,sleeved,sleeving
eve/1574 -> eves
tuck/1574 -> tucked,tucking,tucks
fuck/1573 -> fucked,fucking,fucks
adoption/1572 -> adoptions
cruise/1571 -> cruising,cruises,cruised
absent/1570 -> absented,absenting,absents
alien/1570 -> aliens
exhaust/1569 -> exhausted,exhausting,exhausts
blade/1568 -> blades,bladed
dining/1568 -> dinings
nowadays/1568 -> nowadayss
undertaking/1568 -> undertakings
utility/1568 -> utilities
biscuit/1567 -> biscuits
correspondence/1567 -> correspondences
harvest/1567 -> harvested,harvesting,harvests
robinson/1567 -> robinsons
container/1566 -> containers
poison/1566 -> poisoned,poisons,poisoning
electron/1564 -> electrons
chin/1563 -> chins,chinned
milton/1563 -> miltons
plug/1562 -> plugs,plugged,plugging
atom/1561 -> atoms
boring/1561 -> borings
collar/1561 -> collars,collaring,collared
confess/1561 -> confessed,confesses,confessing
jenny/1561 -> jennies
referee/1561 -> referees,refereed,refereeing
slam/1561 -> slammed,slamming,slams
ruler/1560 -> rulers
antibody/1559 -> antibodies
charlotte/1559 -> charlottes
classify/1559 -> classified,classifying,classifies
fitness/1559 -> fitnesses
freud/1559 -> freuds
spill/1559 -> spilled,spilling,spills,spilt
definite/1557 -> definites
holland/1557 -> hollands
barn/1555 -> barns
wee/1555 -> weed,wees,weeing
cab/1553 -> cabs
hut/1552 -> huts
patent/1552 -> patents,patented,patenting
formulate/1550 -> formulated,formulating,formulates
flush/1549 -> flushed,flushing,flushes
johnny/1549 -> johnnies
lobby/1549 -> lobbying,lobbies,lobbied
terror/1549 -> terrors
conjunction/1548 -> conjunctions
exam/1548 -> exams
nonsense/1548 -> nonsenses
prediction/1548 -> predictions
campbell/1546 -> campbells
execution/1546 -> executions
wisdom/1546 -> wisdoms
prevention/1543 -> preventions
workstation/1543 -> workstations
magnetic/1542 -> magnetics
advertise/1541 -> advertised,advertising,advertises
covenant/1541 -> covenants,covenanted,covenanting
corbett/1540 -> corbetts
pie/1540 -> pies
referendum/1540 -> referendums,referenda
submission/1540 -> submissions
cooking/1539 -> cookings
helicopter/1538 -> helicopters,helicoptered,helicoptering
stain/1538 -> stained,stains,staining
ham/1536 -> hams,hamming,hammed
wealthy/1536 -> wealthier,wealthiest
circulation/1534 -> circulations
boil/1533 -> boiling,boiled,boils
lively/1532 -> livelier,liveliest
ph/1532 -> phs
headline/1531 -> headlines,headlined,headlining
glow/1530 -> glowed,glowing,glows
equality/1529 -> equalities
suspension/1528 -> suspensions
powder/1527 -> powders,powdered,powdering
grandfather/1526 -> grandfathers
beef/1525 -> beefed,beefing,beefs
comedy/1525 -> comedies
candle/1524 -> candles
miracle/1524 -> miracles
oven/1523 -> ovens
norway/1522 -> norways
suck/1522 -> sucked,sucking,sucks
affection/1521 -> affections
impress/1521 -> impressed,impressing,impresses
handling/1520 -> handlings
switzerland/1520 -> switzerlands
alteration/1518 -> alterations
verbal/1518 -> verbals
basin/1517 -> basins
dispose/1517 -> disposed,disposing,disposes
bloke/1516 -> blokes
spark/1516 -> sparked,sparks,sparking
vanish/1516 -> vanished,vanishes,vanishing
commence/1515 -> commenced,commencing,commences
convict/1514 -> convicted,convicts,convicting
signature/1514 -> signatures
tempt/1514 -> tempted,tempting,tempts
vein/1514 -> veins,veined,veining
roar/1512 -> roared,roaring,roars
bureaucracy/1511 -> bureaucracies
ladder/1511 -> ladders,laddered,laddering
nut/1511 -> nuts,nutting
parade/1510 -> paraded,parades,parading
brass/1509 -> brasses,brassed
colonial/1508 -> colonials
levy/1508 -> levied,levies,levying
terrorist/1508 -> terrorists
counsel/1507 -> counselled,counselling,counsels
loop/1507 -> loops,looped,looping
portion/1507 -> portions,portioned,portioning
tense/1506 -> tensed,tensing,tenses,tenser,tensest
desktop/1505 -> desktops
despair/1505 -> despaired,despairs,despairing
dissolve/1504 -> dissolved,dissolves,dissolving
exit/1504 -> exits,exited,exiting
washing/1504 -> washings
enclose/1502 -> enclosed,enclosing,encloses
brighton/1501 -> brightons
suite/1501 -> suites
pioneer/1499 -> pioneered,pioneers,pioneering
embassy/1498 -> embassies
brussels/1497 -> brusselss
commodity/1497 -> commodities
drawer/1497 -> drawers
regiment/1497 -> regiments,regimented
leak/1496 -> leaked,leaks,leaking
marble/1496 -> marbles,marbling
ruin/1496 -> ruins,ruining,ruined
straw/1496 -> straws
loch/1495 -> lochs,loches
composer/1494 -> composers
empirical/1493 -> empiricals
newton/1493 -> newtons
dick/1491 -> dicks
disturbance/1491 -> disturbances
elephant/1491 -> elephants
stack/1491 -> stacked,stacks,stacking
offensive/1490 -> offensives
pencil/1490 -> pencils,pencilled,pencilling
wolf/1489 -> wolves,wolfed,wolfing,wolfs
abortion/1488 -> abortions
tent/1488 -> tents,tented
odds/1487 -> oddss
certainty/1486 -> certainties
ie/1486 -> ies
plea/1486 -> pleas
fa/1485 -> fas
fist/1485 -> fists,fisting
voting/1485 -> votings
intermediate/1483 -> intermediates,intermediated
dash/1479 -> dashed,dashing,dashes
electronics/1478 -> electronicss
encouragement/1474 -> encouragements
hull/1474 -> hulls,hulled,hulling
patrol/1474 -> patrols,patrolling,patrolled
slot/1474 -> slots,slotted,slotting
tobacco/1473 -> tobaccos
administrator/1472 -> administrators
destination/1472 -> destinations
ballet/1471 -> ballets
contradiction/1471 -> contradictions
glare/1471 -> glared,glaring,glares
ulcer/1471 -> ulcers
cough/1469 -> coughing,coughed,coughs
lace/1469 -> laced,laces,lacing
mid/1469 -> mids
runner/1469 -> runners
burning/1467 -> burnings
netherlands/1467 -> netherlandss
custody/1465 -> custodies
supper/1465 -> suppers
duncan/1463 -> duncans
integrity/1463 -> integrities
depict/1462 -> depicted,depicting,depicts
tomato/1461 -> tomatoes
melt/1460 -> melted,melting,melts,molten
restraint/1459 -> restraints
tourism/1459 -> tourisms
mining/1458 -> minings
nato/1458 -> natoes
takeover/1458 -> takeovers
mobility/1457 -> mobilities
quid/1457 -> quids
rejection/1457 -> rejections
soap/1457 -> soaps,soaping,soaped
dive/1456 -> dived,diving,dives,dove
archive/1455 -> archives,archiving,archived
hungary/1455 -> hungaries
academy/1454 -> academies
gasp/1454 -> gasped,gasping,gasps
goodbye/1454 -> goodbyes
drinking/1453 -> drinkings
bowel/1452 -> bowels
imprisonment/1452 -> imprisonments
shepherd/1452 -> shepherds,shepherded,shepherding
anderson/1450 -> andersons
thumb/1450 -> thumbs,thumbed,thumbing
thigh/1449 -> thighs
haul/1448 -> hauled,hauling,hauls
deliberate/1446 -> deliberated,deliberating,deliberates
passive/1446 -> passives
crude/1445 -> cruder,crudest,crudes
precede/1445 -> preceded,preceding,precedes
tidy/1445 -> tidying,tidied,tidier,tidies,tidiest
marsh/1444 -> marshes
maturity/1444 -> maturities
breeze/1442 -> breezes,breezed,breezing
chop/1442 -> chopped,chops,chopping
originate/1442 -> originated,originating,originates
handful/1441 -> handfuls
valuation/1440 -> valuations
hamilton/1439 -> hamiltons
honey/1439 -> honeys
goodness/1438 -> goodnesses
corruption/1436 -> corruptions
roberts/1436 -> robertss
timetable/1435 -> timetables,timetabling,timetabled
bold/1434 -> bolder,boldest
slim/1434 -> slimmer,slimming,slimmed,slims,slimmest
thompson/1434 -> thompsons
clarify/1433 -> clarified,clarifying,clarifies
divine/1433 -> divines,divined,divining,diviner
profound/1432 -> profoundest,profounder
sally/1432 -> sallies,sallied,sallying
bunch/1431 -> bunches,bunched,bunching
crush/1431 -> crushed,crushing,crushes
inequality/1431 -> inequalities
aberdeen/1430 -> aberdeens
banker/1430 -> bankers
blend/1430 -> blended,blends,blending,blent
arsenal/1428 -> arsenals
graph/1427 -> graphs,graphing,graphed
fortnight/1426 -> fortnights
spine/1426 -> spines
faction/1425 -> factions
barrel/1424 -> barrels,barrelled,barrelling
diesel/1424 -> diesels
heath/1424 -> heaths
taxpayer/1423 -> taxpayers
parking/1422 -> parkings
subordinate/1422 -> subordinates,subordinated,subordinating
worthy/1422 -> worthies,worthier,worthiest
habitat/1421 -> habitats
inspect/1421 -> inspected,inspecting,inspects
interference/1421 -> interferences
swiss/1421 -> swisses
waiting/1421 -> waitings
salmon/1420 -> salmons,salmon
tighten/1420 -> tightened,tightening,tightens
amend/1419 -> amended,amending,amends
ankle/1418 -> ankles
grandmother/1418 -> grandmothers
squadron/1418 -> squadrons
compensate/1417 -> compensated,compensating,compensates
conscience/1415 -> consciences
fossil/1415 -> fossils
lecturer/1415 -> lecturers
migration/1415 -> migrations
slump/1414 -> slumped,slumps,slumping
decree/1412 -> decreed,decrees,decreeing
booking/1411 -> bookings
diversity/1410 -> diversities
soup/1409 -> soups,souped,souping
circulate/1408 -> circulated,circulating,circulates
comparative/1407 -> comparatives
jan/1407 -> jans
remains/1407 -> remainss
relieve/1406 -> relieved,relieving,relieves
bacon/1404 -> bacons
expedition/1404 -> expeditions
davis/1403 -> daviss
yacht/1403 -> yachts
dioxide/1402 -> dioxides
making/1402 -> makings
norfolk/1402 -> norfolks
escort/1400 -> escorted,escorting,escorts
monk/1400 -> monks
quota/1400 -> quotas
toss/1400 -> tossed,tossing,tosses,tost
revelation/1399 -> revelations
solo/1399 -> solos,soloing
yugoslavia/1399 -> yugoslavias
mosaic/1398 -> mosaics
bacterium/1397 -> bacteria
characterise/1397 -> characterised,characterises,characterising
collaboration/1397 -> collaborations
tremble/1397 -> trembling,trembled,trembles
fax/1394 -> faxes,faxed,faxing
widen/1394 -> widened,widening,widens
dictate/1393 -> dictated,dictates,dictating
wrist/1393 -> wrists
highway/1392 -> highways
rising/1392 -> risings
activate/1391 -> activated,activating,activates
peculiar/1391 -> peculiars
dancer/1389 -> dancers
knot/1389 -> knots,knotted,knotting
meantime/1389 -> meantimes
motorway/1388 -> motorways
shiver/1388 -> shivered,shivering,shivers
fling/1387 -> flung,flinging,flings
protocol/1387 -> protocols
salad/1387 -> salads
sexuality/1387 -> sexualities
overlap/1386 -> overlaps,overlapping,overlapped
veteran/1386 -> veterans
grief/1385 -> griefs
sunderland/1385 -> sunderlands
bounce/1382 -> bounced,bouncing,bounces
prop/1381 -> propped,props,propping
waist/1381 -> waists,waisted
comic/1380 -> comics
ski/1380 -> skiing,skis,ski-ing,skied
ambassador/1379 -> ambassadors
exile/1379 -> exiles,exiled,exiling
psychologist/1379 -> psychologists
quarry/1379 -> quarries,quarrying,quarried
verb/1379 -> verbs
outlet/1378 -> outlets
diminish/1374 -> diminished,diminishing,diminishes
layout/1373 -> layouts
bound/1371 -> bounds,bounded,bounding
enquire/1371 -> enquired,enquiring,enquires
ugly/1371 -> ugliest,uglier,uglies
flock/1370 -> flocks,flocked,flocking
co-operative/1369 -> co-operatives
cruel/1369 -> cruellest,crueller,cruelest
inspiration/1369 -> inspirations
middle-class/1369 -> middle-classes
safeguard/1368 -> safeguards,safeguarding,safeguarded
weaken/1368 -> weakened,weakening,weakens
obstacle/1367 -> obstacles
cd/1366 -> cds
complement/1366 -> complemented,complements,complementing
dilemma/1364 -> dilemmas
bucket/1363 -> buckets,bucketing,bucketed
injection/1363 -> injections
summon/1363 -> summoned,summoning,summons
blaze/1362 -> blazing,blazed,blazes
rug/1362 -> rugs
sleeping/1362 -> sleepings
compile/1360 -> compiled,compiling,compiles
transmit/1360 -> transmitted,transmitting,transmits
retailer/1359 -> retailers
revision/1359 -> revisions
unconscious/1359 -> unconsciouss
entertain/1358 -> entertained,entertaining,entertains
suppress/1358 -> suppressed,suppressing,suppresses
symbolic/1358 -> symbolics
continuity/1357 -> continuities
dealing/1357 -> dealings
swan/1357 -> swans,swanning,swanned
korean/1355 -> koreans
kilometre/1354 -> kilometres
stanley/1354 -> stanleys
turkish/1354 -> turkishes
manuscript/1353 -> manuscripts
steward/1353 -> stewards,stewarding,stewarded
feather/1352 -> feathers,feathered,feathering
antique/1351 -> antiques,antiqued
butler/1351 -> butlers
depart/1351 -> departed,departing,departs
lawn/1351 -> lawns
tyre/1351 -> tyres
diameter/1350 -> diameters
eager/1350 -> eagers
cage/1349 -> cages,caged
belgium/1347 -> belgiums
egyptian/1347 -> egyptians
ram/1347 -> rammed,rams,ramming
swell/1347 -> swollen,swelled,swelling,swells
validity/1347 -> validities
frontier/1346 -> frontiers
boast/1345 -> boasts,boasted,boasting
entail/1345 -> entails,entailed,entailing
porter/1345 -> porters
statue/1345 -> statues
swift/1345 -> swifts,swifter,swiftest
upgrade/1345 -> upgraded,upgrading,upgrades
viewer/1345 -> viewers
clergy/1344 -> clergies
denmark/1344 -> denmarks
lifestyle/1344 -> lifestyles
decoration/1343 -> decorations
occurrence/1343 -> occurrences
enforcement/1342 -> enforcements
librarian/1342 -> librarians
wicket/1342 -> wickets
arouse/1341 -> aroused,arousing,arouses
gospel/1341 -> gospels
monument/1341 -> monuments
span/1338 -> spanning,spans,spanned
savage/1337 -> savages,savaged,savaging
whistle/1337 -> whistling,whistled,whistles
commentator/1336 -> commentators
lemon/1336 -> lemons
node/1336 -> nodes,noded
spencer/1336 -> spencers
carter/1335 -> carters
donation/1335 -> donations
privatisation/1335 -> privatisations
telecommunication/1335 -> telecommunications
dwelling/1334 -> dwellings
fringe/1333 -> fringes,fringed,fringing
fry/1333 -> fries,fried,frying
girlfriend/1333 -> girlfriends
popularity/1333 -> popularities
predator/1333 -> predators
snake/1333 -> snakes,snaked,snaking
embark/1332 -> embarked,embarking,embarks
glove/1332 -> gloves,gloving
learner/1331 -> learners
pad/1331 -> pads,padded,padding
stab/1331 -> stabbed,stabbing,stabs
warehouse/1331 -> warehouses,warehoused
heir/1329 -> heirs
counselling/1328 -> counsellings
deprive/1327 -> deprived,depriving,deprives
drown/1327 -> drowned,drowning,drowns
trim/1327 -> trimmed,trimming,trims,trimmer,trimmest
torture/1326 -> tortured,torturing,tortures
configuration/1325 -> configurations
prospective/1325 -> prospectives
woodland/1325 -> woodlands
kennedy/1324 -> kennedies
pm/1324 -> pms
fiscal/1323 -> fiscals
flourish/1323 -> flourished,flourishes,flourishing
tribe/1323 -> tribes
sufferer/1322 -> sufferers
revive/1321 -> revived,reviving,revives
serum/1321 -> serums
soccer/1320 -> soccers
borrowing/1318 -> borrowings
ft/1318 -> fts
sandy/1318 -> sandier,sandiest
rebuild/1317 -> rebuilt,rebuilding,rebuilds
ron/1317 -> rons
maxwell/1314 -> maxwells
offering/1314 -> offerings
intimate/1313 -> intimated,intimates,intimating
pence/1313 -> pences
rip/1313 -> ripped,ripping,rips
utter/1313 -> uttered,uttering,utters
bundle/1311 -> bundled,bundles,bundling
manipulate/1310 -> manipulated,manipulating,manipulates
ali/1309 -> alis
beast/1309 -> beasts
brochure/1309 -> brochures
lordship/1309 -> lordships
whale/1309 -> whales,whaling
reactor/1307 -> reactors
vienna/1307 -> viennas
appreciation/1306 -> appreciations
gardener/1306 -> gardeners
harmony/1306 -> harmonies
brake/1305 -> brakes,braked,braking
churchill/1302 -> churchills
make-up/1302 -> make-ups
selective/1302 -> selectives
senate/1302 -> senates
tiger/1302 -> tigers
vitamin/1302 -> vitamins
cart/1301 -> carts,carted,carting
endeavour/1300 -> endeavours,endeavoured,endeavouring
supervise/1300 -> supervised,supervising,supervises
compliance/1298 -> compliances
feedback/1298 -> feedbacks
ltd./1298 -> ltd.s
reassure/1298 -> reassured,reassuring,reassures
usage/1298 -> usages
edwards/1297 -> edwardss
width/1297 -> widths
worm/1297 -> worms,wormed,worming
forbid/1296 -> forbidden,forbade,forbids,forbidding
syndrome/1296 -> syndromes
obey/1295 -> obeyed,obeying,obeys
utterance/1295 -> utterances
lid/1294 -> lids,lidded
realm/1294 -> realms
somerset/1294 -> somersets
shy/1293 -> shied,shying,shies,shyer,shyest,shys,shier
saudi/1292 -> saudis
devon/1291 -> devons
array/1290 -> arrays,arrayed,arraying
embarrassment/1290 -> embarrassments
caravan/1288 -> caravans,caravanning
cooperation/1288 -> cooperations
grid/1288 -> grids,gridded
underline/1288 -> underlined,underlines,underlining
exemption/1287 -> exemptions
outsider/1287 -> outsiders
activist/1286 -> activists
ozone/1284 -> ozones
vice/1284 -> vices
misery/1283 -> miseries
dedicate/1282 -> dedicated,dedicating,dedicates
lab/1281 -> labs
purple/1281 -> purples
scent/1281 -> scents,scented,scenting
laser/1280 -> lasers,lasered,lasering
promoter/1280 -> promoters
exploitation/1279 -> exploitations
guinness/1278 -> guinnesses
membrane/1278 -> membranes
trainee/1278 -> trainees
bin/1277 -> bins,binned,binning
characterize/1276 -> characterized,characterizes,characterizing
disagree/1276 -> disagreed,disagrees,disagreeing
punish/1276 -> punished,punishing,punishes
calendar/1275 -> calendars
dignity/1274 -> dignities
curse/1273 -> cursed,cursing,curses,curst
negligence/1273 -> negligences
textile/1273 -> textiles
toast/1273 -> toasts,toasted,toasting
austria/1272 -> austrias
closing/1272 -> closings
printing/1272 -> printings
dependence/1271 -> dependences
invention/1271 -> inventions
cabin/1270 -> cabins
shooting/1270 -> shootings
br/1269 -> brer,brest,brring
bubble/1269 -> bubbles,bubbling,bubbled
mps/1269 -> mpss
upright/1269 -> uprights,uprighted
erosion/1268 -> erosions
vocabulary/1266 -> vocabularies
aspiration/1263 -> aspirations
relaxation/1263 -> relaxations
shaft/1263 -> shafts,shafting,shafted
spy/1263 -> spies,spying,spied
reproduction/1262 -> reproductions
mediterranean/1260 -> mediterraneans
tablet/1260 -> tablets
aggression/1259 -> aggressions
cornwall/1259 -> cornwalls
debtor/1259 -> debtors
inheritance/1258 -> inheritances
cylinder/1257 -> cylinders
garment/1257 -> garments
sunshine/1257 -> sunshines
boyfriend/1256 -> boyfriends
eyebrow/1256 -> eyebrows
parcel/1256 -> parcels,parcelled,parcelling
throne/1256 -> thrones
spit/1255 -> spat,spitting,spits,spitted
wimbledon/1255 -> wimbledons
actress/1254 -> actresses
mist/1254 -> mists,misted,misting
brigade/1253 -> brigades
gabriel/1253 -> gabriels
eating/1252 -> eatings
testament/1252 -> testaments
peel/1251 -> peeled,peeling,peels
yell/1250 -> yelled,yelling,yells
calcium/1249 -> calciums
hollow/1249 -> hollows,hollowed,hollowing
deed/1248 -> deeds
carol/1246 -> carols,carolled,carolling
confer/1246 -> conferred,confers,conferring
disguise/1246 -> disguised,disguises,disguising
headmaster/1246 -> headmasters
integral/1246 -> integrals
flick/1245 -> flicked,flicking,flicks
mainstream/1244 -> mainstreaming,mainstreams
confuse/1243 -> confused,confusing,confuses
regain/1242 -> regained,regaining,regains
gravel/1241 -> gravels,gravelling,gravelled,gravel
dragon/1240 -> dragons
joyce/1240 -> joyces
prescribe/1240 -> prescribed,prescribing,prescribes
cleaning/1239 -> cleanings
defensive/1239 -> defensives
skull/1239 -> skulls
surge/1239 -> surged,surging,surges
pepper/1238 -> peppers,peppered,peppering
cooper/1237 -> coopers,coopering,coopered
bride/1236 -> brides
guerrilla/1236 -> guerrillas
towel/1236 -> towels,towelled,towelling
contempt/1235 -> contempts
revival/1235 -> revivals
sponsorship/1235 -> sponsorships
booklet/1234 -> booklets
gould/1234 -> goulding
motif/1234 -> motifs
pine/1234 -> pines,pining,pined
bark/1233 -> barked,barking,barks
jeans/1233 -> jean
merge/1233 -> merged,merging,merges
referral/1233 -> referrals
tariff/1233 -> tariffs
ancestor/1232 -> ancestors
decay/1232 -> decays,decayed,decaying
inhibit/1232 -> inhibited,inhibits,inhibiting
snatch/1232 -> snatched,snatching,snatches
betray/1231 -> betrayed,betraying,betrays
jewellery/1231 -> jewelleries
emergence/1230 -> emergences
reminder/1230 -> reminders
surroundings/1230 -> surroundingss
attain/1229 -> attained,attaining,attains
controller/1229 -> controllers
enzyme/1229 -> enzymes
marker/1229 -> markers
temptation/1229 -> temptations
am/1228 -> ams,amer
intake/1227 -> intakes
selling/1227 -> sellings
tick/1227 -> ticking,ticked,ticks
morality/1226 -> moralities
synthesis/1226 -> syntheses
bee/1225 -> bees
canterbury/1225 -> canterburies
fur/1225 -> furs,furred,furring
toxic/1225 -> toxics
illusion/1224 -> illusions
scrutiny/1224 -> scrutinies
herb/1223 -> herbs
accountability/1222 -> accountabilities
forehead/1222 -> foreheads
fusion/1222 -> fusions
harvey/1222 -> harveys
chemist/1221 -> chemists
horizontal/1221 -> horizontals
murray/1221 -> murrays
backing/1220 -> backings
bargaining/1220 -> bargainings
proclaim/1220 -> proclaimed,proclaiming,proclaims
conform/1219 -> conforms,conforming,conformed
outlook/1219 -> outlooks
mammal/1217 -> mammals
metaphor/1217 -> metaphors
disclosure/1216 -> disclosures
inclusion/1216 -> inclusions
serial/1216 -> serials,serialled
renew/1215 -> renewed,renewing,renews
christie/1214 -> christies
compel/1213 -> compelled,compelling,compels
virginia/1213 -> virginias
bile/1212 -> biles
invisible/1212 -> invisibles
onion/1212 -> onions
sunlight/1211 -> sunlights
embody/1210 -> embodied,embodies,embodying
sickness/1210 -> sicknesses
corn/1209 -> corns,corning
weave/1209 -> woven,weaving,weaves,wove,weaved
exert/1208 -> exerted,exerts,exerting
kindly/1208 -> kindlier
sovereignty/1208 -> sovereignties
legacy/1207 -> legacies
max/1207 -> maxes
click/1206 -> clicked,clicking,clicks
confrontation/1206 -> confrontations
fertility/1206 -> fertilities
follower/1206 -> followers
min/1206 -> mins
offset/1206 -> offsets,offsetting,offset
steer/1206 -> steered,steering,steers
explosive/1205 -> explosives
documentation/1204 -> documentations
flank/1204 -> flanked,flanks,flanking
foreigner/1204 -> foreigners
recorder/1204 -> recorders
gravity/1203 -> gravities
heap/1203 -> heaps,heaped,heaping
territorial/1203 -> territorials
splash/1201 -> splashed,splashing,splashes
orientation/1200 -> orientations
static/1200 -> statics
bullet/1199 -> bullets
congregation/1198 -> congregations
mozart/1198 -> mozarts
boxing/1197 -> boxings
gall/1197 -> galls,galled,galling
motivate/1197 -> motivated,motivating,motivates
philosopher/1197 -> philosophers
portray/1197 -> portrayed,portrays,portraying
multiply/1196 -> multiplied,multiplying,multiplies
reconstruction/1196 -> reconstructions
dr./1195 -> dr.s
hydrogen/1195 -> hydrogens
complication/1194 -> complications
probable/1194 -> probables
bradford/1193 -> bradfords
compatible/1193 -> compatibles
crossing/1193 -> crossings
sip/1193 -> sipped,sipping,sips
census/1192 -> censuses
choir/1192 -> choirs
watson/1192 -> watsons
foul/1190 -> fouled,fouling,fouls,foulest,fouler
mistress/1190 -> mistresses
texture/1190 -> textures,textured,texturing
hampshire/1189 -> hampshires
default/1188 -> defaults,defaulted,defaulting
victor/1188 -> victors
fame/1187 -> fames
manifest/1187 -> manifested,manifests,manifesting
sovereign/1187 -> sovereigns
fort/1186 -> forts
likelihood/1185 -> likelihoods
planner/1185 -> planners
turner/1185 -> turners
weep/1183 -> wept,weeping,weeps
dancing/1182 -> dancings
locomotive/1182 -> locomotives
des/1181 -> dess
bail/1180 -> bailed,bailing,bails
apology/1179 -> apologies
appraisal/1179 -> appraisals
respectable/1179 -> respectables
puzzle/1178 -> puzzles,puzzled,puzzling
tug/1178 -> tugged,tugging,tugs
carve/1177 -> carved,carving,carves
gathering/1177 -> gatherings
immigrant/1177 -> immigrants
sharpe/1177 -> sharper,sharpest
baron/1176 -> barons
grouping/1175 -> groupings
healing/1175 -> healings
willingness/1175 -> willingnesses
divert/1174 -> diverted,diverting,diverts
outbreak/1173 -> outbreaks
peg/1172 -> pegs,pegged,pegging
precedent/1172 -> precedents
parker/1171 -> parkers
penetrate/1171 -> penetrated,penetrating,penetrates
precision/1171 -> precisions
semi-final/1171 -> semi-finals
sock/1171 -> socks,socked,socking
presidency/1170 -> presidencies
telegraph/1170 -> telegraphed,telegraphs,telegraphing
prevail/1169 -> prevailed,prevails,prevailing
confirmation/1168 -> confirmations
constance/1168 -> constances
revise/1168 -> revised,revising,revises
editorial/1167 -> editorials
eec/1167 -> eecs
mechanic/1167 -> mechanics
slap/1167 -> slapped,slapping,slaps
weed/1167 -> weeds,weeding,weeded
seventeenth/1166 -> seventeenths
crisp/1165 -> crisps,crisper,crisping,crisped,crispest
gothic/1165 -> gothics
lengthy/1164 -> lengthier,lengthiest
frighten/1163 -> frightened,frightens,frightening
herd/1163 -> herds,herded,herding
summarise/1163 -> summarised,summarises,summarising
valve/1163 -> valves,valved
yarn/1163 -> yarns
goat/1162 -> goats
provider/1162 -> providers
vice-president/1162 -> vice-presidents
bore/1161 -> bored,boring,bores
clip/1161 -> clipped,clips,clipping
nazi/1161 -> nazis
patron/1161 -> patrons
polymer/1161 -> polymers
ted/1161 -> teds
herbert/1160 -> herberts
romania/1160 -> romanias
specialise/1160 -> specialising,specialises,specialised
tommy/1160 -> tommies
crawl/1159 -> crawled,crawling,crawls
surveyor/1159 -> surveyors
costly/1158 -> costliest,costlier
differentiate/1158 -> differentiated,differentiating,differentiates
pact/1158 -> pacts
viewpoint/1155 -> viewpoints
accumulate/1154 -> accumulated,accumulating,accumulates
bump/1154 -> bumped,bumping,bumps
keyboard/1154 -> keyboards,keyboarding,keyboarded
cleaner/1153 -> cleaners
reed/1153 -> reeds,reeding
reporting/1153 -> reportings
sniff/1153 -> sniffed,sniffing,sniffs
disagreement/1152 -> disagreements
abolition/1151 -> abolitions
amnesty/1151 -> amnesties,amnestied
co-ordinate/1151 -> co-ordinated,co-ordinating,co-ordinates
pill/1151 -> pills
winning/1151 -> winnings
wit/1151 -> wits,wist,wot,witting
lancaster/1150 -> lancasters
patience/1150 -> patiences
presume/1150 -> presumed,presumes,presuming
spectacle/1149 -> spectacles,spectacled
token/1149 -> tokens
jersey/1148 -> jerseys
tolerate/1147 -> tolerated,tolerating,tolerates
dual/1146 -> duals
fond/1145 -> fonder,fondest,fonds
exotic/1144 -> exotics
theology/1144 -> theologies
bicycle/1143 -> bicycles,bicycling,bicycled
olive/1141 -> olives
visiting/1141 -> visitings
subscription/1140 -> subscriptions
alpha/1139 -> alphas
fork/1139 -> forks,forked,forking
alfred/1138 -> alfreds
gossip/1138 -> gossiping,gossips,gossiped
insult/1138 -> insults,insulted,insulting
ml/1138 -> mls
scarlet/1137 -> scarlets
spectator/1137 -> spectators
costume/1136 -> costumes,costumed
iranian/1136 -> iranians
plaster/1136 -> plastered,plasters,plastering
recipient/1136 -> recipients
adaptation/1135 -> adaptations
butterfly/1135 -> butterflies
tag/1135 -> tags,tagged,tagging
designate/1134 -> designated,designating,designates
hatch/1134 -> hatched,hatching,hatches
coventry/1133 -> coventries
quit/1133 -> quitting,quits,quitted
repayment/1133 -> repayments
rib/1133 -> ribs,ribbing,ribbed
fever/1132 -> fevers,fevered
ballot/1131 -> ballots,balloting,balloted
litter/1130 -> littered,litters,littering
bobby/1129 -> bobbies
curiosity/1129 -> curiosities
landowner/1129 -> landowners
pronounce/1129 -> pronounced,pronouncing,pronounces
threshold/1129 -> thresholds
trunk/1129 -> trunks,trunking
variant/1129 -> variants
electorate/1128 -> electorates
mercury/1128 -> mercuries
pylorus/1128 -> pylori
coordinate/1127 -> coordinates,coordinating,coordinated
herald/1127 -> heralded,heralds,heralding
peripheral/1127 -> peripherals
locality/1126 -> localities
mug/1126 -> mugs,mugged,mugging
propaganda/1126 -> propagandas
renaissance/1125 -> renaissances
terminate/1125 -> terminated,terminating,terminates
photography/1124 -> photographies
placement/1124 -> placements
pro/1124 -> pros
rack/1124 -> racks,racked,racking
sailor/1124 -> sailors
caribbean/1123 -> caribbeans
conspiracy/1123 -> conspiracies
fashionable/1123 -> fashionables
repay/1123 -> repaid,repaying,repays
strap/1123 -> straps,strapped,strapping
accusation/1122 -> accusations
discourage/1122 -> discouraged,discouraging,discourages
hereford/1122 -> herefords
headache/1121 -> headaches
chapman/1120 -> chapmen
mercy/1120 -> mercies
hostage/1117 -> hostages
ignorance/1117 -> ignorances
impulse/1117 -> impulses
preservation/1117 -> preservations
shelley/1117 -> shelleys
skipper/1117 -> skippers,skippered,skippering
hunger/1116 -> hungers,hungered,hungering
differential/1115 -> differentials
darwin/1114 -> darwins
brow/1113 -> brows
forge/1113 -> forged,forging,forges
hungarian/1113 -> hungarians
broker/1112 -> brokers,brokered
hay/1112 -> hays,haying,hayed
insure/1112 -> insured,insuring,insures
prosperity/1112 -> prosperities
polite/1111 -> politest,politer
quotation/1111 -> quotations
romance/1111 -> romances,romancing,romanced
suburb/1111 -> suburbs
articulate/1110 -> articulated,articulating,articulates
assertion/1110 -> assertions
salvation/1110 -> salvations
z/1110 -> zs
arena/1109 -> arenas
con/1109 -> cons,conned,conning,coned,coning
listener/1109 -> listeners
maid/1109 -> maids
solidarity/1109 -> solidarities
canon/1105 -> canons
trent/1105 -> trents
dale/1104 -> dales
richards/1104 -> richardss
preach/1103 -> preaching,preached,preaches
atomic/1102 -> atomics
performer/1102 -> performers
bracket/1101 -> brackets,bracketed,bracketing
deadline/1101 -> deadlines
gauge/1100 -> gauges,gauged,gauging
omit/1100 -> omitted,omitting,omits
supervisor/1100 -> supervisors
caring/1099 -> carings
cautious/1099 -> cautiouss
czechoslovakia/1099 -> czechoslovakias
folly/1099 -> follies
gray/1099 -> grays,graying
outfit/1099 -> outfits,outfitting,outfitted
dominance/1098 -> dominances
groan/1098 -> groaned,groaning,groans
scholarship/1098 -> scholarships
warrior/1098 -> warriors
corpse/1097 -> corpses
formulation/1097 -> formulations
pier/1097 -> piers
balcony/1096 -> balconies,balconied
jar/1096 -> jars,jarred,jarring
lebanon/1095 -> lebanons
bankruptcy/1093 -> bankruptcies
cherry/1093 -> cherries,cherrys
collins/1093 -> collinss
inability/1093 -> inabilities
delicious/1092 -> deliciouss
doll/1092 -> dolls,dolled,dolling
racism/1092 -> racisms
swap/1092 -> swapped,swapping,swaps
ending/1091 -> endings
genius/1091 -> geniuses
haunt/1091 -> haunted,haunts,haunting
wreck/1091 -> wrecked,wrecks,wrecking
courtesy/1090 -> courtesies
plough/1089 -> ploughed,ploughing,ploughs
survivor/1089 -> survivors
rolling/1088 -> rollings
sediment/1088 -> sediments
portugal/1087 -> portugals
reservoir/1087 -> reservoirs
dying/1086 -> dyings
glue/1086 -> glued,glues,gluing,glueing
hardy/1086 -> hardier,hardiest
stool/1086 -> stools
tokyo/1086 -> tokyoes
fury/1085 -> furies
prosecute/1085 -> prosecuted,prosecuting,prosecutes
analogy/1084 -> analogies
shah/1083 -> shahs
apologise/1082 -> apologised,apologising,apologises
hop/1082 -> hops,hopping,hopped
projection/1082 -> projections
frost/1081 -> frosts,frosting,frosted
torch/1081 -> torches,torched,torching
imf/1080 -> imfs
mason/1080 -> masons
monkey/1080 -> monkeys,monkeying,monkeyed
stadium/1080 -> stadia,stadiums
bomber/1079 -> bombers
majesty/1079 -> majesties
psychiatric/1079 -> psychiatrics
balloon/1078 -> balloons,ballooning,ballooned
investigator/1078 -> investigators
loom/1077 -> loomed,looms,looming
biology/1075 -> biologies
renewal/1075 -> renewals
homosexual/1072 -> homosexuals
reagan/1072 -> reagans
insider/1071 -> insiders
mainframe/1071 -> mainframes
wardrobe/1071 -> wardrobes
chicago/1070 -> chicagoes
endure/1070 -> endured,enduring,endures
guinea/1070 -> guineas
hp/1070 -> hps
oz/1069 -> ozs
deficiency/1068 -> deficiencies
homeless/1067 -> homelesses
memorandum/1067 -> memoranda,memorandums
orbit/1066 -> orbits,orbiting,orbited
pony/1066 -> ponies
gilbert/1065 -> gilberts
grind/1065 -> ground,grinding,grinds
pudding/1065 -> puddings
cassette/1064 -> cassettes
descent/1064 -> descents
fisherman/1064 -> fishermen
franchise/1064 -> franchises,franchising,franchised
mighty/1064 -> mightiest,mightier
supporting/1064 -> supportings
blonde/1063 -> blondes
donor/1063 -> donors
hood/1063 -> hoods,hooding
lesbian/1063 -> lesbians
accelerate/1061 -> accelerated,accelerating,accelerates
bombing/1061 -> bombings
englishman/1061 -> englishmen
flour/1061 -> flours,floured,flouring
greenhouse/1061 -> greenhouses
accused/1060 -> accuseds
athelstan/1060 -> athelstans
bless/1060 -> blessed,blessing,blesses,blest
calf/1060 -> calves
mucosa/1060 -> mucosae
programming/1060 -> programmings
ambiguity/1059 -> ambiguities
clarity/1059 -> clarities
chorus/1057 -> choruses,chorused,chorusing
spoon/1057 -> spoons,spooned,spooning
resentment/1056 -> resentments
sentiment/1056 -> sentiments
glen/1055 -> glens
jerk/1055 -> jerked,jerking,jerks
keynes/1055 -> keyness
feast/1054 -> feasts,feasting,feasted
liaison/1054 -> liaisons
reid/1054 -> reids
jockey/1053 -> jockeys,jockeying,jockeyed
worrying/1053 -> worryings
blake/1052 -> blakes
copyright/1052 -> copyrights
ego/1052 -> egos
revenge/1052 -> revenged,revenges,revenging
dwarf/1051 -> dwarfs,dwarfed,dwarves,dwarfing
gradual/1051 -> graduals
rebellion/1051 -> rebellions
rifle/1051 -> rifles,rifled,rifling
chester/1050 -> chesters
heather/1050 -> heathers
stumble/1050 -> stumbled,stumbling,stumbles
ditch/1049 -> ditches,ditched,ditching
bailey/1048 -> baileys
methodology/1048 -> methodologies
passport/1048 -> passports
pillow/1048 -> pillows,pillowed,pillowing
rainbow/1048 -> rainbows
bladder/1047 -> bladders,bladdered
license/1047 -> licensed,licensing,licenses
postpone/1047 -> postponed,postpones,postponing
governing/1046 -> governings
grim/1046 -> grimmer,grimmest
furnish/1045 -> furnished,furnishing,furnishes
velocity/1045 -> velocities
sofa/1044 -> sofas
apprentice/1043 -> apprentices,apprenticed,apprenticing
clearing/1043 -> clearings
reynolds/1042 -> reynoldss
aluminium/1041 -> aluminiums
bosnia/1041 -> bosnias
chosen/1041 -> chosens
tread/1041 -> treading,trod,treads,trodden,treaded
exclaim/1040 -> exclaimed,exclaiming,exclaims
inflict/1039 -> inflicted,inflicting,inflicts
murderer/1039 -> murderers
burial/1037 -> burials
newcomer/1037 -> newcomers
bowler/1036 -> bowlers
cult/1036 -> cults
shrink/1036 -> shrank,shrunk,shrinking,shrinks,shrunken
lieutenant/1035 -> lieutenants
listening/1035 -> listenings
dart/1034 -> darts,darted,darting
lick/1034 -> licked,licking,licks
mainland/1033 -> mainlands
repetition/1033 -> repetitions
thunder/1033 -> thundered,thundering,thunders
bitch/1032 -> bitches,bitching,bitched
dressing/1032 -> dressings
hatred/1032 -> hatreds
injunction/1032 -> injunctions
handicapped/1031 -> handicappeds
meadow/1031 -> meadows
privacy/1031 -> privacies
triangle/1031 -> triangles
cheat/1030 -> cheating,cheated,cheats
enjoyment/1030 -> enjoyments
hemisphere/1030 -> hemispheres
ion/1030 -> ions
flare/1029 -> flared,flares,flaring
mock/1028 -> mocked,mocking,mocks
appetite/1027 -> appetites
fuss/1027 -> fussing,fussed,fusses
guild/1027 -> guilds
lily/1027 -> lilies
vegetation/1027 -> vegetations
cushion/1026 -> cushions,cushioned,cushioning
monarchy/1026 -> monarchies
noisy/1026 -> noisier,noisiest
nuisance/1026 -> nuisances
asylum/1024 -> asylums
coral/1024 -> corals
enthusiast/1024 -> enthusiasts
prescription/1024 -> prescriptions
residue/1024 -> residues
jungle/1023 -> jungles
nationalism/1023 -> nationalisms
pearl/1023 -> pearls,pearled,pearling
wartime/1023 -> wartimes
arc/1022 -> arcs,arcing,arced
knitting/1022 -> knittings
bearing/1021 -> bearings
donate/1021 -> donated,donating,donates
clive/1020 -> clives
dairy/1020 -> dairies,dairying
infrastructure/1020 -> infrastructures
richardson/1020 -> richardsons
sheriff/1020 -> sheriffs
moan/1018 -> moaning,moaned,moans
newman/1018 -> newmen
prohibit/1018 -> prohibited,prohibiting,prohibits
staircase/1018 -> staircases
beard/1017 -> beards,bearding
chord/1017 -> chords,chording
mitchell/1016 -> mitchells
chalk/1015 -> chalked,chalks,chalking
hamlet/1014 -> hamlets
northampton/1014 -> northamptons
rocky/1014 -> rockier,rockiest
tumble/1014 -> tumbled,tumbling,tumbles
chill/1013 -> chilled,chills,chilling
fridge/1013 -> fridges
reluctance/1013 -> reluctances
spider/1013 -> spiders
venice/1013 -> venices
vocal/1013 -> vocals
commentary/1012 -> commentaries
biography/1011 -> biographies
hug/1011 -> hugged,hugging,hugs
appalling/1010 -> appallings
cargo/1009 -> cargoes,cargos
eldest/1009 -> eldests
t-shirt/1009 -> t-shirts
geneva/1008 -> genevas
manoeuvre/1008 -> manoeuvres,manoeuvring,manoeuvred
nelson/1008 -> nelsons
sitting/1008 -> sittings
sting/1008 -> stung,stings,stinging
sunny/1008 -> sunnier,sunniest,sunnies
exempt/1007 -> exempted,exempting,exempts
nominate/1007 -> nominated,nominating,nominates
bulb/1006 -> bulbs
flap/1006 -> flapping,flaps,flapped
notebook/1006 -> notebooks
toll/1006 -> tolls,tolled,tolling
faithful/1005 -> faithfuls
matching/1005 -> matchings
sydney/1005 -> sydneys
amusement/1004 -> amusements
civic/1004 -> civics
magnitude/1004 -> magnitudes
skip/1004 -> skipped,skipping,skips
cape/1003 -> capes,caping
diagnose/1003 -> diagnosed,diagnosing,diagnoses
gibson/1003 -> gibsons
irony/1003 -> ironies
jason/1003 -> jasons
kenya/1003 -> kenyas
wembley/1003 -> wembleys
agony/1002 -> agonies
biopsy/1002 -> biopsies,biopsied
marathon/1002 -> marathons
texas/1002 -> texass
voltage/1002 -> voltages
strive/1001 -> striving,strove,strives,striven,strived
evoke/1000 -> evoked,evokes,evoking
invoke/1000 -> invoked,invoking,invokes
listing/1000 -> listings
sway/1000 -> swayed,swaying,sways
adjective/999 -> adjectives
saddle/998 -> saddled,saddles,saddling
receptor/997 -> receptors
shilling/997 -> shillings
brewery/996 -> breweries
demolish/996 -> demolished,demolishing,demolishes
spelling/995 -> spellings
vet/995 -> vets,vetted,vetting
daylight/994 -> daylights,daylighting
harrison/994 -> harrisons
leonard/994 -> leonards
paradise/994 -> paradises
rattle/994 -> rattled,rattling,rattles
nationality/993 -> nationalities
hiss/992 -> hissed,hissing,hisses
scramble/992 -> scrambled,scrambling,scrambles
sore/992 -> sores,sorer
baldwin/991 -> baldwins
par/991 -> pars,parred,parring
galaxy/990 -> galaxies
documentary/989 -> documentaries
freight/989 -> freights,freighted,freighting
housewife/989 -> housewives,housewifes
inject/989 -> injected,injecting,injects
morale/989 -> morales
prevalence/989 -> prevalences
rude/989 -> ruder,rudest
wheat/989 -> wheats
aquarium/988 -> aquaria,aquariums
authorise/987 -> authorised,authorising,authorises
dawson/987 -> dawsons
gregory/987 -> gregories
supplementary/987 -> supplementaries
gut/986 -> gutted,gutting,guts
outset/986 -> outsets
ant/985 -> ants,anted,anting
attainment/985 -> attainments
indulge/985 -> indulged,indulging,indulges
meredith/985 -> merediths
batch/984 -> batches,batching,batched
bulletin/984 -> bulletins
credibility/984 -> credibilities
holly/984 -> hollies
miniature/984 -> miniatures
minimise/984 -> minimising,minimised,minimises
rehearsal/984 -> rehearsals
blackpool/983 -> blackpools
cork/983 -> corks,corked,corking
monarch/983 -> monarchs
pinch/983 -> pinched,pinching,pinches
scar/983 -> scars,scarred,scarring
powell/982 -> powells
plasma/981 -> plasmas
soak/981 -> soaking,soaked,soaks
swedish/981 -> swedishes
convenience/980 -> conveniences,convenienced,conveniencing
catering/979 -> caterings
invade/979 -> invaded,invading,invades
jay/979 -> jays
pasture/979 -> pastures,pastured,pasturing
chuck/978 -> chucked,chucking,chucks
arnold/977 -> arnolds
counsellor/977 -> counsellors
di/977 -> dis
flora/977 -> floras
hail/977 -> hailed,hailing,hails
pottery/977 -> potteries
quarrel/977 -> quarrels,quarrelled,quarrelling
treasurer/977 -> treasurers
bloom/976 -> blooms,blooming,bloomed
symphony/976 -> symphonies
madame/975 -> madames
reconcile/975 -> reconciled,reconciling,reconciles
refuge/975 -> refuges
donna/974 -> donnas
portable/974 -> portables
adams/973 -> adamss
chew/973 -> chewing,chewed,chews
consistency/973 -> consistencies
kneel/973 -> knelt,kneeling,kneels,kneeled
mandatory/973 -> mandatories
prestige/973 -> prestiges
travelling/973 -> travellings
distributor/972 -> distributors
windsor/972 -> windsors
accomplish/971 -> accomplished,accomplishing,accomplishes
accumulation/971 -> accumulations
delete/971 -> deleted,deleting,deletes
disco/970 -> discos,discoing
pillar/970 -> pillars
secretion/970 -> secretions
aviation/968 -> aviations
banana/968 -> bananas
blessing/968 -> blessings
clearance/968 -> clearances
immune/968 -> immunes
lender/967 -> lenders
rocket/967 -> rockets,rocketed,rocketted,rocketing
sailing/967 -> sailings
underlie/967 -> underlying,underlay,underlies,underlain
nucleus/966 -> nuclei
sausage/966 -> sausages
screening/966 -> screenings
soar/966 -> soared,soaring,soars
argentina/965 -> argentinas
critique/965 -> critiques,critiquing,critiqued
flicker/965 -> flickered,flickering,flickers
stockton/965 -> stocktons
wells/965 -> wellss
gig/963 -> gigs,gigged,gigging
melissa/963 -> melissas
mills/963 -> millss
arabia/962 -> arabias
drainage/962 -> drainages
milan/962 -> milans
absorption/961 -> absorptions
forestry/961 -> forestries
gown/961 -> gowns
inhibition/961 -> inhibitions
ribbon/961 -> ribbons,ribboning
giggle/960 -> giggled,giggling,giggles
wallace/960 -> wallaces
dirt/959 -> dirts
maths/959 -> mathss
scrape/959 -> scraped,scraping,scrapes
constrain/958 -> constrained,constraining,constrains
substantive/958 -> substantives
vacuum/958 -> vacuums,vacuuming,vacuumed
workplace/958 -> workplaces
notify/957 -> notified,notifying,notifies
theorist/957 -> theorists
richmond/956 -> richmonds
viable/956 -> viables
rhetoric/955 -> rhetorics
rna/955 -> rnas
vector/955 -> vectors
bypass/954 -> bypassed,bypassing,bypasses
murphy/954 -> murphies
peat/954 -> peats,peating
franco/953 -> francoes
hectare/953 -> hectares
moss/953 -> mosses
uncover/953 -> uncovered,uncovering,uncovers
gardening/952 -> gardenings
reasoning/952 -> reasonings
vicar/952 -> vicars
vow/952 -> vowed,vows,vowing
fairy/951 -> fairies
literacy/951 -> literacies
packaging/951 -> packagings
prague/951 -> pragues
recreation/951 -> recreations
labourer/950 -> labourers
disruption/949 -> disruptions
scenario/949 -> scenarios
secular/949 -> seculars
communism/948 -> communisms
fishery/948 -> fisheries
iris/948 -> irises
litre/948 -> litres
purse/948 -> pursed,purses,pursing
x-ray/948 -> x-rays,x-raying,x-rayed
breathing/946 -> breathings
deploy/946 -> deployed,deploying,deploys
gdp/946 -> gdps
manipulation/946 -> manipulations
restructuring/946 -> restructurings
socket/946 -> sockets
adrian/945 -> adrians
axe/945 -> axed,axeing,axes,axing
median/945 -> medians
straighten/945 -> straightened,straightening,straightens
altar/944 -> altars
attachment/944 -> attachments
blink/944 -> blinked,blinking,blinks
solvent/944 -> solvents
void/944 -> voids,voided,voiding,voider
linen/943 -> linens
offspring/943 -> offsprings
retrieve/943 -> retrieved,retrieving,retrieves
scare/943 -> scared,scares,scaring
simplicity/943 -> simplicities
beneficiary/942 -> beneficiaries
singapore/942 -> singapores
frog/941 -> frogs,frogged
crane/940 -> cranes,craned,craning
kite/940 -> kites
jerusalem/939 -> jerusalems
nun/939 -> nuns
mushroom/937 -> mushrooms,mushroomed,mushrooming
coincidence/936 -> coincidences
cord/936 -> cords,corded
embryo/936 -> embryos
fell/936 -> felled,fells,felling
gill/936 -> gills,gilling
lever/936 -> levers,levered,levering
butcher/935 -> butchered,butchering,butchers
restrain/935 -> restrained,restraining,restrains
zero/935 -> zeros,zeroing,zeroes,zeroed
offend/933 -> offended,offending,offends
racing/933 -> racings
warden/933 -> wardens,wardening
cemetery/931 -> cemeteries
microphone/931 -> microphones
turning/931 -> turnings
co-operate/930 -> co-operating,co-operated,co-operates
floating/930 -> floatings
multimedia/930 -> multimedias
superintendent/930 -> superintendents
absurd/929 -> absurds
frightening/929 -> frightenings
handy/929 -> handier,handies,handiest
waiter/929 -> waiters
admiration/928 -> admirations
optical/928 -> opticals
seasonal/928 -> seasonals
ba/927 -> bas
gloom/927 -> glooms,gloomed,glooming
blackburn/926 -> blackburns
fellowship/926 -> fellowships
florence/926 -> florences
heroin/926 -> heroins
inquest/926 -> inquests
mutation/926 -> mutations
distortion/925 -> distortions
noun/925 -> nouns
villager/925 -> villagers
dim/924 -> dimmed,dimmer,dimming,dimmest,dims
helmet/924 -> helmets
odour/924 -> odours
saddam/924 -> saddams
crouch/923 -> crouched,crouching,crouches
limestone/923 -> limestones
belly/922 -> bellies,bellied,bellying,bellys
choke/922 -> choked,choking,chokes
ageing/921 -> ageings
infinite/921 -> infinites
provisional/920 -> provisionals
undergraduate/920 -> undergraduates
cardinal/919 -> cardinals
shaw/919 -> shaws
wagon/919 -> wagons
heal/918 -> healed,healing,heals
lb/918 -> lbs
lincoln/918 -> lincolns
plague/917 -> plagued,plagues,plaguing
exaggerate/916 -> exaggerated,exaggerating,exaggerates
lydia/916 -> lydias
monastery/916 -> monasteries
proportional/916 -> proportionals
envy/915 -> envied,envying,envies
revolt/915 -> revolts,revolted,revolting
tease/915 -> teased,teasing,teases
buffer/914 -> buffers,buffered,buffering
innocence/914 -> innocences
instrumental/914 -> instrumentals
umbrella/914 -> umbrellas
chimney/913 -> chimneys
julian/913 -> julians
unrest/913 -> unrests
bake/912 -> baked,baking,bakes
cement/912 -> cements,cemented,cementing
consultancy/912 -> consultancies
discard/912 -> discarded,discarding,discards
fluctuation/912 -> fluctuations
lunchtime/912 -> lunchtimes
courtyard/911 -> courtyards
deer/911 -> deering,deer
differentiation/911 -> differentiations
doing/911 -> doings
doom/911 -> doomed,dooms,dooming
fascist/911 -> fascists
juvenile/911 -> juveniles
legislature/911 -> legislatures
militant/911 -> militants
kettle/910 -> kettles,kettled
consortium/909 -> consortiums,consortia
disrupt/909 -> disrupted,disrupting,disrupts
fog/909 -> fogs,fogged,fogging
fountain/909 -> fountains,fountained,fountaining
matt/909 -> matts
shudder/909 -> shuddered,shuddering,shudders
sodium/909 -> sodiums
tilt/909 -> tilted,tilting,tilts
drip/908 -> dripping,dripped,drips,dript
highland/908 -> highlands
slate/908 -> slates,slated,slating
attacker/907 -> attackers
therapist/906 -> therapists
hussein/905 -> husseins
warren/905 -> warrens
clerical/904 -> clericals
resent/904 -> resented,resenting,resents
trench/904 -> trenches,trenching,trenched
municipal/903 -> municipals
digest/902 -> digested,digesting,digests
rig/902 -> rigs,rigged,rigging
spiral/902 -> spirals,spiralling,spiralled
congratulate/901 -> congratulated,congratulating,congratulates
diploma/901 -> diplomas
interact/901 -> interacts,interacting,interacted
intercourse/901 -> intercourses
novelist/901 -> novelists
coroner/900 -> coroners
signing/900 -> signings
paddy/899 -> paddies
robbery/899 -> robberies
armour/898 -> armoured,armouring,armours
domination/898 -> dominations
loving/897 -> lovings
platelet/897 -> platelets
transit/897 -> transits,transiting,transitted,transited,transitting
correlate/896 -> correlated,correlates,correlating
saw/896 -> saws,sawing,sawn,sawed
skeleton/896 -> skeletons
alcoholic/895 -> alcoholics
detention/895 -> detentions
jolly/895 -> jollies,jollier,jolliest,jollying,jollied
pistol/895 -> pistols
shatter/895 -> shattered,shattering,shatters
detection/893 -> detections
freezing/893 -> freezings
grove/893 -> groves
hobby/893 -> hobbies
ivory/893 -> ivories
maxim/893 -> maxims
tract/893 -> tracts
citizenship/892 -> citizenships
distort/892 -> distorted,distorting,distorts
goose/892 -> geese,goosed,goosing,gooses
perch/892 -> perched,perching,perches
warranty/892 -> warranties
armchair/891 -> armchairs
cereal/891 -> cereals
dependency/891 -> dependencies
deprivation/891 -> deprivations
velvet/891 -> velvets
boycott/890 -> boycotted,boycotting,boycotts
mob/890 -> mobs,mobbed,mobbing
whitehall/890 -> whitehalls
leo/889 -> leos
senator/889 -> senators
syria/889 -> syrias
detain/888 -> detained,detaining,detains
hospitality/888 -> hospitalities
realism/888 -> realisms
stray/888 -> strayed,straying,strays
ukraine/888 -> ukraines
amp/887 -> amps,amping
siege/887 -> sieges
conditional/886 -> conditionals
marks/886 -> markss
claw/885 -> claws,clawed,clawing
diplomat/885 -> diplomats
fixture/885 -> fixtures,fixturing
ink/885 -> inks,inked,inking
mat/885 -> mats,matted,matting
nitrogen/885 -> nitrogens
voucher/885 -> vouchers
chant/884 -> chanting,chanted,chants
soften/884 -> softened,softening,softens
unveil/884 -> unveiled,unveiling,unveils
boiler/883 -> boilers,boilered
palestine/883 -> palestines
patten/883 -> pattens
physician/883 -> physicians
sob/883 -> sobbing,sobbed,sobs
syntactic/883 -> syntactics
brandy/882 -> brandies
deter/882 -> deterred,deterring,deters
witch/882 -> witches,witching,witched
bleak/881 -> bleaker,bleakest
dome/881 -> domes,domed
ho/881 -> hos,hoes
hover/881 -> hovering,hovered,hovers
motorist/881 -> motorists
textbook/881 -> textbooks
thailand/881 -> thailands
binary/880 -> binaries
lash/880 -> lashes,lashed,lashing
sow/880 -> sown,sows,sowing,sowed
sub/880 -> subs,subbing,subbed
violation/880 -> violations
bust/879 -> busts,busting,busted,buster
cock/879 -> cocked,cocks,cocking
overview/879 -> overviews,overviewing,overviewed
privatization/878 -> privatizations
quest/878 -> quests,questing,quested
belgian/877 -> belgians
nomination/877 -> nominations
tomb/877 -> tombs
danish/876 -> danishes
detector/876 -> detectors
footstep/876 -> footsteps
precaution/876 -> precautions
wording/876 -> wordings
zoo/876 -> zoos
kidney/875 -> kidneys
serbian/875 -> serbians
czech/874 -> czechs,czeched
inferior/874 -> inferiors
patronage/874 -> patronages
portsmouth/874 -> portsmouths
acquaintance/873 -> acquaintances
cafe/872 -> cafes
mint/872 -> mints,minted,minting
simpson/872 -> simpsons
hazel/871 -> hazels
piper/871 -> pipers
postcard/871 -> postcards
arctic/870 -> arctics
curb/870 -> curbs,curbing,curbed
proprietor/870 -> proprietors
holmes/869 -> holmess
morton/869 -> mortons
cue/868 -> cues,cued,cueing
encompass/868 -> encompasses,encompassing,encompassed,encompass
hostel/868 -> hostels,hostelling
dread/867 -> dreaded,dreading,dreads
bleeding/866 -> bleedings
madrid/866 -> madrids
secretary-general/866 -> secretary-generals
crap/865 -> crapping,crapped,craps,crapper
dam/865 -> dams,dammed,damming
dame/865 -> dames,damed
manpower/865 -> manpowers
spouse/865 -> spouses
attendant/864 -> attendants
cloak/864 -> cloaks,cloaked,cloaking
manifestation/864 -> manifestations
overtake/864 -> overtaken,overtook,overtaking,overtakes
rotation/863 -> rotations
fisher/862 -> fishers
instructor/862 -> instructors
reliance/862 -> reliances
denounce/861 -> denounced,denouncing,denounces
honourable/861 -> honourables
tailor/861 -> tailored,tailors,tailoring
assay/860 -> assays,assayed,assaying
cellar/860 -> cellars
denial/860 -> denials
infect/860 -> infected,infects,infecting
missionary/860 -> missionaries
profitability/860 -> profitabilities
amsterdam/859 -> amsterdams
ascertain/859 -> ascertained,ascertaining,ascertains
pigeon/859 -> pigeons
prose/859 -> proses,prosing
banner/858 -> banners,bannered
correction/858 -> corrections
indonesia/858 -> indonesias
nil/858 -> nils
syllable/858 -> syllables,syllabled
bud/857 -> buds,budded,budding
coronation/857 -> coronations
pedestrian/857 -> pedestrians
robertson/857 -> robertsons
voyage/857 -> voyages,voyaging,voyaged
florida/856 -> floridas
royalty/856 -> royalties
diabetic/855 -> diabetics
goalkeeper/855 -> goalkeepers
carrot/854 -> carrots
contend/854 -> contended,contends,contending
gel/854 -> gels,gelling,gelled
humble/854 -> humbled,humbling,humbles,humbler,humblest
verge/854 -> verges,verging,verged
denote/853 -> denotes,denoted,denoting
trolley/853 -> trolleys
ca/852 -> cas,caer
lp/852 -> lps
urgency/852 -> urgencies
bugger/851 -> buggers,buggered,buggering
shrub/851 -> shrubs
livestock/850 -> livestocks
mini/850 -> minis
ethics/849 -> ethicss
norwegian/849 -> norwegians
omission/849 -> omissions
rehabilitation/849 -> rehabilitations
continuation/848 -> continuations
excavation/848 -> excavations
exchequer/848 -> exchequers
gallon/848 -> gallons
affinity/847 -> affinities
groom/847 -> grooms,groomed,grooming
libel/847 -> libelled,libels,libelling
disposition/846 -> dispositions
entitlement/846 -> entitlements
hen/846 -> hens
nominal/846 -> nominals
palmer/846 -> palmers
transcription/846 -> transcriptions
vest/845 -> vested,vests,vesting
airway/844 -> airways
craftsman/844 -> craftsmen
fume/844 -> fumes,fuming,fumed
hurdle/844 -> hurdles,hurdling,hurdled
wordsworth/844 -> wordsworths
distract/843 -> distracted,distracting,distracts
georgian/843 -> georgians
expel/842 -> expelled,expelling,expels
procession/842 -> processions
anglia/841 -> anglias
complementary/841 -> complementaries
conductor/841 -> conductors
confession/841 -> confessions
harness/841 -> harnessed,harnesses,harnessing
ruine/839 -> ruined,ruining
athlete/838 -> athletes
consolidate/838 -> consolidated,consolidating,consolidates
midfield/838 -> midfields
optimism/838 -> optimisms
brace/837 -> braced,braces,bracing
hastings/837 -> hastingss
rag/837 -> rags,ragged,ragging
signify/837 -> signified,signifies,signifying
manifesto/836 -> manifestos,manifestoes
melody/836 -> melodies
revert/836 -> reverted,reverting,reverts
salon/836 -> salons
slab/836 -> slabs,slabbed
spreadsheet/836 -> spreadsheets,spreadsheeting
ache/835 -> ached,aching,aches
deadly/835 -> deadliest,deadlier
dentist/835 -> dentists
hardship/835 -> hardships
litigation/835 -> litigations
compliment/834 -> compliments,complimented,complimenting
syllabus/834 -> syllabuses,syllabi
adolescent/833 -> adolescents
chromosome/833 -> chromosomes
demonstrator/833 -> demonstrators
disregard/833 -> disregarded,disregarding,disregards
basement/832 -> basements
corrupt/832 -> corrupted,corrupting,corrupts,corrupter
piss/832 -> pissed,pissing,pisses
solitary/832 -> solitaries
triple/832 -> tripled,triples,tripling
underestimate/832 -> underestimated,underestimates,underestimating
chef/831 -> chefs
sulphur/831 -> sulphurs
scout/830 -> scouts,scouting,scouted
slaughter/830 -> slaughtered,slaughtering,slaughters
stagger/830 -> staggered,staggering,staggers
badge/829 -> badges,badged,badging
colonic/829 -> colonics
feminine/829 -> feminines
homework/829 -> homeworking,homeworks,homework
retention/829 -> retentions
bryan/828 -> bryans
telly/828 -> tellies,tellys
wax/828 -> waxes,waxed,waxing
authentic/827 -> authentics
bruise/827 -> bruises,bruised,bruising
mac/827 -> macs
trait/827 -> traits
disperse/826 -> dispersed,dispersing,disperses
civilization/825 -> civilizations
defy/825 -> defied,defying,defies
lazy/824 -> laziest,lazier
rex/824 -> rexes
cop/823 -> cops,copped,copping
sticky/823 -> stickiest,stickier,stickies,stickied
cannon/822 -> cannons,cannoned,cannoning
depot/822 -> depots
interruption/822 -> interruptions
invalid/821 -> invalids
massage/821 -> massaged,massaging,massages
nephew/821 -> nephews
reformer/821 -> reformers
deviation/820 -> deviations
pest/819 -> pests
preoccupation/819 -> preoccupations
watt/819 -> watts
accountancy/818 -> accountancies
compartment/818 -> compartments,compartmented
marshal/818 -> marshalled,marshals,marshalling
pr/818 -> prs,prest,pring
vain/818 -> vainest,vainer
creativity/817 -> creativities
divisional/817 -> divisionals
hanging/817 -> hangings
jewel/817 -> jewels,jewelled,jewelling
wilkinson/817 -> wilkinsons
residual/816 -> residuals
bleed/815 -> bleeding,bled,bleeds
burton/815 -> burtons
composite/815 -> composites
lately/815 -> latelier
microsystem/815 -> microsystems
moslem/815 -> moslems
risc/815 -> riscs
fireman/814 -> firemen,firemans
hopeful/814 -> hopefuls
squash/814 -> squashed,squashing,squashes
symmetry/814 -> symmetries,symmetrys
boston/813 -> bostons
croatia/813 -> croatias
lightning/813 -> lightnings
postgraduate/813 -> postgraduates
prototype/813 -> prototypes
climber/812 -> climbers
coil/812 -> coils,coiled,coiling
imprison/812 -> imprisoned,imprisoning,imprisons
mediate/812 -> mediated,mediating,mediates
sanctuary/811 -> sanctuaries
stimulation/811 -> stimulations
jo/810 -> joest
multinational/810 -> multinationals
robot/810 -> robots
shorts/810 -> shortss
thomson/810 -> thomsons
anticipation/809 -> anticipations
buck/809 -> bucks,bucked,bucking
shove/809 -> shoved,shoving,shoves
armstrong/808 -> armstrongs
austrian/808 -> austrians
enclosure/808 -> enclosures
insistence/808 -> insistences
header/807 -> headers
hormone/807 -> hormones
pesticide/807 -> pesticides
summons/807 -> summonses,summonsing,summonsed
alec/806 -> alecs
bead/806 -> beads,beaded,beading
onset/806 -> onsets
chamberlain/805 -> chamberlains
despatch/805 -> despatched,despatches,despatching
shipping/805 -> shippings
winchester/805 -> winchesters
ample/804 -> ampler
cocktail/804 -> cocktails
mansion/804 -> mansions
romanian/804 -> romanians
vine/804 -> vines,vining
bennett/803 -> bennetts
goodwill/803 -> goodwills
inference/803 -> inferences,inferencing
intensify/803 -> intensified,intensifying,intensifies
squat/803 -> squatted,squatting,squats
abnormal/802 -> abnormals
newsletter/802 -> newsletters
scrub/802 -> scrubbed,scrubbing,scrubs
slogan/802 -> slogans,sloganned
barrister/801 -> barristers
contraction/801 -> contractions
culminate/801 -> culminating,culminated,culminates
cultivate/801 -> cultivated,cultivating,cultivates
discriminate/801 -> discriminated,discriminating,discriminates
mankind/801 -> mankinds
calory/800 -> calories
collision/800 -> collisions
excursion/800 -> excursions
taiwan/800 -> taiwans
destiny/799 -> destinies
pal/799 -> pals,palling,palled
wayne/799 -> waynes
advent/798 -> advents
artefact/798 -> artefacts
crohn/798 -> crohns
grape/798 -> grapes
imminent/798 -> imminents
salisbury/798 -> salisburies
technician/798 -> technicians
utilise/798 -> utilised,utilising,utilises
colon/797 -> colons
duchess/797 -> duchesses
fuse/797 -> fused,fuses,fusing
para/797 -> paras
potter/797 -> potters,pottering,pottered
steering/797 -> steerings
stocking/797 -> stockings
basil/796 -> basils
kin/796 -> kins
lesion/796 -> lesions,lesioned,lesioning
qualifying/796 -> qualifyings
reliability/796 -> reliabilities
smack/796 -> smacked,smacking,smacks
berry/795 -> berries,berried
plo/795 -> ploes
seaman/795 -> seamen,seamans
spur/795 -> spurred,spurring,spurs
illuminate/794 -> illuminated,illuminating,illuminates
speculate/794 -> speculated,speculating,speculates
wary/793 -> warier,wariest
veterinary/792 -> veterinaries
picasso/791 -> picassoes
rev/791 -> revs,revved,revving
urine/791 -> urines
vacancy/791 -> vacancies
vietnamese/791 -> vietnameses
athens/790 -> athenss
climbing/790 -> climbings
excise/790 -> excised,excising,excises
imperative/790 -> imperatives
northumberland/790 -> northumberlands
poise/790 -> poised,poising,poises
adhere/789 -> adhered,adhering,adheres,adhereing
borrower/789 -> borrowers
tan/789 -> tanned,tans,tanning
thickness/789 -> thicknesses,thicknessing
bait/788 -> baits,baiting,baited
blush/788 -> blushed,blushing,blushes
bully/788 -> bullied,bullying,bullies
garlic/788 -> garlics
retort/788 -> retorted,retorts,retorting
shave/788 -> shaved,shaving,shaves,shaven
thrive/788 -> thrived,thriving,thrives,throve,thriven
planting/787 -> plantings
stripe/787 -> stripes,striped,striping
algorithm/786 -> algorithms
audio/786 -> audios
cruelty/786 -> cruelties
farewell/786 -> farewells
plymouth/786 -> plymouths
slash/786 -> slashed,slashing,slashes
deteriorate/785 -> deteriorated,deteriorates,deteriorating
insurer/785 -> insurers
reef/785 -> reefs,reefing,reefed
teddy/785 -> teddies,teddys
cultivation/784 -> cultivations
linguistics/784 -> linguisticss
tweed/784 -> tweeds,tweeded
enlarge/783 -> enlarged,enlarging,enlarges
pathway/783 -> pathways
streak/783 -> streaked,streaks,streaking
bankrupt/782 -> bankrupted,bankrupts,bankrupting
brewer/782 -> brewers
guitarist/782 -> guitarists
petty/782 -> pettier,pettys,pettiest
racist/782 -> racists
stern/782 -> sterns,sterner,sternest
acoustic/781 -> acoustics
amenity/781 -> amenities
blur/781 -> blurred,blurring,blurs
briton/781 -> britons
circus/781 -> circuses
vibration/781 -> vibrations
bookshop/780 -> bookshops
bug/780 -> bugs,bugged,bugging
dye/780 -> dyes,dyed,dyeing
hybrid/780 -> hybrids
bilateral/779 -> bilaterals
coupon/779 -> coupons
synthetic/779 -> synthetics
wheelchair/779 -> wheelchairs
convoy/778 -> convoys,convoying
fireplace/778 -> fireplaces
madness/778 -> madnesses
deceased/777 -> deceaseds
heater/777 -> heaters
interviewer/777 -> interviewers
pea/777 -> peas
progression/777 -> progressions
airfield/776 -> airfields
campaigner/776 -> campaigners
frenchman/776 -> frenchmen
madam/776 -> madams
p.c./776 -> p.c.s
trinity/776 -> trinities
ux/776 -> uxes
wedge/776 -> wedged,wedges,wedging
fake/775 -> fakes,faked,faking
hygiene/775 -> hygienes
lending/775 -> lendings
mare/775 -> mares
riding/775 -> ridings
scarce/775 -> scarcer,scarcest
advert/774 -> adverts,adverted,adverting
aerospace/774 -> aerospaces
alley/774 -> alleys
daisy/774 -> daisies
gleam/774 -> gleamed,gleaming,gleams
haven/774 -> havens
idiot/774 -> idiots
spike/774 -> spikes,spiked,spiking
stalk/774 -> stalks,stalked,stalking
yugoslav/774 -> yugoslavs
consequent/773 -> consequents
swamp/773 -> swamped,swamps,swamping
descendant/772 -> descendants
ord/772 -> ords
sewage/772 -> sewages
tolerance/772 -> tolerances
andrews/771 -> andrewss
ceasefire/771 -> ceasefires
peru/771 -> perus
poetic/771 -> poetics
frederick/770 -> fredericks
scotch/770 -> scotched,scotches,scotching
testimony/770 -> testimonies
tram/770 -> trams,tramming,trammed
co-ordination/769 -> co-ordinations
coleridge/769 -> coleridges
foresee/769 -> foreseen,foresaw,foresees,foreseeing
shuffle/769 -> shuffled,shuffling,shuffles
trio/769 -> trios
comb/768 -> combed,combs,combing
destine/768 -> destined,destines,destining
surveillance/767 -> surveillances
said/766 -> saids
tenancy/766 -> tenancies
greeting/765 -> greetings
sadness/765 -> sadnesses
allegiance/764 -> allegiances
anglican/764 -> anglicans
georgia/764 -> georgias
invoice/764 -> invoices,invoiced,invoicing
amy/763 -> amys
oscar/763 -> oscars
paradox/763 -> paradoxes
substitution/763 -> substitutions
warfare/763 -> warfares
dispense/762 -> dispensed,dispensing,dispenses
dissolution/762 -> dissolutions
heave/762 -> heaved,heaving,heaves,hove
overthrow/762 -> overthrown,overthrowing,overthrows,overthrew
relish/761 -> relished,relishing,relishes
clamp/760 -> clamped,clamping,clamps
demographic/760 -> demographics
genre/760 -> genres
obsession/760 -> obsessions
outing/760 -> outings
poke/760 -> poked,poking,pokes
recycling/760 -> recyclings
aeroplane/759 -> aeroplanes
erupt/759 -> erupted,erupting,erupts
irregular/759 -> irregulars
fascinate/758 -> fascinated,fascinates,fascinating
beloved/757 -> beloveds
dial/757 -> dialled,dials,dialed,dialing,dialling
dinosaur/757 -> dinosaurs
napoleon/757 -> napoleons
breakthrough/756 -> breakthroughs
picnic/756 -> picnics,picnicking,picnicked
barcelona/755 -> barcelonas
reconciliation/755 -> reconciliations
indemnity/754 -> indemnities
oblige/754 -> obliged,obliges,obliging
prohibition/754 -> prohibitions
superiority/754 -> superiorities
aerial/753 -> aerials
crust/753 -> crusts,crusted,crusting
modelling/753 -> modellings
playground/753 -> playgrounds
registrar/753 -> registrars
rein/753 -> reins,reined,reining
farmhouse/752 -> farmhouses
infinitive/752 -> infinitives
roller/752 -> rollers,rollered,rollering
cyclist/751 -> cyclists
limp/751 -> limped,limping,limps,limpest,limper
transplant/751 -> transplants,transplanted,transplanting
worcester/751 -> worcesters
accessory/750 -> accessories
committed/750 -> committeds
ale/749 -> ales,aled
chuckle/749 -> chuckled,chuckling,chuckles
happening/749 -> happenings
playing/749 -> playings
preside/749 -> presided,presiding,presides
scenery/749 -> sceneries
stove/749 -> stoves,stoved
defective/748 -> defectives
gratitude/748 -> gratitudes
groove/748 -> grooves,grooved,grooving
icing/748 -> icings
resemblance/748 -> resemblances
crawford/747 -> crawfords
hound/747 -> hounds,hounded,hounding
submarine/747 -> submarines
deterioration/746 -> deteriorations
jealousy/746 -> jealousies
nigeria/746 -> nigerias
cuba/745 -> cubas
robe/745 -> robes,robed,robing
cartoon/744 -> cartoons,cartooned,cartooning
enact/744 -> enacted,enacting,enacts
khan/744 -> khans
spr/744 -> spred
thermal/744 -> thermals,thermalling
contingent/743 -> contingents
mandate/743 -> mandates,mandated,mandating
pastoral/743 -> pastorals
problematic/743 -> problematics
reside/743 -> resides,resided,residing
sew/742 -> sewn,sewing,sewed,sews
sour/742 -> soured,souring,sours,sourer,sourest
warming/742 -> warmings
watercolour/742 -> watercolours
eruption/741 -> eruptions
rosemary/741 -> rosemaries
rot/741 -> rotted,rotting,rots
contention/740 -> contentions
fracture/740 -> fractures,fractured,fracturing
generator/740 -> generators
infer/740 -> inferred,inferring,infers
lapse/740 -> lapsed,lapses,lapsing
molly/740 -> mollies,mollied
parasite/740 -> parasites
vintage/740 -> vintages
cholesterol/739 -> cholesterols
clone/739 -> clones,cloning,cloned
diarrhoea/739 -> diarrhoeas
gateway/739 -> gateways
proliferation/739 -> proliferations
scoring/739 -> scorings
vase/739 -> vases
admiral/738 -> admirals
arbitration/738 -> arbitrations
antibiotic/737 -> antibiotics
dispatch/737 -> dispatched,dispatches,dispatching
goodnight/737 -> goodnights
idle/737 -> idling,idled,idles
rotate/737 -> rotating,rotated,rotates
conditioning/736 -> conditionings
doorstep/736 -> doorsteps,doorstepping
loyalist/736 -> loyalists
snack/736 -> snacks,snacking,snacked
wesley/736 -> wesleys
alternate/735 -> alternating,alternated,alternates
anchor/735 -> anchors,anchoring,anchored
entrepreneur/735 -> entrepreneurs
expire/735 -> expired,expires,expiring
spice/735 -> spices,spiced,spicing
booth/734 -> booths
conquest/734 -> conquests
couch/734 -> couched,couches,couching
curtis/733 -> curtiss
injustice/733 -> injustices
overwhelm/733 -> overwhelmed,overwhelms,overwhelming
tow/733 -> towed,towing,tows
occupant/732 -> occupants
suitcase/732 -> suitcases
summarize/732 -> summarized,summarizes,summarizing
beginner/731 -> beginners
undo/731 -> undone,undid,undoing,undoes
zambia/731 -> zambias
ac/730 -> acs
burglary/730 -> burglaries
dumb/730 -> dumbing,dumbest,dumbed,dumber
inhabit/730 -> inhabited,inhabiting,inhabits
marking/730 -> markings
microwave/730 -> microwaves,microwaved,microwaving
accidental/729 -> accidentals
climax/729 -> climaxes,climaxed,climaxing
elf/729 -> elves,elfed
excellence/729 -> excellences
foam/729 -> foams,foaming,foamed
lavatory/729 -> lavatories
misunderstanding/729 -> misunderstandings
philippines/729 -> philippiness
tack/729 -> tacked,tacks,tacking
transitional/729 -> transitionals
wholesale/729 -> wholesaling,wholesales,wholesaled
delta/728 -> deltas
disgust/728 -> disgusted,disgusts,disgusting
microcomputer/728 -> microcomputers
procedural/728 -> procedurals
relay/728 -> relayed,relays,relaying,relaid
severity/728 -> severities
attorney/727 -> attorneys
fiddle/727 -> fiddling,fiddled,fiddles
nylon/727 -> nylons
sweater/727 -> sweaters
tenure/727 -> tenures,tenured
timothy/727 -> timothies
acting/726 -> actings
artillery/726 -> artilleries
construe/726 -> construed,construing,construes
dialect/726 -> dialects
ignorant/726 -> ignorants
outright/726 -> outrights
postal/726 -> postals
reel/726 -> reeling,reels,reeled
sociologist/726 -> sociologists
abnormality/725 -> abnormalities
brook/725 -> brooks,brooked,brooking
ceramic/725 -> ceramics
discomfort/725 -> discomforts,discomforted,discomforting
eighteenth-century/725 -> eighteenth-centuries
fifteenth/725 -> fifteenths
franc/725 -> francs
marxism/725 -> marxisms
mexican/725 -> mexicans
mips/725 -> mipss
raising/725 -> raisings
vault/725 -> vaults,vaulted,vaulting
imaginary/724 -> imaginaries
legion/724 -> legions
oppression/724 -> oppressions
weaver/724 -> weavers
approximate/723 -> approximated,approximating,approximates
demise/723 -> demised,demises
nobility/723 -> nobilities
brutal/722 -> brutals
claimant/722 -> claimants
coefficient/722 -> coefficients
estuary/722 -> estuaries
grunt/722 -> grunted,grunts,grunting
hillside/722 -> hillsides
identifier/722 -> identifiers
jumper/722 -> jumpers
lime/722 -> limes,liming,limed
slender/722 -> slendering
bungalow/721 -> bungalows
downing/721 -> downings
veto/721 -> vetoed,vetoing,vetoes
financing/720 -> financings
pamphlet/720 -> pamphlets
prostitute/720 -> prostitutes,prostituted,prostituting
smoker/720 -> smokers
legitimacy/719 -> legitimacies
maximise/719 -> maximising,maximised,maximises
mortar/719 -> mortars
writ/719 -> writs,writed
crest/718 -> crests,crested,cresting
lyric/718 -> lyrics
perfection/718 -> perfections
gradient/717 -> gradients
nutrient/717 -> nutrients
chronicle/716 -> chronicles,chronicled,chronicling
deception/716 -> deceptions
geology/716 -> geologies
purity/716 -> purities
wycliffe/716 -> wycliffes
mound/715 -> mounds,mounded,mounding
remand/715 -> remanded,remands,remanding
rim/715 -> rims,rimmed,rimming
well-being/715 -> well-beings
coarse/714 -> coarser,coarsest,coarsing
golfer/714 -> golfers
oracle/714 -> oracles
outgoing/714 -> outgoings
plantation/714 -> plantations
singh/714 -> singhing
trout/714 -> trouts
workman/714 -> workmen
libya/713 -> libyas
saxon/713 -> saxons
benny/712 -> bennies
disappearance/712 -> disappearances
meter/712 -> meters,metered,metering
energetic/711 -> energetics
massacre/711 -> massacres,massacring,massacred
persian/711 -> persians
plight/711 -> plighted,plighting,plights
repression/711 -> repressions
tribal/711 -> tribals
archaeology/710 -> archaeologies
kylie/710 -> kylies
morse/710 -> morses
outrage/710 -> outrages,outraging,outraged
pharmaceutical/710 -> pharmaceuticals
stroll/710 -> strolling,strolls,strolled
sutherland/710 -> sutherlands
tractor/710 -> tractors
clasp/709 -> clasped,clasping,clasps
cosy/709 -> cosier,cosies,cosiest,cosying,cosied
dietary/709 -> dietaries
equate/709 -> equated,equates,equating
exemplify/709 -> exemplified,exemplifies,exemplifying
handkerchief/709 -> handkerchiefs
pipeline/709 -> pipelines,pipelined,pipelining
rupert/709 -> ruperts
shiny/709 -> shinier,shiniest
toby/709 -> tobies
vale/709 -> vales
displace/708 -> displaced,displacing,displaces
foliage/708 -> foliages,foliaged
globe/708 -> globes,globed
stoke/708 -> stoked,stoking,stokes
wounded/708 -> woundeds
abbot/707 -> abbots
adjourn/707 -> adjourned,adjourning,adjourns
exterior/707 -> exteriors
broaden/706 -> broadened,broadening,broadens
dusty/706 -> dustier,dustiest
maternity/706 -> maternities
questioning/706 -> questionings
angler/705 -> anglers
imposition/705 -> impositions
risky/705 -> riskier,riskiest
cone/704 -> cones,coning,coned
dissent/704 -> dissenting,dissented,dissents
induction/704 -> inductions
kindness/704 -> kindnesses
mg/704 -> mgs
puppy/704 -> puppies,puppys
radar/704 -> radars
salesman/704 -> salesmen
anthropologist/703 -> anthropologists
apt/703 -> apts,apter,aptest
font/703 -> fonts
inventory/703 -> inventories,inventoried
speciality/703 -> specialities
volcanic/703 -> volcanics
weary/703 -> wearied,wearying,wearier,wearies,weariest
going/702 -> goings
seam/702 -> seams,seamed,seaming
transparent/702 -> transparents
tyne/702 -> tynes
upland/702 -> uplands
auckland/701 -> aucklands
housework/701 -> houseworks
regression/701 -> regressions
sexy/701 -> sexiest,sexier
sober/701 -> sobered,sobers,sobering,soberer,soberest
loser/700 -> losers
realisation/700 -> realisations
rogers/700 -> rogerss
scarf/700 -> scarves,scarfed,scarfs
viewing/700 -> viewings
fairness/699 -> fairnesses
icon/699 -> icons
web/699 -> webs
honesty/698 -> honesties
immunity/698 -> immunities
lure/698 -> lured,lures,luring
necessitate/698 -> necessitated,necessitates,necessitating
psychiatrist/698 -> psychiatrists
burns/697 -> burnss
earthquake/697 -> earthquakes
embed/697 -> embedded,embedding,embeds
variance/697 -> variances
anthropology/696 -> anthropologies
cardboard/696 -> cardboards
robust/696 -> robuster
wilderness/696 -> wildernesses
imitation/695 -> imitations
moisture/695 -> moistures
unification/695 -> unifications
comrade/694 -> comrades
drought/694 -> droughts
feminism/694 -> feminisms
hesitation/694 -> hesitations
nanny/694 -> nannies,nannying,nannied
simplify/694 -> simplified,simplifies,simplifying
contradictory/693 -> contradictories
ex/693 -> exes
noon/693 -> noons
oath/693 -> oaths
terminology/693 -> terminologies
contributor/692 -> contributors
cooperative/692 -> cooperatives
cube/692 -> cubes,cubed,cubing
larva/692 -> larvae
muse/692 -> mused,muses,musing
oriental/692 -> orientals
quiz/692 -> quizzed,quizzing,quizzes
radius/692 -> radii
ration/692 -> rations,rationed,rationing
reproductive/692 -> reproductives
tricky/692 -> trickier,trickiest
violin/692 -> violins
badger/691 -> badgers,badgered,badgering
growl/691 -> growled,growling,growls
incorrect/691 -> incorrects
paisley/691 -> paisleys
purchasing/691 -> purchasings
stud/691 -> studded,studs,studding
aftermath/690 -> aftermaths
dana/690 -> danas
landmark/690 -> landmarks,landmarking
subscribe/690 -> subscribed,subscribing,subscribes
batsman/689 -> batsmen
gloomy/689 -> gloomier,gloomiest,gloomies
recycle/689 -> recycling,recycled,recycles
taking/689 -> takings
terrorism/689 -> terrorisms
pore/688 -> pores,poring,pored
gypsy/687 -> gypsies,gypsys
thump/687 -> thumping,thumped,thumps
beta/686 -> betas
censorship/686 -> censorships
famine/686 -> famines
hurl/686 -> hurled,hurling,hurls
madonna/686 -> madonnas
posture/686 -> postures,posturing,postured
veil/686 -> veils,veiled,veiling
irritation/685 -> irritations
lag/685 -> lags,lagged,lagging
retrieval/685 -> retrievals
sweeping/685 -> sweepings
damned/684 -> damneds
hymn/684 -> hymns,hymned,hymning
overflow/684 -> overflowing,overflowed,overflows
roast/684 -> roasted,roasting,roasts,roaster
appellant/683 -> appellants
perfume/683 -> perfumes,perfumed,perfuming
winding/683 -> windings
cyprus/682 -> cypruss
novice/682 -> novices
orient/682 -> oriented,orienting,orients
gmt/681 -> gmts
halifax/681 -> halifaxes
malaysia/681 -> malaysias
migrant/681 -> migrants
scoop/681 -> scooped,scooping,scoops
battalion/680 -> battalions
bitterness/680 -> bitternesses
bowling/680 -> bowlings
dismantle/680 -> dismantled,dismantling,dismantles
islam/680 -> islams
marc/680 -> marcs
mutant/680 -> mutants
naughty/680 -> naughtier,naughtiest,naughties
severn/680 -> severns
gamble/679 -> gambled,gambling,gambles
nickname/679 -> nicknamed,nicknames,nicknaming
withhold/679 -> withheld,withholding,withholds
civilisation/678 -> civilisations
hack/678 -> hacking,hacked,hacks
microscope/678 -> microscopes,microscoping
a.m./677 -> a.m.
diocese/677 -> dioceses
scripture/677 -> scriptures
acceleration/676 -> accelerations
donkey/676 -> donkeys
foil/676 -> foiled,foils,foiling
masculine/676 -> masculines
rainforest/676 -> rainforests
roundabout/676 -> roundabouts
briefing/675 -> briefings
corporal/675 -> corporals
creator/675 -> creators
dissident/675 -> dissidents
glitter/675 -> glittered,glittering,glitters
lateral/675 -> laterals
mar/675 -> marred,mars,marring
paradigm/675 -> paradigms
pip/675 -> pips,pipped,pipping
tate/674 -> tater
vowel/674 -> vowels
webb/674 -> webbs
crusade/673 -> crusades,crusading,crusaded
dilute/673 -> diluted,diluting,dilutes
finland/673 -> finlands
graze/673 -> grazing,grazed,grazes
hamper/673 -> hampered,hampers,hampering
hum/673 -> humming,hummed,hums
ornament/673 -> ornaments,ornamented,ornamenting
schooling/673 -> schoolings
sinister/673 -> sinisters
therapeutic/673 -> therapeutics
warwick/673 -> warwicks
bog/672 -> bogs,bogged,bogging
dub/672 -> dubbed,dubbing,dubs
footpath/672 -> footpaths
gandhi/672 -> gandhis
oval/672 -> ovals
pressing/672 -> pressings
probation/672 -> probations
rap/672 -> rapped,raps,rapping
simulation/672 -> simulations
morrison/671 -> morrisons
subsection/671 -> subsections
deceive/670 -> deceived,deceiving,deceives
dementia/670 -> dementias
halve/670 -> halved,halving,halves
orchard/670 -> orchards
three-year/670 -> three-years
berkshire/669 -> berkshires
rivalry/669 -> rivalries
starter/669 -> starters
susceptible/669 -> susceptibles
trot/669 -> trotted,trotting,trots
cambodia/668 -> cambodias
discontent/668 -> discontents
gentry/668 -> gentries
fasten/667 -> fastened,fastening,fastens
hurricane/667 -> hurricanes
logo/667 -> logos
saloon/667 -> saloons
blunt/666 -> blunted,blunter,blunts,blunting,bluntest
handbag/666 -> handbags,handbagged
pyramid/666 -> pyramids
abundance/665 -> abundances
epidemic/665 -> epidemics
navigation/665 -> navigations
panama/665 -> panamas
singing/665 -> singings
diversion/664 -> diversions
grievance/664 -> grievances
puff/664 -> puffed,puffs,puffing
secrecy/664 -> secrecies
violate/664 -> violated,violating,violates
cox/663 -> coxes,coxing,coxed
lambert/663 -> lamberts
pathetic/663 -> pathetics
polar/663 -> polars
proximity/663 -> proximities
replay/663 -> replays,replayed,replaying
um/663 -> ums,ummed,umming
inmate/662 -> inmates
pierre/662 -> pierres
smiling/662 -> smilings
sorrow/662 -> sorrows,sorrowed,sorrowing
storey/662 -> storeys,storeyed
talking/662 -> talkings
atmospheric/661 -> atmospherics
celebrity/661 -> celebrities
harden/661 -> hardened,hardening,hardens
appliance/660 -> appliances
dickens/660 -> dickenss
endowment/660 -> endowments
methodist/660 -> methodists
wallet/660 -> wallets
dane/659 -> danes
epic/659 -> epics
inspectorate/659 -> inspectorates
sparkle/659 -> sparkling,sparkled,sparkles
zimbabwe/659 -> zimbabwes
filthy/658 -> filthiest,filthier
mend/658 -> mended,mending,mends
nitrate/658 -> nitrates
preclude/658 -> precluded,precludes,precluding
beirut/657 -> beiruts
chunk/657 -> chunks,chunking,chunked
lightweight/657 -> lightweights
prophet/657 -> prophets
suburban/657 -> suburbans
addict/656 -> addicted,addicts
brew/656 -> brewed,brewing,brews
cocaine/656 -> cocaines
hare/656 -> hares,haring,hared,hareing
insulin/656 -> insulins
messenger/656 -> messengers
overtime/656 -> overtimes
seb/656 -> sebs
deepen/655 -> deepened,deepening,deepens
follow-up/655 -> follow-ups
realization/655 -> realizations
trickle/655 -> trickled,trickling,trickles
contingency/654 -> contingencies
fascism/654 -> fascisms
interpreter/654 -> interpreters
tentacle/654 -> tentacles,tentacled
confidentiality/653 -> confidentialities
coun/653 -> couns
formality/653 -> formalities
goddess/653 -> goddesses
jug/653 -> jugs
daft/652 -> dafter,daftest,dafts
dolly/652 -> dollies
inclination/652 -> inclinations
keeping/652 -> keepings
overturn/652 -> overturned,overturning,overturns
reorganisation/652 -> reorganisations
sermon/652 -> sermons
commando/651 -> commandos
drape/651 -> draped,drapes,draping
environmentalist/651 -> environmentalists
intrinsic/651 -> intrinsics
schoolboy/651 -> schoolboys
shrine/651 -> shrines
swansea/651 -> swanseas
antigen/650 -> antigens
discrepancy/650 -> discrepancies
rite/650 -> rites
contradict/649 -> contradicted,contradicts,contradicting
cooker/649 -> cookers
fascination/649 -> fascinations
finishing/649 -> finishings
pedal/649 -> pedals,pedalling,pedalled
reshuffle/649 -> reshuffled,reshuffles,reshuffling
lethal/648 -> lethals
wellington/648 -> wellingtons
acknowledgement/647 -> acknowledgements
anglo-saxon/647 -> anglo-saxons
dedication/647 -> dedications
loft/647 -> lofts,lofted,lofting
maiden/647 -> maidens
violet/647 -> violets
bald/646 -> balder,baldest,balding,balded
cairo/646 -> cairoes
muddy/646 -> muddied,muddying,muddies,muddier,muddiest
quarterly/646 -> quarterlies
quartet/646 -> quartets
stella/646 -> stellas
thrill/646 -> thrills,thrilling,thrilled
trailer/646 -> trailers,trailered,trailering
warsaw/646 -> warsaws
bosnian/645 -> bosnians
emit/645 -> emitted,emitting,emits
memoir/645 -> memoirs
micro/645 -> micros
radiator/645 -> radiators
affirm/644 -> affirmed,affirming,affirms
footballer/644 -> footballers
grill/644 -> grilled,grilling,grills
helper/644 -> helpers
hindu/644 -> hindus
deterrent/643 -> deterrents
granny/643 -> grannies
strawberry/643 -> strawberries
bangor/642 -> bangors
eden/642 -> edens
incompatible/642 -> incompatibles
asthma/641 -> asthmas
cradle/641 -> cradled,cradling,cradles
finn/641 -> finns
glossy/641 -> glossies,glossier,glossiest
grandson/641 -> grandsons
tramp/641 -> tramps,tramped,tramping
undesirable/641 -> undesirables
viking/641 -> vikings
boxer/640 -> boxers
devotion/640 -> devotions
dole/640 -> doled,doles,doling
parachute/640 -> parachutes,parachuting,parachuted
exporter/639 -> exporters
linger/639 -> lingered,lingers,lingering
midst/639 -> midsts
suffice/639 -> suffices,sufficed,sufficing
wade/639 -> waded,wading,wades,wadeing
arrears/638 -> arrearss
afghanistan/637 -> afghanistans
brazilian/637 -> brazilians
contamination/637 -> contaminations
icy/637 -> icier,iciest
reiterate/637 -> reiterated,reiterating,reiterates
scepticism/637 -> scepticisms
trauma/637 -> traumas
cosmetic/636 -> cosmetics
obedience/636 -> obediences
oxide/636 -> oxides
ponder/636 -> pondered,pondering,ponders
eccentric/635 -> eccentrics
fen/635 -> fens
greenpeace/635 -> greenpeaces
migrate/635 -> migrated,migrating,migrates
pirate/635 -> pirates,pirated,pirating
bloc/634 -> blocs
coke/634 -> cokes,coking,coked
gale/634 -> gales
addiction/633 -> addictions
creole/633 -> creoles
derivative/633 -> derivatives
ginger/633 -> gingers,gingering,gingered
gnp/633 -> gnps
jake/633 -> jakes
mortal/632 -> mortals
petroleum/632 -> petroleums
pluck/632 -> plucked,plucking,plucks
ps/632 -> pss
sampling/632 -> samplings
chick/631 -> chicks
compass/631 -> compasses,compassed
ecstasy/631 -> ecstasies
frustrate/631 -> frustrated,frustrates,frustrating
finite/630 -> finites
mickey/630 -> mickeys
steak/630 -> steaks
cigar/629 -> cigars
instability/629 -> instabilities
kidnap/629 -> kidnapped,kidnapping,kidnaps
tabloid/629 -> tabloids
unlock/629 -> unlocked,unlocking,unlocks
wed/629 -> wedded,weds,wedding,wed
attic/628 -> attics
canteen/628 -> canteens
endorsement/628 -> endorsements
exacerbate/628 -> exacerbated,exacerbating,exacerbates
handbook/628 -> handbooks
leapor/628 -> leapors
partition/628 -> partitions,partitioned,partitioning
ripe/628 -> riper,ripest
stereotype/628 -> stereotypes,stereotyping,stereotyped
clap/627 -> clapped,clapping,claps
determinant/627 -> determinants
hawk/627 -> hawks,hawking,hawked
luggage/627 -> luggaged,luggage
carpenter/626 -> carpenters,carpentering,carpentered
fourteenth/626 -> fourteenths
garrison/626 -> garrisons,garrisoned,garrisoning
moustache/626 -> moustaches
peninsula/626 -> peninsulas
sling/626 -> slung,slings,slinging
assassination/625 -> assassinations
bland/625 -> blander,blandest,blanding
bout/625 -> bouts
carlos/625 -> carloss
heroic/625 -> heroics
imagery/625 -> imageries
malta/625 -> maltas
telescope/625 -> telescopes,telescoped,telescoping
usher/625 -> ushered,ushering,ushers
filling/624 -> fillings
instalment/624 -> instalments
keyword/624 -> keywords,keywording
plump/624 -> plumped,plumping,plumper,plumps,plumpest
smear/624 -> smeared,smears,smearing
torque/624 -> torques
barge/623 -> barges,barged,barging
deduction/623 -> deductions
erode/623 -> eroded,eroding,erodes
lurk/623 -> lurking,lurked,lurks
menace/623 -> menaces,menaced,menacing
pike/623 -> pikes,piking,piked
stevens/623 -> stevenss
beck/622 -> becks
burglar/622 -> burglars
curator/622 -> curators
regeneration/622 -> regenerations
theatrical/622 -> theatricals
thorn/622 -> thorns,thorning,thorned
compassion/621 -> compassions
goblin/621 -> goblins
johnston/621 -> johnstons
serbia/621 -> serbias
shipment/621 -> shipments
temperament/621 -> temperaments
yer/621 -> yers
chess/620 -> chesses
compost/620 -> composts,composted,composting
salvador/620 -> salvadors
zip/620 -> zips,zipped,zipping
altitude/619 -> altitudes
munich/619 -> muniches
dwell/618 -> dwelt,dwells,dwelling,dwelled
earnest/618 -> earnests
spokeswoman/618 -> spokeswomen
stalin/618 -> stalins
syrian/618 -> syrians
duchy/617 -> duchies
fletcher/617 -> fletchers
generic/617 -> generics
gland/617 -> glands
hart/617 -> harts
redemption/617 -> redemptions
blossom/616 -> blossomed,blossoms,blossoming
commend/616 -> commended,commends,commending
conserve/616 -> conserved,conserving,conserves
cram/616 -> crammed,cramming,crams
humiliation/616 -> humiliations
precipitate/616 -> precipitated,precipitating,precipitates
fin/615 -> fins,finned,finning
ms-dos/615 -> ms-doss
sponge/615 -> sponges,sponged,sponging
bookseller/614 -> booksellers
dynamics/614 -> dynamicss
pizza/614 -> pizzas
reversal/614 -> reversals
set-up/613 -> set-ups
detachment/612 -> detachments
draught/612 -> draughts,draughting,draughted
gunman/612 -> gunmen
shopper/612 -> shoppers
terrain/612 -> terrains
bidder/611 -> bidders
dental/611 -> dentals
extinction/611 -> extinctions
grandparent/611 -> grandparents
junk/611 -> junks,junked,junking,junker
carbonate/610 -> carbonates,carbonated,carbonating
despise/610 -> despised,despising,despises
ecology/610 -> ecologies
gilt/610 -> gilts
homosexuality/610 -> homosexualities
optimum/610 -> optima
paddle/610 -> paddling,paddled,paddles
rehearse/610 -> rehearsed,rehearsing,rehearses
entrant/609 -> entrants
euro/609 -> euros
mandela/609 -> mandelas
ordeal/609 -> ordeals
ratify/609 -> ratified,ratifying,ratifies
starve/609 -> starved,starving,starves,starveing
amino/608 -> aminoes
butt/608 -> butts,butting,butted
expectancy/608 -> expectancies
gatt/608 -> gatts
lithuania/608 -> lithuanias
prominence/608 -> prominences
reverend/608 -> reverends
silicon/608 -> siliconed,siliconing
vegetarian/608 -> vegetarians
bulgaria/607 -> bulgarias
persuasion/607 -> persuasions
abstraction/606 -> abstractions
cancellation/606 -> cancellations
detach/606 -> detached,detaching,detaches
inadequacy/606 -> inadequacies
ramp/606 -> ramps,ramping,ramped
rationality/606 -> rationalities
rebecca/606 -> rebeccas
sunset/606 -> sunsets
turf/606 -> turfed,turfs,turfing,turves
fender/605 -> fenders,fendered
kohl/605 -> kohls
adventurer/604 -> adventurers
devastate/604 -> devastated,devastating,devastates
fortress/604 -> fortresses,fortressed
granite/604 -> granites
lexicon/604 -> lexicons
pronunciation/604 -> pronunciations
%/603 -> %s
enhancement/603 -> enhancements
nec/603 -> necs
pavilion/603 -> pavilions
reunion/603 -> reunions
aisle/602 -> aisles
believer/602 -> believers
curry/602 -> curries,currys,currying,curried
fatty/602 -> fatties,fattier,fattys,fattiest
glider/602 -> gliders
mumble/602 -> mumbled,mumbling,mumbles
peptide/602 -> peptides
pickup/602 -> pickups
definitive/601 -> definitives
leigh/601 -> leighs
lincolnshire/601 -> lincolnshires
mattress/601 -> mattresses
sa/601 -> sas
spear/601 -> spears,speared,spearing
burrow/600 -> burrows,burrowing,burrowed
doe/600 -> does
gastrin/600 -> gastrins
generosity/600 -> generosities
ivy/600 -> ivies
sierra/600 -> sierras
alga/599 -> algae
cane/599 -> canes,caned,caning
conquer/599 -> conquered,conquering,conquers
demolition/599 -> demolitions
militia/599 -> militias
plaque/599 -> plaques
rake/599 -> raked,raking,rakes
setback/599 -> setbacks
back-up/598 -> back-ups
disbelief/598 -> disbeliefs
goldsmith/598 -> goldsmiths
hockey/598 -> hockeys
outskirts/598 -> outskirtss
thirteenth/598 -> thirteenths
center/597 -> centers,centered,centering
flutter/597 -> fluttered,fluttering,flutters
imbalance/597 -> imbalances,imbalanced,imbalancing
mantle/597 -> mantles,mantled,mantling
stereo/597 -> stereos
stout/597 -> stouter,stoutest,stouts
tangible/597 -> tangibles
harassment/596 -> harassments
howl/596 -> howled,howling,howls
polo/596 -> polos
rave/596 -> raving,raves,raved
stan/596 -> stans
winger/596 -> wingers
communion/595 -> communions
lava/595 -> lavas
pierce/595 -> pierced,piercing,pierces
reconstruct/595 -> reconstructed,reconstructing,reconstructs
sub-committee/595 -> sub-committees
tonic/595 -> tonics
ammunition/594 -> ammunitions
commemorate/594 -> commemorated,commemorating,commemorates
hinder/594 -> hindered,hindering,hinders
impair/594 -> impaired,impairs,impairing
modigliani/594 -> modiglianis
one-day/594 -> one-days
recollection/594 -> recollections
refreshment/594 -> refreshments
volatile/594 -> volatiles
woods/594 -> woodss
buffet/593 -> buffets,buffetted,buffeting,buffeted
crow/593 -> crows,crowed,crowing,crew
extraction/593 -> extractions
hinge/593 -> hinges,hinged,hingeing,hinging
indifference/593 -> indifferences
journalism/593 -> journalisms
meditation/593 -> meditations
offline/593 -> offlined,offlining,offlines
rental/593 -> rentals
stump/593 -> stumps,stumped,stumping
underpin/593 -> underpinned,underpinning,underpins
flatten/592 -> flattened,flattening,flattens
insulation/592 -> insulations
intermediary/592 -> intermediaries
mast/592 -> masts,masted
barley/591 -> barleys
compression/591 -> compressions
costa/591 -> costas
gallop/591 -> galloped,galloping,gallops
orderly/591 -> orderlies
readiness/591 -> readinesses
regent/591 -> regents
slit/591 -> slits,slitting,slitted
twitch/591 -> twitched,twitching,twitches
congratulations/590 -> congratulationss
reappear/590 -> reappeared,reappears,reappearing
reassurance/590 -> reassurances
turk/590 -> turks
waterfall/590 -> waterfalls
antiquity/589 -> antiquities
ci/589 -> cis
geometric/589 -> geometrics
misuse/589 -> misused,misusing,misuses
moses/589 -> mosess
blot/588 -> blotted,blotting,blots
contender/588 -> contenders
genesis/588 -> geneses
reinforcement/588 -> reinforcements
caress/587 -> caressing,caressed,caresses
demon/587 -> demons
irritate/587 -> irritated,irritates,irritating
lifeboat/587 -> lifeboats
punk/587 -> punks
tt/587 -> tts
ventilation/587 -> ventilations
anomaly/586 -> anomalies
bulge/586 -> bulging,bulged,bulges
duplicate/586 -> duplicated,duplicating,duplicates
liquidity/586 -> liquidities
mars/586 -> marss
preacher/586 -> preachers
angus/585 -> anguss
delhi/585 -> delhis
gin/585 -> gins,ginned
tanker/585 -> tankers,tankered
dismay/584 -> dismayed,dismaying,dismays
drawback/584 -> drawbacks
encode/584 -> encoded,encoding,encodes
loaf/584 -> loaves,loafing,loafed,loafs
runway/584 -> runways
sec/584 -> secs
deployment/583 -> deployments
intimacy/583 -> intimacies
lining/583 -> linings
presenter/583 -> presenters
rationale/583 -> rationales
scum/583 -> scums,scummed
baghdad/582 -> baghdads
blouse/582 -> blouses,bloused,blousing
bribe/582 -> bribes,bribed,bribing
caller/582 -> callers
cockpit/582 -> cockpits
paste/582 -> pasted,pastes,pasting
relic/582 -> relics
selector/582 -> selectors
wink/582 -> winked,winking,winks
chatter/581 -> chattering,chattered,chatters
inset/581 -> insets,insetting,insetted
judith/581 -> judiths
bourgeoisie/580 -> bourgeoisies
canopy/580 -> canopies,canopied
collaborate/580 -> collaborated,collaborating,collaborates
crying/580 -> cryings
masterpiece/580 -> masterpieces
recurrence/580 -> recurrences
subscriber/580 -> subscribers
syntax/580 -> syntaxes
ukrainian/580 -> ukrainians
accession/579 -> accessions,accessioned,accessioning
annoy/579 -> annoyed,annoys,annoying
lenin/579 -> lenins
loneliness/579 -> lonelinesses
mohammed/579 -> mohammeds
peck/579 -> pecking,pecked,pecks
phosphate/579 -> phosphates,phosphating
refine/579 -> refined,refining,refines
refrain/579 -> refrained,refraining,refrains
sparkling/579 -> sparklings
stifle/579 -> stifled,stifling,stifles
vent/579 -> vents,vented,venting
dissatisfaction/578 -> dissatisfactions
gran/578 -> grans
pasta/578 -> pastas
preface/578 -> prefaced,prefaces,prefacing
proprietary/578 -> proprietaries
somalia/578 -> somalias
visa/578 -> visas
deduct/577 -> deducted,deducting,deducts
flu/577 -> flus
grate/577 -> grated,grates,grating
novelty/577 -> novelties
programmer/577 -> programmers
repertoire/577 -> repertoires
toddler/577 -> toddlers
arse/576 -> arses,arsed,arsing
bureaucrat/576 -> bureaucrats
disciple/576 -> disciples,discipling,discipled
occupier/576 -> occupiers
unfold/576 -> unfolded,unfolding,unfolds
vicinity/576 -> vicinities
lebanese/575 -> lebaneses
lyons/575 -> lyonss
pastry/575 -> pastries
pellet/575 -> pellets
sherry/575 -> sherries
tutorial/575 -> tutorials
yuan/575 -> yuans
bedside/574 -> bedsides
breadth/574 -> breadths
dusk/574 -> dusks,dusking,dusked
jamaica/574 -> jamaicas
ripple/574 -> ripples,rippled,rippling
validation/574 -> validations
analogue/573 -> analogues
concerto/573 -> concertos
deduce/573 -> deduced,deducing,deduces
elastic/573 -> elastics
evacuate/573 -> evacuated,evacuating,evacuates
fulfilment/573 -> fulfilments
pi/573 -> pis
treble/573 -> trebled,trebles,trebling
vaughan/573 -> vaughans
flake/572 -> flakes,flaking,flaked
furnishing/572 -> furnishings
penguin/572 -> penguins
tsar/572 -> tsars
boiling/571 -> boilings
by-election/571 -> by-elections
coating/571 -> coatings
crumble/571 -> crumbled,crumbling,crumbles
jelly/571 -> jellies,jellied,jellys
nought/571 -> noughts
obstruction/571 -> obstructions
ore/571 -> ores
speedy/571 -> speedier,speediest
austin/570 -> austins
clough/570 -> cloughs
gutter/570 -> gutters,guttered,guttering
luxembourg/570 -> luxembourgs
midfielder/570 -> midfielders
porch/570 -> porches
pork/570 -> porking
scots/570 -> scotss
sod/570 -> sods,sodding,sodded
verify/570 -> verified,verifying,verifies
cole/569 -> coles
fatigue/569 -> fatigues,fatigued,fatiguing
frail/569 -> frailer,frailest,frails
co-ordinator/568 -> co-ordinators
colouring/568 -> colourings
maritime/568 -> maritimes
pointer/568 -> pointers
salute/568 -> saluted,salutes,saluting
tee/568 -> tees,teeing,teed
two-year/568 -> two-years
almond/567 -> almonds
artery/567 -> arteries
berkeley/567 -> berkeleys
foreman/567 -> foremen,foremans
frankfurt/567 -> frankfurts
lavish/567 -> lavished,lavishing,lavishes
penetration/567 -> penetrations
prosecutor/567 -> prosecutors
times/567 -> timess
cdna/566 -> cdnas
citation/566 -> citations
commonplace/566 -> commonplaces
crunch/566 -> crunched,crunching,crunches
handwriting/566 -> handwritings
parlour/566 -> parlours
regulator/566 -> regulators
tier/566 -> tiers
anselm/565 -> anselms
confide/565 -> confided,confiding,confides
fungus/565 -> fungi,funguses
lager/565 -> lagers,lagered
riddle/565 -> riddled,riddles,riddling
vapour/565 -> vapours,vapouring
wavelength/565 -> wavelengths
dine/564 -> dined,dining,dines
phoenix/564 -> phoenixes
typewriter/564 -> typewriters
wallpaper/564 -> wallpapers,wallpapering,wallpapered
apprehension/563 -> apprehensions
boredom/563 -> boredoms
competitiveness/563 -> competitivenesses
contour/563 -> contours,contouring,contoured
notation/563 -> notations
reg/563 -> regs
spa/563 -> spas
incumbent/562 -> incumbents
mahogany/562 -> mahoganies
nancy/562 -> nancies
operative/562 -> operatives
paperback/562 -> paperbacks,paperbacked
collide/561 -> collided,colliding,collides
hairdresser/561 -> hairdressers
loosen/561 -> loosened,loosening,loosens
registry/561 -> registries
rick/561 -> ricks,ricked,ricking
rouge/561 -> rouges,rouged,rouging,rougeing
slum/561 -> slums,slumming,slummed
align/560 -> aligned,aligning,aligns
crescent/560 -> crescents
genus/560 -> genera
harvard/560 -> harvards
morocco/560 -> moroccos
sculptor/560 -> sculptors
whig/560 -> whigs
consolation/559 -> consolations
convent/559 -> convents,convented
diplomacy/559 -> diplomacies
facial/559 -> facials
flint/559 -> flints
gem/559 -> gems
montgomery/559 -> montgomeries
perry/559 -> perries,perried
retrospective/559 -> retrospectives
saying/559 -> sayings
sprint/559 -> sprinted,sprinting,sprints
vomit/559 -> vomiting,vomited,vomits
crab/558 -> crabs,crabbed,crabbing
elicit/558 -> elicited,eliciting,elicits
empower/558 -> empowered,empowers,empowering
implicate/558 -> implicated,implicating,implicates
pleasing/558 -> pleasings
seriousness/558 -> seriousnesses
gloss/557 -> glossed,glosses,glossing
infantry/557 -> infantries
torment/557 -> tormented,tormenting,torments
transportation/557 -> transportations
baptist/556 -> baptists
baseline/556 -> baselines,baselining
beetle/556 -> beetles,beetling,beetled
devaluation/556 -> devaluations
imitate/556 -> imitating,imitated,imitates
restructure/556 -> restructuring,restructured,restructures
shifting/556 -> shiftings
sprinkle/556 -> sprinkled,sprinkling,sprinkles
ascent/555 -> ascents
flip/555 -> flipped,flips,flipping
rhyme/555 -> rhymes,rhyming,rhymed
seaside/555 -> seasides
cia/554 -> cias
clinch/554 -> clinched,clinching,clinches
crag/554 -> crags,cragging
elimination/554 -> eliminations
freeman/554 -> freemen
greenbelt/554 -> greenbelts
honeymoon/554 -> honeymoons,honeymooning,honeymooned
leicestershire/554 -> leicestershires
lurch/554 -> lurched,lurching,lurches
shetland/554 -> shetlands
walton/554 -> waltons
apprenticeship/553 -> apprenticeships
elector/553 -> electors
industrialist/553 -> industrialists
termination/553 -> terminations
comeback/552 -> comebacks
coronary/552 -> coronaries
cutter/552 -> cutters
highlands/552 -> highlandss
jaguar/552 -> jaguars
nina/552 -> ninas
rinse/552 -> rinsed,rinsing,rinses
withstand/552 -> withstood,withstanding,withstands
chestnut/551 -> chestnuts
confederation/551 -> confederations
dynasty/551 -> dynasties
pagan/551 -> pagans
quaker/551 -> quakers
slack/551 -> slacks,slacking,slacker,slackest,slacked
svq/551 -> svqs
keynesian/550 -> keynesians
privy/550 -> privies
puppet/550 -> puppets
scorer/550 -> scorers
starving/550 -> starvings
activation/549 -> activations
arithmetic/549 -> arithmetics
bum/549 -> bums,bumming,bummed
examiner/549 -> examiners
kurdish/549 -> kurdishes
remit/549 -> remitted,remits,remitting
temporal/549 -> temporals
wail/549 -> wailed,wailing,wails
barrow/548 -> barrows,barrowed,barrowing
dune/548 -> dunes
edgar/548 -> edgars
shark/548 -> sharks,sharking,sharked
stratum/548 -> strata
vaccine/548 -> vaccines
alleviate/547 -> alleviated,alleviating,alleviates
clan/547 -> clans
derelict/547 -> derelicts
jess/547 -> jesses
libyan/547 -> libyans
moist/547 -> moister,moistest
baroque/546 -> baroques
cot/546 -> cots
dummy/546 -> dummies,dummied,dummying,dummys
settler/546 -> settlers
willis/546 -> williss
convergence/545 -> convergences
creed/545 -> creeds
glide/545 -> gliding,glided,glides
intrusion/545 -> intrusions
intuition/545 -> intuitions
locke/545 -> lockes
mama/545 -> mamas
oct/545 -> octs
plank/545 -> planks,planked,planking
thornton/545 -> thorntons
vulnerability/545 -> vulnerabilities
aquitaine/544 -> aquitaines
ascribe/544 -> ascribed,ascribing,ascribes
colombia/544 -> colombias
kinship/544 -> kinships
mister/544 -> misters
physicist/544 -> physicists
sharpen/544 -> sharpened,sharpening,sharpens
shining/544 -> shinings
vineyard/544 -> vineyards
authorize/543 -> authorized,authorizing,authorizes
avert/543 -> averted,averting,averts
disgrace/543 -> disgraced,disgracing,disgraces
elevation/543 -> elevations
housekeeper/543 -> housekeepers
jon/543 -> joned
leon/543 -> leons
monsieur/543 -> monsieurs
applaud/542 -> applauded,applauding,applauds
incorporation/542 -> incorporations
medication/542 -> medications
pants/542 -> pantss
centimetre/541 -> centimetres
millionaire/541 -> millionaires
reconsider/541 -> reconsidered,reconsidering,reconsiders
testify/541 -> testified,testifies,testifying
whereabouts/541 -> whereaboutss
beijing/540 -> beijings
clown/540 -> clowns,clowning,clowned
gull/540 -> gulls,gulled
gum/540 -> gums,gummed,gumming
insolvency/540 -> insolvencies
merry/540 -> merrier,merriest
niece/540 -> nieces
applause/539 -> applauses
beth/539 -> beths
chaplain/539 -> chaplains
startle/539 -> startled,startling,startles
coaching/538 -> coachings
cricketer/538 -> cricketers
desperation/538 -> desperations
judiciary/538 -> judiciaries
neutrality/538 -> neutralities
normandy/538 -> normandies
pilgrimage/538 -> pilgrimages
purport/538 -> purports,purporting,purported
reuter/538 -> reuters
roam/538 -> roaming,roamed,roams
shriek/538 -> shrieked,shrieking,shrieks
snail/538 -> snails
apron/537 -> aprons
archaeologist/537 -> archaeologists
canoe/537 -> canoes,canoeing,canoed
churchyard/537 -> churchyards
colliery/537 -> collieries
pebble/537 -> pebbles
benedict/536 -> benedicts
conjure/536 -> conjured,conjures,conjuring
facet/536 -> facets
fiver/536 -> fivers
laundry/536 -> laundries
mop/536 -> mopped,mopping,mops
nov/536 -> novs
oversee/536 -> overseeing,oversees,oversaw,overseen
remnant/536 -> remnants
second-hand/536 -> second-hands
snort/536 -> snorted,snorting,snorts
spotlight/536 -> spotlights,spotlighting,spotlighted
talbot/536 -> talbots
daytime/535 -> daytimes
disney/535 -> disneys
ranking/535 -> rankings
rotor/535 -> rotors
affiliation/534 -> affiliations
carbohydrate/534 -> carbohydrates
cavity/534 -> cavities
conglomerate/534 -> conglomerates,conglomerating
floppy/534 -> floppies,floppier,floppiest
repeal/534 -> repealed,repealing,repeals,repealling
rift/534 -> rifts,rifting,rifted
anguish/533 -> anguishing,anguishes,anguished
consolidation/533 -> consolidations
flux/533 -> fluxes,fluxed,fluxing
accrue/532 -> accrued,accruing,accrues
athletics/532 -> athleticss
feat/532 -> feats
gulp/532 -> gulped,gulping,gulps
hitch/532 -> hitched,hitching,hitches
peacock/532 -> peacocks,peacocking
quay/532 -> quays
redress/532 -> redressed,redressing,redresses
reflex/532 -> reflexes
shuttle/532 -> shuttles,shuttling,shuttled
turmoil/532 -> turmoils,turmoiled
yawn/532 -> yawned,yawning,yawns
batter/531 -> battered,battering,batters
console/531 -> consoled,consoles,consoling
dodge/531 -> dodging,dodged,dodges
nutty/531 -> nutties,nuttier,nuttiest
presumption/531 -> presumptions
vigour/531 -> vigours
alignment/530 -> alignments
coastline/530 -> coastlines
condom/530 -> condoms
decimal/530 -> decimals
harlow/530 -> harlows
leukaemia/530 -> leukaemias
shear/530 -> shears,shorn,shearing,sheared
crook/529 -> crooks,crooked,crooking
discreet/529 -> discreetest
hopkins/529 -> hopkinss
moth/529 -> moths
qc/529 -> qcs
uranium/529 -> uraniums
workload/529 -> workloads
boulder/528 -> boulders,bouldering
dent/528 -> dented,dents,denting
grit/528 -> gritted,gritting,grits
jog/528 -> jogging,jogged,jogs
northamptonshire/528 -> northamptonshires
swoop/528 -> swooped,swooping,swoops
township/528 -> townships
abdominal/527 -> abdominals
excite/527 -> excited,excites,exciting
perth/527 -> perths
specificity/527 -> specificities
stink/527 -> stinks,stinking,stank,stunk
succumb/527 -> succumbed,succumbing,succumbs
tangle/527 -> tangled,tangles,tangling
anal/526 -> anals
awe/526 -> awed,awes
catalyst/526 -> catalysts
ferret/526 -> ferrets,ferreting,ferreted
helping/526 -> helpings
mislead/526 -> misled,misleading,misleads
parsons/526 -> parsonss
plateau/526 -> plateaus,plateaux
venus/526 -> venuss
clench/525 -> clenched,clenching,clenches
lucas/525 -> lucass
neutron/525 -> neutrons
prolong/525 -> prolonged,prolonging,prolongs
reciprocal/525 -> reciprocals
refinement/525 -> refinements
transcript/525 -> transcripts
cuban/524 -> cubans
fleming/524 -> flemings
multitude/524 -> multitudes
swirl/524 -> swirling,swirled,swirls
thrash/524 -> thrashed,thrashing,thrashes
ware/524 -> wares,waring
binoculars/523 -> binocular
infirmary/523 -> infirmaries
longing/523 -> longings
lust/523 -> lusts,lusted,lusting
one-off/523 -> one-offs
switching/523 -> switchings
trumpet/523 -> trumpets,trumpeting,trumpeted
advancement/522 -> advancements
burma/522 -> burmas
centenary/522 -> centenaries
diver/522 -> divers
evade/522 -> evaded,evading,evades
aristocracy/521 -> aristocracies
cavalry/521 -> cavalries
homeland/521 -> homelands
intercept/521 -> intercepted,intercepting,intercepts
minimize/521 -> minimized,minimizing,minimizes
nan/521 -> nans,nanning
noel/521 -> noels
pilgrim/521 -> pilgrims
potency/521 -> potencies
sophistication/521 -> sophistications
commuter/520 -> commuters
entrust/520 -> entrusted,entrusting,entrusts
flaw/520 -> flaws
grazing/520 -> grazings
seizure/520 -> seizures
tame/520 -> tamed,taming,tamer,tames,tamest
wireless/520 -> wirelesses,wirelessed
yen/520 -> yens
breeder/519 -> breeders
familiarity/519 -> familiarities
jargon/519 -> jargons,jargoning
mapping/519 -> mappings
stipulate/519 -> stipulated,stipulates,stipulating
captive/518 -> captives
cohort/518 -> cohorts,cohorting
defer/518 -> deferred,deferring,defers
feeding/518 -> feedings
indicative/518 -> indicatives
infusion/518 -> infusions
intricate/518 -> intricating
warner/518 -> warners
evangelical/517 -> evangelicals
forensic/517 -> forensics
hebrew/517 -> hebrews
incoming/517 -> incomings
inscription/517 -> inscriptions
kg/517 -> kgs
mortimer/517 -> mortimers
worcestershire/517 -> worcestershires
aspire/516 -> aspired,aspiring,aspires
dangle/516 -> dangling,dangled,dangles
peasantry/516 -> peasantries
pretence/516 -> pretences
rector/516 -> rectors
woollen/516 -> woollens
defiance/515 -> defiances
efficacy/515 -> efficacies
flex/515 -> flexed,flexing,flexes
trek/515 -> trekking,treks,trekked
wrench/515 -> wrenched,wrenching,wrenches
hugo/514 -> hugoes
moonlight/514 -> moonlighting,moonlights,moonlighted
ounce/514 -> ounces
peach/514 -> peaches
refund/514 -> refunded,refunds,refunding
rhodes/514 -> rhodess
shorten/514 -> shortened,shortening,shortens
twentieth-century/514 -> twentieth-centuries
astonishment/513 -> astonishments
broadcaster/513 -> broadcasters
mustard/513 -> mustards,mustarded,mustard
rumble/513 -> rumbled,rumbling,rumbles
scorn/513 -> scorned,scorning,scorns
deposition/512 -> depositions
distraction/512 -> distractions
freezer/512 -> freezers
kirk/512 -> kirks
literal/512 -> literals
pastel/512 -> pastels
petersburg/512 -> petersburgs
plasmid/512 -> plasmids
umpire/512 -> umpires,umpiring,umpired
mann/511 -> manns
unlucky/511 -> unluckiest,unluckier
albanian/510 -> albanians
diffuse/510 -> diffused,diffusing,diffuses
ee/510 -> ees
etcetera/510 -> etceteras
firework/510 -> fireworks
friar/510 -> friars
grumble/510 -> grumbled,grumbling,grumbles
intrigue/510 -> intrigued,intrigues,intriguing
parrot/510 -> parrots,parroting,parroted
rouble/510 -> roubles
thinker/510 -> thinkers
contaminate/509 -> contaminated,contaminating,contaminates
line-up/509 -> line-ups
quantify/509 -> quantified,quantifying,quantifies
tab/509 -> tabs,tabbed,tabbing
usefulness/509 -> usefulnesses
clump/508 -> clumps,clumped,clumping
fertiliser/508 -> fertilisers
friction/508 -> frictions,frictioned
functioning/508 -> functionings
linkage/508 -> linkages
promotional/508 -> promotionals
willow/508 -> willows,willowing
bandage/507 -> bandages,bandaged,bandaging
den/507 -> dens
eclipse/507 -> eclipsed,eclipses,eclipsing
enlist/507 -> enlisted,enlisting,enlists
half-time/507 -> half-times
midday/507 -> middays
nostril/507 -> nostrils,nostrilling
rochester/507 -> rochesters
depreciation/506 -> depreciations
digit/506 -> digits
enlightenment/506 -> enlightenments
martyr/506 -> martyrs,martyred,martyring,martyr's
mole/506 -> moles
preview/506 -> previews,previewed,previewing
shortfall/506 -> shortfalls
spawn/506 -> spawned,spawning,spawns
nude/505 -> nudes,nuder
o'brien/505 -> o'briens
outweigh/505 -> outweighed,outweighs,outweighing
sabine/505 -> sabines
augment/504 -> augmented,augmenting,augments
build-up/504 -> build-ups
cascade/504 -> cascading,cascades,cascaded
edwardian/504 -> edwardians
flop/504 -> flopped,flops,flopping
insp/504 -> insps
madeleine/504 -> madeleines
bachelor/503 -> bachelors
betrayal/503 -> betrayals
charcoal/503 -> charcoals,charcoaled,charcoaling
ensemble/503 -> ensembles
harper/503 -> harpers
nutrition/503 -> nutritions
reclaim/503 -> reclaimed,reclaiming,reclaims
reopen/503 -> reopened,reopens,reopening
utmost/503 -> utmosts
adore/502 -> adored,adores,adoring
countess/502 -> countesses
croatian/502 -> croatians
lense/502 -> lenses,lensing,lensed
rhythmic/502 -> rhythmics
sever/502 -> severed,severing,severs
unload/502 -> unloaded,unloading,unloads
algeria/501 -> algerias
authoritarian/501 -> authoritarians
banish/501 -> banished,banishing,banishes
brisk/501 -> brisker,briskest,brisking
dire/501 -> direst,direr
disapproval/501 -> disapprovals
lowland/501 -> lowlands
martial/501 -> martialled,martials
nurture/501 -> nurtured,nurturing,nurtures
tub/501 -> tubs,tubbing,tubbed
camel/500 -> camels
founding/500 -> foundings
inconvenience/500 -> inconvenienced,inconveniences,inconveniencing
kgb/500 -> kgbs
liberalism/500 -> liberalisms
maze/500 -> mazes,mazed,mazing
psychic/500 -> psychics
scotsman/500 -> scotsmen
shutter/500 -> shutters,shuttering
vol/500 -> vols
amber/499 -> ambers
clatter/499 -> clattered,clattering,clatters
tudor/499 -> tudors
uphold/499 -> upholding,upholds,upheld
wow/499 -> wowing,wowed,wows
carcinoma/498 -> carcinomas
flute/498 -> flutes,fluted,fluting
manslaughter/498 -> manslaughters
nip/498 -> nipped,nipping,nips
semiconductor/498 -> semiconductors
villain/498 -> villains
agitation/497 -> agitations
cuckoo/497 -> cuckoos
mon/497 -> mons
pakistani/497 -> pakistanis
professionalism/497 -> professionalisms
salvage/497 -> salvaged,salvaging,salvages
sultan/497 -> sultans
alight/496 -> alighted,alighting,alights,alit
antarctic/496 -> antarctics
autobiography/496 -> autobiographies
cycling/496 -> cyclings
digestion/496 -> digestions
gcse/496 -> gcses
jubilee/496 -> jubilees
misunderstand/496 -> misunderstood,misunderstanding,misunderstands
twig/496 -> twigs,twigged,twigging
advertiser/495 -> advertisers
irrational/495 -> irrationals
muster/495 -> mustered,mustering,musters
policyholder/495 -> policyholders
triumphant/495 -> triumphants
bridget/494 -> bridgets
cumbria/494 -> cumbrias
enrich/494 -> enriched,enriching,enriches
evaporate/494 -> evaporated,evaporates,evaporating
fret/494 -> frets,fretted,fretting
lavender/494 -> lavenders
appropriation/493 -> appropriations
brewing/493 -> brewings
enrol/493 -> enrolled,enrolling,enrols
forefront/493 -> forefronts
metabolism/493 -> metabolisms
sneak/493 -> sneaked,sneaking,sneaks
apologize/492 -> apologized,apologizing,apologizes
beating/492 -> beatings
ch/492 -> chs,ches
comedian/492 -> comedians
convertible/492 -> convertibles
grandma/492 -> grandmas
perpetual/492 -> perpetuals
rash/492 -> rashes
relinquish/492 -> relinquished,relinquishing,relinquishes
revolve/492 -> revolves,revolved,revolving
shopkeeper/492 -> shopkeepers
upside/492 -> upsides
cfc/491 -> cfcs
discrete/491 -> discretes
foe/491 -> foes
humanitarian/491 -> humanitarians
lessen/491 -> lessened,lessening,lessens
negotiator/491 -> negotiators
paperwork/491 -> paperworks
purge/491 -> purged,purges,purging
reflux/491 -> refluxed
validate/491 -> validated,validating,validates
weaving/491 -> weavings
beech/490 -> beeches
carson/490 -> carsons
cocoa/490 -> cocoas
dining-room/490 -> dining-rooms
elegance/490 -> elegances
flooding/490 -> floodings
guise/490 -> guises
heavyweight/490 -> heavyweights
recount/490 -> recounted,recounts,recounting
slick/490 -> slicked,slicks,slicker,slicking,slickest
suppression/490 -> suppressions
tbsp/490 -> tbsps
emulate/489 -> emulated,emulating,emulates
lass/489 -> lasses
madeira/489 -> madeiras
molar/489 -> molars
o'neill/489 -> o'neills
reap/489 -> reaping,reaped,reaps
sprout/489 -> sprouts,sprouted,sprouting
abandonment/488 -> abandonments
greed/488 -> greeds
nome/488 -> nomes
biologist/487 -> biologists
cowboy/487 -> cowboys
hypothetical/487 -> hypotheticals
muck/487 -> mucking,mucked,mucks
raider/487 -> raiders
remuneration/487 -> remunerations
strait/487 -> straits
weber/487 -> webers
arrogance/486 -> arrogances
emanate/486 -> emanating,emanated,emanates
petal/486 -> petals,petalling,petalled
prudent/486 -> prudenter
scandinavian/486 -> scandinavians
skinner/486 -> skinners
stoop/486 -> stooped,stooping,stoops
unseen/486 -> unseens
wagner/486 -> wagners
bangladesh/485 -> bangladeshes
in-service/485 -> in-services
redeem/485 -> redeemed,redeeming,redeems
convene/484 -> convened,convenes,convening
geometry/484 -> geometries
ledge/484 -> ledges,ledged
protester/484 -> protesters
recourse/484 -> recourses
snarl/484 -> snarled,snarling,snarls
whirl/484 -> whirled,whirling,whirls
alpine/483 -> alpines
blackmail/483 -> blackmailed,blackmailing,blackmails
clarification/483 -> clarifications
crossroads/483 -> crossroadss
exhaustion/483 -> exhaustions
nostalgia/483 -> nostalgias
racket/483 -> rackets,racketing,racketed
shortcoming/483 -> shortcomings
snooker/483 -> snookered,snookers,snookering
staple/483 -> staples,stapled,stapling
windscreen/483 -> windscreens
basque/482 -> basques
cartridge/482 -> cartridges
discern/482 -> discerned,discerns,discerning
esteem/482 -> esteemed,esteems,esteeming
flatter/482 -> flattered,flattering,flatters
glamour/482 -> glamours
inquire/482 -> inquired,inquiring,inquires
visibility/482 -> visibilities
aa/481 -> aas
arabic/481 -> arabics
bash/481 -> bashing,bashed,bashes
covering/481 -> coverings
dudley/481 -> dudleys
gorge/481 -> gorges,gorged,gorging
outburst/481 -> outbursts
prosper/481 -> prospered,prospering,prospers
scanner/481 -> scanners
specialize/481 -> specialized,specializing,specializes
teen/481 -> teens
ashton/480 -> ashtons
avon/480 -> avons
cam/480 -> cams,cammed
challenger/480 -> challengers
contracting/480 -> contractings
dice/480 -> diced,dicing,dices
relegation/480 -> relegations
sitting-room/480 -> sitting-rooms
sturdy/480 -> sturdier,sturdiest
trough/480 -> troughs,troughed,troughing
amuse/479 -> amused,amusing,amuses
cabbage/479 -> cabbages
carving/479 -> carvings
goody/479 -> goodies
mesh/479 -> meshes,meshed,meshing
slipper/479 -> slippers,slippered,slippering
wheeler/479 -> wheelers
amiss/478 -> amisses,amissing
arcade/478 -> arcades,arcading,arcaded
coordinator/478 -> coordinators
hasten/478 -> hastened,hastening,hastens
huddle/478 -> huddled,huddling,huddles
impairment/478 -> impairments
liner/478 -> liners
marina/478 -> marinas
parry/478 -> parried,parrying,parries
raffle/478 -> raffles,raffled,raffling
unreliable/478 -> unreliables
buckle/477 -> buckles,buckled,buckling
fore/477 -> fores
pronoun/477 -> pronouns
ruby/477 -> rubies,rubys
spreading/477 -> spreadings
baptism/476 -> baptisms
gleaming/476 -> gleamings
glowing/476 -> glowings
jeep/476 -> jeeps
liquidation/476 -> liquidations
tort/476 -> torts
backdrop/475 -> backdrops,backdropped
bibliography/475 -> bibliographies
cookery/475 -> cookeries
rename/475 -> renamed,renaming,renames
wield/475 -> wielding,wielded,wields
ape/474 -> apes,apeing,aping,aped
assent/474 -> assented,assents,assenting
avoidance/474 -> avoidances
ceremonial/474 -> ceremonials
compiler/474 -> compilers
conservatism/474 -> conservatisms
croat/474 -> croats
editing/474 -> editings
intestine/474 -> intestines
partisan/474 -> partisans
rye/474 -> ryes
shotgun/474 -> shotguns
abound/473 -> abounded,abounds,abounding
admirer/473 -> admirers
albania/473 -> albanias
alienate/473 -> alienated,alienating,alienates
amazement/473 -> amazements
anatomy/473 -> anatomies
cunningham/473 -> cunninghams
intruder/473 -> intruders
jumble/473 -> jumbled,jumbles,jumbling
luce/473 -> luces
nicaragua/473 -> nicaraguas
patio/473 -> patios
presbyterian/473 -> presbyterians
punter/473 -> punters
singular/473 -> singulars
sperm/473 -> sperms,spermed
eyelid/472 -> eyelids
gedge/472 -> gedges
heighten/472 -> heightened,heightening,heightens
sandstone/472 -> sandstones
stiffen/472 -> stiffened,stiffening,stiffens
taboo/472 -> taboos
accompaniment/471 -> accompaniments
built-in/471 -> built-ins
cider/471 -> ciders
endow/471 -> endowed,endowing,endows
ethiopia/471 -> ethiopias
greedy/471 -> greedier,greediest
humanities/471 -> humanitiess
rejoin/471 -> rejoined,rejoining,rejoins
sportsman/471 -> sportsmen,sportsmans
deletion/470 -> deletions
meg/470 -> megs
nudge/470 -> nudged,nudging,nudges
pollute/470 -> polluted,polluting,pollutes
skiing/470 -> skiings
workhouse/470 -> workhouses
boswell/469 -> boswells
crater/469 -> craters,cratered,cratering
dover/469 -> dovered
moran/469 -> morans
o'/469 -> o'ed
resurrection/469 -> resurrections
sincere/469 -> sincerest,sincerer
amplifier/468 -> amplifiers
blockade/468 -> blockaded,blockades,blockading
darken/468 -> darkened,darkening,darkens
feasibility/468 -> feasibilities
inflammation/468 -> inflammations
informant/468 -> informants
lifting/468 -> liftings
neuron/468 -> neurons
supersede/468 -> superseded,supersedes,superseding
fumble/467 -> fumbled,fumbling,fumbles
magnet/467 -> magnets
relocation/467 -> relocations
souvenir/467 -> souvenirs
trespass/467 -> trespassing,trespasses,trespassed
upheaval/467 -> upheavals
clumsy/466 -> clumsier,clumsiest
cohesion/466 -> cohesions
coordination/466 -> coordinations
degenerate/466 -> degenerated,degenerating,degenerates
diagonal/466 -> diagonals
gram/466 -> grams
ma'am/466 -> ma'ams
moorland/466 -> moorlands
pave/466 -> paved,paving,paves
prick/466 -> pricked,pricking,pricks
spade/466 -> spades,spading
beggar/465 -> beggars,beggaring,beggared
boarding/465 -> boardings
compatibility/465 -> compatibilities
fiery/465 -> fieriest,fierier
heroine/465 -> heroines
herr/465 -> herrs
iceland/465 -> icelands
liar/465 -> liars
openness/465 -> opennesses
shrewd/465 -> shrewder,shrewdest
siemens/465 -> siemenss
waterproof/465 -> waterproofs,waterproofed,waterproofing
aea/464 -> aeas
cologne/464 -> colognes
comprehend/464 -> comprehended,comprehending,comprehends
linguist/464 -> linguists
polymerase/464 -> polymerases
viability/464 -> viabilities
condemnation/463 -> condemnations
conformity/463 -> conformities
curtail/463 -> curtailed,curtailing,curtails
emancipation/463 -> emancipations
sudan/463 -> sudans
wriggle/463 -> wriggled,wriggling,wriggles
assemblage/462 -> assemblages
batty/462 -> battier,battiest
congestion/462 -> congestions
freak/462 -> freaks,freaked,freaking
parkinson/462 -> parkinsons
sarajevo/462 -> sarajevoes
stevenson/462 -> stevensons
caesar/461 -> caesars
dictatorship/461 -> dictatorships
firearm/461 -> firearms
misfortune/461 -> misfortunes
underwear/461 -> underwears
unwelcome/461 -> unwelcoming
wizard/461 -> wizards
assassin/460 -> assassins
barrage/460 -> barrages,barraged
grange/460 -> granges
hooligan/460 -> hooligans
macgregor/460 -> macgregors
persistence/460 -> persistences
schema/460 -> schemata,schemas
slavery/460 -> slaveries
starvation/460 -> starvations
ter/460 -> ters
toad/460 -> toads
tuition/460 -> tuitioning
bach/459 -> baches
degradation/459 -> degradations
franklin/459 -> franklins
pluralist/459 -> pluralists
portal/459 -> portals
promenade/459 -> promenades,promenading,promenaded
putt/459 -> putts,putting,putted
receptionist/459 -> receptionists
shaky/459 -> shakier,shakiest
traverse/459 -> traversed,traversing,traverses
ai/458 -> ais
assimilate/458 -> assimilated,assimilating,assimilates
baggage/458 -> baggages
displacement/458 -> displacements
downhill/458 -> downhills
edwin/458 -> edwins
generalization/458 -> generalizations
subside/458 -> subsided,subsides,subsiding
adolescence/457 -> adolescences
beethoven/457 -> beethovens
catastrophe/457 -> catastrophes
drew/457 -> drews
eradicate/457 -> eradicated,eradicating,eradicates
gen/457 -> gens,genned,genning
loo/457 -> loos,looing
mythology/457 -> mythologies
papa/457 -> papas
saga/457 -> sagas,sagaing
terrify/457 -> terrified,terrifying,terrifies
carr/456 -> carrs
converge/456 -> converged,converging,converges
eqn/456 -> eqns
insertion/456 -> insertions
mod/456 -> mods,modding,modded
picket/456 -> pickets,picketted,picketing,picketed
rouse/456 -> roused,rousing,rouses
aide/455 -> aides
annoyance/455 -> annoyances
assessor/455 -> assessors
crypt/455 -> crypts
devolution/455 -> devolutions
modem/455 -> modems
overhaul/455 -> overhauled,overhauling,overhauls
perimeter/455 -> perimeters
satin/455 -> satins
silhouette/455 -> silhouetted,silhouettes
upbringing/455 -> upbringings
caretaker/454 -> caretakers
compilation/454 -> compilations
cunning/454 -> cunningest
guts/454 -> gutss
plutonium/454 -> plutoniums
postulate/454 -> postulated,postulates,postulating
squire/454 -> squires,squiring,squired
walnut/454 -> walnuts
wea/454 -> weas
alps/453 -> alpss
barber/453 -> barbers,barbered,barbering
boar/453 -> boars
chambers/453 -> chamberss
endanger/453 -> endangered,endangering,endangers
grease/453 -> greased,greasing,greases
hawkins/453 -> hawkinss
hem/453 -> hemmed,hems,hemming
inconsistency/453 -> inconsistencies
memo/453 -> memos
nave/453 -> naves
saucer/453 -> saucers
auxiliary/452 -> auxiliaries
bonnet/452 -> bonnets
ensue/452 -> ensued,ensues,ensuing
gala/452 -> galas
recite/452 -> recited,reciting,recites
template/452 -> templates,templating
transient/452 -> transients
advisor/451 -> advisors
browning/451 -> brownings
consonant/451 -> consonants
crate/451 -> crates,crated,crating
fauna/451 -> faunas
folder/451 -> folders
furnace/451 -> furnaces
hertfordshire/451 -> hertfordshires
lineage/451 -> lineages
microprocessor/451 -> microprocessors
mixing/451 -> mixings
rejoice/451 -> rejoicing,rejoiced,rejoices
bonn/450 -> bonns
buying/450 -> buyings
carp/450 -> carping,carps,carped
dating/450 -> datings
fern/450 -> ferns
floral/450 -> florals
liberate/450 -> liberated,liberating,liberates
liquor/450 -> liquors
objectivity/450 -> objectivities
payer/450 -> payers
rectify/450 -> rectified,rectifying,rectifies
varnish/450 -> varnished,varnishes,varnishing
whisk/450 -> whisked,whisking,whisks
byzantine/449 -> byzantines
churn/449 -> churning,churned,churns
cid/449 -> cids
indispensable/449 -> indispensables
infringement/449 -> infringements
mingle/449 -> mingled,mingling,mingles
razor/449 -> razors
rust/449 -> rusting,rusted,rusts
windy/449 -> windies,windiest,windier
apostle/448 -> apostles
bolshevik/448 -> bolsheviks
bun/448 -> buns,bunning,bunned
desmond/448 -> desmonds
dinghy/448 -> dinghies,dinghys
heterosexual/448 -> heterosexuals
id/448 -> ids,iding
massachusetts/448 -> massachusettss
prerogative/448 -> prerogatives
recede/448 -> receded,receding,recedes
speaking/448 -> speakings
subsistence/448 -> subsistences
tart/448 -> tarts,tarted,tarting,tarter,tartest
aquatic/447 -> aquatics
distrust/447 -> distrusted,distrusting,distrusts
enlightened/447 -> enlighteneds
evacuation/447 -> evacuations
excel/447 -> excelled,excels,excelling
glittering/447 -> glitterings
intellect/447 -> intellects
monastic/447 -> monastics
prussian/447 -> prussians
psychoanalysis/447 -> psychoanalyses
rue/447 -> ruing,rued,rues,rueing
bunker/446 -> bunkers,bunkered,bunkering
conservatory/446 -> conservatories
curvature/446 -> curvatures
labelling/446 -> labellings
outlaw/446 -> outlawed,outlaws,outlawing
pear/446 -> pears
quiver/446 -> quivering,quivered,quivers
stricture/446 -> strictures,stricturing,strictured
alloy/445 -> alloys,alloying,alloyed
beckon/445 -> beckoned,beckoning,beckons
brittle/445 -> brittling,brittler,brittlest
cooperate/445 -> cooperating,cooperated,cooperates
deliberation/445 -> deliberations
disapprove/445 -> disapproved,disapproves,disapproving
drawl/445 -> drawled,drawling,drawls
homage/445 -> homages
periodical/445 -> periodicals
priory/445 -> priories
shroud/445 -> shrouded,shrouds,shrouding
worsen/445 -> worsened,worsens,worsening
bathe/444 -> bathed,bathes,bathing
carlo/444 -> carlos
deity/444 -> deities
dispel/444 -> dispelled,dispelling,dispels
drinker/444 -> drinkers
marvel/444 -> marvelled,marvels,marvelling
u.s./444 -> u.s.s
amplitude/443 -> amplitudes
immature/443 -> immatures
knuckle/443 -> knuckles,knuckled,knuckling
packing/443 -> packings
sibling/443 -> siblings
weir/443 -> weirs
calculator/442 -> calculators
envoy/442 -> envoys
greene/442 -> greenes
nonconformist/442 -> nonconformists
paw/442 -> paws,pawing,pawed
prof/442 -> profs
replica/442 -> replicas
tempo/442 -> tempos,tempi
tessa/442 -> tessas
blond/441 -> blonder,blonded,blonds
columbia/441 -> columbias
grown-up/441 -> grown-ups
mam/441 -> mams
placing/441 -> placings
truce/441 -> truces
vitality/441 -> vitalities
beacon/440 -> beacons,beaconing
garland/440 -> garlands,garlanded,garlanding
hammond/440 -> hammondest
pneumonia/440 -> pneumonias
secretariat/440 -> secretariats
todd/440 -> todds
turtle/440 -> turtles
zinc/440 -> zincs
blah/439 -> blahs
dove/439 -> doves,doving
durable/439 -> durables
em/439 -> ems
intonation/439 -> intonations
rostov/439 -> rostovs
ambush/438 -> ambushed,ambushes,ambushing
austerity/438 -> austerities
brood/438 -> brooded,broods,brooding
pyjamas/438 -> pyjama
reaffirm/438 -> reaffirmed,reaffirming,reaffirms
statesman/438 -> statesmen
tolkien/438 -> tolkiens
wig/438 -> wigs,wigging
burgess/437 -> burgesses
deregulation/437 -> deregulations
dessert/437 -> desserts
hq/437 -> hqs
metallic/437 -> metallics
nightclub/437 -> nightclubs,nightclubbing
obituary/437 -> obituaries
peril/437 -> perils
riverside/437 -> riversides
tit/437 -> tits
toronto/437 -> torontoes
blair/436 -> blairs
bunny/436 -> bunnies,bunnys,bunnied
flowering/436 -> flowerings
gi/436 -> gis
glint/436 -> glinting,glinted,glints
grassland/436 -> grasslands
heed/436 -> heeded,heeding,heeds
sneer/436 -> sneered,sneering,sneers
herring/435 -> herrings
jasper/435 -> jaspers
mouthful/435 -> mouthfuls
realist/435 -> realists
toxin/435 -> toxins
venetian/435 -> venetians
co-op/434 -> co-ops
lush/434 -> lusher,lushest,lushes
override/434 -> overriding,overrides,overrode,overridden
scissors/434 -> scissor,scissors
barbecue/433 -> barbecues,barbecued,barbecuing
birch/433 -> birches,birched,birching
cnut/433 -> cnuts
dustbin/433 -> dustbins
dyke/433 -> dykes
hearth/433 -> hearths
initiation/433 -> initiations
loading/433 -> loadings
persecution/433 -> persecutions
prelude/433 -> preludes
propel/433 -> propelled,propelling,propels
reorganization/433 -> reorganizations
rum/433 -> rums,rummer
stew/433 -> stews,stewed,stewing
surname/433 -> surnames,surnamed
sweetheart/433 -> sweethearts
syndicate/433 -> syndicates,syndicated,syndicating
witty/433 -> wittiest,wittier
woo/433 -> wooed,wooing,woos
checklist/432 -> checklists
cornish/432 -> cornishes
emigrate/432 -> emigrated,emigrating,emigrates
lettuce/432 -> lettuces
po/432 -> pos,poing
self-esteem/432 -> self-esteems
supremacy/432 -> supremacies
surf/432 -> surfing,surfed,surfs
yearly/432 -> yearlies
bleach/431 -> bleaching,bleached,bleaches
bream/431 -> breams,breaming,breamed,bream
cuisine/431 -> cuisines
curly/431 -> curlies,curlier,curliest
duct/431 -> ducts,ducting,ducted
erotic/431 -> erotics
filtration/431 -> filtrations
infancy/431 -> infancies
knob/431 -> knobs,knobbed,knobbing
perm/431 -> perms,permed,perming
presuppose/431 -> presupposes,presupposed,presupposing
aggravate/430 -> aggravated,aggravating,aggravates
banquet/430 -> banquets,banquetting
contra/430 -> contras
elevate/430 -> elevated,elevating,elevates
fundamentalist/430 -> fundamentalists
jade/430 -> jades,jading,jaded
len/430 -> lening
nordern/430 -> norderns
sewer/430 -> sewers,sewered
sulphate/430 -> sulphates,sulphated
waterloo/430 -> waterloos
acquit/429 -> acquitted,acquitting,acquits
bra/429 -> bras
cuddle/429 -> cuddling,cuddled,cuddles
embankment/429 -> embankments
procure/429 -> procured,procuring,procures
profitboss/429 -> profitbosses
reptile/429 -> reptiles
resultant/429 -> resultants
saucepan/429 -> saucepans
wince/429 -> winced,wincing,winces
anecdote/428 -> anecdotes
blunder/428 -> blunders,blundered,blundering
engels/428 -> engelss
gaelic/428 -> gaelics
password/428 -> passwords
pouch/428 -> pouches,pouched,pouching
prerequisite/428 -> prerequisites
resonance/428 -> resonances
byrne/427 -> byrnes
disposable/427 -> disposables
diving/427 -> divings
est/427 -> ester
hudson/427 -> hudsoned,hudsoning
montreal/427 -> montreals
postman/427 -> postmen
prawn/427 -> prawns
psalm/427 -> psalms
robber/427 -> robbers
spire/427 -> spires,spiring
uprising/427 -> uprisings
adorn/426 -> adorned,adorning,adorns
caspar/426 -> caspars
cuff/426 -> cuffs,cuffed,cuffing
disarmament/426 -> disarmaments
elvis/426 -> elviss
expulsion/426 -> expulsions
freelance/426 -> freelances,freelancing,freelanced
morley/426 -> morleys
radial/426 -> radials
viola/426 -> violas
approximation/425 -> approximations
clyde/425 -> clydes
hooker/425 -> hookers
inner-city/425 -> inner-cities
lament/425 -> lamented,laments,lamenting
metro/425 -> metros
percy/425 -> percies
brady/424 -> bradies
felicity/424 -> felicities
gunner/424 -> gunners
impatience/424 -> impatiences
parity/424 -> parities
poppy/424 -> poppies,poppiest
skate/424 -> skating,skates,skated
smuggle/424 -> smuggled,smuggling,smuggles
strasbourg/424 -> strasbourgs
yeast/424 -> yeasts
bradley/423 -> bradleys
cartel/423 -> cartels
coherence/423 -> coherences
feeble/423 -> feebles,feebler,feeblest
forester/423 -> foresters
malt/423 -> malts,malting,malted
ordering/423 -> orderings
bellow/422 -> bellowed,bellowing,bellows
filing/422 -> filings
hindsight/422 -> hindsights
indonesian/422 -> indonesians
namibia/422 -> namibias
privatise/422 -> privatised,privatising
re-establish/422 -> re-established,re-establishing,re-establishes
slater/422 -> slaters
sleepy/422 -> sleepier,sleepies,sleepiest
tenor/422 -> tenors
break-up/421 -> break-ups
cardiac/421 -> cardiacs
designation/421 -> designations
hostess/421 -> hostesses,hostessing,hostessed
murdoch/421 -> murdoches
pinpoint/421 -> pinpointed,pinpoints,pinpointing
proletariat/421 -> proletariats
seep/421 -> seeping,seeped,seeps
siberia/421 -> siberias
unequal/421 -> unequals
unify/421 -> unified,unifying,unifies
vinegar/421 -> vinegars
waterway/421 -> waterways
bolster/420 -> bolstered,bolstering,bolsters
caption/420 -> captions,captioned,captioning
casting/420 -> castings
conrad/420 -> conrads
explorer/420 -> explorers
interchange/420 -> interchanges,interchanged,interchanging
sap/420 -> sapped,sapping,saps
siren/420 -> sirens
uplift/420 -> uplifted,uplifts,uplifting
wry/420 -> wriest
blueprint/419 -> blueprints,blueprinted
compulsion/419 -> compulsions
dependant/419 -> dependants
grimace/419 -> grimaced,grimacing,grimaces
hoard/419 -> hoards,hoarding,hoarded
hush/419 -> hushed,hushing,hushes
paige/419 -> paiges
politburo/419 -> politburos
posh/419 -> posher,poshest,poshed
primer/419 -> primers
publicise/419 -> publicised,publicising,publicises
scowl/419 -> scowled,scowling,scowls
seduce/419 -> seduced,seducing,seduces
tavern/419 -> taverns
tummy/419 -> tummies
venezuela/419 -> venezuelas
barker/418 -> barkers
bestow/418 -> bestowed,bestowing,bestows
fowler/418 -> fowlers
hassle/418 -> hassles,hassled,hassling
haste/418 -> hastes
imperialism/418 -> imperialisms
maximize/418 -> maximizing,maximized,maximizes
pp/418 -> pps
shearer/418 -> shearers
taunt/418 -> taunted,taunting,taunts
townsend/418 -> townsends
audition/417 -> auditions,auditioned,auditioning
eternity/417 -> eternities
falter/417 -> faltered,faltering,falters
fingertip/417 -> fingertips,fingertipped
footprint/417 -> footprints,footprinting
influx/417 -> influxes
newport/417 -> newports
perpetuate/417 -> perpetuated,perpetuating,perpetuates
perverse/417 -> perversest
protector/417 -> protectors
ratification/417 -> ratifications
segregation/417 -> segregations
thriller/417 -> thrillers
turbulence/417 -> turbulences
bustle/416 -> bustled,bustling,bustles
cd-rom/416 -> cd-roms
discredit/416 -> discredited,discrediting,discredits
disqualify/416 -> disqualified,disqualifies,disqualifying
dorsal/416 -> dorsals
extremist/416 -> extremists
fife/416 -> fifes
graveyard/416 -> graveyards
hallway/416 -> hallways
lipstick/416 -> lipsticks,lipsticking,lipsticked
messiah/416 -> messiahs
proton/416 -> protons
retrospect/416 -> retrospects,retrospecting,retrospected
shabby/416 -> shabbier,shabbiest
xi/416 -> xis
continuum/415 -> continuums
embarrass/415 -> embarrassed,embarrassing,embarrasses
forgiveness/415 -> forgivenesses
inhibitor/415 -> inhibitors
mourn/415 -> mourning,mourned,mourns
wight/415 -> wights
incline/414 -> inclined,inclining,inclines
incubate/414 -> incubated,incubating,incubates
insecurity/414 -> insecurities
pollutant/414 -> pollutants
preventive/414 -> preventives
roadside/414 -> roadsides
ana/413 -> anas
arousal/413 -> arousals
crosby/413 -> crosbies
ethanol/413 -> ethanols
hose/413 -> hoses,hosed,hosing
masai/413 -> masais
postscript/413 -> postscripts
regularity/413 -> regularities
ridicule/413 -> ridiculed,ridiculing,ridicules
spinal/413 -> spinals
spinner/413 -> spinners
substrate/413 -> substrates
acclaim/412 -> acclaimed,acclaiming,acclaims
advocacy/412 -> advocacies
bangkok/412 -> bangkoks
brink/412 -> brinks
broadway/412 -> broadways
dj/412 -> djs,djing,djed
finalise/412 -> finalised,finalising,finalises
orthodoxy/412 -> orthodoxies
redistribution/412 -> redistributions
variability/412 -> variabilities
vatican/412 -> vaticans
widening/412 -> widenings
biochemical/411 -> biochemicals
cramp/411 -> cramped,cramps,cramping
exodus/411 -> exoduss
gambling/411 -> gamblings
semantics/411 -> semanticss
singularity/411 -> singularities
strangle/411 -> strangled,strangling,strangles
grower/410 -> growers
hedgerow/410 -> hedgerows
ilp/410 -> ilps
imprint/410 -> imprinted,imprints,imprinting
joshua/410 -> joshuas
latitude/410 -> latitudes
lingering/410 -> lingerings
obstruct/410 -> obstructing,obstructed,obstructs
plural/410 -> plurals
rectangle/410 -> rectangles
shareholding/410 -> shareholdings
tramway/410 -> tramways
bulgarian/409 -> bulgarians
chloride/409 -> chlorides
clergyman/409 -> clergymen
dominion/409 -> dominions
granada/409 -> granadas
headteacher/409 -> headteachers
kitten/409 -> kittens,kittened
perennial/409 -> perennials
phoneme/409 -> phonemes
prostitution/409 -> prostitutions
rainfall/409 -> rainfalls
team-mate/409 -> team-mates
annex/408 -> annexed,annexes,annexing
apricot/408 -> apricots
doc/408 -> docs
falcon/408 -> falcons,falconing
lighter/408 -> lighters
matron/408 -> matrons
nixon/408 -> nixons
theorem/408 -> theorems
wrinkle/408 -> wrinkles,wrinkled,wrinkling
aura/407 -> auras
barren/407 -> barrens
cache/407 -> cacheing,caches
cadet/407 -> cadets
castro/407 -> castroes
crease/407 -> creased,creases,creasing
cromwell/407 -> cromwells
hind/407 -> hinds
hunch/407 -> hunched,hunches,hunching
mph/407 -> mphs
overdraft/407 -> overdrafts
pantomime/407 -> pantomimes,pantomimed
rep/407 -> reps,repping,repped
unease/407 -> uneases
volcano/407 -> volcanos,volcanoes
zoom/407 -> zoomed,zooming,zooms
contraceptive/406 -> contraceptives
fright/406 -> frights,frighted
geologist/406 -> geologists
hairy/406 -> hairier,hairies,hairiest
hopper/406 -> hoppers
indignation/406 -> indignations
isabella/406 -> isabellas
issuing/406 -> issuings
lizard/406 -> lizards
quarter-final/406 -> quarter-finals
resin/406 -> resins
complicate/405 -> complicated,complicates,complicating
eddy/405 -> eddies,eddied,eddying
hedgehog/405 -> hedgehogs
limiting/405 -> limitings
mitch/405 -> mitched
rune/405 -> runes,runing
tapestry/405 -> tapestries,tapestried
topple/405 -> toppled,toppling,topples
baking/404 -> bakings
earner/404 -> earners
gym/404 -> gyms
ice-cream/404 -> ice-creams
irregularity/404 -> irregularities
mosque/404 -> mosques
narrator/404 -> narrators
notification/404 -> notifications
payroll/404 -> payrolls
plum/404 -> plums
poisoning/404 -> poisonings
precursor/404 -> precursors
tallis/404 -> talliss
amazon/403 -> amazons
anthem/403 -> anthems
budapest/403 -> budapests
covert/403 -> coverts,coverting
cripple/403 -> crippled,cripples,crippling
deflect/403 -> deflected,deflecting,deflects
foreground/403 -> foregrounding,foregrounds,foregrounded
proxy/403 -> proxies,proxied
raft/403 -> rafts,rafted,rafting
rebate/403 -> rebates,rebated,rebating
richness/403 -> richnesses
rusty/403 -> rustier,rustiest
sag/403 -> sagged,sagging,sags
slovak/403 -> slovaks
affiliate/402 -> affiliated,affiliates,affiliating
brighten/402 -> brightened,brightening,brightens
carboniferous/402 -> carboniferouss
chore/402 -> chores
clamber/402 -> clambered,clambering,clambers
mischief/402 -> mischiefs,mischiefing
sensor/402 -> sensors
transnational/402 -> transnationals
turnout/402 -> turnouts
whine/402 -> whining,whined,whines
detergent/401 -> detergents
disappoint/401 -> disappointed,disappointing,disappoints
elizabethan/401 -> elizabethans
hospice/401 -> hospices
lattice/401 -> lattices,latticed
middleton/401 -> middletons
motoring/401 -> motorings
slug/401 -> slugs,slugged,slugging
stockbroker/401 -> stockbrokers
telling/401 -> tellings
arbitrator/400 -> arbitrators
beatrice/400 -> beatrices
browne/400 -> brownes
drawing-room/400 -> drawing-rooms
firing/400 -> firings
harmonic/400 -> harmonics
hoist/400 -> hoisted,hoisting,hoists
overhear/400 -> overheard,overhearing,overhears
saviour/400 -> saviours
stale/400 -> staled,staler,stales,staling,stalest
tally/400 -> tallies,tallied,tallying
transmitter/400 -> transmitters
backbone/399 -> backbones
courier/399 -> couriers,couriered
ghastly/399 -> ghastliest
idiom/399 -> idioms
indictment/399 -> indictments
metric/399 -> metrics
mozambique/399 -> mozambiques
nestle/399 -> nestling,nestled,nestles
pigment/399 -> pigments,pigmenting
poultry/399 -> poultries
prophecy/399 -> prophecies
stature/399 -> statures
amplify/398 -> amplified,amplifying,amplifies
bluff/398 -> bluffing,bluffs,bluffed,bluffer
brightness/398 -> brightnesses
buy-out/398 -> buy-outs
cc/398 -> ccs
einstein/398 -> einsteins
illumination/398 -> illuminations
mastery/398 -> masteries
orchid/398 -> orchids
overriding/398 -> overridings
tracy/398 -> tracies
transcend/398 -> transcended,transcends,transcending
bruno/397 -> brunoes
cleavage/397 -> cleavages
disparity/397 -> disparities
fencing/397 -> fencings
footing/397 -> footings
manhattan/397 -> manhattans
reformation/397 -> reformations
rigour/397 -> rigours
shrimp/397 -> shrimps,shrimping
viscount/397 -> viscounts
vogue/397 -> vogues,vogued,vogueing
whore/397 -> whores,whoring,whored
bearer/396 -> bearers
compress/396 -> compressed,compressing,compresses
importer/396 -> importers
ledger/396 -> ledgers,ledgered,ledgering
non-existent/396 -> non-existents
relapse/396 -> relapsed,relapses,relapsing
scalp/396 -> scalps,scalped,scalping
sicily/396 -> sicilies
thwart/396 -> thwarted,thwarting,thwarts
battlefield/395 -> battlefields
cpu/395 -> cpus
earring/395 -> earrings
erratic/395 -> erratics
ferdinand/395 -> ferdinands
kuwaiti/395 -> kuwaitis
puritan/395 -> puritans
reinstate/395 -> reinstated,reinstating,reinstates
sticker/395 -> stickers
tasty/395 -> tastier,tastiest
additive/394 -> additives
alienation/394 -> alienations
commune/394 -> communes,communing,communed
compute/394 -> computed,computing,computes
contributory/394 -> contributories
debit/394 -> debits,debited,debiting
embargo/394 -> embargos,embargoes,embargoing,embargoed
melancholy/394 -> melancholies
paralyse/394 -> paralysed,paralysing,paralyses
perish/394 -> perished,perishing,perishes
phoebe/394 -> phoebes
satan/394 -> satans
touching/394 -> touchings
turbine/394 -> turbines
vacation/394 -> vacations,vacationing,vacationed
bedding/393 -> beddings
chlorine/393 -> chlorines
diversify/393 -> diversified,diversifying,diversifies
ordnance/393 -> ordnances
reasonableness/393 -> reasonablenesses
recess/393 -> recesses,recessed,recessing
refurbishment/393 -> refurbishments
sensibility/393 -> sensibilities
unionism/393 -> unionisms
annoying/392 -> annoyings
horseman/392 -> horsemen
houston/392 -> houstons
idol/392 -> idols
mony/392 -> monies
nappy/392 -> nappies
placebo/392 -> placebos
refrigerator/392 -> refrigerators
beak/391 -> beaks,beaking,beaked
bonfire/391 -> bonfires
expanse/391 -> expanses
kingston/391 -> kingstons
met/391 -> mets
o'connor/391 -> o'connors
pianist/391 -> pianists
radiate/391 -> radiating,radiated,radiates
savour/391 -> savouring,savoured,savours
small-scale/391 -> small-scales
vanity/391 -> vanities
avail/390 -> availed,availing,avails
gamma/390 -> gammas
lottery/390 -> lotteries
lynch/390 -> lynched,lynching,lynches,lynchs
malignant/390 -> malignants
shampoo/390 -> shampoos,shampooing,shampooed
splendour/390 -> splendours
accelerator/389 -> accelerators
anglian/389 -> anglians
coward/389 -> cowards
deviant/389 -> deviants
exponent/389 -> exponents
foucault/389 -> foucaults
hoof/389 -> hooves,hoofs,hoofed,hoofing
mansfield/389 -> mansfields
minoan/389 -> minoans
pant/389 -> panting,panted,pants
predicament/389 -> predicaments
relocate/389 -> relocated,relocating,relocates
rogue/389 -> rogues
schizophrenia/389 -> schizophrenias
settlor/389 -> settlors
sprawl/389 -> sprawled,sprawling,sprawls
squeak/389 -> squeaked,squeaks,squeaking
tertiary/389 -> tertiaries
unfit/389 -> unfits,unfitting,unfitted
acrylic/388 -> acrylics
angola/388 -> angolas
bliss/388 -> blissing,blissed,blisses
carriageway/388 -> carriageways
clog/388 -> clogged,clogs,clogging
contraception/388 -> contraceptions
debenture/388 -> debentures
dun/388 -> duns,dunned,dunning
foal/388 -> foals,foaling,foaled
full-back/388 -> full-backs
hank/388 -> hanks,hanker,hanked
incompetent/388 -> incompetents
paramilitary/388 -> paramilitaries
parody/388 -> parodies,parodied,parodying
romanesque/388 -> romanesques
squirrel/388 -> squirrels,squirrelled,squirrelling
wedgwood/388 -> wedgwoods
aroma/387 -> aromas
awaken/387 -> awakened,awakening,awakens
chairmanship/387 -> chairmanships
contrive/387 -> contrived,contriving,contrives
dab/387 -> dabbed,dabs,dabbing
enshrine/387 -> enshrined,enshrines,enshrining
greasy/387 -> greasiest,greasier
hat-trick/387 -> hat-tricks
modernist/387 -> modernists
orphan/387 -> orphans,orphaned
schoolgirl/387 -> schoolgirls
shire/387 -> shires
swivel/387 -> swivelled,swivelling,swivels
uruguay/387 -> uruguays
cardigan/386 -> cardigans
elasticity/386 -> elasticities
further/386 -> furthering,furthered,furthers,furtherst
rectory/386 -> rectories
recur/386 -> recurs,recurred,recurring
renounce/386 -> renounced,renouncing,renounces
broom/385 -> brooms
capsule/385 -> capsules
charging/385 -> chargings
duo/385 -> duos
enamel/385 -> enamels,enamelled,enamelling
flinch/385 -> flinched,flinching,flinches
overweight/385 -> overweights,overweighted
populate/385 -> populated,populating,populates
affluent/384 -> affluents
brother-in-law/384 -> brother-in-laws,brothers-in-law
cosmic/384 -> cosmics
dizzy/384 -> dizzied,dizzier,dizziest,dizzies,dizzying
empress/384 -> empresses
four-year/384 -> four-years
fragrance/384 -> fragrances,fragranced
incidental/384 -> incidentals
individuality/384 -> individualities
mafia/384 -> mafias
modernism/384 -> modernisms
parsley/384 -> parsleys
pluralism/384 -> pluralisms
primacy/384 -> primacies
se/384 -> ses
serb/384 -> serbs
verification/384 -> verifications
wharf/384 -> wharves,wharfs,wharfing
womb/384 -> wombs,wombed
auctioneer/383 -> auctioneers,auctioneering
johannesburg/383 -> johannesburgs
marketplace/383 -> marketplaces
mid-1980/383 -> mid-1980s
oust/383 -> ousted,ousting,ousts
revealing/383 -> revealings
southeast/383 -> southeasts
almighty/382 -> almighties
barbarian/382 -> barbarians
clement/382 -> clements
craven/382 -> cravens
deferred/382 -> deferreds
greenwich/382 -> greenwiches
lear/382 -> learing
maple/382 -> maples
mating/382 -> matings
necklace/382 -> necklaces,necklaced,necklacing
orc/382 -> orcs
pornography/382 -> pornographies
primate/382 -> primates
redevelopment/382 -> redevelopments
respite/382 -> respites,respiting,respited
reviewer/382 -> reviewers
scribble/382 -> scribbled,scribbling,scribbles
scrum/382 -> scrums,scrummed
sonnet/382 -> sonnets
undertaker/382 -> undertakers
untidy/382 -> untidier,untidiest
zen/382 -> zens
adherence/381 -> adherences
automation/381 -> automations
ballad/381 -> ballads
cassie/381 -> cassies
creamy/381 -> creamier,creamiest
fresco/381 -> frescoes,frescos
gag/381 -> gagged,gags,gagging
inventor/381 -> inventors
lance/381 -> lances,lanced,lancing
ornamental/381 -> ornamentals
predominate/381 -> predominated,predominates,predominating
shadowy/381 -> shadowier
shannon/381 -> shannons
simulate/381 -> simulated,simulating,simulates
beatles/380 -> beatless
crimson/380 -> crimsons,crimsoned
denomination/380 -> denominations
ernst/380 -> ernsts
individualism/380 -> individualisms
latch/380 -> latched,latches,latching
lengthen/380 -> lengthened,lengthening,lengthens
muddle/380 -> muddled,muddling,muddles
relegate/380 -> relegated,relegating,relegates
renewable/380 -> renewables
swarm/380 -> swarmed,swarming,swarms
astronomer/379 -> astronomers
estimation/379 -> estimations
expatriate/379 -> expatriates,expatriated
graft/379 -> grafted,grafts,grafting
horde/379 -> hordes
opec/379 -> opecs
sect/379 -> sects
slovenia/379 -> slovenias
adamant/378 -> adamants
adhesive/378 -> adhesives
ayrshire/378 -> ayrshires
buff/378 -> buffs,buffing,buffed
candy/378 -> candied,candies
cod/378 -> cods,codding,codded,cod
commone/378 -> commonest,commoner
crocodile/378 -> crocodiles,crocodiled
distaste/378 -> distastes
endoscopy/378 -> endoscopies
improbable/378 -> improbables
integer/378 -> integers
offeror/378 -> offerors
predicate/378 -> predicates,predicated,predicating
shoal/378 -> shoals,shoaling,shoaled
styling/378 -> stylings
symbolism/378 -> symbolisms
unavailable/378 -> unavailables
delicacy/377 -> delicacies
diversification/377 -> diversifications
paving/377 -> pavings
self-help/377 -> self-helps
allotment/376 -> allotments
azerbaijan/376 -> azerbaijans
excavate/376 -> excavated,excavating,excavates
motorbike/376 -> motorbikes,motorbiking
oligonucleotide/376 -> oligonucleotides
photocopy/376 -> photocopies,photocopied,photocopying
rewrite/376 -> rewritten,rewrites,rewriting,rewrote
rottweiler/376 -> rottweilers
subsidise/376 -> subsidised,subsidising,subsidises
u.k./376 -> u.k.s
anaesthetic/375 -> anaesthetics
foyer/375 -> foyers
gable/375 -> gables,gabling
interrogation/375 -> interrogations
organizer/375 -> organizers
stately/375 -> statelier,stateliest
accentuate/374 -> accentuated,accentuates,accentuating
adjustable/374 -> adjustables
bereavement/374 -> bereavements
brigadier/374 -> brigadiers
cent/374 -> cents
complexion/374 -> complexions
dagger/374 -> daggers,daggered
farmland/374 -> farmlands
glenn/374 -> glenns
implant/374 -> implanted,implants,implanting
mo/374 -> mos,mo's
mystic/374 -> mystics
parable/374 -> parables
postage/374 -> postages
rhetorical/374 -> rhetoricals
suffrage/374 -> suffrages
theologian/374 -> theologians
thirst/374 -> thirsting,thirsts,thirsted
colt/373 -> colts,colting
engender/373 -> engendered,engenders,engendering
heron/373 -> herons
hoover/373 -> hoovering,hoovered,hoovers
ottoman/373 -> ottomans
saline/373 -> salines
sullivan/373 -> sullivans
tae/373 -> taes
vengeance/373 -> vengeances
acquaint/372 -> acquainted,acquainting,acquaints
bunk/372 -> bunks,bunked,bunking
earmark/372 -> earmarked,earmarking,earmarks
effluent/372 -> effluents
gibraltar/372 -> gibraltars
hamburg/372 -> hamburgs
harass/372 -> harassed,harassing,harasses
illegitimate/372 -> illegitimates
impart/372 -> imparted,imparting,imparts
infringe/372 -> infringed,infringing,infringes,infringer
maggot/372 -> maggots
twilight/372 -> twilights
browse/371 -> browsing,browsed,browses
byte/371 -> bytes
calibre/371 -> calibres
chancery/371 -> chanceries
cholera/371 -> choleras
cub/371 -> cubs,cubbing
depletion/371 -> depletions
drummer/371 -> drummers
mentality/371 -> mentalities
peking/371 -> pekings
play-off/371 -> play-offs
ransom/371 -> ransoms,ransoming,ransomed
thicken/371 -> thickened,thickening,thickens
transfusion/371 -> transfusions
wetland/371 -> wetlands
wreckage/371 -> wreckages
ammonia/370 -> ammonias
artisan/370 -> artisans
clad/370 -> cladding,clads
comma/370 -> commas
daring/370 -> darings
deplore/370 -> deplored,deploring,deplores
formative/370 -> formatives
grocery/370 -> groceries
miami/370 -> miamis
recapture/370 -> recaptured,recapturing,recaptures
sabotage/370 -> sabotaged,sabotaging,sabotages
stunt/370 -> stunts,stunted,stunting
tinge/370 -> tinged,tinges,tingeing
unleash/370 -> unleashed,unleashing,unleashes
waitress/370 -> waitresses,waitressing,waitressed
watchdog/370 -> watchdogs
augustus/369 -> augustuss
calder/369 -> calders
caterpillar/369 -> caterpillars
cortex/369 -> cortexes,cortices
credentials/369 -> credentialss
devour/369 -> devoured,devouring,devours
fro/369 -> froing,fros
glaze/369 -> glazed,glazing,glazes
hypertension/369 -> hypertensions
nipple/369 -> nipples,nippled
nobel/369 -> nobels
notch/369 -> notched,notches,notching
signatory/369 -> signatories
telegram/369 -> telegrams
toyota/369 -> toyotas
tradesman/369 -> tradesmen
underside/369 -> undersides
apartheid/368 -> apartheids
austen/368 -> austens
banks/368 -> bankss
boiled/368 -> boileds
bragg/368 -> braggs
experimentation/368 -> experimentations
literate/368 -> literates
luncheon/368 -> luncheons
outpatient/368 -> outpatients
railing/368 -> railings
sewing/368 -> sewings
skim/368 -> skimming,skimmed,skims
tenderness/368 -> tendernesses
wiring/368 -> wirings
anaemia/367 -> anaemias
bristle/367 -> bristles,bristling,bristled
clothe/367 -> clothed,clothes,cloathing,clad,clothing
concurrent/367 -> concurrents
hume/367 -> humes
metaphysical/367 -> metaphysicals
nepal/367 -> nepals
precedence/367 -> precedences
rubble/367 -> rubbles
throttle/367 -> throttled,throttles,throttling
abide/366 -> abiding,abides,abided,abode
chernobyl/366 -> chernobyls
chilly/366 -> chillies,chillier,chilliest
deviance/366 -> deviances
ebb/366 -> ebbed,ebbs,ebbing
gully/366 -> gullies,gullying,gullied
haze/366 -> hazes,hazed,hazing
living-room/366 -> living-rooms
magnate/366 -> magnates
overshadow/366 -> overshadowed,overshadowing,overshadows
propagate/366 -> propagated,propagating,propagates
stormy/366 -> stormiest,stormier
ancillary/365 -> ancillaries
briefcase/365 -> briefcases
brilliance/365 -> brilliances
brooks/365 -> brookss
chimpanzee/365 -> chimpanzees
cooling/365 -> coolings
coupling/365 -> couplings
haemorrhage/365 -> haemorrhages,haemorrhaging,haemorrhaged
joey/365 -> joeys
mccarthy/365 -> mccarthies
messy/365 -> messier,messiest
morbidity/365 -> morbidities
subtlety/365 -> subtleties
transistor/365 -> transistors
artwork/364 -> artworks
auspices/364 -> auspicess
coconut/364 -> coconuts
connotation/364 -> connotations
livelihood/364 -> livelihoods
outnumber/364 -> outnumbered,outnumbering,outnumbers
provocation/364 -> provocations
replicate/364 -> replicated,replicating,replicates
sinclair/364 -> sinclairs
solitude/364 -> solitudes
stamina/364 -> staminas
stratification/364 -> stratifications
subjectivity/364 -> subjectivities
uniformity/364 -> uniformities
brent/363 -> brents
elapse/363 -> elapsed,elapses,elapsing
hercules/363 -> herculess
incompetence/363 -> incompetences
nra/363 -> nras
readership/363 -> readerships
showroom/363 -> showrooms
shred/363 -> shreds,shredded,shredding
soda/363 -> sodas
stoddard/363 -> stoddards
stony/363 -> stonier,stoniest
suitability/363 -> suitabilities
synonym/363 -> synonyms
tanzania/363 -> tanzanias
throng/363 -> thronged,thronging,throngs
traitor/363 -> traitors
unravel/363 -> unravelling,unravelled,unravels
certification/362 -> certifications
curate/362 -> curated,curates,curating
engulf/362 -> engulfed,engulfing,engulfs
enrolment/362 -> enrolments
erase/362 -> erased,erasing,erases
esther/362 -> esthers
excitation/362 -> excitations
glacier/362 -> glaciers
motorcycle/362 -> motorcycles
potassium/362 -> potassiums
prod/362 -> prodded,prodding,prods
strol/362 -> strolled
under-secretary/362 -> under-secretaries
volley/362 -> volleys,volleyed,volleying
blackness/361 -> blacknesses
bombay/361 -> bombays
col/361 -> cols
eyre/361 -> eyres
finale/361 -> finales
flair/361 -> flairs,flairing
hive/361 -> hives,hived,hiving
impede/361 -> impeded,impeding,impedes
lighthouse/361 -> lighthouses
naturalist/361 -> naturalists
negligent/361 -> negligenter
sage/361 -> sages,sager,sagest
self-determination/361 -> self-determinations
steroid/361 -> steroids
thematic/361 -> thematics
volatility/361 -> volatilities
authenticity/360 -> authenticities
feeder/360 -> feeders
householder/360 -> householders
immerse/360 -> immersed,immersing,immerses
palazzo/360 -> palazzos
pedigree/360 -> pedigrees
snag/360 -> snags,snagged,snagging
take-off/360 -> take-offs
terence/360 -> terences
thaw/360 -> thawed,thawing,thaws
undergrowth/360 -> undergrowths
utilize/360 -> utilized,utilizing,utilizes
a-level/359 -> a-levels,a-levelled
captivity/359 -> captivities
fragmentation/359 -> fragmentations
galileo/359 -> galileos
masculinity/359 -> masculinities
roach/359 -> roaches
roosevelt/359 -> roosevelts
stun/359 -> stunned,stunning,stuns
thud/359 -> thudding,thudded,thuds
uptake/359 -> uptakes
bilingual/358 -> bilinguals
bouquet/358 -> bouquets
comet/358 -> comets
conveyance/358 -> conveyances
fertilizer/358 -> fertilizers
firth/358 -> firths
remission/358 -> remissions
sexist/358 -> sexists
shovel/358 -> shovels,shovelling,shovelled
uphill/358 -> uphills
willy/358 -> willies,willys
ayr/357 -> ayrs
blacksmith/357 -> blacksmiths
childbirth/357 -> childbirths
devalue/357 -> devalued,devaluing,devalues
erection/357 -> erections
groin/357 -> groins,groining
harrow/357 -> harrowing,harrows,harrowed
lymphocyte/357 -> lymphocytes
mackenzie/357 -> mackenzies
perk/357 -> perks,perked,perking
pixel/357 -> pixels
rowing/357 -> rowings
sartre/357 -> sartres
sideline/357 -> sidelines,sidelined,sidelining
vice-chairman/357 -> vice-chairmen
bale/356 -> bales,baled,baling
carnival/356 -> carnivals
cistern/356 -> cisterns
countenance/356 -> countenanced,countenances,countenancing
counteract/356 -> counteracted,counteracting,counteracts
cursor/356 -> cursors
gipsy/356 -> gipsies
inversion/356 -> inversions
kennel/356 -> kennels,kennelled
lantern/356 -> lanterns
melbourne/356 -> melbournes
opener/356 -> openers
osborne/356 -> osbornes
pictorial/356 -> pictorials
signpost/356 -> signposted,signposts,signposting
subversive/356 -> subversives
taut/356 -> tauter,tauting,tautest
tuberculosis/356 -> tuberculoses
tuna/356 -> tunas,tuna
abc/355 -> abcs
berth/355 -> berths,berthed,berthing
converse/355 -> conversing,conversed,converses
eel/355 -> eels,eeling
ghana/355 -> ghanas
hypocrisy/355 -> hypocrisies
millimetre/355 -> millimetres
moody/355 -> moodier,moodys,moodiest
porcelain/355 -> porcelains
queer/355 -> queers,queerest,queering,queerer,queered,queeres
repatriation/355 -> repatriations
ap/354 -> aped,aping,apping,aps
aspirin/354 -> aspirins
better/354 -> bettered,betters,bettering
drake/354 -> drakes
numb/354 -> numbed,numbing,numbs,number
overdose/354 -> overdoses,overdosed,overdosing
peep/354 -> peeped,peeping,peeps
scandinavia/354 -> scandinavias
screech/354 -> screeched,screeching,screeches
self-interest/354 -> self-interests
soothe/354 -> soothed,soothes,soothing
articulation/353 -> articulations
brim/353 -> brimming,brimmed,brims
buchanan/353 -> buchanans
conservationist/353 -> conservationists
dell/353 -> dells
goldfish/353 -> goldfishes,goldfish
sidney/353 -> sidneys
somali/353 -> somalis
tamil/353 -> tamils
twinkle/353 -> twinkling,twinkled,twinkles
adversary/352 -> adversaries
ass/352 -> asses,assed
exposition/352 -> expositions
fanatic/352 -> fanatics
flirt/352 -> flirting,flirted,flirts
knickers/352 -> knickerss
knitter/352 -> knitters
mall/352 -> malls,malling
ridley/352 -> ridleys
saver/352 -> savers
spaniard/352 -> spaniards
squeal/352 -> squealed,squealing,squeals
stillness/352 -> stillnesses
animation/351 -> animations
bucharest/351 -> bucharests
certify/351 -> certified,certifying,certifies
complacency/351 -> complacencies
conspire/351 -> conspiring,conspired,conspires
cose/351 -> coses
crackle/351 -> crackled,crackling,crackles
fella/351 -> fellas
hallmark/351 -> hallmarks,hallmarked,hallmarking
kb/351 -> kbs
overlapping/351 -> overlappings
self-confidence/351 -> self-confidences
soho/351 -> sohoes
stephenson/351 -> stephensons
weld/351 -> welded,welds,welding
belle/350 -> belles
biotechnology/350 -> biotechnologies
browny/350 -> brownies
californian/350 -> californians
countryman/350 -> countrymen
depress/350 -> depressed,depresses,depressing
dispersal/350 -> dispersals
exaggeration/350 -> exaggerations
galway/350 -> galways
hub/350 -> hubs
isotope/350 -> isotopes
jab/350 -> jabbed,jabbing,jabs
jamaican/350 -> jamaicans
londoner/350 -> londoners
philadelphia/350 -> philadelphias
prune/350 -> pruned,prunes,pruning
rarity/350 -> rarities
splinter/350 -> splinters,splintered,splintering
thrush/350 -> thrushes
undress/350 -> undressed,undressing,undresses
wane/350 -> waned,waning,wanes
woolley/350 -> woolleys
activator/349 -> activators
astronomy/349 -> astronomies
buttress/349 -> buttresses,buttressed,buttressing
camouflage/349 -> camouflaged,camouflaging,camouflages
deacon/349 -> deacons
dyson/349 -> dysons
flowing/349 -> flowings
macbeth/349 -> macbeths
mileage/349 -> mileages
ow/349 -> ows,ower
palette/349 -> palettes
shaman/349 -> shamen,shamans
stationery/349 -> stationeries
wilde/349 -> wildes
decency/348 -> decencies
decor/348 -> decors
detriment/348 -> detriments
flanders/348 -> flanderss
housekeeping/348 -> housekeepings
imperfect/348 -> imperfects
kilo/348 -> kilos
lark/348 -> larks,larking,larked
ploy/348 -> ploys,ployed
sheikh/348 -> sheikhs
sparse/348 -> sparser,sparsest
treason/348 -> treasons
waive/348 -> waived,waiving,waives
adhesion/347 -> adhesions
camden/347 -> camdens
consignment/347 -> consignments
cooke/347 -> cookes
imaging/347 -> imagings
impossibility/347 -> impossibilities
inaugural/347 -> inaugurals
lipid/347 -> lipids
lithuanian/347 -> lithuanians
otter/347 -> otters
overload/347 -> overloaded,overloading,overloads
pitfall/347 -> pitfalls
rebuke/347 -> rebuked,rebuking,rebukes
totality/347 -> totalities
tribune/347 -> tribunes
agrarian/346 -> agrarians
armenian/346 -> armenians
baffle/346 -> baffled,baffling,baffles
carrying/346 -> carryings
cavalier/346 -> cavaliers
grenade/346 -> grenades,grenaded
inertia/346 -> inertias
invertebrate/346 -> invertebrates
islander/346 -> islanders
laird/346 -> lairds
mince/346 -> mincing,minced,minces
prussia/346 -> prussias
sphinct/346 -> sphincter
tinker/346 -> tinkering,tinkers,tinkered
associative/345 -> associatives
bailiff/345 -> bailiffs
belongings/345 -> belongingss
bulky/345 -> bulkier,bulkiest
calling/345 -> callings
crumb/345 -> crumbs,crumbed
degrade/345 -> degrading,degraded,degrades
detroit/345 -> detroits
dictator/345 -> dictators
ecu/345 -> ecus
emigration/345 -> emigrations
fag/345 -> fags,fagged,fagging
generality/345 -> generalities
hump/345 -> humps,humped,humping
landlady/345 -> landladies
motto/345 -> mottos,mottoes
obsolete/345 -> obsoleted,obsoleting
polyp/345 -> polyps
superstar/345 -> superstars
wrath/345 -> wraths
fiat/344 -> fiats
ingenuity/344 -> ingenuities
jolt/344 -> jolted,jolting,jolts
life-style/344 -> life-styles
mounting/344 -> mountings
oyster/344 -> oysters
pram/344 -> prams,prammed
ravage/344 -> ravages,ravaged,ravaging
rustle/344 -> rustling,rustled,rustles
sonata/344 -> sonatas
supernatural/344 -> supernaturals
wrestle/344 -> wrestled,wrestling,wrestles
allergy/343 -> allergies
antony/343 -> antonies
bingo/343 -> bingoes
disband/343 -> disbanded,disbanding,disbands
flask/343 -> flasks,flasked
guatemala/343 -> guatemalas
hal/343 -> hals
homelessness/343 -> homelessnesses
hue/343 -> hues,hued
loot/343 -> looted,looting,loots
muhammad/343 -> muhammads
showing/343 -> showings
specialization/343 -> specializations
spotted/343 -> spotteds
synod/343 -> synods
afflict/342 -> afflicted,afflicts,afflicting
buddhist/342 -> buddhists
culley/342 -> culleys
defiant/342 -> defiants
heady/342 -> headier,headiest
hefty/342 -> heftier,heftiest
humiliate/342 -> humiliated,humiliating,humiliates
lindsay/342 -> lindsays
mobilize/342 -> mobilized,mobilizing,mobilizes
nominee/342 -> nominees
reformist/342 -> reformists
whim/342 -> whims
affidavit/341 -> affidavits
forte/341 -> fortes
hegemony/341 -> hegemonies
intimidate/341 -> intimidated,intimidating,intimidates
mocking/341 -> mockings
pod/341 -> pods,podding
pollen/341 -> pollens
settee/341 -> settees
atrocity/340 -> atrocities
coding/340 -> codings
culprit/340 -> culprits
duplication/340 -> duplications
kosovo/340 -> kosovoes
oceanic/340 -> oceanics
ombudsman/340 -> ombudsmen,ombudsmans
overlay/340 -> overlaid,overlays,overlaying,overlayed
repute/340 -> reputed,reputing,reputes
uganda/340 -> ugandas
bidding/339 -> biddings
flurry/339 -> flurries,flurried,flurrying
grandeur/339 -> grandeurs
granule/339 -> granules
harp/339 -> harps,harping,harped
jeopardy/339 -> jeopardies
latvia/339 -> latvias
lunatic/339 -> lunatics
manure/339 -> manures,manured,manuring
midway/339 -> midways
modernity/339 -> modernities
mortgagee/339 -> mortgagees
observable/339 -> observables
reseller/339 -> resellers
savoy/339 -> savoys
alkaline/338 -> alkalines
berwick/338 -> berwicks
cheeky/338 -> cheekiest,cheekier,cheekies
columbus/338 -> columbuss
ecumenical/338 -> ecumenicals
lisbon/338 -> lisbons
masonry/338 -> masonries
mathematician/338 -> mathematicians
outdoors/338 -> outdoorss
propensity/338 -> propensities
scrutinise/338 -> scrutinised,scrutinising,scrutinises
tantrum/338 -> tantrums
vandalism/338 -> vandalisms
wang/338 -> wanging
ascot/337 -> ascots
colorado/337 -> colorados
croft/337 -> crofts,crofting,crofted
gardner/337 -> gardners
indexing/337 -> indexings
intrude/337 -> intruded,intruding,intrudes
irishman/337 -> irishmen
normality/337 -> normalities
protagonist/337 -> protagonists
purify/337 -> purified,purifying,purifies
repository/337 -> repositories
separatist/337 -> separatists
sleek/337 -> sleeker,sleekest,sleeking,sleeks,sleeked
standpoint/337 -> standpoints
surpass/337 -> surpassed,surpasses,surpassing
tiller/337 -> tillers,tillering
allot/336 -> allotted,allotting,allots
choreographer/336 -> choreographers
condensation/336 -> condensations
enclave/336 -> enclaves
havoc/336 -> havocs
kendall/336 -> kendalls
macroeconomic/336 -> macroeconomics
ono/336 -> onoes
ontario/336 -> ontarios
parting/336 -> partings
peanut/336 -> peanuts
refurbish/336 -> refurbished,refurbishing,refurbishes
rout/336 -> routed,routing,routs
tod/336 -> tods
zurich/336 -> zuriches
ballroom/335 -> ballrooms
bolivia/335 -> bolivias
bumper/335 -> bumpers
disintegrate/335 -> disintegrated,disintegrating,disintegrates
dissemination/335 -> disseminations
finch/335 -> finches
layman/335 -> laymen,laymans
newmarket/335 -> newmarkets
nucleotide/335 -> nucleotides
overdue/335 -> overdues
restart/335 -> restarted,restarting,restarts
revel/335 -> revelled,revelling,revels
rotary/335 -> rotaries
sherwood/335 -> sherwoods
sift/335 -> sifted,sifting,sifts
terminus/335 -> termini,terminuses
afghan/334 -> afghans
attlee/334 -> attlees
eligibility/334 -> eligibilities
expend/334 -> expended,expending,expends
freehold/334 -> freeholds
inscribe/334 -> inscribed,inscribing,inscribes
rebuilding/334 -> rebuildings
retailing/334 -> retailings
revoke/334 -> revoked,revoking,revokes
semi/334 -> semis
squint/334 -> squinted,squinting,squints
stabilise/334 -> stabilised,stabilising,stabilises
stag/334 -> stags,stagging
stronghold/334 -> strongholds
symbolize/334 -> symbolized,symbolizes,symbolizing
vinyl/334 -> vinyls
avant-garde/333 -> avant-gardes
beveridge/333 -> beveridges
coercion/333 -> coercions
cross-section/333 -> cross-sections
divergence/333 -> divergences
downfall/333 -> downfalls
hearer/333 -> hearers
methane/333 -> methanes
ooze/333 -> oozing,oozed,oozes
remedial/333 -> remedials
rhino/333 -> rhinos
salient/333 -> salients
sharing/333 -> sharings
surpluse/333 -> surpluses
ark/332 -> arks
directorate/332 -> directorates
dominic/332 -> dominics
farce/332 -> farces
finalist/332 -> finalists
goodman/332 -> goodmen
hackney/332 -> hackneys
hippy/332 -> hippies,hippys
jupiter/332 -> jupiters
loathe/332 -> loathed,loathes,loathing
marrow/332 -> marrows
melting/332 -> meltings
overcoat/332 -> overcoats,overcoated
ox/332 -> oxen,oxes,oxer
qualifier/332 -> qualifiers
sauna/332 -> saunas
stockholm/332 -> stockholms
trifle/332 -> trifles,trifled,trifling
bridle/331 -> bridles,bridled,bridling
brit/331 -> brits
conveyancing/331 -> conveyancings
cove/331 -> coves,coved
deadlock/331 -> deadlocked,deadlocks,deadlocking
disseminate/331 -> disseminated,disseminating,disseminates
expiry/331 -> expiries
hawaii/331 -> hawaiis
inefficiency/331 -> inefficiencies
jacobite/331 -> jacobites
legislator/331 -> legislators
pennsylvania/331 -> pennsylvanias
refute/331 -> refuted,refutes,refuting
director-general/330 -> director-generals
genital/330 -> genitals
physiology/330 -> physiologies
physiotherapist/330 -> physiotherapists
reprint/330 -> reprinted,reprints,reprinting
seymour/330 -> seymours
skinny/330 -> skinnier,skinnys,skinnies,skinniest
snore/330 -> snoring,snores,snored
standby/330 -> standbys
thorpe/330 -> thorpes
elaboration/329 -> elaborations
falling/329 -> fallings
freshwater/329 -> freshwaters
istanbul/329 -> istanbuls
livery/329 -> liveries,liveried
nissan/329 -> nissans
romeo/329 -> romeos
subtract/329 -> subtracting,subtracted,subtracts
visionary/329 -> visionaries
wyatt/329 -> wyatts
aaron/328 -> aarons
analyze/328 -> analyzed,analyzing,analyzes
ascend/328 -> ascended,ascends,ascending
catholicism/328 -> catholicisms
contemplation/328 -> contemplations
daffodil/328 -> daffodils
gaol/328 -> gaols,gaoled,gaoling
gaunt/328 -> gaunter
mimic/328 -> mimics,mimicking,mimicked
myriad/328 -> myriads
plumbing/328 -> plumbings
proviso/328 -> provisos
reich/328 -> reiches
scroll/328 -> scrolls
spate/328 -> spates
teresa/328 -> teresas
zeal/328 -> zeals
alphabet/327 -> alphabets
anorexia/327 -> anorexias
apex/327 -> apices,apexes
brutality/327 -> brutalities
closeness/327 -> closenesses
creak/327 -> creaked,creaks,creaking
diffusion/327 -> diffusions
fitzgerald/327 -> fitzgeralds
infinity/327 -> infinities,infinitys
levi/327 -> levis
peugeot/327 -> peugeots
plumage/327 -> plumages,plumaged
pounce/327 -> pounced,pouncing,pounces
prentice/327 -> prentices
scour/327 -> scoured,scouring,scours
subset/327 -> subsets,subsetted
valentine/327 -> valentines
booze/326 -> boozing,boozed,boozes
coeliac/326 -> coeliacs
dallas/326 -> dallass
electromagnetic/326 -> electromagnetics
failing/326 -> failings
fidelity/326 -> fidelities
forfeit/326 -> forfeited,forfeiting,forfeits
longitudinal/326 -> longitudinals
onslaught/326 -> onslaughts
pathology/326 -> pathologies
periphery/326 -> peripheries
pineapple/326 -> pineapples
quash/326 -> quashed,quashing,quashes
requisite/326 -> requisites
retina/326 -> retinas,retinae
riches/326 -> richess
sacrament/326 -> sacraments
tec/326 -> tecs
tingle/326 -> tingling,tingled,tingles
typing/326 -> typings
aix/325 -> aixes
apollo/325 -> apolloes
belgrade/325 -> belgrades
cabaret/325 -> cabarets
combustion/325 -> combustions
constantine/325 -> constantines
elm/325 -> elms
estonia/325 -> estonias
etch/325 -> etched,etching,etches,etchs
femininity/325 -> femininities
industrialization/325 -> industrializations
infiltrate/325 -> infiltrated,infiltrating,infiltrates
mailing/325 -> mailings
nietzsche/325 -> nietzsches
rem/325 -> remmed,rems
serviceman/325 -> servicemen
tickle/325 -> tickled,tickling,tickles
vernacular/325 -> vernaculars
audible/324 -> audibles
cumberland/324 -> cumberlands
headlight/324 -> headlights
magician/324 -> magicians
mockery/324 -> mockeries
seating/324 -> seatings
secrete/324 -> secreted,secreting,secretes
soluble/324 -> solubles
start-up/324 -> start-ups
symbolise/324 -> symbolised,symbolises,symbolising
vancouver/324 -> vancouvers
abstention/323 -> abstentions
beryl/323 -> beryls
burger/323 -> burgers
caste/323 -> castes
categorise/323 -> categorised,categorising,categorises
chariot/323 -> chariots
cherish/323 -> cherished,cherishes,cherishing
chilling/323 -> chillings
gazette/323 -> gazettes,gazetted,gazetting
hasty/323 -> hastiest,hastier
inverse/323 -> inverses
locker/323 -> lockers
lodgings/323 -> lodgingss
mao/323 -> maos
reflective/323 -> reflectives
respectability/323 -> respectabilities
skid/323 -> skidded,skidding,skids
tech/323 -> techs
watcher/323 -> watchers
augustine/322 -> augustines
bakery/322 -> bakeries
botanical/322 -> botanicals
byron/322 -> byrons
chronology/322 -> chronologies
cracker/322 -> crackers
dough/322 -> doughs
encapsulate/322 -> encapsulated,encapsulates,encapsulating
galloway/322 -> galloways
mandarin/322 -> mandarins
misgiving/322 -> misgivings
motility/322 -> motilities
navigator/322 -> navigators
reactionary/322 -> reactionaries
sane/322 -> saner,sanest
serving/322 -> servings
translator/322 -> translators
adjoin/321 -> adjoining,adjoins,adjoined
breaking/321 -> breakings
buddy/321 -> buddies
camping/321 -> campings
capitalise/321 -> capitalised,capitalising,capitalises
discontinue/321 -> discontinued,discontinuing,discontinues
ewe/321 -> ewes
kerry/321 -> kerries
lobster/321 -> lobsters
maize/321 -> maizes
margarine/321 -> margarines
quicken/321 -> quickened,quickens,quickening
torrent/321 -> torrents
turbo/321 -> turbos
yearn/321 -> yearning,yearned,yearns
buz/320 -> buzzing,buzzed
dissertation/320 -> dissertations
domicile/320 -> domiciled,domiciles
equivalence/320 -> equivalences,equivalenced
extinguish/320 -> extinguished,extinguishing,extinguishes
faece/320 -> faeces
incarnation/320 -> incarnations
laurel/320 -> laurels
milestone/320 -> milestones
mite/320 -> mites
mule/320 -> mules
puddle/320 -> puddles,puddling,puddled
roe/320 -> roes
webster/320 -> websters
archdeacon/319 -> archdeacons
bs/319 -> bss
charismatic/319 -> charismatics
dogma/319 -> dogmas
everest/319 -> everests
forecasting/319 -> forecastings
haemoglobin/319 -> haemoglobins
hayes/319 -> hayess
hydrocarbon/319 -> hydrocarbons
incubation/319 -> incubations
liking/319 -> likings
malice/319 -> malices
mid-1970/319 -> mid-1970s
puncture/319 -> punctured,punctures,puncturing
recital/319 -> recitals
smother/319 -> smothered,smothering,smothers
alkali/318 -> alkalis
coax/318 -> coaxed,coaxing,coaxes
complimentary/318 -> complimentaries
diocesan/318 -> diocesans
disintegration/318 -> disintegrations
dumping/318 -> dumpings
extradition/318 -> extraditions
flea/318 -> fleas,fleaing
half-hour/318 -> half-hours
headland/318 -> headlands
kurd/318 -> kurds
ordain/318 -> ordained,ordaining,ordains
patriot/318 -> patriots
rosy/318 -> rosier,rosiest
accessibility/317 -> accessibilities
albion/317 -> albions
antagonism/317 -> antagonisms
conjecture/317 -> conjectures,conjectured,conjecturing
demo/317 -> demos,demoing
facade/317 -> facades
invader/317 -> invaders
josh/317 -> joshing,joshed,joshes
legislate/317 -> legislated,legislating,legislates
lofty/317 -> loftier,loftiest
orbital/317 -> orbitals
orientate/317 -> orientated,orientating,orientates
pheasant/317 -> pheasants
pickle/317 -> pickles,pickled,pickling
swimmer/317 -> swimmers
tire/317 -> tired,tires,tiring
unhappiness/317 -> unhappinesses
vodka/317 -> vodkas
waver/317 -> wavered,wavering,wavers
amen/316 -> amens
aristotle/316 -> aristotles
arson/316 -> arsons
camcorder/316 -> camcorders
chen/316 -> chens
dodgy/316 -> dodgier,dodgiest
dresser/316 -> dressers
frenzy/316 -> frenzied,frenzies
gaza/316 -> gazas
harrier/316 -> harriers
inaugurate/316 -> inaugurated,inaugurating,inaugurates
jigsaw/316 -> jigsaws,jigsawn,jigsawed,jigsawing
liza/316 -> lizas
lull/316 -> lulled,lulling,lulls
non-executive/316 -> non-executives
prescott/316 -> prescotts
strew/316 -> strewn,strewing,strewed,strews
superpower/316 -> superpowers
yoghurt/316 -> yoghurts
barman/315 -> barmen
danzig/315 -> danzigs
doris/315 -> doriss
emerald/315 -> emeralds
gearbox/315 -> gearboxes
mellow/315 -> mellowed,mellower,mellowing,mellows,mellowest
misconduct/315 -> misconducted,misconducts,misconducting
pep/315 -> peps,pepping,pepped
pronouncement/315 -> pronouncements
rapist/315 -> rapists
rudder/315 -> rudders,ruddering
scurry/315 -> scurrying,scurried,scurries
sectarian/315 -> sectarians
tunic/315 -> tunics
warp/315 -> warped,warps,warping
weeping/315 -> weepings
brute/314 -> brutes
catchment/314 -> catchments
confinement/314 -> confinements
leopard/314 -> leopards
mc/314 -> mcs
phantom/314 -> phantoms
repercussion/314 -> repercussions
rioting/314 -> riotings
shorthand/314 -> shorthanded
spruce/314 -> spruced,sprucing,spruces
weekday/314 -> weekdays
year-old/314 -> year-olds
babe/313 -> babes
bullock/313 -> bullocks,bullocking,bullocked
embroidery/313 -> embroideries
gore/313 -> gores,gored,goring
havel/313 -> havels
langley/313 -> langleys
mentor/313 -> mentors
nervousness/313 -> nervousnesses
oasis/313 -> oases
rucksack/313 -> rucksacks,rucksacked
stein/313 -> steins
thug/313 -> thugs,thugging
aromatic/312 -> aromatics
bollock/312 -> bollocks,bollocked,bollocking
buffalo/312 -> buffalos,buffaloes
coinage/312 -> coinages
diligence/312 -> diligences
expedient/312 -> expedients
generalisation/312 -> generalisations
granddad/312 -> granddads
grassy/312 -> grassiest,grassies,grassier
hardness/312 -> hardnesses
idealism/312 -> idealisms
materialise/312 -> materialised,materialises,materialising
mediation/312 -> mediations
pentagon/312 -> pentagons
permeate/312 -> permeated,permeates,permeating
refresh/312 -> refreshed,refreshing,refreshes
sae/312 -> saed,saes
sill/312 -> sills
spitfire/312 -> spitfires
thistle/312 -> thistles
aristocrat/311 -> aristocrats
armenia/311 -> armenias
backside/311 -> backsides
bthe/311 -> bathing
fieldwork/311 -> fieldworking
galley/311 -> galleys
mediator/311 -> mediators
nicandra/311 -> nicandras
opaque/311 -> opaques,opaqued
quebec/311 -> quebecs
rump/311 -> rumps
serpent/311 -> serpents
substantiate/311 -> substantiated,substantiating,substantiates
terrestrial/311 -> terrestrials
woodwork/311 -> woodworks
argyll/310 -> argylls
bamboo/310 -> bamboos
bukharin/310 -> bukharins
chauffeur/310 -> chauffeurs,chauffeured,chauffeuring
crave/310 -> craved,craving,craves
enactment/310 -> enactments
floorboard/310 -> floorboards,floorboarding
forearm/310 -> forearms
frau/310 -> fraus
hebrides/310 -> hebridess
lading/310 -> ladings
leach/310 -> leaching,leached,leaches
macedonia/310 -> macedonias
modulus/310 -> moduli
nibble/310 -> nibbling,nibbled,nibbles
obsessive/310 -> obsessives
platinum/310 -> platinums
resumption/310 -> resumptions
stirring/310 -> stirrings
testator/310 -> testators
theresa/310 -> theresas
waistcoat/310 -> waistcoats
aerobic/309 -> aerobics
amplification/309 -> amplifications
bombardment/309 -> bombardments
cute/309 -> cutest,cuter
detract/309 -> detracts,detracted,detracting
drab/309 -> drabs,drabber,drabbest
electrode/309 -> electrodes
enlargement/309 -> enlargements
flyer/309 -> flyers
grieve/309 -> grieved,grieves,grieving
haircut/309 -> haircuts,haircutting
multilateral/309 -> multilaterals
octave/309 -> octaves
oed/309 -> oeds
oem/309 -> oemed,oeming
pathologist/309 -> pathologists
simmer/309 -> simmered,simmers,simmering
swede/309 -> swedes
systemic/309 -> systemics
tranquillity/309 -> tranquillities
adaptor/308 -> adaptors
eject/308 -> ejected,ejecting,ejects
fiji/308 -> fijis
karate/308 -> karates
liken/308 -> likened,likens,likening
lymphoma/308 -> lymphomas
malik/308 -> maliks
misrepresentation/308 -> misrepresentations
newsagent/308 -> newsagents
pastime/308 -> pastimes
run-up/308 -> run-ups
schoolmaster/308 -> schoolmasters,schoolmastering
trident/308 -> tridents
unpack/308 -> unpacked,unpacking,unpacks
watts/308 -> wattss
boo/307 -> boos,booing,booed
copenhagen/307 -> copenhagens
cutlery/307 -> cutleries
elude/307 -> eluded,eludes,eluding
hutton/307 -> huttons
mime/307 -> miming,mimed,mimes
patchy/307 -> patchier,patchiest
poach/307 -> poaching,poached,poaches
portland/307 -> portlands
pounding/307 -> poundings
proponent/307 -> proponents
repel/307 -> repelled,repelling,repels
stainless/307 -> stainlesses
stallion/307 -> stallions
sub-contractor/307 -> sub-contractors
vanguard/307 -> vanguards
aug/306 -> augs
boyle/306 -> boyles
brickwork/306 -> brickworks,brickworking
chic/306 -> chics
emptiness/306 -> emptinesses
feud/306 -> feuds,feuding,feuded
germ/306 -> germs
hangover/306 -> hangovers
hepatic/306 -> hepatics
humidity/306 -> humidities
hype/306 -> hypes
lighten/306 -> lightened,lightening,lightens
liturgy/306 -> liturgies
monograph/306 -> monographs
piazza/306 -> piazzas
plunder/306 -> plundered,plundering,plunders
regal/306 -> regals
sandal/306 -> sandals
side-effect/306 -> side-effects
tablespoon/306 -> tablespoons
vera/306 -> veras
windmill/306 -> windmills
automobile/305 -> automobiles
cichlid/305 -> cichlids
counting/305 -> countings
creek/305 -> creeks
duvet/305 -> duvets
modernisation/305 -> modernisations
nettle/305 -> nettles,nettled
pathological/305 -> pathologicals
slant/305 -> slanted,slanting,slants
spar/305 -> spars,sparring,sparred
brooch/304 -> brooches
cleanse/304 -> cleansed,cleansing,cleanses
constipation/304 -> constipations
deference/304 -> deferences
fbi/304 -> fbis
horne/304 -> hornes
intersection/304 -> intersections,intersectioning
ley/304 -> leys
munro/304 -> munroes
relativity/304 -> relativities
suez/304 -> suezs
absurdity/303 -> absurdities
aussie/303 -> aussies
culmination/303 -> culminations
epithelium/303 -> epitheliums
grope/303 -> groped,groping,gropes
nag/303 -> nagging,nagged,nags
phd/303 -> phds
populist/303 -> populists
pulp/303 -> pulped,pulping,pulps
truman/303 -> trumen
volt/303 -> volts
waugh/303 -> waughs
amaze/302 -> amazed,amazes,amazing
clove/302 -> cloves
consign/302 -> consigned,consigning,consigns
dilution/302 -> dilutions
educator/302 -> educators
enthalpy/302 -> enthalpies
incest/302 -> incests
mercenary/302 -> mercenaries
merton/302 -> mertons
penalise/302 -> penalised,penalising,penalises
punctuate/302 -> punctuated,punctuating,punctuates
repudiate/302 -> repudiated,repudiating,repudiates
seville/302 -> sevilles
sinner/302 -> sinners
tranquil/302 -> tranquils
amalgamation/301 -> amalgamations
betting/301 -> bettings
bonanza/301 -> bonanzas
bonding/301 -> bondings
cr/301 -> cred,crs
disarm/301 -> disarmed,disarming,disarms
endemic/301 -> endemics
fluorescent/301 -> fluorescents
genetics/301 -> geneticss
grotesque/301 -> grotesques
logging/301 -> loggings
nash/301 -> nashes
outlay/301 -> outlays,outlaid,outlaying
reprieve/301 -> reprieved,reprieves,reprieving
sikh/301 -> sikhs
tandem/301 -> tandems
theo/301 -> theos
adulthood/300 -> adulthoods
alleyway/300 -> alleyways
artemis/300 -> artemiss
blackbird/300 -> blackbirds
charlemagne/300 -> charlemagnes
fingerprint/300 -> fingerprints,fingerprinting,fingerprinted
go-ahead/300 -> go-aheads
impedance/300 -> impedances
loco/300 -> locos
napkin/300 -> napkins
originality/300 -> originalities
paraphrase/300 -> paraphrased,paraphrases,paraphrasing
unison/300 -> unisons
vindicate/300 -> vindicated,vindicating,vindicates
woody/300 -> woodyer,woodier,woodiest
abstain/299 -> abstained,abstaining,abstains
adjudication/299 -> adjudications
bordeaux/299 -> bordeauxes
caricature/299 -> caricatures,caricatured,caricaturing
cosmopolitan/299 -> cosmopolitans
dredge/299 -> dredging,dredged,dredges
gibbs/299 -> gibbss
gust/299 -> gusts,gusting,gusted
liaise/299 -> liaising,liaised,liaises
noah/299 -> noahs
penelope/299 -> penelopes
positivist/299 -> positivists
sequel/299 -> sequels
slay/299 -> slain,slaying,slays,slew
subunit/299 -> subunits
tammuz/299 -> tammuzs
troy/299 -> troys
vandal/299 -> vandals
acorn/298 -> acorns
doze/298 -> dozed,dozing,dozes
egalitarian/298 -> egalitarians
equaliser/298 -> equalisers
executor/298 -> executors
groundwater/298 -> groundwaters
impinge/298 -> impinged,impinges,impinging
malawi/298 -> malawis
plume/298 -> plumes,plumed,pluming
rambler/298 -> ramblers
retribution/298 -> retributions
ringing/298 -> ringings
sexism/298 -> sexisms
soloist/298 -> soloists
veronica/298 -> veronicas
vertebrate/298 -> vertebrates
assimilation/297 -> assimilations
boon/297 -> boons
choral/297 -> chorals
clamour/297 -> clamouring,clamoured,clamours
cutback/297 -> cutbacks
digestive/297 -> digestives
exasperation/297 -> exasperations
fluctuate/297 -> fluctuated,fluctuates,fluctuating
inhale/297 -> inhaled,inhaling,inhales
intimidation/297 -> intimidations
khmer/297 -> khmers
motherhood/297 -> motherhoods
paddock/297 -> paddocks,paddocked
pane/297 -> panes
pastor/297 -> pastors
plumber/297 -> plumbers
pretension/297 -> pretensions
self-defence/297 -> self-defences
spasm/297 -> spasms,spasmed,spasming
stuttgart/297 -> stuttgarts
syringe/297 -> syringes,syringed,syringing
unsettle/297 -> unsettled,unsettling,unsettles
vocation/297 -> vocations
wag/297 -> wagging,wagged,wags
warship/297 -> warships
abdomen/296 -> abdomens
aggregation/296 -> aggregations
apr/296 -> aprs
by-pass/296 -> by-passed,by-passing,by-passes
conifer/296 -> conifers
endurance/296 -> endurances
evasion/296 -> evasions
excretion/296 -> excretions
inter/296 -> interred,interring,inters
kiln/296 -> kilns
nasal/296 -> nasals
rationalisation/296 -> rationalisations
reconnaissance/296 -> reconnaissances
rediscover/296 -> rediscovered,rediscovering,rediscovers
rethink/296 -> rethinking,rethinks,rethought
sabbath/296 -> sabbaths
shaping/296 -> shapings
shawl/296 -> shawls,shawled
skinhead/296 -> skinheads
swelling/296 -> swellings
tar/296 -> tarred,tars,tarring
trump/296 -> trumps,trumped,trumping
tucker/296 -> tuckers,tuckering,tuckered
accreditation/295 -> accreditations
antecedent/295 -> antecedents
blanc/295 -> blancs
blindness/295 -> blindnesses
conditioner/295 -> conditioners
corollary/295 -> corollaries
dazzle/295 -> dazzled,dazzling,dazzles
ethiopian/295 -> ethiopians
fiduciary/295 -> fiduciaries
furrow/295 -> furrows,furrowed,furrowing
glimmer/295 -> glimmered,glimmering,glimmers
mona/295 -> monas
piping/295 -> pipings
rapport/295 -> rapports
redefine/295 -> redefined,redefining,redefines
sincerity/295 -> sincerities
sweetness/295 -> sweetnesses
transcribe/295 -> transcribed,transcribing,transcribes
admiralty/294 -> admiralties
bracelet/294 -> bracelets
clarinet/294 -> clarinets
dweller/294 -> dwellers
dylan/294 -> dylans
equalise/294 -> equalised,equalising,equalises
frs/294 -> frss
gemma/294 -> gemmas
gladstone/294 -> gladstones
kingfisher/294 -> kingfishers
overture/294 -> overtures
polythene/294 -> polythenes
pulpit/294 -> pulpits
regency/294 -> regencies
renovation/294 -> renovations
reproach/294 -> reproached,reproaches,reproaching
rushdie/294 -> rushdies
scuttle/294 -> scuttled,scuttling,scuttles
stupidity/294 -> stupidities
toil/294 -> toiled,toils,toiling
tremor/294 -> tremors
tyranny/294 -> tyrannies
visualise/294 -> visualised,visualising,visualises
winch/294 -> winches,winched,winching
barricade/293 -> barricades,barricaded,barricading
causation/293 -> causations
chandler/293 -> chandlers
cleanliness/293 -> cleanlinesses
comer/293 -> comers
dept/293 -> depts
emu/293 -> emus
fend/293 -> fending,fended,fends
geographer/293 -> geographers
indulgence/293 -> indulgences
itch/293 -> itching,itched,itches
jumping/293 -> jumpings
olympia/293 -> olympias
profess/293 -> professed,professes,professing
trafalgar/293 -> trafalgars
brotherhood/292 -> brotherhoods
cad/292 -> cads
childcare/292 -> childcares
cobalt/292 -> cobalts
fm/292 -> fms
forgery/292 -> forgeries
industrialisation/292 -> industrialisations
mammalian/292 -> mammalians
moat/292 -> moats
nigerian/292 -> nigerians
procurement/292 -> procurements
riley/292 -> rileys
ro/292 -> ros
superstition/292 -> superstitions
terrier/292 -> terriers
typify/292 -> typified,typifies,typifying
yemen/292 -> yemens
cambrian/291 -> cambrians
dalton/291 -> daltons
ethernet/291 -> ethernets
hoop/291 -> hoops,hooped
meander/291 -> meanders,meandering,meandered
mitigate/291 -> mitigated,mitigating,mitigates
multiplier/291 -> multipliers
neurotic/291 -> neurotics
oswald/291 -> oswalds
outcry/291 -> outcries
paranoid/291 -> paranoids
pinnacle/291 -> pinnacles,pinnacled
ruffle/291 -> ruffled,ruffling,ruffles
sharpness/291 -> sharpnesses
subsidence/291 -> subsidences
beset/290 -> besetting,besets
capacitor/290 -> capacitors
chesterfield/290 -> chesterfields
confound/290 -> confounded,confounding,confounds
eisenhower/290 -> eisenhowers
garnish/290 -> garnished,garnishing,garnishes
grubby/290 -> grubbier,grubbied,grubbiest
handout/290 -> handouts
helm/290 -> helms,helming,helmed
holt/290 -> holts
kazakhstan/290 -> kazakhstans
monoxide/290 -> monoxided
mourning/290 -> mournings
playwright/290 -> playwrights,playwrighting
portrayal/290 -> portrayals
precondition/290 -> preconditions,preconditioned
rasp/290 -> rasped,rasping,rasps
rearrange/290 -> rearranged,rearranges,rearranging
stabilize/290 -> stabilized,stabilizing,stabilizes
steamer/290 -> steamers
actuary/289 -> actuaries
authorisation/289 -> authorisations
brittany/289 -> brittanies
dew/289 -> dews,dewed
dobson/289 -> dobsons
fibrosis/289 -> fibroses
fri/289 -> fris
hartley/289 -> hartleys
ibrahim/289 -> ibrahims
inception/289 -> inceptions
lan/289 -> lans
livingstone/289 -> livingstones
malaria/289 -> malarias
moderation/289 -> moderations
moot/289 -> mooted,moots,mooting,mooter
practicality/289 -> practicalities
punctuation/289 -> punctuations
renovate/289 -> renovated,renovating,renovates
shale/289 -> shales
snub/289 -> snubbed,snubs,snubbing
two-year-old/289 -> two-year-olds
accumulator/288 -> accumulators
batten/288 -> battens,battened,battening
coalfield/288 -> coalfields
electrician/288 -> electricians
eta/288 -> etas
financier/288 -> financiers
folding/288 -> foldings
folklore/288 -> folklores
im/288 -> ims,immed
klein/288 -> kleins
lob/288 -> lobbed,lobbing,lobs
lobe/288 -> lobes,lobed
melon/288 -> melons
mrna/288 -> mrnas
presupposition/288 -> presuppositions
re-elect/288 -> re-elected,re-electing,re-elects
runaway/288 -> runaways
seoul/288 -> seouls
subconscious/288 -> subconsciouss
swathe/288 -> swathed,swathes,swathing
tartan/288 -> tartans
verdun/288 -> verduns
yew/288 -> yews
arafat/287 -> arafats
ashtray/287 -> ashtrays
assassinate/287 -> assassinated,assassinating,assassinates
aunty/287 -> aunties
casserole/287 -> casseroles,casseroling,casseroled
chisel/287 -> chisels,chiselled,chiselling
connolly/287 -> connollies
denim/287 -> denims
dm/287 -> dms
flotation/287 -> flotations
gates/287 -> gatess
grapple/287 -> grappling,grappled,grapples
greatness/287 -> greatnesses
insulate/287 -> insulated,insulates,insulating
kashmir/287 -> kashmirs
modernization/287 -> modernizations
naples/287 -> napless
obliterate/287 -> obliterated,obliterating,obliterates
playgroup/287 -> playgroups
stead/287 -> steading,steads
superimpose/287 -> superimposed,superimposing,superimposes
trample/287 -> trampled,trampling,tramples
vulture/287 -> vultures
witchcraft/287 -> witchcrafts
aerosol/286 -> aerosols,aerosolled
burgh/286 -> burghs
costing/286 -> costings
crackdown/286 -> crackdowns
frying/286 -> fryings
grampian/286 -> grampians
hon/286 -> hons,honing,hon.
lima/286 -> limas
mobilise/286 -> mobilised,mobilising,mobilises
objector/286 -> objectors
orwell/286 -> orwells
patsy/286 -> patsies
plato/286 -> platoes
retaliation/286 -> retaliations
sceptic/286 -> sceptics
self-control/286 -> self-controls
skyline/286 -> skylines,skylined
vibrate/286 -> vibrating,vibrated,vibrates
adultery/285 -> adulteries
blitz/285 -> blitzes,blitzing,blitzed
canary/285 -> canaries
caterer/285 -> caterers
dwindle/285 -> dwindled,dwindling,dwindles
flimsy/285 -> flimsiest,flimsies,flimsier
foodstuff/285 -> foodstuffs
hangar/285 -> hangars
humility/285 -> humilities
jeweller/285 -> jewellers
mute/285 -> mutes,muted,muting
norris/285 -> norriss
positioning/285 -> positionings
scribe/285 -> scribes,scribing,scribed
sixpence/285 -> sixpences
tattoo/285 -> tattoos,tattooing,tattooed
yr/285 -> yrs
acidity/284 -> acidities
adept/284 -> adepts
bequest/284 -> bequests,bequested
biographer/284 -> biographers
braque/284 -> braques
casino/284 -> casinos
cockney/284 -> cockneys
combo/284 -> combos
emblem/284 -> emblems
frock/284 -> frocks,frocked
ghetto/284 -> ghettos,ghettoes
highlander/284 -> highlanders
modesty/284 -> modesties
poly/284 -> polys
suede/284 -> suedes
trajectory/284 -> trajectories
woe/284 -> woes
adherent/283 -> adherents
attest/283 -> attested,attests,attesting
benchmark/283 -> benchmarks,benchmarking,benchmarked
canyon/283 -> canyons
churchman/283 -> churchmen,churchmans
czechoslovak/283 -> czechoslovaks
ecosystem/283 -> ecosystems
footnote/283 -> footnotes,footnoted
knox/283 -> knoxes
mother-in-law/283 -> mother-in-laws,mothers-in-law
ordination/283 -> ordinations
replication/283 -> replications
summerchild/283 -> summerchilds
tot/283 -> tots,totting,totted
tracking/283 -> trackings
treatise/283 -> treatises
utilitarian/283 -> utilitarians
veer/283 -> veered,veers,veering
volcanoe/283 -> volcanoes
weston/283 -> westons
batting/282 -> battings
curfew/282 -> curfews
dissipate/282 -> dissipated,dissipating,dissipates
envelop/282 -> enveloped,enveloping,envelops
histamine/282 -> histamines
hutchinson/282 -> hutchinsons
mixer/282 -> mixers
nasa/282 -> nasas
postponement/282 -> postponements
son-in-law/282 -> son-in-laws,sons-in-law
sparrow/282 -> sparrows
specialisation/282 -> specialisations
vaccination/282 -> vaccinations
acceptability/281 -> acceptabilities
collaborator/281 -> collaborators
connector/281 -> connectors
detainee/281 -> detainees
fleece/281 -> fleeces,fleeced,fleecing
harem/281 -> harems
holloway/281 -> holloways
inseparable/281 -> inseparables
irrigation/281 -> irrigations
leaver/281 -> leavers
mantelpiece/281 -> mantelpieces
misty/281 -> mistier,mistiest
obscenity/281 -> obscenities
rabbi/281 -> rabbis
reunification/281 -> reunifications
seeker/281 -> seekers
senna/281 -> sennas
tiptoe/281 -> tiptoed,tiptoeing,tiptoes
tiredness/281 -> tirednesses
wobble/281 -> wobbled,wobbling,wobbles
antarctica/280 -> antarcticas
birthplace/280 -> birthplaces
bodyguard/280 -> bodyguards,bodyguarding
chime/280 -> chimes,chimed,chiming
commute/280 -> commuting,commuted,commutes
digging/280 -> diggings
downturn/280 -> downturns,downturned
insignia/280 -> insignias
instil/280 -> instilled,instilling,instils
interviewee/280 -> interviewees
landfill/280 -> landfills
mussel/280 -> mussels
posting/280 -> postings
premiere/280 -> premieres
re-open/280 -> re-opened,re-opening,re-opens
reintroduce/280 -> reintroduced,reintroducing,reintroduces
seasoning/280 -> seasonings
shipyard/280 -> shipyards
slag/280 -> slags,slagging,slagged
vagina/280 -> vaginas
alaska/279 -> alaskas
commissioning/279 -> commissionings
custard/279 -> custards
disdain/279 -> disdained,disdaining,disdains
elective/279 -> electives
heartbeat/279 -> heartbeats
lagoon/279 -> lagoons
nausea/279 -> nauseas
parson/279 -> parsons
ply/279 -> plied,plying,plies,plyed,plys
scone/279 -> scones
sender/279 -> senders
shin/279 -> shins,shinning,shinned
taper/279 -> tapering,tapered,tapers
adequacy/278 -> adequacies
adrenalin/278 -> adrenalins
boulevard/278 -> boulevards
burgundy/278 -> burgundies
contestant/278 -> contestants
corinthian/278 -> corinthians
emulation/278 -> emulations
espouse/278 -> espoused,espousing,espouses
facsimile/278 -> facsimiles
grandad/278 -> grandads
muzzle/278 -> muzzles,muzzled,muzzling
nationalisation/278 -> nationalisations
punjab/278 -> punjabs
stigma/278 -> stigmas,stigmata
throb/278 -> throbbed,throbbing,throbs
woolly/278 -> woollies,woollier,woolliest
dickinson/277 -> dickinsons
finnish/277 -> finnishes
goldberg/277 -> goldbergs
immortal/277 -> immortals
infarction/277 -> infarctions
intolerance/277 -> intolerances
low-level/277 -> low-levels
macho/277 -> machoes
macro/277 -> macros
msc/277 -> mscs
mussolini/277 -> mussolinis
oily/277 -> oilies,oilier,oiliest
pacifist/277 -> pacifists
porridge/277 -> porridges
premiership/277 -> premierships
primrose/277 -> primroses
redesign/277 -> redesigned,redesigning,redesigns
strife/277 -> strifes
transformer/277 -> transformers
visualize/277 -> visualized,visualizing,visualizes
woolf/277 -> woolves
agm/276 -> agms
apathy/276 -> apathies
boardroom/276 -> boardrooms
bosom/276 -> bosoms
carton/276 -> cartons
cheekbone/276 -> cheekbones
clarence/276 -> clarences
delinquent/276 -> delinquents
escalate/276 -> escalated,escalating,escalates
fixing/276 -> fixings
glean/276 -> gleaned,gleaning,gleans
multiplicity/276 -> multiplicities
patriotism/276 -> patriotisms
raspberry/276 -> raspberries,raspberrying
sinking/276 -> sinkings
spokesperson/276 -> spokespersons
strut/276 -> struts,strutted,strutting
subgroup/276 -> subgroups,subgrouping
tendon/276 -> tendons,tendoned
thirsty/276 -> thirstier,thirstiest
unwillingness/276 -> unwillingnesses
baton/275 -> batons,batoned,batoning
buttock/275 -> buttocks,buttocked
courtship/275 -> courtships
dictum/275 -> dicta,dictums
fervour/275 -> fervours
functionalist/275 -> functionalists
iceberg/275 -> icebergs
improvise/275 -> improvised,improvising,improvises
legality/275 -> legalities
modernise/275 -> modernised,modernising,modernises
mosquito/275 -> mosquitos,mosquitoes
null/275 -> nulled,nulling,nulls
propagation/275 -> propagations
prowess/275 -> prowesses
sarcasm/275 -> sarcasms
scant/275 -> scantest,scanted,scanter
sieve/275 -> sieves,sieving,sieved
smelly/275 -> smellies,smelliest,smellier
staining/275 -> stainings
take-over/275 -> take-overs
tehran/275 -> tehrans
timid/275 -> timids
yank/275 -> yanked,yanks,yanking
composure/274 -> composures
daphne/274 -> daphnes
disable/274 -> disabled,disabling,disables
drafting/274 -> draftings
entice/274 -> enticed,enticing,entices
gent/274 -> gents
headphone/274 -> headphones
instigate/274 -> instigated,instigating,instigates
interrogate/274 -> interrogated,interrogating,interrogates
kinase/274 -> kinases,kinased,kinasing
md/274 -> mds
miscarriage/274 -> miscarriages
reminiscence/274 -> reminiscences
reorganise/274 -> reorganised,reorganising,reorganises
saturation/274 -> saturations
sleeper/274 -> sleepers,sleepered
spartan/274 -> spartans
spectre/274 -> spectres
steen/274 -> steens
submerge/274 -> submerged,submerging,submerges
tout/274 -> touted,touting,touts
anglo-american/273 -> anglo-americans
clinician/273 -> clinicians
communicator/273 -> communicators
corrosion/273 -> corrosions
dichotomy/273 -> dichotomies
grub/273 -> grubs,grubbing,grubbed
hysteria/273 -> hysterias
jesuit/273 -> jesuits
juggle/273 -> juggling,juggled,juggles
leakage/273 -> leakages
papacy/273 -> papacies
planetary/273 -> planetaries
shady/273 -> shadier,shadiest
tableau/273 -> tableaux,tableaus
vile/273 -> vilest,viler
zebra/273 -> zebras
blocking/272 -> blockings
cloudy/272 -> cloudier
disconnect/272 -> disconnected,disconnects,disconnecting
dreary/272 -> dreariest,drearier
lame/272 -> lamed,lames,lamest,lamer,laming
luther/272 -> luthers
neon/272 -> neons
performing/272 -> performings
pivot/272 -> pivots,pivoting,pivoted
polyester/272 -> polyesters
raven/272 -> ravens,ravening
salzburg/272 -> salzburgs
switchboard/272 -> switchboards
trudge/272 -> trudged,trudging,trudges
atlanta/271 -> atlantas
binder/271 -> binders
blooming/271 -> bloomings
bravery/271 -> braveries
five-year-old/271 -> five-year-olds
fray/271 -> fraying,frayed,frays,fraid
fuselage/271 -> fuselages
hale/271 -> hales,haled,haling
helpline/271 -> helplines
lodger/271 -> lodgers
mead/271 -> meads
mink/271 -> minks
op/271 -> ops,opped,oped
persia/271 -> persias
pleat/271 -> pleats,pleated,pleating
pruning/271 -> prunings
rodent/271 -> rodents
stow/271 -> stowed,stowing,stows
wilton/271 -> wiltons
allude/270 -> alluded,alluding,alludes
born/270 -> borning,borns
catapult/270 -> catapulted,catapults,catapulting
constabulary/270 -> constabularies
croak/270 -> croaked,croaking,croaks
evict/270 -> evicted,evicting,evicts
fielding/270 -> fieldings
flounder/270 -> floundering,floundered,flounders
frankenstein/270 -> frankensteins
glacial/270 -> glacials
highness/270 -> highnesses
itinerary/270 -> itineraries
minster/270 -> minsters
multiplication/270 -> multiplications
reassert/270 -> reasserted,reasserting,reasserts
supposing/270 -> supposings
teapot/270 -> teapots
trendy/270 -> trendies,trendiest,trendier
venom/270 -> venoms
ailment/269 -> ailments
bedtime/269 -> bedtimes
cavern/269 -> caverns
clutter/269 -> cluttered,cluttering,clutters
devastation/269 -> devastations
disproportionate/269 -> disproportionating
empathy/269 -> empathies
marquee/269 -> marquees
moroccan/269 -> moroccans
morphology/269 -> morphologies
probing/269 -> probings
quilt/269 -> quilts,quilting,quilted
recoil/269 -> recoiled,recoiling,recoils
referent/269 -> referents
reprimand/269 -> reprimanded,reprimands,reprimanding
screwdriver/269 -> screwdrivers
seeing/269 -> seeings
shunt/269 -> shunted,shunting,shunts
smug/269 -> smuggest,smugger
timescale/269 -> timescales
wrestling/269 -> wrestlings
yogurt/269 -> yogurts
backlash/268 -> backlashes
blight/268 -> blighted,blighting,blights
client-server/268 -> client-servers
contravention/268 -> contraventions
crusader/268 -> crusaders
dampen/268 -> dampened,dampening,dampens
flamboyant/268 -> flamboyants
gravy/268 -> gravies
kernel/268 -> kernels
kidnapping/268 -> kidnappings
kiwi/268 -> kiwis
mover/268 -> movers
napier/268 -> napiers
parchment/268 -> parchments
parishioner/268 -> parishioners
pollock/268 -> pollocks
reunite/268 -> reunited,reunites,reuniting
sem/268 -> sems
stint/268 -> stints,stinted,stinting
stretcher/268 -> stretchers,stretchered
trinidad/268 -> trinidads
amalgamate/267 -> amalgamated,amalgamating,amalgamates
anonymity/267 -> anonymities
assortment/267 -> assortments
backup/267 -> backups
bazaar/267 -> bazaars
blackboard/267 -> blackboards
chemotherapy/267 -> chemotherapies
cleansing/267 -> cleansings
closet/267 -> closets,closeted,closetting,closeting
cynicism/267 -> cynicisms
dressing-room/267 -> dressing-rooms
elevated/267 -> elevateds
fairway/267 -> fairways
ldc/267 -> ldcs
netting/267 -> nettings
nova/267 -> novas,novae
pleading/267 -> pleadings
rupture/267 -> ruptured,ruptures,rupturing
slav/267 -> slavs
streamline/267 -> streamlining,streamlined,streamlines
tensor/267 -> tensors
trooper/267 -> troopers
tyler/267 -> tylers
unkind/267 -> unkindest,unkinder
upsurge/267 -> upsurges
backbencher/266 -> backbenchers
bloomsbury/266 -> bloomsburies
calcutta/266 -> calcuttas
chang/266 -> changs
constellation/266 -> constellations
greenland/266 -> greenlands
organist/266 -> organists
pathogenesis/266 -> pathogeneses
persona/266 -> personas,personae
racecourse/266 -> racecourses
subdue/266 -> subdued,subduing,subdues
tibetan/266 -> tibetans
arbitrage/265 -> arbitraging,arbitrages
aria/265 -> arias
bent/265 -> bents
bombard/265 -> bombarded,bombarding,bombards
defuse/265 -> defused,defusing,defuses
desirability/265 -> desirabilities
devolve/265 -> devolved,devolving,devolves
easton/265 -> eastons
eviction/265 -> evictions
filename/265 -> filenames
grinding/265 -> grindings
inlet/265 -> inlets,inletting
maine/265 -> maines
mash/265 -> mashed,mashing,mashes
matisse/265 -> matisses
observatory/265 -> observatories
proclamation/265 -> proclamations
rivet/265 -> riveted,rivets,riveting,rivetted
rourke/265 -> rourkes
staunch/265 -> staunchest,staunching,staunched,staunches,stauncher
structuralist/265 -> structuralists
tanner/265 -> tanners
teasing/265 -> teasings
transparency/265 -> transparencies
worsening/265 -> worsenings
appraise/264 -> appraised,appraising,appraises
attractiveness/264 -> attractivenesses
autograph/264 -> autographs,autographed,autographing
barbados/264 -> barbadoss
clean-up/264 -> clean-ups
crete/264 -> cretes
cruiser/264 -> cruisers
diverge/264 -> diverged,diverges,diverging
entropy/264 -> entropies
golfing/264 -> golfings
griffin/264 -> griffins
hooper/264 -> hoopers
incremental/264 -> incrementals
laity/264 -> laities
likeness/264 -> likenesses
newark/264 -> newarks
refinery/264 -> refineries
shingle/264 -> shingled,shingles
tenement/264 -> tenements
vanessa/264 -> vanessas
walesa/264 -> walesas
chub/263 -> chubs
coma/263 -> comas
delusion/263 -> delusions
dislodge/263 -> dislodged,dislodging,dislodges
ecuador/263 -> ecuadors
functionality/263 -> functionalities
incense/263 -> incensed,incenses,incensing
incontinence/263 -> incontinences
khrushchev/263 -> khrushchevs
nap/263 -> napping,naps,napped
prise/263 -> prised,prising,prises
rembrandt/263 -> rembrandts
reverence/263 -> reverenced,reverences,reverencing
stench/263 -> stenches
symposium/263 -> symposiums,symposia
telex/263 -> telexes,telexed,telexing
tubular/263 -> tubulars
underwood/263 -> underwoods
unearth/263 -> unearthed,unearthing,unearths
wholesaler/263 -> wholesalers
accomplice/262 -> accomplices
approaching/262 -> approachings
arterial/262 -> arterials
athenian/262 -> athenians
beckett/262 -> becketts
blister/262 -> blisters,blistered,blistering
cobble/262 -> cobbles,cobbled,cobbling
damascus/262 -> damascuss
destroyer/262 -> destroyers
fingernail/262 -> fingernails
forbidding/262 -> forbiddings
gallant/262 -> gallants
hanger/262 -> hangers
illicit/262 -> illicits
imperialist/262 -> imperialists
jeopardise/262 -> jeopardised,jeopardising,jeopardises
observance/262 -> observances
snapshot/262 -> snapshots
syphilis/262 -> syphiliss
wc/262 -> wcs,wc's
archway/261 -> archways
benefactor/261 -> benefactors
campaigning/261 -> campaignings
carroll/261 -> carrolls
committal/261 -> committals
fixation/261 -> fixations
four-year-old/261 -> four-year-olds
greyhound/261 -> greyhounds
houghton/261 -> houghtons
hurtle/261 -> hurtling,hurtled,hurtles
ignition/261 -> ignitions
judaism/261 -> judaisms
juniper/261 -> junipers
parapet/261 -> parapets
parochial/261 -> parochials
pulsar/261 -> pulsars
redwood/261 -> redwoods
rhine/261 -> rhines
segmentation/261 -> segmentations
slither/261 -> slithered,slithering,slithers
transpire/261 -> transpired,transpires,transpiring
anarchy/260 -> anarchies
argentine/260 -> argentines
armament/260 -> armaments
auto/260 -> autos
billing/260 -> billings
dorian/260 -> dorians
dropping/260 -> droppings
feb/260 -> febs
fiasco/260 -> fiascos
filth/260 -> filths
gardiner/260 -> gardiners
golding/260 -> goldings
helsinki/260 -> helsinkis
ignite/260 -> ignited,igniting,ignites
inducement/260 -> inducements
kerb/260 -> kerbs,kerbing,kerbed
leech/260 -> leeches,leeching,leeched
markete/260 -> marketing
mom/260 -> moms
nvq/260 -> nvqs
parisian/260 -> parisians
pervade/260 -> pervaded,pervades,pervading
pre-school/260 -> pre-schools
shrill/260 -> shriller,shrills,shrillest,shrilling,shrilled
teaspoon/260 -> teaspoons
tortoise/260 -> tortoises,tortoising,tortoised
airman/259 -> airmen
behold/259 -> beholding,beholds,beheld
chaplin/259 -> chaplins
companionship/259 -> companionships
computation/259 -> computations
derrida/259 -> derridas
flagship/259 -> flagships
guidebook/259 -> guidebooks
haulage/259 -> haulages
hike/259 -> hiking,hikes,hiked
mariner/259 -> mariners
mistrust/259 -> mistrusted,mistrusting,mistrusts
nether/259 -> nethers
occupancy/259 -> occupancies
pilote/259 -> piloted,piloting
plasminogen/259 -> plasminogens
searching/259 -> searchings
seedling/259 -> seedlings
sham/259 -> shams,shamming,shammed
soaring/259 -> soarings
ach/258 -> aches
airy/258 -> airier,airiest
cameraman/258 -> cameramen,cameramans
characterisation/258 -> characterisations
cleric/258 -> clerics
complainant/258 -> complainants
cracking/258 -> crackings
enrichment/258 -> enrichments
foray/258 -> forays,foraying
handcuff/258 -> handcuffs,handcuffed,handcuffing
intelligentsia/258 -> intelligentsias
jock/258 -> jocks,jocked
paraffin/258 -> paraffins
rampart/258 -> ramparts
resurgence/258 -> resurgences
surmount/258 -> surmounted,surmounting,surmounts
syrup/258 -> syrups
bede/257 -> bedes
bundesbank/257 -> bundesbanks
consort/257 -> consorts,consorting,consorted
eradication/257 -> eradications
errand/257 -> errands
grading/257 -> gradings
lorraine/257 -> lorraines
outflow/257 -> outflows,outflowing
proctor/257 -> proctors
sighting/257 -> sightings
splutter/257 -> spluttered,spluttering,splutters
sublime/257 -> sublimest,sublimes,sublimed,subliming
cambodian/256 -> cambodians
cobra/256 -> cobras
conqueror/256 -> conquerors
filler/256 -> fillers
fitter/256 -> fitters
grocer/256 -> grocers
hijack/256 -> hijacked,hijacking,hijacks
homely/256 -> homelier
humanist/256 -> humanists
italic/256 -> italics
lough/256 -> loughs
nourish/256 -> nourished,nourishing,nourishes
nu/256 -> nus,nuer
overrule/256 -> overruled,overruling,overrules
pick-up/256 -> pick-ups
servicing/256 -> servicings
shipbuilding/256 -> shipbuildings
staging/256 -> stagings
standstill/256 -> standstills
tectonic/256 -> tectonics
worst/256 -> worsted,worsts,worsting
ay/255 -> ayer,ays
brooding/255 -> broodings
chipping/255 -> chippings
collusion/255 -> collusions
containment/255 -> containments
contentment/255 -> contentments
cossack/255 -> cossacks
deplete/255 -> depleted,depleting,depletes
divinity/255 -> divinities
elevator/255 -> elevators
ember/255 -> embers
forerunner/255 -> forerunners
headmistress/255 -> headmistresses
leek/255 -> leeks
midweek/255 -> midweeks
mufti/255 -> muftis
overtone/255 -> overtones
pew/255 -> pews
photon/255 -> photons
refill/255 -> refilled,refills,refilling
skier/255 -> skiers
slough/255 -> sloughed,sloughing,sloughs
spacing/255 -> spacings
subdivision/255 -> subdivisions
ambivalence/254 -> ambivalences
beaver/254 -> beavers,beavering,beavered
blazing/254 -> blazings
by-product/254 -> by-products
carver/254 -> carvers
close-up/254 -> close-ups
deviate/254 -> deviated,deviates,deviating
ethnicity/254 -> ethnicities
helena/254 -> helenas
illiterate/254 -> illiterates
jurassic/254 -> jurassics
makeshift/254 -> makeshifts
millennium/254 -> millenniums,millennia
offside/254 -> offsides
sandinista/254 -> sandinistas
selkirk/254 -> selkirks
seth/254 -> seths
shelve/254 -> shelved,shelving,shelves
sigma/254 -> sigmas
stile/254 -> stiles,stiled
stinging/254 -> stingings
surety/254 -> sureties
upturn/254 -> upturned,upturns,upturning
wean/254 -> weaning,weaned,weans
whisker/254 -> whiskers
abrasive/253 -> abrasives
allusion/253 -> allusions
amass/253 -> amassed,amassing,amasses
censure/253 -> censured,censures,censuring
drone/253 -> drones,droned,droning
elemental/253 -> elementals
engrave/253 -> engraved,engraving,engraves
evergreen/253 -> evergreens
healthcare/253 -> healthcares
heresy/253 -> heresies
jostle/253 -> jostling,jostled,jostles
kabul/253 -> kabuls
liquidator/253 -> liquidators
merchandise/253 -> merchandising,merchandised
needy/253 -> neediest,needier
outcrop/253 -> outcrops,outcropping,outcropped
porn/253 -> porns
precinct/253 -> precincts,precincted
three-year-old/253 -> three-year-olds
underclass/253 -> underclasses
aching/252 -> achings
anti-semitism/252 -> anti-semitisms
aptitude/252 -> aptitudes
backer/252 -> backers
carcass/252 -> carcasses,carcassed
consul/252 -> consuls
criminology/252 -> criminologies
decentralization/252 -> decentralizations
din/252 -> dinned,dins,dinning
durkheim/252 -> durkheims
entertainer/252 -> entertainers
farrell/252 -> farrells
fondant/252 -> fondants
generalize/252 -> generalized,generalizing,generalizes
hypnosis/252 -> hypnoses
lunge/252 -> lunged,lunges,lungeing,lunging
minder/252 -> minders
nairobi/252 -> nairobis
partridge/252 -> partridges
quirk/252 -> quirks,quirked,quirking
ready-made/252 -> ready-mades
remembrance/252 -> remembrances
subordination/252 -> subordinations
swine/252 -> swines
vax/252 -> vaxes,vaxs
wither/252 -> withered,withering,withers
deterrence/251 -> deterrences
dishwasher/251 -> dishwashers
forage/251 -> foraging,foraged,forages
queens/251 -> queenss
randy/251 -> randiest,randier
rebound/251 -> rebounded,rebounding,rebounds
rocker/251 -> rockers
rousseau/251 -> rousseaux
rummage/251 -> rummaged,rummaging,rummages
solving/251 -> solvings
spearhead/251 -> spearheaded,spearheading,spearheads
timer/251 -> timers
tyson/251 -> tysons
underwriter/251 -> underwriters
adobe/250 -> adobes
aesthetics/250 -> aestheticss
affirmation/250 -> affirmations
algerian/250 -> algerians
anorak/250 -> anoraks
antic/250 -> antics
asymmetry/250 -> asymmetries
bathsheba/250 -> bathshebas
bicker/250 -> bickering,bickers,bickered
branching/250 -> branchings
clover/250 -> clovers
contemplative/250 -> contemplatives
deport/250 -> deported,deporting,deports
dieter/250 -> dieters
exclamation/250 -> exclamations
friedman/250 -> friedmen
ghostly/250 -> ghostlier
grudge/250 -> grudges,grudged,grudging
headway/250 -> headways
hoot/250 -> hoots,hooted,hooting
jordanian/250 -> jordanians
labyrinth/250 -> labyrinths
malaysian/250 -> malaysians
materialism/250 -> materialisms
moulding/250 -> mouldings
non-verbal/250 -> non-verbals
pembroke/250 -> pembrokes
pup/250 -> pups,pupped
radicalism/250 -> radicalisms
radioactivity/250 -> radioactivities
rambling/250 -> ramblings
ruskin/250 -> ruskins
sanity/250 -> sanities
scrum-half/250 -> scrum-halfs
shaikh/250 -> shaikhs
sherman/250 -> shermen
subvert/250 -> subverted,subverting,subverts
tibet/250 -> tibets
torso/250 -> torsos
vista/250 -> vistas
weighting/250 -> weightings
abduction/249 -> abductions
encircle/249 -> encircled,encircling,encircles
enigma/249 -> enigmas
hearty/249 -> hearties,heartiest,heartier
increment/249 -> increments,incremented,incrementing
kidnapper/249 -> kidnappers
malone/249 -> malones
mull/249 -> mulling,mulled,mulls
oldfield/249 -> oldfields
reversion/249 -> reversions
simplification/249 -> simplifications
squabble/249 -> squabbles,squabbling,squabbled
wring/249 -> wrung,wringing,wrings
chunky/248 -> chunkies,chunkier,chunkiest
constantinople/248 -> constantinoples
courtier/248 -> courtiers
cucumber/248 -> cucumbers
ecstatic/248 -> ecstatics
expo/248 -> expos
gramophone/248 -> gramophones
know-how/248 -> know-hows
lakeside/248 -> lakesides
lowly/248 -> lowliest,lowlier
midsummer/248 -> midsummers
onlooker/248 -> onlookers
overdrive/248 -> overdriving,overdrives,overdrove,overdriven
petitioner/248 -> petitioners
platoon/248 -> platoons
quartz/248 -> quartzs
raincoat/248 -> raincoats,raincoated
recreate/248 -> recreates,recreating,recreated
rotting/248 -> rottings
safari/248 -> safaris
scold/248 -> scolded,scolding,scolds
siberian/248 -> siberians
speculator/248 -> speculators
trash/248 -> trashed,trashing,trashes
tundra/248 -> tundras
ultra/248 -> ultras
whimper/248 -> whimpered,whimpering,whimpers
balancing/247 -> balancings
beaumont/247 -> beaumonts
childbearing/247 -> childbearings
crossword/247 -> crosswords
detour/247 -> detours,detoured,detouring
dishonesty/247 -> dishonesties
draper/247 -> drapers
duel/247 -> duels,duelling,duelled
enthuse/247 -> enthused,enthuses,enthusing
granddaughter/247 -> granddaughters
ra/247 -> ras
rigidity/247 -> rigidities
sentry/247 -> sentries
space-time/247 -> space-times
spaghetti/247 -> spaghettis
stepfather/247 -> stepfathers
wallaby/247 -> wallabies
bryony/246 -> bryonies
concomitant/246 -> concomitants
concur/246 -> concurred,concurs,concurring
cordon/246 -> cordoned,cordons,cordoning
disgusted/246 -> disgusteds
fraternity/246 -> fraternities
gogh/246 -> goghs
heyday/246 -> heydays
intrusive/246 -> intrusives
lyon/246 -> lyons
mercer/246 -> mercers
mural/246 -> murals
obscurity/246 -> obscurities
pertain/246 -> pertaining,pertains,pertained
reset/246 -> resets,resetting
schmidt/246 -> schmidts
scruffy/246 -> scruffier,scruffiest,scruffies
silky/246 -> silkiest,silkier
softness/246 -> softnesses
sunrise/246 -> sunrises
swerve/246 -> swerved,swerving,swerves
templeton/246 -> templetons
tyrant/246 -> tyrants
warhead/246 -> warheads
wessex/246 -> wessexes
alcoholism/245 -> alcoholisms
analytic/245 -> analytics,analytical
argentinian/245 -> argentinians
attribution/245 -> attributions
bigwig/245 -> bigwigs
blob/245 -> blobs,blobbed
confiscate/245 -> confiscated,confiscating,confiscates
converter/245 -> converters
cunt/245 -> cunts
emerson/245 -> emersons
kiev/245 -> kievs
lib/245 -> libs,libbing
multi-national/245 -> multi-nationals
piety/245 -> pieties
piston/245 -> pistons,pistoned,pistoning
pt/245 -> pts
silt/245 -> silted,silts,silting
teamwork/245 -> teamworking,teamworks
traction/245 -> tractions
trimming/245 -> trimmings
walkway/245 -> walkways,walkwayed
wheelbarrow/245 -> wheelbarrows,wheelbarrowing
xerox/245 -> xeroxes,xeroxed,xeroxing
yeoman/245 -> yeomen
angling/244 -> anglings
cessation/244 -> cessations
deportation/244 -> deportations
euphoria/244 -> euphorias
greenwood/244 -> greenwoods
illustrator/244 -> illustrators
inflate/244 -> inflated,inflating,inflates
liberia/244 -> liberias
moderator/244 -> moderators
mutiny/244 -> mutinies,mutinied,mutinying
pendant/244 -> pendants
scaffolding/244 -> scaffoldings
snip/244 -> snipped,snipping,snips
steaming/244 -> steamings
transplantation/244 -> transplantations
vigil/244 -> vigils
waking/244 -> wakings
watershed/244 -> watersheds
whitney/244 -> whitneys
wittgenstein/244 -> wittgensteins
conformation/243 -> conformations
contravene/243 -> contravened,contravening,contravenes
della/243 -> dellas
festivity/243 -> festivities
flannel/243 -> flannels,flannelling,flannelled
furlong/243 -> furlongs
gee/243 -> geest,geeing,gees,geing,geed
jekyll/243 -> jekylls
jetty/243 -> jetties,jettied
leverage/243 -> leveraging,leveraged,leverages
ligament/243 -> ligaments
magma/243 -> magmas
magnesium/243 -> magnesiums
misconception/243 -> misconceptions
modal/243 -> modals
northumbria/243 -> northumbrias
omen/243 -> omens
originator/243 -> originators
overdo/243 -> overdone,overdoing,overdid,overdoes
rustic/243 -> rustics
shun/243 -> shunned,shunning,shuns
spurt/243 -> spurted,spurting,spurts
trapping/243 -> trappings
unnerve/243 -> unnerved,unnerving,unnerves
veneer/243 -> veneers,veneered,veneering
affirmative/242 -> affirmatives
anti/242 -> antis
brothel/242 -> brothels
champ/242 -> champs,champing,champed
defection/242 -> defections
enlighten/242 -> enlightened,enlightening,enlightens
glisten/242 -> glistening,glistened,glistens
hardwood/242 -> hardwoods
hi-fi/242 -> hi-fis
jeer/242 -> jeered,jeers,jeering
linking/242 -> linkings
lotion/242 -> lotions,lotioned
nozzle/242 -> nozzles
ohio/242 -> ohios
orleans/242 -> orleanss
overrun/242 -> overruns,overrunning,overran,overrun
pang/242 -> pangs
propeller/242 -> propellers
rhodesia/242 -> rhodesias
agitate/241 -> agitated,agitating,agitates
alderman/241 -> aldermen
biochemistry/241 -> biochemistries
braid/241 -> braids,braided,braiding
clout/241 -> clouted,clouting,clouts
compositor/241 -> compositors
cotswold/241 -> cotswolds
crumple/241 -> crumpled,crumpling,crumples
flaubert/241 -> flauberts
hogg/241 -> hoggs
inflow/241 -> inflows,inflowing
monetarist/241 -> monetarists
nuance/241 -> nuances,nuanced,nuancing
oblivion/241 -> oblivions
parenthood/241 -> parenthoods
recoup/241 -> recouped,recouping,recoups
sheridan/241 -> sheridans
sympathise/241 -> sympathised,sympathises,sympathising
uv/241 -> uvs
waterman/241 -> watermen
annuity/240 -> annuities
anthology/240 -> anthologies
baggy/240 -> baggies,baggier,baggiest
calais/240 -> calaiss
censor/240 -> censored,censors,censoring
communicating/240 -> communicatings
compulsive/240 -> compulsives
cull/240 -> culled,culling,culls
danube/240 -> danubes
delve/240 -> delving,delved,delves
kremlin/240 -> kremlins
leasing/240 -> leasings
munch/240 -> munching,munched,munches
panorama/240 -> panoramas
peruvian/240 -> peruvians
projector/240 -> projectors
revolver/240 -> revolvers
romp/240 -> romped,romping,romps
socialization/240 -> socializations
subdivide/240 -> subdivided,subdividing,subdivides
susceptibility/240 -> susceptibilities
tablecloth/240 -> tablecloths
tact/240 -> tacts
versatility/240 -> versatilities
wren/240 -> wrens
aah/239 -> aahs,aahing,aahed,aahhing
apprehend/239 -> apprehended,apprehending,apprehends
chilean/239 -> chileans
domino/239 -> dominoes,dominos
experimenter/239 -> experimenters
flickering/239 -> flickerings
horace/239 -> horaces
islay/239 -> islays
kinsman/239 -> kinsmen
manila/239 -> manilas
onus/239 -> onuss
rind/239 -> rinds,rinded
stub/239 -> stubbed,stubs,stubbing
throbbing/239 -> throbbings
washer/239 -> washers
wreath/239 -> wreaths
animosity/238 -> animosities
antagonist/238 -> antagonists
cadre/238 -> cadres
dribble/238 -> dribbling,dribbled,dribbles
etching/238 -> etchings
gangster/238 -> gangsters
genome/238 -> genomes
hegel/238 -> hegels
herbal/238 -> herbals
intersperse/238 -> interspersed,interspersing,intersperses
luden/238 -> ludens
magnify/238 -> magnified,magnifying,magnifies
nightingale/238 -> nightingales
oscillation/238 -> oscillations
quaint/238 -> quainter,quaintest
rainy/238 -> rainiest,rainier
scrabble/238 -> scrabbled,scrabbling,scrabbles
stairway/238 -> stairways
stalwart/238 -> stalwarts
strat/238 -> strats
tycoon/238 -> tycoons
uniqueness/238 -> uniquenesses
uproar/238 -> uproars
utopia/238 -> utopias
bask/237 -> basking,basked,basks
corrective/237 -> correctives
decision-maker/237 -> decision-makers
discontinuity/237 -> discontinuities
dope/237 -> doped,dopes,doping
dresden/237 -> dresdens
espionage/237 -> espionages
exertion/237 -> exertions
eyesight/237 -> eyesights
fostering/237 -> fosterings
infuriate/237 -> infuriated,infuriates,infuriating
lawton/237 -> lawtons
marmalade/237 -> marmalades
northwest/237 -> northwests
parole/237 -> paroled,paroles
peacetime/237 -> peacetimes
ramble/237 -> rambles,rambling,rambled
re-enter/237 -> re-entered,re-entering,re-enters
recombinant/237 -> recombinants
reeve/237 -> reeves,reeving,reeved
retainer/237 -> retainers
smashing/237 -> smashings
snuff/237 -> snuffed,snuffing,snuffs
tunisia/237 -> tunisias
vantage/237 -> vantages
warm-up/237 -> warm-ups
worldly/237 -> worldlier
apologetic/236 -> apologetics
arizona/236 -> arizonas
balfour/236 -> balfours
blockage/236 -> blockages
buzzard/236 -> buzzards
cello/236 -> cellos
chi/236 -> chis
depositor/236 -> depositors
drizzle/236 -> drizzling,drizzled,drizzles
err/236 -> erred,errs,erring
git/236 -> gits
jut/236 -> jutting,jutted,juts
kant/236 -> kants
kiosk/236 -> kiosks
mohammad/236 -> mohammads
pawn/236 -> pawns,pawned,pawning
rendering/236 -> renderings
sortie/236 -> sorties
strauss/236 -> strausses
tadpole/236 -> tadpoles
abolitionist/235 -> abolitionists
anchore/235 -> anchored
borehole/235 -> boreholes,boreholing
crushing/235 -> crushings
deformation/235 -> deformations
dormitory/235 -> dormitories
doubling/235 -> doublings
elucidate/235 -> elucidated,elucidating,elucidates
hawaiian/235 -> hawaiians
logan/235 -> logans
medrese/235 -> medreses
murky/235 -> murkiest,murkier
northeast/235 -> northeasts
numeric/235 -> numerics
scapegoat/235 -> scapegoats,scapegoating,scapegoated
tenet/235 -> tenets
vacate/235 -> vacated,vacating,vacates
zenith/235 -> zeniths
beige/234 -> beiges
bereaved/234 -> bereaveds
christen/234 -> christened,christening,christens
custodian/234 -> custodians
detest/234 -> detested,detests,detesting
entirety/234 -> entireties
felt/234 -> felted,felts,feels,feeling,felt
fluffy/234 -> fluffiest,fluffies,fluffier
fullness/234 -> fullnesses
hazy/234 -> haziest,hazier
hoarse/234 -> hoarser,hoarsest
hobbes/234 -> hobbess
humber/234 -> humbers
loudspeaker/234 -> loudspeakers,loudspeakering,loudspeakered
mayhew/234 -> mayhews
nigger/234 -> niggers
piercing/234 -> piercings
politenes/234 -> politeness
pyrenees/234 -> pyreneess
salesperson/234 -> salespersons,salespeople
secession/234 -> secessions
sprinter/234 -> sprinters
straddle/234 -> straddling,straddled,straddles
swinging/234 -> swingings
vassal/234 -> vassals
vicarage/234 -> vicarages
waft/234 -> wafted,wafting,wafts
accede/233 -> acceded,acceding,accedes
besiege/233 -> besieged,besieging,besieges
bewilderment/233 -> bewilderments
driveway/233 -> driveways
eigenvalue/233 -> eigenvalues
eschew/233 -> eschewed,eschewing,eschews
esquire/233 -> esquires
flit/233 -> flitted,flitting,flits
hoffman/233 -> hoffmen
hr/233 -> hrs
liberalization/233 -> liberalizations
mortuary/233 -> mortuaries
panda/233 -> pandas
peregrine/233 -> peregrines
prostaglandin/233 -> prostaglandins
saliva/233 -> salivas
specialty/233 -> specialties
stiffness/233 -> stiffnesses
tivoli/233 -> tivolis
vice-chancellor/233 -> vice-chancellors
wye/233 -> wyes
anemone/232 -> anemones
bicarbonate/232 -> bicarbonates
breech/232 -> breeches,breeched,breeching
caster/232 -> casters
catfish/232 -> catfishes,catfish
defeated/232 -> defeateds
disillusion/232 -> disillusioned,disillusioning,disillusions
giving/232 -> givings
graffiti/232 -> graffitiing,graffiti
macleod/232 -> macleods
nationalization/232 -> nationalizations
paterson/232 -> patersons
pendulum/232 -> pendulums
reissue/232 -> reissued,reissues,reissuing
solicit/232 -> soliciting,solicited,solicits
subsystem/232 -> subsystems
subversion/232 -> subversions
tint/232 -> tinted,tints,tinting
woven/232 -> wovens
abort/231 -> aborted,aborting,aborts
absentee/231 -> absentees
asean/231 -> aseans
botany/231 -> botanies
bramble/231 -> brambles,brambling
breaker/231 -> breakers
commodore/231 -> commodores
configure/231 -> configured,configuring,configures
cubicle/231 -> cubicles
enid/231 -> enids
foundry/231 -> foundries
hobbs/231 -> hobbss
licensee/231 -> licensees
northumbrian/231 -> northumbrians
outstrip/231 -> outstripped,outstripping,outstrips
permeability/231 -> permeabilities
precipitation/231 -> precipitations
scarcity/231 -> scarcities
sib/231 -> sibs
sledge/231 -> sledges,sledging,sledged
sonic/231 -> sonics
vie/231 -> vying,vied,vies
bribery/230 -> briberies
claret/230 -> clarets
conciliation/230 -> conciliations
convocation/230 -> convocations
crutch/230 -> crutches
decreasing/230 -> decreasings
divergent/230 -> divergents
epoch/230 -> epochs
exemplar/230 -> exemplars
footage/230 -> footages
frontage/230 -> frontages
interlude/230 -> interludes
jefferson/230 -> jeffersons
lfa/230 -> lfas
monoclonal/230 -> monoclonals
remorse/230 -> remorses
retrace/230 -> retraced,retracing,retraces
showdown/230 -> showdowns
slovakia/230 -> slovakias
standardise/230 -> standardised,standardising,standardises
superstore/230 -> superstores
thatcherite/230 -> thatcherites
abbreviation/229 -> abbreviations
bracken/229 -> brackens,brackened
collate/229 -> collated,collating,collates
condense/229 -> condensed,condensing,condenses
conurbation/229 -> conurbations
depiction/229 -> depictions
distiller/229 -> distillers
duff/229 -> duffed,duffs,duffing
fallacy/229 -> fallacies
geriatric/229 -> geriatrics
inconclusive/229 -> inconclusives
interplay/229 -> interplays
leningrad/229 -> leningrads
louvre/229 -> louvres
mollusc/229 -> molluscs
mourner/229 -> mourners
newborn/229 -> newborns
nocturnal/229 -> nocturnals
priesthood/229 -> priesthoods
ratepayer/229 -> ratepayers
retaliate/229 -> retaliated,retaliating,retaliates
rosette/229 -> rosettes
sahara/229 -> saharas
scary/229 -> scariest,scarier
soprano/229 -> sopranos
spirituality/229 -> spiritualities
suffix/229 -> suffixes,suffixed
supt/229 -> supt.
topography/229 -> topographies
adjournment/228 -> adjournments
bavaria/228 -> bavarias
buggy/228 -> buggies
burner/228 -> burners
canton/228 -> cantons
cedar/228 -> cedars
gape/228 -> gaped,gapes,gaping
helplessness/228 -> helplessnesses
immersion/228 -> immersions
leaving/228 -> leavings
lizzy/228 -> lizzies
marguerite/228 -> marguerites
metropolis/228 -> metropolises
navigate/228 -> navigating,navigated,navigates
orphanage/228 -> orphanages
policewoman/228 -> policewomen
queensland/228 -> queenslands
rationing/228 -> rationings
seaweed/228 -> seaweeds
slur/228 -> slurred,slurs,slurring
sunglass/228 -> sunglasses
superego/228 -> superegos
birdy/227 -> birdies,birdied
bray/227 -> brayed,braying,brays
charisma/227 -> charismata
chum/227 -> chums,chummed,chumming
d.c./227 -> d.c.s
derivation/227 -> derivations
dotty/227 -> dottier,dottiest
extremity/227 -> extremities
fanny/227 -> fannies
flue/227 -> flues,flueing
footwear/227 -> footwears
hove/227 -> hoves,hoving
incinerator/227 -> incinerators
pee/227 -> peed,peeing,pees
pied/227 -> pieds
provenance/227 -> provenances,provenanced,provenancing
robbins/227 -> robbinss
serf/227 -> serfs
under-21/227 -> under-21s
anatomical/226 -> anatomicals
ancestry/226 -> ancestries
anorexic/226 -> anorexics
beverage/226 -> beverages
chalet/226 -> chalets
classified/226 -> classifieds
deceit/226 -> deceits
drowning/226 -> drownings
guarantor/226 -> guarantors
haiti/226 -> haitis
harding/226 -> hardings
hustle/226 -> hustled,hustling,hustles
impressionist/226 -> impressionists
mala/226 -> malas
midi/226 -> midis
militancy/226 -> militancies
naomi/226 -> naomis
nobleman/226 -> noblemen
orthopaedic/226 -> orthopaedics
panick/226 -> panicked
reflectance/226 -> reflectances
restate/226 -> restated,restating,restates
self-sufficiency/226 -> self-sufficiencies
sulk/226 -> sulking,sulked,sulks
taint/226 -> tainted,taints,tainting
tamper/226 -> tampered,tampering,tampers
thatcherism/226 -> thatcherisms
trademark/226 -> trademarks,trademarking
turret/226 -> turrets
undercut/226 -> undercutting,undercuts
whoop/226 -> whooping,whoops,whooped,whooper
worshipper/226 -> worshippers
yale/226 -> yales
arabian/225 -> arabians
armoury/225 -> armouries
breakage/225 -> breakages
cola/225 -> colas
congo/225 -> congoes
cypress/225 -> cypresses
dislocation/225 -> dislocations
dogmatic/225 -> dogmatics
dressing-gown/225 -> dressing-gowns
drilling/225 -> drillings
embroider/225 -> embroidered,embroidering,embroiders
encore/225 -> encores,encored,encoring
expound/225 -> expounded,expounding,expounds
feller/225 -> fellers
fir/225 -> firs
hawthorn/225 -> hawthorns
iago/225 -> iagoes
issuer/225 -> issuers
lifeline/225 -> lifelines
mammoth/225 -> mammoths
parse/225 -> parsing,parses,parsed
passageway/225 -> passageways
psychotic/225 -> psychotics
resilience/225 -> resiliences
resurrect/225 -> resurrected,resurrecting,resurrects
scorch/225 -> scorched,scorching,scorches
secondment/225 -> secondments
transverse/225 -> transversed
verity/225 -> verities
anglesey/224 -> angleseys
cf/224 -> cfs
eccentricity/224 -> eccentricities
fart/224 -> farts,farting,farted
flanker/224 -> flankers
funnel/224 -> funnelled,funnels,funnelling
hernia/224 -> hernias
husky/224 -> huskier,huskies,huskiest
igg/224 -> iggs
lousy/224 -> lousier,lousiest
mongolia/224 -> mongolias
mucus/224 -> mucuss
protrude/224 -> protruding,protruded,protrudes
quack/224 -> quacks,quacking,quacked
roofing/224 -> roofings
satire/224 -> satires
self-image/224 -> self-images
six-month/224 -> six-months
skirmish/224 -> skirmishes,skirmishing,skirmished
smoky/224 -> smokies,smokier,smokiest
spout/224 -> spouting,spouts,spouted
thrift/224 -> thrifts
vibe/224 -> vibes,vibing,vibed
appropriateness/223 -> appropriatenesses
baptize/223 -> baptized,baptizing,baptizes
canine/223 -> canines
convection/223 -> convections
duet/223 -> duets,duetting,duetted
exhibitor/223 -> exhibitors
fillet/223 -> fillets,filleting,filleted
garner/223 -> garnered,garnering,garners
infrared/223 -> infrareds
insolvent/223 -> insolvents
leasehold/223 -> leaseholds,leaseholding
lessee/223 -> lessees
macarthur/223 -> macarthurs
menopause/223 -> menopauses
pay-off/223 -> pay-offs
peculiarity/223 -> peculiarities
plod/223 -> plodding,plodded,plods
poker/223 -> pokers
pragmatism/223 -> pragmatisms
stammer/223 -> stammered,stammering,stammers
stockmarket/223 -> stockmarkets
uncanny/223 -> uncanniest,uncannier
valuer/223 -> valuers
aerobics/222 -> aerobicss
affront/222 -> affronted,affronts,affronting
audio-visual/222 -> audio-visuals
britten/222 -> brittens
easel/222 -> easels
engraving/222 -> engravings
fugitive/222 -> fugitives
inorganic/222 -> inorganics
keel/222 -> keels,keeled,keeling
liberalisation/222 -> liberalisations
manic/222 -> manics
o'hara/222 -> o'haras
piggy/222 -> piggies
quell/222 -> quelled,quelling,quells
reforming/222 -> reformings
relive/222 -> reliving,relived,relives
roaring/222 -> roarings
sheen/222 -> sheened,sheens,sheening
sludge/222 -> sludges,sludging,sludged
stanford/222 -> stanfords
utopian/222 -> utopians
woodward/222 -> woodwards
airliner/221 -> airliners
albumin/221 -> albumins
axle/221 -> axles,axled
bohemian/221 -> bohemians
botswana/221 -> botswanas
budding/221 -> buddings
clubhouse/221 -> clubhouses
collier/221 -> colliers
dialectic/221 -> dialectics
dismount/221 -> dismounted,dismounting,dismounts
disobedience/221 -> disobediences
dung/221 -> dunging,dungs,dunged
fathom/221 -> fathoms,fathoming,fathomed
flemish/221 -> flemishes
gesner/221 -> gesners
heparin/221 -> heparins
hotelier/221 -> hoteliers
individualist/221 -> individualists
motherwell/221 -> motherwells
negate/221 -> negated,negates,negating
porosity/221 -> porosities
prowl/221 -> prowling,prowled,prowls
sickly/221 -> sickliest,sicklier,sicklied
welshman/221 -> welshmen
accomplishment/220 -> accomplishments
assailant/220 -> assailants
capillary/220 -> capillaries
clientele/220 -> clienteles
commandment/220 -> commandments
esoteric/220 -> esoterics
ganglion/220 -> ganglia
geranium/220 -> geraniums
holidaymaker/220 -> holidaymakers
intangible/220 -> intangibles
jot/220 -> jotted,jotting,jots
loophole/220 -> loopholes,loopholed
muir/220 -> muirs
orgasm/220 -> orgasms,orgasmed
pauper/220 -> paupers,paupered
permissive/220 -> permissives
pretext/220 -> pretexts
pursuer/220 -> pursuers
synapse/220 -> synapses,synapsing
versailles/220 -> versailless
allay/219 -> allayed,allaying,allays
badminton/219 -> badmintons
bovine/219 -> bovines
brunt/219 -> brunts
circumvent/219 -> circumvented,circumventing,circumvents
coastguard/219 -> coastguards
collateral/219 -> collaterals
crank/219 -> cranks,cranked,cranking
cubist/219 -> cubists
diner/219 -> diners
embodiment/219 -> embodiments
emptying/219 -> emptyings
flaming/219 -> flamings
horrid/219 -> horrids
interdependence/219 -> interdependences
java/219 -> javas
non-manual/219 -> non-manuals
poacher/219 -> poachers
reschedule/219 -> rescheduling,rescheduled,reschedules
royalist/219 -> royalists
samaritan/219 -> samaritans
sep/219 -> seps
slovene/219 -> slovenes
squirm/219 -> squirmed,squirming,squirms
troll/219 -> trolls,trolling,trolled
aboriginal/218 -> aboriginals
andes/218 -> andess
basalt/218 -> basalts
bookmaker/218 -> bookmakers
cross-country/218 -> cross-countries
disqualification/218 -> disqualifications
dissociation/218 -> dissociations
docker/218 -> dockers
droop/218 -> drooped,drooping,droops
film-maker/218 -> film-makers
frosty/218 -> frosties,frostier,frostiest
goggle/218 -> goggles,goggled,goggling
hess/218 -> hesses
knack/218 -> knacks,knacked
mauve/218 -> mauves
monaco/218 -> monacoes
mousse/218 -> mousses
nape/218 -> napes
protestor/218 -> protestors
regenerate/218 -> regenerating,regenerated,regenerates
rescuer/218 -> rescuers
ribber/218 -> ribbers
sacking/218 -> sackings
subject-matter/218 -> subject-matters
tb/218 -> tbs
tor/218 -> tors
tropics/218 -> tropicss
truss/218 -> trussed,trusses,trussing
yeats/218 -> yeatss
ada/217 -> adas
backlog/217 -> backlogs,backlogged
blurt/217 -> blurted,blurting,blurts
cynthia/217 -> cynthias
eagerness/217 -> eagernesses
hardback/217 -> hardbacks,hardbacked
helium/217 -> heliums
helix/217 -> helixes
leone/217 -> leones
ling/217 -> lings
louse/217 -> lice,loused,lousing,louses
mercian/217 -> mercians
obesity/217 -> obesities
pe/217 -> pes
pout/217 -> pouting,pouted,pouts
racer/217 -> racers
scattering/217 -> scatterings
shareware/217 -> sharewares
sterne/217 -> sterner,sternest
turquoise/217 -> turquoises
utah/217 -> utahs
bequeath/216 -> bequeathed,bequeaths,bequeathing
chad/216 -> chads
chaucer/216 -> chaucers
chilli/216 -> chillis,chillies
citadel/216 -> citadels
coca/216 -> cocas
coldness/216 -> coldnesses
columnist/216 -> columnists
deictic/216 -> deictics
dyer/216 -> dyers
flog/216 -> flogging,flogged,flogs
gentl/216 -> gentler,gentlest
godfather/216 -> godfathers
junta/216 -> juntas
kenyan/216 -> kenyans
lichen/216 -> lichens
lowell/216 -> lowells
oblique/216 -> obliques
oddity/216 -> oddities
ovation/216 -> ovations
pragmatics/216 -> pragmaticss
psychiatry/216 -> psychiatries
santiago/216 -> santiagoes
terracotta/216 -> terracottas
underworld/216 -> underworlds
vortex/216 -> vortices,vortexing,vortexes,vortexed
yoga/216 -> yogas
abate/215 -> abated,abating,abates
adelaide/215 -> adelaides
antwerp/215 -> antwerps
barter/215 -> bartering,bartered,barters
dostoevsky/215 -> dostoevskies
fodder/215 -> foddering,fodders,foddered
frigate/215 -> frigates
gestation/215 -> gestations
graphite/215 -> graphites
heifer/215 -> heifers
invalidate/215 -> invalidated,invalidates,invalidating
knitted/215 -> knitteds
laos/215 -> laoss
lemonade/215 -> lemonades
livingston/215 -> livingstons
moray/215 -> morays
mountaineering/215 -> mountaineerings
showcase/215 -> showcases,showcasing,showcased
sideboard/215 -> sideboards
spaceship/215 -> spaceships
tawny/215 -> tawnies,tawnier,tawniest
tern/215 -> terns
titford/215 -> titfords
bandit/214 -> bandits
barb/214 -> barbs
bookcase/214 -> bookcases
chronicler/214 -> chroniclers
collage/214 -> collages,collaged
crux/214 -> cruxes
entourage/214 -> entourages
gush/214 -> gushing,gushed,gushes
headhunter/214 -> headhunters
homology/214 -> homologies
hotline/214 -> hotlines
hyacinth/214 -> hyacinths
imperfection/214 -> imperfections
insanity/214 -> insanities
mia/214 -> mias
michigan/214 -> michigans
orchestrate/214 -> orchestrated,orchestrating,orchestrates
pageant/214 -> pageants
pancake/214 -> pancakes,pancaked
patchwork/214 -> patchworks
pedestal/214 -> pedestals
recollect/214 -> recollected,recollects,recollecting
roost/214 -> roosting,roosts,roosted
shallot/214 -> shallots
slang/214 -> slanging,slangs,slanged
soundtrack/214 -> soundtracks,soundtracking
spicy/214 -> spicier,spiciest
trance/214 -> trances,tranced
ultraviolet/214 -> ultraviolets
algiers/213 -> algierss
analyser/213 -> analysers
bridesmaid/213 -> bridesmaids
char/213 -> charred,charring,chars
dea/213 -> deas
drummond/213 -> drummonds
gadget/213 -> gadgets
improvisation/213 -> improvisations
johns/213 -> johnss
limelight/213 -> limelights
mogul/213 -> moguls
opium/213 -> opiums
penicillin/213 -> penicillins
pepsinogen/213 -> pepsinogens
precept/213 -> precepts,precepting,precepted
purification/213 -> purifications
reassess/213 -> reassessed,reassessing,reassesses
reversible/213 -> reversibles
revulsion/213 -> revulsions
roadshow/213 -> roadshows
sadden/213 -> saddened,saddens,saddening
sister-in-law/213 -> sister-in-laws,sisters-in-law
smuggling/213 -> smugglings
snowy/213 -> snowiest,snowys,snowier
subcommittee/213 -> subcommittees
toothpaste/213 -> toothpastes
urn/213 -> urns
wheeze/213 -> wheezing,wheezed,wheezes
alexandria/212 -> alexandrias
app/212 -> apps
ascending/212 -> ascendings
balmoral/212 -> balmorals
barrie/212 -> barries
bohemia/212 -> bohemias
bowie/212 -> bowies
fabrication/212 -> fabrications
ferocity/212 -> ferocities
herman/212 -> hermen
ida/212 -> idas
leafy/212 -> leafier
mobilization/212 -> mobilizations
non-standard/212 -> non-standards
och/212 -> ochs
overcrowd/212 -> overcrowding,overcrowds,overcrowded
payout/212 -> payouts
persecute/212 -> persecuted,persecuting,persecutes
revaluation/212 -> revaluations
saracen/212 -> saracens
sire/212 -> sired,sires,siring
smirk/212 -> smirked,smirking,smirks
subsidize/212 -> subsidized,subsidizing,subsidizes
tanned/212 -> tanneds
wilkins/212 -> wilkinss
abduct/211 -> abducted,abducting,abducts
blackberry/211 -> blackberries,blackberrying
boutique/211 -> boutiques
canberra/211 -> canberras
dissuade/211 -> dissuaded,dissuading,dissuades
evangelist/211 -> evangelists
flashing/211 -> flashings
hamstring/211 -> hamstrings,hamstringing,hamstrung
handel/211 -> handels
handler/211 -> handlers
handshake/211 -> handshakes
hansard/211 -> hansards
heck/211 -> hecks
hick/211 -> hicks
honduras/211 -> hondurass
inevitability/211 -> inevitabilities
inroad/211 -> inroads
knowing/211 -> knowings
limousine/211 -> limousines
lithosphere/211 -> lithospheres
lombard/211 -> lombards
ness/211 -> nesses
o.k./211 -> o.k.s
parliamentarian/211 -> parliamentarians
physiotherapy/211 -> physiotherapies
proliferate/211 -> proliferated,proliferating,proliferates
re-examine/211 -> re-examined,re-examining,re-examines
re-use/211 -> re-used,re-using,re-uses
repertory/211 -> repertories
stoppage/211 -> stoppages
subsume/211 -> subsumed,subsumes,subsuming
trailing/211 -> trailings
vestige/211 -> vestiges
wally/211 -> wallies
wastage/211 -> wastages
weighty/211 -> weightier,weightiest
whiff/211 -> whiffs,whiffed
amphibian/210 -> amphibians
applicability/210 -> applicabilities
brawl/210 -> brawls,brawling,brawled
break-in/210 -> break-ins
carnivore/210 -> carnivores
clint/210 -> clints
compton/210 -> comptons
cornerstone/210 -> cornerstones
disillusionment/210 -> disillusionments
dissect/210 -> dissected,dissecting,dissects
eurobond/210 -> eurobonds
fortify/210 -> fortified,fortifying,fortifies
gorilla/210 -> gorillas
knossos/210 -> knossoss
milne/210 -> milnes
moratorium/210 -> moratoriums
nat/210 -> natter
optimise/210 -> optimised,optimising,optimises
orlando/210 -> orlandoes
proletarian/210 -> proletarians
radiotherapy/210 -> radiotherapies
receivership/210 -> receiverships
rutherford/210 -> rutherfords
sonny/210 -> sonnies
spinning/210 -> spinnings
stockist/210 -> stockists
toolkit/210 -> toolkits
wrapping/210 -> wrappings
yolk/210 -> yolks,yolked
alzheimer/209 -> alzheimers
basketball/209 -> basketballs
blyth/209 -> blything
cinderella/209 -> cinderellas
colombian/209 -> colombians
condone/209 -> condoned,condones,condoning
digger/209 -> diggers
dryer/209 -> dryers
enchantment/209 -> enchantments
epilepsy/209 -> epilepsies
friendliness/209 -> friendlinesses
gallup/209 -> gallups
hancock/209 -> hancocks
heinrich/209 -> heinrichs
hendrix/209 -> hendrixes
incisor/209 -> incisors
macaulay/209 -> macaulays
mastermind/209 -> masterminded,masterminding,masterminds
mega/209 -> megas
migraine/209 -> migraines
milkman/209 -> milkmen
nirvana/209 -> nirvanas
pathfinder/209 -> pathfinders
providence/209 -> providences
spanner/209 -> spanners
suffocate/209 -> suffocated,suffocating,suffocates
sweaty/209 -> sweatier,sweatiest
tewkesbury/209 -> tewkesburies
wicker/209 -> wickers
atheist/208 -> atheists
aversion/208 -> aversions
blackout/208 -> blackouts
clot/208 -> clots,clotting,clotted
conscript/208 -> conscripts,conscripted,conscripting
cut-off/208 -> cut-offs
emigrant/208 -> emigrants
encyclopaedia/208 -> encyclopaedias
entrench/208 -> entrenched,entrenching,entrenches
fishkeeper/208 -> fishkeepers
frazer/208 -> frazers
guildhall/208 -> guildhalls
heiress/208 -> heiresses
homoeopathy/208 -> homoeopathies
masquerade/208 -> masquerading,masquerades,masqueraded
narcotic/208 -> narcotics
opioid/208 -> opioids
paranoia/208 -> paranoias
perpendicular/208 -> perpendiculars
powys/208 -> powyss
punt/208 -> punts,punting,punted
reckoning/208 -> reckonings
sloppy/208 -> sloppier,sloppiest
sol/208 -> sols
sp/208 -> sps
squirt/208 -> squirted,squirts,squirting
three-month/208 -> three-months
tristan/208 -> tristans
warlord/208 -> warlords
wick/208 -> wicks
affluence/207 -> affluences
allegory/207 -> allegories
blazer/207 -> blazers,blazered
crp/207 -> crps
decentralisation/207 -> decentralisations
equator/207 -> equators
grille/207 -> grilles
looking/207 -> lookings
norma/207 -> normas
overpower/207 -> overpowered,overpowering,overpowers
pascal/207 -> pascals
patriarch/207 -> patriarchs
pharmacist/207 -> pharmacists
playhouse/207 -> playhouses
polarization/207 -> polarizations
repress/207 -> repressed,repressing,represses
resale/207 -> resales
rpm/207 -> rpms
sash/207 -> sashes
seattle/207 -> seattles
sedimentation/207 -> sedimentations
stand-off/207 -> stand-offs
teller/207 -> tellers
undecided/207 -> undecideds
vigilance/207 -> vigilances
vip/207 -> vips
accustom/206 -> accustomed,accustoms,accustoming
antidote/206 -> antidotes
ariel/206 -> ariels
conduit/206 -> conduits
consequential/206 -> consequentials
crowe/206 -> crowes
defense/206 -> defenses
doorbell/206 -> doorbells
dragoon/206 -> dragoons,dragooned,dragooning
edible/206 -> edibles
epa/206 -> epas
filly/206 -> fillies
flooring/206 -> floorings
flout/206 -> flouted,flouting,flouts
goldman/206 -> goldmen
ligand/206 -> ligands
lowering/206 -> lowerings
paralysis/206 -> paralyses
penn/206 -> penns
propriety/206 -> proprieties
purist/206 -> purists
realignment/206 -> realignments
resection/206 -> resections
resistor/206 -> resistors
semblance/206 -> semblances
spec/206 -> specs
toshiba/206 -> toshibas
tributary/206 -> tributaries
viaduct/206 -> viaducts
animate/205 -> animated,animates,animating
aperture/205 -> apertures
daze/205 -> dazed,dazing
dominican/205 -> dominicans
encroachment/205 -> encroachments
escalation/205 -> escalations
falconer/205 -> falconers
iteration/205 -> iterations
leonardo/205 -> leonardoes
mademoiselle/205 -> mademoiselles
nsf/205 -> nsfs
plummete/205 -> plummeted,plummeting
policy-maker/205 -> policy-makers
reggae/205 -> reggaes
royce/205 -> royces
sen/205 -> sens
shambles/205 -> shambless
smuggler/205 -> smugglers
utilisation/205 -> utilisations
anarchist/204 -> anarchists
buoy/204 -> buoyed,buoys,buoying
caddy/204 -> caddies,caddying,caddied
dada/204 -> dadas
econometric/204 -> econometrics
freshness/204 -> freshnesses
frill/204 -> frills,frilling
glover/204 -> glovers
gnaw/204 -> gnawed,gnawing,gnaws
grouse/204 -> grouses,grousing,groused
idealist/204 -> idealists
irving/204 -> irvings
juicy/204 -> juiciest,juicier
machine-gun/204 -> machine-guns,machine-gunned
milling/204 -> millings
plait/204 -> plaits,plaited,plaiting
provence/204 -> provences
reorganize/204 -> reorganized,reorganizing,reorganizes
scanning/204 -> scannings
seven-year-old/204 -> seven-year-olds
sherlock/204 -> sherlocks
thicket/204 -> thickets
vagrant/204 -> vagrants
wiper/204 -> wipers
workgroup/204 -> workgroups,workgrouping
amelia/203 -> amelias
beret/203 -> berets
bounty/203 -> bounties,bountys
caustic/203 -> caustics
centrepiece/203 -> centrepieces
cinnamon/203 -> cinnamons
connors/203 -> connorss
disorderly/203 -> disorderlies
eq/203 -> eqs
fleck/203 -> flecks,flecked,flecking
foothold/203 -> footholds
gentile/203 -> gentiles
gentleness/203 -> gentlenesses
heartland/203 -> heartlands
info/203 -> info.
kettering/203 -> ketterings
mackintosh/203 -> mackintoshes
medallist/203 -> medallists
promulgate/203 -> promulgated,promulgating,promulgates
pun/203 -> puns,punning,punned
round-up/203 -> round-ups
slalom/203 -> slaloms
sneeze/203 -> sneezing,sneezed,sneezes
stockpile/203 -> stockpiles,stockpiling,stockpiled
swish/203 -> swished,swishing,swishes
wold/203 -> wolds
barr/202 -> barrs
buddhism/202 -> buddhisms
casing/202 -> casings
complicity/202 -> complicities
courtroom/202 -> courtrooms
depose/202 -> deposed,deposing,deposes
dinar/202 -> dinars
dissociate/202 -> dissociated,dissociating,dissociates
externality/202 -> externalities
extravagance/202 -> extravagances
foresight/202 -> foresights
monologue/202 -> monologues,monologuing
muffle/202 -> muffled,muffling,muffles
nightdress/202 -> nightdresses
oppress/202 -> oppressed,oppressing,oppresses
overestimate/202 -> overestimated,overestimates,overestimating
parkland/202 -> parklands
phenotype/202 -> phenotypes
plethora/202 -> plethoras
polluter/202 -> polluters
pundit/202 -> pundits
putter/202 -> putters,puttered,puttering
retinue/202 -> retinues
saturate/202 -> saturated,saturating,saturates
selfishness/202 -> selfishnesses
shattering/202 -> shatterings
shia/202 -> shias
smudge/202 -> smudged,smudges,smudging
squander/202 -> squandered,squandering,squanders
taiwanese/202 -> taiwaneses
treachery/202 -> treacheries
ultrasound/202 -> ultrasounds
waddington/202 -> waddingtons
wanderer/202 -> wanderers
waters/202 -> waterss
weighing/202 -> weighings
yang/202 -> yangs
addressee/201 -> addressees
anterior/201 -> anteriors
antithesis/201 -> antitheses
denominator/201 -> denominators
governess/201 -> governesses,governessing
guillotine/201 -> guillotines,guillotined,guillotining
halo/201 -> haloes,haloed,halos,haloing
hogan/201 -> hogans
informer/201 -> informers
interlocking/201 -> interlockings
labrador/201 -> labradors
magdalen/201 -> magdalens
merovingian/201 -> merovingians
mower/201 -> mowers
mubarak/201 -> mubaraks
nordic/201 -> nordics
ranger/201 -> rangers
repossession/201 -> repossessions
screaming/201 -> screamings
soc/201 -> socs
tennyson/201 -> tennysons
tightening/201 -> tightenings
troupe/201 -> troupes
ultimatum/201 -> ultimatums
algebra/200 -> algebras
arbiter/200 -> arbiters
balkans/200 -> balkanss
barth/200 -> barths
bentham/200 -> benthams
bologna/200 -> bolognas
categorize/200 -> categorized,categorizing,categorizes
chandelier/200 -> chandeliers
cretaceous/200 -> cretaceouss
encase/200 -> encased,encasing,encases
eugene/200 -> eugenes
facing/200 -> facings
hanover/200 -> hanovers
inauguration/200 -> inaugurations
infiltration/200 -> infiltrations
infuse/200 -> infused,infusing,infuses
intensification/200 -> intensifications
jerome/200 -> jeromes
lexicographer/200 -> lexicographers
lilac/200 -> lilacs
logistics/200 -> logisticss
manhood/200 -> manhoods
mayonnaise/200 -> mayonnaises,mayonnaise
palatine/200 -> palatines
pelvis/200 -> pelvises,pelves
plumb/200 -> plumbed,plumbing,plumbs
preamble/200 -> preambles
protectionism/200 -> protectionisms
reimburse/200 -> reimbursed,reimburses,reimbursing
sept/200 -> septs
sliver/200 -> slivers
solder/200 -> soldered,soldering,solders
spree/200 -> sprees
springfield/200 -> springfields
sucker/200 -> suckers,suckered,suckering
sundry/200 -> sundries
suspense/200 -> suspenses
tat/200 -> tats,tatting,tatted
trade-off/200 -> trade-offs
upholstery/200 -> upholsteries
ayatollah/199 -> ayatollahs
brezhnev/199 -> brezhnevs
cl/199 -> cls
clustering/199 -> clusterings
commotion/199 -> commotions
distinctiveness/199 -> distinctivenesses
exude/199 -> exuded,exuding,exudes
hooliganism/199 -> hooliganisms
ingres/199 -> ingress
positivism/199 -> positivisms
possessive/199 -> possessives
pry/199 -> prying,pried,prys,pryed,pries
retarded/199 -> retardeds
ripen/199 -> ripening,ripened,ripens
rutland/199 -> rutlands
schizophrenic/199 -> schizophrenics
self-government/199 -> self-governments
spore/199 -> spores,sporing
squatter/199 -> squatters
stalinist/199 -> stalinists
tether/199 -> tethered,tethers,tethering
tito/199 -> titoes
typist/199 -> typists
udc/199 -> udcs
widower/199 -> widowers
zeta/199 -> zetas
accolade/198 -> accolades
achilles/198 -> achilless
biff/198 -> biffing,biffs,biffed
cairn/198 -> cairns
cal/198 -> cals
completeness/198 -> completenesses
durability/198 -> durabilities
ecologist/198 -> ecologists
edifice/198 -> edifices
exporting/198 -> exportings
fad/198 -> fads
fermentation/198 -> fermentations
hinterland/198 -> hinterlands
hog/198 -> hogs,hogging,hogged
horseback/198 -> horsebacks
indiscriminate/198 -> indiscriminating
juxtaposition/198 -> juxtapositions
kentish/198 -> kentishes
lettering/198 -> letterings
mecca/198 -> meccas
mosquitoe/198 -> mosquitoes
pall/198 -> palled,palls,palling
perestroika/198 -> perestroikas
perpetrator/198 -> perpetrators
prefix/198 -> prefixes,prefixed,prefixing
pwr/198 -> pwrs
rowntree/198 -> rowntrees
supplant/198 -> supplanted,supplanting,supplants
auditorium/197 -> auditoriums,auditoria
billow/197 -> billowing,billowed,billows
brando/197 -> brandos
brooklyn/197 -> brooklyns
bruising/197 -> bruisings
cashier/197 -> cashiers,cashiered,cashiering
celery/197 -> celeries
characterization/197 -> characterizations
deepening/197 -> deepenings
haydn/197 -> haydns
jig/197 -> jigs,jigging,jigged
jumbo/197 -> jumbos
lennon/197 -> lennons
mane/197 -> manes
nana/197 -> nanas
orgy/197 -> orgies
orion/197 -> orions
plotter/197 -> plotters
regress/197 -> regressed,regressing,regresses
remarry/197 -> remarried,remarrying,remarries
shoreline/197 -> shorelines
spinach/197 -> spinaches
structuralism/197 -> structuralisms
stubble/197 -> stubbled,stubbles
tuft/197 -> tufts,tufting
tulip/197 -> tulips
ugh/197 -> ughs
wandering/197 -> wanderings
windfall/197 -> windfalls
airlift/196 -> airlifted,airlifts,airlifting
basilica/196 -> basilicas
brandish/196 -> brandishing,brandished,brandishes
capping/196 -> cappings
cloister/196 -> cloisters,cloistered,cloistering
disallow/196 -> disallowed,disallowing,disallows
dockyard/196 -> dockyards
droplet/196 -> droplets
eater/196 -> eaters
etiquette/196 -> etiquettes
getty/196 -> gettier
headman/196 -> headmen
larder/196 -> larders
neutralise/196 -> neutralised,neutralising,neutralises
neutrophil/196 -> neutrophils
overstate/196 -> overstated,overstates,overstating
panelling/196 -> panellings
peerage/196 -> peerages
potty/196 -> potties,pottier,pottiest
prudence/196 -> prudences
quail/196 -> quails,quailed,quailing
quantification/196 -> quantifications
silvia/196 -> silvias
stalemate/196 -> stalemates,stalemated
tut/196 -> tutted,tutting,tuts
underly/196 -> underlies
whitewash/196 -> whitewashed,whitewashing,whitewashes
workmanship/196 -> workmanships
yardstick/196 -> yardsticks
abseil/195 -> abseiling,abseils,abseiled,abseilling
buyout/195 -> buyouts
devotee/195 -> devotees
doh/195 -> dohs
encroach/195 -> encroached,encroaching,encroaches
fang/195 -> fangs
life-cycle/195 -> life-cycles
lumen/195 -> lumens
neurone/195 -> neurones
papua/195 -> papuas
plummer/195 -> plummers
posit/195 -> posited,posits,positing
recreat/195 -> recreated,recreating
rescind/195 -> rescinded,rescinding,rescinds
sapphire/195 -> sapphires
saunter/195 -> sauntered,sauntering,saunters
siding/195 -> sidings
toothbrush/195 -> toothbrushes,toothbrushing
tornado/195 -> tornados,tornadoes
walkman/195 -> walkmans,walkmen
worksheet/195 -> worksheets
bahamas/194 -> bahamass
berg/194 -> bergs
black-and-white/194 -> black-and-whites
blinding/194 -> blindings
cameroon/194 -> cameroons
creaking/194 -> creakings
dabble/194 -> dabbling,dabbled,dabbles
elitist/194 -> elitists
exhort/194 -> exhorted,exhorting,exhorts
fatality/194 -> fatalities
ferment/194 -> fermenting,fermented,ferments
firewood/194 -> firewoods
fussy/194 -> fussier,fussies,fussiest
greenfield/194 -> greenfields
leer/194 -> leered,leering,leers
mandible/194 -> mandibles
millet/194 -> millets
oar/194 -> oars
operatic/194 -> operatics
panamanian/194 -> panamanians
posterior/194 -> posteriors
reconstitute/194 -> reconstituted,reconstituting,reconstitutes
rom/194 -> roms
rota/194 -> rotas
scoff/194 -> scoffed,scoffing,scoffs
segregate/194 -> segregated,segregating,segregates
setup/194 -> setups
snare/194 -> snares,snared,snaring
specialism/194 -> specialisms
spender/194 -> spenders
stave/194 -> staved,staving,staves,stove
technicality/194 -> technicalities
trafficker/194 -> traffickers
vampire/194 -> vampires
adjunct/193 -> adjuncts
ambience/193 -> ambiences
asking/193 -> askings
bermuda/193 -> bermudas
bernstein/193 -> bernsteins
biting/193 -> bitings
carew/193 -> carews
caveat/193 -> caveats
chrome/193 -> chromed,chromes,chroming
commoner/193 -> commoners
consternation/193 -> consternations
coursework/193 -> courseworks
dungeon/193 -> dungeons
dwindling/193 -> dwindlings
exuberant/193 -> exuberants
fiesta/193 -> fiestas
filming/193 -> filmings
impediment/193 -> impediments
indent/193 -> indented,indents,indenting
lawsuit/193 -> lawsuits
parma/193 -> parmas
pont/193 -> ponting,ponts
post-mortem/193 -> post-mortems
proust/193 -> prousts
reprisal/193 -> reprisals
shimmer/193 -> shimmered,shimmers,shimmering
stocky/193 -> stockier,stockiest
zaire/193 -> zaires
altruism/192 -> altruisms
amble/192 -> ambled,ambling,ambles
ascendancy/192 -> ascendancies
burlington/192 -> burlingtons
circumference/192 -> circumferences
cobol/192 -> cobols
colonialism/192 -> colonialisms
congregate/192 -> congregated,congregating,congregates
davy/192 -> davies
eldorado/192 -> eldoradoes
eyelash/192 -> eyelashes,eyelashed
gaul/192 -> gauls
gearing/192 -> gearings
heinz/192 -> heinzs
jr/192 -> jrs
lankan/192 -> lankans
lm/192 -> lms
lumber/192 -> lumbered,lumbering,lumbers
maryland/192 -> marylands
mccartney/192 -> mccartneys
mep/192 -> meps
natal/192 -> natals
ned/192 -> neds
percussion/192 -> percussions
principality/192 -> principalities
rainwater/192 -> rainwaters
requisition/192 -> requisitions,requisitioned,requisitioning
reshape/192 -> reshaping,reshaped,reshapes
roadway/192 -> roadways
scorpion/192 -> scorpions
sickle/192 -> sickles,sickling
stanza/192 -> stanzas
strengthening/192 -> strengthenings
thanksgiving/192 -> thanksgivings
twisting/192 -> twistings
ventilator/192 -> ventilators
westerner/192 -> westerners
whack/192 -> whacked,whacks,whacking
wilberforce/192 -> wilberforces
withholding/192 -> withholdings
armpit/191 -> armpits
attire/191 -> attired,attires,attiring
backstage/191 -> backstages
catwalk/191 -> catwalks
chromatography/191 -> chromatographies
commemorative/191 -> commemoratives
cyclical/191 -> cyclicals
deixis/191 -> deixes
demarcation/191 -> demarcations
disinfectant/191 -> disinfectants
disquiet/191 -> disquieted,disquiets,disquieting
fudge/191 -> fudged,fudging,fudges
hotspur/191 -> hotspurs
huxley/191 -> huxleys
malnutrition/191 -> malnutritions
maniac/191 -> maniacs
nagging/191 -> naggings
pcb/191 -> pcbs
polypeptide/191 -> polypeptides
publican/191 -> publicans
rafter/191 -> rafters,raftered
romanticism/191 -> romanticisms
ruddy/191 -> ruddier,ruddied,ruddies,ruddys,ruddiest
sabah/191 -> sabahs
senegal/191 -> senegals
sheaf/191 -> sheaves,sheafs
typeface/191 -> typefaces
understatement/191 -> understatements
waddle/191 -> waddled,waddling,waddles
yachting/191 -> yachtings
agrippa/190 -> agrippas
banter/190 -> bantering,bantered,banters
bastion/190 -> bastions
befall/190 -> befell,befallen,befalls,befalling
binge/190 -> binges,bingeing,binged
cert/190 -> certs
choosing/190 -> choosings
conscription/190 -> conscriptions
cross-reference/190 -> cross-references,cross-referenced,cross-referencing
crucifixion/190 -> crucifixions
disclaimer/190 -> disclaimers
disneyland/190 -> disneylands
exhortation/190 -> exhortations
genoa/190 -> genoas
half-brother/190 -> half-brothers
hurley/190 -> hurleys
immortality/190 -> immortalities
isdn/190 -> isdns
kick-off/190 -> kick-offs
landslide/190 -> landslides,landsliding
letting/190 -> lettings
mallet/190 -> mallets
mannheim/190 -> mannheims
permanence/190 -> permanences
perpetrate/190 -> perpetrated,perpetrating,perpetrates
piaget/190 -> piagets
polygon/190 -> polygons
porto/190 -> portoes
provost/190 -> provosts
quip/190 -> quipped,quips,quipping
rearrangement/190 -> rearrangements
recharge/190 -> recharged,recharging,recharges
redistribute/190 -> redistributed,redistributing,redistributes
rut/190 -> ruts,rutted,rutting
salmonella/190 -> salmonellas
self-respect/190 -> self-respects
taker/190 -> takers
tuscany/190 -> tuscanies
unesco/190 -> unescoes
vole/190 -> voles
blindfold/189 -> blindfolded,blindfolds,blindfolding
borderline/189 -> borderlines
botanist/189 -> botanists
distil/189 -> distilled,distilling,distils
downtown/189 -> downtowner
fissure/189 -> fissures,fissuring
glower/189 -> glowered,glowering,glowers
gunfire/189 -> gunfires
insoluble/189 -> insolubles
kilogram/189 -> kilograms
lacquer/189 -> lacquered,lacquers,lacquering
latvian/189 -> latvians
madman/189 -> madmen,madmans
madrigal/189 -> madrigals
rationalise/189 -> rationalised,rationalising,rationalises
reinstatement/189 -> reinstatements
restitution/189 -> restitutions
retrograde/189 -> retrogrades,retrograding,retrograded
scullery/189 -> sculleries
shake-up/189 -> shake-ups
signor/189 -> signors
surrealist/189 -> surrealists
synthesise/189 -> synthesised,synthesising,synthesises
truancy/189 -> truancies
vdu/189 -> vdus
vial/189 -> vials
waiver/189 -> waivers,waivered
warring/189 -> warrings
babble/188 -> babbling,babbled,babbles
bruges/188 -> brugess
cheery/188 -> cheerier,cheeriest
connoisseur/188 -> connoisseurs
craftsmanship/188 -> craftsmanships
daughter-in-law/188 -> daughters-in-law,daughter-in-laws
demeanour/188 -> demeanours
deutschmark/188 -> deutschmarks
displeasure/188 -> displeasures
end-user/188 -> end-users
eventuality/188 -> eventualities
fabricate/188 -> fabricated,fabricating,fabricates
fuzzy/188 -> fuzziest,fuzzies,fuzzier
goreng/188 -> gorengs
ionic/188 -> ionics
kansas/188 -> kansass
porpoise/188 -> porpoises,porpoising,porpoised
prologue/188 -> prologues
refuel/188 -> refuelling,refuelled,refuels
returning/188 -> returnings
sac/188 -> sacs
sniper/188 -> snipers
soot/188 -> sooted,sooting,soots
squalor/188 -> squalors
superstructure/188 -> superstructures
toxicity/188 -> toxicities
valence/188 -> valences,valenced
wand/188 -> wands
collagen/187 -> collagens
dickie/187 -> dickies
duress/187 -> duresses
e-mail/187 -> e-mails
fabliau/187 -> fabliaus
fatten/187 -> fattening,fattened,fattens
freudian/187 -> freudians
froth/187 -> frothing,frothed,froths
hypocrite/187 -> hypocrites
kipling/187 -> kiplings
mace/187 -> maces
mach/187 -> machs
montagu/187 -> montagus
neptune/187 -> neptunes
pervert/187 -> perverts,perverted,perverting
phosphorus/187 -> phosphoruss
presley/187 -> presleys
rd/187 -> rds
repose/187 -> reposed,reposing,reposes
schematic/187 -> schematics
schoolteacher/187 -> schoolteachers
scuffle/187 -> scuffles,scuffling,scuffled
silva/187 -> silvas
six-year-old/187 -> six-year-olds
smallholder/187 -> smallholders
sounding/187 -> soundings
sprawling/187 -> sprawlings
stent/187 -> stents,stented,stenting
weaponry/187 -> weaponries
yearning/187 -> yearnings
yoke/187 -> yoked,yokes,yoking
aberration/186 -> aberrations
brine/186 -> brines,brining,brined
coffer/186 -> coffers,coffering
colonise/186 -> colonised,colonising,colonises
connon/186 -> connons
conveyancer/186 -> conveyancers
cypriot/186 -> cypriots
deforestation/186 -> deforestations
disprove/186 -> disproved,disproving,disproves
distillery/186 -> distilleries
drench/186 -> drenched,drenching,drenches
ea/186 -> eas
engel/186 -> engels
glossary/186 -> glossaries
ingestion/186 -> ingestions
kestrel/186 -> kestrels
leash/186 -> leashes,leashed,leashing
magpie/186 -> magpies
mania/186 -> manias
midwive/186 -> midwives
mismatch/186 -> mismatches,mismatched,mismatching
mooring/186 -> moorings
oxidation/186 -> oxidations
pessimism/186 -> pessimisms
ranch/186 -> ranches,ranching,ranched
rebuff/186 -> rebuffed,rebuffs,rebuffing
rotterdam/186 -> rotterdams
sheath/186 -> sheaths
smog/186 -> smogs
ssap/186 -> ssaps
subcontractor/186 -> subcontractors
thatch/186 -> thatching,thatches,thatched
alibi/185 -> alibis
angelica/185 -> angelicas
astronaut/185 -> astronauts
bandwagon/185 -> bandwagons,bandwagonning
causeway/185 -> causeways,causewayed
chute/185 -> chutes,chuted
classy/185 -> classier,classiest
decorator/185 -> decorators
draftsman/185 -> draftsmen
extrovert/185 -> extroverts,extroverted
fuller/185 -> fullers
hairstyle/185 -> hairstyles,hairstyling
hiccup/185 -> hiccups,hiccupped,hiccupping
husbandry/185 -> husbandries
juror/185 -> jurors
kendal/185 -> kendals
kingship/185 -> kingships
libertarian/185 -> libertarians
litigant/185 -> litigants
lookout/185 -> lookouts
lymph/185 -> lymphs
mag/185 -> mags
marching/185 -> marchings
padlock/185 -> padlocked,padlocks,padlocking
plaza/185 -> plazas
predominance/185 -> predominances
proverb/185 -> proverbs
publicize/185 -> publicized,publicizing,publicizes
rationalize/185 -> rationalized,rationalizing,rationalizes
roth/185 -> roths
spin-off/185 -> spin-offs
stuffy/185 -> stuffies,stuffiest,stuffier
sudbury/185 -> sudburies
wasteland/185 -> wastelands
appointee/184 -> appointees
belch/184 -> belched,belching,belches
bough/184 -> boughs,boughing
bourne/184 -> bournes
buddha/184 -> buddhas
captaincy/184 -> captaincies
consumerism/184 -> consumerisms
cotswolds/184 -> cotswoldss
disincentive/184 -> disincentives
fluency/184 -> fluencies
freeholder/184 -> freeholders
gambler/184 -> gamblers
garter/184 -> garters,gartering,gartered
gash/184 -> gashes,gashed,gashing
glassy/184 -> glassiest,glassier
hir/184 -> hirs
iaea/184 -> iaeas
longevity/184 -> longevities
materialist/184 -> materialists
meteorite/184 -> meteorites
nicaraguan/184 -> nicaraguans
nomad/184 -> nomads
overly/184 -> overlies
petrochemical/184 -> petrochemicals
pharmacy/184 -> pharmacies
plurality/184 -> pluralities
shack/184 -> shacks,shacked,shacking
shipowner/184 -> shipowners
sightseeing/184 -> sightseeings
slurry/184 -> slurries,slurried,slurrying
stumbling/184 -> stumblings
urchin/184 -> urchins
year-end/184 -> year-ends
adduce/183 -> adduced,adduces,adducing
agonising/183 -> agonisings
ambit/183 -> ambits
bevin/183 -> bevins
biomass/183 -> biomasses
breakaway/183 -> breakaways
burt/183 -> burts
cringe/183 -> cringing,cringed,cringes,cringeing
ct/183 -> cts
diminutive/183 -> diminutives
enliven/183 -> enlivened,enlivening,enlivens
fagin/183 -> fagins
fortification/183 -> fortifications
goddard/183 -> goddards
graduation/183 -> graduations
hobble/183 -> hobbled,hobbling,hobbles
ing/183 -> ingest,ings
jeopardize/183 -> jeopardized,jeopardizing,jeopardizes
manifold/183 -> manifolds,manifolding,manifolded
medic/183 -> medics
memento/183 -> mementoes,mementos
microscopy/183 -> microscopies
mogadishu/183 -> mogadishus
oversight/183 -> oversights,oversighted
philharmonic/183 -> philharmonics
potentiality/183 -> potentialities
reclamation/183 -> reclamations
samson/183 -> samsons
standardisation/183 -> standardisations
transgression/183 -> transgressions
unruly/183 -> unrulier
alder/182 -> alders
ambrose/182 -> ambroses
barbarossa/182 -> barbarossas
cask/182 -> casks
centralisation/182 -> centralisations
cleft/182 -> clefts
counter-attack/182 -> counter-attacks,counter-attacked,counter-attacking
diminution/182 -> diminutions
epitome/182 -> epitomes
forefinger/182 -> forefingers
frontal/182 -> frontals
gillespie/182 -> gillespies
goblet/182 -> goblets
grounding/182 -> groundings
habsburg/182 -> habsburgs
han/182 -> hanning,hans
hezbollah/182 -> hezbollahs
hoo/182 -> hooing
hypnotic/182 -> hypnotics
incomer/182 -> incomers
joiner/182 -> joiners,joinering
loony/182 -> loonies,looniest,loonier
lying/182 -> lyings
mutton/182 -> muttons
neurosis/182 -> neuroses
operand/182 -> operands
oslo/182 -> osloes
polishing/182 -> polishings
predispose/182 -> predisposed,predisposes,predisposing
prickly/182 -> pricklier
pushchair/182 -> pushchairs
pussy/182 -> pussies
quadruple/182 -> quadrupled,quadrupling,quadruples
retract/182 -> retracted,retracting,retracts
sardine/182 -> sardines,sardined
savoury/182 -> savouries
seafood/182 -> seafoods
silicone/182 -> silicones
starling/182 -> starlings
steed/182 -> steeds
sweeper/182 -> sweepers
take-up/182 -> take-ups
ulceration/182 -> ulcerations
unanimity/182 -> unanimities
valencia/182 -> valencias
week-end/182 -> week-ends
welch/182 -> welched
wont/182 -> wonts
andersen/181 -> andersens
antipathy/181 -> antipathies
augusta/181 -> augustas
baronet/181 -> baronets
bridges/181 -> bridgess
coexist/181 -> coexisted,coexisting,coexists
darwinian/181 -> darwinians
earthworm/181 -> earthworms
eave/181 -> eaves,eaved
enema/181 -> enemas
furry/181 -> furrier,furriest
generalise/181 -> generalising,generalised,generalises
graf/181 -> grafs
gratification/181 -> gratifications
hydra/181 -> hydras
indomethacin/181 -> indomethacins
insecticide/181 -> insecticides
joker/181 -> jokers
keynote/181 -> keynotes,keynoting
lessor/181 -> lessors
lightness/181 -> lightnesses
morbid/181 -> morbids
omeprazole/181 -> omeprazoles
panther/181 -> panthers
parallele/181 -> paralleled
patterning/181 -> patternings
posterity/181 -> posterities
proffer/181 -> proffered,proffering,proffers
rectum/181 -> rectums
relent/181 -> relented,relenting,relents
speck/181 -> specks,specking,specked
undervalue/181 -> undervalued,undervalues,undervaluing
wobbly/181 -> wobblies
acupuncture/180 -> acupunctures
bismarck/180 -> bismarcks
carolingian/180 -> carolingians
cauldron/180 -> cauldrons
cobweb/180 -> cobwebs,cobwebbed
correctness/180 -> correctnesses
craze/180 -> crazes,crazing
crucifix/180 -> crucifixes
dandelion/180 -> dandelions
earthwork/180 -> earthworks
eight-year-old/180 -> eight-year-olds
emilia/180 -> emilias
evaporation/180 -> evaporations
gibbon/180 -> gibbons
gluten/180 -> glutens
governance/180 -> governances
gruesome/180 -> gruesomest
hamburger/180 -> hamburgers
holocaust/180 -> holocausts
homicide/180 -> homicides
impartiality/180 -> impartialities
lapel/180 -> lapels
line-out/180 -> line-outs
motherboard/180 -> motherboards
mouthpiece/180 -> mouthpieces
nicotine/180 -> nicotined
night-time/180 -> night-times
peacekeep/180 -> peacekeeping
regimen/180 -> regimens
saffron/180 -> saffrons
sinatra/180 -> sinatras
starboard/180 -> starboards
starch/180 -> starched,starches,starching
supple/180 -> suppling,supplest,suppler
taurus/180 -> tauruss
traditionalist/180 -> traditionalists
verandah/180 -> verandahs
waterford/180 -> waterfords
anchorage/179 -> anchorages
brash/179 -> brasher,brashest,brashed
cellulose/179 -> celluloses,cellulose
desolation/179 -> desolations
fawn/179 -> fawning,fawns,fawned
frailty/179 -> frailties
fruition/179 -> fruitions
hargreaves/179 -> hargreavess
limbo/179 -> limbos
nicol/179 -> nicols
persevere/179 -> persevered,perseveres,persevering
photocopier/179 -> photocopiers
regimental/179 -> regimentals
remoteness/179 -> remotenesses
simulator/179 -> simulators
stipulation/179 -> stipulations
structuring/179 -> structurings
surrogate/179 -> surrogates
tc/179 -> tcs
temperance/179 -> temperances
tripoli/179 -> tripolis
vanilla/179 -> vanillas
whizz/179 -> whizzing,whizzed,whizzes
alcove/178 -> alcoves
beaker/178 -> beakers
bloodstream/178 -> bloodstreams
congressman/178 -> congressmen
downgrade/178 -> downgraded,downgrading,downgrades
europa/178 -> europas
fledgling/178 -> fledglings
gritty/178 -> grittier,grittiest
imbue/178 -> imbued,imbuing,imbues
inca/178 -> incas
ironing/178 -> ironings
khomeini/178 -> khomeinis
leger/178 -> legering,legered,legers
magnification/178 -> magnifications
neutrino/178 -> neutrinos
rationalization/178 -> rationalizations
resettlement/178 -> resettlements
revisit/178 -> revisited,revisiting,revisits
shrinking/178 -> shrinkings
snug/178 -> snugged,snugs,snugger,snuggest
socialisation/178 -> socialisations
tong/178 -> tongs,tonging
wart/178 -> warts,warted
weasel/178 -> weasels,weaselled
wrapper/178 -> wrappers
alto/177 -> altos
annexe/177 -> annexes
biddy/177 -> biddies
bishopric/177 -> bishoprics
bouncer/177 -> bouncers
bran/177 -> brans
centrality/177 -> centralities
credence/177 -> credences
delinquency/177 -> delinquencies
dioxin/177 -> dioxins
dispersion/177 -> dispersions
dreamer/177 -> dreamers
fable/177 -> fables
gemini/177 -> geminis
grating/177 -> gratings
gymnasium/177 -> gymnasiums
hse/177 -> hsing,hses
jacquard/177 -> jacquards
loathing/177 -> loathings
maturation/177 -> maturations
nahum/177 -> nahums
newley/177 -> newleys
pharaoh/177 -> pharaohs
phoney/177 -> phoneys,phonier,phoniest
pittsburgh/177 -> pittsburghs
pol/177 -> pols
raman/177 -> ramen
rampage/177 -> rampaging,rampaged,rampages
remittance/177 -> remittances
reparation/177 -> reparations
shouting/177 -> shoutings
shyness/177 -> shynesses
signifier/177 -> signifiers
supercomputer/177 -> supercomputers
swastika/177 -> swastikas
synagogue/177 -> synagogues
synthesize/177 -> synthesized,synthesizing,synthesizes,synthesizer
testimonial/177 -> testimonials
timor/177 -> timors
trembling/177 -> tremblings
trundle/177 -> trundled,trundling,trundles
uzbekistan/177 -> uzbekistans
wolff/177 -> wolffs
abel/176 -> abels
airframe/176 -> airframes
alt/176 -> alts
appease/176 -> appeased,appeasing,appeases
boatman/176 -> boatmen
cloakroom/176 -> cloakrooms
dem/176 -> dems
devonshire/176 -> devonshires
dissenter/176 -> dissenters
fleshy/176 -> fleshier,fleshies,fleshiest
fowl/176 -> fowls,fowling
gnome/176 -> gnomes,gnomed
gouge/176 -> gouged,gouges,gouging
instrumentation/176 -> instrumentations
invert/176 -> inverts,inverting,inverted
legging/176 -> leggings
leipzig/176 -> leipzigs
macrophage/176 -> macrophages
mayo/176 -> mayoes
mba/176 -> mbas
mediocre/176 -> mediocres
modulate/176 -> modulated,modulating,modulates
non-payment/176 -> non-payments
oboe/176 -> oboes
pelt/176 -> pelted,pelting,pelts
pic/176 -> pics
populace/176 -> populaces
ppp/176 -> ppps
regatta/176 -> regattas
righteousness/176 -> righteousnesses
salim/176 -> salims
spectroscopy/176 -> spectroscopies
spenser/176 -> spensers
spinster/176 -> spinsters
spontaneity/176 -> spontaneities
springbok/176 -> springboks
stewardship/176 -> stewardships
stuffing/176 -> stuffings
tam/176 -> tams
tithe/176 -> tithes
toughness/176 -> toughnesses
transgenic/176 -> transgenics
u-turn/176 -> u-turns
wilt/176 -> wilting,wilted,wilts
wreak/176 -> wreaked,wreaking,wreaks
android/175 -> androids
atp/175 -> atps
befriend/175 -> befriended,befriending,befriends
bogey/175 -> bogeys,bogeyed,bogeying
certified/175 -> certifieds
cubism/175 -> cubisms
dupe/175 -> duped,dupes,duping
empowerment/175 -> empowerments
flak/175 -> flaks
forecourt/175 -> forecourts
grassroots/175 -> grassroot
impurity/175 -> impurities
ives/175 -> ivess
lin/175 -> linning
men/175 -> mens
methyl/175 -> methyls
monochrome/175 -> monochromes,monochromed
morrow/175 -> morrows
mysticism/175 -> mysticisms
palaeozoic/175 -> palaeozoics
palate/175 -> palates
polystyrene/175 -> polystyrenes
pratt/175 -> pratts
rant/175 -> ranting,ranted,rants
replenish/175 -> replenished,replenishing,replenishes
scamper/175 -> scampered,scampering,scampers
shag/175 -> shagging,shagged,shags
sitter/175 -> sitters
slacken/175 -> slackened,slackening,slackens
surfer/175 -> surfers
tung/175 -> tungs
zealander/175 -> zealanders
bystander/174 -> bystanders
calibration/174 -> calibrations
calvin/174 -> calvins
carelessness/174 -> carelessnesses
carnage/174 -> carnages
continuance/174 -> continuances
deliverance/174 -> deliverances
denunciation/174 -> denunciations
dg/174 -> dgs
dispenser/174 -> dispensers
falsify/174 -> falsified,falsifying,falsifies
flotilla/174 -> flotillas
fluff/174 -> fluffed,fluffing,fluffs
geomorphology/174 -> geomorphologies
himalayas/174 -> himalayass
holiness/174 -> holinesses
humanism/174 -> humanisms
impotence/174 -> impotences
in-patient/174 -> in-patients
inductance/174 -> inductances
insurrection/174 -> insurrections
intricacy/174 -> intricacies
kangaroo/174 -> kangaroos
labor/174 -> labors
lit/174 -> lits
negation/174 -> negations
negro/174 -> negros,negroes
nickel/174 -> nickels
non-member/174 -> non-members
olivier/174 -> oliviers
ordinance/174 -> ordinances
perspiration/174 -> perspirations
plenum/174 -> plenums
probate/174 -> probates
proficiency/174 -> proficiencies
purr/174 -> purred,purrs,purring
salty/174 -> saltier,saltiest
seafront/174 -> seafronts
seagull/174 -> seagulls
sell-out/174 -> sell-outs
sooty/174 -> sooties
stylist/174 -> stylists
susanna/174 -> susannas
tell-tale/174 -> tell-tales
trna/174 -> trnas
viscosity/174 -> viscosities
work-force/174 -> work-forces
apportion/173 -> apportioned,apportioning,apportions
aquifer/173 -> aquifers
assignee/173 -> assignees
authorship/173 -> authorships
barking/173 -> barkings
bart/173 -> barts
brahms/173 -> brahmss
chimp/173 -> chimps
cob/173 -> cobs,cobbed
corporatist/173 -> corporatists
decode/173 -> decoded,decoding,decodes
decomposition/173 -> decompositions
desertion/173 -> desertions
fete/173 -> fetes,feted,feting
godmother/173 -> godmothers
gunpowder/173 -> gunpowders
habitation/173 -> habitations
hindrance/173 -> hindrances
hoax/173 -> hoaxes,hoaxed,hoaxing
inaccuracy/173 -> inaccuracies
indict/173 -> indicted,indicting,indicts
interrelationship/173 -> interrelationships
koch/173 -> koches
lsd/173 -> lsds
lumpy/173 -> lumpier,lumpiest
outcast/173 -> outcasts
pantry/173 -> pantries
peroxide/173 -> peroxides,peroxided,peroxiding
phonology/173 -> phonologies
pull-out/173 -> pull-outs
pylon/173 -> pylons
redirect/173 -> redirected,redirecting,redirects
resolute/173 -> resolutes
scourge/173 -> scourges,scourged,scourging
shoemaker/173 -> shoemakers
snipe/173 -> sniping,sniped,snipes
sumatra/173 -> sumatras
vulcan/173 -> vulcans
watering/173 -> waterings
wbc/173 -> wbcs
weakening/173 -> weakenings
wharton/173 -> whartons
whitehead/173 -> whiteheads,whiteheaded
abode/172 -> abodes
amends/172 -> amendss
au/172 -> aus
bro/172 -> bros
burly/172 -> burlier,burlies,burliest
carnation/172 -> carnations
catalan/172 -> catalans
deflate/172 -> deflated,deflating,deflates
devonian/172 -> devonians
frere/172 -> freres
gilbey/172 -> gilbeys
horrify/172 -> horrified,horrifies,horrifying
importation/172 -> importations
inferiority/172 -> inferiorities
lancet/172 -> lancets
marley/172 -> marleys
marzipan/172 -> marzipans
melodrama/172 -> melodramas
milking/172 -> milkings
mismanagement/172 -> mismanagements
mow/172 -> mowing,mowed,mows,mown
neolithic/172 -> neolithics
od/172 -> oddest,odder,oder,ods
opencast/172 -> opencasting
opportunist/172 -> opportunists
qualm/172 -> qualms
raisin/172 -> raisins
rebirth/172 -> rebirthing,rebirths
spiky/172 -> spikier,spikiest
squid/172 -> squids
stagnation/172 -> stagnations
supposition/172 -> suppositions
sweating/172 -> sweatings
turnip/172 -> turnips
acquiescence/171 -> acquiescences
append/171 -> appended,appending,appends
bali/171 -> balis
baptise/171 -> baptised,baptising,baptises
canter/171 -> cantered,cantering,canters
deafness/171 -> deafnesses
decipher/171 -> deciphering,deciphered,deciphers
determinism/171 -> determinisms
electrolyte/171 -> electrolytes
emulsion/171 -> emulsions,emulsioned,emulsioning
epistemology/171 -> epistemologies
evangelism/171 -> evangelisms
feline/171 -> felines
impasse/171 -> impasses
kaufman/171 -> kaufmen
midge/171 -> midges
mu/171 -> mus
pairing/171 -> pairings
plinth/171 -> plinths
plush/171 -> plusher,plushest
prescriptive/171 -> prescriptives
sclerosis/171 -> scleroses
searcher/171 -> searchers
sociable/171 -> sociables
stepmother/171 -> stepmothers
thermometer/171 -> thermometers
welding/171 -> weldings
absenteeism/170 -> absenteeisms
actuality/170 -> actualities
adversity/170 -> adversities
aft/170 -> afts
assertiveness/170 -> assertivenesses
awakening/170 -> awakenings
biker/170 -> bikers
bye-law/170 -> bye-laws
consummate/170 -> consummated,consummating,consummates
crystallize/170 -> crystallized,crystallizing,crystallizes
defraud/170 -> defrauding,defrauded,defrauds
everlasting/170 -> everlastings
flail/170 -> flailing,flailed,flails
fo/170 -> fos,foest,foes
formalist/170 -> formalists
freckle/170 -> freckles,freckled,freckling
gimmick/170 -> gimmicks,gimmicked
hayman/170 -> haymans
healer/170 -> healers
hopelessness/170 -> hopelessnesses
hybridisation/170 -> hybridisations
impromptu/170 -> impromptus
irradiation/170 -> irradiations
kentucky/170 -> kentuckies
khaki/170 -> khakis
knockout/170 -> knockouts
mississippi/170 -> mississippis
motel/170 -> motels
munition/170 -> munitions,munitioning,munitioned
non-smoker/170 -> non-smokers
patronise/170 -> patronised,patronising,patronises
planter/170 -> planters
recalcitrant/170 -> recalcitrants
supernatant/170 -> supernatants
termite/170 -> termites
topping/170 -> toppings
uproot/170 -> uprooted,uprooting,uproots
veg/170 -> vegs,vegged
walpole/170 -> walpoles
waving/170 -> wavings
adverb/169 -> adverbs
annal/169 -> annals
ascii/169 -> asciis
bodice/169 -> bodices,bodiced
boogie/169 -> boogieing,boogies,boogied
casa/169 -> casas
checkpoint/169 -> checkpoints
disentangle/169 -> disentangled,disentangling,disentangles
dunkirk/169 -> dunkirks
eastender/169 -> eastenders
extrapolate/169 -> extrapolating,extrapolated,extrapolates
hillary/169 -> hillaries
incursion/169 -> incursions,incursion
inundate/169 -> inundated,inundating,inundates
leftist/169 -> leftists
marquess/169 -> marquesses
maul/169 -> mauled,mauls,mauling
microfilm/169 -> microfilming,microfilmed,microfilms
mimick/169 -> mimicked,mimicking,mimicks
plywood/169 -> plywoods
predictor/169 -> predictors
scsi/169 -> scsis
self-pity/169 -> self-pities
shortlist/169 -> shortlisted,shortlists,shortlisting
stravinsky/169 -> stravinskies
toffee/169 -> toffees
tusk/169 -> tusks,tusked
wager/169 -> wagers,wagered,wagering
agility/168 -> agilities
apse/168 -> apses
bom/168 -> boms
budge/168 -> budged,budging,budges
bullying/168 -> bullyings
chieftain/168 -> chieftains
cross-examination/168 -> cross-examinations
dalek/168 -> daleks
dat/168 -> dats
educationalist/168 -> educationalists
gb/168 -> gbs
gce/168 -> gces
hairdressing/168 -> hairdressings
hark/168 -> harking,harks,harked
intersect/168 -> intersected,intersecting,intersects
juncture/168 -> junctures
launcher/168 -> launchers
louisiana/168 -> louisianas
modernize/168 -> modernizing,modernized,modernizes
newsome/168 -> newsomes
noir/168 -> noirs
poplar/168 -> poplars
raskolnikov/168 -> raskolnikovs
rico/168 -> ricoes
run-off/168 -> run-offs
slop/168 -> slopping,slopped,slops
sofia/168 -> sofias
southwest/168 -> southwests
aden/167 -> adens
aegean/167 -> aegeans
ards/167 -> ardss
bawl/167 -> bawled,bawling,bawls
chasm/167 -> chasms
chrysler/167 -> chryslers
crevice/167 -> crevices,creviced
depressive/167 -> depressives
embalmer/167 -> embalmers
encyclopedia/167 -> encyclopedias
enrage/167 -> enraged,enraging,enrages
estonian/167 -> estonians
eucharist/167 -> eucharists
farmyard/167 -> farmyards
filament/167 -> filaments
firefighter/167 -> firefighters
hulk/167 -> hulks,hulked
innovator/167 -> innovators
intifada/167 -> intifadas
landform/167 -> landforms
magnetism/167 -> magnetisms
makeup/167 -> makeups
mid-1960/167 -> mid-1960s
mirth/167 -> mirths
modulation/167 -> modulations
neutralisation/167 -> neutralisations
nevis/167 -> neviss
outpost/167 -> outposts,outposted
padding/167 -> paddings
parietal/167 -> parietals
peddle/167 -> peddling,peddled,peddles
pons/167 -> ponss
protestantism/167 -> protestantisms
raphael/167 -> raphaels
ritz/167 -> ritzs
rothschild/167 -> rothschildren
silica/167 -> silicas
sonar/167 -> sonars
steele/167 -> steeles
stratosphere/167 -> stratospheres
subtitle/167 -> subtitled,subtitles,subtitling
toulouse/167 -> toulice
tracksuit/167 -> tracksuits
vagary/167 -> vagaries
waller/167 -> wallers
amaranth/166 -> amaranths
anaesthesia/166 -> anaesthesias
ce/166 -> ces,ced
cliche/166 -> cliches
cynic/166 -> cynics
dispensation/166 -> dispensations
epidemiology/166 -> epidemiologies
firelight/166 -> firelights
formalize/166 -> formalized,formalizing,formalizes
frieze/166 -> friezes
front-end/166 -> front-ends
hitchcock/166 -> hitchcocks
hob/166 -> hobs
kicking/166 -> kickings
lok/166 -> lokking
mystique/166 -> mystiques
physique/166 -> physiques
placard/166 -> placards,placarded,placarding
profusion/166 -> profusions
quieten/166 -> quietened,quietening,quietens
requiem/166 -> requiems
rink/166 -> rinks,rinking
seniority/166 -> seniorities
sensing/166 -> sensings
soggy/166 -> soggiest,soggier
splice/166 -> spliced,splicing,splices
stealth/166 -> stealths
surmise/166 -> surmised,surmises,surmising
thyme/166 -> thymes
tolstoy/166 -> tolstoys
usurp/166 -> usurped,usurping,usurps
bahrain/165 -> bahrains
chairperson/165 -> chairpersons
crafty/165 -> craftier,craftiest
cv/165 -> cvs,cv's
dataset/165 -> datasets
dowry/165 -> dowries
forfeiture/165 -> forfeitures
greenery/165 -> greeneries
hypertext/165 -> hypertexts
icc/165 -> iccs
inpatient/165 -> inpatients
jehovah/165 -> jehovahs
limerick/165 -> limericks
mali/165 -> malis
malpractice/165 -> malpractices
mayhem/165 -> mayhems
mb/165 -> mbs,mbest
minch/165 -> minches
monsoon/165 -> monsoons
newfoundland/165 -> newfoundlands
obviate/165 -> obviates,obviating,obviated
overseer/165 -> overseers
placate/165 -> placated,placating,placates
railroad/165 -> railroads,railroaded,railroading
rooftop/165 -> rooftops,rooftopping
scrutinize/165 -> scrutinized,scrutinizing,scrutinizes
serenity/165 -> serenities
spurn/165 -> spurned,spurns,spurning
tristram/165 -> tristrams
wad/165 -> wads,wadded
waveform/165 -> waveforms
workmate/165 -> workmates
adenoma/164 -> adenomas
affix/164 -> affixed,affixes,affixing
backbench/164 -> backbenches
barometer/164 -> barometers
crayon/164 -> crayons,crayoning,crayoned
daley/164 -> daleys
dashboard/164 -> dashboards
disablement/164 -> disablements
dosage/164 -> dosages
electrification/164 -> electrifications
ever-present/164 -> ever-presents
federalism/164 -> federalisms
flaunt/164 -> flaunting,flaunted,flaunts
funk/164 -> funking,funked,funks
futility/164 -> futilities
gauntlet/164 -> gauntlets
ge/164 -> ged,ging
glee/164 -> glees
gonorrhoea/164 -> gonorrhoeas
grimm/164 -> grimms
immediacy/164 -> immediacies
interception/164 -> interceptions
meditate/164 -> meditating,meditated,meditates
midwinter/164 -> midwinters
misinterpret/164 -> misinterpreted,misinterprets,misinterpreting
preservative/164 -> preservatives
puberty/164 -> puberties
pullover/164 -> pullovers
renege/164 -> reneged,reneging,reneges,renegeing
router/164 -> routers,routered
sociolinguistic/164 -> sociolinguistics
starting-point/164 -> starting-points
suitor/164 -> suitors
sukarno/164 -> sukarnoes
surcharge/164 -> surcharges,surcharged,surcharging
tester/164 -> testers
towpath/164 -> towpaths
twirl/164 -> twirled,twirling,twirls
zodiac/164 -> zodiacs
airing/163 -> airings
atrophy/163 -> atrophied,atrophies,atrophying
banding/163 -> bandings
blockbuster/163 -> blockbusters
burgle/163 -> burgled,burgling,burgles
collocation/163 -> collocations
cowan/163 -> cowans
disobey/163 -> disobeyed,disobeying,disobeys
elisa/163 -> elisas
engross/163 -> engrossed,engrossing,engrosses
eyeball/163 -> eyeballs
filmmaker/163 -> filmmakers
harlequin/163 -> harlequins
harmonisation/163 -> harmonisations
hiring/163 -> hirings
internment/163 -> internments
interventionist/163 -> interventionists
jacobs/163 -> jacobss
lacuna/163 -> lacunae
masturbation/163 -> masturbations
meek/163 -> meekest,meeker
milieu/163 -> milieus,milieux
misdemeanour/163 -> misdemeanours
mishap/163 -> mishaps
montenegro/163 -> montenegroes
parr/163 -> parrs
penchant/163 -> penchants
pennines/163 -> penniness
pisa/163 -> pisas
quarantine/163 -> quarantined,quarantines,quarantining
revitalise/163 -> revitalised,revitalising,revitalises
severance/163 -> severances
slander/163 -> slanders,slandered,slandering
subterranean/163 -> subterraneans
sunflower/163 -> sunflowers
sweatshirt/163 -> sweatshirts
tang/163 -> tangs
transpose/163 -> transposed,transposing,transposes
u.s.a./163 -> u.s.a.s
wader/163 -> waders
wallow/163 -> wallowing,wallowed,wallows
barbican/162 -> barbicans
bedrock/162 -> bedrocked,bedrocks
beep/162 -> beeps,beeping,beeped
blizzard/162 -> blizzards,blizzarding,blizzarded
candida/162 -> candidas
cant/162 -> canter,canted,canting,cants
chan/162 -> channing
christchurch/162 -> christchurches
clothier/162 -> clothiers
creeping/162 -> creepings
doctorate/162 -> doctorates
eire/162 -> eires
furore/162 -> furores
gist/162 -> gists
hilt/162 -> hilts
hinduism/162 -> hinduisms
hybridization/162 -> hybridizations
maverick/162 -> mavericks
medallion/162 -> medallions
morphine/162 -> morphines
olympus/162 -> olympuss
pedagogy/162 -> pedagogies
photosynthesis/162 -> photosyntheses
prostate/162 -> prostates
quark/162 -> quarks
radon/162 -> radons
reindeer/162 -> reindeers,reindeer
responsiveness/162 -> responsivenesses
retardation/162 -> retardations
shaking/162 -> shakings
slumber/162 -> slumbers,slumbering,slumbered
spacecraft/162 -> spacecrafts
subway/162 -> subways
techno/162 -> technoes
thermostat/162 -> thermostats,thermostatted
titan/162 -> titans
trespasser/162 -> trespassers
tripod/162 -> tripods,tripodding
unpopularity/162 -> unpopularities
vestry/162 -> vestries
bootle/161 -> bootling
bumble/161 -> bumbling,bumbled,bumbles
bumpy/161 -> bumpier,bumpiest
candlelight/161 -> candlelights
celt/161 -> celts
chardonnay/161 -> chardonnays
cirrhosis/161 -> cirrhoses
darcy/161 -> darcies
delineate/161 -> delineated,delineates,delineating
emissary/161 -> emissaries
foggy/161 -> foggiest,foggier
howling/161 -> howlings
kissing/161 -> kissings
ltte/161 -> lttes
lutheran/161 -> lutherans
maroon/161 -> marooned,maroons,marooning
monroe/161 -> monroes
mw/161 -> mws
packer/161 -> packers
parallelism/161 -> parallelisms
patter/161 -> pattered,pattering,patters
pegasus/161 -> pegasuss
prophesy/161 -> prophesied,prophesying,prophesies
quadrant/161 -> quadrants
rca/161 -> rcas
siting/161 -> sitings
socioeconomic/161 -> socioeconomics
socrates/161 -> socratess
talon/161 -> talons,taloned
trotsky/161 -> trotskies
tumbler/161 -> tumblers
unsold/161 -> unsolder
valiant/161 -> valiants
virginity/161 -> virginities
warbler/161 -> warblers
wickedness/161 -> wickednesses
adjutant/160 -> adjutants
aerodrome/160 -> aerodromes
andean/160 -> andeans
aw/160 -> aws
burr/160 -> burrs,burred,burring
centralization/160 -> centralizations
centrifuge/160 -> centrifuged,centrifuges,centrifuging
co-opt/160 -> co-opted,co-opting,co-opts
colonisation/160 -> colonisations
counterbalance/160 -> counterbalanced,counterbalancing,counterbalances
counterfeit/160 -> counterfeiting,counterfeits,counterfeited
cover-up/160 -> cover-ups
curd/160 -> curds,curded
enunciate/160 -> enunciated,enunciating,enunciates
fundholder/160 -> fundholders
gascony/160 -> gasconies
gaudy/160 -> gaudies,gaudiest,gaudier
germanic/160 -> germanics
goad/160 -> goaded,goading,goads
harmonise/160 -> harmonised,harmonising,harmonises
hermitage/160 -> hermitages
ip/160 -> ips
jingle/160 -> jingles,jingling,jingled
joist/160 -> joists,joisted
knocker/160 -> knockers
me/160 -> mes,us
mongolian/160 -> mongolians
oas/160 -> oass
penultimate/160 -> penultimates
playback/160 -> playbacks
polarity/160 -> polarities
presidium/160 -> presidiums
proverbial/160 -> proverbials
reassessment/160 -> reassessments
sanctity/160 -> sanctities
sanitation/160 -> sanitations
solace/160 -> solaced,solaces,solacing
weariness/160 -> wearinesses
aggressor/159 -> aggressors
allele/159 -> alleles
apothecary/159 -> apothecaries
breton/159 -> bretons
cain/159 -> cains
carat/159 -> carats
cede/159 -> ceded,ceding,cedes
cocoon/159 -> cocooned,cocoons,cocooning
coerce/159 -> coerced,coercing,coerces
consecrate/159 -> consecrated,consecrating,consecrates
craving/159 -> cravings
davenport/159 -> davenports
eclectic/159 -> eclectics
entangle/159 -> entangled,entangling,entangles
ether/159 -> ethers
exasperate/159 -> exasperated,exasperating,exasperates
exon/159 -> exons
feudalism/159 -> feudalisms
gait/159 -> gaits
grandstand/159 -> grandstands,grandstanding
hanoi/159 -> hanois
isaiah/159 -> isaiahs
knead/159 -> kneading,kneaded,kneads
lore/159 -> lores
memorabilia/159 -> memorabilias
mirage/159 -> mirages
nomenclature/159 -> nomenclatures
optimist/159 -> optimists
passivity/159 -> passivities
petticoat/159 -> petticoats
platter/159 -> platters
preamp/159 -> preamps
preventative/159 -> preventatives
reciprocate/159 -> reciprocated,reciprocating,reciprocates
recklessness/159 -> recklessnesses
rook/159 -> rooks,rooked,rooking
saxony/159 -> saxonies
seduction/159 -> seductions
socialise/159 -> socialising,socialised,socialises
spawning/159 -> spawnings
sulphide/159 -> sulphides
teheran/159 -> teherans
universality/159 -> universalities
upkeep/159 -> upkeeps
waite/159 -> waites
werewolf/159 -> werewolves
westland/159 -> westlands
whirlwind/159 -> whirlwinds
aphid/158 -> aphids
ar/158 -> ars
arkansas/158 -> arkansass
ballistic/158 -> ballistics
barmaid/158 -> barmaids,barmaiding
bathing/158 -> bathings
blasphemy/158 -> blasphemies
booster/158 -> boosters
brat/158 -> brats
bridal/158 -> bridals
candidacy/158 -> candidacies
clarkson/158 -> clarksons
colombo/158 -> colomboes
confiscation/158 -> confiscations
conservancy/158 -> conservancies
convener/158 -> conveners
crucify/158 -> crucified,crucifying,crucifies
front-line/158 -> front-lines
geordie/158 -> geordies
homer/158 -> homers
inanimate/158 -> inanimates
jagger/158 -> jaggers
lathe/158 -> lathes
manoeuvr/158 -> manoeuvred
marcher/158 -> marchers
nymph/158 -> nymphs
pollard/158 -> pollarding,pollarded,pollards
preaching/158 -> preachings
qa/158 -> qaing
reagent/158 -> reagents
reciprocity/158 -> reciprocities
rehabilitate/158 -> rehabilitated,rehabilitating,rehabilitates
ricardo/158 -> ricardoes
scrawl/158 -> scrawled,scrawls,scrawling
screenplay/158 -> screenplays
spindle/158 -> spindles,spindling
squared/158 -> squareds
strach/158 -> strachs
temp/158 -> temps,temping,temped
texan/158 -> texans
totem/158 -> totems
tsarist/158 -> tsarists
two-week/158 -> two-weeks
watchman/158 -> watchmen
afar/157 -> afars
bairn/157 -> bairns
belmont/157 -> belmonts
bulldozer/157 -> bulldozers,bulldozered
clon/157 -> cloned,cloning
cuddly/157 -> cuddlier,cuddliest
dewey/157 -> deweys
diaphragm/157 -> diaphragms
fl/157 -> fls,fler
fluke/157 -> flukes,fluked
fruity/157 -> fruitier,fruitiest
grimy/157 -> grimier
hamster/157 -> hamsters
hooray/157 -> hoorays
horseshoe/157 -> horseshoes
incineration/157 -> incinerations
jp/157 -> jps
knitwear/157 -> knitwears
mascara/157 -> mascaras
mayer/157 -> mayers
monotony/157 -> monotonies
oakley/157 -> oakleys
pester/157 -> pestered,pestering,pesters
petite/157 -> petites
plover/157 -> plovers
polyethylene/157 -> polyethylenes
polynomial/157 -> polynomials
puzzlement/157 -> puzzlements
reflector/157 -> reflectors
reimbursement/157 -> reimbursements
saul/157 -> sauls
seconder/157 -> seconders
slimy/157 -> slimier,slimiest
sustainability/157 -> sustainabilities
suture/157 -> sutures,sutured,suturing
tennessee/157 -> tennessees
totalitarian/157 -> totalitarians
tuning/157 -> tunings
turin/157 -> turins
videotape/157 -> videotapes,videotaped,videotaping,videotapeing,videotapeed
acquiesce/156 -> acquiesced,acquiescing,acquiesces
add-on/156 -> add-ons
anathema/156 -> anathemas
authorization/156 -> authorizations
axon/156 -> axons
backfire/156 -> backfired,backfires,backfiring
befit/156 -> befits,befitted,befitting
birk/156 -> birks
boer/156 -> boers
borneo/156 -> borneos
bower/156 -> bowers,bowering
broach/156 -> broached,broaching,broaches
celibacy/156 -> celibacies
copt/156 -> copts
cremation/156 -> cremations
deluge/156 -> deluged,deluging,deluges
dixie/156 -> dixies
druid/156 -> druids
epitomise/156 -> epitomised,epitomises,epitomising
hauly/156 -> haulier
inexperience/156 -> inexperienced
interoperability/156 -> interoperabilities
kaiser/156 -> kaisers
lent/156 -> lents
mavis/156 -> maviss
omelette/156 -> omelettes
pallet/156 -> pallets
penance/156 -> penances
permian/156 -> permians
phrasing/156 -> phrasings
quake/156 -> quaking,quakes,quaked
raleigh/156 -> raleighs
relaunch/156 -> relaunched,relaunching,relaunches
revolutionise/156 -> revolutionised,revolutionising,revolutionises
rhododendron/156 -> rhododendrons
slime/156 -> slimes,slimed,sliming
stonework/156 -> stoneworks
tchaikovsky/156 -> tchaikovskies
thorny/156 -> thorniest,thornier
trade-union/156 -> trade-unions
transporter/156 -> transporters
adaptability/155 -> adaptabilities
anwar/155 -> anwars
assail/155 -> assailed,assailing,assails
auvergne/155 -> auvergnes
axiom/155 -> axioms
bard/155 -> bards,barded,barding
bel/155 -> bels
biase/155 -> biases,biasing
bowman/155 -> bowmen,bowmans
buoyancy/155 -> buoyancies
capacitance/155 -> capacitances
cower/155 -> cowering,cowered,cowers
crematorium/155 -> crematoria,crematoriums
crusty/155 -> crusties,crustier,crustiest
dha/155 -> dhas
embellish/155 -> embellished,embellishing,embellishes
esp/155 -> esps
first-year/155 -> first-years
foreword/155 -> forewords
hadrian/155 -> hadrians
haggard/155 -> haggards
heterogeneity/155 -> heterogeneities
immorality/155 -> immoralities
interconnect/155 -> interconnected,interconnects,interconnecting
interconnection/155 -> interconnections
invalidity/155 -> invalidities
mamma/155 -> mammas
microorganism/155 -> microorganisms
monet/155 -> monets
non-resident/155 -> non-residents
ostrich/155 -> ostriches
pathogen/155 -> pathogens
ping/155 -> pings,pinging,pinged
portico/155 -> porticos
portraiture/155 -> portraitures
psychedelic/155 -> psychedelics
rectification/155 -> rectifications
renunciation/155 -> renunciations
ringe/155 -> ringed,ringes
scheduling/155 -> schedulings
seine/155 -> seines,seining,seined
songwriter/155 -> songwriters
statistician/155 -> statisticians
unwind/155 -> unwinding,unwinds,unwound
acetate/154 -> acetates
acheson/154 -> achesons
baird/154 -> bairds
bridegroom/154 -> bridegrooms
butch/154 -> butches,butching
christendom/154 -> christendoms
clovis/154 -> cloviss
cobbler/154 -> cobblers
disraeli/154 -> disraelis
dour/154 -> dourest
elgar/154 -> elgars
emergent/154 -> emergents
fondness/154 -> fondnesses
foursome/154 -> foursomes
gobble/154 -> gobbled,gobbling,gobbles
guernsey/154 -> guernseys
hallucination/154 -> hallucinations
input-output/154 -> input-outputs
maidenhead/154 -> maidenheads
mannerism/154 -> mannerisms
masking/154 -> maskings
merlin/154 -> merlins
mire/154 -> mires,mired,miring
pamper/154 -> pampered,pampers,pampering
playboy/154 -> playboys
pooh/154 -> poohed,poohs
resurface/154 -> resurfaced,resurfacing,resurfaces
school-leaver/154 -> school-leavers
stringer/154 -> stringers
thingy/154 -> thingies,thingys
totter/154 -> tottered,tottering,totters
typology/154 -> typologies
understate/154 -> understated,understates,understating
upshot/154 -> upshots
welly/154 -> wellies,wellied,wellying,wellyed
wildfowl/154 -> wildfowls
adriatic/153 -> adriatics
afterthought/153 -> afterthoughts
barium/153 -> bariums
bloodshed/153 -> bloodsheds
broth/153 -> broths
buster/153 -> busters
citrus/153 -> citruss
courgette/153 -> courgettes
drafter/153 -> drafters
elation/153 -> elations
excerpt/153 -> excerpts,excerpted,excerpting
feign/153 -> feigning,feigned,feigns
harpsichord/153 -> harpsichords
inactivity/153 -> inactivities
jung/153 -> jungs
languish/153 -> languishing,languished,languishes
malaise/153 -> malaises
microelectronics/153 -> microelectronicss
minnesota/153 -> minnesotas
nourishment/153 -> nourishments
oscillate/153 -> oscillating,oscillates,oscillated
palladium/153 -> palladiums
pretender/153 -> pretenders,pretender's
priestley/153 -> priestleys
privatize/153 -> privatized,privatizing,privatizes
roadwork/153 -> roadworks
salvadorean/153 -> salvadoreans
shackle/153 -> shackles,shackled,shackling
shank/153 -> shanks,shanked
snowball/153 -> snowballs,snowballing,snowballed
spoke/153 -> spokes,spoked,spoking
spoonful/153 -> spoonfuls,spoonsful
springboard/153 -> springboards
stepping/153 -> steppings
stimulant/153 -> stimulants
sung/153 -> sungs
trestle/153 -> trestles
vane/153 -> vanes
virtuoso/153 -> virtuosi,virtuosos
antiseptic/152 -> antiseptics
arty/152 -> artiest
backyard/152 -> backyards
bondage/152 -> bondages
booker/152 -> bookers,bookering
bradbury/152 -> bradburies
cheetah/152 -> cheetahs
clam/152 -> clams,clammed,clamming
collecting/152 -> collectings
curran/152 -> currans
disrepute/152 -> disreputes
dither/152 -> dithering,dithered,dithers
drunkenness/152 -> drunkennesses
dyslexia/152 -> dyslexias
embalm/152 -> embalming,embalmed,embalms
fingerboard/152 -> fingerboards
fonda/152 -> fondas
gainsborough/152 -> gainsboroughs
gatehouse/152 -> gatehouses
gc/152 -> gcs
generalist/152 -> generalists
grinning/152 -> grinnings
havana/152 -> havanas
herbivore/152 -> herbivores
incite/152 -> inciting,incites,incited
incompatibility/152 -> incompatibilities
jasmine/152 -> jasmines
knighthood/152 -> knighthoods
kuhn/152 -> kuhns
lamina/152 -> laminas
mackerel/152 -> mackerels,mackerelled
maestro/152 -> maestros
manipulative/152 -> manipulatives
oedipus/152 -> oedipuss
perfusion/152 -> perfusions
pheromone/152 -> pheromones
pow/152 -> pows
preconception/152 -> preconceptions
python/152 -> pythons
radiocarbon/152 -> radiocarbons
ramification/152 -> ramifications
re-emerge/152 -> re-emerged,re-emerges,re-emerging
recrimination/152 -> recriminations
reverb/152 -> reverbs
slowness/152 -> slownesses
snuggle/152 -> snuggled,snuggling,snuggles
sumner/152 -> sumners
supplementation/152 -> supplementations
watersport/152 -> watersports,watersporting
whiteness/152 -> whitenesses
whittle/152 -> whittled,whittling,whittles
abstinence/151 -> abstinences
adenauer/151 -> adenauers
aggravation/151 -> aggravations
anglo/151 -> anglos
aurora/151 -> auroras
bayonet/151 -> bayonets,bayonetted,bayoneting,bayoneted
benedictine/151 -> benedictines
brutus/151 -> brutuss
bubbling/151 -> bubblings
chancel/151 -> chancels
copse/151 -> copses
corduroy/151 -> corduroys
cytokine/151 -> cytokines
defamation/151 -> defamations
denver/151 -> denvers
embroil/151 -> embroiled,embroiling,embroils
existent/151 -> existents
extol/151 -> extolling,extolled,extols
fabian/151 -> fabians
firmness/151 -> firmnesses
florist/151 -> florists
forebear/151 -> forebears
gal/151 -> gals
homogeneity/151 -> homogeneities
hone/151 -> honed,hones,honing
incapacity/151 -> incapacities
lustre/151 -> lustres
marseilles/151 -> marseilless
mira/151 -> miras
nightfall/151 -> nightfalls
non-profit/151 -> non-profits
overlord/151 -> overlords
patrician/151 -> patricians
revamp/151 -> revamped,revamping,revamps
savagery/151 -> savageries
sf/151 -> sfs
simmering/151 -> simmerings
softening/151 -> softenings
spleen/151 -> spleens
tempest/151 -> tempests
thirtieth/151 -> thirtieths
transvaal/151 -> transvaals
annihilate/150 -> annihilated,annihilating,annihilates
archipelago/150 -> archipelagos
astrology/150 -> astrologies
blenheim/150 -> blenheims
candid/150 -> candids
counterclaim/150 -> counterclaimed,counterclaims,counterclaiming
divulge/150 -> divulged,divulging,divulges
dysfunction/150 -> dysfunctions
ebony/150 -> ebonies
foothill/150 -> foothills
fundamentalism/150 -> fundamentalisms
girdle/150 -> girdles,girdled,girdling
hoe/150 -> hoeing,hoes,hoed
idleness/150 -> idlenesses
inkling/150 -> inklings
ludo/150 -> ludoes
madagascar/150 -> madagascars
mainstay/150 -> mainstays
maltese/150 -> malteser,maltese
mango/150 -> mangoes,mangos
maori/150 -> maoris
milligan/150 -> milligans
nectar/150 -> nectars
noodle/150 -> noodles,noodling,noodled
ode/150 -> odes
peek/150 -> peeking,peeked,peeks
postmodernism/150 -> postmodernisms
ravine/150 -> ravines
sardinia/150 -> sardinias
searchlight/150 -> searchlights
semen/150 -> semens
shrivel/150 -> shrivelled,shrivelling,shrivels
snob/150 -> snobs
strategist/150 -> strategists
taxonomy/150 -> taxonomies
umm/150 -> umms
wainwright/150 -> wainwrights
whirlpool/150 -> whirlpools,whirlpooled
abet/149 -> abetted,abetting,abets
archivist/149 -> archivists
bethlehem/149 -> bethlehems
blacken/149 -> blackened,blackening,blackens
brisbane/149 -> brisbanes
bullshit/149 -> bullshitting,bullshits,bullshitted
bunting/149 -> buntings
cackle/149 -> cackled,cackling,cackles
casket/149 -> caskets
catheter/149 -> catheters
chomsky/149 -> chomskies
cognition/149 -> cognitions
connecticut/149 -> connecticuts
discord/149 -> discords
dismantling/149 -> dismantlings
djibouti/149 -> djiboutis
evacuee/149 -> evacuees
extravaganza/149 -> extravaganzas
fading/149 -> fadings
flattery/149 -> flatteries
foreboding/149 -> forebodings
gaullist/149 -> gaullists
gourmet/149 -> gourmets
hander/149 -> handers
hearsay/149 -> hearsays
idb/149 -> idbs
incredulity/149 -> incredulities
inquisition/149 -> inquisitions
jeremiah/149 -> jeremiahs
joel/149 -> joels
marino/149 -> marinoes
medley/149 -> medleys
opt-out/149 -> opt-outs
othello/149 -> othelloes
ottawa/149 -> ottawas
predisposition/149 -> predispositions
preponderance/149 -> preponderances
pursuance/149 -> pursuances
reek/149 -> reeked,reeking,reeks
scalar/149 -> scalars
sensuality/149 -> sensualities
sewerage/149 -> sewerages
sicilian/149 -> sicilians
subcontract/149 -> subcontracting,subcontracted,subcontracts
subculture/149 -> subcultures,subcultured
tunis/149 -> tuniss
undergravel/149 -> undergravels
unfairness/149 -> unfairnesses
vern/149 -> verns
yelp/149 -> yelped,yelping,yelps
absolve/148 -> absolved,absolving,absolves
arsenic/148 -> arsenics
artifact/148 -> artifacts
billiard/148 -> billiards
brownlow/148 -> brownlows
bygone/148 -> bygones
campsite/148 -> campsites
chattel/148 -> chattels
conductivity/148 -> conductivities
currant/148 -> currants
diode/148 -> diodes
distillation/148 -> distillations
drumming/148 -> drummings
echelon/148 -> echelons,echeloned
extrapolation/148 -> extrapolations
farmstead/148 -> farmsteads
fortran/148 -> fortrans
hullo/148 -> hulloes
indemnify/148 -> indemnified,indemnifies,indemnifying
kadi/148 -> kadis
market-place/148 -> market-places
misrepresent/148 -> misrepresented,misrepresenting,misrepresents
moult/148 -> moults,moulting,moulted
muftilik/148 -> muftiliks
nesting/148 -> nestings
neurotransmitter/148 -> neurotransmitters
offshoot/148 -> offshoots
pockete/148 -> pocketed,pocketing
potion/148 -> potions
pragmatist/148 -> pragmatists
predation/148 -> predations
presbytery/148 -> presbyteries
printout/148 -> printouts
quayside/148 -> quaysides
repossess/148 -> repossessed,repossessing,repossess
sanchez/148 -> sanchezs
sluice/148 -> sluices,sluiced,sluicing
snigger/148 -> sniggered,sniggering,sniggers
spinelet/148 -> spinelets
stych/148 -> styches
subsidiarity/148 -> subsidiarities
tennant/148 -> tennants
wisp/148 -> wisps,wisped,wisping
anjou/147 -> anjous
biro/147 -> biros
cafeteria/147 -> cafeterias
capitalize/147 -> capitalized,capitalizing,capitalizes
centralise/147 -> centralised,centralising,centralises
couplet/147 -> couplets
curia/147 -> curias
dainty/147 -> daintier,dainties,daintiest
dignitary/147 -> dignitaries
drove/147 -> droves,droving
fairground/147 -> fairgrounds
falsehood/147 -> falsehoods
fischer/147 -> fischers
folio/147 -> folios
gorse/147 -> gorses
habituation/147 -> habituations
handset/147 -> handsets,handsetting
haunting/147 -> hauntings
indignity/147 -> indignities
litany/147 -> litanies
livesey/147 -> liveseys
lorimer/147 -> lorimers
malaya/147 -> malayas
missus/147 -> missuss
mountaineer/147 -> mountaineers
nuffield/147 -> nuffields
protectionist/147 -> protectionists
quorum/147 -> quorums
recogniser/147 -> recognisers
riva/147 -> rivas
slog/147 -> slogging,slogged,slogs
sparta/147 -> spartas
sprig/147 -> sprigs,sprigged,sprigging
steely/147 -> steelies,steelier
sunburst/147 -> sunbursts
upgrading/147 -> upgradings
wellbeing/147 -> wellbeings
age-group/146 -> age-groups
antelope/146 -> antelopes
asthmatic/146 -> asthmatics
bookman/146 -> bookmen
booky/146 -> bookies
calvinist/146 -> calvinists
chattering/146 -> chatterings
dossier/146 -> dossiers
dowd/146 -> dowding
drowsy/146 -> drowsier,drowsiest
fluorescence/146 -> fluorescences
holster/146 -> holsters,holstered,holstering
interwar/146 -> interwarring
lien/146 -> liens
luftwaffe/146 -> luftwaffes
materialize/146 -> materialized,materializing,materializes
moldova/146 -> moldovas
nich/146 -> niches,niched
non-party/146 -> non-parties
phospholipid/146 -> phospholipids
pipette/146 -> pipettes
polarisation/146 -> polarisations
rever/146 -> revered,revers,revering
rosewood/146 -> rosewoods
rowan/146 -> rowans
scratching/146 -> scratchings
shrew/146 -> shrews
slowdown/146 -> slowdowns
somersault/146 -> somersaults,somersaulted,somersaulting
tombstone/146 -> tombstones
twinge/146 -> twinges,twingeing
wheatley/146 -> wheatleys
accrual/145 -> accruals
adjudicator/145 -> adjudicators
anglo-french/145 -> anglo-frenches
attenuation/145 -> attenuations
bengal/145 -> bengals
bonny/145 -> bonniest,bonnier
bung/145 -> bunged,bunging,bungs
calcite/145 -> calcites
cartwright/145 -> cartwrights
cheddar/145 -> cheddars
circumcision/145 -> circumcisions
cleave/145 -> cleaved,cleaving,cleaves,clove,cleft,cloven
cockroach/145 -> cockroaches
comintern/145 -> cominterns
conspirator/145 -> conspirators
descartes/145 -> descartess
ephemeral/145 -> ephemerals
floodlight/145 -> floodlights,floodlighting,floodlit
glistening/145 -> glistenings
grandpa/145 -> grandpas
grapevine/145 -> grapevines
hawker/145 -> hawkers
indiana/145 -> indianas
influenza/145 -> influenzas
interferon/145 -> interferons
itinerant/145 -> itinerants
jangle/145 -> jangling,jangled,jangles
launching/145 -> launchings
maitland/145 -> maitlands
malignancy/145 -> malignancies
marten/145 -> martens
nodule/145 -> nodules
orpheus/145 -> orpheuss
pewter/145 -> pewtered
pharisee/145 -> pharisees
phobia/145 -> phobias
racehorse/145 -> racehorses
self-consciousness/145 -> self-consciousnesses
spillage/145 -> spillages
subsist/145 -> subsisting,subsisted,subsists
sympathize/145 -> sympathized,sympathizes,sympathizing
tasting/145 -> tastings
touchline/145 -> touchlines
upstage/145 -> upstaged,upstaging,upstages
utilitarianism/145 -> utilitarianisms
veranda/145 -> verandas
waken/145 -> wakened,wakening,wakens
whistling/145 -> whistlings
woodpecker/145 -> woodpeckers
zeppelin/145 -> zeppelins
abyss/144 -> abysses
adoration/144 -> adorations
bolivian/144 -> bolivians
boyhood/144 -> boyhoods
bremen/144 -> bremens
canister/144 -> canisters
cellulite/144 -> cellulites
celsius/144 -> celsiuss
chide/144 -> chided,chiding,chides,chid,chidded
clo/144 -> clos
competency/144 -> competencies
counterpoint/144 -> counterpoints,counterpointed,counterpointing
draughtsman/144 -> draughtsmen
dubai/144 -> dubais
dynamism/144 -> dynamisms
extricate/144 -> extricated,extricating,extricates
ezra/144 -> ezras
finesse/144 -> finesses
forgo/144 -> forgoing,forgoes,forwent,forgone
hermit/144 -> hermits
hilly/144 -> hillier,hilliest
ileum/144 -> ileums
ineligible/144 -> ineligibles
juxtapose/144 -> juxtaposed,juxtaposing,juxtaposes
keg/144 -> kegs,kegging
lego/144 -> legos
lesotho/144 -> lesothoes
liqueur/144 -> liqueurs
misjudge/144 -> misjudged,misjudging,misjudges
nine-year-old/144 -> nine-year-olds
northerly/144 -> northerlies
obe/144 -> obes
overhang/144 -> overhangs,overhanging,overhanged,overhung
permutation/144 -> permutations
polemic/144 -> polemics
pulley/144 -> pulleys
pvc/144 -> pvcs
remix/144 -> remixes,remixed,remixing
reverie/144 -> reveries
riff/144 -> riffs,riffing,riffed
seeming/144 -> seemings
stencil/144 -> stencilled,stencils,stencilling
templar/144 -> templars
vocalist/144 -> vocalists
yd/144 -> yds
annamese/143 -> annameses
antiquarian/143 -> antiquarians
baboon/143 -> baboons
belligerent/143 -> belligerents
bikini/143 -> bikinis
broke/143 -> broked
caffeine/143 -> caffeines
calming/143 -> calmings
co-exist/143 -> co-existed,co-existing,co-exists
concourse/143 -> concourses
deformity/143 -> deformities
dreamy/143 -> dreamiest,dreamier
eminence/143 -> eminences
facilitator/143 -> facilitators
illegality/143 -> illegalities
indebtedness/143 -> indebtednesses
indecision/143 -> indecisions
intron/143 -> introns
journeyman/143 -> journeymen
marlowe/143 -> marlowes
metalwork/143 -> metalworks
minefield/143 -> minefields
mono/143 -> monoes
oregon/143 -> oregons
pbs/143 -> pbss
pelican/143 -> pelicans
pippin/143 -> pippins
princely/143 -> princeliest
remake/143 -> remade,remaking,remakes
romany/143 -> romanies
rumbling/143 -> rumblings
sat/143 -> sats
sched/143 -> scheds
selectivity/143 -> selectivities
shelling/143 -> shellings
shrapnel/143 -> shrapnels
sine/143 -> sines
smoulder/143 -> smouldering,smouldered,smoulders
tankard/143 -> tankards
trepidation/143 -> trepidations
triassic/143 -> triassics
underpants/143 -> underpantss
utensil/143 -> utensils
veal/143 -> veals
vertebra/143 -> vertebrae
whiskey/143 -> whiskeys
admin/142 -> admins
amalgam/142 -> amalgams
annul/142 -> annulled,annulling,annuls
battleship/142 -> battleships
bo/142 -> bos,boing
breadcrumb/142 -> breadcrumbs,breadcrumbed
cetacean/142 -> cetaceans
chink/142 -> chinks,chinking,chinked
co-star/142 -> co-stars,co-starring,co-starred
colonist/142 -> colonists
copernican/142 -> copernicans
disbelieve/142 -> disbelieving,disbelieved,disbelieves
ere/142 -> eres
forsake/142 -> forsaken,forsaking,forsakes,forsook
hallo/142 -> hallos
hemingway/142 -> hemingways
heretic/142 -> heretics
hypoglycaemia/142 -> hypoglycaemias
impel/142 -> impelled,impels,impelling
indecency/142 -> indecencies
lazio/142 -> lazios
manly/142 -> manliest,manlier
morsel/142 -> morsels
mugger/142 -> muggers
municipality/142 -> municipalities
paediatric/142 -> paediatrics
paracetamol/142 -> paracetamols
purcell/142 -> purcells
quango/142 -> quangos
re-run/142 -> re-runs,re-running
resuscitation/142 -> resuscitations
retrain/142 -> retraining,retrained
rework/142 -> reworked,reworking,reworks
scythe/142 -> scythes,scythed,scything
self-portrait/142 -> self-portraits
smoothness/142 -> smoothnesses
squawk/142 -> squawked,squawking,squawks
stand-alone/142 -> stand-alones
stutter/142 -> stuttered,stuttering,stutters
sunni/142 -> sunnis
sycamore/142 -> sycamores
tetanus/142 -> tetanuss
thrusting/142 -> thrustings
tome/142 -> tomes
twelfth-century/142 -> twelfth-centuries
weald/142 -> wealds
welt/142 -> welts,welted
yankee/142 -> yankees
accredit/141 -> accredited,accrediting,accredits
acquittal/141 -> acquittals
adoral/141 -> adorals
aerobatic/141 -> aerobatics
alabama/141 -> alabamas
anti-fascist/141 -> anti-fascists
blemish/141 -> blemishes,blemished,blemishing
cameo/141 -> cameos
canto/141 -> cantos
castigate/141 -> castigated,castigating,castigates
chaser/141 -> chasers
clio/141 -> clios
cowardice/141 -> cowardices
crossover/141 -> crossovers
decker/141 -> deckers
denigrate/141 -> denigrated,denigrating,denigrates
euthanasia/141 -> euthanasias
farrow/141 -> farrowing,farrowed,farrows
hand-held/141 -> hand-helds
hepatocyte/141 -> hepatocytes
huff/141 -> huffed,huffing,huffs
inflame/141 -> inflamed,inflaming,inflames
integrator/141 -> integrators
invariant/141 -> invariants
linesman/141 -> linesmen,linesmans
loll/141 -> lolling,lolled,lolls
lovell/141 -> lovells
newt/141 -> newts
notoriety/141 -> notorieties
nuremberg/141 -> nurembergs
nutmeg/141 -> nutmegs,nutmegged
plausibility/141 -> plausibilities
pleistocene/141 -> pleistocenes
polio/141 -> polios
psi/141 -> psis
scallop/141 -> scallops
stilt/141 -> stilts,stilted
sub-system/141 -> sub-systems
ten-year-old/141 -> ten-year-olds,ten-year-older
tenacity/141 -> tenacities
trojan/141 -> trojans
wanton/141 -> wantons,wantoning,wantoned
wavy/141 -> wavier,waviest
abdicate/140 -> abdicated,abdicating,abdicates
acquirer/140 -> acquirers
avenge/140 -> avenged,avenges,avenging
banister/140 -> banisters
booty/140 -> booties
capitulate/140 -> capitulated,capitulating,capitulates
cataract/140 -> cataracts
chivalry/140 -> chivalries
corinth/140 -> corinths
demur/140 -> demurred,demurs,demurring
descriptor/140 -> descriptors
detonate/140 -> detonated,detonating,detonates
dilate/140 -> dilated,dilating,dilates
dingy/140 -> dingies,dingiest,dingier
disenchantment/140 -> disenchantments
equatorial/140 -> equatorials
formalise/140 -> formalised,formalising,formalises
imp/140 -> imps
inlay/140 -> inlays,inlaying,inlaid
ironwork/140 -> ironworks,ironworking
jurisdictional/140 -> jurisdictionals
lama/140 -> lamas
levin/140 -> levins
loos/140 -> looser,loosest
lynx/140 -> lynxes
martini/140 -> martinis
mold/140 -> molded,molds
nicety/140 -> niceties
ovary/140 -> ovaries
personify/140 -> personified,personifies,personifying
proportionality/140 -> proportionalities
riverbank/140 -> riverbanks
sedate/140 -> sedated,sedating,sedates
sprinkler/140 -> sprinklers,sprinklered
stabilization/140 -> stabilizations
superman/140 -> supermen
supersparc/140 -> supersparcs
tay/140 -> taid
tbilisi/140 -> tbilisis
thoroughfare/140 -> thoroughfares
verderer/140 -> verderers
washing-up/140 -> washing-ups
affliction/139 -> afflictions
amos/139 -> amoss
cajole/139 -> cajoled,cajoling,cajoles
canny/139 -> cannier,canniest
chameleon/139 -> chameleons
checking/139 -> checkings
coe/139 -> coes
cognac/139 -> cognacs
conveyor/139 -> conveyors
demesne/139 -> demesnes
disappearing/139 -> disappearings
dreaming/139 -> dreamings
dressing-table/139 -> dressing-tables
duckling/139 -> ducklings
duplex/139 -> duplexes,duplexing,duplexed
earthy/139 -> earthier
effigy/139 -> effigies
evocation/139 -> evocations
eyewitness/139 -> eyewitnesses
friesian/139 -> friesians
ga/139 -> gaer,gas
heathen/139 -> heathens
hobson/139 -> hobsons
indigo/139 -> indigos
infidelity/139 -> infidelities
irrelevance/139 -> irrelevances
lubricant/139 -> lubricants
lug/139 -> lugging,lugged,lugs
majorca/139 -> majorcas
marksman/139 -> marksmen
menstruation/139 -> menstruations
mermaid/139 -> mermaids
nasser/139 -> nassers
nsaid/139 -> nsaids
orb/139 -> orbs
owens/139 -> owenss
perseverance/139 -> perseverances
residency/139 -> residencies
rootstock/139 -> rootstocks
rupee/139 -> rupees
schubert/139 -> schuberts
shapely/139 -> shapeliest,shapelier
smouldering/139 -> smoulderings
subduction/139 -> subductions
submissive/139 -> submissives
swagger/139 -> swaggered,swaggering,swaggers
triad/139 -> triads
turnaround/139 -> turnarounds
venison/139 -> venisons
verona/139 -> veronas
vesicle/139 -> vesicles
zagreb/139 -> zagrebs
abatement/138 -> abatements
ageism/138 -> ageisms
apparition/138 -> apparitions
armistice/138 -> armistices
bedclothe/138 -> bedclothes
bourbon/138 -> bourbons
burgundian/138 -> burgundians
cannes/138 -> canness
carnegie/138 -> carnegies
cbe/138 -> cbes
circuitry/138 -> circuitries
clipping/138 -> clippings
color/138 -> colors
compatriot/138 -> compatriots
convenor/138 -> convenors
corrie/138 -> corries
corrosive/138 -> corrosives
crescendo/138 -> crescendos,crescendi
cse/138 -> cses
dutchman/138 -> dutchmen
epistle/138 -> epistles
etruscan/138 -> etruscans
exhilaration/138 -> exhilarations
exuberance/138 -> exuberances
free-kick/138 -> free-kicks
geodesic/138 -> geodesics
gong/138 -> gongs,gonging
gratify/138 -> gratified,gratifying,gratifies
gynaecologist/138 -> gynaecologists
hacker/138 -> hackers
harshness/138 -> harshnesses
holism/138 -> holisms
jude/138 -> judes
land-use/138 -> land-uses
malay/138 -> malays
mausoleum/138 -> mausoleums
micro-organism/138 -> micro-organisms
misplace/138 -> misplaced,misplaces,misplacing
moynihan/138 -> moynihans
namibian/138 -> namibians
optician/138 -> opticians
parquet/138 -> parquets
preheat/138 -> preheated,preheating,preheats
prep/138 -> prepped,preps,prepping
rationalist/138 -> rationalists
renegotiate/138 -> renegotiated,renegotiating,renegotiates
ruck/138 -> rucks,rucked,rucking
seclusion/138 -> seclusions
sending/138 -> sendings
shoddy/138 -> shoddiest,shoddier
skirting/138 -> skirtings
snout/138 -> snouts,snouting
swipe/138 -> swiped,swipes,swiping
trombone/138 -> trombones
tuxedo/138 -> tuxedos
tweak/138 -> tweaked,tweaking,tweaks
warder/138 -> warders
wardship/138 -> wardships
wearing/138 -> wearings
woodworker/138 -> woodworkers
wu/138 -> wuer
aerodynamic/137 -> aerodynamics
apocalypse/137 -> apocalypses
appendage/137 -> appendages
aragon/137 -> aragons
benin/137 -> benins
bluebell/137 -> bluebells
bogy/137 -> bogies,bogying
bushy/137 -> bushier,bushies,bushiest
carte/137 -> cartes
classmate/137 -> classmates
cut-out/137 -> cut-outs
depopulation/137 -> depopulations
derision/137 -> derisions
downpour/137 -> downpours
earthenware/137 -> earthenwares
finality/137 -> finalities
footballing/137 -> footballings
formalism/137 -> formalisms
functionalism/137 -> functionalisms
gaston/137 -> gastons
guyana/137 -> guyanas
hash/137 -> hashing,hashed,hashes
headstock/137 -> headstocks
herbicide/137 -> herbicides
humankind/137 -> humankinds
laxative/137 -> laxatives
loner/137 -> loners
lowry/137 -> lowries
manson/137 -> mansons
mbe/137 -> mbes
moorish/137 -> moorishes
multiprocessor/137 -> multiprocessors
nippon/137 -> nippons
part-timer/137 -> part-timers
philistine/137 -> philistines
powerlessness/137 -> powerlessnesses
rationalism/137 -> rationalisms
repentance/137 -> repentances
reverberate/137 -> reverberated,reverberating,reverberates
rung/137 -> rungs
sawyer/137 -> sawyers
scald/137 -> scalded,scalding,scalds
slouch/137 -> slouched,slouching,slouches
smite/137 -> smitten,smote,smiting,smites
spatter/137 -> spattered,spattering,spatters
strangeness/137 -> strangenesses
tendril/137 -> tendrils,tendrilled
wearer/137 -> wearers
workout/137 -> workouts
yt/137 -> yts
alp/136 -> alps
annexation/136 -> annexations
baltimore/136 -> baltimores
batman/136 -> batmen
bavarian/136 -> bavarians
charlatan/136 -> charlatans
colonoscopy/136 -> colonoscopies
concoct/136 -> concocted,concocting,concocts
counsellee/136 -> counsellees
debacle/136 -> debacles
degeneration/136 -> degenerations
demography/136 -> demographies
divest/136 -> divested,divesting,divests
enchant/136 -> enchanted,enchants,enchanting
festoon/136 -> festooned,festoons,festooning
flashy/136 -> flashier,flashies,flashiest
footbridge/136 -> footbridges
foreshadow/136 -> foreshadowed,foreshadowing,foreshadows
gangway/136 -> gangways,gangwayed
gurgle/136 -> gurgled,gurgling,gurgles
haddock/136 -> haddocks
horoscope/136 -> horoscopes
judo/136 -> judoes
led/136 -> leds
lister/136 -> listers
logarithm/136 -> logarithms
measuring/136 -> measurings
melville/136 -> melvilles
neutralize/136 -> neutralized,neutralizing,neutralizes
non-communist/136 -> non-communists
non-proliferation/136 -> non-proliferations
poolside/136 -> poolsides
pre-empt/136 -> pre-empts,pre-empting,pre-empted
predictability/136 -> predictabilities
prodigy/136 -> prodigies
reappraisal/136 -> reappraisals
rearmament/136 -> rearmaments
removable/136 -> removables
restlessness/136 -> restlessnesses
rioter/136 -> rioters
riviera/136 -> rivieras
salami/136 -> salamis
savannah/136 -> savannahs
sawdust/136 -> sawdusts
schism/136 -> schisms
solidity/136 -> solidities
thorp/136 -> thorps
toleration/136 -> tolerations
trotter/136 -> trotters
unicef/136 -> unicefs
accretion/135 -> accretions
acer/135 -> acers
appal/135 -> appalled,appalling,appals
blistering/135 -> blisterings
calamity/135 -> calamities
candlestick/135 -> candlesticks
collectivity/135 -> collectivities
coolness/135 -> coolnesses
crockery/135 -> crockeries
decompose/135 -> decomposed,decomposing,decomposes
deflection/135 -> deflections
deride/135 -> derided,deriding,derides
directorship/135 -> directorships
dragonfly/135 -> dragonflies
duc/135 -> ducs
earshot/135 -> earshots
edging/135 -> edgings
escalator/135 -> escalators
ethnography/135 -> ethnographies
fallow/135 -> fallows,fallowing
fao/135 -> faos
grumpy/135 -> grumpier,grumpies,grumpiest
haggle/135 -> haggling,haggled,haggles
high-rise/135 -> high-rises
intimation/135 -> intimations
jogger/135 -> joggers
joyrider/135 -> joyriders
keenan/135 -> keenans
lo/135 -> loing
lout/135 -> louts,louting
marijuana/135 -> marijuanas
mcintosh/135 -> mcintoshes
michelin/135 -> michelins
microbe/135 -> microbes
motley/135 -> motleyed
nab/135 -> nabbed,nabs,nabbing
narrowing/135 -> narrowings
perversion/135 -> perversions
piracy/135 -> piracies
punchcard/135 -> punchcards
ramshackle/135 -> ramshackled
ransack/135 -> ransacked,ransacking,ransacks
readability/135 -> readabilities
rearing/135 -> rearings
rehouse/135 -> rehoused,rehousing,rehouses
repent/135 -> repented,repents,repenting
respiration/135 -> respirations
sheeting/135 -> sheetings
showman/135 -> showmen
sicken/135 -> sickened,sickens,sickening
singleton/135 -> singletons
sorrel/135 -> sorrels
spooky/135 -> spookier,spookiest
succulent/135 -> succulents
supranational/135 -> supranationals
swop/135 -> swopped,swopping,swops
tailor-made/135 -> tailor-mades
time-scale/135 -> time-scales
transferor/135 -> transferors
trawl/135 -> trawling,trawled,trawls
triplet/135 -> triplets
trusty/135 -> trusties,trustiest,trustier
waterside/135 -> watersides
all-rounder/134 -> all-rounders,all-rounders.
atonement/134 -> atonements
auschwitz/134 -> auschwitzs
bartlett/134 -> bartletts
bely/134 -> belied,belying
cholecystectomy/134 -> cholecystectomies
cladding/134 -> claddings
combatant/134 -> combatants
connectivity/134 -> connectivities
convulsion/134 -> convulsions
criminality/134 -> criminalities
delicatessen/134 -> delicatessens
deputation/134 -> deputations
divider/134 -> dividers
edict/134 -> edicts
ercp/134 -> ercps
flamingo/134 -> flamingos,flamingoes
fluoride/134 -> fluorides
fragility/134 -> fragilities
gelding/134 -> geldings
grapefruit/134 -> grapefruits
indigestion/134 -> indigestions
inflection/134 -> inflections
intertwine/134 -> intertwined,intertwines,intertwining
jackpot/134 -> jackpots
laud/134 -> lauded,lauding,lauds
lunch-time/134 -> lunch-times
mallard/134 -> mallards
meddle/134 -> meddling,meddled,meddles
nightlife/134 -> nightlives
off-licence/134 -> off-licences
outlive/134 -> outlived,outliving,outlives
perturb/134 -> perturbed,perturbing,perturbs
pitman/134 -> pitmen
popper/134 -> poppers
prednisolone/134 -> prednisolones
protestation/134 -> protestations
repaint/134 -> repainted,repainting,repaints
roi/134 -> rois
separatism/134 -> separatisms
somme/134 -> sommes
speedway/134 -> speedways
sterilisation/134 -> sterilisations
touchdown/134 -> touchdowns
warburg/134 -> warburgs
wormwood/134 -> wormwoods
ax/133 -> axing,axes
babylon/133 -> babylons
banning/133 -> bannings
caldwell/133 -> caldwells
chopin/133 -> chopins
consulate/133 -> consulates
cornflake/133 -> cornflakes
dank/133 -> danker,dankest
deflation/133 -> deflations
destitute/133 -> destitutes
drop-out/133 -> drop-outs
dualism/133 -> dualisms
edison/133 -> edisons
electrophoresis/133 -> electrophoreses
fahrenheit/133 -> fahrenheits
funky/133 -> funkier,funkiest
gaiety/133 -> gaieties
genocide/133 -> genocides,genocided
groundwork/133 -> groundworks
harpy/133 -> harpies
hexagonal/133 -> hexagonals
innkeeper/133 -> innkeepers
laughton/133 -> laughtons
launder/133 -> laundered,laundering,launders
loin/133 -> loins,loined
look-out/133 -> look-outs
normalization/133 -> normalizations
quivering/133 -> quiverings
refit/133 -> refitted,refitting,refits
refrigeration/133 -> refrigerations
seedy/133 -> seedier,seediest
sentimentality/133 -> sentimentalities
sna/133 -> snas
technologist/133 -> technologists
test-tube/133 -> test-tubes
throughput/133 -> throughputs
ve/133 -> veing,ves
violinist/133 -> violinists
waffle/133 -> waffles,waffling,waffled
warhol/133 -> warhols
write-off/133 -> write-offs
abuser/132 -> abusers
alsatian/132 -> alsatians
aqueduct/132 -> aqueducts
ballerina/132 -> ballerinas
blinking/132 -> blinkings
bosch/132 -> bosches
broccoli/132 -> broccolis
burnett/132 -> burnetts
claustrophobic/132 -> claustrophobics
clegg/132 -> cleggs
copying/132 -> copyings
crump/132 -> crumped,crumps,crumping
cul-de-sac/132 -> cul-de-sacs
daemon/132 -> daemons
daimler/132 -> daimlers
disaffection/132 -> disaffections
douse/132 -> doused,dousing,douses
drift-net/132 -> drift-nets
fay/132 -> fayed,fays
fiend/132 -> fiends
g.p./132 -> g.p.s
geezer/132 -> geezers
grotto/132 -> grottos,grottoes
implore/132 -> implored,imploring,implores
infertility/132 -> infertilities
internationalist/132 -> internationalists
keyhole/132 -> keyholes
latency/132 -> latencies
lay-off/132 -> lay-offs
mair/132 -> mairs
melanoma/132 -> melanomas
montana/132 -> montanas
nakedness/132 -> nakednesses
nonconformity/132 -> nonconformities
pare/132 -> pared,paring,pares
rekindle/132 -> rekindled,rekindling,rekindles
rigging/132 -> riggings
rodgers/132 -> rodgerss
ruff/132 -> ruffs,ruffed
saigon/132 -> saigons
sett/132 -> setts
shipper/132 -> shippers
southey/132 -> southeys
spew/132 -> spewed,spewing,spews
stardom/132 -> stardoms
steeple/132 -> steeples,steepled,steepling
stirrup/132 -> stirrups
swig/132 -> swigging,swigged,swigs
ten-year/132 -> ten-years
tenner/132 -> tenners
transfix/132 -> transfixed,transfixing,transfixes
yarrow/132 -> yarrows
zigzag/132 -> zigzags,zigzagged,zigzagging
acne/131 -> acnes
alternation/131 -> alternations
amphitheatre/131 -> amphitheatres
anti-racist/131 -> anti-racists
astrologer/131 -> astrologers
barbel/131 -> barbels,barbelling
bassoon/131 -> bassoons
bogie/131 -> bogies
brandt/131 -> brandts
brevity/131 -> brevities
brunei/131 -> bruneis
campuse/131 -> campuses
capri/131 -> capris
cuticle/131 -> cuticles
daub/131 -> daubed,daubing,daubs
distension/131 -> distensions
domesticity/131 -> domesticities
eb/131 -> ebbing,ebs
empiricist/131 -> empiricists
gael/131 -> gaels
histology/131 -> histologies
irc/131 -> ircs
israelite/131 -> israelites
leveller/131 -> levellers
marketer/131 -> marketers
meridian/131 -> meridians
microkernel/131 -> microkernels
muslin/131 -> muslins
nevada/131 -> nevadas
optics/131 -> opticss
ortega/131 -> ortegas
oxbridge/131 -> oxbridges
paraphernalia/131 -> paraphernalias
refectory/131 -> refectories
renegade/131 -> renegades
revue/131 -> revues
santos/131 -> santoss
siphon/131 -> siphoned,siphoning,siphons
starr/131 -> starrs
surrealism/131 -> surrealisms
undercarriage/131 -> undercarriages
unsolved/131 -> unsolveds
visitation/131 -> visitations
wolfe/131 -> wolfes
admonish/130 -> admonished,admonishing,admonishes
airbrake/130 -> airbrakes,airbraked
argos/130 -> argoss
aristotelian/130 -> aristotelians
arkwright/130 -> arkwrights
asa/130 -> asas
astonish/130 -> astonished,astonishes,astonishing
ballast/130 -> ballasted,ballasting,ballasts
caper/130 -> capers,capering,capered
centrist/130 -> centrists
chewing/130 -> chewings
chopper/130 -> choppers,choppering
clipboard/130 -> clipboards
commendation/130 -> commendations
confessor/130 -> confessors
cosmology/130 -> cosmologies
curling/130 -> curlings
dahl/130 -> dahls
damon/130 -> damons
dens/130 -> denser,densest
dependable/130 -> dependables
encampment/130 -> encampments
endocrine/130 -> endocrines
frond/130 -> fronds,fronded
gamekeeper/130 -> gamekeepers
gebrec/130 -> gebrecs
gilly/130 -> gillies,gillying,gillied
introspection/130 -> introspections
jest/130 -> jests,jesting,jested
leaning/130 -> leanings
madden/130 -> maddening,maddened,maddens
militate/130 -> militates,militated,militating
moisturiser/130 -> moisturisers
neuropathy/130 -> neuropathies
nicosia/130 -> nicosias
norse/130 -> norses
penrose/130 -> penroses
picking/130 -> pickings
prat/130 -> prats,pratting,pratted
quill/130 -> quills,quilling
restorative/130 -> restoratives
seneschal/130 -> seneschals
shipwreck/130 -> shipwrecked,shipwrecks
sleet/130 -> sleeting,sleeted,sleets
spaniel/130 -> spaniels
stretching/130 -> stretchings
swearing/130 -> swearings
thame/130 -> thames
transept/130 -> transepts
truncheon/130 -> truncheons
ufo/130 -> ufos
vagueness/130 -> vaguenesses
wanker/130 -> wankers
welter/130 -> welters,weltering,weltered
whit/130 -> whited,whits
wrangle/130 -> wrangles,wrangling,wrangled
adenocarcinoma/129 -> adenocarcinomas
amir/129 -> amirs
balustrade/129 -> balustrades,balustrading,balustraded
beet/129 -> beets,beeting
bono/129 -> bonos
braille/129 -> brailles
breadwinner/129 -> breadwinners
chastity/129 -> chastities
connective/129 -> connectives
coupe/129 -> coupes
cropper/129 -> croppers
detritus/129 -> detrituss
erica/129 -> ericas
escarpment/129 -> escarpments
euphemism/129 -> euphemisms
exmoor/129 -> exmoors
glutamate/129 -> glutamates
horticulture/129 -> horticultures
inferno/129 -> infernos
mammy/129 -> mammies
merging/129 -> mergings
namesake/129 -> namesakes
nv/129 -> nvs
odyssey/129 -> odysseys
overgrow/129 -> overgrown,overgrowing,overgrows,overgrew
piglet/129 -> piglets
pomp/129 -> pomps
propound/129 -> propounded,propounding,propounds
quasar/129 -> quasars
repatriate/129 -> repatriated,repatriating,repatriates
rowdy/129 -> rowdies,rowdier,rowdiest
snobbery/129 -> snobberies
stavanger/129 -> stavangers
thril/129 -> thrilled,thrilling
torpedo/129 -> torpedoing,torpedos,torpedoes,torpedoed
tussle/129 -> tussles,tussling,tussled
umbilical/129 -> umbilicals
whittaker/129 -> whittakers
writhe/129 -> writhed,writhes,writhing
acronym/128 -> acronyms,acronymed
attenuate/128 -> attenuated,attenuating,attenuates
bassist/128 -> bassists
bennet/128 -> bennets
benton/128 -> bentons
brainchild/128 -> brainchilds
burnham/128 -> burnhams
cadmium/128 -> cadmiums
caesarean/128 -> caesareans
captor/128 -> captors
catalonia/128 -> catalonias
chubby/128 -> chubbier,chubbiest
coop/128 -> cooped,coops,cooping
cornice/128 -> cornices,cornicing,corniced
criss-cross/128 -> criss-crossed,criss-crosses,criss-crossing
ctc/128 -> ctcs
debar/128 -> debarred,debarring,debars
disbursement/128 -> disbursements
durance/128 -> durances
enormity/128 -> enormities
esa/128 -> esas
eunuch/128 -> eunuchs
fetus/128 -> fetuss
fieldworker/128 -> fieldworkers
forcep/128 -> forceps
grist/128 -> grists
hydro/128 -> hydros
idiosyncrasy/128 -> idiosyncrasies
incurable/128 -> incurables
irreducible/128 -> irreducibles
irritant/128 -> irritants
kimberley/128 -> kimberleys
lair/128 -> lairs
light-year/128 -> light-years
looting/128 -> lootings
maronite/128 -> maronites
maximisation/128 -> maximisations
minogue/128 -> minogues
monopolist/128 -> monopolists
movable/128 -> movables
oratory/128 -> oratories
osiris/128 -> osiriss
outgrow/128 -> outgrown,outgrowing,outgrows,outgrew
phosphatase/128 -> phosphatases
postcode/128 -> postcodes,postcoded,postcoding
prickle/128 -> prickled,prickling,prickles
princeton/128 -> princetons
psychotherapy/128 -> psychotherapies
rapidity/128 -> rapidities
showpiece/128 -> showpieces
tangent/128 -> tangents
testicle/128 -> testicles
tufted/128 -> tufteds
undertone/128 -> undertones
waiting-room/128 -> waiting-rooms
warehousing/128 -> warehousings
wi/128 -> wis
abyssinia/127 -> abyssinias
argyle/127 -> argyles
aries/127 -> ariess
astound/127 -> astounding,astounded,astounds
avocado/127 -> avocados
battlement/127 -> battlements,battlemented
biennial/127 -> biennials
blackcurrant/127 -> blackcurrants
bouncing/127 -> bouncings
bursa/127 -> bursas
cleopatra/127 -> cleopatras
colic/127 -> colics
crashing/127 -> crashings
defector/127 -> defectors
defining/127 -> definings
disfigure/127 -> disfigured,disfiguring,disfigures
fairy-tale/127 -> fairy-tales
finalize/127 -> finalized,finalizing,finalizes
massif/127 -> massifs
nullify/127 -> nullified,nullifying,nullifies
oestrogen/127 -> oestrogens
outreach/127 -> outreaches,outreaching,outreached
pompeii/127 -> pompeiis
portability/127 -> portabilities
rivera/127 -> riveras
sands/127 -> sandss
sch/127 -> schs
self-evaluation/127 -> self-evaluations
shipman/127 -> shipmen
skyscraper/127 -> skyscrapers
spielberg/127 -> spielbergs
stripper/127 -> strippers
stv/127 -> stvs
transfection/127 -> transfections
transputer/127 -> transputers
unpredictability/127 -> unpredictabilities
westerly/127 -> westerlies,westerlys
aachen/126 -> aachens
antler/126 -> antlers,antlered
attune/126 -> attuned,attunes,attuning
av/126 -> avs
azerbaijani/126 -> azerbaijanis
barre/126 -> barres
bedsit/126 -> bedsits,bedsitting
behaviourist/126 -> behaviourists
benetton/126 -> benettons
boarder/126 -> boarders
circumscribe/126 -> circumscribed,circumscribes,circumscribing
clearinghouse/126 -> clearinghouses
colonnade/126 -> colonnades
cytoplasm/126 -> cytoplasms
decimate/126 -> decimated,decimating,decimates
deft/126 -> defter,deftest
dipole/126 -> dipoles
dumpling/126 -> dumplings
epitaph/126 -> epitaphs
gradation/126 -> gradations
gruff/126 -> gruffest,gruffs,gruffer
hardliner/126 -> hardliners
hayek/126 -> hayeks
husk/126 -> husks,husked,husking
hygienic/126 -> hygienics
in-law/126 -> in-laws
infestation/126 -> infestations
lentil/126 -> lentils
libretto/126 -> librettos,libretti
malfunction/126 -> malfunctions,malfunctioning,malfunctioned
marconi/126 -> marconis
maya/126 -> mayas
mimicry/126 -> mimicries
mistletoe/126 -> mistletoes
nook/126 -> nooks
ohm/126 -> ohms
overspend/126 -> overspending,overspends,overspent
poodle/126 -> poodles,poodled,poodling
possessor/126 -> possessors
reassemble/126 -> reassembled,reassembling,reassembles
repellent/126 -> repellents
revisionist/126 -> revisionists
scud/126 -> scudding,scuds,scudded
sea-level/126 -> sea-levels
solarium/126 -> solariums
sweeten/126 -> sweetened,sweetening,sweetens
takeaway/126 -> takeaways
transvestite/126 -> transvestites
tuscan/126 -> tuscans
unscrew/126 -> unscrewed,unscrewing,unscrews
vigilante/126 -> vigilantes
waggon/126 -> waggons,waggoning,waggoned
wholeness/126 -> wholenesses
aetiology/125 -> aetiologies
aircrew/125 -> aircrews
amman/125 -> ammen
anti-communist/125 -> anti-communists
attributive/125 -> attributives
banknote/125 -> banknotes
bubbly/125 -> bubbliest,bubblier
capricorn/125 -> capricorns
castor/125 -> castors
charger/125 -> chargers
cocky/125 -> cockier,cockiest
coloration/125 -> colorations
dae/125 -> daeing
delude/125 -> deluded,deluding,deludes
directness/125 -> directnesses
dorca/125 -> dorcas
emphase/125 -> emphases
enmity/125 -> enmities
entwine/125 -> entwined,entwining,entwines
flier/125 -> fliers
fullback/125 -> fullbacks
glasnost/125 -> glasnosts
gravestone/125 -> gravestones
grime/125 -> grimed,grimes,griming
hilltop/125 -> hilltops
holdall/125 -> holdalls
inaction/125 -> inactions
insignificance/125 -> insignificances
jacobean/125 -> jacobeans
kelvin/125 -> kelvins
mcpherson/125 -> mcphersons
mitre/125 -> mitres,mitreing
mobilisation/125 -> mobilisations
ms./125 -> ms.s
musty/125 -> mustiest,mustier
nation-state/125 -> nation-states
navel/125 -> navels
padre/125 -> padres
penthouse/125 -> penthouses
plenary/125 -> plenaries
quietness/125 -> quietnesses
roma/125 -> romas
roster/125 -> rosters,rostered,rostering
serfdom/125 -> serfdoms
sesame/125 -> sesames
seton/125 -> setons
smock/125 -> smocks,smocked,smocking
stomp/125 -> stomping,stomped,stomps
stork/125 -> storks
superannuation/125 -> superannuations
tabernacle/125 -> tabernacles
thunderstorm/125 -> thunderstorms
tomography/125 -> tomographies
tran/125 -> trans
truffle/125 -> truffles
ugliness/125 -> uglinesses
waistband/125 -> waistbands
windowsill/125 -> windowsills
windsurfer/125 -> windsurfers
wonderland/125 -> wonderlands
adjudicate/124 -> adjudicated,adjudicating,adjudicates
antiracist/124 -> antiracists
babysit/124 -> babysitting,babysits
bannister/124 -> bannisters
benevolence/124 -> benevolences
canoeist/124 -> canoeists
capsize/124 -> capsized,capsizing,capsizes
captivate/124 -> captivated,captivates,captivating
cartesian/124 -> cartesians
castile/124 -> castiles
cauliflower/124 -> cauliflowers
danby/124 -> danbys
doughnut/124 -> doughnuts,doughnutting
enumerate/124 -> enumerated,enumerating,enumerates
excrete/124 -> excreted,excreting,excretes
finisher/124 -> finishers
fondle/124 -> fondling,fondled,fondles
forestall/124 -> forestalls,forestalling,forestalled
franciscan/124 -> franciscans
germinate/124 -> germinated,germinating,germinates
getaway/124 -> getaways
glade/124 -> glades
goff/124 -> goffs
guppy/124 -> guppies
guttering/124 -> gutterings
harare/124 -> harares
ingest/124 -> ingested,ingesting,ingests
jettison/124 -> jettisoned,jettisoning,jettisons
jogging/124 -> joggings
leper/124 -> lepers
liquidate/124 -> liquidated,liquidating,liquidates
little-known/124 -> little-knowns
loire/124 -> loires
magnificence/124 -> magnificences
mangle/124 -> mangled,mangles,mangling
marmite/124 -> marmites
mesozoic/124 -> mesozoics
methanol/124 -> methanols
mountainside/124 -> mountainsides
ny/124 -> nies
osaka/124 -> osakas
pavlov/124 -> pavlovs
pimp/124 -> pimps,pimping
progeny/124 -> progenies
reincarnation/124 -> reincarnations
rousing/124 -> rousings
sanguine/124 -> sanguines
scruple/124 -> scruples,scrupled
sequoia/124 -> sequoias
serenade/124 -> serenades,serenaded,serenading
signification/124 -> significations
sketchy/124 -> sketchiest,sketchier
slimmer/124 -> slimmers
soya/124 -> soyas
swimsuit/124 -> swimsuits
swirling/124 -> swirlings
thom/124 -> thoms
twine/124 -> twined,twining,twines
ventilate/124 -> ventilated,ventilating,ventilates
visualisation/124 -> visualisations
waterlily/124 -> waterlilies
zeus/124 -> zeuss
abdication/123 -> abdications
affray/123 -> affrays,affraid
ameliorate/123 -> ameliorated,ameliorating,ameliorates
backwater/123 -> backwaters
belfry/123 -> belfries
bellows/123 -> bellowss
cartilage/123 -> cartilages
caucasus/123 -> caucasuss
causality/123 -> causalities
cloning/123 -> clonings
demonstrative/123 -> demonstratives
dereliction/123 -> derelictions
disembark/123 -> disembarked,disembarking,disembarks
disown/123 -> disowned,disowning,disowns
dryness/123 -> drynesses
fanzine/123 -> fanzines
fertilization/123 -> fertilizations
freestyle/123 -> freestyles
heroism/123 -> heroisms
hummingbird/123 -> hummingbirds
hydroxide/123 -> hydroxides
immunoglobulin/123 -> immunoglobulins
infest/123 -> infested,infesting,infests
lakeland/123 -> lakelands
lute/123 -> lutes
memorise/123 -> memorised,memorising,memorises
michelangelo/123 -> michelangeloes
micron/123 -> microns
millisecond/123 -> milliseconds
missouri/123 -> missouris
narrate/123 -> narrated,narrating,narrates
ob/123 -> obs,obed
ointment/123 -> ointments
outbuilding/123 -> outbuildings
pentland/123 -> pentlands
pickete/123 -> picketing,picketed
pollster/123 -> pollsters
preset/123 -> presets,presetting,pre-set,pre-sets,pre-setting
prism/123 -> prisms
pumpkin/123 -> pumpkins
quirky/123 -> quirkiest,quirkier
rangoon/123 -> rangoons
rapture/123 -> raptures,raptured
rearguard/123 -> rearguards
redden/123 -> reddened,reddening,reddens
repudiation/123 -> repudiations
snippet/123 -> snippets
statuette/123 -> statuettes
suharto/123 -> suhartoes
t'/123 -> t'ing
tarnish/123 -> tarnished,tarnishing,tarnishes
trowel/123 -> trowels,trowelling,trowelled
underwrite/123 -> underwrites,underwriting,underwrote,underwritten
vichy/123 -> vichies
airspace/122 -> airspaces
arbuthnot/122 -> arbuthnots
assam/122 -> assams
bottleneck/122 -> bottlenecks,bottlenecking
capitol/122 -> capitols
carmichael/122 -> carmichaels
cessna/122 -> cessnas
coalesce/122 -> coalesced,coalescing,coalesces
cog/122 -> cogs
cohabitation/122 -> cohabitations
cornell/122 -> cornells
crony/122 -> cronies
dilatation/122 -> dilatations
dirk/122 -> dirks
dysplasia/122 -> dysplasias
edgy/122 -> edgier,edgiest
eggar/122 -> eggars
exhale/122 -> exhaled,exhaling,exhales
facelift/122 -> facelifts,facelifted
frg/122 -> frgs
genotype/122 -> genotypes,genotyped
giorgio/122 -> giorgios
immunisation/122 -> immunisations
interpose/122 -> interposed,interposing,interposes
intone/122 -> intoned,intones,intoning
jurist/122 -> jurists
kaleidoscope/122 -> kaleidoscopes,kaleidoscoped
kilt/122 -> kilts,kilted
lorenz/122 -> lorenzs
mack/122 -> macks
madras/122 -> madrass
malting/122 -> maltings
mesmerise/122 -> mesmerised,mesmerising
mulberry/122 -> mulberries,mulberrys
nadir/122 -> nadirs
numbering/122 -> numberings
ouch/122 -> ouches
outwit/122 -> outwitted,outwitting,outwits
owner-occupier/122 -> owner-occupiers
pail/122 -> pails
paucity/122 -> paucities
payoff/122 -> payoffs
perplex/122 -> perplexed,perplexing,perplexes
pillage/122 -> pillaged,pillaging,pillages
quad/122 -> quads
repeating/122 -> repeatings
ruthven/122 -> ruthvens
shutdown/122 -> shutdowns
skewer/122 -> skewers,skewered,skewering
smelt/122 -> smelting,smelted,smelts
sultry/122 -> sultriest
sweetener/122 -> sweeteners
tedium/122 -> tediums
theist/122 -> theists
tuner/122 -> tuners
turntable/122 -> turntables
verdi/122 -> verdis
wayside/122 -> waysides
worktop/122 -> worktops
wrthe/122 -> writhing
amphetamine/121 -> amphetamines
assuage/121 -> assuaged,assuaging,assuages
bagpipe/121 -> bagpipes
blare/121 -> blaring,blared,blares
blaster/121 -> blasters
bode/121 -> bodes,boded,boding
bondholder/121 -> bondholders
bulimia/121 -> bulimias
bute/121 -> butes
cactus/121 -> cacti,cactuses
calibrate/121 -> calibrated,calibrating,calibrates
chalice/121 -> chalices
chalker/121 -> chalkers
comte/121 -> comtes
concordance/121 -> concordances,concordancing
coriander/121 -> corianders
corset/121 -> corsets
crofter/121 -> crofters
dandy/121 -> dandies,dandying,dandiest,dandier
darwinism/121 -> darwinisms
deconstruction/121 -> deconstructions
dehydration/121 -> dehydrations
dumas/121 -> dumass
eavesdrop/121 -> eavesdropping,eavesdropped,eavesdrops
empiricism/121 -> empiricisms
endear/121 -> endeared,endears,endearing
fab/121 -> fabs
gascon/121 -> gascons
hinton/121 -> hintons
kindle/121 -> kindled,kindling,kindles
kop/121 -> kops
life-saving/121 -> life-savings
lintel/121 -> lintels
martyrdom/121 -> martyrdoms
memphis/121 -> memphiss
oblong/121 -> oblongs
odeon/121 -> odeons
omega/121 -> omegas
orator/121 -> orators
painkiller/121 -> painkillers
peppercorn/121 -> peppercorns
perspex/121 -> perspexes
philanthropist/121 -> philanthropists
polaris/121 -> polariss
pompey/121 -> pompeys
postmodernist/121 -> postmodernists
pothole/121 -> potholes,potholing,potholed
puffin/121 -> puffins
quaver/121 -> quavers,quavered,quavering
quench/121 -> quenched,quenching,quenches
rand/121 -> rands
rapper/121 -> rappers
red-hot/121 -> red-hottest
repairer/121 -> repairers
sethe/121 -> seething
sinai/121 -> sinais
speke/121 -> spekes
sprinkling/121 -> sprinklings
straggle/121 -> straggling,straggled,straggles
streamer/121 -> streamers
suction/121 -> suctioning,suctions,suctioned
terse/121 -> terser,tersest
throe/121 -> throes
tightness/121 -> tightnesses
trilogy/121 -> trilogies
trivia/121 -> trivias
wesleyan/121 -> wesleyans
zig-zag/121 -> zig-zags
anachronism/120 -> anachronisms
armada/120 -> armadas
asiatic/120 -> asiatics
bernhard/120 -> bernhards
berserk/120 -> berserks
bide/120 -> biding,bided,bides,bode
bravado/120 -> bravados
calculus/120 -> calculuss
cation/120 -> cations
christology/120 -> christologies
cistercian/120 -> cistercians
clockwork/120 -> clockworks
collectivism/120 -> collectivisms
commemoration/120 -> commemorations
dodger/120 -> dodgers
ev/120 -> evs
fief/120 -> fiefs
fryer/120 -> fryers
globular/120 -> globulars
horowitz/120 -> horowitzs
infill/120 -> infills
investing/120 -> investings
kayak/120 -> kayaks
landscaping/120 -> landscapings
lethargy/120 -> lethargies
magritte/120 -> magrittes
mid-january/120 -> mid-januaries
morpheme/120 -> morphemes
nematode/120 -> nematodes
newsroom/120 -> newsrooms
ochre/120 -> ochres
oncoming/120 -> oncomings
prelate/120 -> prelates
prostrate/120 -> prostrated,prostrating,prostrates
protectorate/120 -> protectorates
rhubarb/120 -> rhubarbed
sabre/120 -> sabres
santerre/120 -> santerres
saturn/120 -> saturns
seminary/120 -> seminaries
shanty/120 -> shanties
shard/120 -> shards
skater/120 -> skaters
slew/120 -> slewed,slewing,slews
sorting/120 -> sortings
stairwell/120 -> stairwells
stand-up/120 -> stand-ups
stanton/120 -> stantons
stitching/120 -> stitchings
sustenance/120 -> sustenances
teething/120 -> teethings
tm/120 -> tms
transfect/120 -> transfected,transfecting
trilobite/120 -> trilobites
unicorn/120 -> unicorns
wrest/120 -> wrested,wresting,wrests
acidification/119 -> acidifications
acreage/119 -> acreages
adage/119 -> adages
anoint/119 -> anointed,anointing,anoints
asterisk/119 -> asterisks,asterisked,asterisking
autopsy/119 -> autopsies,autopsied
awning/119 -> awnings
banger/119 -> bangers
barrack/119 -> barracking,barracked,barracks
beaverbrook/119 -> beaverbrooks
bemoan/119 -> bemoaning,bemoaned,bemoans
benzene/119 -> benzenes
bleep/119 -> bleeps,bleeping,bleeped
broadening/119 -> broadenings
cheerfulness/119 -> cheerfulnesses
clink/119 -> clinked,clinking,clinks
collude/119 -> colluding,colluded,colludes
cormack/119 -> cormacks
dampness/119 -> dampnesses
daydream/119 -> daydreams,daydreaming,daydreamed
dearth/119 -> dearths
desist/119 -> desisted,desists,desisting
disrespect/119 -> disrespected,disrespects,disrespecting
doggy/119 -> doggies
expediency/119 -> expediencies
franchisee/119 -> franchisees
genealogy/119 -> genealogies
groves/119 -> grovess
hearse/119 -> hearses
herod/119 -> herods
integrin/119 -> integrins
jakarta/119 -> jakartas
kiddy/119 -> kiddies
kurdistan/119 -> kurdistans
locking/119 -> lockings
magnum/119 -> magnums
mahler/119 -> mahlers
manchuria/119 -> manchurias
minstrel/119 -> minstrels
moisten/119 -> moistened,moistening,moistens
mot/119 -> mots
naming/119 -> namings
neckline/119 -> necklines
nicklaus/119 -> nicklauss
nmr/119 -> nmrs
oilfield/119 -> oilfields
orang-utan/119 -> orang-utans
peeling/119 -> peelings
pl/119 -> pls
plaid/119 -> plaids
polity/119 -> polities
re-read/119 -> re-reading,re-reads
reintroduction/119 -> reintroductions
restorer/119 -> restorers
roebuck/119 -> roebucks
seabed/119 -> seabeds
seabird/119 -> seabirds
shorthorn/119 -> shorthorns
shrinkage/119 -> shrinkages
splatter/119 -> splattered,splattering,splatters
spraying/119 -> sprayings
sub-group/119 -> sub-groups
tailore/119 -> tailoring
terminator/119 -> terminators
wiry/119 -> wirier,wiriest
zealot/119 -> zealots
battleground/118 -> battlegrounds
clammy/118 -> clammying,clammier,clammiest
concave/118 -> concaves
condolence/118 -> condolences
cooler/118 -> coolers
curlew/118 -> curlews
dialysis/118 -> dialyses
dissonance/118 -> dissonances
epithet/118 -> epithets
equestrian/118 -> equestrians
executioner/118 -> executioners
fiddler/118 -> fiddlers
girder/118 -> girders
heartbreak/118 -> heartbreaks
indiscretion/118 -> indiscretions
insured/118 -> insureds
insurgent/118 -> insurgents
isis/118 -> ises
jibe/118 -> jibes,jibed,jibing
limousin/118 -> limousins
menial/118 -> menials
meteor/118 -> meteors
middleweight/118 -> middleweights
nimble/118 -> nimbled,nimbler,nimblest
normalisation/118 -> normalisations
ordovician/118 -> ordovicians
ouse/118 -> ouses
outhouse/118 -> outhouses,outhoused
paediatrician/118 -> paediatricians
post-graduate/118 -> post-graduates
pretoria/118 -> pretorias
purveyor/118 -> purveyors
radiance/118 -> radiances
re-enact/118 -> re-enacted,re-enacting,re-enacts
regina/118 -> reginas
reuse/118 -> reused,reusing,reuses
salinity/118 -> salinities
samoa/118 -> samoas
sarawak/118 -> sarawaks
self-discipline/118 -> self-disciplines
servo/118 -> servos
seychelles/118 -> seychelless
so-and-so/118 -> so-and-sos
sorcery/118 -> sorceries
squig/118 -> squigs
stonehenge/118 -> stonehenges
storyline/118 -> storylines
sub-section/118 -> sub-sections
tatty/118 -> tattier,tattiest
teeter/118 -> teetering,teetered,teeters
thoroughbred/118 -> thoroughbreds
transferee/118 -> transferees
trawler/118 -> trawlers
turnpike/118 -> turnpikes,turnpiked,turnpiking
ulysses/118 -> ulyssess
waybill/118 -> waybills
womanhood/118 -> womanhoods
zionist/118 -> zionists
albany/117 -> albanies
ankara/117 -> ankaras
arden/117 -> ardens
arms/117 -> armss
brad/117 -> brads
bulkhead/117 -> bulkheads
bulldog/117 -> bulldogs
capitalisation/117 -> capitalisations
ceo/117 -> ceos
codon/117 -> codons
counterparty/117 -> counterparties
cowslip/117 -> cowslips
crystallise/117 -> crystallised,crystallising,crystallises
doric/117 -> dorics
dryden/117 -> drydens
eloquence/117 -> eloquences
esau/117 -> esaus
federalist/117 -> federalists
ff/117 -> ffs
fiftieth/117 -> fiftieths
firefly/117 -> fireflies
flypast/117 -> flypasts
footwork/117 -> footworks
glum/117 -> glummer,glummest,glums
gondola/117 -> gondolas
hag/117 -> hags
hairdryer/117 -> hairdryers
heredity/117 -> heredities
intern/117 -> interned,interning,interns
laying/117 -> layings
linker/117 -> linkers
luminal/117 -> luminals
massacr/117 -> massacred,massacring
neo-nazi/117 -> neo-nazis
palsy/117 -> palsies,palsied
pinot/117 -> pinots
quintet/117 -> quintets
rubens/117 -> rubenss
salomon/117 -> salomons
smithy/117 -> smithies
sojourn/117 -> sojourns,sojourned,sojourning
solent/117 -> solents
swain/117 -> swains
urbanization/117 -> urbanizations
valium/117 -> valiums
wester/117 -> westering,westered
wiggle/117 -> wiggled,wiggling,wiggles
wisconsin/117 -> wisconsins
word-processor/117 -> word-processors
workbook/117 -> workbooks
yorker/117 -> yorkers
aphasia/116 -> aphasias
arcane/116 -> arcanest
beadle/116 -> beadles
beamish/116 -> beamishest,beamishes
bse/116 -> bses
bullion/116 -> bullions
christening/116 -> christenings
comparability/116 -> comparabilities
confidant/116 -> confidants
conventionalism/116 -> conventionalisms
crustacean/116 -> crustaceans
epileptic/116 -> epileptics
figurine/116 -> figurines
gybe/116 -> gybes,gybing,gybed
historicism/116 -> historicisms
inflatable/116 -> inflatables
joystick/116 -> joysticks
legitimation/116 -> legitimations
linoleum/116 -> linoleums
lovemaking/116 -> lovemakings
octamer/116 -> octamers
out-patient/116 -> out-patients
panache/116 -> panaches
paraguay/116 -> paraguays
pennant/116 -> pennants
peseta/116 -> pesetas
peso/116 -> pesos
podium/116 -> podiums
predilection/116 -> predilections
purgatory/116 -> purgatories
ravel/116 -> ravelled,ravelling,ravels
reappearance/116 -> reappearances
recitative/116 -> recitatives
remarriage/116 -> remarriages
rendition/116 -> renditions
scab/116 -> scabs,scabbed
shoplifting/116 -> shopliftings
sidle/116 -> sidled,sidling,sidles
simile/116 -> similes
skew/116 -> skewed,skewing,skews
smallholding/116 -> smallholdings
straightaway/116 -> straightaways
swahili/116 -> swahilis
swindle/116 -> swindled,swindling,swindles
thoroughness/116 -> thoroughnesses
tote/116 -> toting,totes,toted
transact/116 -> transacted,transacting,transacts
tuppence/116 -> tuppences
vouch/116 -> vouched,vouching,vouches
watercourse/116 -> watercourses
zimbabwean/116 -> zimbabweans
abhor/115 -> abhorred,abhors,abhorring
adrenaline/115 -> adrenalines
angina/115 -> anginas
angolan/115 -> angolans
arrhythmia/115 -> arrhythmias
brazen/115 -> brazened,brazening,brazens
canvass/115 -> canvasses,canvassing,canvassed
capel/115 -> capels
chainsaw/115 -> chainsaws,chainsawed
craggy/115 -> craggier
cranberry/115 -> cranberries
dino/115 -> dinos
duma/115 -> dumas
egalitarianism/115 -> egalitarianisms
enthral/115 -> enthralled,enthralling,enthrals
faulkner/115 -> faulkners
florentine/115 -> florentines
gazelle/115 -> gazelles
grail/115 -> grails
hereafter/115 -> hereafters
heriot/115 -> heriots
humbucker/115 -> humbuckers
hydro-electric/115 -> hydro-electrics
insomnia/115 -> insomnias
instigation/115 -> instigations
interject/115 -> interjected,interjects,interjecting
intransigence/115 -> intransigences
ironside/115 -> ironsides
kadilik/115 -> kadiliks
leaden/115 -> leadening
metaphysic/115 -> metaphysics
moldavia/115 -> moldavias
motet/115 -> motets
muldoon/115 -> muldoons
nativity/115 -> nativities
nero/115 -> neroes
non-league/115 -> non-leagues
numeracy/115 -> numeracies
prefect/115 -> prefects
pseudonym/115 -> pseudonyms
quibble/115 -> quibbling,quibbles,quibbled
reformulation/115 -> reformulations
resell/115 -> reselling,resells,resold
saussure/115 -> saussures
skylight/115 -> skylights
solute/115 -> solutes
standardization/115 -> standardizations
standardize/115 -> standardized,standardizing,standardizes
stanhope/115 -> stanhopes
storehouse/115 -> storehouses
superhuman/115 -> superhumans
synergy/115 -> synergies
varice/115 -> varices
virgil/115 -> virgils
wacky/115 -> wackiest,wackier
wafer/115 -> wafers
woodwind/115 -> woodwinds
x-terminal/115 -> x-terminals
zoology/115 -> zoologies
activism/114 -> activisms
airshow/114 -> airshows
automate/114 -> automating,automated,automates
banda/114 -> bandas
box-office/114 -> box-offices
brazier/114 -> braziers
cashmere/114 -> cashmeres
catechism/114 -> catechisms
categorisation/114 -> categorisations
check-up/114 -> check-ups
cher/114 -> chers
christy/114 -> christies
citrine/114 -> citrines
cordial/114 -> cordials
crinkle/114 -> crinkled,crinkling,crinkles
deceleration/114 -> decelerations
dictation/114 -> dictations
eeg/114 -> eegs
electrostatic/114 -> electrostatics
ell/114 -> ells
expressionist/114 -> expressionists
fetter/114 -> fetters,fettered,fettering
inculcate/114 -> inculcated,inculcating,inculcates
infective/114 -> infectives
insensitivity/114 -> insensitivities
jameson/114 -> jamesons
matchstick/114 -> matchsticks
mauritania/114 -> mauritanias
mete/114 -> meted,metes,meting
misbehaviour/114 -> misbehaviours
mnr/114 -> mnrs
necrosis/114 -> necroses
oedema/114 -> oedemata
paddler/114 -> paddlers
panacea/114 -> panaceas
ploughman/114 -> ploughmen,ploughmans
rapprochement/114 -> rapprochements
ripper/114 -> rippers
russ/114 -> russes
sanskrit/114 -> sanskrits
schoolday/114 -> schooldays
sedative/114 -> sedatives
sell-off/114 -> sell-offs
splay/114 -> splayed,splaying,splays
subtl/114 -> subtler,subtlest
subtraction/114 -> subtractions
sunbthe/114 -> sunbathing
tranquillizer/114 -> tranquillizers
treadmill/114 -> treadmills
vestment/114 -> vestments
vox/114 -> voxes
airship/113 -> airships
alligator/113 -> alligators
asparagus/113 -> asparaguss
auden/113 -> audens
bestseller/113 -> bestsellers
bh/113 -> bhs
ceylon/113 -> ceylons
clique/113 -> cliques
contraption/113 -> contraptions
depute/113 -> deputed,deputes,deputing
faraday/113 -> faradays
filipino/113 -> filipinos
flirtation/113 -> flirtations
fob/113 -> fobbed,fobbing,fobs
gauze/113 -> gauzes
gliadin/113 -> gliadins
grisly/113 -> grisliest
investiture/113 -> investitures
kampuchea/113 -> kampucheas
laden/113 -> ladened,lades,lading,laded,laden
launderette/113 -> launderettes
leed/113 -> leeds
leftover/113 -> leftovers
legalize/113 -> legalized,legalizing,legalizes
mascot/113 -> mascots
mauritius/113 -> mauritiuss
mid-afternoon/113 -> mid-afternoons
nucleation/113 -> nucleations
olsen/113 -> olsens
overburden/113 -> overburdened,overburdening,overburdens
pander/113 -> pandering,pandered,panders
prompting/113 -> promptings
railwayman/113 -> railwaymen
redecorate/113 -> redecorated,redecorating,redecorates
relativism/113 -> relativisms
rha/113 -> rhas
rundown/113 -> rundowns
scavenger/113 -> scavengers
seles/113 -> seless
serpentine/113 -> serpentines,serpentining
shoot-out/113 -> shoot-outs
socialize/113 -> socialized,socializing,socializes
solidify/113 -> solidified,solidifying,solidifies
sse/113 -> sses
suffuse/113 -> suffused,suffusing,suffuses
superlative/113 -> superlatives
teem/113 -> teeming,teemed,teems
third-party/113 -> third-parties
thucydides/113 -> thucydidess
toiletry/113 -> toiletries
trollope/113 -> trollopes
tuber/113 -> tubers
unbutton/113 -> unbuttoned,unbuttoning,unbuttons
vin/113 -> vins
visor/113 -> visors
whiplash/113 -> whiplashes,whiplashed
wrestler/113 -> wrestlers
yac/113 -> yacs
zambian/113 -> zambians
angevin/112 -> angevins
ascite/112 -> ascites
audacity/112 -> audacities
cassidy/112 -> cassidys
celibate/112 -> celibates
chantry/112 -> chantries
chesterton/112 -> chestertons
clipper/112 -> clippers
co-founder/112 -> co-founders
comfy/112 -> comfier,comfiest
conceit/112 -> conceits
confessional/112 -> confessionals
customise/112 -> customised,customising,customises
depreciate/112 -> depreciated,depreciating,depreciates
disuse/112 -> disuses
divan/112 -> divans
dong/112 -> dongs,donging,donged
eccles/112 -> eccless
environs/112 -> environss
epitomize/112 -> epitomized,epitomizes,epitomizing
exponential/112 -> exponentials
familiarise/112 -> familiarising,familiarised,familiarises
frankness/112 -> franknesses
glorify/112 -> glorified,glorifying,glorifies
gusto/112 -> gustoes
hiroshima/112 -> hiroshimas
holist/112 -> holists
huntsman/112 -> huntsmen
incendiary/112 -> incendiaries
jihad/112 -> jihads
kindred/112 -> kindreds
ladle/112 -> ladled,ladles,ladling
malabsorption/112 -> malabsorptions
marshland/112 -> marshlands
mid-september/112 -> mid-septembers
mulch/112 -> mulches,mulching,mulched
nona/112 -> nonas
ornithologist/112 -> ornithologists
passover/112 -> passovers
peavey/112 -> peaveys
perishable/112 -> perishables
reactivity/112 -> reactivities
ri/112 -> ris
ruse/112 -> ruses,rusing
rwanda/112 -> rwandas
self-awareness/112 -> self-awarenesses
signet/112 -> signets
sim/112 -> sims
snowdrop/112 -> snowdrops
sorcerer/112 -> sorcerers
stowe/112 -> stowes
stubbs/112 -> stubbss
tarn/112 -> tarns
thrower/112 -> throwers
tonnage/112 -> tonnages
withering/112 -> witherings
acumen/111 -> acumens
allah/111 -> allahs
alsace/111 -> alsaces
ambulatory/111 -> ambulatories
antigua/111 -> antiguas
axminster/111 -> axminsters
beau/111 -> beaus,beaux
behest/111 -> behests
bossy/111 -> bossiest,bossier
chromium/111 -> chromiums
codify/111 -> codified,codifying,codifies
compressor/111 -> compressors
conceptualize/111 -> conceptualized,conceptualizing,conceptualizes
delphi/111 -> delphis
dexterity/111 -> dexterities
dracula/111 -> draculas
duster/111 -> dusters
dynamo/111 -> dynamos
extortion/111 -> extortions
fluster/111 -> flustered,flustering,flusters
functionary/111 -> functionaries
gooseberry/111 -> gooseberries
harlem/111 -> harlems
hertz/111 -> hertzs
heuristic/111 -> heuristics
impale/111 -> impaled,impaling,impales
internationalism/111 -> internationalisms
irrationality/111 -> irrationalities
lollipop/111 -> lollipops
longitude/111 -> longitudes
luxor/111 -> luxors
mark-up/111 -> mark-ups
memorize/111 -> memorized,memorizing,memorizes
mid-1950/111 -> mid-1950s
moralist/111 -> moralists
nearness/111 -> nearnesses
niger/111 -> nigers
normalize/111 -> normalized,normalizing,normalizes
oligarchy/111 -> oligarchies
perturbation/111 -> perturbations
philanthropy/111 -> philanthropies
plantagenet/111 -> plantagenets
plonk/111 -> plonked,plonking,plonks
premonition/111 -> premonitions
prom/111 -> proms
pta/111 -> ptas,pta's
putty/111 -> putties,puttied,puttying
qatar/111 -> qatars
replant/111 -> replanted,replanting
reticence/111 -> reticences
retinal/111 -> retinals
smolensk/111 -> smolensks
swill/111 -> swilled,swilling,swills
thermodynamics/111 -> thermodynamicss
truant/111 -> truants,truanting,truanted
tubing/111 -> tubings
whinge/111 -> whingeing,whinges,whinged,whinging
yawning/111 -> yawnings
ackroyd/110 -> ackroyds
amnesia/110 -> amnesias
barnacle/110 -> barnacles,barnacled
bistro/110 -> bistros
blue-green/110 -> blue-greens
bouncy/110 -> bouncier,bounciest
bursary/110 -> bursaries
butlin/110 -> butlins
confectionery/110 -> confectioneries
consecration/110 -> consecrations
crass/110 -> crassest,crasser
crick/110 -> cricks,cricked,cricking
crossbow/110 -> crossbows
cultivator/110 -> cultivators
cyclone/110 -> cyclones
deciding/110 -> decidings
defoe/110 -> defoes
deuterium/110 -> deuteriums
diuretic/110 -> diuretics
doppler/110 -> dopplers
emblazon/110 -> emblazoned,emblazoning,emblazons
enumeration/110 -> enumerations
escapade/110 -> escapades
fibreglass/110 -> fibreglassing
half-life/110 -> half-lives
handlebar/110 -> handlebars
hanky/110 -> hankies
haughty/110 -> haughtiest,haughtier
haunch/110 -> haunches
hermann/110 -> hermanns
histogram/110 -> histograms
hyperplasia/110 -> hyperplasias
issuance/110 -> issuances
kersey/110 -> kerseys
knesset/110 -> knessets
libido/110 -> libidos
loiter/110 -> loitering,loitered,loiters
lookalike/110 -> lookalikes
lucifer/110 -> lucifers
luv/110 -> luvs
magnolia/110 -> magnolias
megabyte/110 -> megabytes
newtonian/110 -> newtonians
plankton/110 -> planktons
propagandist/110 -> propagandists
puma/110 -> pumas
questioner/110 -> questioners
randomise/110 -> randomised
replicator/110 -> replicators
retraining/110 -> retrainings
rococo/110 -> rococoes
ruthlessness/110 -> ruthlessnesses
sadat/110 -> sadats
sizzle/110 -> sizzled,sizzling,sizzles
squall/110 -> squalls,squalling,squalled
stopping/110 -> stoppings
sub-culture/110 -> sub-cultures
superscalar/110 -> superscalars
synopsis/110 -> synopses
teak/110 -> teaks
terrorise/110 -> terrorised,terrorising,terrorises
transgress/110 -> transgressed,transgressing,transgresses
trill/110 -> trilled,trills,trilling
tun/110 -> tuns
tungsten/110 -> tungstens
u-boat/110 -> u-boats
understudy/110 -> understudies,understudying,understudied
vanishing/110 -> vanishings
yorkshireman/110 -> yorkshiremen
ado/109 -> adoes
airforce/109 -> airforces
angst/109 -> angsts
annihilation/109 -> annihilations
banqueting/109 -> banquetings
barro/109 -> barros
blower/109 -> blowers
bombshell/109 -> bombshells
bop/109 -> bopped,bopping,bops
breather/109 -> breathers
broadside/109 -> broadsides
bulwark/109 -> bulwarks
byelaw/109 -> byelaws
checkout/109 -> checkouts
combe/109 -> combes
contort/109 -> contorted,contorting,contorts
controllable/109 -> controllables
corkscrew/109 -> corkscrews,corkscrewing,corkscrewed
dewar/109 -> dewars
disengage/109 -> disengaged,disengaging,disengages
dram/109 -> drams
eritrea/109 -> eritreas
ex./109 -> ex.s
fanfare/109 -> fanfares
fasting/109 -> fastings
fishy/109 -> fishier,fishiest
fizzy/109 -> fizzier,fizziest
garb/109 -> garbed,garbs,garbing
gliding/109 -> glidings
grande/109 -> grandes
grenada/109 -> grenadas
haldane/109 -> haldanes
hardboard/109 -> hardboards
illiteracy/109 -> illiteracies
jensen/109 -> jensens
jnr/109 -> jnrs
kaplan/109 -> kaplans
keats/109 -> keatss
legate/109 -> legates,legated
lira/109 -> liras,lire
lutyens/109 -> lutyenss
macao/109 -> macaos
minuscule/109 -> minuscules
mit/109 -> mitting,mits
musket/109 -> muskets
niggle/109 -> niggles,niggled,niggling
oy/109 -> oys,oyer
paragon/109 -> paragons
paternalism/109 -> paternalisms
perfectionist/109 -> perfectionists
quine/109 -> quines
scalpel/109 -> scalpels,scalpelling
serge/109 -> serges
shaving/109 -> shavings
stubby/109 -> stubbier,stubbies,stubbiest
swab/109 -> swabs,swabbed,swabbing
think-tank/109 -> think-tanks
tl/109 -> tls
tone-unit/109 -> tone-units
unspeakable/109 -> unspeakables
vitae/109 -> vitaes
waggle/109 -> waggled,waggling,waggles
watercress/109 -> watercresses
aga/108 -> agas
ammonium/108 -> ammoniums
apostrophe/108 -> apostrophes
athena/108 -> athenas
attractor/108 -> attractors
autocracy/108 -> autocracies
backpack/108 -> backpacking,backpacks
bimbo/108 -> bimbos
brunswick/108 -> brunswicks
buffete/108 -> buffeted,buffeting
cartoonist/108 -> cartoonists
coping/108 -> copings
crimea/108 -> crimeas
crucible/108 -> crucibles
duran/108 -> durans
durban/108 -> durbans
eczema/108 -> eczemas
gide/108 -> giding
giver/108 -> givers
gloat/108 -> gloating,gloated,gloats
gunshot/108 -> gunshots
hacienda/108 -> haciendas
hdtv/108 -> hdtvs
hnd/108 -> hnds
imam/108 -> imams
kink/108 -> kinks,kinking,kinked
lexington/108 -> lexingtons
manx/108 -> manges
microcosm/108 -> microcosms
mouldy/108 -> mouldiest,mouldier
mutate/108 -> mutated,mutates,mutating
mystify/108 -> mystified,mystifying,mystifies
nazarean/108 -> nazareans
nelly/108 -> nellies
outperform/108 -> outperformed,outperforms,outperforming
palma/108 -> palmas
peacekeeping/108 -> peacekeepings
pepsin/108 -> pepsins
pitcher/108 -> pitchers
predate/108 -> predates,predated,predating
preparedness/108 -> preparednesses
pucker/108 -> puckered,puckering,puckers
refereeing/108 -> refereeings
scanty/108 -> scantiest,scanties,scantier
self-expression/108 -> self-expressions
stabbing/108 -> stabbings
sultana/108 -> sultanas
tarpaulin/108 -> tarpaulins
toner/108 -> toners
tremolo/108 -> tremolos
turban/108 -> turbans
undercurrent/108 -> undercurrents
unreality/108 -> unrealities
watching/108 -> watchings
weedy/108 -> weediest,weedier,weedies
whiting/108 -> whitings,whiting
antrum/107 -> antrums
ariadne/107 -> ariadnes
assize/107 -> assizes
atlantis/107 -> atlantiss
babylonian/107 -> babylonians
bainbridge/107 -> bainbridges
boathouse/107 -> boathouses
boffin/107 -> boffins
caliban/107 -> calibans
call-up/107 -> call-ups
choreography/107 -> choreographies
cimetidine/107 -> cimetidines
clang/107 -> clanging,clangs,clanged
darn/107 -> darned,darning,darns
doorman/107 -> doormen
embellishment/107 -> embellishments
ensign/107 -> ensigns
falsification/107 -> falsifications
flashback/107 -> flashbacks
fulmar/107 -> fulmars
gilmour/107 -> gilmours
grinder/107 -> grinders
heathland/107 -> heathlands
hegelian/107 -> hegelians
infirmity/107 -> infirmities
irreconcilable/107 -> irreconcilables
kinsey/107 -> kinseys
laibon/107 -> laibons
laziness/107 -> lazinesses
manganese/107 -> manganeses
martian/107 -> martians
mid-june/107 -> mid-junes
mildew/107 -> mildewed,mildews,mildewing
mitigation/107 -> mitigations
mor/107 -> mors
muon/107 -> muons
narration/107 -> narrations
non-human/107 -> non-humans
pareto/107 -> paretoes
pentecost/107 -> pentecosts
peruse/107 -> perusing,perused,peruses
physio/107 -> physios
priestess/107 -> priestesses
prim/107 -> primmest,primmer
recast/107 -> recasting,recasts
robotic/107 -> robotics
sander/107 -> sanders
scooter/107 -> scooters
sealant/107 -> sealants
sepoy/107 -> sepoys
sheikha/107 -> sheikhas
silage/107 -> silaging,silages
sleeping-bag/107 -> sleeping-bags
soy/107 -> soys
springtime/107 -> springtimes
spud/107 -> spuds,spudded,spudding
sympathiser/107 -> sympathisers
tracer/107 -> tracers
unitarian/107 -> unitarians
venezuelan/107 -> venezuelans
windward/107 -> windwards
aborigine/106 -> aborigines
ascetic/106 -> ascetics
beater/106 -> beaters
billet/106 -> billets,billetted,billeting,billeted
blip/106 -> blips,blipped
capitation/106 -> capitations
carcinogen/106 -> carcinogens
cavendish/106 -> cavendishes
chromatic/106 -> chromatics
concealment/106 -> concealments
conjugate/106 -> conjugated,conjugates,conjugating
convalescent/106 -> convalescents
crewman/106 -> crewmen
crunchy/106 -> crunchies,crunchier,crunchiest
dreadnought/106 -> dreadnoughts
grice/106 -> gricing
handicraft/106 -> handicrafts
hepburn/106 -> hepburns
homeowner/106 -> homeowners
icelandic/106 -> icelandics
impropriety/106 -> improprieties
incitement/106 -> incitements
instrumentalist/106 -> instrumentalists
kenyon/106 -> kenyons
latex/106 -> latexes
lendl/106 -> lendls
mart/106 -> marts
p.a./106 -> p.a.s
partake/106 -> partaking,partakes,partook,partaken
penalize/106 -> penalized,penalizes,penalizing
prance/106 -> prancing,pranced,prances
prank/106 -> pranks,pranking
rebut/106 -> rebutted,rebutting,rebuts
recompense/106 -> recompensed,recompenses,recompensing
redevelop/106 -> redeveloped,redevelops,redeveloping
redhead/106 -> redheads
repulse/106 -> repulsed,repulsing,repulses
rightness/106 -> rightnesses
scraping/106 -> scrapings
scuba/106 -> scubas
spicer/106 -> spicers
treacle/106 -> treacles
westphalian/106 -> westphalians
zulu/106 -> zulus
acknowledgment/105 -> acknowledgments
airplane/105 -> airplanes
amylase/105 -> amylases
anglo-norman/105 -> anglo-normans
archery/105 -> archeries
atrium/105 -> atriumed
bateman/105 -> batemen
baulk/105 -> baulked,baulks,baulking
belay/105 -> belays,belaying,belayed,belaid
belie/105 -> belies,belying,belied
birthright/105 -> birthrights
budgete/105 -> budgeting
busby/105 -> busbys,busbies
changeover/105 -> changeovers
children/105 -> childrens
coachman/105 -> coachmen,coachmen.
corroborate/105 -> corroborated,corroborating,corroborates
democratization/105 -> democratizations
duty-free/105 -> duty-frees
echoing/105 -> echoings
fijian/105 -> fijians
foaming/105 -> foamings
forego/105 -> foregone,foregoing,foregoes,forewent
formaldehyde/105 -> formaldehydes
giraffe/105 -> giraffes
glycoprotein/105 -> glycoproteins
granary/105 -> granaries
guatemalan/105 -> guatemalans
harmonize/105 -> harmonized,harmonizing,harmonizes
hela/105 -> helas
hemp/105 -> hemps
hissing/105 -> hissings
hunk/105 -> hunks
ide/105 -> ides
infatuation/105 -> infatuations
innovate/105 -> innovated,innovating,innovates
kinky/105 -> kinkier,kinkies,kinkiest
laundering/105 -> launderings
lees/105 -> leess
legitimize/105 -> legitimized,legitimizing,legitimizes
malign/105 -> maligned,maligning,maligns
manoeuvring/105 -> manoeuvrings
margate/105 -> margates
misread/105 -> misreading,misreads
monarchist/105 -> monarchists
multi-user/105 -> multi-users
officialdom/105 -> officialdoms
overcast/105 -> overcasting
panto/105 -> pantos
parentage/105 -> parentages
perambulation/105 -> perambulations
picker/105 -> pickers,pickering
platonic/105 -> platonics
regale/105 -> regaled,regaling,regales
reminisce/105 -> reminiscing,reminisced,reminisces
reopening/105 -> reopenings
shaker/105 -> shakers
sidestep/105 -> sidestepped,sidestepping,sidesteps
signalman/105 -> signalmen
sowing/105 -> sowings
subjection/105 -> subjections
subroutine/105 -> subroutines
tinkle/105 -> tinkled,tinkling,tinkles
topsoil/105 -> topsoils,topsoiled
turning-point/105 -> turning-points
uplifting/105 -> upliftings
verve/105 -> verves
wench/105 -> wenches,wenched,wenching
aero/104 -> aeros
assembler/104 -> assemblers
azure/104 -> azures
bandwidth/104 -> bandwidths
berne/104 -> bernest
boolean/104 -> booleans
catamaran/104 -> catamarans
cervix/104 -> cervixes,cervices
compaction/104 -> compactions
decibel/104 -> decibels
decoy/104 -> decoys,decoyed,decoying
doldrum/104 -> doldrums
dra/104 -> dras
electrify/104 -> electrified,electrifying,electrifies
encrust/104 -> encrusted,encrusting
facy/104 -> facies
fatah/104 -> fatahs
forrester/104 -> forresters
freighter/104 -> freighters
fulton/104 -> fultons
giddy/104 -> giddier,giddiest
girth/104 -> girths,girthed
greengrocer/104 -> greengrocers
handgun/104 -> handguns
havelock/104 -> havelocks
herpe/104 -> herpes
intercom/104 -> intercoms
jericho/104 -> jerichoes
khartoum/104 -> khartoums
kipper/104 -> kippers,kippered,kippering
lino/104 -> linos
loath/104 -> loaths
localise/104 -> localised,localising,localises
lombardy/104 -> lombardies
midwifery/104 -> midwiferies
molest/104 -> molested,molesting,molests
mott/104 -> motts
music-hall/104 -> music-halls
nazareth/104 -> nazareths
netball/104 -> netballs
numeral/104 -> numerals
overgrowth/104 -> overgrowths
particularity/104 -> particularities
pelmet/104 -> pelmets
pipework/104 -> pipeworks
polypropylene/104 -> polypropylenes
repressor/104 -> repressors
rheumatism/104 -> rheumatisms
roomy/104 -> roomier,roomiest
roving/104 -> rovings
sargent/104 -> sargents
scam/104 -> scams,scammed
schoolroom/104 -> schoolrooms
scree/104 -> screes
siegfried/104 -> siegfrieds
snappy/104 -> snappier,snappiest
stationer/104 -> stationers
steppe/104 -> steppes
sw/104 -> swed
thrashing/104 -> thrashings
three-hour/104 -> three-hours
timeshare/104 -> timeshares,timesharing
tirade/104 -> tirades
tirana/104 -> tiranas
transference/104 -> transferences
unfolding/104 -> unfoldings
vargas/104 -> vargass
whet/104 -> whetted,whetting,whets
wimp/104 -> wimps,wimping
world-view/104 -> world-views
zoologist/104 -> zoologists
abigail/103 -> abigails
adjudge/103 -> adjudged,adjudging,adjudges
awkwardness/103 -> awkwardnesses
belittle/103 -> belittled,belittling,belittles
bunyan/103 -> bunyans
buttonhole/103 -> buttonholes,buttonholed,buttonholing
chafe/103 -> chafed,chafing,chafes
charolais/103 -> charolaiss
cohabit/103 -> cohabiting,cohabited,cohabits
constrict/103 -> constricted,constricting,constricts
contaminant/103 -> contaminants
crystallization/103 -> crystallizations
cusp/103 -> cusps,cusped,cusping
damnation/103 -> damnations
damsel/103 -> damsels
decadence/103 -> decadences
disinfection/103 -> disinfections
dissection/103 -> dissections
downsize/103 -> downsizing,downsized
dramatist/103 -> dramatists
dressmaker/103 -> dressmakers
esc/103 -> escs
gatekeeper/103 -> gatekeepers
gouache/103 -> gouaches
himmler/103 -> himmlers
hoarding/103 -> hoardings
howells/103 -> howellss
hoyle/103 -> hoyles
insemination/103 -> inseminations
irritability/103 -> irritabilities
make-believe/103 -> make-believes
manageress/103 -> manageresses
matting/103 -> mattings
midsole/103 -> midsoles
narrowness/103 -> narrownesses
nilsson/103 -> nilssons
oates/103 -> oatess
pallor/103 -> pallors
pandora/103 -> pandoras
phone-in/103 -> phone-ins
powerhouse/103 -> powerhouses
praxis/103 -> praxes
preposition/103 -> prepositions
propulsion/103 -> propulsions
redeploy/103 -> redeployed,redeploying,redeploys
retrial/103 -> retrials
rosary/103 -> rosaries
rudd/103 -> rudds
salome/103 -> salomes
sapling/103 -> saplings
signe/103 -> signes
starfish/103 -> starfishes,starfished,starfish
tape-recorder/103 -> tape-recorders
trusteeship/103 -> trusteeships
uda/103 -> udas
academia/102 -> academias
agnostic/102 -> agnostics
air-raid/102 -> air-raids
ascension/102 -> ascensions
balaclava/102 -> balaclavas
balm/102 -> balms,balmed
bantam/102 -> bantams
bey/102 -> beys
billboard/102 -> billboards
bravo/102 -> bravos
bricklayer/102 -> bricklayers
bulger/102 -> bulgers
casework/102 -> caseworking
caucasian/102 -> caucasians
coo/102 -> cooing,coos,cooed
cosmid/102 -> cosmids
crevecoeur/102 -> crevecoeurs
degeneracy/102 -> degeneracies
detractor/102 -> detractors
dislocate/102 -> dislocated,dislocating,dislocates
dude/102 -> dudes,duded
enslave/102 -> enslaved,enslaving,enslaves
epsilon/102 -> epsilons
excrement/102 -> excrements
fairytale/102 -> fairytales
fayre/102 -> fayres
fetish/102 -> fetishes
fidget/102 -> fidgeted,fidgets,fidgeting
fireball/102 -> fireballs
gabon/102 -> gabons
goth/102 -> goths
greer/102 -> greers
hatchback/102 -> hatchbacks
ib/102 -> ibs
inhalation/102 -> inhalations
jeffery/102 -> jefferies
karpov/102 -> karpovs
keller/102 -> kellers
lagos/102 -> lagoss
laptop/102 -> laptops
lineout/102 -> lineouts
muller/102 -> mullers
normalise/102 -> normalised,normalising,normalises
pallister/102 -> pallisters
pap/102 -> paps
pedlar/102 -> pedlars
permissiveness/102 -> permissivenesses
pict/102 -> picts
pontificate/102 -> pontificating,pontificates,pontificated
premiss/102 -> premisses,premissed,premissing
presage/102 -> presaged,presages,presaging
promiscuity/102 -> promiscuities
readjustment/102 -> readjustments
rudeness/102 -> rudenesses
rya/102 -> ryas
saboteur/102 -> saboteurs
sculpt/102 -> sculpted,sculpting,sculpts
sedition/102 -> seditions
sligo/102 -> sligos
stabiliser/102 -> stabilisers
steelwork/102 -> steelworks
sugary/102 -> sugariest
thrombolytic/102 -> thrombolytics
tribesman/102 -> tribesmen
vendetta/102 -> vendettas
viper/102 -> vipers
voltaire/102 -> voltaires
admissibility/101 -> admissibilities
aladdin/101 -> aladdins
anaphor/101 -> anaphors
astor/101 -> astors
aubergine/101 -> aubergines
ayer/101 -> ayers
babysitter/101 -> babysitters
brokerage/101 -> brokerages
camaraderie/101 -> camaraderies
caracas/101 -> caracass
chaff/101 -> chaffing,chaffed,chaffs
cleverness/101 -> clevernesses
conker/101 -> conkers,conkering
coppice/101 -> coppicing,coppices
counter-revolutionary/101 -> counter-revolutionaries
decider/101 -> deciders
diatom/101 -> diatoms
dill/101 -> dilled
dregs/101 -> dregss
effendi/101 -> effendis
ent/101 -> ents
exalt/101 -> exalted,exalting,exalts
eye-witness/101 -> eye-witnesses
favouritism/101 -> favouritisms
forecaster/101 -> forecasters
frisson/101 -> frissons
herodotus/101 -> herodotuss
inspiral/101 -> inspirals
institutionalize/101 -> institutionalized,institutionalizing,institutionalizes
kidd/101 -> kidds
kindergarten/101 -> kindergartens
larceny/101 -> larcenies
lausanne/101 -> lausannes
lille/101 -> lilles
middleman/101 -> middlemen
millstone/101 -> millstones
minimalist/101 -> minimalists
naivety/101 -> naiveties
naturalism/101 -> naturalisms
nutter/101 -> nutters
nuzzle/101 -> nuzzled,nuzzling,nuzzles
oscillator/101 -> oscillators
paine/101 -> paines
perforation/101 -> perforations
perpetuity/101 -> perpetuities
promontory/101 -> promontories
quaternary/101 -> quaternaries
remover/101 -> removers
reveller/101 -> revellers
salah/101 -> salahs
sampler/101 -> samplers
self-service/101 -> self-services
shostakovich/101 -> shostakoviches
southerner/101 -> southerners
sub-contract/101 -> sub-contracted,sub-contracts
teatime/101 -> teatimes
tranquilliser/101 -> tranquillisers
travesty/101 -> travesties,travestying,travestied
typography/101 -> typographies
unfurl/101 -> unfurled,unfurling,unfurls
vermin/101 -> vermins
vex/101 -> vexed,vexing,vexes
viceroy/101 -> viceroys
vindication/101 -> vindications
wrangling/101 -> wranglings
wretch/101 -> wretches
yea/101 -> yeas
yearbook/101 -> yearbooks
australasia/100 -> australasias
best-seller/100 -> best-sellers
boniface/100 -> bonifaces
burroughs/100 -> burroughss
castrate/100 -> castrated,castrating,castrates
celluloid/100 -> celluloids
chrysanthemum/100 -> chrysanthemums
coexistence/100 -> coexistences
conceptualization/100 -> conceptualizations
concord/100 -> concords
coolie/100 -> coolies
daunt/100 -> daunted,daunts,daunting
dishonour/100 -> dishonoured,dishonours,dishonouring
earphone/100 -> earphones
fairbairn/100 -> fairbairns
fireside/100 -> firesides
galilee/100 -> galilees
gaming/100 -> gamings
giveaway/100 -> giveaways
go-between/100 -> go-betweens
governorship/100 -> governorships
hairpin/100 -> hairpins
hilbert/100 -> hilberts
hubble/100 -> hubbling
incapacitate/100 -> incapacitated,incapacitating,incapacitates
interlock/100 -> interlocked,interlocking,interlocks
internalize/100 -> internalized,internalizing,internalizes
iodine/100 -> iodines
iss/100 -> issed
kebab/100 -> kebabs
kw/100 -> kws
lander/100 -> landers
lipoprotein/100 -> lipoproteins
maim/100 -> maimed,maiming,maims
manse/100 -> manses
marlin/100 -> marlins
mediocrity/100 -> mediocrities
minnow/100 -> minnows
nationalise/100 -> nationalised,nationalising
nitrite/100 -> nitrites
notepaper/100 -> notepapers
parc/100 -> parcs
parvis/100 -> parviss
patrimony/100 -> patrimonies
paymaster/100 -> paymasters
polymorphism/100 -> polymorphisms
recluse/100 -> recluses
regroup/100 -> regrouped,regrouping,regroups
rn/100 -> rns
saxophone/100 -> saxophones
scholastic/100 -> scholastics
sclerite/100 -> sclerites
sheepskin/100 -> sheepskins
shifty/100 -> shiftier,shiftiest
sidewalk/100 -> sidewalks
sitcom/100 -> sitcoms
summation/100 -> summations
td/100 -> tds
thromboxane/100 -> thromboxanes
transducer/100 -> transducers
transsexual/100 -> transsexuals
typescript/100 -> typescripts
volga/100 -> volgas
wily/100 -> wiliest,wilier
winkle/100 -> winkles,winkled,winkling
abscess/99 -> abscesses
analgesic/99 -> analgesics
aphrodisiac/99 -> aphrodisiacs
ascendant/99 -> ascendants
asphalt/99 -> asphalted,asphalts,asphalting
barbarism/99 -> barbarisms
bayonne/99 -> bayonnes
belvedere/99 -> belvederes
bismuth/99 -> bismuths
brocade/99 -> brocades,brocading,brocaded
byelarus/99 -> byelaruss
cantata/99 -> cantatas
carcase/99 -> carcases,carcasing
chlorofluorocarbon/99 -> chlorofluorocarbons
colonization/99 -> colonizations
cuppa/99 -> cuppas
darkfall/99 -> darkfalls
debussy/99 -> debussies
disorientation/99 -> disorientations
dockland/99 -> docklands
drawbridge/99 -> drawbridges
drosophila/99 -> drosophilas
eight-year/99 -> eight-years
falangist/99 -> falangists
farrier/99 -> farriers
flax/99 -> flaxed,flaxes
fluidity/99 -> fluidities
greenway/99 -> greenways
guesswork/99 -> guessworks
hairline/99 -> hairlines
implicature/99 -> implicatures
impunity/99 -> impunities
incandescent/99 -> incandescents
informality/99 -> informalities
innuendo/99 -> innuendos,innuendoes
intro/99 -> intros
madison/99 -> madisons
opportunism/99 -> opportunisms
osteoporosis/99 -> osteoporoses
overheating/99 -> overheatings
pacify/99 -> pacified,pacifying,pacifies
pate/99 -> pates
pneumatic/99 -> pneumatics
retch/99 -> retching,retched,retches
sandpiper/99 -> sandpipers
scorpio/99 -> scorpios
slut/99 -> sluts
solubility/99 -> solubilities
southerly/99 -> southerlies
stabilisation/99 -> stabilisations
staffroom/99 -> staffrooms
stopper/99 -> stoppers,stoppered
sufficiency/99 -> sufficiencies
sundial/99 -> sundials
televise/99 -> televised,televising,televises
torpedoe/99 -> torpedoes,torpedoed
tuple/99 -> tuples,tupled
unconsciousness/99 -> unconsciousnesses
upbeat/99 -> upbeats
widget/99 -> widgets
wilder/99 -> wilders
abrasion/98 -> abrasions
adulation/98 -> adulations
airstrip/98 -> airstrips
amputate/98 -> amputated,amputates,amputating
artichoke/98 -> artichokes
attrition/98 -> attritions
aztec/98 -> aztecs
baffled/98 -> baffleds
banality/98 -> banalities
basle/98 -> basles
berliner/98 -> berliners
bluster/98 -> blustered,blustering,blusters
bothy/98 -> bothies
braun/98 -> brauns
cadiz/98 -> cadizs
cherub/98 -> cherubs,cherubim
chiffon/98 -> chiffons
clampdown/98 -> clampdowns
clank/98 -> clanking,clanked,clanks
commandeer/98 -> commandeered,commandeering,commandeers
commonality/98 -> commonalities
creeper/98 -> creepers
croon/98 -> crooned,crooning,croons
curative/98 -> curatives
decadent/98 -> decadents
delirium/98 -> deliriums
elitism/98 -> elitisms
eskimo/98 -> eskimos
evan/98 -> evans
exonerate/98 -> exonerated,exonerates,exonerating
fertilisation/98 -> fertilisations
flabby/98 -> flabbies,flabbier,flabbiest
frilly/98 -> frillies,frillier
gauguin/98 -> gauguins
glaswegian/98 -> glaswegians
goethe/98 -> goethes
guardsman/98 -> guardsmen
harmonization/98 -> harmonizations
hybridize/98 -> hybridized,hybridizing,hybridizes
impeachment/98 -> impeachments
introvert/98 -> introverted,introverts
jonah/98 -> jonahs
juggernaut/98 -> juggernauts
kafka/98 -> kafkas
karachi/98 -> karachis
koran/98 -> korans
lieutenant-colonel/98 -> lieutenant-colonels
locale/98 -> locales
mercurial/98 -> mercurials
mina/98 -> minas
mongol/98 -> mongols
moose/98 -> mooses
naff/98 -> naffed,naffest,naffs
nehru/98 -> nehrus
pantheon/98 -> pantheons
piste/98 -> pistes
pre-raphaelite/98 -> pre-raphaelites
prioress/98 -> prioresses
puny/98 -> punier,puniest
rearrang/98 -> rearranging
redness/98 -> rednesses
rewind/98 -> rewinding,rewinds,rewound
riga/98 -> rigas
rippling/98 -> ripplings
roper/98 -> ropers
roundel/98 -> roundels
scoreline/98 -> scorelines
sear/98 -> seared,searing,sears
sheraton/98 -> sheratons
skateboard/98 -> skateboarding,skateboards
slaughterhouse/98 -> slaughterhouses
splitting/98 -> splittings
springy/98 -> springier,springiest
studentship/98 -> studentships
summertime/98 -> summertimes
tassel/98 -> tassels,tasselled
tetra/98 -> tetras
tonga/98 -> tongas
touchy/98 -> touchier,touchiest
towelling/98 -> towellings
utilization/98 -> utilizations
velcro/98 -> velcroes
videodisc/98 -> videodiscs
vulgarity/98 -> vulgarities
weimar/98 -> weimars
whispering/98 -> whisperings
woolworth/98 -> woolworths
abbreviate/97 -> abbreviated,abbreviating,abbreviates
abscond/97 -> absconded,absconding,absconds
adder/97 -> adders
adsorption/97 -> adsorptions
anion/97 -> anions
bewitch/97 -> bewitched,bewitching,bewitches
blotch/97 -> blotches,blotched
caramel/97 -> caramels
clobber/97 -> clobbered,clobbering,clobbers
concussion/97 -> concussions
conundrum/97 -> conundrums
cornflour/97 -> cornflours
crib/97 -> cribs,cribbing,cribbed
cropping/97 -> croppings
cso/97 -> csos
cutler/97 -> cutlers
destabilise/97 -> destabilising,destabilised,destabilises
downpipe/97 -> downpipes
earldom/97 -> earldoms
eastman/97 -> eastmen
ex-husband/97 -> ex-husbands
fibroblast/97 -> fibroblasts
flagstone/97 -> flagstones
garnet/97 -> garnets
gaussian/97 -> gaussians
great-aunt/97 -> great-aunts
handrail/97 -> handrails
hispanic/97 -> hispanics
honeysuckle/97 -> honeysuckles
invisibility/97 -> invisibilities
invocation/97 -> invocations
islamabad/97 -> islamabads
jaunt/97 -> jaunts,jaunted,jaunting
kepler/97 -> keplers
knock-out/97 -> knock-outs
lawler/97 -> lawlers
link-up/97 -> link-ups
look-up/97 -> look-ups
marigold/97 -> marigolds
matinee/97 -> matinees
methodism/97 -> methodisms
mid-december/97 -> mid-decembers
mutilation/97 -> mutilations
parenthesis/97 -> parentheses
parser/97 -> parsers
pluto/97 -> plutoes
print-out/97 -> print-outs
ranitidine/97 -> ranitidines
reinsurance/97 -> reinsurances
renoir/97 -> renoirs
run-time/97 -> run-times
scamp/97 -> scamps
schiller/97 -> schillers
sellotape/97 -> sellotaped,sellotaping,sellotapes
serotonin/97 -> serotonins
sloth/97 -> sloths
stenosis/97 -> stenoses
sterilise/97 -> sterilised,sterilising,sterilises
supremo/97 -> supremos
tenerife/97 -> tenerifes
titanium/97 -> titaniums
togo/97 -> togoes
tumbling/97 -> tumblings
twang/97 -> twanging,twanged,twangs
tyrosine/97 -> tyrosines
unfasten/97 -> unfastened,unfastening,unfastens
urals/97 -> uralss
utrecht/97 -> utrechts
vellum/97 -> vellums
yielding/97 -> yieldings
accordion/96 -> accordions
alberta/96 -> albertas
alchemist/96 -> alchemists
appeasement/96 -> appeasements
arthritic/96 -> arthritics
asteroid/96 -> asteroids
boldness/96 -> boldnesses
brachiopod/96 -> brachiopods
brig/96 -> brigs,brigged
brogue/96 -> brogues
casement/96 -> casements
chauvinism/96 -> chauvinisms
chive/96 -> chives
choppy/96 -> choppier,choppiest
comptroller/96 -> comptrollers
conductance/96 -> conductances
congregationalist/96 -> congregationalists
cyrus/96 -> cyruss
dempsey/96 -> dempseys
denizen/96 -> denizens
derrick/96 -> derricks
dyslexic/96 -> dyslexics
ejaculation/96 -> ejaculations
eo/96 -> eos
evince/96 -> evinced,evinces,evincing
fortitude/96 -> fortitudes
frothy/96 -> frothiest,frothier
gamut/96 -> gamuts
gargoyle/96 -> gargoyles,gargoyled
grafting/96 -> graftings
grout/96 -> grouted,grouting,grouts
humbl/96 -> humbler,humblest
impregnate/96 -> impregnated,impregnating,impregnates
iniquity/96 -> iniquities
injector/96 -> injectors
interlocutor/96 -> interlocutors
investigating/96 -> investigatings
lard/96 -> larded,larding,lards
lasagne/96 -> lasagnes
latrine/96 -> latrines
lowther/96 -> lowthers
marginalize/96 -> marginalized,marginalizing,marginalizes
misnomer/96 -> misnomers
moldavian/96 -> moldavians
mucky/96 -> muckier,muckiest
outboard/96 -> outboards
ovulation/96 -> ovulations
pacemaker/96 -> pacemakers
pacifism/96 -> pacifisms
pansy/96 -> pansies,pansying
patronize/96 -> patronized,patronizing,patronizes
paxton/96 -> paxtons
pcp/96 -> pcps
pessimist/96 -> pessimists
plasterboard/96 -> plasterboards
preoccupy/96 -> preoccupied,preoccupying,preoccupies
pv/96 -> pvs
remonstrate/96 -> remonstrated,remonstrating,remonstrates
reynard/96 -> reynards
roadblock/96 -> roadblocks
saintly/96 -> saintliest,saintlier
salter/96 -> salters
saltire/96 -> saltires
saucy/96 -> sauciest,saucier
scaling/96 -> scalings
shite/96 -> shites
sinew/96 -> sinews,sinewed
soweto/96 -> sowetoes
suckle/96 -> suckling,suckled,suckles
suss/96 -> sussed,sussing,susses
t-cell/96 -> t-cells
taffeta/96 -> taffetas
teacup/96 -> teacups
toaster/96 -> toasters
tobago/96 -> tobagoes
toggle/96 -> toggles,toggled,toggling
valour/96 -> valours
watergate/96 -> watergates
woodcut/96 -> woodcuts,woodcutting
zander/96 -> zandering
adapter/95 -> adapters
agonist/95 -> agonists
alm/95 -> alms
alphanumeric/95 -> alphanumerics
amino-acid/95 -> amino-acids
annotate/95 -> annotated,annotating,annotates
archetype/95 -> archetypes
aswan/95 -> aswans
authoritarianism/95 -> authoritarianisms
beauchamp/95 -> beauchamps
bedevil/95 -> bedevilled,bedevils,bedevilling
biodiversity/95 -> biodiversities
car-park/95 -> car-parks
carnelian/95 -> carnelians
compendium/95 -> compendia,compendiums
constructor/95 -> constructors
crampon/95 -> crampons,cramponed
cyanide/95 -> cyaniding
diphtheria/95 -> diphtherias
dizziness/95 -> dizzinesses
doodle/95 -> doodles,doodling,doodled
doomed/95 -> doomeds
dowager/95 -> dowagers
drapery/95 -> draperies
equine/95 -> equines
ethylene/95 -> ethylenes
extinguisher/95 -> extinguishers
fatherland/95 -> fatherlands
footswitch/95 -> footswitches,footswitching
fuji/95 -> fujis
giro/95 -> giros
good-bye/95 -> good-byes
half-back/95 -> half-backs
half-day/95 -> half-days
hamer/95 -> hamers
hobart/95 -> hobarts
impute/95 -> imputed,imputing,imputes
incubus/95 -> incubi
jaundice/95 -> jaundicing,jaundices,jaundiced
localize/95 -> localized,localizing,localizes
locust/95 -> locusts
metabolite/95 -> metabolites
misfire/95 -> misfired,misfires,misfiring
newsprint/95 -> newsprints
nightie/95 -> nighties
notepad/95 -> notepads
pepsi/95 -> pepsis
plasticine/95 -> plasticines
polyurethane/95 -> polyurethanes
profane/95 -> profaned,profaning,profanes
ptolemy/95 -> ptolemies,ptolemys
puffy/95 -> puffier,puffiest
reappoint/95 -> reappointed,reappointing,reappoints
recline/95 -> reclining,reclined,reclines
reconsideration/95 -> reconsiderations
reformulate/95 -> reformulated,reformulating,reformulates
resettle/95 -> resettled,resettling,resettles
salvo/95 -> salvos,salvoes
scupper/95 -> scuppered,scuppering,scuppers
shading/95 -> shadings
shamrock/95 -> shamrocks
silicate/95 -> silicates
sociability/95 -> sociabilities
soliloquy/95 -> soliloquies
sphinx/95 -> sphinxes
squeaky/95 -> squeakies,squeakiest,squeakier
stewardess/95 -> stewardesses
swimming-pool/95 -> swimming-pools
taipei/95 -> taipeis
tajikistan/95 -> tajikistans
tapping/95 -> tappings
tatter/95 -> tatters,tattering
taxman/95 -> taxmen
toothache/95 -> toothaches
truism/95 -> truisms
tyndale/95 -> tyndales
unty/95 -> untied,untying,unties
vc/95 -> vcs
vestibule/95 -> vestibules,vestibuled
wing-tip/95 -> wing-tips
abattoir/94 -> abattoirs
artiste/94 -> artistes
atheism/94 -> atheisms
bougainville/94 -> bougainvilles
broadsheet/94 -> broadsheets
carousel/94 -> carousels
categorization/94 -> categorizations
clift/94 -> clifts
conservator/94 -> conservators
corgi/94 -> corgis
curdle/94 -> curdled,curdling,curdles
demote/94 -> demoted,demoting,demotes
draughty/94 -> draughtiest,draughtier
duality/94 -> dualities
duomo/94 -> duomoes
dusky/94 -> duskier,duskiest
easement/94 -> easements
ejection/94 -> ejections
estoppel/94 -> estoppels
extremism/94 -> extremisms
eyesore/94 -> eyesores
fielder/94 -> fielders
fjord/94 -> fjords
galbraith/94 -> galbraiths
garfield/94 -> garfields
gestapo/94 -> gestapoes
gingerbread/94 -> gingerbreads
gladiator/94 -> gladiators
grass-root/94 -> grass-roots
gunpoint/94 -> gunpoints
haitian/94 -> haitians
hand-out/94 -> hand-outs
headboard/94 -> headboards
headship/94 -> headships
hornet/94 -> hornets
incarnate/94 -> incarnated,incarnates,incarnating
inductivist/94 -> inductivists
internet/94 -> internets
intoxicate/94 -> intoxicated,intoxicating,intoxicates
irreverent/94 -> irreverents
kahn/94 -> kahns
lambing/94 -> lambings
leaking/94 -> leakings
lectern/94 -> lecterns
libby/94 -> libbies
librarianship/94 -> librarianships
loam/94 -> loams
marinade/94 -> marinading,marinades,marinaded
matchbox/94 -> matchboxes
microchip/94 -> microchips
mineworker/94 -> mineworkers
misinterpretation/94 -> misinterpretations
montfort/94 -> montforts
nazism/94 -> nazisms
neumann/94 -> neumanns
noticeboard/94 -> noticeboards
parasol/94 -> parasols
pressurise/94 -> pressurised,pressurising,pressurises
prong/94 -> prongs
raj/94 -> rajs
rathbone/94 -> rathbones
sax/94 -> saxes
shirk/94 -> shirking,shirked,shirks
silurian/94 -> silurians
situationist/94 -> situationists
solemnity/94 -> solemnities
stamping/94 -> stampings
stepson/94 -> stepsons
storeroom/94 -> storerooms
suburbia/94 -> suburbias
surly/94 -> surlier,surliest
swatch/94 -> swatches
tandy/94 -> tandies
tanganyika/94 -> tanganyikas
urea/94 -> ureas
urinate/94 -> urinating,urinated,urinates
virgo/94 -> virgoes
vo/94 -> vos
whir/94 -> whirring,whirred,whirs
'un/93 -> 'uns
adopter/93 -> adopters
announcer/93 -> announcers
artistry/93 -> artistries
batt/93 -> batts,battting
beefy/93 -> beefier,beefiest
bollard/93 -> bollards
cadillac/93 -> cadillacs
campion/93 -> campions
cannibal/93 -> cannibals
chevron/93 -> chevrons,chevroned
cinder/93 -> cinders,cindered
clydesdale/93 -> clydesdales
co-worker/93 -> co-workers
commuting/93 -> commutings
coronet/93 -> coronets
crispy/93 -> crispies,crispiest,crispier
cyst/93 -> cysts
decompression/93 -> decompressions
decorum/93 -> decorums
devotional/93 -> devotionals
diagnostics/93 -> diagnosticss
downland/93 -> downlands
epstein/93 -> epsteins
excommunicate/93 -> excommunicated,excommunicating,excommunicates
fanaticism/93 -> fanaticisms
fertilise/93 -> fertilised,fertilises,fertilising
finnan/93 -> finnans
freshen/93 -> freshened,freshening,freshens
gabble/93 -> gabbled,gabbling,gabbles
gaskell/93 -> gaskells
great-uncle/93 -> great-uncles
guilloche/93 -> guilloches
gymnastics/93 -> gymnasticss
ill-treatment/93 -> ill-treatments
inquisitor/93 -> inquisitors
insinuate/93 -> insinuating,insinuated,insinuates
iso/93 -> isos
kuomintang/93 -> kuomintangs
lech/93 -> leching
left-hander/93 -> left-handers
lobbyist/93 -> lobbyists
major-general/93 -> major-generals
merchandising/93 -> merchandisings
mid-march/93 -> mid-marches
mid-october/93 -> mid-octobers
mnemonic/93 -> mnemonics
modality/93 -> modalities
mol/93 -> mols
morel/93 -> morels
ne/93 -> nes
numbness/93 -> numbnesses
nutritionist/93 -> nutritionists
otis/93 -> otiss
over-react/93 -> over-reacting,over-reacted
personification/93 -> personifications
pinewood/93 -> pinewoods
pittance/93 -> pittances
poitiers/93 -> poitierss
predicative/93 -> predicatives
pur/93 -> purring
pusher/93 -> pushers
pushkin/93 -> pushkins
recuperate/93 -> recuperating,recuperated,recuperates
resuspend/93 -> resuspended,resuspending
rpi/93 -> rpis
rulebook/93 -> rulebooks
signora/93 -> signoras
signorina/93 -> signorinas
sos/93 -> soss
stash/93 -> stashed,stashing,stashes
stat/93 -> stats
take-away/93 -> take-aways
tasmania/93 -> tasmanias
taster/93 -> tasters
thymocyte/93 -> thymocytes
tunisian/93 -> tunisians
upstart/93 -> upstarts
urethra/93 -> urethras
vandalise/93 -> vandalised,vandalising
vilnius/93 -> vilniuss
wicketkeeper/93 -> wicketkeepers
workbench/93 -> workbenches
workroom/93 -> workrooms
abrogate/92 -> abrogated,abrogating,abrogates
addendum/92 -> addendums,addenda
albatross/92 -> albatrosses
bencher/92 -> benchers
bending/92 -> bendings
berate/92 -> berated,berating,berates
breezy/92 -> breeziest,breezier
cadence/92 -> cadences
carcinogenic/92 -> carcinogenics
catcher/92 -> catchers
chauvinist/92 -> chauvinists
chug/92 -> chugged,chugging,chugs
cpe/92 -> cpes
crackling/92 -> cracklings
despotism/92 -> despotisms
diffraction/92 -> diffractions
dior/92 -> diors
disconcert/92 -> disconcerted,disconcerting,disconcerts
dissension/92 -> dissensions
endonuclease/92 -> endonucleases
fission/92 -> fissioning
furtherance/92 -> furtherances
gambia/92 -> gambias
gantry/92 -> gantries
get-together/92 -> get-togethers
half-sister/92 -> half-sisters
headstone/92 -> headstones
homecoming/92 -> homecomings
iconography/92 -> iconographies
il/92 -> ils
indefinable/92 -> indefinables
inoculation/92 -> inoculations
itchy/92 -> itchiest
ladybird/92 -> ladybirds
laminate/92 -> laminates,laminated,laminating
lauder/92 -> lauders
legionnaire/92 -> legionnaires
legitimise/92 -> legitimising,legitimised,legitimises
mainline/92 -> mainlining,mainlines,mainlined
malamute/92 -> malamutes
meaty/92 -> meatier,meatiest
mid-november/92 -> mid-novembers
mispricing/92 -> mispricings
mix-up/92 -> mix-ups
mongrel/92 -> mongrels
monopolise/92 -> monopolised,monopolising,monopolises
muttering/92 -> mutterings
naseby/92 -> nasebies
outpouring/92 -> outpourings
palliative/92 -> palliatives
paratrooper/92 -> paratroopers
pearly/92 -> pearliest
pipit/92 -> pipits
plating/92 -> platings
pushy/92 -> pushiest,pushier
ravenna/92 -> ravennas
retard/92 -> retarded,retarding,retards
ruhr/92 -> ruhrs
sallow/92 -> sallows,sallower,sallowest
sauvignon/92 -> sauvignons
sedation/92 -> sedations
semiotic/92 -> semiotics
sigmoid/92 -> sigmoids
spectrometer/92 -> spectrometers
spitting/92 -> spittings
storyteller/92 -> storytellers
stratigraphy/92 -> stratigraphies
swaziland/92 -> swazilands
tightrope/92 -> tightropes,tightroped
tribulation/92 -> tribulations
twiddle/92 -> twiddling,twiddled,twiddles
underpinning/92 -> underpinnings
unpleasantness/92 -> unpleasantnesses
waltze/92 -> waltzed,waltzes,waltzing
whistler/92 -> whistlers
ail/91 -> ails,ailed,ailing
annotation/91 -> annotations
armagnac/91 -> armagnacs
attender/91 -> attenders
behead/91 -> beheaded,beheading,beheads
benefice/91 -> benefices,beneficed,beneficing
blocker/91 -> blockers
bridleway/91 -> bridleways
candour/91 -> candours
chico/91 -> chicoes
corrode/91 -> corroded,corrodes,corroding
corticosteroid/91 -> corticosteroids
darkening/91 -> darkenings
dartmouth/91 -> dartmouths
destabilize/91 -> destabilizing,destabilized,destabilizes
dijon/91 -> dijons
dressage/91 -> dressages
drool/91 -> drooling,drooled,drools
enquirer/91 -> enquirers
entanglement/91 -> entanglements
ethologist/91 -> ethologists
farthing/91 -> farthings
figurehead/91 -> figureheads
fuchsia/91 -> fuchsias
fugue/91 -> fugues
fungicide/91 -> fungicides
gallantry/91 -> gallantries
genet/91 -> genets
half-century/91 -> half-centuries
halloween/91 -> halloweens
hindi/91 -> hindis
humbug/91 -> humbugs,humbugged,humbugging
hyperbole/91 -> hyperboles
hypothermia/91 -> hypothermias
hysterectomy/91 -> hysterectomies
indentation/91 -> indentations
isoform/91 -> isoforms
jerky/91 -> jerkier,jerkiest
kleinwort/91 -> kleinworts
lcd/91 -> lcds
leeway/91 -> leeways
linseed/91 -> linseeds
locomotion/91 -> locomotions
lop/91 -> lopped,lopping,lops
mccormick/91 -> mccormicks
noose/91 -> nooses,noosed
northerner/91 -> northerners
objectification/91 -> objectifications
opiate/91 -> opiates
partisanship/91 -> partisanships
pectoral/91 -> pectorals
pgce/91 -> pgces
polaroid/91 -> polaroids
preen/91 -> preening,preened,preens
puffing/91 -> puffings
radionuclide/91 -> radionuclides
raindrop/91 -> raindrops
ratchet/91 -> ratchets
redraw/91 -> redrawn,redrawing,redraws
runny/91 -> runnier,runniest
seer/91 -> seers
serra/91 -> serras
seven-day/91 -> seven-days
sexton/91 -> sextons
slat/91 -> slats
sparring/91 -> sparrings
subclass/91 -> subclasses
sup/91 -> supping,supped,sups
tao/91 -> taos
thumping/91 -> thumpings
torchlight/91 -> torchlights
toughen/91 -> toughened,toughening,toughens
transposition/91 -> transpositions
tubby/91 -> tubbier,tubbies,tubbiest
tumult/91 -> tumults
vaulting/91 -> vaultings
visualization/91 -> visualizations
woodworm/91 -> woodworms
yachtsman/91 -> yachtsmen
aftershave/90 -> aftershaves,aftershaved
airspeed/90 -> airspeeds
antenna/90 -> antennas,antennae
approver/90 -> approvers
barmy/90 -> barmier,barmiest
bateson/90 -> batesons
beagle/90 -> beagles,beagling
blender/90 -> blenders
calico/90 -> calicos
centralize/90 -> centralized,centralizing,centralizes
cincinnati/90 -> cincinnatis
commode/90 -> commodes
comp/90 -> comps,comping
conduction/90 -> conductions
conjugal/90 -> conjugals
cortes/90 -> cortess
diction/90 -> dictions
dietrich/90 -> dietriches
dissipation/90 -> dissipations
downside/90 -> downsides
drudgery/90 -> drudgeries
embezzlement/90 -> embezzlements
endothelium/90 -> endotheliums
eritrean/90 -> eritreans
exorcise/90 -> exorcised,exorcising,exorcises
expansionist/90 -> expansionists
fastening/90 -> fastenings
femur/90 -> femurs,femora
frye/90 -> fryes
guggenheim/90 -> guggenheims
handheld/90 -> handhelds
haworth/90 -> haworths
headroom/90 -> headrooms
hermes/90 -> hermess
hijacker/90 -> hijackers
hogarth/90 -> hogarths
hrt/90 -> hrts
hypertensive/90 -> hypertensives
immutable/90 -> immutables
incision/90 -> incisions
incubator/90 -> incubators
jakobson/90 -> jakobsons
lesbianism/90 -> lesbianisms
lusaka/90 -> lusakas
maison/90 -> maisons
maladministration/90 -> maladministrations
manger/90 -> mangers
marge/90 -> marges
masonic/90 -> masonics
maypole/90 -> maypoles
mechanisation/90 -> mechanisations
misappropriation/90 -> misappropriations
motivating/90 -> motivatings
mri/90 -> mris
myrtle/90 -> myrtles
nothingness/90 -> nothingnesses
npa/90 -> npas
nw/90 -> nws
palermo/90 -> palermoes
papilla/90 -> papillas
pasty/90 -> pasties,pastier,pastiest
popularise/90 -> popularised,popularising
postlethwaite/90 -> postlethwaites
re-establishment/90 -> re-establishments
revalue/90 -> revalued,revaluing,revalues
reverberation/90 -> reverberations
ridgeway/90 -> ridgeways
roundhouse/90 -> roundhouses
sachet/90 -> sachets
sceptre/90 -> sceptres
schoenberg/90 -> schoenbergs
schopenhauer/90 -> schopenhauers
schumann/90 -> schumanns
scrappy/90 -> scrappier,scrappies,scrappiest
scrubbing/90 -> scrubbings
seeking/90 -> seekings
silo/90 -> silos
slavonic/90 -> slavonics
soundness/90 -> soundnesses
sporty/90 -> sportier,sportiest
sprain/90 -> sprained,sprains,spraining
stipend/90 -> stipends
suffocation/90 -> suffocations
symphonic/90 -> symphonics
teal/90 -> teals
tipple/90 -> tippling,tipples,tippled
torturer/90 -> torturers
townspeople/90 -> townspeoples
trumper/90 -> trumpers
two-seater/90 -> two-seaters
underdog/90 -> underdogs
vehemence/90 -> vehemences
verifier/90 -> verifiers
walkabout/90 -> walkabouts
wank/90 -> wanking,wanked,wanks
yob/90 -> yobs
aberrant/89 -> aberrants
amputation/89 -> amputations
ange/89 -> anged
arsehole/89 -> arseholes,arseholed
blanch/89 -> blanched,blanching,blanches
bludgeon/89 -> bludgeoned,bludgeoning,bludgeons
booe/89 -> booed
buzzing/89 -> buzzings
byzantium/89 -> byzantiums
cabernet/89 -> cabernets
cipher/89 -> ciphers,ciphered
cleanser/89 -> cleansers
collectivist/89 -> collectivists
commercialism/89 -> commercialisms
congruence/89 -> congruences
cranny/89 -> crannies
crossbar/89 -> crossbars
czechoslovakian/89 -> czechoslovakians
decoding/89 -> decodings
defile/89 -> defiled,defiling,defiles
dimity/89 -> dimities
disclaim/89 -> disclaimed,disclaiming,disclaims
dorn/89 -> dorning
emery/89 -> emeries
ephemera/89 -> ephemeras
fallout/89 -> fallouts
hb/89 -> hbs
hearten/89 -> heartened,heartens,heartening
helice/89 -> helices
hellenic/89 -> hellenics
hippocampus/89 -> hippocampuss
immovable/89 -> immovables
interlink/89 -> interlinked,interlinking,interlinks
invariable/89 -> invariables
jobson/89 -> jobsons
kray/89 -> krays
leniency/89 -> leniencies
lifeguard/89 -> lifeguards,lifeguarding
lozenge/89 -> lozenges
marsupial/89 -> marsupials
mid-july/89 -> mid-julies
mini-bar/89 -> mini-bars
minutia/89 -> minutiae
non-specialist/89 -> non-specialists
npc/89 -> npcs
parlance/89 -> parlances
peal/89 -> peals,pealed,pealing
perplexity/89 -> perplexities
personage/89 -> personages
polarize/89 -> polarized,polarizing,polarizes
precipice/89 -> precipices
psychopath/89 -> psychopaths
regalia/89 -> regalias
salamanca/89 -> salamancas
satchel/89 -> satchels
servile/89 -> serviles
sian/89 -> sians
skein/89 -> skeins
specmark/89 -> specmarks
spiritualist/89 -> spiritualists
stalker/89 -> stalkers
supernova/89 -> supernovas
theta/89 -> thetas
touchstone/89 -> touchstones
transgene/89 -> transgenes
trifling/89 -> triflings
trite/89 -> tritest
underscore/89 -> underscored,underscores,underscoring
vertigo/89 -> vertigos
yahweh/89 -> yahwehs
afforestation/88 -> afforestations
agitator/88 -> agitators
aliquot/88 -> aliquots
appleton/88 -> appletons
atoll/88 -> atolls
awhile/88 -> awhiles
back-to-back/88 -> back-to-backs
baritone/88 -> baritones
becket/88 -> beckets
bleat/88 -> bleating,bleated,bleats
blotting/88 -> blottings
bobbin/88 -> bobbins
brandenburg/88 -> brandenburgs
chanson/88 -> chansons
classicism/88 -> classicisms
claudius/88 -> claudiuss
cockerel/88 -> cockerels
comm/88 -> comms
conceptualise/88 -> conceptualised,conceptualising,conceptualises
crowning/88 -> crownings
dace/88 -> daces
daedalus/88 -> daedaluss
deserter/88 -> deserters
discharger/88 -> dischargers
dismember/88 -> dismembered,dismembering,dismembers
emir/88 -> emirs
ensconce/88 -> ensconced,ensconces,ensconcing
excavator/88 -> excavators
fall-out/88 -> fall-outs
fatima/88 -> fatimas
finder/88 -> finders
four-poster/88 -> four-posters
haemophiliac/88 -> haemophiliacs
hanker/88 -> hankered,hankering,hankers
impersonation/88 -> impersonations
irresponsibility/88 -> irresponsibilities
kilowatt/88 -> kilowatts
lbw/88 -> lbws
legation/88 -> legations
liszt/88 -> liszts
ln/88 -> lner
manhole/88 -> manholes
michaelmas/88 -> michaelmass
minicomputer/88 -> minicomputers
minuet/88 -> minuets
mirrore/88 -> mirroring
obstetrician/88 -> obstetricians
patina/88 -> patinas
pejorative/88 -> pejoratives
psycho/88 -> psychos
ransome/88 -> ransomed,ransoming
recyclable/88 -> recyclables
refutation/88 -> refutations
resonate/88 -> resonates,resonated,resonating
rewrit/88 -> rewriting
russet/88 -> russets
sclerose/88 -> sclerosing,scleroses
scrol/88 -> scrolled,scrolling
scrummage/88 -> scrummaging,scrummages,scrummaged
secede/88 -> seceded,seceding,secedes
signified/88 -> signifieds
stasis/88 -> stases
statuary/88 -> statuaries
suntan/88 -> suntanned,suntans,suntanning
suppleness/88 -> supplenesses
troublemaker/88 -> troublemakers
twat/88 -> twats,twatted
typhoid/88 -> typhoids
unseat/88 -> unseated,unseating,unseats
usaf/88 -> usafs
wile/88 -> wiles,wiling,wiled
wispy/88 -> wispiest
wrasse/88 -> wrasses
accost/87 -> accosted,accosting,accosts
arsonist/87 -> arsonists
brill/87 -> brills
catalyse/87 -> catalysed,catalyses,catalysing
childminder/87 -> childminders
confluence/87 -> confluences
constriction/87 -> constrictions
cowl/87 -> cowls,cowled
curler/87 -> curlers
decanter/87 -> decanters
defrost/87 -> defrosting,defrosted,defrosts
dog-whelk/87 -> dog-whelks
dud/87 -> duds,dudding
ellison/87 -> ellisons
emf/87 -> emfs
enclosing/87 -> enclosings
enjoin/87 -> enjoined,enjoining,enjoins
erasmus/87 -> erasmuss
fastener/87 -> fasteners
fester/87 -> festering,festered,festers
frick/87 -> fricks
geneticist/87 -> geneticists
gild/87 -> gilding,gilded,gilds,gilt
goalscorer/87 -> goalscorers
googol/87 -> googols
greatcoat/87 -> greatcoats
guthrie/87 -> guthries
handover/87 -> handovers
hessian/87 -> hessians
honor/87 -> honors,honoring,honored
hybridise/87 -> hybridised,hybridising,hybridises
idyll/87 -> idylls
iga/87 -> igas
indoctrination/87 -> indoctrinations
mallory/87 -> mallorys
marginalise/87 -> marginalised,marginalises,marginalising
maugham/87 -> maughams
mid-february/87 -> mid-februaries
minneapolis/87 -> minneapoliss
muffin/87 -> muffins
multi-processor/87 -> multi-processors
mutilate/87 -> mutilated,mutilating,mutilates
nosey/87 -> noseyed
o'keeffe/87 -> o'keeffes
one-parent/87 -> one-parents
orang/87 -> orangs
parmesan/87 -> parmesans
parsnip/87 -> parsnips
particulate/87 -> particulates
petra/87 -> petras
petrel/87 -> petrels
plaice/87 -> plaices
plop/87 -> plopped,plopping,plops
posy/87 -> posies
pre-date/87 -> pre-dated,pre-dates,pre-dating
prognostic/87 -> prognostics
renown/87 -> renowns
right-on/87 -> right-ons
riyadh/87 -> riyadhs
sandbag/87 -> sandbags,sandbagged,sandbagging
seashore/87 -> seashores
seatbelt/87 -> seatbelts
snowman/87 -> snowmen
spool/87 -> spools,spooled,spooling
swoon/87 -> swooned,swooning,swoons
tampon/87 -> tampons
taverna/87 -> tavernas
three-quarter/87 -> three-quarters
titian/87 -> titians
tosh/87 -> toshes
totalization/87 -> totalizations
tripos/87 -> triposs
triton/87 -> tritons
underpart/87 -> underparts
uneasiness/87 -> uneasinesses
unmask/87 -> unmasked,unmasking,unmasks
untouchable/87 -> untouchables
valet/87 -> valets
venezia/87 -> venezias
vitiate/87 -> vitiated,vitiates,vitiating
viva/87 -> vivas
volleyball/87 -> volleyballs
zeno/87 -> zenoes
abeyance/86 -> abeyances
adduct/86 -> adducts,adducted,adducting
alacrity/86 -> alacrities
alertness/86 -> alertnesses
antagonise/86 -> antagonising,antagonised,antagonises
apologist/86 -> apologists
ardour/86 -> ardours
arthropod/86 -> arthropods
bandy/86 -> bandied,bandying,bandies
beehive/86 -> beehives
bisexual/86 -> bisexuals
blurring/86 -> blurrings
bodywork/86 -> bodyworks
boob/86 -> boobs,boobed,boobing
bookshelve/86 -> bookshelves
bracing/86 -> bracings
carrion/86 -> carrions
castration/86 -> castrations
cathode/86 -> cathodes
damask/86 -> damasks
domingo/86 -> domingoes
elongation/86 -> elongations
engraver/86 -> engravers
excellency/86 -> excellencies
exigency/86 -> exigencies
exterminate/86 -> exterminated,exterminating,exterminates
favor/86 -> favors
firepower/86 -> firepowers
fluttering/86 -> flutterings
foreshore/86 -> foreshores
forestal/86 -> forestalled,forestalling
garret/86 -> garrets
grainger/86 -> graingers
gripe/86 -> gripes,griping,griped
guffaw/86 -> guffaws,guffawed,guffawing
harvester/86 -> harvesters
homo/86 -> homos
horus/86 -> horuss
hosiery/86 -> hosieries
hydroxyl/86 -> hydroxyls
immobilise/86 -> immobilised,immobilising,immobilises
karaoke/86 -> karaokes
kathmandu/86 -> kathmandus
ketchup/86 -> ketchups,ketchup
kirkwood/86 -> kirkwoods
lumbering/86 -> lumberings
lunacy/86 -> lunacies
mailer/86 -> mailers
maisonette/86 -> maisonettes
mesopotamia/86 -> mesopotamias
metamorphose/86 -> metamorphosed,metamorphoses,metamorphosing
mica/86 -> micas
monopolize/86 -> monopolized,monopolizes,monopolizing
nugget/86 -> nuggets
o-level/86 -> o-levels
oklahoma/86 -> oklahomas
oppressor/86 -> oppressors
overwork/86 -> overworked,overworking,overworks
paramedic/86 -> paramedics
pediment/86 -> pediments
pin-up/86 -> pin-ups
poisson/86 -> poissons
polarise/86 -> polarised,polarising,polarises
popularize/86 -> popularized,popularizing,popularizes
psychoanalyst/86 -> psychoanalysts
radioimmunoassay/86 -> radioimmunoassays
rattling/86 -> rattlings
raving/86 -> ravings
recessive/86 -> recessives
returner/86 -> returners
scuff/86 -> scuffed,scuffing,scuffs
self-assessment/86 -> self-assessments
semaphore/86 -> semaphores,semaphoring,semaphored
set-piece/86 -> set-pieces
shush/86 -> shushed,shushing,shushes
siamese/86 -> siamesed,siamese
skimmer/86 -> skimmers
spunk/86 -> spunking
stagnate/86 -> stagnated,stagnating,stagnates
strapping/86 -> strappings
suffragette/86 -> suffragettes
talisman/86 -> talismans,talismen
undoing/86 -> undoings
whey/86 -> wheys
wildcat/86 -> wildcats,wildcatting
yow/86 -> yowing
zap/86 -> zapped,zapping,zaps
zeolite/86 -> zeolites
armful/85 -> armfuls
aspirate/85 -> aspirated,aspirates,aspirating
augmentation/85 -> augmentations
barrymore/85 -> barrymores
bib/85 -> bibs,bibbed,bibbing
biplane/85 -> biplanes
bromide/85 -> bromides
cach/85 -> caches,cached,caching
cdc/85 -> cdcs
centre-forward/85 -> centre-forwards
certiorari/85 -> certioraris
chalky/85 -> chalkier,chalkiest
civility/85 -> civilities
clematis/85 -> clematiss
com/85 -> comming,coms
concoction/85 -> concoctions
conquering/85 -> conquerings
cormorant/85 -> cormorants
cud/85 -> cuds
cupola/85 -> cupolas
cytochrome/85 -> cytochromes
decry/85 -> decried,decrying,decries
disappeared/85 -> disappeareds
disequilibrium/85 -> disequilibriums
displease/85 -> displeased,displeasing,displeases
donne/85 -> donnes
driftwood/85 -> driftwoods
endearment/85 -> endearments
estimator/85 -> estimators
expropriation/85 -> expropriations
gooseneck/85 -> goosenecks
grasshopper/85 -> grasshoppers,grasshoppered
greaves/85 -> greavess
handiwork/85 -> handiworks
hepworth/85 -> hepworths
hock/85 -> hocks,hocking,hocked
horny/85 -> horniest,hornier
hostelry/85 -> hostelries
ilk/85 -> ilks
incarcerate/85 -> incarcerated,incarcerating,incarcerates
jute/85 -> jutes
kaunda/85 -> kaundas
kip/85 -> kipping,kipped,kips
kitchenette/85 -> kitchenettes
korda/85 -> kordas
lawnmower/85 -> lawnmowers
liechtenstein/85 -> liechtensteins
lite/85 -> lites
locket/85 -> lockets
machination/85 -> machinations
mendel/85 -> mendels
misbehave/85 -> misbehaving,misbehaved,misbehaves
modifier/85 -> modifiers
non-christian/85 -> non-christians
officiate/85 -> officiated,officiating,officiates
orf/85 -> orfs
orthogonal/85 -> orthogonals
overheat/85 -> overheating,overheated,overheats
physiologist/85 -> physiologists
pique/85 -> piqued,piques,piquing
placenta/85 -> placentas
postpon/85 -> postponing
pox/85 -> poxed,pox
punctuality/85 -> punctualities
rallying/85 -> rallyings
reactivate/85 -> reactivated,reactivating,reactivates
redford/85 -> redfords
replete/85 -> repletes
rustling/85 -> rustlings
self-appraisal/85 -> self-appraisals
sidekick/85 -> sidekicks
snooze/85 -> snoozing,snoozed,snoozes
spycatcher/85 -> spycatchers
staid/85 -> staider
stampede/85 -> stampeded,stampeding,stampedes
synchronise/85 -> synchronised,synchronising,synchronises
talker/85 -> talkers
thallium/85 -> thalliums
ticking/85 -> tickings
tracery/85 -> traceried,traceries
trigram/85 -> trigrams
wreathe/85 -> wreathed,wreathes,wreathing
wrongdoing/85 -> wrongdoings
wuther/85 -> wuthering
aaa/84 -> aaas
aeon/84 -> aeons
airlock/84 -> airlocks
apis/84 -> apiss
argus/84 -> arguss
arpeggio/84 -> arpeggios
aviary/84 -> aviaries
backtrack/84 -> backtracking,backtracked,backtracks
baddy/84 -> baddies
blacklist/84 -> blacklisted,blacklisting,blacklists
bm/84 -> bms
buggery/84 -> buggeries
carlyle/84 -> carlyles
cary/84 -> caried
cheering/84 -> cheerings
co-author/84 -> co-authors
colectomy/84 -> colectomies
colette/84 -> colettes
covete/84 -> coveted,coveting
crispin/84 -> crispins
damper/84 -> dampers
dead-end/84 -> dead-ends
decentralise/84 -> decentralised,decentralising
decoder/84 -> decoders
despondency/84 -> despondencies
dispossess/84 -> dispossessed,dispossessing,dispossesses
dystrophy/84 -> dystrophies
easterly/84 -> easterlies
emulator/84 -> emulators
felony/84 -> felonies
fertilize/84 -> fertilized,fertilizing,fertilizes
finery/84 -> fineries
fistula/84 -> fistulas
flounce/84 -> flounced,flounces,flouncing
footman/84 -> footmen
gambit/84 -> gambits
garrick/84 -> garricks
gracie/84 -> gracies
gravitate/84 -> gravitated,gravitating,gravitates
guerilla/84 -> guerillas
half-year/84 -> half-years
hammering/84 -> hammerings
hanoverian/84 -> hanoverians
harbinger/84 -> harbingers
hippo/84 -> hippos
hutch/84 -> hutches,hutched
illegitimacy/84 -> illegitimacies
imminence/84 -> imminences
immobility/84 -> immobilities
indochina/84 -> indochinas
inventiveness/84 -> inventivenesses
jellyfish/84 -> jellyfishes,jellyfish
khedive/84 -> khedives
kitsch/84 -> kitsches
kruger/84 -> krugers
lateran/84 -> laterans
lather/84 -> lathered,lathers,lathering
laureate/84 -> laureates
lawlessness/84 -> lawlessnesses
lemming/84 -> lemmings
lochan/84 -> lochans
long-suffering/84 -> long-sufferings
love-making/84 -> love-makings
luminosity/84 -> luminosities
manners/84 -> mannerss
microlight/84 -> microlights
mid-august/84 -> mid-augusts
monstrosity/84 -> monstrosities
narcissism/84 -> narcissisms
nicholl/84 -> nicholls
obsolescence/84 -> obsolescences
opal/84 -> opals
poitou/84 -> poitous
quadratic/84 -> quadratics
rabble/84 -> rabbles
redefinition/84 -> redefinitions
redraft/84 -> redrafting,redrafted,redrafts
reposition/84 -> repositioned,repositioning,repositions
reyburn/84 -> reyburns
rhodesian/84 -> rhodesians
rumbold/84 -> rumbolds
sabbatical/84 -> sabbaticals
scruff/84 -> scruffs,scruffing,scruffed
seamer/84 -> seamers
skylark/84 -> skylarks,skylarking
spearman/84 -> spearmen
speedboat/84 -> speedboats
stalinism/84 -> stalinisms
stilton/84 -> stiltons
threshing/84 -> threshings
tic/84 -> tics
tritium/84 -> tritiums
tunney/84 -> tunneys
usurpation/84 -> usurpations
volition/84 -> volitions
wh/84 -> whed
whorl/84 -> whorls,whorled
windsurf/84 -> windsurfing
zoser/84 -> zosers
abut/83 -> abutting,abuts,abutted
anatolia/83 -> anatolias
backwardness/83 -> backwardnesses
behaviourism/83 -> behaviourisms
benelux/83 -> beneluxes
bigotry/83 -> bigotries
bonaparte/83 -> bonapartes
briar/83 -> briars
checker/83 -> checkers,checkered
cheesecake/83 -> cheesecakes
clef/83 -> clefs
copernicus/83 -> copernicuss
cupid/83 -> cupids
cuzco/83 -> cuzcoes
cytology/83 -> cytologies
deafen/83 -> deafened,deafening,deafens
diall/83 -> dialling
disunity/83 -> disunities
divorcee/83 -> divorcees
dolomite/83 -> dolomites
doughty/83 -> doughtiest,doughtier
dredger/83 -> dredgers
duplicity/83 -> duplicities
edn/83 -> edns
emile/83 -> emiles
esprit/83 -> esprits
excommunication/83 -> excommunications
falstaff/83 -> falstaffs
hangman/83 -> hangmen
hatter/83 -> hatters
heterosexuality/83 -> heterosexualities
hire-purchase/83 -> hire-purchases
hobbit/83 -> hobbits
hypothesize/83 -> hypothesized,hypothesizing,hypothesizes
inter-relationship/83 -> inter-relationships
intoxication/83 -> intoxications
jewry/83 -> jewries
joachim/83 -> joachims
landau/83 -> landaus
layering/83 -> layerings
libra/83 -> libras
machair/83 -> machairs
nebula/83 -> nebulae,nebulas
newsreel/83 -> newsreels
non-diabetic/83 -> non-diabetics
occlusion/83 -> occlusions
papyrus/83 -> papyri,papyruses
paraprofessional/83 -> paraprofessionals
prehistory/83 -> prehistories
pygmy/83 -> pygmies
quinine/83 -> quinines
re-examination/83 -> re-examinations
re-issue/83 -> re-issued,re-issues,re-issuing
restaurateur/83 -> restaurateurs
rolf/83 -> rolfing
ruffian/83 -> ruffians
shopfloor/83 -> shopfloors
skittle/83 -> skittles,skittled,skittling
snowflake/83 -> snowflakes
sportswear/83 -> sportswears
stratus/83 -> stratuss
stringency/83 -> stringencies
succour/83 -> succoured,succours,succouring
technocrat/83 -> technocrats
thickening/83 -> thickenings
tiff/83 -> tiffs
top-up/83 -> top-ups
triglyceride/83 -> triglycerides
ugandan/83 -> ugandans
uo/83 -> uos
uzbek/83 -> uzbeks
vagabond/83 -> vagabonds
virtuosity/83 -> virtuosities
wage-earner/83 -> wage-earners
aba/82 -> abas
acrobatic/82 -> acrobatics
adjuster/82 -> adjusters
aging/82 -> agings
airwave/82 -> airwaves
antiquary/82 -> antiquaries
artifice/82 -> artifices
bn/82 -> bns
brae/82 -> braes
butty/82 -> butties
calligraphy/82 -> calligraphies
candidature/82 -> candidatures
carn/82 -> carns
condor/82 -> condors
couture/82 -> coutures
croissant/82 -> croissants
cyclase/82 -> cyclases
deathbed/82 -> deathbeds
desertification/82 -> desertifications
df/82 -> dfs
dimple/82 -> dimples,dimpled,dimpling
double-decker/82 -> double-deckers
endometriosis/82 -> endometrioses
equanimity/82 -> equanimities
feldspar/82 -> feldspars
fennel/82 -> fennels
fink/82 -> finks
floss/82 -> flossing,flossed
foolishness/82 -> foolishnesses
forefather/82 -> forefathers
fourier/82 -> fouriers
gage/82 -> gages
gout/82 -> gouts,gouted
hexagon/82 -> hexagons
hubbub/82 -> hubbubs
imagining/82 -> imaginings
indenture/82 -> indentures,indentured,indenturing
initiator/82 -> initiators
institutionalise/82 -> institutionalised,institutionalising,institutionalises
jitter/82 -> jitters,jittered
joining/82 -> joinings
justinian/82 -> justinians
kat/82 -> kats
knacker/82 -> knackers,knackered
laplace/82 -> laplaces
letterman/82 -> lettermen
lido/82 -> lidos
lubricate/82 -> lubricated,lubricating,lubricates
mechanization/82 -> mechanizations
middling/82 -> middlings
militarism/82 -> militarisms
minerva/82 -> minervas
needlework/82 -> needleworks
neoplasia/82 -> neoplasias
nutshell/82 -> nutshells
pater/82 -> paters
pile-up/82 -> pile-ups
revile/82 -> reviled,reviling,reviles
revocation/82 -> revocations
rossini/82 -> rossinis
sagittarius/82 -> sagittariuss
sari/82 -> saris
sark/82 -> sarking
self-reliance/82 -> self-reliances
sentencer/82 -> sentencers
sentinel/82 -> sentinels,sentinelled
sepsis/82 -> sepses
sideshow/82 -> sideshows
siesta/82 -> siestas
single-parent/82 -> single-parents
solvency/82 -> solvencies
spillover/82 -> spillovers
steeplechase/82 -> steeplechasing,steeplechases,steeplechased
stoker/82 -> stokers
subsoil/82 -> subsoils,subsoiling
subtype/82 -> subtypes
sympathizer/82 -> sympathizers
tannin/82 -> tannins
thinning/82 -> thinnings
tnf/82 -> tnfs
tracker/82 -> trackers
vastness/82 -> vastnesses
alchemy/81 -> alchemies
antagonize/81 -> antagonized,antagonizing,antagonizes
aplomb/81 -> aplombs
behavior/81 -> behaviors
brag/81 -> bragging,bragged,brags
calmness/81 -> calmnesses
campesino/81 -> campesinos
cash-flow/81 -> cash-flows
cellophane/81 -> cellophanes
clubhead/81 -> clubheads
corsica/81 -> corsicas
curtailment/81 -> curtailments
deface/81 -> defaced,defacing,defaces
demarcate/81 -> demarcated,demarcating,demarcates
drier/81 -> driers
eider/81 -> eiders
exec/81 -> execs
extractor/81 -> extractors
fap/81 -> faps
figment/81 -> figments
fishmonger/81 -> fishmongers
flogging/81 -> floggings
flysheet/81 -> flysheets
foist/81 -> foisted,foisting,foists
frolic/81 -> frolics,frolicking,frolicked
galvanise/81 -> galvanised,galvanising,galvanises
genitalia/81 -> genitalias
grenadier/81 -> grenadiers
grooming/81 -> groomings
hovel/81 -> hovels,hovelled
immunise/81 -> immunised,immunising
inarticulate/81 -> inarticulates,inarticulated
iowa/81 -> iowas
krishna/81 -> krishnas
lamp-post/81 -> lamp-posts
land-rover/81 -> land-rovers
lean-to/81 -> lean-tos
leotard/81 -> leotards
logogen/81 -> logogens
maelstrom/81 -> maelstroms
mangrove/81 -> mangroves
manservant/81 -> menservants,manservants
mesenchyme/81 -> mesenchymes
mid-april/81 -> mid-aprils
minion/81 -> minions
monotone/81 -> monotones
myrcan/81 -> myrcans
navvy/81 -> navvies,navvying
nobl/81 -> noblest,nobler
nub/81 -> nubs
nunnery/81 -> nunneries
o'toole/81 -> o'tooles
optimize/81 -> optimized,optimizing,optimizes
otherness/81 -> othernesses
overstep/81 -> overstepped,overstepping,oversteps
pharmacology/81 -> pharmacologies
platitude/81 -> platitudes
polynesian/81 -> polynesians
popcorn/81 -> popcorns
professorship/81 -> professorships
profumo/81 -> profumos
prow/81 -> prows
quarto/81 -> quartos
racy/81 -> racier,raciest
rancour/81 -> rancours
rejuvenate/81 -> rejuvenated,rejuvenating,rejuvenates
riser/81 -> risers
roughness/81 -> roughnesses
seater/81 -> seaters
self-doubt/81 -> self-doubts
sidecar/81 -> sidecars
stagecoach/81 -> stagecoaches
sub-text/81 -> sub-texts
telecaster/81 -> telecasters
tho/81 -> thos
toledo/81 -> toledoes
topper/81 -> toppers
townsman/81 -> townsmen
turn-off/81 -> turn-offs
twit/81 -> twits,twitted,twitting
ungainly/81 -> ungainliest
vetch/81 -> vetches
warbird/81 -> warbirds
wilding/81 -> wildings
woodcock/81 -> woodcocks
yak/81 -> yaks,yakking
albino/80 -> albinos
analgesia/80 -> analgesias
aquarius/80 -> aquariuss
aspirant/80 -> aspirants
audiovisual/80 -> audiovisuals
bihar/80 -> bihars
bradstreet/80 -> bradstreets
bungle/80 -> bungled,bungles,bungling
cacophony/80 -> cacophonies
capetian/80 -> capetians
carapace/80 -> carapaces
cutaway/80 -> cutaways
dally/80 -> dallied,dallying,dallies
dawdle/80 -> dawdling,dawdled,dawdles
depredation/80 -> depredations
eggshell/80 -> eggshells
egoism/80 -> egoisms
elmer/80 -> elmers
encephalopathy/80 -> encephalopathies
erythrocyte/80 -> erythrocytes
eugenics/80 -> eugenicss
faltering/80 -> falterings
fave/80 -> faves
firebomb/80 -> firebombs,firebombed,firebombing
fizzle/80 -> fizzled,fizzles,fizzling
flavouring/80 -> flavourings
framing/80 -> framings
glasshouse/80 -> glasshouses
gob/80 -> gobs,gobbing,gobbed
hacksaw/80 -> hacksaws,hacksawing,hacksawed
halon/80 -> halons
hammock/80 -> hammocks,hammocked
homestead/80 -> homesteads,homesteading
hominid/80 -> hominids
hosepipe/80 -> hosepipes,hosepiping
housemaid/80 -> housemaids
hubbard/80 -> hubbards
hurdler/80 -> hurdlers
hz/80 -> hzs
impresario/80 -> impresarios
interactionist/80 -> interactionists
inuit/80 -> inuits
jem/80 -> jems
jib/80 -> jibbed,jibs,jibbing
jurisprudence/80 -> jurisprudences
kazakh/80 -> kazakhs
knott/80 -> knotts
largesse/80 -> largesses
ldl/80 -> ldls
lexis/80 -> lexes
lilt/80 -> lilting,lilted,lilts
magnox/80 -> magnoxes
mealtime/80 -> mealtimes
mendelssohn/80 -> mendelssohns
methadone/80 -> methadones
mhz/80 -> mhzs
minke/80 -> minkes
missioner/80 -> missioners
multi-storey/80 -> multi-storeys
nico/80 -> nicos
offload/80 -> offloaded,offloading,offloads
peppermint/80 -> peppermints,pepperminted
pituitary/80 -> pituitaries
poo/80 -> poos,pooing
pulsate/80 -> pulsating,pulsated,pulsates
quotient/80 -> quotients
readmission/80 -> readmissions
reims/80 -> reimss
restatement/80 -> restatements
resuscitate/80 -> resuscitated,resuscitating,resuscitates
rican/80 -> ricans
routing/80 -> routings
sacco/80 -> saccoes
sanctum/80 -> sanctums
self-preservation/80 -> self-preservations
sheepdog/80 -> sheepdogs
shipbuilder/80 -> shipbuilders
sing-song/80 -> sing-songs
stochastic/80 -> stochastics
stockade/80 -> stockades
sub-paragraph/80 -> sub-paragraphs
tango/80 -> tangos,tangoing,tangoed
thieving/80 -> thievings
thresher/80 -> threshers
trackway/80 -> trackways
unbelief/80 -> unbeliefs
unzip/80 -> unzipped,unzipping,unzips
wilkes/80 -> wilkess
achiever/79 -> achievers
aforesay/79 -> aforesaid
aggro/79 -> aggros
amelioration/79 -> ameliorations
aphorism/79 -> aphorisms
authenticate/79 -> authenticated,authenticating,authenticates
azores/79 -> azoress
baa/79 -> baas,baaing,baaed
basel/79 -> basels
begging/79 -> beggings
belize/79 -> belizes
bergman/79 -> bergmen
bicep/79 -> biceps
biomorph/79 -> biomorphs
bloomfield/79 -> bloomfields
byre/79 -> byres
camus/79 -> camuss
chastise/79 -> chastised,chastising,chastises
chatty/79 -> chattier,chattiest
cohn/79 -> cohns
companionway/79 -> companionways
connexion/79 -> connexions
consignee/79 -> consignees
constancy/79 -> constancies
convertibility/79 -> convertibilities
cortina/79 -> cortinas
cress/79 -> cresses
debug/79 -> debugging,debugged,debugs
deodorant/79 -> deodorants
detoxification/79 -> detoxifications
diddle/79 -> diddled,diddling,diddles
digress/79 -> digressing,digressed,digresses
dint/79 -> dinted,dints,dinting
disrepair/79 -> disrepairs
dworkin/79 -> dworkins
editorship/79 -> editorships
faa/79 -> faas
fantasise/79 -> fantasising,fantasised,fantasises
fracas/79 -> fracass
gasket/79 -> gaskets
ghent/79 -> ghents
glut/79 -> glutted,gluts,glutting
goodall/79 -> goodalls
guillemot/79 -> guillemots
gurney/79 -> gurneys
heaviness/79 -> heavinesses
hlca/79 -> hlcas
holiday-maker/79 -> holiday-makers
hooke/79 -> hookes
hyphen/79 -> hyphens,hyphened
ineffectiveness/79 -> ineffectivenesses
insulator/79 -> insulators
ionian/79 -> ionians
javelin/79 -> javelins
leaky/79 -> leakiest,leakier
left-back/79 -> left-backs
leprechaun/79 -> leprechauns
letterbox/79 -> letterboxes
lope/79 -> loped,loping,lopes
luxemburg/79 -> luxemburgs
mettle/79 -> mettles
moveable/79 -> moveables
nightgown/79 -> nightgowns
non-academic/79 -> non-academics
obsessional/79 -> obsessionals
orifice/79 -> orifices
outpace/79 -> outpaced,outpacing,outpaces
privation/79 -> privations
procurator/79 -> procurators
pumice/79 -> pumices
punjabi/79 -> punjabis
quickening/79 -> quickenings
rasbora/79 -> rasboras
receivable/79 -> receivables
responder/79 -> responders
ronny/79 -> ronnies
rve/79 -> riven
scaffold/79 -> scaffolding,scaffolded,scaffolds
setter/79 -> setters
shamble/79 -> shambling,shambled,shambles
skua/79 -> skuas
slurp/79 -> slurped,slurping,slurps
spasticity/79 -> spasticities
sprightly/79 -> sprightlier,sprightliest
sprite/79 -> sprites
stalingrad/79 -> stalingrads
stich/79 -> stiched,stiches
tabby/79 -> tabbies
tatar/79 -> tatars
thrombolysis/79 -> thrombolyses
titre/79 -> titres
tormentor/79 -> tormentors
transcendence/79 -> transcendences
trumpete/79 -> trumpeted,trumpeting,trumpeter
turd/79 -> turds
turn-out/79 -> turn-outs
up-and-coming/79 -> up-and-comings
webbing/79 -> webbings
xenophobia/79 -> xenophobias
adverbial/78 -> adverbials
alum/78 -> alums
anti-inflammatory/78 -> anti-inflammatories
bipolar/78 -> bipolars
bistable/78 -> bistables
bivalve/78 -> bivalves,bivalved
cassowary/78 -> cassowaries,cassowarys
causative/78 -> causatives
clasper/78 -> claspers
cocteau/78 -> cocteaux
connive/78 -> connived,conniving,connives
connote/78 -> connotes,connoted,connoting
dehydrate/78 -> dehydrated,dehydrating,dehydrates
deputise/78 -> deputising,deputised,deputises
deregulate/78 -> deregulated,deregulating
diggory/78 -> diggorys
dimorphism/78 -> dimorphisms
disconnection/78 -> disconnections
discoverer/78 -> discoverers
doubter/78 -> doubters
dungaree/78 -> dungarees
edmonton/78 -> edmontons
emolument/78 -> emoluments
encoding/78 -> encodings
enhancer/78 -> enhancers
epitope/78 -> epitopes
equalize/78 -> equalized,equalizing,equalizes
exchange-rate/78 -> exchange-rates
eyeshadow/78 -> eyeshadows
flashlight/78 -> flashlights
flatmate/78 -> flatmates
galleon/78 -> galleons
gory/78 -> gorier,goriest
hang-up/78 -> hang-ups
harangue/78 -> haranguing,harangued,harangues
hast/78 -> hasted,hasting
headlamp/78 -> headlamps
henchman/78 -> henchmen
herbarium/78 -> herbariums
hoy/78 -> hoyed,hoys
hunslet/78 -> hunslets
husayn/78 -> husayns
hypothesise/78 -> hypothesised,hypothesising,hypothesises
impound/78 -> impounded,impounding,impounds
incongruity/78 -> incongruities
ingham/78 -> inghams
inheritor/78 -> inheritors
jester/78 -> jesters
jukebox/78 -> jukeboxes
kirgizstan/78 -> kirgizstans
lahore/78 -> lahores
lam/78 -> lammed,lamming,lams
lambda/78 -> lambdas
lateness/78 -> latenesses
laze/78 -> lazing,lazed,lazes
lithium/78 -> lithiums
logger/78 -> loggers
loopy/78 -> loopier
lovey/78 -> loveys
luminary/78 -> luminaries
lysis/78 -> lyses
mellon/78 -> mellons
monrovia/78 -> monrovias
motorcyclist/78 -> motorcyclists
mphil/78 -> mphils
muesli/78 -> mueslis
multiprocessing/78 -> multiprocessings
oilseed/78 -> oilseeds
paging/78 -> pagings
placental/78 -> placentals
plummet/78 -> plummets,plummetted,plummeting,plummeted
pollination/78 -> pollinations
porta/78 -> portas
prokofiev/78 -> prokofievs
proscribe/78 -> proscribed,proscribing,proscribes
pyrenean/78 -> pyreneans
quin/78 -> quins
quinta/78 -> quintas
recombination/78 -> recombinations
redshank/78 -> redshanks
reinterpretation/78 -> reinterpretations
repeater/78 -> repeaters
revitalize/78 -> revitalizing,revitalized,revitalizes
scat/78 -> scats,scatting,scatted
scrawny/78 -> scrawnier,scrawniest
sequin/78 -> sequins,sequinned
shearman/78 -> shearmen
sherd/78 -> sherds
sneaky/78 -> sneakier,sneakiest
spittle/78 -> spittles
stand-by/78 -> stand-bys
stand-in/78 -> stand-ins
stardust/78 -> stardusts
submersible/78 -> submersibles
surveying/78 -> surveyings
tableware/78 -> tablewares
theoretician/78 -> theoreticians
thrall/78 -> thralls
thumbnail/78 -> thumbnails,thumbnailing
titbit/78 -> titbits
titration/78 -> titrations
twain/78 -> twains
veneration/78 -> venerations
virginal/78 -> virginals
voodoo/78 -> voodoos,voodooing,voodooed
washbasin/78 -> washbasins
willpower/78 -> willpowers
yin/78 -> yins
yugoslavian/78 -> yugoslavians
zion/78 -> zions
acc/77 -> accs
acetylcholine/77 -> acetylcholines
acrimony/77 -> acrimonies
acrobat/77 -> acrobats
aeronautics/77 -> aeronauticss
amethyst/77 -> amethysts
anaemic/77 -> anaemics
anastomosis/77 -> anastomoses
avignon/77 -> avignons
baku/77 -> bakus
belorussia/77 -> belorussias
boating/77 -> boatings
boatyard/77 -> boatyards
bowyer/77 -> bowyers
bulldoze/77 -> bulldozed,bulldozing,bulldozes
bursar/77 -> bursars
buy-in/77 -> buy-ins
capitulation/77 -> capitulations
cbc/77 -> cbcs
chagall/77 -> chagalls
check-out/77 -> check-outs
condescension/77 -> condescensions
consumable/77 -> consumables
convalescence/77 -> convalescences
copulation/77 -> copulations
coulter/77 -> coulters
cymru/77 -> cymrus
daggerboard/77 -> daggerboards
diehard/77 -> diehards
digression/77 -> digressions
dispensary/77 -> dispensaries
drainpipe/77 -> drainpipes
ergonomics/77 -> ergonomicss
factsheet/77 -> factsheets
flowerbed/77 -> flowerbeds
galicia/77 -> galicias
gatherer/77 -> gatherers
germination/77 -> germinations
gideon/77 -> gideons
grand-daughter/77 -> grand-daughters
grasping/77 -> graspings
guilder/77 -> guilders
half-light/77 -> half-lights
highbrow/77 -> highbrows
hobbyist/77 -> hobbyists
homophobia/77 -> homophobias
huntington/77 -> huntingtons
infinitesimal/77 -> infinitesimals
internationale/77 -> internationales
isomer/77 -> isomers
jubilation/77 -> jubilations
knocking/77 -> knockings
laker/77 -> lakers
lamprey/77 -> lampreys
lay-by/77 -> lay-bys
lay-out/77 -> lay-outs
lhasa/77 -> lhasas
lola/77 -> lolas
marxist-leninist/77 -> marxist-leninists
microbiology/77 -> microbiologies
mollie/77 -> mollies
monogamy/77 -> monogamies
monomer/77 -> monomers
nc/77 -> ncs
nicolson/77 -> nicolsons
oatmeal/77 -> oatmeals
octagon/77 -> octagons
olympian/77 -> olympians
outfall/77 -> outfalls
pandemonium/77 -> pandemoniums
penitent/77 -> penitents
peony/77 -> peonies
phenylalanine/77 -> phenylalanines
pliny/77 -> plinys
pollinator/77 -> pollinators
postnominal/77 -> postnominals
predetermine/77 -> predetermined,predetermining,predetermines
pulling/77 -> pullings
rasping/77 -> raspings
reducing/77 -> reducings
remodel/77 -> remodelled,remodelling,remodels
right-back/77 -> right-backs
ringer/77 -> ringers
scrapping/77 -> scrappings
seethe/77 -> seethed,seethes,seething
semi-automatic/77 -> semi-automatics
shooter/77 -> shooters
side-step/77 -> side-stepped,side-steps
speeding/77 -> speedings
steamship/77 -> steamships
sunbeam/77 -> sunbeams
swag/77 -> swags,swagged,swagging
tarot/77 -> tarots
theorise/77 -> theorising,theorised,theorises
tiding/77 -> tidings
timbre/77 -> timbres
tnt/77 -> tnts
toenail/77 -> toenails
tully/77 -> tullies
turkmenistan/77 -> turkmenistans
unrol/77 -> unrolled,unrolling
vice-captain/77 -> vice-captains
vicissitude/77 -> vicissitudes
voe/77 -> voes
voyager/77 -> voyagers
wadi/77 -> wadis
winnipeg/77 -> winnipegs
yorkist/77 -> yorkists
aileron/76 -> ailerons
alternator/76 -> alternators
ambulanceman/76 -> ambulancemen
amine/76 -> amines
azalea/76 -> azaleas
azt/76 -> azts
barring/76 -> barrings
bedspread/76 -> bedspreads
benghazi/76 -> benghazis
bloch/76 -> bloches
breakwater/76 -> breakwaters
browsing/76 -> browsings
brunette/76 -> brunettes
buttercup/76 -> buttercups
campanile/76 -> campaniles
camper/76 -> campers
charmer/76 -> charmers
choking/76 -> chokings
cockle/76 -> cockles,cockling
cut-throat/76 -> cut-throats
dealership/76 -> dealerships
detonator/76 -> detonators
doctrinaire/76 -> doctrinaires
download/76 -> downloaded,downloading,downloads
dysphagia/76 -> dysphagias
easing/76 -> easings
educationist/76 -> educationists
emporium/76 -> emporia,emporiums
epilogue/76 -> epilogues
evaluator/76 -> evaluators
extort/76 -> extorted,extorting,extorts
faggot/76 -> faggots
fascia/76 -> fascias
fecundity/76 -> fecundities
floodgate/76 -> floodgates
foment/76 -> fomenting,fomented,foments
godsend/76 -> godsends
gresham/76 -> greshams
groovy/76 -> grooviest,groovies
guile/76 -> guiles
hah/76 -> hahs
halle/76 -> halles
halogen/76 -> halogens
heirloom/76 -> heirlooms
hirer/76 -> hirers
lisp/76 -> lisped,lisps,lisping
loathsome/76 -> loathsomest
magenta/76 -> magentas
manhandle/76 -> manhandled,manhandling,manhandles
mew/76 -> mewing,mews,mewed
microeconomic/76 -> microeconomics
mid-price/76 -> mid-priced,mid-prices
moron/76 -> morons
nashville/76 -> nashvilles
non-european/76 -> non-europeans
nondescript/76 -> nondescripts
obstinacy/76 -> obstinacies
orchestration/76 -> orchestrations
overspill/76 -> overspills
paceman/76 -> pacemen
pelham/76 -> pelhams
perversity/76 -> perversities
pleasantry/76 -> pleasantries
pointing/76 -> pointings
portent/76 -> portents
prioritise/76 -> prioritising,prioritised,prioritises
psalter/76 -> psalters
rachmaninov/76 -> rachmaninovs
ratner/76 -> ratnering
rayleigh/76 -> rayleighs
recap/76 -> recapping,recapped,recaps
reebok/76 -> reeboks
refrigerate/76 -> refrigerated,refrigerating,refrigerates
reliquary/76 -> reliquaries
resound/76 -> resounded,resounding,resounds
rodin/76 -> rodins
salamander/76 -> salamanders
scrooge/76 -> scrooges,scrooged
sinker/76 -> sinkers
slush/76 -> slushed,slushing,slushes
spook/76 -> spooked,spooks,spooking
stakeholder/76 -> stakeholders
sucralfate/76 -> sucralfates
sunscreen/76 -> sunscreens,sunscreening
taxi-driver/76 -> taxi-drivers
teaspoonful/76 -> teaspoonfuls,teaspoonsful
temporality/76 -> temporalities
thunderbolt/76 -> thunderbolts
thymus/76 -> thymuss
tinnitus/76 -> tinnituss
title-page/76 -> title-pages
tortoiseshell/76 -> tortoiseshells
tutor-organiser/76 -> tutor-organisers
typhoon/76 -> typhoons
vaccinate/76 -> vaccinated,vaccinating,vaccinates
vagu/76 -> vaguest,vaguer
watchword/76 -> watchwords
weberian/76 -> weberians
whatsit/76 -> whatsits
aeration/75 -> aerations
aggressiveness/75 -> aggressivenesses
apollinaire/75 -> apollinaires
aran/75 -> arans
back-bencher/75 -> back-benchers
backcloth/75 -> backcloths
bedstead/75 -> bedsteads
beseech/75 -> beseeching,beseeched,besought,beseeches
bratislava/75 -> bratislavas
broomstick/75 -> broomsticks
buccaneer/75 -> buccaneers
businesswoman/75 -> businesswomen
buzzer/75 -> buzzers
cartier/75 -> cartiers
catchy/75 -> catchiest,catchier
cavort/75 -> cavorting,cavorted,cavorts
chartist/75 -> chartists
chemiluminescence/75 -> chemiluminescences
chipboard/75 -> chipboards
codification/75 -> codifications
cranko/75 -> crankos
cross-spar/75 -> cross-spars
dapper/75 -> dappers
dawning/75 -> dawnings
deanery/75 -> deaneries
def/75 -> defs
departed/75 -> departeds
despot/75 -> despots
disgorge/75 -> disgorged,disgorging,disgorges
doctore/75 -> doctoring,doctored
dollop/75 -> dollops
dominique/75 -> dominiques
dowdy/75 -> dowdier,dowdiest
drunkard/75 -> drunkards
esk/75 -> esks
estrangement/75 -> estrangements
evolutionist/75 -> evolutionists
extradit/75 -> extradited,extraditing
falsity/75 -> falsities
fritter/75 -> frittered,fritters,frittering
gannet/75 -> gannets
gesticulate/75 -> gesticulating,gesticulated,gesticulates
goya/75 -> goyas
hauxwell/75 -> hauxwells
hemline/75 -> hemlines
hypnotise/75 -> hypnotised,hypnotises,hypnotising
indexical/75 -> indexicals
indivisible/75 -> indivisibles
joffre/75 -> joffres
keystone/75 -> keystones
legalise/75 -> legalised,legalising
lignite/75 -> lignites
liven/75 -> livened,livening,livens
luminescence/75 -> luminescences
mantra/75 -> mantras
maoist/75 -> maoists
masturbate/75 -> masturbating,masturbated,masturbates
medoc/75 -> medocs
men-at-arm/75 -> men-at-arms
mezzanine/75 -> mezzanines
mush/75 -> mushed,mushes
neatness/75 -> neatnesses
neuter/75 -> neutered,neutering,neuters
newgate/75 -> newgates
no-go/75 -> no-gos
nsa/75 -> nsas
ornithology/75 -> ornithologies
panty/75 -> panties
plasterwork/75 -> plasterworks
polyunsaturate/75 -> polyunsaturated,polyunsaturates
pontoon/75 -> pontoons,pontooning
potash/75 -> potashes
profligate/75 -> profligates
prophylactic/75 -> prophylactics
protractor/75 -> protractors
qaddafi/75 -> qaddafis
ramadan/75 -> ramadans
rankle/75 -> rankled,rankles,rankling
re-form/75 -> re-formed,re-forming,re-forms
readjust/75 -> readjusted,readjusting,readjusts
reservist/75 -> reservists
shivering/75 -> shiverings
shrift/75 -> shrifts
sit-in/75 -> sit-ins
sixteen-year-old/75 -> sixteen-year-olds
sleazy/75 -> sleazier,sleaziest
starry/75 -> starriest
sub-division/75 -> sub-divisions
suddenness/75 -> suddennesses
suppressor/75 -> suppressors
syphon/75 -> syphoning,syphoned,syphons
tea-time/75 -> tea-times
tenon/75 -> tenons,tenoned,tenoning
thresh/75 -> threshing,threshed,threshes
tip-off/75 -> tip-offs
togetherness/75 -> togethernesses
topology/75 -> topologies
troubadour/75 -> troubadours
uranus/75 -> uranuss
urbanisation/75 -> urbanisations
valance/75 -> valances
vhf/75 -> vhfs
waylay/75 -> waylaid,waylaying,waylays
wristwatch/75 -> wristwatches
afterlife/74 -> afterlives
anvil/74 -> anvils
apportionment/74 -> apportionments
baba/74 -> babas
bacchus/74 -> bacchuss
bobble/74 -> bobbles,bobbled,bobbling
bruiser/74 -> bruisers
burp/74 -> burped,burping,burps
bye-bye/74 -> bye-byes
canaries/74 -> canariess
cannibalism/74 -> cannibalisms
carburettor/74 -> carburettors
carpeting/74 -> carpetings
cheapness/74 -> cheapnesses
cleaver/74 -> cleavers
conducting/74 -> conductings
crotch/74 -> crotches
cushioning/74 -> cushionings
decrement/74 -> decrements,decremented,decrementing
die-hard/74 -> die-hards
dote/74 -> doted,dotes,doting
downcast/74 -> downcasts
echinoderm/74 -> echinoderms
effusion/74 -> effusions
elucidation/74 -> elucidations
extermination/74 -> exterminations
factore/74 -> factoring,factored
fantasia/74 -> fantasias
fistful/74 -> fistfuls
glitzy/74 -> glitziest,glitzier
golan/74 -> golans
guardianship/74 -> guardianships
hazelnut/74 -> hazelnuts
head-dress/74 -> head-dresses
headgear/74 -> headgears
headset/74 -> headsets
heart-throb/74 -> heart-throbs
heaving/74 -> heavings
hesitancy/74 -> hesitancies
historiography/74 -> historiographies
hodgkin/74 -> hodgkins
horsepower/74 -> horsepowers
ideologue/74 -> ideologues
indexation/74 -> indexations
indianapolis/74 -> indianapoliss
infarct/74 -> infarcts
intestate/74 -> intestates
intransigent/74 -> intransigents
jackdaw/74 -> jackdaws
lancastrian/74 -> lancastrians
larch/74 -> larches
leeward/74 -> leewards
linnet/74 -> linnets
lolly/74 -> lollies
masque/74 -> masques
metallurgy/74 -> metallurgies
midget/74 -> midgets
militiaman/74 -> militiamen
misapprehension/74 -> misapprehensions
miscalculation/74 -> miscalculations
monotype/74 -> monotypes
nassau/74 -> nassaus
oeuvre/74 -> oeuvres
ogre/74 -> ogres
ordinariness/74 -> ordinarinesses
overshoot/74 -> overshooting,overshoots,overshot
pavarotti/74 -> pavarottis
pfennig/74 -> pfennigs
ploughing/74 -> ploughings
pogo/74 -> pogoing
probationer/74 -> probationers
proctocolectomy/74 -> proctocolectomies
pullman/74 -> pullmans
reductionism/74 -> reductionisms
refresher/74 -> refreshers
reinterprete/74 -> reinterpreted,reinterpreting
reprocess/74 -> reprocessed,reprocessing,reprocesses
rote/74 -> rotes
run-in/74 -> run-ins
schooner/74 -> schooners
snapper/74 -> snappers
spadefoot/74 -> spadefoots
stalking/74 -> stalkings
stratagem/74 -> stratagems
stubbornness/74 -> stubbornnesses
subpoena/74 -> subpoenas,subpoenaed,subpoenaing
sucrose/74 -> sucroses
suspenders/74 -> suspender
tampa/74 -> tampas
tattooe/74 -> tattooed,tattooes
tha/74 -> thas
theorizing/74 -> theorizings
tiffany/74 -> tiffanies
tracing/74 -> tracings
transmute/74 -> transmuted,transmutes,transmuting
updating/74 -> updatings
upholster/74 -> upholstered,upholstering,upholsters
watkin/74 -> watkins
work-out/74 -> work-outs
yiddish/74 -> yiddishes
acclimatise/73 -> acclimatised,acclimatising
afrikaner/73 -> afrikaners
afro/73 -> afros
allure/73 -> allured,allures,alluring
bari/73 -> baris
bawdy/73 -> bawdiest,bawdier
beowulf/73 -> beowulfs
betterment/73 -> betterments
blackspot/73 -> blackspots
bristow/73 -> bristows
bust-up/73 -> bust-ups
carcinoid/73 -> carcinoids
casablanca/73 -> casablancas
centrifugation/73 -> centrifugations
centurion/73 -> centurions
channing/73 -> channings
chit/73 -> chits,chitted,chitting
chlorophyll/73 -> chlorophylls
choreograph/73 -> choreographed,choreographing,choreographs
churchwarden/73 -> churchwardens
cicada/73 -> cicadas
cluck/73 -> clucked,clucking,clucks
cognate/73 -> cognates
conformist/73 -> conformists
cremate/73 -> cremated,cremating,cremates
cumbrian/73 -> cumbrians
dali/73 -> dalis
dalmatia/73 -> dalmatias
dawes/73 -> dawess
delimit/73 -> delimited,delimiting,delimits
demotion/73 -> demotions
desk-top/73 -> desk-tops
diphthong/73 -> diphthongs
dovetail/73 -> dovetailed,dovetails,dovetailing
dramatise/73 -> dramatised,dramatising,dramatises
dulles/73 -> dulless
dyeing/73 -> dyeings
ek/73 -> eked,eking
elijah/73 -> elijahs
entrails/73 -> entrailss
excision/73 -> excisions
exorcism/73 -> exorcisms
fiddly/73 -> fiddlier,fiddliest
flowerpot/73 -> flowerpots
forwarding/73 -> forwardings
gramme/73 -> grammes
grenoble/73 -> grenobles
gringo/73 -> gringos
grunge/73 -> grunged
gynaecology/73 -> gynaecologies
hakim/73 -> hakims
hamas/73 -> hamass
hazlitt/73 -> hazlitts
headdress/73 -> headdresses
hilarity/73 -> hilarities
hoffmann/73 -> hoffmanns
hold-up/73 -> hold-ups
humdrum/73 -> humdrums
husbandman/73 -> husbandmen
iia/73 -> iias
imperium/73 -> imperiums
incomprehension/73 -> incomprehensions
jackal/73 -> jackals
lagan/73 -> lagans
laserjet/73 -> laserjets
liege/73 -> lieges
liquorice/73 -> liquorices
machinist/73 -> machinists
megawatt/73 -> megawatts
melanesian/73 -> melanesians
meringue/73 -> meringues
mitchum/73 -> mitchums
modicum/73 -> modicums
monolith/73 -> monoliths
monteverdi/73 -> monteverdis
mossy/73 -> mossies,mossier,mossiest
motherland/73 -> motherlands
multiprocess/73 -> multiprocessing
musk/73 -> musks
nit/73 -> nits
occam/73 -> occams
okapi/73 -> okapis
oriel/73 -> oriels
ornamentation/73 -> ornamentations
peacemaker/73 -> peacemakers
phosphorylate/73 -> phosphorylated,phosphorylates,phosphorylating
phraseology/73 -> phraseologies
plaything/73 -> playthings
plimsoll/73 -> plimsolls
racquet/73 -> racquets
re-enactment/73 -> re-enactments
reactant/73 -> reactants
rephrase/73 -> rephrased,rephrasing,rephrases
retake/73 -> retaking,retakes,retook,retaken
retrenchment/73 -> retrenchments
sepia/73 -> sepias
sheldrake/73 -> sheldrakes
shrubbery/73 -> shrubberies
sirius/73 -> siriuss
skimpy/73 -> skimpiest,skimpier
smarty/73 -> smarties
snuffle/73 -> snuffling,snuffled,snuffles
spoilt/73 -> spoilter
squidgy/73 -> squidgier
subjugation/73 -> subjugations
subservience/73 -> subserviences
syracuse/73 -> syracuses
taekwondo/73 -> taekwondoes
tangerine/73 -> tangerines
temerity/73 -> temerities
tripper/73 -> trippers
viewfinder/73 -> viewfinders
whelk/73 -> whelks
whoosh/73 -> whooshing,whooshed,whooshes
wounding/73 -> woundings
actin/72 -> actins
aficionado/72 -> aficionados
antidepressant/72 -> antidepressants
bakewell/72 -> bakewells
balmy/72 -> balmiest,balmier
banyan/72 -> banyans
billete/72 -> billeted
butane/72 -> butanes
caspian/72 -> caspians
cassell/72 -> cassells
cavalcade/72 -> cavalcades
chargee/72 -> chargees
clime/72 -> climes
corona/72 -> coronas
crier/72 -> criers
crock/72 -> crocks,crocked
culvert/72 -> culverts,culverted
deckchair/72 -> deckchairs
deductible/72 -> deductibles
defecation/72 -> defecations
diarist/72 -> diarists
dickhead/72 -> dickheads
diff/72 -> diffs
dimbleby/72 -> dimblebys
discouragement/72 -> discouragements
dowel/72 -> dowels,dowelled
edirne/72 -> edirnes
endotoxin/72 -> endotoxins
enfold/72 -> enfolded,enfolding,enfolds
enmesh/72 -> enmeshed,enmeshing,enmeshes
epidural/72 -> epidurals
ermine/72 -> ermines
expendable/72 -> expendables
extraterrestrial/72 -> extraterrestrials
falsificationist/72 -> falsificationists
fidgete/72 -> fidgeting
flay/72 -> flayed,flaying,flays
focusing/72 -> focusings
foreskin/72 -> foreskins
foundling/72 -> foundlings
fourteen-year-old/72 -> fourteen-year-olds
front-runner/72 -> front-runners
gaffer/72 -> gaffers
gosling/72 -> goslings
hannover/72 -> hannovers
hdl/72 -> hdls
headscarf/72 -> headscarves,headscarfed,headscarfs
hemiplegic/72 -> hemiplegics
honeycomb/72 -> honeycombed,honeycombs,honeycombing
hotplate/72 -> hotplates
hyena/72 -> hyenas
immortalise/72 -> immortalised,immortalising,immortalises
ineptitude/72 -> ineptitudes
inhaler/72 -> inhalers
innards/72 -> innardss
instigator/72 -> instigators
insufficiency/72 -> insufficiencies
iv/72 -> ivs
jewke/72 -> jewkes
lingerie/72 -> lingeries
mayoress/72 -> mayoresses
metastase/72 -> metastases
miscellany/72 -> miscellanies
moaning/72 -> moanings
mort/72 -> morts
multi-millionaire/72 -> multi-millionaires
n'/72 -> n'est
nate/72 -> nates,nating
nib/72 -> nibs
norseman/72 -> norsemen
nudity/72 -> nudities
oap/72 -> oaps,oap's
paintbrush/72 -> paintbrushes
palaeontologist/72 -> palaeontologists
phytoplankton/72 -> phytoplanktons
playroom/72 -> playrooms
porcupine/72 -> porcupines,porcupined
precambrian/72 -> precambrians
psychotherapist/72 -> psychotherapists
ream/72 -> reams,reaming
reductionist/72 -> reductionists
retriever/72 -> retrievers
ricochet/72 -> ricocheted,ricochets,ricochetted,ricocheting
roux/72 -> rouxs
rushing/72 -> rushings
schoolfriend/72 -> schoolfriends
scouse/72 -> scouses
self-sacrifice/72 -> self-sacrifices
serjeant/72 -> serjeants
shakespearean/72 -> shakespeareans
sketchbook/72 -> sketchbooks
skulk/72 -> skulking,skulked,skulks
smelter/72 -> smelters
spinnaker/72 -> spinnakers,spinnakered
sub-divide/72 -> sub-divided,sub-divides
sump/72 -> sumps
tannoy/72 -> tannoys,tannoyed
teat/72 -> teats
tinsel/72 -> tinselling,tinsels,tinselled
tobacconist/72 -> tobacconists
transferability/72 -> transferabilities
trickery/72 -> trickeries
tuareg/72 -> tuaregs
tunnelling/72 -> tunnellings
turnkey/72 -> turnkeys
urokinase/72 -> urokinases
waterwheel/72 -> waterwheels
wetness/72 -> wetnesses
woodworking/72 -> woodworkings
yuppy/72 -> yuppies
zipper/72 -> zippers,zippered
alarmist/71 -> alarmists
appellation/71 -> appellations
atb/71 -> atbs
autistic/71 -> autistics
avionics/71 -> avionicss
bain/71 -> bains
bb/71 -> bbs
bitumen/71 -> bitumens
bonhomie/71 -> bonhomies
bottome/71 -> bottomed,bottoming
brindle/71 -> brindles,brindled
buzz/71 -> buzzes,buzzing,buzzed
catchphrase/71 -> catchphrases
caveman/71 -> cavemen
centaur/71 -> centaurs
chairwoman/71 -> chairwomen
chortle/71 -> chortled,chortling,chortles
co-pilot/71 -> co-pilots
colonize/71 -> colonized,colonizing,colonizes
columba/71 -> columbas
comradeship/71 -> comradeships
contending/71 -> contendings
continence/71 -> continences
cornea/71 -> corneas
declaim/71 -> declaimed,declaiming,declaims
democratisation/71 -> democratisations
dielectric/71 -> dielectrics
discotheque/71 -> discotheques
disloyalty/71 -> disloyalties
dockside/71 -> docksides
dusseldorf/71 -> dusseldorfs
dysentery/71 -> dysenteries
eicosanoid/71 -> eicosanoids
etonian/71 -> etonians
eurocheque/71 -> eurocheques
fda/71 -> fdas
feedstock/71 -> feedstocks
formica/71 -> formicas
front-bench/71 -> front-benches
gastropod/71 -> gastropods
goa/71 -> goas
goon/71 -> goons,gooned
grandmaster/71 -> grandmasters
highwayman/71 -> highwaymen
hitman/71 -> hitmen
hol/71 -> hols
homogenate/71 -> homogenates
hothouse/71 -> hothouses
hyp/71 -> hyped,hyping
hyperglycaemia/71 -> hyperglycaemias
hypnotist/71 -> hypnotists
impersonate/71 -> impersonating,impersonates,impersonated
inactivate/71 -> inactivated,inactivating,inactivates
incinerate/71 -> incinerated,incinerating,incinerates
infidel/71 -> infidels
interpolation/71 -> interpolations
irk/71 -> irked,irks,irking
islet/71 -> islets
king-duke/71 -> king-dukes
kneecap/71 -> kneecaps,kneecapping,kneecapped
lioness/71 -> lionesses
mates/71 -> matess
menshevik/71 -> mensheviks
mesa/71 -> mesas
metropole/71 -> metropoles
mic/71 -> mics
mil/71 -> mils
mineralogy/71 -> mineralogies
misogyny/71 -> misogynies
mock-up/71 -> mock-ups
mortgagor/71 -> mortgagors
mortise/71 -> mortises,mortised,mortising
myopic/71 -> myopics
nearside/71 -> nearsides
non-white/71 -> non-whites
nox/71 -> noxes
nullity/71 -> nullities
overkill/71 -> overkills
pawnbroker/71 -> pawnbrokers
percolate/71 -> percolated,percolating,percolates
peroxidase/71 -> peroxidases
pimlico/71 -> pimlicoes
pin-point/71 -> pin-pointed,pin-points,pin-pointing
pinstripe/71 -> pinstripes,pinstriped
plec/71 -> plecs
pre-set/71 -> pre-sets
puke/71 -> puking,puked,pukes
pummel/71 -> pummelled,pummelling,pummels
receptacle/71 -> receptacles
reclining/71 -> reclinings
revolutionize/71 -> revolutionized,revolutionizing,revolutionizes
rheims/71 -> rheimss
rhineland/71 -> rhinelands
ric/71 -> rics
rime/71 -> rimed,rimes,riming
rivulet/71 -> rivulets
rower/71 -> rowers
rudi/71 -> rudis
shogun/71 -> shoguns
signer/71 -> signers
silesia/71 -> silesias
southwestern/71 -> southwesterns
splint/71 -> splints,splinted,splinting
spying/71 -> spyings
stepping-stone/71 -> stepping-stones
telethon/71 -> telethons
thank-you/71 -> thank-yous
theorize/71 -> theorizing,theorized,theorizes
titillate/71 -> titillating,titillated,titillates
titter/71 -> tittered,titters,tittering
titus/71 -> tituss
usurper/71 -> usurpers
weiss/71 -> weisses
well-wisher/71 -> well-wishers
wilcock/71 -> wilcocks
with-profit/71 -> with-profits
agrochemical/70 -> agrochemicals
ajax/70 -> ajaxes
alaskan/70 -> alaskans
anaesthetist/70 -> anaesthetists
autobahn/70 -> autobahns
bather/70 -> bathers
beddow/70 -> beddows
begrudge/70 -> begrudged,begrudges,begrudging
biogeography/70 -> biogeographies
boa/70 -> boas
boggle/70 -> boggles,boggling,boggled
bongo/70 -> bongos
bronte/70 -> brontes
caledonia/70 -> caledonias
changer/70 -> changers
cicero/70 -> ciceroes
cockcroft/70 -> cockcrofts
condon/70 -> condoning
conflagration/70 -> conflagrations
contig/70 -> contigs
cordillera/70 -> cordilleras
corral/70 -> corralled,corrals,corralling
corsair/70 -> corsairs
cote/70 -> cotes
dimer/70 -> dimers
dn/70 -> dns
dormer/70 -> dormers,dormered
enalapril/70 -> enalaprils
etna/70 -> etnas
explicitness/70 -> explicitnesses
flamenco/70 -> flamencoing,flamencos
fucker/70 -> fuckers
futurist/70 -> futurists
gendarme/70 -> gendarmes
good-night/70 -> good-nights
haw/70 -> haws,hawed,hawing
hawthorne/70 -> hawthornes
holler/70 -> hollered,hollering,hollers
hologram/70 -> holograms
invective/70 -> invectives
knoll/70 -> knolls,knolled
kursk/70 -> kursks
lena/70 -> lenas
leprosy/70 -> leprosies
liberalize/70 -> liberalizing,liberalized,liberalizes
lump-sum/70 -> lump-sums
luna/70 -> lunas
mandamus/70 -> mandamuss
mbo/70 -> mbos
meanness/70 -> meannesses
medina/70 -> medinas
mid-may/70 -> mid-mays
midshipman/70 -> midshipmen
ming/70 -> mings
mislay/70 -> mislaid,mislaying,mislays
mollify/70 -> mollified,mollifying,mollifies
montage/70 -> montages
morass/70 -> morasses
mosaicist/70 -> mosaicists
mossad/70 -> mossads
nauru/70 -> naurus
navratilova/70 -> navratilovas
newsreader/70 -> newsreaders
nike/70 -> nikes
offing/70 -> offings
offstage/70 -> offstages
pasha/70 -> pashas
paton/70 -> patons
peristalsis/70 -> peristalses
perjury/70 -> perjuries
pincers/70 -> pincer,pincers
plucky/70 -> pluckiest,pluckier
postbag/70 -> postbags
progenitor/70 -> progenitors
psycholinguistic/70 -> psycholinguistics
publicist/70 -> publicists
pyongyang/70 -> pyongyangs
queasy/70 -> queasier,queasiest
rabat/70 -> rabats
raiser/70 -> raisers
re-create/70 -> re-creates,re-creating,recreated,re-created
re-introduce/70 -> re-introduced,re-introducing,re-introduces
refractory/70 -> refractories
retraction/70 -> retractions
salve/70 -> salved,salves,salving
sameness/70 -> samenesses
scavenge/70 -> scavenged,scavenges,scavenging
servitude/70 -> servitudes
shuddering/70 -> shudderings
sleight/70 -> sleights
slovenian/70 -> slovenians
spoof/70 -> spoofs,spoofing,spoofed
starlight/70 -> starlights
subjugate/70 -> subjugated,subjugating,subjugates
superposition/70 -> superpositions
swat/70 -> swatting,swatted,swats
tagset/70 -> tagsets
thebes/70 -> thebess
threepence/70 -> threepences
tonality/70 -> tonalities
trachea/70 -> tracheas,tracheae
ultrasonography/70 -> ultrasonographies
uss/70 -> ussing,ussed
victimize/70 -> victimized,victimizing,victimizes
wailing/70 -> wailings
wizardry/70 -> wizardries
absorbent/69 -> absorbents
atm/69 -> atms
attica/69 -> atticas
b&b/69 -> b&bs
balinese/69 -> balineses
bane/69 -> banes
brainwash/69 -> brainwashed,brainwashing,brainwashes
caecum/69 -> caecums
cavell/69 -> cavells
caviar/69 -> caviars
chelonian/69 -> chelonians
contrivance/69 -> contrivances
copier/69 -> copiers
coptic/69 -> coptics
cummings/69 -> cummingss
cursive/69 -> cursives
daver/69 -> davers
deign/69 -> deigned,deigns,deigning
deportee/69 -> deportees
depravity/69 -> depravities
dfc/69 -> dfcs
divestment/69 -> divestments
dumpy/69 -> dumpier,dumpiest
eleven-year-old/69 -> eleven-year-olds
energise/69 -> energised,energising,energises
epinephrine/69 -> epinephrines
fenland/69 -> fenlands
fiancee/69 -> fiancees
follicle/69 -> follicles
forbearance/69 -> forbearances
foundationalism/69 -> foundationalisms
fuzz/69 -> fuzzs
girl-friend/69 -> girl-friends
halley/69 -> halleys
hann/69 -> hanns
headband/69 -> headbands
hickey/69 -> hickeys
hideaway/69 -> hideaways
holm/69 -> holms
immaturity/69 -> immaturities
impressionism/69 -> impressionisms
iota/69 -> iotas
jonson/69 -> jonsons
jotting/69 -> jottings
kell/69 -> kelling
liberator/69 -> liberators
lithograph/69 -> lithographs,lithographed
managua/69 -> managuas
mathew/69 -> mathews
meade/69 -> meades
mid-victorian/69 -> mid-victorians
midriff/69 -> midriffs
misdirect/69 -> misdirected,misdirecting,misdirects
misfit/69 -> misfits,misfitting
moped/69 -> mopeds
musa/69 -> musas
naturalness/69 -> naturalnesses
non-word/69 -> non-words
obelisk/69 -> obelisks
opine/69 -> opined,opines,opining
outlast/69 -> outlasted,outlasts,outlasting
partiality/69 -> partialities
paye/69 -> payes
phenomenology/69 -> phenomenologies
plier/69 -> pliers
populism/69 -> populisms
prioritize/69 -> prioritizing,prioritized,prioritizes
prospectuse/69 -> prospectuses
quart/69 -> quarts
racetrack/69 -> racetracks
raze/69 -> razed,razing,razes
re-creation/69 -> re-creations
rectitude/69 -> rectitudes
regulationist/69 -> regulationists
reprove/69 -> reproved,reproving,reproves
republicanism/69 -> republicanisms
repurchase/69 -> repurchases,repurchased,repurchasing
roc/69 -> rocs
sandpaper/69 -> sandpapered,sandpapering,sandpapers
scarp/69 -> scarps,scarped
schlesinger/69 -> schlesingers
scrapbook/69 -> scrapbooks
second-year/69 -> second-years
self-deception/69 -> self-deceptions
sellers/69 -> sellerss
semitone/69 -> semitones
sherpa/69 -> sherpas
short-cut/69 -> short-cuts
slippage/69 -> slippages
slob/69 -> slobs,slobbed,slobbing
snog/69 -> snogging,snogged,snogs
spank/69 -> spanking,spanked,spanks
spotter/69 -> spotters
stethoscope/69 -> stethoscopes
stipendiary/69 -> stipendiaries
subterfuge/69 -> subterfuges
surfing/69 -> surfings
symons/69 -> symonss
trapdoor/69 -> trapdoors
turnstile/69 -> turnstiles
vert/69 -> verts
vidal/69 -> vidals
virility/69 -> virilities
winder/69 -> winders
workaholic/69 -> workaholics
workhorse/69 -> workhorses
abram/68 -> abrams
admonition/68 -> admonitions
apparel/68 -> apparelled,apparels
asp/68 -> asps
babel/68 -> babels
baize/68 -> baizes
balboa/68 -> balboas
bam/68 -> bams
blending/68 -> blendings
bluebird/68 -> bluebirds
blurb/68 -> blurbs,blurbed,blurbing
bogart/68 -> bogarts
carpentry/68 -> carpentries
cashflow/68 -> cashflows
catarrh/68 -> catarrhs,catarrhed
cherbourg/68 -> cherbourgs
coda/68 -> codas
colbert/68 -> colberts
conglomeration/68 -> conglomerations
cottager/68 -> cottagers
courting/68 -> courtings
credo/68 -> credos
cuvier/68 -> cuviers
d-mark/68 -> d-marks
dene/68 -> denes
derogation/68 -> derogations
discipleship/68 -> discipleships
disservice/68 -> disservices
erasure/68 -> erasures
eurocurrency/68 -> eurocurrencies
ex-serviceman/68 -> ex-servicemen
featherweight/68 -> featherweights
fitch/68 -> fitched,fitches
five-minute/68 -> five-minutes
fledge/68 -> fledged,fledging,fledges
flyweight/68 -> flyweights
fowle/68 -> fowles
foxglove/68 -> foxgloves
gothenburg/68 -> gothenburgs
hatchet/68 -> hatchets
iberian/68 -> iberians
impoverishment/68 -> impoverishments
inky/68 -> inkies
jen/68 -> jenner,jens
jerkin/68 -> jerkins
jowl/68 -> jowls
judging/68 -> judgings
junkers/68 -> junkerss
kinetics/68 -> kineticss
kissinger/68 -> kissingers
lazuli/68 -> lazulis
lordly/68 -> lordliest
luff/68 -> luffing,luffed,luffs
lusty/68 -> lustier,lustiest
machismo/68 -> machismoes
mahdi/68 -> mahdis
market-maker/68 -> market-makers
materiality/68 -> materialities
morgue/68 -> morgues
motivator/68 -> motivators
murine/68 -> murines
oldy/68 -> oldies
orcadian/68 -> orcadians
osprey/68 -> ospreys
ot/68 -> ots,oter
outgrowth/68 -> outgrowths
pager/68 -> pagers
pepys/68 -> pepyss
petrograd/68 -> petrograds
ponce/68 -> ponces,poncing,ponceing,ponced
pre-emption/68 -> pre-emptions
procter/68 -> procters
randomisation/68 -> randomisations
recommence/68 -> recommenced,recommences,recommencing
rediscovery/68 -> rediscoveries
redouble/68 -> redoubled,redoubling,redoubles
reload/68 -> reloaded,reloading,reloads
repulsion/68 -> repulsions
resit/68 -> resits,resiting,resitting,resited
rubinstein/68 -> rubinsteins
savory/68 -> savories,savorys
schumpeter/68 -> schumpeters
scrambling/68 -> scramblings
self-denial/68 -> self-denials
shandy/68 -> shandies
sheathe/68 -> sheathed,sheathes,sheathing
shitty/68 -> shittiest
shiva/68 -> shivas
snarling/68 -> snarlings
snoop/68 -> snooping,snooped,snoops
springer/68 -> springers
sputum/68 -> sputums
straitjacket/68 -> straitjackets
stratford-upon-avon/68 -> stratfords-upon-avon
superordinate/68 -> superordinates,superordinating,superordinated
tallboy/68 -> tallboys
tanzanian/68 -> tanzanians
teeny/68 -> teeniest,teenies,teenier
terrine/68 -> terrines
tingling/68 -> tinglings
toxoplasmosis/68 -> toxoplasmoses
trapper/68 -> trappers
trickster/68 -> tricksters
trinket/68 -> trinkets
tumbleweed/68 -> tumbleweeds
tutelage/68 -> tutelages
typesetter/68 -> typesetters
valdez/68 -> valdezs
vermont/68 -> vermonts
vertex/68 -> vertices,vertexes
vis-a-vis/68 -> viss-a-viss
watchmaker/68 -> watchmakers
weirdo/68 -> weirdos
wherefore/68 -> wherefores
wildness/68 -> wildnesses
actualization/67 -> actualizations
alkalinity/67 -> alkalinities
anchovy/67 -> anchovies
anglo-catholic/67 -> anglo-catholics
apoptosis/67 -> apoptoses
aquatint/67 -> aquatints,aquatinting,aquatinted
aspen/67 -> aspens
backache/67 -> backaches
biosphere/67 -> biospheres
birdsong/67 -> birdsongs
bolus/67 -> boluss
borstal/67 -> borstals
burundi/67 -> burundis
buss/67 -> bussed,bussing,busses,buss
cagney/67 -> cagneys
carb/67 -> carbs
ceilidh/67 -> ceilidhs,ceilidhing
charterhouse/67 -> charterhouses
chutney/67 -> chutneys
clod/67 -> clods
codling/67 -> codlings
computerise/67 -> computerised,computerising,computerises
consummation/67 -> consummations
corsican/67 -> corsicans
crotchet/67 -> crotchets
curtsy/67 -> curtsied,curtsies,curtsying
cymbal/67 -> cymbals
denture/67 -> dentures
disburse/67 -> disbursed,disbursing,disburses
disinfect/67 -> disinfected,disinfecting,disinfects
doddle/67 -> doddles
drifter/67 -> drifters
dustman/67 -> dustmen
exult/67 -> exulted,exulting,exults
ferrete/67 -> ferreting,ferreted
gastroscopy/67 -> gastroscopies
gasworks/67 -> gasworkss
gelatine/67 -> gelatines
general-purpose/67 -> general-purposes
geochemistry/67 -> geochemistries
gibbet/67 -> gibbets
globule/67 -> globules
grizzly/67 -> grizzlies,grizzliest,grizzlier
hades/67 -> hadess
herdsman/67 -> herdsmen
hubby/67 -> hubbies
hypermarket/67 -> hypermarkets
hypnotize/67 -> hypnotized,hypnotizing,hypnotizes
idaho/67 -> idahoes
inequity/67 -> inequities
installer/67 -> installers
instonian/67 -> instonians
interrogator/67 -> interrogators
jespersen/67 -> jespersens
jobcentre/67 -> jobcentres
kraal/67 -> kraals
laparotomy/67 -> laparotomies
lazarus/67 -> lazaruss
left-over/67 -> left-overs
lessing/67 -> lessings
leucine/67 -> leucines
lightheart/67 -> lighthearted
limo/67 -> limos
localisation/67 -> localisations
lully/67 -> lullies
maldives/67 -> maldivess
malinowski/67 -> malinowskis
manchu/67 -> manchus
marquetry/67 -> marquetries
merrick/67 -> merricks
millionth/67 -> millionths
monetarism/67 -> monetarisms
mozambican/67 -> mozambicans
mushy/67 -> mushies
nemesis/67 -> nemeses
non-alcoholic/67 -> non-alcoholics
paganism/67 -> paganisms
peripatetic/67 -> peripatetics
pflp/67 -> pflps
phoenician/67 -> phoenicians
pithy/67 -> pithiest,pithier
prolongation/67 -> prolongations
psychogeriatric/67 -> psychogeriatrics
reapply/67 -> reapplied,reapplying,reapplies
reflexive/67 -> reflexives
reinvent/67 -> reinvented,reinventing,reinvents
renegotiation/67 -> renegotiations
rightist/67 -> rightists
rubric/67 -> rubrics
sanctify/67 -> sanctified,sanctifying,sanctifies
scarecrow/67 -> scarecrows
shoestring/67 -> shoestrings
skimp/67 -> skimped,skimping,skimps
sledgehammer/67 -> sledgehammers,sledgehammering,sledge-hammers
someday/67 -> somedays
stoat/67 -> stoats,stoated
stockman/67 -> stockmen
sub-unit/67 -> sub-units
subscript/67 -> subscripts
sunbathe/67 -> sunbathed,sunbathes,sunbathing
swot/67 -> swotting,swots,swotted
synthesiser/67 -> synthesisers
tabulate/67 -> tabulated,tabulates,tabulating
thinness/67 -> thinnesses
torsion/67 -> torsions
totalitarianism/67 -> totalitarianisms
toulon/67 -> toulons
trotskyist/67 -> trotskyists
udder/67 -> udders
washroom/67 -> washrooms
whirling/67 -> whirlings
wind-up/67 -> wind-ups
withers/67 -> witherss
workflow/67 -> workflows
zanzibar/67 -> zanzibars
absolution/66 -> absolutions
adornment/66 -> adornments
affectation/66 -> affectations
anti-climax/66 -> anti-climaxes
aperitif/66 -> aperitifs
aplysia/66 -> aplysias
aquinas/66 -> aquinass
arcadia/66 -> arcadias
artificiality/66 -> artificialities
ballvalve/66 -> ballvalves
banff/66 -> banffs
beauvoir/66 -> beauvoirs
bedlam/66 -> bedlams
bergen/66 -> bergens
bicentenary/66 -> bicentenaries
bio/66 -> bios
bitmap/66 -> bitmaps,bitmapped
blackthorn/66 -> blackthorns
bogeyman/66 -> bogeymen
brecht/66 -> brechts
buller/66 -> bullers
bunce/66 -> bunces
chirp/66 -> chirped,chirping,chirps
clary/66 -> claries
clerestory/66 -> clerestories,clerestoried
collectable/66 -> collectables
confetti/66 -> confettis
congeal/66 -> congealed,congealing,congeals
constructivist/66 -> constructivists
copulate/66 -> copulating,copulated,copulates
cosset/66 -> cosseted,cosseting,cossetting,cossetted,cossets
coughing/66 -> coughings
creepy/66 -> creepier,creepiest
cy/66 -> cys
deadweight/66 -> deadweights
derail/66 -> derailed,derailing,derails
dieting/66 -> dietings
disavow/66 -> disavowed,disavowing,disavows
ditty/66 -> ditties
eiffel/66 -> eiffels
elegy/66 -> elegies
escapism/66 -> escapisms
ex-soldier/66 -> ex-soldiers
exchanger/66 -> exchangers
expressionism/66 -> expressionisms
five-a-side/66 -> five-a-sides
flyover/66 -> flyovers
footplate/66 -> footplates
forgetfulness/66 -> forgetfulnesses
forint/66 -> forints
gaddafi/66 -> gaddafis
gregorian/66 -> gregorians
grovel/66 -> grovelling,grovelled,grovels
guttural/66 -> gutturals
gypsum/66 -> gypsums
halfpenny/66 -> halfpennies,halfpennys,halfpence
hazell/66 -> hazells
herrick/66 -> herricks
homme/66 -> hommes
houseplant/66 -> houseplants
ht/66 -> hts,hter
incarceration/66 -> incarcerations
insurgency/66 -> insurgencies
intelligibility/66 -> intelligibilities
interrelate/66 -> interrelated,interrelating,interrelates
interstate/66 -> interstates
ironmonger/66 -> ironmongers
irradiate/66 -> irradiated,irradiating,irradiates
knobbly/66 -> knobblier
kosher/66 -> koshered
ks/66 -> kss
leapfrog/66 -> leapfrogging,leapfrogged,leapfrogs
lysozyme/66 -> lysozymes
mayday/66 -> maydays
medici/66 -> medicis
multiculturalism/66 -> multiculturalisms
naught/66 -> naughts
neapolitan/66 -> neapolitans
nepotism/66 -> nepotisms
off-load/66 -> off-loaded,off-loading,off-loads
oilskin/66 -> oilskins
operetta/66 -> operettas
optimisation/66 -> optimisations
opulence/66 -> opulences
oversimplification/66 -> oversimplifications
oxidise/66 -> oxidised,oxidising,oxidises
oz./66 -> oz.s
perky/66 -> perkier,perkiest
phenol/66 -> phenols
photochemical/66 -> photochemicals
playmate/66 -> playmates
prevaricate/66 -> prevaricated,prevaricating,prevaricates
pro-am/66 -> pro-ams
quince/66 -> quinces
rad/66 -> rads
reinforcer/66 -> reinforcers
repo/66 -> repos
reworking/66 -> reworkings
rickenbacker/66 -> rickenbackers
riposte/66 -> ripostes,riposting,riposted
robustness/66 -> robustnesses
role-play/66 -> role-plays
roundup/66 -> roundups
rudiment/66 -> rudiments
rudy/66 -> rudies
saleroom/66 -> salerooms
savanna/66 -> savannas
sayers/66 -> sayerss
see-through/66 -> see-throughs
self-satisfaction/66 -> self-satisfactions
semi-circle/66 -> semi-circles
shiite/66 -> shiites
side-street/66 -> side-streets
sniffer/66 -> sniffers
stator/66 -> stators
stickiness/66 -> stickinesses
strum/66 -> strumming,strummed,strums
sunburn/66 -> sunburned,sunburning,sunburns,sunburnt
tarzan/66 -> tarzans
terracing/66 -> terracings
theseus/66 -> theseuss
toot/66 -> tooted,tooting,toots
torre/66 -> torres
tress/66 -> tresses
unknowing/66 -> unknowings
var/66 -> vars
victimisation/66 -> victimisations
vinaigrette/66 -> vinaigrettes
vomiting/66 -> vomitings
water-colour/66 -> water-colours
wend/66 -> wending,wended,wends
westinghouse/66 -> westinghouses
wham/66 -> whammed,whams,whamming
yesteryear/66 -> yesteryears
airmail/65 -> airmails,airmailed,airmailing
alveolar/65 -> alveolars
amyloid/65 -> amyloids
anatomist/65 -> anatomists
arbour/65 -> arbours
arrowhead/65 -> arrowheads
atenolol/65 -> atenolols
augur/65 -> augurs,auguring,augured
autoradiography/65 -> autoradiographies
bd/65 -> bds
bedfellow/65 -> bedfellows
bon/65 -> boned,bons,boning
bonnard/65 -> bonnards
brest/65 -> brests
burble/65 -> burbling,burbled,burbles
by-law/65 -> by-laws
cadaver/65 -> cadavers
case-study/65 -> case-studies
cayman/65 -> caymans
claustrophobia/65 -> claustrophobias
cliff-top/65 -> cliff-tops
co-defendant/65 -> co-defendants
coaster/65 -> coasters
cooky/65 -> cookies
cornfield/65 -> cornfields
criminologist/65 -> criminologists
data-base/65 -> data-bases
destitution/65 -> destitutions
detonation/65 -> detonations
diss/65 -> dissing
downgrading/65 -> downgradings
economise/65 -> economising,economised
fawkes/65 -> fawkess
field-worker/65 -> field-workers
frontispiece/65 -> frontispieces
fulfill/65 -> fulfills,fulfils,fulfilling,fulfilled
glaciation/65 -> glaciations
glassware/65 -> glasswares
gritstone/65 -> gritstones
gruagach/65 -> gruagachs
guinea-bissau/65 -> guinea-bissaus
gulliver/65 -> gullivers
hardening/65 -> hardenings
hearthware/65 -> hearthwares
hermeneutic/65 -> hermeneutics
homily/65 -> homilies
honduran/65 -> hondurans
humming/65 -> hummings
immunology/65 -> immunologies
impeach/65 -> impeached,impeaching,impeaches
incantation/65 -> incantations
iud/65 -> iuds
jeddah/65 -> jeddahs
joinery/65 -> joineries
juggling/65 -> jugglings
kc/65 -> kcs
knave/65 -> knaves
knife-edge/65 -> knife-edges
lampshade/65 -> lampshades
lapping/65 -> lappings
leucocyte/65 -> leucocytes
leviticus/65 -> leviticuss
liberalise/65 -> liberalised,liberalising,liberalises
liberian/65 -> liberians
livermore/65 -> livermores
loggerhead/65 -> loggerheads
lucidity/65 -> lucidities
lysosome/65 -> lysosomes
mage/65 -> mages,maged
maleness/65 -> malenesses
manipulator/65 -> manipulators
medicare/65 -> medicares
merriment/65 -> merriments
moldovan/65 -> moldovans
montego/65 -> montegos
mullah/65 -> mullahs
muscovite/65 -> muscovites
nih/65 -> nihs
nsc/65 -> nscs
obverse/65 -> obverses
offal/65 -> offals
ogilvy/65 -> ogilvys,ogilvies
oocyte/65 -> oocytes
over-estimate/65 -> over-estimated,over-estimating,over-estimates
pagoda/65 -> pagodas
phage/65 -> phages
plebeian/65 -> plebeians
prattle/65 -> prattling,prattled,prattles
procreation/65 -> procreations
pte/65 -> ptes
rebuttal/65 -> rebuttals
recitation/65 -> recitations
regurgitate/65 -> regurgitated,regurgitating,regurgitates
reorder/65 -> reordered,reordering,reorders
rheme/65 -> rhemes
rip-off/65 -> rip-offs
rockwell/65 -> rockwells
rorim/65 -> rorims
sacramental/65 -> sacramentals
scoreboard/65 -> scoreboards
scraper/65 -> scrapers
secessionist/65 -> secessionists
sedge/65 -> sedges
self-criticism/65 -> self-criticisms
solenoid/65 -> solenoids
stoic/65 -> stoics,stoical
straggler/65 -> stragglers
townsfolk/65 -> townsfolks
tr/65 -> tring
tuba/65 -> tubas
unbalance/65 -> unbalanced,unbalancing,unbalances
vaseline/65 -> vaselines
vignette/65 -> vignettes
welder/65 -> welders
yemeni/65 -> yemenis
yup/65 -> yups
abyssinian/64 -> abyssinians
afp/64 -> afps
after-effect/64 -> after-effects
appertain/64 -> appertaining,appertains,appertained
arce/64 -> arced,arcing
arte/64 -> artes
asshole/64 -> assholes
augustinian/64 -> augustinians
avenger/64 -> avengers
banging/64 -> bangings
boleyn/64 -> boleyns
bookmark/64 -> bookmarks
brock/64 -> brocks,brocked
byelorussia/64 -> byelorussias
chaplaincy/64 -> chaplaincies
chintz/64 -> chintzs
clicking/64 -> clickings
coco/64 -> cocoes
commiserate/64 -> commiserated,commiserating,commiserates
compunction/64 -> compunctions
confection/64 -> confections
cookbook/64 -> cookbooks
cpa/64 -> cpas
crepe/64 -> crepes,creping,creped
cytomegalovirus/64 -> cytomegaloviruss
deme/64 -> demes,demed
demobilization/64 -> demobilizations
deutschland/64 -> deutschlands
disarming/64 -> disarmings
dullness/64 -> dullnesses
effector/64 -> effectors
emancipate/64 -> emancipated,emancipating,emancipates
eroticism/64 -> eroticisms
eureka/64 -> eurekas
expropriate/64 -> expropriated,expropriating,expropriates
gaoler/64 -> gaolers
glam/64 -> glammed,glams
granulocyte/64 -> granulocytes
guanine/64 -> guanines
halter/64 -> halters,haltered
hebridean/64 -> hebrideans
hedonism/64 -> hedonisms
implantation/64 -> implantations
indiscipline/64 -> indisciplined
indus/64 -> induss
ingrain/64 -> ingrained,ingrains,ingraining
interdict/64 -> interdicts,interdicted,interdicting
kicker/64 -> kickers
knell/64 -> knelled,knells
lessening/64 -> lessenings
lf/64 -> lfs
linnaeus/64 -> linnaeuss
manc/64 -> mancs
marti/64 -> martis
meteorology/64 -> meteorologies
metronidazole/64 -> metronidazoles
misadventure/64 -> misadventures
mortify/64 -> mortified,mortifying,mortifies
nanking/64 -> nankings
nationalize/64 -> nationalized,nationalizing,nationalizes
neanderthal/64 -> neanderthals
nutcracker/64 -> nutcrackers
ogden/64 -> ogdens
oneness/64 -> onenesses
outback/64 -> outbacks
overcharge/64 -> overcharged,overcharging,overcharges
ozawa/64 -> ozawas
palaeolithic/64 -> palaeolithics
pay-out/64 -> pay-outs
perceptron/64 -> perceptrons
pergola/64 -> pergolas
perusal/64 -> perusals
phonetics/64 -> phoneticss
pigtail/64 -> pigtails
poe/64 -> poes
poisoner/64 -> poisoners
pollinate/64 -> pollinated,pollinates,pollinating
polyphony/64 -> polyphonies
probity/64 -> probities
pulsatance/64 -> pulsatances
pyre/64 -> pyres
re-evaluate/64 -> re-evaluated,re-evaluating,re-evaluates
re-organisation/64 -> re-organisations
refining/64 -> refinings
reheat/64 -> reheating,reheated,reheats
rifleman/64 -> riflemen
rove/64 -> roved,roving,roves
salem/64 -> salems
salver/64 -> salvers
scfa/64 -> scfas
scherzo/64 -> scherzos
scoundrel/64 -> scoundrels
secondee/64 -> secondees
seddon/64 -> seddons
shingles/64 -> shingless
sigmoidoscopy/64 -> sigmoidoscopies
silverware/64 -> silverwares
slimline/64 -> slimlines
snorkel/64 -> snorkelling,snorkels,snorkelled
snowstorm/64 -> snowstorms
speller/64 -> spellers
spinoza/64 -> spinozas
stiletto/64 -> stilettos
supermodel/64 -> supermodels
surfeit/64 -> surfeited,surfeits,surfeiting
synth/64 -> synths
table-top/64 -> table-tops
tapper/64 -> tappers
theism/64 -> theisms
tip-toe/64 -> tip-toed,tip-toes,tip-toeing
traffick/64 -> trafficking,trafficked
tragedian/64 -> tragedians
tramcar/64 -> tramcars
travail/64 -> travails,travailing,travailed
trevino/64 -> trevinoes
trier/64 -> triers
trilby/64 -> trilbies,trilbied
tureen/64 -> tureens
unblock/64 -> unblocking,unblocks
victimise/64 -> victimised,victimising
wagnerian/64 -> wagnerians
woodbine/64 -> woodbines
zloty/64 -> zlotys,zloties
allegro/63 -> allegros
bangle/63 -> bangles
begonia/63 -> begonias
bern/63 -> berns
biochemist/63 -> biochemists
blue-grey/63 -> blue-greys
boarding-school/63 -> boarding-schools
bod/63 -> bods
boddy/63 -> boddys,boddies
brabham/63 -> brabhams
breastfeed/63 -> breastfeeding,breastfeeds,breastfed
burgher/63 -> burghers
cast-off/63 -> cast-offs
charleston/63 -> charlestoned,charlestons
chianti/63 -> chiantis
chuff/63 -> chuffed,chuffing,chuffs
codename/63 -> codenamed,codenames
concubine/63 -> concubines
confederate/63 -> confederates,confederated,confederating
confidante/63 -> confidantes
contemnor/63 -> contemnors
dalmatian/63 -> dalmatians
darkroom/63 -> darkrooms
deadpan/63 -> deadpans,deadpanning
death-bed/63 -> death-beds
defaulter/63 -> defaulters
dominica/63 -> dominicas
doyen/63 -> doyens
dubrovnik/63 -> dubrovniks
dumb-bell/63 -> dumb-bells
elan/63 -> elans
epoxy/63 -> epoxies,epoxied
escapement/63 -> escapements
eurodollar/63 -> eurodollars
everyman/63 -> everymen
extrude/63 -> extruded,extrudes,extruding
fahd/63 -> fahds
flip-flop/63 -> flip-flops
florey/63 -> floreys
forging/63 -> forgings
formalin/63 -> formalins
fount/63 -> founts
fractal/63 -> fractals
gaff/63 -> gaffs,gaffed,gaffing
gawp/63 -> gawping,gawped,gawps
gentility/63 -> gentilities
glutamine/63 -> glutamines
gnat/63 -> gnats
gpa/63 -> gpas
grey-green/63 -> grey-greens
gris/63 -> griss
halcyon/63 -> halcyons
haute/63 -> hautes
headword/63 -> headwords
henson/63 -> hensons
hibernation/63 -> hibernations
hindquarter/63 -> hindquarters
historicist/63 -> historicists
housebuilder/63 -> housebuilders
ic/63 -> ics
imitator/63 -> imitators
imo/63 -> imoes
imputation/63 -> imputations
incriminate/63 -> incriminated,incriminating,incriminates
individuation/63 -> individuations
infantryman/63 -> infantrymen
interloper/63 -> interlopers
internationalization/63 -> internationalizations
jonquil/63 -> jonquils
junky/63 -> junkies
krakatoa/63 -> krakatoas
lange/63 -> langes
lyceum/63 -> lyceums
maharajah/63 -> maharajahs
manna/63 -> mannas
marque/63 -> marques
matte/63 -> mattes
maximization/63 -> maximizations
minsk/63 -> minsks
minter/63 -> minters
montserrat/63 -> montserrats
mote/63 -> motes,moted,moter
myle/63 -> myles
mystification/63 -> mystifications
nagasaki/63 -> nagasakis
nantes/63 -> nantess
nessie/63 -> nessies
nlp/63 -> nlps
noddy/63 -> noddies
non-essential/63 -> non-essentials
nrc/63 -> nrcs
nursemaid/63 -> nursemaids,nursemaiding
outsize/63 -> outsized,outsizes
over-simplification/63 -> over-simplifications
paternity/63 -> paternities
pillory/63 -> pilloried,pillories,pillorying
pitchfork/63 -> pitchforks,pitchforked
pogrom/63 -> pogroms
point-to-point/63 -> point-to-points
pomposity/63 -> pomposities
quarterback/63 -> quarterbacks
rainstorm/63 -> rainstorms
regionalism/63 -> regionalisms
resistivity/63 -> resistivities
revivalist/63 -> revivalists
rigg/63 -> riggs
right-winger/63 -> right-wingers
roddick/63 -> roddicks
rodeo/63 -> rodeos
roof-top/63 -> roof-tops
s'pose/63 -> s'posed
sadist/63 -> sadists
separateness/63 -> separatenesses
shew/63 -> shewn,shewing,shewed,shews
snowfall/63 -> snowfalls
spooner/63 -> spooners
sprayer/63 -> sprayers
streisand/63 -> streisands
tac/63 -> tacs
thackeray/63 -> thackerays
typeset/63 -> typesetting,typesets,typeset
under-estimate/63 -> under-estimated,under-estimates,under-estimating
underplay/63 -> underplayed,underplays,underplaying
vaudeville/63 -> vaudevilles
vilify/63 -> vilified,vilifying,vilifies
viscose/63 -> viscoses
vitrinite/63 -> vitrinites
votive/63 -> votives
wariness/63 -> warinesses
wherewithal/63 -> wherewithals
wo/63 -> wos
wonderment/63 -> wonderments
wrack/63 -> wracked,wracking,wracks
yaw/63 -> yaws,yawing,yawed
zhukov/63 -> zhukovs
abomination/62 -> abominations
abs/62 -> abss
acanthus/62 -> acanthuss
add-in/62 -> add-ins
adonis/62 -> adoniss
apogee/62 -> apogees
aught/62 -> aughts
aviator/62 -> aviators
back-bench/62 -> back-benches
beaujolais/62 -> beaujolaiss
bedchamber/62 -> bedchambers
beluga/62 -> belugas
bevel/62 -> bevelled,bevels,bevelling
bifurcation/62 -> bifurcations
billionaire/62 -> billionaires
boudoir/62 -> boudoirs
boyo/62 -> boyos,boyoing
bronx/62 -> bronxes
browser/62 -> browsers
bullseye/62 -> bullseyes
bulmer/62 -> bulmers
calve/62 -> calving,calved,calves
chanting/62 -> chantings
chaperon/62 -> chaperoned,chaperons,chaperoning
chequer/62 -> chequers,chequered,chequering
courthouse/62 -> courthouses
crosslink/62 -> crosslinking,crosslinks,crosslinked
crumpet/62 -> crumpets
culpability/62 -> culpabilities
dahlia/62 -> dahlias
dentistry/62 -> dentistries
deprave/62 -> depraved,depraving,depraves
dicky/62 -> dickies,dickier,dickiest
diva/62 -> divas
dogmatism/62 -> dogmatisms
drowsiness/62 -> drowsinesses
egocentric/62 -> egocentrics
eighteen-year-old/62 -> eighteen-year-olds
emboss/62 -> embossed,embossing,embosses
esq/62 -> esqs
eurasian/62 -> eurasians
evert/62 -> everted,everting,everts
faisal/62 -> faisals
fallopian/62 -> fallopians
filigree/62 -> filigrees
flashpoint/62 -> flashpoints
fra/62 -> fras
freemasonry/62 -> freemasonries
fribble/62 -> fribbling
frivolity/62 -> frivolities
gaffe/62 -> gaffes
gauss/62 -> gausses
ginsberg/62 -> ginsbergs
haile/62 -> hailes
handedness/62 -> handednesses
heisenberg/62 -> heisenbergs
hyperion/62 -> hyperions
indeterminacy/62 -> indeterminacies
instillation/62 -> instillations
ironstone/62 -> ironstones
ischaemia/62 -> ischaemias
kick-start/62 -> kick-starts,kick-started
kraft/62 -> krafts
letter-box/62 -> letter-boxes
lh/62 -> lhs
limpet/62 -> limpets
lyricism/62 -> lyricisms
machete/62 -> machetes
magellan/62 -> magellans
markov/62 -> markovs
mastic/62 -> mastics
mena/62 -> menas
moloch/62 -> moloches
moneylender/62 -> moneylenders
nastiness/62 -> nastinesses
oddball/62 -> oddballs
ola/62 -> olas
oo/62 -> oos
opacity/62 -> opacities
outclass/62 -> outclassed,outclassing,outclasses
pentatonic/62 -> pentatonics
perpetuation/62 -> perpetuations
pinion/62 -> pinioned,pinions,pinioning
playschool/62 -> playschools
poignancy/62 -> poignancies
pop-up/62 -> pop-ups
psych/62 -> psyched,psyches,psyching,psychs
pushover/62 -> pushovers
radioe/62 -> radioed
readmit/62 -> readmitted,readmitting
reykjavik/62 -> reykjaviks
roulette/62 -> roulettes
rubberneck/62 -> rubbernecks,rubbernecked,rubbernecking
sadism/62 -> sadisms
sanatorium/62 -> sanatoriums,sanatoria
sardinian/62 -> sardinians
scheming/62 -> schemings
scrip/62 -> scrips
sealing/62 -> sealings
sectarianism/62 -> sectarianisms
self-indulgence/62 -> self-indulgences
semi-finalist/62 -> semi-finalists
set-back/62 -> set-backs
shuffling/62 -> shufflings
simeon/62 -> simeons
skitter/62 -> skittered,skittering,skitters
smattering/62 -> smatterings
sociolinguist/62 -> sociolinguists
solver/62 -> solvers
spam/62 -> spammed
standish/62 -> standishes
still-life/62 -> still-lifes
story-teller/62 -> story-tellers
subliminal/62 -> subliminals
sunroof/62 -> sunroofs
tachycardia/62 -> tachycardias
tad/62 -> tads
taif/62 -> taifs
teammate/62 -> teammates
telepathy/62 -> telepathies
tench/62 -> tenches
thundering/62 -> thunderings
trampoline/62 -> trampolining,trampolines,trampolined
transmutation/62 -> transmutations
twitter/62 -> twittering,twittered,twitters
vagotomy/62 -> vagotomies
venturi/62 -> venturis
vixen/62 -> vixens
whiten/62 -> whitened,whitening,whitens
wraith/62 -> wraiths
yi/62 -> yis
abbess/61 -> abbesses
absolutism/61 -> absolutisms
alleviation/61 -> alleviations
altercation/61 -> altercations
angiotensin/61 -> angiotensins
archbishopric/61 -> archbishoprics
automaton/61 -> automatons,automata
balance-of-payment/61 -> balance-of-payments
begum/61 -> begums
bender/61 -> benders
berlioz/61 -> berliozs
birth-rate/61 -> birth-rates
bivouac/61 -> bivouacs,bivouacking,bivouacked
calvinism/61 -> calvinisms
camber/61 -> cambered,cambers
camellia/61 -> camellias
candelabra/61 -> candelabras,candelabrum
cga/61 -> cgas
chasing/61 -> chasings
coalescence/61 -> coalescences
colosseum/61 -> colosseums
coprocessor/61 -> coprocessors
covariance/61 -> covariances
cravat/61 -> cravats
crawling/61 -> crawlings
curie/61 -> curies
dallam/61 -> dallams
delineation/61 -> delineations
diffidence/61 -> diffidences
dorking/61 -> dorkings
dug-out/61 -> dug-outs
dyestuff/61 -> dyestuffs
elute/61 -> eluted,eluting,elutes
embolden/61 -> emboldened,emboldens,emboldening
evolutionism/61 -> evolutionisms
fisa/61 -> fisas
godhead/61 -> godheads
goo/61 -> goos,gooing
grandee/61 -> grandees
ha'penny/61 -> ha'pennies
hackle/61 -> hackles,hackled,hackling
heckle/61 -> heckled,heckling,heckles
hn/61 -> hns
howler/61 -> howlers
hunky/61 -> hunkiest,hunkier
imbecile/61 -> imbeciles
intestacy/61 -> intestacies
jfk/61 -> jfks
k2/61 -> k2s
karma/61 -> karmas
kyoto/61 -> kyotoes
let-down/61 -> let-downs
loach/61 -> loaches
macaque/61 -> macaques
maldon/61 -> maldons
meandering/61 -> meanderings
minigram/61 -> minigrams
misuser/61 -> misusers
moravia/61 -> moravias
mylar/61 -> mylars
newness/61 -> newnesses
newsman/61 -> newsmen
obstetrics/61 -> obstetricss
one-piece/61 -> one-pieces
osmosis/61 -> osmoses
parsonage/61 -> parsonages
passer/61 -> passers
payback/61 -> paybacks
portmanteau/61 -> portmanteaus
posturing/61 -> posturings
poundage/61 -> poundages
poussin/61 -> poussins
privet/61 -> privets
rascal/61 -> rascals
reconven/61 -> reconvened,reconvening
rejoinder/61 -> rejoinders,rejoindered
rejuvenation/61 -> rejuvenations
rile/61 -> riled,riles,riling
rosebud/61 -> rosebuds
sawmill/61 -> sawmills
shortcut/61 -> shortcuts
slosh/61 -> sloshing,sloshed,sloshes
smallness/61 -> smallnesses
softwood/61 -> softwoods
spastic/61 -> spastics
sphincterotomy/61 -> sphincterotomies
staffer/61 -> staffers
stager/61 -> stagers
sterility/61 -> sterilities
sud/61 -> suds
tonsil/61 -> tonsils
toolbox/61 -> toolboxes
trove/61 -> troves
unbeliever/61 -> unbelievers
underrate/61 -> underrated,underrates,underrating
untrustworthy/61 -> untrustworthies
ut/61 -> uts
vd/61 -> vds
veracity/61 -> veracities
waterfowl/61 -> waterfowls
whitsun/61 -> whitsuns
window-sill/61 -> window-sills
amulet/60 -> amulets
anaesthetise/60 -> anaesthetised,anaesthetising
andalusia/60 -> andalusias
angioplasty/60 -> angioplasties
antiserum/60 -> antiserums
atropine/60 -> atropines
aver/60 -> averred,avers,averring
berenice/60 -> berenices
bolshevism/60 -> bolshevisms
bugle/60 -> bugles
busker/60 -> buskers
cairngorm/60 -> cairngorms
carbide/60 -> carbides
carthage/60 -> carthages
cartwheel/60 -> cartwheels,cartwheeled,cartwheeling
ch'i/60 -> ch'is
cheating/60 -> cheatings
confectioner/60 -> confectioners
conflate/60 -> conflated,conflating,conflates
courtesan/60 -> courtesans
cps/60 -> cpss
crowbar/60 -> crowbars
d-day/60 -> d-days
dakar/60 -> dakars
deuce/60 -> deuces
dingle/60 -> dingles
dinky/60 -> dinkies,dinkys
dipper/60 -> dippers
disciplinarian/60 -> disciplinarians
disengagement/60 -> disengagements
drifting/60 -> driftings
emitter/60 -> emitters
end-product/60 -> end-products
euripides/60 -> euripidess
faithfulness/60 -> faithfulnesses
fatalism/60 -> fatalisms
faustus/60 -> faustuss
fel/60 -> fels
firebird/60 -> firebirds
flagging/60 -> flaggings
flan/60 -> flans
flapping/60 -> flappings
flipper/60 -> flippers
flotsam/60 -> flotsams
flycatcher/60 -> flycatchers
frontman/60 -> frontmen
funboard/60 -> funboards
galapagos/60 -> galapagoss
galatian/60 -> galatians
gasifier/60 -> gasifiers
gloster/60 -> glosters
handyman/60 -> handymen
haystack/60 -> haystacks
hillock/60 -> hillocks
idolatry/60 -> idolatries
inductor/60 -> inductors
inflexibility/60 -> inflexibilities
inge/60 -> inges
intercession/60 -> intercessions
interrelation/60 -> interrelations
itemise/60 -> itemised,itemising,itemises
kerosene/60 -> kerosenes
landfall/60 -> landfalls
leggy/60 -> leggier,leggys,leggiest
lei/60 -> leis
licence-holder/60 -> licence-holders
lilly/60 -> lillies
limber/60 -> limbering,limbers,limbered
loafer/60 -> loafers
lu/60 -> lus
mab/60 -> mabs
marinate/60 -> marinated,marinating,marinates
maw/60 -> maws
miocene/60 -> miocenes
misinformation/60 -> misinformations
misspelling/60 -> misspellings
modeller/60 -> modellers
montenegrin/60 -> montenegrins
moorhen/60 -> moorhens
mope/60 -> moping,moped,mopes
motown/60 -> motowns
mugging/60 -> muggings
natty/60 -> nattier,nattiest
neuropeptide/60 -> neuropeptides
oakland/60 -> oaklands
om/60 -> omming
outmanoeuvre/60 -> outmanoeuvred,outmanoeuvreing,outmanoeuvres,outmanoeuvring
outplay/60 -> outplayed,outplaying,outplays
oversimplify/60 -> oversimplifies,oversimplified,oversimplifying
paperweight/60 -> paperweights
partitioning/60 -> partitionings
phosphatidylcholine/60 -> phosphatidylcholines
piranha/60 -> piranhas
place-name/60 -> place-names
powerhead/60 -> powerheads
preschool/60 -> preschools
queene/60 -> queenes
racketeering/60 -> racketeerings
rcc/60 -> rccs
re-think/60 -> re-thinking
reaper/60 -> reapers
redeployment/60 -> redeployments
rhapsody/60 -> rhapsodies
rockefeller/60 -> rockefellers
samurai/60 -> samurais
self-assurance/60 -> self-assurances
self-incrimination/60 -> self-incriminations
seventeen-year-old/60 -> seventeen-year-olds
shortness/60 -> shortnesses
squelch/60 -> squelched,squelching,squelches
sub-community/60 -> sub-communities
suet/60 -> suets
synoptic/60 -> synoptics
tearaway/60 -> tearaways
telephony/60 -> telephonies
throaty/60 -> throatier,throatiest
time-cue/60 -> time-cues
townscape/60 -> townscapes
triathlon/60 -> triathlons
tripe/60 -> tripes
trucker/60 -> truckers
truncate/60 -> truncated,truncating,truncates
trypsin/60 -> trypsins
typification/60 -> typifications
underclothe/60 -> underclothes
undersea/60 -> underseas
unreliability/60 -> unreliabilities
uprate/60 -> uprated,uprating
ur/60 -> uring
urinal/60 -> urinals
usability/60 -> usabilities
vice-chair/60 -> vice-chairs
whitlow/60 -> whitlows
widowhood/60 -> widowhoods
willard/60 -> willards
willem/60 -> willems
winchelsey/60 -> winchelseys
wylie/60 -> wylies
acuity/59 -> acuities
adp/59 -> adps
airflow/59 -> airflows
annulment/59 -> annulments
anthelmintic/59 -> anthelmintics
arranger/59 -> arrangers
aryan/59 -> aryans
bacillus/59 -> bacilluss
ballard/59 -> ballards
barony/59 -> baronies
beetroot/59 -> beetroots
bickering/59 -> bickerings
busybody/59 -> busybodies
caesarian/59 -> caesarians
capsaicin/59 -> capsaicins
carman/59 -> carmen
chimera/59 -> chimeras
climatology/59 -> climatologies
clunk/59 -> clunked,clunks,clunking
comber/59 -> combers
coney/59 -> coneys
copley/59 -> copleys
cruciform/59 -> cruciforms
cypher/59 -> cyphers
dauphin/59 -> dauphins
delft/59 -> delfts
diaspora/59 -> diasporas
diatribe/59 -> diatribes
dionysius/59 -> dionysiuss
distemper/59 -> distempered,distempers,distempering
doormat/59 -> doormats
elixir/59 -> elixirs
emplacement/59 -> emplacements
entreaty/59 -> entreaties
ephesian/59 -> ephesians
erin/59 -> erins
ess/59 -> esses
excelsior/59 -> excelsiors
exultation/59 -> exultations
faust/59 -> fausts
filofax/59 -> filofaxes
forewarn/59 -> forewarned,forewarns,forewarning
forman/59 -> formen
freedman/59 -> freedmen,freedmans
goalpost/59 -> goalposts
goering/59 -> goerings
grammarian/59 -> grammarians
guam/59 -> guams
half-truth/59 -> half-truths
haulier/59 -> hauliers
hiding-place/59 -> hiding-places
hospitalise/59 -> hospitalised
hs/59 -> hss
hysteric/59 -> hysterics
icao/59 -> icaos
ill-effect/59 -> ill-effects
ilo/59 -> iloes
imbibe/59 -> imbibed,imbibing,imbibes
inertial/59 -> inertials
iterative/59 -> iteratives
jag/59 -> jagging,jags
kandyan/59 -> kandyans
ketamine/59 -> ketamines
laterality/59 -> lateralities
left-winger/59 -> left-wingers
leviathan/59 -> leviathans
lode/59 -> lodes
longhorn/59 -> longhorns
loudness/59 -> loudnesses
mainman/59 -> mainmen
mancunian/59 -> mancunians
manet/59 -> manets
mid-point/59 -> mid-points
monolayer/59 -> monolayers
moro/59 -> moroes
napoli/59 -> napolis
negroe/59 -> negroes
nifty/59 -> niftiest,niftier
notary/59 -> notaries
nyse/59 -> nyses
over-represent/59 -> over-represented
parsing/59 -> parsings
patency/59 -> patencies
phalangist/59 -> phalangists
phantasm/59 -> phantasms
plebiscite/59 -> plebiscites
postdoctoral/59 -> postdoctorals
postmaster/59 -> postmasters
potentiation/59 -> potentiations
prig/59 -> prigs
prima/59 -> primas
puritanism/59 -> puritanisms
reallocation/59 -> reallocations
receding/59 -> recedings
reinvest/59 -> reinvested,reinvesting,reinvests
reorientation/59 -> reorientations
respirator/59 -> respirators
ringleader/59 -> ringleaders
rollercoaster/59 -> rollercoasters
sacrilege/59 -> sacrileges
sandalwood/59 -> sandalwoods
self-serving/59 -> self-servings
seroconversion/59 -> seroconversions
settling/59 -> settlings
sibelius/59 -> sibeliuss
sisson/59 -> sissons
snide/59 -> snider
socialite/59 -> socialites
spectrometry/59 -> spectrometries
sssi/59 -> sssis
starke/59 -> starker,starkest
starlet/59 -> starlets
sub-assembly/59 -> sub-assemblies
summerhouse/59 -> summerhouses
tapering/59 -> taperings
taxy/59 -> taxied,taxying,taxies
testosterone/59 -> testosterones
tie-in/59 -> tie-ins
trem/59 -> trems
trevelyan/59 -> trevelyans
tweezers/59 -> tweezer
upjohn/59 -> upjohns
vibrancy/59 -> vibrancies
vibrator/59 -> vibrators
villus/59 -> villuss
walk-in/59 -> walk-ins
welterweight/59 -> welterweights
wot/59 -> wots
xavier/59 -> xaviers
zonal/59 -> zonals
acolyte/58 -> acolytes
admittance/58 -> admittances
alabaster/58 -> alabasters
apparatuse/58 -> apparatuses
backstreet/58 -> backstreets
balanchine/58 -> balanchines
balk/58 -> balked,balks,balking
banishment/58 -> banishments
banshee/58 -> banshees
bate/58 -> bating,bates,bated
benediction/58 -> benedictions
bing/58 -> bings,binging
bitchy/58 -> bitchiest,bitchier
blackwood/58 -> blackwoods
blue-black/58 -> blue-blacks
boltzmann/58 -> boltzmanns
bootleg/58 -> bootlegs,bootlegging,bootlegged
brainstorming/58 -> brainstormings
cabby/58 -> cabbies
cabochon/58 -> cabochons
cajun/58 -> cajuns
centralism/58 -> centralisms
citrate/58 -> citrated
cohesiveness/58 -> cohesivenesses
coire/58 -> coires
conformance/58 -> conformances
counter-culture/58 -> counter-cultures
crimp/58 -> crimped,crimping,crimps
crozier/58 -> croziers
cut-back/58 -> cut-backs
dandruff/58 -> dandruffs
defecate/58 -> defecated,defecating,defecates
delaunay/58 -> delaunays
demoralize/58 -> demoralized,demoralizing,demoralizes
dermatologist/58 -> dermatologists
desecration/58 -> desecrations
discernment/58 -> discernments
discomfiture/58 -> discomfitures
dodo/58 -> dodos,dodoes
doomsday/58 -> doomsdays
dramatize/58 -> dramatized,dramatizing,dramatizes
eardrum/58 -> eardrums
ejaculate/58 -> ejaculated,ejaculating,ejaculates
encumber/58 -> encumbered,encumbering,encumbers
enteropathy/58 -> enteropathies
enthron/58 -> enthroned,enthroning
entrap/58 -> entrapped,entrapping,entraps
exocet/58 -> exocets
explicate/58 -> explicated,explicating,explicates
filial/58 -> filials
fixate/58 -> fixated,fixating,fixates
footway/58 -> footways
fretboard/58 -> fretboards
galvanize/58 -> galvanized,galvanizing,galvanizes
greyness/58 -> greynesses
groundsman/58 -> groundsmen
guider/58 -> guiders
herdbook/58 -> herdbooks
hillman/58 -> hillmen
idealize/58 -> idealized,idealizes,idealizing
immunofluorescence/58 -> immunofluorescences
intermingle/58 -> intermingled,intermingling,intermingles
jenner/58 -> jenners
jinx/58 -> jinxed,jinxes
klee/58 -> klees
leukocyte/58 -> leukocytes
leukotriene/58 -> leukotrienes
loader/58 -> loaders
localization/58 -> localizations
long-wave/58 -> long-waves
maghreb/58 -> maghrebs
magi/58 -> magis
malachi/58 -> malachis
medusa/58 -> medusae
mevleviyet/58 -> mevleviyets
ministration/58 -> ministrations
missive/58 -> missives
mistreat/58 -> mistreated,mistreating,mistreats
muscat/58 -> muscats
muscovy/58 -> muscovies
niagara/58 -> niagaras
no-hoper/58 -> no-hopers
pankhurst/58 -> pankhursts
parachutist/58 -> parachutists
paunch/58 -> paunches
peabody/58 -> peabodies
pisces/58 -> piscess
planck/58 -> plancks
plaudit/58 -> plaudits
pressurize/58 -> pressurized,pressurizing,pressurizes
prisoner-of-war/58 -> prisoners-of-war
prizewinner/58 -> prizewinners
proclivity/58 -> proclivities
quadrangle/58 -> quadrangles
quagmire/58 -> quagmires
radish/58 -> radishes
ravish/58 -> ravishing,ravished,ravishes
reptilian/58 -> reptilians
rhone/58 -> rhones
rossetti/58 -> rossettis
ruminant/58 -> ruminants
rusk/58 -> rusks,rusked
salience/58 -> saliences
schaffer/58 -> schaffers
scullion/58 -> scullions
scurvy/58 -> scurvies
seafarer/58 -> seafarers
seizing/58 -> seizings
silversmith/58 -> silversmiths
skunk/58 -> skunks,skunked
soiling/58 -> soilings
strath/58 -> straths
streamliner/58 -> streamliners
stringy/58 -> stringier,stringiest
striving/58 -> strivings
submatrix/58 -> submatrices
superconductor/58 -> superconductors
sydenham/58 -> sydenhams
tawney/58 -> tawneys
teardrop/58 -> teardrops
toff/58 -> toffs
toga/58 -> togas
tombola/58 -> tombolas
torino/58 -> torinoes
transection/58 -> transections
trimmer/58 -> trimmers
twelve-year-old/58 -> twelve-year-olds
underachievement/58 -> underachievements
undercoat/58 -> undercoats,undercoating,undercoated
vegan/58 -> vegans
weal/58 -> weals,wealed
wyoming/58 -> wyomings
yap/58 -> yapping,yapped,yaps
abbe/57 -> abbes
agence/57 -> agences
agra/57 -> agras
altarpiece/57 -> altarpieces
apparatchik/57 -> apparatchiks
archangel/57 -> archangels
attainer/57 -> attainers
auk/57 -> auks
auspex/57 -> auspexes
austria-hungary/57 -> austria-hungaries
awarding/57 -> awardings
backroom/57 -> backrooms
bala/57 -> balas
basra/57 -> basras
belladonna/57 -> belladonnas
betide/57 -> betides,betiding,betided
betroth/57 -> betrothed,betroths,betrothing
bloomer/57 -> bloomers
bookkeeping/57 -> bookkeepings
bosanquet/57 -> bosanquets
brainy/57 -> brainiest,brainier
bren/57 -> brens
brie/57 -> bries
broca/57 -> brocas
charterer/57 -> charterers
communique/57 -> communiques
cordelia/57 -> cordelias
corny/57 -> corniest,cornies,cornier
corry/57 -> corries
counter-argument/57 -> counter-arguments
d'art/57 -> d'arts
debase/57 -> debased,debasing,debases
decamp/57 -> decamped,decamping,decamps
decentralize/57 -> decentralizing,decentralized,decentralizes
defeatist/57 -> defeatists
denominate/57 -> denominated,denominating,denominates
devenish/57 -> devenishes
disharmony/57 -> disharmonies
dortmund/57 -> dortmunds
dyspepsia/57 -> dyspepsias
eia/57 -> eias
ex-service/57 -> ex-services
exaltation/57 -> exaltations
expressiveness/57 -> expressivenesses
faerie/57 -> faeries
fatwa/57 -> fatwas
flailing/57 -> flailings
fortieth/57 -> fortieths
ghoul/57 -> ghouls
grahame/57 -> grahames
gratuity/57 -> gratuities
gunship/57 -> gunships
hain/57 -> hains,haining,hainer
hairspray/57 -> hairsprays
hannibal/57 -> hannibals
heller/57 -> hellers
heraldry/57 -> heraldries
homebase/57 -> homebases
homesickness/57 -> homesicknesses
hominoid/57 -> hominoids
homophobic/57 -> homophobics
hospitaller/57 -> hospitallers
immunodeficiency/57 -> immunodeficiencies
imperil/57 -> imperilled,imperilling,imperils
infliction/57 -> inflictions
inoculate/57 -> inoculated,inoculating,inoculates
je/57 -> jes
joss/57 -> josses
kitchener/57 -> kitcheners
knotty/57 -> knottiest,knottier
laban/57 -> labans
lafayette/57 -> lafayettes
lashing/57 -> lashings
letterhead/57 -> letterheads,letterheading
lifter/57 -> lifters
malady/57 -> maladies
malformation/57 -> malformations
manicure/57 -> manicured,manicures,manicuring
mannequin/57 -> mannequins
masochism/57 -> masochisms
matriculation/57 -> matriculations
mincemeat/57 -> mincemeats
mohair/57 -> mohairs
moll/57 -> molls
mutuality/57 -> mutualities
nightshirt/57 -> nightshirts
non-bank/57 -> non-banks
non-professional/57 -> non-professionals
outrun/57 -> outrunning,outruns,outran
paf/57 -> pafs
penumbra/57 -> penumbras
peshawar/57 -> peshawars
phlegm/57 -> phlegms
phylogeny/57 -> phylogenies
pillowcase/57 -> pillowcases
positivity/57 -> positivities
powerboat/57 -> powerboats,powerboating
privateer/57 -> privateers,privateering
promo/57 -> promos
promulgation/57 -> promulgations
pseudo/57 -> pseudoes
pupillage/57 -> pupillages
qing/57 -> qings
randomize/57 -> randomized,randomizing,randomizes
rayon/57 -> rayons
recapitulate/57 -> recapitulated,recapitulates,recapitulating
recce/57 -> recces
remunerate/57 -> remunerated,remunerating,remunerates
rewire/57 -> rewired,rewiring,rewires
ringlet/57 -> ringlets,ringletted
rood/57 -> roods
sade/57 -> sades
salaam/57 -> salaams,salaaming,salaamed
scriptwriter/57 -> scriptwriters
second-in-command/57 -> second-in-commands,seconds-in-command
shiel/57 -> shiels
sightseer/57 -> sightseers
silencer/57 -> silencers
slapstick/57 -> slapsticks
sociobiology/57 -> sociobiologies
strachey/57 -> stracheys
sub-heading/57 -> sub-headings
superglue/57 -> superglued,superglues
sward/57 -> swards
symbiosis/57 -> symbioses
synchronize/57 -> synchronized,synchronizing,synchronizes
tanning/57 -> tannings
tequila/57 -> tequilas
tokamak/57 -> tokamaks
ulsterman/57 -> ulstermen
vaux/57 -> vauxes
velar/57 -> velars
vice-admiral/57 -> vice-admirals
volcanism/57 -> volcanisms
wallflower/57 -> wallflowers
washout/57 -> washouts
waterworks/57 -> waterworkss
whaler/57 -> whalers
wheedle/57 -> wheedled,wheedling,wheedles
worsted/57 -> worsteds
ze/57 -> zing,zed
'appen/56 -> 'appened,'appens,'appening
'ouse/56 -> 'ouses
ablation/56 -> ablations
absolutist/56 -> absolutists
accuser/56 -> accusers
all-in-one/56 -> all-in-ones
amniocentesis/56 -> amniocenteses
anti-depressant/56 -> anti-depressants
antioch/56 -> antioches
apposition/56 -> appositions
approbation/56 -> approbations
arp/56 -> arps
bauble/56 -> baubles,baubled
beale/56 -> beales
belorussian/56 -> belorussians
bernini/56 -> berninis
bonk/56 -> bonking,bonks,bonked
bonsai/56 -> bonsais
botch/56 -> botched,botching,botches
bourn/56 -> bourns
bovril/56 -> bovrils
cannula/56 -> cannulae,cannulas
cardia/56 -> cardias
casein/56 -> caseins
cathay/56 -> cathays
chequebook/56 -> chequebooks,chequebooking
cinque/56 -> cinques
civita/56 -> civitas
civvy/56 -> civvies
clemency/56 -> clemencies
clifftop/56 -> clifftops
co-processor/56 -> co-processors
comprehensiveness/56 -> comprehensivenesses
convulse/56 -> convulsed,convulsing,convulses
cosh/56 -> coshed,coshes,coshing
credulity/56 -> credulities
cystoscopy/56 -> cystoscopies,cystoscopied
decant/56 -> decanted,decanting,decants
demob/56 -> demobbed,demobs,demobbing
dendrite/56 -> dendrites
dentine/56 -> dentines
disaggregate/56 -> disaggregated,disaggregating,disaggregates
disulphate/56 -> disulphated
dod/56 -> dods
dopamine/56 -> dopamines
dozy/56 -> doziest,dozier
elbe/56 -> elbes
etymology/56 -> etymologies
euclid/56 -> euclids
evensong/56 -> evensongs
excalibur/56 -> excaliburs
fightback/56 -> fightbacks
flange/56 -> flanges,flanged
fourpence/56 -> fourpences
freemason/56 -> freemasons
freshman/56 -> freshmen
funfair/56 -> funfairs
goer/56 -> goers,goering
goliath/56 -> goliaths
guide-line/56 -> guide-lines
hairbrush/56 -> hairbrushes
hallelujah/56 -> hallelujahs
hanks/56 -> hankss
hawking/56 -> hawkings
hibernate/56 -> hibernating,hibernated,hibernates
hoc/56 -> hocs
hofmann/56 -> hofmanns
holbein/56 -> holbeins
holstein/56 -> holsteins
hosanna/56 -> hosannas
hubris/56 -> hubriss
huguenot/56 -> huguenots
huston/56 -> hustons
hypersensitivity/56 -> hypersensitivities
icicle/56 -> icicles
jabir/56 -> jabirs
jong/56 -> jongs
keaton/56 -> keatons
ko/56 -> kos,ko's,ko'd
lev/56 -> levs
lillywhite/56 -> lillywhites
lim/56 -> lims
llama/56 -> llamas
lock-up/56 -> lock-ups
lusignan/56 -> lusignans
lyonnais/56 -> lyonnaiss
miscarry/56 -> miscarried,miscarrying,miscarries
mourne/56 -> mournes
mutineer/56 -> mutineers
neo-marxist/56 -> neo-marxists
non-conformist/56 -> non-conformists
off-beat/56 -> off-beats
padua/56 -> paduas
parametric/56 -> parametrics
pilchard/56 -> pilchards
pinto/56 -> pintos
pion/56 -> pions
poaching/56 -> poachings
popery/56 -> poperies
porthole/56 -> portholes
pre-condition/56 -> pre-conditions
quandary/56 -> quandaries
questor/56 -> questors
radley/56 -> radleys
rasher/56 -> rashers
raunchy/56 -> raunchiest,raunchier
re-write/56 -> re-writes
redecoration/56 -> redecorations
rf/56 -> rfs
rotunda/56 -> rotundas
sayer/56 -> sayers
scapa/56 -> scapas
scion/56 -> scions
sequestration/56 -> sequestrations
shearwater/56 -> shearwaters
singe/56 -> singed,singeing,singes
soreness/56 -> sorenesses
startup/56 -> startups
strafe/56 -> strafed,strafing,strafes
sublet/56 -> subletting,sublets
suckling/56 -> sucklings
supercar/56 -> supercars
syllabub/56 -> syllabubs
tambourine/56 -> tambourines
teabag/56 -> teabags
text-book/56 -> text-books
thong/56 -> thongs,thonging
throwaway/56 -> throwaways
tidiness/56 -> tidinesses
torah/56 -> torahs
toscanini/56 -> toscaninis
trapeze/56 -> trapezes,trapezing
tum/56 -> tums
vanuatu/56 -> vanuatus
wen/56 -> wened,wens
z-score/56 -> z-scores
zamzam/56 -> zamzams
zola/56 -> zolas
adida/55 -> adidas
afpfl/55 -> afpfls
anglicanism/55 -> anglicanisms
aphrodite/55 -> aphrodites
arbitrate/55 -> arbitrating,arbitrates,arbitrated
atherosclerosis/55 -> atheroscleroses
att/55 -> atts
ave/55 -> aving
ballpoint/55 -> ballpoints
beguile/55 -> beguiled,beguiles,beguiling
bhutan/55 -> bhutans
bilingualism/55 -> bilingualisms
blood-pressure/55 -> blood-pressures
bloodworm/55 -> bloodworms
boater/55 -> boaters,boatered
bogota/55 -> bogotas
bohr/55 -> bohrs
borderland/55 -> borderlands
brahmin/55 -> brahmins
breakout/55 -> breakouts
bunn/55 -> bunns
burman/55 -> burmans
burnish/55 -> burnished,burnishing,burnisher,burnishes
burnside/55 -> burnsides
chaffinch/55 -> chaffinches
classicist/55 -> classicists
concretion/55 -> concretions
coolant/55 -> coolants
cowling/55 -> cowlings
coxswain/55 -> coxswains
crone/55 -> crones
custom-built/55 -> custom-builts
deconstruct/55 -> deconstructed,deconstructing,deconstructs
derange/55 -> deranged,deranges,deranging
dhaka/55 -> dhakas
duopoly/55 -> duopolies
dyspnoea/55 -> dyspnoeas
eclecticism/55 -> eclecticisms
endoscope/55 -> endoscopes,endoscoped,endoscoping
englishwoman/55 -> englishwomen
eulogy/55 -> eulogies
ewart/55 -> ewarts
expletive/55 -> expletives
eysenck/55 -> eysencks
fields/55 -> fieldss
flywheel/55 -> flywheels
ganges/55 -> gangess
gaye/55 -> gayer,gayest
gdansk/55 -> gdansks
glycine/55 -> glycines
greenberg/55 -> greenbergs
griffon/55 -> griffons
gurgling/55 -> gurglings
half-smile/55 -> half-smiles
helmsman/55 -> helmsmen
impertinence/55 -> impertinences
impugn/55 -> impugned,impugning,impugns
incoherence/55 -> incoherences
ingratitude/55 -> ingratitudes
insolence/55 -> insolences
intercede/55 -> interceded,interceding,intercedes
iodide/55 -> iodides
jiggle/55 -> jiggled,jiggling,jiggles
jive/55 -> jiving,jives,jived
kasparov/55 -> kasparovs
kittiwake/55 -> kittiwakes
kos/55 -> koss
lamarckism/55 -> lamarckisms
lancer/55 -> lancers
latino/55 -> latinos
lawford/55 -> lawfords
lek/55 -> leks,lekking
lilith/55 -> liliths
lilliput/55 -> lilliputs
locksmith/55 -> locksmiths
logbook/55 -> logbooks
loren/55 -> lorens
lullaby/55 -> lullabies
mara/55 -> maras
masefield/55 -> masefields
meddling/55 -> meddlings
melee/55 -> melees
mid-summer/55 -> mid-summers
mini-skirt/55 -> mini-skirts
miser/55 -> misers
monosyllable/55 -> monosyllables
mormon/55 -> mormons
nineteen-year-old/55 -> nineteen-year-olds
oarsman/55 -> oarsmen
ol/55 -> ols
opv/55 -> opvs
orr/55 -> orrs
outflank/55 -> outflanked,outflanking,outflanks
oxidase/55 -> oxidases
paget/55 -> pagets
parlement/55 -> parlements
peloponnesian/55 -> peloponnesians
perfuse/55 -> perfused,perfusing,perfuses
perquisite/55 -> perquisites
pirouette/55 -> pirouettes,pirouetting,pirouetted
pivote/55 -> pivoting,pivoted
plonker/55 -> plonkers
postmark/55 -> postmarked,postmarks
preferment/55 -> preferments
prophylaxis/55 -> prophylaxes
psychometric/55 -> psychometrics
quicksand/55 -> quicksands
quixote/55 -> quixotes
quorn/55 -> quorns
rattlesnake/55 -> rattlesnakes
realign/55 -> realigned,realigning,realigns
reductivist/55 -> reductivists
sankey/55 -> sankeys
sate/55 -> sated,sates,sating
self-destruction/55 -> self-destructions
slink/55 -> slinking,slinks,slinked,slunk
smarten/55 -> smartened,smartening,smartens
sorbonne/55 -> sorbonnes
stillborn/55 -> stillborns
stonemason/55 -> stonemasons
strobe/55 -> strobes,strobed,strobing
sunspot/55 -> sunspots
superoxide/55 -> superoxides
tacking/55 -> tackings
terrorize/55 -> terrorized,terrorizing,terrorizes
teste/55 -> testes
ting/55 -> tings,tinging,tinged
toadstool/55 -> toadstools
torpor/55 -> torpors
tortilla/55 -> tortillas
tousle/55 -> tousled,tousling,tousles
translocation/55 -> translocations
tricycle/55 -> tricycles
triptych/55 -> triptychs
tyrol/55 -> tyrols
upholder/55 -> upholders
upperpart/55 -> upperparts
urdu/55 -> urdus
vesuvius/55 -> vesuviuss
vibrato/55 -> vibratos
wakefulness/55 -> wakefulnesses
warble/55 -> warbled,warbling,warbles
warlock/55 -> warlocks
wei/55 -> weis
witton/55 -> wittons
yule/55 -> yules
abl/54 -> ablest,abler
agincourt/54 -> agincourts
airbase/54 -> airbases
ajr/54 -> ajrs
annunciation/54 -> annunciations
aquarian/54 -> aquarians
arabesque/54 -> arabesques,arabesquing
armageddon/54 -> armageddons
backpacker/54 -> backpackers
belemnite/54 -> belemnites
blotter/54 -> blotters
blusher/54 -> blushers
bok/54 -> boks
brushing/54 -> brushings
calgary/54 -> calgaries
canaan/54 -> canaans
caseload/54 -> caseloads
chard/54 -> chards
chinaman/54 -> chinamen
coagulation/54 -> coagulations
combustible/54 -> combustibles
conman/54 -> conmen
continuo/54 -> continuos
cpm/54 -> cpms
cumming/54 -> cummings
deform/54 -> deforms,deformed,deforming
demean/54 -> demeaning,demeaned,demeans
dibble/54 -> dibbled,dibbles,dibbling
diffuser/54 -> diffusers
dimness/54 -> dimnesses
disenfranchise/54 -> disenfranchised,disenfranchising,disenfranchises
disinterest/54 -> disinterests
disjunction/54 -> disjunctions
doublet/54 -> doublets
dubliner/54 -> dubliners
ephesus/54 -> ephesuss
epiphany/54 -> epiphanies
erudition/54 -> eruditions
familiarize/54 -> familiarized,familiarizing,familiarizes
fantasize/54 -> fantasized,fantasizing,fantasizes
fido/54 -> fidos
flodden/54 -> floddens
forbear/54 -> forbears,forbearing,forbore,forborne
foreleg/54 -> forelegs
forget-me-not/54 -> forget-me-nots
fraudster/54 -> fraudsters
fundraiser/54 -> fundraisers
gallium/54 -> galliums
gammon/54 -> gammons
gemm/54 -> gemms
gibber/54 -> gibbering,gibbered,gibbers
gielgud/54 -> gielguds
gra/54 -> gras
graptolite/54 -> graptolites
hesse/54 -> hesses
homespun/54 -> homespuns
horst/54 -> horsts
humus/54 -> humuss
hustler/54 -> hustlers
hydrochlorothiazide/54 -> hydrochlorothiazides
ia/54 -> ias
ig/54 -> igs
irrigate/54 -> irrigated,irrigating,irrigates
isolationist/54 -> isolationists
jejunum/54 -> jejunums
jimbo/54 -> jimbos
jowett/54 -> jowetts
karnataka/54 -> karnatakas
kislev/54 -> kislevs
lamentation/54 -> lamentations
landholding/54 -> landholdings
lath/54 -> laths
lectureship/54 -> lectureships
legume/54 -> legumes
lemma/54 -> lemmas
madhouse/54 -> madhouses
marauder/54 -> marauders
maxi/54 -> maxis
meuse/54 -> meuses
mudstone/54 -> mudstones
nac/54 -> nacs
nafta/54 -> naftas
nationhood/54 -> nationhoods
nikon/54 -> nikons
novo/54 -> novos
obsidian/54 -> obsidians
oncogene/54 -> oncogenes
one-liner/54 -> one-liners
orfe/54 -> orfes
panopticon/54 -> panopticons
pigmentation/54 -> pigmentations
plagiarism/54 -> plagiarisms
plug-in/54 -> plug-ins
prejudge/54 -> prejudged,prejudging,prejudges
priming/54 -> primings
projectile/54 -> projectiles
proposer/54 -> proposers
prospector/54 -> prospectors
punisher/54 -> punishers
reappraise/54 -> reappraised,reappraising,reappraises
reiteration/54 -> reiterations
ringo/54 -> ringos
scabbard/54 -> scabbards
scipio/54 -> scipios
sea-bird/54 -> sea-birds
seawater/54 -> seawaters
secateur/54 -> secateurs
secularism/54 -> secularisms
secularist/54 -> secularists
selvedge/54 -> selvedges
shunter/54 -> shunters
skivvy/54 -> skivvying,skivvies
smokescreen/54 -> smokescreens
sop/54 -> sops,sopped,sopping
sparcserver/54 -> sparcservers
splicing/54 -> splicings
spong/54 -> sponging,spongs
stickleback/54 -> sticklebacks,sticklebacking
store-room/54 -> store-rooms
sully/54 -> sullied,sullying,sullies
tele/54 -> teles
thakin/54 -> thakins
throwback/54 -> throwbacks
tiara/54 -> tiaras
traipse/54 -> traipsing,traipsed,traipses
transitive/54 -> transitives
triplicate/54 -> triplicates,triplicated,triplicating
trippy/54 -> trippiest,trippies
trouble-maker/54 -> trouble-makers
tu/54 -> tuer,tus
twinkling/54 -> twinklings
ulema/54 -> ulemas
undulation/54 -> undulations
unmentionable/54 -> unmentionables
vasectomy/54 -> vasectomies
viol/54 -> viols
visconti/54 -> viscontis
waif/54 -> waifs
weft/54 -> wefts
whatsername/54 -> whatsernames
whin/54 -> whins
whipping/54 -> whippings
write-down/54 -> write-downs
yearling/54 -> yearlings
zany/54 -> zaniest,zanier
zionism/54 -> zionisms
adenoidectomy/53 -> adenoidectomies
aeneas/53 -> aeneass
agonise/53 -> agonised,agonising,agonises
airbag/53 -> airbags
alehouse/53 -> alehouses
alkaloid/53 -> alkaloids
almshouse/53 -> almshouses
amour/53 -> amours
amundsen/53 -> amundsens
b-side/53 -> b-sides
backwash/53 -> backwashing,backwashed
baste/53 -> basting,basted,bastes
bastille/53 -> bastilles
bisect/53 -> bisected,bisects,bisecting
blackbeard/53 -> blackbeards
blubber/53 -> blubbering,blubbered,blubbers
britt/53 -> britts
bus-stop/53 -> bus-stops
byway/53 -> byways
cameroun/53 -> camerouns
catechist/53 -> catechists
chambermaid/53 -> chambermaids,chambermaiding
chevalier/53 -> chevaliers
chomp/53 -> chomping,chomped,chomps
churchgoer/53 -> churchgoers
clemens/53 -> clemenss
colander/53 -> colanders
contraband/53 -> contrabands
convolute/53 -> convoluted,convolutes,convoluting
cosine/53 -> cosines
coven/53 -> covens
coverlet/53 -> coverlets
cretan/53 -> cretans
defray/53 -> defrayed,defraying,defrays
deg/53 -> degged
doer/53 -> doers
dona/53 -> donas
doping/53 -> dopings
dressmaking/53 -> dressmakings
droit/53 -> droits
droll/53 -> drolls
dron/53 -> droning
drop-in/53 -> drop-ins
ecclesiastic/53 -> ecclesiastics
emeritus/53 -> emerituss
eros/53 -> eross
essentialist/53 -> essentialists
fixative/53 -> fixatives
foible/53 -> foibles
fractionation/53 -> fractionations
freeway/53 -> freeways
fricative/53 -> fricatives
ghanaian/53 -> ghanaians
haemophilia/53 -> haemophilias
honk/53 -> honking,honked,honks
hua/53 -> huas
hydration/53 -> hydrations
igm/53 -> igms
immunoreactivity/53 -> immunoreactivities
informing/53 -> informings
innsbruck/53 -> innsbrucks
interjection/53 -> interjections
interrogative/53 -> interrogatives
irs/53 -> irss
isv/53 -> isvs
jap/53 -> japs
joust/53 -> jousting,jousts,jousted
jugular/53 -> jugulars
kimono/53 -> kimonos
kudo/53 -> kudos
life-time/53 -> life-times
lifeblood/53 -> lifebloods
lipase/53 -> lipases
lucerne/53 -> lucernes
methacrylate/53 -> methacrylates
milligram/53 -> milligrams
minaret/53 -> minarets
misdeed/53 -> misdeeds
mombasa/53 -> mombasas
monnet/53 -> monnets
muppet/53 -> muppets
n-gram/53 -> n-grams
nebraska/53 -> nebraskas
neonate/53 -> neonates
newcastle-upon-tyne/53 -> newcastles-upon-tyne
nightcap/53 -> nightcaps
nonsmoker/53 -> nonsmokers
off-line/53 -> off-lines
ogle/53 -> ogling,ogled,ogles
ontology/53 -> ontologies
onyx/53 -> onyxes
overstretch/53 -> overstretched,overstretching
packman/53 -> packmen
peronist/53 -> peronists
phosphor/53 -> phosphors
pilaster/53 -> pilasters,pilastered
pillbox/53 -> pillboxes
pimple/53 -> pimples
point-of-sale/53 -> point-of-sales
pointe/53 -> pointes
put-down/53 -> put-downs
pythagoras/53 -> pythagorass
quanta/53 -> quantas
quicksilver/53 -> quicksilvers
ranching/53 -> ranchings
randomness/53 -> randomnesses
rattan/53 -> rattans
re-arrange/53 -> re-arranged,re-arranges
re-creat/53 -> re-created,re-creating
reassertion/53 -> reassertions
recruiter/53 -> recruiters
replenishment/53 -> replenishments
rockingham/53 -> rockinghams
ruritania/53 -> ruritanias
sacramento/53 -> sacramentoes
sapper/53 -> sappers
segal/53 -> segals
serif/53 -> serifs
shapechanger/53 -> shapechangers
sidon/53 -> sidons
slaver/53 -> slavering,slavers,slavered
speechread/53 -> speechreading
stealer/53 -> stealers
stifling/53 -> stiflings
taverner/53 -> taverners
tog/53 -> togs,togged,togging
transceiver/53 -> transceivers
triticale/53 -> triticales
uniprocessor/53 -> uniprocessors
untruth/53 -> untruths
varsity/53 -> varsities
verisimilitude/53 -> verisimilitudes
victimization/53 -> victimizations
visigoth/53 -> visigoths
vivaldi/53 -> vivaldis
voice-over/53 -> voice-overs
w.c./53 -> w.c.s
wain/53 -> wains,wained
wattle/53 -> wattles,wattling,wattled
zeke/53 -> zekes
zoning/53 -> zonings
abkhazia/52 -> abkhazias
anneal/52 -> annealing,annealed,anneals
answerphone/52 -> answerphones
antibacterial/52 -> antibacterials
arles/52 -> arless
arlington/52 -> arlingtons
austral/52 -> australs
autocrat/52 -> autocrats
bantu/52 -> bantus
bauxite/52 -> bauxites
betrothal/52 -> betrothals
bigot/52 -> bigots
bison/52 -> bisons
booby/52 -> boobies
brainwave/52 -> brainwaves
bric-a-brac/52 -> bric-a-bracs
bushel/52 -> bushels
carmelite/52 -> carmelites
casualness/52 -> casualnesses
catching/52 -> catchings
caw/52 -> cawing,caws,cawed
cease-fire/52 -> cease-fires
challis/52 -> challiss
check-in/52 -> check-ins
choc/52 -> chocs
cig/52 -> cigs
co-chairman/52 -> co-chairmen
cock-up/52 -> cock-ups
codex/52 -> codices,codexes
colourway/52 -> colourways
convalesce/52 -> convalescing,convalesced,convalesces
convening/52 -> convenings
cornflower/52 -> cornflowers
countermand/52 -> countermanded,countermanding,countermands
cowper/52 -> cowpers
coyote/52 -> coyotes
cudgel/52 -> cudgels,cudgelled,cudgelling
dawg/52 -> dawgs
debauchery/52 -> debaucheries
deli/52 -> delis
desecrate/52 -> desecrated,desecrating,desecrates
discolour/52 -> discoloured,discolouring,discolours
disfavour/52 -> disfavoured,disfavouring,disfavours
disparage/52 -> disparaged,disparages,disparaging
dissolving/52 -> dissolvings
dumbfound/52 -> dumbfounded
earpiece/52 -> earpieces
edam/52 -> edams
efa/52 -> efas
egbert/52 -> egberts
emigre/52 -> emigres
ensnare/52 -> ensnared,ensnares,ensnaring
episcopate/52 -> episcopates
ethology/52 -> ethologies
exploiter/52 -> exploiters
ey/52 -> eys
five-door/52 -> five-doors
fixer/52 -> fixers
florin/52 -> florins
fornication/52 -> fornications
franck/52 -> francks
fund-raiser/52 -> fund-raisers
gainer/52 -> gainers
galton/52 -> galtons
gamete/52 -> gametes
geophysic/52 -> geophysics
giardia/52 -> giardias
give-away/52 -> give-aways
goebbels/52 -> goebbelss
gravitation/52 -> gravitations
greenfly/52 -> greenflies
gulley/52 -> gulleys
half-term/52 -> half-terms
hashish/52 -> hashishes
heterosexism/52 -> heterosexisms
hussar/52 -> hussars
hydrolysis/52 -> hydrolyses
idolise/52 -> idolised,idolising,idolises
improbability/52 -> improbabilities
incit/52 -> incited
inkjet/52 -> inkjets
interglacial/52 -> interglacials
internationalisation/52 -> internationalisations
isolationism/52 -> isolationisms
jamboree/52 -> jamborees
laceration/52 -> lacerations
leaching/52 -> leachings
leaping/52 -> leapings
locum/52 -> locums
lysate/52 -> lysates
lytton/52 -> lyttons
machiavellian/52 -> machiavellians
magnetosphere/52 -> magnetospheres
mandolin/52 -> mandolins
marginality/52 -> marginalities
marxism-leninism/52 -> marxism-leninisms
meaningfulness/52 -> meaningfulnesses
mek/52 -> meks
merseysider/52 -> merseysiders
miro/52 -> miroes
monogram/52 -> monograms,monogrammed
narthex/52 -> narthexes
negativity/52 -> negativities
neo-fascist/52 -> neo-fascists
orogeny/52 -> orogenies
overwinter/52 -> overwintered,overwintering,overwinters
parabola/52 -> parabolas
pastoralist/52 -> pastoralists
patricio/52 -> patricios
payload/52 -> payloads
phenylketonuria/52 -> phenylketonurias
phial/52 -> phials
philology/52 -> philologies
pickpocket/52 -> pickpockets
piedmont/52 -> piedmonts
pinky/52 -> pinkies
pinter/52 -> pinters
pollack/52 -> pollacks
poststructuralist/52 -> poststructuralists
potentilla/52 -> potentillas
predestination/52 -> predestinations
protege/52 -> proteges
radiometer/52 -> radiometers
raptor/52 -> raptors
raster/52 -> rasters,rastered
rechargeable/52 -> rechargeables
redcurrant/52 -> redcurrants
refinancing/52 -> refinancings
resold/52 -> resolder
rickshaw/52 -> rickshaws
ringside/52 -> ringsides
riveter/52 -> riveters
sakharov/52 -> sakharovs
sandbank/52 -> sandbanks
sce/52 -> sces
scrounge/52 -> scrounged,scrounges,scrounging
seepage/52 -> seepages
senescence/52 -> senescences
shocker/52 -> shockers
shortening/52 -> shortenings
shril/52 -> shrilled,shrilling
single-storey/52 -> single-storeyed
skating/52 -> skatings
snoopy/52 -> snoopies
spaciousness/52 -> spaciousnesses
speeder/52 -> speeders
stalactite/52 -> stalactites
stealing/52 -> stealings
stevedore/52 -> stevedores,stevedoring
stock-in-trade/52 -> stocks-in-trade
subnormal/52 -> subnormals
superbike/52 -> superbikes
surfactant/52 -> surfactants
surinam/52 -> surinams
synoptics/52 -> synopticss
tamburlaine/52 -> tamburlaines
thalidomide/52 -> thalidomides
three-time/52 -> three-times
tinder/52 -> tinders
topographic/52 -> topographics
triviality/52 -> trivialities
trounce/52 -> trounced,trouncing,trounces
turpentine/52 -> turpentines
uc/52 -> ucs
unafray/52 -> unafraid
underpass/52 -> underpasses
unsurprise/52 -> unsurprising
vanquish/52 -> vanquished,vanquishing,vanquishes
vee/52 -> vees,veeing
voyeur/52 -> voyeurs
watermill/52 -> watermills
waxwork/52 -> waxworks
weedkiller/52 -> weedkillers
whinny/52 -> whinnied,whinnying,whinnies
wildflower/52 -> wildflowers
winge/52 -> winged,wingeing
work-place/52 -> work-places
accoutrement/51 -> accoutrements
actinomycin/51 -> actinomycins
anagram/51 -> anagrams,anagramming
arboretum/51 -> arboretums
arnhem/51 -> arnhems
asw/51 -> asws
backdate/51 -> backdated,backdating,backdates
barbiturate/51 -> barbiturates
beget/51 -> begets,begetting,begot,begotten
bidet/51 -> bidets
biggin/51 -> biggins
bilirubin/51 -> bilirubins
blackstone/51 -> blackstones
bloodstain/51 -> bloodstains
blossoming/51 -> blossomings
bonham/51 -> bonhams
bravura/51 -> bravuras
brolly/51 -> brollies
bunter/51 -> bunters
caliph/51 -> caliphs
caxton/51 -> caxtons
chippendale/51 -> chippendales
choosy/51 -> choosier,choosiest
citicorp/51 -> citicorps
commissariat/51 -> commissariats
corroboration/51 -> corroborations
costain/51 -> costaining
counterweight/51 -> counterweights
coursebook/51 -> coursebooks
covet/51 -> covets,coveting,coveted
crystallite/51 -> crystallites
cumin/51 -> cumins
dado/51 -> dados
ddt/51 -> ddts
demoralise/51 -> demoralising,demoralised
demystify/51 -> demystifying,demystified,demystifies
deskside/51 -> desksides
diploid/51 -> diploids
disafforestment/51 -> disafforestments
drachenfel/51 -> drachenfels
drover/51 -> drovers
ecg/51 -> ecgs
encamp/51 -> encamped,encamping,encamps
encumbrance/51 -> encumbrances
enterocyte/51 -> enterocytes
environmentalism/51 -> environmentalisms
euro-dollar/51 -> euro-dollars
fairbanks/51 -> fairbankss
fitment/51 -> fitments
flatness/51 -> flatnesses
francophone/51 -> francophones
gangplank/51 -> gangplanks
gatepost/51 -> gateposts
gazebo/51 -> gazebos
goalmouth/51 -> goalmouths
goldmine/51 -> goldmining,goldmines
great-grandmother/51 -> great-grandmothers
grebe/51 -> grebes
gremlin/51 -> gremlins
grumbling/51 -> grumblings
h-bomb/51 -> h-bombs
habitus/51 -> habituss
handbill/51 -> handbills
harlot/51 -> harlots
hieroglyphic/51 -> hieroglyphics
homeworker/51 -> homeworkers
horseradish/51 -> horseradishes
housman/51 -> housmen
hypnotherapy/51 -> hypnotherapies
immensity/51 -> immensities
in-between/51 -> in-betweens
in-tray/51 -> in-trays
infanticide/51 -> infanticides
innervation/51 -> innervations
instep/51 -> insteps
ionization/51 -> ionizations
ire/51 -> ires
iva/51 -> ivas
jodhpur/51 -> jodhpurs
kandinsky/51 -> kandinskies
kiefer/51 -> kiefers
kneeling/51 -> kneelings
lacanian/51 -> lacanians
language-game/51 -> language-games
latecomer/51 -> latecomers
lexy/51 -> lexies
lisle/51 -> lisles
loosening/51 -> loosenings
lulu/51 -> lulus
lupus/51 -> lupuss
m.a./51 -> m.a.s
magyar/51 -> magyars
marl/51 -> marls,marled
matriculate/51 -> matriculated,matriculating,matriculates
methylation/51 -> methylations
mid-year/51 -> mid-years
misconceive/51 -> misconceived,misconceives,misconceiving
monolingual/51 -> monolinguals
muff/51 -> muffed,muffs,muffing
napalm/51 -> napalms,napalmed,napalming
nurseryman/51 -> nurserymen
og/51 -> ogs
orogen/51 -> orogens
outdo/51 -> outdoing,outdoes,outdid,outdone
panting/51 -> pantings
pasteur/51 -> pasteurs
peacekeeper/51 -> peacekeepers
polynesia/51 -> polynesias
pong/51 -> pongs,ponging,ponged
porno/51 -> pornos
porte/51 -> portes
poseidon/51 -> poseidons
poser/51 -> posers
procrastination/51 -> procrastinations
puss/51 -> pusses
radiography/51 -> radiographies
reallocate/51 -> reallocated,reallocating,reallocates
refraction/51 -> refractions
reno/51 -> renoes
republish/51 -> republished,republishing,republishes
reread/51 -> rereading,rereads
resonator/51 -> resonators
roughage/51 -> roughages
runoff/51 -> runoffs
scrubber/51 -> scrubbers
sea-floor/51 -> sea-floors
seducer/51 -> seducers
sgml/51 -> sgmls
showground/51 -> showgrounds
skincare/51 -> skincares
sloop/51 -> sloops
speechreader/51 -> speechreaders
sprouting/51 -> sproutings
stocker/51 -> stockers
sub-editor/51 -> sub-editors
suckler/51 -> sucklers
suisse/51 -> suisses
super-ego/51 -> super-egos
sweatshop/51 -> sweatshops
tarragon/51 -> tarragons
tashkent/51 -> tashkents
tee-shirt/51 -> tee-shirts
tiling/51 -> tilings
turpin/51 -> turpins
tyrolean/51 -> tyroleans
uprating/51 -> upratings
watermark/51 -> watermarks,watermarked,watermarking
wavering/51 -> waverings
weatherproof/51 -> weatherproofed,weatherproofs,weatherproofing
weill/51 -> weills
welles/51 -> welless
whatnot/51 -> whatnots,whatnotted
windpipe/51 -> windpipes
ab/50 -> abbing,abs
acacia/50 -> acacias
acclamation/50 -> acclamations
agape/50 -> agapes
airworthiness/50 -> airworthinesses
aloofness/50 -> aloofnesses
anaphora/50 -> anaphoras
ante-room/50 -> ante-rooms
aqua/50 -> aquas
arbitrariness/50 -> arbitrarinesses
artificer/50 -> artificers
associability/50 -> associabilities
attila/50 -> attilas
bailee/50 -> bailees
bailiwick/50 -> bailiwicks
battler/50 -> battlers
bien/50 -> biens
billington/50 -> billingtons
boutro/50 -> boutros
brassard/50 -> brassards
broch/50 -> brochs
buick/50 -> buicks
butterfield/50 -> butterfields
cale/50 -> caled
camomile/50 -> camomiles
campo/50 -> campos
cappuccino/50 -> cappuccinos
centile/50 -> centiles
centre-back/50 -> centre-backs
charleroi/50 -> charlerois
cherokee/50 -> cherokees
chorister/50 -> choristers
christmase/50 -> christmases
clairvoyant/50 -> clairvoyants
cline/50 -> clines
comely/50 -> comeliest,comelier
comoros/50 -> comoross
copyist/50 -> copyists
crocuse/50 -> crocuses
crus/50 -> cruss
culling/50 -> cullings
decelerate/50 -> decelerating,decelerated,decelerates
dsc/50 -> dscs
ecole/50 -> ecoles
eiderdown/50 -> eiderdowns
electro-acoustic/50 -> electro-acoustics
elicitation/50 -> elicitations
embezzle/50 -> embezzled,embezzling,embezzles
environment-friendly/50 -> environment-friendlier
equilateral/50 -> equilaterals
ester/50 -> esters
eukaryote/50 -> eukaryotes
everqueen/50 -> everqueens
exocrine/50 -> exocrines
facilitation/50 -> facilitations
forehand/50 -> forehands
frisk/50 -> frisked,frisking,frisks
gaggle/50 -> gaggles
galliano/50 -> gallianoes
gelada/50 -> geladas
gill-net/50 -> gill-nets
grainy/50 -> grainier
guesthouse/50 -> guesthouses
gwynne/50 -> gwynnes
harpoon/50 -> harpoons,harpooned,harpooning
hg/50 -> hgs
histone/50 -> histones
hogmanay/50 -> hogmanays
hunchback/50 -> hunchbacks,hunchbacked
hypnotherapist/50 -> hypnotherapists
idiocy/50 -> idiocies
ill-feeling/50 -> ill-feelings
incognito/50 -> incognitos
ind/50 -> inding,inds
ingot/50 -> ingots
interleukin/50 -> interleukins
internalise/50 -> internalised,internalising,internalises
interpreting/50 -> interpretings
ionise/50 -> ionising,ionised,ionises
irena/50 -> irenas
jenkinson/50 -> jenkinsons
judaea/50 -> judaeas
kern/50 -> kerning,kerned
lamarck/50 -> lamarcks
lancelot/50 -> lancelots
leary/50 -> learies
lillie/50 -> lillies
liveliness/50 -> livelinesses
luanda/50 -> luandas
malevolence/50 -> malevolences
marjoram/50 -> marjorams
marketeer/50 -> marketeers
matterhorn/50 -> matterhorns
megatape/50 -> megatapes
messaging/50 -> messagings
metazoan/50 -> metazoans
mons/50 -> monss
musculature/50 -> musculatures
nao/50 -> naos
necropsy/50 -> necropsies
neurology/50 -> neurologies
omnipotence/50 -> omnipotences
outrider/50 -> outriders
over-use/50 -> over-used,over-using,over-uses
palaeontology/50 -> palaeontologies
pelargonium/50 -> pelargoniums
perspire/50 -> perspiring,perspired,perspires
pestilence/50 -> pestilences
phasor/50 -> phasors
phylum/50 -> phyla
pillion/50 -> pillions
pinafore/50 -> pinafores,pinafored
policymaker/50 -> policymakers
prettiness/50 -> prettinesses
primula/50 -> primulas,primulae
puccini/50 -> puccinis
re-export/50 -> re-exported,re-exports,re-exporting
remortgage/50 -> remortgaging,remortgages,remortgaged
rheumatic/50 -> rheumatics
riemann/50 -> riemanns
rommel/50 -> rommels
sable/50 -> sables
schwann/50 -> schwanns
sea-bed/50 -> sea-beds
seaport/50 -> seaports
shoelace/50 -> shoelaces,shoelaced
six-inch/50 -> six-inches
sleigh/50 -> sleighing,sleighs,sleighed
smiley/50 -> smileys
spat/50 -> spats,spatted
spock/50 -> spocks
stablemate/50 -> stablemates
stetch/50 -> stetches
stillbirth/50 -> stillbirths
stoma/50 -> stomas
stoppard/50 -> stoppards
subsiding/50 -> subsidings
supplication/50 -> supplications
tatum/50 -> tatums
tau/50 -> taus
thankyou/50 -> thankyous
thespian/50 -> thespians
throw-in/50 -> throw-ins
tigress/50 -> tigresses
time-out/50 -> time-outs
tipper/50 -> tippers
trad/50 -> trads
tues/50 -> tuess
unbend/50 -> unbending,unbent,unbends,unbended
underframe/50 -> underframes
unquote/50 -> unquotes
unwrap/50 -> unwrapping,unwraps,unwrapped
ure/50 -> ures
uzi/50 -> uzis
vac/50 -> vacs
vermilion/50 -> vermilions
vibrancer/50 -> vibrancers
weirde/50 -> weirdest,weirder
whist/50 -> whists
wok/50 -> woks,wokking
yalta/50 -> yaltas
yam/50 -> yams,yamming
acceptor/49 -> acceptors
acetaldehyde/49 -> acetaldehydes
acme/49 -> acmes
adenosine/49 -> adenosines
aec/49 -> aecs
almanac/49 -> almanacs
andorra/49 -> andorras
animism/49 -> animisms
anon/49 -> anons
anti-viral/49 -> anti-virals
antichrist/49 -> antichrists
argumentation/49 -> argumentations
assyrian/49 -> assyrians
avarice/49 -> avarices
ballote/49 -> balloted,balloting
balzac/49 -> balzacs
banjo/49 -> banjos,banjoes
bathrobe/49 -> bathrobes
beefeater/49 -> beefeaters
beholder/49 -> beholders,beholders.
boardwalk/49 -> boardwalks
bookstore/49 -> bookstores
bourse/49 -> bourses
butterfat/49 -> butterfats
caprice/49 -> caprices
chancellery/49 -> chancelleries
chenille/49 -> chenilles
chromatin/49 -> chromatins
collarbone/49 -> collarbones
commercialisation/49 -> commercialisations
contralto/49 -> contraltos
cpr/49 -> cprs
cranky/49 -> crankier,crankiest
dacha/49 -> dachas
danakil/49 -> danakils
dancefloor/49 -> dancefloors
ddl/49 -> ddls
deaden/49 -> deadening,deadened,deadens
delaware/49 -> delawares
deportment/49 -> deportments
desiccation/49 -> desiccations
destabilization/49 -> destabilizations
dimmer/49 -> dimmers
dybbuk/49 -> dybbuks,dybbukking
electro/49 -> electros
ex-employee/49 -> ex-employees
expunge/49 -> expunged,expunges,expunging
falange/49 -> falanges
fillmore/49 -> fillmores
fluoridation/49 -> fluoridations
foreclose/49 -> foreclosed,foreclosing,forecloses
funder/49 -> funders,fundering
gaiter/49 -> gaiters
gass/49 -> gassed,gasses
gastrectomy/49 -> gastrectomies
gestalt/49 -> gestalts
geyser/49 -> geysers,geysered
gittel/49 -> gittels
glebe/49 -> glebes
glucagon/49 -> glucagons
gorbal/49 -> gorbals
gyro/49 -> gyros
hazelwood/49 -> hazelwoods
hf/49 -> hfs
hiker/49 -> hikers
hoary/49 -> hoariest,hoarier
hydraulics/49 -> hydraulicss
ileostomy/49 -> ileostomies
imponderable/49 -> imponderables
inactivation/49 -> inactivations
insularity/49 -> insularities
interpolate/49 -> interpolated,interpolating,interpolates
javanese/49 -> javaneses
jollity/49 -> jollities
judicature/49 -> judicatures
kline/49 -> klines
krakow/49 -> krakows
largo/49 -> largoes
leitmotif/49 -> leitmotifs
lengthening/49 -> lengthenings
lieutenant-general/49 -> lieutenant-generals
loon/49 -> loons,looning
lubrication/49 -> lubrications
lund/49 -> lunds
malthus/49 -> malthuss
mandalay/49 -> mandalays
mantel/49 -> mantels
mohican/49 -> mohicans
murmuring/49 -> murmurings
nine-month/49 -> nine-months
numerator/49 -> numerators
nuptial/49 -> nuptials
oxo/49 -> oxos
oystercatcher/49 -> oystercatchers
parkway/49 -> parkways
phonic/49 -> phonics
plexiglass/49 -> plexiglasses
ponytail/49 -> ponytails
possum/49 -> possums
prefigure/49 -> prefigured,prefigures,prefiguring
propane/49 -> propanes
pug/49 -> pugs,pugging
pulsing/49 -> pulsings
purview/49 -> purviews
quartermaster/49 -> quartermasters
quatrain/49 -> quatrains
ranter/49 -> ranters
re-release/49 -> re-released,re-releasing,re-releases
re-sell/49 -> re-sold,re-sells
redskin/49 -> redskins
ripening/49 -> ripenings
romaine/49 -> romaines
s-transferase/49 -> s-transferases
sealer/49 -> sealers
seance/49 -> seances
self-importance/49 -> self-importances
senility/49 -> senilities
septicaemia/49 -> septicaemias
shaver/49 -> shavers
shylock/49 -> shylocks
souk/49 -> souks
stanchion/49 -> stanchions
step-parent/49 -> step-parents
sulawesi/49 -> sulawesis
swanson/49 -> swansons
tannery/49 -> tanneries
thor/49 -> thors
tie-up/49 -> tie-ups
toolset/49 -> toolsets
turkoman/49 -> turkomans,turkomen
twenty-year-old/49 -> twenty-year-olds
twill/49 -> twills,twilling,twilled
tyndall/49 -> tyndalls
upswing/49 -> upswings,upswinging
vaccinia/49 -> vaccinias
venerate/49 -> venerated,venerating,venerates
veronese/49 -> veroneses
vulva/49 -> vulvas
waggler/49 -> wagglers
walkout/49 -> walkouts
warhorse/49 -> warhorses
whirring/49 -> whirrings
yggdrasil/49 -> yggdrasils
zidovudine/49 -> zidovudines
aerate/48 -> aerated,aerating,aerates
african-american/48 -> african-americans
agglomeration/48 -> agglomerations
alliteration/48 -> alliterations
alot/48 -> alotted
ammonite/48 -> ammonites
anticlimax/48 -> anticlimaxes
archimedes/48 -> archimedess
armband/48 -> armbands
asylum-seeker/48 -> asylum-seekers
avalanch/48 -> avalanches,avalanched,avalanching
avc/48 -> avcs
belau/48 -> belaus
benet/48 -> benets
binomial/48 -> binomials
blackshirt/48 -> blackshirts
blossome/48 -> blossoming
bot/48 -> bots,botting
brescia/48 -> brescias
brougham/48 -> broughams
cenotaph/48 -> cenotaphs
centesimal/48 -> centesimals
centro/48 -> centros
chiller/48 -> chillers
clack/48 -> clacking,clacked,clacks
codicil/48 -> codicils
coley/48 -> coleys
commercialization/48 -> commercializations
compline/48 -> complines
conjuncture/48 -> conjunctures
coot/48 -> coots
cordoba/48 -> cordobas
cornucopia/48 -> cornucopias
cory/48 -> corys
counter-revolution/48 -> counter-revolutions
counterfactual/48 -> counterfactuals
creditworthiness/48 -> creditworthinesses
crossfire/48 -> crossfires
cumbermound/48 -> cumbermounds
debrief/48 -> debriefing,debriefed,debriefs
decapitate/48 -> decapitated,decapitating,decapitates
determinist/48 -> determinists
dido/48 -> didoes
digitize/48 -> digitized,digitizing,digitizes
disassociate/48 -> disassociated,disassociates,disassociating
disinclination/48 -> disinclinations
disinherit/48 -> disinherited,disinheriting,disinherits
diskette/48 -> diskettes
don't/48 -> don'ts
dray/48 -> drays
dunlin/48 -> dunlins
dushanbe/48 -> dushanbes
economize/48 -> economizing,economized,economizes
eisteddfod/48 -> eisteddfods
eosin/48 -> eosins
equalisation/48 -> equalisations
euro-sceptic/48 -> euro-sceptics
existentialist/48 -> existentialists
extrusion/48 -> extrusions
fallibility/48 -> fallibilities
familiarisation/48 -> familiarisations
fatherhood/48 -> fatherhoods
femme/48 -> femmes
ferryman/48 -> ferrymen
fetuse/48 -> fetuses
freeing/48 -> freeings
fuchs/48 -> fuchss
gerbil/48 -> gerbils
glycol/48 -> glycols
gnash/48 -> gnashing,gnashed,gnashes
grecian/48 -> grecians
gwyn/48 -> gwyns
harmonium/48 -> harmoniums
heatwave/48 -> heatwaves
hospitalisation/48 -> hospitalisations
hotbed/48 -> hotbeds
housemaster/48 -> housemasters
hydrangea/48 -> hydrangeas
hydrostatic/48 -> hydrostatics
immunoassay/48 -> immunoassays
inositol/48 -> inositols
interbreed/48 -> interbreeding,interbreeds,interbred
internalization/48 -> internalizations
interpol/48 -> interpols
interregnum/48 -> interregnums,interregna
ipv/48 -> ipvs
judah/48 -> judahs
ketch/48 -> ketches
kobold/48 -> kobolds
lactation/48 -> lactations
legalization/48 -> legalizations
litmus/48 -> litmuss
lurcher/48 -> lurchers
madeiran/48 -> madeirans
mailbox/48 -> mailboxes
maltster/48 -> maltsters
martinique/48 -> martiniques
mater/48 -> maters
medica/48 -> medicas
meson/48 -> mesons
messerschmitt/48 -> messerschmitts
mikva/48 -> mikvas
miscreant/48 -> miscreants
monocle/48 -> monocles
mooch/48 -> mooched,mooching,mooches
moulder/48 -> mouldering,moulders,mouldered
mudflat/48 -> mudflats
nepali/48 -> nepalis
non-starter/48 -> non-starters
obliteration/48 -> obliterations
off-white/48 -> off-whites
oppenheimer/48 -> oppenheimers
overbalance/48 -> overbalanced,overbalancing,overbalances
overproduction/48 -> overproductions
overreact/48 -> overreacting,overreacted,overreacts
overtaking/48 -> overtakings
parsimony/48 -> parsimonies
pawnshop/48 -> pawnshops
pct/48 -> pcts
pericles/48 -> pericless
phi/48 -> phis
pistachio/48 -> pistachios
plasterer/48 -> plasterers
playtime/48 -> playtimes
poll-tax/48 -> poll-taxes
poop/48 -> pooped,pooping,poops
prairy/48 -> prairies
pressman/48 -> pressmen
provo/48 -> provos
punchline/48 -> punchlines
pupil-teacher/48 -> pupil-teachers
ragga/48 -> raggas
rancher/48 -> ranchers
raver/48 -> ravers
reawaken/48 -> reawakened,reawakening,reawakens
reconvene/48 -> reconvenes
reformat/48 -> reformatting,reformatted,reformats
refract/48 -> refracted,refracts,refracting
reproof/48 -> reproofs,reproofing,reproofed
retro/48 -> retros
rockies/48 -> rockiess
roller-coaster/48 -> roller-coasters
ruminate/48 -> ruminated,ruminating,ruminates
runefang/48 -> runefangs
saddler/48 -> saddlers
sadducee/48 -> sadducees
samoan/48 -> samoans
satirist/48 -> satirists
satyr/48 -> satyrs
scrounger/48 -> scroungers
scrunch/48 -> scrunched,scrunching,scrunches
scull/48 -> sculls,sculling,sculled
self-restraint/48 -> self-restraints
self-worth/48 -> self-worths
shrewdness/48 -> shrewdnesses
sinuse/48 -> sinuses
smollett/48 -> smolletts
soaking/48 -> soakings
sodomy/48 -> sodomies
somervillian/48 -> somervillians
soppy/48 -> soppier,soppiest
sterilize/48 -> sterilized,sterilizing,sterilizes
subfamily/48 -> subfamilies
subspecies/48 -> subspeciess
supervising/48 -> supervisings
surging/48 -> surgings
symonds/48 -> symondss
tallow/48 -> tallows
teaser/48 -> teasers
telephonist/48 -> telephonists
thessaly/48 -> thessalies
timidity/48 -> timidities
toddle/48 -> toddling,toddled,toddles
trivialise/48 -> trivialises,trivialising,trivialised
trolleybus/48 -> trolleybuss
two-piece/48 -> two-pieces
unburden/48 -> unburdened,unburdening,unburdens
upend/48 -> upended,upending,upends
urease/48 -> ureases
vestigial/48 -> vestigials
virulence/48 -> virulences
watney/48 -> watneys
woodman/48 -> woodmen
workspace/48 -> workspaces
wort/48 -> worts
wrongdoer/48 -> wrongdoers
wronge/48 -> wronged
xenopus/48 -> xenopera
xt/48 -> xts
zomby/48 -> zombies
abelard/47 -> abelards
absorbance/47 -> absorbances
aconite/47 -> aconites
anatolian/47 -> anatolians
aquamarine/47 -> aquamarines
arbitrageur/47 -> arbitrageurs
astringent/47 -> astringents
auger/47 -> augers,augering
bankside/47 -> banksides
baryte/47 -> barytes
beefburger/47 -> beefburgers
bem/47 -> bems
benjy/47 -> benjies
bergson/47 -> bergsons
blue-chip/47 -> blue-chips
bonney/47 -> bonneys
breakneck/47 -> breaknecking
bruckner/47 -> bruckners
burge/47 -> burges
butchery/47 -> butcheries
call-out/47 -> call-outs
calypso/47 -> calypsos
cantor/47 -> cantors
carrefour/47 -> carrefours
cartography/47 -> cartographies
cassandra/47 -> cassandras
castellan/47 -> castellans
centre-line/47 -> centre-lines
chekhov/47 -> chekhovs
chitty/47 -> chitties
cisco/47 -> ciscoes
class-room/47 -> class-rooms
cong/47 -> congest
conte/47 -> contes
coppola/47 -> coppolas
couturier/47 -> couturiers
crappy/47 -> crappiest,crappier
danu/47 -> danus
daredevil/47 -> daredevils
deaconess/47 -> deaconesses
demobilisation/47 -> demobilisations
demobilize/47 -> demobilized,demobilizing,demobilizes
designing/47 -> designings
devi/47 -> devis
dross/47 -> drosses
earwig/47 -> earwigs,earwigging,earwigged
ethnographer/47 -> ethnographers
exaction/47 -> exactions
fib/47 -> fibs,fibbing,fibbed
fifteen-year-old/47 -> fifteen-year-olds
filbert/47 -> filberts
fingerspel/47 -> fingerspelling,fingerspelled
flowchart/47 -> flowcharts,flowcharting
flying-boat/47 -> flying-boats
fondue/47 -> fondues
forwarder/47 -> forwarders
fosse/47 -> fosses
freewheel/47 -> freewheeling,freewheeled,freewheels
freya/47 -> freyas
gd/47 -> gds
geophysics/47 -> geophysicss
georgetown/47 -> georgetowns
georgiade/47 -> georgiades
gird/47 -> girding,girded,girds,girt
glorification/47 -> glorifications
godparent/47 -> godparents
grommet/47 -> grommets
harmonica/47 -> harmonicas
harvesting/47 -> harvestings
hydrology/47 -> hydrologies
iberia/47 -> iberias
ifa/47 -> ifas
immobilize/47 -> immobilized,immobilizes,immobilizing
imprecision/47 -> imprecisions
ipx/47 -> ipxs
jabber/47 -> jabbering,jabbered,jabbers
jackman/47 -> jackmans
jamming/47 -> jammings
jobber/47 -> jobbers
joyride/47 -> joyriding,joyrides,joyrided,joyrode,joyridden
juggler/47 -> jugglers
lithography/47 -> lithographies
lithology/47 -> lithologies
liverpudlian/47 -> liverpudlians
livre/47 -> livres
localism/47 -> localisms
manoeuvrability/47 -> manoeuvrabilities
melancholic/47 -> melancholics
metalworking/47 -> metalworkings
miasma/47 -> miasmas
mimosa/47 -> mimosas
mirror-image/47 -> mirror-images
moderne/47 -> modernes
money-lender/47 -> money-lenders
monsignor/47 -> monsignors
moo/47 -> mooing,moos,mooed
multiplex/47 -> multiplexing,multiplexed
musicianship/47 -> musicianships
musing/47 -> musings
neurologist/47 -> neurologists
nf/47 -> nfer,nfs
ngo/47 -> ngoes
nie/47 -> nies
nonchalance/47 -> nonchalances
nonentity/47 -> nonentities
offworlder/47 -> offworlders
over-all/47 -> over-alls
periodicity/47 -> periodicities
persephone/47 -> persephones
pigsty/47 -> pigsties,pigstys
plaint/47 -> plaints
plasticity/47 -> plasticities
politicize/47 -> politicized,politicizing,politicizes
polonium/47 -> poloniums
port-au-prince/47 -> port-au-princes
quiff/47 -> quiffs,quiffed
quito/47 -> quitoes
radian/47 -> radians
raja/47 -> rajas
rankin/47 -> rankins
recompile/47 -> recompiled,recompiling,recompiles
red-and-white/47 -> red-and-whites
rescript/47 -> rescripts,rescripted
riffle/47 -> riffled,riffling,riffles
roll-up/47 -> roll-ups
rubella/47 -> rubellas
sami/47 -> samis
scampi/47 -> scampis
scrabbling/47 -> scrabblings
scrambler/47 -> scramblers
seascape/47 -> seascapes
sedan/47 -> sedans
shakespearian/47 -> shakespearians
shankar/47 -> shankars
shaper/47 -> shapers
sharpener/47 -> sharpeners
shergold/47 -> shergolds
sophocles/47 -> sophocless
stopcock/47 -> stopcocks
sub-let/47 -> sub-lets
sunbed/47 -> sunbeds
synthesizer/47 -> synthesizers
tailplane/47 -> tailplanes
tape-slide/47 -> tape-slides
tarry/47 -> tarried,tarrying,tarries
temptress/47 -> temptresses
thane/47 -> thanes
tine/47 -> tines
tinkling/47 -> tinklings
tonsure/47 -> tonsured,tonsures
treetop/47 -> treetops
twitching/47 -> twitchings
umbria/47 -> umbrias
underdevelopment/47 -> underdevelopments
underling/47 -> underlings
varna/47 -> varnas
vexation/47 -> vexations
vila/47 -> vilas
waldron/47 -> waldrons
wat/47 -> watter
wattage/47 -> wattages
whammy/47 -> whammies
wiener/47 -> wieners
windhoek/47 -> windhoeks
windproof/47 -> windproofs,windproofing
xenophobic/47 -> xenophobics
yeomanry/47 -> yeomanries
zemstvo/47 -> zemstvos
accomodation/46 -> accomodations
ade/46 -> ades
agora/46 -> agoras
all-american/46 -> all-americans
alliss/46 -> allisses
amoeba/46 -> amoebae,amoebas
arch-rival/46 -> arch-rivals
asthenosphere/46 -> asthenospheres
baldness/46 -> baldnesses
baronetcy/46 -> baronetcies
basset/46 -> bassets,basseting,basseted
bedcover/46 -> bedcovers
beecher/46 -> beechers
beechwood/46 -> beechwoods
bellingham/46 -> bellinghams
birdwatcher/46 -> birdwatchers
blackman/46 -> blackmen
blastocyst/46 -> blastocysts
bleakness/46 -> bleaknesses
bungee/46 -> bungees
burghgesh/46 -> burghgeshes
calvary/46 -> calvaries
calving/46 -> calvings
cardholder/46 -> cardholders
carrera/46 -> carreras
carthaginian/46 -> carthaginians
caught/46 -> caughts
clownfish/46 -> clownfishes
colonialist/46 -> colonialists
complementarity/46 -> complementarities
concertina/46 -> concertinas,concertinaing,concertinaed
conven/46 -> convening
cooe/46 -> cooed
counter-example/46 -> counter-examples
crackpot/46 -> crackpots
debasement/46 -> debasements
dehydrogenase/46 -> dehydrogenases
denude/46 -> denuded,denuding,denudes
dervish/46 -> dervishes
dietician/46 -> dieticians
dietitian/46 -> dietitians
dike/46 -> dikes,diked,diking
dionysus/46 -> dionysuss
disinformation/46 -> disinformations
druze/46 -> druzes
duchamp/46 -> duchamps
dugout/46 -> dugouts
dunk/46 -> dunked,dunking,dunks
earnestness/46 -> earnestnesses
elongate/46 -> elongated,elongates,elongating
emasculate/46 -> emasculated,emasculating,emasculates
emphysema/46 -> emphysemas
enabler/46 -> enablers
encyclical/46 -> encyclicals
entente/46 -> ententes
eosinophil/46 -> eosinophils
essayist/46 -> essayists
euphrates/46 -> euphratess
executable/46 -> executables
farmworker/46 -> farmworkers
fineness/46 -> finenesses
formatting/46 -> formattings
foss/46 -> fosses,fossed
gadgetry/46 -> gadgetries
goodyear/46 -> goodyears
heartburn/46 -> heartburns
hew/46 -> hewing,hewed,hews,hewn
hippodrome/46 -> hippodromes
histrionic/46 -> histrionics
hobbesian/46 -> hobbesians
home-owner/46 -> home-owners
homebuyer/46 -> homebuyers
hunter-gatherer/46 -> hunter-gatherers
husting/46 -> hustings
hyperactivity/46 -> hyperactivities
hyperinflation/46 -> hyperinflations
hypochlorite/46 -> hypochlorites
idealization/46 -> idealizations
in-fighting/46 -> in-fightings
indoctrinate/46 -> indoctrinated,indoctrinating,indoctrinates
infernal/46 -> infernals
insinuation/46 -> insinuations
intermarriage/46 -> intermarriages
invigorate/46 -> invigorated,invigorates,invigorating
itching/46 -> itchings
jona/46 -> jonas
kart/46 -> karts,karting
kazasker/46 -> kazaskers
keypad/46 -> keypads
kilogramme/46 -> kilogrammes
kindling/46 -> kindlings
kleenex/46 -> kleenexes
kr/46 -> kring
lambast/46 -> lambasted,lambasting,lambasts
leaseholder/46 -> leaseholders
lemur/46 -> lemurs
life-span/46 -> life-spans
lift-off/46 -> lift-offs
linden/46 -> lindens
lindy/46 -> lindies
listeria/46 -> listerias
looking-glass/46 -> looking-glasses
lorca/46 -> lorcas
masterclass/46 -> masterclasses
matrimony/46 -> matrimonies
meccano/46 -> meccanoes
mesmerize/46 -> mesmerized,mesmerizing,mesmerizes
mestizo/46 -> mestizos
metastasis/46 -> metastases
metronome/46 -> metronomes
miaow/46 -> miaows,miaowing,miaowed
micrometre/46 -> micrometres
mille/46 -> milles
minibar/46 -> minibars
misquote/46 -> misquoted,misquoting,misquotes
moony/46 -> moonies
mortification/46 -> mortifications
mozzarella/46 -> mozzarellas
mucin/46 -> mucins
mullion/46 -> mullions,mullioned
musketeer/46 -> musketeers
mycenae/46 -> mycenaes
newly-wed/46 -> newly-weds
nh/46 -> nher,nhs
nielson/46 -> nielsons
niko/46 -> nikos
non-user/46 -> non-users
noone/46 -> noones
ouija/46 -> ouijas
outbid/46 -> outbidding,outbids,outbidded,outbid
overlie/46 -> overlying,overlies,overlay,overlain
paleontologist/46 -> paleontologists
paprika/46 -> paprikas
paracelsus/46 -> paracelsuss
parthenon/46 -> parthenons
pendentive/46 -> pendentives
pinatubo/46 -> pinatuboes
plateful/46 -> platefuls
playfulness/46 -> playfulnesses
prefecture/46 -> prefectures
protozoan/46 -> protozoans
radiograph/46 -> radiographs,radiographing,radiographed
radiology/46 -> radiologies
re-invent/46 -> re-invented,re-inventing
reconstitution/46 -> reconstitutions
recumbent/46 -> recumbents
renumber/46 -> renumbered,renumbering
reprise/46 -> reprised,reprising,reprises
rerun/46 -> reruns,rerunning,reran
reselection/46 -> reselections
rolex/46 -> rolexes
rounding/46 -> roundings
salutation/46 -> salutations
saxophonist/46 -> saxophonists
scaveng/46 -> scavenging
scouser/46 -> scousers
secularisation/46 -> secularisations
seneca/46 -> senecas
shoo/46 -> shooing,shoos,shooed
silliness/46 -> sillinesses
sinfulness/46 -> sinfulnesses
slain/46 -> slains
sobbing/46 -> sobbings
solicitude/46 -> solicitudes
sorghum/46 -> sorghums
soul-searching/46 -> soul-searchings
spanking/46 -> spankings
spectrophotometer/46 -> spectrophotometers
stallholder/46 -> stallholders
steamroller/46 -> steamrollered,steamrollers,steamrollering
stockholder/46 -> stockholders
sumerian/46 -> sumerians
superficiality/46 -> superficialities
sweety/46 -> sweeties
tahiti/46 -> tahitis
thuringia/46 -> thuringias
tillich/46 -> tilliches
tincture/46 -> tinctures,tinctured
tobin/46 -> tobins
topside/46 -> topsides
tranquility/46 -> tranquilities
trumpeter/46 -> trumpeters
two-stroke/46 -> two-strokes
umber/46 -> umbers
undermining/46 -> underminings
untangle/46 -> untangling,untangles,untangled
up-date/46 -> up-dated,up-dating,up-dates
vegetarianism/46 -> vegetarianisms
waldheim/46 -> waldheims
wayfarer/46 -> wayfarers
wisteria/46 -> wisterias
actualize/45 -> actualized,actualizing,actualizes
adagio/45 -> adagios
agonize/45 -> agonized,agonizing,agonizes
alexia/45 -> alexias
alumina/45 -> aluminas
arminian/45 -> arminians
asceticism/45 -> asceticisms
atlase/45 -> atlases
awl/45 -> awls
backhand/45 -> backhanded,backhander,backhands,backhanding
bartender/45 -> bartenders
beano/45 -> beanos
beerbohm/45 -> beerbohms
bereave/45 -> bereaved,bereaves,bereft,bereaving
bigram/45 -> bigrams
biz/45 -> bizs
bookstall/45 -> bookstalls
bower-bird/45 -> bower-birds
brassica/45 -> brassicas
breathlessness/45 -> breathlessnesses
breccia/45 -> breccias
bulawayo/45 -> bulawayoes
burnet/45 -> burnets
cabal/45 -> cabals,caballing
cac/45 -> cacs
caesium/45 -> caesiums
candidiasis/45 -> candidiases
caplan/45 -> caplans
carlist/45 -> carlists
casanova/45 -> casanovas
castaway/45 -> castaways
celebrant/45 -> celebrants
chatterbox/45 -> chatterboxes
colourist/45 -> colourists
conciliate/45 -> conciliating,conciliated,conciliates
contravener/45 -> contraveners
cosmonaut/45 -> cosmonauts
court-martial/45 -> court-martialled,court-martials,court-martialling
crystallisation/45 -> crystallisations
cutlet/45 -> cutlets
deb/45 -> debs
distend/45 -> distended,distending,distends
doss/45 -> dossing,dossed,dosses
douglas-home/45 -> douglas-homes
downer/45 -> downers
dowse/45 -> dowsing,dowsed,dowses
dredging/45 -> dredgings
dualist/45 -> dualists
electro-magnetic/45 -> electro-magnetics
electrophorese/45 -> electrophoresed
escherichia/45 -> escherichias
escudo/45 -> escudos
ex-member/45 -> ex-members
ex-president/45 -> ex-presidents
eyelet/45 -> eyelets
falconry/45 -> falconries
fattening/45 -> fattenings
feint/45 -> feints,feinted,feinting
fhsa/45 -> fhsas
fide/45 -> fides
flaky/45 -> flakiest
footlight/45 -> footlights
forme/45 -> formes
garbo/45 -> garboes
gell/45 -> gelled,gelling
geraint/45 -> geraints
glitch/45 -> glitches
glitz/45 -> glitzs
gorky/45 -> gorkies
granuloma/45 -> granulomas
groundsheet/45 -> groundsheets
haley/45 -> haleys
herbage/45 -> herbages
high-flyer/45 -> high-flyers
honorific/45 -> honorifics
hospitalize/45 -> hospitalized,hospitalizes,hospitalizing
hyperventilation/45 -> hyperventilations
ignominy/45 -> ignominies
immunization/45 -> immunizations
inaccessibility/45 -> inaccessibilities
infallibility/45 -> infallibilities
irish-american/45 -> irish-americans
jailer/45 -> jailers
khalifa/45 -> khalifas
klan/45 -> klans
lackey/45 -> lackeys
lally/45 -> lallies
lamplight/45 -> lamplights
legalisation/45 -> legalisations
littlewood/45 -> littlewoods
longhouse/45 -> longhouses
lugh/45 -> lughs
lymphatic/45 -> lymphatics
maharashtra/45 -> maharashtras
mailshot/45 -> mailshots,mailshotting
malayan/45 -> malayans
mauling/45 -> maulings
meal-time/45 -> meal-times
megaphone/45 -> megaphones
meme/45 -> memes
mensa/45 -> mensas
meritocracy/45 -> meritocracies
metope/45 -> metopes
micrograph/45 -> micrographs
misconstrue/45 -> misconstrued,misconstruing,misconstrues
moiety/45 -> moieties
monoculture/45 -> monocultures
mowing/45 -> mowings
mustang/45 -> mustangs
non-native/45 -> non-natives
odonata/45 -> odonatas
oratorio/45 -> oratorios
palatinate/45 -> palatinates
pamphleteer/45 -> pamphleteers,pamphleteering
panoply/45 -> panoplies
pantograph/45 -> pantographs
pc-nf/45 -> pc-nfs
penise/45 -> penises,penised
personalize/45 -> personalized,personalizing,personalizes
pindar/45 -> pindars
plutarch/45 -> plutarches
pre-requisite/45 -> pre-requisites
prenominal/45 -> prenominals
proconsul/45 -> proconsuls
ptolemaic/45 -> ptolemaics
puffer/45 -> puffers
pugin/45 -> pugins
pyrotechnic/45 -> pyrotechnics
quantifier/45 -> quantifiers
rapier/45 -> rapiers,rapiered
rasmussen/45 -> rasmussens
re-appoint/45 -> re-appointed,re-appointing,re-appoints
re-equip/45 -> re-equipped,re-equipping,re-equips
rec/45 -> recs,recced
retiral/45 -> retirals
rosenbloom/45 -> rosenblooms
rubbing/45 -> rubbings
rumania/45 -> rumanias
rumple/45 -> rumpled,rumpling,rumples
sacristy/45 -> sacristies
sandpit/45 -> sandpits
schizoid/45 -> schizoids
schnabel/45 -> schnabels
schoolhouse/45 -> schoolhouses
scoot/45 -> scooted,scooting,scoots
scrotum/45 -> scrotums,scrota
second-b/45 -> second-best
self-improvement/45 -> self-improvements
shortbread/45 -> shortbreads
sike/45 -> sikes
single-mindedness/45 -> single-mindednesses
slippy/45 -> slippier
smut/45 -> smuts,smutting
snotling/45 -> snotlings
soapbox/45 -> soapboxes
sobriety/45 -> sobrieties
sontag/45 -> sontags
std/45 -> stds
stealthy/45 -> stealthier,stealthiest
stop-gap/45 -> stop-gaps
subjunctive/45 -> subjunctives
substratum/45 -> substratums
subtext/45 -> subtexts
sumo/45 -> sumoes
superfamily/45 -> superfamilies
swale/45 -> swales
sy/45 -> sys
tartar/45 -> tartars
texel/45 -> texels
toynbee/45 -> toynbees
trefoil/45 -> trefoils,trefoiled
trenchcoat/45 -> trenchcoats
triennial/45 -> triennials
ultramarine/45 -> ultramarines
unblink/45 -> unblinking
unfamiliarity/45 -> unfamiliarities
unsay/45 -> unsaid,unsays,unsaying
vamp/45 -> vamps,vamping,vamped
vaunt/45 -> vaunted,vaunting,vaunts
virago/45 -> viragos
waxing/45 -> waxings
whosoever/45 -> whomsoever
wodehouse/45 -> wodehouses
wriggling/45 -> wrigglings
absorber/44 -> absorbers
academician/44 -> academicians
accra/44 -> accras
afferent/44 -> afferents
aftercare/44 -> aftercares
agar/44 -> agars
all-white/44 -> all-whites
altimeter/44 -> altimeters
andante/44 -> andantes
andropulo/44 -> andropulos
aneurin/44 -> aneurins
antiparticle/44 -> antiparticles
ao/44 -> aos
aorta/44 -> aortas
apostate/44 -> apostates
argon/44 -> argons
asimov/44 -> asimovs
astaire/44 -> astaires
astropath/44 -> astropaths
augustan/44 -> augustans
autoantibody/44 -> autoantibodies
baal/44 -> baals
bantustan/44 -> bantustans
bayer/44 -> bayers
bed-and-breakfast/44 -> bed-and-breakfasts
behove/44 -> behoves,behoved,behoving
belligerence/44 -> belligerences
bellis/44 -> belliss
berber/44 -> berbers
bibliometric/44 -> bibliometrics
bloodstock/44 -> bloodstocks
brawn/44 -> brawns
breakup/44 -> breakups
brno/44 -> brnoes
bronchodilator/44 -> bronchodilators
buffaloe/44 -> buffaloes
canis/44 -> caniss
castilian/44 -> castilians
centipede/44 -> centipedes
chappy/44 -> chappies
chili/44 -> chilis
chipset/44 -> chipsets
city-state/44 -> city-states
cody/44 -> codies
coliseum/44 -> coliseums
communicant/44 -> communicants
confucius/44 -> confuciuss
constipate/44 -> constipated,constipating,constipates
contrition/44 -> contritions
cosiness/44 -> cosinesses
counterpane/44 -> counterpanes
coverslip/44 -> coverslips
crudity/44 -> crudities
curragh/44 -> curraghs
cyclamen/44 -> cyclamens
czar/44 -> czars
daybreak/44 -> daybreaks
declarative/44 -> declaratives
demerger/44 -> demergers
denature/44 -> denatured,denaturing,denatures
denouement/44 -> denouements
denudation/44 -> denudations
depository/44 -> depositories
descarte/44 -> descartes
diaz/44 -> diazs
diocletian/44 -> diocletians
downsizing/44 -> downsizings
downswing/44 -> downswings
dunnock/44 -> dunnocks
eames/44 -> eamess
ear-ring/44 -> ear-rings
eindhoven/44 -> eindhovens
emaciate/44 -> emaciated,emaciates,emaciating
embargoe/44 -> embargoes,embargoed
embryology/44 -> embryologies
energize/44 -> energized,energizing,energizes
epaulette/44 -> epaulettes
essentialism/44 -> essentialisms
ethyl/44 -> ethyls
evaporite/44 -> evaporites
fdr/44 -> fdrs
fine-tune/44 -> fine-tuned,fine-tuning
finial/44 -> finials
flack/44 -> flacks
fleur/44 -> fleurs
florio/44 -> florios
footfall/44 -> footfalls
friary/44 -> friaries
gendarmerie/44 -> gendarmeries
glan/44 -> glans
glur/44 -> glurs
greco/44 -> grecoes
gullet/44 -> gullets
hallucinate/44 -> hallucinating,hallucinated,hallucinates
has-been/44 -> has-beens
hatching/44 -> hatchings
heft/44 -> hefted,hefting,hefts
herschel/44 -> herschels
histocompatibility/44 -> histocompatibilities
honolulu/44 -> honolulus
hosta/44 -> hostas
hotteterre/44 -> hotteterres
housebuild/44 -> housebuilding
humpback/44 -> humpbacks,humpbacked
hyderabad/44 -> hyderabads
hypoglycaemic/44 -> hypoglycaemics
iguana/44 -> iguanas
indexer/44 -> indexers
industrialism/44 -> industrialisms
initialise/44 -> initialised,initialises,initialising
interest-rate/44 -> interest-rates
jazzy/44 -> jazzier,jazziest
juno/44 -> junoes
kalashnikov/44 -> kalashnikovs
keepsake/44 -> keepsakes
keystroke/44 -> keystrokes
khthon/44 -> khthons
koon/44 -> koons,kooning
lactate/44 -> lactating,lactates,lactated
lampoon/44 -> lampooned,lampoons,lampooning
lawmaker/44 -> lawmakers
leninist/44 -> leninists
lioniser/44 -> lionisers
lld/44 -> llds
looter/44 -> looters
lupin/44 -> lupins
lyre/44 -> lyres
madcap/44 -> madcaps
mainsail/44 -> mainsails
manacle/44 -> manacles,manacled,manacling
miscalculate/44 -> miscalculated,miscalculating,miscalculates
mother-of-pearl/44 -> mother-of-pearls
motor-car/44 -> motor-cars
neckband/44 -> neckbands
nijinsky/44 -> nijinskies
nippy/44 -> nippier
nse/44 -> nses
ocular/44 -> oculars
oddness/44 -> oddnesses
oligo/44 -> oligos
oligopoly/44 -> oligopolies
oooh/44 -> ooohed
ormerod/44 -> ormerods
orpington/44 -> orpingtons
orthography/44 -> orthographies
owing/44 -> owings
paba/44 -> pabas
pabx/44 -> pabxs,pabxes
pallium/44 -> palliums
paratroop/44 -> paratroops
penury/44 -> penuries
phonograph/44 -> phonographs
pica/44 -> picas
piw/44 -> piws
plosive/44 -> plosives
polisher/44 -> polishers
politicization/44 -> politicizations
populaire/44 -> populaires
press-up/44 -> press-ups
prion/44 -> prions
punchy/44 -> punchier,punchiest
purvey/44 -> purveyed,purveying,purveys
pygmalion/44 -> pygmalions
quechua/44 -> quechuas
reaffirmation/44 -> reaffirmations
rhizome/44 -> rhizomes
rocke/44 -> rockes
sarcoma/44 -> sarcomas
sava/44 -> savas
sconce/44 -> sconces
scrubby/44 -> scrubbier,scrubbiest
self-examination/44 -> self-examinations
self-seeking/44 -> self-seekings
selfridge/44 -> selfridges
semi-permanent/44 -> semi-permanents
sepulchre/44 -> sepulchres
sidetrack/44 -> sidetracked,sidetracks,sidetracking
sixth-former/44 -> sixth-formers
skive/44 -> skiving,skived,skives
slayer/44 -> slayers
sleuth/44 -> sleuths
slipway/44 -> slipways
smugness/44 -> smugnesses
sorbet/44 -> sorbets
spreader/44 -> spreaders
starship/44 -> starships
stopfordian/44 -> stopfordians
strangulation/44 -> strangulations
stuntman/44 -> stuntmen
tax-payer/44 -> tax-payers
tuff/44 -> tuffs
tussaud/44 -> tussauds
tutore/44 -> tutored
typhus/44 -> typhuss
unionization/44 -> unionizations
uptown/44 -> uptowner
vending/44 -> vendings
victual/44 -> victuals,victualling,victualled
wallcovering/44 -> wallcoverings
weakling/44 -> weaklings
weismann/44 -> weismanns
willey/44 -> willeys
wing-bar/44 -> wing-bars
winslow/44 -> winslows
abhorrence/43 -> abhorrences
abidjan/43 -> abidjans
acidify/43 -> acidified,acidifying,acidifies
aer/43 -> aers
also-ran/43 -> also-rans
amateurism/43 -> amateurisms
angiography/43 -> angiographies
annealing/43 -> annealings
antechamber/43 -> antechambers
anti-american/43 -> anti-americans
antilles/43 -> antilless
aonach/43 -> aonachs
apanage/43 -> apanages
armourer/43 -> armourers
arras/43 -> arrass
assignation/43 -> assignations
assurer/43 -> assurers
athenaeum/43 -> athenaeums
athleticism/43 -> athleticisms
attendee/43 -> attendees
atv/43 -> atvs
bal/43 -> bals
beading/43 -> beadings
bellini/43 -> bellinis
bere/43 -> beres
blancmange/43 -> blancmanges
bleeper/43 -> bleepers
bonker/43 -> bonkers
bowater/43 -> bowaters
britch/43 -> britches
burlesque/43 -> burlesques,burlesquing,burlesqued
byword/43 -> bywords
canvasser/43 -> canvassers
canvassing/43 -> canvassings
catalysis/43 -> catalyses
catharsis/43 -> catharses
cayenne/43 -> cayennes
cezanne/43 -> cezannes
cheroot/43 -> cheroots
circumcise/43 -> circumcised,circumcising,circumcises
co-chair/43 -> co-chairs,co-chaired,co-chairing
cohere/43 -> coheres,cohering,cohered
collegian/43 -> collegians
commissar/43 -> commissars
conjuror/43 -> conjurors
constructivism/43 -> constructivisms
contraflow/43 -> contraflows
coreldraw/43 -> coreldraws
correlative/43 -> correlatives
counter-claim/43 -> counter-claims,counter-claimed
dalliance/43 -> dalliances
debugger/43 -> debuggers
deferment/43 -> deferments
deprecate/43 -> deprecated,deprecating,deprecates
diaper/43 -> diapers,diapered
diderot/43 -> diderots
discomfit/43 -> discomfited,discomfiting,discomfits,discomfitted
doge/43 -> doges
domestication/43 -> domestications
ecm/43 -> ecms
ectopic/43 -> ectopics
egotism/43 -> egotisms
eigenvector/43 -> eigenvectors
embarkation/43 -> embarkations
empathise/43 -> empathising,empathises,empathised
encoder/43 -> encoders
enforcer/43 -> enforcers
eroding/43 -> erodings
escapee/43 -> escapees
espousal/43 -> espousals
eu/43 -> eus
exclusiveness/43 -> exclusivenesses
extender/43 -> extenders
firmament/43 -> firmaments
fop/43 -> fops,fopped
framer/43 -> framers
fylde/43 -> fyldes
galleria/43 -> gallerias
geophysicist/43 -> geophysicists
gibberish/43 -> gibberishes
ginseng/43 -> ginsengs
gneiss/43 -> gneisses
goddamn/43 -> goddamns
greenness/43 -> greennesses
groucho/43 -> grouchoes
haifa/43 -> haifas
hallowe'en/43 -> hallowe'ens
haycock/43 -> haycocks
hays/43 -> hayss
hijra/43 -> hijras
hip-hop/43 -> hip-hops
hooter/43 -> hooters
humanoid/43 -> humanoids
humphry/43 -> humphries
improver/43 -> improvers
isla/43 -> islas
judder/43 -> juddered,juddering,judders
jutland/43 -> jutlands
katmandu/43 -> katmandus
khanate/43 -> khanates
khz/43 -> khzs
kierkegaard/43 -> kierkegaards
kinshasa/43 -> kinshasas
laburnum/43 -> laburnums
legatee/43 -> legatees
lexeme/43 -> lexemes
lichtenstein/43 -> lichtensteins
linotype/43 -> linotypes
masthead/43 -> mastheads
meadowland/43 -> meadowlands
merry-go-round/43 -> merry-go-rounds
messina/43 -> messinas
methylene/43 -> methylenes
microsparc/43 -> microsparcs
mig/43 -> migs
minim/43 -> minims
misinform/43 -> misinformed,misinforming,misinforms
mismanage/43 -> mismanaged,mismanaging,mismanages
monotheism/43 -> monotheisms
motorcar/43 -> motorcars
ndo/43 -> ndos
neuroscience/43 -> neurosciences
nocturne/43 -> nocturnes
noe/43 -> noes
objectify/43 -> objectified,objectifying,objectifies
office-holder/43 -> office-holders
okinawa/43 -> okinawas
out-migration/43 -> out-migrations
over-run/43 -> over-runs,over-running
overawe/43 -> overawed,overawes,overawing
pantile/43 -> pantiles,pantiled
parallax/43 -> parallaxes
parthenogenesis/43 -> parthenogeneses
paternoster/43 -> paternostered,paternosters
patty/43 -> patties
payee/43 -> payees
penitential/43 -> penitentials
perchance/43 -> perchanced
phylloxera/43 -> phylloxeras
pigeon-hole/43 -> pigeon-holed,pigeon-holes,pigeon-holing
piquet/43 -> piquets
portage/43 -> portages,portaged
possessiveness/43 -> possessivenesses
prolog/43 -> prologs
psychodynamic/43 -> psychodynamics
pueblo/43 -> pueblos
pyle/43 -> pyles
pyroclastic/43 -> pyroclastics
quizze/43 -> quizzes
redshift/43 -> redshifts
relearn/43 -> relearning,relearned,relearns
renin/43 -> renins
renshaw/43 -> renshaws
reportage/43 -> reportages
resourcefulness/43 -> resourcefulnesses
reticulum/43 -> reticulums
ribald/43 -> ribalds
ritzy/43 -> ritzier
rockery/43 -> rockeries
roget/43 -> rogets
runnel/43 -> runnels,runnelling
scaby/43 -> scabies
scratchplate/43 -> scratchplates
seamanship/43 -> seamanships
seamstress/43 -> seamstresses
seaplane/43 -> seaplanes
seasider/43 -> seasiders
self-concept/43 -> self-concepts
sharia/43 -> sharias
sheik/43 -> sheiks
shill/43 -> shills
shoplifter/43 -> shoplifters
short-list/43 -> short-listing,short-lists,short-listed
sinistral/43 -> sinistrals
sn/43 -> sns
softener/43 -> softeners
solstice/43 -> solstices
sparkler/43 -> sparklers
spatula/43 -> spatulas
spiel/43 -> spiels,spieling,spieled
split-second/43 -> split-seconds
spoiler/43 -> spoilers
squatting/43 -> squattings
stoicism/43 -> stoicisms
straining/43 -> strainings
struggler/43 -> strugglers
sub-clause/43 -> sub-clauses
tetrachloride/43 -> tetrachlorides
third-year/43 -> third-years
tomboy/43 -> tomboys
triomphe/43 -> triomphes
unhinge/43 -> unhinged,unhinges,unhinging
unhook/43 -> unhooked,unhooking,unhooks
unloading/43 -> unloadings
unpick/43 -> unpicking,unpicked,unpicks
urging/43 -> urgings
usury/43 -> usuries
valency/43 -> valencies
vito/43 -> vitos
vive/43 -> vives
waco/43 -> wacoes
waterski/43 -> waterskiing
weatherman/43 -> weathermen
wegener/43 -> wegeners
women/43 -> womens
yardage/43 -> yardages
yummy/43 -> yummiest
zener/43 -> zeners
acetone/42 -> acetones
acyclovir/42 -> acyclovirs
airedale/42 -> airedales
aneurysm/42 -> aneurysms
anhydrite/42 -> anhydrites
animus/42 -> animuss
anti-nazi/42 -> anti-nazis
aramaic/42 -> aramaics
archon/42 -> archons
autocatalyst/42 -> autocatalysts
axel/42 -> axels
ballooning/42 -> balloonings
balsam/42 -> balsams
benzodiazepine/42 -> benzodiazepines
bering/42 -> berings
billingsgate/42 -> billingsgates
boozer/42 -> boozers
born-again/42 -> born-agains
botticelli/42 -> botticellis
boyne/42 -> boynes
branding/42 -> brandings
brigand/42 -> brigands
bryden/42 -> brydens
buffoon/42 -> buffoons
bund/42 -> bunds
calyx/42 -> calyxes
camembert/42 -> camemberts
cannonball/42 -> cannonballs
cardiologist/42 -> cardiologists
cartographer/42 -> cartographers
cellist/42 -> cellists
circlet/42 -> circlets
clthe/42 -> clothing,cluthing
clumsiness/42 -> clumsinesses
cognisance/42 -> cognisances
come-back/42 -> come-backs
consonance/42 -> consonances
constitutionalism/42 -> constitutionalisms
contortion/42 -> contortions
coombe/42 -> coombes
creatine/42 -> creatines
cybernetic/42 -> cybernetics
dail/42 -> dails
daphnia/42 -> daphnias
dapple/42 -> dappled,dappling,dapples
debutante/42 -> debutantes
dement/42 -> dementing,dements
detente/42 -> detentes
deuteronomy/42 -> deuteronomies
dime/42 -> dimes
discontinuance/42 -> discontinuances
dismemberment/42 -> dismemberments
dispirit/42 -> dispirited,dispirits,dispiriting
docking/42 -> dockings
dory/42 -> dories
dulle/42 -> dulles
ect/42 -> ects
eelam/42 -> eelams
erp/42 -> erps
escapist/42 -> escapists
expansionism/42 -> expansionisms
faulting/42 -> faultings
feeler/42 -> feelers,feelered
felon/42 -> felons
firstborn/42 -> firstborns
foreplay/42 -> foreplays
fumbling/42 -> fumblings
furnisher/42 -> furnishers
gemstone/42 -> gemstones
gilman/42 -> gilmen
goal-line/42 -> goal-lines
gourd/42 -> gourds
grammar-school/42 -> grammar-schools
gramp/42 -> gramps
halberd/42 -> halberds
hansom/42 -> hansoms
hashemite/42 -> hashemites,hashemiter
headquarter/42 -> headquartered
hitter/42 -> hitters
hoodwink/42 -> hoodwinked,hoodwinking,hoodwinks
houseboat/42 -> houseboats
hutt/42 -> hutts
imprimatur/42 -> imprimaturs
incise/42 -> incised,incising,incises
induct/42 -> inducted,inducting,inducts
industrialize/42 -> industrializing,industrialized,industrializes
inflect/42 -> inflected,inflects,inflecting
insincerity/42 -> insincerities
jawline/42 -> jawlines
jove/42 -> joves
kubrick/42 -> kubricks
leaven/42 -> leavened,leavening,leavens
linearity/42 -> linearities
lint/42 -> lints
loggia/42 -> loggias
lorentz/42 -> lorentzs
loveliness/42 -> lovelinesses
malaga/42 -> malagas
manufactory/42 -> manufactories,manufactorys
massine/42 -> massines
mcluhan/42 -> mcluhans
meltdown/42 -> meltdowns
metaphysics/42 -> metaphysicss
midas/42 -> midass
miff/42 -> miffed,miffs,miffing
minesweeper/42 -> minesweepers
mishandle/42 -> mishandled,mishandling,mishandles
misogynist/42 -> misogynists
mitford/42 -> mitfords
montaigne/42 -> montaignes
motorsport/42 -> motorsports
mousetrap/42 -> mousetraps
neigh/42 -> neighing,neighed,neighs
nuclease/42 -> nucleases
oblast/42 -> oblasts
off-season/42 -> off-seasons
ostentation/42 -> ostentations
outshine/42 -> outshines,outshining,outshone
overmuch/42 -> overmuches
overstress/42 -> overstressed,overstressing
own-label/42 -> own-labels
pah/42 -> pahs
palisade/42 -> palisades
palpitation/42 -> palpitations
pariah/42 -> pariahs
patristic/42 -> patristics
paviour/42 -> paviours
peeping/42 -> peepings
penman/42 -> penmen
personalise/42 -> personalised,personalising,personalises
pesto/42 -> pestoes
phase-out/42 -> phases-out
ping-pong/42 -> ping-pongs
pinner/42 -> pinners
plainsong/42 -> plainsongs
polgar/42 -> polgars
pomegranate/42 -> pomegranates
poppet/42 -> poppets
pressure-group/42 -> pressure-groups
pretreat/42 -> pretreated
pro-european/42 -> pro-europeans
purl/42 -> purling,purls,purled
radiologist/42 -> radiologists
railcoach/42 -> railcoaches
rameau/42 -> rameaux
reactance/42 -> reactances
receptivity/42 -> receptivities
relatedness/42 -> relatednesses
remount/42 -> remounted,remounts,remounting
repackage/42 -> repackaged,repackaging,repackages
revitalisation/42 -> revitalisations
run-out/42 -> run-outs
ryman/42 -> rymans
saunderson/42 -> saundersons
scotty/42 -> scotties
semester/42 -> semesters
serengeti/42 -> serengetis
seroconvert/42 -> seroconverted
shake-out/42 -> shake-outs
shearing/42 -> shearings
shedding/42 -> sheddings
shut-down/42 -> shut-downs
sioux/42 -> siouxes
slider/42 -> sliders
slinky/42 -> slinkier,slinkiest
sneaker/42 -> sneakers
sodom/42 -> sodoms
spacer/42 -> spacers
spf/42 -> spfs
spittal/42 -> spittals
splat/42 -> splats,splatted
stepbrother/42 -> stepbrothers
stepdaughter/42 -> stepdaughters
streep/42 -> streeps
sub-title/42 -> sub-titles
subaltern/42 -> subalterns
swimfeeder/42 -> swimfeeders
taco/42 -> tacos
tasmanian/42 -> tasmanians
thirteen-year-old/42 -> thirteen-year-olds
thoreau/42 -> thoreaux
time-table/42 -> time-tables,time-tabling
tomahawk/42 -> tomahawks
tryst/42 -> trysts
twenty-second/42 -> twenty-seconds
twinning/42 -> twinnings
tyke/42 -> tykes
underarm/42 -> underarms
underlay/42 -> underlaid,underlaying,underlays
underwing/42 -> underwings
veterinarian/42 -> veterinarians
vivacity/42 -> vivacities
viyella/42 -> viyellas
wagtail/42 -> wagtails
waistline/42 -> waistlines
waning/42 -> wanings
water-skiing/42 -> water-skiings
waterproofing/42 -> waterproofings
wedlock/42 -> wedlocks
whimsy/42 -> whimsies
whippet/42 -> whippets
xinjiang/42 -> xinjiangs
ypres/42 -> ypress
yuletide/42 -> yuletides
'and/41 -> 'ands
abridge/41 -> abridged,abridging,abridges
abstruse/41 -> abstruser
academe/41 -> academes
accrete/41 -> accreted,accreting,accretes
acquiring/41 -> acquirings
aleppo/41 -> aleppoes
americana/41 -> americanas
amerindian/41 -> amerindians
aminotransferase/41 -> aminotransferases
andesite/41 -> andesites
anti-socialist/41 -> anti-socialists
antisemitism/41 -> antisemitisms
architrave/41 -> architraves,architraved
arrowsmith/41 -> arrowsmiths
audubon/41 -> audubons
baluster/41 -> balusters
bassline/41 -> basslines
biosensor/41 -> biosensors
birthrate/41 -> birthrates
bittern/41 -> bitterns
black-out/41 -> black-outs
blankness/41 -> blanknesses
bong/41 -> bongs
boomerang/41 -> boomerangs,boomeranging,boomeranged
boy-friend/41 -> boy-friends
burgeon/41 -> burgeoned,burgeons,burgeoning
byelorussian/41 -> byelorussians
caballero/41 -> caballeros
canute/41 -> canutes
carpark/41 -> carparks
cassava/41 -> cassavas
cassius/41 -> cassiuss
cathartic/41 -> cathartics
charades/41 -> charadess
chewy/41 -> chewier,chewiest
chiropodist/41 -> chiropodists
cholecystolithotomy/41 -> cholecystolithotomies
chopstick/41 -> chopsticks
circularity/41 -> circularities
citizenry/41 -> citizenries
co-option/41 -> co-options
coffee-cup/41 -> coffee-cups
computerization/41 -> computerizations
connivance/41 -> connivances
converging/41 -> convergings
corvette/41 -> corvettes
crayfish/41 -> crayfishes
cross-over/41 -> cross-overs
crusher/41 -> crushers
cultivar/41 -> cultivars
datafile/41 -> datafiles
day-dream/41 -> day-dreaming,day-dreams
decisiveness/41 -> decisivenesses
defensiveness/41 -> defensivenesses
delacroix/41 -> delacroixes
dinner-party/41 -> dinner-parties
divination/41 -> divinations
dobermann/41 -> dobermanns
dodder/41 -> doddering,dodders,doddered
dogfight/41 -> dogfights,dogfighting
domineer/41 -> domineering,domineered,domineers
doolittle/41 -> doolittles
dumper/41 -> dumpers
echolocation/41 -> echolocations
ecowa/41 -> ecowas
eleven-plus/41 -> eleven-pluss
emirate/41 -> emirates
exploding/41 -> explodings
externalization/41 -> externalizations
feherty/41 -> fehertys
firebrand/41 -> firebrands
flagon/41 -> flagons
flatulence/41 -> flatulences
fokker/41 -> fokkers
fremont/41 -> fremonts
gargle/41 -> gargled,gargling,gargles
gilgamesh/41 -> gilgameshes
granger/41 -> grangers
greye/41 -> greyer,greyest
gripper/41 -> grippers
gruel/41 -> gruels
guiana/41 -> guianas
gujarat/41 -> gujarats
haberdasher/41 -> haberdashers
heckler/41 -> hecklers
hutchins/41 -> hutchinss
icu/41 -> icus
incompleteness/41 -> incompletenesses
inter-relate/41 -> inter-related,inter-relates
jeering/41 -> jeerings
juke/41 -> jukes
junker/41 -> junkers
kali/41 -> kalis
keynesianism/41 -> keynesianisms
kharkov/41 -> kharkovs
kirkuk/41 -> kirkuks
knapsack/41 -> knapsacks
lazar/41 -> lazars
lecturing/41 -> lecturings
legionary/41 -> legionaries
leibniz/41 -> leibnizs
lightening/41 -> lightenings
luxuriate/41 -> luxuriating,luxuriated,luxuriates
lysine/41 -> lysines
macedon/41 -> macedons
machiavelli/41 -> machiavellis
mallon/41 -> mallons
marcuse/41 -> marcuses
marginalization/41 -> marginalizations
marshmallow/41 -> marshmallows
maser/41 -> masers
mayan/41 -> mayans
meditator/41 -> meditators
midline/41 -> midlines
midwest/41 -> midwests
minotaur/41 -> minotaurs
misappropriate/41 -> misappropriated,misappropriating,misappropriates
misreading/41 -> misreadings
mistreatment/41 -> mistreatments
moisturizer/41 -> moisturizers
mutagenesis/41 -> mutageneses
myopia/41 -> myopias
nasturtium/41 -> nasturtiums
nob/41 -> nobs
non-book/41 -> non-books
non-catholic/41 -> non-catholics
non-literate/41 -> non-literates
non-local/41 -> non-locals
non-russian/41 -> non-russians
nsw/41 -> nsws
oncology/41 -> oncologies
oregano/41 -> oreganoes
overplay/41 -> overplayed,overplaying,overplays
parka/41 -> parkas
pidgin/41 -> pidgins
pil/41 -> pils
pleb/41 -> plebs
politicise/41 -> politicised,politicising
pronominal/41 -> pronominals
proprietorship/41 -> proprietorships
quarrying/41 -> quarryings
quartzite/41 -> quartzites
racegoer/41 -> racegoers
ranting/41 -> rantings
raper/41 -> rapers
reedy/41 -> reedier,reediest
reinterpret/41 -> reinterprets
ret/41 -> rets,retting,retted
roan/41 -> roans
rounders/41 -> rounderss
rumpus/41 -> rumpuss
rundle/41 -> rundles
sandrat/41 -> sandrats
satrap/41 -> satraps
self-disgust/41 -> self-disgusts
semi-desert/41 -> semi-deserts
shooe/41 -> shooed
shopfront/41 -> shopfronts
showjumping/41 -> showjumpings
sienna/41 -> siennas
simenon/41 -> simenons
simper/41 -> simpered,simpering,simpers
sit-down/41 -> sit-downs
slake/41 -> slaking,slaked,slakes
sneaking/41 -> sneakings
sonority/41 -> sonorities
sportsmanship/41 -> sportsmanships
spume/41 -> spumed,spuming,spumes
streaming/41 -> streamings
streptomycin/41 -> streptomycins
stultify/41 -> stultifying,stultified,stultifies
sub-discipline/41 -> sub-disciplines
super-power/41 -> super-powers
suva/41 -> suvas
ta-ta/41 -> ta-tas
tajik/41 -> tajiks
tarantula/41 -> tarantulas
tearing/41 -> tearings
teetotaller/41 -> teetotallers
thoughtfulness/41 -> thoughtfulnesses
threepenny/41 -> threepennies
thrum/41 -> thrummed,thrumming,thrums
tie-back/41 -> tie-backs
transformant/41 -> transformants
troika/41 -> troikas
trondheim/41 -> trondheims
twa/41 -> twas
underpay/41 -> underpaid,underpaying,underpays
unevenness/41 -> unevennesses
vacuume/41 -> vacuumed,vacuuming
vagrancy/41 -> vagrancies
versace/41 -> versaces
wavefunction/41 -> wavefunctions
wheal/41 -> wheals
wyvern/41 -> wyverns
yangtze/41 -> yangtzes
yo-yo/41 -> yo-yos
zaria/41 -> zarias
academical/40 -> academicals
adaption/40 -> adaptions
adjuvant/40 -> adjuvants
agribusiness/40 -> agribusinesses
agriculturalist/40 -> agriculturalists
all-seater/40 -> all-seaters
androgyny/40 -> androgynies
angora/40 -> angoras
animator/40 -> animators
anomie/40 -> anomies
antioxidant/40 -> antioxidants
aromatherapist/40 -> aromatherapists
barbarity/40 -> barbarities
beaux-art/40 -> beaux-arts
bedeck/40 -> bedecked,bedecking,bedecks
blighter/40 -> blighters
bluntness/40 -> bluntnesses
boone/40 -> boones
boozy/40 -> boozier
brushwood/40 -> brushwoods
bustard/40 -> bustards
camelot/40 -> camelots
carina/40 -> carinas
carmine/40 -> carmines
cartagena/40 -> cartagenas
catkin/40 -> catkins
chablis/40 -> chabliss
changing-room/40 -> changing-rooms
cheapen/40 -> cheapened,cheapening,cheapens
choirboy/40 -> choirboys
cichlasoma/40 -> cichlasomas
cleat/40 -> cleats,cleated,cleating
collectivization/40 -> collectivizations
colloid/40 -> colloids
colore/40 -> colored,colores,coloring
comforter/40 -> comforters
conceptualisation/40 -> conceptualisations
concierge/40 -> concierges
conflation/40 -> conflations
consignor/40 -> consignors
criminalise/40 -> criminalised,criminalising,criminalises
curtsey/40 -> curtseys,curtseying,curtseyed
damson/40 -> damsons
deferral/40 -> deferrals
dejection/40 -> dejections
denigration/40 -> denigrations
dependability/40 -> dependabilities
determiner/40 -> determiners
diaghilev/40 -> diaghilevs
dirge/40 -> dirges
dissimilarity/40 -> dissimilarities
elderflower/40 -> elderflowers
electromagnetism/40 -> electromagnetisms
enp/40 -> enps
entailment/40 -> entailments
eocene/40 -> eocenes
epicentre/40 -> epicentres
espana/40 -> espanas
excreta/40 -> excretas
f-16/40 -> f-16s
five-man/40 -> five-men
five-speed/40 -> five-speeds
flab/40 -> flabbed
fortnum/40 -> fortnums
foundationalist/40 -> foundationalists
frn/40 -> frns
frostbite/40 -> frostbites
fulford/40 -> fulfords
gaap/40 -> gaaps
gangland/40 -> ganglands
gartner/40 -> gartners
gauloise/40 -> gauloises
geiger/40 -> geigers
gentrification/40 -> gentrifications
geomorphologist/40 -> geomorphologists
giacometti/40 -> giacomettis
globalization/40 -> globalizations
gluon/40 -> gluons
goby/40 -> gobies
greening/40 -> greenings
gur/40 -> gurs
guzzle/40 -> guzzling,guzzled,guzzles
hallow/40 -> hallows,hallowing,hallowed
hallucinogenic/40 -> hallucinogenics
haplotype/40 -> haplotypes
hemifield/40 -> hemifields
hepe/40 -> hepes,heping
hera/40 -> heras
hex/40 -> hexes,hexed,hexing
hijacking/40 -> hijackings
hin/40 -> hins
hypodermic/40 -> hypodermics
imi/40 -> imis
immunohistochemistry/40 -> immunohistochemistries
imping/40 -> impinging
inflexion/40 -> inflexions
insectivore/40 -> insectivores
instantiate/40 -> instantiated,instantiating,instantiates
josephus/40 -> josephuss
kirghizia/40 -> kirghizias
kleiber/40 -> kleibers
languor/40 -> languors
lind/40 -> linds
look-alike/40 -> look-alikes
lux/40 -> luxes
lyricist/40 -> lyricists
macaroni/40 -> macaronis
magnanimity/40 -> magnanimities
maimed/40 -> maimeds
majors/40 -> majorss
maktoum/40 -> maktoums
malcontent/40 -> malcontents
manitoba/40 -> manitobas
manzoni/40 -> manzonis
milano/40 -> milanoes
millilitre/40 -> millilitres
minpin/40 -> minpins
mobster/40 -> mobsters
montevideo/40 -> montevideos
moraine/40 -> moraines
motorcycling/40 -> motorcyclings
mujahedin/40 -> mujahedins
murk/40 -> murks
musky/40 -> muskier
mycobacteria/40 -> mycobacterias
nark/40 -> narks,narked,narking
navajo/40 -> navajos
neighbourliness/40 -> neighbourlinesses
newsline/40 -> newslines
novgorod/40 -> novgorods
nuffink/40 -> nuffinks
opel/40 -> opels
oration/40 -> orations
orderliness/40 -> orderlinesses
overlordship/40 -> overlordships
papist/40 -> papists
parnell/40 -> parnells
participle/40 -> participles
pensione/40 -> pensiones
permute/40 -> permuted,permutes,permuting
phalanx/40 -> phalanxes,phalanges
phantasy/40 -> phantasies,phantasied
piccolo/40 -> piccolos
polka/40 -> polkas
prepayment/40 -> prepayments
prize-giving/40 -> prize-givings
progesterone/40 -> progesterones
proofread/40 -> proofreading,proofreads,proof-read,proof-reads,proof-reading
prying/40 -> pryings
psychopathology/40 -> psychopathologies
puree/40 -> purees,pureeing,pureed
push-button/40 -> push-buttons
quoit/40 -> quoits
re-emphasise/40 -> re-emphasised,re-emphasises,re-emphasising
re-name/40 -> re-named,re-naming
reconnect/40 -> reconnected,reconnecting,reconnects
recuperation/40 -> recuperations
redoubt/40 -> redoubts
refinance/40 -> refinancing,refinanced,refinances
reflexivity/40 -> reflexivities
resubmit/40 -> resubmitted,resubmitting,resubmits,resubmiting,resubmited
revere/40 -> reveres,revering,revered
ria/40 -> rias
ribbing/40 -> ribbings
right-angle/40 -> right-angles
rioja/40 -> riojas
rossiter/40 -> rossiters
scaremonger/40 -> scaremongering,scaremongers
seafaring/40 -> seafarings
sensitize/40 -> sensitized,sensitizing,sensitizes
shan/40 -> shans
sorceress/40 -> sorceresses
sparky/40 -> sparkier
spendthrift/40 -> spendthrifts
spoiling/40 -> spoilings
sprat/40 -> sprats
sputnik/40 -> sputniks
squabbling/40 -> squabblings
squeezing/40 -> squeezings
ssa/40 -> ssas
stamen/40 -> stamens
stratify/40 -> stratified,stratifying,stratifies
strummer/40 -> strummers
stumpy/40 -> stumpies,stumpier,stumpiest
sturgeon/40 -> sturgeons
tabard/40 -> tabards
tailback/40 -> tailbacks
tallinn/40 -> tallinns
tearoom/40 -> tearooms
teleology/40 -> teleologies
telephoto/40 -> telephotos
teleprinter/40 -> teleprinters
terrapin/40 -> terrapins
threesome/40 -> threesomes
toxicology/40 -> toxicologies
transduction/40 -> transductions
transom/40 -> transoms
treeline/40 -> treelined,treelines
tricyclic/40 -> tricyclics
trinidadian/40 -> trinidadians
twitchy/40 -> twitchiest
uncurl/40 -> uncurled,uncurling,uncurls
unemployable/40 -> unemployables
unsuitability/40 -> unsuitabilities
upholsterer/40 -> upholsterers
va/40 -> vas
vend/40 -> vending,vends,vended
ventricle/40 -> ventricles
ver/40 -> vers
vesta/40 -> vestas
washing-machine/40 -> washing-machines
whoo/40 -> whooing
writhing/40 -> writhings
xmas/40 -> xmass
yore/40 -> yores
achille/39 -> achilles
aeschylus/39 -> aeschyluss
all-black/39 -> all-blacks
all-comer/39 -> all-comers
allrounder/39 -> allrounders
archdiocese/39 -> archdioceses
axil/39 -> axils
belloc/39 -> bellocs
besot/39 -> besotted
bilberry/39 -> bilberries,bilberrying
blinker/39 -> blinkered,blinkering,blinkers
bluebeard/39 -> bluebeards
blueness/39 -> bluenesses
bolero/39 -> boleros
brainstorm/39 -> brainstorming,brainstorms
brummie/39 -> brummies
buckthorn/39 -> buckthorns
burberry/39 -> burberrys
calabria/39 -> calabrias
campfire/39 -> campfires
cashew/39 -> cashews
catalase/39 -> catalases
caver/39 -> cavers
chainsword/39 -> chainswords
chairlift/39 -> chairlifts
chamberlin/39 -> chamberlins
chamomile/39 -> chamomiles
checkerboard/39 -> checkerboards
cheque-book/39 -> cheque-books
clawback/39 -> clawbacks
coleslaw/39 -> coleslaws
collapsible/39 -> collapsibles
colostomy/39 -> colostomies
colouration/39 -> colourations
corbel/39 -> corbels,corbelled,corbelling
cornishman/39 -> cornishmen
covenantor/39 -> covenantors
cracow/39 -> cracows
crichton/39 -> crichtons
cryptocoryne/39 -> cryptocorynes
dairying/39 -> dairyings
daler-rowney/39 -> daler-rowneys
delphinium/39 -> delphiniums
dilapidation/39 -> dilapidations
dinucleotide/39 -> dinucleotides
diptera/39 -> dipteras
discriminant/39 -> discriminants
dissemble/39 -> dissembling,dissembled,dissembles
divisor/39 -> divisors
djinn/39 -> djinns,djinn
dorman/39 -> dormans
dovecot/39 -> dovecots
dusting/39 -> dustings
electrolysis/39 -> electrolyses
embitter/39 -> embittered,embittering,embitters
emg/39 -> emgs
ennoble/39 -> ennobled,ennobling,ennobles
envision/39 -> envisioned,envisioning,envisions
erotica/39 -> eroticas
ex-girlfriend/39 -> ex-girlfriends
explication/39 -> explications
eyeliner/39 -> eyeliners
eyepiece/39 -> eyepieces
farc/39 -> farcs
femaleness/39 -> femalenesses
floater/39 -> floaters
forger/39 -> forgers
foy/39 -> foys
freestand/39 -> freestanding
frisky/39 -> friskier,friskiest
gadfly/39 -> gadflies
galapago/39 -> galapagos
gasification/39 -> gasifications
genuineness/39 -> genuinenesses
gingham/39 -> ginghams
glug/39 -> glugs,glugged
glycerol/39 -> glycerols
godman/39 -> godmen
gossamer/39 -> gossamers
grantor/39 -> grantors
granulation/39 -> granulations
gunwale/39 -> gunwales
haberma/39 -> habermas
half-marathon/39 -> half-marathons
handicapper/39 -> handicappers
highlighting/39 -> highlightings
hinde/39 -> hindes
hoggart/39 -> hoggarts
hymenoptera/39 -> hymenopteras
hypotension/39 -> hypotensions
hypoxia/39 -> hypoxias
impoverish/39 -> impoverishing,impoverishes,impoverished
inappropriateness/39 -> inappropriatenesses
interlace/39 -> interlaced,interlacing,interlaces
interleaf/39 -> interleaves
interrogatory/39 -> interrogatories
ivanov/39 -> ivanovs
jamb/39 -> jambs
jammy/39 -> jammiest,jammier
junket/39 -> junkets
kale/39 -> kaled
kappa/39 -> kappas
kata/39 -> katas
kerouac/39 -> kerouacs
kingmaker/39 -> kingmakers
krona/39 -> kronas
ky/39 -> kier
lace-up/39 -> lace-ups
lamarckian/39 -> lamarckians
lance-corporal/39 -> lance-corporals
landslip/39 -> landslips,landslipping
lapp/39 -> lapps
leiden/39 -> leidens
lotto/39 -> lottoes
louisville/39 -> louisvilles
magnificat/39 -> magnificats
maidservant/39 -> maidservants
maputo/39 -> maputoes
masochist/39 -> masochists
matador/39 -> matadors
meals-on-wheel/39 -> meals-on-wheels
meeting-place/39 -> meeting-places
metabolise/39 -> metabolised,metabolising
methionine/39 -> methionines
midstream/39 -> midstreams
milliner/39 -> milliners
milwaukee/39 -> milwaukees
minicab/39 -> minicabs
molasses/39 -> molassess
moule/39 -> moules
nameplate/39 -> nameplates
niceness/39 -> nicenesses
nonstop/39 -> nonstops
odessa/39 -> odessas
ordinand/39 -> ordinands
outfield/39 -> outfields
overpayment/39 -> overpayments
oversupply/39 -> oversupplied
pageantry/39 -> pageantries
paladin/39 -> paladins
pampa/39 -> pampas
paraclete/39 -> paracletes
parakeet/39 -> parakeets
peirce/39 -> peirces
pentateuch/39 -> pentateuches
persuasiveness/39 -> persuasivenesses
petit/39 -> petits
petulance/39 -> petulances
pointy/39 -> pointier
poitier/39 -> poitiers
poltergeist/39 -> poltergeists
postern/39 -> posterns
potentate/39 -> potentates
pounder/39 -> pounders
propagator/39 -> propagators
protease/39 -> proteases
psychotropic/39 -> psychotropics
pynchon/39 -> pynchons
raconteur/39 -> raconteurs
raking/39 -> rakings
re-apply/39 -> re-applied,re-applying
re-design/39 -> re-designed,re-designing
re-start/39 -> re-started,re-starting,re-starts
readout/39 -> readouts
reclassify/39 -> reclassified,reclassifying,reclassifies
reestablish/39 -> reestablished,reestablishing,reestablishes
reformism/39 -> reformisms
reinvestment/39 -> reinvestments
relativist/39 -> relativists
reproducibility/39 -> reproducibilities
rewriting/39 -> rewritings
roll-on/39 -> roll-ons
rostock/39 -> rostocks
roundness/39 -> roundnesses
salivate/39 -> salivated,salivating,salivates
sancho/39 -> sanchos
schoolmate/39 -> schoolmates
scrivener/39 -> scriveners
serine/39 -> serines
shockwave/39 -> shockwaves
shunting/39 -> shuntings
silver-grey/39 -> silver-greys
slicker/39 -> slickers
solicitation/39 -> solicitations
som/39 -> soms
soporific/39 -> soporifics
souffle/39 -> souffles
southland/39 -> southlands
spangle/39 -> spangles,spangled,spangling
speculum/39 -> specula
squiggle/39 -> squiggles
sterilization/39 -> sterilizations
stinker/39 -> stinkers
stockholding/39 -> stockholdings
strainer/39 -> strainers
sweetmeat/39 -> sweetmeats
tabletop/39 -> tabletops
tacitus/39 -> tacituss
tactician/39 -> tacticians
tailpiece/39 -> tailpieces
tectonics/39 -> tectonicss
theobald/39 -> theobalds
tma/39 -> tmas
totalize/39 -> totalizing,totalized,totalizes
triangulation/39 -> triangulations
truthfulness/39 -> truthfulnesses
tubercle/39 -> tubercles
tutu/39 -> tutus
ventriloquist/39 -> ventriloquists
vice-marshal/39 -> vice-marshals
vicomte/39 -> vicomtes
vividness/39 -> vividnesses
watchfulness/39 -> watchfulnesses
waterlog/39 -> waterlogging,waterlogged
wheelwright/39 -> wheelwrights
whinney/39 -> whinneying
whitman/39 -> whitmen
witticism/39 -> witticisms
world-system/39 -> world-systems
yucatan/39 -> yucatans
acapulco/38 -> acapulcoes
actuate/38 -> actuated,actuates,actuating
alhambra/38 -> alhambras
allegheny/38 -> alleghenies
angiosperm/38 -> angiosperms
anteater/38 -> anteaters
antipodean/38 -> antipodeans
armadillo/38 -> armadillos
auberge/38 -> auberges
awfulness/38 -> awfulnesses
bac/38 -> bacs
bangalore/38 -> bangalores
barbadian/38 -> barbadians
bevy/38 -> bevies
blitze/38 -> blitzed,blitzing,blitzes
bookbinder/38 -> bookbinders
booklist/38 -> booklists
boomer/38 -> boomers
brier/38 -> briers
broadwate/38 -> broadwater
buildup/38 -> buildups
burridge/38 -> burridges
byng/38 -> byngs
byproduct/38 -> byproducts
cali/38 -> calis
capper/38 -> cappers
catacomb/38 -> catacombs
cay/38 -> cays,caies
chicory/38 -> chicories
chiropractic/38 -> chiropractics
chivvy/38 -> chivvied,chivvying,chivvies
chock/38 -> chocks,chocked,chocking
climbdown/38 -> climbdowns
co-owner/38 -> co-owners
concordat/38 -> concordats
conventionalist/38 -> conventionalists
copycat/38 -> copycats
counter-offer/38 -> counter-offers
crumbly/38 -> crumblies,crumblier,crumbliest
cuboid/38 -> cuboids
destructiveness/38 -> destructivenesses
deuteron/38 -> deuterons
dinnertime/38 -> dinnertimes
discounter/38 -> discounters
disorganize/38 -> disorganized,disorganizing,disorganizes
dreadlock/38 -> dreadlocks,dreadlocked
dug/38 -> dugs
dystrophin/38 -> dystrophins
earnshaw/38 -> earnshaws
effrontery/38 -> effronteries
eke/38 -> ekes,eking,eked
electioneer/38 -> electioneering,electioneers,electioneered
eliminator/38 -> eliminators
enslavement/38 -> enslavements
entreat/38 -> entreated,entreating,entreats
equalization/38 -> equalizations
equinox/38 -> equinoxes
equivocation/38 -> equivocations
etruria/38 -> etrurias
eurasia/38 -> eurasias
ex-communist/38 -> ex-communists
ex-lover/38 -> ex-lovers
expressway/38 -> expressways
factoring/38 -> factorings
fastness/38 -> fastnesses
ferrar/38 -> ferrars
ferrara/38 -> ferraras
feynman/38 -> feynmen
fibrinogen/38 -> fibrinogens
figuration/38 -> figurations
fiz/38 -> fizzing,fizzed
floorcovering/38 -> floorcoverings
flushing/38 -> flushings
footer/38 -> footers,footering
foreclosure/38 -> foreclosures
forethought/38 -> forethoughts
frizzy/38 -> frizzies,frizzier,frizziest
frogman/38 -> frogmen
fuhrer/38 -> fuhrers
furl/38 -> furling,furled,furls
gallstone/38 -> gallstones
gastroenterology/38 -> gastroenterologies
giotto/38 -> giottoes
glutton/38 -> gluttons,gluttoned
godson/38 -> godsons
grimaud/38 -> grimauds
guangdong/38 -> guangdongs
h.t./38 -> h.t.s
hagfish/38 -> hagfishes
hedonist/38 -> hedonists
hercule/38 -> hercules
hindbrain/38 -> hindbrains
hindenburg/38 -> hindenburgs
homologue/38 -> homologues
honeypot/38 -> honeypots
hospitalization/38 -> hospitalizations
hydrolase/38 -> hydrolases
hypermedia/38 -> hypermedias
hypochondriac/38 -> hypochondriacs
ingratiate/38 -> ingratiated,ingratiates,ingratiating
insubordination/38 -> insubordinations
intubation/38 -> intubations
isherwood/38 -> isherwoods
jaeger/38 -> jaegers
jutting/38 -> juttings
kao/38 -> kaos
knick-knack/38 -> knick-knacks
kwh/38 -> kwhs
lamppost/38 -> lampposts
leyden/38 -> leydens
life-history/38 -> life-histories
lightbulb/38 -> lightbulbs
liston/38 -> listons
lock-out/38 -> lock-outs
lubavitch/38 -> lubavitches
lumberjack/38 -> lumberjacks,lumberjacking
lurex/38 -> lurexed
machinehead/38 -> machineheads
macroeconomics/38 -> macroeconomicss
magister/38 -> magisters
malling/38 -> mallinger
marple/38 -> marples
marvell/38 -> marvells
medellin/38 -> medellins
mem/38 -> mems
merc/38 -> mercs
merchantability/38 -> merchantabilities
merchantman/38 -> merchantmen
merkut/38 -> merkuts
micro-computer/38 -> micro-computers
micro-instruction/38 -> micro-instructions
misjudgement/38 -> misjudgements
monocyte/38 -> monocytes
moto/38 -> motos
motor-cycle/38 -> motor-cycles
mouton/38 -> moutons
nav/38 -> navs
nephropathy/38 -> nephropathies
nestor/38 -> nestors
nicaea/38 -> nicaeas
non-emergency/38 -> non-emergencies
non-marxist/38 -> non-marxists
oaf/38 -> oafs
obfuscation/38 -> obfuscations
obtaining/38 -> obtainings
occure/38 -> occured,occuring,occures
oor/38 -> oors
oss/38 -> osses
ostler/38 -> ostlers
outsole/38 -> outsoles
overfeed/38 -> overfeeding,overfeeds,overfed
oversubscribe/38 -> oversubscribed
overuse/38 -> overused,overusing
ovid/38 -> ovids
oviduct/38 -> oviducts
pacer/38 -> pacers
parricide/38 -> parricides
patagonia/38 -> patagonias
perfumery/38 -> perfumeries
philologist/38 -> philologists
picardy/38 -> picardies
pitta/38 -> pittas
plainclothe/38 -> plainclothes
polecat/38 -> polecats
poof/38 -> poofs
porky/38 -> porkies
portakabin/38 -> portakabins
positron/38 -> positrons
predecease/38 -> predeceased,predeceases,predeceasing
prevarication/38 -> prevarications
protozoa/38 -> protozoas
psoriasis/38 -> psoriases
punch-up/38 -> punch-ups
quiescence/38 -> quiescences
rama/38 -> ramas
razzmatazz/38 -> razzmatazzs
re-launch/38 -> re-launched,re-launching,re-launches
reciprocation/38 -> reciprocations
recombine/38 -> recombined,recombining,recombines
reggane/38 -> regganes
regurgitation/38 -> regurgitations
restock/38 -> restocking,restocked,restocks
revelry/38 -> revelries
rnase/38 -> rnases
roscarrock/38 -> roscarrocks
screenwriter/38 -> screenwriters
seeding/38 -> seedings
self-protection/38 -> self-protections
separator/38 -> separators
shelduck/38 -> shelducks
sideburn/38 -> sideburns
sleaze/38 -> sleazes
slobber/38 -> slobbering,slobbered,slobbers
socialiste/38 -> socialistes
softy/38 -> softies
sothe/38 -> soothing
spacesuit/38 -> spacesuits
spinney/38 -> spinneys
sputter/38 -> sputtering,sputtered,sputters
squib/38 -> squibs
standard-bearer/38 -> standard-bearers
stationmaster/38 -> stationmasters
stigmatise/38 -> stigmatised,stigmatising,stigmatises
stipe/38 -> stipes,stiped
stooge/38 -> stooges,stooging
strangler/38 -> stranglers
subclon/38 -> subcloned,subcloning
succussion/38 -> succussions
swiftness/38 -> swiftnesses
swordsman/38 -> swordsmen
t-junction/38 -> t-junctions
tape-recording/38 -> tape-recordings
tennent/38 -> tennents
time-limit/38 -> time-limits
tinkering/38 -> tinkerings
topknot/38 -> topknots
traditionalism/38 -> traditionalisms
transmittal/38 -> transmittals
trolleybuse/38 -> trolleybuses
trope/38 -> tropes
tunguska/38 -> tunguskas
ud/38 -> uds,uding,uded
vacillation/38 -> vacillations
vouchsafe/38 -> vouchsafed,vouchsafing,vouchsafes
warehouseman/38 -> warehousemen
wasting/38 -> wastings
wetsuit/38 -> wetsuits
wholegrain/38 -> wholegrains
winckelmann/38 -> winckelmanns
witch-hunt/38 -> witch-hunts
woof/38 -> woofs,woofer,woofing,woofed
wordy/38 -> wordier,wordiest
workwear/38 -> workwears
wrangler/38 -> wranglers
wrecker/38 -> wreckers
zephyr/38 -> zephyrs
zig/38 -> zigs,zigged
zooplankton/38 -> zooplanktons
'phone/37 -> 'phones
abridgement/37 -> abridgements
abutment/37 -> abutments
allophone/37 -> allophones
ama/37 -> amas
ammo/37 -> ammoes
anaesthetize/37 -> anaesthetized,anaesthetizes,anaesthetizing
anode/37 -> anodes
anthracite/37 -> anthracites
antihypertensive/37 -> antihypertensives
artemisia/37 -> artemisias
asmara/37 -> asmaras
aster/37 -> asters
authentication/37 -> authentications
autopilot/37 -> autopilots
babushka/37 -> babushkas
baby-sitter/37 -> baby-sitters
bandstand/37 -> bandstands
barracuda/37 -> barracudas
beatitude/37 -> beatitudes
bedouin/37 -> bedouins
betoken/37 -> betokens,betokening,betokened
big'un/37 -> big'uns
billowing/37 -> billowings
bir/37 -> birs
blazon/37 -> blazoned,blazons,blazoning
bloodhound/37 -> bloodhounds
boat-house/37 -> boat-houses
bolingbroke/37 -> bolingbrokes
booby-trap/37 -> booby-trapped,booby-traps,booby-trapping
brassiere/37 -> brassieres
busk/37 -> busking,busked,busks
campbell-savour/37 -> campbell-savours
cardiomyopathy/37 -> cardiomyopathies
carpathian/37 -> carpathians
cassock/37 -> cassocks,cassocked
centralist/37 -> centralists
centre-piece/37 -> centre-pieces
chlamydia/37 -> chlamydias
citron/37 -> citrons
claro/37 -> claroes
clubmate/37 -> clubmates
co-director/37 -> co-directors
comparator/37 -> comparators
conservatoire/37 -> conservatoires
cotyledon/37 -> cotyledons
crockett/37 -> crocketts
cross-examine/37 -> cross-examines,cross-examining,cross-examined
cup-winner/37 -> cup-winners
cysteine/37 -> cysteines
day-time/37 -> day-times
despoil/37 -> despoiled,despoiling,despoils
disavowal/37 -> disavowals
dogsbody/37 -> dogsbodies,dogsbodying
dorado/37 -> doradoes
downbeat/37 -> downbeats
dyspeptic/37 -> dyspeptics
ealdorman/37 -> ealdormen
electrocardiogram/37 -> electrocardiograms
electrolytic/37 -> electrolytics
elmwood/37 -> elmwoods
elope/37 -> eloped,elopes,eloping
emanation/37 -> emanations
encryption/37 -> encryptions
episcopalian/37 -> episcopalians
essen/37 -> essens
euromarket/37 -> euromarkets
exhibitionist/37 -> exhibitionists
eye-spot/37 -> eye-spots
faroese/37 -> faroeses
felt-tip/37 -> felt-tips
festuca/37 -> festucas
fibril/37 -> fibrils
fing/37 -> fings
flamboyance/37 -> flamboyances
flare-up/37 -> flare-ups
floodplain/37 -> floodplains
foraging/37 -> foragings
foretell/37 -> foretells,foretelling,foretold
formulary/37 -> formularies
four-way/37 -> four-ways
fram/37 -> frams
frey/37 -> freys
gare/37 -> gares
geo/37 -> geos
gladness/37 -> gladnesses
gobbet/37 -> gobbets
growling/37 -> growlings
guevara/37 -> guevaras
gyle/37 -> gyles
hardcastle/37 -> hardcastles
have-not/37 -> have-nots
haywood/37 -> haywoods
headcount/37 -> headcounts
hokkaido/37 -> hokkaidoes
hoodlum/37 -> hoodlums
housecoat/37 -> housecoats
howitzer/37 -> howitzers
hundredweight/37 -> hundredweights
illyrian/37 -> illyrians
immunosuppressive/37 -> immunosuppressives
inattention/37 -> inattentions
inquirer/37 -> inquirers
inspector-general/37 -> inspector-generals
interment/37 -> interments
invalide/37 -> invalided,invalides
io/37 -> ios
jafaar/37 -> jafaars
janitor/37 -> janitors
jansen/37 -> jansens
kanza/37 -> kanzas
knock-down/37 -> knock-downs
landrover/37 -> landrovers
laxity/37 -> laxities
layabout/37 -> layabouts
leica/37 -> leicas
littoral/37 -> littorals
loughlin/37 -> loughlins
mathias/37 -> mathiass
mauritanian/37 -> mauritanians
megalomania/37 -> megalomanias
melia/37 -> melias
mercator/37 -> mercators
mid-ocean/37 -> mid-oceans
mid-season/37 -> mid-seasons
milkmaid/37 -> milkmaids
mingling/37 -> minglings
minx/37 -> minxes
miscue/37 -> miscues,miscued
moggie/37 -> moggies
mongoose/37 -> mongooses
mordant/37 -> mordants
mothball/37 -> mothballs
motor-bike/37 -> motor-bikes
mouthpart/37 -> mouthparts
naturalise/37 -> naturalised,naturalising,naturalises
nipper/37 -> nippers
nive/37 -> nives
novation/37 -> novations
obligate/37 -> obligated,obligating,obligates
occlude/37 -> occluded,occludes,occluding
oe/37 -> oes
ofa/37 -> ofas
overpay/37 -> overpaid,overpaying,overpayed,overpays
ozal/37 -> ozals
peeler/37 -> peelers
percentile/37 -> percentiles
pettigrew/37 -> pettigrews
pettiness/37 -> pettinesses
petunia/37 -> petunias
pintail/37 -> pintails
postmortem/37 -> postmortems
prosodic/37 -> prosodics
pst/37 -> psts
purser/37 -> pursers
pusey/37 -> puseys
quadrilateral/37 -> quadrilaterals
ragtime/37 -> ragtimes
rasta/37 -> rastas
re-order/37 -> re-ordered,re-ordering,re-orders
recalculate/37 -> recalculated,recalculates,recalculating
rectifier/37 -> rectifiers
retell/37 -> retelling,retells,retold
rhynchosaur/37 -> rhynchosaurs
rigmarole/37 -> rigmaroles
rimbaud/37 -> rimbauds
roll-call/37 -> roll-calls
rrna/37 -> rrnas
rusting/37 -> rustings
saratov/37 -> saratovs
sarong/37 -> sarongs,saronging
schweitzer/37 -> schweitzers
scrapyard/37 -> scrapyards
sea-urchin/37 -> sea-urchins
selenium/37 -> seleniums
self-rule/37 -> self-rules
semicircle/37 -> semicircles
sharpening/37 -> sharpenings
shekel/37 -> shekels
short-circuit/37 -> short-circuiting,short-circuits,short-circuited
siam/37 -> siams
sitwell/37 -> sitwells
slavic/37 -> slavics
slip-up/37 -> slip-ups
snot/37 -> snots
spaceport/37 -> spaceports
speciale/37 -> speciales
sphagnum/37 -> sphagnums
squealing/37 -> squealings
stabilizer/37 -> stabilizers
stacker/37 -> stackers
starkey/37 -> starkeys
step-family/37 -> step-families
stm/37 -> stms
stocktaking/37 -> stocktakings
stopover/37 -> stopovers
streetlight/37 -> streetlights
stupefy/37 -> stupefied,stupefying,stupefies
sub-sample/37 -> sub-samples
tabulation/37 -> tabulations
talc/37 -> talcs,talcking,talcked
tamarisk/37 -> tamarisks
taunting/37 -> tauntings
tautology/37 -> tautologies
tax-exempt/37 -> tax-exempts
tetchy/37 -> tetchier
tiler/37 -> tilers
timekeeping/37 -> timekeepings
tinbergen/37 -> tinbergens
trajan/37 -> trajans
tucson/37 -> tucsons
tussock/37 -> tussocks
tying/37 -> tyings
ubiquity/37 -> ubiquities
unavailability/37 -> unavailabilities
unconformity/37 -> unconformities
undertow/37 -> undertows
uppsala/37 -> uppsalas
vandalize/37 -> vandalized,vandalizing,vandalizes
veblen/37 -> veblens
vermeer/37 -> vermeers
victualler/37 -> victuallers
videocassette/37 -> videocassettes
vill/37 -> vills
vistula/37 -> vistulas
vitus/37 -> vituss
waster/37 -> wasters
weightlifter/37 -> weightlifters
winding-sheet/37 -> winding-sheets
wolfhound/37 -> wolfhounds
woodcarver/37 -> woodcarvers
work-load/37 -> work-loads
yurt/37 -> yurts
zarathustra/37 -> zarathustras
zetland/37 -> zetlands
aegina/36 -> aeginas
akhenaten/36 -> akhenatens
alkane/36 -> alkanes
amity/36 -> amities
ammonoid/36 -> ammonoids
anglophone/36 -> anglophones
anova/36 -> anovas
attitudinist/36 -> attitudinists
b-tree/36 -> b-trees
babar/36 -> babars
bafflement/36 -> bafflements
beaufighter/36 -> beaufighters
bellybutton/36 -> bellybuttons
bethel/36 -> bethels
bewilder/36 -> bewildered,bewilders,bewildering
bianco/36 -> biancos
blow-up/36 -> blow-ups
bock/36 -> bocking
bonefish/36 -> bonefishing
bottlenose/36 -> bottlenoses
break-out/36 -> break-outs
bret/36 -> brets
bronco/36 -> broncos
byline/36 -> bylines
capella/36 -> capellas
capitalization/36 -> capitalizations
catechesis/36 -> catecheses
cavalryman/36 -> cavalrymen
celebes/36 -> celebess
chadian/36 -> chadians
chino/36 -> chinos
chippy/36 -> chippies
cholangiography/36 -> cholangiographies
civilise/36 -> civilising,civilised,civilises
civitate/36 -> civitates
co-develope/36 -> co-developed,co-developing
co-partner/36 -> co-partners
cobblestone/36 -> cobblestones
coelenterate/36 -> coelenterates
cogency/36 -> cogencies
colobus/36 -> colobuss
commie/36 -> commies
conch/36 -> conchs,conches
condenser/36 -> condensers
condescend/36 -> condescended,condescends,condescending
crinoid/36 -> crinoids
crosswind/36 -> crosswinds
cygnus/36 -> cygnuss
dag/36 -> dags,dagging
dairyman/36 -> dairymen
deadwood/36 -> deadwoods
dearie/36 -> dearies
debutant/36 -> debutants
detective-sergeant/36 -> detective-sergeants
dildo/36 -> dildos
dilettante/36 -> dilettanti,dilettantes
disfigurement/36 -> disfigurements
dol/36 -> dols
dorm/36 -> dorms
downplay/36 -> downplayed,downplaying,downplays
drainer/36 -> drainers
drinkable/36 -> drinkables
drivel/36 -> drivelling,drivels,drivelled
earhole/36 -> earholes
ecumenism/36 -> ecumenisms
electrocute/36 -> electrocuted,electrocutes,electrocuting
epigram/36 -> epigrams
erg/36 -> ergs
eutrophication/36 -> eutrophications
eye-opener/36 -> eye-openers
fail-safe/36 -> fail-safes
falco/36 -> falcoes
fedpol/36 -> fedpols
fellatio/36 -> fellatios
fierceness/36 -> fiercenesses
fitt/36 -> fitts
foetuse/36 -> foetuses
foulness/36 -> foulnesses
frisch/36 -> frisches
ftc/36 -> ftcs
funicular/36 -> funiculars
gab/36 -> gabbing,gabs,gabbed
gamma-ray/36 -> gamma-rays
gan/36 -> gans,ganning
ger/36 -> gers
gershwin/36 -> gershwins
gley/36 -> gleys,gleying,gleyed
gnostic/36 -> gnostics
goring/36 -> gorings
gristle/36 -> gristles
gro/36 -> gros
grosz/36 -> groszs
haemodynamic/36 -> haemodynamics
hairdo/36 -> hairdos
hatful/36 -> hatfuls
hathaway/36 -> hathaways
hawkbit/36 -> hawkbits
hedging/36 -> hedgings
hermaphrodite/36 -> hermaphrodites
high-power/36 -> high-powered
hitting/36 -> hittings
human-right/36 -> human-rights
humboldt/36 -> humboldts
hurrah/36 -> hurrahs,hurrahing,hurrahed
hypersurface/36 -> hypersurfaces
hysteresis/36 -> hystereses
ideologist/36 -> ideologists
incorruptible/36 -> incorruptibles
insouciance/36 -> insouciances
interceptor/36 -> interceptors
interdependency/36 -> interdependencies
intermission/36 -> intermissions
ironmaster/36 -> ironmasters
kean/36 -> keans
krebs/36 -> krebss
lapland/36 -> laplands
leakey/36 -> leakeys
lefty/36 -> lefties
lepidoptera/36 -> lepidopteras
lew/36 -> lews
life-form/36 -> life-forms
lilliputian/36 -> lilliputians
limping/36 -> limpings
linchpin/36 -> linchpins
locator/36 -> locators
long-/36 -> long-er
lorrimore/36 -> lorrimores
lungfish/36 -> lungfishes
lve/36 -> liven,lving
macromolecule/36 -> macromolecules
margarita/36 -> margaritas
marginalisation/36 -> marginalisations
marron/36 -> marrons
masterwork/36 -> masterworks
medea/36 -> medeas
megalomaniac/36 -> megalomaniacs
mei/36 -> meis
mistral/36 -> mistrals
molotov/36 -> molotovs
mondrian/36 -> mondrians
monopole/36 -> monopoles
moriarty/36 -> moriartys
natter/36 -> nattering,nattered,natters
neocortex/36 -> neocortexes
nicu/36 -> nicus
nine-day/36 -> nine-days
ninetieth/36 -> ninetieths
nous/36 -> nouss
oromo/36 -> oromos
outfitter/36 -> outfitters
outpoint/36 -> outpointed,outpointing,outpoints
overpopulation/36 -> overpopulations
packhorse/36 -> packhorses
pain-killer/36 -> pain-killers
paramedical/36 -> paramedicals
patriarchate/36 -> patriarchates
peron/36 -> perons
pershing/36 -> pershings
planking/36 -> plankings
plante/36 -> plantes
played/36 -> playeds
playoff/36 -> playoffs
plenipotentiary/36 -> plenipotentiaries
polymerisation/36 -> polymerisations
poncho/36 -> ponchos
poss/36 -> posses,possed,possest
pre-christian/36 -> pre-christians
preserver/36 -> preservers
prometheus/36 -> prometheuss
provocateur/36 -> provocateurs
psa/36 -> psas
pussycat/36 -> pussycats
quadra/36 -> quadras
quo/36 -> quos
radium/36 -> radiums
ragusa/36 -> ragusas
re-appear/36 -> re-appeared,re-appears,re-appearing
re-erect/36 -> re-erected,re-erecting
reboot/36 -> rebooted,rebooting,reboots
recapitulation/36 -> recapitulations
recheck/36 -> rechecked,rechecking
recondition/36 -> reconditioned,reconditioning,reconditions
redding/36 -> reddings
refil/36 -> refilling
regicide/36 -> regicides
relevancy/36 -> relevancies
rematch/36 -> rematches
repugnance/36 -> repugnances
resupply/36 -> resupplying,resupplied
retouch/36 -> retouching,retouched,retouches
reuptake/36 -> reuptakes
rhyolite/36 -> rhyolites
rugger/36 -> ruggers,ruggered
saddlery/36 -> saddleries
saltmarsh/36 -> saltmarshes
salvationist/36 -> salvationists
satiety/36 -> satieties
schoolwork/36 -> schoolworks
scouting/36 -> scoutings
selene/36 -> selenes
self-reflection/36 -> self-reflections
shoplift/36 -> shoplifting,shoplifted
short-change/36 -> short-changed,short-changes,short-changing
showmanship/36 -> showmanships
silty/36 -> siltier
sion/36 -> sions
sisterhood/36 -> sisterhoods
skirmisher/36 -> skirmishers
smedley/36 -> smedleys
snotty/36 -> snotties,snottier,snottiest
spaceman/36 -> spacemen
speckle/36 -> speckled,speckles,speckling
splurge/36 -> splurged,splurges,splurging
spreadeagle/36 -> spreadeagled,spreadeagling,spreadeagles
statuse/36 -> statuses
steamboat/36 -> steamboats,steamboating
steepen/36 -> steepened,steepens,steepening
steinberg/36 -> steinbergs
storeman/36 -> storemen
streptokinase/36 -> streptokinases
stunner/36 -> stunners
sty/36 -> sties,styed
superintend/36 -> superintending,superintended,superintends
switchback/36 -> switchbacks,switchbacked,switchbacking
synchrotron/36 -> synchrotrons
syndicat/36 -> syndicats
tail-end/36 -> tail-ends
taro/36 -> taroes
territoriality/36 -> territorialities
thimble/36 -> thimbles
thrombin/36 -> thrombins
timeliness/36 -> timelinesses
tinfoil/36 -> tinfoils
travelogue/36 -> travelogues
tricolour/36 -> tricolours,tricoloured
trouper/36 -> troupers
tug-of-war/36 -> tugs-of-war
tyrannosaurus/36 -> tyrannosauruss
unclench/36 -> unclenched,unclenching,unclenches
under-use/36 -> under-used,under-using
undy/36 -> undies
unroll/36 -> unrolls,unrolling,unrolled
uselessness/36 -> uselessnesses
vezir/36 -> vezirs
vientiane/36 -> vientianes
warplane/36 -> warplanes
weepy/36 -> weepies
wheatear/36 -> wheatears
whining/36 -> whinings
wigeon/36 -> wigeons
wildfire/36 -> wildfires
wingtip/36 -> wingtips
woodcutter/36 -> woodcutters
wretchedness/36 -> wretchednesses
yamamoto/36 -> yamamotoes
yokohama/36 -> yokohamas
zircon/36 -> zircons
abb/35 -> abbs
about-turn/35 -> about-turns
adumbrate/35 -> adumbrated,adumbrates,adumbrating
agate/35 -> agates
ague/35 -> agues
alchemilla/35 -> alchemillas
antimony/35 -> antimonies
archduke/35 -> archdukes
aridity/35 -> aridities
ascription/35 -> ascriptions
atelier/35 -> ateliers
authore/35 -> authoring,authored
b-cell/35 -> b-cells
baby-sit/35 -> baby-sitting,baby-sits,baby-sat
bacteriophage/35 -> bacteriophages
bamako/35 -> bamakoes
banquete/35 -> banqueting
bath-house/35 -> bath-houses
blackleg/35 -> blacklegs,blacklegging
blandness/35 -> blandnesses
ble/35 -> bles
blighty/35 -> blighties
break-clause/35 -> break-clauses
bridgewate/35 -> bridgewater
buy-back/35 -> buy-backs
cadge/35 -> cadging,cadged,cadges
cadherin/35 -> cadherins
campesina/35 -> campesinas
capstan/35 -> capstans
cerebellum/35 -> cerebellums
chaperone/35 -> chaperones,chaperoning,chaperoned
charabanc/35 -> charabancs
chihuahua/35 -> chihuahuas
cholestasis/35 -> cholestases
cip/35 -> cips
cissy/35 -> cissies
clingfilm/35 -> clingfilms
cloner/35 -> cloners
clozapine/35 -> clozapines
clumber/35 -> clumbers
coarseness/35 -> coarsenesses
commercialise/35 -> commercialised,commercialising
conclave/35 -> conclaves
copolymer/35 -> copolymers
cour/35 -> cours
cpi/35 -> cpis
cross-check/35 -> cross-checking,cross-checks,cross-checked
curacy/35 -> curacies
dass/35 -> dasses
debility/35 -> debilities
decommission/35 -> decommissioned,decommissioning
decontamination/35 -> decontaminations
disabuse/35 -> disabused,disabusing,disabuses
distractor/35 -> distractors
divi/35 -> divis
doff/35 -> doffed,doffing,doffs
duce/35 -> duces
dvorak/35 -> dvoraks
eck/35 -> ecks
egret/35 -> egrets
enchanter/35 -> enchanters
end-point/35 -> end-points
escaper/35 -> escapers
exacerbation/35 -> exacerbations
fibrillation/35 -> fibrillations
fishfinger/35 -> fishfingers
flagpole/35 -> flagpoles
floatplane/35 -> floatplanes
fortune-teller/35 -> fortune-tellers
founder-member/35 -> founder-members
foxbat/35 -> foxbats
frolick/35 -> frolicking,frolicked,frolicks
gaa/35 -> gaas
gad/35 -> gadding,gadded,gads
gentlewoman/35 -> gentlewomen
ghyll/35 -> ghylls
gillette/35 -> gillettes
girly/35 -> girlies
gorgon/35 -> gorgons
grey-brown/35 -> grey-browns
grieg/35 -> griegs
grimoire/35 -> grimoires
groupware/35 -> groupwares
groupy/35 -> groupies
gunnery/35 -> gunneries
gymnast/35 -> gymnasts
hadlee/35 -> hadlees
haircare/35 -> haircares
half-moon/35 -> half-moons
hellfire/35 -> hellfired
herder/35 -> herders
heterodimer/35 -> heterodimers
high-flier/35 -> high-fliers
hollowness/35 -> hollownesses
homophone/35 -> homophones
hornbill/35 -> hornbills
hortensia/35 -> hortensias
hygienist/35 -> hygienists
hypochondria/35 -> hypochondrias
iconoclast/35 -> iconoclasts
ike/35 -> ikes
illogicality/35 -> illogicalities
inbreeding/35 -> inbreedings
individuate/35 -> individuated,individuates,individuating
ingress/35 -> ingresses
ingrow/35 -> ingrowing,ingrown
intentionality/35 -> intentionalities
irredeemable/35 -> irredeemables
jadeite/35 -> jadeites
joint-venture/35 -> joint-ventures
justiciar/35 -> justiciars
kiribati/35 -> kiribatis
krill/35 -> krills
kt/35 -> kts
lameness/35 -> lamenesses
layby/35 -> laybys
lec/35 -> lecs
leguminosae/35 -> leguminosaes
licencee/35 -> licencees
lifer/35 -> lifers
lightfoot/35 -> lightfooted
lineament/35 -> lineaments
lineup/35 -> lineups
luddite/35 -> luddites
macaw/35 -> macaws
make-over/35 -> make-overs
mange/35 -> manges
manic-depressive/35 -> manic-depressives
marionette/35 -> marionettes
matchmaker/35 -> matchmakers
mayfly/35 -> mayflies
mays/35 -> mayss
melancholia/35 -> melancholias
melatonin/35 -> melatonins
minimalism/35 -> minimalisms
mitt/35 -> mitts
mitten/35 -> mittens,mittened
moh/35 -> mohs
myeloma/35 -> myelomas
nihilism/35 -> nihilisms
nimrod/35 -> nimrods
nomenklatura/35 -> nomenklaturas
non-payer/35 -> non-payers
noradrenaline/35 -> noradrenalines
note-book/35 -> note-books
octane/35 -> octanes
off-side/35 -> off-sides
olive-green/35 -> olive-greens
ostracise/35 -> ostracised,ostracising,ostracises
overvalue/35 -> overvalued,overvalues,overvaluing
p.o./35 -> p.o.s
parasitise/35 -> parasitises,parasitised,parasitising
parte/35 -> partes
pavillon/35 -> pavillons
pca/35 -> pcas
penicillium/35 -> penicilliums
perforate/35 -> perforated,perforating,perforates
permanganate/35 -> permanganates
petrology/35 -> petrologies
piggyback/35 -> piggybacked,piggybacking,piggybacks
pixy/35 -> pixies
plagioclase/35 -> plagioclases
plain-clothe/35 -> plain-clothes
planetarium/35 -> planetariums
pomeranian/35 -> pomeranians
practicability/35 -> practicabilities
preempt/35 -> preempted,preempting,preempts
procrastinate/35 -> procrastinating,procrastinated,procrastinates
propellant/35 -> propellants
prowler/35 -> prowlers
purloin/35 -> purloined,purloining,purloins
radiometric/35 -> radiometrics
ramses/35 -> ramsess
randomization/35 -> randomizations
rastafarian/35 -> rastafarians
reinv/35 -> reinvest
remembering/35 -> rememberings
retrofit/35 -> retrofitting,retrofits,retrofitted
rigger/35 -> riggers
rosso/35 -> rossos
rua/35 -> ruas
saharan/35 -> saharans
saltation/35 -> saltations
samara/35 -> samaras
sandgrouse/35 -> sandgrouses
sanding/35 -> sandings
saragossa/35 -> saragossas
sauce-boat/35 -> sauce-boats
scorecard/35 -> scorecards
self-report/35 -> self-reports
semitic/35 -> semitics
sensationalism/35 -> sensationalisms
sensitise/35 -> sensitised,sensitising,sensitises
sequester/35 -> sequestered,sequestering,sequesters
seurat/35 -> seurats
shenanigan/35 -> shenanigans
soldiery/35 -> soldieries
sparcsystem/35 -> sparcsystems
spey/35 -> speyed
stingray/35 -> stingrays
stranding/35 -> strandings
stripping/35 -> strippings
superconductivity/35 -> superconductivities
supra/35 -> supras
swinger/35 -> swingers
tantalize/35 -> tantalizing,tantalized,tantalizes
tasman/35 -> tasmen
three-door/35 -> three-doors
thrombus/35 -> thrombuss
thun/35 -> thuns
time-span/35 -> time-spans
time-zone/35 -> time-zones
timelessness/35 -> timelessnesses
tom-cat/35 -> tom-cats
torsade/35 -> torsades
trainload/35 -> trainloads
trainspotter/35 -> trainspotters
turing/35 -> turings
uniting/35 -> unitings
universalism/35 -> universalisms
unplug/35 -> unplugged,unplugging,unplugs
video-tape/35 -> video-tapes,video-taped
vigneron/35 -> vignerons
visage/35 -> visages
waggoner/35 -> waggoners
walk-out/35 -> walk-outs
walking-stick/35 -> walking-sticks
walla/35 -> wallas
weathercock/35 -> weathercocking,weathercocks
whetstone/35 -> whetstones
whitefly/35 -> whiteflies
whiz/35 -> whizs
wickst/35 -> wicksted
windshield/35 -> windshields
winserver/35 -> winservers
worse/35 -> worses
yukon/35 -> yukons
'elp/34 -> 'elped,'elps
'keeper/34 -> 'keepers
abjure/34 -> abjured,abjuring,abjures
adlib/34 -> adlibbing
adze/34 -> adzes,adzing,adzed
agoraphobia/34 -> agoraphobias
aider/34 -> aiders
alkyd/34 -> alkyds
alkyl/34 -> alkyls
aloe/34 -> aloes
amyloidosis/34 -> amyloidoses
anteroom/34 -> anterooms
apc/34 -> apcs
ararat/34 -> ararats
arkell/34 -> arkells
armorial/34 -> armorials
asic/34 -> asics
avow/34 -> avowed,avows,avowing
backpacking/34 -> backpackings
baddie/34 -> baddies
bahamian/34 -> bahamians
bailment/34 -> bailments
barny/34 -> barnier,barnies
bartle/34 -> bartling
bauhaus/34 -> bauhauss
biopic/34 -> biopics
birthmark/34 -> birthmarks
blackmailer/34 -> blackmailers
blaney/34 -> blaneys
blowing/34 -> blowings
bolshie/34 -> bolshies
bombie/34 -> bombies
booksel/34 -> bookselling
braddock/34 -> braddocks
brawny/34 -> brawnier,brawniest
breuer/34 -> breuers
bull-running/34 -> bull-runnings
bunsen/34 -> bunsens
bw/34 -> bws
cantilever/34 -> cantilevered,cantilevers
caravaggio/34 -> caravaggios
cataloguer/34 -> cataloguers
cheerleader/34 -> cheerleaders
cheviot/34 -> cheviots
chicane/34 -> chicanes,chicaning,chicaned
chine/34 -> chines,chined,chining
chirwa/34 -> chirwas
choker/34 -> chokers
ciprofloxacin/34 -> ciprofloxacins
cla/34 -> clas
clearcut/34 -> clearcutting
cloch/34 -> cloches
clubber/34 -> clubbers
collare/34 -> collared,collaring
compactness/34 -> compactnesses
condiment/34 -> condiments
convexity/34 -> convexities
coronal/34 -> coronals
crech/34 -> creches,creching
cross-fertilisation/34 -> cross-fertilisations
croup/34 -> croups
crystallography/34 -> crystallographies
culotte/34 -> culottes
curettage/34 -> curettages
cyrillic/34 -> cyrillics
databank/34 -> databanks
davo/34 -> davos
death-rate/34 -> death-rates
desalination/34 -> desalinations
dflp/34 -> dflps
dicken/34 -> dickens
dose-response/34 -> dose-responses
dowding/34 -> dowdings
dryad/34 -> dryads
dunce/34 -> dunces
eeig/34 -> eeigs
electioneering/34 -> electioneerings
elk/34 -> elks
endothelin/34 -> endothelins
endpoint/34 -> endpoints
epidemiologist/34 -> epidemiologists
equilibration/34 -> equilibrations
esperanto/34 -> esperantoes
eusebius/34 -> eusebiuss
exhume/34 -> exhumed,exhuming,exhumes
fayed/34 -> fayeds
ferrule/34 -> ferrules
flasher/34 -> flashers
flatworm/34 -> flatworms
fontaine/34 -> fontaines
forager/34 -> foragers
foreland/34 -> forelands
formosa/34 -> formosas
fourth-year/34 -> fourth-years
frenchwoman/34 -> frenchwomen
futurism/34 -> futurisms
gaba/34 -> gabas
gaius/34 -> gaiuss
gao/34 -> gaos
gastrulation/34 -> gastrulations
gethsemane/34 -> gethsemanes
glycogen/34 -> glycogens
gossipe/34 -> gossiped
gouger/34 -> gougers
grainstone/34 -> grainstones
guessing/34 -> guessings
guide-book/34 -> guide-books
gulag/34 -> gulags
guttersnipe/34 -> guttersnipes
gyration/34 -> gyrations
hapsburg/34 -> hapsburgs
harbourmaster/34 -> harbourmasters
harpo/34 -> harpoes
hau/34 -> haus
horsewoman/34 -> horsewomen
huron/34 -> hurons
hussy/34 -> hussies
ido/34 -> idos
ignatius/34 -> ignatiuss
indigent/34 -> indigents
indolence/34 -> indolences
industrialise/34 -> industrialising,industrialised,industrialises
inquiring/34 -> inquirings
internee/34 -> internees
interoperate/34 -> interoperating,interoperates
ka/34 -> kas
kalahari/34 -> kalaharis
kampala/34 -> kampalas
kampuchean/34 -> kampucheans
kaszubian/34 -> kaszubians
kitemark/34 -> kitemarked,kitemarks
knockabout/34 -> knockabouts
krone/34 -> kroner
krypton/34 -> kryptons
laguna/34 -> lagunas
lamination/34 -> laminations
laney/34 -> laneys
lanier/34 -> laniers
lat/34 -> lats
lateralisation/34 -> lateralisations
liberationist/34 -> liberationists
librettist/34 -> librettists
lifecycle/34 -> lifecycles
ligation/34 -> ligations
localiser/34 -> localisers
longhand/34 -> longhands
mainspring/34 -> mainsprings
maltreatment/34 -> maltreatments
maule/34 -> maules
mid-class/34 -> mid-classes
mindanao/34 -> mindanaos
misprint/34 -> misprints,misprinted
missal/34 -> missals
modulator/34 -> modulators
mohawk/34 -> mohawks
motorcade/34 -> motorcades,motorcaded
nanna/34 -> nannas
neb/34 -> nebs
necromancer/34 -> necromancers
nectarine/34 -> nectarines
neep/34 -> neeps
nerve-end/34 -> nerve-ends
neva/34 -> nevas
nickleby/34 -> nicklebys
nix/34 -> nixed,nixes
non-metal/34 -> non-metals
obeisance/34 -> obeisances
octogenarian/34 -> octogenarians
oligodendrocyte/34 -> oligodendrocytes
olivine/34 -> olivines
ordinal/34 -> ordinals
origen/34 -> origens
oscilloscope/34 -> oscilloscopes
ostracism/34 -> ostracisms
over-emphasise/34 -> over-emphasised,over-emphasises
overeat/34 -> overeating,overeats,overate,overeaten
oversize/34 -> oversized
oxidize/34 -> oxidized,oxidizing,oxidizes
paean/34 -> paeans
palestrina/34 -> palestrinas
paling/34 -> palings
pannier/34 -> panniers
paralinguistic/34 -> paralinguistics
pavlova/34 -> pavlovas
payslip/34 -> payslips
pentecostal/34 -> pentecostals
phone-call/34 -> phone-calls
phospholipase/34 -> phospholipases
picador/34 -> picadors
pico/34 -> picos
pinprick/34 -> pinpricks
ple/34 -> pled,ples
poulenc/34 -> poulencs
poultice/34 -> poultices,poulticed
prefab/34 -> prefabs
price-fixing/34 -> price-fixings
primogeniture/34 -> primogenitures
printmaking/34 -> printmakings
prog/34 -> progs,progged
prostration/34 -> prostrations
protrusion/34 -> protrusions
purring/34 -> purrings
putsch/34 -> putsches
quickness/34 -> quicknesses
rangy/34 -> rangier
rapporteur/34 -> rapporteurs
re-educate/34 -> re-educating,re-educated
re-unit/34 -> re-united,re-uniting
reappointment/34 -> reappointments
rebekah/34 -> rebekahs
reforestation/34 -> reforestations
reln/34 -> relns
repen/34 -> repens
reversing/34 -> reversings
riesling/34 -> rieslings
roch/34 -> roches
roly-poly/34 -> roly-polies,roly-polys
rothko/34 -> rothkos
ruben/34 -> rubens
ruritanian/34 -> ruritanians
samian/34 -> samians
sars/34 -> sarss
satsuma/34 -> satsumas
savvy/34 -> savviest,savvies,savvying,savvied
schist/34 -> schists
scintillation/34 -> scintillations
screeching/34 -> screechings
self-congratulation/34 -> self-congratulations
self-injury/34 -> self-injuries
sensitization/34 -> sensitizations
sey/34 -> seyed
shipmate/34 -> shipmates
shiraz/34 -> shirazs
shirtsleeve/34 -> shirtsleeves,shirtsleeved
singer-songwriter/34 -> singer-songwriters
slaying/34 -> slayings
slipstream/34 -> slipstreamed,slipstreaming
slowing/34 -> slowings
soiree/34 -> soirees
solipsism/34 -> solipsisms
spliff/34 -> spliffs
stateroom/34 -> staterooms
steelworker/34 -> steelworkers
stetson/34 -> stetsons
sulphonamide/34 -> sulphonamides
systematize/34 -> systematized,systematizing,systematizes
tabasco/34 -> tabascoes
tackler/34 -> tacklers
talcum/34 -> talcums
tea-room/34 -> tea-rooms
ther/34 -> thers,thered
timpani/34 -> timpanis
tippee/34 -> tippees
tongan/34 -> tongans
tourniquet/34 -> tourniquets
trackbed/34 -> trackbeds
trig/34 -> trigs
tristar/34 -> tristars
unilateralism/34 -> unilateralisms
unveiling/34 -> unveilings
uruguayan/34 -> uruguayans
vacillate/34 -> vacillating,vacillated,vacillates
vanbrugh/34 -> vanbrughs
voltmeter/34 -> voltmeters
voyeurism/34 -> voyeurisms
vt/34 -> vts
waterstone/34 -> waterstones
waverer/34 -> waverers
weighbridge/34 -> weighbridges
whopper/34 -> whoppers
wino/34 -> winos
wolof/34 -> wolofs
wooing/34 -> wooings
worthlessness/34 -> worthlessnesses
yoruba/34 -> yorubas
zimmer/34 -> zimmered
abrogation/33 -> abrogations
adenovirus/33 -> adenoviruss
adulterer/33 -> adulterers
aeneid/33 -> aeneids
aesthete/33 -> aesthetes
agnathan/33 -> agnathans
aiken/33 -> aikens
airbrush/33 -> airbrushes,airbrushed
alaric/33 -> alarics
all-girl/33 -> all-girls
allegretto/33 -> allegrettos
allsort/33 -> allsorts
andromeda/33 -> andromedas
anguilla/33 -> anguillas
aniseed/33 -> aniseeds
aonb/33 -> aonbs
armhole/33 -> armholes
arsenide/33 -> arsenides
assembly-line/33 -> assembly-lines
atone/33 -> atones,atoning,atoned
attenuator/33 -> attenuators
avar/33 -> avars
azimuth/33 -> azimuths
bandsman/33 -> bandsmen
bannockburn/33 -> bannockburns
banns/33 -> bannss
bathurst/33 -> bathursts
beautician/33 -> beauticians
bedsitter/33 -> bedsitters
benefaction/33 -> benefactions
bilge/33 -> bilges,bilging,bilged
biofeedback/33 -> biofeedbacks
bobbing/33 -> bobbings
boca/33 -> bocas
bolt-hole/33 -> bolt-holes
bridewell/33 -> bridewells
bringing/33 -> bringings
budgerigar/33 -> budgerigars
busty/33 -> bustier,bustiest
buzzword/33 -> buzzwords
cabinet-maker/33 -> cabinet-makers
caisson/33 -> caissons
carrycot/33 -> carrycots
certitude/33 -> certitudes
chainstore/33 -> chainstores
chamoun/33 -> chamouns
charioteer/33 -> charioteers
chevrolet/33 -> chevrolets
childishness/33 -> childishnesses
chiropractor/33 -> chiropractors
cirrus/33 -> cirruss
clapping/33 -> clappings
clip-on/33 -> clip-ons
clubface/33 -> clubfaces
co-occurrence/33 -> co-occurrences
commentate/33 -> commentating,commentated,commentates
congolese/33 -> congoleses
consumerist/33 -> consumerists
conviviality/33 -> convivialities
cornet/33 -> cornets
counter-offensive/33 -> counter-offensives
creosote/33 -> creosoted,creosoting,creosotes
cross-cut/33 -> cross-cuts,cross-cutting
cross-tabulation/33 -> cross-tabulations
cuckold/33 -> cuckolded,cuckolding,cuckolds
curio/33 -> curios
defame/33 -> defamed,defaming,defames
dextrose/33 -> dextroses
dirac/33 -> diracs
disambiguate/33 -> disambiguated,disambiguating,disambiguates
discoloration/33 -> discolorations
dodgem/33 -> dodgems
ecuadorian/33 -> ecuadorians
elide/33 -> elided,elides,eliding
elision/33 -> elisions
eraser/33 -> erasers
erato/33 -> eratoes
erne/33 -> ernest
exhalation/33 -> exhalations
existentialism/33 -> existentialisms
fcs/33 -> fcss
fet/33 -> fets
fettle/33 -> fettling,fettled,fettles
fiord/33 -> fiords
firestone/33 -> firestones
five-month/33 -> five-months
fixity/33 -> fixities
flexure/33 -> flexures
floe/33 -> floes
forelimb/33 -> forelimbs
forklift/33 -> forklifts
franchisor/33 -> franchisors
freesia/33 -> freesias
gander/33 -> ganders
gatecrash/33 -> gatecrashed,gatecrashing,gatecrashes
giffen/33 -> giffens
giza/33 -> gizas
glimmering/33 -> glimmerings
glycerine/33 -> glycerined
god-king/33 -> god-kings
grady/33 -> gradys
haversack/33 -> haversacks
hayfield/33 -> hayfields
hearing-aid/33 -> hearing-aids
hellenism/33 -> hellenisms
herbalist/33 -> herbalists
hideout/33 -> hideouts
horta/33 -> hortas
hydrogel/33 -> hydrogels
ibm-compatible/33 -> ibm-compatibles
indirection/33 -> indirections
interweaving/33 -> interweavings
inveigle/33 -> inveigled,inveigling,inveigles
ionize/33 -> ionizing,ionized,ionizes
ionophore/33 -> ionophores
irr/33 -> irrs
juda/33 -> judas
junk-bond/33 -> junk-bonds
kazan/33 -> kazans
keble/33 -> kebles
kibble/33 -> kibbles
kirchhoff/33 -> kirchhoffs
lac/33 -> lacs
lep/33 -> leps,lepping
levitation/33 -> levitations
mainsheet/33 -> mainsheets
megastar/33 -> megastars
meiosis/33 -> meioses
meteorologist/33 -> meteorologists
meth/33 -> meths
microbiologist/33 -> microbiologists
midbrain/33 -> midbrains
mojo/33 -> mojos
moy/33 -> moys
multiculturalist/33 -> multiculturalists
multipoint/33 -> multipointed
mutt/33 -> mutts
naga/33 -> nagas
neophyte/33 -> neophytes
non-sexist/33 -> non-sexists
non-taxpayer/33 -> non-taxpayers
nubian/33 -> nubians
oestrus/33 -> oestruss
old-timer/33 -> old-timers
ower/33 -> owers
pallist/33 -> pallister
party-goer/33 -> party-goers
peatland/33 -> peatlands
pell/33 -> pells
pestle/33 -> pestles
physicality/33 -> physicalities
pia/33 -> pias
pill-box/33 -> pill-boxes
polygyny/33 -> polygynies
potpourri/33 -> potpourris
prc/33 -> prcs
private-eye/33 -> private-eyes
proband/33 -> probands
putrefaction/33 -> putrefactions
putting/33 -> puttings
rassendyll/33 -> rassendylls
re-assemble/33 -> re-assembled,re-assembling
re-organise/33 -> re-organised,re-organising,re-organises
reimpose/33 -> reimposed,reimposing
reintegrate/33 -> reintegrated,reintegrating,reintegrates
reordering/33 -> reorderings
resister/33 -> resisters
riverbed/33 -> riverbeds
rivington/33 -> rivingtons
rooster/33 -> roosters
rumanian/33 -> rumanians
salicylate/33 -> salicylates
sangria/33 -> sangrias
sanhedrin/33 -> sanhedrins
scarper/33 -> scarpered,scarpers,scarpering
scholl/33 -> scholls
scrumpy/33 -> scrumpies
self-analysis/33 -> self-analyses
semi-conductor/33 -> semi-conductors
senor/33 -> senors
shielding/33 -> shieldings
sinhala/33 -> sinhalas
slackening/33 -> slackenings
snazzy/33 -> snazzier,snazziest
sobriquet/33 -> sobriquets
soule/33 -> soules
soutine/33 -> soutines
spermicide/33 -> spermicides
stabling/33 -> stablings
steerage/33 -> steerages
step-father/33 -> step-fathers
stickler/33 -> sticklers
stook/33 -> stooks,stooked,stooking
strider/33 -> striders
strychnine/33 -> strychnines
sub-directory/33 -> sub-directories
sub-licence/33 -> sub-licences
subdirectory/33 -> subdirectories
suffragan/33 -> suffragans
supplying/33 -> supplyings
swinburne/33 -> swinburnes
synchronisation/33 -> synchronisations
tbm/33 -> tbms
tea-bag/33 -> tea-bags,tea-bagging
tech-green/33 -> tech-greens
thunderbird/33 -> thunderbirds
thymidine/33 -> thymidines
tiberius/33 -> tiberiuss
tigris/33 -> tigriss
tilling/33 -> tillings
titania/33 -> titanias
toiling/33 -> toilings
trackside/33 -> tracksides
trade-in/33 -> trade-ins
transfigure/33 -> transfigured,transfigures,transfiguring
traumatise/33 -> traumatised,traumatising
turgenev/33 -> turgenevs
twenty-fourth/33 -> twenty-fourths
twittering/33 -> twitterings
uic/33 -> uics
undertenant/33 -> undertenants
urr/33 -> urrs
usdollar/33 -> usdollars
veneto/33 -> venetoes
vindictiveness/33 -> vindictivenesses
wale/33 -> wales,waling,waled
wallchart/33 -> wallcharts
wallope/33 -> walloped,walloping
weinberg/33 -> weinbergs
whelp/33 -> whelped,whelping,whelps
witter/33 -> wittering,wittered,witters
wooster/33 -> woosters
write-up/33 -> write-ups
xenophon/33 -> xenophons
ziegler/33 -> zieglers
abruptness/32 -> abruptnesses
acquiror/32 -> acquirors
agen/32 -> agens
airdrop/32 -> airdrops
all-star/32 -> all-stars
allergen/32 -> allergens
amoxicillin/32 -> amoxicillins
ascriptive/32 -> ascriptives
back-street/32 -> back-streets
backlight/32 -> backlighting,backlighted
balearic/32 -> balearics
bamboozle/32 -> bamboozled,bamboozling,bamboozles
barbuda/32 -> barbudas
barrenness/32 -> barrennesses
bathtub/32 -> bathtubs
bergamot/32 -> bergamots
bioga/32 -> biogas
bodyshell/32 -> bodyshells
bosnia-herzegovina/32 -> bosnia-herzegovinas
bpi/32 -> bpis
brasier/32 -> brasiers
breaststroke/32 -> breaststrokes
bridgehead/32 -> bridgeheads
bromine/32 -> bromines
bulimic/32 -> bulimics
bultmann/32 -> bultmanns
cabriolet/32 -> cabriolets
carpete/32 -> carpeting
cerise/32 -> cerises
cesspool/32 -> cesspools
chaloner/32 -> chaloners
chancellorship/32 -> chancellorships
charivari/32 -> charivaris
check-list/32 -> check-lists
childlessness/32 -> childlessnesses
ciao/32 -> ciaos
circumnavigate/32 -> circumnavigated,circumnavigating,circumnavigates
circumspection/32 -> circumspections
clansman/32 -> clansmen
clapper/32 -> clappers
clubman/32 -> clubmen
co-produce/32 -> co-produced,co-producing,co-produces
co-production/32 -> co-productions
compere/32 -> comperes,compering,compered
comprador/32 -> compradors
conger/32 -> congers
conjuring/32 -> conjurings
conseil/32 -> conseils
contiguity/32 -> contiguities
contraindication/32 -> contraindications
countersign/32 -> countersigned,countersigning,countersigns
coworker/32 -> coworkers
creme/32 -> cremer
custom-made/32 -> custom-mades
cyclotron/32 -> cyclotrons
cytotoxicity/32 -> cytotoxicities
d-i-yer/32 -> d-i-yers
daffy/32 -> daffies
daysack/32 -> daysacks
dayton/32 -> daytons
debentureholder/32 -> debentureholders
debunk/32 -> debunking,debunked,debunks
degreaser/32 -> degreasers
delineat/32 -> delineating
demoralization/32 -> demoralizations
derain/32 -> derains
dermatology/32 -> dermatologies
detectorist/32 -> detectorists
determinative/32 -> determinatives
detoxify/32 -> detoxifying,detoxified,detoxifies
dishcloth/32 -> dishcloths
dolore/32 -> dolores
donee/32 -> donees
doorknob/32 -> doorknobs
dovecote/32 -> dovecotes
drive-in/32 -> drive-ins
droid/32 -> droids
drubbing/32 -> drubbings
duffer/32 -> duffers
dustpan/32 -> dustpans
earache/32 -> earaches
embrasure/32 -> embrasures
entablature/32 -> entablatures
entomologist/32 -> entomologists
equilibrate/32 -> equilibrated,equilibrating,equilibrates
euro-rebel/32 -> euro-rebels
ew/32 -> ews
ewer/32 -> ewers
exter/32 -> exters
falls/32 -> fallss
fedora/32 -> fedoras
felucca/32 -> feluccas
feoffee/32 -> feoffees
fetishism/32 -> fetishisms
fibrin/32 -> fibrins
filch/32 -> filched,filching,filches
filibuster/32 -> filibustering,filibustered,filibusters
flautist/32 -> flautists
frankfurter/32 -> frankfurters
freeby/32 -> freebies
fulminate/32 -> fulminating,fulminated,fulminates
gateau/32 -> gateaus,gateaux
gherkin/32 -> gherkins
ghq/32 -> ghqs
gibe/32 -> gibes,gibed
gluttony/32 -> gluttonies
goldstone/32 -> goldstones
gpo/32 -> gpoes
gradualist/32 -> gradualists
grapheme/32 -> graphemes
gravedigger/32 -> gravediggers
groat/32 -> groats
guadeloupe/32 -> guadeloupes
guv'nor/32 -> guv'nors
hahn/32 -> hahns
halfling/32 -> halflings
handball/32 -> handballs
hauteur/32 -> hauteurs
hemming/32 -> hemmings
herculaneum/32 -> herculaneums
herm/32 -> herms
herringbone/32 -> herringbones
hervey/32 -> herveys
hud/32 -> huds
hummock/32 -> hummocks
hydrochloride/32 -> hydrochlorides
hypotonic/32 -> hypotonics
ice-cap/32 -> ice-caps
imposter/32 -> imposters
impregnation/32 -> impregnations
incrementalism/32 -> incrementalisms
infraction/32 -> infractions
inhumation/32 -> inhumations
insomniac/32 -> insomniacs
instrument-maker/32 -> instrument-makers
interpenetrate/32 -> interpenetrating,interpenetrated,interpenetrates
interstice/32 -> interstices
isomerism/32 -> isomerisms
italicise/32 -> italicised,italicising
janus/32 -> januss
jilt/32 -> jilted,jilting,jilts
keenness/32 -> keennesses
kirghiz/32 -> kirghizs
koko/32 -> kokos
lassitude/32 -> lassitudes
lawer/32 -> lawers
lefthand/32 -> lefthander,lefthanded
lemmon/32 -> lemmons
levis/32 -> leviss
liberality/32 -> liberalities
libertine/32 -> libertines
licentiate/32 -> licentiates
lie-in/32 -> lie-ins
liquefy/32 -> liquefied,liquefying,liquefies
ljubljana/32 -> ljubljanas
lolita/32 -> lolitas
magdalena/32 -> magdalenas
malawian/32 -> malawians
mantua/32 -> mantuas
mastiff/32 -> mastiffs
mdb/32 -> mdbs
medjay/32 -> medjays
metaphase/32 -> metaphases
metternich/32 -> metterniches
microfibre/32 -> microfibres
middle-age/32 -> middle-ages
millipede/32 -> millipedes
minimisation/32 -> minimisations
mish-mash/32 -> mish-mashes
moisturise/32 -> moisturises,moisturising,moisturised
mola/32 -> molas
moxie/32 -> moxies
mussorgsky/32 -> mussorgskies
nablab/32 -> nablabs
nama/32 -> namas
neurophysiology/32 -> neurophysiologies
newscaster/32 -> newscasters
night-club/32 -> night-clubs
nightspot/32 -> nightspots
nigra/32 -> nigras
obsess/32 -> obsessed,obsesses,obsessing
odo/32 -> odoes
off-spinner/32 -> off-spinners
oligomer/32 -> oligomers
once-over/32 -> onces-over
opinionate/32 -> opinionated
osteopath/32 -> osteopaths
outlier/32 -> outliers
overreach/32 -> overreached,overreaching,overreaches
palmtop/32 -> palmtops
paroxysm/32 -> paroxysms
paternalist/32 -> paternalists
pedant/32 -> pedants
penitence/32 -> penitences
personhood/32 -> personhoods
pilfer/32 -> pilfering,pilfered,pilfers
pimpernel/32 -> pimpernels
pincher/32 -> pinchers
pine-needle/32 -> pine-needles
pizarro/32 -> pizarroes
plainness/32 -> plainnesses
playfair/32 -> playfairs
plundering/32 -> plunderings
polychrome/32 -> polychromes
pom/32 -> poms
post-structuralist/32 -> post-structuralists
prebend/32 -> prebends
premultiply/32 -> premultiplied,premultiplying,premultiplier
primitivism/32 -> primitivisms
primo/32 -> primos
profiteer/32 -> profiteers,profiteering
proline/32 -> prolines
prosthetic/32 -> prosthetics
pud/32 -> puds
pull-down/32 -> pull-downs
pushing/32 -> pushings
pyrite/32 -> pyrites
racialism/32 -> racialisms
ramus/32 -> ramuss
ranunculus/32 -> ranunculuss
record-player/32 -> record-players
regulating/32 -> regulatings
rejoicing/32 -> rejoicings
rend/32 -> rending,rends,rent
residuum/32 -> residuums
revisionism/32 -> revisionisms
riddance/32 -> riddances
ryr/32 -> ryrs
s.a.e./32 -> s.a.e.s
sagramoso/32 -> sagramosos
saratoga/32 -> saratogas
sarcoidosis/32 -> sarcoidoses
schiaparelli/32 -> schiaparellis
sez/32 -> sezs
sharer/32 -> sharers
shepherdess/32 -> shepherdesses,shepherdessed
sitka/32 -> sitkas
smyrna/32 -> smyrnas
sniffle/32 -> sniffles,sniffled,sniffling
sorp/32 -> sorps
sorter/32 -> sorters
specifier/32 -> specifiers
splitter/32 -> splitters
splodge/32 -> splodges,splodging,splodged
spratt/32 -> spratts
stacking/32 -> stackings
stigmata/32 -> stigmatas
stoichiometry/32 -> stoichiometries
stoner/32 -> stoners
strickland/32 -> stricklands
strophe/32 -> strophes
sub-human/32 -> sub-humans
subjectivism/32 -> subjectivisms
sublimate/32 -> sublimated,sublimating,sublimates
surfboard/32 -> surfboards,surfboarding
svalbard/32 -> svalbards
talmud/32 -> talmuds
taxonomist/32 -> taxonomists
teflon/32 -> teflons
telesale/32 -> telesales,telesaling
telltale/32 -> telltales
titillation/32 -> titillations
trimester/32 -> trimesters
unappeal/32 -> unappealing
unobservable/32 -> unobservables
valedictory/32 -> valedictories
valor/32 -> valors
vice-presidency/32 -> vice-presidencies
volte-face/32 -> volte-faces
wadding/32 -> waddings
wading/32 -> wadings
walky/32 -> walkies
wardenship/32 -> wardenships
wash-basin/32 -> wash-basins
watsonian/32 -> watsonians
weevil/32 -> weevils
wheedling/32 -> wheedlings
whimpering/32 -> whimperings
willett/32 -> willetts
xenograft/32 -> xenografts
xenon/32 -> xenons
yosemite/32 -> yosemites
ablution/31 -> ablutions
acclimatize/31 -> acclimatized,acclimatizing,acclimatizes
accompanist/31 -> accompanists
agnosticism/31 -> agnosticisms
alanine/31 -> alanines
albuquerque/31 -> albuquerques
anti-imperialist/31 -> anti-imperialists
antimicrobial/31 -> antimicrobials
aphasic/31 -> aphasics
appel/31 -> appels
arian/31 -> arians
arnica/31 -> arnicas
asl/31 -> asls
aureole/31 -> aureoles
axillary/31 -> axillaries
baccy/31 -> baccies
bantamweight/31 -> bantamweights
barnum/31 -> barnums
batholith/31 -> batholiths
beautify/31 -> beautifying,beautified,beautifies
bedhead/31 -> bedheads
bendy/31 -> bendiest,bendier
berk/31 -> berks
berman/31 -> bermans
bipedal/31 -> bipedals
blackjack/31 -> blackjacks
blu/31 -> bluer,bluest
blurry/31 -> blurriest,blurrier
breastplate/31 -> breastplates
bridgetown/31 -> bridgetowns
buddleia/31 -> buddleias
buffon/31 -> buffons
bushman/31 -> bushmen
call-slip/31 -> call-slips
calvados/31 -> calvadoss
canna/31 -> cannas
canonise/31 -> canonised,canonises
cardamom/31 -> cardamoms
carolan/31 -> carolans
carrier-bag/31 -> carrier-bags
carry-on/31 -> carry-ons
celeb/31 -> celebs
cellphone/31 -> cellphones
chaise/31 -> chaises
chela/31 -> chelas
chetnik/31 -> chetniks
chiropody/31 -> chiropodies
circumnavigation/31 -> circumnavigations
clanking/31 -> clankings
clinker/31 -> clinkers,clinkered,clinkering
co-driver/31 -> co-drivers
cockatoo/31 -> cockatoos,cockatoos.
collard/31 -> collards
colourant/31 -> colourants
conjugation/31 -> conjugations
conventionality/31 -> conventionalities
conversationalist/31 -> conversationalists
cop-out/31 -> cop-outs
copland/31 -> coplands
counter-balance/31 -> counter-balanced,counter-balancing,counter-balances
crankshaft/31 -> crankshafts
craziness/31 -> crazinesses
credit-card/31 -> credit-cards
crookes/31 -> crookess
crosfield/31 -> crosfields
curtain-raiser/31 -> curtain-raisers
demeter/31 -> demeters
demoralisation/31 -> demoralisations
derailment/31 -> derailments
diadem/31 -> diadems
diktat/31 -> diktats
dilly/31 -> dillied,dillys,dillying
dinka/31 -> dinkas
diomede/31 -> diomedes
disestablishment/31 -> disestablishments
double-check/31 -> double-checks,double-checking,double-checked
down-and-out/31 -> down-and-outs
driftnet/31 -> driftnets,driftnetting
eightieth/31 -> eightieths
ellington/31 -> ellingtons
emsa/31 -> emsas
endorphin/31 -> endorphins
enfranchise/31 -> enfranchised,enfranchising,enfranchises
enuresis/31 -> enureses
ethnology/31 -> ethnologies
eugenia/31 -> eugenias
evangelicalism/31 -> evangelicalisms
excit/31 -> exciting
faience/31 -> faiences
fauve/31 -> fauves
fdic/31 -> fdics
fec/31 -> fecs
fishman/31 -> fishmen
floribunda/31 -> floribundas
flower-bed/31 -> flower-beds
fly-drive/31 -> fly-drives
fractionate/31 -> fractionated,fractionates,fractionating
frankincense/31 -> frankincenses
free-rider/31 -> free-riders
fruitbat/31 -> fruitbats
fulani/31 -> fulanis
galena/31 -> galenas
garibaldi/31 -> garibaldis
gentian/31 -> gentians
gesso/31 -> gessoes
gif/31 -> gifs
go-kart/31 -> go-karts
godard/31 -> godards
godliness/31 -> godlinesses
grater/31 -> graters
groaning/31 -> groanings
groping/31 -> gropings
grunting/31 -> gruntings
gushing/31 -> gushings
guyanese/31 -> guyaneses
h.p./31 -> h.p.s
haemorrhoid/31 -> haemorrhoids
harriman/31 -> harrimen
hartford/31 -> hartfords
hipster/31 -> hipsters
hitch-hiker/31 -> hitch-hikers
hoad/31 -> hoads
hoarseness/31 -> hoarsenesses
hoflin/31 -> hoflins
homonym/31 -> homonyms
honeymooner/31 -> honeymooners
hookworm/31 -> hookworms
hooley/31 -> hooleys
hotspot/31 -> hotspots
houseman/31 -> housemen
hydrant/31 -> hydrants
hyperlipidaemia/31 -> hyperlipidaemias
hypo/31 -> hypoes
hypocaust/31 -> hypocausts
icecream/31 -> icecreams
immortalize/31 -> immortalized,immortalizing,immortalizes
immunoblot/31 -> immunoblotting,immunoblots,immunoblotted
impersonator/31 -> impersonators
imprinting/31 -> imprintings
individualise/31 -> individualised,individualising,individualises
inter-company/31 -> inter-companies
irenaeus/31 -> irenaeuss
irrelevancy/31 -> irrelevancies
janssen/31 -> janssens
jaz/31 -> jazzed,jazzing
jetsam/31 -> jetsams
jeune/31 -> jeunes
jink/31 -> jinked,jinks,jinking
jopling/31 -> joplings
kaolin/31 -> kaolins
kcal/31 -> kcals
kerbside/31 -> kerbsides
kilometer/31 -> kilometers
kinematic/31 -> kinematics
klaxon/31 -> klaxons,klaxoning
knockdown/31 -> knockdowns
land-user/31 -> land-users
laudanum/31 -> laudanums
laxton/31 -> laxtons
leat/31 -> leats
levity/31 -> levities
liposome/31 -> liposomes
login/31 -> logins
long-net/31 -> long-nets
looker/31 -> lookers
low-wage/31 -> low-waged
magnetite/31 -> magnetites
malefactor/31 -> malefactors
malory/31 -> malories
man-hour/31 -> man-hours
matra/31 -> matras
mekong/31 -> mekongs
mer/31 -> mers
metasediment/31 -> metasediments
mid-teen/31 -> mid-teens
midrib/31 -> midribs
millesimal/31 -> millesimals
moneyer/31 -> moneyers
mortice/31 -> morticed,mortices
motorboat/31 -> motorboats
mulligan/31 -> mulligans
murmansk/31 -> murmansks
muso/31 -> musos
myrrh/31 -> myrrhs
nara/31 -> naras
naughtiness/31 -> naughtinesses
neave/31 -> neaves
necropolis/31 -> necropoliss
nightshade/31 -> nightshades
non-discrimination/31 -> non-discriminations
nonesuch/31 -> nonesuches
nouvelle/31 -> nouvelles
nubile/31 -> nubiles
occidental/31 -> occidentals
offcut/31 -> offcuts
ophiolite/31 -> ophiolites
organelle/31 -> organelles
out-perform/31 -> out-performed,out-performs,out-performing
overfly/31 -> overflying,overflies,overflew,overflown
ovoid/31 -> ovoids
oxidant/31 -> oxidants
paedophile/31 -> paedophiles
papy/31 -> papier
pedantry/31 -> pedantries
pen-pal/31 -> pen-pals
pepin/31 -> pepins
permafrost/31 -> permafrosts
pickford/31 -> pickfords
pigeonhole/31 -> pigeonholes,pigeonholed,pigeonholing
plodding/31 -> ploddings
plugger/31 -> pluggers
plunging/31 -> plungings
police-officer/31 -> police-officers
pornographer/31 -> pornographers
potable/31 -> potables
pre-filter/31 -> pre-filters
preparer/31 -> preparers
presbyterianism/31 -> presbyterianisms
pretentiousness/31 -> pretentiousnesses
propitiate/31 -> propitiated,propitiating,propitiates
protectiveness/31 -> protectivenesses
proteinase/31 -> proteinases
prozac/31 -> prozacs
quaff/31 -> quaffed,quaffing,quaffs
qur'an/31 -> qur'ans
ramrod/31 -> ramrods,ramrodded
rante/31 -> rantes
re-live/31 -> re-lived,re-living,re-lives
read-out/31 -> read-outs
realpolitik/31 -> realpolitiks
redeemer/31 -> redeemers
reinscription/31 -> reinscriptions
rentier/31 -> rentiers
res/31 -> ress
ripeness/31 -> ripenesses
rok/31 -> roks
romulus/31 -> romuluss
rose-pink/31 -> rose-pinks
roughen/31 -> roughened,roughening,roughens
savill/31 -> savills
saye/31 -> sayes
schoolbook/31 -> schoolbooks
sciatica/31 -> sciaticas
self-assertion/31 -> self-assertions
semi-professional/31 -> semi-professionals
semiology/31 -> semiologies
sequencer/31 -> sequencers
service-provider/31 -> service-providers
shibboleth/31 -> shibboleths
shirt-sleeve/31 -> shirt-sleeves
shoulder-blade/31 -> shoulder-blades
simularity/31 -> simularities
singlet/31 -> singlets
slackness/31 -> slacknesses
smalley/31 -> smalleys
snoring/31 -> snorings
soliton/31 -> solitons
stalagmite/31 -> stalagmites
steadiness/31 -> steadinesses
steam-engine/31 -> steam-engines
step-mother/31 -> step-mothers
stipple/31 -> stippled,stippling,stipples
sublease/31 -> subleases,subleased,subleasing
subtenant/31 -> subtenants
sucking/31 -> suckings
superantigen/31 -> superantigens
supercompute/31 -> supercomputing
synchronization/31 -> synchronizations
syndicalist/31 -> syndicalists
tampax/31 -> tampaxes
tampering/31 -> tamperings
teach-in/31 -> teach-ins
technicolor/31 -> technicolors
theatre-goer/31 -> theatre-goers
toothy/31 -> toothiest,toothier
transponder/31 -> transponders
troubleshooter/31 -> troubleshooters
tuilery/31 -> tuileries
turboprop/31 -> turboprops
turmeric/31 -> turmerics
typecast/31 -> typecasting,typecasted,typecasts
uf/31 -> ufs
underwrit/31 -> underwriting
unlearn/31 -> unlearning,unlearns,unlearned,unlearnt
unmake/31 -> unmaking,unmakes,unmade
unscramble/31 -> unscrambling,unscrambles,unscrambled
vail/31 -> vails
vase-painting/31 -> vase-paintings
venn/31 -> venns
vienne/31 -> viennes
vilification/31 -> vilifications
vizier/31 -> viziers
vldl/31 -> vldls
vocalisation/31 -> vocalisations
volute/31 -> volutes,voluting
warty/31 -> warties
watermelon/31 -> watermelons
waveband/31 -> wavebands
waymark/31 -> waymarks,waymarking
winery/31 -> wineries
worthiness/31 -> worthinesses
yucca/31 -> yuccas
zek/31 -> zeks
acl/30 -> acls
addy/30 -> addies
adman/30 -> admen
adsorb/30 -> adsorbed,adsorbs,adsorbing
aeronca/30 -> aeroncas
affability/30 -> affabilities
alimony/30 -> alimonies
allograft/30 -> allografts
anther/30 -> anthers
apostasy/30 -> apostasies
apprise/30 -> apprised,apprises,apprising
arraign/30 -> arraigned,arraigning,arraigns
arum/30 -> arums
astrophysics/30 -> astrophysicss
autism/30 -> autisms
babby/30 -> babbies
badness/30 -> badnesses
baguette/30 -> baguettes
barbell/30 -> barbells
bashing/30 -> bashings
bayes/30 -> bayess
bilayer/30 -> bilayers
birdwatch/30 -> birdwatching
bleu/30 -> bleus
bloat/30 -> bloating,bloats,bloated
blowpipe/30 -> blowpipes
breathalyser/30 -> breathalysers
burgoyne/30 -> burgoynes
busyness/30 -> busynesses
callousness/30 -> callousnesses
carbonyl/30 -> carbonyls
caressing/30 -> caressings
cayley/30 -> cayleyed
chooser/30 -> choosers
clingy/30 -> clingier
co-sponsore/30 -> co-sponsored,co-sponsoring
compstation/30 -> compstations
confucian/30 -> confucians
confucianism/30 -> confucianisms
conjoin/30 -> conjoined,conjoining,conjoins
conodont/30 -> conodonts
convector/30 -> convectors
copywriter/30 -> copywriters
corelli/30 -> corellis
corpuscle/30 -> corpuscles
corrugation/30 -> corrugations
counterattack/30 -> counterattacked,counterattacks,counterattacks',counter-attacking,counter-attacked
coupler/30 -> couplers
couscous/30 -> couscouss
covenanter/30 -> covenanters
cowry/30 -> cowries
cowshed/30 -> cowsheds
cranium/30 -> craniums,crania
criminalize/30 -> criminalized,criminalizing,criminalizes
crinoline/30 -> crinolines
cruse/30 -> cruses
cutoff/30 -> cutoffs
cytogenetic/30 -> cytogenetics
dahabeeyah/30 -> dahabeeyahs
data-type/30 -> data-types
defeatism/30 -> defeatisms
democratise/30 -> democratising,democratised
dishy/30 -> dishiest
disjunct/30 -> disjuncts
distaff/30 -> distaffs
distention/30 -> distentions
do-gooder/30 -> do-gooders
doberman/30 -> dobermans
dramatisation/30 -> dramatisations
drawcord/30 -> drawcords
drink-driver/30 -> drink-drivers
druggist/30 -> druggists
dumbo/30 -> dumbos
elfin/30 -> elfins
entomb/30 -> entombed,entombing,entombs
eon/30 -> eons
epicurus/30 -> epicuruss
ersatz/30 -> ersatzs
essene/30 -> essenes
exactitude/30 -> exactitudes
experimentalist/30 -> experimentalists
faceplate/30 -> faceplates
father-figure/30 -> father-figures
fermi/30 -> fermis
fingering/30 -> fingerings
flagellant/30 -> flagellants
flashbulb/30 -> flashbulbs
floristic/30 -> floristics
folklinguistic/30 -> folklinguistics
foreshorten/30 -> foreshortened,foreshortening,foreshortens
foster-parent/30 -> foster-parents
fuego/30 -> fuegoes
fumigation/30 -> fumigations
gaia/30 -> gaias
galsworthy/30 -> galsworthies
gaselee/30 -> gaselees
gesell/30 -> gesells
gigg/30 -> giggs
gladden/30 -> gladdened,gladdens,gladdening
gnathostome/30 -> gnathostomes
gonococcus/30 -> gonococcuss
goto/30 -> gotos
grazer/30 -> grazers
great-grandson/30 -> great-grandsons
griddle/30 -> griddles,griddling,griddled
guinea-pig/30 -> guinea-pigs
hagan/30 -> hagans
hand-over/30 -> hand-overs
handhold/30 -> handholds,handholding
hareem/30 -> hareems
hewer/30 -> hewers
homogenise/30 -> homogenised,homogenising
hopkinson/30 -> hopkinsons
horsebox/30 -> horseboxes
ibsen/30 -> ibsens
iconoclasm/30 -> iconoclasms
ifc/30 -> ifcs
ikon/30 -> ikons
ilya/30 -> ilyas
indo-european/30 -> indo-europeans
intergroup/30 -> intergroups
intransitive/30 -> intransitives
irian/30 -> irians
ish/30 -> ished
ishmael/30 -> ishmaels
islamist/30 -> islamists
isoscele/30 -> isosceles
ixmaritian/30 -> ixmaritians
jacobi/30 -> jacobis
jump-off/30 -> jump-offs
kadet/30 -> kadets
kandy/30 -> kandies
kellogg/30 -> kelloggs
kirsch/30 -> kirsches
komsomol/30 -> komsomols
korma/30 -> kormas
kph/30 -> kphs
landmine/30 -> landmines
laurens/30 -> laurenss
least-square/30 -> least-squares
lecithin/30 -> lecithins
leftwing/30 -> leftwinger
letter-writing/30 -> letter-writings
lip-read/30 -> lip-reading,lip-reads
lithographic/30 -> lithographics
litigate/30 -> litigated,litigating,litigates
lobelia/30 -> lobelias
malthusian/30 -> malthusians
mantlepiece/30 -> mantlepieces
marquand/30 -> marquands
maundy/30 -> maundies
mee/30 -> mees
mendelian/30 -> mendelians
micronesia/30 -> micronesias
mid-section/30 -> mid-sections
millenarian/30 -> millenarians
minkowski/30 -> minkowskis
moonbeam/30 -> moonbeams
moravian/30 -> moravians
mosfet/30 -> mosfets
mullet/30 -> mullets
nautilus/30 -> nautiluss
nightwatchman/30 -> nightwatchmen
nobble/30 -> nobbled,nobbling,nobbles
non-expert/30 -> non-experts
non-socialist/30 -> non-socialists
odium/30 -> odiums
off-set/30 -> off-setting,off-sets
offbeat/30 -> offbeats
oilman/30 -> oilmen
okra/30 -> okras
overcook/30 -> overcooked,overcooking,overcooks
overstatement/30 -> overstatements
palfrey/30 -> palfreys
panellist/30 -> panellists
parallelogram/30 -> parallelograms
parley/30 -> parleyed,parleying,parleys
parrish/30 -> parrishes
patroness/30 -> patronesses
paxman/30 -> paxmans
pekinese/30 -> pekineses
peloponnese/30 -> peloponneses
persepolis/30 -> persepoliss
phonogram/30 -> phonograms
piecework/30 -> pieceworks
pince-nez/30 -> pince-nezs
pitot/30 -> pitots
platypus/30 -> platypuss
plunger/30 -> plungers
poa/30 -> poas
polytheism/30 -> polytheisms
pommel/30 -> pommels,pommelled,pommeling,pommeled
postmultiply/30 -> postmultiplying,postmultiplied,postmultiplier
precession/30 -> precessions
prokaryote/30 -> prokaryotes
proteoglycan/30 -> proteoglycans
pseudoaneurysm/30 -> pseudoaneurysms
pula/30 -> pulas
pulsatilla/30 -> pulsatillas
quasi-arbitrator/30 -> quasi-arbitrators
question-mark/30 -> question-marks
racialist/30 -> racialists
rackham/30 -> rackhams
raglan/30 -> raglans
rasputin/30 -> rasputins
re-investigation/30 -> re-investigations
re-rout/30 -> re-routed
reale/30 -> reales
rebleed/30 -> rebleeding,rebleeds
recusant/30 -> recusants
red-brown/30 -> red-browns
regularize/30 -> regularized,regularizing,regularizes
reinvigorate/30 -> reinvigorated,reinvigorating,reinvigorates
repealer/30 -> repealers
rooting/30 -> rootings
rumen/30 -> rumens
sagacity/30 -> sagacities
sagittarian/30 -> sagittarians
sala/30 -> salas
satie/30 -> saties
schulz/30 -> schulzs
scottie/30 -> scotties
scrutineer/30 -> scrutineers,scrutineering
seclude/30 -> secluded,secluding,secludes
secularization/30 -> secularizations
seker/30 -> sekers
self-absorption/30 -> self-absorptions
self-adhesive/30 -> self-adhesives
semolina/30 -> semolinas
sensationalist/30 -> sensationalists
sher/30 -> shers
sherbet/30 -> sherbets
shimmy/30 -> shimmying,shimmied,shimmies
shredder/30 -> shredders
shrieking/30 -> shriekings
shute/30 -> shutes
sinecure/30 -> sinecures
skerry/30 -> skerries
skiff/30 -> skiffs
slendere/30 -> slenderer,slenderest
snivel/30 -> snivelling,snivelled,snivels
soma/30 -> somata
south-westerly/30 -> south-westerlies
sparrowhawk/30 -> sparrowhawks
speedometer/30 -> speedometers
spiritualism/30 -> spiritualisms
stagflation/30 -> stagflations
stalling/30 -> stallings
stiffening/30 -> stiffenings
stowage/30 -> stowages
sublimation/30 -> sublimations
sufferance/30 -> sufferances
summonse/30 -> summonsed,summonsing
syllogism/30 -> syllogisms
symbolist/30 -> symbolists
taffy/30 -> taffies
tagore/30 -> tagores
tambour/30 -> tambours,tamboured
tare/30 -> tares,tared,taring
tater/30 -> taters
theatricality/30 -> theatricalities
thruster/30 -> thrusters
traversal/30 -> traversals
trew/30 -> trews
trivialize/30 -> trivializing,trivialized,trivializes
troposphere/30 -> tropospheres
trypanosome/30 -> trypanosomes
turnround/30 -> turnrounds
twopence/30 -> twopences
unfaithfulness/30 -> unfaithfulnesses
up-grade/30 -> up-grading,up-graded,up-grades
vadinamian/30 -> vadinamians
valletta/30 -> vallettas
verger/30 -> vergers
versant/30 -> versants
verso/30 -> versos
villainy/30 -> villainies
walloon/30 -> walloons
wangle/30 -> wangled,wangling,wangles
watchtower/30 -> watchtowers
wearable/30 -> wearables
wether/30 -> wethers,wethered
wheeling/30 -> wheelings
whirr/30 -> whirrs,whirring,whirred
whiteout/30 -> whiteouts
wil/30 -> wils
wildman/30 -> wildmen
wintertime/30 -> wintertimes
wrecking/30 -> wreckings
wrinkly/30 -> wrinklies
wynd/30 -> wynds
xx/30 -> xxes
yonge/30 -> yonges
youthfulness/30 -> youthfulnesses
zag/30 -> zags,zagging,zagged
'ead/29 -> 'eads
abrade/29 -> abraded,abrading,abrades
acidosis/29 -> acidoses
agamemnon/29 -> agamemnons
aitch/29 -> aitches,aitched
alpaca/29 -> alpacas
amex/29 -> amexes
aminoglycoside/29 -> aminoglycosides
amiodarone/29 -> amiodarones
anarchism/29 -> anarchisms
anglophile/29 -> anglophiles
anointing/29 -> anointings
anthrax/29 -> anthraxes
anti-semite/29 -> anti-semites
anticlerical/29 -> anticlericals
approving/29 -> approvings
azeri/29 -> azeris
badlands/29 -> badlandss
baptistery/29 -> baptisteries
beekeeper/29 -> beekeepers
bethell/29 -> bethells
biosynthesis/29 -> biosyntheses
blaspheme/29 -> blasphemed,blaspheming,blasphemes
bligh/29 -> blighs
blood-letting/29 -> blood-lettings
bloodline/29 -> bloodlines
bookbinding/29 -> bookbindings
braham/29 -> brahams
brahman/29 -> brahmans
bringer/29 -> bringers
bucketful/29 -> bucketfuls
bugbear/29 -> bugbears
burrowing/29 -> burrowings
camisole/29 -> camisoles
caning/29 -> canings
careerist/29 -> careerists
carnarvon/29 -> carnarvons
carotid/29 -> carotids
cataclysm/29 -> cataclysms
caviare/29 -> caviares
cbr/29 -> cbrs
celeriac/29 -> celeriacs
centromere/29 -> centromeres
chai/29 -> chais
chancy/29 -> chanciest,chancier
changeling/29 -> changelings
cheep/29 -> cheeps,cheeping,cheeped
cheesy/29 -> cheesies
chittagong/29 -> chittagongs
chloroplast/29 -> chloroplasts
circumferential/29 -> circumferentials
clear-out/29 -> clear-outs
coalmine/29 -> coalmines,coalmining
coddle/29 -> coddled,coddling,coddles
cofactor/29 -> cofactors
cognoscenti/29 -> cognoscentis
commiseration/29 -> commiserations
concentrator/29 -> concentrators
conciliator/29 -> conciliators
condensate/29 -> condensates
copra/29 -> copras
cotter/29 -> cotters
cousteau/29 -> cousteaus
craigie/29 -> craigies
cree/29 -> crees
crispness/29 -> crispnesses
cross-current/29 -> cross-currents
crossbred/29 -> crossbreds
cwm/29 -> cwms
dacron/29 -> dacrons
damocles/29 -> damocless
dangling/29 -> danglings
declarer/29 -> declarers
defibrillator/29 -> defibrillators
deliverable/29 -> deliverables
demagogue/29 -> demagogues
democratize/29 -> democratized,democratizing,democratizes
derogate/29 -> derogated,derogates,derogating
destabilisation/29 -> destabilisations
deviancy/29 -> deviancies
digitiser/29 -> digitisers
disapply/29 -> disapplied,disapplies,disapplying
disorganise/29 -> disorganised
docility/29 -> docilities
downstage/29 -> downstages
dropout/29 -> dropouts
ducky/29 -> duckies
dudgeon/29 -> dudgeons
efface/29 -> effaced,effacing,effaces
eight-month-old/29 -> eight-month-olds
elocution/29 -> elocutions
escutcheon/29 -> escutcheons
exoskeleton/29 -> exoskeletons
exothermicity/29 -> exothermicities
extinguishing/29 -> extinguishings
faro/29 -> faroes
feisty/29 -> feistiest,feistier
fire-engine/29 -> fire-engines
flight-muscle/29 -> flight-muscles
four-seater/29 -> four-seaters
foxtrot/29 -> foxtrots,foxtrotting
gallo-roman/29 -> gallo-romans
gasping/29 -> gaspings
gillie/29 -> gillies
glaucoma/29 -> glaucomas
gluck/29 -> glucks
go-go/29 -> go-gos
goldwyn/29 -> goldwyns
government-in-exile/29 -> governments-in-exile
grimness/29 -> grimnesses
groundnut/29 -> groundnuts
guadalajara/29 -> guadalajaras
habituate/29 -> habituated,habituates,habituating
half-field/29 -> half-fields
hama/29 -> hamas
hankie/29 -> hankies
harridan/29 -> harridans
hatchery/29 -> hatcheries
headhunt/29 -> headhunted,headhunting,headhunts
heaterstat/29 -> heaterstats
helliwell/29 -> helliwells
hellraiser/29 -> hellraisers
hemlock/29 -> hemlocks
herzberg/29 -> herzbergs
hispaniola/29 -> hispaniolas
hogget/29 -> hoggets
homegrown/29 -> homegrowns
honorarium/29 -> honorariums,honoraria
hor/29 -> hors
horsetail/29 -> horsetails
housegroup/29 -> housegroups
hunker/29 -> hunkered,hunkers,hunkering
ice-sheet/29 -> ice-sheets
illite/29 -> illites
immunoprecipitate/29 -> immunoprecipitated,immunoprecipitates,immunoprecipitating
impostor/29 -> impostors
infiltrator/29 -> infiltrators
inhere/29 -> inheres,inhering,inhered
inter-provincial/29 -> inter-provincials
interest-group/29 -> interest-groups
intermediation/29 -> intermediations
inveigh/29 -> inveighed,inveighing,inveighs
ipr/29 -> iprs
iron-grey/29 -> iron-greys
jacobin/29 -> jacobins
jama/29 -> jamas
jape/29 -> japes
jawbone/29 -> jawbones
jemmy/29 -> jemmied,jemmies
kirgiz/29 -> kirgizs
kirkman/29 -> kirkmen
krispy/29 -> krispies
lapwing/29 -> lapwings
leander/29 -> leanders
lefebvre/29 -> lefebvres
legit/29 -> legits
liane/29 -> lianes
ligature/29 -> ligatures
light-middleweight/29 -> light-middleweights
limited-over/29 -> limited-overs
linz/29 -> linzs
lisson/29 -> lissons
literati/29 -> literatis
loess/29 -> loesses
lovelace/29 -> lovelaces
maa/29 -> maas
macadam/29 -> macadams
macon/29 -> macons
maigret/29 -> maigrets
mallow/29 -> mallows
mamba/29 -> mambas
manipur/29 -> manipurs
manliness/29 -> manlinesses
mantegna/29 -> mantegnas
maxilla/29 -> maxillas
melanin/29 -> melanins
meld/29 -> melded,melding,melds
melly/29 -> mellies
mesopotamian/29 -> mesopotamians
mid-off/29 -> mids-off
millpond/29 -> millponds
misdirection/29 -> misdirections
musgrove/29 -> musgroves
naturalization/29 -> naturalizations
nephrite/29 -> nephrites
non-combatant/29 -> non-combatants
non-consumer/29 -> non-consumers
offeree/29 -> offerees
ophthalmology/29 -> ophthalmologies
optometrist/29 -> optometrists
orangery/29 -> orangeries
ostinato/29 -> ostinatos
paella/29 -> paellas
panofsky/29 -> panofskies
participator/29 -> participators
persecutor/29 -> persecutors
petiole/29 -> petioles
pinhole/29 -> pinholes
pipedream/29 -> pipedreams
pitching/29 -> pitchings
planer/29 -> planers
poetics/29 -> poeticss
poliovirus/29 -> polioviruss
pooch/29 -> pooches
portculli/29 -> portcullis
potentiate/29 -> potentiated,potentiates,potentiating
pre-occupation/29 -> pre-occupations
preincubate/29 -> preincubated,preincubating
pritchett/29 -> pritchetts
prize-winner/29 -> prize-winners
pro-forma/29 -> pro-formas
prob/29 -> probs
proto-oncogene/29 -> proto-oncogenes
protuberance/29 -> protuberances
prunella/29 -> prunellas
pryor/29 -> pryors
pto/29 -> ptos
quartile/29 -> quartiles
quintessence/29 -> quintessences
re-affirm/29 -> re-affirmed,re-affirming,re-affirms
re-fit/29 -> re-fitted,re-fits
re-instate/29 -> re-instated,re-instating,re-instates
rebus/29 -> rebuss
recant/29 -> recanted,recanting,recants
redo/29 -> redoing,redoes,redid,redone
redstart/29 -> redstarts
regularise/29 -> regularised,regularising,regularises
relist/29 -> relisting,relisted
retroviruse/29 -> retroviruses
rhus/29 -> rhuss
rial/29 -> rials
ribosome/29 -> ribosomes
robbo/29 -> robbos
rockabilly/29 -> rockabillies
roden/29 -> rodens
salonika/29 -> salonikas
samaria/29 -> samarias
sanger/29 -> sangers
satiate/29 -> satiated,satiates,satiating
schnapps/29 -> schnappss
schoolkid/29 -> schoolkids
scribbler/29 -> scribblers
seamy/29 -> seamier,seamiest
seat-belt/29 -> seat-belts
self-reproach/29 -> self-reproaches
selznick/29 -> selznicks
serendipity/29 -> serendipities
shallowness/29 -> shallownesses
shipwright/29 -> shipwrights
shona/29 -> shonas
shortlive/29 -> shortlived
show-off/29 -> show-offs
singalong/29 -> singalongs
sirloin/29 -> sirloins
sleepiness/29 -> sleepinesses
sleepwalk/29 -> sleepwalking,sleepwalked,sleepwalks
slithering/29 -> slitherings
smokestack/29 -> smokestacks
snorting/29 -> snortings
soakaway/29 -> soakaways
soldering/29 -> solderings
sousa/29 -> sousas
spandau/29 -> spandaus
squaddy/29 -> squaddies
statesmanship/29 -> statesmanships
station-master/29 -> station-masters
steadfastness/29 -> steadfastnesses
steepness/29 -> steepnesses
steersman/29 -> steersmen
steg/29 -> stegs
stigmatize/29 -> stigmatized,stigmatizing,stigmatizes
stoneware/29 -> stonewares
storekeeper/29 -> storekeepers
storm-trooper/29 -> storm-troopers
stowaway/29 -> stowaways
streetlamp/29 -> streetlamps
stressor/29 -> stressors
stunter/29 -> stunters
subvention/29 -> subventions
sundown/29 -> sundowns
suprise/29 -> suprised,suprising,suprises
sureness/29 -> surenesses
swashbuckling/29 -> swashbucklings
tabor/29 -> tabors
tailing/29 -> tailings
tallentire/29 -> tallentires
tamoxifen/29 -> tamoxifens
teacake/29 -> teacakes
tempera/29 -> temperas
tetracycline/29 -> tetracyclines
thuggery/29 -> thuggeries
time-frame/29 -> time-frames
toboggan/29 -> toboggans,tobogganing,tobogganed
toolbar/29 -> toolbars
toon/29 -> toons
toothpick/29 -> toothpicks,toothpicked
tornadoe/29 -> tornadoes
tourer/29 -> tourers
train-shed/29 -> train-sheds
tranch/29 -> tranches
transfiguration/29 -> transfigurations
trow/29 -> trows
tulle/29 -> tulles
turkmenia/29 -> turkmenias
type-face/29 -> type-faces
tyr/29 -> tyring,tyred
unconcern/29 -> unconcerns
underestimation/29 -> underestimations
unilateralist/29 -> unilateralists
unsatisfy/29 -> unsatisfying
untidiness/29 -> untidinesses
uta/29 -> utas
v-sign/29 -> v-signs
vaporise/29 -> vaporised,vaporises,vaporising
viciousness/29 -> viciousnesses
violator/29 -> violators
vishnu/29 -> vishnus
vivisection/29 -> vivisections
weeny/29 -> weenies,weeniest,weenier
weigh-in/29 -> weigh-ins
wesson/29 -> wessons
wetting/29 -> wettings
whirligig/29 -> whirligigs
whoopee/29 -> whoopees
window-frame/29 -> window-frames
wolfprince/29 -> wolfprinces
yahoo/29 -> yahoos
yogi/29 -> yogis
zed/29 -> zeds
zeitgeist/29 -> zeitgeists
abo/28 -> abos
acquaintanceship/28 -> acquaintanceships
acyl/28 -> acyls
aeolian/28 -> aeolians
afrikaans/28 -> afrikaanss
alberti/28 -> albertis
alleluia/28 -> alleluias
alternant/28 -> alternants
amaryllis/28 -> amarylliss
aniline/28 -> anilines
anionic/28 -> anionics
ante/28 -> antes,anteing,anteed
anti-hero/28 -> anti-heros
antiarrhythmic/28 -> antiarrhythmics
anticodon/28 -> anticodons
antimalarial/28 -> antimalarials
antiquark/28 -> antiquarks
antonine/28 -> antonines
apach/28 -> apaches
apennine/28 -> apennines
arbor/28 -> arbors
atomism/28 -> atomisms
attentiveness/28 -> attentivenesses
autoradiograph/28 -> autoradiographed,autoradiographs
autorotation/28 -> autorotations
ayre/28 -> ayres
backdoor/28 -> backdoors
baf/28 -> bafs
baiter/28 -> baiters
bap/28 -> baps
beatnik/28 -> beatniks
beckley/28 -> beckleys
belsen/28 -> belsens
bittere/28 -> bitterest,bitterer
bitty/28 -> bitties,bittier,bittiest
bleeder/28 -> bleeders
boeuf/28 -> boeufs
boll/28 -> bolls
bouffant/28 -> bouffants
bozo/28 -> bozos
broody/28 -> broodies
brunch/28 -> brunches
busman/28 -> busmen
butthole/28 -> buttholes
calluna/28 -> callunas
calumny/28 -> calumnies
canaanite/28 -> canaanites
caput/28 -> caputs
carvery/28 -> carveries
chamfer/28 -> chamfers,chamfering,chamfered
champney/28 -> champneys
chavez/28 -> chavezs
checkmate/28 -> checkmated,checkmating,checkmates
circumlocution/28 -> circumlocutions
cirrhotic/28 -> cirrhotics
cityscape/28 -> cityscapes
clange/28 -> clanged
clast/28 -> clasts
clastic/28 -> clastics
clock-tower/28 -> clock-towers
clytemnestra/28 -> clytemnestras
coiffure/28 -> coiffured,coiffures,coiffuring
coverall/28 -> coveralls
cozy/28 -> cozying,cozier
creel/28 -> creels
crooner/28 -> crooners
cruzeiro/28 -> cruzeiros
cufflink/28 -> cufflinks
cup-ty/28 -> cup-ties,cup-tied
cyan/28 -> cyans
cygnet/28 -> cygnets
cytosine/28 -> cytosines
d.j/28 -> d.j.
dap/28 -> daps,dapping,dapped
datapoint/28 -> datapoints
decolonization/28 -> decolonizations
derwentwater/28 -> derwentwaters
desperado/28 -> desperadoes,desperados
dina/28 -> dinas
disassemble/28 -> disassembled,disassembling,disassembles
discolouration/28 -> discolourations
dishearten/28 -> disheartened,disheartens,disheartening
dithering/28 -> ditherings
dolby/28 -> dolbies
dosser/28 -> dossers
durant/28 -> durants
egoist/28 -> egoists
eisenstein/28 -> eisensteins
elasticate/28 -> elasticated
elderberry/28 -> elderberries
empathize/28 -> empathizing,empathized,empathizes
endpaper/28 -> endpapers
entrain/28 -> entrained,entraining,entrains
espresso/28 -> espressos
euro-mp/28 -> euro-mps
evangelise/28 -> evangelising,evangelised
ex-boyfriend/28 -> ex-boyfriends
ex-minister/28 -> ex-ministers
excrescence/28 -> excrescences
exorcize/28 -> exorcized,exorcizing,exorcizes
expostulate/28 -> expostulated,expostulating,expostulates
feedstuff/28 -> feedstuffs
finger-tip/28 -> finger-tips
first-preference/28 -> first-preferences
fishpond/28 -> fishponds
flapper/28 -> flappers
free-lance/28 -> free-lances
fretwork/28 -> fretworks
frisbee/28 -> frisbees,frisbeeing
frugivore/28 -> frugivores
frying-pan/28 -> frying-pans
fullerene/28 -> fullerenes
garde/28 -> gardes
gawain/28 -> gawains
gie/28 -> gies
glassfibre/28 -> glassfibres
goan/28 -> goans
gobsmack/28 -> gobsmacked,gobsmacking
goulash/28 -> goulashes
gul/28 -> guls
gulden/28 -> guldens
gulfstream/28 -> gulfstreams
haematology/28 -> haematologies
half-bottle/28 -> half-bottles
half-circle/28 -> half-circles
half-crown/28 -> half-crowns
hardener/28 -> hardeners
hardiness/28 -> hardinesses
havering/28 -> haverings
hellen/28 -> hellens
helpfulness/28 -> helpfulnesses
hexane/28 -> hexanes
hickory/28 -> hickories
hill-top/28 -> hill-tops
holdfast/28 -> holdfasts
horsehair/28 -> horsehairs
hotpoint/28 -> hotpoints
hydrogen-bond/28 -> hydrogen-bonds
hymen/28 -> hymens
hyperkinetic/28 -> hyperkinetics
hypothalamus/28 -> hypothalamuss
illuminator/28 -> illuminators
implode/28 -> imploded,implodes,imploding
impudence/28 -> impudences
inanity/28 -> inanities
inglenook/28 -> inglenooks
interferometer/28 -> interferometers
jiffy/28 -> jiffies
joo/28 -> joos
joplin/28 -> joplins
jugoslav/28 -> jugoslavs
kalm/28 -> kalms
karateka/28 -> karatekas
kelp/28 -> kelping
kerchief/28 -> kerchiefs
ki/28 -> kis
kilimanjaro/28 -> kilimanjaroes
kindliness/28 -> kindlinesses
knee-high/28 -> knee-highs
koestler/28 -> koestlers
kopek/28 -> kopeks
kulak/28 -> kulaks
labial/28 -> labials
lacerate/28 -> lacerating,lacerated,lacerates
laggard/28 -> laggards
larkspur/28 -> larkspurs
lavage/28 -> lavages
lavoisier/28 -> lavoisiers
legalism/28 -> legalisms
lingua/28 -> linguas
livebearer/28 -> livebearers
llb/28 -> llbs
lofoten/28 -> lofotens
longbow/28 -> longbows
lorry-driver/28 -> lorry-drivers
love-affair/28 -> love-affairs
lovebird/28 -> lovebirds
lum/28 -> lums
lyte/28 -> lytes
maddock/28 -> maddocks
malachite/28 -> malachites
manhunt/28 -> manhunts
mannerist/28 -> mannerists
manyatta/28 -> manyattas
maquis/28 -> maquiss
marmot/28 -> marmots
marseillaise/28 -> marseillaises
martineau/28 -> martineaus
mckinley/28 -> mckinleys
melanism/28 -> melanisms
menuhin/28 -> menuhins
metallurgist/28 -> metallurgists
methyltransferase/28 -> methyltransferases
microcode/28 -> microcodes
montpelier/28 -> montpeliers
mothbal/28 -> mothballed,mothballing
muckle/28 -> muckles
musicale/28 -> musicales
nauseate/28 -> nauseated,nauseates,nauseating
neo/28 -> neos
neurosurgeon/28 -> neurosurgeons
nightjar/28 -> nightjars
nodding/28 -> noddings
nosh/28 -> noshing,noshes,noshed
novella/28 -> novellas
nymphaea/28 -> nymphaeas
octopuse/28 -> octopuses
oil-lamp/28 -> oil-lamps
omniscience/28 -> omnisciences
ophthalmologist/28 -> ophthalmologists
orientalism/28 -> orientalisms
out-of-door/28 -> out-of-doors
over-50/28 -> over-50s
over-extend/28 -> over-extended,over-extending,over-extends
overstock/28 -> overstocking,overstocked,overstocks
overwrite/28 -> overwrites,overwrote,overwritten,overwriting
pasadena/28 -> pasadenas
pastureland/28 -> pasturelands
pathe/28 -> pathes
payphone/28 -> payphones
pda/28 -> pdas
perihelion/28 -> perihelia
photovoltaic/28 -> photovoltaics
phrenology/28 -> phrenologies
piggery/28 -> piggeries
pinny/28 -> pinnies
pirouet/28 -> pirouetted,pirouetting
pisan/28 -> pisans
piton/28 -> pitons
pony-trekking/28 -> pony-trekkings
postholder/28 -> postholders
prebendary/28 -> prebendaries
prescience/28 -> presciences
projectionist/28 -> projectionists
proprietress/28 -> proprietresses
pseudocyst/28 -> pseudocysts
psychedelia/28 -> psychedelias
ptarmigan/28 -> ptarmigans
pudgy/28 -> pudgier
pulsation/28 -> pulsations
pungency/28 -> pungencies
pushbike/28 -> pushbikes
pyrimidine/28 -> pyrimidines
ragwort/28 -> ragworts
reconnoitre/28 -> reconnoitring,reconnoitres,reconnoitred
reprobate/28 -> reprobates
rightwing/28 -> rightwinger
robotics/28 -> roboticss
romanov/28 -> romanovs
saddlebag/28 -> saddlebags
salesmanship/28 -> salesmanships
saskatchewan/28 -> saskatchewans
satanism/28 -> satanisms
scorcher/28 -> scorchers
sea-change/28 -> sea-changes
seroprevalence/28 -> seroprevalences
serviette/28 -> serviettes
seven-inch/28 -> seven-inches
shang/28 -> shangs
shepard/28 -> shepards
siltstone/28 -> siltstones
simpleton/28 -> simpletons
singsong/28 -> singsongs
skeg/28 -> skegs
sled/28 -> sleds,sledding,sledded
snowbal/28 -> snowballed,snowballing
sower/28 -> sowers
splashing/28 -> splashings
sram/28 -> srams
staphylococcus/28 -> staphylococcuss
steinbeck/28 -> steinbecks
strait-jacket/28 -> strait-jackets
strapless/28 -> straplesses
subfield/28 -> subfields
superimposition/28 -> superimpositions
supernumerary/28 -> supernumeraries
supplicant/28 -> supplicants
suzerainty/28 -> suzerainties
taft/28 -> tafts
taille/28 -> tailles
tailoring/28 -> tailorings
tantalise/28 -> tantalised,tantalising,tantalises
teleut/28 -> teleuts
theophylline/28 -> theophyllines
tiber/28 -> tibers
time-saving/28 -> time-savings
timepiece/28 -> timepieces
titty/28 -> titties
tocqueville/28 -> tocquevilles
tomcat/28 -> tomcats
tosser/28 -> tossers
triplane/28 -> triplanes
tufa/28 -> tufas
turbocharge/28 -> turbocharged,turbocharging
turkestan/28 -> turkestans
turn-up/28 -> turn-ups
twisty/28 -> twistier
unfreeze/28 -> unfreezing,unfreezes,unfroze,unfrozen
unravelling/28 -> unravellings
unsteadiness/28 -> unsteadinesses
upwelling/28 -> upwellings
videoe/28 -> videoed
vladivostok/28 -> vladivostoks
wall-painting/28 -> wall-paintings
weizmann/28 -> weizmanns
wellhead/28 -> wellheads
wholefood/28 -> wholefoods
window-seat/28 -> window-seats
winemaker/28 -> winemakers
wir/28 -> wirs
witnessing/28 -> witnessings
womaniser/28 -> womanisers
wykeham/28 -> wykehams
zaragoza/28 -> zaragozas
abm/27 -> abms
abuja/27 -> abujas
adit/27 -> adits
adrenal/27 -> adrenals
adventist/27 -> adventists
adverbal/27 -> adverbals
afterglow/27 -> afterglows
aide-de-camp/27 -> aides-de-camp
alluvium/27 -> alluviums
aneuploidy/27 -> aneuploidies
antacid/27 -> antacids
anti-european/27 -> anti-europeans
aquarist/27 -> aquarists
ardakkean/27 -> ardakkeans
arno/27 -> arnoes
asperity/27 -> asperities
associateship/27 -> associateships
aten/27 -> atens
atn/27 -> atns
atpase/27 -> atpases
batchelor/27 -> batchelors
batik/27 -> batiks
bedlinen/27 -> bedlinens
bellowing/27 -> bellowings
benzimidazole/27 -> benzimidazoles
bernhardt/27 -> bernhardts
bestiary/27 -> bestiaries
bight/27 -> bights,bighting,bighted
bioremediation/27 -> bioremediations
biphenyl/27 -> biphenyls
blackwater/27 -> blackwaters
blasting/27 -> blastings
bluecoat/27 -> bluecoats
bole/27 -> boles
bolide/27 -> bolides
bombardier/27 -> bombardiers
bor/27 -> bors
brazzaville/27 -> brazzavilles
budgy/27 -> budgies
bullard/27 -> bullards
bumblebee/27 -> bumblebees
bumf/27 -> bumfs
burbage/27 -> burbages
buttermilk/27 -> buttermilks
cachet/27 -> cachets
caldera/27 -> calderas
caliper/27 -> calipers
capo/27 -> capoes
carouse/27 -> carousing,caroused,carouses
catch-phrase/27 -> catch-phrases
cel/27 -> cels
chargehand/27 -> chargehands
chert/27 -> cherts
chessboard/27 -> chessboards
chignon/27 -> chignons
chorale/27 -> chorales
chrissake/27 -> chrissakes
christo/27 -> christos
chromaticism/27 -> chromaticisms
clairvoyance/27 -> clairvoyances
climatologist/27 -> climatologists
coachload/27 -> coachloads
coffee-pot/27 -> coffee-pots
collet/27 -> collets
collocate/27 -> collocates,collocating,collocated
colossian/27 -> colossians
concuss/27 -> concussed,concussing,concusses
conk/27 -> conked,conking,conks
conquistador/27 -> conquistadores,conquistadors
cookhouse/27 -> cookhouses
cordite/27 -> cordites
corncrake/27 -> corncrakes
counterfoil/27 -> counterfoils
covetousness/27 -> covetousnesses
coypu/27 -> coypus
curvy/27 -> curvier,curviest
cushy/27 -> cushiest,cushier
cutout/27 -> cutouts
czerny/27 -> czernies
dalesman/27 -> dalesmen
dardanelles/27 -> dardanelless
darwinist/27 -> darwinists
deliverer/27 -> deliverers
demographer/27 -> demographers
dethron/27 -> dethroned,dethroning
dilation/27 -> dilations
discourtesy/27 -> discourtesies
disproportion/27 -> disproportions
distinctness/27 -> distinctnesses
dts/27 -> dtss
duffle/27 -> duffles
durrell/27 -> durrells
dyad/27 -> dyads
emmy/27 -> emmies
endangerment/27 -> endangerments
endgame/27 -> endgames
endoscopist/27 -> endoscopists
ennui/27 -> ennuis
enticement/27 -> enticements
equerry/27 -> equerries
eruptive/27 -> eruptives
ethnocentrism/27 -> ethnocentrisms
excluder/27 -> excluders
exhibitionism/27 -> exhibitionisms
expedit/27 -> expediting,expedited
ezekiel/27 -> ezekiels
face-lift/27 -> face-lifts
fastidiousness/27 -> fastidiousnesses
feasting/27 -> feastings
fieldnote/27 -> fieldnotes
fireproof/27 -> fireproofed,fireproofing,fireproofs
first-timer/27 -> first-timers
flagellation/27 -> flagellations
flippancy/27 -> flippancies
flunkey/27 -> flunkeys
fluorite/27 -> fluorites
footpad/27 -> footpads
forename/27 -> forenames
forming/27 -> formings
freelancer/27 -> freelancers
freshener/27 -> fresheners
gainsay/27 -> gainsaying,gainsaid,gainsays
gardenia/27 -> gardenias
garfunkel/27 -> garfunkels
gastroenterologist/27 -> gastroenterologists
ghettoe/27 -> ghettoes
glazier/27 -> glaziers
glazy/27 -> glazier
greasepaint/27 -> greasepaints
greensand/27 -> greensands
grilling/27 -> grillings
guano/27 -> guanos
gullibility/27 -> gullibilities
halite/27 -> halites
handmaid/27 -> handmaids
haw-haw/27 -> haws-haws
helmholtz/27 -> helmholtzs
heterodoxy/27 -> heterodoxies
hillwalker/27 -> hillwalkers
home-help/27 -> home-helps
honeydew/27 -> honeydews
hotchpotch/27 -> hotchpotches
humph/27 -> humphed
hydrolyse/27 -> hydrolysed,hydrolysing,hydrolyses
hyperventilate/27 -> hyperventilating,hyperventilated
hyponym/27 -> hyponyms
hypotensive/27 -> hypotensives
icom/27 -> icoms
illumine/27 -> illumined,illumines,illumining
impetuosity/27 -> impetuosities
informatics/27 -> informaticss
internetwork/27 -> internetworking,internetworks
interweave/27 -> interweaving,interweaves,interwove,interwoven
iou/27 -> ious
itemize/27 -> itemized,itemizing,itemizes
jakes/27 -> jakess
jerking/27 -> jerkings
jostling/27 -> jostlings
kaa/27 -> kaas
kaftan/27 -> kaftans
keycard/27 -> keycards
kinswoman/27 -> kinswomen
kitchenware/27 -> kitchenwares
koala/27 -> koalas
lacing/27 -> lacings
lacrosse/27 -> lacrosses
law-breaking/27 -> law-breakings
layoff/27 -> layoffs
lecher/27 -> lechers
liverwort/27 -> liverworts
loincloth/27 -> loincloths
lorre/27 -> lorres
lungful/27 -> lungfuls
magnetization/27 -> magnetizations
malacca/27 -> malaccas
malmo/27 -> malmoes
malo/27 -> malos
mammon/27 -> mammons
maran/27 -> marans
martinet/27 -> martinets
medicaid/27 -> medicaids
megaton/27 -> megatons
meir/27 -> meirs
messer/27 -> messers
micelle/27 -> micelles
mikado/27 -> mikadoes
mildness/27 -> mildnesses
misrule/27 -> misruled,misrules,misruling
molluscan/27 -> molluscans
monad/27 -> monads
monasticism/27 -> monasticisms
monoplane/27 -> monoplanes
moselle/27 -> moselles
muggy/27 -> muggies
myopathy/27 -> myopathies
naturist/27 -> naturists
neoplasm/27 -> neoplasms
newlywed/27 -> newlyweds
news-sheet/27 -> news-sheets
ninepence/27 -> ninepences
non-believer/27 -> non-believers
non-fundholder/27 -> non-fundholders
nudist/27 -> nudists
nuke/27 -> nukes,nuked,nuking
oceanography/27 -> oceanographies
odin/27 -> odins
olly/27 -> ollies,ollier,ollied
orefield/27 -> orefields
organochlorine/27 -> organochlorines
outturn/27 -> outturns
over-ride/27 -> over-riding,over-rides
over-supply/27 -> over-supplied
overemphasise/27 -> overemphasised,overemphasises,overemphasising
overprice/27 -> overpriced,overpricing,overprices
palaver/27 -> palavers,palavering,palavered
paleness/27 -> palenesses
passerine/27 -> passerines
percept/27 -> percepts
perfusate/27 -> perfusates
periscope/27 -> periscopes,periscoped
pernod/27 -> pernods
peuple/27 -> peuples
pflp-gc/27 -> pflp-gcs
phalange/27 -> phalanges
phalarope/27 -> phalaropes
pharmacopoeia/27 -> pharmacopoeias
pharynx/27 -> pharynges
philistinism/27 -> philistinisms
philo/27 -> philos
phlogiston/27 -> phlogistons
photocell/27 -> photocells
pickett/27 -> picketts
plath/27 -> plaths
playlist/27 -> playlists,playlisted,playlisting
polonaise/27 -> polonaises
pomeshchik/27 -> pomeshchiks
profundity/27 -> profundities
proscription/27 -> proscriptions
proving/27 -> provings
qpo/27 -> qpos
quadrupole/27 -> quadrupoles
quarterdeck/27 -> quarterdecks
racine/27 -> racines
ragusan/27 -> ragusans
rajab/27 -> rajabs
raybesto/27 -> raybestos
reassign/27 -> reassigned,reassigning,reassigns
reclassification/27 -> reclassifications
reedbed/27 -> reedbeds
regrow/27 -> regrowing,regrown,regrows
renaming/27 -> renamings
rho/27 -> rhoes
ricotta/27 -> ricottas
rie/27 -> ried
rollover/27 -> rollovers
run-through/27 -> run-throughs
saccharine/27 -> saccharines
safekeeping/27 -> safekeepings
salut/27 -> saluts
sanctification/27 -> sanctifications
sarazen/27 -> sarazens
screamer/27 -> screamers
scrubland/27 -> scrublands
secretaryship/27 -> secretaryships
securitisation/27 -> securitisations
seed-bed/27 -> seed-beds
self-delusion/27 -> self-delusions
semi-acoustic/27 -> semi-acoustics
semicolon/27 -> semicolons
sending-off/27 -> sending-offs
set-net/27 -> set-nets
sevastopol/27 -> sevastopols
seventieth/27 -> seventieths
seyh/27 -> seyhs
shorthold/27 -> shortholds
sichuan/27 -> sichuans
simultaneity/27 -> simultaneities
six-cylinder/27 -> six-cylinders
slimness/27 -> slimnesses
smithereen/27 -> smithereens
sociobiologist/27 -> sociobiologists
sociolinguistics/27 -> sociolinguisticss
solomons/27 -> solomonss
spay/27 -> spayed,spaying,spaid,spays
spiegel/27 -> spiegels
spitsbergen/27 -> spitsbergens
stayer/27 -> stayers
stringfellow/27 -> stringfellows
stroma/27 -> stromas
strongman/27 -> strongmen
sub-sector/27 -> sub-sectors
sub-station/27 -> sub-stations
subarea/27 -> subareas
sunstroke/27 -> sunstrokes
superserver/27 -> superservers
surplice/27 -> surplices
suter/27 -> sutering
taw/27 -> taws
teacher-librarian/27 -> teacher-librarians
telfer/27 -> telfers
thrace/27 -> thraces
threadworm/27 -> threadworms
tipster/27 -> tipsters
tittle-tattle/27 -> tittle-tattles
toastrack/27 -> toastracks
toehold/27 -> toeholds
transcriptase/27 -> transcriptases
triphosphate/27 -> triphosphates
troopship/27 -> troopships
typewriting/27 -> typewritings
ua/27 -> uas
unacceptability/27 -> unacceptabilities
undulate/27 -> undulated,undulates,undulating
unexpectedness/27 -> unexpectednesses
unfitness/27 -> unfitnesses
unionisation/27 -> unionisations
urticaria/27 -> urticarias
vasari/27 -> vasaris
venality/27 -> venalities
verbiage/27 -> verbiages
vice-minister/27 -> vice-ministers
vino/27 -> vinoes
vintner/27 -> vintners
volta/27 -> voltas
wannabe/27 -> wannabes
water-lily/27 -> water-lilies
wheezy/27 -> wheezier,wheeziest
whicker/27 -> whickered,whickering,whickers
whole-tone/27 -> whole-tones
wiesbaden/27 -> wiesbadens
wilmington/27 -> wilmingtons
wisecrack/27 -> wisecracks,wisecracking,wisecracked
xylophone/27 -> xylophones
yokel/27 -> yokels
zanuck/27 -> zanucks
'it/26 -> 'its
abductor/26 -> abductors
acupuncturist/26 -> acupuncturists
admixture/26 -> admixtures
af/26 -> afer,afs
afro-american/26 -> afro-americans
agassiz/26 -> agassizs
ale-house/26 -> ale-houses
allis/26 -> alliss
amo/26 -> amos
andalusian/26 -> andalusians
anil/26 -> anils
anser/26 -> ansers
anti-tory/26 -> anti-tories
appurtenance/26 -> appurtenances
armory/26 -> armories
arsenical/26 -> arsenicals
aspic/26 -> aspics
astrophysic/26 -> astrophysics
athene/26 -> athenes
bacteriology/26 -> bacteriologies
baht/26 -> bahts
banca/26 -> bancas
bedpan/26 -> bedpans
behemoth/26 -> behemoths
bernician/26 -> bernicians
betrothed/26 -> betrotheds
bijou/26 -> bijous
billings/26 -> billingss
bittersweet/26 -> bittersweets
bogle/26 -> bogles
bola/26 -> bolas
bookfund/26 -> bookfunds
borderer/26 -> borderers
bore-hole/26 -> bore-holes
brant/26 -> brants
brigadier-general/26 -> brigadier-generals
brinkmanship/26 -> brinkmanships
britisher/26 -> britishers
brody/26 -> brodies
brownstone/26 -> brownstones
burbank/26 -> burbanks
butyl/26 -> butyls
caf/26 -> cafs
canard/26 -> canards
canopus/26 -> canopera
carbine/26 -> carbines
caruso/26 -> carusoes
catcall/26 -> catcalls
catchword/26 -> catchwords
cellini/26 -> cellinis
cerberus/26 -> cerberuss
charnel/26 -> charnels
cheesemonger/26 -> cheesemongers
chemoattractant/26 -> chemoattractants
chilblain/26 -> chilblains
chipmunk/26 -> chipmunks
chlor-chemical/26 -> chlor-chemicals
choic/26 -> choicest
choline/26 -> cholines
cholmondeley/26 -> cholmondeleys
chump/26 -> chumps
clanger/26 -> clangers
co-citation/26 -> co-citations
cockfight/26 -> cockfighting,cockfights
coffin-maker/26 -> coffin-makers
complainer/26 -> complainers
concatenation/26 -> concatenations
conspecific/26 -> conspecifics
cooperator/26 -> cooperators
copyhold/26 -> copyholds
coryza/26 -> coryzas
cretin/26 -> cretins
crevass/26 -> crevasses
croaking/26 -> croakings
cromwellian/26 -> cromwellians
crustacea/26 -> crustaceas
cum/26 -> cumming,cums
custodianship/26 -> custodianships
dachshund/26 -> dachshunds
daguerreotype/26 -> daguerreotypes
dambuster/26 -> dambusters
danse/26 -> danses
davidian/26 -> davidians
debater/26 -> debaters
debriefing/26 -> debriefings
declamation/26 -> declamations
decretal/26 -> decretals
decstation/26 -> decstations
ded/26 -> deds
delimitation/26 -> delimitations
demetrius/26 -> demetriuss
deva/26 -> devas
diem/26 -> diems
dientzenhofer/26 -> dientzenhofers
dignify/26 -> dignifying,dignifies,dignified
disembowel/26 -> disembowelled,disembowelling,disembowels
disorientate/26 -> disorientating,disorientated,disorientates
dissolute/26 -> dissolutes
dolmen/26 -> dolmens
doorkeeper/26 -> doorkeepers
dowsing/26 -> dowsings
dropper/26 -> droppers
duell/26 -> duelling,duelled
earnout/26 -> earnouts
econometrics/26 -> econometricss
edo/26 -> edoes
ef/26 -> efs
emetic/26 -> emetics
emollient/26 -> emollients
end-result/26 -> end-results
enfeeble/26 -> enfeebled,enfeebling,enfeebles
enfranchisement/26 -> enfranchisements
enunciation/26 -> enunciations
episcopacy/26 -> episcopacies
estop/26 -> estopped
eugenist/26 -> eugenists
everex/26 -> everexes
everglades/26 -> evergladess
excursionist/26 -> excursionists
externalize/26 -> externalized,externalizing,externalizes
farm-worker/26 -> farm-workers
fatness/26 -> fatnesses
feebleness/26 -> feeblenesses
fermoy/26 -> fermoys
fingerprinting/26 -> fingerprintings
flaring/26 -> flarings
flightcase/26 -> flightcased,flightcases
floret/26 -> florets
flory/26 -> flories
fluting/26 -> flutings
foolscap/26 -> foolscaps
foredeck/26 -> foredecks
forkful/26 -> forkfuls
furlough/26 -> furloughs,furloughing,furloughed
galician/26 -> galicians
gallus/26 -> galluss
gambian/26 -> gambians
ganglioside/26 -> gangliosides
garryowen/26 -> garryowens
gavel/26 -> gavels
girlhood/26 -> girlhoods
gleaning/26 -> gleanings
golf-club/26 -> golf-clubs
gouach/26 -> gouaches
gramps/26 -> grampss
gravita/26 -> gravitas
greystone/26 -> greystones
grizzle/26 -> grizzled,grizzling,grizzles
guava/26 -> guavas
gudgeon/26 -> gudgeons
gunboat/26 -> gunboats
haiku/26 -> haikus
half-pay/26 -> half-pays
half-pint/26 -> half-pints
halyard/26 -> halyards
haploid/26 -> haploids
harte/26 -> hartes
hatcher/26 -> hatchers
headwater/26 -> headwaters
hearst/26 -> hearsts
herakles/26 -> herakless
heterostracan/26 -> heterostracans
hiccough/26 -> hiccoughs,hiccoughing,hiccoughed
hie/26 -> hied,hies,hying
hieratic/26 -> hieratics
higginson/26 -> higginsons
hohenzollern/26 -> hohenzollerns
hold-all/26 -> hold-alls
hollyhock/26 -> hollyhocks
homebuilt/26 -> homebuilts
homeopathy/26 -> homeopathies
horsemanship/26 -> horsemanships
hot-dog/26 -> hot-dogs
hyssop/26 -> hyssops
igloo/26 -> igloos
injectable/26 -> injectables
inla/26 -> inlas
innervate/26 -> innervated,innervates,innervating
inter-club/26 -> inter-clubs
izzard/26 -> izzards
jerez/26 -> jerezs
jimenez/26 -> jimenezs
journo/26 -> journos
kisser/26 -> kissers
knut/26 -> knuts
lappish/26 -> lappishes
levee/26 -> levees
libation/26 -> libations
lifebelt/26 -> lifebelts
lila/26 -> lilas
littl/26 -> littlest,littler
ly/26 -> lys
macau/26 -> macaus
maiolica/26 -> maiolicas
margherita/26 -> margheritas
marrakech/26 -> marrakeches
massawa/26 -> massawas
masterplan/26 -> masterplans
masters/26 -> masterss
meaninglessness/26 -> meaninglessnesses
mec/26 -> mecs
meeting-house/26 -> meeting-houses
menstruate/26 -> menstruating,menstruates,menstruated
merganser/26 -> mergansers
metamorphism/26 -> metamorphisms
micawber/26 -> micawbers
microprobe/26 -> microprobes
mid-career/26 -> mid-careers
misjudgment/26 -> misjudgments
mlitt/26 -> mlitts
montane/26 -> montaner
mother-tongue/26 -> mother-tongues
mouthwash/26 -> mouthwashes
msec/26 -> msecs
nanometre/26 -> nanometres
narwhal/26 -> narwhals
naturalisation/26 -> naturalisations
nautiloid/26 -> nautiloids
nehemiah/26 -> nehemiahs
nerve-ending/26 -> nerve-endings
newsflash/26 -> newsflashes
nighttime/26 -> nighttimes
no-man/26 -> no-men,no-mans
nock/26 -> nocked,nocks,nocking
non-muslim/26 -> non-muslims
noyon/26 -> noyons
oahu/26 -> oahus
oast/26 -> oasts
odysseus/26 -> odysseuss
outrank/26 -> outranks,outranked,outranking
over-simplify/26 -> over-simplified,over-simplifying,over-simplifies
overfish/26 -> overfishing,overfished
pahlavi/26 -> pahlavis
palau/26 -> palaus
palladio/26 -> palladios
panchayat/26 -> panchayats
parlourmaid/26 -> parlourmaids
partygoer/26 -> partygoers
pathname/26 -> pathnames
peacefulness/26 -> peacefulnesses
persever/26 -> persevering
pett/26 -> petts
plage/26 -> plages
plectrum/26 -> plectrums
pliocene/26 -> pliocenes
plughole/26 -> plugholes
podzol/26 -> podzols
pogue/26 -> pogues
polygamy/26 -> polygamies
polygraph/26 -> polygraphs
polysaccharide/26 -> polysaccharides
ponderosa/26 -> ponderosas
pontifical/26 -> pontificals
portraitist/26 -> portraitists
posing/26 -> posings
postbox/26 -> postboxes
pot-hole/26 -> pot-holes
power-base/26 -> power-bases
powerplant/26 -> powerplants
profanity/26 -> profanities
profligacy/26 -> profligacies
prolapse/26 -> prolapses,prolapsing,prolapsed
puce/26 -> puces
pulverise/26 -> pulverised,pulverising,pulverises
purine/26 -> purines
px/26 -> pxes
quarryman/26 -> quarrymen
ragbag/26 -> ragbags
railcar/26 -> railcars
rameses/26 -> ramesess
rawl/26 -> rawls
re-assess/26 -> re-assessed,re-assessing
re-build/26 -> re-building
re-cover/26 -> re-covered,re-covering
re-engineer/26 -> re-engineered,re-engineering
re-present/26 -> re-presented,re-presents,re-presenting
re-route/26 -> re-routing,re-routeing,re-routes,re-routed
re-work/26 -> re-worked,re-working
reaganite/26 -> reaganites
reaggregate/26 -> reaggregates,reaggregated,reaggregating
reconquer/26 -> reconquered,reconquering
refloat/26 -> refloated,refloating,refloats
reinfarction/26 -> reinfarctions
reveille/26 -> reveilles
ritter/26 -> ritters
romain/26 -> romains
rooke/26 -> rookes
room-mate/26 -> room-mates
rothwell/26 -> rothwells
rotter/26 -> rotters
sackful/26 -> sackfuls
saltpetre/26 -> saltpetres
samarkand/26 -> samarkands
sauropod/26 -> sauropods
sayle/26 -> sayles
scandalize/26 -> scandalized,scandalizing,scandalizes
scarab/26 -> scarabs
scatterplot/26 -> scatterplots
scheduler/26 -> schedulers
schilling/26 -> schillings
scribbling/26 -> scribblings
seasickness/26 -> seasicknesses
seesaw/26 -> seesaws,seesawed
self-justification/26 -> self-justifications
shi'ite/26 -> shi'ites
shoulder-bag/26 -> shoulder-bags
siderite/26 -> siderites
sightscreen/26 -> sightscreens
silverweed/26 -> silverweeds
sime/26 -> simes
simian/26 -> simians
simkin/26 -> simkins
sit-up/26 -> sit-ups
sloppiness/26 -> sloppinesses
smetana/26 -> smetanas
snaffle/26 -> snaffled,snaffles,snaffling
soissons/26 -> soissonss
solzhenitsyn/26 -> solzhenitsyns
soyabean/26 -> soyabeans
speciation/26 -> speciations
spiv/26 -> spivs
sprake/26 -> sprakes
starkness/26 -> starknesses
stearn/26 -> stearns
steerable/26 -> steerables
stirrer/26 -> stirrers
stopgap/26 -> stopgaps
stretchy/26 -> stretchies,stretchier,stretchiest
sub-licensee/26 -> sub-licensees
summer-house/26 -> summer-houses
svr/26 -> svrs
swash/26 -> swashing,swashed,swashes
swelter/26 -> sweltering,sweltered,swelters
swithland/26 -> swithlands
sycophancy/26 -> sycophancies
synchronicity/26 -> synchronicities
tacker/26 -> tackers
tagliatelle/26 -> tagliatelles
takeoff/26 -> takeoffs
tarquin/26 -> tarquins
tatler/26 -> tatlers
tea-tray/26 -> tea-trays
telegraphy/26 -> telegraphies
terre/26 -> terres
tet/26 -> tetter
thackray/26 -> thackrays
theban/26 -> thebans
thegn/26 -> thegns
therapeutics/26 -> therapeuticss
thoth/26 -> thoths
tillage/26 -> tillages
time-traveller/26 -> time-travellers
timeframe/26 -> timeframes
timespan/26 -> timespans
toro/26 -> toros
toucan/26 -> toucans
toupee/26 -> toupees
toyboy/26 -> toyboys
transience/26 -> transiences
triazolam/26 -> triazolams
trifolium/26 -> trifoliums
trilling/26 -> trillings
tubule/26 -> tubules
turbidity/26 -> turbidities
turkic/26 -> turkics
tyro/26 -> tyros
uca/26 -> ucas
udg/26 -> udgs
umbrage/26 -> umbrages
underlet/26 -> underletting
ungulate/26 -> ungulates
urbanity/26 -> urbanities
urologist/26 -> urologists
use-value/26 -> use-values
usherette/26 -> usherettes
utopianism/26 -> utopianisms
uup/26 -> uups
v.c./26 -> v.c.s
vela/26 -> velas
velour/26 -> velours
vermouth/26 -> vermouths
vid/26 -> vids
videophone/26 -> videophones
voile/26 -> voiles
watercolourist/26 -> watercolourists
wayland/26 -> waylands
weil/26 -> weils
weirdness/26 -> weirdnesses
whacking/26 -> whackings
wheatstone/26 -> wheatstones
wherry/26 -> wherries
whitsuntide/26 -> whitsuntides
wish-fulfilment/26 -> wish-fulfilments
wistfulness/26 -> wistfulnesses
woad/26 -> woads
word-list/26 -> word-lists
word-meaning/26 -> word-meanings
workpiece/26 -> workpieces
worldliness/26 -> worldlinesses
wpm/26 -> wpms
wrong-doing/26 -> wrong-doings
wrongness/26 -> wrongnesses
yobbo/26 -> yobbos
yugo/26 -> yugos
zn/26 -> zns
abkhaz/25 -> abkhazs
abydos/25 -> abydoss
adenine/25 -> adenines
aero-engine/25 -> aero-engines
ager/25 -> agers
agronomist/25 -> agronomists
americanism/25 -> americanisms
amor/25 -> amors
amortise/25 -> amortised,amortising,amortises
amphora/25 -> amphoras
anti-feminist/25 -> anti-feminists
anti-german/25 -> anti-germans
anti-human/25 -> anti-humen
antihistamine/25 -> antihistamines
archosaur/25 -> archosaurs
argent/25 -> argents
arrogate/25 -> arrogated,arrogates,arrogating
asphyxia/25 -> asphyxias
aspidistra/25 -> aspidistras
backwood/25 -> backwoods
baedeker/25 -> baedekers
bagel/25 -> bagels
bakelite/25 -> bakelites
banditry/25 -> banditries
bandsaw/25 -> bandsaws
bargeman/25 -> bargemen
barque/25 -> barques
bedwet/25 -> bedwetting
beery/25 -> beerier
belarus/25 -> belaruss
bindweed/25 -> bindweeds
bint/25 -> bints
bird-watcher/25 -> bird-watchers
bisexuality/25 -> bisexualities
bishkek/25 -> bishkeks
bizet/25 -> bizets
blub/25 -> blubbing,blubbed,blubs
boarding-house/25 -> boarding-houses
bodkin/25 -> bodkins
bokhara/25 -> bokharas
bonhoeffer/25 -> bonhoeffers
bootlace/25 -> bootlaces
brewhouse/25 -> brewhouses
brittleness/25 -> brittlenesses
brushwork/25 -> brushworks
bullfight/25 -> bullfights,bullfighting
bunnyman/25 -> bunnymen
burdon/25 -> burdoned
businesspeople/25 -> businesspeoples
by-line/25 -> by-lines
call-box/25 -> call-boxes
calligrapher/25 -> calligraphers
calvino/25 -> calvinoes
cambric/25 -> cambrics
camphor/25 -> camphors
canonry/25 -> canonries
carbuncle/25 -> carbuncles,carbuncled
catalina/25 -> catalinas
cephalopod/25 -> cephalopods
chickweed/25 -> chickweeds
chronometer/25 -> chronometers
chukka/25 -> chukkas
cinch/25 -> cinched,cinches,cinching
clade/25 -> clades
claptrap/25 -> claptraps
clowning/25 -> clownings
cochran/25 -> cochrans
codeine/25 -> codeines
comfrey/25 -> comfreys
composing/25 -> composings
consumptive/25 -> consumptives
convolution/25 -> convolutions
copepod/25 -> copepods
copter/25 -> copters,coptered
coracle/25 -> coracles
corker/25 -> corkers
corm/25 -> corms
corsage/25 -> corsages
counter-measure/25 -> counter-measures
craftwork/25 -> craftworks
cran/25 -> crans
dark-blue/25 -> dark-blues
de-skil/25 -> de-skilling
deck-chair/25 -> deck-chairs
deco/25 -> decoes
deconstructionist/25 -> deconstructionists
deify/25 -> deified,deifying,deifies
dharma/25 -> dharmas
diazepam/25 -> diazepams
disbandment/25 -> disbandments
dispossession/25 -> dispossessions
disputation/25 -> disputations
dissimulation/25 -> dissimulations
divertimento/25 -> divertimentos
dodecamer/25 -> dodecamers
domesticate/25 -> domesticated,domesticating,domesticates
dorrit/25 -> dorrits
downheart/25 -> downhearted
draco/25 -> dracoes
drat/25 -> dratted
drogheda/25 -> droghedas
duomatic/25 -> duomatics
edify/25 -> edifying,edified,edifies
electra/25 -> electras
elver/25 -> elvers
encapsulation/25 -> encapsulations
ex-pat/25 -> ex-pats
exorcist/25 -> exorcists
fancier/25 -> fanciers
faze/25 -> fazed,fazes,fazing
fellow-countryman/25 -> fellow-countrymen
fibreboard/25 -> fibreboards
fifo/25 -> fifoes
fil/25 -> fils
fishnet/25 -> fishnets
fisticuff/25 -> fisticuffs,fisticuffing
flemyng/25 -> flemyngs
flinders/25 -> flinderss
flouting/25 -> floutings
fluorine/25 -> fluorines
fly-in/25 -> fly-ins
footstrap/25 -> footstraps
four-mile/25 -> four-miles
fovea/25 -> foveas
frag/25 -> frags
fuming/25 -> fumings
fundus/25 -> funduss
gaberdine/25 -> gaberdines
galahad/25 -> galahads
gameboy/25 -> gameboys
gawky/25 -> gawkier,gawkiest
gazetteer/25 -> gazetteers
genitive/25 -> genitives
geordy/25 -> geordies
georgette/25 -> georgettes
gigolo/25 -> gigolos
gonad/25 -> gonads
grappling/25 -> grapplings
graz/25 -> grazs
greenkeeper/25 -> greenkeepers
guest-house/25 -> guest-houses
hand-me-down/25 -> hand-me-downs
hearts/25 -> heartss
hieroglyph/25 -> hieroglyphs
hillwalk/25 -> hillwalking,hillwalks
homeboy/25 -> homeboys
homemaker/25 -> homemakers
hoss/25 -> hosses
hot-spot/25 -> hot-spots
hubel/25 -> hubels
huckleberry/25 -> huckleberries
hymnal/25 -> hymnals
hypnotism/25 -> hypnotisms
importing/25 -> importings
imprecation/25 -> imprecations
integrationist/25 -> integrationists
internationalise/25 -> internationalised,internationalising
inundation/25 -> inundations
ironmongery/25 -> ironmongeries
isometric/25 -> isometrics
jacana/25 -> jacanas
jigger/25 -> jiggered,jiggers
kama/25 -> kamas
karter/25 -> karters
ke/25 -> kes
kickback/25 -> kickbacks
kirchner/25 -> kirchners
kittyhawk/25 -> kittyhawks
knickerbocker/25 -> knickerbockers,knickerbockered
lairg/25 -> lairgs
landmass/25 -> landmasses
language-system/25 -> language-systems
laparoscopy/25 -> laparoscopies
lawfulness/25 -> lawfulnesses
leghorn/25 -> leghorns
legibility/25 -> legibilities
levi-strauss/25 -> levi-strausses
levitate/25 -> levitating,levitated,levitates
life-jacket/25 -> life-jackets
lifo/25 -> lifoes
lipchitz/25 -> lipchitzs
loose-head/25 -> loose-heads
low-down/25 -> low-downs
malraux/25 -> malrauxes
mana/25 -> manas
mangold/25 -> mangolds
marrakesh/25 -> marrakeshes
massager/25 -> massagers
matriarch/25 -> matriarchs
mechanize/25 -> mechanized,mechanizing,mechanizes
melanesia/25 -> melanesias
mending/25 -> mendings
microcontroller/25 -> microcontrollers
midden/25 -> middens
millwright/25 -> millwrights
minibuse/25 -> minibuses
misstatement/25 -> misstatements
modernising/25 -> modernisings
moghul/25 -> moghuls
molester/25 -> molesters
molybdenum/25 -> molybdenums
monism/25 -> monisms
motte/25 -> mottes
mtdna/25 -> mtdnas
myanmar/25 -> myanmars
mycenaean/25 -> mycenaeans
myofibroblast/25 -> myofibroblasts
nablus/25 -> nabluss
naphtha/25 -> naphthas
neuropsychology/25 -> neuropsychologies
night-shift/25 -> night-shifts
non-linearity/25 -> non-linearities
non-respondent/25 -> non-respondents
nosedive/25 -> nosedived,nosedives,nosediving
nuncio/25 -> nuncios
objectivist/25 -> objectivists
obtrude/25 -> obtruded,obtrudes,obtruding
omicron/25 -> omicrons
operationalize/25 -> operationalized,operationalizing
opprobrium/25 -> opprobriums
orangutan/25 -> orangutans
outsource/25 -> outsourcing
overman/25 -> overmanning,overmanned
owenite/25 -> owenites
panzer/25 -> panzers
parochialism/25 -> parochialisms
peristyle/25 -> peristyles
pervasiveness/25 -> pervasivenesses
phenolic/25 -> phenolics
phlox/25 -> phloxes
phobic/25 -> phobics
phony/25 -> phonies,phoniest
physiognomy/25 -> physiognomies
pillock/25 -> pillocks
piloting/25 -> pilotings
pinball/25 -> pinballs
pinta/25 -> pintas
plantago/25 -> plantagoes
plantain/25 -> plantains
plenitude/25 -> plenitudes
plung/25 -> plunger
pochard/25 -> pochards
poetess/25 -> poetesses
poinsettia/25 -> poinsettias
pointlessness/25 -> pointlessnesses
pony-tail/25 -> pony-tails
poseur/25 -> poseurs
post-structuralism/25 -> post-structuralisms
potentiometer/25 -> potentiometers
praia/25 -> praias
premultiplication/25 -> premultiplications
prescriber/25 -> prescribers
puppeteer/25 -> puppeteers
pyrex/25 -> pyrexes
pythagorean/25 -> pythagoreans
railhead/25 -> railheads
ranker/25 -> rankers
re-define/25 -> re-defined,re-defining,re-defines
re-invest/25 -> re-invested,re-investing
recross/25 -> recrossing,recrossed,recrosses
reification/25 -> reifications
reify/25 -> reified,reifying,reifies
reim/25 -> reims
reseal/25 -> resealed,resealing,reseals
retune/25 -> retuning,retuned
rhodium/25 -> rhodiums
rhym/25 -> rhymed,rhyming
ringgit/25 -> ringgits
roelof/25 -> roelofs
rollo/25 -> rolloes
romanticise/25 -> romanticising,romanticised,romanticises
sailboard/25 -> sailboards,sailboarding
salerno/25 -> salernoes
sandcastle/25 -> sandcastles
savant/25 -> savants
schemer/25 -> schemers
self-discovery/25 -> self-discoveries
self-mutilation/25 -> self-mutilations
self-possession/25 -> self-possessions
semiotics/25 -> semioticss
seraglio/25 -> seraglios
shabbiness/25 -> shabbinesses
shinto/25 -> shintoes
side-table/25 -> side-tables
signore/25 -> signores
sinbad/25 -> sinbads
sitar/25 -> sitars
sivapithecus/25 -> sivapithecuss
sixer/25 -> sixers
sky-blue/25 -> sky-blues
sleeplessness/25 -> sleeplessnesses
smutty/25 -> smuttier,smuttiest
sophisticate/25 -> sophisticates,sophisticated,sophisticating
soundcheck/25 -> soundchecking,soundchecks
sourness/25 -> sournesses
spandrel/25 -> spandrels
spengler/25 -> spenglers
spicule/25 -> spicules
spoilsport/25 -> spoilsports
ston/25 -> stoning
street-corner/25 -> street-corners
street-lamp/25 -> street-lamps
sub-plot/25 -> sub-plots
subduct/25 -> subducted,subducting
submergence/25 -> submergences
subtotal/25 -> subtotals
suno/25 -> sunos
superfund/25 -> superfunds
susa/25 -> susas
swaddle/25 -> swaddled,swaddles,swaddling
swail/25 -> swails
swimbladder/25 -> swimbladders
swimwear/25 -> swimwears
tachistoscope/25 -> tachistoscopes
taping/25 -> tapings
taurean/25 -> taureans
tcp/25 -> tcps
terrane/25 -> terranes
thoughtlessness/25 -> thoughtlessnesses
three-inch/25 -> three-inches
time-lag/25 -> time-lags
tinner/25 -> tinners
tintoretto/25 -> tintorettoes
titrate/25 -> titrated,titrating,titrates
toccata/25 -> toccatas
toulouse-lautrec/25 -> toulouse-lautrecs
towplane/25 -> towplanes
trampling/25 -> tramplings
trekker/25 -> trekkers
truth-claim/25 -> truth-claims
uncork/25 -> uncorked,uncorking,uncorks
upbraid/25 -> upbraided,upbraiding,upbraids
urethane/25 -> urethanes
v-neck/25 -> v-necks
vacuole/25 -> vacuoles
wagstaff/25 -> wagstaffs
waikiki/25 -> waikikis
water-table/25 -> water-tables
waterhole/25 -> waterholes
wavenumber/25 -> wavenumbers
weather-vane/25 -> weather-vanes
window-pane/25 -> window-panes
yowl/25 -> yowling,yowled,yowls
zhou/25 -> zhous
zilch/25 -> zilches
acetyl/24 -> acetyls
acker/24 -> ackers
adenoid/24 -> adenoids
adsorbent/24 -> adsorbents
advisability/24 -> advisabilities
afterbirth/24 -> afterbirths
albedo/24 -> albedoes
alfalfa/24 -> alfalfas
aloneness/24 -> alonenesses
ang/24 -> angs,anging
anti-abortionist/24 -> anti-abortionists
antimatter/24 -> antimatters
antiviral/24 -> antivirals
apoplexy/24 -> apoplexies
archeologist/24 -> archeologists
arup/24 -> arups
assonance/24 -> assonances
avocet/24 -> avocets
avogadro/24 -> avogadroes
awol/24 -> awols
babyhood/24 -> babyhoods
bacardi/24 -> bacardis
backplane/24 -> backplanes
bakehouse/24 -> bakehouses
baler/24 -> balers
ballgown/24 -> ballgowns
balls-up/24 -> balls-ups
bantering/24 -> banterings
bas-relief/24 -> bas-reliefs
bazooka/24 -> bazookas
beachcomber/24 -> beachcombers
beryllium/24 -> berylliums
betel/24 -> betels
bin-liner/24 -> bin-liners
biter/24 -> biters
blocky/24 -> blockier
bluebottle/24 -> bluebottles
bo-bo/24 -> bo-bos
bodge/24 -> bodging,bodged,bodges
bonito/24 -> bonitoes
bookworm/24 -> bookworms
boule/24 -> boules
bow-tie/24 -> bow-ties
boxy/24 -> boxier
bps/24 -> bpss
breadhead/24 -> breadheads
breadline/24 -> breadlines
bretonnian/24 -> bretonnians
bricklaying/24 -> bricklayings
brindisi/24 -> brindisis
cadenza/24 -> cadenzas
caff/24 -> caffs
canticle/24 -> canticles
carboxyl/24 -> carboxyls
carrell/24 -> carrells
carthusian/24 -> carthusians
castanet/24 -> castanets,castanetting
cedarwood/24 -> cedarwoods
chando/24 -> chandos
cheesemaker/24 -> cheesemakers
chitin/24 -> chitins
choleric/24 -> cholerics
chromatograph/24 -> chromatographed,chromatographs
chunnel/24 -> chunnels
cleanup/24 -> cleanups
coalman/24 -> coalmen
coleoptera/24 -> coleopteras
columbian/24 -> columbians
come-on/24 -> come-ons
confluent/24 -> confluents
coon/24 -> coons
copperplate/24 -> copperplates
cotte/24 -> cottes
counter-demonstration/24 -> counter-demonstrations
counterpose/24 -> counterposed,counterposing,counterposes
cragg/24 -> craggs
curlicue/24 -> curlicues
curtilage/24 -> curtilages
cuss/24 -> cussing,cussed,cusses
cyclades/24 -> cycladess
decrepitude/24 -> decrepitudes
descendent/24 -> descendents
digitise/24 -> digitising,digitised,digitises
disapplication/24 -> disapplications
disembody/24 -> disembodied,disembodies,disembodying
divot/24 -> divots
docket/24 -> dockets,docketing,docketed
dog-leg/24 -> dog-legs
doggerel/24 -> doggerels
dwelling-house/24 -> dwelling-houses
earlobe/24 -> earlobes
eddington/24 -> eddingtons
effervescence/24 -> effervescences
egghead/24 -> eggheads
eight-month/24 -> eight-months
elevense/24 -> elevenses
encomium/24 -> encomiums
enumerator/24 -> enumerators
epictetus/24 -> epictetuss
epigraph/24 -> epigraphs
epoxide/24 -> epoxides
esaf/24 -> esafs
espadrille/24 -> espadrilles
espalier/24 -> espaliers,espaliered
exactness/24 -> exactnesses
extra-terrestrial/24 -> extra-terrestrials
falseness/24 -> falsenesses
favorite/24 -> favorites
fellow-traveller/24 -> fellow-travellers
fenian/24 -> fenians
festering/24 -> festerings
fetva/24 -> fetvas
fishing-boat/24 -> fishing-boats
flexifoil/24 -> flexifoils
flexing/24 -> flexings
flintstone/24 -> flintstones
floodwater/24 -> floodwaters
fontenoy/24 -> fontenoys
footrest/24 -> footrests
forelock/24 -> forelocks
forsythia/24 -> forsythias
fortissimo/24 -> fortissimos
forty-year-old/24 -> forty-year-olds
frosting/24 -> frostings
frothing/24 -> frothings
ful/24 -> fuls
fumigate/24 -> fumigated,fumigating,fumigates
fusil/24 -> fusils
gallaudet/24 -> gallaudets
gambol/24 -> gambolling,gambolled,gambols
garotter/24 -> garotters
gas-mask/24 -> gas-masks
genealogist/24 -> genealogists
glissando/24 -> glissandos
globalisation/24 -> globalisations
gold-digger/24 -> gold-diggers
goshawk/24 -> goshawks
grave-good/24 -> grave-goods
gridiron/24 -> gridirons
grindstone/24 -> grindstones
groome/24 -> groomes
grottoe/24 -> grottoes
guinean/24 -> guineans
gunge/24 -> gungeing
gutenberg/24 -> gutenbergs
gyrate/24 -> gyrating,gyrated,gyrates
haeckel/24 -> haeckels
haemostasis/24 -> haemostases
haj/24 -> hajs
hammett/24 -> hammetts
handcart/24 -> handcarts
hani/24 -> hanis
hard-liner/24 -> hard-liners
hater/24 -> haters
haymaking/24 -> haymakings
haywire/24 -> haywires
heartwood/24 -> heartwoods
hectore/24 -> hectoring,hectored
heddle/24 -> heddles
helter-skelter/24 -> helter-skelters
helvetica/24 -> helveticas
heterozygote/24 -> heterozygotes
histidine/24 -> histidines
hoaxer/24 -> hoaxers
homeostasis/24 -> homeostases
honeybee/24 -> honeybees
hopscotch/24 -> hopscotched
horticulturist/24 -> horticulturists
houdini/24 -> houdinis
humorist/24 -> humorists
hup/24 -> hupped
hus/24 -> huss
hydrotherapy/24 -> hydrotherapies
icbm/24 -> icbms
idf/24 -> idfs
iliad/24 -> iliads
impermanence/24 -> impermanences
implementer/24 -> implementers
instill/24 -> instills,instils,instilling,instilled
integrating/24 -> integratings
interleave/24 -> interleaved,interleaving,interleaves
intuit/24 -> intuited,intuiting,intuits
invariance/24 -> invariances
irreverence/24 -> irreverences
junto/24 -> juntoes
kelpie/24 -> kelpies
ket/24 -> kets
killjoy/24 -> killjoys
kimberlite/24 -> kimberlites
krasner/24 -> krasners
landranger/24 -> landrangers
lau/24 -> laus
leacock/24 -> leacocks
letterpress/24 -> letterpresses
levite/24 -> levites
life-saver/24 -> life-savers
light-heavyweight/24 -> light-heavyweights
lodging-house/24 -> lodging-houses
loeb/24 -> loebs
lolium/24 -> loliums
lounger/24 -> loungers
magistracy/24 -> magistracies
magnetron/24 -> magnetrons
maha/24 -> mahas
man-eater/24 -> man-eaters
matzo/24 -> matzos
microgram/24 -> micrograms
microprogram/24 -> microprogramming,microprograms,microprogrammed
microstructure/24 -> microstructures
middy/24 -> middies
mimesis/24 -> mimeses
miniaturist/24 -> miniaturists
minny/24 -> minnies
mishmash/24 -> mishmashes
monorail/24 -> monorails
moonshine/24 -> moonshines
moralise/24 -> moralising,moralises,moralised
moralize/24 -> moralizing,moralized,moralizes
morphogenesis/24 -> morphogeneses
mummery/24 -> mummeries,mummerys
mycobacterium/24 -> mycobacteriums
nagoya/24 -> nagoyas
naivete/24 -> naivetes
naze/24 -> nazes
negus/24 -> neguss
nephthys/24 -> nephthyss
neuroleptic/24 -> neuroleptics
newly-qualified/24 -> newly-qualifieds
nga/24 -> ngas
no-ball/24 -> no-balls
non-national/24 -> non-nationals
non-response/24 -> non-responses
oakwood/24 -> oakwoods
octavian/24 -> octavians
oddment/24 -> oddments
odorant/24 -> odorants
offense/24 -> offenses
oligocene/24 -> oligocenes
ordinate/24 -> ordinates,ordinated,ordinating
origination/24 -> originations
orissa/24 -> orissas
ormonde/24 -> ormondes
out-of-hour/24 -> out-of-hours
outrigger/24 -> outriggers
outvote/24 -> outvoted,outvotes,outvoting
over-rule/24 -> over-ruled
oxley/24 -> oxleys
p.p./24 -> p.p.s
pacification/24 -> pacifications
palimpsest/24 -> palimpsests
parastatal/24 -> parastatals
paver/24 -> pavers
perfidy/24 -> perfidies
permeation/24 -> permeations
perseus/24 -> perseuss
pessary/24 -> pessaries
photoelectron/24 -> photoelectrons
pilcher/24 -> pilchers
placeman/24 -> placemen
planation/24 -> planations
playpen/24 -> playpens
pleiade/24 -> pleiades
ploughshare/24 -> ploughshares
plumpness/24 -> plumpnesses
polemicist/24 -> polemicists
polymath/24 -> polymaths
pomfret/24 -> pomfrets
poppadom/24 -> poppadoms
prancing/24 -> prancings
prednisone/24 -> prednisones
prematurity/24 -> prematurities
principe/24 -> principes
professionalization/24 -> professionalizations
promisee/24 -> promisees
property-owner/24 -> property-owners
prosody/24 -> prosodies
proteus/24 -> proteuss
prude/24 -> prudes
puller/24 -> pullers
pullet/24 -> pullets
purging/24 -> purgings
pva/24 -> pvas
pyrrhic/24 -> pyrrhics
quarter-century/24 -> quarter-centuries
raffia/24 -> raffias
ragamuffin/24 -> ragamuffins
ravioli/24 -> raviolis
re-ordering/24 -> re-orderings
re-state/24 -> re-stated,re-stating,re-states
recalcitrance/24 -> recalcitrances
refinish/24 -> refinished,refinishing
refrigerant/24 -> refrigerants
regimentation/24 -> regimentations
reincarnate/24 -> reincarnated,reincarnating,reincarnates
reprogram/24 -> reprogrammed,reprogramming
reseed/24 -> reseeding,reseeded,reseeds
resting-place/24 -> resting-places
resurvey/24 -> resurveyed,resurveys,resurveying
rg/24 -> rgs
rickets/24 -> ricketss
rill/24 -> rills,rilled
rockfall/24 -> rockfalls
rookery/24 -> rookeries
saladin/24 -> saladins
sappho/24 -> sapphoes
say-so/24 -> say-soes
scolding/24 -> scoldings
screed/24 -> screeds,screeding
self-drive/24 -> self-drives
semi-regular/24 -> semi-regulars
sens/24 -> senss
serialisation/24 -> serialisations
serialism/24 -> serialisms
servitor/24 -> servitors
shambling/24 -> shamblings
shootout/24 -> shootouts
sihanoukist/24 -> sihanoukists
sinfonietta/24 -> sinfoniettas
sit-com/24 -> sit-coms
sk/24 -> sked,sker
sociality/24 -> socialities
sombrero/24 -> sombreros
songbird/24 -> songbirds
soothsayer/24 -> soothsayers
spick/24 -> spicks
spy-fly/24 -> spy-flies
statelet/24 -> statelets
steeplechaser/24 -> steeplechasers
step-up/24 -> step-ups
stock-market/24 -> stock-markets
stocks/24 -> stockss
stopes/24 -> stopess
strangling/24 -> stranglings
stroller/24 -> strollers
strontium/24 -> strontiums
sub-category/24 -> sub-categories
sub-field/24 -> sub-fields
sub-region/24 -> sub-regions
suffragist/24 -> suffragists
sultanate/24 -> sultanates
sushi/24 -> sushis
sylvan/24 -> sylvans
syndication/24 -> syndications
syphilitic/24 -> syphilitics
tachograph/24 -> tachographs
tancred/24 -> tancreds
tapa/24 -> tapas
tapeworm/24 -> tapeworms
tea-towel/24 -> tea-towels
teargas/24 -> teargass
telecottage/24 -> telecottages
ten-foot/24 -> ten-foots
theodosius/24 -> theodosiuss
thermoplastic/24 -> thermoplastics
thunk/24 -> thunks,thunked,thunking
ticker/24 -> tickers
tiggywinkle/24 -> tiggywinkles
togolese/24 -> togoleses
tonsillectomy/24 -> tonsillectomies
topcoat/24 -> topcoats
topiary/24 -> topiaried
toye/24 -> toyes
transmigration/24 -> transmigrations
transpiration/24 -> transpirations
tree-top/24 -> tree-tops
trialist/24 -> trialists
trigonometry/24 -> trigonometries
tryon/24 -> tryons
tumor/24 -> tumors
turbidite/24 -> turbidites
tuvalu/24 -> tuvalus
twenty-one-year-old/24 -> twenty-one-year-olds
two-time/24 -> two-times
tyme/24 -> tymes
undergarment/24 -> undergarments
undeserve/24 -> undeserving
urination/24 -> urinations
utrillo/24 -> utrilloes
venetia/24 -> venetias
verne/24 -> vernes
verticality/24 -> verticalities
vire/24 -> vires,viring
walk-on/24 -> walk-ons
washerwoman/24 -> washerwomen
weightlessness/24 -> weightlessnesses
whizz-kid/24 -> whizz-kids
wilfulness/24 -> wilfulnesses
windbreak/24 -> windbreaks
wittering/24 -> witterings
wiz/24 -> wizzing,wizzed
wombat/24 -> wombats
wordlist/24 -> wordlists
wordprocessor/24 -> wordprocessors
xenobiotic/24 -> xenobiotics
zeroe/24 -> zeroed,zeroes
zippy/24 -> zippier
zon/24 -> zoned
zona/24 -> zonas
absorbency/23 -> absorbencies
accentuation/23 -> accentuations
activating/23 -> activatings
agoraphobic/23 -> agoraphobics
airgun/23 -> airguns
all-woman/23 -> all-women
amenorrhoea/23 -> amenorrhoeas
ampersand/23 -> ampersands
annelid/23 -> annelids
ansell/23 -> ansells
antedate/23 -> antedated,antedates,antedating
anthropoid/23 -> anthropoids
anthropomorphism/23 -> anthropomorphisms
aqaba/23 -> aqabas
aquila/23 -> aquilas
arcadian/23 -> arcadians
asphyxiate/23 -> asphyxiated,asphyxiating,asphyxiates
asprey/23 -> aspreys
assemblyman/23 -> assemblymen
astrophysicist/23 -> astrophysicists
astuteness/23 -> astutenesses
attempter/23 -> attempters
aurelius/23 -> aureliuss
authoress/23 -> authoresses
autochrome/23 -> autochromes
bab/23 -> babs
back-pass/23 -> back-passes
backchat/23 -> backchats
backcross/23 -> backcrosses,backcrossing,backcrossed
backstair/23 -> backstairs
baleen/23 -> baleens
balsa/23 -> balsas
barracking/23 -> barrackings
bataille/23 -> batailles
beira/23 -> beiras
bellman/23 -> bellmen
benthamite/23 -> benthamites
bewail/23 -> bewailing,bewailed,bewails
biomaterial/23 -> biomaterials
bla/23 -> blas
blood-group/23 -> blood-groups
blowlamp/23 -> blowlamps
bluesman/23 -> bluesmen
bolter/23 -> bolters
bootstrap/23 -> bootstraps
boron/23 -> borons
brigid/23 -> brigids
briquette/23 -> briquettes
brogan/23 -> brogans
calendula/23 -> calendulas
calle/23 -> calles
canape/23 -> canapes
capon/23 -> capons
carborundum/23 -> carborundums
carmaker/23 -> carmakers
catecholamine/23 -> catecholamines
caudillo/23 -> caudillos
cephalaspid/23 -> cephalaspids
charrington/23 -> charringtons
chemise/23 -> chemises
child-minder/23 -> child-minders
chinook/23 -> chinooks
cholecystectography/23 -> cholecystectographies
chordate/23 -> chordates
church-goer/23 -> church-goers
classifier/23 -> classifiers
claymore/23 -> claymores
cleve/23 -> cleves
coastland/23 -> coastlands
code-name/23 -> code-names
colclough/23 -> colcloughs
colloquialism/23 -> colloquialisms
come-uppance/23 -> come-uppances
commissionaire/23 -> commissionaires
context-table/23 -> context-tables
contradistinction/23 -> contradistinctions
cost-saving/23 -> cost-savings
cropmark/23 -> cropmarks
cruzado/23 -> cruzados
cur/23 -> curs
daff/23 -> daffs
dah/23 -> dahs
dak/23 -> daks
damme/23 -> dammes
damnede/23 -> damnedest
deadening/23 -> deadenings
deadness/23 -> deadnesses
debilitate/23 -> debilitated,debilitating,debilitates
deceiver/23 -> deceivers
decontrol/23 -> decontrolled,decontrolling,decontrols
deltic/23 -> deltics
demonology/23 -> demonologies
dentition/23 -> dentitions
detecting/23 -> detectings
detestation/23 -> detestations
disambiguation/23 -> disambiguations
disbar/23 -> disbarred,disbarring,disbars
disperser/23 -> dispersers
distrain/23 -> distrained,distraining,distrains
drumbeat/23 -> drumbeats
drumstick/23 -> drumsticks
ducking/23 -> duckings
dulcimer/23 -> dulcimers
dupion/23 -> dupions
easterner/23 -> easterners
ebullience/23 -> ebulliences
eho/23 -> ehos
elution/23 -> elutions
embracing/23 -> embracings
embroiderer/23 -> embroiderers
emmental/23 -> emmentals
emmet/23 -> emmets
ender/23 -> enders
enlarger/23 -> enlargers
enrapture/23 -> enraptured,enraptures,enrapturing
entomology/23 -> entomologies
espy/23 -> espied,espies,espying
esr/23 -> esrs
evenness/23 -> evennesses
ex-prisoner/23 -> ex-prisoners
exemplification/23 -> exemplifications
expat/23 -> expats
facia/23 -> facias
fait/23 -> faits
faker/23 -> fakers
faubourg/23 -> faubourgs
fcc/23 -> fccs
ferreting/23 -> ferretings
firebox/23 -> fireboxes
fireguard/23 -> fireguards
firmware/23 -> firmwares
foin/23 -> foins
folksy/23 -> folksier
footstool/23 -> footstools
fore-edge/23 -> fore-edges
forebrain/23 -> forebrains
formalisation/23 -> formalisations
franjieh/23 -> franjiehs
frear/23 -> frears
freetown/23 -> freetowns
frogmarch/23 -> frogmarched,frogmarching,frogmarches
fruitfulness/23 -> fruitfulnesses
fug/23 -> fugs
galen/23 -> galens
gaslight/23 -> gaslights
gdo/23 -> gdos
geek/23 -> geeks
gelatin/23 -> gelatins
geoscience/23 -> geosciences
germanium/23 -> germaniums
gidding/23 -> giddings
gimcrack/23 -> gimcracks
gita/23 -> gitas
gizzard/23 -> gizzards
godwit/23 -> godwits
goldeneye/23 -> goldeneyes
gonne/23 -> gonnes
graciousness/23 -> graciousnesses
grammy/23 -> grammys
grossness/23 -> grossnesses
grouper/23 -> groupers
gummy/23 -> gummies,gummier,gummiest
gustavus/23 -> gustavuss
haematite/23 -> haematites
hamelin/23 -> hamelins
hammy/23 -> hammier
handmaiden/23 -> handmaidens
handpump/23 -> handpumps
handstand/23 -> handstands
hardcover/23 -> hardcovers
headsail/23 -> headsails
heart-beat/23 -> heart-beats
hectolitre/23 -> hectolitres
hedger/23 -> hedgers
helminth/23 -> helminths
heroics/23 -> heroicss
hill-fort/23 -> hill-forts
hoar/23 -> hoars
homogenisation/23 -> homogenisations
horseplay/23 -> horseplays
hot-line/23 -> hot-lines
humanise/23 -> humanised,humanises,humanising
humanize/23 -> humanizing,humanized,humanizes
hummel/23 -> hummels
hur/23 -> hurs
hussite/23 -> hussites
hyperbola/23 -> hyperbolas
ibo/23 -> ibos
icp/23 -> icps
imago/23 -> imagos
impaction/23 -> impactions
impulsiveness/23 -> impulsivenesses
indecisiveness/23 -> indecisivenesses
inessential/23 -> inessentials
inside-forward/23 -> inside-forwards
integument/23 -> integuments
inter-island/23 -> inter-islands
intermix/23 -> intermixed,intermixing,intermixes
interneuron/23 -> interneurons
intractability/23 -> intractabilities
invigilator/23 -> invigilators
isfahan/23 -> isfahans
jangling/23 -> janglings
jeane/23 -> jeanes
jeeve/23 -> jeeves
jumpsuit/23 -> jumpsuits
kalimantan/23 -> kalimantans
kowtow/23 -> kowtowed,kowtowing,kowtows
krupp/23 -> krupps
kv/23 -> kvs
kyushu/23 -> kyushus
larus/23 -> laruss
lascaux/23 -> lascauxes
lasso/23 -> lassoing,lassos,lassoes,lassoed
libre/23 -> libres
lieutenant-governor/23 -> lieutenant-governors
lithgow/23 -> lithgows
livret/23 -> livrets
lotte/23 -> lottes
loyalism/23 -> loyalisms
mahatma/23 -> mahatmas
malebranche/23 -> malebranches
man-of-war/23 -> men-of-war
maquila/23 -> maquilas
markup/23 -> markups
marram/23 -> marrams
masjid/23 -> masjids
mattock/23 -> mattocks
mayoralty/23 -> mayoralties
mccauley/23 -> mccauleys
meekness/23 -> meeknesses
mela/23 -> melas
mesoderm/23 -> mesoderms
metonymy/23 -> metonymies
micro-kernel/23 -> micro-kernels
midlander/23 -> midlanders
milker/23 -> milkers
mitosis/23 -> mitoses
moleskin/23 -> moleskins
molestation/23 -> molestations
moluccas/23 -> moluccass
mpa/23 -> mpas
mrd/23 -> mrds
multiplicand/23 -> multiplicands
mummer/23 -> mummers
naira/23 -> nairas
neaten/23 -> neatened,neatening,neatens
nederland/23 -> nederlands
nihilist/23 -> nihilists
nihon/23 -> nihons
noaa/23 -> noaas
noggin/23 -> noggins
non-criminal/23 -> non-criminals
non-enroller/23 -> non-enrollers
non-metallic/23 -> non-metallics
non-negotiable/23 -> non-negotiables
non-person/23 -> non-persons
nutcase/23 -> nutcases
occultist/23 -> occultists
oceania/23 -> oceanias
ohp/23 -> ohps
okey/23 -> okeys
olympiad/23 -> olympiads
one-design/23 -> one-designs
opac/23 -> opacs
origami/23 -> origamis
orinoco/23 -> orinocoes
ormolu/23 -> ormolus
oryx/23 -> oryxes
ovulate/23 -> ovulating,ovulated,ovulates
paganini/23 -> paganinis
panegyric/23 -> panegyrics
paraglide/23 -> paragliding
parenthetical/23 -> parentheticals
parisienne/23 -> parisiennes
pastis/23 -> pastiss
pena/23 -> penas
perfectionism/23 -> perfectionisms
petard/23 -> petards,petarding
petrarch/23 -> petrarchs
phasing/23 -> phasings
pinus/23 -> pinuss
piquancy/23 -> piquancies
pizzeria/23 -> pizzerias
pleasantness/23 -> pleasantnesses
poitevin/23 -> poitevins
polo-neck/23 -> polo-necks
polyamide/23 -> polyamides
polycarbonate/23 -> polycarbonates
popster/23 -> popsters
post-impressionist/23 -> post-impressionists
priam/23 -> priams
promisor/23 -> promisors
prudery/23 -> pruderies
purveyance/23 -> purveyances
pyx/23 -> pyxes
quadruped/23 -> quadrupeds
rawness/23 -> rawnesses
re-awaken/23 -> re-awakened,re-awakening,re-awakens
re-direct/23 -> re-directed,re-directing
re-engage/23 -> re-engaged,re-engaging
re-reading/23 -> re-readings
re-record/23 -> re-recorded,re-recording
re-sign/23 -> re-signed,re-signing
re-sit/23 -> re-sited,re-siting,re-sits
re-train/23 -> re-training,re-trained
recantation/23 -> recantations
reconfirm/23 -> reconfirmed,reconfirming
redwing/23 -> redwings
regionalist/23 -> regionalists
remediation/23 -> remediations
replan/23 -> replanned,replanning
respecter/23 -> respecters
retardant/23 -> retardants
retest/23 -> retested,retesting
retiree/23 -> retirees
ringway/23 -> ringways
rive/23 -> riving,rived,rives,riven
robespierre/23 -> robespierres
rous/23 -> rouss
saccharin/23 -> saccharins
sainthood/23 -> sainthoods
sargasso/23 -> sargassoes
schaller/23 -> schallers
scriabin/23 -> scriabins
scrimp/23 -> scrimped,scrimping,scrimps
sedimentologist/23 -> sedimentologists
self-realisation/23 -> self-realisations
semiquaver/23 -> semiquavers
send-up/23 -> send-ups
seperate/23 -> seperated,seperates
servility/23 -> servilities
severum/23 -> severums
shamus/23 -> shamuss
shiftwork/23 -> shiftworking
shoebox/23 -> shoeboxes
shuriken/23 -> shurikens
sikorsky/23 -> sikorskies
silkworm/23 -> silkworms
simulacrum/23 -> simulacrums
siva/23 -> sivas
skulduggery/23 -> skulduggeries
sledge-hammer/23 -> sledge-hammers
slide-rule/23 -> slide-rules
somite/23 -> somites
sough/23 -> soughing,soughed,soughs
sounder/23 -> sounders
soundproof/23 -> soundproofed,soundproofing,soundproofs
spoor/23 -> spoors
sportscar/23 -> sportscars
station-building/23 -> station-buildings
stop-over/23 -> stop-overs
styler/23 -> stylers
sub-set/23 -> sub-sets
subjectivist/23 -> subjectivists
submucosa/23 -> submucosas
subpopulation/23 -> subpopulations
subtest/23 -> subtests
sucre/23 -> sucres
sulphonylurea/23 -> sulphonylureas
sundress/23 -> sundresses
supertanker/23 -> supertankers
sweepstake/23 -> sweepstakes
swindler/23 -> swindlers
sycophant/23 -> sycophants
synchrony/23 -> synchronies
tadjik/23 -> tadjiks
tagg/23 -> taggs
teacher-day/23 -> teacher-days
tertullian/23 -> tertullians
thankfulness/23 -> thankfulnesses
theatregoer/23 -> theatregoers
thersite/23 -> thersites
thine/23 -> thines
threequarter/23 -> threequarters
tia/23 -> tias
timekeeper/23 -> timekeepers
tink/23 -> tinks,tinking
title-holder/23 -> title-holders
tocsin/23 -> tocsins
tofu/23 -> tofus
topic-shift/23 -> topic-shifts
tramroad/23 -> tramroads
transubstantiation/23 -> transubstantiations
tribalism/23 -> tribalisms
tricep/23 -> triceps
truth-value/23 -> truth-values
tsetse/23 -> tsetses
tula/23 -> tulas
turps/23 -> turpss
twitcher/23 -> twitchers
unbind/23 -> unbound,unbinding,unbinds
unfetter/23 -> unfettered
unimportance/23 -> unimportances
uttermost/23 -> uttermosts
valiance/23 -> valiances
verbalise/23 -> verbalised,verbalising,verbalises
vocative/23 -> vocatives
water-mill/23 -> water-mills
weaning/23 -> weanings
whodunnit/23 -> whodunnits
wishbone/23 -> wishbones
wollstonecraft/23 -> wollstonecrafts
womble/23 -> wombles,wombling
word-string/23 -> word-strings
worldview/23 -> worldviews
worrier/23 -> worriers
ypre/23 -> ypres
'ope/22 -> 'opes
adulteration/22 -> adulterations
adventurism/22 -> adventurisms
aesop/22 -> aesops
agrostis/22 -> agrostiss
airhead/22 -> airheads
al-fatah/22 -> al-fatahs
alzheimers/22 -> alzheimerss
amputee/22 -> amputees
anemometer/22 -> anemometers
angularity/22 -> angularities
anthill/22 -> anthills
anzac/22 -> anzacs
apulia/22 -> apulias
art-form/22 -> art-forms
aspersion/22 -> aspersions
assignor/22 -> assignors
babylonia/22 -> babylonias
babysitting/22 -> babysittings
bacteriologist/22 -> bacteriologists
baiting/22 -> baitings
bandung/22 -> bandungs
barchan/22 -> barchans
bbs/22 -> bbss
bed-sitter/22 -> bed-sitters
behbehanian/22 -> behbehanians
bethe/22 -> beathing
betrayer/22 -> betrayers
bigg/22 -> biggs
billiards/22 -> billiardss
biolayer/22 -> biolayers
bleating/22 -> bleatings
bluey/22 -> blueyer
boilermaker/22 -> boilermakers
bookstock/22 -> bookstocks
boole/22 -> booles
bose/22 -> boses
brashness/22 -> brashnesses
breughel/22 -> breughels
brief-case/22 -> brief-cases
brio/22 -> brios
brunhild/22 -> brunhilds
buckler/22 -> bucklers,bucklered
calender/22 -> calendering,calenders,calendered
camp-fire/22 -> camp-fires
canaria/22 -> canarias
cannibalise/22 -> cannibalised,cannibalising,cannibalises
capercaillie/22 -> capercaillies
capone/22 -> capones
catalog/22 -> catalogs
caucuse/22 -> caucuses
centroid/22 -> centroids
cep/22 -> ceps
cepheid/22 -> cepheids
cesspit/22 -> cesspits
chafing/22 -> chafings
cheapo/22 -> cheapos
childrear/22 -> childrearing
chirico/22 -> chiricoes
chondrite/22 -> chondrites
chou/22 -> chous
cisc/22 -> ciscs
clerkship/22 -> clerkships
clerval/22 -> clervals
clicker/22 -> clickers
cloudburst/22 -> cloudbursts
co-sponsor/22 -> co-sponsors
coathanger/22 -> coathangers
colleen/22 -> colleens
colonizer/22 -> colonizers
columbine/22 -> columbines
combining/22 -> combinings
comeuppance/22 -> comeuppances
common-place/22 -> common-places
communitarian/22 -> communitarians
connectedness/22 -> connectednesses
contessa/22 -> contessas
conventicle/22 -> conventicles
copyholder/22 -> copyholders
couloir/22 -> couloirs
crisscross/22 -> crisscrossed,crisscrossing,crisscrosses
cross-appeal/22 -> cross-appeals
crouching/22 -> crouchings
crowding/22 -> crowdings
cubby/22 -> cubbies
cupful/22 -> cupfuls
custer/22 -> custers
cycleway/22 -> cycleways
cyclop/22 -> cyclops
dark-green/22 -> dark-greens
deaf-aid/22 -> deaf-aids
decompress/22 -> decompressed,decompresses,decompressing
dehumanise/22 -> dehumanising,dehumanised,dehumanises
demerit/22 -> demerits
depolarization/22 -> depolarizations
depolarize/22 -> depolarized,depolarizing,depolarizes
deskil/22 -> deskilled,deskilling
despatcher/22 -> despatchers
deviousness/22 -> deviousnesses
dieback/22 -> diebacks
dihedral/22 -> dihedrals
disafforest/22 -> disafforested,disafforesting,disafforests
discod/22 -> discods
diseconomy/22 -> diseconomies
disinter/22 -> disinterred,disinterring,disinters
disproportionality/22 -> disproportionalities
dissidence/22 -> dissidences
disulphide/22 -> disulphides
dodgson/22 -> dodgsons
double-dealing/22 -> double-dealings
dowser/22 -> dowsers
drabble/22 -> drabbled
dreariness/22 -> drearinesses
driller/22 -> drillers
drop-down/22 -> drop-downs
drudge/22 -> drudges
dryland/22 -> drylands
dukery/22 -> dukeries
ead/22 -> eads
earthling/22 -> earthlings
eatery/22 -> eateries
electroencephalogram/22 -> electroencephalograms
embolism/22 -> embolisms
emotionality/22 -> emotionalities
entrenchment/22 -> entrenchments
epicurean/22 -> epicureans
ergonomist/22 -> ergonomists
eurythmics/22 -> eurythmicss
fabricator/22 -> fabricators
factotum/22 -> factotums
favela/22 -> favelas
fellow-student/22 -> fellow-students
fiedler/22 -> fiedlers
fieldsman/22 -> fieldsmen
fighter-bomber/22 -> fighter-bombers
fire-fighter/22 -> fire-fighters
fireback/22 -> firebacks
firenze/22 -> firenzes
fish-hook/22 -> fish-hooks
flatterer/22 -> flatterers
floridian/22 -> floridians
foghorn/22 -> foghorns
foraman/22 -> foramen
forewarning/22 -> forewarnings
fossilize/22 -> fossilized,fossilizing,fossilizes
fresher/22 -> freshers
front-door/22 -> front-doors
fse/22 -> fses
gabonese/22 -> gaboneses
giddiness/22 -> giddinesses
glockenspiel/22 -> glockenspiels
gomorrah/22 -> gomorrahs
goner/22 -> goners
good-for-nothing/22 -> good-for-nothings
governed/22 -> governeds
graben/22 -> grabens
grantee/22 -> grantees
greenstone/22 -> greenstones
guidon/22 -> guidons
gunfight/22 -> gunfights
gyb/22 -> gybing,gybed
haberdashery/22 -> haberdasheries
haji/22 -> hajis
hake/22 -> hakes
halberdier/22 -> halberdiers
halftone/22 -> halftones
hand-loom/22 -> hand-looms
hard-on/22 -> hard-ons
hatchway/22 -> hatchways
heidegger/22 -> heideggers
hel/22 -> hels
highpoint/22 -> highpoints
hit-man/22 -> hit-men
hmo/22 -> hmos
hooch/22 -> hooches
hooting/22 -> hootings
hornpipe/22 -> hornpipes
hotfoot/22 -> hotfooted,hotfooting,hotfoots
house-builder/22 -> house-builders
huggins/22 -> hugginss
humanitarianism/22 -> humanitarianisms
hurling/22 -> hurlings
hypothyroidism/22 -> hypothyroidisms
hysterics/22 -> hystericss
immunosuppression/22 -> immunosuppressions
individualize/22 -> individualized,individualizing,individualizes
infamy/22 -> infamies
inmo/22 -> inmos
inst/22 -> insted
instrumentalism/22 -> instrumentalisms
intersegmental/22 -> intersegmentals
ionisation/22 -> ionisations
iridescence/22 -> iridescences
iridium/22 -> iridiums
irreducibility/22 -> irreducibilities
irreversibility/22 -> irreversibilities
issachar/22 -> issachars
jackboot/22 -> jackboots
jezebel/22 -> jezebels
juke-box/22 -> juke-boxes
kachin/22 -> kachins
karakoram/22 -> karakorams
kedgeree/22 -> kedgerees
killick/22 -> killicks
kilter/22 -> kilters
kingpin/22 -> kingpins
lassy/22 -> lassies
lawbreaker/22 -> lawbreakers
layback/22 -> laybacking,laybacks,laybacked
life-chance/22 -> life-chances
limey/22 -> limeys
liveryman/22 -> liverymen
loa/22 -> loas
lockout/22 -> lockouts
loki/22 -> lokis
lome/22 -> lomes
looseness/22 -> loosenesses
lothario/22 -> lotharios
lubbock/22 -> lubbocks
lycoming/22 -> lycomings
lynchpin/22 -> lynchpins
lyse/22 -> lysed,lysing
magneto/22 -> magnetos
malathion/22 -> malathions
malted/22 -> malteds
manilla/22 -> manillas
mapper/22 -> mappers
masher/22 -> mashers
masoud/22 -> masouds
match-winner/22 -> match-winners
matchwinner/22 -> matchwinners
mayflower/22 -> mayflowering
mealy/22 -> mealiest,mealier
meer/22 -> meers
member-state/22 -> member-states
mendicant/22 -> mendicants
menotti/22 -> menottis
merchandiser/22 -> merchandisers
meredith-lee/22 -> meredith-lees
mim/22 -> mims
miniscule/22 -> miniscules
minos/22 -> minoss
mitra/22 -> mitras
mitterand/22 -> mitterands
monterey/22 -> montereys
motore/22 -> motoring
mountain-top/22 -> mountain-tops
muezzin/22 -> muezzins
multilevel/22 -> multilevelled
musketry/22 -> musketries
muvver/22 -> muvvers
nest-egg/22 -> nest-eggs
nestling/22 -> nestlings
neurosurgery/22 -> neurosurgeries
newspaperman/22 -> newspapermen
nightclothe/22 -> nightclothes
nightshift/22 -> nightshifts
non-participant/22 -> non-participants
nosode/22 -> nosodes
novosibirsk/22 -> novosibirsks
o'flaherty/22 -> o'flaherties
obduracy/22 -> obduracies
oca/22 -> ocas
oceanus/22 -> oceanuss
oozing/22 -> oozings
opera-house/22 -> opera-houses
ouster/22 -> ousters
overstay/22 -> overstayed,overstaying,overstays
overtax/22 -> overtaxed,overtaxing,overtaxes
paperclip/22 -> paperclips,paperclipped
para-military/22 -> para-militaries
paseo/22 -> paseos
patchouli/22 -> patchoulis
peace-making/22 -> peace-makings
peephole/22 -> peepholes
peloton/22 -> pelotons
penny-pinching/22 -> penny-pinchings
pericle/22 -> pericles
pertinence/22 -> pertinences
pertussis/22 -> pertusses
phrygian/22 -> phrygians
pianissimo/22 -> pianissimos
pithead/22 -> pitheads
placer/22 -> placers
platonist/22 -> platonists
pleasance/22 -> pleasances
pneumocyte/22 -> pneumocytes
polynucleotide/22 -> polynucleotides
pontiff/22 -> pontiffs
poofter/22 -> poofters
porphyry/22 -> porphyries
portacabin/22 -> portacabins
portend/22 -> portended,portends,portending
pre-flight/22 -> pre-flights
precentor/22 -> precentors
presentment/22 -> presentments
printmaker/22 -> printmakers
processional/22 -> processionals
procyclic/22 -> procyclics
professionalisation/22 -> professionalisations
profiling/22 -> profilings
protract/22 -> protracted,protracting,protracts
rapeseed/22 -> rapeseeds
re-locate/22 -> re-located,re-locating
re-negotiate/22 -> re-negotiated,re-negotiating
ready-to-wear/22 -> readies-to-wear
rearm/22 -> rearmed,rearming,rearms
redcoat/22 -> redcoats
reexamine/22 -> reexamined,reexamining,reexamines
refashion/22 -> refashioned,refashioning
refold/22 -> refolded,refolding
rehash/22 -> rehashes,rehashing,rehashed
rehearing/22 -> rehearings
reiver/22 -> reivers
religiosity/22 -> religiosities
remould/22 -> remoulded,remoulding,remoulds
renationalise/22 -> renationalising,renationalised
reoffend/22 -> reoffending,reoffended,reoffends
repack/22 -> repacked,repacking
repast/22 -> repasts
resect/22 -> resected,resecting
respray/22 -> resprayed,respraying
retelling/22 -> retellings
rhea/22 -> rheas
rictus/22 -> rictuss
rigel/22 -> rigels
right-hander/22 -> right-handers
ropy/22 -> ropies,ropier
roquefort/22 -> roqueforts
roulade/22 -> roulades
runabout/22 -> runabouts
runtime/22 -> runtimes
sabin/22 -> sabins
sacredness/22 -> sacrednesses
safety-pin/22 -> safety-pins
saleswoman/22 -> saleswomen
satirize/22 -> satirized,satirizing,satirizes
saxifrage/22 -> saxifrages
scabby/22 -> scabbiest,scabbier
scalability/22 -> scalabilities
scandalise/22 -> scandalised,scandalising,scandalises
schoolmistress/22 -> schoolmistresses
screenshot/22 -> screenshots
scrimshaw/22 -> scrimshaws
scummy/22 -> scummiest
scylla/22 -> scyllas
second-big/22 -> second-biggest
seleucid/22 -> seleucids
self-realization/22 -> self-realizations
serbo-croat/22 -> serbo-croats
seward/22 -> sewards
sewing-machine/22 -> sewing-machines
shama/22 -> shamas
sharrock/22 -> sharrocks
shop-window/22 -> shop-windows
shopworker/22 -> shopworkers
sibilant/22 -> sibilants
sinistrality/22 -> sinistralities
sisal/22 -> sisals
sleeping-car/22 -> sleeping-cars
sme/22 -> smes
snead/22 -> sneads
soffit/22 -> soffits
spile/22 -> spiles,spiling
spin-out/22 -> spin-outs
stay-at-home/22 -> stay-at-homes
steriliser/22 -> sterilisers
stock-taking/22 -> stock-takings
stocklist/22 -> stocklists
stp/22 -> stps
stratford-on-avon/22 -> stratfords-on-avon
streeter/22 -> streeters
striation/22 -> striations
subcrop/22 -> subcropping
subluxation/22 -> subluxations
substituent/22 -> substituents
substructure/22 -> substructures
subtend/22 -> subtended,subtends,subtending
sunder/22 -> sundered,sundering,sunders
sunlounger/22 -> sunloungers
supergiant/22 -> supergiants
superscript/22 -> superscripts
swank/22 -> swanking,swanked,swanks
systematise/22 -> systematised,systematising,systematises
systematization/22 -> systematizations
taos/22 -> taoss
tapir/22 -> tapirs
tea-break/22 -> tea-breaks
tea-party/22 -> tea-parties
tegucigalpa/22 -> tegucigalpas
tem/22 -> tems
tickling/22 -> ticklings
time-bomb/22 -> time-bombs
toady/22 -> toadies,toadying,toadied
topicality/22 -> topicalities
transhipment/22 -> transhipments
transmitting/22 -> transmittings
trilateral/22 -> trilaterals
trislander/22 -> trislanders
truckle/22 -> truckles,truckled,truckling
turbocharger/22 -> turbochargers
turn-on/22 -> turn-ons
turnstone/22 -> turnstones
tweet/22 -> tweets,tweeting,tweeted
uh-huh/22 -> uh-huhs
underachieve/22 -> underachieving,underachieves,underachieved
underpricing/22 -> underpricings
updike/22 -> updikes
valetta/22 -> valettas
vasoconstriction/22 -> vasoconstrictions
vesper/22 -> vespers
victoriana/22 -> victorianas
viscera/22 -> visceras
water-clock/22 -> water-clocks
wavefront/22 -> wavefronts
wha/22 -> whas
whooper/22 -> whoopers
wie/22 -> wied
windfarm/22 -> windfarms,windfarming
winnow/22 -> winnowing,winnowed,winnows
wizen/22 -> wizened
wor/22 -> worred
wordsmith/22 -> wordsmiths
worksurface/22 -> worksurfaces
wurlitzer/22 -> wurlitzers
xanthine/22 -> xanthines
xenolith/22 -> xenoliths
yerevan/22 -> yerevans
yunnan/22 -> yunnans
zacharias/22 -> zachariass
zambezi/22 -> zambezis
zygote/22 -> zygotes
'ye/21 -> 'yes
adoptee/21 -> adoptees
adr/21 -> adrs
advertorial/21 -> advertorials
affine/21 -> affines
africanist/21 -> africanists
aggradation/21 -> aggradations
alamo/21 -> alamoes
alger/21 -> algers
alizarin/21 -> alizarins
amercement/21 -> amercements
amiability/21 -> amiabilities
amur/21 -> amurs
anchorman/21 -> anchormen
andra/21 -> andras
anti-intellectual/21 -> anti-intellectuals
anti-perspirant/21 -> anti-perspirants
aquilegia/21 -> aquilegias
ares/21 -> aress
aristophanes/21 -> aristophaness
aruba/21 -> arubas
asturian/21 -> asturians
azide/21 -> azides
ball-bearing/21 -> ball-bearings
barkley/21 -> barkleys
baryon/21 -> baryons
batho/21 -> bathos
besieger/21 -> besiegers
bestiality/21 -> bestialities
birchwood/21 -> birchwoods
bit-part/21 -> bit-parts
blackhead/21 -> blackheads
blantyre/21 -> blantyres
blundering/21 -> blunderings
bolt-on/21 -> bolt-ons
bombast/21 -> bombasts
bonham-carter/21 -> bonham-carters
boto/21 -> botos
boulez/21 -> boulezs
boulting/21 -> boultings
bowstring/21 -> bowstrings
boxwood/21 -> boxwoods
brand-name/21 -> brand-names
break-down/21 -> break-downs
brooking/21 -> brookings
bucolic/21 -> bucolics
bugler/21 -> buglers
bumph/21 -> bumphs
bumping/21 -> bumpings
cagoule/21 -> cagoules
callinico/21 -> callinicos
calorimeter/21 -> calorimeters
cancun/21 -> cancuns
canker/21 -> cankers,cankered
caraway/21 -> caraways
carport/21 -> carports
carre/21 -> carres
cartload/21 -> cartloads
catenary/21 -> catenaries
cattell/21 -> cattells
ceptor/21 -> ceptors
chanter/21 -> chanters
cheek-bone/21 -> cheek-bones
chiaroscuro/21 -> chiaroscuroes
chickpea/21 -> chickpeas
chon/21 -> chons
chough/21 -> choughs
city-dweller/21 -> city-dwellers
clop/21 -> clopping,clopped,clops
cns/21 -> cnss
coagulate/21 -> coagulated,coagulates,coagulating
coaxing/21 -> coaxings
codger/21 -> codgers
coin-op/21 -> coin-ops
coir/21 -> coirs
collectivisation/21 -> collectivisations
coloratura/21 -> coloraturas
comity/21 -> comities
congruity/21 -> congruities
connoisseurship/21 -> connoisseurships
constitutionalist/21 -> constitutionalists
cont/21 -> conting
courtelle/21 -> courtelles
coyness/21 -> coynesses
crammer/21 -> crammers
crapper/21 -> crappers
cryostat/21 -> cryostats
culturalist/21 -> culturalists
cummin/21 -> cummins
cure-all/21 -> cure-alls
dairymaid/21 -> dairymaids
darne/21 -> darner
day-trip/21 -> day-trips
daye/21 -> dayes,dayest
deactivate/21 -> deactivated,deactivates,deactivating
debs/21 -> debss
debute/21 -> debuted,debuting
decembrist/21 -> decembrists
dedlock/21 -> dedlocks
demerara/21 -> demeraras
demobilise/21 -> demobilised,demobilising
depolarisation/21 -> depolarisations
deselect/21 -> deselected,deselecting,deselects
detailing/21 -> detailings
developmentalist/21 -> developmentalists
diamante/21 -> diamantes
diminuendo/21 -> diminuendos
dipstick/21 -> dipsticks
doorpost/21 -> doorposts
double-take/21 -> double-takes
drabness/21 -> drabnesses
drawing-board/21 -> drawing-boards
dukedom/21 -> dukedoms
duvalier/21 -> duvaliers
edification/21 -> edifications
efflux/21 -> effluxes
egress/21 -> egresses,egressing,egressed
ehrenreich/21 -> ehrenreichs
elastomer/21 -> elastomers
emo/21 -> emos
epo/21 -> epos
euler/21 -> eulers
euro-election/21 -> euro-elections
ex-student/21 -> ex-students
excoriate/21 -> excoriated,excoriating,excoriates
fabianism/21 -> fabianisms
factorial/21 -> factorials
faroes/21 -> faroess
farren/21 -> farrens
ficus/21 -> ficuss
firmlet/21 -> firmlets
flattening/21 -> flattenings
formalization/21 -> formalizations
fraulein/21 -> frauleins
freeport/21 -> freeports
friedan/21 -> friedans
frisian/21 -> frisians
fruitcake/21 -> fruitcakes
full-timer/21 -> full-timers
funnyman/21 -> funnymen
fusilier/21 -> fusiliers
gabor/21 -> gabors
garonne/21 -> garonnes
gecko/21 -> geckos
get-out/21 -> get-outs
gilding/21 -> gildings
gladstonian/21 -> gladstonians
gleny/21 -> glenys
globin/21 -> globins
gofer/21 -> gofers
golf-course/21 -> golf-courses
goof/21 -> goofed,goofing,goofs
graphology/21 -> graphologies
grave-digger/21 -> grave-diggers
greeny/21 -> greenies
gubbins/21 -> gubbinss
gujarati/21 -> gujaratis
gumboot/21 -> gumboots
haggling/21 -> hagglings
hailstone/21 -> hailstones
half-point/21 -> half-points
halitosis/21 -> halitoses
hatchard/21 -> hatchards
hausa/21 -> hausas
headwind/21 -> headwinds
helot/21 -> helots
hen-house/21 -> hen-houses
hexagram/21 -> hexagrams
hill-walk/21 -> hill-walking
hillbilly/21 -> hillbillies
hobgoblin/21 -> hobgoblins
hohenstaufen/21 -> hohenstaufens
homograph/21 -> homographs
homolog/21 -> homologs
huntsville/21 -> huntsvilles
hydrofoil/21 -> hydrofoils
hyponymy/21 -> hyponymies
ibc/21 -> ibcs
ih/21 -> ihs
impasto/21 -> impastoes
importune/21 -> importuned,importuning,importunes
impost/21 -> imposts
incumbency/21 -> incumbencies
inflight/21 -> inflights
influencer/21 -> influencers
insole/21 -> insoles
interpenetration/21 -> interpenetrations
isotherm/21 -> isotherms
ithaca/21 -> ithacas
janissary/21 -> janissaries
jotter/21 -> jotters
joule/21 -> joules
kaolinite/21 -> kaolinites
karabiner/21 -> karabiners
kieslowski/21 -> kieslowskis
kilobase/21 -> kilobases
kirkyard/21 -> kirkyards
kiteline/21 -> kitelines
knees-up/21 -> knees-ups
know-all/21 -> know-alls
lande/21 -> landes
landsurface/21 -> landsurfaces
lazard/21 -> lazards
letter-writer/21 -> letter-writers
libran/21 -> librans
lindo/21 -> lindos
loremaster/21 -> loremasters
lowbrow/21 -> lowbrows
lunch-hour/21 -> lunch-hours
luo/21 -> luos
maltreat/21 -> maltreated,maltreats,maltreating
mamluk/21 -> mamluks
mandrake/21 -> mandrakes
mastership/21 -> masterships
medievalist/21 -> medievalists
megadrive/21 -> megadrives
melamine/21 -> melamines
merle/21 -> merles
mesolithic/21 -> mesolithics
microenvironment/21 -> microenvironments
microflora/21 -> microfloras
mid-on/21 -> mids-on
mien/21 -> miens
mineshaft/21 -> mineshafts
miniaturisation/21 -> miniaturisations
miracle-worker/21 -> miracle-workers
mortare/21 -> mortared,mortaring
mosey/21 -> moseyed,moseys,moseying
mother-to-be/21 -> mothers-to-be
mouthbrooder/21 -> mouthbrooders
mujahideen/21 -> mujahideens
multiview/21 -> multiviews
murat/21 -> murats
mutability/21 -> mutabilities
myosin/21 -> myosins
naturalize/21 -> naturalizing,naturalizes,naturalized
neruda/21 -> nerudas
neuralgia/21 -> neuralgias
neutering/21 -> neuterings
neutralism/21 -> neutralisms
neutralist/21 -> neutralists
newsboy/21 -> newsboys
ngu/21 -> ngus
nicad/21 -> nicads
niel/21 -> niels
night-light/21 -> night-lights
ninny/21 -> ninnies
nivelle/21 -> nivelles
nj/21 -> njs
non-german/21 -> non-germans
non-ionic/21 -> non-ionics
non-meaning/21 -> non-meanings
non-responder/21 -> non-responders
noonday/21 -> noondays
nosebleed/21 -> nosebleeds
nucleosome/21 -> nucleosomes
obviousness/21 -> obviousnesses
oleander/21 -> oleanders
oligarch/21 -> oligarchs
omani/21 -> omanis
optoelectronic/21 -> optoelectronics
orbiter/21 -> orbiters
outsell/21 -> outsells,outselling,outsold
outstay/21 -> outstayed,outstaying,outstays
outworker/21 -> outworkers
ovipositor/21 -> ovipositors
palpate/21 -> palpated,palpating,palpates
paraguayan/21 -> paraguayans
pastrami/21 -> pastramis
pax/21 -> paxes
peacemake/21 -> peacemaking
pecan/21 -> pecans
pennsylvanian/21 -> pennsylvanians
perceiver/21 -> perceivers
percipient/21 -> percipients
percolator/21 -> percolators
performative/21 -> performatives
peridotite/21 -> peridotites
peroration/21 -> perorations
petro-dollar/21 -> petro-dollars
pharmacologist/21 -> pharmacologists
pharyngeal/21 -> pharyngeals
photo-opportunity/21 -> photo-opportunities
photocall/21 -> photocalls
pictogram/21 -> pictograms
piddle/21 -> piddled,piddling,piddles
piebald/21 -> piebalds
piroxicam/21 -> piroxicams
plasticiser/21 -> plasticisers
pollux/21 -> polluxes
pontin/21 -> pontins
power-up/21 -> power-ups
powerbook/21 -> powerbooks
prankster/21 -> pranksters
premeditate/21 -> premeditated,premeditates,premeditating
prognostication/21 -> prognostications
psalmist/21 -> psalmists
psychogeriatrician/21 -> psychogeriatricians
psycholinguist/21 -> psycholinguists
psyker/21 -> psykers
psyllium/21 -> psylliums
puncher/21 -> punchers
purdah/21 -> purdahs
purgative/21 -> purgatives
put-in/21 -> put-ins
qi/21 -> qis
quantitate/21 -> quantitated,quantitating
quicklime/21 -> quicklimes
ramify/21 -> ramifying,ramified,ramifies
rapacity/21 -> rapacities
rat-catcher/21 -> rat-catchers
re-assert/21 -> re-asserted,re-asserts,re-asserting
re-employ/21 -> re-employed,re-employing
re-heat/21 -> re-heated,re-heating
re-introduction/21 -> re-introductions
rearrest/21 -> rearrested
rediscount/21 -> rediscounting,rediscounted
refocuse/21 -> refocused,refocusing,refocuses
refound/21 -> refounded
regarder/21 -> regarders
regrading/21 -> regradings
relict/21 -> relicts
rena/21 -> renas
reoccupy/21 -> reoccupied,reoccupying
retinoblastoma/21 -> retinoblastomas
retinol/21 -> retinols
revitalization/21 -> revitalizations
rima/21 -> rimas
rizla/21 -> rizlas
role-model/21 -> role-models
romanticize/21 -> romanticized,romanticizes,romanticizing
ruble/21 -> rubles
rugosa/21 -> rugosas
running-mate/21 -> running-mates
samosa/21 -> samosas
scoter/21 -> scoters
scouring/21 -> scourings
scrapheap/21 -> scrapheaps
scurrying/21 -> scurryings
sea-lion/21 -> sea-lions
selma/21 -> selmas
serialise/21 -> serialised,serialising
sextant/21 -> sextants
shadowing/21 -> shadowings
signalbox/21 -> signalboxes
slip-on/21 -> slip-ons
sloe/21 -> sloes
sluggishness/21 -> sluggishnesses
smasher/21 -> smashers
snicker/21 -> snickered,snickering,snickers
snooper/21 -> snoopers
snowdrift/21 -> snowdrifts
socialising/21 -> socialisings
solvay/21 -> solvays
somalian/21 -> somalians
spector/21 -> spectors
squaw/21 -> squaws
stenographer/21 -> stenographers
stieglitz/21 -> stieglitzs
stodge/21 -> stodges
stokowski/21 -> stokowskis
striate/21 -> striated,striates,striating
strictness/21 -> strictnesses
strongyle/21 -> strongyles
stuffiness/21 -> stuffinesses
stumping/21 -> stumpings
subheading/21 -> subheadings
subserve/21 -> subserved,subserving,subserves
substage/21 -> substages
substation/21 -> substations
sufi/21 -> sufis
sumatran/21 -> sumatrans
sunblock/21 -> sunblocks
superstate/21 -> superstates
swath/21 -> swaths
swordtail/21 -> swordtails
syncopation/21 -> syncopations
t-test/21 -> t-tests
tain/21 -> tained
tarvarian/21 -> tarvarians
tauten/21 -> tautened,tautening,tautens
telomere/21 -> telomeres
thalamus/21 -> thalamuss
theosophy/21 -> theosophies
thunderclap/21 -> thunderclaps
tilth/21 -> tilths
time-line/21 -> time-lines
to-do/21 -> to-does
to-ing/21 -> to-ings
toastmaster/21 -> toastmasters
told/21 -> tolds
tortfeasor/21 -> tortfeasors
tough-guy/21 -> tough-guys
transaminase/21 -> transaminases
transfuse/21 -> transfused,transfuses,transfusing
tree-trunk/21 -> tree-trunks
trisomy/21 -> trisomies
trustworthiness/21 -> trustworthinesses
turbot/21 -> turbots
turn-round/21 -> turn-rounds
twenty-fourther/21 -> twenty-fourthers
twerp/21 -> twerps
tympanum/21 -> tympanums
understeer/21 -> understeers
undesirability/21 -> undesirabilities
unhitch/21 -> unhitched,unhitching
unseal/21 -> unsealed,unsealing,unseals
vanderbilt/21 -> vanderbilts
venturer/21 -> venturers
vick/21 -> vicked
vina/21 -> vinas
wailer/21 -> wailers
walkover/21 -> walkovers
wash-house/21 -> wash-houses
washstand/21 -> washstands
waterboy/21 -> waterboys
wedding-ring/21 -> wedding-rings
wheeler-dealer/21 -> wheeler-dealers
wichita/21 -> wichitas
windowpane/21 -> windowpanes
wingspan/21 -> wingspans
withe/21 -> withes
wog/21 -> wogs
wolf-whistle/21 -> wolf-whistles,wolf-whistling,wolf-whistled
wraparound/21 -> wraparounds
wyeth/21 -> wyeths
xxx/21 -> xxxes
yellow-green/21 -> yellow-greens
yip/21 -> yips,yipped,yipping
ylang-ylang/21 -> ylangs-ylangs
zadokite/21 -> zadokites
aaah/20 -> aaahed
ad-lib/20 -> ad-libs,ad-libbing,ad-libbed
adana/20 -> adanas
adatom/20 -> adatoms
addenbrooke/20 -> addenbrookes
aerofoil/20 -> aerofoils
akita/20 -> akitas
allocator/20 -> allocators
amon/20 -> amons
amytal/20 -> amytals
anchoress/20 -> anchoresses
antares/20 -> antaress
antediluvian/20 -> antediluvians
anticoagulant/20 -> anticoagulants
antifeminist/20 -> antifeminists
appetise/20 -> appetising
appraiser/20 -> appraisers
armiger/20 -> armigers
aspartame/20 -> aspartames
asphyxiation/20 -> asphyxiations
assembling/20 -> assemblings
ataturk/20 -> ataturks
auklet/20 -> auklets
auster/20 -> austers
autoroute/20 -> autoroutes
axeman/20 -> axemen
azathioprine/20 -> azathioprines
back-translation/20 -> back-translations
badland/20 -> badlands
balladeer/20 -> balladeers,balladeering
bargainer/20 -> bargainers
basher/20 -> bashers
basslet/20 -> basslets
bastide/20 -> bastides
battlefront/20 -> battlefronts
bazar/20 -> bazars
beanbag/20 -> beanbags
behaviouralist/20 -> behaviouralists
beleive/20 -> beleived,beleives
bibliophile/20 -> bibliophiles
bindery/20 -> binderies
biofuel/20 -> biofuels
bivvy/20 -> bivvying
blench/20 -> blenched,blenching,blenches
bodger/20 -> bodgers
boing/20 -> boings
bookkeeper/20 -> bookkeepers
bosun/20 -> bosuns
boult/20 -> boulting
bounder/20 -> bounders
boxful/20 -> boxfuls
brainstem/20 -> brainstems
breast-feed/20 -> breast-feeding,breast-feeds,breast-fed
brightening/20 -> brightenings
broadleave/20 -> broadleaved,broadleaves
bryozoan/20 -> bryozoans
bubo/20 -> buboes
buckminsterfullerene/20 -> buckminsterfullerenes
bull's-eye/20 -> bull's-eyes
buryat/20 -> buryats
byelection/20 -> byelections
bylaw/20 -> bylaws
caesarea/20 -> caesareas
caligula/20 -> caligulas
cannulation/20 -> cannulations
capitulary/20 -> capitularies
career-b/20 -> career-best
cassel/20 -> cassels
cavil/20 -> cavils,cavilling,cavilled
celestion/20 -> celestions
centrefold/20 -> centrefolds
cerecloth/20 -> cerecloths
chalcedony/20 -> chalcedonies
channelling/20 -> channellings
chartism/20 -> chartisms
chatline/20 -> chatlines
chau/20 -> chaus
chillim/20 -> chillims
chimney-piece/20 -> chimney-pieces
chlorinate/20 -> chlorinated,chlorinating,chlorinates
chloroquine/20 -> chloroquines
cist/20 -> cists
classwork/20 -> classworks
clearness/20 -> clearnesses
cleg/20 -> clegs
clementine/20 -> clementines
cliffhanger/20 -> cliffhangers
club-mate/20 -> club-mates
coal-mine/20 -> coal-mines
cognizance/20 -> cognizances
collider/20 -> colliders
committment/20 -> committments
commonalty/20 -> commonalties
compleat/20 -> compleatest,compleated
copybook/20 -> copybooks
counter-proposal/20 -> counter-proposals
counterculture/20 -> countercultures
counternotice/20 -> counternotices
countertrade/20 -> countertrading
craw/20 -> craws
creepy-crawly/20 -> creepy-crawlies
crem/20 -> crems
crispbread/20 -> crispbreads
crome/20 -> cromed
cross-vein/20 -> cross-veins
cubbyhole/20 -> cubbyholes
cuff-link/20 -> cuff-links
cunnilingus/20 -> cunnilinguss
curare/20 -> curares
cursing/20 -> cursings
decapitation/20 -> decapitations
definiteness/20 -> definitenesses
deification/20 -> deifications
dekker/20 -> dekkers
derangement/20 -> derangements
digraph/20 -> digraphs
disembarkation/20 -> disembarkations
disorganisation/20 -> disorganisations
disparagement/20 -> disparagements
disquisition/20 -> disquisitions
ditcher/20 -> ditchers
dithiadiazole/20 -> dithiadiazoles
divertissement/20 -> divertissements
dmus/20 -> dmuss
door-frame/20 -> door-frames
double-figure/20 -> double-figures
drachma/20 -> drachmas,drachmae
dressy/20 -> dressier,dressiest
ducat/20 -> ducats
duiker/20 -> duikers
eavesdropper/20 -> eavesdroppers
eight-point/20 -> eight-points
eismark/20 -> eismarks
elastoplast/20 -> elastoplasted
emplace/20 -> emplaced,emplaces,emplacing
encashment/20 -> encashments
encirclement/20 -> encirclements
epiphyte/20 -> epiphytes
equipotential/20 -> equipotentials
erector/20 -> erectors
eventer/20 -> eventers
ex-patriot/20 -> ex-patriots
executant/20 -> executants
f.r./20 -> f.r.s
failsafe/20 -> failsafes
farrago/20 -> farragoes
federate/20 -> federated,federates,federating
festa/20 -> festas
finger-nail/20 -> finger-nails
first-name/20 -> first-names
flamer/20 -> flamers
fly-by-night/20 -> fly-by-nights
folate/20 -> folates
folk-tale/20 -> folk-tales
foregrounding/20 -> foregroundings
fortepiano/20 -> fortepianos
four-vector/20 -> four-vectors
frazzle/20 -> frazzled,frazzling,frazzles
fte/20 -> ftes
fustian/20 -> fustians
g-string/20 -> g-strings
gallivant/20 -> gallivanting,gallivants,gallivanted
gaudi/20 -> gaudis
gerontology/20 -> gerontologies
giant-killer/20 -> giant-killers
gid/20 -> gidding
gnashing/20 -> gnashings
gnosticism/20 -> gnosticisms
godiva/20 -> godivas
goma/20 -> gomas
googly/20 -> googlies
grampus/20 -> grampuss
graydon/20 -> graydons
grea/20 -> greas
gujerati/20 -> gujeratis
gurkha/20 -> gurkhas
hair-do/20 -> hair-dos
hairpiece/20 -> hairpieces
harddisk/20 -> harddisks
harebell/20 -> harebells
harmsworth/20 -> harmsworths
he-man/20 -> he-men
heinkel/20 -> heinkels
hellman/20 -> hellmans
hi-jack/20 -> hi-jacked,hi-jacking
hide-and-seek/20 -> hide-and-seeks
hillyard/20 -> hillyards
hitchhike/20 -> hitchhiking,hitchhiked,hitchhikes
horserace/20 -> horseracing
hot-wire/20 -> hot-wires
hotelkeeper/20 -> hotelkeepers
housewifery/20 -> housewiferies
hyperdocument/20 -> hyperdocuments
idler/20 -> idlers
imagist/20 -> imagists
immanence/20 -> immanences
in-joke/20 -> in-jokes
indemnifier/20 -> indemnifiers
indivisibility/20 -> indivisibilities
infusoria/20 -> infusorias
inkwell/20 -> inkwells
instantiation/20 -> instantiations
intaglio/20 -> intaglios
interchang/20 -> interchanging
intermittency/20 -> intermittencies
intervenien/20 -> interveniens
intv/20 -> intvs
irrawaddy/20 -> irrawaddies
isoenzyme/20 -> isoenzymes
isolator/20 -> isolators
isolde/20 -> isoldes
iterate/20 -> iterating,iterated,iterates
jetstream/20 -> jetstreams
job-seeker/20 -> job-seekers
johnsonian/20 -> johnsonians
jousting/20 -> joustings
judea/20 -> judeas
kiloton/20 -> kilotons
kine/20 -> kines
kislevite/20 -> kislevites
kitbag/20 -> kitbags
kobe/20 -> kobes
kouro/20 -> kouros
kurile/20 -> kuriles
kwangju/20 -> kwangjus
lachesis/20 -> lacheses
land-holding/20 -> land-holdings
land-owner/20 -> land-owners
landing-stage/20 -> landing-stages
lapidary/20 -> lapidaries
laundrette/20 -> laundrettes
law-breaker/20 -> law-breakers
leaf-stalk/20 -> leaf-stalks
legionella/20 -> legionellas
lerner/20 -> lerners
leukemia/20 -> leukemias
levada/20 -> levadas
lexicography/20 -> lexicographies
life-line/20 -> life-lines
ligate/20 -> ligated,ligating,ligates
limiter/20 -> limiters
linklater/20 -> linklaters
links/20 -> linkss
looping/20 -> loopings
lorry-load/20 -> lorry-loads
lucknow/20 -> lucknows
luka/20 -> lukas
magnetometer/20 -> magnetometers
manwaring/20 -> manwarings
marketmaker/20 -> marketmakers
marksmanship/20 -> marksmanships
marmoset/20 -> marmosets
maunder/20 -> maundering,maundered,maunders
megarian/20 -> megarians
megastore/20 -> megastores
melanocyte/20 -> melanocytes
melba/20 -> melbas
menarche/20 -> menarches
mender/20 -> menders
meng/20 -> mengs
metabolize/20 -> metabolized,metabolizing,metabolizes
micrometer/20 -> micrometers
mirabilis/20 -> mirabiliss
misalignment/20 -> misalignments
misdescription/20 -> misdescriptions
misinterprete/20 -> misinterpreting
mitogen/20 -> mitogens
monopolisation/20 -> monopolisations
montmartre/20 -> montmartres
morphia/20 -> morphias
mudguard/20 -> mudguards
muffler/20 -> mufflers
multi-activity/20 -> multi-activities
multiload/20 -> multiloads,multiloaded
myocardium/20 -> myocardiums
naa/20 -> naas
nanjing/20 -> nanjings
negev/20 -> negevs
neighbor/20 -> neighbors
neo-conservative/20 -> neo-conservatives
neologism/20 -> neologisms
nerd/20 -> nerds
nia/20 -> nias
nijmegen/20 -> nijmegens
niner/20 -> niners
non-american/20 -> non-americans
non-married/20 -> non-marrieds
northrop/20 -> northrops
not-for-profit/20 -> nots-for-profit
nucleon/20 -> nucleons
numan/20 -> numen
nureyev/20 -> nureyevs
oculist/20 -> oculists
off-shoot/20 -> off-shoots
old-boy/20 -> old-boys
oodle/20 -> oodles
ordure/20 -> ordures
outdate/20 -> outdated
over-reach/20 -> over-reached,over-reaching
overemphasize/20 -> overemphasized,overemphasizing,overemphasizes
oxtail/20 -> oxtails
pai/20 -> pais
pall-bearer/20 -> pall-bearers
paraglider/20 -> paragliders
pasting/20 -> pastings
pay-packet/20 -> pay-packets
pec/20 -> pecs
pedulla/20 -> pedullas
peri/20 -> peris
periwinkle/20 -> periwinkles
philander/20 -> philandering,philanders,philandered
pianoforte/20 -> pianofortes
piling/20 -> pilings
planing/20 -> planings
plotinus/20 -> plotinuss
pock/20 -> pocked,pocks
pockmark/20 -> pockmarked,pockmarks
politico/20 -> politicos,politicoes
pomander/20 -> pomanders
popinjay/20 -> popinjays
postmistress/20 -> postmistresses
potomac/20 -> potomacs
predication/20 -> predications
pro-syrian/20 -> pro-syrians
proctologist/20 -> proctologists
productise/20 -> productised,productising
proforma/20 -> proformas
prolactin/20 -> prolactins
proteasome/20 -> proteasomes
pseudomonas/20 -> pseudomonass
punky/20 -> punkier
purlin/20 -> purlins
pyracantha/20 -> pyracanthas
pyroxene/20 -> pyroxenes
quadrat/20 -> quadrats
quilter/20 -> quilters
quire/20 -> quires,quiring
railcard/20 -> railcards
rana/20 -> ranas
rarebit/20 -> rarebits
re-activate/20 -> re-activated,re-activating
re-check/20 -> re-checked,re-checking
re-cross/20 -> re-crossed,re-crosses,re-crossing
re-draw/20 -> re-drawn,re-drawing
re-make/20 -> re-made,re-making
reconqu/20 -> reconquest
recycler/20 -> recyclers
reducer/20 -> reducers
reductivism/20 -> reductivisms
registrant/20 -> registrants
restyle/20 -> restyled,restyling
retry/20 -> retried,retrying,retries
retsina/20 -> retsinas
rhenish/20 -> rhenishes
riband/20 -> ribands
ripping/20 -> rippings
road-block/20 -> road-blocks
routier/20 -> routiers
rucsac/20 -> rucsacs
rustler/20 -> rustlers
sackcloth/20 -> sackcloths
saddle-bag/20 -> saddle-bags
sailboat/20 -> sailboats
sand-eel/20 -> sand-eels
sarin/20 -> sarins
satinwood/20 -> satinwoods
savery/20 -> saverys
scallywag/20 -> scallywags
schismatic/20 -> schismatics
scientology/20 -> scientologies
scilla/20 -> scillas
senecio/20 -> senecios
sense-experience/20 -> sense-experiences
sensitisation/20 -> sensitisations
shawn/20 -> shawns
shellfire/20 -> shellfires
shellsuit/20 -> shellsuits
shieling/20 -> shielings
shipmaster/20 -> shipmasters
shot-gun/20 -> shot-guns
signaller/20 -> signallers
skit/20 -> skits
slattern/20 -> slatterns
smallhold/20 -> smallholding
sneezing/20 -> sneezings
snowfield/20 -> snowfields
soulmate/20 -> soulmates
soundhole/20 -> soundholes
south-easterly/20 -> south-easterlies
soybean/20 -> soybeans
spluttering/20 -> splutterings
squeegee/20 -> squeegees
staff-room/20 -> staff-rooms
step-ladder/20 -> step-ladders
stimulator/20 -> stimulators
stob/20 -> stobs
story-line/20 -> story-lines
stoup/20 -> stoups
strop/20 -> strops,stropped,stropping
stuttering/20 -> stutterings
stylolite/20 -> stylolites
stymy/20 -> stymied,stymies,stymying
sub-branch/20 -> sub-branches
sub-file/20 -> sub-files
sub-package/20 -> sub-packages
subclone/20 -> subclones
suncream/20 -> suncreams
sunday-school/20 -> sunday-schools
suppliant/20 -> suppliants
sur/20 -> surs
surfacing/20 -> surfacings
swa/20 -> swas
swanky/20 -> swankiest,swankier
szell/20 -> szells
t-section/20 -> t-sections
tamm/20 -> tamms
tamp/20 -> tamped,tamping,tamps
taproom/20 -> taprooms
tarsus/20 -> tarsuss
taureg/20 -> tauregs
tax-collector/20 -> tax-collectors
taxidermist/20 -> taxidermists
tea-cup/20 -> tea-cups
teessider/20 -> teessiders
terylene/20 -> terylenes
thermocouple/20 -> thermocouples
theropod/20 -> theropods
thessalian/20 -> thessalians
thieve/20 -> thieving,thieved,thieves
tickete/20 -> ticketing,ticketed
tiddler/20 -> tiddlers
tolbooth/20 -> tolbooths
townland/20 -> townlands
toyland/20 -> toylands
transposon/20 -> transposons
trollop/20 -> trollops
troth/20 -> troths
twister/20 -> twisters
tyger/20 -> tygers
ultima/20 -> ultimas
uncoil/20 -> uncoiling,uncoils,uncoiled
unction/20 -> unctions
underbidder/20 -> underbidders
underspend/20 -> underspending,underspends
unfunny/20 -> unfunniest
universalise/20 -> universalised,universalises,universalising
universalist/20 -> universalists
unworthiness/20 -> unworthinesses
v-bomber/20 -> v-bombers
valhalla/20 -> valhallas
valli/20 -> vallis
villein/20 -> villeins
vocalise/20 -> vocalising,vocalised,vocalises
voicing/20 -> voicings
wagonload/20 -> wagonloads
wallenstein/20 -> wallensteins
water-wheel/20 -> water-wheels
weltanschauung/20 -> weltanschauungs
whalebone/20 -> whalebones
whingeing/20 -> whingeings
whizzkid/20 -> whizzkids
wishing/20 -> wishings
wobbling/20 -> wobblings
wolfram/20 -> wolframs
wop/20 -> wops
yellowstone/20 -> yellowstones
a-measure/19 -> a-measures
a-team/19 -> a-teams
aberdare/19 -> aberdares
acetylation/19 -> acetylations
afrancesado/19 -> afrancesados
agitprop/19 -> agitprops
agro-chemical/19 -> agro-chemicals
aimlessness/19 -> aimlessnesses
airstream/19 -> airstreams
alb/19 -> albs
algol/19 -> algols
allometry/19 -> allometries
altair/19 -> altairs
althusserian/19 -> althusserians
ambrosia/19 -> ambrosias
amun/19 -> amuns
anaglypta/19 -> anaglyptas
anno/19 -> annos
anti-conservative/19 -> anti-conservatives
antiphon/19 -> antiphons
appalachia/19 -> appalachias
applique/19 -> appliqued,appliques
aquitanian/19 -> aquitanians
arch-enemy/19 -> arch-enemies
archdeaconry/19 -> archdeaconries
armature/19 -> armatures
assart/19 -> assarts,assarted
assr/19 -> assrs
astigmatism/19 -> astigmatisms
atheroma/19 -> atheromas
attitude-holder/19 -> attitude-holders
back-room/19 -> back-rooms
bagatelle/19 -> bagatelles
bailor/19 -> bailors
banjul/19 -> banjuls
barbary/19 -> barbaries
baronage/19 -> baronages
bauthumley/19 -> bauthumleys
bayle/19 -> bayles
bearcat/19 -> bearcats
bedsheet/19 -> bedsheets
beeline/19 -> beelines
beheading/19 -> beheadings
bellarmine/19 -> bellarmines
bellend/19 -> bellends
beneficence/19 -> beneficences
bfpo/19 -> bfpos
bifocal/19 -> bifocals
birdman/19 -> birdmen
blackguard/19 -> blackguards,blackguarding
blok/19 -> bloks
blueberry/19 -> blueberries
bmr/19 -> bmrs
boatload/19 -> boatloads
bonapartist/19 -> bonapartists
booke/19 -> bookes
bookplate/19 -> bookplates
bourequat/19 -> bourequats
bowy/19 -> bowyer
braggart/19 -> braggarts
brahma/19 -> brahmas
breakpoint/19 -> breakpoints
broglie/19 -> broglies
brutalise/19 -> brutalised,brutalises,brutalising
brutalize/19 -> brutalized,brutalizing,brutalizes
bushnell/19 -> bushnells
cackling/19 -> cacklings
callas/19 -> callass
calliper/19 -> callipers
cantonment/19 -> cantonments
capote/19 -> capotes
capra/19 -> capras
capriccio/19 -> capriccios
cardiology/19 -> cardiologies
cardy/19 -> cardies
carping/19 -> carpings
caryatid/19 -> caryatids
cather/19 -> cathers
cauldhame/19 -> cauldhames
censer/19 -> censers
chaise-longue/19 -> chaise-longues
chevy/19 -> chevys,chevies,chevying,chevied
chilliness/19 -> chillinesses
chiron/19 -> chirons
choirmaster/19 -> choirmasters
clothworker/19 -> clothworkers
clunch/19 -> clunches
co-authore/19 -> co-authored
co-religionist/19 -> co-religionists
coat-tail/19 -> coat-tails
colitic/19 -> colitics
commissary/19 -> commissaries
concatenate/19 -> concatenated,concatenating,concatenates
concert-hall/19 -> concert-halls
conferment/19 -> conferments
consulting-room/19 -> consulting-rooms
corot/19 -> corots
counterexample/19 -> counterexamples
counterfeiter/19 -> counterfeiters
countermeasure/19 -> countermeasures
creamery/19 -> creameries
cred/19 -> creds
croc/19 -> crocs
crochete/19 -> crocheted,crocheting
cross-question/19 -> cross-questioned,cross-questions,cross-questioning
cross-shareholding/19 -> cross-shareholdings
crossbone/19 -> crossbones
crowfoot/19 -> crowfoots
cst/19 -> csts
cybele/19 -> cybeles
dance-hall/19 -> dance-halls
darning/19 -> darnings
daw/19 -> daws
day-tripper/19 -> day-trippers
decathlete/19 -> decathletes
deep-freeze/19 -> deep-freezes,deep-freezed,deep-froze,deep-frozen,deep-freezing
defilement/19 -> defilements
deftness/19 -> deftnesses
deltoid/19 -> deltoids
demoiselle/19 -> demoiselles
demosthenes/19 -> demostheness
deutschemark/19 -> deutschemarks
dexamethasone/19 -> dexamethasones
dialysate/19 -> dialysates
didacticism/19 -> didacticisms
dietetic/19 -> dietetics
digoxin/19 -> digoxins
diplomate/19 -> diplomates
disapprobation/19 -> disapprobations
disposer/19 -> disposers
doorframe/19 -> doorframes
dopac/19 -> dopacs
doppelganger/19 -> doppelgangers
down-payment/19 -> down-payments
downlight/19 -> downlights
draughtproof/19 -> draughtproofing,draughtproofed
drawstring/19 -> drawstrings
drysuit/19 -> drysuits
ebbing/19 -> ebbings
edgeway/19 -> edgeways
eigen/19 -> eigens
embattle/19 -> embattled,embattles
employable/19 -> employables
end-use/19 -> end-uses
endive/19 -> endives
enlistment/19 -> enlistments
epz/19 -> epzs
etude/19 -> etudes
ex-king/19 -> ex-kings
ex-policeman/19 -> ex-policemen
ex-wive/19 -> ex-wives
exercising/19 -> exercisings
exoticism/19 -> exoticisms
faery/19 -> faeries
faintness/19 -> faintnesses
fanlight/19 -> fanlights
fargo/19 -> fargoes
fiefdom/19 -> fiefdoms
filmmake/19 -> filmmaking
firefight/19 -> firefighting,firefights
fledgeling/19 -> fledgelings
flexor/19 -> flexors
flume/19 -> flumes
fluorescein/19 -> fluoresceins
forcefulness/19 -> forcefulnesses
fould/19 -> foulds
franke/19 -> frankes
fraxillian/19 -> fraxillians
frobisher/19 -> frobishers
fry-up/19 -> fry-ups
fulfillment/19 -> fulfillments
futurity/19 -> futurities
galla/19 -> gallas
gaucho/19 -> gauchos
geisha/19 -> geishas
gimmer/19 -> gimmers
gla/19 -> glas
glow-worm/19 -> glow-worms
gnoll/19 -> gnolls
gobi/19 -> gobis
gromyko/19 -> gromykoes
groundmass/19 -> groundmasses
groyne/19 -> groynes
gryphon/19 -> gryphons
guff/19 -> guffs
gumbo/19 -> gumboes
gunsmith/19 -> gunsmiths
guyline/19 -> guylines
gwynn/19 -> gwynns
hagiography/19 -> hagiographies
haricot/19 -> haricots
hearken/19 -> hearkening,hearkened,hearkens
heist/19 -> heists,heisted,heisting
hero-worship/19 -> hero-worships
hetero/19 -> heteros
hiking/19 -> hikings
hinny/19 -> hinnies
hitchen/19 -> hitchens
hobby-horse/19 -> hobby-horses
hollander/19 -> hollanders
homburg/19 -> homburgs
homeotherm/19 -> homeotherms
honegger/19 -> honeggers
honky/19 -> honkies
hothead/19 -> hotheads,hotheaded
hotshot/19 -> hotshots
house-buyer/19 -> house-buyers
houseparty/19 -> houseparties
huissier/19 -> huissiers
hula/19 -> hulas
hurrying/19 -> hurryings
hydrophobicity/19 -> hydrophobicities
icarus/19 -> icaruss
icn/19 -> icns
ideal-type/19 -> ideal-types
idolize/19 -> idolized,idolizes,idolizing
ignimbrite/19 -> ignimbrites
il-6re/19 -> il-6res
imbed/19 -> imbedded,imbedding,imbeds
immunize/19 -> immunized,immunizing,immunizes
immunoprecipitation/19 -> immunoprecipitations
ingle/19 -> ingles
innuendoe/19 -> innuendoes
inure/19 -> inured,inures,inuring
irruption/19 -> irruptions
jailhouse/19 -> jailhouses
jebel/19 -> jebels
jingoism/19 -> jingoisms
jockstrap/19 -> jockstraps
jonese/19 -> joneses
judgeship/19 -> judgeships
jungian/19 -> jungians
khat/19 -> khats
kilobyte/19 -> kilobytes
klingon/19 -> klingons
kuiper/19 -> kuipers
kwanza/19 -> kwanzas
laffer/19 -> laffers
landholder/19 -> landholders
lap-top/19 -> lap-tops
lassiter/19 -> lassiters
laver/19 -> lavering
lectin/19 -> lectins
leu/19 -> leus
lisboa/19 -> lisboas
littermate/19 -> littermates
locative/19 -> locatives
logician/19 -> logicians
loofah/19 -> loofahs
love-letter/19 -> love-letters
low-life/19 -> low-lifes
lufkin/19 -> lufkins
lunt/19 -> lunts
mahabharata/19 -> mahabharatas
manchurian/19 -> manchurians
mannikin/19 -> mannikins
manta/19 -> mantas
marini/19 -> marinis
markka/19 -> markkas
masterworkshop/19 -> masterworkshops
maxillary/19 -> maxillaries
meatball/19 -> meatballs
megacolon/19 -> megacolons
meow/19 -> meowed,meowing,meows
metastability/19 -> metastabilities
microhabitat/19 -> microhabitats
midpoint/19 -> midpoints
mill-owner/19 -> mill-owners
mini-budget/19 -> mini-budgets
mini-step/19 -> mini-steps
mis-match/19 -> mis-matches,mis-matched
misname/19 -> misnamed,misnaming,misnames
mitr/19 -> mitring
moccasin/19 -> moccasins
mockingbird/19 -> mockingbirds
molli/19 -> mollis
money-spinner/19 -> money-spinners
motherfucker/19 -> motherfuckers
mouthwater/19 -> mouthwatering
munificence/19 -> munificences
murid/19 -> murids
musicologist/19 -> musicologists
namoi/19 -> namois
navaho/19 -> navahoes
ne'er-do-well/19 -> ne'er-do-wells
neoprene/19 -> neoprenes
newel/19 -> newels
newsdesk/19 -> newsdesks
nineveh/19 -> ninevehs
nitty-gritty/19 -> nitty-gritties
no-frill/19 -> no-frills
noguchi/19 -> noguchis
non-conformance/19 -> non-conformances
non-graduate/19 -> non-graduates
non-scientist/19 -> non-scientists
nonce/19 -> nonces
nostrum/19 -> nostrums
notice-board/19 -> notice-boards
nuthatch/19 -> nuthatches
obstruent/19 -> obstruents
oceanographer/19 -> oceanographers
omaha/19 -> omahas
operculum/19 -> operculums
opossum/19 -> opossums
organza/19 -> organzas
orientalist/19 -> orientalists
ort/19 -> orts
ossetian/19 -> ossetians
ost/19 -> osts
ostracize/19 -> ostracized,ostracizing,ostracizes
out-building/19 -> out-buildings
out-of-bound/19 -> out-of-bounds
outstation/19 -> outstations
overdress/19 -> overdressed,overdressing,overdresses
oviedo/19 -> oviedoes
p'rap/19 -> p'raps
paedophilia/19 -> paedophilias
palm-tree/19 -> palm-trees
papaya/19 -> papayas
parasitism/19 -> parasitisms
paste-up/19 -> paste-ups
pastich/19 -> pastiches
pausania/19 -> pausanias
penta/19 -> pentas
phagocyte/19 -> phagocytes
phosphorescence/19 -> phosphorescences
photostat/19 -> photostats,photostatted,photostatting,photostating,photostated
phrenologist/19 -> phrenologists
piaf/19 -> piafs
picture-book/19 -> picture-books
pin-prick/19 -> pin-pricks
pizzicato/19 -> pizzicatoes
plastering/19 -> plasterings
pleurisy/19 -> pleurisies
politique/19 -> politiques
polyandry/19 -> polyandries
polyphosphate/19 -> polyphosphates
poorhouse/19 -> poorhouses
precognition/19 -> precognitions
predestinarian/19 -> predestinarians
predicator/19 -> predicators
prodder/19 -> prodders
promptness/19 -> promptnesses
prothrombin/19 -> prothrombins
prototyp/19 -> prototyping,prototyped
punic/19 -> punics
purebred/19 -> purebreds
purse-string/19 -> purse-strings
pythagora/19 -> pythagoras
quisling/19 -> quislings
railtour/19 -> railtours
rain-forest/19 -> rain-forests
re-fuel/19 -> re-fuelling,re-fuelled
re-offend/19 -> re-offending,re-offended
re-phrase/19 -> re-phrased,re-phrasing
re-position/19 -> re-positioned,re-positioning,re-positions
re-surface/19 -> re-surfaced,re-surfacing,re-surfaces
re-take/19 -> re-taking,re-takes
re-vamp/19 -> re-vamped,re-vamping,re-vamps
re-visit/19 -> re-visited,re-visits,re-visiting
reaching/19 -> reachings
reasoner/19 -> reasoners
receptiveness/19 -> receptivenesses
record-holder/19 -> record-holders
recursion/19 -> recursions
rediffusion/19 -> rediffusions
regrade/19 -> regrading,regraded
rejectionist/19 -> rejectionists
relaxant/19 -> relaxants
remonstrance/19 -> remonstrances
reprographic/19 -> reprographics
restorationist/19 -> restorationists
resurfacing/19 -> resurfacings
retitle/19 -> retitled
retrench/19 -> retrenched,retrenching,retrenches
returnee/19 -> returnees
revivify/19 -> revivified,revivifying,revivifies
rheumatology/19 -> rheumatologies
rickard/19 -> rickards
rinsing/19 -> rinsings
riskiness/19 -> riskinesses
rollerskate/19 -> rollerskates,rollerskated,rollerskating
roo/19 -> roos
rubicon/19 -> rubicons
runt/19 -> runts,runted
salivation/19 -> salivations
salt-water/19 -> salt-waters
sandstorm/19 -> sandstorms
sashay/19 -> sashayed,sashaying,sashays
satanist/19 -> satanists
scimitar/19 -> scimitars
self-effacement/19 -> self-effacements
self-perception/19 -> self-perceptions
self-regard/19 -> self-regards
sexiness/19 -> sexinesses
shanty-town/19 -> shanty-towns
shifter/19 -> shifters
shock-wave/19 -> shock-waves
shortwave/19 -> shortwaves
showcard/19 -> showcards
sidelight/19 -> sidelights
sids/19 -> sidss
silesian/19 -> silesians
singleness/19 -> singlenesses
six-pack/19 -> six-packs
sixtieth/19 -> sixtieths
skewness/19 -> skewnesses
skinful/19 -> skinfuls
sleepwalker/19 -> sleepwalkers
slicer/19 -> slicers
small-holding/19 -> small-holdings
smartness/19 -> smartnesses
snakehead/19 -> snakeheads
snatcher/19 -> snatchers
solecism/19 -> solecisms
solon/19 -> solons
songster/19 -> songsters
sorbus/19 -> sorbuss
sot/19 -> sots
soundboard/19 -> soundboards
spherulite/19 -> spherulites
spigot/19 -> spigots
spooler/19 -> spoolers
sprocket/19 -> sprockets
statist/19 -> statists
steading/19 -> steadings
stearman/19 -> stearmen,stearmans
steinberger/19 -> steinbergers
stendhal/19 -> stendhals
stole/19 -> stoles
stope/19 -> stopes,stoping
storybook/19 -> storybooks
strathspey/19 -> strathspeys
streptococcus/19 -> streptococcuss
stridency/19 -> stridencies
strongpoint/19 -> strongpoints
sub-area/19 -> sub-areas
sub-class/19 -> sub-classes
sub-tenant/19 -> sub-tenants
subassembly/19 -> subassemblies
sun-lounger/19 -> sun-loungers
syndicalism/19 -> syndicalisms
synonymy/19 -> synonymies
table-cloth/19 -> table-cloths
tacoma/19 -> tacomas
taskforce/19 -> taskforces
taskmaster/19 -> taskmasters
tastebud/19 -> tastebuds
taxicab/19 -> taxicabs
tea-chest/19 -> tea-chests
teashop/19 -> teashops
telemann/19 -> telemanns
televisual/19 -> televisuals
telework/19 -> teleworking,teleworked
tentorium/19 -> tentoriums
tetrahedral/19 -> tetrahedrals
tetrahymena/19 -> tetrahymenas
thea/19 -> theas
thiazide/19 -> thiazides
tie-break/19 -> tie-breaks
timebomb/19 -> timebombs
toluene/19 -> toluenes
topo/19 -> topos
tradespeople/19 -> tradespeoples
transgressor/19 -> transgressors
trap-door/19 -> trap-doors
trellise/19 -> trellises,trellising
trog/19 -> trogging
trotskyite/19 -> trotskyites
trousseau/19 -> trousseaus,trousseaux
truncation/19 -> truncations
tsonga/19 -> tsongas
turn-around/19 -> turn-arounds
turnabout/19 -> turnabouts
two-step/19 -> two-steps
typographer/19 -> typographers
ukranian/19 -> ukranians
ulna/19 -> ulnas
uncomplain/19 -> uncomplaining
underprice/19 -> underpricing,underprices,underpriced
ung/19 -> unger
unlace/19 -> unlaced,unlacing,unlaces
upthrust/19 -> upthrusting,upthrusts
vacuity/19 -> vacuities
vegetate/19 -> vegetated,vegetates,vegetating
vergil/19 -> vergils
verst/19 -> versts
vieille/19 -> vieilles
vroom/19 -> vrooming
warthog/19 -> warthogs
water-bottle/19 -> water-bottles
wb/19 -> wbs
weekender/19 -> weekenders
whinger/19 -> whingers
whitehorn/19 -> whitehorns
whitehorse/19 -> whitehorses
whitey/19 -> whiteys
wildwood/19 -> wildwoods
windlass/19 -> windlasses,windlassed
wineskin/19 -> wineskins
wolfking/19 -> wolfkings
woodpile/19 -> woodpiles
woodruff/19 -> woodruffs
working-man/19 -> working-men
x-station/19 -> x-stations
xian/19 -> xians
y-front/19 -> y-fronts
yakut/19 -> yakuts
yangon/19 -> yangons
zoroastrian/19 -> zoroastrians
zygomatic/19 -> zygomatics
aardvark/18 -> aardvarks
acclimatisation/18 -> acclimatisations
acquisitiveness/18 -> acquisitivenesses
adulterate/18 -> adulterated,adulterating,adulterates
after-image/18 -> after-images
aggrandisement/18 -> aggrandisements
agister/18 -> agisters
aigina/18 -> aiginas
aimer/18 -> aimers
ak/18 -> aks,aked,aker
alar/18 -> alars
aldosterone/18 -> aldosterones
alexandrian/18 -> alexandrians
aliase/18 -> aliases,aliasing
allium/18 -> alliums
allsopp/18 -> allsopps
almanack/18 -> almanacks
als/18 -> alss
ampoule/18 -> ampoules
anabaptist/18 -> anabaptists
angelus/18 -> angeluss
angiogenesis/18 -> angiogeneses
annamite/18 -> annamites
anta/18 -> antas
anthranoid/18 -> anthranoids
apodeme/18 -> apodemes
apostolate/18 -> apostolates
ardennes/18 -> ardenness
argo/18 -> argoes
arguing/18 -> arguings
arius/18 -> ariuss
arm-twisting/18 -> arm-twistings
arminianism/18 -> arminianisms
artex/18 -> artexed
asbestosis/18 -> asbestoses
astrolabe/18 -> astrolabes
atalanta/18 -> atalantas
augure/18 -> augured,auguring
auteur/18 -> auteurs
axing/18 -> axings
ayah/18 -> ayahs
baas/18 -> baass
baldy/18 -> baldies
balloonist/18 -> balloonists
beanpole/18 -> beanpoles
beastliness/18 -> beastlinesses
bedser/18 -> bedsers
begetter/18 -> begetters
bell-push/18 -> bell-pushes
bellerby/18 -> bellerbys
beltane/18 -> beltanes
besmirch/18 -> besmirched,besmirching,besmirches
biafran/18 -> biafrans
bigamy/18 -> bigamies
birthing/18 -> birthings
blain/18 -> blains
blimp/18 -> blimps
blunderbuss/18 -> blunderbusses
boasting/18 -> boastings
body-blow/18 -> body-blows
bodybuilder/18 -> bodybuilders
boethius/18 -> boethiuss
book-keeper/18 -> book-keepers
booze-up/18 -> booze-ups
borage/18 -> borages
borges/18 -> borgess
brancusi/18 -> brancusis
brasilia/18 -> brasilias
breakable/18 -> breakables
breathalyse/18 -> breathalysed
brickbat/18 -> brickbats
brobdingnag/18 -> brobdingnags
bromberg/18 -> brombergs
browbeat/18 -> browbeating,browbeats,browbeaten
brun/18 -> bruns
btu/18 -> btus
bullfinch/18 -> bullfinches
cablecar/18 -> cablecars
callbox/18 -> callboxes
campanula/18 -> campanulas
canetti/18 -> canettis
canonisation/18 -> canonisations
capuchin/18 -> capuchins
cept/18 -> cepting
ceres/18 -> ceress
chartreuse/18 -> chartreuses
chastisement/18 -> chastisements
cheeseboard/18 -> cheeseboards
cheeseburger/18 -> cheeseburgers
chervil/18 -> chervils
chirrupe/18 -> chirruped,chirruping
chromide/18 -> chromides
cinematographer/18 -> cinematographers
civilize/18 -> civilized,civilizing,civilizes
cloaca/18 -> cloacas
cne/18 -> cnes
co-host/18 -> co-hosts,co-hosted,co-hosting
co-occur/18 -> co-occurring,co-occurs,co-occurred
codpiece/18 -> codpieces
coelacanth/18 -> coelacanths
cohabitee/18 -> cohabitees
commutation/18 -> commutations
commutator/18 -> commutators
compartmentalise/18 -> compartmentalised,compartmentalises,compartmentalising
comprehensibility/18 -> comprehensibilities
condominium/18 -> condominiums
conga/18 -> congas,congaing,congaed
construal/18 -> construals
contemporaneity/18 -> contemporaneities
contestation/18 -> contestations
contextualise/18 -> contextualised,contextualising
contusion/18 -> contusions
cookware/18 -> cookwares
corolla/18 -> corollas
cosmologist/18 -> cosmologists
crawler/18 -> crawlers
cremona/18 -> cremonas
crossbowman/18 -> crossbowmen
crossbreed/18 -> crossbreeding,crossbreeds,crossbred
crue/18 -> crues
cruiserweight/18 -> cruiserweights
cuddy/18 -> cuddies
cwt/18 -> cwts
cyborg/18 -> cyborgs
dancehall/18 -> dancehalls
datastream/18 -> datastreams
dead-head/18 -> dead-headed,dead-heading
dead-weight/18 -> dead-weights
debauch/18 -> debauched,debauches,debauching
debrace/18 -> debraces
decin/18 -> decins
deere/18 -> deeres
demander/18 -> demanders
demotic/18 -> demotics
dengue/18 -> dengues
detox/18 -> detoxed,detoxing,detoxes
dewdrop/18 -> dewdrops
dextral/18 -> dextrals
dicker/18 -> dickering,dickers,dickered
discontinuation/18 -> discontinuations
disjuncture/18 -> disjunctures
disorganization/18 -> disorganizations
divvy/18 -> divvied
dobbin/18 -> dobbins
dowland/18 -> dowlands
downtime/18 -> downtimes
draincock/18 -> draincocks
drillo/18 -> drillos
droning/18 -> dronings
drugstore/18 -> drugstores
dumpbin/18 -> dumpbins
e-type/18 -> e-types
ecclesiastes/18 -> ecclesiastess
edd/18 -> edds
edginess/18 -> edginesses
eff/18 -> effing,effed,effs
eglantine/18 -> eglantines
electrochemistry/18 -> electrochemistries
eluate/18 -> eluates
emaciation/18 -> emaciations
emendation/18 -> emendations
en/18 -> ens
end-all/18 -> end-alls
endoderm/18 -> endoderms
endoperoxide/18 -> endoperoxides
entrapment/18 -> entrapments
eugenicist/18 -> eugenicists
euphorbia/18 -> euphorbias
euro-credit/18 -> euro-credits
eutectic/18 -> eutectics
ex-pupil/18 -> ex-pupils
excitability/18 -> excitabilities
exotoxin/18 -> exotoxins
extirpate/18 -> extirpated,extirpating,extirpates
extrasystole/18 -> extrasystoles
factorisation/18 -> factorisations
fairing/18 -> fairings
fantail/18 -> fantails
fearlessness/18 -> fearlessnesses
feebl/18 -> feebler,feeblest
feetham/18 -> feethams
feist/18 -> feists
fest/18 -> festing
fiber/18 -> fibers
filter-feeder/18 -> filter-feeders
firecracker/18 -> firecrackers
firkin/18 -> firkins
fishbone/18 -> fishbones
fishtank/18 -> fishtanks
flatty/18 -> flatties
flow-chart/18 -> flow-charts
footwall/18 -> footwalls
freeze-frame/18 -> freeze-frames
frippery/18 -> fripperies
frugality/18 -> frugalities
frunze/18 -> frunzes
ftp/18 -> ftps
funbreak/18 -> funbreaks
fungible/18 -> fungibles
furze/18 -> furzes
fusillade/18 -> fusillades,fusillading,fusilladed
gagarin/18 -> gagarins
galium/18 -> galiums
garrot/18 -> garrotted,garrotting
gca/18 -> gcas
gco/18 -> gcos
geniality/18 -> genialities
giantess/18 -> giantesses
giblet/18 -> giblets
gillen/18 -> gillens
gimlet/18 -> gimlets
glottal/18 -> glottalling
golliwog/18 -> golliwogs
gora/18 -> goras
goul/18 -> gouled
granulate/18 -> granulated,granulating,granulates
greeley/18 -> greeleys
grenadine/18 -> grenadines
grey-blue/18 -> grey-blues
groundcrew/18 -> groundcrews
guar/18 -> guars
gyroscope/18 -> gyroscopes
gyrus/18 -> gyruss
haematuria/18 -> haematurias
halfback/18 -> halfbacks
halftime/18 -> halftimes
halide/18 -> halides
hallucinogen/18 -> hallucinogens
handbell/18 -> handbells
hard-man/18 -> hard-men
harpist/18 -> harpists
hedda/18 -> heddas
henhouse/18 -> henhouses
hide-out/18 -> hide-outs
hitch-hike/18 -> hitch-hikes,hitch-hiking,hitch-hiked
hitching/18 -> hitchings
hittite/18 -> hittites
hoopoe/18 -> hoopoes
hornbeam/18 -> hornbeams
hoverfly/18 -> hoverflies
hrolf/18 -> hrolves
humanness/18 -> humannesses
hydrate/18 -> hydrated,hydrating,hydrates
hymnody/18 -> hymnodies
iglesias/18 -> iglesiass
iguanodon/18 -> iguanodons
implausibility/18 -> implausibilities
inanna/18 -> inannas
insurrectionary/18 -> insurrectionaries
inter-relation/18 -> inter-relations
interchangeability/18 -> interchangeabilities
intermarry/18 -> intermarried,intermarrying,intermarries
introversion/18 -> introversions
inverter/18 -> inverters
invulnerability/18 -> invulnerabilities
inwardness/18 -> inwardnesses
ionosphere/18 -> ionospheres
ipo/18 -> ipos
jailbird/18 -> jailbirds
jena/18 -> jenas
jinnah/18 -> jinnahs
jongleur/18 -> jongleurs
jour/18 -> jours
justicialist/18 -> justicialists
justiciary/18 -> justiciaries
kauai/18 -> kauais
kerman/18 -> kermans
killigrew/18 -> killigrews
kilroy/18 -> kilroys
knower/18 -> knowers
knowingness/18 -> knowingnesses
kola/18 -> kolas
krafft-ebing/18 -> krafft-ebings
kropotkin/18 -> kropotkins
kumquat/18 -> kumquats
lacking/18 -> lackings
lascar/18 -> lascars
lav/18 -> lavs
laval/18 -> lavals
lawn-mower/18 -> lawn-mowers
leaflete/18 -> leafleting,leafleted
legspinner/18 -> legspinners
level-crossing/18 -> level-crossings
libdem/18 -> libdems
liberal-national/18 -> liberal-nationals
libreville/18 -> librevilles
lifeform/18 -> lifeforms
line-printer/18 -> line-printers
liquidiser/18 -> liquidisers
liquify/18 -> liquified,liquifies,liquifying
locution/18 -> locutions
lodz/18 -> lodzs
longfellow/18 -> longfellows
lopside/18 -> lopsided
lugger/18 -> luggers
lugworm/18 -> lugworms
luzon/18 -> luzons
lydian/18 -> lydians
lymphadenopathy/18 -> lymphadenopathies
lyra/18 -> lyras
m-way/18 -> m-ways
machine-tool/18 -> machine-tools
macrocell/18 -> macrocells
magick/18 -> magicked,magicks
magnifier/18 -> magnifiers
majorcan/18 -> majorcans
maladjustment/18 -> maladjustments
mammary/18 -> mammaries
masseuse/18 -> masseuses
mea/18 -> meas
meat-eater/18 -> meat-eaters
mede/18 -> medes
mendeleev/18 -> mendeleevs
microform/18 -> microforms
micturition/18 -> micturitions
midgetman/18 -> midgetmen
militarization/18 -> militarizations
mini-league/18 -> mini-leagues
minimization/18 -> minimizations
miniver/18 -> minivers
minuteman/18 -> minutemen
misapply/18 -> misapplied,misapplying,misapplies
misprice/18 -> mispricing,mispriced
mithra/18 -> mithras
molehill/18 -> molehills
mommy/18 -> mommies
monkee/18 -> monkees
monochromator/18 -> monochromators
monographic/18 -> monographics
moreen/18 -> moreens
mosul/18 -> mosuls
mouss/18 -> mousses,moussed
mozartian/18 -> mozartians
msg/18 -> msgs
multi-layer/18 -> multi-layers
multivitamin/18 -> multivitamins
mutagen/18 -> mutagens
myasthenia/18 -> myasthenias
myelin/18 -> myelins
mythago/18 -> mythagos
nance/18 -> nances
neap/18 -> neaps
near-miss/18 -> near-misses
negress/18 -> negresses
negroid/18 -> negroids
never-never/18 -> nevers-nevers
news-stand/18 -> news-stands
newsstand/18 -> newsstands
nifedipine/18 -> nifedipines
nobile/18 -> nobiles
non-drinker/18 -> non-drinkers
non-event/18 -> non-events
nuclide/18 -> nuclides
nunavut/18 -> nunavuts
occultation/18 -> occultations
octavo/18 -> octavos
offspinner/18 -> offspinners
oligosaccharide/18 -> oligosaccharides
omne/18 -> omnes
one-upmanship/18 -> one-upmanships
onrush/18 -> onrushing
openside/18 -> opensides
oporto/18 -> oportoes
orca/18 -> orcas
organon/18 -> organa
outage/18 -> outages
over-stretch/18 -> over-stretched,over-stretching,over-stretches
over-value/18 -> over-valued,over-valuing
over-winter/18 -> over-wintered,over-wintering,over-winters
overdraw/18 -> overdrawing,overdraws,overdrew,overdrawn
overprint/18 -> overprinted,overprinting,overprints
overthrust/18 -> overthrusting
oxygenation/18 -> oxygenations
pachytene/18 -> pachytenes
pallas/18 -> pallass
pandemic/18 -> pandemics
pangolin/18 -> pangolins
paramour/18 -> paramours
paratone/18 -> paratones
patentee/18 -> patentees
peduncle/18 -> peduncles
peet/18 -> peets
penology/18 -> penologies
pentagram/18 -> pentagrams
percussionist/18 -> percussionists
persuader/18 -> persuaders
phaeton/18 -> phaetons
photo-copy/18 -> photo-copies,photo-copying,photo-copied
pilau/18 -> pilaus
pilotage/18 -> pilotages
playmaker/18 -> playmakers
pokey/18 -> pokeys
polise/18 -> polises
polyanthus/18 -> polyanthuss
polymerization/18 -> polymerizations
polyptych/18 -> polyptychs
polysyllable/18 -> polysyllables
porsch/18 -> porsches
postverbal/18 -> postverbals
pre-meeting/18 -> pre-meetings
pre-payment/18 -> pre-payments
precariousness/18 -> precariousnesses
predestine/18 -> predestined,predestines,predestining
pricy/18 -> pricier,priciest
programme-maker/18 -> programme-makers
progressiveness/18 -> progressivenesses
psychose/18 -> psychoses
public-service/18 -> public-services
pulitzer/18 -> pulitzers
pyrexia/18 -> pyrexias
quarter-finalist/18 -> quarter-finalists
quinolone/18 -> quinolones
radioisotope/18 -> radioisotopes
ramekin/18 -> ramekins
rashness/18 -> rashnesses
rath/18 -> raths
ratiocination/18 -> ratiocinations
razorbill/18 -> razorbills
re-allocate/18 -> re-allocated,re-allocating
re-allocation/18 -> re-allocations
re-arrest/18 -> re-arrested
re-draft/18 -> re-drafted,re-drafting
re-echo/18 -> re-echoed,re-echoing
re-house/18 -> re-housed,re-housing
re-register/18 -> re-registered,re-registering,re-registers
re-stock/18 -> re-stocking,re-stocked
re-tell/18 -> re-told,re-tells
re-union/18 -> re-unions
recirculate/18 -> recirculated,recirculating
reefer/18 -> reefers
rehydrate/18 -> rehydrated
reorientate/18 -> reorientated,reorientating,reorientates
repopulate/18 -> repopulated,repopulating
resorption/18 -> resorptions
respire/18 -> respired,respiring,respires
reunit/18 -> reuniting
rhetorician/18 -> rhetoricians
rhomboid/18 -> rhomboids
rigor/18 -> rigors
roadster/18 -> roadsters
rodet/18 -> rodets
roller-skate/18 -> roller-skating,roller-skates,roller-skated
rollright/18 -> rollrights
roomette/18 -> roomettes
rorschach/18 -> rorschaches
rosin/18 -> rosins,rosining,rosined
rotifer/18 -> rotifers
ruction/18 -> ructions
ruination/18 -> ruinations
run-on/18 -> run-ons
schistosomiasis/18 -> schistosomiases
school-friend/18 -> school-friends
scrapie/18 -> scrapies
scroung/18 -> scrounging
scuffling/18 -> scufflings
sculler/18 -> scullers
seashell/18 -> seashells
sein/18 -> seined
self-hatred/18 -> self-hatreds
self-revelation/18 -> self-revelations
selflessness/18 -> selflessnesses
selva/18 -> selvas
semi-colon/18 -> semi-colons
sensorite/18 -> sensorites
seraph/18 -> seraphim,seraphs
sextet/18 -> sextets
shamanism/18 -> shamanisms
shiloh/18 -> shilohs
shorty/18 -> shorties
showgirl/18 -> showgirls
showjumper/18 -> showjumpers
showtime/18 -> showtimes
shuttlecock/18 -> shuttlecocks,shuttlecocked
sighing/18 -> sighings
sightsee/18 -> sightseeing,sightsees,sightsaw,sightseen
sizing/18 -> sizings
slammer/18 -> slammers
slaughtering/18 -> slaughterings
slave-owner/18 -> slave-owners
slushy/18 -> slushier,slushiest
snap-shot/18 -> snap-shots
sondheim/18 -> sondheims
sound-change/18 -> sound-changes
spe/18 -> spes
spellchecker/18 -> spellcheckers
sperry/18 -> sperries
sporozoite/18 -> sporozoites
squar/18 -> squarer,squarest
squeamishness/18 -> squeamishnesses
squinch/18 -> squinches
stanislavsky/18 -> stanislavskies
starsuit/18 -> starsuits
step-child/18 -> step-children
stepladder/18 -> stepladders
stepsister/18 -> stepsisters
stillwater/18 -> stillwaters
storyboard/18 -> storyboarding,storyboards
strephon/18 -> strephons
strimmer/18 -> strimmers
styrofoam/18 -> styrofoams
sub-king/18 -> sub-kings
sub-population/18 -> sub-populations
sub-underwriter/18 -> sub-underwriters
subdominant/18 -> subdominants
subfraction/18 -> subfractions
subskill/18 -> subskills
substitutability/18 -> substitutabilities
suedehead/18 -> suedeheads
sunbird/18 -> sunbirds
sundew/18 -> sundews
supercool/18 -> supercooling,supercooled
supermarine/18 -> supermarines
sura/18 -> suras
susy/18 -> susies
syncope/18 -> syncopes
tabler/18 -> tablers
tabriz/18 -> tabrizs
tailcoat/18 -> tailcoats,tailcoated
tallyman/18 -> tallymen
tamarin/18 -> tamarins
tamer/18 -> tamers
tanganyikan/18 -> tanganyikans
telemetry/18 -> telemetries
ten-man/18 -> ten-men
tendere/18 -> tenderest,tenderer
test-bed/18 -> test-beds
theocracy/18 -> theocracies
theorization/18 -> theorizations
thinner/18 -> thinners
third-large/18 -> third-largest
thorium/18 -> thoriums
thrasher/18 -> thrashers
thumbprint/18 -> thumbprints
thumper/18 -> thumpers
tiebreaker/18 -> tiebreakers
tit-bit/18 -> tit-bits
toe-nail/18 -> toe-nails
tolbukhin/18 -> tolbukhins
tommorrow/18 -> tommorrows
tonk/18 -> tonking
tours/18 -> tourss
tractarian/18 -> tractarians
tramline/18 -> tramlines
traverser/18 -> traversers
treadle/18 -> treadles,treadling
trinitarian/18 -> trinitarians
trower/18 -> trowers
tughluk/18 -> tughluks
tuileries/18 -> tuileriess
tut-tut/18 -> tut-tuts,tut-tutting,tut-tutted
underblanket/18 -> underblankets
uniate/18 -> uniates
unselfishness/18 -> unselfishnesses
urology/18 -> urologies
ustinov/18 -> ustinovs
utterer/18 -> utterers
valise/18 -> valises
vanadium/18 -> vanadiums
vetoe/18 -> vetoes
virion/18 -> virions
viticulture/18 -> viticultures
wack/18 -> wacked,wacking
waiting-list/18 -> waiting-lists
wakening/18 -> wakenings
wanamaker/18 -> wanamakers
wanderlust/18 -> wanderlusts
warband/18 -> warbands
warmonger/18 -> warmongers,warmongering
warping/18 -> warpings
watteau/18 -> watteaus
wheely/18 -> wheelies
white-out/18 -> white-outs
white-wash/18 -> white-washed,white-washing
whittler/18 -> whittlers
wholesomeness/18 -> wholesomenesses
wiggler/18 -> wigglers
windcheater/18 -> windcheaters,windcheatered
window-box/18 -> window-boxes
wineglass/18 -> wineglasses
wolverine/18 -> wolverines
wondering/18 -> wonderings
woodcraft/18 -> woodcrafts
woodmill/18 -> woodmills
abase/17 -> abased,abasing,abases
abjection/17 -> abjections
abkhazian/17 -> abkhazians
aby/17 -> abies
acetylene/17 -> acetylenes
achlorhydria/17 -> achlorhydrias
acromegaly/17 -> acromegalies
adjacency/17 -> adjacencies
adrenergic/17 -> adrenergics
aerodynamics/17 -> aerodynamicss
aerogramme/17 -> aerogrammes
albinism/17 -> albinisms
albuman/17 -> albumen
allhallows/17 -> allhallowss
ambra/17 -> ambras
ammeter/17 -> ammeters
analogize/17 -> analogizing,analogized,analogizes
analyte/17 -> analytes
anklet/17 -> anklets
annam/17 -> annams
antipodes/17 -> antipodess
antoninus/17 -> antoninuss
appetiser/17 -> appetisers
aquascape/17 -> aquascaping,aquascaped
aragonite/17 -> aragonites
argonaut/17 -> argonauts
argy/17 -> argies
aristo/17 -> aristos
arrhenius/17 -> arrheniuss
arrondissement/17 -> arrondissements
arrowana/17 -> arrowanas
arrowroot/17 -> arrowroots
ashlar/17 -> ashlars
aske/17 -> askes
assyria/17 -> assyrias
asymptote/17 -> asymptotes
athos/17 -> athoss
australe/17 -> australes
australopithecus/17 -> australopithecuss
autoclave/17 -> autoclaving,autoclaved,autoclaves
automatism/17 -> automatisms
avowal/17 -> avowals
badinage/17 -> badinages
baglady/17 -> bagladies
ballade/17 -> ballades
barcode/17 -> barcodes,barcoded,barcoding
bartok/17 -> bartoks
basilisk/17 -> basilisks
battering-ram/17 -> battering-rams
bearskin/17 -> bearskins
beaut/17 -> beauts
bebop/17 -> bebops
bed-wetting/17 -> bed-wettings
beelzebub/17 -> beelzebubs
behrens/17 -> behrenss
bemusement/17 -> bemusements
bequethe/17 -> bequeathing
bespeak/17 -> bespeaks,bespeaking,bespoke,bespoken
bestir/17 -> bestirred,bestirring,bestirs
biome/17 -> biomes
bloemfontein/17 -> bloemfonteins
bloodlust/17 -> bloodlusting
blouson/17 -> blousons
bodensee/17 -> bodensees
bodybuilding/17 -> bodybuildings
boehm/17 -> boehms
bondager/17 -> bondagers
bonemeal/17 -> bonemeals
book-collector/17 -> book-collectors
bookwork/17 -> bookworks
boop/17 -> boops
boor/17 -> boors,booring
boudin/17 -> boudins
bowing/17 -> bowings
bract/17 -> bracts
bradycardia/17 -> bradycardias
brasil/17 -> brasils
broadsword/17 -> broadswords
broiler/17 -> broilers
bruch/17 -> bruches
buckete/17 -> bucketing,bucketed
buckskin/17 -> buckskins
buddle/17 -> buddles
buffeting/17 -> buffetings
bully-boy/17 -> bully-boys
bummer/17 -> bummers
busload/17 -> busloads
butte/17 -> buttes
byker/17 -> bykers
cadd/17 -> cadds
caeruloplasmin/17 -> caeruloplasmins
calidris/17 -> calidriss
campana/17 -> campanas
camshaft/17 -> camshafts
canonization/17 -> canonizations
canonize/17 -> canonized,canonizing,canonizes
caparison/17 -> caparisoned,caparisons,caparisoning
carib/17 -> caribs
caries/17 -> cariess
carotene/17 -> carotenes
carrel/17 -> carrels
cashpoint/17 -> cashpoints
catsuit/17 -> catsuits
catwoman/17 -> catwomen
censore/17 -> censoring
centenarian/17 -> centenarians
centerline/17 -> centerlines
cetus/17 -> cetuss
chaetodon/17 -> chaetodons
chancer/17 -> chancers
charcuterie/17 -> charcuteries
charwoman/17 -> charwomen
chasten/17 -> chastened,chastening,chastens
chat-show/17 -> chat-shows
cheesecloth/17 -> cheesecloths
chemotaxis/17 -> chemotaxes
chinchilla/17 -> chinchillas
chlorambucil/17 -> chlorambucils
chukchi/17 -> chukchis
cim/17 -> cims
clawing/17 -> clawings
clee/17 -> clees
closeup/17 -> closeups
cloverleaf/17 -> cloverleaves
co-operator/17 -> co-operators
co-producer/17 -> co-producers
coach-house/17 -> coach-houses
coarsen/17 -> coarsened,coarsening,coarsens
coat-hanger/17 -> coat-hangers
coder/17 -> coders
collagenase/17 -> collagenases
colostrum/17 -> colostrums
common-room/17 -> common-rooms
comport/17 -> comporting,comported,comports
congreve/17 -> congreves
consistory/17 -> consistories
constrictor/17 -> constrictors
coolidge/17 -> coolidges
coopt/17 -> coopted,coopting,coopts
corr/17 -> corrs
cosma/17 -> cosmas
costermonger/17 -> costermongers
counterstain/17 -> counterstained
countship/17 -> countships
cra/17 -> cras
crake/17 -> crakes
cro-magnon/17 -> cro-magnons
cross-fertilization/17 -> cross-fertilizations
cruncher/17 -> crunchers
cumulation/17 -> cumulations
customize/17 -> customized,customizing,customizes
cynewulf/17 -> cynewulfs
daemonette/17 -> daemonettes
dartboard/17 -> dartboards
daywork/17 -> dayworks
deaccession/17 -> deaccessioning,deaccessioned,deaccessions
decile/17 -> deciles
defibrillation/17 -> defibrillations
defoliation/17 -> defoliations
delectation/17 -> delectations
delict/17 -> delicts
demagogy/17 -> demagogies
denationalization/17 -> denationalizations
denotation/17 -> denotations
depopulate/17 -> depopulated,depopulating,depopulates
deputize/17 -> deputizing,deputized,deputizes
descender/17 -> descenders
diffusivity/17 -> diffusivities
digitisation/17 -> digitisations
disempower/17 -> disempowering,disempowers,disempowered
distributary/17 -> distributaries
doghouse/17 -> doghouses
dogwood/17 -> dogwoods
doha/17 -> dohas
domine/17 -> domines
dormancy/17 -> dormancies
dotage/17 -> dotages
dragnet/17 -> dragnets
duddy/17 -> duddies
dy/17 -> dys,dies
dysgraphia/17 -> dysgraphias
ecuadorean/17 -> ecuadoreans
eejit/17 -> eejits
encrypt/17 -> encrypted,encrypting,encrypts
endmember/17 -> endmembers
endometrium/17 -> endometriums
eos/17 -> eoss
epicycle/17 -> epicycles
erk/17 -> erks
eschatology/17 -> eschatologies
euphony/17 -> euphonies
evasiveness/17 -> evasivenesses
exudate/17 -> exudates
eye-socket/17 -> eye-sockets
eyeglass/17 -> eyeglasses
eyestripe/17 -> eyestripes
faff/17 -> faffing
fauvism/17 -> fauvisms
fem/17 -> fems
ferrer/17 -> ferrers
fetlock/17 -> fetlocks
fickleness/17 -> ficklenesses
file-server/17 -> file-servers
film-star/17 -> film-stars
fire-eater/17 -> fire-eaters
first-aider/17 -> first-aiders
flattener/17 -> flatteners
flavonoid/17 -> flavonoids
fleur-de-lis/17 -> fleurs-de-lis
flexion/17 -> flexions
flunk/17 -> flunked,flunks,flunking
fogey/17 -> fogeys
fonteyn/17 -> fonteyns
foregate/17 -> foregated
foreignness/17 -> foreignnesses
forewing/17 -> forewings
fossa/17 -> fossas
fourball/17 -> fourballs
fragonard/17 -> fragonards
fraternize/17 -> fraternizing,fraternized,fraternizes
freon/17 -> freons
fuddy-duddy/17 -> fuddy-duddies
futon/17 -> futons
gabbro/17 -> gabbros
gaborone/17 -> gaborones
gallerist/17 -> gallerists
gangcult/17 -> gangcults
garrimpero/17 -> garrimperos
gatevalve/17 -> gatevalves
ghetto-blaster/17 -> ghetto-blasters
gib/17 -> gibs
gizmo/17 -> gizmos
glamorise/17 -> glamorising,glamorised
glendower/17 -> glendowers
gloating/17 -> gloatings
gogol/17 -> gogols
golgi/17 -> golgis
grabber/17 -> grabbers
granter/17 -> granters
granulite/17 -> granulites
greylag/17 -> greylags
groover/17 -> groovers
guidewire/17 -> guidewires
gumption/17 -> gumptions
gunslinger/17 -> gunslingers
haagen-daz/17 -> haagen-dazs
haematoma/17 -> haematomas,haematomata
haemolysis/17 -> haemolyses
handjob/17 -> handjobs
handshaking/17 -> handshakings
hang-glider/17 -> hang-gliders
hao/17 -> haos
headach/17 -> headaches
heart-searching/17 -> heart-searchings
heartbreaker/17 -> heartbreakers
heav'n/17 -> heav'ns
helios/17 -> helioss
heliotrope/17 -> heliotropes
hendrick/17 -> hendricks
hesiod/17 -> hesiods
hiero/17 -> hieros
hill-walker/17 -> hill-walkers
hillfort/17 -> hillforts
hindlimb/17 -> hindlimbs
hirohito/17 -> hirohitoes
hoggett/17 -> hoggetts
home-base/17 -> home-bases
homogenize/17 -> homogenized,homogenizing,homogenizes
homophony/17 -> homophonies
homozygote/17 -> homozygotes
hosea/17 -> hoseas
hot-shot/17 -> hot-shots
huss/17 -> husses
husserl/17 -> husserls
hydrodynamic/17 -> hydrodynamics
hydrographer/17 -> hydrographers
hydroxyapatite/17 -> hydroxyapatites
hypersecretion/17 -> hypersecretions
hypo-or/17 -> hypo-ors
ice-house/17 -> ice-houses
icefall/17 -> icefalls
icelander/17 -> icelanders
illusionist/17 -> illusionists
immure/17 -> immured,immures,immuring
implosion/17 -> implosions
imposture/17 -> impostures
impracticability/17 -> impracticabilities
improviser/17 -> improvisers
impulsion/17 -> impulsions
inadvertence/17 -> inadvertences
inculcation/17 -> inculcations
indiaman/17 -> indiamen
inhalant/17 -> inhalants
insensibility/17 -> insensibilities
intelloid/17 -> intelloids
inter-university/17 -> inter-universities
intercut/17 -> intercuts,intercutting
interlanguage/17 -> interlanguages
internalisation/17 -> internalisations
ism/17 -> isms
isome/17 -> isomer
isopach/17 -> isopachs
jammer/17 -> jammers
jarmusch/17 -> jarmuschs
jobseeker/17 -> jobseekers
jocasta/17 -> jocastas
johne/17 -> johnes
journeying/17 -> journeyings
kairo/17 -> kairos
keratin/17 -> keratins
kerensky/17 -> kerenskies
kinsfolk/17 -> kinsfolks
klimt/17 -> klimts
knuckle-duster/17 -> knuckle-dusters
kor/17 -> korred
koruna/17 -> korunas
kovac/17 -> kovacs
krytron/17 -> krytrons
lakato/17 -> lakatos
landhold/17 -> landholding
langtry/17 -> langtries
lanolin/17 -> lanolins
lar/17 -> lars
lavvy/17 -> lavvys
lbo/17 -> lbos
leap-frog/17 -> leap-frogged
ledbetter/17 -> ledbetters
leftism/17 -> leftisms
lend-lease/17 -> lend-leases
lett/17 -> letts
lgb/17 -> lgbs
licentiousness/17 -> licentiousnesses
life-story/17 -> life-stories
lindbergh/17 -> lindberghs
little'un/17 -> little'uns
lowlander/17 -> lowlanders
loyola/17 -> loyolas
luger/17 -> lugers
lungworm/17 -> lungworms
lusitania/17 -> lusitanias
m'lord/17 -> m'lords
macroeconomist/17 -> macroeconomists
magus/17 -> maguss
majore/17 -> majored,majoring
majorette/17 -> majorettes
makeweight/17 -> makeweights
makin/17 -> makins
malabsorb/17 -> malabsorbed
malleus/17 -> malleuss
mander/17 -> manders
manikin/17 -> manikins
mantilla/17 -> mantillas
matchboard/17 -> matchboarded,matchboarding
mccarthyism/17 -> mccarthyisms
meddler/17 -> meddlers
medico/17 -> medicos
meliaceae/17 -> meliaceaes
merino/17 -> merinos
microsecond/17 -> microseconds
mid-water/17 -> mid-waters
midazolam/17 -> midazolams
might-have-been/17 -> might-have-beens
millivolt/17 -> millivolts
minimax/17 -> minimaxed
missy/17 -> missies
mistime/17 -> mistimed,mistiming,mistimes
modernizer/17 -> modernizers
mollycoddle/17 -> mollycoddled,mollycoddling,mollycoddles
moralizing/17 -> moralizings
mosher/17 -> moshers
multi-effect/17 -> multi-effects
multi-vitamin/17 -> multi-vitamins
muntjac/17 -> muntjacs
mycotoxin/17 -> mycotoxins
nabokov/17 -> nabokovs
natro/17 -> natros
nawab/17 -> nawabs
nectary/17 -> nectaries
nematocyst/17 -> nematocysts
neo-romantic/17 -> neo-romantics
newland/17 -> newlands
non-lawyer/17 -> non-lawyers
north-easterly/17 -> north-easterlies
nose-dive/17 -> nose-dived
nucleoside/17 -> nucleosides
obfuscate/17 -> obfuscating,obfuscates,obfuscated
occurence/17 -> occurences
offenbach/17 -> offenbaches
offical/17 -> officals
ogee/17 -> ogees
oilcloth/17 -> oilcloths
omb/17 -> ombs
omdurman/17 -> omdurmen
omnibuse/17 -> omnibuses
omsk/17 -> omsks
operationalise/17 -> operationalised,operationalising
opp/17 -> opps
oralist/17 -> oralists
orbison/17 -> orbisons
orthoptera/17 -> orthopteras
osteopathy/17 -> osteopathies
ousting/17 -> oustings
outgun/17 -> outgunned
outscore/17 -> outscored,outscoring
outsmart/17 -> outsmarted,outsmarting,outsmarts
overbook/17 -> overbooking,overbooked,overbooks
overbridge/17 -> overbridges
overexpress/17 -> overexpressed,overexpressing
overf/17 -> overfed
overground/17 -> overgrounds
own-brand/17 -> own-brands
owner-manager/17 -> owner-managers
pacing/17 -> pacings
pack-horse/17 -> pack-horses
page-boy/17 -> page-boys
palomino/17 -> palominos
pangaea/17 -> pangaeas
pape/17 -> papes
parachuting/17 -> parachutings
parenchyma/17 -> parenchymas
part-owner/17 -> part-owners
parturition/17 -> parturitions
parvenu/17 -> parvenus
passacaglia/17 -> passacaglias
pastern/17 -> pasterns
payday/17 -> paydays
pelling/17 -> pellings
phenomenologist/17 -> phenomenologists
philippi/17 -> philippis
phonecall/17 -> phonecalls
phosphoinositide/17 -> phosphoinositides
photoreceptor/17 -> photoreceptors
pikeman/17 -> pikemen
pillar-box/17 -> pillar-boxes
pither/17 -> pithers
plasmodium/17 -> plasmodiums
pleven/17 -> plevens
polariser/17 -> polarisers
pomme/17 -> pommes
pondkeeper/17 -> pondkeepers
pontiac/17 -> pontiacs
pre-test/17 -> pre-tests
presentiment/17 -> presentiments
prolamin/17 -> prolamins
protostome/17 -> protostomes
pseudo-device/17 -> pseudo-devices
ptah/17 -> ptahs
punchbag/17 -> punchbags
pustule/17 -> pustules
pyridine/17 -> pyridines
quattrocento/17 -> quattrocentoes
queasiness/17 -> queasinesses
quich/17 -> quiches
racketeer/17 -> racketeers
radiomete/17 -> radiometer
re-admit/17 -> re-admitted
re-marry/17 -> re-married
re-trial/17 -> re-trials
realty/17 -> realties
rebelliousness/17 -> rebelliousnesses
redesignate/17 -> redesignated,redesignating,redesignates
redox/17 -> redoxes
refusenik/17 -> refuseniks
reiter/17 -> reiters
relet/17 -> reletting
repot/17 -> repotting,repotted,repots
retributivist/17 -> retributivists
retrovirus/17 -> retroviruss
riboflavin/17 -> riboflavins
ricochete/17 -> ricocheting
ringworm/17 -> ringworms
risk-taker/17 -> risk-takers
rockling/17 -> rocklings
roleplay/17 -> roleplays,roleplayed
rotarian/17 -> rotarians
ryland/17 -> rylands
sago/17 -> sagoes
salinger/17 -> salingers
sana/17 -> sanas
sandhopper/17 -> sandhoppers
sandman/17 -> sandmen
sano/17 -> sanos
sapien/17 -> sapiens
sard/17 -> sards
satirise/17 -> satirised,satirising,satirises
scriptorium/17 -> scriptoria
scythian/17 -> scythians
sea-green/17 -> sea-greener
sealstone/17 -> sealstones
seed-head/17 -> seed-heads
seismology/17 -> seismologies
self-citation/17 -> self-citations
sentimentalist/17 -> sentimentalists
severing/17 -> severings
sex-change/17 -> sex-changes
shako/17 -> shakos
shangri-la/17 -> shangri-las
shiv/17 -> shivs
sho/17 -> shos
sideslip/17 -> sideslipping,sideslipped
sikkim/17 -> sikkims
silverstein/17 -> silversteins
slashing/17 -> slashings
slenderness/17 -> slendernesses
smooch/17 -> smooching,smooched,smooches
sodomite/17 -> sodomites
speer/17 -> speered
speight/17 -> speights
spiller/17 -> spillers
spinsterhood/17 -> spinsterhoods
splosh/17 -> sploshing,sploshed,sploshes
spo/17 -> spos
sportster/17 -> sportsters
stane/17 -> stanes
starveling/17 -> starvelings
sterilizer/17 -> sterilizers
sterna/17 -> sternas
stop-watch/17 -> stop-watches
striping/17 -> stripings
stylize/17 -> stylized,stylizes,stylizing
styrene/17 -> styrenes
sub-order/17 -> sub-orders
sub-type/17 -> sub-types
sublimity/17 -> sublimities
submissiveness/17 -> submissivenesses
sula/17 -> sulas
sunshade/17 -> sunshades
superfine/17 -> superfines
suppressant/17 -> suppressants
suppuration/17 -> suppurations
suprasegmental/17 -> suprasegmentals
swampland/17 -> swamplands
t-bond/17 -> t-bonds
tampico/17 -> tampicos
tankful/17 -> tankfuls
tansy/17 -> tansies
tasso/17 -> tassos
tea-house/17 -> tea-houses
teasdale/17 -> teasdales
tee-shot/17 -> tee-shots
tenpence/17 -> tenpences
tenseness/17 -> tensenesses
ternary/17 -> ternaries
thwack/17 -> thwacked,thwacking,thwacks
tiepolo/17 -> tiepoloes
toecap/17 -> toecaps,toecapped
toft/17 -> tofts
toilette/17 -> toilettes
tommy-gun/17 -> tommy-guns
toper/17 -> topers
towne/17 -> townes
towny/17 -> townies
tracheotomy/17 -> tracheotomies
tradable/17 -> tradables
trade-unionist/17 -> trade-unionists
transfectant/17 -> transfectants
tree-stump/17 -> tree-stumps
trike/17 -> trikes
trobriand/17 -> trobriands
truckload/17 -> truckloads
trug/17 -> trugs
try-out/17 -> try-outs
tryptic/17 -> tryptics
turnoff/17 -> turnoffs
tyrian/17 -> tyrians
uk-or/17 -> uk-ors
ukia/17 -> ukias
umbrian/17 -> umbrians
ump/17 -> umping
unawareness/17 -> unawarenesses
under-fund/17 -> under-funded,under-funding
undoe/17 -> undoes
unicycle/17 -> unicycling
up-end/17 -> up-ended,up-ending,up-ends
ursus/17 -> ursuss
ve-hickle/17 -> ve-hickles
verbena/17 -> verbenas
vesey/17 -> veseys
vestal/17 -> vestals
vim/17 -> vims
virginian/17 -> virginians
vituperation/17 -> vituperations
volk/17 -> volks
vuillard/17 -> vuillards
wacko/17 -> wackoes
wainscot/17 -> wainscots,wainscotted,wainscotting
wardroom/17 -> wardrooms
warmer/17 -> warmers
water-course/17 -> water-courses
welfarist/17 -> welfarists
wildscape/17 -> wildscapes
wimple/17 -> wimples,wimpled
wine-maker/17 -> wine-makers
winking/17 -> winkings
wirth/17 -> wirths
word-path/17 -> word-paths
wordplay/17 -> wordplays
xtc/17 -> xtcs
yenisei/17 -> yeniseis
yes-man/17 -> yes-men
yttrium/17 -> yttriums
zee/17 -> zees
zippo/17 -> zippoes
abomasum/16 -> abomasums
affaire/16 -> affaires
afghani/16 -> afghanis
after-shave/16 -> after-shaves
aftershock/16 -> aftershocks
air-vent/16 -> air-vents
al-hakim/16 -> al-hakims
all-nighter/16 -> all-nighters
ampicillin/16 -> ampicillins
anglo-indian/16 -> anglo-indians
annalist/16 -> annalists
antare/16 -> antares
anti-heroe/16 -> anti-heroes
anticline/16 -> anticlines
antiguan/16 -> antiguans
antiproton/16 -> antiprotons
anubis/16 -> anubiss
applecart/16 -> applecarts
apraxia/16 -> apraxias
aquaculture/16 -> aquacultures
arak/16 -> araks
aranyo/16 -> aranyos
arcturus/16 -> arcturuss
astrakhan/16 -> astrakhans
atomisation/16 -> atomisations
augury/16 -> auguries
autoradiogram/16 -> autoradiograms
backgammon/16 -> backgammons
bai/16 -> bais
ballistics/16 -> ballisticss
balthasar/16 -> balthasars
bankrol/16 -> bankrolled,bankrolling
bareboat/16 -> bareboating
baseboard/16 -> baseboards
bedpost/16 -> bedposts
bee-eater/16 -> bee-eaters
beldam/16 -> beldams
bestowal/16 -> bestowals
beta-blocker/16 -> beta-blockers
betula/16 -> betulas
bewitchment/16 -> bewitchments
bibliographer/16 -> bibliographers
billabong/16 -> billabongs
biota/16 -> biotas
birdcage/16 -> birdcages
birdtable/16 -> birdtables
blab/16 -> blabbed,blabbing,blabs
blackamoor/16 -> blackamoors
blackcap/16 -> blackcaps
blastomere/16 -> blastomeres
blather/16 -> blathering,blathers,blathered
bloodsport/16 -> bloodsports
blow-out/16 -> blow-outs
boiotian/16 -> boiotians
bopper/16 -> boppers
boson/16 -> bosons
bouillon/16 -> bouillons
bowery/16 -> boweries
bowsprit/16 -> bowsprits
boyar/16 -> boyars
brahe/16 -> brahes
breastf/16 -> breastfed
briskness/16 -> brisknesses
brush-off/16 -> brushes-off
bulgar/16 -> bulgars
bullrush/16 -> bullrushes
bulrush/16 -> bulrushes
bumiputra/16 -> bumiputras
bumpkin/16 -> bumpkins
burg/16 -> burgs
byblos/16 -> bybloss
ca'/16 -> ca'ed
cack/16 -> cacking,cacked,cackest
cahoot/16 -> cahoots
caliphate/16 -> caliphates
calver/16 -> calvers
calvo/16 -> calvos
camp-bed/16 -> camp-beds
cancerian/16 -> cancerians
capulet/16 -> capulets
carefulness/16 -> carefulnesses
casper/16 -> caspers
cassino/16 -> cassinoes
casuarina/16 -> casuarinas
cerulean/16 -> ceruleans
cervantes/16 -> cervantess
characin/16 -> characins
charybdis/16 -> charybdiss
chatting/16 -> chattings
childmind/16 -> childminding
cholangiocarcinoma/16 -> cholangiocarcinomas
chorea/16 -> choreas
chutzpah/16 -> chutzpahs
cinchona/16 -> cinchonas
cinema-goer/16 -> cinema-goers
classique/16 -> classiques
cleanness/16 -> cleannesses
clockmaker/16 -> clockmakers
clonk/16 -> clonks,clonking,clonked
clostridium/16 -> clostridiums
clucking/16 -> cluckings
co-editor/16 -> co-editors
co-heiress/16 -> co-heiresses
co-manager/16 -> co-managers
cockade/16 -> cockades,cockaded
coheir/16 -> coheirs
colby/16 -> colbys
commensal/16 -> commensals
conc/16 -> concs
concavity/16 -> concavities
concertante/16 -> concertantes
conjoncture/16 -> conjonctures
contango/16 -> contangos
contortionist/16 -> contortionists
contractility/16 -> contractilities
convolvulus/16 -> convolvuluss
cordiality/16 -> cordialities
correctionalist/16 -> correctionalists
cortisol/16 -> cortisols
coster/16 -> costers
coulomb/16 -> coulombs
counterinsurgency/16 -> counterinsurgencies
counterintelligence/16 -> counterintelligences
counterpoise/16 -> counterpoised,counterpoises,counterpoising
cranesbill/16 -> cranesbills
crew-cut/16 -> crew-cuts
crooke/16 -> crookes,crookeing
cross-cousin/16 -> cross-cousins
cross-platform/16 -> cross-platforms
croton/16 -> crotons
crowing/16 -> crowings
cubby-hole/16 -> cubby-holes
cumulate/16 -> cumulated,cumulating,cumulates
curbing/16 -> curbings
currier/16 -> curriers
curtiss/16 -> curtisses
cushing/16 -> cushings
cut-up/16 -> cut-ups
cutlass/16 -> cutlasses
cycad/16 -> cycads
cytosol/16 -> cytosols
dabbler/16 -> dabblers
de-emphasize/16 -> de-emphasized,de-emphasizing,de-emphasizes
deadman/16 -> deadmans,deadmen
deary/16 -> dearies
decimation/16 -> decimations
definer/16 -> definers
delius/16 -> deliuss
democritus/16 -> democrituss
demurrer/16 -> demurrers
depositary/16 -> depositaries
desulfovibrio/16 -> desulfovibrios
devising/16 -> devisings
di-gram/16 -> di-grams
dinner-jacket/16 -> dinner-jackets
diorite/16 -> diorites
dipterocarp/16 -> dipterocarps
discriminator/16 -> discriminators
dispatcher/16 -> dispatchers
doily/16 -> doilies
donizetti/16 -> donizettis
down-problem/16 -> down-problems
dphil/16 -> dphils
dreamland/16 -> dreamlands
dribbling/16 -> dribblings
drippy/16 -> drippiest
drop-goal/16 -> drop-goals
druggy/16 -> druggies
dullard/16 -> dullards
dyirbal/16 -> dyirbals
dysuria/16 -> dysurias
eatable/16 -> eatables
eco-system/16 -> eco-systems
ecosoc/16 -> ecosocs
edwy/16 -> edwies
efferent/16 -> efferents
ego-state/16 -> ego-states
electrocution/16 -> electrocutions
ellipsoid/16 -> ellipsoids
embryologist/16 -> embryologists
emend/16 -> emended,emending,emends
emerse/16 -> emersed
emulsify/16 -> emulsified,emulsifies,emulsifying
encopresis/16 -> encopreses
encrustation/16 -> encrustations
entendre/16 -> entendres
eop/16 -> eops
escrow/16 -> escrows
ex-colonial/16 -> ex-colonials
ex-director/16 -> ex-directors
ex-miner/16 -> ex-miners
exculpate/16 -> exculpated,exculpating,exculpates
expatiate/16 -> expatiated,expatiating,expatiates
expence/16 -> expences
expiate/16 -> expiated,expiating,expiates
f'/16 -> f'ing
fac/16 -> facs
familia/16 -> familias
fetishist/16 -> fetishists
fie/16 -> fied
filmstar/16 -> filmstars
fining/16 -> finings
fire-bomb/16 -> fire-bombs
firstfruit/16 -> firstfruits
flagstaff/16 -> flagstaffs
flatus/16 -> flatuss
flirting/16 -> flirtings
flocculation/16 -> flocculations
fluoresce/16 -> fluoresces,fluoresced,fluorescing
fly-by/16 -> fly-bys
forefing/16 -> forefinger
formulator/16 -> formulators
foucauldian/16 -> foucauldians
fund-holder/16 -> fund-holders
fundamentals/16 -> fundamentalss
fyne/16 -> fynes
g-force/16 -> g-forces
galilean/16 -> galileans
gallibaya/16 -> gallibayas
galosh/16 -> galoshes
ganesh/16 -> ganeshes
gaskin/16 -> gaskins
gassy/16 -> gassies,gassier,gassiest
gavotte/16 -> gavottes
geriatrician/16 -> geriatricians
germinal/16 -> germinals
gibraltarian/16 -> gibraltarians
giga/16 -> gigas
gilling/16 -> gillings
gimmickry/16 -> gimmickries
givenness/16 -> givennesses
goal-post/16 -> goal-posts
goosander/16 -> goosanders
gorgio/16 -> gorgios
gothick/16 -> gothicks
gouda/16 -> goudas
grader/16 -> graders
greshorn/16 -> greshorns
greycoat/16 -> greycoats
grog/16 -> grogs
guardroom/16 -> guardrooms
guichet/16 -> guichets
gusher/16 -> gushers
gusset/16 -> gussets
hailer/16 -> hailers
hair-style/16 -> hair-styles
halcion/16 -> halcions
hammerstein/16 -> hammersteins
hapc/16 -> hapcs
headpiece/16 -> headpieces
heart-to-heart/16 -> heart-to-hearts
hershey/16 -> hersheys
hieronymus/16 -> hieronymuss
high-light/16 -> high-lighted,high-lighting,high-lights
high-point/16 -> high-points
hogshead/16 -> hogsheads
holocene/16 -> holocenes
hominine/16 -> hominines
honiara/16 -> honiaras
hook-up/16 -> hook-ups
hopi/16 -> hopis
horrock/16 -> horrocks
horse-box/16 -> horse-boxes
hosier/16 -> hosiers
hotness/16 -> hotnesses
houngan/16 -> houngans
icebreaker/16 -> icebreakers
idealise/16 -> idealised,idealising
ilex/16 -> ilexes
impedimenta/16 -> impedimentas
impracticality/16 -> impracticalities
in-migration/16 -> in-migrations
inclosure/16 -> inclosures
inconstancy/16 -> inconstancies
infrequency/16 -> infrequencies
intendant/16 -> intendants
interview-room/16 -> interview-rooms
intoxicant/16 -> intoxicants
ironclaw/16 -> ironclaws
irresolution/16 -> irresolutions
isomorphism/16 -> isomorphisms
jaye/16 -> jayes
jewell/16 -> jewells
joky/16 -> jokiest,jokier
josephite/16 -> josephites
juvenal/16 -> juvenals
kalamazoo/16 -> kalamazoos
kalkadoon/16 -> kalkadoons
karaso/16 -> karasos
karbala/16 -> karbalas
kelim/16 -> kelims
kigali/16 -> kigalis
knuckleduster/16 -> knuckledusters
kohlrabi/16 -> kohlrabis
kraken/16 -> krakens
kudu/16 -> kudus
kwai/16 -> kwais
lakewood/16 -> lakewoods
langside/16 -> langsides
lateralise/16 -> lateralised
leave-taking/16 -> leave-takings
lechery/16 -> lecheries
leery/16 -> leeries
left-armer/16 -> left-armers
lieutenancy/16 -> lieutenancies
lifejacket/16 -> lifejackets
lifesaver/16 -> lifesavers
livy/16 -> livies
lobber/16 -> lobbers
logjam/16 -> logjams
lon/16 -> lons
loudhailer/16 -> loudhailers
lucre/16 -> lucres
lucretius/16 -> lucretiuss
lysander/16 -> lysanders
machinegun/16 -> machineguns
magnesia/16 -> magnesias
magnetics/16 -> magneticss
magnetise/16 -> magnetised,magnetises,magnetising
maharaja/16 -> maharajas
mak/16 -> maks
malevich/16 -> maleviches
malinger/16 -> malingering,malingers,malingered
manoir/16 -> manoirs
map-maker/16 -> map-makers
maquette/16 -> maquettes
margrave/16 -> margraves
masseur/16 -> masseurs
mauriac/16 -> mauriacs
meany/16 -> meanies
meatus/16 -> meatuss
medawar/16 -> medawars
medulla/16 -> medullas
meerkat/16 -> meerkats
melange/16 -> melanges
mess-tin/16 -> mess-tins
micah/16 -> micahs
michelson/16 -> michelsons
micropipette/16 -> micropipettes
midwicket/16 -> midwickets
millinery/16 -> millineries
milo/16 -> miloes
mischance/16 -> mischances
miserver/16 -> miservers
misspel/16 -> misspelled,misspelling
mojave/16 -> mojaves
money-wage/16 -> money-wages
moniker/16 -> monikered
monoamine/16 -> monoamines
mortmain/16 -> mortmains
moussaka/16 -> moussakas
mrta/16 -> mrtas
muderrislik/16 -> muderrisliks
multi-point/16 -> multi-points
mur/16 -> murs
musicology/16 -> musicologies
mustelid/16 -> mustelids
mycologist/16 -> mycologists
mycoplasma/16 -> mycoplasmas
nanosecond/16 -> nanoseconds
naphthalene/16 -> naphthalenes
narrowboat/16 -> narrowboats,narrowboating
neighborhood/16 -> neighborhoods
neurophysiologist/16 -> neurophysiologists
neuroscientist/16 -> neuroscientists
neutralization/16 -> neutralizations
newburgh/16 -> newburghs
nick-name/16 -> nick-named,nick-names
nif/16 -> nifs
nigella/16 -> nigellas
night-watchman/16 -> night-watchmen
nightwear/16 -> nightwears
no-claim/16 -> no-claims
no-show/16 -> no-shows
nomine/16 -> nomines
non-sailor/16 -> non-sailors
nonword/16 -> nonwords
normalcy/16 -> normalcies
normandie/16 -> normandies
northland/16 -> northlands
notate/16 -> notated,notating,notates
nouakchott/16 -> nouakchotts
novena/16 -> novenas
obit/16 -> obits
obscurantist/16 -> obscurantists
ochoa/16 -> ochoas
octet/16 -> octets
off-worlder/16 -> off-worlders
omo/16 -> omos
oncologist/16 -> oncologists
orangeman/16 -> orangemen
ornithischian/16 -> ornithischians
outspokenness/16 -> outspokennesses
ouzo/16 -> ouzoes
over-emphasize/16 -> over-emphasized,over-emphasizes,over-emphasizing
over-indulge/16 -> over-indulged,over-indulging
over-stress/16 -> over-stressed,over-stressing
oxidisation/16 -> oxidisations
paleontology/16 -> paleontologies
palpation/16 -> palpations
papuan/16 -> papuans
parafoil/16 -> parafoils
paranoiac/16 -> paranoiacs
patchiness/16 -> patchinesses
pauli/16 -> paulis
pedaloe/16 -> pedaloes
penan/16 -> penans
percolation/16 -> percolations
perfecto/16 -> perfectos
philippian/16 -> philippians
phoebus/16 -> phoebuss
phone-box/16 -> phone-boxes
pickin/16 -> pickins
picnick/16 -> picnicked
piffle/16 -> piffling,piffles,piffled
pimento/16 -> pimentos
pin-stripe/16 -> pin-stripes
pitting/16 -> pittings
plat/16 -> plats
playing-field/16 -> playing-fields
plowman/16 -> plowmen
plus-four/16 -> plus-fours
pom-pom/16 -> pom-poms
post-office/16 -> post-offices
postmultiplication/16 -> postmultiplications
pouch-seat/16 -> pouch-seats
power-broker/16 -> power-brokers
praetorian/16 -> praetorians
pre-licentiate/16 -> pre-licentiates
pre-pack/16 -> pre-packs,pre-packed
premeditation/16 -> premeditations
preselect/16 -> preselected,preselects
pretrial/16 -> pretrials
princep/16 -> princeps
problematize/16 -> problematized,problematizes
progestogen/16 -> progestogens
progressivism/16 -> progressivisms
prole/16 -> proles
propinquity/16 -> propinquities
propliner/16 -> propliners
propylene/16 -> propylenes
prostatectomy/16 -> prostatectomies
protectorship/16 -> protectorships
pruritus/16 -> prurituss
pterodactyl/16 -> pterodactyls
puppetry/16 -> puppetries
push-bike/16 -> push-bikes
rabelais/16 -> rabelaiss
raddle/16 -> raddled,raddles,raddling
rajah/16 -> rajahs
rase/16 -> rases,rasing,rased,raseing
rawalpindi/16 -> rawalpindis
re-contra/16 -> re-contras
re-cycle/16 -> re-cycled,re-cycling
re-experience/16 -> re-experienced,re-experiencing
re-express/16 -> re-expressed,re-expressing
re-organization/16 -> re-organizations
re-structure/16 -> re-structuring,re-structured
re-submit/16 -> re-submitted
reassignment/16 -> reassignments
recency/16 -> recencies
rechristen/16 -> rechristened,rechristening
redneck/16 -> rednecks
redpoll/16 -> redpolls
reed-bed/16 -> reed-beds
reflation/16 -> reflations
regia/16 -> regias
regrant/16 -> regranted,regranting
rehome/16 -> rehomed,rehoming,rehomes
relight/16 -> relighting,relights
reversibility/16 -> reversibilities
rhinestone/16 -> rhinestones
rocking-horse/16 -> rocking-horses
roof-rack/16 -> roof-racks
roundhead/16 -> roundheads
rowdyism/16 -> rowdyisms
rubber-stamp/16 -> rubber-stamps,rubber-stamped,rubber-stamping
rubik/16 -> rubiks
rule-book/16 -> rule-books
rutledge/16 -> rutledges
sahlin/16 -> sahlins
sailmaker/16 -> sailmakers
saman/16 -> samen
sapir/16 -> sapirs
sardis/16 -> sardiss
scabious/16 -> scabiouss
scape/16 -> scaped,scapes
scumbag/16 -> scumbags
second-guess/16 -> second-guesses
seedbed/16 -> seedbeds
self-abuse/16 -> self-abuses
self-description/16 -> self-descriptions
self-education/16 -> self-educations
semi-roundel/16 -> semi-roundels
senhor/16 -> senhors
sequestrate/16 -> sequestrated,sequestrating,sequestrates
sevilla/16 -> sevillas
sex-role/16 -> sex-roles
shad/16 -> shads
she-devil/16 -> she-devils
sherrington/16 -> sherringtons
shindig/16 -> shindigs
shithouse/16 -> shithouses
shoot-'em-up/16 -> shoot-'em-ups
shoulder-width/16 -> shoulder-widths
signal-to-noise/16 -> signals-to-noise
silene/16 -> silenes
singaporean/16 -> singaporeans
single-decker/16 -> single-deckers
single-seater/16 -> single-seaters
sisyphus/16 -> sisyphuss
ski-slope/16 -> ski-slopes
slipstitch/16 -> slipstitching
small-animal/16 -> small-animals
smiler/16 -> smilers
smirnoff/16 -> smirnoffs
snick/16 -> snicked,snicking,snicks
snorer/16 -> snorers
solebar/16 -> solebars
songbook/16 -> songbooks
sophistry/16 -> sophistries
soubriquet/16 -> soubriquets
southdown/16 -> southdowns
sparcclassic/16 -> sparcclassics
sparsity/16 -> sparsities
spillane/16 -> spillanes
sportswoman/16 -> sportswomen
squirearchy/16 -> squirearchies
stair-rail/16 -> stair-rails
staleness/16 -> stalenesses
stapler/16 -> staplers
starburst/16 -> starbursts
steinway/16 -> steinways
stinky/16 -> stinkiest
stockroom/16 -> stockrooms
stradling/16 -> stradlings
stroking/16 -> strokings
stupide/16 -> stupidest
styx/16 -> styxes
sub-surface/16 -> sub-surfaces
subgame/16 -> subgames
subgenre/16 -> subgenres
sugarcane/16 -> sugarcanes
sulfate/16 -> sulfated,sulfates
summoning/16 -> summonings
sundae/16 -> sundaes
supercoil/16 -> supercoiling,supercoiled
superfield/16 -> superfields
suppertime/16 -> suppertimes
suppurate/16 -> suppurating,suppurates,suppurated
surtax/16 -> surtaxes,surtaxing,surtaxed
surya/16 -> suryas
sustainer/16 -> sustainers
swanimote/16 -> swanimotes
swart/16 -> swarts
sweetpea/16 -> sweetpeas
switchblade/16 -> switchblades
syme/16 -> symes
sympatry/16 -> sympatries
t-bone/16 -> t-bones
tagamet/16 -> tagamets
taildragger/16 -> taildraggers
tailgate/16 -> tailgating,tailgates
tarmacadam/16 -> tarmacadams
taxiway/16 -> taxiways
telefax/16 -> telefaxed
tetrahedron/16 -> tetrahedrons
thelodont/16 -> thelodonts
thirtysomthe/16 -> thirtysomething
thuringian/16 -> thuringians
ticino/16 -> ticinoes
timberland/16 -> timberlands
timesheet/16 -> timesheets
toiler/16 -> toilers
tonner/16 -> tonners
torr/16 -> torrs
tovarisch/16 -> tovarisches
tove/16 -> toves
toxaemia/16 -> toxaemias
transitivity/16 -> transitivities
transvestism/16 -> transvestisms
trapezius/16 -> trapeziuss
treponeme/16 -> treponemes
tri-plate/16 -> tri-plates
triage/16 -> triages
trichostrongyloid/16 -> trichostrongyloids
tricolor/16 -> tricolors
trumpeting/16 -> trumpetings
try-scorer/16 -> try-scorers
tulsa/16 -> tulsas
tumbril/16 -> tumbrils
turkman/16 -> turkmen
turkmen/16 -> turkmens
typo/16 -> typos
udp/16 -> udps
ukulele/16 -> ukuleles
unbuckle/16 -> unbuckling,unbuckles,unbuckled
unclip/16 -> unclipping,unclips
uncool/16 -> uncoolest
underbrush/16 -> underbrushes
unitarianism/16 -> unitarianisms
unreason/16 -> unreasons
unresist/16 -> unresisting
upwarp/16 -> upwarps,upwarped
urbanise/16 -> urbanised,urbanising
uriah/16 -> uriahs
usp/16 -> usps
variationist/16 -> variationists
venting/16 -> ventings
ventriloquism/16 -> ventriloquisms
vermiculite/16 -> vermiculites
vileness/16 -> vilenesses
wallah/16 -> wallahs
warfarin/16 -> warfarins
washday/16 -> washdays
wheatfield/16 -> wheatfields
wicket-taker/16 -> wicket-takers
wiesel/16 -> wiesels
wigwam/16 -> wigwams
willse/16 -> willses
window-cleaner/16 -> window-cleaners
windowbox/16 -> windowboxes
wine-tasting/16 -> wine-tastings
wing-beat/16 -> wing-beats
wobbler/16 -> wobblers
woden/16 -> wodens
x-cell/16 -> x-cells
xerophthalmia/16 -> xerophthalmias
xylene/16 -> xylenes
y-cell/16 -> y-cells
yeard/16 -> yeards
zantac/16 -> zantacs
zechariah/16 -> zechariahs
zweig/16 -> zweigs
'old/15 -> 'olding
a-line/15 -> a-lines
abbacy/15 -> abbacies
aberdonian/15 -> aberdonians
about-face/15 -> about-faces
abstainer/15 -> abstainers
adulteress/15 -> adulteresses
aether/15 -> aethers
after-hour/15 -> after-hours
agglutination/15 -> agglutinations
agriculturist/15 -> agriculturists
agronomic/15 -> agronomics
aikido/15 -> aikidoes
aircraftsman/15 -> aircraftsmen
airstone/15 -> airstones
albican/15 -> albicans
aldebaran/15 -> aldebarans
aldehyde/15 -> aldehydes
alopecia/15 -> alopecias
amortisation/15 -> amortisations
andalucia/15 -> andalucias
animateur/15 -> animateurs
anti-pope/15 -> anti-popes
antigone/15 -> antigones
apocrypha/15 -> apocryphas
aquavit/15 -> aquavits
aquina/15 -> aquinas
arab-american/15 -> arab-americans
archimandrite/15 -> archimandrites
arista/15 -> aristas
arjuna/15 -> arjunas
arundell/15 -> arundells
ashkenazi/15 -> ashkenazis
aton/15 -> atoned,atoning
attainder/15 -> attainders
attestation/15 -> attestations
austro-marxist/15 -> austro-marxists
autobiographer/15 -> autobiographers
avidity/15 -> avidities
aymara/15 -> aymaras
baccarat/15 -> baccarats
backhander/15 -> backhanders
backhouse/15 -> backhouses
backseat/15 -> backseats
bagful/15 -> bagfuls
baigneuse/15 -> baigneuses
balancer/15 -> balancers
balloting/15 -> ballotings
bandana/15 -> bandanas
bandleader/15 -> bandleaders
bar-code/15 -> bar-codes
bastardy/15 -> bastardies
bathhouse/15 -> bathhouses
baum/15 -> baums
baye/15 -> bayes,bayer
baying/15 -> bayings
beanstalk/15 -> beanstalks
becquerel/15 -> becquerels
bed-sit/15 -> bed-sits
believing/15 -> believings
bell-tower/15 -> bell-towers
bemuse/15 -> bemusing,bemused,bemuses
ber/15 -> bers,bering
bessemer/15 -> bessemers
bhutanese/15 -> bhutaneses
bicentennial/15 -> bicentennials
biosystem/15 -> biosystems
bip/15 -> bipped
bk/15 -> bks
blackface/15 -> blackfaces
boccaccio/15 -> boccaccios
boke/15 -> bokes
bone-structure/15 -> bone-structures
boosey/15 -> booseys
bootee/15 -> bootees
botfly/15 -> botflies
brackete/15 -> bracketing
breeding-ground/15 -> breeding-grounds
bresslaw/15 -> bresslaws
brioche/15 -> brioches
bristleworm/15 -> bristleworms
broadstair/15 -> broadstairs
brouhaha/15 -> brouhahas
brueghel/15 -> brueghels
bryophyte/15 -> bryophytes
bufo/15 -> bufoes
buzz-word/15 -> buzz-words
cab-driver/15 -> cab-drivers
cabomba/15 -> cabombas
cabot/15 -> cabots
cag/15 -> cags
caique/15 -> caiques
callouse/15 -> calloused,callouses
candyfloss/15 -> candyflosses
care-giver/15 -> care-givers
careerism/15 -> careerisms
carrack/15 -> carracks
carry-over/15 -> carries-over
carting/15 -> cartings
case-history/15 -> case-histories
castrato/15 -> castratos
casuistry/15 -> casuistries
cee/15 -> cees
chamber-pot/15 -> chamber-pots
chancre/15 -> chancres
chancroid/15 -> chancroids
chat-up/15 -> chat-ups
cheapy/15 -> cheapies
checkup/15 -> checkups
chipper/15 -> chippers
chrism/15 -> chrisms
chromate/15 -> chromates
chunter/15 -> chuntering,chunters,chuntered
churchgo/15 -> churchgoing
churl/15 -> churls
cinematography/15 -> cinematographies
circe/15 -> circes
clavicle/15 -> clavicles
clerkess/15 -> clerkesses
cliffside/15 -> cliffsides
cloudiness/15 -> cloudinesses
co-efficient/15 -> co-efficients
coalitionist/15 -> coalitionists
coaming/15 -> coamings
cochin/15 -> cochins
colloquy/15 -> colloquies
colone/15 -> colones
comite/15 -> comites
compartmentalize/15 -> compartmentalized,compartmentalizing,compartmentalizes
comper/15 -> compered,compering,compers
compote/15 -> compotes
concreteness/15 -> concretenesses
conjurer/15 -> conjurers
consol/15 -> consols
contextualize/15 -> contextualizing,contextualized
contraindicate/15 -> contraindicated,contraindicates,contraindicating
convertor/15 -> convertors
cortisone/15 -> cortisones
cotinga/15 -> cotingas
courbet/15 -> courbets
covenantee/15 -> covenantees
crackerjack/15 -> crackerjacks
cropland/15 -> croplands
cross-link/15 -> cross-links
crossway/15 -> crossways
crowne/15 -> crownes
crt/15 -> crts
cun/15 -> cuns
cuneiform/15 -> cuneiforms
cyanamid/15 -> cyanamids
dadaist/15 -> dadaists
dagon/15 -> dagons
dangerousness/15 -> dangerousnesses
darjeeling/15 -> darjeelings
day-school/15 -> day-schools
de-emphasise/15 -> de-emphasising,de-emphasised,de-emphasises
de-seed/15 -> de-seeded
deadhead/15 -> deadheads,deadheading
deglaciation/15 -> deglaciations
demerge/15 -> demerged,demerging
demoniac/15 -> demoniacs
densitometry/15 -> densitometries
deponent/15 -> deponents
descant/15 -> descants,descanted
despoliation/15 -> despoliations
diagnostician/15 -> diagnosticians
dialectology/15 -> dialectologies
diamant/15 -> diamants
dib/15 -> dibs
dic/15 -> dics
differentiator/15 -> differentiators
digitizer/15 -> digitizers
dirigiste/15 -> dirigistes
dirtiness/15 -> dirtinesses
disbenefit/15 -> disbenefits
disgruntlement/15 -> disgruntlements
disjoint/15 -> disjoints,disjointing,disjointed
disorient/15 -> disorienting,disoriented,disorients
dive-bomb/15 -> dive-bombed,dive-bombs
dogwhelk/15 -> dogwhelks
domitian/15 -> domitians
double-act/15 -> double-acts
dragoman/15 -> dragomans,dragomen
drambuie/15 -> drambuies
dryopithecus/15 -> dryopithecuss
dufy/15 -> dufies
durer/15 -> durers
eadwig/15 -> eadwigs
ear-mark/15 -> ear-marked
eclair/15 -> eclairs
edp/15 -> edps
eez/15 -> eezs
ehrlich/15 -> ehrliches
eight-inch/15 -> eight-inches
elastase/15 -> elastases
ellsworth/15 -> ellsworths
english-speaker/15 -> english-speakers
engorge/15 -> engorged,engorging,engorges
entebbe/15 -> entebbes
enterotoxin/15 -> enterotoxins
eradicator/15 -> eradicators
eroticise/15 -> eroticised,eroticising,eroticises
erythema/15 -> erythemas
ethogenic/15 -> ethogenics
europol/15 -> europols
evaporator/15 -> evaporators
ex-manager/15 -> ex-managers
ex-smoker/15 -> ex-smokers
exonuclease/15 -> exonucleases
expiation/15 -> expiations
explant/15 -> explants,explanted,explanting
fantasist/15 -> fantasists
farmhand/15 -> farmhands
felis/15 -> feliss
fellside/15 -> fellsides
fibroid/15 -> fibroids
fieldfare/15 -> fieldfares
fillete/15 -> filleted,filleting
fingerspelling/15 -> fingerspellings
flanger/15 -> flangers
flannelette/15 -> flannelettes
flipchart/15 -> flipcharts
flitter/15 -> flittered,flittering,flitters
flypaper/15 -> flypapers
foliate/15 -> foliated,foliates,foliating
foot-soldier/15 -> foot-soldiers
forenoon/15 -> forenoons
fortean/15 -> forteans
four-ball/15 -> four-balls
francophile/15 -> francophiles
froebel/15 -> froebels
fron/15 -> frons
fundhold/15 -> fundholding
fussiness/15 -> fussinesses
gamebird/15 -> gamebirds
garron/15 -> garrons
gat/15 -> gats
gauleiter/15 -> gauleiters
gawk/15 -> gawking,gawked,gawks
gelignite/15 -> gelignites
genuflect/15 -> genuflected,genuflecting,genuflects
genuflection/15 -> genuflections
germanise/15 -> germanised
gettysburg/15 -> gettysburgs
gigot/15 -> gigots
gilder/15 -> gilders
glamorize/15 -> glamorized,glamorizes,glamorizing
glengarry/15 -> glengarries
gloop/15 -> glooping
gobbledygook/15 -> gobbledygooks
goldfinch/15 -> goldfinches
golem/15 -> golems
goody-goody/15 -> goody-goodies
gosub/15 -> gosubs
gotoh/15 -> gotohs
goulden/15 -> gouldens
graticule/15 -> graticules
gridlock/15 -> gridlocked
groundspeed/15 -> groundspeeds
grubber/15 -> grubbers
guangzhou/15 -> guangzhous
guaranty/15 -> guaranties
guelph/15 -> guelphs
h-parameter/15 -> h-parameters
half-length/15 -> half-lengths
half-man/15 -> half-men
half-mast/15 -> half-masts
half-section/15 -> half-sections
half-tone/15 -> half-tones
half-wit/15 -> half-wits
half-word/15 -> half-words
hame/15 -> hamed,hames
handsomeness/15 -> handsomenesses
hargeisa/15 -> hargeisas
hawser/15 -> hawsers
hcg/15 -> hcgs
heartiness/15 -> heartinesses
hecht/15 -> hechts
hgv/15 -> hgvs
hic/15 -> hics
hidalgo/15 -> hidalgos
highchair/15 -> highchairs
hindleg/15 -> hindlegs
hobnob/15 -> hobnobbing,hobnobs,hobnobbed
hollandaise/15 -> hollandaises
homesite/15 -> homesites
homine/15 -> homines
horse-rider/15 -> horse-riders
howse/15 -> howses
humming-bird/15 -> humming-birds
humperdinck/15 -> humperdincks
hy/15 -> hys
hydrocephalus/15 -> hydrocephaluss
hydrocortisone/15 -> hydrocortisones
hypercalcaemia/15 -> hypercalcaemias
ibadan/15 -> ibadans
ibex/15 -> ibexes
idealisation/15 -> idealisations
idling/15 -> idlings
imager/15 -> imagers
immunostain/15 -> immunostained,immunostaining,immunostains
immutability/15 -> immutabilities
impactor/15 -> impactors
impala/15 -> impalas
in-migrant/15 -> in-migrants
incandescence/15 -> incandescences
incisiveness/15 -> incisivenesses
infil/15 -> infilled,infilling
infomatic/15 -> infomatics
informatic/15 -> informatics
inquisitiveness/15 -> inquisitivenesses
inseminate/15 -> inseminated,inseminates,inseminating
insurability/15 -> insurabilities
integrand/15 -> integrands
inter-county/15 -> inter-counties
intercalation/15 -> intercalations
intuitionist/15 -> intuitionists
invagination/15 -> invaginations
ishtar/15 -> ishtars
italicize/15 -> italicized,italicizing,italicizes
jacaranda/15 -> jacarandas
jam-jar/15 -> jam-jars
javan/15 -> javans
johanne/15 -> johannes
jointing/15 -> jointings
keening/15 -> keenings
knee-cap/15 -> knee-caps
kraut/15 -> krauts
lactase/15 -> lactases
lamplighter/15 -> lamplighters
langmuir/15 -> langmuirs
lauraceae/15 -> lauraceaes
lawgiver/15 -> lawgivers
leaderboard/15 -> leaderboards
leading-edge/15 -> leading-edges
leavisite/15 -> leavisites
lect/15 -> lects
lehar/15 -> lehars
leitmotiv/15 -> leitmotivs
lgv/15 -> lgvs
libero/15 -> liberos
lidocaine/15 -> lidocaines
life-raft/15 -> life-rafts
lifeboatman/15 -> lifeboatmen
lighterman/15 -> lightermen
liguria/15 -> ligurias
ligurian/15 -> ligurians
limnititzker/15 -> limnititzkers
limoge/15 -> limoges
lindane/15 -> lindanes
liniment/15 -> liniments
locker-room/15 -> locker-rooms
loughtonian/15 -> loughtonians
lovage/15 -> lovages
lutenist/15 -> lutenists
lye/15 -> lyes
lynching/15 -> lynchings
lynwood/15 -> lynwoods
maginot/15 -> maginots
mainplane/15 -> mainplanes
mamet/15 -> mamets
managership/15 -> managerships
mandroid/15 -> mandroids
mangonel/15 -> mangonels
manichaean/15 -> manichaeans
massing/15 -> massings
masterstroke/15 -> masterstrokes
mazurka/15 -> mazurkas
medicate/15 -> medicated,medicating,medicates
melchior/15 -> melchiors
merman/15 -> mermen
meskhetian/15 -> meskhetians
microtubule/15 -> microtubules
microworm/15 -> microworms
miler/15 -> milers
millionairess/15 -> millionairesses
mind-set/15 -> mind-sets
mini-boom/15 -> mini-booms
miniclinic/15 -> miniclinics
ministership/15 -> ministerships
miscast/15 -> miscasting,miscasts
miscegenation/15 -> miscegenations
misdiagnose/15 -> misdiagnosed
moire/15 -> moires
moneyman/15 -> moneymen
moquette/15 -> moquettes
mother-goddess/15 -> mother-goddesses
mouser/15 -> mousers
mucker/15 -> muckers
muderrise/15 -> muderrises
multitask/15 -> multitasking
multithread/15 -> multithreading,multithreaded
munchausen/15 -> munchausens
musicality/15 -> musicalities
mycenean/15 -> myceneans
myoglobin/15 -> myoglobins
myriophyllum/15 -> myriophyllums
myxomatosis/15 -> myxomatoses
nationale/15 -> nationales
necromancy/15 -> necromancies
neoclassicism/15 -> neoclassicisms
nestorius/15 -> nestoriuss
niamey/15 -> niameys
nig/15 -> nigs
normale/15 -> normales
nsu/15 -> nsus
nuff/15 -> nuffing
nurturance/15 -> nurturances
nymphomaniac/15 -> nymphomaniacs
nystatin/15 -> nystatins
oatcake/15 -> oatcakes
obbligato/15 -> obbligatos
obscurantism/15 -> obscurantisms
obsequy/15 -> obsequies
ochs/15 -> ochss
off-broadway/15 -> off-broadways
oil-painting/15 -> oil-paintings
omnipoint/15 -> omnipoints
one-step/15 -> one-steps
ontogeny/15 -> ontogenies
oomph/15 -> oomphs
ophiuroid/15 -> ophiuroids
ossification/15 -> ossifications
out-going/15 -> out-goings
out-manoeuvr/15 -> out-manoeuvred,out-manoeuvring
outwork/15 -> outworks,outworking
over-commit/15 -> over-committing,over-committed
overdetermine/15 -> overdetermined,overdetermining
overdub/15 -> overdubs,overdubbed,overdubbing
overpaint/15 -> overpainted
overrate/15 -> overrated,overrating,overrates
palliation/15 -> palliations
pampering/15 -> pamperings
paraquat/15 -> paraquats
parterre/15 -> parterres
paten/15 -> patens
pattering/15 -> patterings
pay-day/15 -> pay-days
peace-keeper/15 -> peace-keepers
pedalo/15 -> pedalos
peewit/15 -> peewits,peewitted
pellete/15 -> pelleted,pelleting
pember/15 -> pembers
pennyworth/15 -> pennyworths
perdition/15 -> perditions
personalty/15 -> personalties
ph.d./15 -> ph.d.s
phenobarbital/15 -> phenobarbitals
philosophise/15 -> philosophising,philosophised,philosophises
photochemistry/15 -> photochemistries
pick-pocket/15 -> pick-pockets
picnicker/15 -> picnickers
pilferage/15 -> pilferages
pit-stop/15 -> pit-stops
plagiarize/15 -> plagiarizing,plagiarized,plagiarizes
plainchant/15 -> plainchants
plasm/15 -> plasms
plow/15 -> plowed,plows,plowing
pocketful/15 -> pocketfuls
pontus/15 -> pontuss
popova/15 -> popovas
porgy/15 -> porgies
post-hole/15 -> post-holes
posthole/15 -> postholes
potamogeton/15 -> potamogetons
pottage/15 -> pottages
power-station/15 -> power-stations
pre-wash/15 -> pre-washes
premolar/15 -> premolars
price-tag/15 -> price-tags
problem-solver/15 -> problem-solvers
prodding/15 -> proddings
professionalize/15 -> professionalized,professionalizing
prophase/15 -> prophases
proselytize/15 -> proselytizing,proselytized,proselytizes
proteinuria/15 -> proteinurias
proterozoic/15 -> proterozoics
pulverize/15 -> pulverized,pulverizing,pulverizes
punnet/15 -> punnets
pupate/15 -> pupating,pupated,pupates
purkinje/15 -> purkinjes
purpura/15 -> purpuras
quartier/15 -> quartiers
ralegh/15 -> raleghs
rawling/15 -> rawlings
re-appraisal/15 -> re-appraisals
re-consider/15 -> re-considered
re-definition/15 -> re-definitions
re-edit/15 -> re-edited,re-editing
re-set/15 -> re-setting
re-working/15 -> re-workings
reabsorb/15 -> reabsorbed,reabsorbing,reabsorbs
reaver/15 -> reavers
recasting/15 -> recastings
recidivism/15 -> recidivisms
recollapse/15 -> recollapsed,recollapses
reconnoitr/15 -> reconnoitring,reconnoitred
reconvert/15 -> reconverted,reconverting,reconverts
record-breaker/15 -> record-breakers
reflectivity/15 -> reflectivities
renter/15 -> renters
renting/15 -> rentings
repoint/15 -> repointing,repointed,repoints
reproducer/15 -> reproducers
retrospection/15 -> retrospections
rety/15 -> retied,retying,reties
reunify/15 -> reunified,reunifies,reunifying
revivalism/15 -> revivalisms
rhizobium/15 -> rhizobiums
rhyton/15 -> rhytons
rightsize/15 -> rightsizing
riverman/15 -> rivermen
roady/15 -> roadies,roadying
roxburghe/15 -> roxburghes
rozzer/15 -> rozzers
rubato/15 -> rubatoes
ruggedness/15 -> ruggednesses
rushlight/15 -> rushlights
sanitise/15 -> sanitised,sanitises
sans-papier/15 -> sans-papiers
sassenach/15 -> sassenachs
scarface/15 -> scarfaces
schickert/15 -> schickerts
schmaltz/15 -> schmaltzs
scholasticism/15 -> scholasticisms
schoolyard/15 -> schoolyards
scotcat/15 -> scotcats
scrag/15 -> scragged,scragging,scrags
scram/15 -> scramming,scrams
scyth/15 -> scything,scyths
sea-wall/15 -> sea-walls
seacoast/15 -> seacoasts
sealskin/15 -> sealskins
segovia/15 -> segovias
selected-issue/15 -> selected-issues
semi-double/15 -> semi-doubles
serology/15 -> serologies
sharpshooter/15 -> sharpshooters
sheepfold/15 -> sheepfolds
shell-hole/15 -> shell-holes
shetlander/15 -> shetlanders
shilly-shally/15 -> shilly-shallying,shilly-shallies,shilly-shallied
shipload/15 -> shiploads
shoehorn/15 -> shoehorned,shoehorns
side-chain/15 -> side-chains
side-line/15 -> side-lined,side-lines
side-slip/15 -> side-slips
signboard/15 -> signboards
sikhism/15 -> sikhisms
sinter/15 -> sintered,sintering,sinters
six-time/15 -> six-times
sizzler/15 -> sizzlers
skillet/15 -> skillets
skink/15 -> skinks
skipping-rope/15 -> skipping-ropes
skopje/15 -> skopjes
skullcap/15 -> skullcaps
sliphouse/15 -> sliphouses
smacker/15 -> smackers
snobbishness/15 -> snobbishnesses
societa/15 -> societas
soisson/15 -> soissons
solingen/15 -> solingens
sorte/15 -> sortes
sou'wester/15 -> sou'westers
soutane/15 -> soutanes
spassky/15 -> spasskies
spermatocyte/15 -> spermatocytes
sperrin/15 -> sperrins
spindrift/15 -> spindrifts
spinet/15 -> spinets
spitzbergen/15 -> spitzbergens
spokeshave/15 -> spokeshaves,spokeshaving
sponger/15 -> spongers
spunky/15 -> spunkier,spunkiest
staithe/15 -> staithes
stele/15 -> steles
sternness/15 -> sternnesses
straightjacket/15 -> straightjackets
strengthener/15 -> strengtheners
stringing/15 -> stringings
stroheim/15 -> stroheims
strongroom/15 -> strongrooms
studying/15 -> studyings
stylisation/15 -> stylisations
sub-space/15 -> sub-spaces
sub-topic/15 -> sub-topics
suburbanite/15 -> suburbanites
sulcus/15 -> sulcuss
superfluity/15 -> superfluities
supergroup/15 -> supergroups
superpose/15 -> superposed,superposing,superposes
suppository/15 -> suppositories
surcoat/15 -> surcoats
svengali/15 -> svengalis
swami/15 -> swamis
swiftpack/15 -> swiftpacks
symptomatology/15 -> symptomatologies
syncretism/15 -> syncretisms
systempro/15 -> systempros
tablature/15 -> tablatures
taig/15 -> taigs
tail-light/15 -> tail-lights
tailboard/15 -> tailboards
talky/15 -> talkies
tawse/15 -> tawses
tea-table/15 -> tea-tables
teasel/15 -> teasels
teddy-bear/15 -> teddy-bears
telemarkete/15 -> telemarketing
telephonic/15 -> telephonics
tenter/15 -> tenters,tentering
terran/15 -> terrans
thorndike/15 -> thorndikes
thorold/15 -> thorolds
thought-process/15 -> thought-processes
thumb-nail/15 -> thumb-nails
thurber/15 -> thurbers
tie-breaker/15 -> tie-breakers
tilden/15 -> tildens
time-space/15 -> time-spaces
tisane/15 -> tisanes
toddy/15 -> toddies
tone-up/15 -> tone-ups
top-knot/15 -> top-knots
totemism/15 -> totemisms
towage/15 -> towages
trackb/15 -> trackbed
trammel/15 -> trammelled,trammels,trammelling
transferrin/15 -> transferrins
translocate/15 -> translocated,translocates,translocating
trencher/15 -> trenchers
tri-star/15 -> tri-stars
tricot/15 -> tricots
trifid/15 -> trifids
tringa/15 -> tringas
tritone/15 -> tritones
trouble-shooter/15 -> trouble-shooters
trouser-leg/15 -> trouser-legs
tsk/15 -> tsked
tubercular/15 -> tuberculars
tuberculin/15 -> tuberculins
tungu/15 -> tungus
tunny/15 -> tunnies
tyre-track/15 -> tyre-tracks
uhf/15 -> uhfs
ultra-nationalist/15 -> ultra-nationalists
uncouple/15 -> uncoupling,uncouples,uncoupled
under-resource/15 -> under-resourced,under-resourcing
underbid/15 -> underbidding,underbids,underbidden
underskirt/15 -> underskirts
unorthodoxy/15 -> unorthodoxies
unsoundness/15 -> unsoundnesses
unsport/15 -> unsporting
uplight/15 -> uplights
ureter/15 -> ureters
valediction/15 -> valedictions
valete/15 -> valeting,valeted
value-system/15 -> value-systems
vaporisation/15 -> vaporisations
vaquero/15 -> vaqueros
velazquez/15 -> velazquezs
vena/15 -> venas
verbosity/15 -> verbosities
vernier/15 -> verniers
vespasian/15 -> vespasians
vespers/15 -> vesperss
video-recording/15 -> video-recordings
vivo/15 -> vivos
voider/15 -> voiders
voussoir/15 -> voussoirs
vulcanologist/15 -> vulcanologists
wallach/15 -> wallachs
watch-tower/15 -> watch-towers
wavell/15 -> wavells
wavepacket/15 -> wavepackets
waypoint/15 -> waypoints
weatherfax/15 -> weatherfaxes
wellspring/15 -> wellsprings
wernicke/15 -> wernickes
wet-nurse/15 -> wet-nurses
wind-tunnel/15 -> wind-tunnels
wish-list/15 -> wish-lists
witching/15 -> witchings
witwatersrand/15 -> witwatersrands
wood-pigeon/15 -> wood-pigeons
woodturn/15 -> woodturning
wrist-watch/15 -> wrist-watches
yardie/15 -> yardies
yodel/15 -> yodelling,yodels,yodelled
yop/15 -> yops
yorktown/15 -> yorktowns
abalone/14 -> abalones
abortifacient/14 -> abortifacients
acetylate/14 -> acetylated,acetylating,acetylates
aerobatics/14 -> aerobaticss
aerotow/14 -> aerotowing,aerotows
aetheling/14 -> aethelings
afm/14 -> afms
agente/14 -> agentes
aggrandizement/14 -> aggrandizements
airburst/14 -> airbursts
aircraft-carrier/14 -> aircraft-carriers
airpump/14 -> airpumps
ajdabiyan/14 -> ajdabiyans
albacore/14 -> albacores
albers/14 -> alberss
alembic/14 -> alembics
aleutian/14 -> aleutians
almoravid/14 -> almoravids
alsy/14 -> alsys
amide/14 -> amides
aminoacid/14 -> aminoacids
amorality/14 -> amoralities
anaheim/14 -> anaheims
androgen/14 -> androgens
anglicize/14 -> anglicized,anglicizes,anglicizing
angola-worker/14 -> angola-workers
anise/14 -> anises
anisotropy/14 -> anisotropies
anomala/14 -> anomalas
anoxia/14 -> anoxias
ansaphone/14 -> ansaphones
anti-oxidant/14 -> anti-oxidants
antinomian/14 -> antinomians
antiphonal/14 -> antiphonals
antonym/14 -> antonyms
appalachians/14 -> appalachianss
apple-tree/14 -> apple-trees
applicator/14 -> applicators
aram/14 -> arams
arbale/14 -> arbalest
arcsec/14 -> arcsecs
arm-chair/14 -> arm-chairs
armin/14 -> armins
artilleryman/14 -> artillerymen
astrocyte/14 -> astrocytes
atonality/14 -> atonalities
atta/14 -> attas
audio-tape/14 -> audio-tapes
averment/14 -> averments
avga/14 -> avgas
axehead/14 -> axeheads
babbling/14 -> babblings
back-pack/14 -> back-packs
backbeat/14 -> backbeats
backstay/14 -> backstays
bad-boy/14 -> bad-boys
balance-sheet/14 -> balance-sheets
balt/14 -> balts
bandaging/14 -> bandagings
bandera/14 -> banderas
bankroll/14 -> bankrolls,bankrolling,bankrolled
banneret/14 -> bannerets
bannock/14 -> bannocks
barm/14 -> barms
barne/14 -> barnes
bartlema/14 -> bartlemas
baryshnikov/14 -> baryshnikovs
beamer/14 -> beamers
beatification/14 -> beatifications
beefcake/14 -> beefcakes
beefsteak/14 -> beefsteaks
belabour/14 -> belabouring,belaboured,belabours
belli/14 -> bellis
bellicosity/14 -> bellicosities
belshazzar/14 -> belshazzars
belter/14 -> belters
benitse/14 -> benitses
bentwood/14 -> bentwoods
beria/14 -> berias
biggle/14 -> biggles
binnacle/14 -> binnacles
bipedalism/14 -> bipedalisms
bird-song/14 -> bird-songs
bivalent/14 -> bivalents
blackfly/14 -> blackflies
blag/14 -> blagged,blags
bloodletting/14 -> bloodlettings
bluetit/14 -> bluetits
bodega/14 -> bodegas
body-builder/14 -> body-builders
body-snatcher/14 -> body-snatchers
bohemianism/14 -> bohemianisms
boily/14 -> boilies
borodin/14 -> borodins
bosh/14 -> boshed
botulism/14 -> botulisms
boulle/14 -> boulles
boxplot/14 -> boxplots
breathing-space/14 -> breathing-spaces
bretagne/14 -> bretagnes
brineshrimp/14 -> brineshrimps
brisket/14 -> briskets
broadcloth/14 -> broadcloths
broadland/14 -> broadlands
bromeliad/14 -> bromeliads
brower/14 -> browers
brunelleschi/14 -> brunelleschis
bruvver/14 -> bruvvers
buccaneering/14 -> buccaneerings
building-block/14 -> building-blocks
bullfrog/14 -> bullfrogs
buse/14 -> bused,busing,buses
buteo/14 -> buteos
buzze/14 -> buzzes
caftan/14 -> caftans
calamine/14 -> calamines
call-sign/14 -> call-signs
calluse/14 -> calluses,callusing
canalize/14 -> canalized,canalizing,canalizes
candle-flame/14 -> candle-flames
cannibalize/14 -> cannibalized,cannibalizing,cannibalizes
carding/14 -> cardings
cart-track/14 -> cart-tracks
carteret/14 -> carterets
case-law/14 -> case-laws
cassiopeia/14 -> cassiopeias
catheterisation/14 -> catheterisations
catholicity/14 -> catholicities
cauterise/14 -> cauterised,cauterising
cautiousness/14 -> cautiousnesses
centage/14 -> centages
cession/14 -> cessions
chanteuse/14 -> chanteuses
chapati/14 -> chapatis
chargepayer/14 -> chargepayers
cheater/14 -> cheaters,cheatering
cheviots/14 -> cheviotss
chimaera/14 -> chimaeras
chlorpromazine/14 -> chlorpromazines
cicerone/14 -> cicerones
ciggy/14 -> ciggies
cime/14 -> cimes
civil-right/14 -> civil-rights
ciym/14 -> ciyms
clarin/14 -> clarins
clavichord/14 -> clavichords
cliff-hanger/14 -> cliff-hangers
climb-down/14 -> climb-downs
cloggy/14 -> cloggies
clothes-peg/14 -> clothes-pegs
clubrep/14 -> clubreps
clumpy/14 -> clumpier
cluniac/14 -> cluniacs
co-found/14 -> co-founded
cogen/14 -> cogens
coloniser/14 -> colonisers
compounding/14 -> compoundings
computer-literate/14 -> computer-literates
condition-set/14 -> condition-sets
confraternity/14 -> confraternities
consanguinity/14 -> consanguinities
convoke/14 -> convoked,convoking,convokes
counter-tenor/14 -> counter-tenors
countrywoman/14 -> countrywomen
crackly/14 -> cracklier
cranach/14 -> cranachs
crankcase/14 -> crankcases
creationist/14 -> creationists
cross-wind/14 -> cross-winds
croupier/14 -> croupiers
crud/14 -> cruds
crum/14 -> crums
cubit/14 -> cubits
cummerbund/14 -> cummerbunds
cyberpunk/14 -> cyberpunks
cyclops/14 -> cyclopss
dampening/14 -> dampenings
dangerman/14 -> dangermen
daoism/14 -> daoisms
dashpot/14 -> dashpots
declination/14 -> declinations
decolonisation/14 -> decolonisations
deerstalker/14 -> deerstalkers
defenestration/14 -> defenestrations
deferen/14 -> deferens
dehumanize/14 -> dehumanizing,dehumanized,dehumanizes
denali/14 -> denalis
derring-do/14 -> derring-does
desegregation/14 -> desegregations
dictaphone/14 -> dictaphones
diluent/14 -> diluents
dimensionality/14 -> dimensionalities
dinner-table/14 -> dinner-tables
dirham/14 -> dirhams
disaffiliate/14 -> disaffiliated,disaffiliating
disallowance/14 -> disallowances
dissentient/14 -> dissentients
distraint/14 -> distraints
dithyramb/14 -> dithyrambs
dive-bomber/14 -> dive-bombers
doggedness/14 -> doggednesses
double-cross/14 -> double-crossed,double-crosses,double-crossing
double-entry/14 -> double-entries
down-grade/14 -> down-graded
downslope/14 -> downslopes
dragonrider/14 -> dragonriders
drenching/14 -> drenchings
drib/14 -> dribs
drift-netter/14 -> drift-netters
drop-leaf/14 -> drop-leafs
droveway/14 -> droveways
drowse/14 -> drowsing,drowsed,drowses
drub/14 -> drubbing,drubbed,drubs
dubbing/14 -> dubbings
duckweed/14 -> duckweeds
duracell/14 -> duracells
durian/14 -> durians
duvalierist/14 -> duvalierists
earful/14 -> earfuls
earthing/14 -> earthings
ecalpemo/14 -> ecalpemos
econometrician/14 -> econometricians
egotist/14 -> egotists
elastin/14 -> elastins
electroplate/14 -> electroplating,electroplated,electroplates
elp/14 -> elps,elped
emotionalism/14 -> emotionalisms
encash/14 -> encashed,encashing
engram/14 -> engrams
engrossment/14 -> engrossments
epigenesis/14 -> epigeneses
ethane/14 -> ethanes
evangelize/14 -> evangelizing,evangelized,evangelizes
eventuate/14 -> eventuated,eventuates,eventuating
everson/14 -> eversons
excursus/14 -> excursuss
exfoliation/14 -> exfoliations
eye-screen/14 -> eye-screens
f-word/14 -> f-words
factorise/14 -> factorised,factorises,factorising
faeroe/14 -> faeroes
fairy-story/14 -> fairy-stories
falaise/14 -> falaises
falla/14 -> fallas
faun/14 -> fauns
feast-day/14 -> feast-days
feely/14 -> feelies
femidom/14 -> femidoms
fermat/14 -> fermats
fishwife/14 -> fishwives
flashcard/14 -> flashcards
flavin/14 -> flavins
fme/14 -> fmes
folk-song/14 -> folk-songs
folksong/14 -> folksongs
fossilise/14 -> fossilised,fossilises
foxhound/14 -> foxhounds
free-marketeer/14 -> free-marketeers
french-canadian/14 -> french-canadians
fridge-freezer/14 -> fridge-freezers
frier/14 -> friers
frigidity/14 -> frigidities
frite/14 -> frites
front-bencher/14 -> front-benchers
frontbench/14 -> frontbenches
frontiersman/14 -> frontiersmen
fuentes/14 -> fuentess
gagging/14 -> gaggings
gamelan/14 -> gamelans
gameplan/14 -> gameplans
gearchange/14 -> gearchanges
gia/14 -> gias
glaciate/14 -> glaciated,glaciates,glaciating
gleneagle/14 -> gleneagles
glucocorticoid/14 -> glucocorticoids
gn/14 -> gns
golf-bag/14 -> golf-bags
good-neighbourliness/14 -> good-neighbourlinesses
governorate/14 -> governorates
grapo/14 -> grapoes
grave-clothe/14 -> grave-clothes
greave/14 -> greaves
greybeard/14 -> greybeards
grisaille/14 -> grisailles
groundsel/14 -> groundsels
guadalcanal/14 -> guadalcanals
gujerat/14 -> gujerats
gymkhana/14 -> gymkhanas
ha-ha/14 -> ha-has
hadron/14 -> hadrons
haiphong/14 -> haiphongs
half-measure/14 -> half-measures
half-mortal/14 -> half-mortals
halfwit/14 -> halfwits
hankey/14 -> hankeys
hap/14 -> happed,haps,happing
hatstand/14 -> hatstands
hautviller/14 -> hautvillers
haveli/14 -> havelis
heatsink/14 -> heatsinks
helio/14 -> helios
hell-hole/14 -> hell-holes
hell-hound/14 -> hell-hounds
help-line/14 -> help-lines
henge/14 -> henges
heptonstall/14 -> heptonstalls
hfc/14 -> hfcs
hibernia/14 -> hibernias
highlighter/14 -> highlighters
hing/14 -> hinging,hings
histoire/14 -> histoires
hoarder/14 -> hoarders
hobo/14 -> hobos
hod/14 -> hods
hokum/14 -> hokums
hole-in-the-wall/14 -> holes-in-the-wall
hollands/14 -> hollandss
hoopla/14 -> hooplas
hoose/14 -> hooses
hotpot/14 -> hotpots
hour-glass/14 -> hour-glasses
houy/14 -> houys
howgill/14 -> howgills
humaniore/14 -> humaniores
humor/14 -> humors
hunan/14 -> hunans
hyaena/14 -> hyaenas
hybridoma/14 -> hybridomas
hydrogenation/14 -> hydrogenations
hydroplane/14 -> hydroplanes,hydroplaning,hydroplaned
iac/14 -> iacs
iambic/14 -> iambics
igfet/14 -> igfets
imbricate/14 -> imbricated,imbricating,imbricates
impetigo/14 -> impetigoes
improvidence/14 -> improvidences
incrimination/14 -> incriminations
incumbrance/14 -> incumbrances
indisposition/14 -> indispositions
inhomogeneity/14 -> inhomogeneities
initialize/14 -> initialized,initializing,initializes
inrush/14 -> inrushes
instrumentality/14 -> instrumentalities
inter-school/14 -> inter-schools
interconnectedness/14 -> interconnectednesses
internalist/14 -> internalists
internationality/14 -> internationalities
interposition/14 -> interpositions
inton/14 -> intoning
invincibility/14 -> invincibilities
isothiocyanate/14 -> isothiocyanates
japanese-american/14 -> japanese-americans
jenk/14 -> jenks,jenking
jig-saw/14 -> jig-saws
jodel/14 -> jodels
joggle/14 -> joggled,joggling,joggles
joviality/14 -> jovialities
kaffir/14 -> kaffirs
karloff/14 -> karloffs
kaspar/14 -> kaspars
kenyapithecus/14 -> kenyapithecuss
ketone/14 -> ketones
kiley/14 -> kileys
kishinev/14 -> kishinevs
kith/14 -> kiths
klick/14 -> klicks
knap/14 -> knapped,knaps,knapping
knife-point/14 -> knife-points
knitradar/14 -> knitradars
koi-keeper/14 -> koi-keepers
lachaise/14 -> lachaises
lade/14 -> lades,laden,laded,lading
laff/14 -> laffs,laffed
lamia/14 -> lamias
laotian/14 -> laotians
lasagna/14 -> lasagnas
latium/14 -> latiums
laudian/14 -> laudians
laurentian/14 -> laurentians
lavishness/14 -> lavishnesses
law-maker/14 -> law-makers
lebensraum/14 -> lebensraums
leda/14 -> ledas
leibnitz/14 -> leibnitzs
lermontov/14 -> lermontovs
levantine/14 -> levantines
licking/14 -> lickings
lig/14 -> ligs,ligging
lilongwe/14 -> lilongwes
linebacker/14 -> linebackers
linewidth/14 -> linewidths
lobo/14 -> lobos
lobotomy/14 -> lobotomies
longship/14 -> longships
loose-box/14 -> loose-boxes
loss-maker/14 -> loss-makers
lovebite/14 -> lovebites
lowlight/14 -> lowlights
lychee/14 -> lychees
lying-in/14 -> lyings-in
lymphokine/14 -> lymphokines
macushla/14 -> macushlas
madrigalist/14 -> madrigalists
magnetize/14 -> magnetized,magnetizing,magnetizes
mailbag/14 -> mailbags
major-domo/14 -> major-domos
malleability/14 -> malleabilities
mameluke/14 -> mamelukes
manciple/14 -> manciples
mandelbrot/14 -> mandelbrots
mansione/14 -> mansiones
manumission/14 -> manumissions
mardle/14 -> mardles
markstone/14 -> markstones
matai/14 -> matais
maternalism/14 -> maternalisms
maui/14 -> mauis
maupassant/14 -> maupassants
mazzini/14 -> mazzinis
meatloaf/14 -> meatloaves
medline/14 -> medlines
megabit/14 -> megabits
melaena/14 -> melaenas
mercantilist/14 -> mercantilists
mesmer/14 -> mesmers
metalworker/14 -> metalworkers
methylate/14 -> methylated,methylates
microwriter/14 -> microwriters
militarist/14 -> militarists
milord/14 -> milords
milt/14 -> milts
mineralise/14 -> mineralised,mineralising
miniskirt/14 -> miniskirts
moralising/14 -> moralisings
mosstrooper/14 -> mosstroopers
motor-cyclist/14 -> motor-cyclists
motorhome/14 -> motorhomes
multi-track/14 -> multi-tracks
multiplexer/14 -> multiplexers
murillo/14 -> murillos
muscatel/14 -> muscatels
musette/14 -> musettes
namby-pamby/14 -> namby-pambies
nebuchadnezzar/14 -> nebuchadnezzars
neo-georgian/14 -> neo-georgians
nesselrode/14 -> nesselrodes
nestorian/14 -> nestorians
netframe/14 -> netframes
newsheet/14 -> newsheets
newshound/14 -> newshounds
nightlight/14 -> nightlights
nim/14 -> nims
nimby/14 -> nimbys,nimbies
non-computer/14 -> non-computers
non-customer/14 -> non-customers
non-issue/14 -> non-issues
non-producer/14 -> non-producers
nostradamus/14 -> nostradamuss
number-plate/14 -> number-plates
numerology/14 -> numerologies
nyasaland/14 -> nyasalands
obstructionism/14 -> obstructionisms
ocelot/14 -> ocelots
off-cut/14 -> off-cuts
off-roader/14 -> off-roaders
office-block/14 -> office-blocks
oilbar/14 -> oilbars
omnipresence/14 -> omnipresences
omnivore/14 -> omnivores
on-cost/14 -> on-costs
one-dayer/14 -> one-dayers
one-many/14 -> one-manys
oolite/14 -> oolites
orestes/14 -> orestess
organometallic/14 -> organometallics
otherworld/14 -> otherworlds
outface/14 -> outfaced,outfacing,outfaces
outgroup/14 -> outgroups
overheard/14 -> overheards
overtire/14 -> overtired
pace-setter/14 -> pace-setters
paly/14 -> palyer,palying
pandy/14 -> pandies
papaver/14 -> papavers
paracelsian/14 -> paracelsians
parsy/14 -> parsys
part-own/14 -> part-owned
particularism/14 -> particularisms
patrolman/14 -> patrolmen
paving-stone/14 -> paving-stones
peak-hour/14 -> peak-hours
peb/14 -> pebs
pectin/14 -> pectins
pelota/14 -> pelotas
pelta-urn/14 -> pelta-urns
perfective/14 -> perfectives
perfumer/14 -> perfumers
petfood/14 -> petfoods
petition-drawer/14 -> petition-drawers
petrify/14 -> petrified,petrifies,petrifying
philipp/14 -> philipps
phonetician/14 -> phoneticians
photo-call/14 -> photo-calls
photofit/14 -> photofits
photomultiply/14 -> photomultiplier
photosynthesise/14 -> photosynthesising
physicalist/14 -> physicalists
picosecond/14 -> picoseconds
piece-rate/14 -> piece-rates
pimply/14 -> pimpliest
pincushion/14 -> pincushions
pipe-dream/14 -> pipe-dreams
pipet/14 -> pipetting,pipetted
piphro/14 -> piphros
platelayer/14 -> platelayers
plexuse/14 -> plexuses
plf/14 -> plfs
ploughland/14 -> ploughlands
polyacetylene/14 -> polyacetylenes
pon/14 -> pons
porticoe/14 -> porticoes,porticoed
post-holder/14 -> post-holders
powerstation/14 -> powerstations
praesidium/14 -> praesidiums
pre-eclampsia/14 -> pre-eclampsias
preceptor/14 -> preceptors
precipitant/14 -> precipitants
prehistorian/14 -> prehistorians
presbyter/14 -> presbyters
preservationist/14 -> preservationists
price-earning/14 -> price-earnings
princeling/14 -> princelings
prizegiving/14 -> prizegivings
protoplasm/14 -> protoplasms
provincialism/14 -> provincialisms
public-house/14 -> public-houses
puffball/14 -> puffballs
punning/14 -> punnings
purcha/14 -> purchas
push-chair/14 -> push-chairs
puzzler/14 -> puzzlers
quincy/14 -> quincies
quintuple/14 -> quintupled,quintupling,quintuples
radiographer/14 -> radiographers
ragger/14 -> raggers
rajput/14 -> rajputs
randle/14 -> randles
rau/14 -> raus
razor-blade/14 -> razor-blades
re-align/14 -> re-aligned,re-aligning
re-charge/14 -> re-charged,re-charges
re-group/14 -> re-grouped,re-grouping
re-learn/14 -> re-learning
re-let/14 -> re-letting
re-schedule/14 -> re-scheduled,re-scheduling
reabsorption/14 -> reabsorptions
recalculation/14 -> recalculations
recirculation/14 -> recirculations
reconfigure/14 -> reconfigured,reconfiguring
reenter/14 -> reentered,reentering,reenters
refractor/14 -> refractors
reimposition/14 -> reimpositions
rejig/14 -> rejigged,rejigging,rejigs
relabel/14 -> relabelling,relabelled
remaster/14 -> remastered,remastering
rennet/14 -> rennets
reredo/14 -> reredos
resize/14 -> resized,resizing
rete/14 -> retes
retyp/14 -> retyped,retyping
riel/14 -> riels
rilke/14 -> rilkes
roadhouse/14 -> roadhouses
rockface/14 -> rockfaces
rosebush/14 -> rosebushes
rottenness/14 -> rottennesses
rough-and-tumble/14 -> rough-and-tumbles
routeway/14 -> routeways
rumination/14 -> ruminations
safflower/14 -> safflowers
saintliness/14 -> saintlinesses
sakti/14 -> saktis
salsa/14 -> salsas
sand-dune/14 -> sand-dunes
sanitiser/14 -> sanitisers
saran/14 -> sarans
sawfly/14 -> sawflies
school-teacher/14 -> school-teachers
scoresheet/14 -> scoresheets
scoria/14 -> scorias
scudding/14 -> scuddings
scutter/14 -> scuttered,scuttering,scutters
seahorse/14 -> seahorses
secretin/14 -> secretins
secretiveness/14 -> secretivenesses
seismograph/14 -> seismographs
self-will/14 -> self-wills
septuagint/14 -> septuagints
shampooe/14 -> shampooed
sheldonian/14 -> sheldonians
shem/14 -> shems
shiatsu/14 -> shiatsus
shiner/14 -> shiners
shoan/14 -> shoans
shod/14 -> shodding
shop-front/14 -> shop-fronts
short-coming/14 -> short-comings
short-fall/14 -> short-falls
shoveler/14 -> shovelers
shyster/14 -> shysters
simnel/14 -> simnels
sinewave/14 -> sinewaves
sing-a-long/14 -> sing-a-longs
siskin/14 -> siskins
skeet/14 -> skeets
ski-lift/14 -> ski-lifts
slaughterer/14 -> slaughterers
slaveholder/14 -> slaveholders
slovakian/14 -> slovakians
small-arm/14 -> small-arms
snakebite/14 -> snakebites
sofa-bed/14 -> sofa-beds
softner/14 -> softners
soul-mate/14 -> soul-mates
soulboy/14 -> soulboys
spawner/14 -> spawners
speed-up/14 -> speed-ups
spellbind/14 -> spellbinding,spellbinds,spellbound
spline/14 -> splines
splintering/14 -> splinterings
sporran/14 -> sporrans
spritzer/14 -> spritzers
spy-hole/14 -> spy-holes
spyglass/14 -> spyglasses
spyhole/14 -> spyholes
stairhead/14 -> stairheads
stall-holder/14 -> stall-holders
stamper/14 -> stampers
standpipe/14 -> standpipes
statecraft/14 -> statecrafts
step-daughter/14 -> step-daughters
stepfamily/14 -> stepfamilies
stepper/14 -> steppers
stinger/14 -> stingers
stoa/14 -> stoas
stonewal/14 -> stonewalling,stonewalled
stonewall/14 -> stonewalls,stonewalling,stonewalled
straightforwardness/14 -> straightforwardnesses
straightness/14 -> straightnesses
strikebreaker/14 -> strikebreakers
stroganoff/14 -> stroganoffs
stromatolite/14 -> stromatolites
stube/14 -> stubes
stumbling-block/14 -> stumbling-blocks
sub-machine-gun/14 -> sub-machine-guns
sub-program/14 -> sub-programs
submitter/14 -> submitters
subrogation/14 -> subrogations
substantiation/14 -> substantiations
sunbather/14 -> sunbathers
supergrass/14 -> supergrasses
supervene/14 -> supervenes,supervening,supervened
swashbuckle/14 -> swashbuckling,swashbuckles
sweat-shop/14 -> sweat-shops
sylvanus/14 -> sylvanuss
symbiont/14 -> symbionts
synapsid/14 -> synapsids
synch/14 -> synched
synfuel/14 -> synfuels
tagger/14 -> taggers
tahitian/14 -> tahitians
tailwind/14 -> tailwinded,tailwinds
talleyrand/14 -> talleyrands
taoist/14 -> taoists
tarantino/14 -> tarantinoes
tardiness/14 -> tardinesses
tarsier/14 -> tarsiers
tartlet/14 -> tartlets
test-case/14 -> test-cases
thematize/14 -> thematizing,thematizes,thematized
thessaloniki/14 -> thessalonikis
thistledown/14 -> thistledowns
thun-hohenstein/14 -> thun-hohensteins
thymine/14 -> thymines
time-period/14 -> time-periods
tin-opener/14 -> tin-openers
tobia/14 -> tobias
toolmaker/14 -> toolmakers
topeka/14 -> topekas
totalisation/14 -> totalisations
toyshop/14 -> toyshops
tracheostomy/14 -> tracheostomies
transcaucasia/14 -> transcaucasias
transexual/14 -> transexuals
translucence/14 -> translucences
treacher/14 -> treachers
trevithick/14 -> trevithicks
tribble/14 -> tribbles
trichologist/14 -> trichologists
trombonist/14 -> trombonists
trotskyism/14 -> trotskyisms
troubleshoot/14 -> troubleshooting,troubleshoots
tsa/14 -> tsas
tsaritsyn/14 -> tsaritsyns
tumulus/14 -> tumuluss
tup/14 -> tups,tupping
turncoat/14 -> turncoats
tweeter/14 -> tweeters,tweetered
tx/14 -> txes
unappetise/14 -> unappetising
uncleanness/14 -> uncleannesses
under-achiever/14 -> under-achievers
under-report/14 -> under-reporting,under-reports
underpayment/14 -> underpayments
undersecretary/14 -> undersecretaries
undershoot/14 -> undershooting,undershoots,undershot
undertrial/14 -> undertrials
unit-point/14 -> unit-points
unlikelihood/14 -> unlikelihoods
unstint/14 -> unstinting
uppercut/14 -> uppercuts
upslope/14 -> upslopes
upwel/14 -> upwelling
ust/14 -> usted
usurer/14 -> usurers
value-judgement/14 -> value-judgements
vasodilator/14 -> vasodilators
veggy/14 -> veggies
verdure/14 -> verdures
verte/14 -> vertes
vice-consul/14 -> vice-consuls
viceroyalty/14 -> viceroyalties
viewport/14 -> viewports
villahermosa/14 -> villahermosas
virgate/14 -> virgates
vlaminck/14 -> vlamincks
vug/14 -> vugs
wall-hanging/14 -> wall-hangings
warpath/14 -> warpaths
water-meadow/14 -> water-meadows
water-supply/14 -> water-supplies
wavelet/14 -> wavelets
wearsider/14 -> wearsiders
weightlifting/14 -> weightliftings
welf/14 -> welfs
wer/14 -> wers
whitegate/14 -> whitegates
whodunit/14 -> whodunits
whorehouse/14 -> whorehouses
wickerwork/14 -> wickerworks
wigner/14 -> wigners
window-ledge/14 -> window-ledges
wodge/14 -> wodges
woodsman/14 -> woodsmen
work-experience/14 -> work-experiences
worke/14 -> workes
wroclaw/14 -> wroclaws
xhosa/14 -> xhosas
yelping/14 -> yelpings
yisrael/14 -> yisraels
yuill/14 -> yuills
yve/14 -> yves
zoroastrianism/14 -> zoroastrianisms
zwingli/14 -> zwinglis
'appy/13 -> 'appier
'no/13 -> 'nos
'orse/13 -> 'orses
a-tract/13 -> a-tracts
aalborg/13 -> aalborgs
abadan/13 -> abadans
acclimatization/13 -> acclimatizations
accomodate/13 -> accomodated
achaemenid/13 -> achaemenids
acm/13 -> acms
acorus/13 -> acoruss
actor-manager/13 -> actor-managers
actualise/13 -> actualised,actualising
admonishment/13 -> admonishments
advowson/13 -> advowsons
afl/13 -> afls
afro-asian/13 -> afro-asians
agouti/13 -> agoutis
air-force/13 -> air-forces
aircondition/13 -> airconditioning,airconditioned
alcazar/13 -> alcazars
alden/13 -> aldens
alle/13 -> alles
alley-way/13 -> alley-ways
allinson/13 -> allinsons
allspice/13 -> allspices
almoner/13 -> almoners
alyssum/13 -> alyssums
ambiance/13 -> ambiances
anca/13 -> ancas
anglo-catholicism/13 -> anglo-catholicisms
anhydride/13 -> anhydrides
ani/13 -> anis
anima/13 -> animas
animality/13 -> animalities
anthus/13 -> anthuss
anti-darwinian/13 -> anti-darwinians
anti-republican/13 -> anti-republicans
antipasto/13 -> antipastoes
anuran/13 -> anurans
appeaser/13 -> appeasers
aptness/13 -> aptnesses
arachnid/13 -> arachnids
archaism/13 -> archaisms
arcuate/13 -> arcuated
armr/13 -> armrest
arriviste/13 -> arrivistes
artic/13 -> artics
ashram/13 -> ashrams
assiduity/13 -> assiduities
autostrada/13 -> autostradas
awn/13 -> awns
baathist/13 -> baathists
babirusa/13 -> babirusas
back-drop/13 -> back-drops
backslide/13 -> backsliding,backslides,backslid,backslidden
bad-debt/13 -> bad-debts
bagging/13 -> baggings
baloney/13 -> baloneys
barbeque/13 -> barbeques
bargee/13 -> bargees
bast/13 -> basts
bataan/13 -> bataans
battle-cry/13 -> battle-cries
baur/13 -> baurs
bavent/13 -> bavents
bedbug/13 -> bedbugs
bellringer/13 -> bellringers
berner/13 -> berners
besom/13 -> besoms
bio-technology/13 -> bio-technologies
bioceramic/13 -> bioceramics
biotransformation/13 -> biotransformations
bitchiness/13 -> bitchinesses
blacking/13 -> blackings
bleacher/13 -> bleachers
bluefin/13 -> bluefins
bluegrass/13 -> bluegrasses
bluett/13 -> bluetts
boatbuilder/13 -> boatbuilders
bollocking/13 -> bollockings
bond-holder/13 -> bond-holders
bootlegger/13 -> bootleggers
bootlegging/13 -> bootleggings
borax/13 -> boraxes
borgia/13 -> borgias
bowser/13 -> bowsers
boxcar/13 -> boxcars
braga/13 -> bragas
brahmaputra/13 -> brahmaputras
brain-stem/13 -> brain-stems
braise/13 -> braised,braising,braises
braying/13 -> brayings
broadloom/13 -> broadlooms
brumaire/13 -> brumaires
buber/13 -> bubers
budget-holder/13 -> budget-holders
bujumbura/13 -> bujumburas
bunkum/13 -> bunkums
burk/13 -> burks
button-hole/13 -> button-holes
by-road/13 -> by-roads
byroad/13 -> byroads
caboodle/13 -> caboodles
call-in/13 -> calls-in
calorimetry/13 -> calorimetries
camorra/13 -> camorras
candlewick/13 -> candlewicks
cannon-ball/13 -> cannon-balls
cannonade/13 -> cannonades,cannonading
careen/13 -> careening,careened,careens
carita/13 -> caritas
carpal/13 -> carpals
cartouche/13 -> cartouches
casebook/13 -> casebooks
cathete/13 -> catheter
cave-in/13 -> cave-ins
certifier/13 -> certifiers
cfel/13 -> cfels
chain-link/13 -> chain-links
chambray/13 -> chambrays
champer/13 -> champers
charon/13 -> charons
chart-topper/13 -> chart-toppers
chatelaine/13 -> chatelaines
chauncy/13 -> chauncys
cheapskate/13 -> cheapskates
chequerboard/13 -> chequerboards
chinoiserie/13 -> chinoiseries
chipmaker/13 -> chipmakers
chiton/13 -> chitons
chloramphenicol/13 -> chloramphenicols
chlorate/13 -> chlorates
chokey/13 -> chokeys
chose/13 -> choses,chosing
christianise/13 -> christianised,christianising
christianization/13 -> christianizations
chronotope/13 -> chronotopes
cinnabar/13 -> cinnabars
clar/13 -> clars
clew/13 -> clews,clewing,clewed
clothes-line/13 -> clothes-lines
clubroom/13 -> clubrooms
cmo/13 -> cmos
coalminer/13 -> coalminers
coaly/13 -> coalies
coble/13 -> cobles
cockiness/13 -> cockinesses
codec/13 -> codecs
coffee-break/13 -> coffee-breaks
cohan/13 -> cohans
coif/13 -> coifs,coiffing,coiffed
colly/13 -> collies,collyer,collying,collied
colourcode/13 -> colourcoded
columbo/13 -> columboes
combi-steamer/13 -> combi-steamers
combust/13 -> combusted,combusting,combusts
commercialize/13 -> commercialized,commercializing,commercializes
communita/13 -> communitas
con-trick/13 -> con-tricks
concelebrate/13 -> concelebrated,concelebrating
concessionaire/13 -> concessionaires
conditionality/13 -> conditionalities
congregationalism/13 -> congregationalisms
conjunct/13 -> conjuncts
conscientiousness/13 -> conscientiousnesses
convect/13 -> convecting,convects
conveyer/13 -> conveyers
cookshop/13 -> cookshops
copper-plate/13 -> copper-plates
court-room/13 -> court-rooms
cowbell/13 -> cowbells
craton/13 -> cratons
crawly/13 -> crawlies
cricket-lover/13 -> cricket-lovers
criminalization/13 -> criminalizations
crocodilian/13 -> crocodilians
cross-purpose/13 -> cross-purposes
cross-subsidy/13 -> cross-subsidies
crudeness/13 -> crudenesses
cto/13 -> ctos
cumber/13 -> cumbering,cumbered,cumbers
cyanosis/13 -> cyanoses
dayan/13 -> dayans
dayroom/13 -> dayrooms
deaf-mute/13 -> deaf-mutes
deanse/13 -> deanses
decarboxylase/13 -> decarboxylases
decease/13 -> deceases,deceased,deceasing
decontaminate/13 -> decontaminating,decontaminated,decontaminates
dedicatee/13 -> dedicatees
deflector/13 -> deflectors
demotivate/13 -> demotivated,demotivating,demotivates
departement/13 -> departements
depersonalize/13 -> depersonalized,depersonalizing,depersonalizes
depo/13 -> depos
desaturation/13 -> desaturations
describer/13 -> describers
designator/13 -> designators
detective-constable/13 -> detective-constables
diathermy/13 -> diathermies
dicynodont/13 -> dicynodonts
didy/13 -> didier
disenfranchisement/13 -> disenfranchisements
disentitle/13 -> disentitled,disentitling
disestablish/13 -> disestablished,disestablishes,disestablishing
dishwash/13 -> dishwashing
disinvestment/13 -> disinvestments
disport/13 -> disporting,disported,disports
disrobe/13 -> disrobing,disrobed,disrobes
do-nothing/13 -> do-nothings
doble/13 -> dobles,dobleing
dockworker/13 -> dockworkers
dodecanese/13 -> dodecaneses
dolt/13 -> dolts
dominus/13 -> dominuss
door-knocker/13 -> door-knockers
douala/13 -> doualas
drawing-pin/13 -> drawing-pins
dropsy/13 -> dropsies
eason/13 -> easons
ebro/13 -> ebroes
ectoderm/13 -> ectoderms
ectotherm/13 -> ectotherms
edm/13 -> edms
eee/13 -> eees
effeminacy/13 -> effeminacies
eglise/13 -> eglises
eichmann/13 -> eichmanns
eighty-year-old/13 -> eighty-year-olds
ejectment/13 -> ejectments
ela/13 -> elas
emancipator/13 -> emancipators
enantiomer/13 -> enantiomers
enfant/13 -> enfants
entree/13 -> entrees
episteme/13 -> epistemes
erga/13 -> ergas
erratum/13 -> errata
esg/13 -> esgs
esop/13 -> esops
ethnomethodologist/13 -> ethnomethodologists
euc/13 -> eucs
euphorbiaceae/13 -> euphorbiaceaes
eurocentrism/13 -> eurocentrisms
eurocrat/13 -> eurocrats
europeanisation/13 -> europeanisations
evil-doer/13 -> evil-doers
ex-offender/13 -> ex-offenders
excercise/13 -> excercises,excercising
exhumation/13 -> exhumations
expander/13 -> expanders
exportation/13 -> exportations
extenuate/13 -> extenuating,extenuates,extenuated
externalist/13 -> externalists
extroversion/13 -> extroversions
eyas/13 -> eyass
eyepatch/13 -> eyepatches
f-/13 -> f-ed
face-mask/13 -> face-masks
facete/13 -> faceted,faceting
fainting/13 -> faintings
faithlessness/13 -> faithlessnesses
falconet/13 -> falconets
familiarization/13 -> familiarizations
farina/13 -> farinas
favore/13 -> favored,favoring
fearfulness/13 -> fearfulnesses
featherbed/13 -> featherbedding,featherbeds,featherbedded
fenestration/13 -> fenestrations
fermenter/13 -> fermenters
ferrite/13 -> ferrites
feverfew/13 -> feverfews
filmstrip/13 -> filmstrips
filtrate/13 -> filtrates,filtrated,filtrating
finalization/13 -> finalizations
fivepence/13 -> fivepences
flame-thrower/13 -> flame-throwers
flatlet/13 -> flatlets
flavor/13 -> flavors
flightpath/13 -> flightpaths
flood-water/13 -> flood-waters
floorcover/13 -> floorcovering
foinman/13 -> foinmen
footwell/13 -> footwells
forestay/13 -> forestays
foreward/13 -> forewarded
fortuna/13 -> fortunas
fossilization/13 -> fossilizations
four-stroke/13 -> four-strokes
foursquare/13 -> foursquares
foxhunter/13 -> foxhunters
fps/13 -> fpss
frangipani/13 -> frangipanis
freestone/13 -> freestones
frightener/13 -> frighteners
fro-ing/13 -> fro-ings
fruiterer/13 -> fruiterers
furtiveness/13 -> furtivenesses
fuzziness/13 -> fuzzinesses
fyn/13 -> fyned,fynest
galveston/13 -> galvestons
gas-lamp/13 -> gas-lamps
gas-ring/13 -> gas-rings
geodemographic/13 -> geodemographics
gerontologist/13 -> gerontologists
geysir/13 -> geysirs
gigabyte/13 -> gigabytes
gila/13 -> gilas
gish/13 -> gishes
glcab/13 -> glcabs
gloaming/13 -> gloamings
glob/13 -> globs
globetrotter/13 -> globetrotters
gloxinia/13 -> gloxinias
gnu/13 -> gnus
goal-kicker/13 -> goal-kickers
gonadotropin/13 -> gonadotropins
goncourt/13 -> goncourts
goodhaven/13 -> goodhavens
gopher/13 -> gophers
grappa/13 -> grappas
great-granddaughter/13 -> great-granddaughters
great-grandparent/13 -> great-grandparents
greenshank/13 -> greenshanks
greywacke/13 -> greywackes
grownup/13 -> grownups
grungy/13 -> grungier
guacamole/13 -> guacamoled
guestroom/13 -> guestrooms
gyp/13 -> gyps,gyping,gypping,gypped
gyre/13 -> gyres
hadith/13 -> hadiths
halal/13 -> halals
halcrow/13 -> halcrows
half-breed/13 -> half-breeds
hals/13 -> halss
hamamelis/13 -> hamameliss
handcraft/13 -> handcrafted,handcrafting,handcrafts
handloom/13 -> handlooms
handprint/13 -> handprints,handprinted
handsaw/13 -> handsaws
hauberk/13 -> hauberks
hayloft/13 -> haylofts
haymaker/13 -> haymakers
head-butt/13 -> head-butts
headliner/13 -> headliners
headr/13 -> headrest
henstock/13 -> henstocks
hereditament/13 -> hereditaments
herstory/13 -> herstories
heyerdahl/13 -> heyerdahls
hindemith/13 -> hindemiths
hindustan/13 -> hindustans
hireling/13 -> hirelings
hitchhiker/13 -> hitchhikers
hoffa/13 -> hoffas
hollowing/13 -> hollowings
holograph/13 -> holographs
homebrew/13 -> homebrews
homodimer/13 -> homodimers
homoeopath/13 -> homoeopaths
honore/13 -> honores,honored
honshu/13 -> honshus
hoodoo/13 -> hoodoos,hoodooing,hoodooed
hors-d'oeuvre/13 -> hors-d'oeuvres
hot-rod/13 -> hot-rods
houseroom/13 -> houserooms
humidifier/13 -> humidifiers
hunger-strike/13 -> hunger-strikes
hunting-ground/13 -> hunting-grounds
husain/13 -> husains
ibise/13 -> ibises
ice-cube/13 -> ice-cubes
ilmenite/13 -> ilmenites
impingement/13 -> impingements
imploring/13 -> implorings
indeterminist/13 -> indeterminists
indiction/13 -> indictions
indiscernible/13 -> indiscernibles
indraw/13 -> indrawn
inducer/13 -> inducers
inefficacy/13 -> inefficacies
inher/13 -> inhering,inhered
inspirer/13 -> inspirers
instar/13 -> instars
insubordinate/13 -> insubordinates
intercalate/13 -> intercalated,intercalating,intercalates
intercessor/13 -> intercessors
interdiction/13 -> interdictions
interdigitate/13 -> interdigitating,interdigitates
interrupter/13 -> interrupters
ivar/13 -> ivars
jiggery-pokery/13 -> jiggery-pokeries
jobby/13 -> jobbys,jobbies
joh/13 -> johs
joy-ride/13 -> joy-riding,joy-rides
julienne/13 -> juliennes
juncus/13 -> juncuss
kamalian/13 -> kamalians
kanban/13 -> kanbans
kanchenjunga/13 -> kanchenjungas
kar/13 -> kars
karyotype/13 -> karyotypes
kettledrum/13 -> kettledrums
keyboardist/13 -> keyboardists
keyring/13 -> keyrings
kickstart/13 -> kickstarts,kickstarting
kinematics/13 -> kinematicss
kore/13 -> kores
kufran/13 -> kufrans
lacewing/13 -> lacewings
lagging/13 -> laggings
langoustine/13 -> langoustines
langur/13 -> langurs
lansing/13 -> lansings
laocoon/13 -> laocoons
laundress/13 -> laundresses
lawcourt/13 -> lawcourts
lawman/13 -> lawmen
lca/13 -> lcas
learner-reader/13 -> learner-readers
lensman/13 -> lensmen
lepton/13 -> leptons
libber/13 -> libbers
libertarianism/13 -> libertarianisms
limewood/13 -> limewoods
lipreading/13 -> lipreadings
literalism/13 -> literalisms
lockjaw/13 -> lockjaws
log-book/13 -> log-books
lollope/13 -> lolloping,lolloped
loquacity/13 -> loquacities
lowlife/13 -> lowlifes
lumbago/13 -> lumbagos
macaroon/13 -> macaroons
machine-gunner/13 -> machine-gunners
macrobiotic/13 -> macrobiotics
macrocosm/13 -> macrocosms
maddy/13 -> maddies
madwoman/13 -> madwomen
mahout/13 -> mahouts
maidenhair/13 -> maidenhairs
mallee/13 -> mallees
mammogram/13 -> mammograms
mangetout/13 -> mangetouts
manhour/13 -> manhours
manichean/13 -> manicheans
mantissa/13 -> mantissas
massaliote/13 -> massaliotes
masticate/13 -> masticated,masticating,masticates
matchfact/13 -> matchfacts
matchman/13 -> matchmen
medio/13 -> medios
melting-pot/13 -> melting-pots
merrow/13 -> merrows
meshwork/13 -> meshworks
messuage/13 -> messuages
mglur/13 -> mglurs
microgramme/13 -> microgrammes
microscopist/13 -> microscopists
midship/13 -> midships
mignon/13 -> mignons
migran/13 -> migrans
milhaud/13 -> milhauds
millais/13 -> millaiss
misanthropy/13 -> misanthropies
misapplication/13 -> misapplications
misperception/13 -> misperceptions
mithraism/13 -> mithraisms
monopolization/13 -> monopolizations
moonie/13 -> moonies
moonstone/13 -> moonstones
moria/13 -> morias
morphologist/13 -> morphologists
motion-picture/13 -> motion-pictures
mottoe/13 -> mottoes
mudaliyar/13 -> mudaliyars
muddletonian/13 -> muddletonians
mudslide/13 -> mudslides
mumbling/13 -> mumblings
mummification/13 -> mummifications
muscularity/13 -> muscularities
muskrat/13 -> muskrats
nadi/13 -> nadis
nailer/13 -> nailers
napa/13 -> napas
narrow-mindedness/13 -> narrow-mindednesses
natterjack/13 -> natterjacks
needlecraft/13 -> needlecrafts
needlepoint/13 -> needlepoints
needlestick/13 -> needlesticks
nefertiti/13 -> nefertitis
neo-liberal/13 -> neo-liberals
nerve-centre/13 -> nerve-centres
neurobiologist/13 -> neurobiologists
nitroglycerine/13 -> nitroglycerines
noisette/13 -> noisettes
nominalism/13 -> nominalisms
non-arrival/13 -> non-arrivals
non-client/13 -> non-clients
non-conservative/13 -> non-conservatives
non-involvement/13 -> non-involvements
non-juror/13 -> non-jurors
non-occurrence/13 -> non-occurrences
norther/13 -> northers
nougat/13 -> nougats
novelette/13 -> novelettes
nystagmus/13 -> nystagmuss
object-relation/13 -> object-relations
off-day/13 -> off-days
offertory/13 -> offertories
onomatopoeia/13 -> onomatopoeias
orchestrator/13 -> orchestrators
ordainer/13 -> ordainers
oscar-winner/13 -> oscar-winners
out-take/13 -> out-takes
outgass/13 -> outgassed,outgassing,outgasses
outly/13 -> outlier
over-rate/13 -> over-rated,over-rates
overfund/13 -> overfunding,overfunded
overlooker/13 -> overlookers
overreaction/13 -> overreactions
oxygenate/13 -> oxygenated,oxygenating,oxygenates
oxyhaemoglobin/13 -> oxyhaemoglobins
oxytocin/13 -> oxytocins
pagination/13 -> paginations
palmyra/13 -> palmyras
palp/13 -> palps,palping
pamir/13 -> pamirs
paramaribo/13 -> paramariboes
parasympathetic/13 -> parasympathetics
parch/13 -> parching,parched,parches
pardoner/13 -> pardoners
paring/13 -> parings
parslow/13 -> parslows
pasteboard/13 -> pasteboards
pasternak/13 -> pasternaks
patras/13 -> patrass
pauperism/13 -> pauperisms
pedestrianise/13 -> pedestrianising,pedestrianised
pene/13 -> penes
penn'orth/13 -> penn'orths
pennyroyal/13 -> pennyroyals
penpal/13 -> penpals
pentameter/13 -> pentameters
pento/13 -> pentos
perambulate/13 -> perambulated,perambulating,perambulates
peregrination/13 -> peregrinations
perpetration/13 -> perpetrations
perspicacity/13 -> perspicacities
philemon/13 -> philemons
philosophize/13 -> philosophizing,philosophizes,philosophized
photomicrograph/13 -> photomicrographs
photomontage/13 -> photomontages
pieta/13 -> pietas
pigskin/13 -> pigskins
pilmay/13 -> pilmays
pimiento/13 -> pimientos
plagiarist/13 -> plagiarists
plaine/13 -> plaines
plantlet/13 -> plantlets
pompadour/13 -> pompadours
popping/13 -> poppings
populariser/13 -> popularisers
pre-pubescent/13 -> pre-pubescents
premmia/13 -> premmias
preordain/13 -> preordained,preordaining,preordains
prequel/13 -> prequels
press-gang/13 -> press-gangs
prettify/13 -> prettified,prettifying,prettifies
prison-ship/13 -> prison-ships
proferen/13 -> proferens
prograde/13 -> prograded
promotor/13 -> promotors
proof-reader/13 -> proof-readers
prowling/13 -> prowlings
pseudo-science/13 -> pseudo-sciences
psychoanalyse/13 -> psychoanalysing,psychoanalysed,psychoanalyses
psychopomp/13 -> psychopomps
pube/13 -> pubes
puffinus/13 -> puffinuss
pul/13 -> puls
purestrain/13 -> purestrains
purposefulness/13 -> purposefulnesses
pyrethrum/13 -> pyrethrums
quadraphonic/13 -> quadraphonics
quadrupling/13 -> quadruplings
quoin/13 -> quoins
raccoon/13 -> raccoons
radicalize/13 -> radicalized,radicalizing,radicalizes
radiogram/13 -> radiograms
radiolabel/13 -> radiolabelled,radiolabelling
rangeland/13 -> rangelands
rask/13 -> rasks
rattigan/13 -> rattigans
rattler/13 -> rattlers
re-arrang/13 -> re-arranging
re-assign/13 -> re-assigned,re-assigning
re-inforce/13 -> re-inforcing,re-inforced,re-inforces
re-iterate/13 -> re-iterated,re-iterates,re-iterating
re-join/13 -> re-joined,re-joining
re-load/13 -> re-loaded,re-loads
re-occupy/13 -> re-occupied
re-roof/13 -> re-roofed,re-roofing
re-test/13 -> re-tested,re-testing
re-writ/13 -> re-writing
real-term/13 -> real-terms
reanimate/13 -> reanimated,reanimating,reanimates
reaumur/13 -> reaumurs
rechallenge/13 -> rechallenged,rechallenges
recife/13 -> recifes
recode/13 -> recoded,recoding
recordist/13 -> recordists
reelection/13 -> reelections
refiner/13 -> refiners
refocusing/13 -> refocusings
reformatory/13 -> reformatories
rehang/13 -> rehanging
reinsert/13 -> reinserted,reinserting
remus/13 -> remuss
renovator/13 -> renovators
reselect/13 -> reselected
resuit/13 -> resuited,resuiting
reticule/13 -> reticules
reticulocyte/13 -> reticulocytes
revertant/13 -> revertants
revolucionaria/13 -> revolucionarias
rewording/13 -> rewordings
rhinocerose/13 -> rhinoceroses
rimsky-korsakov/13 -> rimsky-korsakovs
rissole/13 -> rissoles
roadrunner/13 -> roadrunners
roadsweeper/13 -> roadsweepers
rockpool/13 -> rockpooling,rockpools
roll-neck/13 -> roll-necks
roof-slope/13 -> roof-slopes
roofer/13 -> roofers
rooky/13 -> rookies
roseau/13 -> roseaux
rotty/13 -> rotties
rowdiness/13 -> rowdinesses
rumba/13 -> rumbas
rv/13 -> rvs
rye-grass/13 -> rye-grasses
sabra/13 -> sabras
salopette/13 -> salopettes
salvinia/13 -> salvinias
sandhill/13 -> sandhills
sangston/13 -> sangstons
sare/13 -> saring
sarson/13 -> sarsons
saurischian/13 -> saurischians
savoyard/13 -> savoyards
scaffolder/13 -> scaffolders
schistosome/13 -> schistosomes
school-room/13 -> school-rooms
scorpius/13 -> scorpiuss
scrap-heap/13 -> scrap-heaps
screw-eye/13 -> screw-eyes
seahawk/13 -> seahawks
secretagogue/13 -> secretagogues
sede/13 -> sedes
sedum/13 -> sedums
seger/13 -> segers
seidel/13 -> seidels
seif/13 -> seifs
seiner/13 -> seiners
self-contradiction/13 -> self-contradictions
self-organization/13 -> self-organizations
sentience/13 -> sentiences
serp/13 -> serps
shana/13 -> shanas
sharwood/13 -> sharwoods
shasta/13 -> shastas
shethe/13 -> sheathing
shifty-eye/13 -> shifty-eyes
shopgirl/13 -> shopgirls
showband/13 -> showbands
shreeve/13 -> shreeves
side-road/13 -> side-roads
silla/13 -> sillas
silviculture/13 -> silvicultures
sing-along/13 -> sing-alongs
singlehand/13 -> singlehanded
six-a-side/13 -> six-a-sides
sixty-year-old/13 -> sixty-year-olds
skirl/13 -> skirled,skirling,skirls
skywalk/13 -> skywalks
slavophile/13 -> slavophiles
smit/13 -> smitted
smoke-screen/13 -> smoke-screens
smoochy/13 -> smoochier,smoochiest
smuts/13 -> smutss
socialist-feminist/13 -> socialist-feminists
sonicate/13 -> sonicated,sonicating
sox/13 -> soxed
sparc-compatible/13 -> sparc-compatibles
spitz/13 -> spitzs
squelchy/13 -> squelchiest
squit/13 -> squitting,squits,squitted
stalag/13 -> stalags
stammering/13 -> stammerings
stato/13 -> statos
stegosaurus/13 -> stegosauruss
sten/13 -> stens
step-brother/13 -> step-brothers
stereotyp/13 -> stereotyped,stereotyping
story-book/13 -> story-books
straight-edge/13 -> straight-edges
strike-breaker/13 -> strike-breakers
stylise/13 -> stylised
suasion/13 -> suasions
sub-basin/13 -> sub-basins
sub-theme/13 -> sub-themes
sub-tree/13 -> sub-trees
submariner/13 -> submariners
subsample/13 -> subsamples
summoner/13 -> summoners
sun-tan/13 -> sun-tans
sunfish/13 -> sunfished,sunfishes
sunhat/13 -> sunhats
superintendence/13 -> superintendences
supersaturation/13 -> supersaturations
superwoman/13 -> superwomen
sustran/13 -> sustrans
swiftlet/13 -> swiftlets
t-lymphocyte/13 -> t-lymphocytes
tamarind/13 -> tamarinds
tarte/13 -> tartes
tattie/13 -> tatties
taupe/13 -> taupes
tautness/13 -> tautnesses
technic/13 -> technics
teetotalism/13 -> teetotalisms
tenderer/13 -> tenderers
teriyaki/13 -> teriyakis
thalictrum/13 -> thalictrums
thank-offering/13 -> thank-offerings
theremin/13 -> theremins
thracian/13 -> thracians
thumbscrew/13 -> thumbscrews
tianjin/13 -> tianjins
tickler/13 -> ticklers
tientsin/13 -> tientsins
tilapia/13 -> tilapias
timbuktu/13 -> timbuktus
timur/13 -> timurs
tindal/13 -> tindals
tizzy/13 -> tizzies
tn/13 -> tns
toile/13 -> toiles
tone-colour/13 -> tone-colours
topspin/13 -> topspins
toss-up/13 -> toss-ups
tourette/13 -> tourettes
tourney/13 -> tourneys,tourneyed,tourneying
traffic-light/13 -> traffic-lights
tranny/13 -> trannies
transferase/13 -> transferases
translucency/13 -> translucencies
transmogrify/13 -> transmogrified,transmogrifying,transmogrifies
transsexualism/13 -> transsexualisms
trappist/13 -> trappists
trigeminal/13 -> trigeminals
tropism/13 -> tropisms
truculence/13 -> truculences
truelove/13 -> trueloves
tugrik/13 -> tugriks
turbo-diesel/13 -> turbo-diesels
tutee/13 -> tutees
ultrasparc/13 -> ultrasparcs
unamerican/13 -> unamericans
under-25/13 -> under-25s
under-achieve/13 -> under-achieving,under-achieved
under-perform/13 -> under-performing,under-performed
uni-processor/13 -> uni-processors
unpacking/13 -> unpackings
unstall/13 -> unstalls
unthreaten/13 -> unthreatening
uranyl/13 -> uranyls
vaccinium/13 -> vacciniums
valen/13 -> valens
var./13 -> var.s
veld/13 -> velds
verruca/13 -> verrucas
vincristine/13 -> vincristines
virology/13 -> virologies
vizor/13 -> vizors
vocalization/13 -> vocalizations
vol-au-vent/13 -> vol-au-vents
vulgate/13 -> vulgates
warrener/13 -> warreners
wastebin/13 -> wastebins
wastrel/13 -> wastrels
weathervane/13 -> weathervanes
weigher/13 -> weighers
welkom/13 -> welkoms
wellwisher/13 -> wellwishers
whippy/13 -> whippier
whitethroat/13 -> whitethroats
whop/13 -> whopping,whopped,whops
widthway/13 -> widthways
wolfskin/13 -> wolfskins
womanise/13 -> womanising,womanised
word-pair/13 -> word-pairs
wordprocess/13 -> wordprocessing
work-station/13 -> work-stations
workday/13 -> workdays
world-picture/13 -> world-pictures
wrong-doer/13 -> wrong-doers
yawl/13 -> yawls,yawling,yawled
yc/13 -> ycs
yellowfin/13 -> yellowfins
yellowhammer/13 -> yellowhammers
yeuk/13 -> yeuking
zairean/13 -> zaireans
zapotec/13 -> zapotecs
ziggurat/13 -> ziggurats
'fray/12 -> 'fraid
aarhus/12 -> aarhuss
abnegation/12 -> abnegations
abracadabra/12 -> abracadabras
abruzzi/12 -> abruzzis
abscissa/12 -> abscissae
absurdist/12 -> absurdists
academicism/12 -> academicisms
ack-ack/12 -> acks-acks
acrylamide/12 -> acrylamides
acte/12 -> actes
acuteness/12 -> acutenesses
adjure/12 -> adjured,adjuring,adjures
administrate/12 -> administrating,administrates,administrated
afrikaaner/12 -> afrikaaners
agave/12 -> agaves
agglutinate/12 -> agglutinated,agglutinating,agglutinates
agno/12 -> agnos
airfreight/12 -> airfreighted
alcibiades/12 -> alcibiadess
allergist/12 -> allergists
alter-ego/12 -> alter-egos
amnesiac/12 -> amnesiacs
ampulla/12 -> ampullas
angiogram/12 -> angiograms
annapurna/12 -> annapurnas
antananarivo/12 -> antananarivoes
anthropometric/12 -> anthropometrics
anti-coagulant/12 -> anti-coagulants
anti-unionist/12 -> anti-unionists
antielectron/12 -> antielectrons
antinomianism/12 -> antinomianisms
apack/12 -> apacked
apatite/12 -> apatites
appen/12 -> appened
appendicectomy/12 -> appendicectomies
arabist/12 -> arabists
areopagus/12 -> areopaguss
arequipa/12 -> arequipas
arginine/12 -> arginines
armeria/12 -> armerias
arteriography/12 -> arteriographies
arteriosclerosis/12 -> arterioscleroses
autofocus/12 -> autofocuss
aven/12 -> avens
aveng/12 -> avenging
back-track/12 -> back-tracked,back-tracks
backpass/12 -> backpasses
band-aid/12 -> band-aids
banzai/12 -> banzais
baobab/12 -> baobabs
baptistry/12 -> baptistries
barbershop/12 -> barbershops
barbet/12 -> barbets
baruch/12 -> baruches
basilicata/12 -> basilicatas
batiste/12 -> batistes
battle-ground/12 -> battle-grounds
battlegroup/12 -> battlegroups
bayard/12 -> bayards
bee-keeper/12 -> bee-keepers
belief-system/12 -> belief-systems
belmode/12 -> belmodes
bench-mark/12 -> bench-marks
bennington/12 -> benningtons
besieging/12 -> besiegings
bi-law/12 -> bi-laws
bicmo/12 -> bicmos
bilateralism/12 -> bilateralisms
bilk/12 -> bilking,bilked,bilks
biogeographer/12 -> biogeographers
biorhythm/12 -> biorhythms
biotinylate/12 -> biotinylated
biped/12 -> bipeds
birthdate/12 -> birthdates
bisque/12 -> bisques
blasphemer/12 -> blasphemers
blast-furnace/12 -> blast-furnaces
blastula/12 -> blastulas
blenny/12 -> blennies
blida/12 -> blidas
bluestone/12 -> bluestones
bmus/12 -> bmuss
boatswain/12 -> boatswains
bobsleigh/12 -> bobsleighing,bobsleighs
bocca/12 -> boccas
bohinen/12 -> bohinens
bomb-site/12 -> bomb-sites
bombed-out/12 -> bombed-outs
bondsman/12 -> bondsmen
boue/12 -> boues
bouillabaisse/12 -> bouillabaisses
bourgeoisy/12 -> bourgeoisies
bourgogne/12 -> bourgognes
bow-wave/12 -> bow-waves
bowerbird/12 -> bowerbirds
boxing-match/12 -> boxing-matches
brecchia/12 -> brecchias
brummy/12 -> brummies
bubby/12 -> bubbies
buckwheat/12 -> buckwheats
buckyball/12 -> buckyballs
bundling/12 -> bundlings
bureaucratism/12 -> bureaucratisms
byname/12 -> bynames
cacique/12 -> caciques
calcify/12 -> calcified,calcifying,calcifies
calcitonin/12 -> calcitonins
canid/12 -> canids
canonist/12 -> canonists
caregiver/12 -> caregivers
carlsbad/12 -> carlsbads
cart-horse/12 -> cart-horses
cashcard/12 -> cashcards
catmint/12 -> catmints
cbo/12 -> cbos
cenozoic/12 -> cenozoics
centaurus/12 -> centauruss
centifolia/12 -> centifolias
centrum/12 -> centrums
chakra/12 -> chakras
chalkboard/12 -> chalkboards
changeability/12 -> changeabilities
charadrius/12 -> charadriuss
charly/12 -> charlies
chastening/12 -> chastenings
chimney-pot/12 -> chimney-pots
chimneypiece/12 -> chimneypieces
chloramine/12 -> chloramines
chlorite/12 -> chlorites
chlorosis/12 -> chloroses
chomskian/12 -> chomskians
chromite/12 -> chromites
cibachrome/12 -> cibachromes
cill/12 -> cills
circulator/12 -> circulators
clausewitz/12 -> clausewitzs
clearer/12 -> clearers
clemenceau/12 -> clemenceaux
clerc/12 -> clercs
clit/12 -> clits
clock-maker/12 -> clock-makers
closedown/12 -> closedowns
clusterer/12 -> clusterers
co-accuse/12 -> co-accused
co-organiser/12 -> co-organisers
co-trustee/12 -> co-trustees
cobblers/12 -> cobblerss
coevolution/12 -> coevolutions
coining/12 -> coinings
collaborationist/12 -> collaborationists
collar-bone/12 -> collar-bones
collectivize/12 -> collectivized,collectivizes,collectivizing
collembola/12 -> collembolas
colophon/12 -> colophons
colter/12 -> colters
comandante/12 -> comandantes
combing/12 -> combings
commissure/12 -> commissures
committeeman/12 -> committeemen
compartmentalisation/12 -> compartmentalisations
con-man/12 -> con-men
concert-goer/12 -> concert-goers
conciseness/12 -> concisenesses
conductress/12 -> conductresses
confounder/12 -> confounders
conjunctive/12 -> conjunctives
consulter/12 -> consulters
convair/12 -> convairs
coquette/12 -> coquettes
cornmeal/12 -> cornmeals
cortez/12 -> cortezs
cosmic-ray/12 -> cosmic-rays
costumier/12 -> costumiers
countertenor/12 -> countertenors
cowgirl/12 -> cowgirls
crackline/12 -> cracklines
crassness/12 -> crassnesses
crataegus/12 -> crataeguss
creativeness/12 -> creativenesses
crenellate/12 -> crenellated,crenellates,crenellating
cross-addiction/12 -> cross-addictions
cruet/12 -> cruets
cryptogam/12 -> cryptogams
cuddling/12 -> cuddlings
cul/12 -> culs
cullis/12 -> culliss
cultist/12 -> cultists
cyanobacteria/12 -> cyanobacterias
cycloid/12 -> cycloids
cytoskeleton/12 -> cytoskeletons
darfur/12 -> darfurs
dari/12 -> daris
darter/12 -> darters
datura/12 -> daturas
de-activate/12 -> de-activated
debouch/12 -> debouched,debouches,debouching
declivity/12 -> declivities
defendent/12 -> defendents
deflower/12 -> deflowered,deflowering,deflowers
defoliant/12 -> defoliants
defoliate/12 -> defoliated,defoliating,defoliates
dekko/12 -> dekkoes
delimiter/12 -> delimiters
delist/12 -> delisting,delisted
denationalisation/12 -> denationalisations
dep/12 -> deps
devilment/12 -> devilments
devilry/12 -> devilries
diamine/12 -> diamines
diplodocus/12 -> diplodocuss
diplomatist/12 -> diplomatists
diptych/12 -> diptychs
disassociation/12 -> disassociations
disbarment/12 -> disbarments
disconfirm/12 -> disconfirmed,disconfirming,disconfirms
discordance/12 -> discordances
disgorgement/12 -> disgorgements
distillate/12 -> distillates,distillated
dit/12 -> dits
ditching/12 -> ditchings
diviner/12 -> diviners
dogleg/12 -> doglegs
dolphinarium/12 -> dolphinariums
dossy/12 -> dossier
down-grading/12 -> down-gradings
downlighter/12 -> downlighters
drawdown/12 -> drawdowns
drawstr/12 -> drawstring
drop-off/12 -> drop-offs
druse/12 -> druses
durante/12 -> durantes
durbar/12 -> durbars
dust-jacket/12 -> dust-jackets
dustcart/12 -> dustcarts
dutch-belgian/12 -> dutch-belgians
dwellinghouse/12 -> dwellinghouses
dynast/12 -> dynasts
ear-piece/12 -> ear-pieces
earn-out/12 -> earn-outs
eco-label/12 -> eco-labels
eie/12 -> eying,eies
eightpence/12 -> eightpences
elate/12 -> elated,elating,elates
electrocardiograph/12 -> electrocardiographs
empath/12 -> empaths
enc/12 -> encs
enkephalin/12 -> enkephalins
enshroud/12 -> enshrouded,enshrouds,enshrouding
enterectomy/12 -> enterectomies
entombment/12 -> entombments
enure/12 -> enures,enured,enuring
erie/12 -> eries
erysipela/12 -> erysipelas
erythromycin/12 -> erythromycins
escheat/12 -> escheated,escheats
estancia/12 -> estancias
etten/12 -> ettens
eubacteria/12 -> eubacterias
eventide/12 -> eventides
ever-great/12 -> ever-greater
ex-colony/12 -> ex-colonies
ex-leader/12 -> ex-leaders
ex-model/12 -> ex-models
ex-patient/12 -> ex-patients
exhibitioner/12 -> exhibitioners
extracode/12 -> extracodes
eyebal/12 -> eyeballing,eyeballed
fae/12 -> faes
fandango/12 -> fandangos
fane/12 -> fanes
fellini/12 -> fellinis
fencer/12 -> fencers
fentanyl/12 -> fentanyls
ferritin/12 -> ferritins
fibrinolysis/12 -> fibrinolyses
filer/12 -> filers
fill-in/12 -> fill-ins
finchback/12 -> finchbacks,finchbacked
fire-place/12 -> fire-places
firelighter/12 -> firelighters
five-time/12 -> five-times
flat-top/12 -> flat-tops
flatland/12 -> flatlands
flic/12 -> flics
flower-pot/12 -> flower-pots
fly-trap/12 -> fly-traps
folktale/12 -> folktales
folky/12 -> folkies,folkys
fontanelle/12 -> fontanelles
footmark/12 -> footmarks
foraminifera/12 -> foraminiferas
foregather/12 -> foregathered,foregathering,foregathers
forequarter/12 -> forequarters
forewoman/12 -> forewomen
four-time/12 -> four-times
frame-up/12 -> frame-ups
fraternise/12 -> fraternising,fraternised
frobish/12 -> frobisher
frontrunner/12 -> frontrunners
fulbright/12 -> fulbrights
futurologist/12 -> futurologists
g-man/12 -> g-men
gallia/12 -> gallias
game-show/12 -> game-shows
ganger/12 -> gangers
gar/12 -> gars
garnier/12 -> garniers
gasometer/12 -> gasometers
gazan/12 -> gazans
gazump/12 -> gazumped,gazumping,gazumps
geld/12 -> gelded,gelds,gelding,gelt
gentamicin/12 -> gentamicins
geometer/12 -> geometers
geronimo/12 -> geronimoes
ghillie/12 -> ghillies
gieve/12 -> gieves
glassworks/12 -> glassworkss
gleaner/12 -> gleaners
globulin/12 -> globulins
godunov/12 -> godunovs
gondoly/12 -> gondolier
gorgonzola/12 -> gorgonzolas
goria/12 -> gorias
gossiping/12 -> gossipings
gounod/12 -> gounods
goyigama/12 -> goyigamas
graceland/12 -> gracelands
grappelli/12 -> grappellis
graviton/12 -> gravitons
greaser/12 -> greasers
great-nephew/12 -> great-nephews
great-niece/12 -> great-nieces
greenfinch/12 -> greenfinches
greyscale/12 -> greyscales
grot/12 -> grots
grump/12 -> grumps,grumped,grumping
grus/12 -> gruss
gsr/12 -> gsrs
guayaquil/12 -> guayaquils
gule/12 -> gules
gunmetal/12 -> gunmetals
gymnosperm/12 -> gymnosperms
gymslip/12 -> gymslips
haa/12 -> haas
haber/12 -> habers
haematemesis/12 -> haematemeses
haemodialysis/12 -> haemodialyses
haft/12 -> hafts,hafting,hafted
hairnet/12 -> hairnets
half-brick/12 -> half-bricks
half-hardy/12 -> half-hardies
half-penny/12 -> half-pennies
handkerchieve/12 -> handkerchieves
handpaint/12 -> handpainted
haplochromine/12 -> haplochromines
hasp/12 -> hasps
hassock/12 -> hassocks
haut/12 -> hauts
haytime/12 -> haytiming
headbut/12 -> headbutting,headbutted
headnote/12 -> headnotes
hecate/12 -> hecates
heckling/12 -> hecklings
helianthemum/12 -> helianthemums
heliport/12 -> heliports
hepatoma/12 -> hepatomas
hepatomegaly/12 -> hepatomegalies
heregulin/12 -> heregulins
hestia/12 -> hestias
hi-jacking/12 -> hi-jackings
hiccupe/12 -> hiccuping,hiccuped
hidey-hole/12 -> hidey-holes
high-brow/12 -> high-brows
highrise/12 -> highrises
hippocrates/12 -> hippocratess
hizbollah/12 -> hizbollahs
hochland/12 -> hochlands
holo/12 -> holos
hoo-ha/12 -> hoo-has
hookbait/12 -> hookbaits
hopefulness/12 -> hopefulnesses
horticulturalist/12 -> horticulturalists
hose-pipe/12 -> hose-pipes
house-party/12 -> house-parties
housebreaker/12 -> housebreakers
huambo/12 -> huamboes
huisman/12 -> huismans
hydrogeologist/12 -> hydrogeologists
hydrolysate/12 -> hydrolysates
hydroxylase/12 -> hydroxylases
hypericum/12 -> hypericums
hyphenation/12 -> hyphenations
hypothec/12 -> hypothecs
iap/12 -> iaps
icebox/12 -> iceboxes
iciness/12 -> icinesses
icosahedron/12 -> icosahedrons
ideogram/12 -> ideograms
iie/12 -> iying
ill-fortune/12 -> ill-fortunes
image-maker/12 -> image-makers
immunochemical/12 -> immunochemicals
impiety/12 -> impieties
impoundment/12 -> impoundments
inoculator/12 -> inoculators
intemperance/12 -> intemperances
intensifier/12 -> intensifiers
inter-pro/12 -> inter-pros
intercommunication/12 -> intercommunications
interconnector/12 -> interconnectors
interrelatedness/12 -> interrelatednesses
inti/12 -> intis
introject/12 -> introjected,introjecting,introjects
involution/12 -> involutions
ionomer/12 -> ionomers
ipso/12 -> ipsos
isoniazid/12 -> isoniazids
isoptera/12 -> isopteras
isostasy/12 -> isostasies
ite/12 -> ites
izmir/12 -> izmirs
jack-in-the-box/12 -> jack-in-the-boxes
jacksonville/12 -> jacksonvilles
jalalabad/12 -> jalalabads
jessy/12 -> jessies
jetlag/12 -> jetlagged
joly/12 -> jolies
junkyard/12 -> junkyards
kapok/12 -> kapoks
kazaskerlik/12 -> kazaskerliks
key-ring/12 -> key-rings
key-word/12 -> key-words
kissogram/12 -> kissogrammed,kissograms
klondike/12 -> klondikes
kneeler/12 -> kneelers
knick/12 -> knicks
kwacha/12 -> kwachas
ladyfriend/12 -> ladyfriends
lammas/12 -> lammass
landlock/12 -> landlocked,landlocking
lanyard/12 -> lanyards
lap-dog/12 -> lap-dogs
latticework/12 -> latticeworks
lautrec/12 -> lautrecs
lave/12 -> laved,laving,laves
law-code/12 -> law-codes
lead-time/12 -> lead-times
leaper/12 -> leapers
leastway/12 -> leastways
leavening/12 -> leavenings
leet/12 -> leets
leninism/12 -> leninisms
leontief/12 -> leontiefs
leopard-skin/12 -> leopard-skins
lettre/12 -> lettres
lia/12 -> lias
lifetable/12 -> lifetables
lightship/12 -> lightships
liquefaction/12 -> liquefactions
lithographer/12 -> lithographers
localist/12 -> localists
lock-keeper/12 -> lock-keepers
longland/12 -> longlands
lorryload/12 -> lorryloads
loud-speaker/12 -> loud-speakers
lowing/12 -> lowings
lublin/12 -> lublins
lunch-break/12 -> lunch-breaks
lunda/12 -> lundas
lushness/12 -> lushnesses
lycopodium/12 -> lycopodiums
m-tense/12 -> m-tenses
machineman/12 -> machinemen
mahonia/12 -> mahonias
maia/12 -> maias
mailmerge/12 -> mailmerging
makalu/12 -> makalus
makeover/12 -> makeovers
man-thing/12 -> man-things
manatee/12 -> manatees
mandala/12 -> mandalas
mansard/12 -> mansards
mantell/12 -> mantells
marduk/12 -> marduks
marimba/12 -> marimbas
master-mind/12 -> master-minded,master-minds
matchmake/12 -> matchmaking
medium-pacer/12 -> medium-pacers
megahertz/12 -> megahertzs
megalith/12 -> megaliths
meltwater/12 -> meltwaters
meniscus/12 -> meniscuss
mense/12 -> menses
ment/12 -> ments
merida/12 -> meridas
messiahship/12 -> messiahships
messiness/12 -> messinesses
metaphysician/12 -> metaphysicians
mezzo-soprano/12 -> mezzo-sopranos
mfa/12 -> mfas
microclimate/12 -> microclimates
microelectrode/12 -> microelectrodes
microvax/12 -> microvaxs
mill-pond/12 -> mill-ponds
mincer/12 -> mincers
mindset/12 -> mindsets
mini-computer/12 -> mini-computers
mino/12 -> minos
mischief-making/12 -> mischief-makings
misgovernment/12 -> misgovernments
mishnah/12 -> mishnahs
mither/12 -> mithering
mne/12 -> mnes
moa/12 -> moas
moaner/12 -> moaners
molality/12 -> molalities
moliere/12 -> molieres
moneybag/12 -> moneybags
monger/12 -> mongers,mongering
monospar/12 -> monospars
monstrance/12 -> monstrances
mook/12 -> mooks
moondream/12 -> moondreams
moralism/12 -> moralisms
morello/12 -> morelloes
morena/12 -> morenas
mormaer/12 -> mormaers
morph/12 -> morphs
morphogen/12 -> morphogens
motherese/12 -> mothereses
mouth-organ/12 -> mouth-organs
movie-maker/12 -> movie-makers
msdo/12 -> msdos
mucoid/12 -> mucoids
mud-flat/12 -> mud-flats
mudbank/12 -> mudbanks
muhajir/12 -> muhajirs
mullein/12 -> mulleins
multi-chip/12 -> multi-chips
munching/12 -> munchings
muniment/12 -> muniments
mure/12 -> mures
musher/12 -> mushers
muss/12 -> mussed,mussing,musses
mycelium/12 -> myceliums
n'djamena/12 -> n'djamenas
naiad/12 -> naiads
namur/12 -> namurs
naxalite/12 -> naxalites
needlewoman/12 -> needlewomen
negligee/12 -> negligees
neodymium/12 -> neodymiums
neurobiology/12 -> neurobiologies
newscast/12 -> newscasts
nightstick/12 -> nightsticks
no-cost/12 -> no-costs
noblesse/12 -> noblesses
nociceptor/12 -> nociceptors
non-arab/12 -> non-arabs
non-jew/12 -> non-jews
non-moslem/12 -> non-moslems
non-relative/12 -> non-relatives
non-roman/12 -> non-romans
non-visitor/12 -> non-visitors
nonagenarian/12 -> nonagenarians
noncompliance/12 -> noncompliances
nonjuror/12 -> nonjurors
nord-pas-de-calais/12 -> nord-pas-de-calaiss
nubia/12 -> nubias
nursing-home/12 -> nursing-homes
obloquy/12 -> obloquys
oboist/12 -> oboists
obtuseness/12 -> obtusenesses
octahedron/12 -> octahedrons
odd-job/12 -> odd-jobs
oder/12 -> oders
odometer/12 -> odometers
office-bearer/12 -> office-bearers
oic/12 -> oics
oik/12 -> oiks
oil-rig/12 -> oil-rigs
ond/12 -> onds
oran/12 -> orans
oranda/12 -> orandas
osmium/12 -> osmiums
ossete/12 -> ossetes
ostertag/12 -> ostertags
ottar/12 -> ottars
outdistance/12 -> outdistanced,outdistances,outdistancing
outlawry/12 -> outlawries
overcompensate/12 -> overcompensating,overcompensated,overcompensates
overdevelope/12 -> overdeveloped
overeating/12 -> overeatings
overflight/12 -> overflights
paediatrics/12 -> paediatricss
palindrome/12 -> palindromes
palliate/12 -> palliated,palliating,palliates
palmist/12 -> palmists
papillon/12 -> papillons
parapsychology/12 -> parapsychologies
parasitaemia/12 -> parasitaemias
parasitize/12 -> parasitized,parasitizing
parfum/12 -> parfums
parsee/12 -> parsees
part-number/12 -> part-numbers
pasturage/12 -> pasturages
patching/12 -> patchings
paxo/12 -> paxos
pay-roll/12 -> pay-rolls
peddler/12 -> peddlers
pedicure/12 -> pedicures,pedicured
penfriend/12 -> penfriends
penne/12 -> pennes
perineum/12 -> perineums
perjure/12 -> perjured,perjures,perjuring
petro-chemical/12 -> petro-chemicals
petronius/12 -> petroniuss
petting/12 -> pettings
philadelphus/12 -> philadelphuss
philhellene/12 -> philhellenes
phloem/12 -> phloems
photofinish/12 -> photofinishes
photophobia/12 -> photophobias
pib/12 -> pibs
picture-postcard/12 -> picture-postcards
pilaf/12 -> pilafs
pillaging/12 -> pillagings
pilsner/12 -> pilsners
pinchbeck/12 -> pinchbecks
pinge/12 -> pinged
pix/12 -> pixes
planaria/12 -> planarias
playscheme/12 -> playschemes
playscript/12 -> playscripts
plesiosaur/12 -> plesiosaurs
plodder/12 -> plodders
pmole/12 -> pmoles
pocket-book/12 -> pocket-books
podsnap/12 -> podsnaps
politesse/12 -> politesses
polypectomy/12 -> polypectomies
pomade/12 -> pomades,pomaded,pomading
pooper/12 -> poopers
poppycock/12 -> poppycocks
popularisation/12 -> popularisations
populus/12 -> populuss
post-date/12 -> post-dates
post-freudian/12 -> post-freudians
pow-wow/12 -> pow-wows
praline/12 -> pralines
prayer-book/12 -> prayer-books
precocity/12 -> precocities
preeminence/12 -> preeminences
prepcom/12 -> prepcoms
press-box/12 -> press-boxes
prezzy/12 -> prezzies
pro-vice-chancellor/12 -> pro-vice-chancellors
prodigality/12 -> prodigalities
prophetess/12 -> prophetesses,prophetesss
proserpine/12 -> proserpines
prurience/12 -> pruriences
psychometry/12 -> psychometries
pterygote/12 -> pterygotes
pull-off/12 -> pull-offs
puppis/12 -> puppiss
pure-bred/12 -> pure-breds
purefoy/12 -> purefoys
pusan/12 -> pusans
push-up/12 -> push-ups
pythian/12 -> pythians
quantisation/12 -> quantisations
quartering/12 -> quarterings
quiteron/12 -> quiterons
r-value/12 -> r-values
rack-mount/12 -> rack-mounts
rackmount/12 -> rackmounts
raiment/12 -> raiments
rajathuk/12 -> rajathuks
ramse/12 -> ramses
rarefy/12 -> rarefied,rarefying
rattus/12 -> rattuss
raz/12 -> razzed
re-adjust/12 -> re-adjusted,re-adjusts,re-adjusting
re-classify/12 -> re-classified,re-classifying
re-dial/12 -> re-dialling,re-dialled
re-discover/12 -> re-discovered,re-discovering
re-distribute/12 -> re-distributed,re-distributing,re-distributes
re-interprete/12 -> re-interpreted,re-interpreting
re-interview/12 -> re-interviewed,re-interviewing,re-interviews
re-paint/12 -> re-painted,re-painting
re-seal/12 -> re-sealed,re-sealing
re-shape/12 -> re-shaping,re-shaped
re-shuffle/12 -> re-shuffled
reassembly/12 -> reassemblies
reburial/12 -> reburials
rebury/12 -> reburied,reburying
reconfiguration/12 -> reconfigurations
reconviction/12 -> reconvictions
recut/12 -> recutting
red-head/12 -> red-heads
redbreast/12 -> redbreasts
rededicate/12 -> rededicated,rededicating
redeposit/12 -> redeposited
redevelope/12 -> redeveloping
reduplicate/12 -> reduplicating,reduplicated,reduplicates
reel-to-reel/12 -> reel-to-reels
refix/12 -> refixing,refixed
reframe/12 -> reframing,reframed
regalist/12 -> regalists
regionalisation/12 -> regionalisations
regulus/12 -> reguluss
rehnquist/12 -> rehnquists
reinvestigate/12 -> reinvestigated,reinvestigating
renishaw/12 -> renishaws
rentcharge/12 -> rentcharges
repairman/12 -> repairmen
repartition/12 -> repartitioning,repartitioned
reprinting/12 -> reprintings
reptation/12 -> reptations
resolver/12 -> resolvers
retrovir/12 -> retrovirs
reword/12 -> rewording,reworded,rewords
reyes/12 -> reyess
rigorist/12 -> rigorists
rillette/12 -> rillettes
ringmaster/12 -> ringmasters
ripost/12 -> riposted
river-bank/12 -> river-banks
riverboat/12 -> riverboats
rock-climb/12 -> rock-climbing
rock-climber/12 -> rock-climbers
rorqual/12 -> rorquals
rose-garden/12 -> rose-gardens
rotgut/12 -> rotguts
roughneck/12 -> roughnecks
rubia/12 -> rubias
ruckus/12 -> ruckuss
rudbeckia/12 -> rudbeckias
rulership/12 -> rulerships
salsify/12 -> salsifies
saltwate/12 -> saltwater
sambre/12 -> sambres
samia/12 -> samias
samo/12 -> samos
samoed/12 -> samoeds
saqqara/12 -> saqqaras
satiation/12 -> satiations
sauvage/12 -> sauvages
saxe/12 -> saxes
scarify/12 -> scarifying,scarified,scarifies
scaup/12 -> scaups
schadenfreude/12 -> schadenfreudes
scheldt/12 -> scheldts
school-boy/12 -> school-boys
scientifique/12 -> scientifiques
scissore/12 -> scissored,scissoring
scrapper/12 -> scrappers
scutum/12 -> scutums
sdo/12 -> sdos
sea-horse/12 -> sea-horses
sea-shell/12 -> sea-shells
sea-story/12 -> sea-stories
seamount/12 -> seamounts
seedsman/12 -> seedsmen
seeger/12 -> seegers
segue/12 -> segued,segueing,segues
self-immolation/12 -> self-immolations
self-questioning/12 -> self-questionings
seljuk/12 -> seljuks
semanticist/12 -> semanticists
semi-pro/12 -> semi-pros
sense-perception/12 -> sense-perceptions
sense-qualifier/12 -> sense-qualifiers
septuagenarian/12 -> septuagenarians
serf-owner/12 -> serf-owners
servery/12 -> serveries
sextuplet/12 -> sextuplets
shakedown/12 -> shakedowns
share-out/12 -> share-outs
shelf-grip/12 -> shelf-grips
shell-like/12 -> shell-likes
shirtfront/12 -> shirtfronts
shoe-box/12 -> shoe-boxes
shorea/12 -> shoreas
shovelful/12 -> shovelfuls
show-stopper/12 -> show-stoppers
shower-room/12 -> shower-rooms
shrve/12 -> shriven
siddons/12 -> siddonss
side-drum/12 -> side-drums
side-wall/12 -> side-walls
sidewall/12 -> sidewalls
signage/12 -> signages
silverpoint/12 -> silverpoints
sinusoid/12 -> sinusoids
skiffle/12 -> skiffles
skydiver/12 -> skydivers
skylab/12 -> skylabs
skyscape/12 -> skyscapes
slapper/12 -> slappers
slavonian/12 -> slavonians
snifter/12 -> snifters
soapstone/12 -> soapstones
soling/12 -> solings
soloe/12 -> soloed
sommelier/12 -> sommeliers
sonorant/12 -> sonorants
southpaw/12 -> southpaws
spectate/12 -> spectating,spectated
speechwriter/12 -> speechwriters
spheroid/12 -> spheroids
splashback/12 -> splashbacks
splenomegaly/12 -> splenomegalies
spode/12 -> spodes
spoil-sport/12 -> spoil-sports
squandering/12 -> squanderings
squeezer/12 -> squeezers
squish/12 -> squished,squishes,squishing
ssat/12 -> ssats
stand-pipe/12 -> stand-pipes
stim/12 -> stims
stonor/12 -> stonors
storer/12 -> storers
stormer/12 -> stormers
streetfighter/12 -> streetfighters
strudel/12 -> strudels
stupa/12 -> stupas
stupefaction/12 -> stupefactions
sub-lease/12 -> sub-leases
sub-normal/12 -> sub-normals
subcategory/12 -> subcategories
subclause/12 -> subclauses
subcomponent/12 -> subcomponents
submersion/12 -> submersions
suborn/12 -> suborned,suborning,suborns
subregion/12 -> subregions
subt/12 -> subtest
subtropic/12 -> subtropics
succuss/12 -> succussed,succussing,succusses
sunsolution/12 -> sunsolutions
supercontinent/12 -> supercontinents
supersession/12 -> supersessions
supremacist/12 -> supremacists
suriname/12 -> surinames
swallowtail/12 -> swallowtails
swashbuckler/12 -> swashbucklers
swazi/12 -> swazis
sweat-shirt/12 -> sweat-shirts
sweet-talk/12 -> sweet-talks
swim-bladder/12 -> swim-bladders
synchronism/12 -> synchronisms
synspilum/12 -> synspilums
tachyarrhythmia/12 -> tachyarrhythmias
tagalog/12 -> tagalogs
tagus/12 -> taguss
take-out/12 -> take-outs
talking-point/12 -> talking-points
tameness/12 -> tamenesses
tangency/12 -> tangencies
tankbuster/12 -> tankbusters
tannenberg/12 -> tannenbergs
taste-bud/12 -> taste-buds
tattle/12 -> tattling,tattles,tattled
taurine/12 -> taurines
taxon/12 -> taxons
teacher-researcher/12 -> teacher-researchers
tele-communication/12 -> tele-communications
teleconferencing/12 -> teleconferencings
telegraphist/12 -> telegraphists
telemarketing/12 -> telemarketings
teleport/12 -> teleports
teletype/12 -> teletypes
temazepam/12 -> temazepams
tempter/12 -> tempters
termagant/12 -> termagants
tetrad/12 -> tetrads
tetrodotoxin/12 -> tetrodotoxins
theodolite/12 -> theodolites
theophrastus/12 -> theophrastuss
third-big/12 -> third-biggest
thirty-second/12 -> thirty-seconds
thirtysomething/12 -> thirtysomethings
thornley/12 -> thornleys
thrip/12 -> thrips
thymuse/12 -> thymuses
tideline/12 -> tidelines
toe-cap/12 -> toe-caps
tok/12 -> toks
toll-house/12 -> toll-houses
tomfoolery/12 -> tomfooleries
totalizer/12 -> totalizers
toy-boy/12 -> toy-boys
tradescant/12 -> tradescants
traduce/12 -> traduced,traduces,traducing
tragi-comedy/12 -> tragi-comedies
train-spotter/12 -> train-spotters
transect/12 -> transects,transected,transecting
tree-ring/12 -> tree-rings
trickling/12 -> tricklings
trine/12 -> trines
trivet/12 -> trivets
troglodyte/12 -> troglodytes
trolly/12 -> trollies
tugging/12 -> tuggings
turgor/12 -> turgors
tush/12 -> tushes,tushed
tutankhamen/12 -> tutankhamens
twigg/12 -> twiggs
twizzle/12 -> twizzled
unbundle/12 -> unbundling
unclassifiable/12 -> unclassifiables
uncovering/12 -> uncoverings
under-rate/12 -> under-rated
understaff/12 -> understaffing
understair/12 -> understairs
uniformitarian/12 -> uniformitarians
upsilon/12 -> upsilons
valda/12 -> valdas
vanellus/12 -> vanelluss
vaporize/12 -> vaporized,vaporizes,vaporizing
vase-painter/12 -> vase-painters
vassalage/12 -> vassalages
vaulter/12 -> vaulters
veiling/12 -> veilings
venera/12 -> veneras
venusian/12 -> venusians
veracruz/12 -> veracruzs
verlaine/12 -> verlaines
verre/12 -> verres
vervet/12 -> vervets
viner/12 -> viners
voc/12 -> vocs
vogt/12 -> vogts
voluptuousness/12 -> voluptuousnesses
vpo/12 -> vpos
vxwork/12 -> vxworks
warbling/12 -> warblings
washy/12 -> washier
wassail/12 -> wassailing,wassails,wassailed
wastefulness/12 -> wastefulnesses
weare/12 -> weares
wellness/12 -> wellnesses
welty/12 -> welties
westernization/12 -> westernizations
whalby/12 -> whalbys
whydah/12 -> whydahs
wielder/12 -> wielders
wingbeat/12 -> wingbeats
winter-let/12 -> winter-lets
wiretap/12 -> wiretaps
witch-doctor/12 -> witch-doctors
within-subject/12 -> within-subjects
word-book/12 -> word-books
world-beater/12 -> world-beaters
wringer/12 -> wringers
wristband/12 -> wristbands
wto/12 -> wtoes
wyclif/12 -> wyclifs
yee/12 -> yees
yelling/12 -> yellings
zeeman/12 -> zeemen
zymogen/12 -> zymogens
'at/11 -> 'ats,'ated
abasement/11 -> abasements
ablate/11 -> ablated,ablates,ablating
abseiler/11 -> abseilers
accessorise/11 -> accessorising,accessorised
actuator/11 -> actuators
adio/11 -> adios
adroitness/11 -> adroitnesses
adventurist/11 -> adventurists
aeronaut/11 -> aeronauts
afterdeck/11 -> afterdecks
agrimony/11 -> agrimonies
airwell/11 -> airwells
algonquin/11 -> algonquins
allurement/11 -> allurements
alma-ata/11 -> alma-atas
alnico/11 -> alnicoes
alonso/11 -> alonsoes
amaretto/11 -> amarettoes
amateurishness/11 -> amateurishnesses
ambusher/11 -> ambushers
americanisation/11 -> americanisations
amphibole/11 -> amphiboles
amygdalin/11 -> amygdalins
anaconda/11 -> anacondas
anas/11 -> anass
anglicise/11 -> anglicised,anglicising
anti-bolshevik/11 -> anti-bolsheviks
anti-infective/11 -> anti-infectives
anti-woman/11 -> anti-women
antifreeze/11 -> antifreezes
antimacassar/11 -> antimacassars
apoprotein/11 -> apoproteins
approachability/11 -> approachabilities
apus/11 -> apuss
ardente/11 -> ardentes
argosy/11 -> argosies
arioso/11 -> ariosoes
arm-rest/11 -> arm-rests
arrestment/11 -> arrestments
arrivederci/11 -> arrivedercis
arteriole/11 -> arterioles
ascaridoid/11 -> ascaridoids
ascendency/11 -> ascendencies
ascensionist/11 -> ascensionists
ashpole/11 -> ashpoles
asutrame/11 -> asutrames
atrazine/11 -> atrazines
attractant/11 -> attractants
auriga/11 -> aurigas
auscultation/11 -> auscultations
austrasian/11 -> austrasians
baccalaureate/11 -> baccalaureates
back-office/11 -> back-offices
backbit/11 -> backbiting
backcomb/11 -> backcombed,backcombing
baculoviruse/11 -> baculoviruses
bagger/11 -> baggers
bahasa/11 -> bahasas
balanoide/11 -> balanoides
bankhead/11 -> bankheads
banquette/11 -> banquettes
barf/11 -> barfing
barfly/11 -> barflying,barflies
barrel-organ/11 -> barrel-organs
barstow/11 -> barstows
basford/11 -> basfords
bashkir/11 -> bashkirs
basso/11 -> bassi
bassoonist/11 -> bassoonists
bath-tub/11 -> bath-tubs
battle-line/11 -> battle-lines
bawd/11 -> bawds
bbl/11 -> bbls
beachfront/11 -> beachfronts
beadwork/11 -> beadworks
beasty/11 -> beasties
belgique/11 -> belgiques
bell-bottom/11 -> bell-bottoms
bell-ringer/11 -> bell-ringers
bellerophon/11 -> bellerophons
bergenia/11 -> bergenias
bergschrund/11 -> bergschrunds
bevvy/11 -> bevvies
bifurcate/11 -> bifurcates,bifurcated,bifurcating
bilharzia/11 -> bilharzias
bimonthly/11 -> bimonthlies
birth-place/11 -> birth-places
bivouack/11 -> bivouacked,bivouacking
black-back/11 -> black-backs
blood-vessel/11 -> blood-vessels
blore/11 -> bloring
blue-print/11 -> blue-prints
boche/11 -> boches
bodhran/11 -> bodhrans
boe/11 -> boeing,boes
bogomil/11 -> bogomils
bolo/11 -> boloes
bonce/11 -> bonces
bonio/11 -> bonios
boobytrap/11 -> boobytraps,boobytrapped
bootmaker/11 -> bootmakers
boozing/11 -> boozings
bordello/11 -> bordellos
bottle-neck/11 -> bottle-necks
botty/11 -> botties
bougainvillea/11 -> bougainvilleas
bourge/11 -> bourges
bracteate/11 -> bracteates
brakevan/11 -> brakevans
breviary/11 -> breviaries
bridge-router/11 -> bridge-routers
broil/11 -> broiled,broils,broiling
bronchus/11 -> bronchuss
brushstroke/11 -> brushstrokes
bullhorn/11 -> bullhorns
bullring/11 -> bullrings
bureaucratize/11 -> bureaucratized,bureaucratizing
burgo/11 -> burgos
burry/11 -> burried
burthen/11 -> burthens,burthening,burthened
by-employment/11 -> by-employments
by-way/11 -> by-ways
c-band/11 -> c-bands
cabinetmaker/11 -> cabinetmakers
cabman/11 -> cabmen
caelidhe/11 -> caelidhes
call-note/11 -> call-notes
calomel/11 -> calomels
camp-follower/11 -> camp-followers
canalization/11 -> canalizations
candleholder/11 -> candleholders
cantione/11 -> cantiones
capet/11 -> capets
captopril/11 -> captoprils
car-maker/11 -> car-makers
card-index/11 -> card-indexes
cardmaker/11 -> cardmakers
cardmember/11 -> cardmembers
carob/11 -> carobs
carteron/11 -> carterons
carthorse/11 -> carthorses
cassirer/11 -> cassirers
cat-call/11 -> cat-calls
cattleman/11 -> cattlemen
causer/11 -> causers
cavorting/11 -> cavortings
ceramide/11 -> ceramides
chaplet/11 -> chaplets
chapterhouse/11 -> chapterhouses
charcutier/11 -> charcutiers
chateaubriand/11 -> chateaubriands
chigger/11 -> chiggers
chirrup/11 -> chirrups,chirrupped,chirruping,chirruped
chrono/11 -> chronos
chur/11 -> churred,churring
civet/11 -> civets
clamouring/11 -> clamourings
clip-clop/11 -> clip-clops
clumping/11 -> clumpings
co-presenter/11 -> co-presenters
co-president/11 -> co-presidents
coachbuilder/11 -> coachbuilders
coat-of-arm/11 -> coat-of-arms
coauthor/11 -> coauthors
cockler/11 -> cocklers
codswallop/11 -> codswallops
collectible/11 -> collectibles
comigrate/11 -> comigrated,comigrating,comigrates
commerciale/11 -> commerciales
commonweal/11 -> commonweals
conakry/11 -> conakries
concurrency/11 -> concurrencies
conduce/11 -> conduced,conduces,conducing
conformism/11 -> conformisms
conic/11 -> conics
constructionist/11 -> constructionists
continuator/11 -> continuators
controversialist/11 -> controversialists
copal/11 -> copals
copp/11 -> copps
corner-stone/11 -> corner-stones
cornetto/11 -> cornettos
costliness/11 -> costlinesses
cotonou/11 -> cotonous
counter-accusation/11 -> counter-accusations
counter-current/11 -> counter-currents
counter-demonstrator/11 -> counter-demonstrators
counter-indemnity/11 -> counter-indemnities
coursing/11 -> coursings
covey/11 -> coveys
coving/11 -> covings
cowering/11 -> cowerings
coxite/11 -> coxites
crannog/11 -> crannogs
creamer/11 -> creamers
credit-rating/11 -> credit-ratings
cross-bred/11 -> cross-breds
cross-dresser/11 -> cross-dressers
cross-stitch/11 -> cross-stitches
crouton/11 -> croutons
cryptographer/11 -> cryptographers
cuirass/11 -> cuirasses
cupidity/11 -> cupidities
curing/11 -> curings
curmudgeon/11 -> curmudgeons
cybernetics/11 -> cyberneticss
cyberspace/11 -> cyberspaces
d-ring/11 -> d-rings
dacca/11 -> daccas
daguerrotype/11 -> daguerrotypes
dandle/11 -> dandled,dandling,dandles
danseur/11 -> danseurs
darnel/11 -> darnels
darpa/11 -> darpas
daumier/11 -> daumiers
day-centre/11 -> day-centres
daycare/11 -> daycares
dayflower/11 -> dayflowers
deadbeat/11 -> deadbeats
deathtrap/11 -> deathtraps
decision-taker/11 -> decision-takers
decouple/11 -> decoupled,decoupling
deepwate/11 -> deepwater
deerskin/11 -> deerskins
delhi-wallah/11 -> delhi-wallahs
delilah/11 -> delilahs
delo/11 -> delos
dematerialise/11 -> dematerialised,dematerialises
demi-god/11 -> demi-gods
deneb/11 -> denebs
denier/11 -> deniers
depilatory/11 -> depilatories
descry/11 -> descried,descries,descrying
desuetude/11 -> desuetudes
diddley/11 -> diddleys
didgeridoo/11 -> didgeridoos
digester/11 -> digesters
dingbat/11 -> dingbats
dioptre/11 -> dioptres
disc-jockey/11 -> disc-jockeys
discreteness/11 -> discretenesses
disinheritance/11 -> disinheritances
disputant/11 -> disputants
disrupter/11 -> disrupters
divisibility/11 -> divisibilities
dnieper/11 -> dniepers
dodecahedron/11 -> dodecahedrons
dog-collar/11 -> dog-collars
dog-fight/11 -> dog-fights
dolerite/11 -> dolerites
donjon/11 -> donjons
doodlebug/11 -> doodlebugs
double-ax/11 -> double-axes
double-crossing/11 -> double-crossings
double-door/11 -> double-doors
dramatics/11 -> dramaticss
dramatization/11 -> dramatizations
driveage/11 -> driveages
drug-dealer/11 -> drug-dealers
drug-taker/11 -> drug-takers
dry-cleaner/11 -> dry-cleaners
duall/11 -> dualled,dualling
duckboard/11 -> duckboards,duckboarding
dunghill/11 -> dunghills
duplicator/11 -> duplicators
dur/11 -> durs
dura/11 -> duras
dwarfism/11 -> dwarfisms
dzhungar/11 -> dzhungars
earplug/11 -> earplugs
easiness/11 -> easinesses
echocardiography/11 -> echocardiographies
eddoe/11 -> eddoes
effectivity/11 -> effectivities
effluence/11 -> effluences
effluvium/11 -> effluviums
egg-shell/11 -> egg-shells
egyptologist/11 -> egyptologists
elam/11 -> elams
eland/11 -> elands
electrodynamic/11 -> electrodynamics
electrum/11 -> electrums
elusiveness/11 -> elusivenesses
emmenthal/11 -> emmenthals
empire-builder/11 -> empire-builders
endorsee/11 -> endorsees
endoskeleton/11 -> endoskeletons
engine-driver/11 -> engine-drivers
enkidu/11 -> enkidus
eoraptor/11 -> eoraptors
eprom/11 -> eproms
equipping/11 -> equippings
equivocate/11 -> equivocated,equivocating,equivocates,equivocate
eryngium/11 -> eryngiums
escapologist/11 -> escapologists
esmonde/11 -> esmondes
eulogise/11 -> eulogised,eulogising,eulogises
euphonium/11 -> euphoniums
evett/11 -> evetts
eviscerate/11 -> eviscerated,eviscerating,eviscerates
ewo/11 -> ewos
ex-convict/11 -> ex-convicts
ex-yugoslav/11 -> ex-yugoslavs
exfoliator/11 -> exfoliators
expectoration/11 -> expectorations
exterminator/11 -> exterminators
eyeline/11 -> eyelines
f-14/11 -> f-14s
faria/11 -> farias
fatalist/11 -> fatalists
faucet/11 -> faucets
fba/11 -> fbas
fecklessness/11 -> fecklessnesses
feget/11 -> fegetting
felicia/11 -> felicias
fermenting/11 -> fermentings
fernande/11 -> fernandes
fescue/11 -> fescues
feste/11 -> festes
fill-up/11 -> fill-ups
fireship/11 -> fireships
fizze/11 -> fizzes
flagellate/11 -> flagellates,flagellating,flagellated
flageolet/11 -> flageolets
flatbed/11 -> flatbeds
flathead/11 -> flatheads
fleapit/11 -> fleapits
fletch/11 -> fletched
flight-plan/11 -> flight-plans
flotel/11 -> flotels
flowerhead/11 -> flowerheads
fluoroscopy/11 -> fluoroscopies
flyingboat/11 -> flyingboats
foliation/11 -> foliations
folklorist/11 -> folklorists
for'ard/11 -> for'ards
forepaw/11 -> forepaws
form-mistress/11 -> form-mistresses
fornicate/11 -> fornicating,fornicated,fornicates
forswear/11 -> forswearing,forswears,forswore,forsworn
forthrightness/11 -> forthrightnesses
foster-child/11 -> foster-children
fountain-pen/11 -> fountain-pens
four-foot/11 -> four-foots
fourposter/11 -> fourposters
fourth-large/11 -> fourth-largest
fraggle/11 -> fraggles
franchiser/11 -> franchisers
freehouse/11 -> freehouses
fritillary/11 -> fritillaries
friuli/11 -> friulis
fromage/11 -> fromages
frontbencher/11 -> frontbenchers
fumarole/11 -> fumaroles
fundament/11 -> fundaments
fundi/11 -> fundis
furniture-maker/11 -> furniture-makers
g.c.s.e./11 -> g.c.s.e.s
galeaspid/11 -> galeaspids
gallbladder/11 -> gallbladders
gamine/11 -> gamines
gate-keeper/11 -> gate-keepers
gator/11 -> gators
geb/11 -> gebs
generalship/11 -> generalships
gentlefolk/11 -> gentlefolks
gesticulation/11 -> gesticulations
gharrgoyle/11 -> gharrgoyles
giftwrap/11 -> giftwrapped,giftwrapping
give-and-take/11 -> give-and-takes
glander/11 -> glanders
glassful/11 -> glassfuls
glissade/11 -> glissades,glissaded,glissading
gnosis/11 -> gnoses
gode/11 -> goded
godwinsson/11 -> godwinssons
goldenrod/11 -> goldenrods
golder/11 -> golders
goldfield/11 -> goldfields
gome/11 -> gomes
gonadotrophin/11 -> gonadotrophins
gondolier/11 -> gondoliers
gooly/11 -> goolies
gord/11 -> gords
gradgrind/11 -> gradgrinds
grammaticalize/11 -> grammaticalized
greenback/11 -> greenbacks
greenstuff/11 -> greenstuffs
greensward/11 -> greenswards
guard-room/11 -> guard-rooms
guesstimate/11 -> guesstimates,guesstimated
guinevere/11 -> guineveres
gumshoe/11 -> gumshoes
haem/11 -> haems
hairband/11 -> hairbands
hairstreak/11 -> hairstreaks
half-cock/11 -> half-cocks
half-step/11 -> half-steps
halicarnassus/11 -> halicarnassuss
hamadrya/11 -> hamadryas
hamley/11 -> hamleys
hand-gun/11 -> hand-guns
handwash/11 -> handwashing,handwashes
handwork/11 -> handworks
harken/11 -> harkens
hatchling/11 -> hatchlings
hatchment/11 -> hatchments
head-scarf/11 -> head-scarves,head-scarfs
heimdall/11 -> heimdalls
henrique/11 -> henriques
hermeneutics/11 -> hermeneuticss
high-handedness/11 -> high-handednesses
hindustani/11 -> hindustanis
histrionics/11 -> histrionicss
hitchings/11 -> hitchingss
hobden/11 -> hobdens
holoenzyme/11 -> holoenzymes
honcho/11 -> honchos
horn-rim/11 -> horn-rims
hornblende/11 -> hornblendes
horse-shoe/11 -> horse-shoes
housemartin/11 -> housemartins
humdinger/11 -> humdingers
hurdling/11 -> hurdlings
hydrologist/11 -> hydrologists
icam/11 -> icams
idiolect/11 -> idiolects
idp/11 -> idps
immobilisation/11 -> immobilisations
immobiliser/11 -> immobilisers
immunogenicity/11 -> immunogenicities
immunosuppressant/11 -> immunosuppressants
imprudence/11 -> imprudences
installment/11 -> installments
intercalator/11 -> intercalators
interlaken/11 -> interlakens
intermesh/11 -> intermeshed,intermeshing,intermeshes
internationalize/11 -> internationalized,internationalizing,internationalizes
interspace/11 -> interspaced,interspaces
introducer/11 -> introducers
introjection/11 -> introjections
ischia/11 -> ischias
isotype/11 -> isotypes
ixo/11 -> ixos
jabberwocky/11 -> jabberwockies
jelf/11 -> jelfs
jerry-can/11 -> jerry-cans
jewelry/11 -> jewelries
jingo/11 -> jingoes
jorass/11 -> jorasses
jowle/11 -> jowles
kbyte/11 -> kbytes
kea/11 -> keas
key-hole/11 -> key-holes
keyne/11 -> keynes
killa/11 -> killas
kit-bag/11 -> kit-bags
kodiak/11 -> kodiaks
kroon/11 -> kroons
l-tense/11 -> l-tenses
lagopus/11 -> lagopera
land-bridge/11 -> land-bridges
lappland/11 -> lapplands
lapw/11 -> lapwing
lavatera/11 -> lavateras
leaf-blade/11 -> leaf-blades
leatherette/11 -> leatherettes
lecture-room/11 -> lecture-rooms
lempira/11 -> lempiras
let-off/11 -> let-offs
liberal-historian/11 -> liberal-historians
librium/11 -> libriums
licensor/11 -> licensors
lifelessness/11 -> lifelessnesses
light-switch/11 -> light-switches
limpopo/11 -> limpopoes
lingual/11 -> linguals
listlessness/11 -> listlessnesses
literalist/11 -> literalists
lodgement/11 -> lodgements
looney/11 -> looneys
lorelei/11 -> loreleis
loung/11 -> lounger
lubeck/11 -> lubecks
lukac/11 -> lukacs
lumpenproletariat/11 -> lumpenproletariats
lunchbox/11 -> lunchboxes
luthier/11 -> luthiers
lysol/11 -> lysols
macdowell/11 -> macdowells
mainbocher/11 -> mainbochers
mainmast/11 -> mainmasts
maister/11 -> maisters
maleo/11 -> maleos
malian/11 -> malians
malingerer/11 -> malingerers
mammography/11 -> mammographies
manicurist/11 -> manicurists
mansi/11 -> mansis
marat/11 -> marats
marench/11 -> marenches
marianas/11 -> marianass
martinmas/11 -> martinmass
maseru/11 -> maserus
matz/11 -> matzs
mayorship/11 -> mayorships
mbyte/11 -> mbytes
medalist/11 -> medalists
medlar/11 -> medlars
mefloquine/11 -> mefloquines
memorability/11 -> memorabilities
mendacity/11 -> mendacities
merlot/11 -> merlots
mesothelioma/11 -> mesotheliomas
metalloproteinase/11 -> metalloproteinases
metempsychosis/11 -> metempsychoses
methuselah/11 -> methuselahs
michener/11 -> micheners
micro-chip/11 -> micro-chips
micro-second/11 -> micro-seconds
microinject/11 -> microinjected
microsurgery/11 -> microsurgeries
microtine/11 -> microtines
midianite/11 -> midianites
midrip/11 -> midrips
mill-race/11 -> mill-races
milpita/11 -> milpitas
mind-reader/11 -> mind-readers
mindscape/11 -> mindscaping
mini-break/11 -> mini-breaks
misalign/11 -> misaligned,misaligning
miscibility/11 -> miscibilities
misdescribe/11 -> misdescribed,misdescribes
misericord/11 -> misericords
mispronunciation/11 -> mispronunciations
mocha/11 -> mochas
moneyspinner/11 -> moneyspinners
mong/11 -> monging
monod/11 -> monods
montessori/11 -> montessoris
montezuma/11 -> montezumas
mortician/11 -> morticians
moulting/11 -> moultings
mouthing/11 -> mouthings
mujahidin/11 -> mujahidins
muscadet/11 -> muscadets
music-lover/11 -> music-lovers
nain/11 -> nains
nappe/11 -> nappes
nasdaq/11 -> nasdaqs
near-certainty/11 -> near-certainties
near-contemporary/11 -> near-contemporaries
neo-populist/11 -> neo-populists
neuroblastoma/11 -> neuroblastomas
neve/11 -> neves
news-reader/11 -> news-readers
newssheet/11 -> newssheets
niebuhr/11 -> niebuhrs
nieuport/11 -> nieuports
night-shirt/11 -> night-shirts
nominalization/11 -> nominalizations
non-decision/11 -> non-decisions
non-homosexual/11 -> non-homosexuals
non-owner/11 -> non-owners
non-perishable/11 -> non-perishables
non-reproductive/11 -> non-reproductives
nosebag/11 -> nosebags
nsay/11 -> nsaid
nurturer/11 -> nurturers
oakum/11 -> oakums
oare/11 -> oares
objet/11 -> objets
obliquity/11 -> obliquities
occiput/11 -> occipita
occultism/11 -> occultisms
odomete/11 -> odometer
odone/11 -> odones
oiliness/11 -> oilinesses
oppo/11 -> oppos
osier/11 -> osiers
out-station/11 -> out-stations
out-worker/11 -> out-workers
outbreed/11 -> outbreeding
ov/11 -> ovs
over-balance/11 -> over-balancing,over-balanced,over-balances
over-compensate/11 -> over-compensating,over-compensated
overarch/11 -> overarching,overarches,overarched
overdevelopment/11 -> overdevelopments
overestimation/11 -> overestimations
overfil/11 -> overfilled,overfilling
overmantel/11 -> overmantels
overrepresent/11 -> overrepresented,overrepresents
overstrain/11 -> overstrained,overstraining,overstrains
ovule/11 -> ovules
pachinko/11 -> pachinkoes
paisleyite/11 -> paisleyites
paleozoic/11 -> paleozoics
pali/11 -> palis
palletize/11 -> palletizing
palmette/11 -> palmettes
panjandrum/11 -> panjandrums
pantechnicon/11 -> pantechnicons
pappa/11 -> pappas
paralympic/11 -> paralympics
parana/11 -> paranas
parks/11 -> parkss
parthian/11 -> parthians
participant-role/11 -> participant-roles
pary/11 -> parys
pash/11 -> pashes
pasteurisation/11 -> pasteurisations
pasteurise/11 -> pasteurised,pasteurising
pastille/11 -> pastilles
pathan/11 -> pathans
peahen/11 -> peahens
peep-hole/11 -> peep-holes
peeper/11 -> peepers
penny-farthing/11 -> penny-farthings
peon/11 -> peons
pepsi-cola/11 -> pepsi-colas
perceptiveness/11 -> perceptivenesses
periodization/11 -> periodizations
petrographer/11 -> petrographers
phenothiazine/11 -> phenothiazines
philosophe/11 -> philosophes
photocoagulation/11 -> photocoagulations
photodiode/11 -> photodiodes
photoplay/11 -> photoplays
picquet/11 -> picquets,picquetting
pieris/11 -> pieriss
plagiarise/11 -> plagiarised,plagiarising
planeload/11 -> planeloads
plasmin/11 -> plasmins
play-group/11 -> play-groups
playbill/11 -> playbills
pob/11 -> pobs
policy-holder/11 -> policy-holders
polygonum/11 -> polygonums
polysemy/11 -> polysemies
pooh-pooh/11 -> pooh-poohs,pooh-poohing,pooh-poohed
port-of-spain/11 -> ports-of-spain
porzana/11 -> porzanas
posset/11 -> possets
post-audit/11 -> post-audits
post-feminist/11 -> post-feminists
potente/11 -> potentes
potherb/11 -> potherbs
pottle/11 -> pottled
praetor/11 -> praetors
prang/11 -> prangs
prate/11 -> prating,prater,prates,prated
pre-conference/11 -> pre-conferences
precoverage/11 -> precoverages
prelim/11 -> prelims
prickling/11 -> pricklings
primitiveness/11 -> primitivenesses
profiterole/11 -> profiteroles
proneness/11 -> pronenesses
proselytise/11 -> proselytising,proselytised,proselytises
prothorax/11 -> prothoraxes
psephologist/11 -> psephologists
pugilist/11 -> pugilists
pull-up/11 -> pull-ups
punch-line/11 -> punch-lines
pussyfoot/11 -> pussyfooting,pussyfooted,pussyfoots
qac/11 -> qacs
quadrille/11 -> quadrilles
quakerism/11 -> quakerisms
quantile/11 -> quantiles
quarter-hour/11 -> quarter-hours
quetzal/11 -> quetzals
quickstep/11 -> quickstepped,quicksteps,quickstepping
quincentenary/11 -> quincentenaries
ragworm/11 -> ragworms
ratbag/11 -> ratbags
rater/11 -> raters
razzle/11 -> razzles
re-arm/11 -> re-armed,re-arming,re-arms
re-buy/11 -> re-buys
re-compile/11 -> re-compiled,re-compiling
re-cut/11 -> re-cutting
re-deposit/11 -> re-deposited,re-depositing,re-deposits
re-emphasize/11 -> re-emphasized,re-emphasizing
re-fil/11 -> re-filled,re-filling
re-finance/11 -> re-financing,re-financed
re-lay/11 -> re-laid,re-lays,re-layed
re-organize/11 -> re-organizing,re-organized
re-orientate/11 -> re-orientated,re-orientating
re-settle/11 -> re-settled
readdress/11 -> readdressed
rebalance/11 -> rebalancing,rebalanced
recapitalisation/11 -> recapitalisations
recompilation/11 -> recompilations
redaction/11 -> redactions
redd/11 -> redds
redline/11 -> redlined,redlining
reductase/11 -> reductases
reevaluate/11 -> reevaluating,reevaluates
reflexion/11 -> reflexions
refurnish/11 -> refurnished,refurnishing
reincorporate/11 -> reincorporated
relinquishing/11 -> relinquishings
remixer/11 -> remixers
reoccur/11 -> reoccurring,reoccurred,reoccurs
repositioning/11 -> repositionings
rerout/11 -> rerouted,rerouting
restiveness/11 -> restivenesses
retool/11 -> retooling,retools,retooled
reverser/11 -> reversers
rhombomere/11 -> rhombomeres
ribaldry/11 -> ribaldries
ripcord/11 -> ripcords
rockers/11 -> rockerss
rockford/11 -> rockfords
roommate/11 -> roommates
rosita/11 -> rositas
round-trip/11 -> round-trips
ruddle/11 -> ruddles,ruddling,ruddled
rumex/11 -> rumexes
rustin/11 -> rustins
ruthenian/11 -> ruthenians
saccade/11 -> saccades
sacrum/11 -> sacrums
safe-conduct/11 -> safe-conducts
sahelian/11 -> sahelians
salesgirl/11 -> salesgirls
saltiness/11 -> saltinesses
salting/11 -> saltings
samovar/11 -> samovars
sapphic/11 -> sapphics
sarsaparilla/11 -> sarsaparillas
saskatoon/11 -> saskatoons
satyagraha/11 -> satyagrahas
savin/11 -> savins
sbat/11 -> sbats
schmuck/11 -> schmucks
schoolmarm/11 -> schoolmarms
schroed/11 -> schroeder
scissortail/11 -> scissortails
sculptress/11 -> sculptresses
scumnik/11 -> scumniks
scut/11 -> scuts
secretaire/11 -> secretaires
seise/11 -> seised
self-gratification/11 -> self-gratifications
semifinal/11 -> semifinals
seminarian/11 -> seminarians
sennett/11 -> sennetts
sentimentalise/11 -> sentimentalised,sentimentalising
separative/11 -> separatives
sephardi/11 -> sephardis
serjeant-at-arm/11 -> serjeant-at-arms
serpentinite/11 -> serpentinites
seyyid/11 -> seyyids
shanny/11 -> shannies
shawwal/11 -> shawwals
shil/11 -> shils
short-distance/11 -> short-distances
short-story/11 -> short-stories
show-piece/11 -> show-pieces
shrimper/11 -> shrimpers
shubunkin/11 -> shubunkins
shuck/11 -> shucked,shucking,shucks
siamang/11 -> siamangs
sibyl/11 -> sibyls
side-foot/11 -> side-footed
side-show/11 -> side-shows
sign-post/11 -> sign-posts,sign-posted
signwriter/11 -> signwriters
sigurd/11 -> sigurds
silkiness/11 -> silkinesses
simony/11 -> simonies
skipjack/11 -> skipjacks
skischool/11 -> skischools
skull-cap/11 -> skull-caps
slinger/11 -> slingers
slingshot/11 -> slingshots
sliproad/11 -> sliproads
slo-cooker/11 -> slo-cookers
smidgen/11 -> smidgens
snapdragon/11 -> snapdragons
snuffbox/11 -> snuffboxes
soft-drink/11 -> soft-drinks
solidification/11 -> solidifications
song-writer/11 -> song-writers
sonogram/11 -> sonograms
sorn/11 -> sorns
soundbite/11 -> soundbites
spadework/11 -> spadeworks
spattering/11 -> spatterings
speedball/11 -> speedballs
spen/11 -> spens
spin-doctor/11 -> spin-doctors
spirometry/11 -> spirometries
spittoon/11 -> spittoons
splendor/11 -> splendors
spoilage/11 -> spoilages
spoonbill/11 -> spoonbills
stacker-crane/11 -> stacker-cranes
staffa/11 -> staffas
stage-coach/11 -> stage-coaches
stagehand/11 -> stagehands
standoff/11 -> standoffs
stiftung/11 -> stiftungs
stir-fry/11 -> stir-fries,stir-frying,stir-fried
stothert/11 -> stotherts
strasberg/11 -> strasbergs
stuka/11 -> stukas
sub-adult/11 -> sub-adults
sub-district/11 -> sub-districts
sub-soil/11 -> sub-soils
subsid/11 -> subsids
sugare/11 -> sugared
sulzberger/11 -> sulzbergers
sumer/11 -> sumers
summate/11 -> summating,summated,summates
sun-glass/11 -> sun-glasses
sunbelt/11 -> sunbelts
suntrap/11 -> suntraps
superabundance/11 -> superabundances
superven/11 -> supervened,supervening
swan-song/11 -> swan-songs
sweetshop/11 -> sweetshops
swimming-trunk/11 -> swimming-trunks
swooning/11 -> swoonings
swoosh/11 -> swooshing,swooshed,swooshes
tableland/11 -> tablelands
tactlessness/11 -> tactlessnesses
taillefer/11 -> taillefers
tailspin/11 -> tailspins
tall-herb/11 -> tall-herbs
tallness/11 -> tallnesses
talus/11 -> taluss
tantalus/11 -> tantaluss
tapioca/11 -> tapiocas
taxi-cab/11 -> taxi-cabs
taxidermy/11 -> taxidermies
teleprompter/11 -> teleprompters
teleworking/11 -> teleworkings
tempering/11 -> temperings
temporariness/11 -> temporarinesses
terabyte/11 -> terabytes
tetroxide/11 -> tetroxides
theravada/11 -> theravadas
thingamajig/11 -> thingamajigs
thingummy/11 -> thingummies
thingybob/11 -> thingybobs
thiol/11 -> thiols
thrombocytopenia/11 -> thrombocytopenias
thule/11 -> thules
thyroxine/11 -> thyroxines
tibble/11 -> tibbles
tideway/11 -> tideways
time-server/11 -> time-servers
tion/11 -> tions
tittle/11 -> tittles
tlc/11 -> tlcs
toadflax/11 -> toadflaxes
toasty/11 -> toasties
topographer/11 -> topographers
town-dweller/11 -> town-dwellers
toxicodendron/11 -> toxicodendrons
trackball/11 -> trackballs
tradeoff/11 -> tradeoffs
transactor/11 -> transactors
traumatize/11 -> traumatized,traumatizing,traumatizes
trawlerman/11 -> trawlermen
trendsetter/11 -> trendsetters
triathlete/11 -> triathletes
trichostrongyle/11 -> trichostrongyles
triteness/11 -> tritenesses
trompe-l'oeil/11 -> trompe-l'oeils
trucking/11 -> truckings
trumbull/11 -> trumbulls
tss/11 -> tsses
turkish-cypriot/11 -> turkish-cypriots
twiglet/11 -> twiglets
tzarina/11 -> tzarinas
uap/11 -> uaps
unattractiveness/11 -> unattractivenesses
under-value/11 -> under-valued,under-values,under-valuing
undersize/11 -> undersizing
unguent/11 -> unguents
unintelligibility/11 -> unintelligibilities
unlove/11 -> unloving
unsaddle/11 -> unsaddling,unsaddles,unsaddled
unspare/11 -> unsparing
updraught/11 -> updraughts
uphaul/11 -> uphauling
uplighter/11 -> uplighters
upload/11 -> uploading,uploaded
uprightness/11 -> uprightnesses
ussher/11 -> usshers
v.p./11 -> v.p.s
vacuum-cleaner/11 -> vacuum-cleaners
vallisneria/11 -> vallisnerias
valuepoint/11 -> valuepoints
vaporization/11 -> vaporizations
vaquita/11 -> vaquitas
variegation/11 -> variegations
vasodilation/11 -> vasodilations
velodrome/11 -> velodromes
verbalisation/11 -> verbalisations
viverrid/11 -> viverrids
volcan/11 -> volcans
wagonette/11 -> wagonettes
walk-over/11 -> walk-overs
walruse/11 -> walruses
wantonness/11 -> wantonnesses
war-horse/11 -> war-horses
water-taxi/11 -> water-taxis
wave-length/11 -> wave-lengths
weka/11 -> wekas
wheatland/11 -> wheatlands
whip-round/11 -> whip-rounds
white-knuckle/11 -> white-knuckled
whiz-kid/11 -> whiz-kids
who-or/11 -> who-ors
wild-card/11 -> wild-cards
wildcard/11 -> wildcards
will-o'-the-wisp/11 -> will-o'-the-wisps
wilting/11 -> wiltings
wipeout/11 -> wipeouts
witchdoctor/11 -> witchdoctors
witherspoon/11 -> witherspoons
womankind/11 -> womankinds
woodchip/11 -> woodchips
woodchuck/11 -> woodchucks
woodturner/11 -> woodturners
work-card/11 -> work-cards
workaholism/11 -> workaholisms
write-in/11 -> writes-in
wurzburg/11 -> wurzburgs
xe/11 -> xes
yere/11 -> yeres
yess/11 -> yesses
zangwill/11 -> zangwills
zebu/11 -> zebus
zep/11 -> zeps
zing/11 -> zinging,zings
zoroaster/11 -> zoroasters
'andsome/10 -> 'andsomes
'ate/10 -> 'ates
'urt/10 -> 'urts
aare/10 -> aares
abrasiveness/10 -> abrasivenesses
absinthe/10 -> absinthes
abstinent/10 -> abstinents
acerbity/10 -> acerbities
addle/10 -> addled,addles,addling
aerator/10 -> aerators
affiance/10 -> affianced,affiances,affiancing
age-set/10 -> age-sets
agger/10 -> aggers
agglomerate/10 -> agglomerates,agglomerating,agglomerated
agricola/10 -> agricolas
alka-seltzer/10 -> alka-seltzers
alkylate/10 -> alkylating,alkylated
allopurinol/10 -> allopurinols
amah/10 -> amahs
ambler/10 -> amblers
amerce/10 -> amerced,amerces,amercing
amhara/10 -> amharas
amortize/10 -> amortized,amortizing,amortizes
amphoteric/10 -> amphoterics
analysand/10 -> analysands
anchise/10 -> anchises
andorran/10 -> andorrans
angelique/10 -> angeliques
angostura/10 -> angosturas
anharmonicity/10 -> anharmonicities
animist/10 -> animists
anti-federalist/10 -> anti-federalists
antifungal/10 -> antifungals
antineutrino/10 -> antineutrinos
antonius/10 -> antoniuss
anzio/10 -> anzios
aporia/10 -> aporias
archtop/10 -> archtops
arendt/10 -> arendts
ariana/10 -> arianas
aril/10 -> arils
arising/10 -> arisings
arming/10 -> armings
arraignment/10 -> arraignments
arrow-slit/10 -> arrow-slits
artform/10 -> artforms
articulator/10 -> articulators
ascender/10 -> ascenders
asm/10 -> asms
aspinwall/10 -> aspinwalls
astilbe/10 -> astilbes
asturia/10 -> asturias
atticus/10 -> atticuss
audio-cassette/10 -> audio-cassettes
audiotape/10 -> audiotapes,audiotaped
autonomist/10 -> autonomists
avatar/10 -> avatars
ayle/10 -> ayling
aythya/10 -> aythyas
bacchanalian/10 -> bacchanalians
bachelorhood/10 -> bachelorhoods
backpedal/10 -> backpedalling,backpedalled,backpedals
backsliding/10 -> backslidings
backstitch/10 -> backstitching,backstitched,backstitches
bagman/10 -> bagmen
balaton/10 -> balatons
balderdash/10 -> balderdashes
ballcock/10 -> ballcocks
ballpark/10 -> ballparks
bandmaster/10 -> bandmasters
bandoleer/10 -> bandoleers
bangui/10 -> banguis
barby/10 -> barbies
bare-knuckle/10 -> bare-knuckles
basswood/10 -> basswoods
battle-cruiser/10 -> battle-cruisers
becalm/10 -> becalmed,becalms
bed-chamber/10 -> bed-chambers
bedevile/10 -> bedeviled
bedroll/10 -> bedrolls
bedwetter/10 -> bedwetters
beermat/10 -> beermats
belting/10 -> beltings
bentonite/10 -> bentonites
bermudas/10 -> bermudass
besikta/10 -> besiktas
bessel/10 -> bessels
betting-shop/10 -> betting-shops
beuy/10 -> beuys
bibliotheca/10 -> bibliothecas
billetor/10 -> billetors
billionth/10 -> billionths
binet/10 -> binets
bio-day/10 -> bio-days
bioscope/10 -> bioscopes
birdbath/10 -> birdbaths
blackbal/10 -> blackballed
blackeye/10 -> blackeyes
blankete/10 -> blanketing
blaring/10 -> blarings
blastoid/10 -> blastoids
blessedness/10 -> blessednesses
blick/10 -> blicking
blinder/10 -> blinders
blockhouse/10 -> blockhouses
blood-test/10 -> blood-tests
blowhole/10 -> blowholes
bodine/10 -> bodines
bodyshaper/10 -> bodyshapers
boise/10 -> boises
bolivar/10 -> bolivars
bollworm/10 -> bollworms
bolt-rig/10 -> bolt-rigs
boo-boo/10 -> boos-boos
boo-boy/10 -> boo-boys
boogy/10 -> boogied,boogies,boogying
borane/10 -> boranes
bourgeoise/10 -> bourgeoises,bourgeoised
bowdler/10 -> bowdlers
bowlful/10 -> bowlfuls
bpm/10 -> bpms
braiding/10 -> braidings
bramante/10 -> bramantes
branta/10 -> brantas
breakbeat/10 -> breakbeats
bridge-builder/10 -> bridge-builders
bristolian/10 -> bristolians
broadness/10 -> broadnesses
bronchiole/10 -> bronchioles
brothel-keeper/10 -> brothel-keepers
brummell/10 -> brummells
brush-stroke/10 -> brush-strokes
bubblejet/10 -> bubblejets
buchenwald/10 -> buchenwalds
buckeye/10 -> buckeyes
bull-leaper/10 -> bull-leapers
bumble-bee/10 -> bumble-bees
bumboy/10 -> bumboys
bunfight/10 -> bunfights
bunge/10 -> bunges
burgomeister/10 -> burgomeisters
burrito/10 -> burritos
butchering/10 -> butcherings
c-fo/10 -> c-fos
cabg/10 -> cabgs
cabotage/10 -> cabotages
cadetship/10 -> cadetships
caduceus/10 -> caduceuss
call-off/10 -> call-offs
calque/10 -> calqued,calques
campania/10 -> campanias
cannelloni/10 -> cannellonis
carjack/10 -> carjacking,carjacked
carnality/10 -> carnalities
carnosaur/10 -> carnosaurs
carry-out/10 -> carry-outs
caseworker/10 -> caseworkers
cassation/10 -> cassations
cassia/10 -> cassias
catafalque/10 -> catafalques
caul/10 -> cauls
cauterize/10 -> cauterized,cauterizes,cauterizing
cellmate/10 -> cellmates
chalcopyrite/10 -> chalcopyrites
chanterelle/10 -> chanterelles
chapbook/10 -> chapbooks
chapelry/10 -> chapelries
charge-hand/10 -> charge-hands
charlestown/10 -> charlestowns
chasseur/10 -> chasseurs
chatterer/10 -> chatterers
chelyabinsk/10 -> chelyabinsks
chena/10 -> chenas
cherubini/10 -> cherubinis
chiffchaff/10 -> chiffchaffs
chimney-stack/10 -> chimney-stacks
cholangiogram/10 -> cholangiograms
chorizo/10 -> chorizos
chuter/10 -> chuters
cineraria/10 -> cinerarias
civilianise/10 -> civilianised,civilianising
clocking/10 -> clockings
clomp/10 -> clomped,clomping,clomps
clotting/10 -> clottings
cnidarian/10 -> cnidarians
co-habit/10 -> co-habiting,co-habited,co-habits
co-incide/10 -> co-incided,co-inciding,co-incides
co-optation/10 -> co-optations
co-resident/10 -> co-residents
coachwork/10 -> coachworks
coal-face/10 -> coal-faces
coal-miner/10 -> coal-miners
cobdenite/10 -> cobdenites
cockatrice/10 -> cockatrices
codebreaker/10 -> codebreakers
coffee-house/10 -> coffee-houses
cogno/10 -> cognos
collator/10 -> collators
collop/10 -> collops
colonoscope/10 -> colonoscopes
colonscopy/10 -> colonscopies
colorant/10 -> colorants
colour-word/10 -> colour-words
colugo/10 -> colugos
comedown/10 -> comedowns
comfit/10 -> comfits
compadre/10 -> compadres
composit/10 -> compositing,composits,composited
compromiser/10 -> compromisers
comstock/10 -> comstocks
concealing/10 -> concealings
conjuration/10 -> conjurations
consolidator/10 -> consolidators
consultee/10 -> consultees
contrariness/10 -> contrarinesses
contrat/10 -> contrats
coproduction/10 -> coproductions
cora/10 -> coras
cordova/10 -> cordovas
correggio/10 -> correggios
corse/10 -> corses
cost-driver/10 -> cost-drivers
cotoneaster/10 -> cotoneasters
counterblast/10 -> counterblasts,counterblasting
counteroffensive/10 -> counteroffensives
counting-house/10 -> counting-houses
cow-house/10 -> cow-houses
cpn/10 -> cpns
craftsperson/10 -> craftspersons
cranm/10 -> cranmer
crip/10 -> crips
cro/10 -> cros
crooning/10 -> croonings
cross-bar/10 -> cross-bars
cross-hatching/10 -> cross-hatchings
cross-undertaking/10 -> cross-undertakings
crotal/10 -> crotals
cup-holder/10 -> cup-holders
cwa/10 -> cwas
cycletrack/10 -> cycletracks
cyprian/10 -> cyprians
d'entreprise/10 -> d'entreprises
dabbling/10 -> dabblings
dahomey/10 -> dahomeys
dander/10 -> danders
davit/10 -> davits
dazzler/10 -> dazzlers
de-rig/10 -> de-rigged,de-rigging,de-rigs
debauchee/10 -> debauchees
decentr/10 -> decentred,decentring
decison/10 -> decisons
deckhand/10 -> deckhands
decoction/10 -> decoctions
decsystem/10 -> decsystems
deejay/10 -> deejaying,deejays,deejayed
deflator/10 -> deflators
deism/10 -> deisms
demigod/10 -> demigods
deoxyribose/10 -> deoxyriboses
depersonalise/10 -> depersonalising,depersonalised
depressant/10 -> depressants
deregister/10 -> deregistered,deregistering
dermis/10 -> dermiss
desensitisation/10 -> desensitisations
desensitize/10 -> desensitized,desensitizing,desensitizes
deskwork/10 -> deskworks
desorption/10 -> desorptions
desulfurican/10 -> desulfuricans
detergency/10 -> detergencies
deuterostome/10 -> deuterostomes
devourer/10 -> devourers
dexy/10 -> dexies
dhow/10 -> dhows
dialyse/10 -> dialysed
dichotomize/10 -> dichotomized,dichotomizes,dichotomizing
dickin/10 -> dickins
diffract/10 -> diffracted,diffracting,diffracts
diffusionist/10 -> diffusionists
disarmer/10 -> disarmers
discomfited/10 -> discomfiteds
dispersant/10 -> dispersants
disproof/10 -> disproofs
disseminator/10 -> disseminators
distorter/10 -> distorters
dob/10 -> dobs
documentarist/10 -> documentarists
doddy/10 -> doddies
dolman/10 -> dolmans
dongle/10 -> dongles
donkin/10 -> donkins
douanier/10 -> douaniers
double-bass/10 -> double-basses
double-bogey/10 -> double-bogeys
double-knit/10 -> double-knits
douro/10 -> douros
doxy/10 -> doxies
draft-dodger/10 -> draft-dodgers
dragonlord/10 -> dragonlords
draw-string/10 -> draw-strings
drogue/10 -> drogues
drug-user/10 -> drug-users
dumbness/10 -> dumbnesses
dunum/10 -> dunums
duppy/10 -> duppies
echidna/10 -> echidnas
eco-audit/10 -> eco-audits
edema/10 -> edemata
efflorescence/10 -> efflorescences
egg-cup/10 -> egg-cups
egocentricity/10 -> egocentricities
eigenstate/10 -> eigenstates
energiser/10 -> energisers
enervate/10 -> enervating,enervated,enervates
entranceway/10 -> entranceways
envoi/10 -> envois
epound/10 -> epounds
epp/10 -> epps
equinoctial/10 -> equinoctials
equus/10 -> equuss
erebus/10 -> erebuss
ergot/10 -> ergots
errand-boy/10 -> errand-boys
erythronium/10 -> erythroniums
escargot/10 -> escargots
ethnologist/10 -> ethnologists
etiology/10 -> etiologies
euro-communist/10 -> euro-communists
euroqualification/10 -> euroqualifications
ex-employer/10 -> ex-employers
ex-international/10 -> ex-internationals
ex-liberal/10 -> ex-liberals
examinee/10 -> examinees
exclusionist/10 -> exclusionists
exfoliate/10 -> exfoliated,exfoliates,exfoliating
expansiveness/10 -> expansivenesses
experimentalism/10 -> experimentalisms
expositor/10 -> expositors
extensor/10 -> extensors
eye-hole/10 -> eye-holes
eye-movement/10 -> eye-movements
eye-patch/10 -> eye-patches
faade/10 -> faades
fado/10 -> fados
fag-end/10 -> fag-ends
fallback/10 -> fallbacks
faller/10 -> fallers
fank/10 -> fanks
farne/10 -> farnes
fauntleroy/10 -> fauntleroys
faunus/10 -> faunuss
feathering/10 -> featherings
fedayeen/10 -> fedayeens
fee-payer/10 -> fee-payers
feeding-ground/10 -> feeding-grounds
fellow-citizen/10 -> fellow-citizens
femtosecond/10 -> femtoseconds
ferricyanide/10 -> ferricyanides
fetoprotein/10 -> fetoproteins
fibula/10 -> fibulas,fibulae
fid/10 -> fids
field-marshal/10 -> field-marshals
filariasis/10 -> filariases
fille/10 -> filles
finis/10 -> finiss
fire-watch/10 -> fire-watching
firebreak/10 -> firebreaks
firman/10 -> firmans
first-mover/10 -> first-movers
fish-and-chip/10 -> fish-and-chips
fist-fight/10 -> fist-fights
flatboat/10 -> flatboats
flinder/10 -> flinders
flintlock/10 -> flintlocks
floodwate/10 -> floodwater
flower-seller/10 -> flower-sellers
fock/10 -> focking
footboard/10 -> footboards
forbiddance/10 -> forbiddances
force-field/10 -> force-fields
foreshadowing/10 -> foreshadowings
foster-mother/10 -> foster-mothers
freeline/10 -> freelined
fren/10 -> frens
fresno/10 -> fresnoes
friesland/10 -> frieslands
frisia/10 -> frisias
fruitwood/10 -> fruitwoods
fuch/10 -> fuchs
full-step/10 -> full-steps
fundraise/10 -> fundraising
fuze/10 -> fuzes
g-protein/10 -> g-proteins
galactoside/10 -> galactosides
gallica/10 -> gallicas
gamesmanship/10 -> gamesmanships
gamow/10 -> gamows
ganymede/10 -> ganymedes
garimpeiro/10 -> garimpeiros
garlick/10 -> garlicked
garuda/10 -> garudas
gasfield/10 -> gasfields
gastronomy/10 -> gastronomies
gear-box/10 -> gear-boxes
gekko/10 -> gekkos
genesteal/10 -> genestealer
genitor/10 -> genitors
genova/10 -> genovas
geochemist/10 -> geochemists
geomancy/10 -> geomancies
gerrymander/10 -> gerrymandering,gerrymandered,gerrymanders
ghee/10 -> ghees
gikuyu/10 -> gikuyus
gimp/10 -> gimped,gimps
ginkgo/10 -> ginkgos
giss/10 -> gissing
glaciologist/10 -> glaciologists
gladiolus/10 -> gladioluss
glaser/10 -> glasers
gnocchi/10 -> gnocchis
godwinian/10 -> godwinians
goose-bump/10 -> goose-bumps
goose-pimple/10 -> goose-pimples
goosepimple/10 -> goosepimples,goosepimpled
grad/10 -> grads
grandiosity/10 -> grandiosities
grant-in-aid/10 -> grants-in-aid
graptoloid/10 -> graptoloids
greengrocery/10 -> greengroceries
grose/10 -> grosed
ground-plan/10 -> ground-plans
ground-rule/10 -> ground-rules
guardhouse/10 -> guardhouses
gunsight/10 -> gunsights
guzzler/10 -> guzzlers
hailstorm/10 -> hailstorms
hairdrier/10 -> hairdriers
hajduk/10 -> hajduks
hand-grip/10 -> hand-grips
handclasp/10 -> handclasps
handgrip/10 -> handgrips
handpick/10 -> handpicked
harmoniser/10 -> harmonisers
harpsichordist/10 -> harpsichordists
harrisburg/10 -> harrisburgs
hatbox/10 -> hatboxes
haulm/10 -> haulms
headful/10 -> headfuls
headmastership/10 -> headmasterships
heartstring/10 -> heartstrings
heathite/10 -> heathites
hebe/10 -> hebes
heep/10 -> heeps
hellebore/10 -> hellebores
heloise/10 -> heloises
hemiplegia/10 -> hemiplegias
heritor/10 -> heritors
hexam/10 -> hexams
hexamita/10 -> hexamitas
heyward/10 -> heywards
hezekiah/10 -> hezekiahs
hiawatha/10 -> hiawathas
high-mindedness/10 -> high-mindednesses
hildebrand/10 -> hildebrands
hillel/10 -> hillels
hippocrate/10 -> hippocrates
historique/10 -> historiques
hogweed/10 -> hogweeds
holotype/10 -> holotypes
homan/10 -> homans
home-buyer/10 -> home-buyers
homunculus/10 -> homunculuss
honey-bee/10 -> honey-bees
horsefly/10 -> horseflies
housebreak/10 -> housebreaking
howdah/10 -> howdahs
huckster/10 -> hucksters
huerta/10 -> huertas
hugger/10 -> huggers,huggered
huyghe/10 -> huyghes
hyades/10 -> hyadess
hydrochlorofluorocarbon/10 -> hydrochlorofluorocarbons
hydroelectricity/10 -> hydroelectricities
iapetus/10 -> iapetuss
ibrd/10 -> ibrds
ice-bucket/10 -> ice-buckets
ileus/10 -> ileuss
illyria/10 -> illyrias
imagesetter/10 -> imagesetters
implementor/10 -> implementors
improvization/10 -> improvizations
indirectness/10 -> indirectnesses
individualisation/10 -> individualisations
inducing/10 -> inducings
indwell/10 -> indwells,indwelt,indwelling
infanta/10 -> infantas
inn-keeper/10 -> inn-keepers
inscrutability/10 -> inscrutabilities
insolation/10 -> insolations
interpellation/10 -> interpellations
intrepidity/10 -> intrepidities
intriguer/10 -> intriguers
introitus/10 -> introituss
intrusiveness/10 -> intrusivenesses
ioniser/10 -> ionisers
irascibility/10 -> irascibilities
isomerisation/10 -> isomerisations
issaq/10 -> issaqs
jacobinism/10 -> jacobinisms
jamaat/10 -> jamaats
jamison/10 -> jamisons
jat/10 -> jats
jell/10 -> jelling,jelled,jells
jetliner/10 -> jetliners
jevons/10 -> jevonss
jollification/10 -> jollifications
jounce/10 -> jounced,jouncing,jounces
karelia/10 -> karelias
katowice/10 -> katowices
keepnet/10 -> keepnets
kerbstone/10 -> kerbstones
keytop/10 -> keytops
kilodalton/10 -> kilodaltons
kilowatt-hour/10 -> kilowatt-hours
kismet/10 -> kismets
kite-maker/10 -> kite-makers
klansman/10 -> klansmen
know-it-all/10 -> know-it-alls
knowe/10 -> knowes
koln/10 -> kolns
koop/10 -> koops
kumasi/10 -> kumasis
l-field/10 -> l-fields
l-plate/10 -> l-plates
labelmate/10 -> labelmates
lacework/10 -> laceworks
lady-friend/10 -> lady-friends
landlubber/10 -> landlubbers
language-user/10 -> language-users
lapse-rate/10 -> lapse-rates
laser-printer/10 -> laser-printers
latitudinarian/10 -> latitudinarians
lazer/10 -> lazers
leachate/10 -> leachates
leaf-cutting/10 -> leaf-cuttings
leanness/10 -> leannesses
lector/10 -> lectors
levator/10 -> levators
levina/10 -> levinas
leyte/10 -> leytes
liberal-democrat/10 -> liberal-democrats
lifeworld/10 -> lifeworlds
light-blue/10 -> light-blues
lightwate/10 -> lightwater
lilo/10 -> lilos
limn/10 -> limned,limning,limns
linen-draper/10 -> linen-drapers
lobworm/10 -> lobworms
lodestar/10 -> lodestars
loin-cloth/10 -> loin-cloths
loir/10 -> loirs
loke/10 -> lokes
longboat/10 -> longboats
longshot/10 -> longshots
lookup/10 -> lookups
lorrain/10 -> lorrains
loudmouth/10 -> loudmouths
loup/10 -> louping
louver/10 -> louvers
lovemake/10 -> lovemaking
lucida/10 -> lucidas
lumberjill/10 -> lumberjills
lunchbreak/10 -> lunchbreaks
lunette/10 -> lunettes
luxuriance/10 -> luxuriances
lysenko/10 -> lysenkoes
macrofossil/10 -> macrofossils
madder/10 -> madders
magharian/10 -> magharians
mail-shot/10 -> mail-shots
maillol/10 -> maillols
majolica/10 -> majolicas
manageability/10 -> manageabilities
manda/10 -> mandas
mannitol/10 -> mannitols
marathoner/10 -> marathoners
marciano/10 -> marcianoes
master-manufacturer/10 -> master-manufacturers
materiel/10 -> materiels
mauser/10 -> mausers
maximizer/10 -> maximizers
mcgraw/10 -> mcgraws
meane/10 -> meanes
mechonoid/10 -> mechonoids
meconium/10 -> meconiums
mediant/10 -> mediants
megabuck/10 -> megabucks
meissner/10 -> meissners
memorisation/10 -> memorisations
menorrhagia/10 -> menorrhagias
mensch/10 -> mensches
menthol/10 -> menthols
merrymaking/10 -> merrymakings
messieur/10 -> messieurs
micro-processor/10 -> micro-processors
microeconomics/10 -> microeconomicss
microlitre/10 -> microlitres
mid-length/10 -> mid-lengths
midspread/10 -> midspreads
militaire/10 -> militaires
militarisation/10 -> militarisations
milkshake/10 -> milkshakes
milkweed/10 -> milkweeds
millibar/10 -> millibars
minestrone/10 -> minestrones
mis-use/10 -> mis-using,mis-used
misclassification/10 -> misclassifications
moabite/10 -> moabites
mob-cap/10 -> mob-caps
mocker/10 -> mockers
moderniser/10 -> modernisers
moisturize/10 -> moisturized,moisturizes,moisturizing
molnar/10 -> molnars
monetisation/10 -> monetisations
moorcock/10 -> moorcocks
moorfield/10 -> moorfields
motorize/10 -> motorized,motorizes,motorizing
mottle/10 -> mottling,mottles,mottled
mousehole/10 -> mouseholes
moye/10 -> moyes
mucopolysaccharide/10 -> mucopolysaccharides
mudbrick/10 -> mudbricks
mudskipper/10 -> mudskippers
mukden/10 -> mukdens
mukhtar/10 -> mukhtars
multilayer/10 -> multilayers
multilist/10 -> multilists
multivibrator/10 -> multivibrators
mussy/10 -> mussies
myer/10 -> myers
naan/10 -> naans
nacho/10 -> nachos
nada/10 -> nadas
nagano/10 -> naganoes
naloxone/10 -> naloxones
nantucket/10 -> nantuckets
nare/10 -> nares
naxo/10 -> naxos
nebe/10 -> nebes
necker/10 -> neckers
nepeta/10 -> nepetas
nepman/10 -> nepmen
nester/10 -> nesters
netter/10 -> netters
netto/10 -> nettos
newcomb/10 -> newcombs
newspeak/10 -> newspeaks
ngf/10 -> ngfs
nicker/10 -> nickered,nickering,nickers
nicotiana/10 -> nicotianas
night-worker/10 -> night-workers
nimbleness/10 -> nimblenesses
nist/10 -> nists
noddle/10 -> noddles
non-anglican/10 -> non-anglicans
non-delinquent/10 -> non-delinquents
non-italian/10 -> non-italians
non-programmer/10 -> non-programmers
non-reflective/10 -> non-reflectives
non-tory/10 -> non-tories
note-group/10 -> note-groups
nuclear-weapon/10 -> nuclear-weapons
nyman/10 -> nymans
nymphet/10 -> nymphets
oba/10 -> obas
octobrist/10 -> octobrists
officiant/10 -> officiants
officier/10 -> officiers
offtake/10 -> offtakes
old'un/10 -> old'uns
ology/10 -> ologies
optimiser/10 -> optimisers
organophosphate/10 -> organophosphates
orientalise/10 -> orientalising
oriole/10 -> orioles
orphange/10 -> orphanges
orrery/10 -> orreries
osteospermum/10 -> osteospermums
ote/10 -> otes
oto/10 -> otoes
out-point/10 -> out-pointed,out-pointing
out-turn/10 -> out-turns
outcompete/10 -> outcompeted,outcompeting
over-dress/10 -> over-dressed,over-dresses,over-dressing
over-excit/10 -> over-excited
over-state/10 -> over-stated,over-stating,over-states
overemphasis/10 -> overemphases
overexertion/10 -> overexertions
overpricing/10 -> overpricings
overtrouser/10 -> overtrousers
oxbow/10 -> oxbows
p-bass/10 -> p-basses
pageboy/10 -> pageboys
paleolithic/10 -> paleolithics
palmy/10 -> palmier
palpitate/10 -> palpitating,palpitated,palpitates
pandanus/10 -> pandanuss
pandit/10 -> pandits
panny/10 -> pannier
panthera/10 -> pantheras
parathyroid/10 -> parathyroids
parkonian/10 -> parkonians
parnassus/10 -> parnassuss
parsec/10 -> parsecs
pashtun/10 -> pashtuns
passiflora/10 -> passifloras
pastorate/10 -> pastorates
pawpaw/10 -> pawpaws
pcr-fragment/10 -> pcr-fragments
peace-offering/10 -> peace-offerings
pecker/10 -> peckers
pederast/10 -> pederasts
pedometer/10 -> pedometers
pegmatite/10 -> pegmatites
pentamer/10 -> pentamers
pereire/10 -> pereires
perfectibility/10 -> perfectibilities
pernambuco/10 -> pernambucoes
person-year/10 -> person-years
pertinacity/10 -> pertinacities
peshmerga/10 -> peshmergas
pesky/10 -> peskiest,peskier
petrobra/10 -> petrobras
phantasmagorical/10 -> phantasmagoricals
phenocryst/10 -> phenocrysts
philonym/10 -> philonyms
philtre/10 -> philtres
pho/10 -> phos
phone-booth/10 -> phone-booths
phonecard/10 -> phonecards
phonologist/10 -> phonologists
photo-finish/10 -> photo-finishes
photo-pass/10 -> photo-passes
photogravure/10 -> photogravures
pianism/10 -> pianisms
piastre/10 -> piastres
piece-part/10 -> piece-parts
piggy-bank/10 -> piggy-banks
pightle/10 -> pightles
pileup/10 -> pileups
pin-cushion/10 -> pin-cushions
pincus/10 -> pincuss
pinfold/10 -> pinfolds
pinout/10 -> pinouts
placidity/10 -> placidities
plantsman/10 -> plantsmen
plash/10 -> plashed,plashing,plashes
plautus/10 -> plautuss
pleating/10 -> pleatings
plucking/10 -> pluckings
plunk/10 -> plunked,plunks,plunking
podge/10 -> podged
polycarp/10 -> polycarps
polytechnicien/10 -> polytechniciens
pongine/10 -> pongines
pool-liner/10 -> pool-liners
poplin/10 -> poplins
porker/10 -> porkers
porphyrin/10 -> porphyrins
possible-world/10 -> possible-worlds
post-chaise/10 -> post-chaises
postdate/10 -> postdates,postdated,postdating
power-tool/10 -> power-tools
preceed/10 -> preceeding,preceeded,preceeds
prep-school/10 -> prep-schools
prepuce/10 -> prepuces
pretzel/10 -> pretzels
priapus/10 -> priapuss
pricking/10 -> prickings
primp/10 -> primping,primped,primps
pro-german/10 -> pro-germans
procaine/10 -> procaines
procuracy/10 -> procuracies
procurer/10 -> procurers
protoplast/10 -> protoplasts
provender/10 -> provenders
prunus/10 -> prunuss
psephology/10 -> psephologies
psychocentric/10 -> psychocentrics
psychodrama/10 -> psychodramas
pterosaur/10 -> pterosaurs
pull-back/10 -> pull-backs
pulmonaria/10 -> pulmonarias
purifier/10 -> purifiers
purse-seine/10 -> purse-seines
pursuade/10 -> pursuaded,pursuading
pyrolysis/10 -> pyrolyses
quackery/10 -> quackeries
quantise/10 -> quantised,quantises
quaternion/10 -> quaternions
quencher/10 -> quenchers
quilting/10 -> quiltings
quinone/10 -> quinones
quintile/10 -> quintiles
quitter/10 -> quitters
rabbit-hole/10 -> rabbit-holes
race-horse/10 -> race-horses
radiocommunication/10 -> radiocommunications
ragout/10 -> ragouts
ratafia/10 -> ratafias
ravaging/10 -> ravagings
ray-ban/10 -> ray-bans
re-adjustment/10 -> re-adjustments
re-arrangement/10 -> re-arrangements
re-decorate/10 -> re-decorated,re-decorating
re-fashion/10 -> re-fashioning,re-fashioned
re-impose/10 -> re-imposed,re-imposing
re-seed/10 -> re-seeded,re-seeding
re-writing/10 -> re-writings
rearticulate/10 -> rearticulated,rearticulating
rearward/10 -> rearwards
reassume/10 -> reassumed,reassumes
recolonise/10 -> recolonised,recolonising
reconvict/10 -> reconvicted
rededication/10 -> rededications
redial/10 -> redials
redound/10 -> redounded,redounds,redounding
reelect/10 -> reelected,reelects,reelecting
reflectiveness/10 -> reflectivenesses
refuser/10 -> refusers
regularisation/10 -> regularisations
rehire/10 -> rehired,rehiring
reinsure/10 -> reinsuring,reinsured,reinsures
relativize/10 -> relativizing,relativized,relativizes
relock/10 -> relocked,relocking
rents-to-mortgage/10 -> rents-to-mortgages
reorient/10 -> reorienting,reoriented,reorients
repass/10 -> repassing,repassed
repave/10 -> repaved,repaving
replaster/10 -> replastering,replastered
replicant/10 -> replicants
requester/10 -> requesters
rescale/10 -> rescaled,rescaling
revers/10 -> reverss
revetment/10 -> revetments
revising/10 -> revisings
rhythmicity/10 -> rhythmicities
riddiford/10 -> riddifords
riddim/10 -> riddims
rightwinger/10 -> rightwingers
rod-rest/10 -> rod-rests
roentgen/10 -> roentgens
roil/10 -> roiling,roils,roiled
romberg/10 -> rombergs
romper/10 -> rompers
rosicrucian/10 -> rosicrucians
rossitter/10 -> rossitters
rummy/10 -> rummies
rumor/10 -> rumors
s.t.p./10 -> s.t.p.s
sabbatarian/10 -> sabbatarians
sadomasochism/10 -> sadomasochisms
safety-net/10 -> safety-nets
salt-marsh/10 -> salt-marshes
samizdat/10 -> samizdats
samphire/10 -> samphires
sana'a/10 -> sana'as
sandbar/10 -> sandbars
santolina/10 -> santolinas
satrapy/10 -> satrapies
sauerkraut/10 -> sauerkrauts
saxifraga/10 -> saxifragas
saxone/10 -> saxones
scad/10 -> scads
scandalmonger/10 -> scandalmongers,scandalmongering
scap/10 -> scapped
scarer/10 -> scarers
scene-of-crime/10 -> scene-of-crimes
schoolman/10 -> schoolmen
schreiber/10 -> schreibers
schutzkorp/10 -> schutzkorps
schwa/10 -> schwas
schwer/10 -> schwering
script-writer/10 -> script-writers
scriptory/10 -> scriptories
scumble/10 -> scumbled,scumbling
sea-monster/10 -> sea-monsters
seaway/10 -> seaways
sebum/10 -> sebums
sectionalization/10 -> sectionalizations
seg/10 -> segs
segmenting/10 -> segmentings
selectee/10 -> selectees
self-review/10 -> self-reviews
seltzer/10 -> seltzers
sensationalise/10 -> sensationalised,sensationalising
septet/10 -> septets
septum/10 -> septums
sequestrant/10 -> sequestrants
serail/10 -> serails
serialize/10 -> serialized,serializes,serializing
serjeanty/10 -> serjeanties
sesh/10 -> seshed
sesotho/10 -> sesothoes
sex-symbol/10 -> sex-symbols
sexologist/10 -> sexologists
shantung/10 -> shantungs
shareowner/10 -> shareowners
shebang/10 -> shebangs
shim/10 -> shimmed,shims,shimming
shipbroker/10 -> shipbrokers
shippen/10 -> shippens
shirer/10 -> shirers
shock-absorber/10 -> shock-absorbers
shoemake/10 -> shoemaking
shoeshine/10 -> shoeshining,shoeshines
shop-girl/10 -> shop-girls
shop-steward/10 -> shop-stewards
shrike/10 -> shrikes
shut-out/10 -> shut-outs
side-car/10 -> side-cars
sideswipe/10 -> sideswiping,sideswiped,sideswipes
sifting/10 -> siftings
silkwood/10 -> silkwoods
sindhi/10 -> sindhis
skaro/10 -> skaros
skep/10 -> skeps
sketch-pad/10 -> sketch-pads
skool/10 -> skools
skorpion/10 -> skorpions
skydive/10 -> skydiving,skydives,skydived
slacker/10 -> slackers
slaughterman/10 -> slaughtermen
sle/10 -> sled
sleevenote/10 -> sleevenotes
slicing/10 -> slicings
sloper/10 -> slopers
slowcoach/10 -> slowcoaches
sluggard/10 -> sluggards
small-holder/10 -> small-holders
smthe/10 -> smithing
snow-plough/10 -> snow-ploughs
soay/10 -> soays
socializing/10 -> socializings
socio/10 -> socios
soldiering/10 -> soldierings
somnolence/10 -> somnolences
sone/10 -> sones
sonne/10 -> sonnes
sorensen/10 -> sorensens
sounding-board/10 -> sounding-boards
sov/10 -> sovs
speake/10 -> speakes
special-need/10 -> special-needs
spectrograph/10 -> spectrographs
speleologist/10 -> speleologists
sphygmomanometer/10 -> sphygmomanometers
spitalfield/10 -> spitalfields
sportswriter/10 -> sportswriters
spose/10 -> sposed
spot-kick/10 -> spot-kicks
springiness/10 -> springinesses
sprog/10 -> sprogs
squab/10 -> squabs
stable-mate/10 -> stable-mates
staging-post/10 -> staging-posts
stairlift/10 -> stairlifts
staphylococci/10 -> staphylococcis
stargazer/10 -> stargazers
starker/10 -> starkers
stewing/10 -> stewings
stiff-upper-lip/10 -> stiff-upper-lips
stigmatic/10 -> stigmatics
still-room/10 -> still-rooms
stockpiling/10 -> stockpilings
stockwork/10 -> stockworks
stockyard/10 -> stockyards
stolidity/10 -> stolidities
stop-off/10 -> stop-offs
stopvalve/10 -> stopvalves
stuberl/10 -> stuberls
stylesheet/10 -> stylesheets
stylishness/10 -> stylishnesses
stylization/10 -> stylizations
sub-genre/10 -> sub-genres
sub-pattern/10 -> sub-patterns
sub-period/10 -> sub-periods
sub-postmaster/10 -> sub-postmasters
sub-routine/10 -> sub-routines
subdomain/10 -> subdomains
sublanguage/10 -> sublanguages
subscale/10 -> subscales
subsequence/10 -> subsequences
sun-bed/10 -> sun-beds
sunb/10 -> sunbed
supercharger/10 -> superchargers
superchunk/10 -> superchunks
superhighway/10 -> superhighways
suturing/10 -> suturings
sweetbread/10 -> sweetbreads
sweetspot/10 -> sweetspots
symbolization/10 -> symbolizations
synchro/10 -> synchros
table-topper/10 -> table-toppers
taf/10 -> tafs
tail-ender/10 -> tail-enders
tail-skid/10 -> tail-skids
tail-wheel/10 -> tail-wheels
tangiers/10 -> tangierss
tap-in/10 -> tap-ins
tarantella/10 -> tarantellas
tarbe/10 -> tarbes
tau-tau/10 -> tau-taus
tea-shop/10 -> tea-shops
teddy-boy/10 -> teddy-boys
tellee/10 -> tellees
temporise/10 -> temporised,temporising
tenantry/10 -> tenantries
tenniel/10 -> tenniels
tensioner/10 -> tensioners
terpene/10 -> terpenes
tessy/10 -> tessies
thawing/10 -> thawings
thessalonian/10 -> thessalonians
thet/10 -> thetted
thought-starter/10 -> thought-starters
thundercloud/10 -> thunderclouds
thunderflash/10 -> thunderflashes
ticket-holder/10 -> ticket-holders
tidemark/10 -> tidemarks
tidesman/10 -> tidesmen
tigercat/10 -> tigercats
tigrayan/10 -> tigrayans
tigrean/10 -> tigreans
tijuana/10 -> tijuanas
time-gap/10 -> time-gaps
time-keeper/10 -> time-keepers
timeslip/10 -> timeslips
toboggane/10 -> tobogganing
toe-rag/10 -> toe-rags
toing/10 -> toings
toke/10 -> toking,tokes
toothcomb/10 -> toothcombs
tootle/10 -> tootling,tootled,tootles
top-rope/10 -> top-ropes,top-roped
tope/10 -> toping,topes,toped
toque/10 -> toques
touchpaper/10 -> touchpapers
tourmaline/10 -> tourmalines
tower-block/10 -> tower-blocks
tracheole/10 -> tracheoles
trailblazer/10 -> trailblazers
tranquiliser/10 -> tranquilisers
transduce/10 -> transduced,transducing,transduces
transmissivity/10 -> transmissivities
traver/10 -> travers
treatment-room/10 -> treatment-rooms
trichoneme/10 -> trichonemes
trioxide/10 -> trioxides
trip-wire/10 -> trip-wires
trouncing/10 -> trouncings
truffaut/10 -> truffauts
trumbo/10 -> trumboes
tune-up/10 -> tune-ups
turbojet/10 -> turbojets
tux/10 -> tuxes
twelve-bore/10 -> twelve-bores
twentysomething/10 -> twentysomethings
tyche/10 -> tyches
tylee/10 -> tylees
tzar/10 -> tzars
u-bend/10 -> u-bends
ue/10 -> ues
ufologist/10 -> ufologists
ug/10 -> ugs,ugging,uggest
ulama/10 -> ulamas
umma/10 -> ummas
unabridged/10 -> unabridgeds
unappetize/10 -> unappetizing
under-represent/10 -> under-representing
underperform/10 -> underperforming,underperforms,underperformed
undersurface/10 -> undersurfaces
undervaluation/10 -> undervaluations
unifier/10 -> unifiers
unkindness/10 -> unkindnesses
unknot/10 -> unknotting,unknots
upcher/10 -> upchers
urbanize/10 -> urbanized,urbanizing,urbanizes
used-car/10 -> used-cars
v-shape/10 -> v-shapes
valenciennes/10 -> valencienness
valerian/10 -> valerians
valine/10 -> valines
vant/10 -> vanting,vants
varese/10 -> vareses
variate/10 -> variates
variegate/10 -> variegated,variegates,variegating
vasarely/10 -> vasarelies
velveteen/10 -> velveteens
veneering/10 -> veneerings
ventolin/10 -> ventolins
versify/10 -> versified,versifying,versifies
vibrio/10 -> vibrios
villon/10 -> villons
violon/10 -> violons
vonnegut/10 -> vonneguts
vorticist/10 -> vorticists
vulcanite/10 -> vulcanites
vver/10 -> vvers
wadkin/10 -> wadkins
wage-labourer/10 -> wage-labourers
waghorn/10 -> waghorns
wargame/10 -> wargames,wargaming
warmongering/10 -> warmongerings
warre/10 -> warres
washerman/10 -> washermen
water-level/10 -> water-levels
water-pistol/10 -> water-pistols
wayfaring/10 -> wayfarings
waymarker/10 -> waymarkers
weeper/10 -> weepers
westernize/10 -> westernized,westernizing,westernizes
wheelarch/10 -> wheelarches
willow-herb/10 -> willow-herbs
wind-break/10 -> wind-breaks
wisher/10 -> wishers
withy/10 -> withies
wollaston/10 -> wollastons
woodcarving/10 -> woodcarvings
word-class/10 -> word-classes
work-group/10 -> work-groups
worm-cake/10 -> worm-cakes
wuhan/10 -> wuhans
yardarm/10 -> yardarms
yeare/10 -> yeares
yid/10 -> yids
yomp/10 -> yomping
yukagir/10 -> yukagirs
yukawa/10 -> yukawas
z-axis/10 -> z-axes
zapata/10 -> zapatas
zeugma/10 -> zeugmas
zirconium/10 -> zirconiums
zovirax/10 -> zoviraxes
'ang/9 -> 'angs
'say/9 -> 'said,'saying,'says
a-bomb/9 -> a-bombs
a-frame/9 -> a-frames
aas/9 -> aass
abercromby/9 -> abercrombies
absconder/9 -> absconders
absconding/9 -> abscondings
abutilon/9 -> abutilons
accordionist/9 -> accordionists
account-holder/9 -> account-holders
achondrite/9 -> achondrites
adductor/9 -> adductors
adhesiveness/9 -> adhesivenesses
adige/9 -> adiges
advertisment/9 -> advertisments
affricate/9 -> affricates
afropithecin/9 -> afropithecins
aga-saga/9 -> aga-sagas
agha/9 -> aghas
agrippina/9 -> agrippinas
ahriman/9 -> ahrimen
aia/9 -> aias
air-base/9 -> air-bases
air-conditioner/9 -> air-conditioners
airknocker/9 -> airknockers
airpass/9 -> airpasses
aix-la-chapelle/9 -> aix-la-chapelles
akroyd/9 -> akroyds
al-sabah/9 -> al-sabahs
albigensian/9 -> albigensians
albite/9 -> albites
alevel/9 -> alevels
algicide/9 -> algicides
americanise/9 -> americanised,americanising
amharic/9 -> amharics
amnesic/9 -> amnesics
amphisbaenian/9 -> amphisbaenians
amphitheater/9 -> amphitheaters
amyl/9 -> amyls
anastomose/9 -> anastomosed,anastomoses,anastomosing
ancestress/9 -> ancestresses
ancien/9 -> anciens
angulation/9 -> angulations
annapolis/9 -> annapoliss
anopheline/9 -> anophelines
ant-hill/9 -> ant-hills
ant-lion/9 -> ant-lions
anti-catholicism/9 -> anti-catholicisms
anti-fungal/9 -> anti-fungals
anti-homosexual/9 -> anti-homosexuals
anti-malarial/9 -> anti-malarials
anti-marxist/9 -> anti-marxists
anti-nationalist/9 -> anti-nationalists
antifouling/9 -> antifoulings
antihero/9 -> antiheros,antiheroes
antipode/9 -> antipodes
antitoxin/9 -> antitoxins
araceae/9 -> araceaes
arb/9 -> arbs
archaeopteryx/9 -> archaeopteryxes
architectonic/9 -> architectonics
archy/9 -> archies
arcsystem/9 -> arcsystems
areopagite/9 -> areopagites
argive/9 -> argives
arm-band/9 -> arm-bands
arme/9 -> armes
arrestant/9 -> arrestants
arrow-head/9 -> arrow-heads
art-object/9 -> art-objects
astle/9 -> astles
asuncion/9 -> asuncions
atavism/9 -> atavisms
athanasius/9 -> athanasiuss
attunement/9 -> attunements
audiometry/9 -> audiometries
austerlitz/9 -> austerlitzs
automaker/9 -> automakers
auxetophone/9 -> auxetophones
baby-boomer/9 -> baby-boomers
babyfood/9 -> babyfoods
babygro/9 -> babygros
backfil/9 -> backfilled,backfilling
backland/9 -> backlands
backr/9 -> backrest
backwoodsman/9 -> backwoodsmen
bahrein/9 -> bahreins
baily/9 -> bailies
bandolier/9 -> bandoliers
bant/9 -> banter,banting
barbauld/9 -> barbaulds
bareness/9 -> barenesses
barleycorn/9 -> barleycorns
barone/9 -> barones
barrowload/9 -> barrowloads
basecamp/9 -> basecamps
basketful/9 -> basketfuls
basophil/9 -> basophils
baud/9 -> bauds
bawling/9 -> bawlings
bayou/9 -> bayous
beastman/9 -> beastmen
becak/9 -> becaks
beco/9 -> becos
befuddle/9 -> befuddled,befuddles,befuddling
belling/9 -> bellinger
bellyful/9 -> bellyfuls
benison/9 -> benisons
bento/9 -> bentos
berberis/9 -> berberiss
berceuse/9 -> berceuses
bertolucci/9 -> bertoluccis
bezel/9 -> bezels
biden/9 -> bidens
biffo/9 -> biffos
big-endian/9 -> big-endians
big-wig/9 -> big-wigs
bighead/9 -> bigheaded
bighorn/9 -> bighorns
bigness/9 -> bignesses
bilabial/9 -> bilabials
bioscience/9 -> biosciences
biotite/9 -> biotites
biotype/9 -> biotypes
bird-table/9 -> bird-tables
birling/9 -> birlings
bissau/9 -> bissaus
bit-plane/9 -> bit-planes
bitterroot/9 -> bitterroots
blameworthiness/9 -> blameworthinesses
bobtail/9 -> bobtails
boch/9 -> boches
boliviano/9 -> bolivianos
bolthole/9 -> boltholes
bonbon/9 -> bonbons
bone-setter/9 -> bone-setters
bonheur/9 -> bonheurs
boodle/9 -> boodles
bookend/9 -> bookends,bookending
brainpower/9 -> brainpowers
brambling/9 -> bramblings
bravoe/9 -> bravoes
breadboard/9 -> breadboarding
break-time/9 -> break-times
breakwate/9 -> breakwater
breck/9 -> brecks
breeze-block/9 -> breeze-blocks
bridged-t/9 -> bridged-ts
brinton/9 -> brintons
brittania/9 -> brittanias
brusqueness/9 -> brusquenesses
bso/9 -> bsos
buch/9 -> buchs
bullhead/9 -> bullheaded,bullheads
bunkhouse/9 -> bunkhouses
bywater/9 -> bywaters
cahor/9 -> cahors
cajoling/9 -> cajolings
cakewalk/9 -> cakewalks,cakewalked
calfskin/9 -> calfskins
call-girl/9 -> call-girls
calla/9 -> callas
camo/9 -> camos
cannery/9 -> canneries
cannister/9 -> cannisters
capital-good/9 -> capital-goods
capsicum/9 -> capsicums
capsid/9 -> capsids
car-owner/9 -> car-owners
carbonara/9 -> carbonaras
caribe/9 -> caribes
carload/9 -> carloads
carotenoid/9 -> carotenoids
casenote/9 -> casenotes
cash-crop/9 -> cash-crops
cassiterite/9 -> cassiterites
catabolism/9 -> catabolisms
catena/9 -> catenas
cathar/9 -> cathars
catnap/9 -> catnaps,catnapped,catnapping
catullus/9 -> catulluss
celadon/9 -> celadons
celandine/9 -> celandines
celesta/9 -> celestas
cell-count/9 -> cell-counts
centred/9 -> centreds
ceratopsian/9 -> ceratopsians
cgs/9 -> cgss
chack/9 -> chacking
chain-store/9 -> chain-stores
chairback/9 -> chairbacks
chalcedon/9 -> chalcedons
chalkland/9 -> chalklands
charlady/9 -> charladies
charlottetown/9 -> charlottetowns
cheesemake/9 -> cheesemaking
chelate/9 -> chelating,chelates,chelated
chiasmus/9 -> chiasmuss
chica/9 -> chicas
childer/9 -> childers
chimney-breast/9 -> chimney-breasts
chimney-sweep/9 -> chimney-sweeps
chitter/9 -> chittering,chittered,chitters
chiver/9 -> chivers
chowder/9 -> chowders
chromatogram/9 -> chromatograms
chrysalid/9 -> chrysalids
chrysanth/9 -> chrysanths
chrysom/9 -> chrysoms
church-state/9 -> church-states
churchmanship/9 -> churchmanships
cio/9 -> cios
circassian/9 -> circassians
circularize/9 -> circularized,circularizes,circularizing
cirsium/9 -> cirsiums
clearing-house/9 -> clearing-houses
clinger/9 -> clingers
closed-door/9 -> closed-doors
clutton/9 -> cluttons
clypeus/9 -> clypeuss
co-debtor/9 -> co-debtors
co-fund/9 -> co-funded,co-funding,co-funds
co-heir/9 -> co-heirs
co-skipper/9 -> co-skippers,co-skippered
co-transfect/9 -> co-transfected,co-transfecting
co-vary/9 -> co-varies
coccus/9 -> cocci
cochineal/9 -> cochineals
cogwheel/9 -> cogwheels
comic-book/9 -> comic-books
commingle/9 -> commingled,commingling,commingles
compactor/9 -> compactors
compartmentalization/9 -> compartmentalizations
complementation/9 -> complementations
completer/9 -> completers
compressibility/9 -> compressibilities
computerize/9 -> computerized,computerizing,computerizes
condorcet/9 -> condorcets
confusable/9 -> confusables
conspectus/9 -> conspectuss
conspicuousness/9 -> conspicuousnesses
contra-indication/9 -> contra-indications
contradictoriness/9 -> contradictorinesses
conversation-stopper/9 -> conversation-stoppers
conveyor-belt/9 -> conveyor-belts
cordwainer/9 -> cordwainers
cornwallis/9 -> cornwalliss
corpuse/9 -> corpuses
corsete/9 -> corseted
cost-centre/9 -> cost-centres
cotery/9 -> coteries
cottar/9 -> cottars
couchette/9 -> couchettes
counter-punch/9 -> counter-punched,counter-punching
counter-theme/9 -> counter-themes
counter-top/9 -> counter-tops
counterpack/9 -> counterpacks
couperin/9 -> couperins
courty/9 -> courtier
cow-shed/9 -> cow-sheds
cowherd/9 -> cowherds,cowherding
cowpea/9 -> cowpeas
craftswoman/9 -> craftswomen
craniate/9 -> craniates
crash-helmet/9 -> crash-helmets
creationism/9 -> creationisms
crenellation/9 -> crenellations
cresset/9 -> cressets
cretinism/9 -> cretinisms
criminalisation/9 -> criminalisations
critter/9 -> critters
crocheting/9 -> crochetings
cross-head/9 -> cross-heads
cross-pollination/9 -> cross-pollinations
crossbr/9 -> crossbred
crowd-puller/9 -> crowd-pullers
crystallographer/9 -> crystallographers
culex/9 -> culexes
curtness/9 -> curtnesses
cut-through/9 -> cut-throughs
cuttle/9 -> cuttles
cyanotype/9 -> cyanotypes
dachau/9 -> dachaus
daftness/9 -> daftnesses
daman/9 -> damen
damselfly/9 -> damselflies
dare-devil/9 -> dare-devils
de-merger/9 -> de-mergers
de-select/9 -> de-selected
decarboniser/9 -> decarbonisers
decriminalisation/9 -> decriminalisations
defamiliarize/9 -> defamiliarizing,defamiliarized,defamiliarizes
degrease/9 -> degreasing,degreases,degreased
dehumidifier/9 -> dehumidifiers
democratique/9 -> democratiques
desideratum/9 -> desiderata
destruct/9 -> destructed,destructs,destructing
deuchar/9 -> deuchars
dharjee/9 -> dharjees
dichroism/9 -> dichroisms
dickey/9 -> dickeys
diffuseness/9 -> diffusenesses
digestibility/9 -> digestibilities
digitization/9 -> digitizations
dimwit/9 -> dimwits,dimwitted
ding/9 -> dinging,dings,dinged
disaccharide/9 -> disaccharides
disarticulate/9 -> disarticulated,disarticulates,disarticulating
disassembly/9 -> disassemblies
dispassion/9 -> dispassions
disyllable/9 -> disyllables
dive-bombing/9 -> dive-bombings
dividing-line/9 -> dividing-lines
divorce-rate/9 -> divorce-rates
dmz/9 -> dmzs
domestique/9 -> domestiques
dominatrix/9 -> dominatrixes
donbass/9 -> donbasses
donetsk/9 -> donetsks
doodling/9 -> doodlings
dopant/9 -> dopants
dork/9 -> dorks
double-/9 -> double-s
douch/9 -> douches,douching
douglase/9 -> douglases
downregulate/9 -> downregulated
downstroke/9 -> downstrokes
dreamworld/9 -> dreamworlds
dressing-case/9 -> dressing-cases
dro/9 -> dros
dromedary/9 -> dromedaries
drosera/9 -> droseras
drumgoole/9 -> drumgooles
drumlin/9 -> drumlins
duckpond/9 -> duckponds
dugong/9 -> dugongs
dumbbell/9 -> dumbbells
dustjacket/9 -> dustjackets
dwelling-place/9 -> dwelling-places
eachother/9 -> eachothers
eame/9 -> eames
eating-house/9 -> eating-houses
ecotype/9 -> ecotypes
edda/9 -> eddas
effacement/9 -> effacements
effervesce/9 -> effervesces,effervescing,effervesced
egocentrism/9 -> egocentrisms
ejector/9 -> ejectors
eko/9 -> ekos
elephantiasis/9 -> elephantiases
elysium/9 -> elysiums
emancipationist/9 -> emancipationists
empyema/9 -> empyemas
endemism/9 -> endemisms
endocrinology/9 -> endocrinologies
engrain/9 -> engrained
ephedrine/9 -> ephedrines
epigone/9 -> epigones
epiphyse/9 -> epiphyses
epos/9 -> eposs
ercole/9 -> ercoles
ero/9 -> eros
erythropoietin/9 -> erythropoietins
ethelred/9 -> ethelreds
ethicist/9 -> ethicists
evenki/9 -> evenkis
ex-boxer/9 -> ex-boxers
ex-chancellor/9 -> ex-chancellors
ex-con/9 -> ex-cons
ex-nazi/9 -> ex-nazis
ex-officer/9 -> ex-officers
ex-player/9 -> ex-players
ex-professional/9 -> ex-professionals
ex-teacher/9 -> ex-teachers
exciseman/9 -> excisemen
executorship/9 -> executorships
exegete/9 -> exegetes
exequy/9 -> exequies
exoneration/9 -> exonerations
exosphere/9 -> exospheres
expectorate/9 -> expectorating,expectorated,expectorates
eyck/9 -> eycks
eye-shadow/9 -> eye-shadows
face-pack/9 -> face-packs
fairlight/9 -> fairlights
faisalabad/9 -> faisalabads
fannich/9 -> fannichs
farthingale/9 -> farthingales
fathome/9 -> fathomed,fathoming,fathomes
fatso/9 -> fatsoes
fellow-man/9 -> fellow-men
fellow-officer/9 -> fellow-officers
feudatory/9 -> feudatories
field-glass/9 -> field-glasses
fingerpick/9 -> fingerpicking,fingerpicked
finitude/9 -> finitudes
fire-escape/9 -> fire-escapes
firewall/9 -> firewalls
fishtail/9 -> fishtailed,fishtails,fishtailing
flagellum/9 -> flagellums
flambeau/9 -> flambeaus
fleetland/9 -> fleetlands
fleur-de-lys/9 -> fleur-de-lyss
flockmaster/9 -> flockmasters
fluorocarbon/9 -> fluorocarbons
fog-horn/9 -> fog-horns
fogy/9 -> fogies
folk-dance/9 -> folk-dances
foot-rest/9 -> foot-rests
footsoldier/9 -> footsoldiers,footsoldiering
foreign-affair/9 -> foreign-affairs
foreknowledge/9 -> foreknowledges
fornicator/9 -> fornicators
forsyte/9 -> forsytes
foul-up/9 -> foul-ups
foule/9 -> foules
fre/9 -> fres
free-thinker/9 -> free-thinkers
freebooter/9 -> freebooters
freedom-fighter/9 -> freedom-fighters
frend/9 -> frends
frig/9 -> frigging,frigged,frigs
frit/9 -> frits
friz/9 -> frizzed,frizzing
fruitfly/9 -> fruitflies
ft-actuary/9 -> ft-actuaries
fuero/9 -> fueros
fukuoka/9 -> fukuokas
fungi/9 -> fungis
funguse/9 -> fungused,funguses,fungusing
fusspot/9 -> fusspots
fy/9 -> fier
galvanometer/9 -> galvanometers
game-keeper/9 -> game-keepers
gammy/9 -> gammies
gansu/9 -> gansus
garch/9 -> garching
gari/9 -> garis
garrimpo/9 -> garrimpos
gastrostomy/9 -> gastrostomies
gatecrasher/9 -> gatecrashers
gaucheness/9 -> gauchenesses
gautama/9 -> gautamas
gelsemium/9 -> gelsemiums
geoscientist/9 -> geoscientists
gerbera/9 -> gerberas
gestate/9 -> gestating,gestated,gestates
gewgaw/9 -> gewgaws
ghz/9 -> ghzs
gigawatt/9 -> gigawatts
gilke/9 -> gilkes
gilt-bronze/9 -> gilt-bronzes
girondin/9 -> girondins
glue-sniff/9 -> glue-sniffing
glycolysis/9 -> glycolyses
go-fast/9 -> go-faster
goading/9 -> goadings
goal-scorer/9 -> goal-scorers
goatskin/9 -> goatskins
goldilocks/9 -> goldilockss
golgotha/9 -> golgothas
golist/9 -> golists
gook/9 -> gooks
goy/9 -> goys
gracefulness/9 -> gracefulnesses
granularity/9 -> granularities
grazier/9 -> graziers
greatsword/9 -> greatswords
grebo/9 -> grebos
greengage/9 -> greengages
gregariousness/9 -> gregariousnesses
greyer/9 -> greyers
grip-plate/9 -> grip-plates
gropius/9 -> gropiuss
guide-post/9 -> guide-posts
gundog/9 -> gundogs
guyot/9 -> guyots
haematocrit/9 -> haematocrits
hagiographer/9 -> hagiographers
hair-cut/9 -> hair-cuts
hair-dryer/9 -> hair-dryers
hammerman/9 -> hammermen
hanby/9 -> hanbys
hand-grenade/9 -> hand-grenades
hassam/9 -> hassams
hawksbill/9 -> hawksbills
he-goat/9 -> he-goats
head-hunter/9 -> head-hunters
head-rest/9 -> head-rests
healthiness/9 -> healthinesses
heart-string/9 -> heart-strings
helichrysum/9 -> helichrysums
hell-raiser/9 -> hell-raisers
helleborus/9 -> helleboruss
helpdesk/9 -> helpdesks
helpmate/9 -> helpmates
heraclitus/9 -> heraclituss
hesperide/9 -> hesperides
heterocyclic/9 -> heterocyclics
heteromorph/9 -> heteromorphs
heterozygosity/9 -> heterozygosities
high-heel/9 -> high-heels
hijaz/9 -> hijazs
hinch/9 -> hinches
hirta/9 -> hirtas
historicize/9 -> historicized,historicizing
hit-squad/9 -> hit-squads
hitcher/9 -> hitchers
hobday/9 -> hobdaying,hobdayed
hobnail/9 -> hobnails,hobnailed
hoggar/9 -> hoggars
hogwash/9 -> hogwashes
holdup/9 -> holdups
home-maker/9 -> home-makers
homeloan/9 -> homeloans
homogenization/9 -> homogenizations
homophobe/9 -> homophobes
hoofbeat/9 -> hoofbeats
hookah/9 -> hookahs
hooking/9 -> hookings
hoplite/9 -> hoplites
horseflesh/9 -> horsefleshes
horsemaster/9 -> horsemasters
hot-house/9 -> hot-houses
howff/9 -> howffs
huarache/9 -> huaraches
human-being/9 -> human-beings
hummus/9 -> hummuss
hurdy-gurdy/9 -> hurdy-gurdies
hyper-base/9 -> hyper-bases
hyperpolarize/9 -> hyperpolarizing,hyperpolarizes,hyperpolarized
hypotonia/9 -> hypotonias
hyson/9 -> hysons
ice-pack/9 -> ice-packs
icecap/9 -> icecaps
icefield/9 -> icefields
ideality/9 -> idealities
idl/9 -> idler
igbo/9 -> igboes
ile-de-france/9 -> ile-de-frances
illocution/9 -> illocutions
imbecility/9 -> imbecilities
immobilization/9 -> immobilizations
immunotherapy/9 -> immunotherapies
impassivity/9 -> impassivities
impinging/9 -> impingings
importunity/9 -> importunities
impotency/9 -> impotencies
incomprehensibility/9 -> incomprehensibilities
indefiniteness/9 -> indefinitenesses
indestructibility/9 -> indestructibilities
industriousness/9 -> industriousnesses
inelasticity/9 -> inelasticities
ineligibility/9 -> ineligibilities
infantilise/9 -> infantilised,infantilising,infantilises
infantilism/9 -> infantilisms
ingenue/9 -> ingenues
initialisation/9 -> initialisations
innateness/9 -> innatenesses
inter-connection/9 -> inter-connections
interline/9 -> interlined,interlines
intermezzo/9 -> intermezzos
interplant/9 -> interplanted
invitee/9 -> invitees
ionia/9 -> ionias
irredentist/9 -> irredentists
irtysh/9 -> irtyshes
jabot/9 -> jabots
jalopy/9 -> jalopies
jaune/9 -> jaunes
jayhawk/9 -> jayhawks
jazzman/9 -> jazzmen
jeffers/9 -> jefferss
jet-setter/9 -> jet-setters
jirga/9 -> jirgas
jobclub/9 -> jobclubs
jockeying/9 -> jockeyings
jolson/9 -> jolsons
joss-stick/9 -> joss-sticks
kalinin/9 -> kalinins
karian/9 -> karians
kasbah/9 -> kasbahs
keek/9 -> keeking,keeked
keelboat/9 -> keelboats
kernal/9 -> kernals
keymer/9 -> keymers
keystage/9 -> keystages
khabarovsk/9 -> khabarovsks
khalifah/9 -> khalifahs
kiddo/9 -> kiddos
kkk/9 -> kkks
koonky/9 -> koonkies
krankoor/9 -> krankoors
krau/9 -> kraus
kronecker/9 -> kroneckers
kyat/9 -> kyats
l-form/9 -> l-forms
labeque/9 -> labeques
laboulbeniale/9 -> laboulbeniales
laertes/9 -> laertess
laetrile/9 -> laetriles
lameduck/9 -> lameducking,lameducked
lancelet/9 -> lancelets
land-mass/9 -> land-masses
landline/9 -> landlines
lanzhou/9 -> lanzhous
largeness/9 -> largenesses
larousse/9 -> larousses
lawmaking/9 -> lawmakings
layperson/9 -> laypeople
leafage/9 -> leafages
lebrun/9 -> lebruns
lederhosen/9 -> lederhosens
leeder/9 -> leeders
left-liberal/9 -> left-liberals
leg-iron/9 -> leg-irons
leg-pulling/9 -> leg-pullings
lehmbruck/9 -> lehmbrucks
lemonhead/9 -> lemonheads
lench/9 -> lenches
licenser/9 -> licensers
lifesaving/9 -> lifesavings
ligger/9 -> liggers
limosa/9 -> limosas
linta/9 -> lintas
lip-gloss/9 -> lip-glosses
lipocalin/9 -> lipocalins
lipread/9 -> lipreading,lipreads,lipread
lita/9 -> litas
littleness/9 -> littlenesses
loca/9 -> locas
lock-in/9 -> lock-ins
lodestone/9 -> lodestones
loew/9 -> loews
long-shot/9 -> long-shots
loosehead/9 -> looseheads
lory/9 -> lories
loue/9 -> loues
love-in/9 -> love-ins
love-story/9 -> love-stories
lpa/9 -> lpas
lukal/9 -> lukals
lycopod/9 -> lycopods
machine-pistol/9 -> machine-pistols
mafioso/9 -> mafiosoes
mahayana/9 -> mahayanas
make-do/9 -> make-does
malabar/9 -> malabars
malthouse/9 -> malthouses
malty/9 -> malties
mamey/9 -> mameys
man-at-arm/9 -> man-at-arms
man-day/9 -> man-days
man-mountain/9 -> man-mountains
manama/9 -> manamas
manipulability/9 -> manipulabilities
manoevre/9 -> manoevres
maquiladora/9 -> maquiladoras
maravilla/9 -> maravillas
marginalia/9 -> marginalias
marsala/9 -> marsalas
master-plan/9 -> master-plans
match-day/9 -> match-days
mcg/9 -> mcgs
mdma/9 -> mdmas
medicament/9 -> medicaments
meed/9 -> meeds
megacryst/9 -> megacrysts
mellowing/9 -> mellowings
melo/9 -> melos
mendelsohn/9 -> mendelsohns
menninger/9 -> menningers
mentore/9 -> mentoring,mentored
mercouri/9 -> mercouris
mescal/9 -> mescals
mescaline/9 -> mescalines
meshing/9 -> meshings
metacentric/9 -> metacentrics
metalware/9 -> metalwares
metformin/9 -> metformins
mezzotint/9 -> mezzotints,mezzotinting
microfossil/9 -> microfossils
microparticle/9 -> microparticles
mid-county/9 -> mid-counties
mid-latitude/9 -> mid-latitudes
mid-market/9 -> mid-markets
middle-man/9 -> middle-men
mignonette/9 -> mignonettes
milady/9 -> miladies
milliamp/9 -> milliamps
millisievert/9 -> millisieverts
mine-owner/9 -> mine-owners
mini-conglomerate/9 -> mini-conglomerates
mini-tour/9 -> mini-tours
minisupercomputer/9 -> minisupercomputers
mirabeau/9 -> mirabeaux
misreport/9 -> misreporting,misreported,misreports
mistrial/9 -> mistrials
mobius/9 -> mobiuss
moistness/9 -> moistnesses
moke/9 -> mokes
money-maker/9 -> money-makers
monocotyledon/9 -> monocotyledons
montfortian/9 -> montfortians
moodiness/9 -> moodinesses
motormouth/9 -> motormouths
moue/9 -> moues
mudder/9 -> mudders
mudflow/9 -> mudflows
multicolour/9 -> multicolours
multifacete/9 -> multifaceted
multimeter/9 -> multimeters
mulverin/9 -> mulverins
munchy/9 -> munchies
muncie/9 -> muncies
musem/9 -> musems
mya/9 -> myas
mysore/9 -> mysores
name-dropping/9 -> name-droppings
name-plate/9 -> name-plates
nannofossil/9 -> nannofossils
nast/9 -> nasts
nativist/9 -> nativists
naturel/9 -> naturels
naturopathy/9 -> naturopathies
nauruan/9 -> nauruans
near-neighbour/9 -> near-neighbours
nebuliser/9 -> nebulisers
neckerchief/9 -> neckerchiefs
needler/9 -> needlers
neel/9 -> neels
neg/9 -> negs
negativism/9 -> negativisms
neophobia/9 -> neophobias
nereid/9 -> nereids
nethercott/9 -> nethercotts
netherlander/9 -> netherlanders
neurotoxin/9 -> neurotoxins
new-town/9 -> new-towns
nibbling/9 -> nibblings
nime/9 -> nimes
nominalist/9 -> nominalists
non-art/9 -> non-arts
non-greek/9 -> non-greeks
non-reader/9 -> non-readers
nookie/9 -> nookies
novate/9 -> novated
noye/9 -> noyes
number-cruncher/9 -> number-crunchers
nyala/9 -> nyalas
o'casey/9 -> o'caseys
ockham/9 -> ockhams
oddjob/9 -> oddjobbing,oddjobs
offensiveness/9 -> offensivenesses
oka/9 -> okas
oliguria/9 -> oligurias
on-licence/9 -> on-licences
on-sight/9 -> on-sights
one-stop-shop/9 -> one-stop-shops
ooop/9 -> ooops
openwork/9 -> openworks
operon/9 -> operons
opinion-former/9 -> opinion-formers
opinion-maker/9 -> opinion-makers
oppositionist/9 -> oppositionists
osmometer/9 -> osmometers
ossify/9 -> ossified,ossifying,ossifies
out-manoeuvre/9 -> out-manoeuvres
out-migrant/9 -> out-migrants
out-of-focu/9 -> out-of-focus
over-crowd/9 -> over-crowding,over-crowded
over-eat/9 -> over-eating
over-protect/9 -> over-protected
over-read/9 -> over-reading
over-shadow/9 -> over-shadowed,over-shadowing
overcommit/9 -> overcommitting,overcommitted
overextend/9 -> overextended
overtop/9 -> overtopped,overtopping,overtops
overwater/9 -> overwatering,overwatered
overween/9 -> overweening
own-brander/9 -> own-branders
pacesetter/9 -> pacesetters
paint-brush/9 -> paint-brushes
palatability/9 -> palatabilities
palatal/9 -> palatals
pallant/9 -> pallants
panadol/9 -> panadols
panhandle/9 -> panhandling,panhandles,panhandled
panslavist/9 -> panslavists
papeete/9 -> papeetes
paper-clip/9 -> paper-clips
paper-mill/9 -> paper-mills
paperknife/9 -> paperknives
para-professional/9 -> para-professionals
paraboloid/9 -> paraboloids
parallelise/9 -> parallelises,parallelised,parallelising
paramountcy/9 -> paramountcies
paratha/9 -> parathas
park-keeper/9 -> park-keepers
parlor/9 -> parlors
parrote/9 -> parroting,parroted
part-song/9 -> part-songs
particularise/9 -> particularised,particularising
partizan/9 -> partizans
passbook/9 -> passbooks
passerby/9 -> passerbies
pastorale/9 -> pastorales
patinate/9 -> patinated,patinates,patinating
patrial/9 -> patrials
pattern-maker/9 -> pattern-makers
pby/9 -> pbys
pearlescent/9 -> pearlescents
peccadilloe/9 -> peccadilloes
peeress/9 -> peeresses
peinture/9 -> peintures
pelisse/9 -> pelisses
pendragon/9 -> pendragons
penmanship/9 -> penmanships
perambulator/9 -> perambulators
perceptibility/9 -> perceptibilities
periodogram/9 -> periodograms
peritoneum/9 -> peritoneums
perjurer/9 -> perjurers
persaud/9 -> persauded
personation/9 -> personations
pet-owner/9 -> pet-owners
phagemid/9 -> phagemids
phagocytosis/9 -> phagocytoses
phalluse/9 -> phalluses
phantasmagoria/9 -> phantasmagorias
phenomenalist/9 -> phenomenalists
philp/9 -> philps
photosynthesize/9 -> photosynthesized,photosynthesizing
phrygia/9 -> phrygias
pictor/9 -> pictors
pillare/9 -> pillared
pipsqueak/9 -> pipsqueaks
plaquette/9 -> plaquettes
platy/9 -> platies
playgoer/9 -> playgoers
pledgee/9 -> pledgees
pleonasm/9 -> pleonasms
plughead/9 -> plugheads
podger/9 -> podgers,podgered
poi/9 -> pois
polenier/9 -> poleniers
polka-dot/9 -> polka-dots
polymerize/9 -> polymerized,polymerizing,polymerizes
polymorph/9 -> polymorphs
pontifex/9 -> pontifices
pooka/9 -> pookas
potager/9 -> potagers
pouf/9 -> poufs
poundstretcher/9 -> poundstretchers
power-cut/9 -> power-cuts
pre-selection/9 -> pre-selections
preamplifier/9 -> preamplifiers
preconceive/9 -> preconceived,preconceives,preconceiving
preexist/9 -> preexisting,preexisted,preexists
prefabrication/9 -> prefabrications
preformationist/9 -> preformationists
prepattern/9 -> prepatterns
preprogram/9 -> preprogrammed
prerecord/9 -> prerecorded,prerecording,prerecords
press-cutting/9 -> press-cuttings
pretense/9 -> pretenses
pretention/9 -> pretentions
pricker/9 -> prickers
primness/9 -> primnesses
pro-chancellor/9 -> pro-chancellors
problematise/9 -> problematising,problematises,problematised
procyon/9 -> procyons
prognose/9 -> prognoses
projet/9 -> projets
proletarianize/9 -> proletarianized,proletarianizing
pronunciamiento/9 -> pronunciamientos
propitiation/9 -> propitiations
prosthese/9 -> prostheses
prosthetist/9 -> prosthetists
psalmody/9 -> psalmodies
pseud/9 -> pseuds
pseudo-variable/9 -> pseudo-variables
pubis/9 -> pubiss
pullout/9 -> pullouts
punchbowl/9 -> punchbowls
purposelessness/9 -> purposelessnesses
pwa/9 -> pwas
pygling/9 -> pyglings
pyon/9 -> pyons
pyroclast/9 -> pyroclasts
q-branch/9 -> q-branches
qanta/9 -> qantas
qtr-final/9 -> qtr-finals
quadrature/9 -> quadratures
quaintness/9 -> quaintnesses
quantize/9 -> quantized,quantizing,quantizes
quatrefoil/9 -> quatrefoils
quern/9 -> querns
quirkiness/9 -> quirkinesses
racecard/9 -> racecards
rackete/9 -> racketing,racketed
radio-telescope/9 -> radio-telescopes
ram-raid/9 -> ram-raids
rapoport/9 -> rapoports
rastafarianism/9 -> rastafarianisms
rate-payer/9 -> rate-payers
ratter/9 -> ratters
re-estimate/9 -> re-estimated,re-estimating,re-estimates
re-instatement/9 -> re-instatements
re-kindle/9 -> re-kindled
re-mortgage/9 -> re-mortgaged,re-mortgaging
re-occur/9 -> re-occurring,re-occurs,re-occurred
re-style/9 -> re-styled,re-styles
re-tile/9 -> re-tiling,re-tiled
reading-room/9 -> reading-rooms
readymade/9 -> readymades
reboard/9 -> reboarded,reboarding
recharging/9 -> rechargings
recieve/9 -> recieved
reconciler/9 -> reconcilers
recto/9 -> rectoes
recurve/9 -> recurved,recurves,recurving
red-shift/9 -> red-shifts
red-tail/9 -> red-tails
reeky/9 -> reekies
reemerge/9 -> reemerged
reemphasize/9 -> reemphasizing,reemphasized
referrer/9 -> referrers
reforest/9 -> reforested,reforesting,reforests
refreeze/9 -> refreezing,refreezes
reglaze/9 -> reglazed,reglazing,reglazes
reinsurer/9 -> reinsurers
reive/9 -> reiving,reives
relapsing/9 -> relapsings
remanufacture/9 -> remanufactured,remanufacturing,remanufactures
rending/9 -> rendings
renominate/9 -> renominated
repackaging/9 -> repackagings
repetitiveness/9 -> repetitivenesses
reprovision/9 -> reprovisioning
rerelease/9 -> rereleases,rereleased
respecify/9 -> respecified,respecifying,respecifies
responsion/9 -> responsions
restage/9 -> restaged,restaging
restrictor/9 -> restrictors
retable/9 -> retables,retabled
retread/9 -> retreads
revelling/9 -> revellings
revitaliser/9 -> revitalisers
reye/9 -> reyes
rhein/9 -> rheins
rhodopsin/9 -> rhodopsins
rhone-alpe/9 -> rhone-alpes
riata/9 -> riatas
rice-field/9 -> rice-fields
rickey/9 -> rickeys
ridge-walk/9 -> ridge-walks
road-sign/9 -> road-signs
rock-and-roll/9 -> rock-and-rolls
rockete/9 -> rocketing
rogation/9 -> rogations
role-slot/9 -> role-slots
romancer/9 -> romancers
romanist/9 -> romanists
roofline/9 -> rooflines
rose-grower/9 -> rose-growers
rosing/9 -> rosings
rostand/9 -> rostands
roundworm/9 -> roundworms
roust/9 -> rousted
routinize/9 -> routinized,routinizing
rozo/9 -> rozos
rp-or/9 -> rp-ors
rubiaceae/9 -> rubiaceaes
rucker/9 -> ruckers
rupiah/9 -> rupiahs
safar/9 -> safars
sailplane/9 -> sailplanes
salesroom/9 -> salesrooms
salthouse/9 -> salthouses
salwar/9 -> salwars
sambar/9 -> sambars
sanderling/9 -> sanderlings
sang-froid/9 -> sang-froids
saponin/9 -> saponins
sapwood/9 -> sapwoods
sarny/9 -> sarnies
sateen/9 -> sateens
savoir-faire/9 -> savoir-faires
sawy/9 -> sawyer
scally/9 -> scallies
sceatta/9 -> sceattas
schmooze/9 -> schmoozed,schmoozing,schmoozes
school-day/9 -> school-days
schoolbag/9 -> schoolbags
scient/9 -> scienter
scooper/9 -> scoopers
scop/9 -> scops
scourer/9 -> scourers
scoutmaster/9 -> scoutmasters
scrofula/9 -> scrofulas
scrump/9 -> scrumping
scuttler/9 -> scuttlers
scuzzy/9 -> scuzziest,scuzzies
sea-anemone/9 -> sea-anemones
second-high/9 -> second-highest
seedhead/9 -> seedheads
seediness/9 -> seedinesses
seersucker/9 -> seersuckers
seisha/9 -> seishas
self-administration/9 -> self-administrations
self-aggrandisement/9 -> self-aggrandisements
self-reflexivity/9 -> self-reflexivities
sellout/9 -> sellouts
senora/9 -> senoras
sentence-grammarian/9 -> sentence-grammarians
sentimentalize/9 -> sentimentalized,sentimentalizes,sentimentalizing
sepal/9 -> sepals
sereno/9 -> serenos
sermonize/9 -> sermonizing,sermonized,sermonizes
servicewoman/9 -> servicewomen
seven-night/9 -> seven-nights
sha'ban/9 -> sha'bans
sha/9 -> shas
share-holder/9 -> share-holders
sharedeal/9 -> sharedealing,sharedealer
shiftworker/9 -> shiftworkers
shigella/9 -> shigellas
shiksa/9 -> shiksas
shir/9 -> shirring,shirred
shoddiness/9 -> shoddinesses
shop-keeper/9 -> shop-keepers
shortsightedness/9 -> shortsightednesses
shotter/9 -> shotters
shoulderblade/9 -> shoulderblades
showhouse/9 -> showhouses
shufti/9 -> shuftis
side-shoot/9 -> side-shoots
side-track/9 -> side-tracks,side-tracked
sidebar/9 -> sidebars
sideman/9 -> sidemen
sight-line/9 -> sight-lines
single-strand/9 -> single-stranded
sinning/9 -> sinnings
siraj-ud-daula/9 -> siraj-ud-daulas
six-bedroom/9 -> six-bedrooms
skald/9 -> skalds,skalded
sketcher/9 -> sketchers
skyhook/9 -> skyhooks
skyrockete/9 -> skyrocketed,skyrocketing
slavering/9 -> slaverings
sleekness/9 -> sleeknesses
sleuthing/9 -> sleuthings
slideshow/9 -> slideshows
slow-worm/9 -> slow-worms
slub/9 -> slubs
slumming/9 -> slummings
smarting/9 -> smartings
smoothy/9 -> smoothies
smorgasbord/9 -> smorgasbords
snack-bar/9 -> snack-bars
snatching/9 -> snatchings
snowmobile/9 -> snowmobiles,snowmobiling
snuffling/9 -> snufflings
sociale/9 -> sociales
sociopath/9 -> sociopaths
soft-top/9 -> soft-tops
solanum/9 -> solanums
solitariness/9 -> solitarinesses
sooth/9 -> sooths
sound-track/9 -> sound-tracks
soundalike/9 -> soundalikes
sourcebook/9 -> sourcebooks
sourpuss/9 -> sourpusses
southernwood/9 -> southernwoods
speakeasy/9 -> speakeasies
spectroscope/9 -> spectroscopes
speedster/9 -> speedsters
spell-wall/9 -> spell-walls
spheroplast/9 -> spheroplasts
spiff/9 -> spiffing,spiffed
spinel/9 -> spinels
spinnerette/9 -> spinnerettes
spiralist/9 -> spiralists
spivvy/9 -> spivvier
splotch/9 -> splotches,splotched
spokeman/9 -> spokemen
spurge/9 -> spurging
stagecraft/9 -> stagecrafts
stainer/9 -> stainers
standard-setter/9 -> standard-setters
state-centrist/9 -> state-centrists
stirk/9 -> stirks
stocktake/9 -> stocktakes
straight-jacket/9 -> straight-jackets
strindberg/9 -> strindbergs
stripling/9 -> striplings
stuccoe/9 -> stuccoed,stuccoes
stuyvesant/9 -> stuyvesants
sub-goal/9 -> sub-goals
sub-grouping/9 -> sub-groupings
sub-market/9 -> sub-markets
sub-organization/9 -> sub-organizations
sub-prioress/9 -> sub-prioresses
sub-schema/9 -> sub-schemas
sub-shell/9 -> sub-shells
subframe/9 -> subframes
subject-area/9 -> subject-areas
subplot/9 -> subplots
suckermouth/9 -> suckermouths
suiting/9 -> suitings
sumptuousness/9 -> sumptuousnesses
sundowner/9 -> sundowners
supersaturate/9 -> supersaturated
supersaver/9 -> supersavers
supersense/9 -> supersenses
suprematist/9 -> suprematists
suretyship/9 -> suretyships
survivalist/9 -> survivalists
suspensory/9 -> suspensories
suyo/9 -> suyos
suzerain/9 -> suzerains
swingometer/9 -> swingometers
syconium/9 -> syconiums
sylphide/9 -> sylphides
synge/9 -> synges
systeme/9 -> systemes
t'mill/9 -> t'mills
tacho/9 -> tachos
tachyon/9 -> tachyons
tackiness/9 -> tackinesses
taffrail/9 -> taffrails
tallahassee/9 -> tallahassees
tamponade/9 -> tamponades
tankmate/9 -> tankmates
tantalum/9 -> tantalums
tape-measure/9 -> tape-measures
tarawa/9 -> tarawas
te/9 -> tes
tea-cosy/9 -> tea-cosies
teacher-trainer/9 -> teacher-trainers
team-member/9 -> team-members
telemine/9 -> telemines
tending/9 -> tendings
tenpin/9 -> tenpins
tessellate/9 -> tessellated,tessellating,tessellates
teuton/9 -> teutons
thay/9 -> thayed
theorisation/9 -> theorisations
theosophist/9 -> theosophists
therapsid/9 -> therapsids
therr/9 -> therrs
thetis/9 -> thetiss
thickener/9 -> thickeners
thiocyanate/9 -> thiocyanates
thirty-five-year-old/9 -> thirty-five-year-olds
thomist/9 -> thomists
thy/9 -> thier,thys
tieback/9 -> tiebacks
tiepin/9 -> tiepins
timbrel/9 -> timbrels
time-word/9 -> time-words
timelord/9 -> timelords
tithing/9 -> tithings
togc/9 -> togcs
toller/9 -> tollers
tomogram/9 -> tomograms
tongue-lashing/9 -> tongue-lashings
topsail/9 -> topsails
tosspot/9 -> tosspots
toughie/9 -> toughies
towline/9 -> towlines
townswoman/9 -> townswomen
toxicologist/9 -> toxicologists
toxoid/9 -> toxoids
track-suit/9 -> track-suits,track-suited
tram-car/9 -> tram-cars
transferral/9 -> transferrals
trashcan/9 -> trashcans
traveler/9 -> travelers
tree-creeper/9 -> tree-creepers
tree-root/9 -> tree-roots
trenton/9 -> trentons
treponema/9 -> treponemas
trestle-table/9 -> trestle-tables
tri-gram/9 -> tri-grams
tribology/9 -> tribologies
trimaran/9 -> trimarans
trimphone/9 -> trimphones
trinovante/9 -> trinovantes
triploid/9 -> triploids
troye/9 -> troyes
trustbuster/9 -> trustbusters
tryptophan/9 -> tryptophans
tulu/9 -> tulus
turpitude/9 -> turpitudes
tutor-librarian/9 -> tutor-librarians
tva/9 -> tvas
twink/9 -> twinks
two-pound/9 -> two-pounds
typewrit/9 -> typewriting
typicality/9 -> typicalities
ulcc/9 -> ulccs
ulcerate/9 -> ulcerating,ulcerates,ulcerated
un-supervise/9 -> un-supervised
under-employ/9 -> under-employed
under-record/9 -> under-recorded,under-recording
underdrawing/9 -> underdrawings
unforthcome/9 -> unforthcoming
unlatch/9 -> unlatched,unlatching
unlawfulness/9 -> unlawfulnesses
unresponsiveness/9 -> unresponsivenesses
unruliness/9 -> unrulinesses
upa/9 -> upas
urbanite/9 -> urbanites
urd/9 -> urds
urinalysis/9 -> urinalyses
ute/9 -> utes
vacuolation/9 -> vacuolations
vacuolisation/9 -> vacuolisations
vainglory/9 -> vainglories
valparaiso/9 -> valparaisoes
varve/9 -> varves
ventriloquy/9 -> ventriloquys
vesica/9 -> vesicas
vicar-general/9 -> vicars-general
vicariate/9 -> vicariates
victualling/9 -> victuallings
view-point/9 -> view-points
villainess/9 -> villainesses
vinca/9 -> vincas
vindaloo/9 -> vindaloos
viscometer/9 -> viscometers
visualiser/9 -> visualisers
vivify/9 -> vivified,vivifying,vivifies
volpe/9 -> volpes
w-cell/9 -> w-cells
wachter/9 -> wachters
wagging/9 -> waggings
waje/9 -> wajed
walkington/9 -> walkingtons
wallcover/9 -> wallcovering
wallplug/9 -> wallplugs
warboss/9 -> warbosses
warrantor/9 -> warrantors
wash-stand/9 -> wash-stands
washboard/9 -> washboards
washhouse/9 -> washhouses
water-ski/9 -> water-skis,water-skiing,water-skied
waterproofer/9 -> waterproofers
waveguide/9 -> waveguides
weightlift/9 -> weightlifting
westmead/9 -> westmeads
whiffle/9 -> whiffling,whiffled
whipcord/9 -> whipcords
whitebait/9 -> whitebaits
whiteboard/9 -> whiteboards
whitsunday/9 -> whitsundays
willow-pattern/9 -> willow-patterns
wine-glass/9 -> wine-glasses
wire-cutter/9 -> wire-cutters
withold/9 -> witholding,witholds
wkt/9 -> wkts
womanliness/9 -> womanlinesses
wonton/9 -> wontons
wood-louse/9 -> wood-lice
wood-pasture/9 -> wood-pastures
woodcarve/9 -> woodcarving
woofer/9 -> woofers
work-house/9 -> work-houses
work-to-rule/9 -> work-to-rules
workplan/9 -> workplans
wreath-laying/9 -> wreath-layings
writedown/9 -> writedowns
z-parameter/9 -> z-parameters
zea/9 -> zeas
'box/8 -> 'boxes
'cept/8 -> 'cepting
'ospital/8 -> 'ospitals
'oss/8 -> 'osses
abash/8 -> abashed,abashes,abashing
abominate/8 -> abominated,abominates,abominating
abortionist/8 -> abortionists
abotrite/8 -> abotrites
absoluteness/8 -> absolutenesses
abstractness/8 -> abstractnesses
acclimation/8 -> acclimations
accustome/8 -> accustoming
acrobatics/8 -> acrobaticss
actualisation/8 -> actualisations
adh/8 -> adhs
adrianople/8 -> adrianoples
aengus/8 -> aenguss
aerodynamicist/8 -> aerodynamicists
afterburner/8 -> afterburners
agribusinessman/8 -> agribusinessmen
aide-memoire/8 -> aide-memoires
airpack/8 -> airpacks
albee/8 -> albees
alek/8 -> aleks
alginate/8 -> alginates
alkalosis/8 -> alkaloses
alkene/8 -> alkenes
all-boy/8 -> all-boys
allosaurus/8 -> allosauruss
allotrope/8 -> allotropes
allottee/8 -> allottees
alocentric/8 -> alocentrics
alternanthera/8 -> alternantheras
amativeness/8 -> amativenesses
amphibolite/8 -> amphibolites
analyzer/8 -> analyzers
anchorite/8 -> anchorites
anergy/8 -> anergies
anglo-burman/8 -> anglo-burmans
angstrom/8 -> angstroms
animal-watcher/8 -> animal-watchers
annaba/8 -> annabas
ans/8 -> anss
anthia/8 -> anthias
antibe/8 -> antibes
antineutron/8 -> antineutrons
antinomy/8 -> antinomies
aphrodisian/8 -> aphrodisians
archduchess/8 -> archduchesses
arenaria/8 -> arenarias
arianism/8 -> arianisms
armee/8 -> armees
armlock/8 -> armlocked
arrangment/8 -> arrangments
arts/8 -> artss
ascaris/8 -> ascariss
aspergillus/8 -> aspergilluss
asphodel/8 -> asphodels
asr/8 -> asrs
astarte/8 -> astartes
ataman/8 -> atamans
atheling/8 -> athelings
atomist/8 -> atomists
atomize/8 -> atomized,atomizing,atomizes
atresia/8 -> atresias
atreus/8 -> atreuss
audibility/8 -> audibilities
audiocassette/8 -> audiocassettes
audiology/8 -> audiologies
auricula/8 -> auriculas
award-winner/8 -> award-winners
away-day/8 -> away-days
back-pedal/8 -> back-pedals,back-pedalling,back-pedalled
back-yard/8 -> back-yards
ball-game/8 -> ball-games
balletmaster/8 -> balletmasters
bana/8 -> banas
barathea/8 -> baratheas
bargain-hunter/8 -> bargain-hunters
barmitzvah/8 -> barmitzvahs
baseplate/8 -> baseplates
bason/8 -> basons
basutoland/8 -> basutolands
batterer/8 -> batterers
batteur/8 -> batteurs
battlecruiser/8 -> battlecruisers
bavin/8 -> bavins
bayonete/8 -> bayoneted,bayoneting
bcar/8 -> bcars
beatify/8 -> beatified,beatifies,beatifying
bechamel/8 -> bechamels
bed-head/8 -> bed-heads
bedder/8 -> bedders
beerhouse/8 -> beerhouses
befriender/8 -> befrienders
beggare/8 -> beggared
behring/8 -> behringer
belittling/8 -> belittlings
belly-button/8 -> belly-buttons
bellyach/8 -> bellyaching,bellyaches
benedick/8 -> benedicks
benignity/8 -> benignities
bernoulli/8 -> bernoullis
bevanite/8 -> bevanites
bicheiro/8 -> bicheiros
biggy/8 -> biggies
billhook/8 -> billhooks
billiard-ball/8 -> billiard-balls
bioluminescence/8 -> bioluminescences
biotechnologist/8 -> biotechnologists
bizzy/8 -> bizzies
blackcock/8 -> blackcocks
blacklead/8 -> blackleading
blatancy/8 -> blatancies
blithering/8 -> blitherings
bloater/8 -> bloaters
blow-dry/8 -> blow-drys,blow-dries,blow-drying,blow-dried
blow-job/8 -> blow-jobs
bluestocking/8 -> bluestockings
bly/8 -> blyed
boat-build/8 -> boat-building
bodach/8 -> bodachs
bodytoner/8 -> bodytoners
boilerplate/8 -> boilerplating
bolshy/8 -> bolshies
bomp/8 -> bomped
bondman/8 -> bondmen
bookroom/8 -> bookrooms
boomy/8 -> boomiest
boozebuster/8 -> boozebusters
borate/8 -> borates
borscht/8 -> borschts
bosporus/8 -> bosporuss
bourguignon/8 -> bourguignons
boxroom/8 -> boxrooms
brack/8 -> bracked
braising/8 -> braisings
branch-line/8 -> branch-lines
brander/8 -> branders
breslau/8 -> breslaus
brevet/8 -> brevets,brevetting,brevetted
brickyard/8 -> brickyards
bridgework/8 -> bridgeworks
bridlepath/8 -> bridlepaths
brilliancy/8 -> brilliancies
brilliantine/8 -> brilliantined
briny/8 -> brinies
broad-class/8 -> broad-classes
brontosaur/8 -> brontosaurs
brookman/8 -> brookmans
brucellosis/8 -> brucelloses
buganda/8 -> bugandas
bunion/8 -> bunions
burgage/8 -> burgages
businessobject/8 -> businessobjects
caber/8 -> cabers
caesura/8 -> caesuras
cahier/8 -> cahiers
calcification/8 -> calcifications
calderon/8 -> calderons
candlemas/8 -> candlemass
canoodle/8 -> canoodling,canoodled,canoodles
canuck/8 -> canucks
capriciousness/8 -> capriciousnesses
caracol/8 -> caracolling
caravanner/8 -> caravanners
cardiograph/8 -> cardiographed
caricaturist/8 -> caricaturists
carnot/8 -> carnots
casbah/8 -> casbahs
cashbox/8 -> cashboxes
catalyze/8 -> catalyzed,catalyzes,catalyzing
catamite/8 -> catamites
catatonia/8 -> catatonias
catchline/8 -> catchlines
catechumen/8 -> catechumens
caterwaul/8 -> caterwauling,caterwauls,caterwauled
catgut/8 -> catguts
cathexis/8 -> cathexes
caulking/8 -> caulkings
cayuse/8 -> cayuses
cebu/8 -> cebus
cecropia/8 -> cecropias
cell-mate/8 -> cell-mates
cellulosic/8 -> cellulosics
centaurea/8 -> centaureas
centre-halve/8 -> centre-halves
centreboard/8 -> centreboards
ch'ship/8 -> ch'ships
chaebol/8 -> chaebols
chagrine/8 -> chagrined
chair-lift/8 -> chair-lifts
chandlery/8 -> chandleries
charno/8 -> charnos
chartbuster/8 -> chartbusters
chemnitz/8 -> chemnitzs
cheop/8 -> cheops
chess-board/8 -> chess-boards
chettiar/8 -> chettiars
chiff-chaff/8 -> chiff-chaffs
chigwellian/8 -> chigwellians
child-woman/8 -> child-women
chironomid/8 -> chironomids
chlorination/8 -> chlorinations
chocoholic/8 -> chocoholics
cholelithiasis/8 -> cholelithiases
chook/8 -> chooked
christadelphian/8 -> christadelphians
chuckling/8 -> chucklings
chuse/8 -> chusing,chuses
cinemagoer/8 -> cinemagoers
circularise/8 -> circularised,circularising
circumflex/8 -> circumflexes
cladonia/8 -> cladonias
clae/8 -> claes
clarifier/8 -> clarifiers
clavier/8 -> claviers
clearway/8 -> clearways
clich/8 -> cliched,clichs
close-quarter/8 -> close-quarters
clubbing/8 -> clubbings
co-design/8 -> co-designed
co-habitation/8 -> co-habitations
co-present/8 -> co-presented,co-presenting,co-presents
coal-hole/8 -> coal-holes
coalhouse/8 -> coalhouses
coccolith/8 -> coccoliths
cockcrow/8 -> cockcrows
cockfighting/8 -> cockfightings
codeword/8 -> codewords
coenzyme/8 -> coenzymes
coffee-mug/8 -> coffee-mugs
coleus/8 -> coleuss
coliform/8 -> coliforms
colle/8 -> colles
colossae/8 -> colossaes
combativeness/8 -> combativenesses
come-hither/8 -> come-hithers
comin/8 -> comins
commision/8 -> commisioned
communalism/8 -> communalisms
compate/8 -> compated
compiling/8 -> compilings
comprend/8 -> comprends
comrade-in-arm/8 -> comrade-in-arms
conchoid/8 -> conchoids
condensing/8 -> condensings
condo/8 -> condos
confute/8 -> confuted,confutes,confuting
congener/8 -> congeners
conrod/8 -> conrods
conservative-historian/8 -> conservative-historians
const/8 -> consts
consumer-good/8 -> consumer-goods
continuant/8 -> continuants
contrariant/8 -> contrariants
controvert/8 -> controverted,controverts,controverting
cooking-hole/8 -> cooking-holes
coppe/8 -> coppes
coppersmith/8 -> coppersmiths
cording/8 -> cordings
corer/8 -> corers
corncob/8 -> corncobs
cornett/8 -> cornetts
corroding/8 -> corrodings
corrody/8 -> corrodies
cortijo/8 -> cortijos
corylus/8 -> coryluss
cossart/8 -> cossarts
cost-reduction/8 -> cost-reductions
costmary/8 -> costmaries
cottonwood/8 -> cottonwoods
counter-melody/8 -> counter-melodies
counter-strategy/8 -> counter-strategies
counteraction/8 -> counteractions
courser/8 -> coursers
cover-drive/8 -> cover-drives
coxa/8 -> coxas
coxcomb/8 -> coxcombed
crack-up/8 -> crack-ups
cratchit/8 -> cratchits
crecy/8 -> crecies
cribbage/8 -> cribbages
cricetid/8 -> cricetids
criticality/8 -> criticalities
cromlech/8 -> cromlechs
cronus/8 -> cronuss
cross-breed/8 -> cross-breeds
cross-course/8 -> cross-courses
cross-holding/8 -> cross-holdings
cross-street/8 -> cross-streets
crosspiece/8 -> crosspieces
crowd-pleaser/8 -> crowd-pleasers
cry-baby/8 -> cry-babies
culm/8 -> culms
cultigen/8 -> cultigens
curacao/8 -> curacaos
cuteness/8 -> cutenesses
cutpurse/8 -> cutpurses
cutthroat/8 -> cutthroats
d'y/8 -> d'yer
daba/8 -> dabas
daghestan/8 -> daghestans
dago/8 -> dagos
data-collection/8 -> data-collections
daydreaming/8 -> daydreamings
daylength/8 -> daylengths
daytimer/8 -> daytimers
de-brief/8 -> de-briefing,de-briefs,de-briefed
deadbait/8 -> deadbaits
death-trap/8 -> death-traps
decaffeinate/8 -> decaffeinated,decaffeinates,decaffeinating
decamer/8 -> decamers
decatur/8 -> decaturs
decongestant/8 -> decongestants
decrypt/8 -> decrypted,decrypts,decrypting
defaecate/8 -> defaecating,defaecated
delamination/8 -> delaminations
delegacy/8 -> delegacies
delicense/8 -> delicensed
demit/8 -> demitting,demitted,demits
depressor/8 -> depressors
deregistration/8 -> deregistrations
deskpro/8 -> deskpros
desmosome/8 -> desmosomes
destock/8 -> destocking
destrier/8 -> destriers
detective-inspector/8 -> detective-inspectors
detent/8 -> detents
deviser/8 -> devisers
dexedrine/8 -> dexedrines
diathesis/8 -> diatheses
did/8 -> dids
diesel-electric/8 -> diesel-electrics
diff-lock/8 -> diff-locks
dilator/8 -> dilators
dink/8 -> dinks,dinked
diogenes/8 -> diogeness
diorama/8 -> dioramas
direction-finder/8 -> direction-finders
dirty-trick/8 -> dirty-tricks
discompose/8 -> discomposed,discomposes,discomposing
dishwashing/8 -> dishwashings
disinterestedness/8 -> disinterestednesses
disturber/8 -> disturbers
disunit/8 -> disunited
diverticulosis/8 -> diverticuloses
dog-handler/8 -> dog-handlers
domo/8 -> domos
doorjamb/8 -> doorjambs
dosimetry/8 -> dosimetries
dosseret/8 -> dosserets
double-standard/8 -> double-standards
double-stop/8 -> double-stops
down-turn/8 -> down-turns
draftee/8 -> draftees
draftsmanship/8 -> draftsmanships
drainage-basin/8 -> drainage-basins
drawee/8 -> drawees
dream-book/8 -> dream-books
dresdener/8 -> dresdeners
dribbler/8 -> dribblers
drybrough/8 -> drybroughs
dubby/8 -> dubbier
duellist/8 -> duellists
dulce/8 -> dulces
dumbshow/8 -> dumbshows
durum/8 -> durums
dyet/8 -> dyets
ear-tuft/8 -> ear-tufts
earth-mother/8 -> earth-mothers
eastertide/8 -> eastertides
ecru/8 -> ecrus
ectoparasite/8 -> ectoparasites
ectoplasm/8 -> ectoplasms
edelweiss/8 -> edelweisses
eet/8 -> eeting
embank/8 -> embanked,embanking,embanks
embayment/8 -> embayments
emotivist/8 -> emotivists
endeavor/8 -> endeavors
endicott/8 -> endicotts
endomembrane/8 -> endomembranes
endotherm/8 -> endotherms
ennoblement/8 -> ennoblements
enrole/8 -> enroled,enroling
entrelacement/8 -> entrelacements
ephemeris/8 -> ephemerides
ephesians/8 -> ephesianss
epidiascope/8 -> epidiascopes
episiotomy/8 -> episiotomies
eriophorum/8 -> eriophorums
ern/8 -> erns
erving/8 -> ervings
escalope/8 -> escalopes
escheator/8 -> escheators
esm/8 -> esms
euglossine/8 -> euglossines
eulogize/8 -> eulogizing,eulogized,eulogizes
euonymus/8 -> euonymuss
euphausiid/8 -> euphausiids
ever-large/8 -> ever-larger
evertonian/8 -> evertonians
ex-colleague/8 -> ex-colleagues
ex-councillor/8 -> ex-councillors
ex-general/8 -> ex-generals
ex-head/8 -> ex-heads
ex-marine/8 -> ex-marines
ex-nurse/8 -> ex-nurses
ex-paratrooper/8 -> ex-paratroopers
ex-partner/8 -> ex-partners
executrix/8 -> executrices
exogamy/8 -> exogamies
externalise/8 -> externalised,externalising
extravasation/8 -> extravasations
extruder/8 -> extruders
extrusive/8 -> extrusives
eyestrain/8 -> eyestrains
eyle/8 -> eyles
f-hole/8 -> f-holes
facetiousness/8 -> facetiousnesses
facilite/8 -> facilites
facto/8 -> factos
fahfakh/8 -> fahfakhs
fakir/8 -> fakirs
fall-guy/8 -> fall-guys
farmscape/8 -> farmscapes
farsi/8 -> farsis
fascicle/8 -> fascicles
fastnet/8 -> fastnets
fat-cat/8 -> fat-cats
fatale/8 -> fatales
fault-line/8 -> fault-lines
fecca/8 -> feccas
fellah/8 -> fellahs
fellow-member/8 -> fellow-members
fenugreek/8 -> fenugreeks
ferreter/8 -> ferreters
fier/8 -> fiers
finger-end/8 -> finger-ends
fingermark/8 -> fingermarks
finiteness/8 -> finitenesses
firba/8 -> firbas
firebombing/8 -> firebombings
firemouth/8 -> firemouths
fisc/8 -> fiscs
five-seater/8 -> five-seaters
flnc/8 -> flncs
floatation/8 -> floatations
floc/8 -> flocs
flower-head/8 -> flower-heads
fluorspar/8 -> fluorspars
fly-button/8 -> fly-buttons
fly-fishing/8 -> fly-fishings
fly-halve/8 -> fly-halves
fly-paper/8 -> fly-papers
fonte/8 -> fontes
foodie/8 -> foodies
foody/8 -> foodies,foodiest
footbed/8 -> footbeds
forcefield/8 -> forcefields
foretel/8 -> foretelling
forew/8 -> forewing
formosan/8 -> formosans
foster-son/8 -> foster-sons
frana/8 -> franas
freakster/8 -> freaksters
free-trader/8 -> free-traders
freeload/8 -> freeloading,freeloads,freeloaded
freethinker/8 -> freethinkers
frequenter/8 -> frequenters
fripp/8 -> fripps
froglet/8 -> froglets
froing/8 -> froings
fulmination/8 -> fulminations
furrier/8 -> furriers
fuseway/8 -> fuseways
gabardine/8 -> gabardines
gaian/8 -> gaians
gair/8 -> gairing
galatea/8 -> galateas
gallimaufry/8 -> gallimaufries
gamage/8 -> gamages
gamester/8 -> gamesters
gamp/8 -> gamps
ganja/8 -> ganjas
garble/8 -> garbled,garbling,garbles
garderobe/8 -> garderobes
garrisonian/8 -> garrisonians
gasmask/8 -> gasmasks
gaucherie/8 -> gaucheries
gayness/8 -> gaynesses
german-american/8 -> german-americans
gete/8 -> geting,getes
geum/8 -> geums
gigacube/8 -> gigacubes
gigantism/8 -> gigantisms
gigbag/8 -> gigbags
gironde/8 -> girondes
gitane/8 -> gitanes
glamorisation/8 -> glamorisations
glass-house/8 -> glass-houses
glassmaker/8 -> glassmakers
glew/8 -> glewed
glowworm/8 -> glowworms
glycoside/8 -> glycosides
godlessness/8 -> godlessnesses
gold-leaf/8 -> gold-leafed
goldy/8 -> goldies
golfball/8 -> golfballs
goodfella/8 -> goodfellas
gordimer/8 -> gordimers
gorgonian/8 -> gorgonians
gorki/8 -> gorkis
griping/8 -> gripings
groly/8 -> grolier
groomsman/8 -> groomsmen
growbag/8 -> growbags
growler/8 -> growlers
grozny/8 -> groznies
grudger/8 -> grudgers
gsa/8 -> gsas
guantanamo/8 -> guantanamoes
guest-room/8 -> guest-rooms
guitare/8 -> guitarest,guitaring,guitares
gun-runner/8 -> gun-runners
gung/8 -> gunging
gunk/8 -> gunks
gurnard/8 -> gurnards
gyr/8 -> gyred
haggler/8 -> hagglers
hairiness/8 -> hairinesses
hairslide/8 -> hairslides
half-door/8 -> half-doors
half-pound/8 -> half-pounds
half-site/8 -> half-sites
half-size/8 -> half-sizes
half-sleep/8 -> half-sleeps
half-title/8 -> half-titles
half-volley/8 -> half-volleys
halkieriid/8 -> halkieriids
halloo/8 -> hallooing,halloos,hallooed
haltere/8 -> halteres
hammerhead/8 -> hammerheads
hand-bag/8 -> hand-bags
hand-pump/8 -> hand-pumps
hang-over/8 -> hang-overs
hapten/8 -> haptens
hardstone/8 -> hardstones
haree/8 -> harees
harrass/8 -> harrassed,harassed,harrassing
hat-stand/8 -> hat-stands
hatmaker/8 -> hatmakers
haver/8 -> havers,havered,havering
head-count/8 -> head-counts
headbanger/8 -> headbangers
headtorch/8 -> headtorches
heartach/8 -> heartaches
heaver/8 -> heavers
heavy-weight/8 -> heavy-weights
hematite/8 -> hematites
hemiptera/8 -> hemipteras
hephaestus/8 -> hephaestuss
heracles/8 -> heracless
heronry/8 -> heronries
high-up/8 -> high-ups
higuera/8 -> higueras
hilltown/8 -> hilltowns
hilltribe/8 -> hilltribes
hipparchus/8 -> hipparchuss
hippopotamuse/8 -> hippopotamuses
hobbyhorse/8 -> hobbyhorses
holography/8 -> holographies
home-range/8 -> home-ranges
hominoidea/8 -> hominoideas
honeyman/8 -> honeymen
hore/8 -> hores
horizontality/8 -> horizontalities
horlick/8 -> horlicks
horse-chestnut/8 -> horse-chestnuts
hotch/8 -> hotching
house-owner/8 -> house-owners
houseware/8 -> housewares
hubcap/8 -> hubcaps
humanisation/8 -> humanisations
humbrian/8 -> humbrians
hybridizing/8 -> hybridizings
hydronephrosis/8 -> hydronephroses
hydroxyl-radical/8 -> hydroxyl-radicals
hymer/8 -> hymers
hypergame/8 -> hypergames
hypocalcaemia/8 -> hypocalcaemias
ibmulator/8 -> ibmulators
ibuprofen/8 -> ibuprofens
ice-age/8 -> ice-ages
ichor/8 -> ichors
ichthyosaur/8 -> ichthyosaurs
iir/8 -> iirs
ill-omen/8 -> ill-omens
imagework/8 -> imageworks
immigrate/8 -> immigrated,immigrates,immigrating
immolation/8 -> immolations
immunocyte/8 -> immunocytes
immunologist/8 -> immunologists
impenetrability/8 -> impenetrabilities
inamorata/8 -> inamoratas
incapability/8 -> incapabilities
inclose/8 -> inclosed,inclosing,incloses
income-earner/8 -> income-earners
indwel/8 -> indwelling
ingebrigtsen/8 -> ingebrigtsens
ingrate/8 -> ingrates
instilling/8 -> instillings
intellectualisation/8 -> intellectualisations
interbreeding/8 -> interbreedings
interconversion/8 -> interconversions
intercrate/8 -> intercrater
interlayer/8 -> interlayers
internality/8 -> internalities
intima/8 -> intimas
invigilate/8 -> invigilated,invigilates,invigilating
irreligion/8 -> irreligions
iseult/8 -> iseults
isn/8 -> isns
isotropy/8 -> isotropies
iwa/8 -> iwas
jacks/8 -> jackss
jailing/8 -> jailings
jame/8 -> james
jeg/8 -> jegs
jerboa/8 -> jerboas
ji/8 -> jis
jobbery/8 -> jobberies
jobsworth/8 -> jobsworths
jocularity/8 -> jocularities
journalese/8 -> journaleses
jump-cut/8 -> jump-cuts
juneau/8 -> juneaux
juniperus/8 -> juniperuss
junketing/8 -> junketings
juste/8 -> justes
jv/8 -> jvs
kamba/8 -> kambas
kanamycin/8 -> kanamycins
kangol/8 -> kangols
karava/8 -> karavas
katsina/8 -> katsinas
kava/8 -> kavas
keck/8 -> kecks
keepership/8 -> keeperships
keno/8 -> kenoes
ketoacidosis/8 -> ketoacidoses
khanty/8 -> khantys
kievan/8 -> kievans
kilocalory/8 -> kilocalories
kinfolk/8 -> kinfolks
kinmuire/8 -> kinmuires
kirtle/8 -> kirtling,kirtles
kisumu/8 -> kisumus
kluson/8 -> klusons
koryak/8 -> koryaks
kota/8 -> kotas
koussevitzky/8 -> koussevitzkies
kren/8 -> krens
kroom/8 -> krooms
kurosawa/8 -> kurosawas
l-shape/8 -> l-shapes
labium/8 -> labiums
labour-force/8 -> labour-forces
lactobacillus/8 -> lactobacilluss
laddy/8 -> laddies
lagomorph/8 -> lagomorphs
lakenvelder/8 -> lakenvelders
lakshmi/8 -> lakshmis
lamella/8 -> lamellas
lammermuir/8 -> lammermuirs
lampholder/8 -> lampholders
lanthanide/8 -> lanthanides
lap-steel/8 -> lap-steels
laputa/8 -> laputas
lardner/8 -> lardners
lasciviousness/8 -> lasciviousnesses
laspistol/8 -> laspistols
lassa/8 -> lassas
late-comer/8 -> late-comers
laurentius/8 -> laurentiuss
lawe/8 -> lawes
laws/8 -> lawss
laxe/8 -> laxer
lead-mine/8 -> lead-mines
leatherjacket/8 -> leatherjackets
leem/8 -> leeming
left-handedness/8 -> left-handednesses
lewdness/8 -> lewdnesses
lewkenor/8 -> lewkenors
lib-dem/8 -> lib-dems
libration/8 -> librations
licht/8 -> lichts
lifesave/8 -> lifesaving
lightheartedness/8 -> lightheartednesses
lignin/8 -> lignins
limekiln/8 -> limekilns
lingen/8 -> lingens
linter/8 -> linters
lipaemia/8 -> lipaemias
lipocyte/8 -> lipocytes
lipopolysaccharide/8 -> lipopolysaccharides
llano/8 -> llanos
lockage/8 -> lockages
loewe/8 -> loewes
loganberry/8 -> loganberries
logwood/8 -> logwoods
longueur/8 -> longueurs
loosestrife/8 -> loosestrifes
loricariid/8 -> loricariids
love-make/8 -> love-making
love-object/8 -> love-objects
love-scene/8 -> love-scenes
lubber/8 -> lubbers
lutheranism/8 -> lutheranisms
lycee/8 -> lycees
lycian/8 -> lycians
lytle/8 -> lytles
macula/8 -> maculas
madagascan/8 -> madagascans
maillot/8 -> maillots
maintainer/8 -> maintainers
malmsey/8 -> malmseys
man-about-town/8 -> men-about-town
man-hater/8 -> man-haters
man-rem/8 -> man-rems
man-year/8 -> man-years
mange-tout/8 -> mange-touts
manifestoe/8 -> manifestoes
manometer/8 -> manometers
mante/8 -> mantes
manzanilla/8 -> manzanillas
market-town/8 -> market-towns
mascarade/8 -> mascarades
massiveness/8 -> massivenesses
mastication/8 -> mastications
masturbator/8 -> masturbators
matchmaking/8 -> matchmakings
matelot/8 -> matelots
materialization/8 -> materializations
matric/8 -> matrics
maven/8 -> mavens
means-test/8 -> means-testing,means-tests,means-tested
meare/8 -> meares
mediastinum/8 -> mediastinums
mega-buck/8 -> mega-bucks
megatrend/8 -> megatrends
mekon/8 -> mekons
melisma/8 -> melismas
memoire/8 -> memoires
menese/8 -> meneses
menhir/8 -> menhirs
mennonite/8 -> mennonites
mepacrine/8 -> mepacrines
mephistopheles/8 -> mephistopheless
mercat/8 -> mercats
mergus/8 -> merguss
meritocrat/8 -> meritocrats
merk/8 -> merks
meshed/8 -> mesheds
metal-worker/8 -> metal-workers
metalanguage/8 -> metalanguages
methotrexate/8 -> methotrexates
micro-climate/8 -> micro-climates
microfilament/8 -> microfilaments
microplate/8 -> microplates
microsociety/8 -> microsocieties
microworld/8 -> microworlds
mid-late/8 -> mid-later
mig-23/8 -> mig-23s
militarize/8 -> militarized,militarizes,militarizing
mill-wheel/8 -> mill-wheels
mill-worker/8 -> mill-workers
millenarianism/8 -> millenarianisms
milligramme/8 -> milligrammes
minden/8 -> mindens
mini-roundabout/8 -> mini-roundabouts
mischievousness/8 -> mischievousnesses
misfeasance/8 -> misfeasances
misidentify/8 -> misidentified,misidentifies
miskick/8 -> miskicked,miskicks
misspell/8 -> misspells,misspelling,misspelled,misspelt
mistranslation/8 -> mistranslations
mixture-of-distribution/8 -> mixture-of-distributions
mobilizer/8 -> mobilizers
modele/8 -> modeled,modeling
money-changer/8 -> money-changers
monicker/8 -> monickers
moraceae/8 -> moraceaes
morus/8 -> moruss
mountebank/8 -> mountebanks
mro/8 -> mros
mudlark/8 -> mudlarks
muggin/8 -> muggins
mulatto/8 -> mulattoes
multi-language/8 -> multi-languages
multifilament/8 -> multifilaments
multilateralist/8 -> multilateralists
murkiness/8 -> murkinesses
myalgia/8 -> myalgias
nacelle/8 -> nacelles
nanaimo/8 -> nanaimoes
naturism/8 -> naturisms
needle-thin/8 -> needle-thins
neo-darwinism/8 -> neo-darwinisms
neo-weberian/8 -> neo-weberians
neocolor/8 -> neocolors
neoteny/8 -> neotenies
netherworld/8 -> netherworlds
neustrian/8 -> neustrians
newcome/8 -> newcomes
night-cap/8 -> night-caps
nighthawk/8 -> nighthawks
nitpick/8 -> nitpicking
nitwit/8 -> nitwits
nomo/8 -> nomos
non-elite/8 -> non-elites
non-indian/8 -> non-indians
non-monopoly/8 -> non-monopolies
non-musician/8 -> non-musicians
non-plated/8 -> non-plateds
non-racist/8 -> non-racists
non-sufferer/8 -> non-sufferers
non-terminal/8 -> non-terminals
non-woven/8 -> non-wovens
nonessential/8 -> nonessentials
nonsuch/8 -> nonsuches
nosegay/8 -> nosegays
notecard/8 -> notecards
novitiate/8 -> novitiates
numbskull/8 -> numbskulls
numismatist/8 -> numismatists
nut-case/8 -> nut-cases
nympho/8 -> nymphos
oab/8 -> oabs
oak-tree/8 -> oak-trees
object-glass/8 -> object-glasses
oblation/8 -> oblations
obstructionist/8 -> obstructionists
odalisque/8 -> odalisques
odets/8 -> odetss
oestradiol/8 -> oestradiols
offerer/8 -> offerers
officiating/8 -> officiatings
oil-drum/8 -> oil-drums
oil-shale/8 -> oil-shales
oilbird/8 -> oilbirds
olmec/8 -> olmecs
ommit/8 -> ommitted
open-system/8 -> open-systems
opera-ballet/8 -> opera-ballets
oppositeness/8 -> oppositenesses
orff/8 -> orffs
organo-chloride/8 -> organo-chlorides
orphane/8 -> orphaned
orphist/8 -> orphists
orris/8 -> orriss
orthopaedics/8 -> orthopaedicss
oscillogram/8 -> oscillograms
ossuary/8 -> ossuaries
ostmark/8 -> ostmarks
ostrava/8 -> ostravas
ostrer/8 -> ostrers
otho/8 -> othoes
oubliette/8 -> oubliettes
out-tray/8 -> out-trays
outcropping/8 -> outcroppings
over-borrow/8 -> over-borrowed,over-borrowing
over-exploit/8 -> over-exploited
over-identify/8 -> over-identified,over-identifying
over-involve/8 -> over-involved
over-provide/8 -> over-provided
over-size/8 -> over-sized,over-sizing
over-tax/8 -> over-taxed,over-taxing
overeater/8 -> overeaters
overexploitation/8 -> overexploitations
overexposure/8 -> overexposures
overindulgence/8 -> overindulgences
overshoe/8 -> overshoes
oversleep/8 -> oversleeping,oversleeps,overslept
overstimulate/8 -> overstimulating,overstimulated
overwrap/8 -> overwrapped,overwrapping
owlet/8 -> owlets
pacifier/8 -> pacifiers
packager/8 -> packagers
packing-case/8 -> packing-cases
paderewski/8 -> paderewskis
pahoehoe/8 -> pahoehoes
pakamac/8 -> pakamacs
palanquin/8 -> palanquins
palliasse/8 -> palliasses
panini/8 -> paninis
panjabi/8 -> panjabis
pantheism/8 -> pantheisms
paper-stripper/8 -> paper-strippers
parador/8 -> paradors
parang/8 -> parangs
parapsychologist/8 -> parapsychologists
parascend/8 -> parascending
parchment-seller/8 -> parchment-sellers
parotid/8 -> parotids
parousia/8 -> parousias
party-pooper/8 -> party-poopers
parvovirus/8 -> parvoviruss
passage-way/8 -> passage-ways
patronymic/8 -> patronymics
pavan/8 -> pavans
pavior/8 -> paviors
peatbog/8 -> peatbogs
peccadillo/8 -> peccadillos,peccadilloes
peggotty/8 -> peggottys
pellea/8 -> pelleas
pelycosaur/8 -> pelycosaurs
pen-portrait/8 -> pen-portraits
penstemon/8 -> penstemons
pep-talk/8 -> pep-talks
periplaneta/8 -> periplanetas
perisher/8 -> perishers
pesach/8 -> pesaches
petrodollar/8 -> petrodollars
peyote/8 -> peyotes
phanerozoic/8 -> phanerozoics
pharmacokinetic/8 -> pharmacokinetics
pharo/8 -> pharos
phimosis/8 -> phimoses
phormium/8 -> phormiums
phosphodiesterase/8 -> phosphodiesterases
photo-cd/8 -> photo-cds
photocomposition/8 -> photocompositioned
photojournalism/8 -> photojournalisms
photometry/8 -> photometries
photosetter/8 -> photosetters
phototherapy/8 -> phototherapies
pietism/8 -> pietisms
pigmy/8 -> pigmies
pikestaff/8 -> pikestaffs
pillager/8 -> pillagers
pinkness/8 -> pinknesses
pipistrelle/8 -> pipistrelles
pire/8 -> pires
piscean/8 -> pisceans
pissing/8 -> pissings
pit-head/8 -> pit-heads
placename/8 -> placenames
plaister/8 -> plaistered,plaisters
planchette/8 -> planchettes
plant-eater/8 -> plant-eaters
play-back/8 -> play-backs
playday/8 -> playdays
playlet/8 -> playlets
plot-line/8 -> plot-lines
plug-compatible/8 -> plug-compatibles
plutocrat/8 -> plutocrats
pneumoconiosis/8 -> pneumoconioses
pneumothorax/8 -> pneumothoraxes
pochette/8 -> pochettes
polenta/8 -> polentas
politican/8 -> politicans
polychromo/8 -> polychromos
pompeian/8 -> pompeians
popstar/8 -> popstars
popularization/8 -> popularizations
post-acquisition/8 -> post-acquisitions
post-boy/8 -> post-boys
post-it/8 -> post-they
postulant/8 -> postulants
postulation/8 -> postulations
pot-au-feu/8 -> pot-au-feus
potboiler/8 -> potboilers
power-holder/8 -> power-holders
power-house/8 -> power-houses
power-loom/8 -> power-looms
powertool/8 -> powertools
prager/8 -> pragers
prayerbook/8 -> prayerbooks
pre-estimate/8 -> pre-estimated
pre-fab/8 -> pre-fabs
pre-head/8 -> pre-heads
pre-schooler/8 -> pre-schoolers
pre-teen/8 -> pre-teens
premonstratensian/8 -> premonstratensians
preseason/8 -> preseasons
presser/8 -> pressers
pretending/8 -> pretendings
print-run/8 -> print-runs
pro-palestinian/8 -> pro-palestinians
procrastinator/8 -> procrastinators
professionalise/8 -> professionalised,professionalising
prognosticate/8 -> prognosticates,prognosticated,prognosticating
progressivity/8 -> progressivities
proliferator/8 -> proliferators
prolixity/8 -> prolixities
prorogue/8 -> prorogued,proroguing,prorogues
proserpina/8 -> proserpinas
protozoon/8 -> protozoa
pruner/8 -> pruners
psaltery/8 -> psalteries
psittacidae/8 -> psittacidaes
psychobiologist/8 -> psychobiologists
psychographic/8 -> psychographics
puffiness/8 -> puffinesses
pyromaniac/8 -> pyromaniacs
pyrophosphate/8 -> pyrophosphates
quadricep/8 -> quadriceps
quadrophonic/8 -> quadrophonics
que/8 -> quing,ques
quebecker/8 -> quebeckers
quenching/8 -> quenchings
quercus/8 -> quercuss
quicky/8 -> quickies
quietist/8 -> quietists
quizmaster/8 -> quizmasters
race-track/8 -> race-tracks
raceway/8 -> raceways
racoon/8 -> racoons
radicalise/8 -> radicalised
raggy/8 -> raggies
railman/8 -> railmen
rain-cloud/8 -> rain-clouds
ramin/8 -> ramins
rat-trap/8 -> rat-traps
rats-tail/8 -> rats-tails
raunch/8 -> raunching
rawlplug/8 -> rawlplugs
ray-gun/8 -> ray-guns
re-alignment/8 -> re-alignments
re-analyse/8 -> re-analysing,re-analysed
re-assure/8 -> re-assured,re-assuring
re-bait/8 -> re-baited,re-baiting
re-cast/8 -> re-casting
re-confirm/8 -> re-confirmed,re-confirms
re-connect/8 -> re-connected,re-connecting
re-emit/8 -> re-emitted,re-emits,re-emitting
re-engagement/8 -> re-engagements
re-insert/8 -> re-inserted,re-inserts,re-inserting
re-instal/8 -> re-installed,re-installing
re-location/8 -> re-locations
re-pot/8 -> re-potting
re-presentation/8 -> re-presentations
re-registration/8 -> re-registrations
re-sel/8 -> re-selling
reanalyse/8 -> reanalysed,reanalyses
rebid/8 -> rebidding,rebids
recessional/8 -> recessionals
recidivist/8 -> recidivists
reciter/8 -> reciters
recoding/8 -> recodings
recognizance/8 -> recognizances
recommission/8 -> recommissioned,recommissioning
reconsecrate/8 -> reconsecrated
recontact/8 -> recontacted
redrafting/8 -> redraftings
reflate/8 -> reflating,reflates,reflated
regosol/8 -> regosols
regularization/8 -> regularizations
reimbursable/8 -> reimbursables
reinstal/8 -> reinstalled,reinstalling
rejuvenator/8 -> rejuvenators
reline/8 -> relined,relining,relines
remeasure/8 -> remeasured,remeasuring
republication/8 -> republications
resubmission/8 -> resubmissions
reversioner/8 -> reversioners
reviver/8 -> revivers
rhapsodise/8 -> rhapsodised,rhapsodising
rice-paddy/8 -> rice-paddies
ridiculousness/8 -> ridiculousnesses
riding-crop/8 -> riding-crops
ring-pull/8 -> ring-pulls
rist/8 -> rists
ritualist/8 -> ritualists
riyal/8 -> riyals
road-builder/8 -> road-builders
roadtank/8 -> roadtanks
roadworthiness/8 -> roadworthinesses
robeson/8 -> robesons
role-reversal/8 -> role-reversals
roof-space/8 -> roof-spaces
rootle/8 -> rootled,rootling,rootles
rope-light/8 -> rope-lights
rose-bush/8 -> rose-bushes
rosewate/8 -> rosewater
route-finder/8 -> route-finders
rowboat/8 -> rowboats
rushmore/8 -> rushmores
rusticity/8 -> rusticities
rustiness/8 -> rustinesses
ruthenium/8 -> rutheniums
sab/8 -> sabs,sabbing
sabkha/8 -> sabkhas
saccharomyce/8 -> saccharomyces
safe-guard/8 -> safe-guarding,safe-guarded
safety-deposit/8 -> safety-deposits
safety-valve/8 -> safety-valves
sagitta/8 -> sagittas
sailcloth/8 -> sailcloths
sak/8 -> saks
saki/8 -> sakis
salesian/8 -> salesians
salvoe/8 -> salvoes
sampan/8 -> sampans
samway/8 -> samways
sandshoe/8 -> sandshoes
sango/8 -> sangoes
saponification/8 -> saponifications
sau/8 -> saus
savings-and-loan/8 -> savings-and-loans
sawtooth/8 -> sawteeth
schneid/8 -> schneider
scintilla/8 -> scintillas
scintillate/8 -> scintillates,scintillated,scintillating
scirpus/8 -> scirpuss
scissorman/8 -> scissormen
screwball/8 -> screwballs
screwing/8 -> screwings
scrim/8 -> scrims
scrum-halve/8 -> scrum-halves
scrumple/8 -> scrumpled
sea-loch/8 -> sea-lochs
sea-watch/8 -> sea-watches
search-party/8 -> search-parties
sebe/8 -> sebes
secularize/8 -> secularized,secularizing,secularizes
seductress/8 -> seductresses
seel/8 -> seeling,seels,seeled
segregationist/8 -> segregationists
self-abasement/8 -> self-abasements
self-abnegation/8 -> self-abnegations
self-cure/8 -> self-cures
self-poisoner/8 -> self-poisoners
self-publicist/8 -> self-publicists
self-punishment/8 -> self-punishments
self-statement/8 -> self-statements
sellsword/8 -> sellswords
semb/8 -> sembs
sensitiveness/8 -> sensitivenesses
sensualist/8 -> sensualists
seyhulislam/8 -> seyhulislams
shadowgraph/8 -> shadowgraphs
shamelessness/8 -> shamelessnesses
sharecropper/8 -> sharecroppers
sharedealer/8 -> sharedealers
she-mule/8 -> she-mules
shearl/8 -> shearling
sheave/8 -> sheaved,sheaves
shebeen/8 -> shebeens,shebeening
sheil/8 -> sheiling
shirker/8 -> shirkers
shoe-lace/8 -> shoe-laces
shop-owner/8 -> shop-owners
shopaholic/8 -> shopaholics
shopman/8 -> shopmen
shopping-bag/8 -> shopping-bags
shore-line/8 -> shore-lines
shoulder-strap/8 -> shoulder-straps
shrillness/8 -> shrillnesses
shrinkwrap/8 -> shrinkwrapped,shrinkwraps,shrinkwrapping
sicilia/8 -> sicilias
side-issue/8 -> side-issues
side-whisker/8 -> side-whiskers
sideshoot/8 -> sideshoots
sidestreet/8 -> sidestreets
sieze/8 -> siezed,siezing
sif/8 -> sifs
silhouet/8 -> silhouetting
simulan/8 -> simulans
simulcast/8 -> simulcasting,simulcasts,simulcasted
sirocco/8 -> siroccoes
sirrah/8 -> sirrahs
sitrep/8 -> sitreps
skepticism/8 -> skepticisms
sketchpad/8 -> sketchpads
skimming/8 -> skimmings
skrag/8 -> skragged,skragging
slather/8 -> slathered
slip-road/8 -> slip-roads
slum-dweller/8 -> slum-dwellers
smearing/8 -> smearings
smelling/8 -> smellings
smew/8 -> smews
smidgeon/8 -> smidgeons
snitch/8 -> snitched,snitching,snitches
snood/8 -> snoods
snuff-box/8 -> snuff-boxes
soh/8 -> sohs
soldano/8 -> soldanos
sombreness/8 -> sombrenesses
songstress/8 -> songstresses
soother/8 -> soothers
souflia/8 -> souflias
sound-bite/8 -> sound-bites
souse/8 -> soused,sousing,souses
southumbrian/8 -> southumbrians
spaying/8 -> spayings
speakership/8 -> speakerships
spearpoint/8 -> spearpoints
specialness/8 -> specialnesses
spiracle/8 -> spiracles
spitefulness/8 -> spitefulnesses
spod/8 -> spods
sponginess/8 -> sponginesses
sprawler/8 -> sprawlers
sprue/8 -> sprues
squal/8 -> squalling
stabl/8 -> stabler
stable-companion/8 -> stable-companions
stachys/8 -> stachyss
stage-hand/8 -> stage-hands
stagedive/8 -> stagediving,stagedived,stagedives
stammerer/8 -> stammerers
steelworks/8 -> steelworkss
steichen/8 -> steichens
step-son/8 -> step-sons
stepp/8 -> stepps
stick-in-the-mud/8 -> stick-in-the-muds
stilettoe/8 -> stilettoes
stonecrop/8 -> stonecrops
stop-cock/8 -> stop-cocks
stoplist/8 -> stoplists
store-cupboard/8 -> store-cupboards
stormtrooper/8 -> stormtroopers
streaking/8 -> streakings
streamlet/8 -> streamlets
street-light/8 -> street-lights
stringe/8 -> stringed
striplight/8 -> striplights
struldbrug/8 -> struldbrugs
stymie/8 -> stymieing,stymies,stymied
sub-band/8 -> sub-bands
sub-base/8 -> sub-bases
sub-component/8 -> sub-components
sub-problem/8 -> sub-problems
sub-task/8 -> sub-tasks
subdeacon/8 -> subdeacons
subfacet/8 -> subfacets
subfragment/8 -> subfragments
subnormality/8 -> subnormalities
subproblem/8 -> subproblems
subprocess/8 -> subprocesses
subsidisation/8 -> subsidisations
sufism/8 -> sufisms
sulla/8 -> sullas
sumpter/8 -> sumpters
sun-worshipper/8 -> sun-worshippers
sunray/8 -> sunrays
supercede/8 -> superceded,superceding,supercedes
superkey/8 -> superkeys
supermax/8 -> supermaxes
supertram/8 -> supertrams
supplykit/8 -> supplykits
surliness/8 -> surlinesses
susquehanna/8 -> susquehannas
swear-word/8 -> swear-words
swedenborg/8 -> swedenborgs
swing-door/8 -> swing-doors
swordsmanship/8 -> swordsmanships
sylph/8 -> sylphs
syqu/8 -> syquest
szechuan/8 -> szechuans
t-bar/8 -> t-bars
t-group/8 -> t-groups
table-lamp/8 -> table-lamps
tacksman/8 -> tacksmen
taka/8 -> takas
tangibility/8 -> tangibilities
targon/8 -> targons
tea-leaf/8 -> tea-leaves
tea-thing/8 -> tea-things
teahouse/8 -> teahouses
techy/8 -> techies
telecast/8 -> telecasts,telecasting,telecasted
telugu/8 -> telugus
temporero/8 -> temporeros
tepee/8 -> tepees
teredo/8 -> teredoes
tergal/8 -> tergals
testee/8 -> testees
testpiece/8 -> testpieces
th'do/8 -> th'doing
thaler/8 -> thalers
thalia/8 -> thalias
that-clause/8 -> that-clauses
thermidor/8 -> thermidors
thermosphere/8 -> thermospheres
thingummybob/8 -> thingummybobs
threonine/8 -> threonines
thylacine/8 -> thylacines
ticket-collector/8 -> ticket-collectors
tidbit/8 -> tidbits
tie-clip/8 -> tie-clips
tilean/8 -> tileans
timbale/8 -> timbales
timese/8 -> timesed,timesing
timeswitch/8 -> timeswitches
tinsmith/8 -> tinsmiths
title-deed/8 -> title-deeds
tob/8 -> tobs
toerag/8 -> toerags
toll-road/8 -> toll-roads
tollgate/8 -> tollgates
tominah/8 -> tominahs
tonge/8 -> tonges,tonged
top-hat/8 -> top-hats
toroid/8 -> toroids
torte/8 -> tortes
towerblock/8 -> towerblocks
townee/8 -> townees
toymaker/8 -> toymakers
traineeship/8 -> traineeships
tranquillize/8 -> tranquillizing,tranquillizes,tranquillized
transactivate/8 -> transactivates
tranship/8 -> transhipped
transmutationist/8 -> transmutationists
trapezium/8 -> trapezia
trapezoid/8 -> trapezoids
trasimeno/8 -> trasimenoes
treasurership/8 -> treasurerships
trebuchet/8 -> trebuchets
triiodothyronine/8 -> triiodothyronines
tripwire/8 -> tripwires
trireme/8 -> triremes
trom/8 -> troms
trouble-spot/8 -> trouble-spots
tugboat/8 -> tugboats
tulliver/8 -> tullivers
tunica/8 -> tunicas
turn-length/8 -> turn-lengths
turve/8 -> turves
twin-set/8 -> twin-sets
twinkly/8 -> twinkliest
two-metre/8 -> two-metres
two-wheel/8 -> two-wheels
ukelele/8 -> ukeleles
ultramontanism/8 -> ultramontanisms
umbilicus/8 -> umbilici
unchalleng/8 -> unchallenging
uncial/8 -> uncials
unclasp/8 -> unclasping,unclasps,unclasped
under-count/8 -> under-counted,under-counting
under-determine/8 -> under-determined,under-determines
under-manager/8 -> under-managers
under-research/8 -> under-researched
underbody/8 -> underbodies
underclothing/8 -> underclothings
underdraw/8 -> underdrawing
underfund/8 -> underfunding
undergird/8 -> undergirding,undergirds,undergirded
underlining/8 -> underlinings
underspending/8 -> underspendings
undulator/8 -> undulators
unedify/8 -> unedifying
ungrammaticality/8 -> ungrammaticalities
unsexy/8 -> unsexiest
upraise/8 -> upraised,upraises,upraising
usda/8 -> usdas
usefulness-rating/8 -> usefulness-ratings
uskok/8 -> uskoks
utica/8 -> uticas
uttering/8 -> utterings
vaccinator/8 -> vaccinators
vandyke/8 -> vandykes
vasoconstrictor/8 -> vasoconstrictors
vasopressin/8 -> vasopressins
vectore/8 -> vectored,vectoring
verbalize/8 -> verbalizing,verbalizes,verbalized
verita/8 -> veritas
versification/8 -> versifications
verwoerd/8 -> verwoerds
video-cassette/8 -> video-cassettes
vinestock/8 -> vinestocks
vinho/8 -> vinhos
virtuality/8 -> virtualities
voiding/8 -> voidings
volans/8 -> volanss
volgograd/8 -> volgograds
volunta/8 -> voluntas
voracity/8 -> voracities
votary/8 -> votaries
voyce/8 -> voyces
waffler/8 -> wafflers
wage-packet/8 -> wage-packets
wagoner/8 -> wagoners
wallowing/8 -> wallowings
wallplate/8 -> wallplates
wannabee/8 -> wannabees
war-leader/8 -> war-leaders
washing-line/8 -> washing-lines
water-hole/8 -> water-holes
water-skier/8 -> water-skiers
water-tank/8 -> water-tanks
watering-place/8 -> watering-places
waterslide/8 -> waterslides
waterspout/8 -> waterspouts
weatherboard/8 -> weatherboards,weatherboarded,weatherboarding
weight-watcher/8 -> weight-watchers
westernisation/8 -> westernisations
what-not/8 -> what-nots
whinchat/8 -> whinchats
whiner/8 -> whiners
whing/8 -> whinging,whinger
whistle-blower/8 -> whistle-blowers
whistleblower/8 -> whistleblowers
whitewater/8 -> whitewaters
wideness/8 -> widenesses
winkle-picker/8 -> winkle-pickers
wipe-out/8 -> wipe-outs
witchery/8 -> witcheries
wmo/8 -> wmoes
woodchopper/8 -> woodchoppers
woodgrain/8 -> woodgrains
woodlander/8 -> woodlanders
work-bench/8 -> work-benches
work-space/8 -> work-spaces
worlder/8 -> worlders
wynfrith/8 -> wynfriths
wyrd/8 -> wyrds
xenonym/8 -> xenonyms
xerx/8 -> xerxes
xma/8 -> xmas
xylem/8 -> xylems
yantra/8 -> yantras
yeshiva/8 -> yeshivas
yuga/8 -> yugas
zabaglione/8 -> zabagliones
zapper/8 -> zappers
zooid/8 -> zooids
'usband/7 -> 'usbands
aac/7 -> aacs
aam/7 -> aams
aat/7 -> aats
abaya/7 -> abayas
abjuration/7 -> abjurations
acadian/7 -> acadians
acculturation/7 -> acculturations
aco/7 -> acos
acquirement/7 -> acquirements
acrostic/7 -> acrostics
actt/7 -> actts
adar/7 -> adars
admass/7 -> admasses
adv/7 -> advest
advection/7 -> advections
adventuress/7 -> adventuresses
advertize/7 -> advertizing,advertized,advertizes
aen/7 -> aens
aesthetician/7 -> aestheticians
aethelr/7 -> aethelred
afl-cio/7 -> afl-cios
afterword/7 -> afterwords
aggrieve/7 -> aggrieved,aggrieves,aggrieving
agist/7 -> agisted
agricole/7 -> agricoles
ahd/7 -> ahds
ahg/7 -> ahgs
air-freshener/7 -> air-fresheners
air-hole/7 -> air-holes
air-space/7 -> air-spaces
airbrick/7 -> airbricks
airbuse/7 -> airbuses
aircraftman/7 -> aircraftmen
airfare/7 -> airfares
airfoil/7 -> airfoils
akkadian/7 -> akkadians
al-atta/7 -> al-attas
algebraist/7 -> algebraists
alienism/7 -> alienisms
alio/7 -> alios
aliphatic/7 -> aliphatics
all-age/7 -> all-ages
allod/7 -> allods
alr/7 -> alred
altaian/7 -> altaians
althea/7 -> altheas
altruist/7 -> altruists
aluminum/7 -> aluminums
amazona/7 -> amazonas
ambling/7 -> amblings
americain/7 -> americains
aminosalicylate/7 -> aminosalicylates
amish/7 -> amishes
ammoniac/7 -> ammoniacs
amortization/7 -> amortizations
amphibia/7 -> amphibias
anaspid/7 -> anaspids
anastasio/7 -> anastasios
ancohuma/7 -> ancohumas
animatronics/7 -> animatronicss
annulus/7 -> annuluss
anorthosite/7 -> anorthosites
ante-chamber/7 -> ante-chambers
anti-biotic/7 -> anti-biotics
anti-marketeer/7 -> anti-marketeers
anti-system/7 -> anti-systems
antibiosis/7 -> antibioses
anticholinergic/7 -> anticholinergics
anura/7 -> anuras
apostrophize/7 -> apostrophized,apostrophizes,apostrophizing
appearence/7 -> appearences
appetizer/7 -> appetizers
applewood/7 -> applewoods
appy/7 -> appying
aqualung/7 -> aqualungs,aqualunging
aquaplane/7 -> aquaplaning,aquaplaned,aquaplanes
arc-lamp/7 -> arc-lamps
arcsecond/7 -> arcseconds
arctic-alpine/7 -> arctic-alpines
aristophane/7 -> aristophanes
armlet/7 -> armlets
armoire/7 -> armoires
arms-for-hostage/7 -> arms-for-hostages
arrack/7 -> arracks
arsenopyrite/7 -> arsenopyrites
artemia/7 -> artemias
artfulness/7 -> artfulnesses
arthouse/7 -> arthouses
as-level/7 -> as-levels
ascariasis/7 -> ascariases
ascendance/7 -> ascendances
asquithian/7 -> asquithians
assimilationist/7 -> assimilationists
associationism/7 -> associationisms
astrantia/7 -> astrantias
ataxia/7 -> ataxias
atherogenesis/7 -> atherogeneses
atlanticist/7 -> atlanticists
atrebate/7 -> atrebates
attar/7 -> attars
aure/7 -> aures
autarky/7 -> autarkies
auto-suggestion/7 -> auto-suggestions
autofluorescence/7 -> autofluorescences
autoimmunity/7 -> autoimmunities
autotomy/7 -> autotomies
auxin/7 -> auxins
awac/7 -> awacs
azem/7 -> azems
ba'athist/7 -> ba'athists
back-garden/7 -> back-gardens
back-to-basic/7 -> back-to-basics
backdown/7 -> backdowns
backplate/7 -> backplates
bagot/7 -> bagots
bahai/7 -> bahais
baile/7 -> bailes
bailly/7 -> baillies
balaz/7 -> balazs
baldrick/7 -> baldricks
bandanna/7 -> bandannas
bank-note/7 -> bank-notes
baronny/7 -> baronnies
base-pair/7 -> base-pairs
baseness/7 -> basenesses
bashfulness/7 -> bashfulnesses
basket-case/7 -> basket-cases
bath-chair/7 -> bath-chairs
bau/7 -> baus
bawdry/7 -> bawdries
bay-window/7 -> bay-windows
beach-head/7 -> beach-heads
beachball/7 -> beachballs
beachhead/7 -> beachheads
beachwear/7 -> beachwears
bean-bag/7 -> bean-bags
beany/7 -> beanies
beautification/7 -> beautifications
bed-sitting-room/7 -> bed-sitting-rooms
bedspring/7 -> bedsprings
bedstraw/7 -> bedstraws
beel/7 -> beels
belching/7 -> belchings
bell-pull/7 -> bell-pulls
belly-laugh/7 -> belly-laughs
benumb/7 -> benumbed,benumbs,benumbing
benzine/7 -> benzines
bermudan/7 -> bermudans
bespatter/7 -> bespattered,bespattering,bespatters
bestride/7 -> bestriding,bestrides,bestrode,bestrid,bestridden
betelgeuse/7 -> betelguese
bi-focal/7 -> bi-focals
bi-gram/7 -> bi-grams
bicycling/7 -> bicyclings
bicyclist/7 -> bicyclists
big-shot/7 -> big-shots
bikini-top/7 -> bikini-tops
billycan/7 -> billycans
bio-chemical/7 -> bio-chemicals
biodegrade/7 -> biodegrading
biometric/7 -> biometrics
biomolecule/7 -> biomolecules
biophysic/7 -> biophysics
bistre/7 -> bistres
bit-image/7 -> bit-images
bitumastic/7 -> bitumastics
blackening/7 -> blackenings
blackhawk/7 -> blackhawks
blackwoman/7 -> blackwomen
blagger/7 -> blaggers
blether/7 -> blethering,blethers,blethered
blockhead/7 -> blockheads
blood-line/7 -> blood-lines
blowfly/7 -> blowflies
blueman/7 -> bluemen
bluetongue/7 -> bluetongues
bluetree/7 -> bluetrees
boastfulness/7 -> boastfulnesses
bodysuit/7 -> bodysuits
boeotia/7 -> boeotias
boldface/7 -> boldfaced
boletus/7 -> boletuss
bolle/7 -> bolles
borde/7 -> bordes
boreen/7 -> boreens
borge/7 -> borges
botanise/7 -> botanising,botanised
boteh/7 -> botehs
bottle-top/7 -> bottle-tops
bowate/7 -> bowater
bragging/7 -> braggings
brain-wave/7 -> brain-waves
brassery/7 -> brasseries
brasswork/7 -> brassworks
brawler/7 -> brawlers
brazenness/7 -> brazennesses
break-point/7 -> break-points
brickmaker/7 -> brickmakers
bricky/7 -> brickies
briony/7 -> brionies
bronchoscope/7 -> bronchoscopes
bronzer/7 -> bronzers
broodmare/7 -> broodmares
browbone/7 -> browbones
bryozoa/7 -> bryozoas
bucko/7 -> buckos
buckshot/7 -> buckshots
bulbfield/7 -> bulbfields
bulla/7 -> bullas
bullfighter/7 -> bullfighters
burbling/7 -> burblings
burh/7 -> burhs
burro/7 -> burroes
burrower/7 -> burrowers
burying/7 -> buryings
bus-driver/7 -> bus-drivers
buskin/7 -> buskins
busway/7 -> busways
buzzcock/7 -> buzzcocks
by-stander/7 -> by-standers
bye-election/7 -> bye-elections
byelarussian/7 -> byelarussians
bygrave/7 -> bygraves
byrny/7 -> byrnies
cabana/7 -> cabanas
cablegram/7 -> cablegrams
cactuse/7 -> cactuses
cadency/7 -> cadencies
caecilian/7 -> caecilians
cairene/7 -> cairenes
cajolery/7 -> cajoleries
calamus/7 -> calamuss
cama/7 -> camas
camas/7 -> camass
cameronian/7 -> cameronians
canalise/7 -> canalised
canizare/7 -> canizares
canner/7 -> canners
cannulate/7 -> cannulated,cannulating
cantaloupe/7 -> cantaloupes
canzona/7 -> canzonas
canzonet/7 -> canzonets
car-part/7 -> car-parts
carbonisation/7 -> carbonisations
cardinality/7 -> cardinalities
care-taker/7 -> care-takers
carolus/7 -> caroluss
carry-forward/7 -> carry-forwards
cartage/7 -> cartages
casque/7 -> casques
castigation/7 -> castigations
catastrophist/7 -> catastrophists
catenian/7 -> catenians
caulk/7 -> caulked,caulking,caulks
causing/7 -> causings
cauteret/7 -> cauterets
centime/7 -> centimes
ceramicist/7 -> ceramicists
ch'kassian/7 -> ch'kassians
chain-gang/7 -> chain-gangs
chain-saw/7 -> chain-saws
chapeau/7 -> chapeaux
chasuble/7 -> chasubles
checksum/7 -> checksums
chipstick/7 -> chipsticks
chitterling/7 -> chitterlings
choccy/7 -> choccies
chocolate-box/7 -> chocolate-boxes
cholecystoscope/7 -> cholecystoscopes
choroid/7 -> choroids
christianize/7 -> christianized,christianizing
christmastime/7 -> christmastimes
chromophore/7 -> chromophores
ciconia/7 -> ciconias
cimabue/7 -> cimabues
circ/7 -> circs
cladistic/7 -> cladistics
cladogram/7 -> cladograms
claimer/7 -> claimers
clamshell/7 -> clamshells
class-struggle/7 -> class-struggles
clay-pigeon/7 -> clay-pigeons
clearwate/7 -> clearwater
clepsydra/7 -> clepsydras
clericalism/7 -> clericalisms
clerihew/7 -> clerihews
clichy/7 -> clichies
clitoridectomy/7 -> clitoridectomies
clogger/7 -> cloggers
clouding/7 -> cloudings
cloy/7 -> cloyed,cloying,cloys
clubmoss/7 -> clubmosses
co-conspirator/7 -> co-conspirators
co-leader/7 -> co-leaders
co-manage/7 -> co-managed
co-product/7 -> co-products
co-tenant/7 -> co-tenants
coachmaker/7 -> coachmakers
cochlea/7 -> cochleas
cochon/7 -> cochons
cocos/7 -> cocoss
codemaster/7 -> codemasters
coeval/7 -> coevals
cohabitant/7 -> cohabitants
coheiress/7 -> coheiresses
coher/7 -> cohered,cohering
coiner/7 -> coiners
colegio/7 -> colegios
colonocyte/7 -> colonocytes
colour-code/7 -> colour-coded,colour-codes
comm-call/7 -> comm-calls
commemmorate/7 -> commemmorating,commemmorates
commonness/7 -> commonnesses
conceptualist/7 -> conceptualists
condole/7 -> condoled,condoling,condoles
condyle/7 -> condyles
condyloma/7 -> condylomas
conferee/7 -> conferees
consensy/7 -> consensys
context-specification/7 -> context-specifications
contrapositive/7 -> contrapositives
contrariety/7 -> contrarieties
conveying/7 -> conveyings
cooperage/7 -> cooperages
coppin/7 -> coppins
copy-writer/7 -> copy-writers
copyguard/7 -> copyguards,copyguarding
coquetry/7 -> coquetries
corallite/7 -> corallites
corbiere/7 -> corbieres
cordage/7 -> cordages
cordia/7 -> cordias
corneille/7 -> corneilles
corvus/7 -> corvuss
counter-process/7 -> counter-processes
counter-statement/7 -> counter-statements
countersink/7 -> countersinking,countersinks,countersank,countersunk
coupe-coupe/7 -> coupe-coupes
courte/7 -> courtes
cow-byre/7 -> cow-byres
cow-pat/7 -> cow-pats
cowhide/7 -> cowhides
credential/7 -> credentialed,credentials
creon/7 -> creons
crewcut/7 -> crewcuts
crex/7 -> crexes
cristal/7 -> cristals
crit/7 -> crits
croesus/7 -> croesuss
croquette/7 -> croquettes
cross-rhythm/7 -> cross-rhythms
crossbill/7 -> crossbills
crosshead/7 -> crossheads
crossing-point/7 -> crossing-points
crumwallise/7 -> crumwallises
crybaby/7 -> crybabies
cryptography/7 -> cryptographies
cult-statue/7 -> cult-statues
cuming/7 -> cumings
cupressus/7 -> cupressuss
curatorship/7 -> curatorships
cut-and-thrust/7 -> cut-and-thrusts
czarina/7 -> czarinas
dagda/7 -> dagdas
daguerre/7 -> daguerres
daleswoman/7 -> daleswomen
dalmation/7 -> dalmations
dampener/7 -> dampeners
dance-band/7 -> dance-bands
dangler/7 -> danglers
danio/7 -> danios
danseuse/7 -> danseuses
darcian/7 -> darcians
dardanus/7 -> dardanuss
das/7 -> dass
data-set/7 -> data-sets
daube/7 -> daubes
dawkin/7 -> dawkins
daystar/7 -> daystars
dbe/7 -> dbes
de-ice/7 -> de-icing
debunking/7 -> debunkings
decalogue/7 -> decalogues
deceitfulness/7 -> deceitfulnesses
decimalisation/7 -> decimalisations
declassify/7 -> declassified,declassifies,declassifying
deconjugate/7 -> deconjugated,deconjugating
dehumanisation/7 -> dehumanisations
deist/7 -> deists
deliciousness/7 -> deliciousnesses
delphy/7 -> delphys
dematerialize/7 -> dematerialized,dematerializes,dematerializing
demythologise/7 -> demythologising
demythologize/7 -> demythologizing,demythologized,demythologizes
densitometer/7 -> densitometers
dentil/7 -> dentils
depersonalization/7 -> depersonalizations
derriere/7 -> derrieres
descale/7 -> descaling,descales,descaled
descaler/7 -> descalers
dessertspoon/7 -> dessertspoons
detune/7 -> detuned,detunes
devoice/7 -> devoiced,devoicing,devoices
dewlap/7 -> dewlaps
diabolo/7 -> diabolos
diachrony/7 -> diachronies
dianthus/7 -> dianthuss
dibber/7 -> dibbers
dichloromethane/7 -> dichloromethanes
dimerise/7 -> dimerised,dimerises
dimetrodon/7 -> dimetrodons
dipsomaniac/7 -> dipsomaniacs
dirigible/7 -> dirigibles
dis-benefit/7 -> dis-benefits
dis-economy/7 -> dis-economies
disarrange/7 -> disarranged,disarranges,disarranging
disbeliever/7 -> disbelievers
dislodgement/7 -> dislodgements
dissimulate/7 -> dissimulating,dissimulates,dissimulated
distastefulness/7 -> distastefulnesses
divergency/7 -> divergencies
diverticulum/7 -> diverticulums
dobro/7 -> dobros
dockerty/7 -> dockertys
dodging/7 -> dodgings
doley/7 -> doleys
dolour/7 -> dolours
dominator/7 -> dominators
donatello/7 -> donatelloes
donut/7 -> donuts
doodah/7 -> doodahs
doohickey/7 -> doohickeys
doorknocker/7 -> doorknockers
doornail/7 -> doornails
doper/7 -> dopers
double-entendre/7 -> double-entendres
doughboy/7 -> doughboys
downdraught/7 -> downdraughts
drama-documentary/7 -> drama-documentaries
dreaminess/7 -> dreaminesses
drug-addict/7 -> drug-addicts
drugging/7 -> druggings
duca/7 -> ducas
dukas/7 -> dukass
dustbag/7 -> dustbags
dustsheet/7 -> dustsheets
dwarve/7 -> dwarves
dyak/7 -> dyaks
dynamit/7 -> dynamited,dynamiting
eadr/7 -> eadred
eale/7 -> eales
ear'ole/7 -> ear'oles
ear-lobe/7 -> ear-lobes
eas/7 -> eass
easy-peasy/7 -> easy-peasies
eaux-bonne/7 -> eaux-bonnes
ec-u/7 -> ec-us
ecclesiology/7 -> ecclesiologies
echinoid/7 -> echinoids
ecliptic/7 -> ecliptics
eclogue/7 -> eclogues
edgson/7 -> edgsons
effleurage/7 -> effleurages
effusiveness/7 -> effusivenesses
eggcup/7 -> eggcups
ego-function/7 -> ego-functions
eighteen-month/7 -> eighteen-months
eira/7 -> eiras
electrocardiography/7 -> electrocardiographies
electromagnet/7 -> electromagnets
electronegativity/7 -> electronegativities
eleocharis/7 -> eleochariss
eleusinian/7 -> eleusinians
elle/7 -> elles
emasculation/7 -> emasculations
enamour/7 -> enamoured,enamours,enamouring
enaye/7 -> enayes
endnote/7 -> endnotes
endocrinologist/7 -> endocrinologists
endue/7 -> endued
energy-loss/7 -> energy-losses
enterobacteria/7 -> enterobacterias
entremet/7 -> entremets
entrepot/7 -> entrepots
eochay/7 -> eochaid
epigraphy/7 -> epigraphies
equal-opportunity/7 -> equal-opportunities
esseff/7 -> esseffs
eurypterid/7 -> eurypterids
ewok/7 -> ewoks
ex-enemy/7 -> ex-enemies
ex-mistress/7 -> ex-mistresses
ex-slave/7 -> ex-slaves
ex-socialist/7 -> ex-socialists
exaf/7 -> exafs
extemporise/7 -> extemporised,extemporising
externalisation/7 -> externalisations
extravert/7 -> extraverts
eye-piece/7 -> eye-pieces
factuality/7 -> factualities
faille/7 -> failles
fair-mindedness/7 -> fair-mindednesses
falke/7 -> falkes
family-tree/7 -> family-trees
farting/7 -> fartings
fatimid/7 -> fatimids
faulknerite/7 -> faulknerites
fee-earner/7 -> fee-earners
feeding-place/7 -> feeding-places
fellow-passenger/7 -> fellow-passengers
fellow-worker/7 -> fellow-workers
fenestral/7 -> fenestrals
fenman/7 -> fenmen
ferrying/7 -> ferryings
fetishise/7 -> fetishised,fetishising
fictionalise/7 -> fictionalised
fifth-former/7 -> fifth-formers
filet/7 -> filets
film-set/7 -> film-sets
filthiness/7 -> filthinesses
firedamp/7 -> firedamps
first-cousin/7 -> first-cousins
fish-scale/7 -> fish-scales
fish-tail/7 -> fish-tails
fishcake/7 -> fishcakes
fisherwoman/7 -> fisherwomen
fishing-rod/7 -> fishing-rods
fishpool/7 -> fishpools
flakiness/7 -> flakinesses
flamethrower/7 -> flamethrowers
flammability/7 -> flammabilities
flapjack/7 -> flapjacks
flashgun/7 -> flashguns
flitch/7 -> flitches
flogger/7 -> floggers
flood-bank/7 -> flood-banks
floor-board/7 -> floor-boards
floozy/7 -> floozies
flophouse/7 -> flophouses
flow-of-fund/7 -> flow-of-funds
flunky/7 -> flunkies
fluorochrome/7 -> fluorochromes
fluoroquinolone/7 -> fluoroquinolones
fluorosis/7 -> fluoroses
flyway/7 -> flyways
food-stuff/7 -> food-stuffs
food-supply/7 -> food-supplies
foolhardiness/7 -> foolhardinesses
foraminiferan/7 -> foraminiferans
force-feed/7 -> force-feeding,force-feeds,force-fed
forero/7 -> foreros
formate/7 -> formated
foro/7 -> foros
fortune-hunter/7 -> fortune-hunters
forwardness/7 -> forwardnesses
foulke/7 -> foulkes
fountainhead/7 -> fountainheads
four-wheeler/7 -> four-wheelers
framboise/7 -> framboises
freebase/7 -> freebasing
freira/7 -> freiras
french-speaker/7 -> french-speakers
frenchy/7 -> frenchies
fricassee/7 -> fricassees
frizzle/7 -> frizzled,frizzles,frizzling
fro-/7 -> fro-ing
front-man/7 -> front-men
frontist/7 -> frontists
fuck-up/7 -> fuck-ups
fule/7 -> fules
full-house/7 -> full-houses
fullstop/7 -> fullstops
fumigant/7 -> fumigants
fun-fair/7 -> fun-fairs
fun-lover/7 -> fun-lovers
g.i./7 -> g.i.s
gadroon/7 -> gadroons
galette/7 -> galettes
galk/7 -> galks
gam/7 -> gammed,gams,gamming
gang-plank/7 -> gang-planks
garotte/7 -> garottes
gasbag/7 -> gasbags
gaslamp/7 -> gaslamps
gaspar/7 -> gaspars
gasper/7 -> gaspers
gastronome/7 -> gastronomes
gate-house/7 -> gate-houses
gate-tower/7 -> gate-towers
gauger/7 -> gaugers
gazer/7 -> gazers
gazpacho/7 -> gazpachoes
gean/7 -> geans
geourgo/7 -> geourgos
gerund/7 -> gerunds
giardiasis/7 -> giardiases
gilbo/7 -> gilbos
gittin/7 -> gittins
glucosidase/7 -> glucosidases
glyph/7 -> glyphs
gnasher/7 -> gnashers
gnvq/7 -> gnvqs
go-cart/7 -> go-carts
go-slow/7 -> go-slows
goaly/7 -> goalies
goat-antelope/7 -> goat-antelopes
goldcr/7 -> goldcrest
goldcrest/7 -> goldcrests
golf-ball/7 -> golf-balls
gondwanaland/7 -> gondwanalands
goosebump/7 -> goosebumps
gorget/7 -> gorgets
grafter/7 -> grafters
granddaddy/7 -> granddaddies
grandiloquence/7 -> grandiloquences
gratia/7 -> gratias
greasiness/7 -> greasinesses
greediness/7 -> greedinesses
gricer/7 -> gricers
gro-bag/7 -> gro-bags
grouch/7 -> grouches,grouching,grouched
ground-effect/7 -> ground-effects
groundbreaking/7 -> groundbreakings
grow-bag/7 -> grow-bags
guage/7 -> guaging
guanosine/7 -> guanosines
gubbin/7 -> gubbins
guga/7 -> gugas
guildsman/7 -> guildsmen
gulet/7 -> gulets
gulu/7 -> gulus
gumnut/7 -> gumnuts
gunda/7 -> gundas
gurdwara/7 -> gurdwaras
gurn/7 -> gurning
habakkuk/7 -> habakkuks
habitability/7 -> habitabilities
hac/7 -> hacs
hade/7 -> hading,hades
hagstrom/7 -> hagstroms
haha/7 -> hahas
half-canton/7 -> half-cantons
half-holiday/7 -> half-holidays
half-human/7 -> half-humans
half-line/7 -> half-lines
half-timber/7 -> half-timbers
halfle/7 -> halfling
halma/7 -> halmas
haloperidol/7 -> haloperidols
hammer-on/7 -> hammer-ons
hamming/7 -> hammings
hanaper/7 -> hanapers
hand-mirror/7 -> hand-mirrors
hand-rear/7 -> hand-reared
hand-tool/7 -> hand-tools
handbasin/7 -> handbasins
handpiece/7 -> handpieces
hang-out/7 -> hang-outs
hangout/7 -> hangouts
happenstance/7 -> happenstances
hara-kiri/7 -> hara-kiris
hardihood/7 -> hardihoods
harness-maker/7 -> harness-makers
hatpin/7 -> hatpins
haughtiness/7 -> haughtinesses
hauling/7 -> haulings
haynet/7 -> haynets
hayrick/7 -> hayricks
head-scratching/7 -> head-scratchings
head-wrap/7 -> head-wraps
hebei/7 -> hebeis
helenium/7 -> heleniums
hellcat/7 -> hellcats
hellenist/7 -> hellenists
helly/7 -> hellyer
helmet-plate/7 -> helmet-plates
helpmeet/7 -> helpmeets
herb-garden/7 -> herb-gardens
hermano/7 -> hermanos
heteroptera/7 -> heteropteras
hexameter/7 -> hexameters
higg/7 -> higgs
high-explosive/7 -> high-explosives
highspot/7 -> highspots
hinault/7 -> hinaults
hobman/7 -> hobmen
hokusai/7 -> hokusais
holla/7 -> hollas
homoptera/7 -> homopteras
hoof-mark/7 -> hoof-marks
hoofer/7 -> hoofers
hookline/7 -> hooklines
hot-spring/7 -> hot-springs
hotkey/7 -> hotkeys
hottentot/7 -> hottentots
house-guest/7 -> house-guests
house-holder/7 -> house-holders
house-martin/7 -> house-martins
hoyden/7 -> hoydens
huntress/7 -> huntresses
hurdy/7 -> hurdies
huskiness/7 -> huskinesses
hydrosphere/7 -> hydrospheres
hyoscine/7 -> hyoscines
hyperparathyroidism/7 -> hyperparathyroidisms
hyperthermia/7 -> hyperthermias
ideator/7 -> ideators
ilia/7 -> ilias
ilium/7 -> iliums
imagism/7 -> imagisms
ime/7 -> imes
imipramine/7 -> imipramines
impalement/7 -> impalements
impressiveness/7 -> impressivenesses
incommode/7 -> incommoded,incommoding,incommodes
indemnification/7 -> indemnifications
indispensability/7 -> indispensabilities
indium/7 -> indiums
individualization/7 -> individualizations
indra/7 -> indras
indurate/7 -> indurated,indurates,indurating
industria/7 -> industrias
inebriate/7 -> inebriates,inebriating
ineducable/7 -> ineducables
infelicity/7 -> infelicities
inga/7 -> ingas
ingratiation/7 -> ingratiations
injunct/7 -> injuncted
inn-sewer-ant/7 -> inn-sewer-ants
inseminator/7 -> inseminators
intactness/7 -> intactnesses
inter-rater/7 -> inter-raters
interferogram/7 -> interferograms
interlacing/7 -> interlacings
interlend/7 -> interlending
intersex/7 -> intersexing,intersexes
intime/7 -> intimes
introspect/7 -> introspecting,introspects,introspected
intubate/7 -> intubated,intubates,intubating
invigoration/7 -> invigorations
ippon/7 -> ippons
iron-founder/7 -> iron-founders
irrupt/7 -> irrupted,irrupting,irrupts
isobar/7 -> isobars
isometry/7 -> isometries
itelmen/7 -> itelmens
ixmarite/7 -> ixmarites
ixora/7 -> ixoras
jabbing/7 -> jabbings
jazzer/7 -> jazzers
jazzmaster/7 -> jazzmasters
jetset/7 -> jetsetting
jitney/7 -> jitneys
job-share/7 -> job-shares
jovellano/7 -> jovellanos
joy-rider/7 -> joy-riders
jurado/7 -> jurados
juryman/7 -> jurymen
justiceship/7 -> justiceships
kandahar/7 -> kandahars
kandora/7 -> kandoras
kaopectate/7 -> kaopectates
kaul/7 -> kauls
kazak/7 -> kazaks
kentishman/7 -> kentishmen
kerb-crawler/7 -> kerb-crawlers
keyholder/7 -> keyholders
keyname/7 -> keynames
khale/7 -> khaled
kingcup/7 -> kingcups
kingstown/7 -> kingstowns
kingwood/7 -> kingwoods
kitchenmaid/7 -> kitchenmaids
klebsiella/7 -> klebsiellas
klondyker/7 -> klondykers
knossian/7 -> knossians
kosmo/7 -> kosmos
kow-tow/7 -> kow-tows,kow-towing,kow-towed
krakatau/7 -> krakataus
kronquist/7 -> kronquists
krugerrand/7 -> krugerrands
laager/7 -> laagers
labourist/7 -> labourists
labourite/7 -> labourites
laconia/7 -> laconias
lacquerware/7 -> lacquerwares
ladino/7 -> ladinos
lairig/7 -> lairigs
lajo/7 -> lajos
lambkin/7 -> lambkins
land-agent/7 -> land-agents
land-holder/7 -> land-holders
land-mine/7 -> land-mines
landfil/7 -> landfilling,landfilled
landplane/7 -> landplanes
landscaper/7 -> landscapers
lanthanum/7 -> lanthanums
larnax/7 -> larnaxes
laserball/7 -> laserballs
launchpad/7 -> launchpads
laundromat/7 -> laundromats
leaguer/7 -> leaguers
leatherwork/7 -> leatherworking
ledum/7 -> ledums
leipziger/7 -> leipzigers
lemno/7 -> lemnos
lepus/7 -> lepuss
lesbo/7 -> lesbos
letter-book/7 -> letter-books
lettrist/7 -> lettrists
leude/7 -> leudes
levodopa/7 -> levodopas
ley-line/7 -> ley-lines
lhotse/7 -> lhotses
liana/7 -> lianas
life-experience/7 -> life-experiences
lifebuoy/7 -> lifebuoys
lift-shaft/7 -> lift-shafts
light-box/7 -> light-boxes
light-well/7 -> light-wells
lightbox/7 -> lightboxes
lights-out/7 -> lightss-out
liman/7 -> limen
lime-kiln/7 -> lime-kilns
limpness/7 -> limpnesses
lionise/7 -> lionised,lionising,lionises
lipp/7 -> lipps
lippmann/7 -> lippmanns
liquidize/7 -> liquidizing,liquidizes,liquidized
listening-post/7 -> listening-posts
lobotomise/7 -> lobotomised,lobotomising
locating/7 -> locatings
lockstitch/7 -> lockstitching
lodgepole/7 -> lodgepoles
lollard/7 -> lollards
lolo/7 -> loloes
longbowman/7 -> longbowmen
loom-weight/7 -> loom-weights
love-song/7 -> love-songs
lube/7 -> lubes
lumper/7 -> lumpers
luvvy/7 -> luvvies
luxury-good/7 -> luxury-goods
lyly/7 -> lylies
m-p/7 -> m-ps
macroadenoma/7 -> macroadenomas
macrobe/7 -> macrobes
madog/7 -> madogs
maeterlinck/7 -> maeterlincks
mahomet/7 -> mahomets
mainlander/7 -> mainlanders
malapropism/7 -> malapropisms
maleffect/7 -> maleffects
maltman/7 -> maltmen
mammalia/7 -> mammalias
mangel/7 -> mangels
manioc/7 -> maniocs
mano/7 -> manos
mantrap/7 -> mantraps
manus/7 -> manuss
marceau/7 -> marceaux
marcose/7 -> marcoses
marengo/7 -> marengoes
market-day/7 -> market-days
marquesa/7 -> marquesas
martagon/7 -> martagons
martingale/7 -> martingales
mascarpone/7 -> mascarpones
maslin/7 -> maslins
mastersinger/7 -> mastersingers
mastodon/7 -> mastodons
matchday/7 -> matchdays
matiss/7 -> matisses
maturer/7 -> maturers
mazar-i-sharif/7 -> mazar-i-sharifs
mckim/7 -> mckims
meaulne/7 -> meaulnes
mechanise/7 -> mechanised,mechanising
mehfil/7 -> mehfils
melanitta/7 -> melanittas
memel/7 -> memels
memoirist/7 -> memoirists
memorialise/7 -> memorialised,memorialising
mencken/7 -> menckens
mercaptan/7 -> mercaptans
mesmerism/7 -> mesmerisms
mesoamerica/7 -> mesoamericas
metacarpal/7 -> metacarpals
metalpoint/7 -> metalpoints
metapodial/7 -> metapodials
metatheory/7 -> metatheories
metazoa/7 -> metazoas
meticulousness/7 -> meticulousnesses
metrication/7 -> metrications
meyerbeer/7 -> meyerbeers
micro-process/7 -> micro-processes
microcephaly/7 -> microcephalies
microswitch/7 -> microswitches
microvolt/7 -> microvolts
mid-fielder/7 -> mid-fielders
mileometer/7 -> mileometers
milepost/7 -> mileposts
miltiades/7 -> miltiadess
milvus/7 -> milvuss
mini-buse/7 -> mini-buses
miniaturise/7 -> miniaturised,miniaturising
minicell/7 -> minicells
minister-president/7 -> minister-presidents
ministeriale/7 -> ministeriales
miri/7 -> miris
mis-spelling/7 -> mis-spellings
misclassify/7 -> misclassified,misclassifying
misdeclaration/7 -> misdeclarations
misguide/7 -> misguided,misguiding,misguides
mispronounce/7 -> mispronounced,mispronouncing,mispronounces
mississippian/7 -> mississippians
mistaking/7 -> mistakings
mithras/7 -> mithrass
modeling/7 -> modelings
mollusca/7 -> molluscas
mongoloid/7 -> mongoloids
monody/7 -> monodies
monohydrate/7 -> monohydrates
monongahela/7 -> monongahelas
montonero/7 -> montoneros
morrant/7 -> morrants
mosh/7 -> moshing
motoroption/7 -> motoroptions
mounty/7 -> mounties
movie-goer/7 -> movie-goers
movie-house/7 -> movie-houses
movie-star/7 -> movie-stars
ms-window/7 -> ms-windows
mudrock/7 -> mudrocks
mugshot/7 -> mugshots
muleteer/7 -> muleteers
multihull/7 -> multihulls
mundell/7 -> mundells
mung/7 -> mungs
munroist/7 -> munroists
muralist/7 -> muralists
murrain/7 -> murrains
muscleman/7 -> musclemen
mustering/7 -> musterings
mut/7 -> muts
mynah/7 -> mynahs
myocyte/7 -> myocytes
myrdal/7 -> myrdals
myrica/7 -> myricas
myth-maker/7 -> myth-makers
mytilus/7 -> mytiluss
nabob/7 -> nabobs
naltrexone/7 -> naltrexones
nanak/7 -> nanaks
nanotube/7 -> nanotubes
nansen/7 -> nansens
natan/7 -> natans
native-speaker/7 -> native-speakers
natta/7 -> nattas
ndjamena/7 -> ndjamenas
nebo/7 -> neboes
nebulosity/7 -> nebulosities
necklet/7 -> necklets
necromundan/7 -> necromundans
necrophilia/7 -> necrophilias
neo-freudian/7 -> neo-freudians
netserver/7 -> netservers
newman-haa/7 -> newman-haas
newpaper/7 -> newpapers
news-letter/7 -> news-letters
newsagency/7 -> newsagencies
ni-cad/7 -> ni-cads
niacin/7 -> niacins
nickelodeon/7 -> nickelodeons
nightbird/7 -> nightbirds
nignog/7 -> nignogs
nigrican/7 -> nigricans
nilt/7 -> nilts
nimbl/7 -> nimbler,nimblest
ninety-year-old/7 -> ninety-year-olds
niobium/7 -> niobiums
nivkh/7 -> nivkhs
nominator/7 -> nominators
non-attender/7 -> non-attenders
non-black/7 -> non-blacks
non-deviant/7 -> non-deviants
non-feminist/7 -> non-feminists
non-inverter/7 -> non-inverters
non-linguist/7 -> non-linguists
non-noble/7 -> non-nobles
non-practitioner/7 -> non-practitioners
non-runner/7 -> non-runners
non-trader/7 -> non-traders
non-unionist/7 -> non-unionists
nonamer/7 -> nonamers
nonconform/7 -> nonconforming
nonpareil/7 -> nonpareils
nonwoven/7 -> nonwovens
noseband/7 -> nosebands
nosiness/7 -> nosinesses
notelet/7 -> notelets
novocaine/7 -> novocaines
nower/7 -> nowers
nucleat/7 -> nucleating,nucleated
nudibranch/7 -> nudibranchs
numenius/7 -> numeniuss
numismatics/7 -> numismaticss
nummulite/7 -> nummulites
nuphar/7 -> nuphars
obliteran/7 -> obliterans
ochil/7 -> ochils
oddbin/7 -> oddbins
oie/7 -> oies
oncoprotein/7 -> oncoproteins
ontogenesis/7 -> ontogeneses
opa/7 -> opas
opacification/7 -> opacifications
ophiuchus/7 -> ophiuchuss
opinion-poll/7 -> opinion-polls
oratorian/7 -> oratorians
organdie/7 -> organdies
ork/7 -> orks
ormandy/7 -> ormandies
ornithopod/7 -> ornithopods
orry/7 -> orrys
ouguiya/7 -> ouguiyas
out-gun/7 -> out-gunned
out-number/7 -> out-numbered,out-numbering
out-vote/7 -> out-voted
outmatch/7 -> outmatched,outmatching,outmatches
outport/7 -> outports
outshot/7 -> outshots
over-abstraction/7 -> over-abstractions
over-ambition/7 -> over-ambitions
over-look/7 -> over-looking,over-looked
over-produce/7 -> over-producing,over-produced
over-regulate/7 -> over-regulated
over-work/7 -> over-worked,over-working
overbear/7 -> overbears,overbore,overborne,overbearing
overpopulate/7 -> overpopulated,overpopulating
overproduce/7 -> overproduced,overproducing,overproduces
overwrit/7 -> overwriting
owner-trainer/7 -> owner-trainers
oxyacetylene/7 -> oxyacetylenes
oxygenator/7 -> oxygenators
oyster-catcher/7 -> oyster-catchers
p'/7 -> p'ing
p-trap/7 -> p-traps
packstone/7 -> packstones
paet/7 -> paets
page-turner/7 -> page-turners
palaeoclimate/7 -> palaeoclimates
palaeoenvironment/7 -> palaeoenvironments
palaeogeography/7 -> palaeogeographies
palaeolatitude/7 -> palaeolatitudes
palernian/7 -> palernians
pallidum/7 -> pallidums
palmistry/7 -> palmistries
panner/7 -> panners
papermaker/7 -> papermakers
papermaking/7 -> papermakings
parboil/7 -> parboiled,parboiling,parboils
parent-governor/7 -> parent-governors
parkia/7 -> parkias
parle/7 -> parler
particularization/7 -> particularizations
pattern-note/7 -> pattern-notes
pauling/7 -> paulings
pawnee/7 -> pawnees
pay-phone/7 -> pay-phones
peace-maker/7 -> peace-makers
peccary/7 -> peccaries
pectoralis/7 -> pectoraliss
pedicel/7 -> pedicels
peepshow/7 -> peepshows
pelle/7 -> pelles
pelting/7 -> peltings
pen-and-ink/7 -> pen-and-inks
pen-friend/7 -> pen-friends
penality/7 -> penalities
pennon/7 -> pennons
penologist/7 -> penologists
perborate/7 -> perborates
perceptor/7 -> perceptors
perfringen/7 -> perfringens
pergamum/7 -> pergamums
pericarp/7 -> pericarps
persh/7 -> pershing
personalisation/7 -> personalisations
pfalz/7 -> pfalzs
philatelist/7 -> philatelists,philatelist
phosgene/7 -> phosgenes
photo-op/7 -> photo-ops
phut-phut/7 -> phut-phutting
phytolacca/7 -> phytolaccas
pi-meson/7 -> pi-mesons
piaster/7 -> piasters
picardie/7 -> picardies
picot/7 -> picots
picturesqueness/7 -> picturesquenesses
pidgeon/7 -> pidgeons
pie-chart/7 -> pie-charts
piece-worker/7 -> piece-workers
pinboard/7 -> pinboards
pipe-line/7 -> pipe-lines
pirandello/7 -> pirandelloes
pirogue/7 -> pirogues
pisistratid/7 -> pisistratids
pittard/7 -> pittards
pizzazz/7 -> pizzazzs
plaisir/7 -> plaisirs
platen/7 -> platens
plater/7 -> platers
play-pen/7 -> play-pens
pleaser/7 -> pleasers
pleco/7 -> plecos
pleura/7 -> pleuras
plumbago/7 -> plumbagoes
plunderer/7 -> plunderers
pluton/7 -> plutons
pluvialis/7 -> pluvialiss
polden/7 -> poldens
poleax/7 -> poleaxed,poleaxes,poleaxing
polepiece/7 -> polepieces
polyfilter/7 -> polyfilters
polynya/7 -> polynyas
polysorbate/7 -> polysorbates
pomak/7 -> pomaks
ponc/7 -> poncs
pooe/7 -> pooed
pop-eye/7 -> pop-eyes
pop-star/7 -> pop-stars
popularizer/7 -> popularizers
post-interview/7 -> post-interviews
post-marxist/7 -> post-marxists
post-test/7 -> post-tests
pot-belly/7 -> pot-bellies,pot-bellied
poten/7 -> potens
potsherd/7 -> potsherds
potto/7 -> pottoes
poulterer/7 -> poulterers
poundian/7 -> poundians
pourer/7 -> pourers
pousada/7 -> pousadas
power-struggle/7 -> power-struggles
powerpack/7 -> powerpacks
pratfall/7 -> pratfalls
pre-suppose/7 -> pre-supposes
prearrange/7 -> prearranged,prearranges,prearranging
preciousness/7 -> preciousnesses
predefine/7 -> predefined
pref/7 -> prefs
preprint/7 -> preprinted,preprints
presshouse/7 -> presshouses
pressmark/7 -> pressmarks,pressmarking
priapulid/7 -> priapulids
price-list/7 -> price-lists
prie-dieu/7 -> prie-dieus
priggishness/7 -> priggishnesses
prince-bishop/7 -> prince-bishops
print-maker/7 -> print-makers
printing-press/7 -> printing-presses
prizewin/7 -> prizewinning
pro-boer/7 -> pro-boers
pro-republican/7 -> pro-republicans
prohibitionist/7 -> prohibitionists
promptitude/7 -> promptitudes
propagule/7 -> propagules
protistan/7 -> protistans
provencal/7 -> provencals
prudishness/7 -> prudishnesses
pseudo-cost/7 -> pseudo-costs
pseudoscience/7 -> pseudosciences
psychobabble/7 -> psychobabbles
pteridium/7 -> pteridiums
pterocles/7 -> pterocless
ptpase/7 -> ptpases
pubescen/7 -> pubescens
puffa/7 -> puffas
puglia/7 -> puglias
pugnacity/7 -> pugnacities
pumpernickel/7 -> pumpernickels
punctilio/7 -> punctilios
purism/7 -> purisms
purpresture/7 -> purprestures
pursuivant/7 -> pursuivants
quadriplegic/7 -> quadriplegics
quartic/7 -> quartics
quasi-contract/7 -> quasi-contracts
quelling/7 -> quellings
questionaire/7 -> questionaires
quiere/7 -> quieres
quietude/7 -> quietudes
quintal/7 -> quintals
quireboy/7 -> quireboys
radicchio/7 -> radicchios
radiotherapist/7 -> radiotherapists
ragdoll/7 -> ragdolls
raillery/7 -> railleries
railworker/7 -> railworkers
raincloud/7 -> rainclouds
ram-raider/7 -> ram-raiders
rame/7 -> rames
ramesses/7 -> ramessess
rattry/7 -> rattries
ravager/7 -> ravagers
ravishment/7 -> ravishments
rayban/7 -> raybans
re-badge/7 -> re-badged,re-badges
re-boot/7 -> re-boots,re-booting
re-christen/7 -> re-christened
re-construction/7 -> re-constructions
re-dedicate/7 -> re-dedicated
re-discount/7 -> re-discounted,re-discounting
re-energise/7 -> re-energised,re-energising
re-grow/7 -> re-growing,re-grows
re-import/7 -> re-imported
re-integrate/7 -> re-integrated,re-integrating
re-mix/7 -> re-mixed,re-mixes
re-package/7 -> re-packaged
re-plant/7 -> re-planted,re-planting
re-print/7 -> re-printed,re-printing
re-program/7 -> re-programming
re-purchase/7 -> re-purchased,re-purchasing
re-selection/7 -> re-selections
re-size/7 -> re-sized,re-sizing
re-trace/7 -> re-tracing,re-traced
re-tune/7 -> re-tuning,re-tuned
reapportion/7 -> reapportioning,reapportioned,reapportions
rebirther/7 -> rebirthers
rebuilder/7 -> rebuilders
rechannel/7 -> rechannelled,rechannelling
recounting/7 -> recountings
redcap/7 -> redcaps
redeliver/7 -> redelivered
redisplay/7 -> redisplayed
redw/7 -> redwing
redworm/7 -> redworms
refasten/7 -> refastened
refractoriness/7 -> refractorinesses
refret/7 -> refretted
reinfect/7 -> reinfected
reinscribe/7 -> reinscribes,reinscribing
reinter/7 -> reinterred
relicense/7 -> relicensing
relly/7 -> rellies
remap/7 -> remapped,remapping
remembrancer/7 -> remembrancers
remonstration/7 -> remonstrations
remotivate/7 -> remotivated,remotivating
rent-a-car/7 -> rent-a-cars
reprice/7 -> repricing
reserpine/7 -> reserpines
resiliency/7 -> resiliencies
resole/7 -> resoled,resoling,resoles
restr/7 -> restring
retile/7 -> retiling,retiled
retractor/7 -> retractors
reviseur/7 -> reviseurs
rewasher/7 -> rewashering,rewashered
rewrap/7 -> rewrapped,rewraps
rheum/7 -> rheums
ribonuclease/7 -> ribonucleases
ribopattern/7 -> ribopatterns
riboprobe/7 -> riboprobes
ridgeback/7 -> ridgebacks
righter/7 -> righters
rigidify/7 -> rigidified,rigidifying,rigidifies
ring-leader/7 -> ring-leaders
ritualise/7 -> ritualised,ritualises
road-user/7 -> road-users
roadman/7 -> roadmen
robbia/7 -> robbias
roble/7 -> robles
rocket-launcher/7 -> rocket-launchers
rockhopper/7 -> rockhoppers
rockumentary/7 -> rockumentaries
rodder/7 -> rodders
roister/7 -> roistered,roistering,roisters
rokerman/7 -> rokermen
rolling-pin/7 -> rolling-pins
rolly/7 -> rollies
romani/7 -> romanis
ronda/7 -> rondas
roof-light/7 -> roof-lights
roome/7 -> roomes
rose-bed/7 -> rose-beds
rosebay/7 -> rosebays
rosehip/7 -> rosehips
roswell/7 -> roswells
rotovator/7 -> rotovators
roundsman/7 -> roundsmen
roustabout/7 -> roustabouts
routinise/7 -> routinised,routinising,routinises
rowing-boat/7 -> rowing-boats
roza/7 -> rozas
rs-or/7 -> rs-ors
rubidium/7 -> rubidiums
ruffianism/7 -> ruffianisms
ryegrass/7 -> ryegrasses
sabatier/7 -> sabatiers
saddlecloth/7 -> saddlecloths
saker/7 -> sakers
sakkratian/7 -> sakkratians
salk/7 -> salks
salyut/7 -> salyuts
sand-hill/7 -> sand-hills
sandfly/7 -> sandflies
sanitizer/7 -> sanitizers
sapporo/7 -> sapporoes
sartorius/7 -> sartoriuss
sary/7 -> saried
satisfier/7 -> satisfiers
saucisson/7 -> saucissons
saurian/7 -> saurians
sauternes/7 -> sauterness
sbe/7 -> sbes
schiltron/7 -> schiltrons
schoolfellow/7 -> schoolfellows
scission/7 -> scissions
scleroderma/7 -> sclerodermas
scoliosis/7 -> scolioses
scorebox/7 -> scoreboxes
scrunchy/7 -> scrunchies
scrupulousness/7 -> scrupulousnesses
scurf/7 -> scurfs
seabeast/7 -> seabeasts
seadog/7 -> seadogs
seagrass/7 -> seagrasses
sealion/7 -> sealions
sebastopol/7 -> sebastopols
second-home/7 -> second-homes
seismologist/7 -> seismologists
selde/7 -> seldes
selectron/7 -> selectrons
self-investment/7 -> self-investments
self-rating/7 -> self-ratings
self-recrimination/7 -> self-recriminations
self-reward/7 -> self-rewarding
selfe/7 -> selfes
semite/7 -> semites
sensuousness/7 -> sensuousnesses
sequine/7 -> sequined
servian/7 -> servians
set-square/7 -> set-squares
sext/7 -> sexts
shakehole/7 -> shakeholes
shantytown/7 -> shantytowns
sharedealing/7 -> sharedealings
shavian/7 -> shavians
she-ass/7 -> she-asses
shema/7 -> shemas
shoe-gazer/7 -> shoe-gazers
shorn/7 -> shorned
shortfield/7 -> shortfields
shoshoni/7 -> shoshonis
show-jumper/7 -> show-jumpers
sicko/7 -> sickos
side-swipe/7 -> side-swipes
sidefoot/7 -> sidefooted
sidesman/7 -> sidesmen
sign-system/7 -> sign-systems
signale/7 -> signaled,signaling
silenus/7 -> silenuss
silverside/7 -> silversides
silverwork/7 -> silverworks
similitude/7 -> similitudes
singaround/7 -> singarounds
single-coil/7 -> single-coils
sirdar/7 -> sirdars
six-footer/7 -> six-footers
skateboarder/7 -> skateboarders
skulking/7 -> skulkings
skyway/7 -> skyways
slasher/7 -> slashers
sleepwalking/7 -> sleepwalkings
slickness/7 -> slicknesses
slimeball/7 -> slimeballs
slingback/7 -> slingbacks
slitty/7 -> slittier
sls/7 -> slss
slugger/7 -> sluggers
smacking/7 -> smackings
smarticon/7 -> smarticons
smilax/7 -> smilaxes
smith-god/7 -> smith-gods
smokebuster/7 -> smokebusters
smoothe/7 -> smoothes
smurf/7 -> smurfs
snarl-up/7 -> snarl-ups
snelgrove/7 -> snelgroves
sniggering/7 -> sniggerings
snobbism/7 -> snobbisms
snoot/7 -> snoots
sodomise/7 -> sodomised,sodomising
sojourner/7 -> sojourners
solider/7 -> soliders
solidness/7 -> solidnesses
somateria/7 -> somaterias
somnambulist/7 -> somnambulists
songe/7 -> songes,songed
sophist/7 -> sophists
sorority/7 -> sororities
souchong/7 -> souchongs
souterrain/7 -> souterrains
souther/7 -> southers
spectroscopist/7 -> spectroscopists
speechlessness/7 -> speechlessnesses
sperzel/7 -> sperzels
spic/7 -> spics
spillway/7 -> spillways
spindler/7 -> spindlers
spir/7 -> spirs
spokane/7 -> spokanes
spoliation/7 -> spoliations
spring-cleaning/7 -> spring-cleanings
spritsail/7 -> spritsails
spritz/7 -> spritzs
spymaster/7 -> spymasters
squareness/7 -> squarenesses
squealer/7 -> squealers
squidge/7 -> squidging
stabile/7 -> stabiles
stael/7 -> staels
stake-out/7 -> stake-outs
stakhanovite/7 -> stakhanovites
stargaze/7 -> stargazing,stargazes,stargazed
stateliness/7 -> statelinesses
stephanotis/7 -> stephanotiss
sticking-point/7 -> sticking-points
stiffy/7 -> stiffies
stigmatisation/7 -> stigmatisations
stitchwort/7 -> stitchworts
stonecutter/7 -> stonecutters
stonewash/7 -> stonewashed
stonk/7 -> stonking,stonks
storefront/7 -> storefronts
storm-cloud/7 -> storm-clouds
strabismus/7 -> strabismuss
strangulate/7 -> strangulated,strangulating,strangulates
stratigrapher/7 -> stratigraphers
strato-volcanoe/7 -> strato-volcanoes
strawboard/7 -> strawboards
streamflood/7 -> streamfloods
streptopelia/7 -> streptopelias
stretcher-bearer/7 -> stretcher-bearers
strix/7 -> strices
strongyloid/7 -> strongyloids
stuffer/7 -> stuffers
suavity/7 -> suavities
sub-faculty/7 -> sub-faculties
sub-function/7 -> sub-functions
sub-head/7 -> sub-heads
sub-license/7 -> sub-licenses
sub-plan/7 -> sub-plans
sub-seneschal/7 -> sub-seneschals
sub-total/7 -> sub-totals
subhead/7 -> subheads,subheading
subletting/7 -> sublettings
submerse/7 -> submersed,submerses,submersing
subrogate/7 -> subrogated,subrogates,subrogating
succulence/7 -> succulences
sulfur/7 -> sulfurs
sulphite/7 -> sulphites
super-constituency/7 -> super-constituencies
superbarrio/7 -> superbarrios
superspec/7 -> superspecs
superstrat/7 -> superstrats
svat/7 -> svats
svoboda/7 -> svobodas
sya/7 -> syas
sylva/7 -> sylvas
syncopate/7 -> syncopated,syncopates,syncopating
system-sentence/7 -> system-sentences
t-square/7 -> t-squares
tablespoonful/7 -> tablespoonfuls,tablespoonsful
taegu/7 -> taegus
tago/7 -> tagos
tailfin/7 -> tailfins
taira/7 -> tairas
takin/7 -> takins
taler/7 -> talers
tampere/7 -> tamperes
tanager/7 -> tanagers
tapescript/7 -> tapescripts
tarkovsky/7 -> tarkovskies
tarsal/7 -> tarsals
tartness/7 -> tartnesses
tartu/7 -> tartus
tarvara/7 -> tarvaras
tasse/7 -> tasses
tavener/7 -> taveners
tavern-keeper/7 -> tavern-keepers
tax-relief/7 -> tax-reliefs
tea-boy/7 -> tea-boys
team-manager/7 -> team-managers
teamer/7 -> teamers
teazle/7 -> teazles
telepath/7 -> telepaths
teleworker/7 -> teleworkers
tellurium/7 -> telluriums
telo/7 -> telos
tempra/7 -> tempras
texturise/7 -> texturised
th'know/7 -> th'knows
thalassaemia/7 -> thalassaemias
thallus/7 -> thalluss
thc/7 -> thcs
thecodont/7 -> thecodonts
thermocoagulation/7 -> thermocoagulations
thicko/7 -> thickos
thingey/7 -> thingeys
tholo/7 -> tholos
thomase/7 -> thomases,thomased
thunderbass/7 -> thunderbasses
thunderer/7 -> thunderers
tiffin/7 -> tiffins
tightrope-walker/7 -> tightrope-walkers
tilery/7 -> tileries
time-piece/7 -> time-pieces
time-slot/7 -> time-slots
timeline/7 -> timelines
tinning/7 -> tinnings
tinta/7 -> tintas
tippe-top/7 -> tippe-tops
tippet/7 -> tippets
tirede/7 -> tireder,tiredest
tiresias/7 -> tiresiass
tirol/7 -> tirols
titivate/7 -> titivating,titivated,titivates
toisech/7 -> toisechs
tom-tom/7 -> tom-toms
tontine/7 -> tontines
torc/7 -> torcs
totalise/7 -> totalising,totalises
toujour/7 -> toujours
towcestrian/7 -> towcestrians
towner/7 -> towners
trace-element/7 -> trace-elements
track-record/7 -> track-records
tradename/7 -> tradenames
tranchette/7 -> tranchettes
tranquilizer/7 -> tranquilizers
transitoriness/7 -> transitorinesses
transmittance/7 -> transmittances
transome/7 -> transomed,transomes
trashing/7 -> trashings
treecreeper/7 -> treecreepers
treetrunk/7 -> treetrunks
trend-setter/7 -> trend-setters
trichloroethylene/7 -> trichloroethylenes
tricorn/7 -> tricorns
tricorne/7 -> tricornes
triggering/7 -> triggerings
trihedron/7 -> trihedrons
triticum/7 -> triticums
trivium/7 -> triviums
trochanter/7 -> trochanters
trophoblast/7 -> trophoblasts
tropopause/7 -> tropopauses
trouser-press/7 -> trouser-presses
trumpery/7 -> trumperies
tubman/7 -> tubmen
tunicate/7 -> tunicates
turbo-alternator/7 -> turbo-alternators
turdus/7 -> turduss
turtle-dove/7 -> turtle-doves
twelvemonth/7 -> twelvemonths
twenty-two-year-old/7 -> twenty-two-year-olds
twin-car/7 -> twin-cars
twoyear-old/7 -> twoyear-olds
tyack/7 -> tyacks
tyrannise/7 -> tyrannised,tyrannises
ugli/7 -> uglis
uighur/7 -> uighurs
ultramontane/7 -> ultramontanes
ululation/7 -> ululations
uma/7 -> umas
unbolt/7 -> unbolting,unbolts,unbolted
uncap/7 -> uncapping
under-butler/7 -> under-butlers
under-finance/7 -> under-financed
undernourishment/7 -> undernourishments
undulant/7 -> undulants
unflag/7 -> unflagging
unfriendliness/7 -> unfriendlinesses
universalize/7 -> universalizing,universalizes,universalized
universita/7 -> universitas
unmould/7 -> unmoulding
unrealism/7 -> unrealisms
unstimulate/7 -> unstimulating
untwist/7 -> untwisting
uptick/7 -> upticks
uptime/7 -> uptimes
uraemia/7 -> uraemias
utan/7 -> utans
uygur/7 -> uygurs
v-tool/7 -> v-tools
vaduz/7 -> vaduzs
validator/7 -> validators
valorisation/7 -> valorisations
valse/7 -> valses
vanne/7 -> vannes
vapourchip/7 -> vapourchips
vario/7 -> varios
varro/7 -> varroes
vascularity/7 -> vascularities
vasoconstrictive/7 -> vasoconstrictives
vell/7 -> vells
velocipede/7 -> velocipedes
vennel/7 -> vennels
verdigris/7 -> verdigriss
veronal/7 -> veronals
vesuvian/7 -> vesuvians
viewscreen/7 -> viewscreens
vignoble/7 -> vignobles
vilna/7 -> vilnas
vinson/7 -> vinsons
viren/7 -> virens
viscounty/7 -> viscounties
vitalism/7 -> vitalisms
vivarium/7 -> vivariums
volcaniclastic/7 -> volcaniclastics
vote-winner/7 -> vote-winners
vouvray/7 -> vouvrays
vowel-sound/7 -> vowel-sounds
vulgarize/7 -> vulgarized,vulgarizing,vulgarizes
vy/7 -> vier
walese/7 -> waleses
walkie-talky/7 -> walkie-talkies
wapentake/7 -> wapentakes
washtub/7 -> washtubs
waste-land/7 -> waste-lands
waterstart/7 -> waterstarts
waterweed/7 -> waterweeds
waterworld/7 -> waterworlds
waxbill/7 -> waxbills
waxwing/7 -> waxwings
wedgie/7 -> wedgies
well-dressing/7 -> well-dressings
well-head/7 -> well-heads
wharve/7 -> wharves
what-if/7 -> what-ifs
wheat-rick/7 -> wheat-ricks
wheelclamp/7 -> wheelclamping,wheelclamped
wheels-and-brake/7 -> wheels-and-brakes
whisperer/7 -> whisperers
white-and-red/7 -> white-and-reds
whitebeam/7 -> whitebeams
whitecap/7 -> whitecaps
whizze/7 -> whizzes
whoomph-whoomph/7 -> whoomph-whoomphs
whoredom/7 -> whoredoms
wickede/7 -> wickedest
widdup/7 -> widdups
wide-boy/7 -> wide-boys
widgeon/7 -> widgeons
wieland/7 -> wielands
wille/7 -> willes
wind-surf/7 -> wind-surfs,wind-surfing
windmil/7 -> windmilling,windmilled
wine-bar/7 -> wine-bars
winebar/7 -> winebars
winemaking/7 -> winemakings
wing-patch/7 -> wing-patches
wingman/7 -> wingmen
wolframite/7 -> wolframites
womanize/7 -> womanizing,womanizes,womanized
wonderfulness/7 -> wonderfulnesses
wood-engraving/7 -> wood-engravings
woolpack/7 -> woolpacks
wooly/7 -> woolies,woolier
word-game/7 -> word-games
word-picture/7 -> word-pictures
worde/7 -> wordes
work-horse/7 -> work-horses
work-mate/7 -> work-mates
workchart/7 -> workcharts
workrate/7 -> workrates
worksite/7 -> worksites
world-weariness/7 -> world-wearinesses
writing-master/7 -> writing-masters
wrong-foot/7 -> wrong-foots,wrong-footing,wrong-footed
wrongfoot/7 -> wrongfooted
wykehamist/7 -> wykehamists
wynette/7 -> wynettes
yard-arm/7 -> yard-arms
yardland/7 -> yardlands
year-book/7 -> year-books
yellowness/7 -> yellownesses
yese/7 -> yeses
yf/7 -> yfs
yny/7 -> ynys
yoghourt/7 -> yoghourts
yoyo/7 -> yoyos
z-station/7 -> z-stations
zar/7 -> zars
zero-crossing/7 -> zero-crossings
ziegfeld/7 -> ziegfelds
zinnia/7 -> zinnias
zoanthid/7 -> zoanthids
zombi/7 -> zombis
zuid/7 -> zuider
'ole/6 -> 'oles
abductee/6 -> abductees
abilene/6 -> abilenes
abolitionism/6 -> abolitionisms
abstractionism/6 -> abstractionisms
acad/6 -> acads
accusative/6 -> accusatives
acro/6 -> acros
acrylate/6 -> acrylates
acrylonitrile/6 -> acrylonitriles
adduction/6 -> adductions
adhesin/6 -> adhesins
adsorbate/6 -> adsorbates
advect/6 -> advected
adventurousness/6 -> adventurousnesses
advisee/6 -> advisees
aerogenerator/6 -> aerogenerators
aesculapius/6 -> aesculapiuss
affixation/6 -> affixations
age-limit/6 -> age-limits
agnate/6 -> agnates
agon/6 -> agons
agrobacterium/6 -> agrobacteriums
ahab/6 -> ahabs
ahearn/6 -> ahearns
airscrew/6 -> airscrews
airwoman/6 -> airwomen
ajuga/6 -> ajugas
alata/6 -> alatas
alawite/6 -> alawites
albuminuria/6 -> albuminurias
alcott/6 -> alcotts
alectoris/6 -> alectoriss
alerting/6 -> alertings
algae/6 -> algaes
algren/6 -> algrens
allam/6 -> allams
alledge/6 -> alledged
almain/6 -> almains
alnus/6 -> alnuss
alo/6 -> alos
alpinist/6 -> alpinists
alstroemeria/6 -> alstroemerias
amontillado/6 -> amontilladoes
amorite/6 -> amorites
amphictyony/6 -> amphictyonies
amya/6 -> amyas
anabantoid/6 -> anabantoids
anaphylaxis/6 -> anaphylaxes
anathematise/6 -> anathematised,anathematising
anchor-man/6 -> anchor-men
ander/6 -> anders
anglophobia/6 -> anglophobias
animatronic/6 -> animatronics
anisette/6 -> anisettes
ankylosaur/6 -> ankylosaurs
ankylose/6 -> ankylosing,ankyloses,ankylosed
anm/6 -> anmer
anopheles/6 -> anopheless
anouilh/6 -> anouilhs
ansty/6 -> ansties
answerability/6 -> answerabilities
anthropomorphise/6 -> anthropomorphised
anti-car/6 -> anti-cars
anti-emetic/6 -> anti-emetics
anti-hb/6 -> anti-hbs
anti-histamine/6 -> anti-histamines
anti-partisan/6 -> anti-partisans
anti-reformer/6 -> anti-reformers
anti-toxin/6 -> anti-toxins
anti-venin/6 -> anti-venins
anticoagulation/6 -> anticoagulations
anticonvulsant/6 -> anticonvulsants
anticyclone/6 -> anticyclones
antifeminism/6 -> antifeminisms
antirrhinum/6 -> antirrhinums
antisepsis/6 -> antisepses
antitype/6 -> antitypes
antofagasta/6 -> antofagastas
apeldoorn/6 -> apeldoorns
aphis/6 -> aphiss
apisto/6 -> apistos
appale/6 -> appaling,appaled
appendectomy/6 -> appendectomies
applet/6 -> applets
apterygote/6 -> apterygotes
aquastar/6 -> aquastars
arachnophobia/6 -> arachnophobias
arawak/6 -> arawaks
arc-light/6 -> arc-lights
arch-villain/6 -> arch-villains
archaebacteria/6 -> archaebacterias
archao/6 -> archaos
are/6 -> ares
arguement/6 -> arguements
arguer/6 -> arguers
armamentarium/6 -> armamentariums
arminius/6 -> arminiuss
armload/6 -> armloads
arse-hole/6 -> arse-holes
art-style/6 -> art-styles
ascarid/6 -> ascarids
ascaridia/6 -> ascaridias
asclepiadaceae/6 -> asclepiadaceaes
aspro/6 -> aspros
assayer/6 -> assayers
assuredness/6 -> assurednesses
astringency/6 -> astringencies
asynchrony/6 -> asynchronies
atmospherics/6 -> atmosphericss
atr/6 -> atrs
auc/6 -> aucs
auroch/6 -> aurochs
autobus/6 -> autobuss
autodidact/6 -> autodidacts
autogenic/6 -> autogenics
autogiro/6 -> autogiros
autogyro/6 -> autogyros
autoregulation/6 -> autoregulations
avion/6 -> avions
avocation/6 -> avocations
axle-box/6 -> axle-boxes
b-boy/6 -> b-boys
babu/6 -> babus
backach/6 -> backaches
backgrounder/6 -> backgrounders
backslap/6 -> backslapping,backslaps
backslider/6 -> backsliders
backspin/6 -> backspins
bactericide/6 -> bactericides
badgering/6 -> badgerings
badman/6 -> badmen
baguio/6 -> baguios
baika/6 -> baikas
bailli/6 -> baillis
baka/6 -> bakas
bakunin/6 -> bakunins
balthazar/6 -> balthazars
bannist/6 -> bannister
banting/6 -> bantings
barber-surgeon/6 -> barber-surgeons
barbule/6 -> barbules
barcarolle/6 -> barcarolles
barent/6 -> barents
bargeboard/6 -> bargeboards,bargeboarded
barrass/6 -> barrassing
baseliner/6 -> baseliners
basia/6 -> basias
bass-line/6 -> bass-lines
battleline/6 -> battlelines
beaching/6 -> beachings
beastling/6 -> beastlings
beat-'em-up/6 -> beat-'em-ups
bed-table/6 -> bed-tables
beer-can/6 -> beer-cans
beguine/6 -> beguines
bellhop/6 -> bellhops
belligerency/6 -> belligerencies
bellwether/6 -> bellwethers
belly-aching/6 -> belly-achings
below-stair/6 -> below-stairs
berserker/6 -> berserkers
betake/6 -> betaken,betakes,betook,betaking
betime/6 -> betimes
betting-slip/6 -> betting-slips
bew/6 -> bews
bezique/6 -> beziques
bezy/6 -> bezier
bichir/6 -> bichirs
billy-goat/6 -> billy-goats
bin-bag/6 -> bin-bags
binbag/6 -> binbags
bioassay/6 -> bioassays,bioassaying,bioassayed
bioclast/6 -> bioclasts
bioengineer/6 -> bioengineering,bioengineered
biologic/6 -> biologics
bion/6 -> bions
biopolymer/6 -> biopolymers
biotin/6 -> biotins
biotope/6 -> biotopes
birder/6 -> birders
birefringence/6 -> birefringences
bitching/6 -> bitchings
blackfriar/6 -> blackfriars
blacktop/6 -> blacktops
bleb/6 -> blebs,blebbing
blixen/6 -> blixens
bloodletter/6 -> bloodletters
blow-hole/6 -> blow-holes
blowjob/6 -> blowjobs
bluehart/6 -> blueharts
bluesbreaker/6 -> bluesbreakers
boat-owner/6 -> boat-owners
body-bag/6 -> body-bags
bodyshop/6 -> bodyshops
boggart/6 -> boggarts
boho/6 -> bohos
boltgun/6 -> boltguns
boneshaker/6 -> boneshakers
boogie-woogie/6 -> boogie-woogies
book-binding/6 -> book-bindings
borer/6 -> borers
boroughmonger/6 -> boroughmongers
bovid/6 -> bovids
bowdlerise/6 -> bowdlerised,bowdlerising
bowdlerize/6 -> bowdlerized,bowdlerizes,bowdlerizing
box-car/6 -> box-cars
box-file/6 -> box-files
brahm/6 -> brahms
brainwashing/6 -> brainwashings
breacan-feile/6 -> breacan-feiles
breakspearean/6 -> breakspeareans
bremerhaven/6 -> bremerhavens
brigantine/6 -> brigantines
brigit/6 -> brigits
britannique/6 -> britanniques
bronchospasm/6 -> bronchospasms
bronzewing/6 -> bronzewings
brownsville/6 -> brownsvilles
bruxelles/6 -> bruxelless
buchner/6 -> buchners
bulk-buy/6 -> bulk-buying,bulk-buys
bulkiness/6 -> bulkinesses
bullethole/6 -> bulletholes
bum-bag/6 -> bum-bags
bunyip/6 -> bunyips
burdock/6 -> burdocks
burette/6 -> burettes
burlap/6 -> burlaps
businessperson/6 -> businesspersons,businesspeople
butadiene/6 -> butadienes
butanol/6 -> butanols
by-word/6 -> by-words
bya/6 -> byas
byer/6 -> byers
c-ki-ra/6 -> c-ki-ras
c-pillar/6 -> c-pillars
cabine/6 -> cabines
cabriole/6 -> cabrioles
caden/6 -> cadens
caliente/6 -> calientes
calliope/6 -> calliopes
callsign/6 -> callsigns
calper/6 -> calpers
caltha/6 -> calthas
cambium/6 -> cambiums
cami-knicker/6 -> cami-knickers
candle-snuffer/6 -> candle-snuffers
capybara/6 -> capybaras
caramelise/6 -> caramelised,caramelises
carbamylate/6 -> carbamylated
card-player/6 -> card-players
career-best/6 -> career-bests
carillon/6 -> carillons
carjacking/6 -> carjackings
carmontelle/6 -> carmontelles
carpel/6 -> carpels
carpetbagger/6 -> carpetbaggers
carpoid/6 -> carpoids
casal/6 -> casals
case-room/6 -> case-rooms
cash-register/6 -> cash-registers
cassoulet/6 -> cassoulets
castalian/6 -> castalians
castellany/6 -> castellanies
castoff/6 -> castoffs
cat-lover/6 -> cat-lovers
catalpa/6 -> catalpas
catechize/6 -> catechizing,catechized,catechizes
cautery/6 -> cauteries
cavesson/6 -> cavessons
cavey/6 -> caveys
centaury/6 -> centauries
cephalosporin/6 -> cephalosporins
cepheus/6 -> cepheuss
cer/6 -> cers
certe/6 -> certes
chador/6 -> chadors
charcoal-burner/6 -> charcoal-burners
charcot/6 -> charcots
charge-payer/6 -> charge-payers
charidee/6 -> charidees
charnel-house/6 -> charnel-houses
chasse/6 -> chasses
chattahoochee/6 -> chattahoochees
chattanooga/6 -> chattanoogas
check-point/6 -> check-points
checkstay/6 -> checkstays
cheever/6 -> cheevers
chemic/6 -> chemics
chemisorb/6 -> chemisorbed
chessman/6 -> chessmen
chestnut-seller/6 -> chestnut-sellers
chiasma/6 -> chiasmas
chicot/6 -> chicots
child-year/6 -> child-years
chimneybreast/6 -> chimneybreasts
chlamydomonas/6 -> chlamydomonass
choc-ice/6 -> choc-ices
choler/6 -> cholers
cholla/6 -> chollas
chop-house/6 -> chop-houses
chromatid/6 -> chromatids
chronograph/6 -> chronographs
chrysalise/6 -> chrysalises
chucky/6 -> chuckies
chunder/6 -> chunders,chundered
circlip/6 -> circlips
circumscription/6 -> circumscriptions
circumvention/6 -> circumventions
cirv/6 -> cirvs
cive/6 -> cives
civics/6 -> civicss
cizeta/6 -> cizetas
clangula/6 -> clangulas
clariswork/6 -> clarisworks
class-mark/6 -> class-marks
clayey-lignite/6 -> clayey-lignites
cleruchy/6 -> cleruchies
clinopyroxene/6 -> clinopyroxenes
clonality/6 -> clonalities
clothes-horse/6 -> clothes-horses
clubgoer/6 -> clubgoers
clydesider/6 -> clydesiders
cmb/6 -> cmbs
co-edit/6 -> co-editing,co-edited
co-immobilize/6 -> co-immobilized
co-publish/6 -> co-published
co-signatory/6 -> co-signatories
coadjutor/6 -> coadjutors
coal-owner/6 -> coal-owners
cobber/6 -> cobbers
cockchafer/6 -> cockchafers
cockup/6 -> cockups
coelurosaur/6 -> coelurosaurs
coffee-machine/6 -> coffee-machines
cofferer/6 -> cofferers
coffine/6 -> coffined
cogitate/6 -> cogitated,cogitating,cogitates
cognitivist/6 -> cognitivists
coiffeur/6 -> coiffeured,coiffeurs
colchicum/6 -> colchicums
collimator/6 -> collimators
colobine/6 -> colobines
coltsfoot/6 -> coltsfeet
come-down/6 -> come-downs
commissaire/6 -> commissaires
completist/6 -> completists
composing-room/6 -> composing-rooms
compositae/6 -> compositaes
compte/6 -> comptes
comrades-in-arm/6 -> comrades-in-arms
comunicacione/6 -> comunicaciones
con-rod/6 -> con-rods
conceptualism/6 -> conceptualisms
conceptus/6 -> conceptuss
concho-spiral/6 -> concho-spirals
conclusiveness/6 -> conclusivenesses
concolor/6 -> concolors
concupiscence/6 -> concupiscences
condonation/6 -> condonations
confabulation/6 -> confabulations
confit/6 -> confits
conformer/6 -> conformers
congeniality/6 -> congenialities
congrat/6 -> congrats
conserver/6 -> conservers
consuetudine/6 -> consuetudines
convenant/6 -> convenants,convenanted
convenien/6 -> conveniens
coomb/6 -> coombs
cornelian/6 -> cornelians
corner-kick/6 -> corner-kicks
corpo/6 -> corpos
corporator/6 -> corporators
corpulence/6 -> corpulences
corrector/6 -> correctors
corrida/6 -> corridas
corroboree/6 -> corroborees
cortice/6 -> cortices
cosmography/6 -> cosmographies
cotransfection/6 -> cotransfections
cotton-mill/6 -> cotton-mills
counter-charge/6 -> counter-charges
counter-rumour/6 -> counter-rumours
counter-weight/6 -> counter-weighting
covariate/6 -> covariates
covetable/6 -> covetables
cow-catcher/6 -> cow-catchers
crabapple/6 -> crabapples
crabgrass/6 -> crabgrasses
crassipe/6 -> crassipes
creese/6 -> creeses
cricket-writer/6 -> cricket-writers
crighton/6 -> crightons
critisise/6 -> critisised,critisises
cronyism/6 -> cronyisms
cross-beam/6 -> cross-beams
cross-bencher/6 -> cross-benchers
cross-bow/6 -> cross-bows
cross-react/6 -> cross-reacts
cross-refer/6 -> cross-refers
crossply/6 -> crossplies
crosstalk/6 -> crosstalks
cryptogram/6 -> cryptograms
cryptologist/6 -> cryptologists
cuban-american/6 -> cuban-americans
cubitus/6 -> cubituss
cuistot/6 -> cuistots
curbside/6 -> curbsides
cussedness/6 -> cussednesses
custom-build/6 -> custom-builds
cutwate/6 -> cutwater
cva/6 -> cvas
cyclodextrin/6 -> cyclodextrins
cyclopaedia/6 -> cyclopaedias
cynara/6 -> cynaras
cynosure/6 -> cynosures
d'affaire/6 -> d'affaires
damascene/6 -> damascenes,damascening,damascened
damna/6 -> damnas
dandyism/6 -> dandyisms
dardanelle/6 -> dardanelles
dasher/6 -> dashers
datacentre/6 -> datacentres
dawdling/6 -> dawdlings
day-boy/6 -> day-boys
daybed/6 -> daybeds
daytripper/6 -> daytrippers
de-mystify/6 -> de-mystified
de-selection/6 -> de-selections
de-stalinization/6 -> de-stalinizations
death-throe/6 -> death-throes
deathwatch/6 -> deathwatches
debden/6 -> debdens
debilitation/6 -> debilitations
decision-problem/6 -> decision-problems
deckle/6 -> deckled
declassification/6 -> declassifications
declension/6 -> declensions
decriminalise/6 -> decriminalised
decriminalize/6 -> decriminalized,decriminalizing
decwindow/6 -> decwindows
deede/6 -> deedes
deerhunter/6 -> deerhunters
dehorn/6 -> dehorned,dehorning,dehorns
deinstal/6 -> deinstalled
deliberateness/6 -> deliberatenesses
delphinus/6 -> delphinuss
demijohn/6 -> demijohns
demonization/6 -> demonizations
demutualisation/6 -> demutualisations
demyelination/6 -> demyelinations
denationalize/6 -> denationalized,denationalizing,denationalizes
depoliticize/6 -> depoliticized
despoiler/6 -> despoilers
detotalize/6 -> detotalizing,detotalizes
detraction/6 -> detractions
detrain/6 -> detrained,detraining,detrains
dever/6 -> devers
deviationist/6 -> deviationists
devo/6 -> devos
dewax/6 -> dewaxed,dewaxing
dhrystone/6 -> dhrystones
dialectologist/6 -> dialectologists
diamondback/6 -> diamondbacks
diapason/6 -> diapasons
diatomite/6 -> diatomites
dichotomise/6 -> dichotomised
diddly/6 -> diddlies
die-off/6 -> die-offs
diencephalon/6 -> diencephalons
disanalogy/6 -> disanalogies
discontentment/6 -> discontentments
disfiguration/6 -> disfigurations
disfranchise/6 -> disfranchised,disfranchises,disfranchising
dishwater/6 -> dishwaters
disjoin/6 -> disjoined,disjoins,disjoining
dispersionist/6 -> dispersionists
dissatisfy/6 -> dissatisfying,dissatisfier,dissatisfies,dissatisfied
distill/6 -> distills,distils,distilling,distilled
diuresis/6 -> diureses
div/6 -> divs
djila/6 -> djilas
doant/6 -> doanted
dodecame/6 -> dodecamer
doeskin/6 -> doeskins
dog-lover/6 -> dog-lovers
dojo/6 -> dojos
domenican/6 -> domenicans
donatist/6 -> donatists
doodle-bug/6 -> doodle-bugs
doom-monger/6 -> doom-mongers
doorhandle/6 -> doorhandles
doorstop/6 -> doorstops
doppler-shift/6 -> doppler-shifts
dormobile/6 -> dormobiles
dotterel/6 -> dotterels
doublethink/6 -> doublethinks
douglass/6 -> douglasses
dousing/6 -> dousings
down-escalator/6 -> down-escalators
downclimb/6 -> downclimbed,downclimbing
draping/6 -> drapings
dreamscape/6 -> dreamscapes
dreme/6 -> dremes
drinking-horn/6 -> drinking-horns
drinky/6 -> drinkies
drivechart/6 -> drivecharts
drugget/6 -> druggets
dryopteris/6 -> dryopteriss
dtac/6 -> dtacs
duathlon/6 -> duathlons
duckbill/6 -> duckbills
duergar/6 -> duergars
dust-cover/6 -> dust-covers
dust-press/6 -> dust-presses
dystopia/6 -> dystopias
dzo/6 -> dzos
ealderman/6 -> ealdermen
ealy/6 -> ealier
ear-plug/6 -> ear-plugs
east-ender/6 -> east-enders
eating-place/6 -> eating-places
ebionite/6 -> ebionites
ectomorph/6 -> ectomorphs
edge-tool/6 -> edge-tools
edit-point/6 -> edit-points
edomite/6 -> edomites
edutainment/6 -> edutainments
egeria/6 -> egerias
egglayer/6 -> egglayers
eggplant/6 -> eggplants
ego-trip/6 -> ego-trips
egomaniac/6 -> egomaniacs
eichhornia/6 -> eichhornias
eidetike/6 -> eidetiking,eidetiked
eight-time/6 -> eight-times
eight-wicket/6 -> eight-wickets
elb/6 -> elbing
eldonian/6 -> eldonians
electrica/6 -> electricas
electron-volt/6 -> electron-volts
elmhirst/6 -> elmhirsts
elodea/6 -> elodeas
emeraude/6 -> emeraudes
emersion/6 -> emersions
emote/6 -> emoting,emoted,emotes
emptor/6 -> emptors
encoffine/6 -> encoffined,encoffining
endomorph/6 -> endomorphs
endoprosthese/6 -> endoprostheses
enfilade/6 -> enfiladed,enfilades,enfilading
enthrall/6 -> enthralls,enthrals,enthralling,enthralled
entryist/6 -> entryists
epee/6 -> epees
ephemerality/6 -> ephemeralities
epi/6 -> epis
epididymis/6 -> epididymiss
epilobium/6 -> epilobiums
epiphenomenon/6 -> epiphenomenons
epistemologist/6 -> epistemologists
epona/6 -> eponas
equipage/6 -> equipages
erade/6 -> erades
eratosthenes/6 -> eratostheness
eridanus/6 -> eridanuss
erse/6 -> erses
esophagus/6 -> esophaguss
espetada/6 -> espetadas
esterase/6 -> esterases
etcher/6 -> etchers
ete/6 -> etes
eucrite/6 -> eucrites
euronote/6 -> euronotes
eutherian/6 -> eutherians
evader/6 -> evaders
evers/6 -> everss
eversh/6 -> evershed
ex-apprentice/6 -> ex-apprentices
ex-champion/6 -> ex-champions
ex-peasant/6 -> ex-peasants
ex-pro/6 -> ex-pros
ex-spouse/6 -> ex-spouses
ex-worker/6 -> ex-workers
exarchate/6 -> exarchates
excoriation/6 -> excoriations
execrate/6 -> execrated,execrates,execrating
execration/6 -> execrations
exigence/6 -> exigences
expedience/6 -> expediences
expostulation/6 -> expostulations
expurgate/6 -> expurgated,expurgates,expurgating
extirpation/6 -> extirpations
extortionist/6 -> extortionists
extremum/6 -> extrema
eye-catcher/6 -> eye-catchers
eye-drop/6 -> eye-drops
eye-lash/6 -> eye-lashes
eyecatch/6 -> eyecatching
eyecup/6 -> eyecups
eyesocket/6 -> eyesockets
eyot/6 -> eyots
eyry/6 -> eyries
ezechiel/6 -> ezechiels
face-saver/6 -> face-savers
facelet/6 -> facelets
fact-sheet/6 -> fact-sheets
factorize/6 -> factorized,factorizes,factorizing
factory-owner/6 -> factory-owners
fader/6 -> faders
falsifier/6 -> falsifiers
famile/6 -> familes
fanworm/6 -> fanworms
farry/6 -> farries
fatwah/6 -> fatwahs
favourableness/6 -> favourablenesses
felicitation/6 -> felicitations
felid/6 -> felids
felloe/6 -> felloes
fellow-prisoner/6 -> fellow-prisoners
fellow-writer/6 -> fellow-writers
feminize/6 -> feminized,feminizing,feminizes
fenrir/6 -> fenrirs
festival-goer/6 -> festival-goers
fetishize/6 -> fetishized
fettuccine/6 -> fettuccines
fibber/6 -> fibbers
fibrose/6 -> fibrosing,fibrosed
fidele/6 -> fideles
fieldname/6 -> fieldnames
fifth-year/6 -> fifth-years
filaria/6 -> filarias
finalisation/6 -> finalisations
finca/6 -> fincas
findspot/6 -> findspots
fingerpicker/6 -> fingerpickers
fingerpost/6 -> fingerposts
fire-extinguisher/6 -> fire-extinguishers
firehose/6 -> firehoses,firehosing
firestorm/6 -> firestorms
first-teamer/6 -> first-teamers
fish-cake/6 -> fish-cakes
fish-house/6 -> fish-houses
fivesome/6 -> fivesomes
flag-pole/6 -> flag-poles
flarepath/6 -> flarepaths
flash-flood/6 -> flash-floods
flatfoot/6 -> flatfooting
flibbertigibbet/6 -> flibbertigibbets
flocculate/6 -> flocculating,flocculates,flocculated
flow-rate/6 -> flow-rates
flower-vase/6 -> flower-vases
fluidic/6 -> fluidics
flye/6 -> flyes
folk-singer/6 -> folk-singers
folke/6 -> folkes
fomite/6 -> fomites
fon/6 -> fons
fondling/6 -> fondlings
foodstore/6 -> foodstores
forceps/6 -> forcepss
fore-paw/6 -> fore-paws
forepart/6 -> foreparts
foresail/6 -> foresails
formol/6 -> formols
forsee/6 -> forsees,forseeing
fortysomething/6 -> fortysomethings
fossilisation/6 -> fossilisations
foster-father/6 -> foster-fathers
foulard/6 -> foulards
four-pack/6 -> four-packs
fragran/6 -> fragrans
francisca/6 -> franciscas
franciscana/6 -> franciscanas
franco-american/6 -> franco-americans
fratricide/6 -> fratricides
freak-out/6 -> freak-outs
freekick/6 -> freekicks
freesheet/6 -> freesheets
freeze-up/6 -> freeze-ups
frescoe/6 -> frescoed
friability/6 -> friabilities
frigidaire/6 -> frigidaires
frontager/6 -> frontagers
fruit-eater/6 -> fruit-eaters
fruit-juice/6 -> fruit-juices
frypan/6 -> frypans
fuddle/6 -> fuddled,fuddles,fuddling
fussing/6 -> fussings
galea/6 -> galeas
galloper/6 -> gallopers
galtre/6 -> galtres
galvanomete/6 -> galvanometer
gamba/6 -> gambas
game-bird/6 -> game-birds
gamecock/6 -> gamecocks
gamesplayer/6 -> gamesplayers
gamma-interferon/6 -> gamma-interferons
gang-boss/6 -> gang-bosses
gangpath/6 -> gangpaths
gant/6 -> gants
garganey/6 -> garganeys
garot/6 -> garotting
gas-light/6 -> gas-lights
gasohol/6 -> gasohols
gastroscope/6 -> gastroscopes
gatefold/6 -> gatefolds
gaveller/6 -> gavellers
gavia/6 -> gavias
gawper/6 -> gawpers
gear-change/6 -> gear-changes
gemmule/6 -> gemmules
gene-seed/6 -> gene-seeds
gentrify/6 -> gentrified
georgio/6 -> georgios
gera/6 -> geras
gerontocracy/6 -> gerontocracies
getting/6 -> gettings
ghat/6 -> ghats
giantkiller/6 -> giantkillers
gibran/6 -> gibrans
gifting/6 -> giftings
glassworm/6 -> glassworms
glazer/6 -> glazers
glia/6 -> glias
gliff/6 -> gliffs
glioma/6 -> gliomas
gloam/6 -> gloaming
glue-sniffer/6 -> glue-sniffers
glycosuria/6 -> glycosurias
glyder/6 -> glyders
gmo/6 -> gmos
goatherd/6 -> goatherds
goble/6 -> gobles
godspeed/6 -> godspeeds
goe/6 -> goed
gold-weight/6 -> gold-weights
goldilock/6 -> goldilocks
goniatite/6 -> goniatites
gonzalez-palacio/6 -> gonzalez-palacios
good-looker/6 -> good-lookers
gooner/6 -> gooners
gooseflesh/6 -> goosefleshed
gourmand/6 -> gourmands
grab-rail/6 -> grab-rails
grammaticalization/6 -> grammaticalizations
grapeshot/6 -> grapeshots
grapnel/6 -> grapnels
grau/6 -> graus
gravaman/6 -> gravamen
grave-robber/6 -> grave-robbers
graves/6 -> gravess
greenskin/6 -> greenskins
greensleeve/6 -> greensleeves
greenville/6 -> greenvilles
groats/6 -> groatss
grosgrain/6 -> grosgrains
groundstroke/6 -> groundstrokes
groupworker/6 -> groupworkers
grubbiness/6 -> grubbinesses
grumpiness/6 -> grumpinesses
grunger/6 -> grungers
guanaco/6 -> guanacos
guenon/6 -> guenons
guilt-offering/6 -> guilt-offerings
gun-battle/6 -> gun-battles
gunnel/6 -> gunnels
gyppo/6 -> gyppos
gyrfalcon/6 -> gyrfalcons
hab/6 -> habs
haematologist/6 -> haematologists
haematopus/6 -> haematopera
haemorrhoidectomy/6 -> haemorrhoidectomies
haida/6 -> haidas
hairsbreadth/6 -> hairsbreadths
hajji/6 -> hajjis
haka/6 -> hakas
half-cycle/6 -> half-cycles
half-dome/6 -> half-domes
half-glass/6 -> half-glasses
half-rhyme/6 -> half-rhymes
half-sibling/6 -> half-siblings
half-slope/6 -> half-slopes
halm/6 -> halms
halothane/6 -> halothanes
hammarskjold/6 -> hammarskjolds
hammer-beam/6 -> hammer-beams
hanglider/6 -> hangliders
hanuman/6 -> hanumen
haole/6 -> haoles
hardcard/6 -> hardcards
hardtop/6 -> hardtops
harre/6 -> harres
hassel/6 -> hassels
hat-pin/6 -> hat-pins
hawiye/6 -> hawiyes
head-teacher/6 -> head-teachers
headlock/6 -> headlocks
headrest/6 -> headrests
headstall/6 -> headstalls
heathenism/6 -> heathenisms
heatstroke/6 -> heatstrokes
heaviside/6 -> heavisides
hebraist/6 -> hebraists
hedgetrimmer/6 -> hedgetrimmers
heedlessness/6 -> heedlessnesses
heela/6 -> heelas
heights/6 -> heightss
hellespont/6 -> hellesponts
hellhole/6 -> hellholes
hellhound/6 -> hellhounds
hemianopia/6 -> hemianopias
heminge/6 -> heminges
herodian/6 -> herodians
herpetologist/6 -> herpetologists
herrerasaurus/6 -> herrerasauruss
hertha/6 -> herthas
heure/6 -> heures
hibernator/6 -> hibernators
hierarch/6 -> hierarchs
high-achiever/6 -> high-achievers
highlife/6 -> highlives
hightail/6 -> hightailed,hightails,hightailing
higinbotham/6 -> higinbothams
hill-side/6 -> hill-sides
hind-leg/6 -> hind-legs
hink/6 -> hinks,hinking,hinked
hirundo/6 -> hirundoes
historiate/6 -> historiated
historiographer/6 -> historiographers
hob-nob/6 -> hob-nobs
hoik/6 -> hoiked,hoiks
homeliness/6 -> homelinesses
homeobox/6 -> homeoboxes
homiletic/6 -> homiletics
hommage/6 -> hommages
homopolymer/6 -> homopolymers
hondo/6 -> hondoes
honist/6 -> honister
hoo-hah/6 -> hoo-hahs
hooky/6 -> hookies
hoper/6 -> hopers
horby/6 -> horbys
horsemeat/6 -> horsemeats
hot-key/6 -> hot-keys
hotdog/6 -> hotdogs,hotdogging
house-keeper/6 -> house-keepers
house-painter/6 -> house-painters
housefly/6 -> houseflies
housemate/6 -> housemates
howdy/6 -> howdies
huer/6 -> huers
huffing/6 -> huffings
hugger-mugger/6 -> hugger-muggers
hugging/6 -> huggings
humaine/6 -> humaines
humourist/6 -> humourists
husker/6 -> huskers
hutchin/6 -> hutchins
hyaluronidase/6 -> hyaluronidases
hydro-carbon/6 -> hydro-carbons
hydrometer/6 -> hydrometers
hydroperoxide/6 -> hydroperoxides
hydroponic/6 -> hydroponics
hypercube/6 -> hypercubes
hypernym/6 -> hypernyms
hypostasize/6 -> hypostasizing,hypostasizes,hypostasized
iceman/6 -> icemen
id-impulse/6 -> id-impulses
ident/6 -> idents
illusionism/6 -> illusionisms
imparting/6 -> impartings
imperviousness/6 -> imperviousnesses
inadmissibility/6 -> inadmissibilities
inadvisability/6 -> inadvisabilities
incase/6 -> incases,incasing,incased
incipit/6 -> incipits
incivility/6 -> incivilities
incohesion/6 -> incohesions
inconsequence/6 -> inconsequences
incorruptibility/6 -> incorruptibilities
indorse/6 -> indorsed,indorses,indorsing
indriya/6 -> indriyas
inelegance/6 -> inelegances
inerrancy/6 -> inerrancies
inertness/6 -> inertnesses
infield/6 -> infields
infinitude/6 -> infinitudes
inflorescence/6 -> inflorescences
infosheet/6 -> infosheets
inglese/6 -> ingleses
ingrowth/6 -> ingrowths
innholder/6 -> innholders
instructress/6 -> instructresses
insufflation/6 -> insufflations
insurrectionist/6 -> insurrectionists
intension/6 -> intensions
intentness/6 -> intentnesses
interbed/6 -> interbedded,interbeds
intercorrelation/6 -> intercorrelations
interfield/6 -> interfields
interlinkage/6 -> interlinkages
interloan/6 -> interloans
internship/6 -> internships
intersystem/6 -> intersystems
inula/6 -> inulas
involute/6 -> involuted,involutes
ion-exchange/6 -> ion-exchanges
irishwoman/6 -> irishwomen
ironclad/6 -> ironclads
ironist/6 -> ironists
ironmake/6 -> ironmaking
ironman/6 -> ironmen
irons/6 -> ironss
ironweed/6 -> ironweeds
isbister/6 -> isbisters
isoleucine/6 -> isoleucines
isomerase/6 -> isomerases
isopod/6 -> isopods
itinerate/6 -> itinerated,itinerating,itinerates
iwo/6 -> iwoes
ixyphalian/6 -> ixyphalians
iy/6 -> iys
j-cloth/6 -> j-cloths
jack-knife/6 -> jack-knifes,jack-knifing,jack-knifed,jack-knives
jackson-stop/6 -> jackson-stops
jambon/6 -> jambons
jaque/6 -> jaques
jare/6 -> jared
jauntiness/6 -> jauntinesses
jaw-line/6 -> jaw-lines
jeopardite/6 -> jeopardites
jitterbug/6 -> jitterbugging,jitterbugs
joint-manager/6 -> joint-managers
joyfulness/6 -> joyfulnesses
joyousness/6 -> joyousnesses
juif/6 -> juifs
julep/6 -> juleps
k.o./6 -> k.o.s
kabbalist/6 -> kabbalists
kach/6 -> kaches
kapo/6 -> kapos
kayake/6 -> kayaking,kayaked
kazoo/6 -> kazoos
keratinocyte/6 -> keratinocytes
kerf/6 -> kerfing,kerfs,kerfed
kewish/6 -> kewishs
kickoff/6 -> kickoffs
kilocred/6 -> kilocreds
kilohertz/6 -> kilohertzs
kina/6 -> kinas
kinge/6 -> kinges
kirgizia/6 -> kirgizias
kiswahili/6 -> kiswahilis
kitkat/6 -> kitkats
klopstock/6 -> klopstocks
klystron/6 -> klystrons
knee-pad/6 -> knee-pads
knife-blade/6 -> knife-blades
knifeblade/6 -> knifeblades
knightshaye/6 -> knightshayes
knobble/6 -> knobbled,knobbles,knobbling
knoxville/6 -> knoxvilles
kobus/6 -> kobuss
kolkhoz/6 -> kolkhozs
kolowrat/6 -> kolowrats
korchnoi/6 -> korchnois
kotoko/6 -> kotokoes
kovno/6 -> kovnoes
kroger/6 -> krogers
krono/6 -> kronos
kummel/6 -> kummels
kwa/6 -> kwas
kyd/6 -> kyds
kyrgyzstan/6 -> kyrgyzstans
l'aquila/6 -> l'aquilas
ladderback/6 -> ladderbacks
lakota/6 -> lakotas
lampbase/6 -> lampbases
land-fill/6 -> land-fills
land-train/6 -> land-trains
lanoptic/6 -> lanoptics
lapdog/6 -> lapdogs
lapsing/6 -> lapsings
lare/6 -> lares
larrikin/6 -> larrikins
lasalle/6 -> lasalles
lase/6 -> lasing,lasest,lased
lasgun/6 -> lasguns
lassoe/6 -> lassoed,lassoes
latchcord/6 -> latchcords
laude/6 -> laudes
launderer/6 -> launderers
laurasia/6 -> laurasias
lawmake/6 -> lawmaking
layaway/6 -> layaways
lbj/6 -> lbjs
lead-miner/6 -> lead-miners
lecture-demonstration/6 -> lecture-demonstrations
leg-bye/6 -> leg-byes
legalist/6 -> legalists
lepanto/6 -> lepantoes
lepidopteran/6 -> lepidopterans
lepidopterist/6 -> lepidopterists
letter-bomb/6 -> letter-bombs
letter-string/6 -> letter-strings
letterbomb/6 -> letterbombs
lexifier/6 -> lexifiers
liarte/6 -> liartes
licorice/6 -> licorices
ligase/6 -> ligases
light-welter/6 -> light-welters
lightpen/6 -> lightpens
limpidity/6 -> limpidities
linearise/6 -> linearised,linearising
lineback/6 -> linebacks,linebacked
lineman/6 -> linemen
lippi/6 -> lippis
lisping/6 -> lispings
list_of_content/6 -> list_of_contents
lithosol/6 -> lithosols
litigiousness/6 -> litigiousnesses
livefood/6 -> livefoods
llma/6 -> llmas
loftiness/6 -> loftinesses
log-in/6 -> log-ins
long-hair/6 -> long-hairs
longjohn/6 -> longjohns
longline/6 -> longlining,longlines
lopper/6 -> loppers
lothe/6 -> loathing
loti/6 -> lotis
lour/6 -> loured,louring,lours
love-bird/6 -> love-birds
low-loader/6 -> low-loaders
lowercase/6 -> lowercases
lowfield/6 -> lowfields
lubumbashi/6 -> lubumbashis
luminaire/6 -> luminaires
lurve/6 -> lurves
luta/6 -> lutas
lychnis/6 -> lychniss
lymphogranuloma/6 -> lymphogranulomas
lyre-bird/6 -> lyre-birds
lysimachus/6 -> lysimachuss
macro-function/6 -> macro-functions
macrostructure/6 -> macrostructures
mad-house/6 -> mad-houses
mah-jongg/6 -> mah-jonggs
maillotin/6 -> maillotins
maiming/6 -> maimings
majorite/6 -> majorites
majuscule/6 -> majuscules
malnourishment/6 -> malnourishments
malus/6 -> maluss
mandrel/6 -> mandrels
manouvre/6 -> manouvres
mantid/6 -> mantids
manualist/6 -> manualists
maoism/6 -> maoisms
mapunit/6 -> mapunits
marabou/6 -> marabous
maraca/6 -> maracas
marbling/6 -> marblings
marchantia/6 -> marchantias
mark-down/6 -> mark-downs
markio/6 -> markios
marny/6 -> marnier
mascon/6 -> mascons
mast-head/6 -> mast-heads
master-stroke/6 -> master-strokes
matchbook/6 -> matchbooks
matchwood/6 -> matchwoods
matriline/6 -> matrilines
matrilineage/6 -> matrilineages
mauritian/6 -> mauritians
mavin/6 -> mavins
maximalist/6 -> maximalists
maximian/6 -> maximians
maximiser/6 -> maximisers
maxt/6 -> maxted
mbabane/6 -> mbabanes
meagreness/6 -> meagrenesses
means-end/6 -> means-ends
mech/6 -> mechs
mechatronic/6 -> mechatronics
medal-winner/6 -> medal-winners
medicalise/6 -> medicalised
medick/6 -> medicks
meeting-point/6 -> meeting-points
megalopolis/6 -> megalopoliss
megatonne/6 -> megatonnes
melastomataceae/6 -> melastomataceaes
mele/6 -> meles
meles/6 -> meless
memorialist/6 -> memorialists
mentalism/6 -> mentalisms
mesentery/6 -> mesenteries
meta-analyse/6 -> meta-analyses
metabisulphite/6 -> metabisulphites
metadata/6 -> metadatas
metalhead/6 -> metalheads
metaller/6 -> metallers
metastasise/6 -> metastasising,metastasised
methanogen/6 -> methanogens
methody/6 -> methodies
metoprolol/6 -> metoprolols
mexican-american/6 -> mexican-americans
miasm/6 -> miasms
micro-fossil/6 -> micro-fossils
microcompute/6 -> microcomputing
micronesian/6 -> micronesians
mid-calf/6 -> mid-calves
midair/6 -> midairs
midwater/6 -> midwaters
milliard/6 -> milliards
milometer/6 -> milometers
miltiade/6 -> miltiades
mindoro/6 -> mindoroes
mini-meadow/6 -> mini-meadows
miniaturize/6 -> miniaturized,miniaturizes,miniaturizing
minicassette/6 -> minicassettes
ministep/6 -> ministepping,ministeps
ministere/6 -> ministeres
minivan/6 -> minivans
minuse/6 -> minuses
mirrorshade/6 -> mirrorshades
mis-classify/6 -> mis-classified,mis-classifies,mis-classifying
mis-recognition/6 -> mis-recognitions
mis-statement/6 -> mis-statements
mischief-maker/6 -> mischief-makers
miscount/6 -> miscounted,miscounts,miscounting
mislabel/6 -> mislabelled,mislabelling
misremember/6 -> misremembered,misremembering
mizza/6 -> mizzas
molin/6 -> molins
molise/6 -> molises
moluccan/6 -> moluccans
mommsen/6 -> mommsens
monarchism/6 -> monarchisms
monde/6 -> mondes
money-earner/6 -> money-earners
money-winner/6 -> money-winners
moneychanger/6 -> moneychangers
moneymaker/6 -> moneymakers
monodist/6 -> monodists
monopod/6 -> monopods
monotheist/6 -> monotheists
monumentalise/6 -> monumentalising
mooe/6 -> mooed
moonraker/6 -> moonrakers
mooring-rope/6 -> mooring-ropes
moorman/6 -> moormen
mooth/6 -> mooths
mora/6 -> moras
mother-fucker/6 -> mother-fuckers
motile/6 -> motiles
motor-home/6 -> motor-homes
motor-launch/6 -> motor-launches
motorwagon/6 -> motorwagons
mottling/6 -> mottlings
mountain-side/6 -> mountain-sides
moyen/6 -> moyens
msh/6 -> mshes
mucilage/6 -> mucilages
mudra/6 -> mudras
mulct/6 -> mulcted,mulcts,mulcting
multi-sport/6 -> multi-sports
multiplexor/6 -> multiplexors
mund/6 -> munding
mustiness/6 -> mustinesses
mvp/6 -> mvps
mycology/6 -> mycologies
myelography/6 -> myelographies
mylonite/6 -> mylonites
myoclonus/6 -> myoclonuss
myofilament/6 -> myofilaments
mytho/6 -> mythos
myxoedema/6 -> myxoedemas
nailbit/6 -> nailbiting
nailfile/6 -> nailfiles
narcissist/6 -> narcissists
nature-lover/6 -> nature-lovers
nautch/6 -> nautches
navaid/6 -> navaids
navarran/6 -> navarrans
nazarene/6 -> nazarenes
neckar/6 -> neckars
neckcloth/6 -> neckcloths
neckplate/6 -> neckplates
neem/6 -> neems
neighbore/6 -> neighboring
nenets/6 -> nenetss
neo-darwinist/6 -> neo-darwinists
neopolitan/6 -> neopolitans
nest-box/6 -> nest-boxes
net-work/6 -> net-works
neuroticism/6 -> neuroticisms
neutropenia/6 -> neutropenias
new-product/6 -> new-products
nfe/6 -> nfes
nibbler/6 -> nibblers
nicklau/6 -> nicklaus
nig-nog/6 -> nig-nogs
ninepin/6 -> ninepins
nit-pick/6 -> nit-picking
nitrile/6 -> nitriles
noake/6 -> noakes
noctuid/6 -> noctuids
non-accountant/6 -> non-accountants
non-citizen/6 -> non-citizens
non-offender/6 -> non-offenders
non-pensioner/6 -> non-pensioners
non-solicitor/6 -> non-solicitors
non-unit/6 -> non-units
non-worker/6 -> non-workers
nonlive/6 -> nonliving
norepinephrine/6 -> norepinephrines
north-easterner/6 -> north-easterners
note-combination/6 -> note-combinations
note-pad/6 -> note-pads
note-succession/6 -> note-successions
nrem/6 -> nrems
o.e.d./6 -> o.e.d.s
oakapple/6 -> oakapples
obadiah/6 -> obadiahs
obsessive-compulsive/6 -> obsessive-compulsives
occidentale/6 -> occidentales
occlusive/6 -> occlusives
oden/6 -> odens
oerlikon/6 -> oerlikons
oeuf/6 -> oeufs
offprint/6 -> offprints
oldland/6 -> oldlands
oldster/6 -> oldsters
oligopolist/6 -> oligopolists
omerta/6 -> omertas
onanism/6 -> onanisms
onchocerciasis/6 -> onchocerciases
one-nighter/6 -> one-nighters
open-topper/6 -> open-toppers
opponant/6 -> opponants
orangutang/6 -> orangutangs
organochloride/6 -> organochlorides
oriflamme/6 -> oriflammes
orly/6 -> orlies
orthodontic/6 -> orthodontics
osr/6 -> osred
ostracod/6 -> ostracods
oued/6 -> oueds
out-source/6 -> out-sourcing,out-sourced
outcaste/6 -> outcastes
outerwear/6 -> outerwears
outfielder/6 -> outfielders
outliner/6 -> outliners
outskirter/6 -> outskirters
over-burden/6 -> over-burdened
over-flow/6 -> over-flowing,over-flowed
over-grow/6 -> over-grown,over-growing
over-influence/6 -> over-influenced
over-invest/6 -> over-investing
over-play/6 -> over-played
over-populate/6 -> over-populated
over-power/6 -> over-powered,over-powering
over-price/6 -> over-priced,over-pricing
over-record/6 -> over-recorded,over-recording
over-spend/6 -> over-spending
over-spending/6 -> over-spendings
over-tunic/6 -> over-tunics
overdrve/6 -> overdriven
overexcit/6 -> overexcited,overexciting
overstand/6 -> overstanding
overstrike/6 -> overstrikes,overstriking
overvaluation/6 -> overvaluations
ox-cart/6 -> ox-carts
paca/6 -> pacas
padova/6 -> padovas
paillard/6 -> paillards
painfulness/6 -> painfulnesses
paintball/6 -> paintballs
palaeoecology/6 -> palaeoecologies
palimony/6 -> palimonies
palla/6 -> pallas
palmae/6 -> palmaes
palombe/6 -> palombes
pancrease/6 -> pancreases
panelist/6 -> panelists
panga/6 -> pangas
paper-maker/6 -> paper-makers
papilloma/6 -> papillomas
papoose/6 -> papooses
paradi/6 -> paradis
paralyze/6 -> paralyzed,paralyzes,paralyzing
paramo/6 -> paramos
parasitoid/6 -> parasitoids
pardner/6 -> pardners
parmenides/6 -> parmenidess
parquetry/6 -> parquetries
particularize/6 -> particularized,particularizing,particularizes
pastellist/6 -> pastellists
pasture-land/6 -> pasture-lands
pata/6 -> patas
patissery/6 -> patisseries
patriciate/6 -> patriciates
patriotique/6 -> patriotiques
pauperization/6 -> pauperizations
pavane/6 -> pavanes
paw-paw/6 -> paw-paws
payola/6 -> payolas
peafowl/6 -> peafowls
peashooter/6 -> peashooters
peate/6 -> peates
pebbledash/6 -> pebbledashed,pebbledashes
pecos/6 -> pecoss
peculation/6 -> peculations
peekaboo/6 -> peekaboos
peignoir/6 -> peignoirs
pencil-case/6 -> pencil-cases
penknive/6 -> penknives
pentate/6 -> pentates
peplo/6 -> peplos
peptone/6 -> peptones
peradventure/6 -> peradventures
perdix/6 -> perdixes
perutz/6 -> perutzs
pervy/6 -> perviest
petrification/6 -> petrifications
petrofabric/6 -> petrofabrics
petrologist/6 -> petrologists
petter/6 -> petters
phaisto/6 -> phaistos
pharos/6 -> phaross
phaser/6 -> phasers
philadelphian/6 -> philadelphians
philately/6 -> philatelies
philippino/6 -> philippinos
philippo/6 -> philippos
philodendron/6 -> philodendrons
philosopher-king/6 -> philosopher-kings
phiz/6 -> phizs
phlogopite/6 -> phlogopites
phocaean/6 -> phocaeans
phosphine/6 -> phosphines
photo-montage/6 -> photo-montages
photojournalist/6 -> photojournalists
photolithography/6 -> photolithographies
phragmite/6 -> phragmites
phrase-book/6 -> phrase-books
piccy/6 -> piccies,piccys
pickpockete/6 -> pickpocketing,pickpocketed
piemonte/6 -> piemontes
pierhead/6 -> pierheads
pighead/6 -> pigheaded
pillow-case/6 -> pillow-cases
pima/6 -> pimas
pin-tuck/6 -> pin-tucks
pinger/6 -> pingers
pinnace/6 -> pinnaces
pipe-cleaner/6 -> pipe-cleaners
pisser/6 -> pissers
pit-bull/6 -> pit-bulls
plane-tree/6 -> plane-trees
plastique/6 -> plastiques
platonism/6 -> platonisms
playing-card/6 -> playing-cards
playpark/6 -> playparks
pleader/6 -> pleaders
pleasure-seeker/6 -> pleasure-seekers
plexiglas/6 -> plexiglass
plornish/6 -> plornishes
plucker/6 -> pluckers
pna/6 -> pnas
poesy/6 -> poesies
point-to-pointer/6 -> point-to-pointers
polder/6 -> polders
poltroon/6 -> poltroons
polybutylene/6 -> polybutylenes
polyether/6 -> polyethers
polyhedron/6 -> polyhedrons
polytheist/6 -> polytheists
polytonality/6 -> polytonalities
pondering/6 -> ponderings
pondweed/6 -> pondweeds
pontian/6 -> pontians
pop-in/6 -> pop-ins
portaloo/6 -> portaloos
portamento/6 -> portamentos
porterhouse/6 -> porterhouses
pot-shot/6 -> pot-shots
potage/6 -> potages
poteen/6 -> poteens
potholer/6 -> potholers
potshot/6 -> potshots
poulain/6 -> poulains
powder-keg/6 -> powder-kegs
power-play/6 -> power-plays
powerboater/6 -> powerboaters
powermaster/6 -> powermasters
poxviruse/6 -> poxviruses
pre-adaptation/6 -> pre-adaptations
pre-game/6 -> pre-games
pre-plan/6 -> pre-planning,pre-planned
preadolescent/6 -> preadolescents
precompiler/6 -> precompilers
preformation/6 -> preformations
prego/6 -> pregos
prepackage/6 -> prepackaged,prepackages,prepackaging
prese/6 -> preses
presentee/6 -> presentees
presenting/6 -> presentings
previewer/6 -> previewers
price-taker/6 -> price-takers
primeur/6 -> primeurs
prink/6 -> prinking,prinked,prinks
printing-house/6 -> printing-houses
prize-fight/6 -> prize-fights
prizefighter/6 -> prizefighters
pro-catholic/6 -> pro-catholics
proc_save/6 -> proc_saved
proceedure/6 -> proceedures
progenoid/6 -> progenoids
progressivist/6 -> progressivists
pronation/6 -> pronations
proofreader/6 -> proofreaders,proof-reader,proof-readers
proop/6 -> proops
propagandise/6 -> propagandising,propagandised
proportioner/6 -> proportioners
proprinter/6 -> proprinters
propshaft/6 -> propshafts
prorogation/6 -> prorogations
prostanoid/6 -> prostanoids
protagora/6 -> protagoras
protamine/6 -> protamines
protura/6 -> proturas
prover/6 -> provers
psalm-setting/6 -> psalm-settings
psycho-geriatric/6 -> psycho-geriatrics
psychophysiology/6 -> psychophysiologies
puebla/6 -> pueblas
puff-ball/6 -> puff-balls
puissance/6 -> puissances
puppet-master/6 -> puppet-masters
purple-blue/6 -> purple-blues
pursued/6 -> pursueds
put-put/6 -> puts-puts
putrefy/6 -> putrefying,putrefied,putrefies
pycnogonid/6 -> pycnogonids
pydna/6 -> pydnas
pye-dog/6 -> pye-dogs
pyrrhus/6 -> pyrrhuss
pyxis/6 -> pyxes
quacking/6 -> quackings
quadruplicate/6 -> quadruplicated,quadruplicates,quadruplicating
quantization/6 -> quantizations
quarrier/6 -> quarriers
quarter-point/6 -> quarter-points
quarterfinal/6 -> quarterfinals
quenelle/6 -> quenelles
quetzalcoatl/6 -> quetzalcoatls
quiddity/6 -> quiddities
quietism/6 -> quietisms
quietus/6 -> quietuss
quinquennium/6 -> quinquenniums
quint/6 -> quints
quintuplet/6 -> quintuplets
quoom/6 -> quooms
rabble-rouser/6 -> rabble-rousers
ragnarok/6 -> ragnaroks
ragpicker/6 -> ragpickers
ragtag/6 -> ragtags
railway-worker/6 -> railway-workers
rambouillet/6 -> rambouillets
rambutan/6 -> rambutans
ramet/6 -> ramets
rankine/6 -> rankines
rareness/6 -> rarenesses
rat-tail/6 -> rat-tails
ratemahatmaya/6 -> ratemahatmayas
razing/6 -> razings
re-absorb/6 -> re-absorbed,re-absorbs,re-absorbing
re-attach/6 -> re-attached,re-attaching
re-capture/6 -> re-captured,re-capturing
re-circulate/6 -> re-circulated,re-circulates
re-configure/6 -> re-configuring
re-embark/6 -> re-embarked
re-expose/6 -> re-exposed,re-exposing
re-line/6 -> re-lining
re-look/6 -> re-looking
re-photograph/6 -> re-photographed,re-photographing
re-plan/6 -> re-planned,re-planning
re-scale/6 -> re-scaled,re-scaling,re-scales
re-secure/6 -> re-secured
re-try/6 -> re-tried
re-upholster/6 -> re-upholstered
reader-response/6 -> reader-responses
readopt/6 -> readopted,readopting
ready-mix/6 -> ready-mixes
reattach/6 -> reattached
reattribution/6 -> reattributions
rebase/6 -> rebased,rebasing
rebind/6 -> rebinding,rebinds,rebound
rebreathe/6 -> rebreathed
recalibrate/6 -> recalibrated,recalibrating
recolour/6 -> recoloured
recommit/6 -> recommitting,recommitted,recommits
recompose/6 -> recomposed,recomposing
recopy/6 -> recopied,recopying
recrudescence/6 -> recrudescences
recusancy/6 -> recusancies
red-bed/6 -> red-beds
red-coat/6 -> red-coats
redescribe/6 -> redescribed,redescribing
redetermine/6 -> redetermined,redetermining
redhand/6 -> redhanded
reenact/6 -> reenacting,reenacted,reenacts
refocuss/6 -> refocussing,refocussed
reimer/6 -> reimers
reinstall/6 -> reinstalls
relinquishment/6 -> relinquishments
remanence/6 -> remanences
remise/6 -> remises
renascian/6 -> renascians
rent-collector/6 -> rent-collectors
reoccurrence/6 -> reoccurrences
repine/6 -> repining,repined,repines
repolish/6 -> repolished,repolishing
reprobation/6 -> reprobations
requalify/6 -> requalifying
reroute/6 -> reroutes
resettler/6 -> resettlers
resignal/6 -> resignalled,resignalling
resile/6 -> resiled,resiles,resiling
resolving/6 -> resolvings
restack/6 -> restacked,restacking
restrictiveness/6 -> restrictivenesses
retrogression/6 -> retrogressions
rh/6 -> rhs
rheumatologist/6 -> rheumatologists
rhymer/6 -> rhymers
ribonucleotide/6 -> ribonucleotides
ricercar/6 -> ricercars
ricin/6 -> ricins
ridger/6 -> ridgers
right-off/6 -> right-offs
rimer/6 -> rimers
ringsider/6 -> ringsiders
ritt/6 -> ritts
ritualism/6 -> ritualisms
roadhold/6 -> roadholding
roamer/6 -> roamers
roaster/6 -> roasters
roasty/6 -> roasties
rock-fall/6 -> rock-falls
rockette/6 -> rockettes
rockist/6 -> rockists
roja/6 -> rojas
romanticist/6 -> romanticists
romanticization/6 -> romanticizations
romulan/6 -> romulans
rondeau/6 -> rondeaux
roof-line/6 -> roof-lines
roofrack/6 -> roofracks
roosen/6 -> roosens
rosales/6 -> rosaless
roset/6 -> rosetted
rotuman/6 -> rotumans
rotundity/6 -> rotundities
rough-house/6 -> rough-housing,rough-houses,roughhoused,rough-housed
roumanian/6 -> roumanians
round-neck/6 -> round-necks
roundtable/6 -> roundtables
rubber-tapper/6 -> rubber-tappers
ruddles/6 -> ruddless
rule-breaker/6 -> rule-breakers
rulemake/6 -> rulemaking
rumour-monger/6 -> rumour-mongers
rumpy/6 -> rumpier
runge/6 -> runged
running-board/6 -> running-boards
runout/6 -> runouts
runyon/6 -> runyons
rusticate/6 -> rusticated,rusticates,rusticating
ruta/6 -> rutas
s-wave/6 -> s-waves
saceur/6 -> saceurs
sacramentary/6 -> sacramentaries
sacristan/6 -> sacristans
saddleback/6 -> saddlebacks
safavid/6 -> safavids
safe-deposit/6 -> safe-deposits
safe-house/6 -> safe-houses
sagittaria/6 -> sagittarias
sailer/6 -> sailers
salopian/6 -> salopians
saltwater/6 -> saltwaters
sambucus/6 -> sambucuss
sand-castle/6 -> sand-castles
sanitisation/6 -> sanitisations
sanitize/6 -> sanitized,sanitizes,sanitizing
sasine/6 -> sasines
satcom/6 -> satcoms
satisfice/6 -> satisficing
sauro/6 -> sauros
savonarola/6 -> savonarolas
saw-cut/6 -> saw-cuts
sawdoctor/6 -> sawdoctors
sazhen/6 -> sazhens
scalper/6 -> scalpers
scansion/6 -> scansions
schematize/6 -> schematized,schematizes,schematizing
schliemann/6 -> schliemanns
schlock/6 -> schlocks
schoo/6 -> schoos
screenprint/6 -> screenprints,screenprinted
screwtop/6 -> screwtops
screwworm/6 -> screwworms
scroller/6 -> scrollers
scrummager/6 -> scrummagers
sculling/6 -> scullings
scumite/6 -> scumites
scweam/6 -> scweams
sea-crossing/6 -> sea-crossings
sea-dog/6 -> sea-dogs
sea-god/6 -> sea-gods
secano/6 -> secanos
secrist/6 -> secrists
seeping/6 -> seepings
self-aggrandizement/6 -> self-aggrandizements
self-assertiveness/6 -> self-assertivenesses
self-builder/6 -> self-builders
self-cutter/6 -> self-cutters
self-interruption/6 -> self-interruptions
self-organisation/6 -> self-organisations
self-renewal/6 -> self-renewals
self-sow/6 -> self-sows
self-starter/6 -> self-starters
selvagen/6 -> selvagens
semi-dome/6 -> semi-domes
semi-finish/6 -> semi-finished
semi-opaque/6 -> semi-opaques
semi-quaver/6 -> semi-quavers
semi-retire/6 -> semi-retired
semibreve/6 -> semibreves
semiconduct/6 -> semiconducting
semperviren/6 -> sempervirens
seroconverter/6 -> seroconverters
service-user/6 -> service-users
seta/6 -> setas
seyy/6 -> seyyed
sezession/6 -> sezessions
shadow-puppet/6 -> shadow-puppets
shadowland/6 -> shadowlands
shape-shifter/6 -> shape-shifters
share-holding/6 -> share-holdings
sharkskin/6 -> sharkskins
sheep-dog/6 -> sheep-dogs
shellshock/6 -> shellshocked
sheriffship/6 -> sheriffships
shirehorse/6 -> shirehorses
shirt-tail/6 -> shirt-tails
shoeing-smith/6 -> shoeing-smiths
shoosh/6 -> shooshing
shopowner/6 -> shopowners
short-termer/6 -> short-termers
showboat/6 -> showboats
showering/6 -> showerings
shrink-wrap/6 -> shrink-wraps
shrovetide/6 -> shrovetides
shucks/6 -> shuckss
side-pond/6 -> side-ponds
side-window/6 -> side-windows
sideband/6 -> sidebands
sidehole/6 -> sideholes
sidespin/6 -> sidespins
sidewinder/6 -> sidewinders
sight-see/6 -> sight-seeing
sightline/6 -> sightlines
sigmoidoscope/6 -> sigmoidoscopes
signal-box/6 -> signal-boxes
silkscreen/6 -> silkscreens,silkscreened
sillabub/6 -> sillabubs
sillibub/6 -> sillibubs
sillock/6 -> sillocks
silmaril/6 -> silmarils
silvan/6 -> silvans
silversmthe/6 -> silversmithing
simazine/6 -> simazines
singpho/6 -> singphos
sinkhole/6 -> sinkholes
sister-party/6 -> sister-parties
six-shooter/6 -> six-shooters
six-wheeler/6 -> six-wheelers
sixth-large/6 -> sixth-largest
skank/6 -> skanked,skanking,skanks
skateboarding/6 -> skateboardings
skeeter/6 -> skeetered
skin-type/6 -> skin-types
skirting-board/6 -> skirting-boards
skyship/6 -> skyships
slalomist/6 -> slalomists
slaphead/6 -> slapheads
slave-driver/6 -> slave-drivers
slave-girl/6 -> slave-girls
sleep-walker/6 -> sleep-walkers
sliding-scale/6 -> sliding-scales
sline/6 -> slines
slipover/6 -> slipovers
slipperiness/6 -> slipperinesses
sloganeering/6 -> sloganeerings
slovenliness/6 -> slovenlinesses
sludd/6 -> sludds
smarm/6 -> smarmed,smarms
smir/6 -> smirring
smolt/6 -> smolts
snelder/6 -> snelders
snellen/6 -> snellens
snorter/6 -> snorters
snow-drift/6 -> snow-drifts
snowboard/6 -> snowboards,snowboarding
snowcock/6 -> snowcocks
snowplough/6 -> snowploughs
snugness/6 -> snugnesses
soave/6 -> soaves
solarisation/6 -> solarisations
solarise/6 -> solarising,solarised
solemnize/6 -> solemnized,solemnizes,solemnizing
song-cycle/6 -> song-cycles
soroptimist/6 -> soroptimists
sound-effect/6 -> sound-effects
soundwave/6 -> soundwaves
soup-plate/6 -> soup-plates
souring/6 -> sourings
sousse/6 -> sousses
spacewalk/6 -> spacewalks,spacewalking,spacewalked
spall/6 -> spalling,spalled
sparcwork/6 -> sparcworks
sparseness/6 -> sparsenesses
spear-point/6 -> spear-points
spellbinder/6 -> spellbinders
spermatogenesis/6 -> spermatogeneses
sphincter/6 -> sphincters
spiraea/6 -> spiraeas
spiritualize/6 -> spiritualizing,spiritualized,spiritualizes
splenden/6 -> splendens
spoil-heap/6 -> spoil-heaps
spoon-f/6 -> spoon-fed
spot-check/6 -> spot-checks
spotlamp/6 -> spotlamps
square-bashing/6 -> square-bashings
square-neck/6 -> square-necks
squarial/6 -> squarials
squircle/6 -> squircles
sss/6 -> ssses
stableman/6 -> stablemen
stage-play/6 -> stage-plays
stage-whisper/6 -> stage-whispers
stageprop/6 -> stageprops
stait/6 -> staits
stalky/6 -> stalkier
stand-down/6 -> stand-downs
stangl/6 -> stangls
steelmake/6 -> steelmaking
stellarator/6 -> stellarators
steller/6 -> stellers
stem-cutting/6 -> stem-cuttings
step-sister/6 -> step-sisters
stiffener/6 -> stiffeners
stigmatization/6 -> stigmatizations
still-birth/6 -> still-births
stilwell/6 -> stilwells
stocking-filler/6 -> stocking-fillers
stomper/6 -> stompers
stonechat/6 -> stonechats
stoning/6 -> stonings
stopping-place/6 -> stopping-places
stradivarius/6 -> stradivariuss
straightface/6 -> straightfaced
strategem/6 -> strategems
street-door/6 -> street-doors
street-walker/6 -> street-walkers
streetwalker/6 -> streetwalkers
streptococci/6 -> streptococcis
stromatoporoid/6 -> stromatoporoids
stuccoist/6 -> stuccoists
student-teacher/6 -> student-teachers
sturdiness/6 -> sturdinesses
sturmer/6 -> sturmers
sub-commission/6 -> sub-commissions
sub-domain/6 -> sub-domains
sub-office/6 -> sub-offices
sub-structure/6 -> sub-structures
subdiscipline/6 -> subdisciplines
sublevel/6 -> sublevels
subrent/6 -> subrents
subsumption/6 -> subsumptions
subtask/6 -> subtasks
succinctness/6 -> succinctnesses
sudy/6 -> sudies
suffusion/6 -> suffusions
sugg/6 -> suggs
sulkiness/6 -> sulkinesses
sullenness/6 -> sullennesses
sumach/6 -> sumaches
summariser/6 -> summarisers
summiteer/6 -> summiteers
sunpic/6 -> sunpics
super-format/6 -> super-formats
super-glue/6 -> super-glued
superannuate/6 -> superannuated,superannuates,superannuating
supercluster/6 -> superclusters
superfly/6 -> superflies
superinfection/6 -> superinfections
supertip/6 -> supertips
superuser/6 -> superusers
supplanting/6 -> supplantings
suspiciousness/6 -> suspiciousnesses
sustentation/6 -> sustentations
sutter/6 -> sutters
swallower/6 -> swallowers
swan-neck/6 -> swan-necks
swapshop/6 -> swapshops
sweetening/6 -> sweetenings
swerving/6 -> swervings
swineherd/6 -> swineherds
swithin/6 -> swithins
sybarite/6 -> sybarites
synapomorphy/6 -> synapomorphies
syndic/6 -> syndics
synecdoche/6 -> synecdoches
t-unit/6 -> t-units
table-mat/6 -> table-mats
tabun/6 -> tabuns
tachometer/6 -> tachometers
taciturnity/6 -> taciturnities
tadorna/6 -> tadornas
tage/6 -> tages
tail-fin/6 -> tail-fins
tailor-make/6 -> tailor-makes
talent-spotter/6 -> talent-spotters
tamerlane/6 -> tamerlanes
tangut/6 -> tanguts
taoism/6 -> taoisms
tarim/6 -> tarims
tarmack/6 -> tarmacked
tattwa/6 -> tattwas
taty/6 -> taties
tavare/6 -> tavares
tea-drinking/6 -> tea-drinkings
tea-kettle/6 -> tea-kettles
tear-stain/6 -> tear-stains
tectonise/6 -> tectonised
teenybopper/6 -> teenyboppers
telluride/6 -> tellurides
tenderise/6 -> tenderised,tenderises
tenderloin/6 -> tenderloins
term-limit/6 -> term-limits
territoire/6 -> territoires
tesla/6 -> teslas
tessellation/6 -> tessellations
test-b/6 -> test-best
test-piece/6 -> test-pieces
teton/6 -> tetons
tetramer/6 -> tetramers
thaso/6 -> thasos
thecodontian/6 -> thecodontians
theenk/6 -> theenks
themis/6 -> themiss
theodicy/6 -> theodicies
therm/6 -> therms
thermistor/6 -> thermistors
thermopylae/6 -> thermopylaes
thew/6 -> thews
thiabendazole/6 -> thiabendazoles
threader/6 -> threaders
three-and-a-half-year/6 -> three-and-a-half-years
three-dimensionality/6 -> three-dimensionalities
thriftiness/6 -> thriftinesses
thse/6 -> thses
thunderhead/6 -> thunderheads
thynge/6 -> thynges
thyroglobulin/6 -> thyroglobulins
thysanura/6 -> thysanuras
tiddle/6 -> tiddled
tiddlywink/6 -> tiddlywinks
tie-beam/6 -> tie-beams
tight-rope/6 -> tight-ropes
time-signature/6 -> time-signatures
time-waster/6 -> time-wasters
tinkerer/6 -> tinkerers
tinting/6 -> tintings
tippler/6 -> tipplers
titoist/6 -> titoists
top-seller/6 -> top-sellers
topee/6 -> topees
topi/6 -> topis
torquemada/6 -> torquemadas
tortrix/6 -> tortrices
touchscreen/6 -> touchscreens
tovarich/6 -> tovariches
tow-rope/6 -> tow-ropes
tow-truck/6 -> tow-trucks
town-planner/6 -> town-planners
tractability/6 -> tractabilities
trade-route/6 -> trade-routes
traffic-jam/6 -> traffic-jams
trail-blazer/6 -> trail-blazers
transliteration/6 -> transliterations
transshipment/6 -> transshipments
treehouse/6 -> treehouses
trencherman/6 -> trenchermen
treponematose/6 -> treponematoses
trethowan/6 -> trethowans
treve/6 -> treves
triallist/6 -> triallists
triangulum/6 -> triangulums
triceratops/6 -> triceratopss
trichoptera/6 -> trichopteras
triffid/6 -> triffids
trinita/6 -> trinitas
triploblast/6 -> triploblasts
trop/6 -> trops
troup/6 -> troups
trump-card/6 -> trump-cards
truth-condition/6 -> truth-conditions
tso/6 -> tsos
tuffet/6 -> tuffets
tulipa/6 -> tulipas
tuman/6 -> tumans
tump/6 -> tumps
tunefulness/6 -> tunefulnesses
turbo-charger/6 -> turbo-chargers
turgot/6 -> turgots
tusker/6 -> tuskers
two-leg/6 -> two-legs
two-wheeler/6 -> two-wheelers
tyrannize/6 -> tyrannized,tyrannizing,tyrannizes
ugm/6 -> ugms
uhm/6 -> uhming
ulay/6 -> ulayed
ultimacy/6 -> ultimacies
umb/6 -> umbs
un-american/6 -> un-americans
unberogen/6 -> unberogens
unconventionality/6 -> unconventionalities
undecidable/6 -> undecidables
under-capitalise/6 -> under-capitalised
under-equip/6 -> under-equipped
under-housemaid/6 -> under-housemaids
underfur/6 -> underfurs
underplant/6 -> underplanting
unfulfil/6 -> unfulfilling
unicent/6 -> unicenter
unida/6 -> unidas
unintere/6 -> uninterest
univeristy/6 -> univeristies
unlikeliness/6 -> unlikelinesses
unloose/6 -> unloosing,unlooses
unreel/6 -> unreeling,unreels
unrighteousness/6 -> unrighteousnesses
unspeak/6 -> unspeaking
untap/6 -> untapped
upregulate/6 -> upregulated,upregulating
uraninite/6 -> uraninites
uren/6 -> urens
urtica/6 -> urticas
usn/6 -> usns
utu/6 -> utus
vagus/6 -> vaguss
valkyry/6 -> valkyries
valorize/6 -> valorizing,valorized
value-orientation/6 -> value-orientations
varietal/6 -> varietals
venation/6 -> venations
venereologist/6 -> venereologists
venet/6 -> venets
venter/6 -> venters
veratrum/6 -> veratrums
verb-form/6 -> verb-forms
vermicelli/6 -> vermicellis
vesiculation/6 -> vesiculations
vfa/6 -> vfas
vice-chairmanship/6 -> vice-chairmanships
video-recorder/6 -> video-recorders
videofit/6 -> videofits
villa-lobos/6 -> villa-loboss
virchow/6 -> virchows
viscus/6 -> viscuss
vitrine/6 -> vitrines
vlaam/6 -> vlaams
volan/6 -> volans
volcanology/6 -> volcanologies
volen/6 -> volens
voltigeur/6 -> voltigeurs
voluptuary/6 -> voluptuaries
vookodlak/6 -> vookodlaks
wage-book/6 -> wage-books
wainscoting/6 -> wainscotings
wall-covering/6 -> wall-coverings
wall-paper/6 -> wall-papers
wallachian/6 -> wallachians
war-crime/6 -> war-crimes
warming-pan/6 -> warming-pans
watchfire/6 -> watchfires
water-jug/6 -> water-jugs
water-line/6 -> water-lines
waterbuck/6 -> waterbucks
watermaker/6 -> watermakers
watmough/6 -> watmoughs
wealth-holder/6 -> wealth-holders
weed-killer/6 -> weed-killers
weedbed/6 -> weedbeds
week-day/6 -> week-days
weeknight/6 -> weeknights
weightiness/6 -> weightinesses
weissbier/6 -> weissbiers
whacker/6 -> whackers
whipper-snapper/6 -> whipper-snappers
whiptail/6 -> whiptails
whisp/6 -> whisps,whisped
whiteworm/6 -> whiteworms
whoof/6 -> whoofing
whup/6 -> whupped
wibble/6 -> wibbles
widdershin/6 -> widdershins
widdow/6 -> widdows
willebrand/6 -> willebrands
wiltshy/6 -> wiltshier
windrow/6 -> windrows
windsock/6 -> windsocks
wine-shipper/6 -> wine-shippers
winemake/6 -> winemaking
wing-halve/6 -> wing-halves
wing-mirror/6 -> wing-mirrors
wing-pad/6 -> wing-pads
wing-span/6 -> wing-spans
winnebago/6 -> winnebagoes
winnowing/6 -> winnowings
wirework/6 -> wireworks
wo-man/6 -> wo-men
woffle/6 -> woffling
wolly/6 -> wollies
woodbury/6 -> woodburies
work-in/6 -> work-ins
work-sheet/6 -> work-sheets
work-top/6 -> work-tops
workboat/6 -> workboats
workingman/6 -> workingmen
worm-lion/6 -> worm-lions
wra/6 -> wras
wuff/6 -> wuffs,wuffing
wy/6 -> wies
wyle/6 -> wyles
wyler/6 -> wylers
x-axis/6 -> x-axes
x-neuron/6 -> x-neurons
y-ray/6 -> y-rays
yamani/6 -> yamanis
yammer/6 -> yammering,yammers,yammered
yardy/6 -> yardies
yay/6 -> yays
yazoo/6 -> yazoos
yellowleg/6 -> yellowlegs
yerselve/6 -> yerselves
yevtushenko/6 -> yevtushenkoes
zeo/6 -> zeos
zit/6 -> zits
zomba/6 -> zombas
zonk/6 -> zonked
'eighty/5 -> 'eighties
'sixty/5 -> 'sixties
'speak/5 -> 'speaking
a-cup/5 -> a-cups
a-particle/5 -> a-particles
abies/5 -> abiess
abysm/5 -> abysms
acanthaceae/5 -> acanthaceaes
acceptation/5 -> acceptations
accipiter/5 -> accipiters
accoutr/5 -> accoutred
acetabulum/5 -> acetabulums
acris/5 -> acriss
actinide/5 -> actinides
adulate/5 -> adulated,adulates,adulating
adulterant/5 -> adulterants
afforest/5 -> afforesting,afforests,afforested
africander/5 -> africanders
after-shock/5 -> after-shocks
ag/5 -> ags
agca/5 -> agcas
aglaia/5 -> aglaias
agrarianist/5 -> agrarianists
agroecosystem/5 -> agroecosystems
agronomy/5 -> agronomies
ahimsa/5 -> ahimsas
ahura/5 -> ahuras
air-hostess/5 -> air-hostesses
air-wave/5 -> air-waves
airiness/5 -> airinesses
airmanship/5 -> airmanships
airstrike/5 -> airstrikes
al-qud/5 -> al-quds
alcaeus/5 -> alcaeuss
alcalde/5 -> alcaldes
aldh/5 -> aldhs
aleut/5 -> aleuts
aleutians/5 -> aleutianss
alkanol/5 -> alkanols
all-expense/5 -> all-expenses
aloha/5 -> alohas
alpinism/5 -> alpinisms
alsation/5 -> alsations
alsike/5 -> alsikes
aluminate/5 -> aluminates
amberjack/5 -> amberjacks
aminoacyl-trna/5 -> aminoacyl-trnas
amniote/5 -> amniotes
ampe/5 -> ampes
ampere/5 -> amperes
analysist/5 -> analysists
andro/5 -> andros
andry/5 -> andries
anencephalic/5 -> anencephalics
anesthesia/5 -> anesthesias
anesthetise/5 -> anesthetised
angeleno/5 -> angelenos
anglophilia/5 -> anglophilias
animal-lover/5 -> animal-lovers
ankle-boot/5 -> ankle-boots
annona/5 -> annonas
anointment/5 -> anointments
anomalocariid/5 -> anomalocariids
answere/5 -> answeres
anthologist/5 -> anthologists
anthurium/5 -> anthuriums
anti-arrhythmic/5 -> anti-arrhythmics
anti-athenian/5 -> anti-athenians
anti-collectivist/5 -> anti-collectivists
anti-fo/5 -> anti-fos
anti-god/5 -> anti-gods
anti-road/5 -> anti-roads
anti-suffragist/5 -> anti-suffragists
anti-vivisectionist/5 -> anti-vivisectionists
antonymy/5 -> antonymies
anyon/5 -> anyons
apartment-block/5 -> apartment-blocks
apennines/5 -> apenniness
aperient/5 -> aperients
apolipoprotein/5 -> apolipoproteins
appaloosa/5 -> appaloosas
applejack/5 -> applejacks
appose/5 -> apposed,apposes,apposing
appraisee/5 -> appraisees
apprehensiveness/5 -> apprehensivenesses
appress/5 -> appressed
appro/5 -> approes
aquitania/5 -> aquitanias
araucaria/5 -> araucarias
argonne/5 -> argonnes
armor/5 -> armors
armrest/5 -> armrests
arquebuse/5 -> arquebuses
arranging/5 -> arrangings
arrogation/5 -> arrogations
arroyo/5 -> arroyoes
arrythmia/5 -> arrythmias
arthrodesis/5 -> arthrodeses
artiodactyl/5 -> artiodactyls
artlessness/5 -> artlessnesses
ascomycete/5 -> ascomycetes
aset/5 -> asets
asgard/5 -> asgards
ash-tray/5 -> ash-trays
asio/5 -> asios
asset-stripper/5 -> asset-strippers
assigning/5 -> assignings
asystole/5 -> asystoles
atomise/5 -> atomised,atomising
atomiser/5 -> atomisers
aucuba/5 -> aucubas
audio-recording/5 -> audio-recordings
australopithecine/5 -> australopithecines
auto-off/5 -> auto-offs
autoanalyser/5 -> autoanalysers
automatise/5 -> automatised,automatising
automatize/5 -> automatized,automatizes,automatizing
autoshape/5 -> autoshaping
autosome/5 -> autosomes
aye-aye/5 -> ayes-ayes
ayme/5 -> aymes
azurite/5 -> azurites
babba/5 -> babbas
bacchanal/5 -> bacchanals
back-comb/5 -> back-combed,back-combs,back-combing
back-ground/5 -> back-grounds
bacteroides/5 -> bacteroidess
balenciaga/5 -> balenciagas
ball-end/5 -> ball-ends
ball-valve/5 -> ball-valves
ball-winner/5 -> ball-winners
bandbox/5 -> bandboxes
bandeau/5 -> bandeaux
bandicoot/5 -> bandicoots
bank-clerk/5 -> bank-clerks
banteng/5 -> bantengs
bar-line/5 -> bar-lines
bar-restaurant/5 -> bar-restaurants
bare-bone/5 -> bare-bones
barga/5 -> bargas
barn-owl/5 -> barn-owls
barnicoat/5 -> barnicoats
barnstormer/5 -> barnstormers
barrow-boy/5 -> barrow-boys
barrowland/5 -> barrowlands
bartel/5 -> bartels
bassy/5 -> bassier
bastardise/5 -> bastardising,bastardised
basting/5 -> bastings
bata/5 -> batas
batallion/5 -> battalion,batallions
bawdiness/5 -> bawdinesses
beachcomb/5 -> beachcombing
beamy/5 -> beamier
beansprout/5 -> beansprouts
beardy/5 -> beardies
bearwood/5 -> bearwoods
bed-clothe/5 -> bed-clothes
bed-mate/5 -> bed-mates
bedmake/5 -> bedmaking
bedrail/5 -> bedrails
bee-hive/5 -> bee-hives
beed/5 -> beeding
beeper/5 -> beepers
begger/5 -> beggers
begining/5 -> beginings
behren/5 -> behrens
belemnoid/5 -> belemnoids
bench-seat/5 -> bench-seats
benne/5 -> bennes
bennite/5 -> bennites
benzoin/5 -> benzoins
benzyl/5 -> benzyls
berm/5 -> berms
bermudian/5 -> bermudians
beseige/5 -> beseiged
besson/5 -> bessons
beta-carotene/5 -> beta-carotenes
bharat/5 -> bharats
bi-plane/5 -> bi-planes
bibio/5 -> bibios
bicolour/5 -> bicoloured
bigland/5 -> biglands
bildungsroman/5 -> bildungsromans
billiard-table/5 -> billiard-tables
bio-chemist/5 -> bio-chemists
biologism/5 -> biologisms
bioreactor/5 -> bioreactors
birdseed/5 -> birdseeds
biretta/5 -> birettas
birth-mark/5 -> birth-marks
birthstone/5 -> birthstones
bisguanide/5 -> bisguanides
bismark/5 -> bismarks
bit-player/5 -> bit-players
blackbuck/5 -> blackbucks
blackwash/5 -> blackwashes
blacky/5 -> blackies
blankout/5 -> blankouts
bleriot/5 -> bleriots
blood-sucker/5 -> blood-suckers
bloodthirstiness/5 -> bloodthirstinesses
blop/5 -> blops
blue-car/5 -> blue-cars
bluey-green/5 -> bluey-greens
boat-builder/5 -> boat-builders
boat-hook/5 -> boat-hooks
bobcat/5 -> bobcats
bodoni/5 -> bodonis
bodybag/5 -> bodybags
bodycheck/5 -> bodychecking,bodychecked
boff/5 -> boffs,boffing,boffed
boiler-maker/5 -> boiler-makers
bolshevist/5 -> bolshevists
bomb-aimer/5 -> bomb-aimers
book-seller/5 -> book-sellers
bookmake/5 -> bookmaking
boorishness/5 -> boorishnesses
boot-boy/5 -> boot-boys
borda/5 -> bordas
borzoi/5 -> borzois
bostonian/5 -> bostonians
bottle-feed/5 -> bottle-feeds,bottle-feeding,bottle-fed
bottle-washer/5 -> bottle-washers
botulinum/5 -> botulinums
boundedness/5 -> boundednesses
bowfin/5 -> bowfins
bowhead/5 -> bowheads
bowshot/5 -> bowshots
box-bed/5 -> box-beds
braggadocio/5 -> braggadocios
brahim/5 -> brahims
brain-cell/5 -> brain-cells
brainbox/5 -> brainboxes
braunschweig/5 -> braunschweigs
braye/5 -> brayes
bread-basket/5 -> bread-baskets
bread-winner/5 -> bread-winners
breadstick/5 -> breadsticks
bressummer/5 -> bressummers
bridy/5 -> bridies
brinkman/5 -> brinkmen
brioch/5 -> brioches
brith/5 -> briths
brownshirt/5 -> brownshirts
brrrm/5 -> brrrming
bucephala/5 -> bucephalas
buffoonery/5 -> buffooneries
bulldozing/5 -> bulldozings
bulwer-lytton/5 -> bulwer-lyttons
bum-boy/5 -> bum-boys
bungler/5 -> bunglers
bunkbed/5 -> bunkbeds
bunuel/5 -> bunuels
burgermeist/5 -> burgermeister
burial-place/5 -> burial-places
busboy/5 -> busboys
buser/5 -> busers
bushbaby/5 -> bushbabies
bushfire/5 -> bushfires
bushland/5 -> bushlands
busto/5 -> bustos
butterwort/5 -> butterworts
by-blow/5 -> by-blows
bytch/5 -> bytches
cabalist/5 -> cabalists
cabinetmaking/5 -> cabinetmakings
cacao/5 -> cacaos
caco/5 -> cacos
caddise/5 -> caddises
caesarism/5 -> caesarisms
cagot/5 -> cagots
calceolaria/5 -> calceolarias
calicoe/5 -> calicoes
callisthenic/5 -> callisthenics
callot/5 -> callots
callout/5 -> callouts
calthrop/5 -> calthrops
calyce/5 -> calyces
camblet/5 -> camblets
camelhair/5 -> camelhairs
camelia/5 -> camelias
cameroonian/5 -> cameroonians
can-opener/5 -> can-openers
canasta/5 -> canastas
candle-holder/5 -> candle-holders
candlema/5 -> candlemas
candyman/5 -> candymen
canjuer/5 -> canjuers
canonistic/5 -> canonistics
cantilena/5 -> cantilenas
cantina/5 -> cantinas
cantrail/5 -> cantrails
capelin/5 -> capelins
capnut/5 -> capnuts
car-key/5 -> car-keys
caracara/5 -> caracaras
carassius/5 -> carassiuss
caravanning/5 -> caravannings
carbonation/5 -> carbonations
carbonize/5 -> carbonized,carbonizes,carbonizing
carboy/5 -> carboys
caretta/5 -> carettas
carinoma/5 -> carinomas
case-load/5 -> case-loads
case-report/5 -> case-reports
caseinate/5 -> caseinates
castellation/5 -> castellations
castenada/5 -> castenadas
castlemead/5 -> castlemeads
cataleptic/5 -> cataleptics
categoriser/5 -> categorisers
cathars/5 -> catharss
catherine-wheel/5 -> catherine-wheels
catheterise/5 -> catheterised
catspaw/5 -> catspaws
cavale/5 -> cavales
cawing/5 -> cawings
cefotaxime/5 -> cefotaximes
celerity/5 -> celerities
cellarmaster/5 -> cellarmasters
cemetry/5 -> cemetries
censoring/5 -> censorings
census-taker/5 -> census-takers
centimorgan/5 -> centimorgans
centurian/5 -> centurians
chaetognath/5 -> chaetognaths
chaffer/5 -> chaffering,chaffers,chaffered
chair-leg/5 -> chair-legs
chamberlen/5 -> chamberlens
chamberpot/5 -> chamberpots
champaign/5 -> champaigns
champerty/5 -> champerties
champlain/5 -> champlains
charango/5 -> charangos
chargecard/5 -> chargecards
chargeman/5 -> chargemen
charterparty/5 -> charterparties
chased/5 -> chaseds
chaucerian/5 -> chaucerians
chauffeuse/5 -> chauffeuses
cheekiness/5 -> cheekinesses
cheese-maker/5 -> cheese-makers
cheese-paring/5 -> cheese-parings
chelator/5 -> chelators
chely/5 -> chelys
chemical-weapon/5 -> chemical-weapons
chevvy/5 -> chevvys,chevvies
chicagoan/5 -> chicagoans
chickenfeed/5 -> chickenfeeds
chieftaincy/5 -> chieftaincies
childbed/5 -> childbeds
chinampa/5 -> chinampas
chintze/5 -> chintzes
chippewa/5 -> chippewas
chlorophyte/5 -> chlorophytes
choro/5 -> choros
chumminess/5 -> chumminesses
chungking/5 -> chungkings
church-warden/5 -> church-wardens
cidermaker/5 -> cidermakers
cine-film/5 -> cine-films
cinquefoil/5 -> cinquefoils
cis-tran/5 -> cis-trans
cistus/5 -> cistuss
citator/5 -> citators
civil-liberty/5 -> civil-liberties
claim-form/5 -> claim-forms
clamper/5 -> clampers
clarkia/5 -> clarkias
claudication/5 -> claudications
clayey-silt/5 -> clayey-silts
claystone/5 -> claystones
clientship/5 -> clientships
clonidine/5 -> clonidines
clothesline/5 -> clotheslines
cmbr/5 -> cmbrs
co-habitee/5 -> co-habitees
co-refer/5 -> co-referring,co-refers
co-transfection/5 -> co-transfections
coach-load/5 -> coach-loads
cobbling/5 -> cobblings
cocere/5 -> coceres
cockernee/5 -> cockernees
cockspur/5 -> cockspurs
cocksucker/5 -> cocksuckers
code-breaker/5 -> code-breakers
coeducation/5 -> coeducations
coelom/5 -> coeloms
coiff/5 -> coiffed
column-inch/5 -> column-inches
comedy-thriller/5 -> comedy-thrillers
comminge/5 -> comminges
committee-room/5 -> committee-rooms
commodify/5 -> commodified
comore/5 -> comores
complaisance/5 -> complaisances
comportment/5 -> comportments
comunidade/5 -> comunidades
conceed/5 -> conceeded,conceeding
concepcion/5 -> concepcions
concha/5 -> conchas
concretize/5 -> concretized,concretizing,concretizes
conferral/5 -> conferrals
conflab/5 -> conflabs
conflict-of-law/5 -> conflict-of-laws
congeneric/5 -> congenerics
congregant/5 -> congregants
constantino/5 -> constantinos
contemn/5 -> contemned,contemns,contemning
contra-charge/5 -> contra-charges
contracture/5 -> contractures
cooking-pot/5 -> cooking-pots
cooperativeness/5 -> cooperativenesses
coper/5 -> copers
coppen/5 -> coppens
copy-book/5 -> copy-books
corde/5 -> cordes
corduroys/5 -> corduroyss
cordwood/5 -> cordwoods
cordyline/5 -> cordylines
cornland/5 -> cornlands
corte/5 -> cortes
coruscate/5 -> coruscating,coruscated,coruscates
corvid/5 -> corvids
corydalis/5 -> corydaliss
coss/5 -> cosses
cost-cutter/5 -> cost-cutters
cotinus/5 -> cotinuss
cotransfect/5 -> cotransfected
counter-allegation/5 -> counter-allegations
counter-ideology/5 -> counter-ideologies
counter-part/5 -> counter-parts
counter-plot/5 -> counter-plots
counter-position/5 -> counter-positions
counter-sign/5 -> counter-signed,counter-signs,counter-signing
counter-sue/5 -> counter-sues,counter-sued,counter-suing
counterproposal/5 -> counterproposals
counterrevolution/5 -> counterrevolutions
countersuit/5 -> countersuits
countrey/5 -> countreys
countryfolk/5 -> countryfolks
courtliness/5 -> courtlinesses
covariation/5 -> covariations
cow-bell/5 -> cow-bells
cowpoke/5 -> cowpokes
cozen/5 -> cozening,cozened,cozens
crab-apple/5 -> crab-apples
crafter/5 -> crafters
craftworker/5 -> craftworkers
crankiness/5 -> crankinesses
crasher/5 -> crashers
crawlspace/5 -> crawlspaces
creolism/5 -> creolisms
crepitation/5 -> crepitations
crinoidea/5 -> crinoideas
cristescue/5 -> cristescues
crosier/5 -> crosiers
cross-connection/5 -> cross-connections
cross-piece/5 -> cross-pieces
cross-rail/5 -> cross-rails
cross-slab/5 -> cross-slabs
crossbeam/5 -> crossbeams
crossbench/5 -> crossbenches
crucian/5 -> crucians
cruck/5 -> crucks
ctenophore/5 -> ctenophores
cupping/5 -> cuppings
curer/5 -> curers
current-affair/5 -> current-affairs
curtain-call/5 -> curtain-calls
curvicep/5 -> curviceps
cuscus/5 -> cuscuss
cvo/5 -> cvos
cyclicity/5 -> cyclicities
cyclooxygenase/5 -> cyclooxygenases
cyclopedia/5 -> cyclopedias
cyke/5 -> cykes
cymdeitha/5 -> cymdeithas
cyrenian/5 -> cyrenians
cytocentrifuge/5 -> cytocentrifuged
cytogeneticist/5 -> cytogeneticists
cytokinin/5 -> cytokinins
d-notice/5 -> d-notices
dagan/5 -> dagans
daintiness/5 -> daintinesses
dalang/5 -> dalangs
damara/5 -> damaras
darky/5 -> darkies
darrow/5 -> darrows
data-processor/5 -> data-processors
datum/5 -> datums,data
dauber/5 -> daubers
dauphine/5 -> dauphines
day-clothe/5 -> day-clothes
day-room/5 -> day-rooms
de-count/5 -> de-counted,de-counting
de-differentiate/5 -> de-differentiated
de-horn/5 -> de-horning,de-horns,de-horned
de-register/5 -> de-registered
deal-maker/5 -> deal-makers
death-announcement/5 -> death-announcements
death-cliff/5 -> death-cliffs
death-mask/5 -> death-masks
decarboxylation/5 -> decarboxylations
decentring/5 -> decentrings
decolonise/5 -> decolonised,decolonising
decompile/5 -> decompiling
deconsecrate/5 -> deconsecrated,deconsecrates,deconsecrating
decorativeness/5 -> decorativenesses
decoupage/5 -> decoupages
decumben/5 -> decumbens
deer-park/5 -> deer-parks
deerhound/5 -> deerhounds
defacement/5 -> defacements
defamer/5 -> defamers
defiler/5 -> defilers
deglutition/5 -> deglutitions
dehistoricize/5 -> dehistoricizes,dehistoricized
dehumanization/5 -> dehumanizations
dejeuner/5 -> dejeuners
delacour/5 -> delacours
demdyke/5 -> demdykes
demi-monde/5 -> demi-mondes
demilitarise/5 -> demilitarised
demisemiquaver/5 -> demisemiquavers
demister/5 -> demisters
demogorgon/5 -> demogorgons
demonise/5 -> demonised,demonising
demonize/5 -> demonized,demonizing,demonizes
denet/5 -> denetting,denetted
denseness/5 -> densenesses
depilator/5 -> depilators
depleter/5 -> depleters
depolarise/5 -> depolarising,depolarises,depolarised
deprecation/5 -> deprecations
derny/5 -> dernier
derris/5 -> derriss
desiccate/5 -> desiccated,desiccates,desiccating
deslough/5 -> desloughing,desloughed
dewater/5 -> dewatering,dewatered
dick-head/5 -> dick-heads
diecast/5 -> diecasting
dieffenbachia/5 -> dieffenbachias
diferencia/5 -> diferencias
difficuity/5 -> difficuities
digestif/5 -> digestifs
dignatory/5 -> dignatories
dilatoriness/5 -> dilatorinesses
dining-hall/5 -> dining-halls
dinoflagellate/5 -> dinoflagellates
diopside/5 -> diopsides
discomposure/5 -> discomposures
discursiveness/5 -> discursivenesses
disembed/5 -> disembedded
disentanglement/5 -> disentanglements
disfluency/5 -> disfluencies
dish-washer/5 -> dish-washers
dismantler/5 -> dismantlers
dissapear/5 -> dissapearing,dissapeared
dissuasion/5 -> dissuasions
distalgesic/5 -> distalgesics
distributer/5 -> distributers
ditherer/5 -> ditherers
divil/5 -> divils
djebel/5 -> djebels
dobra/5 -> dobras
dockete/5 -> docketed
dog-end/5 -> dog-ends
dogshit/5 -> dogshits
doke/5 -> dokes
dolorosa/5 -> dolorosas
dome-car/5 -> dome-cars
dominick/5 -> dominicks
donkey-boy/5 -> donkey-boys
door-post/5 -> door-posts
dornaway/5 -> dornaways
dostoyevsky/5 -> dostoyevskies
doublespeak/5 -> doublespeaks
doubletake/5 -> doubletaking
doubloon/5 -> doubloons
dowitcher/5 -> dowitchers
down-draught/5 -> down-draughts
downsizer/5 -> downsizers
dr'gasian/5 -> dr'gasians
dragon-fly/5 -> dragon-flies
drainvalve/5 -> drainvalves
dreadfulness/5 -> dreadfulnesses
dreck/5 -> drecks
driveshaft/5 -> driveshafts
drove-way/5 -> drove-ways
dryopithecin/5 -> dryopithecins
dsl/5 -> dsls
dubber/5 -> dubbers
dubiousness/5 -> dubiousnesses
ducker/5 -> duckering
duenna/5 -> duennas
dunkerque/5 -> dunkerques
durango/5 -> durangoes
durga/5 -> durgas
durres/5 -> durress
dust-sheet/5 -> dust-sheets
duvaly/5 -> duvalier
dyk/5 -> dyking,dyked
dyskinesia/5 -> dyskinesias
dysphasia/5 -> dysphasias
e-system/5 -> e-systems
e-value/5 -> e-values
eadm/5 -> eadmer
ear-drum/5 -> ear-drums
echinop/5 -> echinops
echolocate/5 -> echolocating
eckhart/5 -> eckharts
eclogite/5 -> eclogites
ecolabel/5 -> ecolabelling
ecotopian/5 -> ecotopians
edger/5 -> edgers
editorialize/5 -> editorializing,editorialized,editorializes
educe/5 -> educed,educes,educing
eeprom/5 -> eepromming,eeproms
eeriness/5 -> eerinesses
effectuate/5 -> effectuated,effectuating,effectuates
egyptology/5 -> egyptologies
elaeagnus/5 -> elaeagnuss
eld/5 -> elds
electroblot/5 -> electroblotted,electroblotting
electrocandle/5 -> electrocandles
electrochemist/5 -> electrochemists
electrodynamometer/5 -> electrodynamometers
electromyography/5 -> electromyographies
electroshock/5 -> electroshocks
elwell/5 -> elwells
embezzler/5 -> embezzlers
embonpoint/5 -> embonpoints
eme/5 -> emes
emilia-romagna/5 -> emilia-romagnas
empennage/5 -> empennages
empetrum/5 -> empetrums
empiric/5 -> empirics
emulsifier/5 -> emulsifiers
encapsulator/5 -> encapsulators
enchilada/5 -> enchiladas
encrease/5 -> encreased
enculturation/5 -> enculturations
encyclopaedist/5 -> encyclopaedists
encyst/5 -> encysted
endlessness/5 -> endlessnesses
endogamy/5 -> endogamies
enervation/5 -> enervations
enfolding/5 -> enfoldings
engine-house/5 -> engine-houses
engle/5 -> engles
enlil/5 -> enlils
enlister/5 -> enlisters
entrepreneur-producer/5 -> entrepreneur-producers
enuretic/5 -> enuretics
environ/5 -> environed,environs,environing
ephemeroptera/5 -> ephemeropteras
epicranium/5 -> epicraniums
epiphysis/5 -> epiphyses
epirus/5 -> epiruss
equisetum/5 -> equisetums
eranthis/5 -> eranthiss
erda/5 -> erdas
escale/5 -> escales
escuela/5 -> escuelas
espoir/5 -> espoirs
estate-agent/5 -> estate-agents
ethene/5 -> ethenes
etiolate/5 -> etiolated,etiolates,etiolating
etymologist/5 -> etymologists
eupatorium/5 -> eupatoriums
euphronio/5 -> euphronios
euro-enthusiast/5 -> euro-enthusiasts
europeanist/5 -> europeanists
ev'ning/5 -> ev'nings
evallonian/5 -> evallonians
evanescence/5 -> evanescences
everglade/5 -> everglades
evildoer/5 -> evildoers
ex-boss/5 -> ex-bosses
ex-carer/5 -> ex-carers
ex-conduit/5 -> ex-conduits
ex-love/5 -> ex-loves
ex-mayor/5 -> ex-mayors
ex-red/5 -> ex-reds
ex-right/5 -> ex-rights
ex-special/5 -> ex-specials
excell/5 -> excells
exclaiming/5 -> exclaimings
exculpation/5 -> exculpations
expellee/5 -> expellees
expertness/5 -> expertnesses
exposer/5 -> exposers
extemporisation/5 -> extemporisations
extraclausal/5 -> extraclausals
eye-blink/5 -> eye-blinks
eye-ring/5 -> eye-rings
f-18/5 -> f-18s
fabulist/5 -> fabulists
facemask/5 -> facemasks
fair-isle/5 -> fair-isles
false-positive/5 -> false-positives
fasce/5 -> fasces
fatimah/5 -> fatimahs
faulk/5 -> faulks
featherstonehaugh/5 -> featherstonehaughs
fellfield/5 -> fellfields
fellow-american/5 -> fellow-americans
fellow-mason/5 -> fellow-masons
felspar/5 -> felspars
feminisation/5 -> feminisations
fence-post/5 -> fence-posts
fergurson/5 -> fergursons
fergy/5 -> fergies
feria/5 -> ferias
ferrofluid/5 -> ferrofluids
ferryboat/5 -> ferryboats
fette/5 -> fettes
feuduty/5 -> feuduties
fibronic/5 -> fibronics
fiction-writer/5 -> fiction-writers
fief-rente/5 -> fief-rentes
fig-tree/5 -> fig-trees
fighting-man/5 -> fighting-men
figuring/5 -> figurings
filing-cabinet/5 -> filing-cabinets
filipe/5 -> filipes
film-goer/5 -> film-goers
filmgoer/5 -> filmgoers
fim/5 -> fims
financial-service/5 -> financial-services
finger-print/5 -> finger-prints
finger-ring/5 -> finger-rings
fininv/5 -> fininvest
fip/5 -> fips
fire-iron/5 -> fire-irons
fire-raising/5 -> fire-raisings
firer/5 -> firers
firescreen/5 -> firescreens
firewater/5 -> firewaters
firewoman/5 -> firewomen
fish-eye/5 -> fish-eyes
fishbowl/5 -> fishbowls
fishpaste/5 -> fishpastes
flash-back/5 -> flash-backs
flatware/5 -> flatwares
flehman/5 -> flehmen
flesh-pot/5 -> flesh-pots
flick-on/5 -> flick-ons
flimsiness/5 -> flimsinesses
flood-tide/5 -> flood-tides
floorshow/5 -> floorshows
floozie/5 -> floozies
flow'r/5 -> flow'ring,flow'rs
flugelhorn/5 -> flugelhorns
flummery/5 -> flummeries
flummox/5 -> flummoxed,flummoxes,flummoxing
flytrap/5 -> flytraps
focalisation/5 -> focalisations
focussing/5 -> focussings
fody/5 -> fodies
fohn/5 -> fohns
foldback/5 -> foldbacks
folkway/5 -> folkways
foll/5 -> folled
folle/5 -> folles
followup/5 -> followups
fondler/5 -> fondlers
foodmarket/5 -> foodmarkets
foot-hold/5 -> foot-holds
foot-passenger/5 -> foot-passengers
footpedal/5 -> footpedals
foraminifer/5 -> foraminifers
forcemeat/5 -> forcemeats
fore-leg/5 -> fore-legs
forestership/5 -> foresterships
forgivingness/5 -> forgivingnesses
formateur/5 -> formateurs
fosbury/5 -> fosburies
foundress/5 -> foundresses
four-nation/5 -> four-nations
foxhole/5 -> foxholes
framwell/5 -> framwells
francolin/5 -> francolins
franconian/5 -> franconians
fraternisation/5 -> fraternisations
free-radical/5 -> free-radicals
freeflow/5 -> freeflowing
freeloader/5 -> freeloaders
frer/5 -> frers
freshfield/5 -> freshfields
frog-hopper/5 -> frog-hoppers
fruit-machine/5 -> fruit-machines
fruiter/5 -> fruiters
fsh/5 -> fshes
fugard/5 -> fugards
fugger/5 -> fuggers
funerall/5 -> funeralls
fungibility/5 -> fungibilities
funkateer/5 -> funkateers
funker/5 -> funkers
fur-trader/5 -> fur-traders
fwuit/5 -> fwuits
gabion/5 -> gabions
gadsden/5 -> gadsdens
gairn/5 -> gairns
galan/5 -> galans
galatia/5 -> galatias
galeras/5 -> galerass
gallinago/5 -> gallinagoes
gallinule/5 -> gallinules
galumph/5 -> galumphing,galumphed,galumphs
gamer/5 -> gamers
ganesa/5 -> ganesas
gannetry/5 -> gannetries
garden-bed/5 -> garden-beds
gast/5 -> gasted
gaulty/5 -> gaultier
gauntness/5 -> gauntnesses
gblsection/5 -> gblsections
gdn/5 -> gdns
gearstick/5 -> gearsticks
gelt/5 -> gelts
gene-pool/5 -> gene-pools
genevan/5 -> genevans
gentoo/5 -> gentoos
geny/5 -> genies
geometrician/5 -> geometricians
geotextile/5 -> geotextiles
gesneriaceae/5 -> gesneriaceaes
giantism/5 -> giantisms
gibbete/5 -> gibbeted
gigabit/5 -> gigabits
gigajoule/5 -> gigajoules
giggler/5 -> gigglers
gin-and-tonic/5 -> gin-and-tonics
girard/5 -> girards
glass-maker/5 -> glass-makers
glaux/5 -> glauxes
glibness/5 -> glibnesses
glinka/5 -> glinkas
glister/5 -> glisters,glistering
globetrot/5 -> globetrotting
gloriosa/5 -> gloriosas
glory-hole/5 -> glory-holes
glossina/5 -> glossinas
glucosinolate/5 -> glucosinolates
glueing/5 -> glueings
glycerin/5 -> glycerins
glycerophosphate/5 -> glycerophosphates
go-around/5 -> goes-around
go-getter/5 -> go-getters
goal-condition/5 -> goal-conditions
goal-mouth/5 -> goal-mouths
gobshite/5 -> gobshites
godetia/5 -> godetias
godling/5 -> godlings
golconda/5 -> golcondas
gonk/5 -> gonks
gooder/5 -> gooders
gorging/5 -> gorgings
goudy/5 -> goudys
gouffre/5 -> gouffres
gourde/5 -> gourdes
grabrail/5 -> grabrails
grace-note/5 -> grace-notes
gradualness/5 -> gradualnesses
graduand/5 -> graduands
gramineae/5 -> gramineaes
gramscian/5 -> gramscians
grandaddy/5 -> grandaddies
grandness/5 -> grandnesses
granitoid/5 -> granitoids
granville-barker/5 -> granville-barkers
gravure/5 -> gravures
greaseball/5 -> greaseballs
greensboro/5 -> greensboroes
grey-level/5 -> grey-levels
griffin-head/5 -> griffin-heads
grifter/5 -> grifters
grillade/5 -> grillades
groomer/5 -> groomers
grotius/5 -> grotiuss
groundhog/5 -> groundhogs
gruffness/5 -> gruffnesses
grumbler/5 -> grumblers
gryke/5 -> grykes
guarani/5 -> guaranis
guard-dog/5 -> guard-dogs
guard-rail/5 -> guard-rails
guardrail/5 -> guardrails
guestimate/5 -> guestimated,guestimates
guestworker/5 -> guestworkers
guildhouse/5 -> guildhouses
gull-wing/5 -> gull-wings
gulping/5 -> gulpings
gumshield/5 -> gumshields
gunmaker/5 -> gunmakers
gunport/5 -> gunports
gunshop/5 -> gunshops
guzzling/5 -> guzzlings
h-grade/5 -> h-grades
habershon/5 -> habershons
hadj/5 -> hadjs
hadrosaur/5 -> hadrosaurs
hagg/5 -> haggs
hairgrip/5 -> hairgrips
half-chance/5 -> half-chances
half-litre/5 -> half-litres
half-ounce/5 -> half-ounces
half-promise/5 -> half-promises
half-sovereign/5 -> half-sovereigns
half-track/5 -> half-tracks
halfmea/5 -> halfmeas
hamitic/5 -> hamitics
hammer-blow/5 -> hammer-blows
hammurabi/5 -> hammurabis
hand-bell/5 -> hand-bells
hand-clap/5 -> hand-claps
hand-cut/5 -> hand-cuts
hand-hold/5 -> hand-holds
hand-knit/5 -> hand-knits
hand-rail/5 -> hand-rails
handclap/5 -> handclaps
handelian/5 -> handelians
handle-bar/5 -> handle-bars
handshape/5 -> handshapes
hangnail/5 -> hangnails
hard-work/5 -> hard-working
harijan/5 -> harijans
harrise/5 -> harrises
harrovian/5 -> harrovians
harrumph/5 -> harrumphed,harrumphing
harumph/5 -> harumphed
harzburgite/5 -> harzburgites
haslet/5 -> haslets
hat-box/5 -> hat-boxes
hawk-moth/5 -> hawk-moths
hawkmoth/5 -> hawkmoths
haziness/5 -> hazinesses
head-band/5 -> head-bands
headbang/5 -> headbanging
headgroup/5 -> headgroups
healthfood/5 -> healthfoods
heartlessness/5 -> heartlessnesses
heartsease/5 -> heartseases
hedge-sparrow/5 -> hedge-sparrows
heinousness/5 -> heinousnesses
hejaz/5 -> hejazs
helicon/5 -> helicons
heliograph/5 -> heliographs
hellenizer/5 -> hellenizers
helmore/5 -> helmores
hemicrypt/5 -> hemicrypts
henne/5 -> hennes
henpeck/5 -> henpecked
her/5 -> hering
herat/5 -> herats
hermaphroditism/5 -> hermaphroditisms
heteroduplex/5 -> heteroduplexes
hetman/5 -> hetmans
hi-hat/5 -> hi-hats
hideousness/5 -> hideousnesses
high-jink/5 -> high-jinks
high-low/5 -> high-lows
high-stake/5 -> high-stakes
higher-up/5 -> higher-ups
highroad/5 -> highroads
hillfoot/5 -> hillfoots
himantopus/5 -> himantopera
hind-quarter/5 -> hind-quarters
hindoo/5 -> hindoos
hip-bone/5 -> hip-bones
hipbone/5 -> hipbones
hirsutism/5 -> hirsutisms
hoick/5 -> hoicked,hoicks
holesaw/5 -> holesaws
hollering/5 -> hollerings
holophonic/5 -> holophonics
home-loan/5 -> home-loans
homeopath/5 -> homeopaths
homesitter/5 -> homesitters
hoody/5 -> hoodies
horology/5 -> horologies
horse-brass/5 -> horse-brasses
horseshit/5 -> horseshits
horsewhip/5 -> horsewhipping,horsewhips,horsewhipped
hot-seat/5 -> hot-seats
hotcake/5 -> hotcakes
hotelschool/5 -> hotelschools
hotpant/5 -> hotpants
houri/5 -> houris
houseboy/5 -> houseboys
housekeep/5 -> housekeeps
housestyle/5 -> housestyles
housewarming/5 -> housewarmings
hub-and-spoke/5 -> hub-and-spokes
huck/5 -> hucks
huissy/5 -> huissier
hurler/5 -> hurlers
huzza/5 -> huzzas,huzzaing
hyaline/5 -> hyalines
hydrocharitaceae/5 -> hydrocharitaceaes
hydrocolloid/5 -> hydrocolloids
hydrofluorocarbon/5 -> hydrofluorocarbons
hydroid/5 -> hydroids
hydroponics/5 -> hydroponicss
hyla/5 -> hylas
hymn-book/5 -> hymn-books
hymnbook/5 -> hymnbooks
hypercolumn/5 -> hypercolumns
hypercorrection/5 -> hypercorrections
hyperparasite/5 -> hyperparasites
hypersplenism/5 -> hypersplenisms
hyrax/5 -> hyraxes
hysteroscopy/5 -> hysteroscopies
ial/5 -> ials
iamb/5 -> iambs
ice-core/5 -> ice-cores
ice-floe/5 -> ice-floes
ice-screw/5 -> ice-screws
ichneumonid/5 -> ichneumonids
ideation/5 -> ideations
idiosyncracy/5 -> idiosyncracies
ied/5 -> ieds
igd/5 -> igds
ignoramuse/5 -> ignoramuses
ileach/5 -> ileachs
imbiber/5 -> imbibers
immoveable/5 -> immoveables
imploy/5 -> imployed
impounding/5 -> impoundings
in-off/5 -> in-offs
inapplicability/5 -> inapplicabilities
inattentiveness/5 -> inattentivenesses
inciter/5 -> inciters
inclemency/5 -> inclemencies
includer/5 -> includers
indentify/5 -> indentified,indentifying
inding/5 -> indings
indri/5 -> indris
industriale/5 -> industriales
inexorability/5 -> inexorabilities
infobox/5 -> infoboxes
ingall/5 -> ingalls
initialization/5 -> initializations
inlier/5 -> inliers
innovativeness/5 -> innovativenesses
inside-left/5 -> inside-lefts
inspecteur/5 -> inspecteurs
inspection-house/5 -> inspection-houses
instate/5 -> instated,instating
insubstantiality/5 -> insubstantialities
inswinger/5 -> inswingers
intangibility/5 -> intangibilities
intens/5 -> intenser,intensest
interactant/5 -> interactants
interbr/5 -> interbred
intercommunion/5 -> intercommunions
intercostal/5 -> intercostals
intercrop/5 -> intercropping,intercropped
interlago/5 -> interlagos
internation/5 -> internations
internode/5 -> internodes
interpellate/5 -> interpellated,interpellates,interpellating
intervener/5 -> interveners
invalidism/5 -> invalidisms
iofc/5 -> iofcs
irani/5 -> iranis
ironer/5 -> ironers
ironworker/5 -> ironworkers
irp/5 -> irps
isinglass/5 -> isinglasses
ismaili/5 -> ismailis
iso-reflectance/5 -> iso-reflectances
isochron/5 -> isochrons
ist/5 -> isted,ists
itac/5 -> itacs
j-boat/5 -> j-boats
jabberwock/5 -> jabberwocks
jackete/5 -> jacketing,jacketed
jackplug/5 -> jackplugs
jainism/5 -> jainisms
jak/5 -> jaks
jambalaya/5 -> jambalayas
jamestown/5 -> jamestowns
jamjar/5 -> jamjars
jansenist/5 -> jansenists
jello/5 -> jelloes
jerker/5 -> jerkers
jevon/5 -> jevons
jim-jam/5 -> jim-jams
job-holder/5 -> job-holders
jobshare/5 -> jobsharing
jointure/5 -> jointures
joist-end/5 -> joist-ends
jra/5 -> jras
judaica/5 -> judaicas
jump-start/5 -> jump-starts
k-factor/5 -> k-factors
kagoul/5 -> kagouls
kallikrate/5 -> kallikrates
kalmia/5 -> kalmias
kameez/5 -> kameezs
karrier/5 -> karriers
karsavina/5 -> karsavinas
keddy/5 -> keddies
kelt/5 -> kelts
kerygma/5 -> kerygmas
keypress/5 -> keypresses
khadi/5 -> khadis
kiang/5 -> kiangs
kick-back/5 -> kick-backs
kickbox/5 -> kickboxing
kilbourn/5 -> kilbourns
kilotonne/5 -> kilotonnes
king-pin/5 -> king-pins
kling/5 -> klinger
knavery/5 -> knaveries
knickerbox/5 -> knickerboxes
knifing/5 -> knifings
knight-errant/5 -> knight-errants
knop/5 -> knops
know-nothing/5 -> know-nothings
kongo/5 -> kongoes
kook/5 -> kooks
kopeck/5 -> kopecks
kordofan/5 -> kordofans
koskota/5 -> koskotas
koy/5 -> koies
kreb/5 -> krebs
kudos/5 -> kudoss
kwir/5 -> kwirs
kylix/5 -> kylixes
labeller/5 -> labellers
laborer/5 -> laborers
lacemaker/5 -> lacemakers
ladoga/5 -> ladogas
laetacara/5 -> laetacaras
lakeshore/5 -> lakeshores
lambda-matrice/5 -> lambda-matrices
lamin/5 -> lamins
lamisil/5 -> lamisils
lamproite/5 -> lamproites
land-grant/5 -> land-grants
landfarm/5 -> landfarming
landgrave/5 -> landgraves
laredo/5 -> laredoes
large-size/5 -> large-sized
largemouth/5 -> largemouths
larghetto/5 -> larghettoes
laser-beam/5 -> laser-beams
latakia/5 -> latakias
lathyrus/5 -> lathyruss
latimeria/5 -> latimerias
latinist/5 -> latinists
lauch/5 -> lauched
laundryman/5 -> laundrymen
law-book/5 -> law-books
lay-abbacy/5 -> lay-abbacies
lazzard/5 -> lazzards
leadbelly/5 -> leadbellies
leafleter/5 -> leafleters
lecturership/5 -> lecturerships
lecythidaceae/5 -> lecythidaceaes
leftfield/5 -> leftfields
leg-break/5 -> leg-breaks
leishmania/5 -> leishmanias
leishmaniasis/5 -> leishmaniases
lem/5 -> lems
lenience/5 -> leniences
lepismatidae/5 -> lepismatidaes
letterform/5 -> letterforms
leucocytosis/5 -> leucocytoses
leve/5 -> leved,leving
lewisach/5 -> lewisachs
liase/5 -> liasing
lieb/5 -> liebing
liegeman/5 -> liegemen
life-guard/5 -> life-guards
light-green/5 -> light-greens
lighthead/5 -> lightheaded
ligne/5 -> lignes
limewash/5 -> limewashed,limewashing
limulus/5 -> limuluss
linekar/5 -> linekars
lion-tamer/5 -> lion-tamers
lipline/5 -> liplines
lipping/5 -> lippings
lipscomb/5 -> lipscombs
literalize/5 -> literalized,literalizes,literalizing
lithotomy/5 -> lithotomies
litigator/5 -> litigators
litoptern/5 -> litopterns
litterbug/5 -> litterbugs
liturgist/5 -> liturgists
livelong/5 -> livelongs
living-space/5 -> living-spaces
loaning/5 -> loanings
loblaw/5 -> loblaws
lobule/5 -> lobules
lockpick/5 -> lockpicking
locusta/5 -> locustas
lohan/5 -> lohans
longhair/5 -> longhaired
longleg/5 -> longlegs,longlegged
longmire/5 -> longmires
longshoreman/5 -> longshoremen
loop-hole/5 -> loop-holes
lorikeet/5 -> lorikeets
loss-leader/5 -> loss-leaders
loupe/5 -> loupes
lousewort/5 -> louseworts
low-tide/5 -> low-tides
lowness/5 -> lownesses
lugosi/5 -> lugosis
luminesce/5 -> luminescing,luminesces,luminesced
lumpectomy/5 -> lumpectomies
luncher/5 -> lunchers
lunching/5 -> lunchings
lupinus/5 -> lupinuss
lurker/5 -> lurkers
luteinise/5 -> luteinising
luxembourger/5 -> luxembourgers
lycia/5 -> lycias
lyf/5 -> lyfing
lymphocytosis/5 -> lymphocytoses
lynchet/5 -> lynchets
lynxo/5 -> lynxos
ma'e/5 -> ma'es
machilidae/5 -> machilidaes
machine-minder/5 -> machine-minders
mackle/5 -> mackles
macleish/5 -> macleishes
macrame/5 -> macrames
mafeke/5 -> mafeking
maglev/5 -> maglevs
maid-servant/5 -> maid-servants
mail-bag/5 -> mail-bags
mailman/5 -> mailmen
mainspar/5 -> mainspars
maja/5 -> majas
makario/5 -> makarios
make-work/5 -> make-works
malabo/5 -> malaboes
malediction/5 -> maledictions
man-killer/5 -> man-killers
manannan/5 -> manannans
manat/5 -> manats
mandelstam/5 -> mandelstams
manomete/5 -> manometer
manouevre/5 -> manouevres
manticore/5 -> manticores
mapic/5 -> mapics
mapmaker/5 -> mapmakers
maraschino/5 -> maraschinoes
maraud/5 -> marauded,marauding,marauds
marplan/5 -> marplans
marquise/5 -> marquises
marri/5 -> marris
marsilea/5 -> marsileas
martigue/5 -> martigues
masker/5 -> maskers
mass-murderer/5 -> mass-murderers
mastoid/5 -> mastoids
matabele/5 -> matabeles
materialisation/5 -> materialisations
maund/5 -> maunds
maundering/5 -> maunderings
mause/5 -> mauses
mawkishness/5 -> mawkishnesses
mayerl/5 -> mayerling
mayorazgo/5 -> mayorazgos
mdel/5 -> mdels
measurability/5 -> measurabilities
measurer/5 -> measurers
mecum/5 -> mecums
mediwipe/5 -> mediwipes
mega-merger/5 -> mega-mergers
megapode/5 -> megapodes
melge/5 -> melges
meltwate/5 -> meltwater
memba/5 -> membas
member-country/5 -> member-countries
memon/5 -> memons
menagery/5 -> menageries
mercantilism/5 -> mercantilisms
merlon/5 -> merlons
merrymaker/5 -> merrymakers
mesoamerican/5 -> mesoamericans
mesomorph/5 -> mesomorphs
mesotron/5 -> mesotrons
mesquite/5 -> mesquites
meta-deduction/5 -> meta-deductions
metal-work/5 -> metal-working
metanarrative/5 -> metanarratives
metasomite/5 -> metasomites
metatarsal/5 -> metatarsals
methodologist/5 -> methodologists
metrics/5 -> metricss
metrology/5 -> metrologies
mexicano/5 -> mexicanos
microfloppy/5 -> microfloppies
microlite/5 -> microlites
micronic/5 -> micronics
micronutrient/5 -> micronutrients
microtus/5 -> microtuss
mid-layer/5 -> mid-layers
mid-seventeenth-century/5 -> mid-seventeenth-centuries
mid-sole/5 -> mid-soles
mie/5 -> mies
mifepristone/5 -> mifepristones
mihrab/5 -> mihrabs
miko/5 -> mikos
milice/5 -> milices
milite/5 -> milites
milk-can/5 -> milk-cans
milksop/5 -> milksopping,milksops
millworker/5 -> millworkers
mini-riot/5 -> mini-riots
mini-survey/5 -> mini-surveys
minipump/5 -> minipumps
minirhizotron/5 -> minirhizotrons
minors/5 -> minorss
mis-name/5 -> mis-named
mis-translation/5 -> mis-translations
misdate/5 -> misdated,misdating,misdates
misdemeanor/5 -> misdemeanors
misfile/5 -> misfiled,misfiling
mishear/5 -> mishearing,mishears,misheard
misperceive/5 -> misperceived,misperceiving
mistiness/5 -> mistinesses
mizzen/5 -> mizzens
mnemosyne/5 -> mnemosynes
mobilier/5 -> mobiliers
mock-heroic/5 -> mock-heroics
moho/5 -> mohoes
money-bag/5 -> money-bags
mongolism/5 -> mongolisms
monomaniac/5 -> monomaniacs
mononucleosis/5 -> mononucleoses
monosaccharide/5 -> monosaccharides
monounsaturate/5 -> monounsaturated,monounsaturates
montagnard/5 -> montagnards
montrachet/5 -> montrachets
mood-swing/5 -> mood-swings
moonboot/5 -> moonboots
moppet/5 -> moppets
mopping/5 -> moppings
moroney/5 -> moroneys
moroseness/5 -> morosenesses
morphet/5 -> morphets
morta/5 -> mortas
mortgage-holder/5 -> mortgage-holders
motor-scooter/5 -> motor-scooters
mountaintop/5 -> mountaintops
moustach/5 -> moustaches,moustached
moustachio/5 -> moustachios
move-on/5 -> move-ons
moviegoer/5 -> moviegoers
mtrna/5 -> mtrnas
mug-shot/5 -> mug-shots
mugwort/5 -> mugworts
muharram/5 -> muharrams
mujahedeen/5 -> mujahedeens
mulazim/5 -> mulazims
mulla/5 -> mullas
mulligatawny/5 -> mulligatawnies
multi-portion/5 -> multi-portions
mummify/5 -> mummifying,mummifies,mummified
munchkin/5 -> munchkins
muscari/5 -> muscaris
musicassette/5 -> musicassettes
musichip/5 -> musichips
musset/5 -> mussets
mustard-plaster/5 -> mustard-plasters
mutawa/5 -> mutawas
mynewpo/5 -> mynewpos
mypo/5 -> mypos
myre/5 -> myres
mythologize/5 -> mythologized,mythologizes,mythologizing
n't/5 -> n'test
n-tuple/5 -> n-tuples
nack/5 -> nacked,nacks
nacod/5 -> nacods
nadp/5 -> nadps
name-tape/5 -> name-tapes
namecheck/5 -> namechecked,namechecks
nampa/5 -> nampas
nanchang/5 -> nanchangs
nanocomposite/5 -> nanocomposites
narcolepsy/5 -> narcolepsies
narrowcast/5 -> narrowcasting
naxian/5 -> naxians
neckty/5 -> neckties
necrotise/5 -> necrotising
nef/5 -> nefs
neo-lamarckian/5 -> neo-lamarckians
neo-marxism/5 -> neo-marxisms
neo-realist/5 -> neo-realists
neoliberal/5 -> neoliberals
netl/5 -> netls
netsuke/5 -> netsukes
neurasthenic/5 -> neurasthenics
neuro-surgeon/5 -> neuro-surgeons
neuroanatomist/5 -> neuroanatomists
neurochemical/5 -> neurochemicals
neuromodulator/5 -> neuromodulators
never-never-land/5 -> never-never-lands
newe/5 -> newes
newmanite/5 -> newmanites
news-book/5 -> news-books
newsbook/5 -> newsbooks
newsbreak/5 -> newsbreaks
newsworthiness/5 -> newsworthinesses
ney/5 -> neys
ngultrum/5 -> ngultrums
niblick/5 -> niblicks
night-dress/5 -> night-dresses
night-fighter/5 -> night-fighters
night-spot/5 -> night-spots
nightsit/5 -> nightsitting
nilgai/5 -> nilgais
nincompoop/5 -> nincompoops
nipa/5 -> nipas
nitrification/5 -> nitrifications
no-name/5 -> no-names
nog/5 -> nogs
nogales/5 -> nogaless
noke/5 -> nokes
non-carer/5 -> non-carers
non-dreamer/5 -> non-dreamers
non-durable/5 -> non-durables
non-earning/5 -> non-earnings
non-economist/5 -> non-economists
non-entity/5 -> non-entities
non-evangelical/5 -> non-evangelicals
non-identity/5 -> non-identities
non-kinsman/5 -> non-kinsmen
non-male/5 -> non-males
non-man/5 -> non-men
non-player/5 -> non-players
non-primate/5 -> non-primates
non-receptor/5 -> non-receptors
non-representative/5 -> non-representatives
non-signatory/5 -> non-signatories
non-slav/5 -> non-slavs
non-striker/5 -> non-strikers
non-system/5 -> non-systems
non-writer/5 -> non-writers
nonaggression/5 -> nonaggressions
nonconformism/5 -> nonconformisms
nonexistence/5 -> nonexistences
nonfiction/5 -> nonfictions
nonprofessional/5 -> nonprofessionals
nonsuit/5 -> nonsuited,nonsuiting
noontide/5 -> noontides
norrish/5 -> norrishes
norw/5 -> norwest
nose-bleed/5 -> nose-bleeds
nosing/5 -> nosings
note-value/5 -> note-values
notturno/5 -> notturnos
nro/5 -> nroes
nucleosynthesis/5 -> nucleosyntheses
nuform/5 -> nuforms
nullification/5 -> nullifications
numberplate/5 -> numberplates
numeration/5 -> numerations
nurserymaid/5 -> nurserymaids
nut-tree/5 -> nut-trees
nymphaeaceae/5 -> nymphaeaceaes
oaxaca/5 -> oaxacas
obituarist/5 -> obituarists
oblate/5 -> oblates
obsessiveness/5 -> obsessivenesses
ocarina/5 -> ocarinas
occitan/5 -> occitans
oersted/5 -> oersteds
off-break/5 -> off-breaks
offput/5 -> offputting
ofga/5 -> ofgas
ogam/5 -> ogams
oil-burner/5 -> oil-burners
oil-slick/5 -> oil-slicks
oil-spill/5 -> oil-spills
oink/5 -> oinks
ojibwa/5 -> ojibwas
okrug/5 -> okrugs
oleograph/5 -> oleographs
olo/5 -> olos
olympics/5 -> olympicss
ondaatje/5 -> ondaatjes
onlap/5 -> onlapped,onlapping
ook/5 -> ooking
opaqueness/5 -> opaquenesses
openwindow/5 -> openwindows
opera-goer/5 -> opera-goers
operatorship/5 -> operatorships
ophthalmoscope/5 -> ophthalmoscopes
opportunite/5 -> opportunites
oppressiveness/5 -> oppressivenesses
optonic/5 -> optonics
orangeade/5 -> orangeades
orbat/5 -> orbats
orebody/5 -> orebodies
organicism/5 -> organicisms
orison/5 -> orisons
osha/5 -> oshas
osteosarcoma/5 -> osteosarcomas
osteostracan/5 -> osteostracans
ostrogoth/5 -> ostrogoths
otus/5 -> otuss
out-class/5 -> out-classed,out-classing
out-come/5 -> out-comes
out-compete/5 -> out-competed
out-group/5 -> out-groups
out-house/5 -> out-houses
out-of-sort/5 -> out-of-sorts
out-weigh/5 -> out-weighed
outcross/5 -> outcrossing,outcrossed
outdoe/5 -> outdoes
outga/5 -> outgas
outjump/5 -> outjumped,outjumping
outland/5 -> outlands
outrageousness/5 -> outrageousnesses
ouzel/5 -> ouzels
over-control/5 -> over-controlled,over-controlling
over-develope/5 -> over-developed,over-developing
over-impress/5 -> over-impressed
over-stimulate/5 -> over-stimulated,over-stimulates
overconfidence/5 -> overconfidences
overgraze/5 -> overgrazed,overgrazing
overhearer/5 -> overhearers
overlayer/5 -> overlayering
overlearn/5 -> overlearned,overlearning
overlock/5 -> overlocked,overlocking
overpraise/5 -> overpraised,overpraises,overpraising
oversail/5 -> oversailing,oversailed
overtrain/5 -> overtraining
overtyp/5 -> overtyping
owner-director/5 -> owner-directors
owner-driver/5 -> owner-drivers
ox-bow/5 -> ox-bows
oxymoron/5 -> oxymorons
p-cadherin/5 -> p-cadherins
p-wave/5 -> p-waves
p.e./5 -> p.e.s
pa'anga/5 -> pa'angas
pabulum/5 -> pabulums
paddy-field/5 -> paddy-fields
paeony/5 -> paeonies
page-number/5 -> page-numbers
paginate/5 -> paginated,paginates,paginating
pakeha/5 -> pakehas
palaeographer/5 -> palaeographers
palantir/5 -> palantirs
palgrave/5 -> palgraves
palliass/5 -> palliasses
palm-reading/5 -> palm-readings
pampas/5 -> pampass
pangloss/5 -> panglosses
panicle/5 -> panicles
pantheist/5 -> pantheists
pantyhose/5 -> pantyhoses
papalist/5 -> papalists
paper-type/5 -> paper-types
parabear/5 -> parabears
paraesthesia/5 -> paraesthesias
paralegal/5 -> paralegals
parathion/5 -> parathions
parfait/5 -> parfaits
parlay/5 -> parlaying,parlays,parlayed
parodist/5 -> parodists
part-payment/5 -> part-payments
participant-observer/5 -> participant-observers
particularist/5 -> particularists
particuly/5 -> particulier
party-piece/5 -> party-pieces
passo/5 -> passos
pasteurize/5 -> pasteurized,pasteurizing,pasteurizes
pastore/5 -> pastored,pastoring
pathologize/5 -> pathologizing,pathologized
pathwork/5 -> pathworks
patroclus/5 -> patrocluss
pavis/5 -> paviss
paw-print/5 -> paw-prints
pay-bed/5 -> pay-beds
pay-slip/5 -> pay-slips
pee-/5 -> pee-ing
peeing/5 -> peeinging
pelagius/5 -> pelagiuss
pelop/5 -> pelops
pen-pusher/5 -> pen-pushers
pend/5 -> pends
pendent/5 -> pendents
penetrometer/5 -> penetrometers
penstock/5 -> penstocks
pentad/5 -> pentads
pentecostalist/5 -> pentecostalists
pentice/5 -> pentices
penzia/5 -> penzias
peoria/5 -> peorias
pepperoni/5 -> pepperonis
per'ap/5 -> per'aps
percale/5 -> percales
perchlorate/5 -> perchlorates
peridot/5 -> peridots
perithecium/5 -> peritheciums
persistency/5 -> persistencies
perugian/5 -> perugians
pharma/5 -> pharmas
pheasantry/5 -> pheasantries
phenylephrine/5 -> phenylephrines
phig/5 -> phigs
phobos/5 -> phoboss
phoning/5 -> phonings
photo-story/5 -> photo-stories
photometer/5 -> photometers
phut/5 -> phutted
physiocrat/5 -> physiocrats
phytolith/5 -> phytoliths
pibroch/5 -> pibrochs
picea/5 -> piceas
pickman/5 -> pickmen
picture-strip/5 -> picture-strips
piercement/5 -> piercements
pig-out/5 -> pig-outs
pij/5 -> pijs
pillowslip/5 -> pillowslips
pilsener/5 -> pilseners
piman/5 -> pimen
pine-cone/5 -> pine-cones
pinko/5 -> pinkoes
pipa/5 -> pipas
pipefish/5 -> pipefishes
piperazine/5 -> piperazines
pit-prop/5 -> pit-props
pitchblende/5 -> pitchblendes
pitter/5 -> pitters
planarian/5 -> planarians
planetesimal/5 -> planetesimals
plastron/5 -> plastrons
plateaue/5 -> plateaued,plateauing
play-reading/5 -> play-readings
playbook/5 -> playbooks
playgirl/5 -> playgirls
pledger/5 -> pledgers
pleurite/5 -> pleurites
pluss/5 -> plusses,plussing
poetaster/5 -> poetasters
pointillism/5 -> pointillisms
poire/5 -> poires
pole-vaulter/5 -> pole-vaulters
police-station/5 -> police-stations
polska/5 -> polskas
polychaete/5 -> polychaetes
polychlorinatedbiphenyl/5 -> polychlorinatedbiphenyls
polygala/5 -> polygalas
polymerise/5 -> polymerising,polymerises,polymerised
pomelo/5 -> pomelos
ponderousness/5 -> ponderousnesses
ponselle/5 -> ponselles
pontification/5 -> pontifications
pooh-bah/5 -> pooh-bahs
pool-room/5 -> pool-rooms
poppadum/5 -> poppadums
popularism/5 -> popularisms
porifera/5 -> poriferas
porterage/5 -> porterages
positiveness/5 -> positivenesses
post-1960/5 -> post-1960s
postfix/5 -> postfixed
pot-boiler/5 -> pot-boilers
pother/5 -> pothered,pothers,pothering
potlatch/5 -> potlatches
poule/5 -> poules
poult/5 -> poults
power-line/5 -> power-lines
power-seeker/5 -> power-seekers
pps/5 -> ppss
practioner/5 -> practioners
pragmaticist/5 -> pragmaticists
prange/5 -> pranged
prap/5 -> praps
prater/5 -> praters
prattling/5 -> prattlings
pre-judge/5 -> pre-judges
pre-occupy/5 -> pre-occupied,pre-occupies
pre-process/5 -> pre-processes
pre-qualifier/5 -> pre-qualifiers
precious-metal/5 -> precious-metals
precociousness/5 -> precociousnesses
predestinarianism/5 -> predestinarianisms
prejudgment/5 -> prejudgments
preload/5 -> preloaded,preloading
preplan/5 -> preplanned
prepossess/5 -> prepossessing,prepossesses,prepossessed
prescriptivist/5 -> prescriptivists
preterite/5 -> preterites
primaquine/5 -> primaquines
primatologist/5 -> primatologists
princedom/5 -> princedoms
principalship/5 -> principalships
printwork/5 -> printworks
privatiser/5 -> privatisers
prizefight/5 -> prizefighting,prizefights
procumben/5 -> procumbens
procuration/5 -> procurations
procuress/5 -> procuresses
proddy/5 -> proddies,proddys
product-line/5 -> product-lines
progam/5 -> progams
prokhorov/5 -> prokhorovs
promethazine/5 -> promethazines
propanone/5 -> propanones
prophesying/5 -> prophesyings
proselytism/5 -> proselytisms
prosimian/5 -> prosimians
proteolysis/5 -> proteolyses
protoranker/5 -> protorankers
protoxin/5 -> protoxins
psalme/5 -> psalmes
pseudo-intellectual/5 -> pseudo-intellectuals
pseudomonad/5 -> pseudomonads
pseudopod/5 -> pseudopods
psf/5 -> psfs
psychologize/5 -> psychologizing,psychologized
pterine/5 -> pterines
pudding-bowl/5 -> pudding-bowls
pujol/5 -> pujols
pulex/5 -> pulexes
pull-in/5 -> pull-ins
pull-through/5 -> pull-throughs
pungar/5 -> pungars
punting/5 -> puntings
purgation/5 -> purgations
purslane/5 -> purslanes
pushrod/5 -> pushrods
pusillanimity/5 -> pusillanimities
puttee/5 -> puttees
pyridoxine/5 -> pyridoxines
qatari/5 -> qataris
qcd/5 -> qcds
qsl/5 -> qsls
quagga/5 -> quaggas
quarter-light/5 -> quarter-lights
quartette/5 -> quartettes
quietwater/5 -> quietwaters
quinidine/5 -> quinidines
rabbinate/5 -> rabbinates
rabbit-run/5 -> rabbit-runs
race-goer/5 -> race-goers
radio-isotope/5 -> radio-isotopes
radiolarian/5 -> radiolarians
raggedness/5 -> raggednesses
railwork/5 -> railworks
rake-off/5 -> rake-offs
rallentando/5 -> rallentandos
ramraid/5 -> ramraiding,ramraids
ran/5 -> rans
rastafari/5 -> rastafaris
rat-hole/5 -> rat-holes
rat-tat/5 -> rat-tats
ratchete/5 -> ratcheted,ratcheting
ratione/5 -> rationes
ratline/5 -> ratlines
ravisher/5 -> ravishers
raybould/5 -> rayboulds
razorblade/5 -> razorblades
re-acquaint/5 -> re-acquainted,re-acquainting
re-admission/5 -> re-admissions
re-adopt/5 -> re-adopted
re-advertise/5 -> re-advertised
re-application/5 -> re-applications
re-commence/5 -> re-commences
re-conven/5 -> re-convened
re-display/5 -> re-displayed
re-energize/5 -> re-energized,re-energizing
re-enforce/5 -> re-enforcing,re-enforced,re-enforces
re-focuse/5 -> re-focused,re-focusing
re-format/5 -> re-formatting,re-formatted
re-formation/5 -> re-formations
re-hire/5 -> re-hired,re-hiring
re-identify/5 -> re-identified
re-imburse/5 -> re-imbursed,re-imburses
re-key/5 -> re-keying,re-keyed
re-litigate/5 -> re-litigating,re-litigated
re-place/5 -> re-placed,re-placing
re-possession/5 -> re-possessions
re-regulate/5 -> re-regulating
re-shoot/5 -> re-shooting
re-specify/5 -> re-specifying,re-specified,re-specifies
re-tender/5 -> re-tendering,re-tendered
re-ty/5 -> re-tied,re-tying
re-unite/5 -> re-unites
reacquaint/5 -> reacquainted
reacquire/5 -> reacquired
realtor/5 -> realtors
reamer/5 -> reamers
rearer/5 -> rearers
reave/5 -> reaves,reaving,reaved
rebadge/5 -> rebadged,rebadging
reble/5 -> rebled
rebleeder/5 -> rebleeders
rebore/5 -> rebored,reboring
recension/5 -> recensions
recoat/5 -> recoating,recoated
recolonize/5 -> recolonizing,recolonized
recommencement/5 -> recommencements
red-herring/5 -> red-herrings
redcross/5 -> redcrossed
redetermination/5 -> redeterminations
redpoint/5 -> redpointed,redpoints
reemphasise/5 -> reemphasised,reemphasises
reflexologist/5 -> reflexologists
refore/5 -> reforest
refueller/5 -> refuellers
reichmark/5 -> reichmarks
reinvoke/5 -> reinvoking,reinvoked
reknit/5 -> reknitted
reliever/5 -> relievers
remaking/5 -> remakings
rendezvouse/5 -> rendezvoused,rendezvousing
renne/5 -> rennes
renny/5 -> rennies
rente/5 -> rentes
repetitiousness/5 -> repetitiousnesses
repin/5 -> repinned
reponse/5 -> reponses
repost/5 -> reposted
reprobe/5 -> reprobed,reprobing
reptan/5 -> reptans
reroof/5 -> reroofing,reroofed
reseat/5 -> reseated,reseating,reseats
respighi/5 -> respighis
restimulate/5 -> restimulated
restudy/5 -> restudied,restudies
resurrectionist/5 -> resurrectionists
resuspension/5 -> resuspensions
rethread/5 -> rethreaded
retransmission/5 -> retransmissions
retransmit/5 -> retransmitted,retransmits
revalidate/5 -> revalidated,revalidates
revenant/5 -> revenants
revenger/5 -> revengers
revolutionnaire/5 -> revolutionnaires
rhabdom/5 -> rhabdoms
rhapsodize/5 -> rhapsodized,rhapsodizing,rhapsodizes
rhd/5 -> rhds
rhodian/5 -> rhodians
ringfence/5 -> ringfenced
ringhals/5 -> ringhalss
ringwork/5 -> ringworks
riparian/5 -> riparians
riptide/5 -> riptides
rit/5 -> riting,ritting
ritornello/5 -> ritornellos
rivale/5 -> rivaling
rock-drill/5 -> rock-drills
rocketry/5 -> rocketries
rockpooler/5 -> rockpoolers
roddon/5 -> roddons
romanticisation/5 -> romanticisations
roof-tree/5 -> roof-trees
roomset/5 -> roomsets
rootlet/5 -> rootlets
roove/5 -> rooves
ropewalk/5 -> ropewalks
rosacea/5 -> rosaceas
rosaniline/5 -> rosanilines
rose-bud/5 -> rose-buds
rotisserie/5 -> rotisseries
rotoscope/5 -> rotoscoping,rotoscoped
roumania/5 -> roumanias
rouser/5 -> rousers
rowlock/5 -> rowlocks
runpast/5 -> runpasts
ruralism/5 -> ruralisms
rurality/5 -> ruralities
rusher/5 -> rushers
s-shape/5 -> s-shapes
saccharomyces/5 -> saccharomycess
sacrist/5 -> sacrists
sado-masochist/5 -> sado-masochists
safetip/5 -> safetips
saffery/5 -> safferys
saint-saens/5 -> saint-saenss
saipan/5 -> saipans
salaud/5 -> salauds
salien/5 -> saliens
saligo/5 -> saligos
salmi/5 -> salmis
salvager/5 -> salvagers
sand-martin/5 -> sand-martins
sandblast/5 -> sandblasted,sandblasting,sandblasts
sanderl/5 -> sanderling
sandling/5 -> sandlings
sandy-lignite/5 -> sandy-lignites
sansculotte/5 -> sansculottes
saraband/5 -> sarabands
sartor/5 -> sartors
satro/5 -> satros
saveloy/5 -> saveloys
sawcut/5 -> sawcuts
saxe-coburg-gotha/5 -> saxe-coburg-gothas
scapegrace/5 -> scapegraces
scaramouche/5 -> scaramouches
scattergram/5 -> scattergrams
scavvy/5 -> scavvies,scavvying
scd/5 -> scds
schefflera/5 -> scheffleras
scholar-critic/5 -> scholar-critics
school-book/5 -> school-books
schtick/5 -> schticks
scid/5 -> scids
scintigram/5 -> scintigrams
scotchman/5 -> scotchmen
scotoma/5 -> scotomas
scouter/5 -> scouters
scranton/5 -> scrantons
scriptwrit/5 -> scriptwriting
scumstopper/5 -> scumstoppers
sea-battle/5 -> sea-battles
sea-coast/5 -> sea-coasts
sea-gull/5 -> sea-gulls
sea-lane/5 -> sea-lanes
sea-pink/5 -> sea-pinks
sea-route/5 -> sea-routes
sea-salt/5 -> sea-salts
sea-squirt/5 -> sea-squirts
sea-wind/5 -> sea-winds
search-light/5 -> search-lights
sebastiana/5 -> sebastianas
second-rater/5 -> second-raters
secondo/5 -> secondoes
secularise/5 -> secularised
sedan-chair/5 -> sedan-chairs
self-correction/5 -> self-corrections
self-direction/5 -> self-directions
self-efficacy/5 -> self-efficacies
self-flagellation/5 -> self-flagellations
self-praise/5 -> self-praises
self-seed/5 -> self-seeds
self-stimulation/5 -> self-stimulations
self-support/5 -> self-supporting
selfcater/5 -> selfcatering
semerwate/5 -> semerwater
semi-fast/5 -> semi-fasts
semiotician/5 -> semioticians
separability/5 -> separabilities
sequestrator/5 -> sequestrators
serac/5 -> seracs
serialist/5 -> serialists
seringueiro/5 -> seringueiros
serosa/5 -> serosas
serow/5 -> serows
serratus/5 -> serratuss
servy/5 -> servies,servier
sestet/5 -> sestets
setpiece/5 -> setpieces
sevak/5 -> sevaks
sevillian/5 -> sevillians
sevre/5 -> sevres
shakeout/5 -> shakeouts
shakiness/5 -> shakinesses
shamanist/5 -> shamanists
shapelessness/5 -> shapelessnesses
share-pusher/5 -> share-pushers
sheiling/5 -> sheilings
shell-dweller/5 -> shell-dwellers
shelter-belt/5 -> shelter-belts
shenyang/5 -> shenyangs
shillelagh/5 -> shillelaghs
ship-builder/5 -> ship-builders
shipway/5 -> shipways
shirtwaister/5 -> shirtwaisters
shitting/5 -> shittings
shooting-stick/5 -> shooting-sticks
shopfit/5 -> shopfitting
shopfitting/5 -> shopfittings
short-course/5 -> short-courses
shortcake/5 -> shortcakes
shortener/5 -> shorteners
shouter/5 -> shouters
showcave/5 -> showcaves
shrilling/5 -> shrillings
shutting/5 -> shuttings
sial/5 -> sials
sick-room/5 -> sick-rooms
side-lane/5 -> side-lanes
side-rein/5 -> side-reins
side-sheet/5 -> side-sheets
siege-engine/5 -> siege-engines
siferwa/5 -> siferwas
sigil/5 -> sigils
significate/5 -> significating
sika/5 -> sikas
silphium/5 -> silphiums
silvanus/5 -> silvanuss
silvex/5 -> silvexes
sima/5 -> simas
single-leaf/5 -> single-leaves
sinkful/5 -> sinkfuls
sita/5 -> sitas
six-hit/5 -> six-hits
sjambok/5 -> sjamboks
skating-rink/5 -> skating-rinks
skeat/5 -> skeats
skewbald/5 -> skewbalds
ski-tow/5 -> ski-tows
skilift/5 -> skilifts
skiver/5 -> skivers
skyhawk/5 -> skyhawks
skyraider/5 -> skyraiders
skyview/5 -> skyviews
slag-heap/5 -> slag-heaps
slap-bang/5 -> slap-bangs
slating/5 -> slatings
sleazeball/5 -> sleazeballs
sleeping-pill/5 -> sleeping-pills
sleeve-note/5 -> sleeve-notes
sling-back/5 -> sling-backs
slyness/5 -> slynesses
smackhead/5 -> smackheads
smeatonian/5 -> smeatonians
smla/5 -> smlas
smoggy/5 -> smoggiest
smokehouse/5 -> smokehouses
snit/5 -> snits
snotle/5 -> snotling
snowboarder/5 -> snowboarders
snowscape/5 -> snowscapes
snuffer/5 -> snuffers
socage/5 -> socages
social-science/5 -> social-sciences
social-service/5 -> social-services
sodality/5 -> sodalities
solera/5 -> soleras
solidago/5 -> solidagoes
solubilize/5 -> solubilized
somefe/5 -> somefing
sonatina/5 -> sonatinas
song-title/5 -> song-titles
sonography/5 -> sonographies
sophism/5 -> sophisms
sorcere/5 -> sorcerer
soubrette/5 -> soubrettes
sound-image/5 -> sound-images
sound-system/5 -> sound-systems
soundbox/5 -> soundboxes
soundman/5 -> soundmen
soupcon/5 -> soupcons
sous-chef/5 -> sous-chefs
space-occupant/5 -> space-occupants
space-ship/5 -> space-ships
speaker-variable/5 -> speaker-variables
speaking-tube/5 -> speaking-tubes
spear-head/5 -> spear-headed,spear-heads
special-effect/5 -> special-effects
specter/5 -> specters
speechmaker/5 -> speechmakers
spelt/5 -> spelted
spider-web/5 -> spider-webs
spinoff/5 -> spinoffs
spiritism/5 -> spiritisms
spiritualise/5 -> spiritualising,spiritualised
spitball/5 -> spitballs
splattering/5 -> splatterings
splenectomy/5 -> splenectomies
sportsperson/5 -> sportspersons
springtail/5 -> springtails
sprit/5 -> sprits
squatt/5 -> squatts
squeer/5 -> squeers
squill/5 -> squills
sspe/5 -> sspes
stable-hand/5 -> stable-hands
stable-lad/5 -> stable-lads
staff-cabin/5 -> staff-cabins
stagediver/5 -> stagedivers
staite/5 -> staites
stakebuild/5 -> stakebuilding
stalking-horse/5 -> stalking-horses
stampe/5 -> stampes
star-field/5 -> star-fields
starmaker/5 -> starmakers
stategy/5 -> stategies
stavro/5 -> stavros
steatite/5 -> steatites
steelmaker/5 -> steelmakers
steeping/5 -> steepings
stegosaur/5 -> stegosaurs
stellaria/5 -> stellarias
stenose/5 -> stenoses,stenosed
step-grandparent/5 -> step-grandparents
step-over/5 -> step-overs
stercorarius/5 -> stercorariuss
stereoscope/5 -> stereoscopes
sth/5 -> sths
stitch-up/5 -> stitch-ups
stitcher/5 -> stitchers
stock-take/5 -> stock-takes
stockinette/5 -> stockinettes
stockpot/5 -> stockpots
stone-thrower/5 -> stone-throwers
stonefall/5 -> stonefalls
stormcloud/5 -> stormclouds
stovepipe/5 -> stovepipes
strake/5 -> strakes,straked
straub/5 -> straubing
street-car/5 -> street-cars
street-sweeper/5 -> street-sweepers
streete/5 -> streetes
strigil/5 -> strigils
stroboscope/5 -> stroboscopes
strongbox/5 -> strongboxes
structural-functionalist/5 -> structural-functionalists
strutter/5 -> strutters
stunty/5 -> stunties
stye/5 -> styes
stylistician/5 -> stylisticians
sub-clan/5 -> sub-clans
sub-classify/5 -> sub-classified
sub-delta/5 -> sub-deltas
sub-department/5 -> sub-departments
sub-level/5 -> sub-levels
sub-maxim/5 -> sub-maxims
sub-option/5 -> sub-options
sub-parcel/5 -> sub-parcels
sub-personality/5 -> sub-personalities
sub-process/5 -> sub-processes
sub-rule/5 -> sub-rules
sub-skill/5 -> sub-skills
sub-team/5 -> sub-teams
subformation/5 -> subformations
subnet/5 -> subnets
subrange/5 -> subranges
subsidization/5 -> subsidizations
subsource/5 -> subsources
subspecialty/5 -> subspecialties
subtheme/5 -> subthemes
succubus/5 -> succubi
sugarloaf/5 -> sugarloaves
suggestibility/5 -> suggestibilities
sultriness/5 -> sultrinesses
sun-bthe/5 -> sun-bathing
sun-compatible/5 -> sun-compatibles
sundragon/5 -> sundragons
super-being/5 -> super-beings
super-ministry/5 -> super-ministries
super-regional/5 -> super-regionals
super-saturate/5 -> super-saturated
super-structure/5 -> super-structures
superciliousness/5 -> superciliousnesses
superfecundation/5 -> superfecundations
supershift/5 -> supershifted
superstation/5 -> superstations
supplicate/5 -> supplicating,supplicated,supplicates
supress/5 -> supressed,supresses,supressing
survivorship/5 -> survivorships
suttee/5 -> suttees
svr4-compatible/5 -> svr4-compatibles
swarthiness/5 -> swarthinesses
swidden/5 -> swiddens
swimmy/5 -> swimmies
switcher/5 -> switchers
symbolisation/5 -> symbolisations
symphysis/5 -> symphyses
syncline/5 -> synclines
synergism/5 -> synergisms
syntagma/5 -> syntagmas
synthesist/5 -> synthesists
systematics/5 -> systematicss
systematisation/5 -> systematisations
szekere/5 -> szekeres
szilard/5 -> szilards
t'top/5 -> t'tops
t'wa/5 -> t'was
t-connector/5 -> t-connectors
taal/5 -> taals
tabooe/5 -> tabooed
tacograph/5 -> tacographs
tafo/5 -> tafos
tail-feather/5 -> tail-feathers
tail-piece/5 -> tail-pieces
tailender/5 -> tailenders
tailwagger/5 -> tailwaggers
talking-shop/5 -> talking-shops
tanacetum/5 -> tanacetums
tanga/5 -> tangas
tangshan/5 -> tangshans
tappet/5 -> tappets
tartary/5 -> tartaries
tartuffe/5 -> tartuffes
tauntonian/5 -> tauntonians
tax-haven/5 -> tax-havens
tce/5 -> tces
teabreak/5 -> teabreaks
teambuild/5 -> teambuilding
teamster/5 -> teamsters
tear-drop/5 -> tear-drops
tearfulness/5 -> tearfulnesses
technetium/5 -> technetiums
tediousness/5 -> tediousnesses
teethe/5 -> teethes,teethed,teething
teethmark/5 -> teethmarks
tele-sale/5 -> tele-sales
teleconference/5 -> teleconferences
teleost/5 -> teleosts
tellin/5 -> tellins
temeno/5 -> temenos
temporize/5 -> temporizing,temporized,temporizes
tenesmus/5 -> tenesmuss
tennis-court/5 -> tennis-courts
teratogen/5 -> teratogens
tergiversation/5 -> tergiversations
testbed/5 -> testbeds
tethy/5 -> tethys
text-type/5 -> text-types
th'want/5 -> th'wants
theatric/5 -> theatrics
theran/5 -> therans
thessalonica/5 -> thessalonicas
thiamin/5 -> thiamins
thighbone/5 -> thighbones
third-high/5 -> third-highest
thirst-quencher/5 -> thirst-quenchers
thirty-something/5 -> thirty-somethings
thoma/5 -> thomas
thousand-year/5 -> thousand-years
thrant/5 -> thrants
threadfin/5 -> threadfins
three-fourth/5 -> three-fourths
three-pointer/5 -> three-pointers
three-wood/5 -> three-woods
threnody/5 -> threnodies
through-road/5 -> through-roads
throwout/5 -> throwouts
thuja/5 -> thujas
thurible/5 -> thuribles
thwarting/5 -> thwartings
thyrotoxicosis/5 -> thyrotoxicoses
ticket-of-leave/5 -> tickets-of-leave
tiem/5 -> tiems
tiflis/5 -> tifliss
tigershark/5 -> tigersharks
timar/5 -> timars
time-sheet/5 -> time-sheets
tinamou/5 -> tinamous
tipi/5 -> tipis
tipstaff/5 -> tipstaffs
toad-in-the-hole/5 -> toads-in-the-hole
toast-rack/5 -> toast-racks
toasting/5 -> toastings
toffee-apple/5 -> toffee-apples
tokay/5 -> tokays
tombolo/5 -> tombolos
tone-poem/5 -> tone-poems
toolshed/5 -> toolsheds
tortellini/5 -> tortellinis
toscana/5 -> toscanas
toucher/5 -> touchers
touchiness/5 -> touchinesses
touchwood/5 -> touchwoods
trachyte/5 -> trachytes
trade-the-cheap/5 -> trade-the-cheapest
train-set/5 -> train-sets
tramper/5 -> trampers
tranquillise/5 -> tranquillised,tranquillising
transcendentalist/5 -> transcendentalists
transcriber/5 -> transcribers
transmogrification/5 -> transmogrifications
transplanting/5 -> transplantings
travailliste/5 -> travaillistes
treed/5 -> treeds
treet/5 -> treets
trematode/5 -> trematodes
tria/5 -> trias
tributer/5 -> tributers
triceps/5 -> tricepss
triceratop/5 -> triceratops
trichomoniasis/5 -> trichomoniases
trichotomy/5 -> trichotomies
triglyph/5 -> triglyphs
trihalomethane/5 -> trihalomethanes
triphthong/5 -> triphthongs
tripling/5 -> triplings
tritty/5 -> trittys
triver/5 -> trivers
trolley-buse/5 -> trolley-buses
tromp/5 -> tromping
trout-rod/5 -> trout-rods
trunkful/5 -> trunkfuls
tryall/5 -> tryalls
tuberose/5 -> tuberoses
tumescence/5 -> tumescences
tungus/5 -> tunguss
tupelo/5 -> tupeloes
ture/5 -> turing
tusser/5 -> tussers
tutworker/5 -> tutworkers
twinset/5 -> twinsets
two-and-a-half-mile/5 -> two-and-a-half-miles
tysty/5 -> tysties
ub-level/5 -> ub-levels
ubiquinone/5 -> ubiquinones
ulmus/5 -> ulmuss
ultra-leftist/5 -> ultra-leftists
ultra-rightist/5 -> ultra-rightists
ululate/5 -> ululating,ululated,ululates
ulva/5 -> ulvas
umbel/5 -> umbels
umbelliferae/5 -> umbelliferaes
unambiguity/5 -> unambiguities
uncal/5 -> uncalled
under-carriage/5 -> under-carriages
under-class/5 -> under-classes
under-exploit/5 -> under-exploited
under-graduate/5 -> under-graduates
under-pin/5 -> under-pinning,under-pins,under-pinned
under-spending/5 -> under-spendings
under-train/5 -> under-trained
underbank/5 -> underbanks
undercount/5 -> undercounting
underfeed/5 -> underfeeding
underfelt/5 -> underfelting
undersell/5 -> undersells,undersold,underselling
undersoil/5 -> undersoils
undersow/5 -> undersown
underwhelm/5 -> underwhelming
unhand/5 -> unhands,unhanding,unhanded
unica/5 -> unicas
unionize/5 -> unionizing,unionizes,unionized
unitholder/5 -> unitholders
unlash/5 -> unlashed,unlashing,unlashes
unmasking/5 -> unmaskings
unnaturalness/5 -> unnaturalnesses
unpalatability/5 -> unpalatabilities
unprotest/5 -> unprotesting
unstrap/5 -> unstraps,unstrapping,unstrapped
untax/5 -> untaxing
untermeyer/5 -> untermeyers
untrustworthiness/5 -> untrustworthinesses
unyoke/5 -> unyoking,unyokes,unyoked
upstroke/5 -> upstrokes
urania/5 -> uranias
uridian/5 -> uridians
valencienne/5 -> valenciennes
valetudinarian/5 -> valetudinarians
value-component/5 -> value-components
vanda/5 -> vandas
vanner/5 -> vanners
vapor/5 -> vapors
vaporiser/5 -> vaporisers
varlet/5 -> varlets
vaxstation/5 -> vaxstations
verbascum/5 -> verbascums
vicuna/5 -> vicunas
vigilantee/5 -> vigilantees
vigne/5 -> vignes
villa-lobo/5 -> villa-lobos
villancico/5 -> villancicos
villard/5 -> villards
ville/5 -> villes
villiger/5 -> villigers
vinification/5 -> vinifications
vinify/5 -> vinified
viole/5 -> violes
viraemia/5 -> viraemias
visayan/5 -> visayans
visystem/5 -> visystems
vitalize/5 -> vitalizing,vitalized,vitalizes
vitrification/5 -> vitrifications
vlf/5 -> vlfs
voicebox/5 -> voiceboxes
voicemail/5 -> voicemails
volvox/5 -> volvoxes
vulgarism/5 -> vulgarisms
vulgarization/5 -> vulgarizations
wac/5 -> wacs
wage-rate/5 -> wage-rates
wage-worker/5 -> wage-workers
wahhabi/5 -> wahhabis
waist-line/5 -> waist-lines
waldense/5 -> waldenses
waley/5 -> waleys
walkthrough/5 -> walkthroughs
wall-plate/5 -> wall-plates
wall-rock/5 -> wall-rocks
wall-walk/5 -> wall-walks
wapiti/5 -> wapitis
washingtonian/5 -> washingtonians
watchkeeper/5 -> watchkeepers
water-chestnut/5 -> water-chestnuts
water-furrow/5 -> water-furrows
water-pipe/5 -> water-pipes
waterbird/5 -> waterbirds
waterleaf/5 -> waterleaves
waterpipe/5 -> waterpipes
waterpump/5 -> waterpumps
wavecr/5 -> wavecrest
way-leave/5 -> way-leaves
weatherby/5 -> weatherbys
well-spring/5 -> well-springs
wellingtonia/5 -> wellingtonias
wese/5 -> weser
wet-suit/5 -> wet-suits
wheel-lock/5 -> wheel-locks
wheeziness/5 -> wheezinesses
while-loop/5 -> while-loops
whimsicality/5 -> whimsicalities
whippersnapper/5 -> whippersnappers
whiska/5 -> whiskas
white-eye/5 -> white-eyes
whitecraig/5 -> whitecraigs
whitesand/5 -> whitesands
whitesmith/5 -> whitesmiths
whitewate/5 -> whitewater
whizz-bang/5 -> whizz-bangs
wilk/5 -> wilking
willm/5 -> willms
windbreaker/5 -> windbreakers
windjammer/5 -> windjammers
windo/5 -> windos
window-shutter/5 -> window-shutters
windows/5 -> windowss
windscreen-wiper/5 -> windscreen-wipers
wine-cellar/5 -> wine-cellars
winegrower/5 -> winegrowers
winer/5 -> winers
wing-commander/5 -> wing-commanders
wing-root/5 -> wing-roots
wingflap/5 -> wingflaps
winglet/5 -> winglets,wingletted
wingnut/5 -> wingnuts
wingwalker/5 -> wingwalkers
winklepicker/5 -> winklepickers
wirecutter/5 -> wirecutters
wiseacre/5 -> wiseacres
wispa/5 -> wispas
woodbank/5 -> woodbanks
woodentop/5 -> woodentops
woodlark/5 -> woodlarks
woodscrew/5 -> woodscrews
woodstain/5 -> woodstains
word-boundary/5 -> word-boundaries
word-maker/5 -> word-makers
wordiness/5 -> wordinesses
work-hour/5 -> work-hours
workcard/5 -> workcards
workover/5 -> workovers
wotsit/5 -> wotsits
wrass/5 -> wrasses
wryneck/5 -> wrynecks
wycliffite/5 -> wycliffites
x-radiation/5 -> x-radiations
xv-a-side/5 -> xv-a-sides
xylocopa/5 -> xylocopas
xylogic/5 -> xylogics
y-axis/5 -> y-axes
y-direction/5 -> y-directions
yana/5 -> yanas
yerkes/5 -> yerkess
yielder/5 -> yielders
yolky/5 -> yolkys
ytterbium/5 -> ytterbiums
yue/5 -> yues
yzr/5 -> yzrs
z-car/5 -> z-cars
zacharia/5 -> zacharias
zaman/5 -> zamen
zanskari/5 -> zanskaris
zay/5 -> zayed
zenana/5 -> zenanas
zillion/5 -> zillions
zoetrope/5 -> zoetropes
zombify/5 -> zombifying,zombified
zukerman/5 -> zukermen
zurvan/5 -> zurvans
zydeco/5 -> zydecoes
'bok/4 -> 'boks
'chute/4 -> 'chutes
'eavy/4 -> 'eavier
'fifty/4 -> 'fifties
'head/4 -> 'heads
a-beg/4 -> a-begging
a-chang/4 -> a-changing
a-flutter/4 -> a-fluttering
a-helice/4 -> a-helices
a-list/4 -> a-listed
abcs/4 -> abcss
abnegate/4 -> abnegated,abnegates,abnegating
abortion-right/4 -> abortion-rights
abridgment/4 -> abridgments
abstractionist/4 -> abstractionists
absurde/4 -> absurdest,absurder
accelerometer/4 -> accelerometers
accessorize/4 -> accessorized
accompt/4 -> accompts
achaean/4 -> achaeans
achievment/4 -> achievments
achillea/4 -> achilleas
acitivity/4 -> acitivities
acquittance/4 -> acquittances
acrocentric/4 -> acrocentrics
actifed/4 -> actifeds
actinomycete/4 -> actinomycetes
action-sequence/4 -> action-sequences
actionbook/4 -> actionbooks
actium/4 -> actiums
actor-dancer/4 -> actor-dancers
acupressure/4 -> acupressures
addr/4 -> addrest
adeptness/4 -> adeptnesses
adhocracy/4 -> adhocracies
adirondack/4 -> adirondacks
adumbration/4 -> adumbrations
advt/4 -> advts
adzharia/4 -> adzharias
aequiden/4 -> aequidens
aereo/4 -> aereos
aert/4 -> aerts
aertex/4 -> aertexes
aesir/4 -> aesirs
affirmed/4 -> affirmeds
afflatus/4 -> afflatuss
africain/4 -> africains
after-taste/4 -> after-tastes
afterimage/4 -> afterimages
afterworld/4 -> afterworlds
agglutinin/4 -> agglutinins
aggrandise/4 -> aggrandised,aggrandising
agism/4 -> agisms
agn/4 -> agns
agraphia/4 -> agraphias
air-bubble/4 -> air-bubbles
air-drop/4 -> air-drops
air-intake/4 -> air-intakes
air-jet/4 -> air-jets
air-letter/4 -> air-letters
airdrionian/4 -> airdrionians
airmiss/4 -> airmisses
akron/4 -> akrons
albatro/4 -> albatros
alber/4 -> albers
albifron/4 -> albifrons
alcibiade/4 -> alcibiades
alerter/4 -> alerters
alexanders/4 -> alexanderss
algecira/4 -> algeciras
alienist/4 -> alienists
aliveness/4 -> alivenesses
alkyne/4 -> alkynes
all-item/4 -> all-items
all-sort/4 -> all-sorts
allcomer/4 -> allcomers
allder/4 -> allders
alley-cat/4 -> alley-cats
allgood/4 -> allgoods
allomorph/4 -> allomorphs
allotropy/4 -> allotropies
allseater/4 -> allseaters
allsport/4 -> allsports
allway/4 -> allways
almsgive/4 -> almsgiving
alouette/4 -> alouettes
alpenstock/4 -> alpenstocks
alpha-particle/4 -> alpha-particles
altar-boy/4 -> altar-boys
altoist/4 -> altoists
alumino-silicate/4 -> alumino-silicates
alveolus/4 -> alveoluss
amati/4 -> amatis
amberol/4 -> amberols
amblyopia/4 -> amblyopias
ambo/4 -> amboes
americanization/4 -> americanizations
amidate/4 -> amidated
aminophylline/4 -> aminophyllines
aminopyrine/4 -> aminopyrines
ammete/4 -> ammeter
amnion/4 -> amnions
amphipod/4 -> amphipods
amphotericin/4 -> amphotericins
anacardiaceae/4 -> anacardiaceaes
anaerobe/4 -> anaerobes
analogization/4 -> analogizations
anamnesis/4 -> anamneses
ananas/4 -> ananass
anaximander/4 -> anaximanders
anchorian/4 -> anchorians
androgyne/4 -> androgynes
anemometry/4 -> anemometries
angara/4 -> angaras
anglo-argentine/4 -> anglo-argentines
anglo-canadian/4 -> anglo-canadians
animadvert/4 -> animadverted,animadverting,animadverts
ankle-bone/4 -> ankle-bones
annwn/4 -> annwns
ano/4 -> anoes
anodonta/4 -> anodontas
anounce/4 -> anounced
anse/4 -> anses
answerer/4 -> answerers
anthologise/4 -> anthologised
anti-monarchist/4 -> anti-monarchists
anti-pylon/4 -> anti-pylons
antibond/4 -> antibonding
antiemetic/4 -> antiemetics
antigonus/4 -> antigonuss
antiphony/4 -> antiphonies
antisemite/4 -> antisemites
anuse/4 -> anuses
anxiolytic/4 -> anxiolytics
aphakic/4 -> aphakics
aphrodisia/4 -> aphrodisias
apia/4 -> apias
apiary/4 -> apiaries
apocynaceae/4 -> apocynaceaes
apophthegm/4 -> apophthegms
appall/4 -> appalls,appals,appalling,appalled
apparat/4 -> apparats
apparentement/4 -> apparentements
appointer/4 -> appointers
apport/4 -> apports
apron-string/4 -> apron-strings
arange/4 -> aranged
arauca/4 -> araucas
archiepiscopate/4 -> archiepiscopates
archilochus/4 -> archilochuss
arete/4 -> aretes
arethusa/4 -> arethusas
ariette/4 -> ariettes
armilla/4 -> armillas
arowana/4 -> arowanas
arpeggiate/4 -> arpeggiated,arpeggiates
arrestee/4 -> arrestees
arrester/4 -> arresters
arry/4 -> arrys
art-dealer/4 -> art-dealers
artaxerxes/4 -> artaxerxess
artist-philosopher/4 -> artist-philosophers
asat/4 -> asats
ascendent/4 -> ascendents
asexuality/4 -> asexualities
ashet/4 -> ashets
asparagine/4 -> asparagines
asperge/4 -> asperges
assamese/4 -> assameses
assiduousness/4 -> assiduousnesses
assoluta/4 -> assolutas
assort/4 -> assorts,assorting,assorted
assualt/4 -> assualting,assualts,assualted
astronomer-priest/4 -> astronomer-priests
attaint/4 -> attainted,attaints,attainting
attending/4 -> attendings
auchincloss/4 -> auchinclosses
audiencia/4 -> audiencias
aue/4 -> aued
augument/4 -> auguments
austick/4 -> austicks
authorities/4 -> authoritiess
authority-figure/4 -> authority-figures
auto-da-fe/4 -> auto-da-fes
autobank/4 -> autobanking
autograph-hunter/4 -> autograph-hunters
autoinjector/4 -> autoinjectors
autopart/4 -> autoparts
autosampler/4 -> autosamplers
avele/4 -> aveling
averroe/4 -> averroes
aves/4 -> avess
avifauna/4 -> avifaunas
avo/4 -> avoing
avoider/4 -> avoiders
awayday/4 -> awaydays
awlgrip/4 -> awlgripped
az/4 -> azs
b-film/4 -> b-films
b-movy/4 -> b-movies
b-value/4 -> b-values
b.o./4 -> b.o.s
babee/4 -> babees
baby-face/4 -> baby-faced
bacca/4 -> baccas
back-hander/4 -> back-handers
backbreak/4 -> backbreaking
backburner/4 -> backburnered
backflow/4 -> backflows
backheel/4 -> backheels
backmarker/4 -> backmarkers
backnut/4 -> backnuts
backrest/4 -> backrests
backscatter/4 -> backscattered,backscattering
backview/4 -> backviews
bagdad/4 -> bagdads
bagwash/4 -> bagwashes
baklava/4 -> baklavas
baksheesh/4 -> baksheeshes
balaenoptera/4 -> balaenopteras
balanus/4 -> balanuss
balbriggan/4 -> balbriggans
balcarre/4 -> balcarres
baldric/4 -> baldrics
ball-boy/4 -> ball-boys
ballbuster/4 -> ballbusters
ballgame/4 -> ballgames
banana-skin/4 -> banana-skins
bankfield/4 -> bankfields
banlieue/4 -> banlieues
baptisia/4 -> baptisias
barberry/4 -> barberries
barcelo/4 -> barcelos
barehead/4 -> bareheaded
barke/4 -> barkes
barnabite/4 -> barnabites
barnstorm/4 -> barnstorming,barnstorms,barnstormed
baronetage/4 -> baronetages
barouch/4 -> barouches
basepair/4 -> basepairs
basketload/4 -> basketloads
bastardize/4 -> bastardized,bastardizing,bastardizes
bathing-trunk/4 -> bathing-trunks
bathtowel/4 -> bathtowels
battallion/4 -> battallions
battel/4 -> battels
battell/4 -> battells
baya/4 -> bayas
bdtc/4 -> bdtcs
becloud/4 -> beclouded,beclouds,beclouding
bed-post/4 -> bed-posts
bed-roll/4 -> bed-rolls
bed-wet/4 -> bed-wetter
beddoe/4 -> beddoes
bedframe/4 -> bedframes
bedsock/4 -> bedsocks
been/4 -> beens
beer-crate/4 -> beer-crates
beer-drinker/4 -> beer-drinkers
beercan/4 -> beercans
befal/4 -> befalling
beggarman/4 -> beggarmen
beggary/4 -> beggaries
begorrah/4 -> begorrahs
begrime/4 -> begrimed,begrimes,begriming
bekko/4 -> bekkos
belfastman/4 -> belfastmen
belisarius/4 -> belisariuss
bell-szekere/4 -> bell-szekeres
bell-wether/4 -> bell-wethers
bellcr/4 -> bellcrest
bellpush/4 -> bellpushes
bellring/4 -> bellringing,bellringer
benifit/4 -> benifits
bennettite/4 -> bennettites
bennetton/4 -> bennettons
bentall/4 -> bentalls
bentho/4 -> benthos
benzylpenicillin/4 -> benzylpenicillins
beringe/4 -> beringed
best-practice/4 -> best-practices
bewig/4 -> bewigged
biathlon/4 -> biathlons
bibelot/4 -> bibelots
biccy/4 -> biccies
bickton/4 -> bicktons
bif/4 -> bifs
big-head/4 -> big-heads
big-spender/4 -> big-spenders
bigfoot/4 -> bigfeet
bignoniaceae/4 -> bignoniaceaes
bigshot/4 -> bigshots
bihari/4 -> biharis
bikeshed/4 -> bikesheds
bikethon/4 -> bikethons
bilaterality/4 -> bilateralities
bill-board/4 -> bill-boards
bine/4 -> bines
binman/4 -> binmen
binoc/4 -> binocs
bio-filter/4 -> bio-filters
biocide/4 -> biocides
bioenergetic/4 -> bioenergetics
bioethic/4 -> bioethics
biog/4 -> biogs
biogram/4 -> biograms
biophysicist/4 -> biophysicists
biophysics/4 -> biophysicss
bioturbate/4 -> bioturbated
biriani/4 -> birianis
birthtale/4 -> birthtales
biryani/4 -> biryanis
biscuit-tin/4 -> biscuit-tins
bisection/4 -> bisections
bisphosphonate/4 -> bisphosphonates
bit-map/4 -> bit-maps
bita/4 -> bitas
bizjet/4 -> bizjets
black-marketeer/4 -> black-marketeers
blackland/4 -> blacklands
blastocoel/4 -> blastocoels
blefuscan/4 -> blefuscans
blickle/4 -> blickling
blim/4 -> blimming
block-booking/4 -> block-bookings
block-buster/4 -> block-busters
bloodlet/4 -> bloodletting
bloodstone/4 -> bloodstones
bloodsucker/4 -> bloodsuckers
blow-over/4 -> blow-overs
blow-torch/4 -> blow-torches
blowback/4 -> blowbacks
blue-stocking/4 -> blue-stockings
bluffer/4 -> bluffers
blundellsand/4 -> blundellsands
bns/4 -> bnss
bodhisattva/4 -> bodhisattvas
body-count/4 -> body-counts
boehme/4 -> boehmes
boilersuit/4 -> boilersuits
boiotarch/4 -> boiotarchs
boisterousness/4 -> boisterousnesses
bolling/4 -> bollings
bollockse/4 -> bollocksed
boluse/4 -> boluses
bolzano/4 -> bolzanoes
bombazine/4 -> bombazines
bombe/4 -> bombes
bonaire/4 -> bonaires
bondmaid/4 -> bondmaids
bonnete/4 -> bonneted
book-hand/4 -> book-hands
book-shop/4 -> book-shops
booking-hall/4 -> booking-halls
bookmatch/4 -> bookmatched
bookstand/4 -> bookstands
bootprint/4 -> bootprints
boreas/4 -> boreass
bornean/4 -> borneans
bossy-boot/4 -> bossy-boots
bot-fly/4 -> bot-flies
bote/4 -> botes
bottle-opener/4 -> bottle-openers
bottler/4 -> bottlers
bougy/4 -> bougies
boundstone/4 -> boundstones
bourdon/4 -> bourdons
bouvines/4 -> bouviness
box-room/4 -> box-rooms
boxmake/4 -> boxmaking
bradawl/4 -> bradawls
brailler/4 -> braillers
brake-van/4 -> brake-vans
brandling/4 -> brandlings
brandmaker/4 -> brandmakers
brandmark/4 -> brandmarks
branflake/4 -> branflakes
brass-work/4 -> brass-works
braw/4 -> brawest
braze/4 -> brazed,brazing,brazes
breadbasket/4 -> breadbaskets
breastsummer/4 -> breastsummers
brecciate/4 -> brecciated
breek/4 -> breeks
briavel/4 -> briavels
bricoleur/4 -> bricoleurs
brochette/4 -> brochettes
brogger/4 -> broggers
broiling/4 -> broilings
brokenheart/4 -> brokenhearted,brokenhearts
bronzy/4 -> bronzier
brosette/4 -> brosettes
brr/4 -> brrring
brunet/4 -> brunets
brutalist/4 -> brutalists
bry/4 -> bries
bugaboo/4 -> bugaboos
bugle-horn/4 -> bugle-horns
buhl/4 -> buhls
bull-shit/4 -> bull-shitting
bumpouse/4 -> bumpouses
bunk-bed/4 -> bunk-beds
burin/4 -> burins
burka/4 -> burkas
burl/4 -> burling,burls,burled
burseraceae/4 -> burseraceaes
bus-boy/4 -> bus-boys
bushbuck/4 -> bushbucks
bushwacker/4 -> bushwackers
bustline/4 -> bustlines
butterman/4 -> buttermen
bydgoszcz/4 -> bydgoszczs
c-spanner/4 -> c-spanners
cabinetry/4 -> cabinetries
cableway/4 -> cableways
cachou/4 -> cachous
cacoethe/4 -> cacoethes
caddock/4 -> caddocks
cadger/4 -> cadgers
cake-shop/4 -> cake-shops
calcrete/4 -> calcretes
calend/4 -> calends
calendare/4 -> calendared,calendaring
calif/4 -> califs
calkin/4 -> calkins
callanetic/4 -> callanetics
calling-card/4 -> calling-cards
calotype/4 -> calotypes
camaro/4 -> camaros
camera-original/4 -> camera-originals
camiknicker/4 -> camiknickers
capitulum/4 -> capitulums
capricornus/4 -> capricornuss
caprimulgus/4 -> caprimulguss
capstone/4 -> capstones
car-deck/4 -> car-decks
car-ferry/4 -> car-ferries
car-jacking/4 -> car-jackings
carabinero/4 -> carabineros
carapintada/4 -> carapintadas
carbocation/4 -> carbocations
carbon-date/4 -> carbon-dated
card-holder/4 -> card-holders
cardinalate/4 -> cardinalates
carduus/4 -> carduuss
carefull/4 -> carefullest
caretake/4 -> caretakes,caretaking
carian/4 -> carians
carica/4 -> caricas
carinthian/4 -> carinthians
carothers/4 -> carotherss
cart-wheel/4 -> cart-wheels
caruncle/4 -> caruncles
case-file/4 -> case-files
cassette-recorder/4 -> cassette-recorders
castries/4 -> castriess
castroism/4 -> castroisms
casuality/4 -> casualities
catarrhine/4 -> catarrhines
catch-crop/4 -> catch-crops
catechetic/4 -> catechetics
catechise/4 -> catechising,catechises
catnip/4 -> catnips
cattiness/4 -> cattinesses
cau/4 -> caus
caucasia/4 -> caucasias
caudate/4 -> caudates
caue/4 -> caues,caued
cave-painting/4 -> cave-paintings
cedi/4 -> cedis
cedra/4 -> cedras
celebe/4 -> celebes
cellblock/4 -> cellblocks
cellularity/4 -> cellularities
cendrar/4 -> cendrars
centavo/4 -> centavos
centilitre/4 -> centilitres
centimeter/4 -> centimeters
cephalochordate/4 -> cephalochordates
ceratite/4 -> ceratites
cerement/4 -> cerements
cereus/4 -> cereuss
cerium/4 -> ceriums
certificat/4 -> certificats
cervante/4 -> cervantes
ch'/4 -> ch'ing
ch'ing/4 -> ch'ings
chaban-delma/4 -> chaban-delmas
chagga/4 -> chaggas
chain-smoke/4 -> chain-smoking,chain-smokes,chain-smoked
chair-back/4 -> chair-backs
chalet-bungalow/4 -> chalet-bungalows
chalkpit/4 -> chalkpits
chancelloriid/4 -> chancelloriids
channele/4 -> channeled,channeling
chanty/4 -> chanties
chape/4 -> chapes
chara/4 -> charas
chari/4 -> charis
charpoy/4 -> charpoys
chat-line/4 -> chat-lines
chate/4 -> chater,chating
chattri/4 -> chattris
cheap-jack/4 -> cheap-jacks
cheek-piece/4 -> cheek-pieces
cheese-and-wine/4 -> cheese-and-wines
chelation/4 -> chelations
chelonia/4 -> chelonias
chenopodium/4 -> chenopodiums
chess-player/4 -> chess-players
chessplayer/4 -> chessplayers
chiasm/4 -> chiasms
chickadee/4 -> chickadees
chiding/4 -> chidings
chife/4 -> chifing
chimney-sweeper/4 -> chimney-sweepers
chinaware/4 -> chinawares
chionodoxa/4 -> chionodoxas
chios/4 -> chioss
chipolata/4 -> chipolatas
chipp/4 -> chipps
chiricahua/4 -> chiricahuas
choirman/4 -> choirmen
cholinesterase/4 -> cholinesterases
cholo/4 -> cholos
chondrule/4 -> chondrules
choon/4 -> choons
chorion/4 -> chorions
chromatophore/4 -> chromatophores
chromodynamic/4 -> chromodynamics
chromosphere/4 -> chromospheres
chyme/4 -> chymes
ciliate/4 -> ciliates
cinchonero/4 -> cinchoneros
cine-camera/4 -> cine-cameras
cinephile/4 -> cinephiles
circumambulate/4 -> circumambulating,circumambulated,circumambulates
circumnavigator/4 -> circumnavigators
cirque/4 -> cirques
citizen-soldier/4 -> citizen-soldiers
citoyen/4 -> citoyens
city-region/4 -> city-regions
city-republic/4 -> city-republics
civvies/4 -> civviess
cjd/4 -> cjds
cladist/4 -> cladists
clamminess/4 -> clamminesses
claphamite/4 -> claphamites
clarinetist/4 -> clarinetists
clarriker/4 -> clarrikers
class-member/4 -> class-members
claver/4 -> clavers,clavering,clavered
cleak/4 -> cleaks
cleit/4 -> cleits
click-clack/4 -> click-clacks
climacteric/4 -> climacterics
clinoptilolite/4 -> clinoptilolites
cloathe/4 -> cloathed
clogg/4 -> cloggs
cloisonne/4 -> cloisonnes
cloudscape/4 -> cloudscapes
clunking/4 -> clunkings
co-cit/4 -> co-citing
co-consultant/4 -> co-consultants
co-contractor/4 -> co-contractors
co-counsellor/4 -> co-counsellors
co-curator/4 -> co-curators
co-ed/4 -> co-eds
co-evolve/4 -> co-evolved
co-factor/4 -> co-factors
co-headline/4 -> co-headlining
co-localize/4 -> co-localized,co-localizes
co-locate/4 -> co-located
co-markete/4 -> co-marketing
co-national/4 -> co-nationals
co-optimist/4 -> co-optimists
co-organise/4 -> co-organised
co-own/4 -> co-owned
co-prince/4 -> co-princes
co-seigneur/4 -> co-seigneurs
co-writ/4 -> co-writing
coal-cutter/4 -> coal-cutters
coal-pit/4 -> coal-pits
coam/4 -> coaming
coccoidea/4 -> coccoideas
cockatiel/4 -> cockatiels
cockram/4 -> cockrams
coelute/4 -> coeluted,coelutes
coercivity/4 -> coercivities
cog-wheel/4 -> cog-wheels
cogitation/4 -> cogitations
coherency/4 -> coherencies
coho/4 -> cohoes
colleage/4 -> colleages
collimate/4 -> collimated,collimating,collimates
comb-out/4 -> combs-out
combiner/4 -> combiners
commandery/4 -> commanderies
commandoe/4 -> commandoes
comparing/4 -> comparings
compounder/4 -> compounders
comptrollership/4 -> comptrollerships
computakit/4 -> computakits
conceptuse/4 -> conceptuses
concertinae/4 -> concertinaed
concubinage/4 -> concubinages
conditon/4 -> conditons
confab/4 -> confabs,confabbing,confabbed
conference-goer/4 -> conference-goers
congery/4 -> congeries
conium/4 -> coniums
conjour/4 -> conjours
conjunctiva/4 -> conjunctivas
consigner/4 -> consigners
constan/4 -> constans
consubstantiation/4 -> consubstantiations
consulship/4 -> consulships
contactor/4 -> contactors
contamine/4 -> contamines
contine/4 -> contined
continuative/4 -> continuatives
contractorise/4 -> contractorised,contractorising
contractualist/4 -> contractualists
contrarian/4 -> contrarians
coparcener/4 -> coparceners
coproxamol/4 -> coproxamols
cordovan/4 -> cordovans
coreopsis/4 -> coreopses
cork-stopper/4 -> cork-stoppers
corkboard/4 -> corkboards
corncockle/4 -> corncockles
corpuscularian/4 -> corpuscularians
corruptibility/4 -> corruptibilities
corundum/4 -> corundums
corydora/4 -> corydoras
corynebacterium/4 -> corynebacteriums
coturnix/4 -> coturnixes
councilman/4 -> councilmen
counter-adaptation/4 -> counter-adaptations
counter-alliance/4 -> counter-alliances
counter-attraction/4 -> counter-attractions
counter-blow/4 -> counter-blows
counter-stance/4 -> counter-stances
counterchange/4 -> counterchanged,counterchanges,counterchanging
counterrevolutionary/4 -> counterrevolutionaries
countrify/4 -> countrified
covary/4 -> covaried
coverer/4 -> coverers
cowcadden/4 -> cowcaddens
cracksman/4 -> cracksmen
crane-boulder/4 -> crane-boulders
cranefly/4 -> craneflies
cretonne/4 -> cretonnes
crewmate/4 -> crewmates
crie/4 -> crieing
crimestopper/4 -> crimestoppers
crimper/4 -> crimpers
crocket/4 -> crockets
cromby/4 -> crombies
crop-mark/4 -> crop-marks
cross-hair/4 -> cross-hairs
cross-profile/4 -> cross-profiles
cross-wall/4 -> cross-walls
crossbelt/4 -> crossbelts
crossbencher/4 -> crossbenchers
crosscheck/4 -> crosschecked
crosscut/4 -> crosscutting,crosscuts,crosscut
crosspeak/4 -> crosspeaks
crosstree/4 -> crosstrees
crownhold/4 -> crownholds
cruiser-racer/4 -> cruiser-racers
cryptanalyst/4 -> cryptanalysts
cucurbitaceae/4 -> cucurbitaceaes
cunarder/4 -> cunarders
cup-painter/4 -> cup-painters
curiousity/4 -> curiousities
cursitor/4 -> cursitors
cycle-way/4 -> cycle-ways
cycler/4 -> cyclers
cyclorama/4 -> cycloramas
cyclostome/4 -> cyclostomes
cynodont/4 -> cynodonts
cyperaceae/4 -> cyperaceaes
cypraea/4 -> cypraeas
cyprinidae/4 -> cyprinidaes
d'arme/4 -> d'armes
d-latch/4 -> d-latches
dacoit/4 -> dacoits
dadaism/4 -> dadaisms
daddy-long-leg/4 -> daddy-long-legs
dahlink/4 -> dahlinks
dakleton/4 -> dakletons
dalbergia/4 -> dalbergias
dalle/4 -> dalles
danegeld/4 -> danegelds
dankness/4 -> danknesses
dansette/4 -> dansettes
dappling/4 -> dapplings
dapsone/4 -> dapsones
darlingtonian/4 -> darlingtonians
dash-pot/4 -> dash-pots
datalogger/4 -> dataloggers
datemark/4 -> datemarks,datemarked
dative/4 -> datives
datnoide/4 -> datnoides
dayschool/4 -> dayschools
de-briefing/4 -> de-briefings
de-commission/4 -> de-commissioned,de-commissioning
de-icer/4 -> de-icers
de-motivate/4 -> de-motivating,de-motivated
de-program/4 -> de-programmed
de-recognise/4 -> de-recognised
de-regulate/4 -> de-regulated
de-stabilize/4 -> de-stabilizing
deactivation/4 -> deactivations
dealion/4 -> dealions
deassign/4 -> deassigned
debridement/4 -> debridements
decaf/4 -> decafs
decagon/4 -> decagons
decal/4 -> decals
deceptiveness/4 -> deceptivenesses
decern/4 -> decerns
dechlorinate/4 -> dechlorinated
decimetre/4 -> decimetres
decisionmake/4 -> decisionmaking
decius/4 -> deciuss
declass/4 -> declassed
decolourise/4 -> decolourises
deconstructionism/4 -> deconstructionisms
decontextualise/4 -> decontextualised
decserver/4 -> decservers
defloration/4 -> deflorations
defry/4 -> defries
defunction/4 -> defunctioning,defunctioned
delaminate/4 -> delaminated,delaminating
delf/4 -> delves
delibe/4 -> delibes
demagoguery/4 -> demagogueries
demarch/4 -> demarchs
demarche/4 -> demarches
demerol/4 -> demerols
demesman/4 -> demesmen
denazification/4 -> denazifications
dendrocopo/4 -> dendrocopos
densitomete/4 -> densitometer
deoxyguanosine/4 -> deoxyguanosines
deoxyribonucleotide/4 -> deoxyribonucleotides
departmentalise/4 -> departmentalised
dependentista/4 -> dependentistas
depersonalisation/4 -> depersonalisations
dephosphorylate/4 -> dephosphorylated,dephosphorylates
depower/4 -> depowering,depowered
deprofessionalise/4 -> deprofessionalised,deprofessionalising
derv/4 -> dervs
deschamp/4 -> deschamps
desensitise/4 -> desensitised,desensitising
designwork/4 -> designworks
desmid/4 -> desmids
desquamation/4 -> desquamations
dethronement/4 -> dethronements
deutscheland/4 -> deutschelands
devast/4 -> devasted
deve/4 -> deving
dewclaw/4 -> dewclaws
deworm/4 -> deworming
dhaba/4 -> dhabas
diad/4 -> diads
diamagnet/4 -> diamagnets
diastema/4 -> diastemas
dichlorvo/4 -> dichlorvos
dicotyledon/4 -> dicotyledons
dictamnus/4 -> dictamnuss
didion/4 -> didions
difference-of-square/4 -> difference-of-squares
dimerize/4 -> dimerizing
dinette/4 -> dinettes
dinginess/4 -> dinginesses
dinner-plate/4 -> dinner-plates
diogene/4 -> diogenes
diphone/4 -> diphones
dipslope/4 -> dipslopes
directionality/4 -> directionalities
disbud/4 -> disbudding,disbudded,disbuds
discussant/4 -> discussants
disfranchisement/4 -> disfranchisements
dishwate/4 -> dishwater
disimpact/4 -> disimpacted
disingenuousness/4 -> disingenuousnesses
disinhibit/4 -> disinhibiting,disinhibited
dismast/4 -> dismasting,dismasted
disponee/4 -> disponees
disquietude/4 -> disquietudes
dissatisfier/4 -> dissatisfiers
dithiazole/4 -> dithiazoles
dittany/4 -> dittanies
divagation/4 -> divagations
diverter/4 -> diverters
divertor/4 -> divertors
diyer/4 -> diyers
djiboutian/4 -> djiboutians
do'/4 -> do'ed
dobag/4 -> dobags
documentary-maker/4 -> documentary-makers
dodoma/4 -> dodomas
dog-owner/4 -> dog-owners
dog-rose/4 -> dog-roses
domesto/4 -> domestos
dominan/4 -> dominans
doo-dah/4 -> doo-dahs
doocot/4 -> doocots
doomster/4 -> doomsters
door-opener/4 -> door-openers
door-panel/4 -> door-panels
doorcase/4 -> doorcases
dorp/4 -> dorpped,dorps
dosimeter/4 -> dosimeters
doss-house/4 -> doss-houses
doubl/4 -> doubler
double-bluff/4 -> double-bluffs
double-glaze/4 -> double-glazing,double-glazes,double-glazed
doubler/4 -> doublers
douceur/4 -> douceurs
dowayo/4 -> dowayos
dowl/4 -> dowling
down-load/4 -> down-loaded
down-penalty/4 -> down-penalties
down-stroke/4 -> down-strokes
downhiller/4 -> downhillers
dragger/4 -> draggers
dragon-ship/4 -> dragon-ships
drain-pipe/4 -> drain-pipes
draught-excluder/4 -> draught-excluders
draw-back/4 -> draw-backs
drayman/4 -> draymen
dream-machine/4 -> dream-machines
dreamwalker/4 -> dreamwalkers
dreiser/4 -> dreisers
dress-fastener/4 -> dress-fasteners
dress-style/4 -> dress-styles
drive-by/4 -> drive-bys
drive-shaft/4 -> drive-shafts
drome/4 -> dromes
dropnik/4 -> dropniks
drove-road/4 -> drove-roads
drownd/4 -> drownded
drowner/4 -> drowners
drug-runner/4 -> drug-runners
drug-trafficker/4 -> drug-traffickers
drumkit/4 -> drumkits
drumroll/4 -> drumrolls
drupe/4 -> drupes
duannian/4 -> duannians
dubo/4 -> dubos
duccio/4 -> duccios
ductility/4 -> ductilities
ductule/4 -> ductules
duette/4 -> duettes
dumble/4 -> dumbles
dumpsite/4 -> dumpsites
dunderhead/4 -> dunderheads
dung-heap/4 -> dung-heaps
dunite/4 -> dunites
dunkerton/4 -> dunkertons
dunter/4 -> dunters
dupli-carver/4 -> dupli-carvers
dust-cloud/4 -> dust-clouds
duststorm/4 -> duststorms
dweeb/4 -> dweebs
dye-house/4 -> dye-houses
dye-stuff/4 -> dye-stuffs
dyework/4 -> dyeworks
dynorphin/4 -> dynorphins
e-core/4 -> e-cores
earmuff/4 -> earmuffs
earole/4 -> earoles
earthmover/4 -> earthmovers
eastphalian/4 -> eastphalians
echography/4 -> echographies
echolalia/4 -> echolalias
ecoe/4 -> ecoed,ecoes
ecumenicalism/4 -> ecumenicalisms
edibility/4 -> edibilities
editorialise/4 -> editorialised
edwarde/4 -> edwardes
egg-box/4 -> egg-boxes
egger/4 -> eggers
eidetiker/4 -> eidetikers
ejido/4 -> ejidos
elamite/4 -> elamites
electroelute/4 -> electroeluted
elefriend/4 -> elefriends
ellul/4 -> elluls
eluant/4 -> eluants
embarrase/4 -> embarrasing,embarrased
embolus/4 -> emboluss
embouchure/4 -> embouchures
embower/4 -> embowered,embowers,embowering
emerod/4 -> emerods
emmer/4 -> emmers
empanel/4 -> empanelled
empyrean/4 -> empyreans
enactor/4 -> enactors
enameller/4 -> enamellers
encapsidate/4 -> encapsidated
enchytraeid/4 -> enchytraeids
end-cap/4 -> end-caps
end-effector/4 -> end-effectors
end-of-classification/4 -> end-of-classifications
endcap/4 -> endcaps
endocuticle/4 -> endocuticles
endopterygote/4 -> endopterygotes
endorser/4 -> endorsers
endosperm/4 -> endosperms
endosternite/4 -> endosternites
enet/4 -> enets
enfeeblement/4 -> enfeeblements
engrian/4 -> engrians
enjoyer/4 -> enjoyers
ennead/4 -> enneads
ensis/4 -> enses
entasis/4 -> entases
enterprisal/4 -> enterprisals
epergne/4 -> epergnes
ephemeride/4 -> ephemerides
epithalamium/4 -> epithalamiums
equipe/4 -> equiped
equipoise/4 -> equipoises
equivalency/4 -> equivalencies
eratosthene/4 -> eratosthenes
erewhon/4 -> erewhons
ergocalciferol/4 -> ergocalciferols
ergotimo/4 -> ergotimos
eructation/4 -> eructations
escadrille/4 -> escadrilles
escritoire/4 -> escritoires
ese/4 -> eses
esperantist/4 -> esperantists
este/4 -> estes
estufa/4 -> estufas
ethyne/4 -> ethynes
eucalypt/4 -> eucalypts
eucryphia/4 -> eucryphias
eurhetemec/4 -> eurhetemecs
euro-bond/4 -> euro-bonds
euro-lunacy/4 -> euro-lunacies
eurodeposit/4 -> eurodeposits
europium/4 -> europiums
eurosceptic/4 -> eurosceptics
eurydice/4 -> eurydices
euterpe/4 -> euterpes
ever-close/4 -> ever-closer
ever-high/4 -> ever-higher
ever-small/4 -> ever-smaller
evisceration/4 -> eviscerations
ex-alcoholic/4 -> ex-alcoholics
ex-cat/4 -> ex-cats
ex-dealer/4 -> ex-dealers
ex-detainee/4 -> ex-detainees
ex-urbanite/4 -> ex-urbanites
ex-workmate/4 -> ex-workmates
exeat/4 -> exeats
exekia/4 -> exekias
exerciser/4 -> exercisers
expediter/4 -> expediters
expropriator/4 -> expropriators
expung/4 -> expunging
extensiveness/4 -> extensivenesses
extrication/4 -> extrications
eya/4 -> eyas
eye-ball/4 -> eye-balls
eyebright/4 -> eyebrights
eyedness/4 -> eyednesses
eyehole/4 -> eyeholes
eyepad/4 -> eyepads
fa-la/4 -> fa-las
faberge/4 -> faberges
facilty/4 -> facilties
factoid/4 -> factoids
faed/4 -> faeder
fafnir/4 -> fafnirs
fairy-light/4 -> fairy-lights
faky/4 -> fakies
falsifying/4 -> falsifyings
falun/4 -> faluns
familiare/4 -> familiares
farewel/4 -> farewelling,farewelled
farker/4 -> farkers
farm-hand/4 -> farm-hands
farm-labourer/4 -> farm-labourers
farmington/4 -> farmingtons
farrowing/4 -> farrowings
fasciculus/4 -> fasciculuss
fascista/4 -> fascistas
fashioning/4 -> fashionings
fatuity/4 -> fatuities
fault-tree/4 -> fault-trees
fayetteville/4 -> fayettevilles
feastday/4 -> feastdays
feaster/4 -> feasters
febrifuge/4 -> febrifuges
feck/4 -> fecking
fee-farm/4 -> fee-farms
felinoid/4 -> felinoids
fellate/4 -> fellated,fellating
fellow-believer/4 -> fellow-believers
fellow-curate/4 -> fellow-curates
fellow-diner/4 -> fellow-diners
fellow-sufferer/4 -> fellow-sufferers
fellwalker/4 -> fellwalkers
fema/4 -> femas
fembot/4 -> fembots
feminization/4 -> feminizations
feringhee/4 -> feringhees
fermata/4 -> fermatas
fermion/4 -> fermions
fess/4 -> fessed
fibrillate/4 -> fibrillating
fibrinopeptide/4 -> fibrinopeptides
ficer/4 -> ficers
fichu/4 -> fichus
field-note/4 -> field-notes
fienne/4 -> fiennes
fig-wasp/4 -> fig-wasps
figuere/4 -> figueres
figure-scene/4 -> figure-scenes
filaroide/4 -> filaroides
filiation/4 -> filiations
filli/4 -> fillis
finess/4 -> finessed,finessing,finesses
finger-pointing/4 -> finger-pointings
fingerbone/4 -> fingerbones
fingerplate/4 -> fingerplates
finnmark/4 -> finnmarks
fir-cone/4 -> fir-cones
fire-fight/4 -> fire-fights
fire-lighter/4 -> fire-lighters
firebomber/4 -> firebombers
fireclay/4 -> fireclays
firstling/4 -> firstlings
fizzer/4 -> fizzers
flabber/4 -> flabbers
flagstick/4 -> flagsticks
flambard/4 -> flambards
flash-bulb/4 -> flash-bulbs
flat-mate/4 -> flat-mates
flatpack/4 -> flatpacks
flatweave/4 -> flatweaves,flatweaving
flatwound/4 -> flatwounds
flavescen/4 -> flavescens
flea-pit/4 -> flea-pits
fleabane/4 -> fleabanes
flense/4 -> flensed,flensing,flenses
flesh-eater/4 -> flesh-eaters
flicking/4 -> flickings
flightline/4 -> flightlines
flim/4 -> flims
flipflop/4 -> flipflops
flood-gate/4 -> flood-gates
flood-land/4 -> flood-lands
floodlamp/4 -> floodlamps
floor-game/4 -> floor-games
flote/4 -> flotes,floting
flump/4 -> flumps
fluoridate/4 -> fluoridated,fluoridating,fluoridates
fly-over/4 -> fly-overs
flyman/4 -> flymen
folk-devil/4 -> folk-devils
footgear/4 -> footgears
footplateman/4 -> footplatemen
footpoint/4 -> footpoints
footsteer/4 -> footsteering,footsteered
fording/4 -> fordings
fore-limb/4 -> fore-limbs
foremast/4 -> foremasts
forest-dweller/4 -> forest-dwellers
forfait/4 -> forfaiting
forista/4 -> foristas
form-word/4 -> form-words
fornax/4 -> fornaxes
fortuity/4 -> fortuities
fossil-hunter/4 -> fossil-hunters
fougass/4 -> fougasses
fowling/4 -> fowlings
foxhunt/4 -> foxhunts,foxhunting,foxhunted
fpd/4 -> fpds
frappe/4 -> frappes
frat/4 -> frats
fraternization/4 -> fraternizations
fraudulence/4 -> fraudulences
fraxinus/4 -> fraxinuss
frazy/4 -> frazier
free-flow/4 -> free-flowing
freeminer/4 -> freeminers
freestyler/4 -> freestylers
freeware/4 -> freewares
freeze-drying/4 -> freeze-dryings
freightliner/4 -> freightliners
fretfulness/4 -> fretfulnesses
fritillaria/4 -> fritillarias
frogmouth/4 -> frogmouths
frombat/4 -> frombats
frottage/4 -> frottages
frowny/4 -> frownies
frowsy/4 -> frowsiest
fruit-fly/4 -> fruit-flies
fruit-gum/4 -> fruit-gums
frutescen/4 -> frutescens
fuckwit/4 -> fuckwits
fuente/4 -> fuentes
fuggle/4 -> fuggles
fulica/4 -> fulicas
full-toss/4 -> full-tosses
full-word/4 -> full-words
fun-and-game/4 -> fun-and-games
funday/4 -> fundays
funniness/4 -> funninesses
furbelow/4 -> furbelows
furbish/4 -> furbished,furbishes,furbishing
fuse-box/4 -> fuse-boxes
fusuline/4 -> fusulines
fuzzy-wuzzy/4 -> fuzzy-wuzzies
gabbling/4 -> gabblings
gabe/4 -> gabes
gaea/4 -> gaeas
gagauze/4 -> gagauzes
gaine/4 -> gaines
gaitskellite/4 -> gaitskellites
galop/4 -> galops
gambier/4 -> gambiers
gaming-house/4 -> gaming-houses
gaperon/4 -> gaperons
gastarbeiter/4 -> gastarbeiters
gastronomique/4 -> gastronomiques
gastropoda/4 -> gastropodas
gastrula/4 -> gastrulas
gate-crasher/4 -> gate-crashers
gaudiness/4 -> gaudinesses
gaur/4 -> gaurs
gay-lussac/4 -> gay-lussacs
gblpage/4 -> gblpages
geldenhuy/4 -> geldenhuys
gem-cutter/4 -> gem-cutters
generalhuman/4 -> generalhumans
genista/4 -> genistas
geniuse/4 -> geniuses
gente/4 -> gentes
gentlemen/4 -> gentlemens
genuflexion/4 -> genuflexions
geode/4 -> geodes
geomancer/4 -> geomancers
geosphere/4 -> geospheres
geosyncline/4 -> geosynclines
geosystem/4 -> geosystems
gerenuk/4 -> gerenuks
german-speaker/4 -> german-speakers
get-up-and-go/4 -> get-up-and-goes
getter/4 -> getters
gflop/4 -> gflops
ghettoise/4 -> ghettoised
ghettoize/4 -> ghettoizing,ghettoizes
ghibelline/4 -> ghibellines
gift-horse/4 -> gift-horses
gig-goer/4 -> gig-goers
gigaflop/4 -> gigaflops
gillyflower/4 -> gillyflowers
ginnel/4 -> ginnels
girdler/4 -> girdlers
girlishness/4 -> girlishnesses
girocheque/4 -> girocheques
gite/4 -> gites
gizzard-stone/4 -> gizzard-stones
glamourise/4 -> glamourising,glamourises,glamourised
gle/4 -> gled,gling
glioblastoma/4 -> glioblastomas
glomerulus/4 -> glomeruluss
glow-globe/4 -> glow-globes
glycate/4 -> glycated
gobstopper/4 -> gobstoppers
goebbel/4 -> goebbels
goethals/4 -> goethalss
goitre/4 -> goitres
gold-field/4 -> gold-fields
gold-top/4 -> gold-tops
goldoni/4 -> goldonis
goldpanner/4 -> goldpanners
gollop/4 -> gollops
gondorian/4 -> gondorians
gonge/4 -> gonged
gonopod/4 -> gonopods
goodheart/4 -> goodhearted
goodie-bag/4 -> goodie-bags
goteborg/4 -> goteborgs
gotobe/4 -> gotobed
gouvernement/4 -> gouvernements
govenor/4 -> govenors
governor-generalship/4 -> governor-generalships
gradiometer/4 -> gradiometers
grain-boundary/4 -> grain-boundaries
graininess/4 -> graininesses
grand-parent/4 -> grand-parents
granth/4 -> granths
grass-blade/4 -> grass-blades
grassbox/4 -> grassboxes
grassroot/4 -> grassrooted
grazy/4 -> grazier
grease-paint/4 -> grease-paints
greboe/4 -> greboes
grecque/4 -> grecques
green-grocer/4 -> green-grocers
green-yellow/4 -> green-yellows
greenhorn/4 -> greenhorns
greeter/4 -> greeters
greeve/4 -> greeves
greima/4 -> greimas
grislewing/4 -> grislewings
gritter/4 -> gritters
groper/4 -> gropers
ground-bomb/4 -> ground-bombs
ground-line/4 -> ground-lines
grue/4 -> grued
gsvq/4 -> gsvqs
guddle/4 -> guddling
guerdon/4 -> guerdons
guisarme/4 -> guisarmes
gumb/4 -> gumbs
gumpet/4 -> gumpets
gunfighter/4 -> gunfighters
gunflint/4 -> gunflints
gunwhale/4 -> gunwhales
gutta-percha/4 -> gutta-perchas
gyrostabiliser/4 -> gyrostabilisers
gyve/4 -> gyves
hair's-breadth/4 -> hair's-breadths
hair-brush/4 -> hair-brushes
hairstylist/4 -> hairstylists
hajj/4 -> hajjs
half-bar/4 -> half-bars
half-course/4 -> half-courses
half-hitch/4 -> half-hitches
half-sheet/4 -> half-sheets
half-starve/4 -> half-starved
hallooe/4 -> hallooed
hamfist/4 -> hamfisted
hammick/4 -> hammicks
handcream/4 -> handcreams
handfast/4 -> handfasted
hands/4 -> handss
handwheel/4 -> handwheels
hangup/4 -> hangups
hapexamendio/4 -> hapexamendios
haptoglobin/4 -> haptoglobins
harasser/4 -> harassers
hardcase/4 -> hardcases
hardwire/4 -> hardwired
harefoot/4 -> harefeet
harelip/4 -> harelips
harem-master/4 -> harem-masters
haustorium/4 -> haustoriums
hautboy/4 -> hautboys
hay-make/4 -> hay-making
hazan/4 -> hazans
he-dryad/4 -> he-dryads
head-and-shoulder/4 -> head-and-shoulders
head-lamp/4 -> head-lamps
head-shaking/4 -> head-shakings
headcoat/4 -> headcoats
headguard/4 -> headguards
headphrase/4 -> headphrases
headsman/4 -> headsmen
heaps/4 -> heapss
heatf/4 -> heatfest
hedge-bank/4 -> hedge-banks
heire/4 -> heires
heliopsis/4 -> heliopses
heliski/4 -> heliskiing
helleborine/4 -> helleborines
hellenize/4 -> hellenizing,hellenized
hemichordate/4 -> hemichordates
hende/4 -> hendes
herede/4 -> heredes
herero/4 -> hereros
hermissenda/4 -> hermissendas
hesperides/4 -> hesperidess
heuchera/4 -> heucheras
hexose/4 -> hexoses
hider/4 -> hiders
high-handicapper/4 -> high-handicappers
high-sea/4 -> high-seas
high-top/4 -> high-tops
higher/4 -> highers
highjack/4 -> highjacked,highjacking
highjacker/4 -> highjackers
highwate/4 -> highwater
hillcr/4 -> hillcrest
hillgoer/4 -> hillgoers
him/4 -> hims
hirundine/4 -> hirundines
histiocytosis/4 -> histiocytoses
historicise/4 -> historicised
hizbullah/4 -> hizbullahs
hmong/4 -> hmongs
hobbin/4 -> hobbins
hockey-stick/4 -> hockey-sticks
hodge-podge/4 -> hodge-podges
hogger/4 -> hoggers
holl/4 -> holling
hollerith/4 -> holleriths
hollist/4 -> hollister
hollo/4 -> holloes
hollyday/4 -> hollydays
home-run/4 -> home-runs
homecraft/4 -> homecrafts
homegarden/4 -> homegardens
homemake/4 -> homemaking
hominidae/4 -> hominidaes
homozygosity/4 -> homozygosities
honey-eater/4 -> honey-eaters
honeyguide/4 -> honeyguides
hooey/4 -> hooeys
hoofprint/4 -> hoofprints
hookboot/4 -> hookboots
hopp/4 -> hopps
horder/4 -> horders
horney/4 -> horneys
horologist/4 -> horologists
horse-dealer/4 -> horse-dealers
horse-lover/4 -> horse-lovers
host-plant/4 -> host-plants
hostage-taker/4 -> hostage-takers
hould/4 -> houlding
houndstooth/4 -> houndstooths
house-boat/4 -> house-boats
house-surgeon/4 -> house-surgeons
house-train/4 -> house-trained,house-trains,house-training
housecarl/4 -> housecarls
household-below-stair/4 -> household-below-stairs
houselight/4 -> houselights
houseowner/4 -> houseowners
houseparent/4 -> houseparents
housetop/4 -> housetops
houshold/4 -> housholds
hower/4 -> howers
htram/4 -> htrams
hudud/4 -> hududs
hughe/4 -> hughes
hula-hoop/4 -> hula-hoops
humanization/4 -> humanizations
humidor/4 -> humidors
hummer/4 -> hummers
hunt-cup/4 -> hunt-cups
hushabye/4 -> hushabyes
hushing/4 -> hushings
hutching/4 -> hutchings
huygens/4 -> huygenss
hydrastis/4 -> hydrastiss
hydrography/4 -> hydrographies
hydrophone/4 -> hydrophones
hymie/4 -> hymies
hyoid/4 -> hyoids
hypermetropia/4 -> hypermetropias
hyphenate/4 -> hyphenating,hyphenates,hyphening,hyphened
hypocycloid/4 -> hypocycloids
hypopigmentation/4 -> hypopigmentations
hypovolaemia/4 -> hypovolaemias
i-beam/4 -> i-beams
i.q./4 -> i.q.s
ice-cliff/4 -> ice-cliffs
ice-skate/4 -> ice-skates,ice-skating,ice-skated
icepack/4 -> icepacks
ichneumon/4 -> ichneumons
ichthyologist/4 -> ichthyologists
ichthyostegid/4 -> ichthyostegids
iconology/4 -> iconologies
idemnite/4 -> idemnites
ideograph/4 -> ideographs
iditarod/4 -> iditarods
igniter/4 -> igniters
iim/4 -> iims
ill-manner/4 -> ill-manners
illegibility/4 -> illegibilities
illegit/4 -> illegits
illogic/4 -> illogics
imagineer/4 -> imagineers,imagineering
immateriality/4 -> immaterialities
immodesty/4 -> immodesties
immolate/4 -> immolated,immolates,immolating
immoralist/4 -> immoralists
immunogen/4 -> immunogens
immunopathology/4 -> immunopathologies
impass/4 -> impasses
imperiousness/4 -> imperiousnesses
impermeability/4 -> impermeabilities
imperturbability/4 -> imperturbabilities
impetuousness/4 -> impetuousnesses
implicitness/4 -> implicitnesses
imr/4 -> imrs
imt/4 -> imts
inaudibility/4 -> inaudibilities
inbreed/4 -> inbreeding
incandesce/4 -> incandescing,incandesced,incandesces
incant/4 -> incanted,incanting
incept/4 -> incepted
incompetency/4 -> incompetencies
inconclusiveness/4 -> inconclusivenesses
incrustation/4 -> incrustations
incurring/4 -> incurrings
inde/4 -> indes
indelicacy/4 -> indelicacies
independency/4 -> independencies
indetermination/4 -> indeterminations
indigence/4 -> indigences
indistinguishability/4 -> indistinguishabilities
indubitability/4 -> indubitabilities
ineptness/4 -> ineptnesses
inexplicability/4 -> inexplicabilities
infeasibility/4 -> infeasibilities
infolding/4 -> infoldings
ingather/4 -> ingathered
ingenuousness/4 -> ingenuousnesses
injun/4 -> injuns
inlcude/4 -> inlcuding
innoculation/4 -> innoculations
inoculum/4 -> inoculums
inpayment/4 -> inpayments
insolubility/4 -> insolubilities
intellectualise/4 -> intellectualised,intellectualising
interferomete/4 -> interferometer
interlard/4 -> interlarded,interlarding,interlards
internist/4 -> internists
intiative/4 -> intiatives
intr/4 -> intrest
invaginate/4 -> invaginated,invaginates,invaginating
invalidation/4 -> invalidations
iodinate/4 -> iodinated
iodophor/4 -> iodophors
ionesco/4 -> ionescoes
ipp/4 -> ipps
iridologist/4 -> iridologists
irise/4 -> irised,irising
irming/4 -> irminger
irritan/4 -> irritans
islesman/4 -> islesmen
isozymogen/4 -> isozymogens
issac/4 -> issacs
itemization/4 -> itemizations
ity/4 -> ities
iucd/4 -> iucds
iww/4 -> iwws
izanagi/4 -> izanagis
izanami/4 -> izanamis
jabbering/4 -> jabberings
jack-of-all-trade/4 -> jack-of-all-trades
jackanape/4 -> jackanapes
jackhammer/4 -> jackhammers
jackknife/4 -> jackknifed,jack-knifes,jack-knifing,jack-knifed
jacknife/4 -> jacknifed
jaffar/4 -> jaffars
jalousie/4 -> jalousies
jansenism/4 -> jansenisms
jaspers/4 -> jasperss
jelly-baby/4 -> jelly-babies
jerkiness/4 -> jerkinesses
jerrycan/4 -> jerrycans
jet-pipe/4 -> jet-pipes
jet-ski/4 -> jet-skis
jewel-case/4 -> jewel-cases
jing/4 -> jings
jinghpaw/4 -> jinghpaws
job-loss/4 -> job-losses
jobhunt/4 -> jobhunting
jogpant/4 -> jogpants
john-steva/4 -> john-stevas
joppa/4 -> joppas
judiciousness/4 -> judiciousnesses
jugful/4 -> jugfuls
juju/4 -> jujus
jumping-jack/4 -> jumping-jacks
justifier/4 -> justifiers
kabbalah/4 -> kabbalahs
kalend/4 -> kalends
kami/4 -> kamis
kanellopoulo/4 -> kanellopoulos
karamanid/4 -> karamanids
kauri/4 -> kauris
kavo/4 -> kavos
kcalory/4 -> kcalories
kedge/4 -> kedges
kelpy/4 -> kelpies
kenning/4 -> kennings
kepe/4 -> keping
keto/4 -> ketos
key-signature/4 -> key-signatures
keyboarder/4 -> keyboarders
keyna/4 -> keynas
kha/4 -> khaing
khama/4 -> khamas
khon/4 -> khons
killy/4 -> killies
kilobar/4 -> kilobars
kilocalorie/4 -> kilocalories
kilohm/4 -> kilohms
kimmin/4 -> kimmins
kinglet/4 -> kinglets
kisle/4 -> kisling
kiva/4 -> kivas
kleomene/4 -> kleomenes
kneecapping/4 -> kneecappings
knife-fight/4 -> knife-fights
knowledge-base/4 -> knowledge-bases
knuckle-bone/4 -> knuckle-bones
koel/4 -> koels
kofta/4 -> koftas
komi/4 -> komis
kookaburra/4 -> kookaburras
krab/4 -> krabs
kracker/4 -> krackers
krait/4 -> kraits
kroeber/4 -> kroebers
kuru/4 -> kurus
kutch/4 -> kutches
kutuzov/4 -> kutuzovs
kwashiorkor/4 -> kwashiorkors
l'enfant/4 -> l'enfants
l-test/4 -> l-tests
lab-coat/4 -> lab-coats
laboriousness/4 -> laboriousnesses
labour-relation/4 -> labour-relations
labour-service/4 -> labour-services
labyrinthodont/4 -> labyrinthodonts
lactalbumin/4 -> lactalbumins
ladykiller/4 -> ladykillers
lafon/4 -> lafons
lager-lout/4 -> lager-louts
lah/4 -> lahs
lahar/4 -> lahars
lake-bed/4 -> lake-beds
lambskin/4 -> lambskins
lamium/4 -> lamiums
lamp-shade/4 -> lamp-shades
lampstand/4 -> lampstands
land-surface/4 -> land-surfaces
landsman/4 -> landsmen
lanteglo/4 -> lanteglos
lapin/4 -> lapins
lapper/4 -> lappers
largess/4 -> largesses
laterite/4 -> laterites
law-court/4 -> law-courts
law-giver/4 -> law-givers
law-suit/4 -> law-suits
lawbreak/4 -> lawbreaking
laxness/4 -> laxnesses
lay-clerk/4 -> lay-clerks
lazy-bed/4 -> lazy-beds
leader-manager/4 -> leader-managers
leaf-bud/4 -> leaf-buds
leaf-cutter/4 -> leaf-cutters
leathergood/4 -> leathergoods
leeds-fan/4 -> leeds-fans
left-republican/4 -> left-republicans
leg-cuff/4 -> leg-cuffs
leg-muscle/4 -> leg-muscles
leg-pull/4 -> leg-pulls
legbreak/4 -> legbreaks
legerdemain/4 -> legerdemains
leonidas/4 -> leonidass
leontodon/4 -> leontodons
leopoldville/4 -> leopoldvilles
letch/4 -> letching,letches
letter-collection/4 -> letter-collections
letter-rack/4 -> letter-racks
letterheading/4 -> letterheadings
lexia/4 -> lexias
life-event/4 -> life-events
lightener/4 -> lighteners
lightyear/4 -> lightyears
lignum/4 -> lignums
liliaceae/4 -> liliaceaes
limner/4 -> limners
limonite/4 -> limonites
linac/4 -> linacs
line-drawing/4 -> line-drawings
line-ending/4 -> line-endings
linearize/4 -> linearized,linearizing
lineation/4 -> lineations
linguistician/4 -> linguisticians
linocut/4 -> linocuts
lionhead/4 -> lionheads
lipogram/4 -> lipograms
lipper/4 -> lippers
liquer/4 -> liquers
listo/4 -> listos
literalness/4 -> literalnesses
lith/4 -> lithest,lither,liths
lithotripter/4 -> lithotripters
litter-mate/4 -> litter-mates
littl'un/4 -> littl'uns
liubinska/4 -> liubinskas
livebirth/4 -> livebirths
liversidge/4 -> liversidges
llm/4 -> llms
logicality/4 -> logicalities
loiterer/4 -> loiterers
long-hop/4 -> long-hops
long-last/4 -> long-lasting
long-termer/4 -> long-termers
longeron/4 -> longerons
longlast/4 -> longlasting
loop-the-loop/4 -> loop-the-loops
loquat/4 -> loquats
lordling/4 -> lordlings
lote/4 -> lotes
loud-hailer/4 -> loud-hailers
louvr/4 -> louvred
love-bite/4 -> love-bites
love-poem/4 -> love-poems
low-emission/4 -> low-emissions
low-skill/4 -> low-skills
lower-off/4 -> lower-offs
lowliness/4 -> lowlinesses
luba/4 -> lubas
lubavitcher/4 -> lubavitchers
lubricity/4 -> lubricities
luk/4 -> lukked
luminance/4 -> luminances
lungwort/4 -> lungworts
luxembourgeoise/4 -> luxembourgeoises
lycome/4 -> lycoming
lymphoblast/4 -> lymphoblasts
lyophilise/4 -> lyophilised
lyretail/4 -> lyretailed
lysippus/4 -> lysippuss
lyson/4 -> lysons
maar/4 -> maars
mace-bearer/4 -> mace-bearers
macerate/4 -> macerating,macerated,macerates
machicolation/4 -> machicolations
macro-cannon/4 -> macro-cannons
macro-molecule/4 -> macro-molecules
made-wine/4 -> made-wines
madrigale/4 -> madrigales
maenad/4 -> maenads
magian/4 -> magians
maidenhood/4 -> maidenhoods
maimonides/4 -> maimonidess
mainframer/4 -> mainframers
mainlay/4 -> mainlaying
mainwheel/4 -> mainwheels
maitreya/4 -> maitreyas
malar/4 -> malars
maldivian/4 -> maldivians
malfeasance/4 -> malfeasances
malignance/4 -> malignances
malingering/4 -> malingerings
malpighi/4 -> malpighis
mameluk/4 -> mameluks
man-/4 -> man-s
manakin/4 -> manakins
mandragora/4 -> mandragoras
maneuver/4 -> maneuvers,maneuvered,maneuvering
manichaeism/4 -> manichaeisms
manichee/4 -> manichees
manlift/4 -> manlifts
mantise/4 -> mantises
marantaceae/4 -> marantaceaes
marchpane/4 -> marchpanes
margay/4 -> margays
marinara/4 -> marinaras
marineland/4 -> marinelands
marish/4 -> marishes
marke/4 -> markes
markova/4 -> markovas
marquetarian/4 -> marquetarians
martlet/4 -> martlets
massala/4 -> massalas
mastaba/4 -> mastabas
master-at-arm/4 -> master-at-arms
matricaria/4 -> matricarias
matricide/4 -> matricides
mayf/4 -> mayfest
meadow-grass/4 -> meadow-grasses
meadowse/4 -> meadowses
meadsman/4 -> meadsmen
mealworm/4 -> mealworms
meat-hook/4 -> meat-hooks
mebendazole/4 -> mebendazoles
mechanick/4 -> mechanicks
medkit/4 -> medkits
meerschaum/4 -> meerschaums
meeting-room/4 -> meeting-rooms
mega-deal/4 -> mega-deals
megagame/4 -> megagames
megakaryocyte/4 -> megakaryocytes
megalosaurus/4 -> megalosauruss
meitner/4 -> meitners
melanchthon/4 -> melanchthons
meleagris/4 -> meleagriss
melpomene/4 -> melpomenes
memorialize/4 -> memorialized,memorializes,memorializing
memory-jogger/4 -> memory-joggers
mendeleyev/4 -> mendeleyevs
mendelism/4 -> mendelisms
menelaus/4 -> menelauss
merce/4 -> merced,merces
merckx/4 -> merckxes
merga/4 -> mergas
mesfet/4 -> mesfets
messine/4 -> messines
messroom/4 -> messrooms
metafile/4 -> metafiles
metastasize/4 -> metastasizing,metastasized,metastasizes
meteoriticist/4 -> meteoriticists
methedrine/4 -> methedrines
methyldopa/4 -> methyldopas
mewl/4 -> mewled,mewling,mewls
meze/4 -> mezes
michaelma/4 -> michaelmas
micro-film/4 -> micro-filmed
micro-foundation/4 -> micro-foundations
microcrystal/4 -> microcrystals
microfich/4 -> microfiches,microfiching
micrographic/4 -> micrographics
micrometeorite/4 -> micrometeorites
microsequence/4 -> microsequencing
microsleep/4 -> microsleeps
microsphere/4 -> microspheres
microteach/4 -> microteaching
microtome/4 -> microtomes
microvessel/4 -> microvessels
microwell/4 -> microwells
mid-down/4 -> mid-downs
mid-engine/4 -> mid-engined
mid-level/4 -> mid-levels
mid-part/4 -> mid-parts
middle-manager/4 -> middle-managers
midprice/4 -> midprices
midsection/4 -> midsections
migrator/4 -> migrators
milfoil/4 -> milfoils
militarise/4 -> militarised,militarising
milk-crate/4 -> milk-crates
milk-in-school/4 -> milk-in-schools
milk-shake/4 -> milk-shakes
milk-sop/4 -> milk-sops
milk-yield/4 -> milk-yields
mill-stone/4 -> mill-stones
millboard/4 -> millboards
millimole/4 -> millimoles
millmaster/4 -> millmasters
millowner/4 -> millowners
milp/4 -> milps
mind-/4 -> mind-s
mindfuck/4 -> mindfucking
mindwipe/4 -> mindwiped,mindwiping
mine-worker/4 -> mine-workers
mineola/4 -> mineolas
mineralize/4 -> mineralized,mineralizes,mineralizing
minesweep/4 -> minesweeping
mineworking/4 -> mineworkings
minge/4 -> minges
mini-drama/4 -> mini-dramas
mini-holiday/4 -> mini-holidays
miniaturization/4 -> miniaturizations
miniclub/4 -> miniclubs
minifreighter/4 -> minifreighters
minotel/4 -> minotels
minstrelsy/4 -> minstrelsies
minyan/4 -> minyans
mirrlee/4 -> mirrlees
mis-kick/4 -> mis-kicked
mis-spel/4 -> mis-spelling,mis-spelled
mis-time/4 -> mis-timing,mis-timed
misalliance/4 -> misalliances
misallocate/4 -> misallocated
miscal/4 -> miscalled
miscelle/4 -> miscelles
miscommunication/4 -> miscommunications
mishook/4 -> mishooking,mishooks
misogynism/4 -> misogynisms
misplacement/4 -> misplacements
missionize/4 -> missionizing,missionized
mmpi/4 -> mmpis
mn/4 -> mns
mocking-bird/4 -> mocking-birds
mog/4 -> mogs
moga/4 -> mogas
molle/4 -> molles
monazite/4 -> monazites
mondiale/4 -> mondiales
money-grabber/4 -> money-grabbers
money-grubber/4 -> money-grubbers
moneylend/4 -> moneylending
monkshood/4 -> monkshoods
monomania/4 -> monomanias
monpazy/4 -> monpazier
montagny/4 -> montagnier
monterrey/4 -> monterreys
montgolfy/4 -> montgolfier
moralization/4 -> moralizations
morpheus/4 -> morpheuss
morula/4 -> morulas
mosleyite/4 -> mosleyites
motorcyle/4 -> motorcyling
mould-board/4 -> mould-boards
mounter/4 -> mounters
moussorgsky/4 -> moussorgskies
moustachioe/4 -> moustachioed
moviemaker/4 -> moviemakers
msb/4 -> msbs
muchness/4 -> muchnesses
muckraker/4 -> muckrakers
mudro/4 -> mudros
muirland/4 -> muirlands
mujahadeen/4 -> mujahadeens
mujahid/4 -> mujahids
muliere/4 -> mulieres
mulling/4 -> mullings
multi-pack/4 -> multi-packs
multiflora/4 -> multifloras
multiluman/4 -> multilumen
multimer/4 -> multimers
multiple-unit/4 -> multiple-units
multiport/4 -> multiports
multistage/4 -> multistages
muly/4 -> mulier
mump/4 -> mumps
muncher/4 -> munchers
muria/4 -> murias
murre/4 -> murres
musca/4 -> muscas
musculus/4 -> musculuss
mussulman/4 -> mussulmen
mustela/4 -> mustelas
mutatione/4 -> mutationes
mutism/4 -> mutisms
mutton-chop/4 -> mutton-chops
muzhik/4 -> muzhiks
myne/4 -> mynes
myosotis/4 -> myosotiss
myringotomy/4 -> myringotomies
myrobalan/4 -> myrobalans
mythologise/4 -> mythologising,mythologised
na-dene/4 -> na-denes
naias/4 -> naiass
nakoda/4 -> nakodas
name-dropper/4 -> name-droppers
name-tag/4 -> name-tags
namer/4 -> namers
namy/4 -> namier,namys
nanocury/4 -> nanocuries
nanogram/4 -> nanograms
nanotechnology/4 -> nanotechnologies
nanus/4 -> nanuss
narcosis/4 -> narcoses
narghil/4 -> narghils
nasopharynx/4 -> nasopharynges
natchez/4 -> natchezs
natvac/4 -> natvacs
naya/4 -> nayas
nazification/4 -> nazifications
near-drowning/4 -> near-drownings
nearly-man/4 -> nearly-men
nebulan/4 -> nebulans
necking/4 -> neckings
needleworker/4 -> needleworkers
neigbour/4 -> neigbouring,neigbours
nematoda/4 -> nematodas
nembutal/4 -> nembutals
neo-classicist/4 -> neo-classicists
neo-elitist/4 -> neo-elitists
neo-impressionist/4 -> neo-impressionists
neo-mercantilist/4 -> neo-mercantilists
neomycin/4 -> neomycins
nephelinite/4 -> nephelinites
nephrologist/4 -> nephrologists
nernst/4 -> nernsts
nest-hole/4 -> nest-holes
nest-owner/4 -> nest-owners
nestbox/4 -> nestboxes
nestmate/4 -> nestmates
netlab/4 -> netlabs
netta/4 -> nettas
neuro-science/4 -> neuro-sciences
neuropsychologist/4 -> neuropsychologists
neurosyphilis/4 -> neurosyphiliss
new-boy/4 -> new-boys
nganasan/4 -> nganasans
nge/4 -> nges
nha/4 -> nhas
nidus/4 -> niduss
night-clothe/4 -> night-clothes
night-glass/4 -> night-glasses
nightschool/4 -> nightschools
nightwood/4 -> nightwoods
nikolao/4 -> nikolaos
nilotic/4 -> nilotics
nine-panel/4 -> nine-panels
nine-to-fiver/4 -> nine-to-fivers
ninfanian/4 -> ninfanians
ninon/4 -> ninons
niobe/4 -> niobes
nipponese/4 -> nipponeses
nisus/4 -> nisuss
nitride/4 -> nitriding,nitrides
nitrosamine/4 -> nitrosamines
nlrb/4 -> nlrbs
no-account/4 -> no-accounts
no-hold/4 -> no-holds
no-of-week/4 -> no-of-weeks
no-trump/4 -> no-trumps
noisenik/4 -> noiseniks
noman/4 -> nomen
nomogram/4 -> nomograms
non-actor/4 -> non-actors
non-adult/4 -> non-adults
non-bureaucrat/4 -> non-bureaucrats
non-buyer/4 -> non-buyers
non-case/4 -> non-cases
non-cichlid/4 -> non-cichlids
non-consultant/4 -> non-consultants
non-dancer/4 -> non-dancers
non-descriptor/4 -> non-descriptors
non-doctor/4 -> non-doctors
non-driver/4 -> non-drivers
non-gay/4 -> non-gays
non-golfer/4 -> non-golfers
non-parent/4 -> non-parents
non-partner/4 -> non-partners
non-patrial/4 -> non-patrials
non-pilot/4 -> non-pilots
non-politician/4 -> non-politicians
non-radical/4 -> non-radicals
non-ratepayer/4 -> non-ratepayers
non-recipient/4 -> non-recipients
non-ruminant/4 -> non-ruminants
non-stranger/4 -> non-strangers
non-student/4 -> non-students
non-trier/4 -> non-triers
non-typist/4 -> non-typists
non-window/4 -> non-windows
nonfeasance/4 -> nonfeasances
nonresident/4 -> nonresidents
nonspecialist/4 -> nonspecialists
nooky/4 -> nookies
nordalbingian/4 -> nordalbingians
norite/4 -> norites
nose-ring/4 -> nose-rings
nosey-parker/4 -> nosey-parkers
nosh-up/4 -> nosh-ups
not-man/4 -> not-men
notability/4 -> notabilities
notam/4 -> notams
note-order/4 -> note-orders
noticeability/4 -> noticeabilities
notochord/4 -> notochords
noust/4 -> nousts
novia/4 -> novias
novio/4 -> novios
noyes/4 -> noyess
nuclein/4 -> nucleins
nudging/4 -> nudgings
numerosity/4 -> numerosities
nunatak/4 -> nunataks
nursery-rhyme/4 -> nursery-rhymes
oast-house/4 -> oast-houses
oasthouse/4 -> oasthouses
obin/4 -> obins
obligato/4 -> obligatoes
obrero/4 -> obreros
obsequiousness/4 -> obsequiousnesses
occassion/4 -> occassions
occident/4 -> occidents
octopode/4 -> octopodes
oculus/4 -> oculuss
odb/4 -> odbs
oddfellow/4 -> oddfellows
oec/4 -> oecs
off-comer/4 -> off-comers
off-drive/4 -> off-driving
off-the-book/4 -> off-the-books
offbreak/4 -> offbreaks
office-worker/4 -> office-workers
officialese/4 -> officialeses
offsite/4 -> offsites
oglala/4 -> oglalas
ogon/4 -> ogons
oistrakh/4 -> oistrakhs
okeechobee/4 -> okeechobees
oldenberg/4 -> oldenbergs
oldness/4 -> oldnesses
oligochaete/4 -> oligochaetes
oligopeptide/4 -> oligopeptides
omentum/4 -> omentums
ommochrome/4 -> ommochromes
omv/4 -> omvs
on-hand/4 -> on-hands
on-looker/4 -> on-lookers
one-and-a-half-hour/4 -> one-and-a-half-hours
one-man-band/4 -> one-man-bands
oort/4 -> oorts
opalescence/4 -> opalescences
opca/4 -> opcas
opera-glass/4 -> opera-glasses
opposer/4 -> opposers
optometry/4 -> optometries
orate/4 -> orated,orates,orating
orchis/4 -> orchiss
order-book/4 -> order-books
organo-chlorine/4 -> organo-chlorines
orienteer/4 -> orienteers,orienteering
origanum/4 -> origanums
origine/4 -> origines
orthopedic/4 -> orthopedics
orthophosphate/4 -> orthophosphates
ostiole/4 -> ostioles
otalgia/4 -> otalgias
otherworldliness/4 -> otherworldlinesses
otolaryngology/4 -> otolaryngologies
oujda/4 -> oujdas
ouragon/4 -> ouragons
out-run/4 -> out-running
out-think/4 -> out-thinking
out-work/4 -> out-working
outbowl/4 -> outbowled
outbr/4 -> outbred
outfitting/4 -> outfittings
outfox/4 -> outfoxed,outfoxing,outfoxes
outr/4 -> outred
outsel/4 -> outselling
outshoot/4 -> outshoots
outweight/4 -> outweighted
ouvrier/4 -> ouvriers
over-achiever/4 -> over-achievers
over-analyse/4 -> over-analysed,over-analysing
over-charge/4 -> over-charged,over-charging
over-demand/4 -> over-demanding
over-determine/4 -> over-determined,over-determines,over-determining
over-dramatise/4 -> over-dramatising,over-dramatised
over-exert/4 -> over-exerted
over-expose/4 -> over-exposing,over-exposed
over-extension/4 -> over-extensions
over-f/4 -> over-fed
over-feed/4 -> over-feeding
over-index/4 -> over-indexing,over-indexed
over-inflate/4 -> over-inflated
over-load/4 -> over-loaded,over-loading
over-pitch/4 -> over-pitched
over-report/4 -> over-reporting,over-reported
over-sex/4 -> over-sexed
over-throw/4 -> over-thrown
over-tighten/4 -> over-tightened
over-turn/4 -> over-turned,over-turning
overactivity/4 -> overactivities
overcloth/4 -> overcloths
overcloud/4 -> overclouded,overclouds,overclouding
overcontrol/4 -> overcontrolling,overcontrolled
overdoor/4 -> overdoors
overhit/4 -> overhitting
overinflate/4 -> overinflated,overinflating
overplus/4 -> overpluss
overprotect/4 -> overprotected,overprotects,overprotecting
overprotection/4 -> overprotections
overqualify/4 -> overqualified
oversex/4 -> oversexed
oversheet/4 -> oversheeted,oversheeting
overshirt/4 -> overshirts
overspeed/4 -> overspeeding
overspil/4 -> overspilled,overspilling
overspread/4 -> overspreading,overspreads
ovimbundu/4 -> ovimbundus
owner-breeder/4 -> owner-breeders
owner-farmer/4 -> owner-farmers
owner-occupant/4 -> owner-occupants
oximeter/4 -> oximeters
oxlea/4 -> oxleas
oxlip/4 -> oxlips
oxonian/4 -> oxonians
oxyanion/4 -> oxyanions
oxygenase/4 -> oxygenases
ozone-depleter/4 -> ozone-depleters
pachyderm/4 -> pachyderms
pachysandra/4 -> pachysandras
pack-year/4 -> pack-years
padrone/4 -> padrones
paedophiliac/4 -> paedophiliacs
paid-out/4 -> paid-outs
painkil/4 -> painkilling
painter-stainer/4 -> painter-stainers
pairt/4 -> pairts
paiute/4 -> paiutes
palapa/4 -> palapas
palmier/4 -> palmiers
pamment/4 -> pamments
panathinaiko/4 -> panathinaikos
pandava/4 -> pandavas
pantisocrat/4 -> pantisocrats
paper-chain/4 -> paper-chains
paper_range/4 -> paper_ranges
papermake/4 -> papermaking
papermill/4 -> papermills
pappus/4 -> pappuss
para-relation/4 -> para-relations
paramammal/4 -> paramammals
paramecium/4 -> parameciums
paramere/4 -> parameres
paraproct/4 -> paraprocts
parasitologist/4 -> parasitologists
paregoric/4 -> paregorics
paris-tour/4 -> paris-tours
paro/4 -> paros
parolle/4 -> parolles
parp/4 -> parping,parped
part-pack/4 -> part-packs
partaker/4 -> partakers
participial/4 -> participials
partita/4 -> partitas
parus/4 -> paruss
passion-killer/4 -> passion-killers
passiveness/4 -> passivenesses
paster/4 -> pasters
pasteurization/4 -> pasteurizations
pastry-cook/4 -> pastry-cooks
pathfind/4 -> pathfinding
patro/4 -> patros
pavo/4 -> pavoes
pawl/4 -> pawls
paysannat/4 -> paysannats
pdl/4 -> pdls
pea-souper/4 -> pea-soupers
peace-treaty/4 -> peace-treaties
pearle/4 -> pearles
pearmain/4 -> pearmains
peat-bog/4 -> peat-bogs
peddling/4 -> peddlings
pediatrics/4 -> pediatricss
pediculosis/4 -> pediculoses
pedipalp/4 -> pedipalps
pee-bottle/4 -> pee-bottles
pekingese/4 -> pekingeses
pelagianism/4 -> pelagianisms
pelf/4 -> pelves
pelite/4 -> pelites
pellagra/4 -> pellagras
penicillamine/4 -> penicillamines
penlight/4 -> penlights
pentangle/4 -> pentangles
pentathlete/4 -> pentathletes
peonage/4 -> peonages
perchery/4 -> percheries
perfector/4 -> perfectors
performance-indicator/4 -> performance-indicators
periphrasis/4 -> periphrases
perkiness/4 -> perkinesses
permutate/4 -> permutated,permutating
persiflage/4 -> persiflages
pestis/4 -> pestiss
petasite/4 -> petasites
phalaris/4 -> phalariss
phasmid/4 -> phasmids
phenylamine/4 -> phenylamines
phenytoin/4 -> phenytoins
philistia/4 -> philistias
phinea/4 -> phineas
phoenicia/4 -> phoenicias
phonebook/4 -> phonebooks
phosphoprotein/4 -> phosphoproteins
photo-cell/4 -> photo-cells
photobooth/4 -> photobooths
photoset/4 -> photosetting
phototube/4 -> phototubes
phrase-length/4 -> phrase-lengths
phratry/4 -> phratries
phthirus/4 -> phthiruss
phy/4 -> phys
piast/4 -> piasts
piccalilli/4 -> piccalillis
pich/4 -> piched
picoamp/4 -> picoamps
picosiemen/4 -> picosiemens
picter/4 -> picters
picture-frame/4 -> picture-frames
picturing/4 -> picturings
piecer/4 -> piecers
pig-sty/4 -> pig-sties
pig-tail/4 -> pig-tails
pigling/4 -> piglings
pile-driver/4 -> pile-drivers
pinderfield/4 -> pinderfields
pine-tree/4 -> pine-trees
pinecone/4 -> pinecones
pinetum/4 -> pinetums
pining/4 -> pinings
pinnule/4 -> pinnules
pinscher/4 -> pinschers
pipe-smoker/4 -> pipe-smokers
pipefitter/4 -> pipefitters
pipien/4 -> pipiens
pisky/4 -> piskies
piss-up/4 -> piss-ups
pistil/4 -> pistils
pistolier/4 -> pistoliers
pit-pony/4 -> pit-ponies
pitstop/4 -> pitstops
pitter-patter/4 -> pitter-patters
placket/4 -> plackets
placoderm/4 -> placoderms
planemaker/4 -> planemakers
plantae/4 -> plantaes
planthouse/4 -> planthouses
plassey/4 -> plasseys
plasticizer/4 -> plasticizers
platte/4 -> plattes
play-text/4 -> play-texts
playact/4 -> playacting,playacted,playacts
playspace/4 -> playspaces
playworker/4 -> playworkers
pleurote/4 -> pleurotes
ploom/4 -> plooms
plotline/4 -> plotlines
ploughboy/4 -> ploughboys
plovdiv/4 -> plovdivs
pluperfect/4 -> pluperfects
pluralize/4 -> pluralizing,pluralized,pluralizes
plus-point/4 -> plus-points
pluse/4 -> pluses
poddle/4 -> poddled,poddles
podiceps/4 -> podicepss
podolian/4 -> podolians
poet-critic/4 -> poet-critics
poind/4 -> poinding,poinded
polarizer/4 -> polarizers
polemicize/4 -> polemicized,polemicizing
polish-american/4 -> polish-americans
politeness/4 -> politenesses
politick/4 -> politicks,politicking,politicked
polk/4 -> polks
polyacrylate/4 -> polyacrylates
polyarchy/4 -> polyarchies
polycent/4 -> polycenter
polydiene/4 -> polydienes
polyisoprene/4 -> polyisoprenes
polymyxin/4 -> polymyxins
polyploidy/4 -> polyploidies
polytetrafluoroethylene/4 -> polytetrafluoroethylenes
pome/4 -> pomes
pompeiian/4 -> pompeiians
pool-owner/4 -> pool-owners
pooler/4 -> poolers
popgun/4 -> popguns
populare/4 -> populares
porphyrio/4 -> porphyrios
possibilty/4 -> possibilties
possiblity/4 -> possiblities
post-mill/4 -> post-mills
post-processor/4 -> post-processors
postion/4 -> postions
potbelly/4 -> potbellied
potboy/4 -> potboys
potentize/4 -> potentized,potentizing
potful/4 -> potfuls
potman/4 -> potmen
pou-homeodomain/4 -> pou-homeodomains
power-relation/4 -> power-relations
powerbroker/4 -> powerbrokers
powerscreen/4 -> powerscreens
praetorium/4 -> praetoriums
praha/4 -> prahas
prattler/4 -> prattlers
pre-sequence/4 -> pre-sequences
pre-tensioner/4 -> pre-tensioners
preadaptation/4 -> preadaptations
prebook/4 -> prebooked
precess/4 -> precesses,precessing,precessed
preciseness/4 -> precisenesses
predicable/4 -> predicables
prefabricate/4 -> prefabricated,prefabricates,prefabricating
preform/4 -> preforms,preformed,preforming
premix/4 -> premixed,premixes
prepay/4 -> prepaying,prepays,prepaid
preponderate/4 -> preponderates,preponderating,preponderated
prescriptivism/4 -> prescriptivisms
presentist/4 -> presentists
press-stud/4 -> press-studs
pressor/4 -> pressors
pressy/4 -> pressies
pretor/4 -> pretors
primigravida/4 -> primigravidas
priviledge/4 -> priviledges
privvy/4 -> privvies
prizeman/4 -> prizemen
pro-benzimidazole/4 -> pro-benzimidazoles
pro-gaullist/4 -> pro-gaullists
pro-lifer/4 -> pro-lifers
pro-woman/4 -> pro-women
proclaimer/4 -> proclaimers
proenzyme/4 -> proenzymes
profanation/4 -> profanations
profaneness/4 -> profanenesses
profit-centre/4 -> profit-centres
profit-earner/4 -> profit-earners
programe/4 -> programing,programed
proleg/4 -> prolegs
promenader/4 -> promenaders
promotion-chaser/4 -> promotion-chasers
proofer/4 -> proofers
propellor/4 -> propellors
property-holder/4 -> property-holders
proselyte/4 -> proselytes
proselytiser/4 -> proselytisers
proselytizer/4 -> proselytizers
proto-record/4 -> proto-records
protostar/4 -> protostars
proudhon/4 -> proudhons
provencale/4 -> provencales
provy/4 -> provies
pryer/4 -> pryers
pseudo-homophone/4 -> pseudo-homophones
pseudo-improvement/4 -> pseudo-improvements
pseudo-relation/4 -> pseudo-relations
pseudogene/4 -> pseudogenes
pseudolymphoma/4 -> pseudolymphomas
psycho-analyst/4 -> psycho-analysts
psycho-drama/4 -> psycho-dramas
psycholinguistics/4 -> psycholinguisticss
psychometrician/4 -> psychometricians
pteraspid/4 -> pteraspids
pteridine/4 -> pteridines
pteropus/4 -> pteropera
ptsd/4 -> ptsds
pub-goer/4 -> pub-goers
pubescence/4 -> pubescences
pubgoer/4 -> pubgoers
pudendum/4 -> pudendums
puerperium/4 -> puerperiums
pumpkinseed/4 -> pumpkinseeds
pung/4 -> pungs
punica/4 -> punicas
punster/4 -> punsters
pus-cell/4 -> pus-cells
put-on/4 -> puts-on
putrescible/4 -> putrescibles
pve/4 -> pves
pyelogram/4 -> pyelograms
pyramide/4 -> pyramides,pyramided
pyroxenite/4 -> pyroxenites
q-ship/4 -> q-ships
qibla/4 -> qiblas
quadrate/4 -> quadrates
quadrupe/4 -> quadruped
quartan/4 -> quartans
quartern/4 -> quarterns
quasi-monopoly/4 -> quasi-monopolies
quatercentenary/4 -> quatercentenaries
quester/4 -> questers
question-tag/4 -> question-tags
quick-change/4 -> quick-changes
quick-draw/4 -> quick-draws
quillon/4 -> quillons
quinsy/4 -> quinsies
quran/4 -> qurans
rabbit-warren/4 -> rabbit-warrens
race-card/4 -> race-cards
race-meeting/4 -> race-meetings
racialize/4 -> racialized,racializes,racializing
rade/4 -> rades
raden/4 -> radens
radio-set/4 -> radio-sets
radiopharmaceutical/4 -> radiopharmaceuticals
radiotelescope/4 -> radiotelescopes
rafamac/4 -> rafamacs
railway-station/4 -> railway-stations
raker/4 -> rakers
ramie/4 -> ramies
rammer/4 -> rammers
ramraider/4 -> ramraiders
rangpur/4 -> rangpurs
raptore/4 -> raptores
rarefaction/4 -> rarefactions
rasterize/4 -> rasterized
rasterop/4 -> rasterops
rat-run/4 -> rat-runs
ration-book/4 -> ration-books
rauwolfia/4 -> rauwolfias
razore/4 -> razored
rba/4 -> rbas
rcmp/4 -> rcmps
re-afforestation/4 -> re-afforestations
re-amend/4 -> re-amended,re-amending
re-argue/4 -> re-argued
re-calculate/4 -> re-calculated,re-calculates
re-channel/4 -> re-channelled,re-channels
re-coat/4 -> re-coated
re-constitute/4 -> re-constituted
re-count/4 -> re-counting
re-develope/4 -> re-developed,re-developing
re-double/4 -> re-doubled
re-encounter/4 -> re-encounters,re-encountering
re-engine/4 -> re-engining
re-evoke/4 -> re-evoked
re-evolve/4 -> re-evolved
re-finish/4 -> re-finished
re-fret/4 -> re-fretted
re-furbish/4 -> re-furbished
re-grant/4 -> re-granted
re-hang/4 -> re-hanging
re-incorporate/4 -> re-incorporated,re-incorporating
re-institute/4 -> re-instituted,re-instituting
re-insurance/4 -> re-insurances
re-investigate/4 -> re-investigating
re-invigorate/4 -> re-invigorated
re-keyboard/4 -> re-keyboarding,re-keyboarded
re-mark/4 -> re-marked
re-model/4 -> re-modelled,re-modelling
re-number/4 -> re-numbered,re-numbering
re-offer/4 -> re-offered
re-oxygenate/4 -> re-oxygenated
re-point/4 -> re-pointing,re-pointed
re-possess/4 -> re-possessed
re-rehearse/4 -> re-rehearsing
re-time/4 -> re-timed
re-title/4 -> re-titled,re-titling
re-transmit/4 -> re-transmitting
re-typ/4 -> re-typed,re-typing
re-tyr/4 -> re-tyred,re-tyring
re-uptake/4 -> re-uptakes
re-wire/4 -> re-wiring,re-wired
reaganomic/4 -> reaganomics
reagin/4 -> reagins
reappropriate/4 -> reappropriates,reappropriating
rebolt/4 -> rebolted,rebolting
recapitalise/4 -> recapitalising
receiv/4 -> receivest
reception-room/4 -> reception-rooms
reckoner/4 -> reckoners
reclaimer/4 -> reclaimers
reclasp/4 -> reclasped,reclasping
recliner/4 -> recliners
reclothe/4 -> reclothed
recompute/4 -> recomputed
reconceptualise/4 -> reconceptualising
reconceptualize/4 -> reconceptualizing
reconstrue/4 -> reconstruing,reconstrued
rectus/4 -> rectuss
red-neck/4 -> red-necks
redesignation/4 -> redesignations
redheugh/4 -> redheughs
redissolve/4 -> redissolved
reedmace/4 -> reedmaces
reenactment/4 -> reenactments
reevaluation/4 -> reevaluations
referent-qualifier/4 -> referent-qualifiers
reff/4 -> reffing
refractometer/4 -> refractometers
regenerator/4 -> regenerators
regild/4 -> regilded
regressor/4 -> regressors
rehear/4 -> rehearing,rehears,reheard
reichsmark/4 -> reichsmarks
reinstitute/4 -> reinstituting
reinterview/4 -> reinterviewed
relation-ship/4 -> relation-ships
relaxin/4 -> relaxins
releaser/4 -> releasers
releasing/4 -> releasings
remedio/4 -> remedios
remoisturise/4 -> remoisturising
remuster/4 -> remustered
renature/4 -> renatured
repechage/4 -> repechages
repellant/4 -> repellants
rephotograph/4 -> rephotographing,rephotographed
replacer/4 -> replacers
replot/4 -> replotting
repp/4 -> repps
requisitioner/4 -> requisitioners
requit/4 -> requited,requiting
rerecord/4 -> rerecorded,rerecording
reregister/4 -> reregistered
reshuffling/4 -> reshufflings
resoluteness/4 -> resolutenesses
resorcinol/4 -> resorcinols
responsory/4 -> responsories
retaking/4 -> retakings
retentionist/4 -> retentionists
reticulation/4 -> reticulations
retirement-age/4 -> retirement-ages
retreatment/4 -> retreatments
retro-fit/4 -> retro-fitted
reveiw/4 -> reveiws,reveiwed,reveiwing
revenue-earner/4 -> revenue-earners
reverse-punch/4 -> reverse-punching
revery/4 -> reveries
reviser/4 -> revisers
revuelto/4 -> revueltos
rheology/4 -> rheologies
rhinog/4 -> rhinogs
ribozyme/4 -> ribozymes
ricefield/4 -> ricefields
richen/4 -> richens
rifle-pit/4 -> rifle-pits
rifling/4 -> riflings
rine/4 -> rines
ring-segment/4 -> ring-segments
riparia/4 -> riparias
ripoff/4 -> ripoffs
risco/4 -> riscos
rm-value/4 -> rm-values
road-map/4 -> road-maps
roadbuilder/4 -> roadbuilders
roader/4 -> roaders
roadsign/4 -> roadsigns
roadworker/4 -> roadworkers
roarer/4 -> roarers
rock-face/4 -> rock-faces
rocketeer/4 -> rocketeers
rockett/4 -> rocketts
rockland/4 -> rocklands
rodenticide/4 -> rodenticides
rognon/4 -> rognons
roguery/4 -> rogueries
role-mapping/4 -> role-mappings
roleplaying/4 -> roleplayings
rollmop/4 -> rollmops
romping/4 -> rompings
rondavel/4 -> rondavels
roof-tile/4 -> roof-tiles
roomheater/4 -> roomheaters
root-indice/4 -> root-indices
ropemaker/4 -> ropemakers
roping/4 -> ropings
roquette/4 -> roquettes
rose-petal/4 -> rose-petals
rosebed/4 -> rosebeds
rossite/4 -> rossiter
rotator/4 -> rotators
roue/4 -> roues
roughy/4 -> roughies
rouleau/4 -> rouleaux
routefind/4 -> routefinding
rown/4 -> rowned
royal-watcher/4 -> royal-watchers
royalism/4 -> royalisms
rubus/4 -> rubuss
ruch/4 -> ruching
ruddiness/4 -> ruddinesses
rudist/4 -> rudists
ruf/4 -> rufs
ruficolli/4 -> ruficollis
rumpler/4 -> rumplers
run-maker/4 -> run-makers
run-past/4 -> run-pasts
runesmith/4 -> runesmiths
running-shoe/4 -> running-shoes
rydberg/4 -> rydbergs
s-bend/4 -> s-bends
s-turn/4 -> s-turns
saami/4 -> saamis
sacrify/4 -> sacrified
saida/4 -> saidas
saiga/4 -> saigas
sailbag/4 -> sailbags
sailing-ship/4 -> sailing-ships
sakala/4 -> sakalas
salaciousness/4 -> salaciousnesses
salagama/4 -> salagamas
salaryman/4 -> salarymen
sale-room/4 -> sale-rooms
sales-force/4 -> sales-forces
salian/4 -> salians
salicornia/4 -> salicornias
saliency/4 -> saliencies
salmonid/4 -> salmonids
salonica/4 -> salonicas
salvadore/4 -> salvadores
sambal/4 -> sambals
sambur/4 -> samburs
samsara/4 -> samsaras
sand-bar/4 -> sand-bars
sandboy/4 -> sandboys
sandgrounder/4 -> sandgrounders
sandle/4 -> sandling,sandles
sandwich-box/4 -> sandwich-boxes
saprolegnia/4 -> saprolegnias
sarasota/4 -> sarasotas
sarcolemma/4 -> sarcolemmas
sarcoptes/4 -> sarcoptess
sargassum/4 -> sargassums
sarnoff/4 -> sarnoffs
sash-window/4 -> sash-windows
sauce-bottle/4 -> sauce-bottles
sauropodomorph/4 -> sauropodomorphs
sausage-maker/4 -> sausage-makers
saw-mill/4 -> saw-mills
sawbones/4 -> sawboness
sba/4 -> sbas
scaredy-cat/4 -> scaredy-cats
scarifier/4 -> scarifiers
scet/4 -> scets
schistosoma/4 -> schistosomas
schizo/4 -> schizos
schnauzer/4 -> schnauzers
school-board/4 -> school-boards
school-girl/4 -> school-girls
schoolteach/4 -> schoolteaching
schrodinger/4 -> schrodingers
scleritome/4 -> scleritomes
scoffer/4 -> scoffers
score-card/4 -> score-cards
scorebook/4 -> scorebooks
scrapman/4 -> scrapmen
scratchiness/4 -> scratchinesses
screech-owl/4 -> screech-owls
screenwrit/4 -> screenwriting
screw-hole/4 -> screw-holes
screw-up/4 -> screw-ups
screw-worm/4 -> screw-worms
scriber/4 -> scribers
scrimmage/4 -> scrimmaging,scrimmaged,scrimmages
scrolly/4 -> scrollies
scrubs/4 -> scrubss
scrumhalf/4 -> scrumhalfs
scruples/4 -> scrupless
scud-c/4 -> scud-cs
sculpin/4 -> sculpins
scute/4 -> scutes
sea-adventure/4 -> sea-adventures
sea-boot/4 -> sea-boots
sea-leg/4 -> sea-legs
sea-pool/4 -> sea-pools
sea-shanty/4 -> sea-shanties
seaboat/4 -> seaboats
seaboot/4 -> seaboots
seaworthiness/4 -> seaworthinesses
secessionism/4 -> secessionisms
second-fast/4 -> second-fastest
second-rower/4 -> second-rowers
sectionalism/4 -> sectionalisms
sectore/4 -> sectored,sectoring
securitise/4 -> securitising,securitised
seder/4 -> seders
seed-eater/4 -> seed-eaters
seed-fern/4 -> seed-ferns
seigniory/4 -> seigniories
seine-net/4 -> seine-nets
selectin/4 -> selectins
selectivist/4 -> selectivists
self-contemplation/4 -> self-contemplations
self-depreciation/4 -> self-depreciations
self-hypnosis/4 -> self-hypnoses
self-inductance/4 -> self-inductances
self-interaction/4 -> self-interactions
self-teach/4 -> self-teaching
self-torture/4 -> self-tortures
sellery/4 -> selleries
semarang/4 -> semarangs
seme/4 -> semes
semi-dwarf/4 -> semi-dwarfing
semi-profession/4 -> semi-professions
semi-structure/4 -> semi-structured
semiskil/4 -> semiskilled
senorita/4 -> senoritas
sense-content/4 -> sense-contents
sense-organ/4 -> sense-organs
sense-unit/4 -> sense-units
sentence-type/4 -> sentence-types
serjeant-at-law/4 -> serjeants-at-law
serjeants-at-arm/4 -> serjeants-at-arms
serkin/4 -> serkins
sermonise/4 -> sermonising,sermonises
serpens/4 -> serpenss
serpente/4 -> serpentes
servaton/4 -> servatons
serviceability/4 -> serviceabilities
servicio/4 -> servicios
servomechanism/4 -> servomechanisms
sess/4 -> sesses
sesterce/4 -> sesterces
severall/4 -> severalls
sexualise/4 -> sexualising,sexualised
sexualize/4 -> sexualized,sexualizes
sfax/4 -> sfaxes
sforzando/4 -> sforzandoes
shadower/4 -> shadowers
shakeup/4 -> shakeups
shakti/4 -> shaktis
shamateur/4 -> shamateurs
shammy/4 -> shammies
shapeliness/4 -> shapelinesses
share-owner/4 -> share-owners
shares-for-favour/4 -> shares-for-favours
shawm/4 -> shawms
she-bear/4 -> she-bears
shearling/4 -> shearlings
sheep-farmer/4 -> sheep-farmers
sheep-owner/4 -> sheep-owners
sheep-shearer/4 -> sheep-shearers
sheikhdom/4 -> sheikhdoms
shell-suit/4 -> shell-suits
sherrif/4 -> sherriff
shift-worker/4 -> shift-workers
shikoku/4 -> shikokus
shintoism/4 -> shintoisms
ship-wreck/4 -> ship-wrecks
shirtmaker/4 -> shirtmakers
shithead/4 -> shitheads
shitwork/4 -> shitworks
shoe-polish/4 -> shoe-polishes
shoe-shop/4 -> shoe-shops
shoemaking/4 -> shoemakings
shop-assistant/4 -> shop-assistants
shopkeep/4 -> shopkeeping
shopping-basket/4 -> shopping-baskets
short-working/4 -> short-workings
shoshone/4 -> shoshones
shot-hole/4 -> shot-holes
showe/4 -> showes,showeing
showerhead/4 -> showerheads
shrive/4 -> shriving,shrived,shrives,shrove,shriven
shut-in/4 -> shut-ins
sicky/4 -> sickies
siddon/4 -> siddons
side-glance/4 -> side-glances
side-trip/4 -> side-trips
sidechain/4 -> sidechains
sidelamp/4 -> sidelamps
sidonian/4 -> sidonians
sighter/4 -> sighters
sigint/4 -> sigints
sign-language/4 -> sign-languages
silicosis/4 -> silicoses
silk-screen/4 -> silk-screens
silkmoth/4 -> silkmoths
sinix-to/4 -> sinix-tos
sinlessness/4 -> sinlessnesses
siris/4 -> siriss
six-gun/4 -> six-guns
sketch-book/4 -> sketch-books
ski-hat/4 -> ski-hats
ski-mask/4 -> ski-masks
ski-pole/4 -> ski-poles
skidoo/4 -> skidoos
skiier/4 -> skiiers
skiy/4 -> skiied,skiier
skullduggery/4 -> skullduggeries
slave-master/4 -> slave-masters
slave-ship/4 -> slave-ships
slave-trader/4 -> slave-traders
sledger/4 -> sledgers
slide-show/4 -> slide-shows
slingo/4 -> slingos
slogger/4 -> sloggers
slot-machine/4 -> slot-machines
slubber/4 -> slubbered
sluice-gate/4 -> sluice-gates
slurping/4 -> slurpings
small-number/4 -> small-numbers
smart-aleck/4 -> smart-alecks
smegma/4 -> smegmas
smidge/4 -> smidges
smirch/4 -> smirched,smirches,smirching
smither/4 -> smithers
smokery/4 -> smokeries
snaggle/4 -> snaggled
snakechase/4 -> snakechasing
snco/4 -> sncos
snow-flake/4 -> snow-flakes
snowcem/4 -> snowcemmed
soapsud/4 -> soapsuds
soapwort/4 -> soapworts
social-revolutionary/4 -> social-revolutionaries
socinus/4 -> socinuss
socio-biologist/4 -> socio-biologists
sofabe/4 -> sofabed
sofabed/4 -> sofabeds
soft-shoe/4 -> soft-shoes
soixante-neuf/4 -> soixante-neufs
somersaulting/4 -> somersaultings
somth/4 -> somthing
song-book/4 -> song-books
song-type/4 -> song-types
songline/4 -> songlines
sorbent/4 -> sorbents
sordidness/4 -> sordidnesses
sorption/4 -> sorptions
soteriology/4 -> soteriologies
soudan/4 -> soudans
sound-wave/4 -> sound-waves
sowetan/4 -> sowetans
soye/4 -> soyer
sozzle/4 -> sozzled
spaceway/4 -> spaceways
spad/4 -> spads
spanish-speaker/4 -> spanish-speakers
spare-part/4 -> spare-parts
spareness/4 -> sparenesses
sparling/4 -> sparlings
spartina/4 -> spartinas
spatchcock/4 -> spatchcocked
spear-carrier/4 -> spear-carriers
spear-tip/4 -> spear-tips
spearsman/4 -> spearsmen
special-train/4 -> special-trains
speciate/4 -> speciated,speciating
speir/4 -> speirs
spell-checker/4 -> spell-checkers
sphericity/4 -> sphericities
sphincterotome/4 -> sphincterotomes
spiderweb/4 -> spiderwebbed,spiderwebs
spikenard/4 -> spikenards
spinneret/4 -> spinnerets
spinny/4 -> spinnys
splinter-group/4 -> splinter-groups
spodoptera/4 -> spodopteras
sportscast/4 -> sportscasts
sprightliness/4 -> sprightlinesses
spring-board/4 -> spring-boards
squamata/4 -> squamatas
squirter/4 -> squirters
stable-boy/4 -> stable-boys
stage-manage/4 -> stage-manages,stage-managing,stage-managed
staggers/4 -> staggerss
stagnogley/4 -> stagnogleys
standee/4 -> standees
standout/4 -> standouts
stape/4 -> stapes
stater/4 -> staters
status-symbol/4 -> status-symbols
steakhouse/4 -> steakhouses
steam-bath/4 -> steam-baths
steam-hammer/4 -> steam-hammers
steamclean/4 -> steamcleaner
steamday/4 -> steamdays
steeplejack/4 -> steeplejacks
step-down/4 -> step-downs
stepparent/4 -> stepparents
ster/4 -> sterring
stereotypy/4 -> stereotypies
stickman/4 -> stickmen
stillstand/4 -> stillstands
stinging-cell/4 -> stinging-cells
stockbuild/4 -> stockbuilding
stockinger/4 -> stockingers
stolon/4 -> stolons
stomacher/4 -> stomachers
stone-mason/4 -> stone-masons
storecupboard/4 -> storecupboards
stowing/4 -> stowings
straight-set/4 -> straight-sets
straiten/4 -> straitened,straitens,straitening
straplock/4 -> straplocks
straw-hat/4 -> straw-hats
street-seller/4 -> street-sellers
streetwork/4 -> streetworks
strenuousness/4 -> strenuousnesses
strepera/4 -> streperas
stretchsuit/4 -> stretchsuits
stridulation/4 -> stridulations
strongyloide/4 -> strongyloides
strymon/4 -> strymons
stunting/4 -> stuntings
stuntperson/4 -> stuntpersons
stylophone/4 -> stylophones
styrenic/4 -> styrenics
sub-activity/4 -> sub-activities
sub-agent/4 -> sub-agents
sub-classification/4 -> sub-classifications
sub-dictionary/4 -> sub-dictionaries
sub-harmonic/4 -> sub-harmonics
sub-limit/4 -> sub-limits
sub-part/4 -> sub-parts
sub-project/4 -> sub-projects
sub-tenancy/4 -> sub-tenancies
subby/4 -> subbies
submediant/4 -> submediants
suborder/4 -> suborders
substituant/4 -> substituants
subtropics/4 -> subtropicss
subversiveness/4 -> subversivenesses
subzone/4 -> subzones
suction-boot/4 -> suction-boots
sugarcube/4 -> sugarcubes
suggestor/4 -> suggestors
sun-hat/4 -> sun-hats
sun-screen/4 -> sun-screens
sunderban/4 -> sunderbans
sunloung/4 -> sunlounger
sunroom/4 -> sunrooms
super-computer/4 -> super-computers
super-delegate/4 -> super-delegates
super-ferry/4 -> super-ferries
super-state/4 -> super-states
superpipeline/4 -> superpipelined
supply-sider/4 -> supply-siders
suppport/4 -> suppports
surpise/4 -> surpised
susurration/4 -> susurrations
sutler/4 -> sutlers
swabian/4 -> swabians
swagman/4 -> swagmen
swainmote/4 -> swainmotes
swearword/4 -> swearwords
sweat-pant/4 -> sweat-pants
sweatpant/4 -> sweatpants
sweet-pea/4 -> sweet-peas
sweetlip/4 -> sweetlips
sweetpaper/4 -> sweetpapers
swingboat/4 -> swingboats
swingtip/4 -> swingtips,swingtipping
swizzle/4 -> swizzles
sword-stick/4 -> sword-sticks
swsha/4 -> swshas
swyve/4 -> swyved,swyving
syllabary/4 -> syllabaries
symbiose/4 -> symbioses
synaesthesia/4 -> synaesthesias
synaptosome/4 -> synaptosomes
synchromesh/4 -> synchromeshes
syndrum/4 -> syndrums
syring/4 -> syringing
syringa/4 -> syringas
systematist/4 -> systematists
systemise/4 -> systemised,systemising
sytem/4 -> sytems
szechwan/4 -> szechwans
t'b/4 -> t'best
t'moor/4 -> t'moors
t'stable/4 -> t'stables
t-piece/4 -> t-pieces
tabi/4 -> tabis
tabulator/4 -> tabulators
tackroom/4 -> tackrooms
tactility/4 -> tactilities
taggle/4 -> taggled
tail-tip/4 -> tail-tips
tailpipe/4 -> tailpipes
tala/4 -> talas
talapoin/4 -> talapoins
tangram/4 -> tangrams
tanguy/4 -> tanguys
tank-mate/4 -> tank-mates
tank-top/4 -> tank-tops
tap-dance/4 -> tap-dancing
tappan/4 -> tappans
tardigrade/4 -> tardigrades
tarpon/4 -> tarpons
tarsiidae/4 -> tarsiidaes
tassle/4 -> tassles,tassled
taste-maker/4 -> taste-makers
tawdriness/4 -> tawdrinesses
tax-cut/4 -> tax-cuts
tax-dodger/4 -> tax-dodgers
tax-gatherer/4 -> tax-gatherers
taxi-van/4 -> taxi-vans
taxus/4 -> taxuss
tayloe/4 -> tayloes
tchadienne/4 -> tchadiennes
tea-cloth/4 -> tea-cloths
teacloth/4 -> teacloths
team-owner/4 -> team-owners
tean/4 -> teans
teare/4 -> teares
tearstain/4 -> tearstains,tearstained
teaset/4 -> teasets
teatle/4 -> teatles
tebaldi/4 -> tebaldis
techie/4 -> techies
technerd/4 -> technerds
teddybear/4 -> teddybears
tee-time/4 -> tee-times
teeny-weeny/4 -> teeny-weenies
teeshirt/4 -> teeshirts
teg/4 -> tegs
telemessage/4 -> telemessages
teleview/4 -> televiews
ten-millionth/4 -> ten-millionths
tendentiousness/4 -> tendentiousnesses
tenormin/4 -> tenormins
tenrec/4 -> tenrecs
tent-peg/4 -> tent-pegs
tent-pole/4 -> tent-poles
tepidity/4 -> tepidities
terce/4 -> terces
terror-mask/4 -> terror-masks
terseness/4 -> tersenesses
tessier/4 -> tessiers
test-flight/4 -> test-flights
testatrix/4 -> testatrices
tethe/4 -> teething
tethys/4 -> tethyss
tetralogy/4 -> tetralogies
tetrapod/4 -> tetrapods
textile-worker/4 -> textile-workers
th'say/4 -> th'said
thaddaeus/4 -> thaddaeuss
thaid/4 -> thaids
them/4 -> thems
themistocles/4 -> themistocless
themistokle/4 -> themistokles
theorbo/4 -> theorbos
therap/4 -> theraps
thermography/4 -> thermographies
thermose/4 -> thermoses
thiamine/4 -> thiamines
thickhead/4 -> thickheads
thole/4 -> tholes
thomism/4 -> thomisms
thoracotomy/4 -> thoracotomies
thraldom/4 -> thraldoms
three-ball/4 -> three-balls
three-putt/4 -> three-putts
thromboembolism/4 -> thromboembolisms
throw-off/4 -> throw-offs
thunder-cloud/4 -> thunder-clouds
thw/4 -> thwing
tiddly-wink/4 -> tiddly-winks
tie-off/4 -> tie-offs
tie-rod/4 -> tie-rods
tietze/4 -> tietzes
time-capsule/4 -> time-capsules
time-path/4 -> time-paths
time-value/4 -> time-values
tin-miner/4 -> tin-miners
tipoff/4 -> tipoffs
tipsheet/4 -> tipsheets
tirailleur/4 -> tirailleurs
tiramisu/4 -> tiramisus
tko/4 -> tkoes
toilet-roll/4 -> toilet-rolls
toilet-seat/4 -> toilet-seats
tojo/4 -> tojoes
token-reflexive/4 -> token-reflexives
tolbutamide/4 -> tolbutamides
tonalite/4 -> tonalites
tone-group/4 -> tone-groups
tooth-brush/4 -> tooth-brushes
tooth-plate/4 -> tooth-plates
top-to-bottom/4 -> top-to-bottoms
topaze/4 -> topazes
topshell/4 -> topshells
tormenter/4 -> tormenters
torturing/4 -> torturings
tought/4 -> toughter,toughtest
tour-operator/4 -> tour-operators
trachoma/4 -> trachomas
tradescantia/4 -> tradescantias
tragedienne/4 -> tragediennes
train-builder/4 -> train-builders
transfronty/4 -> transfrontier
transjordanian/4 -> transjordanians
transoxide/4 -> transoxides
transpot/4 -> transpots
transvalue/4 -> transvalued,transvalues
travailleur/4 -> travailleurs
treasure-seeker/4 -> treasure-seekers
treeman/4 -> treemen
trekky/4 -> trekkies
trembucker/4 -> trembuckers
trento/4 -> trentoes
trh/4 -> trhs
triangulate/4 -> triangulating,triangulates,triangulated
tribade/4 -> tribades
tribalist/4 -> tribalists
trichothecene/4 -> trichothecenes
trillium/4 -> trilliums
trinucleid/4 -> trinucleids
trinucleotide/4 -> trinucleotides
triode/4 -> triodes
tripod-cauldron/4 -> tripod-cauldrons
trna-modification/4 -> trna-modifications
trondhjemite/4 -> trondhjemites
trooser/4 -> troosers
troublespot/4 -> troublespots
trouser/4 -> trousered,trousering,trousers
trouserleg/4 -> trouserlegs
trub/4 -> trubs
trueeffect/4 -> trueeffects
truth-teller/4 -> truth-tellers
try-on/4 -> tries-on
tryscorer/4 -> tryscorers
tsimshian/4 -> tsimshians
tsushima/4 -> tsushimas
tubeworm/4 -> tubeworms
tucana/4 -> tucanas
tucc/4 -> tuccs
tullo/4 -> tullos
tumble-dryer/4 -> tumble-dryers
tumblerful/4 -> tumblerfuls
tume/4 -> tumed
tunesmith/4 -> tunesmiths
tunneller/4 -> tunnellers
turbo-generator/4 -> turbo-generators
turbofan/4 -> turbofans
turbulator/4 -> turbulators
turgidity/4 -> turgidities
turki/4 -> turkis
turnback/4 -> turnbacks
turnup/4 -> turnups
turtledove/4 -> turtledoves
tussore/4 -> tussores
tweeny/4 -> tweenies
twentyfive/4 -> twentyfives
two-screen/4 -> two-screens
two-shoe/4 -> two-shoes
typhon/4 -> typhons
tyrannicide/4 -> tyrannicides
ugaritic/4 -> ugaritics
ukrof/4 -> ukrofs
ultraconservative/4 -> ultraconservatives
ultranationalism/4 -> ultranationalisms
umayyad/4 -> umayyads
umbellifer/4 -> umbellifers
umbo/4 -> umboes
ummah/4 -> ummahs
unbundler/4 -> unbundlers
under-explore/4 -> under-explored
under-frame/4 -> under-frames
under-gardener/4 -> under-gardeners
under-insure/4 -> under-insured
under-occupy/4 -> under-occupied
under-officer/4 -> under-officers
under-populate/4 -> under-populated
under-provide/4 -> under-provided
under-qualify/4 -> under-qualified
under-utilise/4 -> under-utilised,under-utilising
under-write/4 -> under-written
underachiever/4 -> underachievers
underforester/4 -> underforesters
underlayer/4 -> underlayers
underlessee/4 -> underlessees
underplate/4 -> underplating
underthrust/4 -> underthrusting,underthrusts
underwire/4 -> underwiring
undraw/4 -> undrawn,undraws,undrew,undrawing
unexpect/4 -> unexpected,unexpecting
ungud/4 -> unguds
unicum/4 -> unicums
unilluminate/4 -> unilluminating
univer/4 -> univers
unix-on-window/4 -> unix-on-windows
unman/4 -> unmanning,unmans,unmanned
unmoor/4 -> unmoored
unnest/4 -> unnested
unnotice/4 -> unnoticing,unnoticed
unobtrusiveness/4 -> unobtrusivenesses
unprofitability/4 -> unprofitabilities
unreflect/4 -> unreflecting
unstick/4 -> unsticking,unsticks,unstuck
untruthfulness/4 -> untruthfulnesses
unusualness/4 -> unusualnesses
up-and-under/4 -> up-and-unders
up-grading/4 -> up-gradings
upad/4 -> upads
upbuild/4 -> upbuilding,upbuilds
upgo/4 -> upgoing
uppercase/4 -> uppercases
upshift/4 -> upshifts
upstand/4 -> upstands
uraga/4 -> uragas
ureilite/4 -> ureilites
uria/4 -> urias
urodele/4 -> urodeles
usg/4 -> usgs
usmc/4 -> usmcs
utc/4 -> utcs
utraquist/4 -> utraquists
vaca/4 -> vacas
vacance/4 -> vacances
vach/4 -> vaches
vad/4 -> vads
vaga/4 -> vagas
value-judgment/4 -> value-judgments
van-load/4 -> van-loads
vanload/4 -> vanloads
vapidity/4 -> vapidities
variometer/4 -> variometers
varity/4 -> varities
vas/4 -> vass
vascon/4 -> vascons
vascularisation/4 -> vascularisations
vate/4 -> vates
vaudemange/4 -> vaudemanges
vaudevillian/4 -> vaudevillians
vaxcluster/4 -> vaxclusters
vay/4 -> vays
vaya/4 -> vayas
veldt/4 -> veldts
velikovskian/4 -> velikovskians
venatione/4 -> venationes
venceremo/4 -> venceremos
venerability/4 -> venerabilities
venule/4 -> venules
verbalization/4 -> verbalizations
verbenaceae/4 -> verbenaceaes
verse-line/4 -> verse-lines
verset/4 -> versets
versifier/4 -> versifiers
versine/4 -> versines
vertu/4 -> vertus
vesalius/4 -> vesaliuss
vespa/4 -> vespas
vestryman/4 -> vestrymen
vezirlik/4 -> vezirliks
viburnum/4 -> viburnums
vice-secretary/4 -> vice-secretaries
vidane/4 -> vidanes
video-game/4 -> video-games
video-link/4 -> video-links
videoconference/4 -> videoconferences
videodisk/4 -> videodisks
videorecorder/4 -> videorecorders
vidphone/4 -> vidphones
vietnamese-american/4 -> vietnamese-americans
vigna/4 -> vignas
violist/4 -> violists
viridi/4 -> viridis
visore/4 -> visored
vist/4 -> visted,visting
vistor/4 -> vistors
vitrify/4 -> vitrified,vitrifies,vitrifying
vitta/4 -> vittas
vlah/4 -> vlahs
vocalize/4 -> vocalizing,vocalized,vocalizes
voinovitch/4 -> voinovitchs
volkhov/4 -> volkhovs
voltmete/4 -> voltmeter
vortice/4 -> vortices
vosge/4 -> vosges
vulcanology/4 -> vulcanologies
vulpecula/4 -> vulpeculas
wadder/4 -> wadders
wagon-load/4 -> wagon-loads
wagons-lit/4 -> wagons-lits
wahoo/4 -> wahoos
wainscote/4 -> wainscoting,wainscoted
waistbelt/4 -> waistbelts
wajda/4 -> wajdas
walk-through/4 -> walk-throughs
wall-bracket/4 -> wall-brackets
wall-light/4 -> wall-lights
war-bonnet/4 -> war-bonnets
war-lord/4 -> war-lords
war-party/4 -> war-parties
warbley/4 -> warbleys
wart-biter/4 -> wart-biters
wash-day/4 -> wash-days
watch-keeper/4 -> watch-keepers
water-boatman/4 -> water-boatmen
water-depth/4 -> water-depths
water-flea/4 -> water-fleas
water-glass/4 -> water-glasses
water-log/4 -> water-logging,water-logged
water-rat/4 -> water-rats
water-tower/4 -> water-towers
watercraft/4 -> watercrafts
waterer/4 -> waterers
watering-hole/4 -> watering-holes
watersky/4 -> waterskier,waterskied
watersnake/4 -> watersnakes
waulk/4 -> waulking
weaner/4 -> weaners
weather-god/4 -> weather-gods
weatherboarding/4 -> weatherboardings
weatherstripping/4 -> weatherstrippings
wedding-present/4 -> wedding-presents
wedghog/4 -> wedghogs
weeder/4 -> weeders
ween/4 -> weening,weened
weightwatcher/4 -> weightwatchers
weimaraner/4 -> weimaraners
weirdy/4 -> weirdies
well-wishing/4 -> well-wishings
westernizer/4 -> westernizers
wet-dock/4 -> wet-docks
wet-dream/4 -> wet-dreams
wetter/4 -> wetters
whacko/4 -> whackos
whang/4 -> whangs,whanging,whanged
whatchamacallit/4 -> whatchamacallits
wheel-arch/4 -> wheel-arches
wheel-clamp/4 -> wheel-clamping
wheely-bin/4 -> wheely-bins
whimsey/4 -> whimseys
whinbush/4 -> whinbushes
whipper-in/4 -> whippers-in
whipper/4 -> whippers
white-and-black/4 -> white-and-blacks
whiteface/4 -> whitefaced
whitter/4 -> whittering,whittered
wicca/4 -> wiccas
widdle/4 -> widdling,widdleing,widdles
wide-body/4 -> wide-bodies
wiesenthal/4 -> wiesenthals
wife-giver/4 -> wife-givers
wildfowler/4 -> wildfowlers
wiliness/4 -> wilinesses
willies/4 -> williess
willowherb/4 -> willowherbs
wiltze/4 -> wiltzes
winceyette/4 -> winceyettes
window-catch/4 -> window-catches
windowe/4 -> windowes
windshift/4 -> windshifts
windspeed/4 -> windspeeds
wine-grower/4 -> wine-growers
wire-tap/4 -> wire-taps,wire-tapping,wire-tapped
wireworm/4 -> wireworms
wish-wash/4 -> wish-washes
wishplant/4 -> wishplants
wistaria/4 -> wistarias
witch-hunter/4 -> witch-hunters
witchfinder/4 -> witchfinders
wolfman/4 -> wolfmen
wollastonite/4 -> wollastonites
womanist/4 -> womanists
women-year/4 -> women-years
wonder-rabbi/4 -> wonder-rabbis
wood-carving/4 -> wood-carvings
wood-cut/4 -> wood-cuts
wood-screw/4 -> wood-screws
woodcutting/4 -> woodcuttings
woolcomber/4 -> woolcombers
woolman/4 -> woolmans,woolmen
word-board/4 -> word-boards
wormhole/4 -> wormholes
wotan/4 -> wotans
wrethe/4 -> wreathing
wv/4 -> wvs
xantho/4 -> xanthos
xaverian/4 -> xaverians
xer/4 -> xers
xerophyte/4 -> xerophytes
xuanp/4 -> xuanping
yakima/4 -> yakimas
yalu/4 -> yalus
yardmaster/4 -> yardmasters
ydry/4 -> ydrys
yeee/4 -> yeees
yeild/4 -> yeilded,yeilds,yeilding
yeld/4 -> yelds,yelding
yellowtail/4 -> yellowtails
yet-to-be/4 -> yet-to-bes
yrd/4 -> yrds
z-disk/4 -> z-disks
z-neuron/4 -> z-neurons
z-note/4 -> z-notes
zetter/4 -> zetters
zinger/4 -> zingers
zingiberaceae/4 -> zingiberaceaes
zonula/4 -> zonulas
zooming/4 -> zoomings
zoonose/4 -> zoonoses
zostera/4 -> zosteras
zwing/4 -> zwinger
'b/3 -> 'best
'eaven/3 -> 'eavens
'everyth/3 -> 'everything
'igh/3 -> 'ighest
'jama/3 -> 'jamas
'look/3 -> 'looking
'move/3 -> 'moves
'new/3 -> 'news
'sit/3 -> 'sitting
'work/3 -> 'works,'working
a-come/3 -> a-coming
a-dance/3 -> a-dancing
a-flap/3 -> a-flapping
a-fusion/3 -> a-fusions
a-grade/3 -> a-grades
a-shoe/3 -> a-shoeing
a-to-d/3 -> a-to-ds
abberation/3 -> abberations
abettor/3 -> abettors
ablative/3 -> ablatives
abnormal-normal/3 -> abnormal-normals
abrash/3 -> abrashes
abstemiousness/3 -> abstemiousnesses
abstentionist/3 -> abstentionists
abstruseness/3 -> abstrusenesses
accidentalist/3 -> accidentalists
accipite/3 -> accipiter
accipitridae/3 -> accipitridaes
acculturate/3 -> acculturated,acculturates,acculturating
achene/3 -> achenes
achive/3 -> achived
ack-tor/3 -> ack-tors
acknowlege/3 -> acknowleged
aconcagua/3 -> aconcaguas
acrilan/3 -> acrilans
acritarch/3 -> acritarchs
acth/3 -> acths
actinian/3 -> actinians
actinidia/3 -> actinidias
actionist/3 -> actionists
actuation/3 -> actuations
acylation/3 -> acylations
adakite/3 -> adakites
adama/3 -> adamas
addam/3 -> addams
addrese/3 -> addreses,addresing,addresed
addressing/3 -> addressings
adheren/3 -> adherens
admix/3 -> admixes,admixed,admixing
adventism/3 -> adventisms
aelfflae/3 -> aelfflaed
aelr/3 -> aelred
aeolus/3 -> aeoluss
aeroengine/3 -> aeroengines
aerolinea/3 -> aerolineas
aerolith/3 -> aeroliths
aesculus/3 -> aesculuss
aestivate/3 -> aestivating,aestivates,aestivated
aestivation/3 -> aestivations
afair/3 -> afairs
afear/3 -> afeared
afrikaan/3 -> afrikaaner
afterdepolarisation/3 -> afterdepolarisations
aftertime/3 -> aftertimes
ageratum/3 -> ageratums
aggrade/3 -> aggraded,aggrades,aggrading
aggressionist/3 -> aggressionists
agoo/3 -> agoos
agranulocytosis/3 -> agranulocytoses
agrigento/3 -> agrigentoes
agro-industry/3 -> agro-industries
agropyron/3 -> agropyrons
aid-user/3 -> aid-users
aids-sufferer/3 -> aids-sufferers
ailurophobia/3 -> ailurophobias
air-crew/3 -> air-crews
air-gun/3 -> air-guns
air-line/3 -> air-lines
air-pocket/3 -> air-pockets
air-route/3 -> air-routes
airpistol/3 -> airpistols
airt/3 -> airts
akko/3 -> akkoes
akse/3 -> aksed,akses
al-qod/3 -> al-qods
alaman/3 -> alamans
alchemise/3 -> alchemising,alchemised
alcool/3 -> alcools
alcyone/3 -> alcyones
aldine/3 -> aldines
ale-cup/3 -> ale-cups
aleksandra/3 -> aleksandras
aleph/3 -> alephs
aleuad/3 -> aleuads
alewife/3 -> alewives
alfa-romeo/3 -> alfa-romeos
algonquian/3 -> algonquians
alhr/3 -> alhred
alienee/3 -> alienees
aliquote/3 -> aliquoted
alkanet/3 -> alkanets
alky/3 -> alkies
all-point/3 -> all-points
allegorise/3 -> allegorising,allegorised
allegorize/3 -> allegorized,allegorizes,allegorizing
allemande/3 -> allemandes
allocution/3 -> allocutions
allopatry/3 -> allopatries
allote/3 -> alloted
allusiveness/3 -> allusivenesses
almage/3 -> almagest
alms-house/3 -> alms-houses
alms/3 -> almss
alpes-maritime/3 -> alpes-maritimes
alpha-wave/3 -> alpha-waves
altar-piece/3 -> altar-pieces
altecean/3 -> alteceans
altering/3 -> alterings
altimete/3 -> altimeter
aluminosilicate/3 -> aluminosilicates
amate/3 -> amates
amazonica/3 -> amazonicas
ambassadeur/3 -> ambassadeurs
ambergris/3 -> ambergriss
amcit/3 -> amcits
amenarta/3 -> amenartas
amentia/3 -> amentias
amicability/3 -> amicabilities
amigo/3 -> amigos
amitriptyline/3 -> amitriptylines
amnio/3 -> amnios
amoy/3 -> amoys
anadiplosis/3 -> anadiploses
anagnostopoulo/3 -> anagnostopoulos
analect/3 -> analects
anania/3 -> ananias
anathematize/3 -> anathematized,anathematizes,anathematizing
anau/3 -> anaus
anchisaur/3 -> anchisaurs
androsterone/3 -> androsterones
aneroid/3 -> aneroids
anglicisation/3 -> anglicisations
anglicization/3 -> anglicizations
anglo-nubian/3 -> anglo-nubians
anglophobe/3 -> anglophobes
anguillan/3 -> anguillans
angulate/3 -> angulated,angulates,angulating
animal-right/3 -> animal-rights
animalcule/3 -> animalcules
anisogamy/3 -> anisogamies
annuitant/3 -> annuitants
anodise/3 -> anodising,anodised
anole/3 -> anoles
anomia/3 -> anomias
ant-eater/3 -> ant-eaters
antabuse/3 -> antabuses
anteriority/3 -> anteriorities
anthesis/3 -> antheses
anthropomorphize/3 -> anthropomorphized,anthropomorphizing,anthropomorphizes
anthropophagy/3 -> anthropophagies
anti-appeaser/3 -> anti-appeasers
anti-coalitionist/3 -> anti-coalitionists
anti-culture/3 -> anti-cultures
anti-democrat/3 -> anti-democrats
anti-gaullist/3 -> anti-gaullists
anti-keynesian/3 -> anti-keynesians
anti-log/3 -> anti-logs
anti-profit/3 -> anti-profits
antique-dealer/3 -> antique-dealers
antisthene/3 -> antisthenes
anubia/3 -> anubias
anxiousness/3 -> anxiousnesses
anyf/3 -> anyfing
anyt/3 -> anyting
anywhither/3 -> anywhithers
apheresis/3 -> aphereses
apikoro/3 -> apikoros
apistle/3 -> apistles
apomixis/3 -> apomixes
apophyse/3 -> apophyses
aposiopesis/3 -> aposiopeses
appelman/3 -> appelmans
appoggiatura/3 -> appoggiaturas
appositeness/3 -> appositenesses
aprisione/3 -> aprisiones
aquanetta/3 -> aquanettas
aquisition/3 -> aquisitions
arabidopsis/3 -> arabidopses
arachis/3 -> arachiss
arachnida/3 -> arachnidas
arato/3 -> aratos
arca/3 -> arcas
arch-priest/3 -> arch-priests
archaebacterium/3 -> archaebacteriums
archaelogist/3 -> archaelogists
archipelagoe/3 -> archipelagoes
archives/3 -> archivess
archpriest/3 -> archpriests
arcus/3 -> arcuss
ardkingla/3 -> ardkinglas
ardor/3 -> ardors
areca/3 -> arecas
arenite/3 -> arenites
arguament/3 -> arguaments
argy-bargy/3 -> argy-bargies
aridian/3 -> aridians
arithmetician/3 -> arithmeticians
arive/3 -> arived,arives
arkose/3 -> arkoses
arky/3 -> arkies
arm-pit/3 -> arm-pits
armadillidium/3 -> armadillidiums
aroid/3 -> aroids
arpel/3 -> arpels
arquebus/3 -> arquebuss
arriver/3 -> arrivers
arsk/3 -> arsked
art-historian/3 -> art-historians
art-lover/3 -> art-lovers
artaxerx/3 -> artaxerxes
artc/3 -> artcs
arthralgia/3 -> arthralgias
articulateness/3 -> articulatenesses
artocarpus/3 -> artocarpuss
arundinaria/3 -> arundinarias
asaphid/3 -> asaphids
asclepius/3 -> asclepiuss
ascospore/3 -> ascospores
asdic/3 -> asdics
askean/3 -> askeans
asko/3 -> askos
asociado/3 -> asociados
asociation/3 -> asociations
assistantship/3 -> assistantships
assuagement/3 -> assuagements
assult/3 -> assults
astragalus/3 -> astragaluss
astrodome/3 -> astrodomes
at-alike/3 -> at-alikes
ation/3 -> ations
ativan/3 -> ativans
atriplex/3 -> atriplexes
atropo/3 -> atropos
atroruben/3 -> atrorubens
attention-grabber/3 -> attention-grabbers
attorn/3 -> attorns,attorned,attorning
attorny/3 -> attornies
auctorita/3 -> auctoritas
auctoritee/3 -> auctoritees
audio-disc/3 -> audio-discs
augue/3 -> augued
aum/3 -> aums
austronesian/3 -> austronesians
authenticator/3 -> authenticators
authorite/3 -> authorites
auto-antibody/3 -> auto-antibodies
auto-crime/3 -> auto-crimes
auto-sense/3 -> auto-sensing,auto-senses
autoantigen/3 -> autoantigens
avena/3 -> avenas
avench/3 -> avenches
averroes/3 -> averroess
aviate/3 -> aviating,aviated,aviates
avouch/3 -> avouched,avouching,avouches
axilla/3 -> axillas
axolotl/3 -> axolotls
ayyubid/3 -> ayyubids
azulejo/3 -> azulejos
b-cup/3 -> b-cups
b-lymphocyte/3 -> b-lymphocytes
b-picture/3 -> b-pictures
babe-in-arm/3 -> babe-in-arms
bacchanalia/3 -> bacchanalias
back-fire/3 -> back-fired
back-marker/3 -> back-markers
back-packer/3 -> back-packers
back-projection/3 -> back-projections
back-rest/3 -> back-rests
back-rower/3 -> back-rowers
back-to-root/3 -> back-to-roots
backflip/3 -> backflipped,backflips
backgarden/3 -> backgardens
backroad/3 -> backroads
backstab/3 -> backstabbing
bady/3 -> badies
bag-snatcher/3 -> bag-snatchers
baic/3 -> baics
bait-digger/3 -> bait-diggers
baldersdalian/3 -> baldersdalians
baldhead/3 -> baldheads
ball-breaker/3 -> ball-breakers
ballbearing/3 -> ballbearings
ballett/3 -> balletts
band-saw/3 -> band-saws
banderilla/3 -> banderillas
bank-stick/3 -> bank-sticks
bar-chart/3 -> bar-charts
bardeen/3 -> bardeens
bardolatry/3 -> bardolatries
bareleg/3 -> barelegged,barelegs
bargello/3 -> bargelloes
barish/3 -> barishes
barn-door/3 -> barn-doors
barograph/3 -> barographs
barranquilla/3 -> barranquillas
bartholin/3 -> bartholins
basanite/3 -> basanites
bascule/3 -> bascules
base-board/3 -> base-boards
basenji/3 -> basenjis
basileus/3 -> basileuss
basket-maker/3 -> basket-makers
basket-weaver/3 -> basket-weavers
basketry/3 -> basketries
basotho/3 -> basothoes
bass-baritone/3 -> bass-baritones
basset-horn/3 -> basset-horns
basseterre/3 -> basseterres
bassinet/3 -> bassinets
baster/3 -> basters
bat-wing/3 -> bat-wings
bath-night/3 -> bath-nights
bath-room/3 -> bath-rooms
bath-suite/3 -> bath-suites
batham/3 -> bathams
bathan/3 -> bathans
bathing-suit/3 -> bathing-suits
batna/3 -> batnas
battle-plan/3 -> battle-plans
battledore/3 -> battledores
beam-line/3 -> beam-lines
bearpit/3 -> bearpits
beatmaster/3 -> beatmasters
beaverskin/3 -> beaverskins
becom/3 -> becomming
bed-bug/3 -> bed-bugs
bed-pan/3 -> bed-pans
bed-space/3 -> bed-spaces
bed-spring/3 -> bed-springs
bed-wetter/3 -> bed-wetters
bedazzle/3 -> bedazzled,bedazzles,bedazzling
bedizen/3 -> bedizened,bedizens,bedizening
bedsore/3 -> bedsores
bee-sting/3 -> bee-stings
beekeeping/3 -> beekeepings
befoul/3 -> befouled,befouls,befouling
befuddlement/3 -> befuddlements
beguil/3 -> beguiling
beguilement/3 -> beguilements
behalve/3 -> behalves
beldame/3 -> beldames
believability/3 -> believabilities
bell-founder/3 -> bell-founders
bellair/3 -> bellairs
bellflower/3 -> bellflowers
bema/3 -> bemata
bemedal/3 -> bemedalled
benfit/3 -> benfits
beninese/3 -> benineses
benni/3 -> bennis
benst/3 -> bensted
benzedrine/3 -> benzedrines
benzol/3 -> benzols
bercy/3 -> bercies
berghau/3 -> berghaus
berny/3 -> bernier
berzelius/3 -> berzeliuss
beta-wave/3 -> beta-waves
betablocker/3 -> betablockers
betalite/3 -> betalites
betcherrygah/3 -> betcherrygahs
between-meal/3 -> between-meals
between-subject/3 -> between-subjects
bhakti/3 -> bhaktis
bi-product/3 -> bi-products
bibliomania/3 -> bibliomanias
bick/3 -> bicks
biffin/3 -> biffins
billykin/3 -> billykins
binturong/3 -> binturongs
bio-implant/3 -> bio-implants
bio-improvement/3 -> bio-improvements
bio-reactor/3 -> bio-reactors
bioelectromagnetic/3 -> bioelectromagnetics
biofoam/3 -> biofoams
biomarker/3 -> biomarkers
biomonitore/3 -> biomonitoring
bioprocess/3 -> bioprocessing
bipe/3 -> biped
birch-tree/3 -> birch-trees
birchir/3 -> birchirs
bird-dropping/3 -> bird-droppings
birdfood/3 -> birdfoods
birth-right/3 -> birth-rights
bite-mark/3 -> bite-marks
bivalvia/3 -> bivalvias
biweekly/3 -> biweeklies
black'un/3 -> black'uns
blackhole/3 -> blackholes
blackhouse/3 -> blackhouses
blastopore/3 -> blastopores
blat/3 -> blatting,blats,blatted
blechnum/3 -> blechnums
blende/3 -> blendes
blindspot/3 -> blindspots
blipvert/3 -> blipverts
block-house/3 -> block-houses
blood-bath/3 -> blood-baths
blood-relative/3 -> blood-relatives
blood-stain/3 -> blood-stains
bloodiness/3 -> bloodinesses
bloomington/3 -> bloomingtons
blowdry/3 -> blowdries,blowdrying
blowgun/3 -> blowguns
blowout/3 -> blowouts
blue-blood/3 -> blue-bloods
blue-eye/3 -> blue-eyes
blue-tit/3 -> blue-tits
blueser/3 -> bluesers
bluethroat/3 -> bluethroats
blusterer/3 -> blusterers
boa-constrictor/3 -> boa-constrictors
boaster/3 -> boasters
boat-race/3 -> boat-races
boatbuild/3 -> boatbuilding
bob-sleigh/3 -> bob-sleighs
bodyboarder/3 -> bodyboarders
bogey-man/3 -> bogey-men
boiler-room/3 -> boiler-rooms
boiler-suit/3 -> boiler-suits
bolfrack/3 -> bolfracks
bomb-attack/3 -> bomb-attacks
bomb-ketch/3 -> bomb-ketches
bombacaceae/3 -> bombacaceaes
bombax/3 -> bombaxes
bombyx/3 -> bombyxes
bon-bon/3 -> bon-bons
book-house/3 -> book-houses
book-jacket/3 -> book-jackets
bookclub/3 -> bookclubs
bookfair/3 -> bookfairs
booking-office/3 -> booking-offices
boomerange/3 -> boomeranged
boot-black/3 -> boot-blacks
bootboy/3 -> bootboys
bootleian/3 -> bootleians
borogove/3 -> borogoves
bororo/3 -> bororos
bortsch/3 -> bortsches
botaurus/3 -> botauruss
bottom-feeder/3 -> bottom-feeders
bottom-knot/3 -> bottom-knots
boundry/3 -> boundries
bouteille/3 -> bouteilles
bouvery/3 -> bouveries
bow-ty/3 -> bow-ties
boxing-booth/3 -> boxing-booths
boxwork/3 -> boxworks
boyishness/3 -> boyishnesses
brachiate/3 -> brachiating,brachiated,brachiates
bragger/3 -> braggers
brail/3 -> brailled,brails,brailing,brailed
brain-teaser/3 -> brain-teasers
braincase/3 -> braincases
braincell/3 -> braincells
brakeman/3 -> brakemen
brance/3 -> brances
branch-tusk/3 -> branch-tusks
bratwurst/3 -> bratwursts
brayle/3 -> brayles
breadmake/3 -> breadmaking
breakfaster/3 -> breakfasters
breast-bone/3 -> breast-bones
breath-group/3 -> breath-groups
breechclout/3 -> breechclouts
breeziness/3 -> breezinesses
bride-price/3 -> bride-prices
brigadista/3 -> brigadistas
brigflatt/3 -> brigflatts
bristletail/3 -> bristletails
britannica/3 -> britannicas
brittlestar/3 -> brittlestars
broad-mindedness/3 -> broad-mindednesses
broad-sheet/3 -> broad-sheets
broker-dealer/3 -> broker-dealers
bronchopneumonia/3 -> bronchopneumonias
broodthaer/3 -> broodthaers
broter/3 -> broters
brown-earth/3 -> brown-earths
brownness/3 -> brownnesses
bruchid/3 -> bruchids
bruegel/3 -> bruegels
brulart/3 -> brularts
brunanburh/3 -> brunanburhs
brunnera/3 -> brunneras
brunnhilde/3 -> brunnhildes
brutalization/3 -> brutalizations
bryum/3 -> bryums
buba/3 -> bubas
bubble-bath/3 -> bubble-baths
bucker/3 -> buckers
bucklemaker/3 -> bucklemakers
buff-coat/3 -> buff-coats
bug-fix/3 -> bug-fixes
bugge/3 -> bugges
building-material/3 -> building-materials
buka/3 -> bukas
bulbul/3 -> bulbuls
bullbait/3 -> bullbaiting
bullete/3 -> bulleted
bullfighting/3 -> bullfightings
bullnose/3 -> bullnosing
bullock-cart/3 -> bullock-carts
bullr/3 -> bullring
bumbler/3 -> bumblers
bumblesnout/3 -> bumblesnouts
bumptiousness/3 -> bumptiousnesses
bura/3 -> buras
bureacracy/3 -> bureacracies
burhinidae/3 -> burhinidaes
burmp/3 -> burmps
bush-hat/3 -> bush-hats
bushwhack/3 -> bushwhacking,bushwhacked,bushwhacks
business-cycle/3 -> business-cycles
business-man/3 -> business-men
busy-body/3 -> busy-bodies
butt-end/3 -> butt-ends
butt-indicator/3 -> butt-indicators
butterbur/3 -> butterburs
butterfinger/3 -> butterfingers
buttermake/3 -> buttermaking
buy-up/3 -> buy-ups
byegone/3 -> byegones
byplay/3 -> byplays
c-ra/3 -> c-ras
c-word/3 -> c-words
c.m./3 -> c.m.s
ca-unicent/3 -> ca-unicenter
cabala/3 -> cabalas
cabbala/3 -> cabbalas
cabdriver/3 -> cabdrivers
cabinetmake/3 -> cabinetmaking
cable-cutter/3 -> cable-cutters
cacoethes/3 -> cacoethess
caffer/3 -> caffers
caiman/3 -> caimen
cake-hole/3 -> cake-holes
calabash/3 -> calabashes
calathea/3 -> calatheas
calcination/3 -> calcinations
caliber/3 -> calibers
calk/3 -> calking,calks,calked
calleja/3 -> callejas
callisto/3 -> callistoes
camarade/3 -> camarades
camp-agonist/3 -> camp-agonists
camping-stove/3 -> camping-stoves
canadien/3 -> canadiens
canaliculus/3 -> canaliculuss
cancan/3 -> cancans
cancrizan/3 -> cancrizans
candican/3 -> candicans
candle-end/3 -> candle-ends
canful/3 -> canfuls
cantarist/3 -> cantarists
cantle/3 -> cantles
capful/3 -> capfuls
cappadocia/3 -> cappadocias
caprimulgidae/3 -> caprimulgidaes
capsizing/3 -> capsizings
car-component/3 -> car-components
carabid/3 -> carabids
carbamate/3 -> carbamates
carburet/3 -> carburetted,carburets,carburetting
card-issuer/3 -> card-issuers
card-sharp/3 -> card-sharps
cardamine/3 -> cardamines
cardena/3 -> cardenas
carder/3 -> carders
cardine/3 -> cardines
cardiogram/3 -> cardiograms
cardioid/3 -> cardioids
carent/3 -> carents
carinate/3 -> carinated
carolinian/3 -> carolinians
carome/3 -> caromed
carper/3 -> carpers
carpet-bagger/3 -> carpet-baggers
carrither/3 -> carrithers
carrousel/3 -> carrousels
cartouch/3 -> cartouches
cartulary/3 -> cartularies
carucate/3 -> carucates
cascara/3 -> cascaras
case-definition/3 -> case-definitions
case-note/3 -> case-notes
cassette-tape/3 -> cassette-tapes
castlefield/3 -> castlefields
castroite/3 -> castroites
cat-o'-nine-tail/3 -> cat-o'-nine-tails
catagory/3 -> catagories
catalanist/3 -> catalanists
catastrophise/3 -> catastrophising
catechin/3 -> catechins
cathect/3 -> cathected,cathecting
cattle-truck/3 -> cattle-trucks
cauda/3 -> caudas
caught-and-bowled/3 -> caught-and-bowleds
caulker/3 -> caulkers
caulophyllum/3 -> caulophyllums
caur/3 -> caurs
cave-mouth/3 -> cave-mouths
cedista/3 -> cedistas
ceiba/3 -> ceibas
cell-death/3 -> cell-deaths
cendres-noire/3 -> cendres-noires
centering/3 -> centerings
centraliser/3 -> centralisers
centre-fold/3 -> centre-folds
cephalapsid/3 -> cephalapsids
ceque/3 -> ceques
ceratopteris/3 -> ceratopteriss
cercaria/3 -> cercarias
cereale/3 -> cereales
cerebration/3 -> cerebrations
cernunno/3 -> cernunnos
cero/3 -> ceroes
cerrado/3 -> cerrados
ceryle/3 -> ceryles
cesium/3 -> cesiums
cess-pit/3 -> cess-pits
cetacea/3 -> cetaceas
cevallo/3 -> cevallos
chair-arm/3 -> chair-arms
chaircover/3 -> chaircovers,chaircovering
chait/3 -> chaits
chaldean/3 -> chaldeans
chaldee/3 -> chaldees
champion-ship/3 -> champion-ships
champollion/3 -> champollions
chancellory/3 -> chancellories
changan/3 -> changans
change-agent/3 -> change-agents
change-point/3 -> change-points
changelessness/3 -> changelessnesses
chapatti/3 -> chapattis
chappen/3 -> chappens
characia/3 -> characias
chargecap/3 -> chargecapped,chargecaps
chariot-team/3 -> chariot-teams
charle/3 -> charles
charlock/3 -> charlocks
chart-maker/3 -> chart-makers
chaume/3 -> chaumes
chauss/3 -> chausses
cheapjack/3 -> cheapjacks
chear/3 -> chearing
check-flight/3 -> check-flights
cheddar-type/3 -> cheddar-types
cheer-leader/3 -> cheer-leaders
chekov/3 -> chekovs
cheops/3 -> cheopss
chestnut-tree/3 -> chestnut-trees
chicha/3 -> chichas
chiefdom/3 -> chiefdoms
chieftainship/3 -> chieftainships
chiffonier/3 -> chiffoniers
chigoe/3 -> chigoes
chily/3 -> chilies,chilied
chlamydomona/3 -> chlamydomonas
chlorhexidine/3 -> chlorhexidines
chloromethane/3 -> chloromethanes
chlorophenol/3 -> chlorophenols
choinnich/3 -> choinnichs
chomper/3 -> chompers
christianisation/3 -> christianisations
chromocentre/3 -> chromocentres
chromomere/3 -> chromomeres
chromoprotein/3 -> chromoproteins
chrysalli/3 -> chrysallis
chrysolophus/3 -> chrysolophuss
chuch/3 -> chuches
chucker-out/3 -> chuckers-out
chungk/3 -> chungking
chunking/3 -> chunkings
church-ale/3 -> church-ales
church-tower/3 -> church-towers
churner/3 -> churners
chylde/3 -> chyldes
cicatrice/3 -> cicatrices
cidaroid/3 -> cidaroids
ciderhead/3 -> ciderheads
cigarette-card/3 -> cigarette-cards
cigarette-end/3 -> cigarette-ends
cigogne/3 -> cigognes
ciliata/3 -> ciliatas
circuit-board/3 -> circuit-boards
circuit-breaker/3 -> circuit-breakers
circuse/3 -> circuses
cit/3 -> cits
cittern/3 -> citterns
clam-galla/3 -> clam-gallas
clapper-board/3 -> clapper-boards
clart/3 -> clarts
class-mate/3 -> class-mates
class-name/3 -> class-names
classicize/3 -> classicizing,classicized,classicizes
clat/3 -> clatting
clavy/3 -> clavier
claw-mark/3 -> claw-marks
clayland/3 -> claylands
clean-sheet/3 -> clean-sheets
clearence/3 -> clearences
cleome/3 -> cleomes
clethrionomys/3 -> clethrionomyss
clews/3 -> clewss
clickety-click/3 -> clicksety-clicks
clientage/3 -> clientages
clintonian/3 -> clintonians
clip-joint/3 -> clip-joints
clippy/3 -> clippies
clocher/3 -> clochered
clonemaker/3 -> clonemakers
close-out/3 -> close-outs
clotho/3 -> clothoes
cloud-cuckoo-land/3 -> cloud-cuckoo-lands
cloud-shape/3 -> cloud-shapes
cloud-top/3 -> cloud-tops
cloudlet/3 -> cloudlets
cloudwatcher/3 -> cloudwatchers
club-head/3 -> club-heads
clubfoot/3 -> clubfeet
clubmaker/3 -> clubmakers
co-act/3 -> co-acting
co-adapt/3 -> co-adapted
co-direct/3 -> co-directed
co-discoverer/3 -> co-discoverers
co-express/3 -> co-expressed
co-finance/3 -> co-financed
co-immunoprecipitate/3 -> co-immunoprecipitates,co-immunoprecipitated
co-member/3 -> co-members
co-migrate/3 -> co-migrating,co-migrated,co-migrates
co-optee/3 -> co-optees
co-respondent/3 -> co-respondents
co-therapist/3 -> co-therapists
co-villager/3 -> co-villagers
coachbuild/3 -> coachbuilding
coachliner/3 -> coachliners
coal-shed/3 -> coal-sheds
coal-tip/3 -> coal-tips
coalowner/3 -> coalowners
coarn/3 -> coarns
coat-hook/3 -> coat-hooks
coati/3 -> coatis
coats-of-arm/3 -> coats-of-arms
coba/3 -> cobas
cobnut/3 -> cobnuts
cock-a-leekie/3 -> cock-a-leekies
cocksfoot/3 -> cocksfeet
coculture/3 -> cocultures,cocultured
codecent/3 -> codecenter
codifier/3 -> codifiers
coeffficient/3 -> coeffficients
coeur/3 -> coeurs
cofounder/3 -> cofounders
coinfect/3 -> coinfected
coinshoot/3 -> coinshooting
cojone/3 -> cojones
cold-sore/3 -> cold-sores
coldheart/3 -> coldhearted
colemanball/3 -> colemanballs
collectivise/3 -> collectivised
collery/3 -> colleries
collodion/3 -> collodions
collograph/3 -> collographs
colono/3 -> colonos
colorimetry/3 -> colorimetries
colourwash/3 -> colourwashing,colourwashed
columbarium/3 -> columbariums
comag/3 -> comags
comanch/3 -> comanches
combretaceae/3 -> combretaceaes
comedy-ballet/3 -> comedy-ballets
comeliness/3 -> comelinesses
comenius/3 -> comeniuss
comestible/3 -> comestibles
comittee/3 -> comittees
commer/3 -> commers
commisioner/3 -> commisioners
companion-in-arm/3 -> companion-in-arms
competitive-strength/3 -> competitive-strengths
complementiser/3 -> complementisers
comptonia/3 -> comptonias
computer-maker/3 -> computer-makers
computer-service/3 -> computer-services
computilliterate/3 -> computilliterates
conceede/3 -> conceedes
concert-master/3 -> concert-masters
conciliarist/3 -> conciliarists
concrete-mixer/3 -> concrete-mixers
conern/3 -> conerning
conestoga/3 -> conestogas
confect/3 -> confected,confects,confecting
confectionary/3 -> confectionaries
conflan/3 -> conflans
confutation/3 -> confutations
congest/3 -> congests,congested,congesting
congregating/3 -> congregatings
conque/3 -> conques
consejo/3 -> consejos
conservativism/3 -> conservativisms
consistence/3 -> consistences
consoler/3 -> consolers
consumate/3 -> consumated
contact-tracer/3 -> contact-tracers
contrabass/3 -> contrabasses
contraceptor/3 -> contraceptors
contriving/3 -> contrivings
controle/3 -> controling
contry/3 -> contries
conulariid/3 -> conulariids
conventionalize/3 -> conventionalized,conventionalizes,conventionalizing
conventioneer/3 -> conventioneers
converger/3 -> convergers
cony/3 -> conies
cook-off/3 -> cook-offs
cook-pot/3 -> cook-pots
cookery-book/3 -> cookery-books
coont/3 -> coonts
copenhagener/3 -> copenhageners
copiousness/3 -> copiousnesses
copperhead/3 -> copperheads
copperware/3 -> copperwares
coprophagia/3 -> coprophagias
copy-number/3 -> copy-numbers
copytaker/3 -> copytakers
cordaite/3 -> cordaites
corn-field/3 -> corn-fields
cornstalk/3 -> cornstalks
corporeality/3 -> corporealities
corregidor/3 -> corregidors
corrugate/3 -> corrugating,corrugates,corrugated
corselet/3 -> corselets
corve/3 -> corves
cosmogony/3 -> cosmogonies
cossin/3 -> cossins
cossy/3 -> cossies
coste/3 -> costes
cotton-spinner/3 -> cotton-spinners
cougher/3 -> coughers
counter-act/3 -> counter-acted
counter-assertion/3 -> counter-assertions
counter-attitude/3 -> counter-attitudes
counter-change/3 -> counter-changes
counter-counter-theme/3 -> counter-counter-themes
counter-coup/3 -> counter-coups
counter-move/3 -> counter-moves
counter-order/3 -> counter-orders
counter-parallelism/3 -> counter-parallelisms
counter-pressure/3 -> counter-pressures
counter-science/3 -> counter-sciences
counter-subject/3 -> counter-subjects
counter-tactic/3 -> counter-tactics
counter-tendency/3 -> counter-tendencies
countercheck/3 -> counterchecks
counterespionage/3 -> counterespionages
countermarch/3 -> countermarched,countermarches,countermarching
countermove/3 -> countermoves
counterplay/3 -> counterplays
countershade/3 -> countershading
countershock/3 -> countershocks
countertop/3 -> countertops
country-dweller/3 -> country-dwellers
court-case/3 -> court-cases
courtisane/3 -> courtisanes
courvoisy/3 -> courvoisier
cover-girl/3 -> cover-girls
cowbird/3 -> cowbirds
cowcatcher/3 -> cowcatchers
cowhand/3 -> cowhands
coziness/3 -> cozinesses
crab-cake/3 -> crab-cakes
crabeater/3 -> crabeaters
crabmeat/3 -> crabmeats
craft-worker/3 -> craft-workers
craftart/3 -> craftarts
craftman/3 -> craftmen
cragsman/3 -> cragsmen
crambe/3 -> crambes
crape/3 -> crapes
crash-land/3 -> crash-lands
crassiden/3 -> crassidens
crawlaway/3 -> crawlaways
creaminess/3 -> creaminesses
creaseline/3 -> creaselines
credit-rater/3 -> credit-raters
creditman/3 -> creditmen
crescendoe/3 -> crescendoed,crescendoes
cribben/3 -> cribbens
crime-rate/3 -> crime-rates
criollo/3 -> criollos
cristalize/3 -> cristalized
crop-sprayer/3 -> crop-sprayers
croque/3 -> croques
croslet/3 -> croslets
cross-art/3 -> cross-arts
cross-classification/3 -> cross-classifications
cross-compiler/3 -> cross-compilers
cross-directorship/3 -> cross-directorships
cross-dress/3 -> cross-dresses
cross-eye/3 -> cross-eyes
cross-member/3 -> cross-members
cross-plot/3 -> cross-plots
cross-strait/3 -> cross-straits
cross-term/3 -> cross-terms
cross-way/3 -> cross-ways
crossen/3 -> crossens
crossgate/3 -> crossgates
crosshair/3 -> crosshairs
crossness/3 -> crossnesses
crossopterygii/3 -> crossopterygiis
croud/3 -> crouds
crouse/3 -> crouses
croustade/3 -> croustades
crua/3 -> cruas
crubeen/3 -> crubeens
cruciferae/3 -> cruciferaes
crug/3 -> crugs
cruise-missile/3 -> cruise-missiles
crupper/3 -> cruppers
cryohydrate/3 -> cryohydrates
cryptology/3 -> cryptologies
crystalloid/3 -> crystalloids
cuculus/3 -> cuculuss
cuerva/3 -> cuervas
cuirassier/3 -> cuirassiers
cukc/3 -> cukcs
cupper/3 -> cuppers
curetting/3 -> curettings
curialist/3 -> curialists
curiosa/3 -> curiosas
curling-tong/3 -> curling-tongs
cuscuta/3 -> cuscutas
cush/3 -> cushing
cussing/3 -> cussings
cut-in/3 -> cut-ins
cutdown/3 -> cutdowns
cuty/3 -> cuties
cyberman/3 -> cybermen
cyborge/3 -> cyborged
cyclade/3 -> cyclades
cyclamate/3 -> cyclamates
cyclope/3 -> cyclopes
cyclothymia/3 -> cyclothymias
cyco/3 -> cycos
cyprinid/3 -> cyprinids
cystectomy/3 -> cystectomies
cytisus/3 -> cytisuss
cytogenetics/3 -> cytogeneticss
cytokeratin/3 -> cytokeratins
cytologist/3 -> cytologists
cytophotometry/3 -> cytophotometries
dable/3 -> dables
dabr/3 -> dabrs
dachstein/3 -> dachsteins
dacite/3 -> dacites
daintee/3 -> daintees
daise/3 -> daises
dakopatt/3 -> dakopatts
dama/3 -> damas
damange/3 -> damanged,damanges
damnd/3 -> damndest
dance-form/3 -> dance-forms
danelectro/3 -> danelectros
dangereuse/3 -> dangereuses
danton/3 -> dantons
daoist/3 -> daoists
dard/3 -> dards
darkle/3 -> darkling
data-cube/3 -> data-cubes
datacorder/3 -> datacorders
datasheet/3 -> datasheets
datasystem/3 -> datasystems
datatype/3 -> datatypes
dataview/3 -> dataviews
daubing/3 -> daubings
daucus/3 -> daucuss
daughter-city/3 -> daughter-cities
day-dreamer/3 -> day-dreamers
day-worker/3 -> day-workers
de-accession/3 -> de-accessioned,de-accessioning
de-centr/3 -> de-centring,de-centred
de-centralise/3 -> de-centralising
de-claw/3 -> de-clawing,de-clawed
de-gass/3 -> de-gassing,de-gassed
de-hospitalize/3 -> de-hospitalized,de-hospitalizing
de-merit/3 -> de-merits
de-politicise/3 -> de-politicising
de-rail/3 -> de-railed
de-recognize/3 -> de-recognizing
de-stalinisation/3 -> de-stalinisations
de-stress/3 -> de-stressing
deadbolt/3 -> deadbolts
deadeye/3 -> deadeyes
deadliness/3 -> deadlinesses
deanship/3 -> deanships
death-gene/3 -> death-genes
debark/3 -> debarking,debarks,debarked
debenture-holder/3 -> debenture-holders
debris-flow/3 -> debris-flows
debt-holder/3 -> debt-holders
decame/3 -> decamer
decan/3 -> decans
decarbonise/3 -> decarbonising,decarbonised
decipherment/3 -> decipherments
decision-make/3 -> decision-making
decisionmaker/3 -> decisionmakers
declair/3 -> declairs
decomposer/3 -> decomposers
decontextualize/3 -> decontextualized
decriminalization/3 -> decriminalizations
decurve/3 -> decurved
decussate/3 -> decussated,decussates,decussating
deepend/3 -> deepends
deer-stealer/3 -> deer-stealers
defectiveness/3 -> defectivenesses
defencelessness/3 -> defencelessnesses
deficience/3 -> deficiences
defrock/3 -> defrocking,defrocked,defrocks
degass/3 -> degassing,degassed
degaussing/3 -> degaussings
deglamorise/3 -> deglamorised,deglamorising
deglaze/3 -> deglazing
dehiscence/3 -> dehiscences
dehydrator/3 -> dehydrators
dehydrogenation/3 -> dehydrogenations
deimos/3 -> deimoss
deioniser/3 -> deionisers
deiter/3 -> deiters
dek/3 -> deks
delink/3 -> delinked,delinking
deliquesce/3 -> deliquescing,deliquesces,deliquesced
delorme/3 -> delormes
delver/3 -> delvers
demagnetization/3 -> demagnetizations
demidov/3 -> demidovs
demineralisation/3 -> demineralisations
democrate/3 -> democrates
demosthene/3 -> demosthenes
demotivator/3 -> demotivators
demurral/3 -> demurrals
denaturalize/3 -> denaturalizing,denaturalizes,denaturalized
dendrobium/3 -> dendrobiums
dendrogram/3 -> dendrograms
dendroid/3 -> dendroids
dendrologist/3 -> dendrologists
denitrify/3 -> denitrified,denitrifies,denitrifying
denominationalism/3 -> denominationalisms
denouncement/3 -> denouncements
dentelle/3 -> dentelles
deoxycytidine/3 -> deoxycytidines
deoxygenate/3 -> deoxygenated,deoxygenating
deoxynucleotide/3 -> deoxynucleotides
depit/3 -> depitting
depolarizer/3 -> depolarizers
depoliticise/3 -> depoliticised
deposit-taker/3 -> deposit-takers
dermaptera/3 -> dermapteras
derwentwate/3 -> derwentwater
desaparecido/3 -> desaparecidos
desaturase/3 -> desaturases
descibe/3 -> descibing,descibed
description-type/3 -> description-types
desensitization/3 -> desensitizations
desir/3 -> desirs
despiser/3 -> despisers
dessertspoonful/3 -> dessertspoonfuls
destructibility/3 -> destructibilities
detangle/3 -> detangles
deterrer/3 -> deterrers
devaluing/3 -> devaluings
devil-worshipper/3 -> devil-worshippers
devolutionist/3 -> devolutionists
devoutness/3 -> devoutnesses
dew-drop/3 -> dew-drops
dhurry/3 -> dhurries
di'/3 -> di'ing
diabetologist/3 -> diabetologists
diapir/3 -> diapirs
dichloride/3 -> dichlorides
dick-tionary/3 -> dick-tionaries
dicot/3 -> dicots
dictyoptera/3 -> dictyopteras
dicy/3 -> diciest
diesel-engine/3 -> diesel-engines
differentia/3 -> differentias
diffractometer/3 -> diffractometers
digitalise/3 -> digitalised
dildoe/3 -> dildoes
dingoe/3 -> dingoes
dinkin/3 -> dinkins
diodon/3 -> diodons
diodoro/3 -> diodoros
dionysia/3 -> dionysias
dionyso/3 -> dionysos
diploblast/3 -> diploblasts
diplomonad/3 -> diplomonads
diplotene/3 -> diplotenes
dipteran/3 -> dipterans
dipterocarpaceae/3 -> dipterocarpaceaes
dipteryx/3 -> dipteryxes
disaccharidase/3 -> disaccharidases
disaffinity/3 -> disaffinities
disaffore/3 -> disafforest
discommode/3 -> discommoded,discommodes,discommoding
discor/3 -> discors
disgustingness/3 -> disgustingnesses
dishtowel/3 -> dishtowels
disinv/3 -> disinvest
disorderliness/3 -> disorderlinesses
dispute-settlement/3 -> dispute-settlements
dissatisify/3 -> dissatisified
dissention/3 -> dissentions
dissymmetry/3 -> dissymmetries
distanciation/3 -> distanciations
distich/3 -> distiches
diverger/3 -> divergers
diverseness/3 -> diversenesses
divisionalize/3 -> divisionalized
dixieland/3 -> dixielands
dne/3 -> dnes
doby/3 -> dobies
docudrama/3 -> docudramas
dog-lead/3 -> dog-leads
dogmatist/3 -> dogmatists
dolgan/3 -> dolgans
dolichos/3 -> dolichoss
dolor/3 -> dolors
donar/3 -> donars
doner/3 -> doners
donkeyman/3 -> donkeymen
donnee/3 -> donnees
dont/3 -> donts
donzel/3 -> donzels
dool/3 -> dooling
dooryard/3 -> dooryards
dormition/3 -> dormitions
doryphoro/3 -> doryphoros
dotard/3 -> dotards
dotheboy/3 -> dotheboys
dotting/3 -> dottings
double-neck/3 -> double-necks
doublecheck/3 -> doublechecked
doucette/3 -> doucettes
dove-tail/3 -> dove-tailing
dowdiness/3 -> dowdinesses
down-swing/3 -> down-swings
downgo/3 -> downgoing
doxycycline/3 -> doxycyclines
doy/3 -> doies
dprk/3 -> dprks
draba/3 -> drabas
drag-lift/3 -> drag-lifts
draggle/3 -> draggled,draggles,draggling
dragon-rider/3 -> dragon-riders
drain-hole/3 -> drain-holes
dramaturgy/3 -> dramaturgies
drawbar/3 -> drawbars
drdo/3 -> drdos
dream-interpretation/3 -> dream-interpretations
dreame/3 -> dreames
driblet/3 -> driblets
drive-hole/3 -> drive-holes
drollery/3 -> drolleries
droog/3 -> droogs
drop-kick/3 -> drop-kicks
drop-zone/3 -> drop-zones
dropshaft/3 -> dropshafts
drug-smuggler/3 -> drug-smugglers
drum-beat/3 -> drum-beats
drumhead/3 -> drumheads
drumskin/3 -> drumskins
drydock/3 -> drydocked,drydocks,drydocking
dryopithecine/3 -> dryopithecines
drypoint/3 -> drypoints
dubiety/3 -> dubieties
dumbell/3 -> dumbells
dumpster/3 -> dumpsters
dumuzi/3 -> dumuzis
dune-buggy/3 -> dune-buggies
duneland/3 -> dunelands
dungey/3 -> dungeys
dunt/3 -> dunts
durazzo/3 -> durazzoes
durn/3 -> durning
durre/3 -> durres
dust-bin/3 -> dust-bins
dust-heap/3 -> dust-heaps
dust-storm/3 -> dust-storms
dyarchy/3 -> dyarchies
dye-works/3 -> dye-workss
dyker/3 -> dykers
dyn/3 -> dyns
dynamize/3 -> dynamized
dynamometer/3 -> dynamometers
dysdercus/3 -> dysdercuss
dysrhythmia/3 -> dysrhythmias
e-boat/3 -> e-boats
e-fact/3 -> e-facts
e-grade/3 -> e-grades
e-number/3 -> e-numbers
e-word/3 -> e-words
ear-flap/3 -> ear-flaps
ear-phone/3 -> ear-phones
eare/3 -> eares
earhart/3 -> earharts
earliness/3 -> earlinesses
earlock/3 -> earlocks
early-hour/3 -> early-hours
earth-/3 -> earth-s
earth-mover/3 -> earth-movers
earthlet/3 -> earthlets
earwax/3 -> earwaxes
easterne/3 -> easterner
easting/3 -> eastings
eblis/3 -> ebliss
ecclesiarch/3 -> ecclesiarchs
echinacea/3 -> echinaceas
echinodermata/3 -> echinodermatas
echo-sounder/3 -> echo-sounders
echocardiogram/3 -> echocardiograms
echocardiograph/3 -> echocardiographs
eclat/3 -> eclats
eco-freak/3 -> eco-freaks
ecotourism/3 -> ecotourisms
edgewood/3 -> edgewoods
editorialist/3 -> editorialists
effet/3 -> effets
effulgence/3 -> effulgences
effuse/3 -> effused,effuses,effusing
egc/3 -> egcs
egg-sac/3 -> egg-sacs
eggscit/3 -> eggsciting
egle/3 -> egles
eight-pounder/3 -> eight-pounders
eightsome/3 -> eightsomes
elbowing/3 -> elbowings
eldership/3 -> elderships
electroencephalograph/3 -> electroencephalographs
electrofish/3 -> electrofished
electroly/3 -> electrolier
electroporate/3 -> electroporated,electroporating
electroretinogram/3 -> electroretinograms
electrostatics/3 -> electrostaticss
elf-lock/3 -> elf-locks
elint/3 -> elints
ellipt/3 -> ellipted
elsevy/3 -> elsevier
elymus/3 -> elymuss
embalmment/3 -> embalmments
embarass/3 -> embarassed,embarassing
emblement/3 -> emblements
embroilment/3 -> embroilments
emissivity/3 -> emissivities
emmission/3 -> emmissions
empedocles/3 -> empedocless
empty-hand/3 -> empty-handed
enarque/3 -> enarques
encaustic/3 -> encaustics
encoun-ter/3 -> encoun-tered
encruster/3 -> encrusters
end-wall/3 -> end-walls
endopleurite/3 -> endopleurites
energizer/3 -> energizers
enfantin/3 -> enfantins
engagement-ring/3 -> engagement-rings
enginer/3 -> enginering
eniwetok/3 -> eniwetoks
enlisting/3 -> enlistings
ensaimada/3 -> ensaimadas
entelechy/3 -> entelechies
entering/3 -> enterings
entity-identifier/3 -> entity-identifiers
entity-type/3 -> entity-types
entrapping/3 -> entrappings
entry-version/3 -> entry-versions
entryway/3 -> entryways
envelopment/3 -> envelopments
envisioning/3 -> envisionings
enwrap/3 -> enwrapped,enwraps,enwrapping
eoz/3 -> eozs
epaminonda/3 -> epaminondas
epheso/3 -> ephesos
epho/3 -> ephos
epicycloid/3 -> epicycloids
epidermidi/3 -> epidermidis
epilator/3 -> epilators
episcopalianism/3 -> episcopalianisms
epistaxis/3 -> epistaxes
erastianism/3 -> erastianisms
erding/3 -> erdinger
erecting/3 -> erectings
erembald/3 -> erembalds
ergodynamic/3 -> ergodynamics
ericaceae/3 -> ericaceaes
erinaceus/3 -> erinaceuss
eris/3 -> eriss
erivan/3 -> erivans
erme/3 -> ermes
eroticize/3 -> eroticized
erotism/3 -> erotisms
escallop/3 -> escallops,escalloping,escalloped
escapology/3 -> escapologies
eschscholzia/3 -> eschscholzias
essentialize/3 -> essentialized
estaminet/3 -> estaminets
estorbo/3 -> estorbos
eszterha/3 -> eszterhas
etymon/3 -> etymons
eude/3 -> eudes
eumenides/3 -> eumenidess
euphue/3 -> euphues
euro-christian/3 -> euro-christians
euro-constituency/3 -> euro-constituencies
euro-fanatic/3 -> euro-fanatics
euro-federalist/3 -> euro-federalists
euro-market/3 -> euro-markets
euro-pessimist/3 -> euro-pessimists
euro-scare/3 -> euro-scares
euroissue/3 -> euroissues
europeanise/3 -> europeanised
europeanization/3 -> europeanizations
eurosite/3 -> eurosites
evangel/3 -> evangels
ever-green/3 -> ever-greens
ever-wide/3 -> ever-wider
everchang/3 -> everchanging
everyf/3 -> everyfing
eveyth/3 -> eveything
ex-addict/3 -> ex-addicts
ex-art/3 -> ex-arts
ex-blue/3 -> ex-blues
ex-cadet/3 -> ex-cadets
ex-captain/3 -> ex-captains
ex-catholic/3 -> ex-catholics
ex-colonel/3 -> ex-colonels
ex-contra/3 -> ex-contras
ex-dragon/3 -> ex-dragons
ex-eastender/3 -> ex-eastenders
ex-guerrilla/3 -> ex-guerrillas
ex-hacker/3 -> ex-hackers
ex-inmate/3 -> ex-inmates
ex-manorian/3 -> ex-manorians
ex-marxist/3 -> ex-marxists
ex-para/3 -> ex-paras
ex-ranger/3 -> ex-rangers
ex-resister/3 -> ex-resisters
ex-secretary/3 -> ex-secretaries
ex-user/3 -> ex-users
ex-walker/3 -> ex-walkers
exercise-book/3 -> exercise-books
exfoliant/3 -> exfoliants
exhange/3 -> exhanged
exhaust-pipe/3 -> exhaust-pipes
exhilarate/3 -> exhilarates,exhilarating,exhilarated
exhorter/3 -> exhorters
exopterygote/3 -> exopterygotes
expansivity/3 -> expansivities
expatriation/3 -> expatriations
expectorant/3 -> expectorants
exquisiteness/3 -> exquisitenesses
exserviceman/3 -> exservicemen
exteriorize/3 -> exteriorized,exteriorizing
extortioner/3 -> extortioners
extraditable/3 -> extraditables
extraordinariness/3 -> extraordinarinesses
extravagence/3 -> extravagences
exulan/3 -> exulans
eye-glass/3 -> eye-glasses
eyedrop/3 -> eyedrops
face-off/3 -> face-offs
facepack/3 -> facepacks
facer/3 -> facers
facist/3 -> facists
faee/3 -> faees
fagot/3 -> fagots
fagus/3 -> faguss
faider/3 -> faiders
faint-heart/3 -> faint-hearts
faintheart/3 -> fainthearted,fainthearts
fakery/3 -> fakeries
faking/3 -> fakings
falkner/3 -> falkners
fallguy/3 -> fallguys
fals/3 -> falser,falsest
fan-belt/3 -> fan-belts
fance/3 -> fanced
fanjet/3 -> fanjets
fanshaw/3 -> fanshaws
farge/3 -> farged
farmsteading/3 -> farmsteadings
farran/3 -> farrans
fast-bowler/3 -> fast-bowlers
fauld/3 -> faulds
fauvist/3 -> fauvists
feature-value/3 -> feature-values
fechner/3 -> fechners
feddan/3 -> feddans
feeding-stuff/3 -> feeding-stuffs
feet/3 -> feets
feld/3 -> felds
feldene/3 -> feldenes
feldgendarman/3 -> feldgendarmen
fell-runner/3 -> fell-runners
fellation/3 -> fellations
feller-me-lad/3 -> feller-me-lads
fellow-christian/3 -> fellow-christians
fellow-commoner/3 -> fellow-commoners
fellow-conspirator/3 -> fellow-conspirators
fellow-councillor/3 -> fellow-councillors
fellow-creature/3 -> fellow-creatures
fellow-irishman/3 -> fellow-irishmen
fellow-pupil/3 -> fellow-pupils
fellowman/3 -> fellowmen
felltop/3 -> felltops
fellwalk/3 -> fellwalking
feminise/3 -> feminised,feminising
fencepost/3 -> fenceposts
fenestra/3 -> fenestras
fenestrate/3 -> fenestrated,fenestrates
fernland/3 -> fernlands
fervency/3 -> fervencies
fervor/3 -> fervors
fetich/3 -> fetiches
fetoscopy/3 -> fetoscopies
feuille/3 -> feuilles
ffore/3 -> fforest
fibbing/3 -> fibbings
fich/3 -> fiches
fictionalize/3 -> fictionalized,fictionalizes,fictionalizing
fiddle-faddle/3 -> fiddle-faddles
field-path/3 -> field-paths
field-test/3 -> field-tests,field-testing,field-tested
fieldgun/3 -> fieldguns
fieriness/3 -> fierinesses
fifteen-a-side/3 -> fifteen-a-sides
fifty-something/3 -> fifty-somethings
fig-leave/3 -> fig-leaves
figure-head/3 -> figure-heads
figwort/3 -> figworts
filemaker/3 -> filemakers
film-script/3 -> film-scripts
filoplume/3 -> filoplumes
fin-ray/3 -> fin-rays
finger-bowl/3 -> finger-bowls
fingerling/3 -> fingerlings
fingerstall/3 -> fingerstalls
fire-bucket/3 -> fire-buckets
fire-cult/3 -> fire-cults
fire-watcher/3 -> fire-watchers
firebug/3 -> firebugs
firecrew/3 -> firecrews
firedog/3 -> firedogs
firedoor/3 -> firedoors
firegrate/3 -> firegrates
firehouse/3 -> firehouses
firetrap/3 -> firetraps
firewatch/3 -> firewatching
first-fruit/3 -> first-fruits
first-nighter/3 -> first-nighters
fiscland/3 -> fisclands
fish-finger/3 -> fish-fingers
fish-net/3 -> fish-nets
five-aside/3 -> five-asides
five-nation/3 -> five-nations
five-years-old/3 -> five-years-olds
fixator/3 -> fixators
flabbiness/3 -> flabbinesses
flaoune/3 -> flaounes
flash-card/3 -> flash-cards
flashiness/3 -> flashinesses
flat-bottom/3 -> flat-bottoms
flat-dweller/3 -> flat-dwellers
flatpick/3 -> flatpicking
flea-market/3 -> flea-markets
fleahopper/3 -> fleahoppers
fleurs-de-ly/3 -> fleurs-de-lys
flip-chart/3 -> flip-charts
flower-garden/3 -> flower-gardens
flower-painting/3 -> flower-paintings
flowerb/3 -> flowerbed
fluffiness/3 -> fluffinesses
flurazepam/3 -> flurazepams
fly-cruise/3 -> fly-cruises
flyboat/3 -> flyboats
focalization/3 -> focalizations
fogge/3 -> fogges
foglight/3 -> foglights
folbot/3 -> folbots
fold-over/3 -> fold-overs
folivore/3 -> folivores
folk-belief/3 -> folk-beliefs
fonctionnaire/3 -> fonctionnaires
foot-pedal/3 -> foot-pedals
footb/3 -> footbed
footbath/3 -> footbaths
footle/3 -> footling,footles,footled
forcast/3 -> forcasts
fore-arm/3 -> fore-arms
fore-wing/3 -> fore-wings
forebode/3 -> foreboded,foreboding,forebodes
forecastle/3 -> forecastles
foremother/3 -> foremothers
forgac/3 -> forgacs
forgather/3 -> forgathered,forgathers,forgathering
forgemaster/3 -> forgemasters
forgoe/3 -> forgoes
forgoing/3 -> forgoings
fossick/3 -> fossicking
foster-/3 -> foster-ing
foster-brother/3 -> foster-brothers
fot/3 -> fotting
foulmouthe/3 -> foulmouthed
foundationer/3 -> foundationers
foundering/3 -> founderings
four-fifth/3 -> four-fifths
four-in-hand/3 -> four-in-hands
four-metre/3 -> four-metres
four-pinter/3 -> four-pinters
fourth-former/3 -> fourth-formers
fout/3 -> fouts
foward/3 -> fowarded
fower/3 -> fowers
fr.i/3 -> fr.is
frailness/3 -> frailnesses
framesmith/3 -> framesmiths
franchise-holder/3 -> franchise-holders
frate/3 -> frater
fredericksburg/3 -> fredericksburgs
free-associate/3 -> free-associates
free-loader/3 -> free-loaders
free-wheel/3 -> free-wheels
freefal/3 -> freefalling
freewoman/3 -> freewomen
freightcar/3 -> freightcars
freita/3 -> freitas
frequen/3 -> frequens
frequency-count/3 -> frequency-counts
fretsaw/3 -> fretsaws
frigg/3 -> friggs
frightfulness/3 -> frightfulnesses
frostiness/3 -> frostinesses
frotteur/3 -> frotteurs
frowner/3 -> frowners
fructification/3 -> fructifications
frug/3 -> frugging
fruit-tree/3 -> fruit-trees
fruitbowl/3 -> fruitbowls
fuckhead/3 -> fuckheads
fuel-dump/3 -> fuel-dumps
fuerza/3 -> fuerzas
fumigator/3 -> fumigators
fumitory/3 -> fumitories
fun-seeker/3 -> fun-seekers
funafuti/3 -> funafutis
fund-raise/3 -> fund-raising,fund-raises
funicle/3 -> funicles
funkster/3 -> funksters
funster/3 -> funsters
furler/3 -> furlers
furnaceman/3 -> furnacemen
furor/3 -> furors
furring/3 -> furrings
fusee/3 -> fusees
futurology/3 -> futurologies
fuz/3 -> fuzzed
fyr/3 -> fyrs
g-band/3 -> g-bands
g-bjh/3 -> g-bjhs
gaddi/3 -> gaddis
gade/3 -> gades
gadolinium/3 -> gadoliniums
gaile/3 -> gailes
gaillarde/3 -> gaillardes
gaillardia/3 -> gaillardias
gainesville/3 -> gainesvilles
galantine/3 -> galantines
gall-stone/3 -> gall-stones
galliard/3 -> galliards
gallinula/3 -> gallinulas
gallovadian/3 -> gallovadians
gallowglass/3 -> gallowglasses
galvanism/3 -> galvanisms
galwegian/3 -> galwegians
gamehead/3 -> gameheads
gamin/3 -> gamins
gamsabhava/3 -> gamsabhavas
gangbuddy/3 -> gangbuddies
gangbuster/3 -> gangbusters
garajau/3 -> garajaus
gargantua/3 -> gargantuas
garniture/3 -> garnitures
garrulity/3 -> garrulities
garrulousness/3 -> garrulousnesses
gas-guzzler/3 -> gas-guzzlers
gas-jet/3 -> gas-jets
gascogne/3 -> gascognes
gasherbrum/3 -> gasherbrums
gasify/3 -> gasified,gasifying,gasifies
gasolene/3 -> gasolenes
gassing/3 -> gassings
gasthau/3 -> gasthaus
gate-post/3 -> gate-posts
gaud/3 -> gauds
gaujo/3 -> gaujos
gauntlete/3 -> gauntleted
gauthy/3 -> gauthier
gawkiness/3 -> gawkinesses
gazania/3 -> gazanias
gearwheel/3 -> gearwheels
gebur/3 -> geburs
gedle/3 -> gedling
gee-gaw/3 -> gee-gaws
gehrig/3 -> gehrigs
genestealer/3 -> genestealers
gennelman/3 -> gennelmen
genteelism/3 -> genteelisms
geophagine/3 -> geophagines
geopolitic/3 -> geopolitics
germander/3 -> germanders
gershonite/3 -> gershonites
geryon/3 -> geryons
geta/3 -> getas
ghadame/3 -> ghadames
ghost-writer/3 -> ghost-writers
ghosty/3 -> ghosties
gibberellin/3 -> gibberellins
gibbicep/3 -> gibbiceps
gibbsite/3 -> gibbsites
gible/3 -> gibling
gigahertz/3 -> gigahertzs
gile/3 -> giles
gingernut/3 -> gingernuts
ginglymus/3 -> ginglymuss
gipy/3 -> gipies
girn/3 -> girned,girning
gismo/3 -> gismos
glabella/3 -> glabellas
glammy/3 -> glammier
glareola/3 -> glareolas
glassmake/3 -> glassmaking
glavkosmo/3 -> glavkosmos
glenoid/3 -> glenoids
glossiness/3 -> glossinesses
glottochronology/3 -> glottochronologies
glow-plug/3 -> glow-plugs
glucoside/3 -> glucosides
glue-line/3 -> glue-lines
glumness/3 -> glumnesses
glycan/3 -> glycans
glycosaminoglycan/3 -> glycosaminoglycans
glycosylate/3 -> glycosylated
gm-ed/3 -> gm-eds
goat-keeper/3 -> goat-keepers
goatkeeper/3 -> goatkeepers
goatsucker/3 -> goatsuckers
gobelin/3 -> gobelins
godde/3 -> goddes
godown/3 -> godowns
goffer/3 -> goffered,goffers,goffering
gold-prospector/3 -> gold-prospectors
goldfields/3 -> goldfieldss
goldfing/3 -> goldfinger
goldwate/3 -> goldwater
gole/3 -> goles
gonapophyse/3 -> gonapophyses
gone/3 -> gones
goniometer/3 -> goniometers
gop/3 -> gops
gorgonocephalus/3 -> gorgonocephaluss
gorse-bush/3 -> gorse-bushes
gosbeck/3 -> gosbecks
gossip-columnist/3 -> gossip-columnists
gossiper/3 -> gossipers
gotte/3 -> gottes
goujon/3 -> goujons
governer/3 -> governers
grackle/3 -> grackles
gramma/3 -> grammas
grandkid/3 -> grandkids
graphologist/3 -> graphologists
grappler/3 -> grapplers
grave-stone/3 -> grave-stones
greco-macedonian/3 -> greco-macedonians
greenspace/3 -> greenspaces
greff/3 -> greffs
grevillea/3 -> grevilleas
grey-suit/3 -> grey-suits
grinch/3 -> grinches
grise/3 -> grises
grisette/3 -> grisettes
grizzley/3 -> grizzleys
gromwell/3 -> gromwells
grooverider/3 -> grooveriders
grosbeak/3 -> grosbeaks
grotbag/3 -> grotbags
grotesquerie/3 -> grotesqueries
ground-sheet/3 -> ground-sheets
groundbreak/3 -> groundbreaking
groupement/3 -> groupements
groupuscule/3 -> groupuscules
grundfo/3 -> grundfos
gruyere/3 -> gruyeres
gruzzle/3 -> gruzzles
gs-ana/3 -> gs-anas
guaiacum/3 -> guaiacums
guan/3 -> guans
guanidine/3 -> guanidines
gueldre/3 -> gueldres
guesser/3 -> guessers
guidline/3 -> guidlines
guildswoman/3 -> guildswomen
guitar-maker/3 -> guitar-makers
gula/3 -> gulas
gumboil/3 -> gumboils
gumma/3 -> gummata
gun-carriage/3 -> gun-carriages
gun-dog/3 -> gun-dogs
gun-sloop/3 -> gun-sloops
gunbattle/3 -> gunbattles
gunrun/3 -> gunrunning
gunstone/3 -> gunstones
gurl/3 -> gurls
gut-feeling/3 -> gut-feelings
guttiferae/3 -> guttiferaes
gym-slip/3 -> gym-slips
gypsum-fibreboard/3 -> gypsum-fibreboards
h-block/3 -> h-blocks
h2-antagonist/3 -> h2-antagonists
habe/3 -> habes
habitue/3 -> habitues
hackette/3 -> hackettes
had/3 -> hads
haemagglutination/3 -> haemagglutinations
haemoptysis/3 -> haemoptyses
haemorrage/3 -> haemorraging
hair-pin/3 -> hair-pins
hair-ribbon/3 -> hair-ribbons
hair-spray/3 -> hair-sprays
hairshaft/3 -> hairshafts
haler/3 -> halers
halevy/3 -> halevies
half-barrel/3 -> half-barrels
half-beast/3 -> half-beasts
half-believe/3 -> half-believing,half-believed
half-boy/3 -> half-boys
half-canopy/3 -> half-canopies
half-cousin/3 -> half-cousins
half-define/3 -> half-defined
half-figure/3 -> half-figures
half-house/3 -> half-houses
half-match/3 -> half-matches
half-sentence/3 -> half-sentences
half-standard/3 -> half-standards
half-uncle/3 -> half-uncles
half-window/3 -> half-windows
half-yardland/3 -> half-yardlands
half-yardlander/3 -> half-yardlanders
halfbeak/3 -> halfbeaks
halfbred/3 -> halfbreds
halfcaste/3 -> halfcastes
haliaeetus/3 -> haliaeetuss
hallel/3 -> hallels
halobacterium/3 -> halobacteriums
hamadryad/3 -> hamadryads
haman/3 -> hamen
hand-ax/3 -> hand-axes
hand-setter/3 -> hand-setters
hand-stand/3 -> hand-stands
handicraftsman/3 -> handicraftsmen
hangare/3 -> hangared
hanglide/3 -> hangliding
happend/3 -> happending,happended,happends
happy-family/3 -> happy-families
harakiri/3 -> harakiris
hardhat/3 -> hardhats
hardhead/3 -> hardheaded
hardstaff/3 -> hardstaffs
harke/3 -> harkes
harlemation/3 -> harlemations
harlotry/3 -> harlotries
harmonizer/3 -> harmonizers
harp-string/3 -> harp-strings
harta/3 -> hartas
hartlepudlian/3 -> hartlepudlians
harum-scarum/3 -> harum-scarums
hasher/3 -> hashers
hasidim/3 -> hasidims
hastiness/3 -> hastinesses
hasting/3 -> hastings
hat-maker/3 -> hat-makers
have-been/3 -> have-beens
hawfinch/3 -> hawfinches
hawkshaw/3 -> hawkshaws
hawkweed/3 -> hawkweeds
haybox/3 -> hayboxes
haymeadow/3 -> haymeadows
hazardousness/3 -> hazardousnesses
hcmodule/3 -> hcmodules
headline-writer/3 -> headline-writers
headplate/3 -> headplates
headshake/3 -> headshaking
headwate/3 -> headwater
hearthstone/3 -> hearthstones
hedgebank/3 -> hedgebanks
hedgelay/3 -> hedgelaying
heinlein/3 -> heinleins
heliostat/3 -> heliostats
heliothis/3 -> heliothiss
helpe/3 -> helpes
hemidesmosome/3 -> hemidesmosomes
hemisegment/3 -> hemisegments
hero-god/3 -> hero-gods
herode/3 -> herodes
heronian/3 -> heronians
herrenvolk/3 -> herrenvolks
hesperus/3 -> hesperuss
heteranthera/3 -> heterantheras
heterodimerise/3 -> heterodimerised
hewa/3 -> hewas
hewkin/3 -> hewkins
hex-node/3 -> hex-nodes
heye/3 -> heyes
hi-re/3 -> hi-res
hiddenness/3 -> hiddennesses
hieracium/3 -> hieraciums
hierophant/3 -> hierophants
highball/3 -> highballs
hildr/3 -> hildred
hilum/3 -> hilums
hinderance/3 -> hinderances
hindgut/3 -> hindguts
hinke/3 -> hinkes
hip-joint/3 -> hip-joints
hippuroide/3 -> hippuroides
hispo/3 -> hispos
history-book/3 -> history-books
hma/3 -> hmas
hobelar/3 -> hobelars
hobyah/3 -> hobyahs
hocus-pocus/3 -> hocus-pocuss
hofman/3 -> hofmans
hogge/3 -> hogges
hohn/3 -> hohner
hold-back/3 -> hold-backs
hold-down/3 -> hold-downs
holer/3 -> holers
holstein-friesian/3 -> holstein-friesians
homebody/3 -> homebodies
homeguard/3 -> homeguards
homeopathist/3 -> homeopathists
homesteader/3 -> homesteaders
honde/3 -> hondes
honker/3 -> honkers
honky-tonk/3 -> honky-tonks
hoop-skirt/3 -> hoop-skirts
hoor/3 -> hoors
hopefull/3 -> hopefulls
hornswoggler/3 -> hornswogglers
horse-dropping/3 -> horse-droppings
horse-line/3 -> horse-lines
horse-ride/3 -> horse-riding
horsebreaker/3 -> horsebreakers
horsecart/3 -> horsecarts
hot-rodder/3 -> hot-rodders
hotel-keeper/3 -> hotel-keepers
hotter/3 -> hotters
houe/3 -> houes
hours/3 -> hourss
house-breaker/3 -> house-breakers
house-hold/3 -> house-holds
house-hunt/3 -> house-hunts
house-hunter/3 -> house-hunters
house-plant/3 -> house-plants
house-servant/3 -> house-servants
housebuyer/3 -> housebuyers
housepaint/3 -> housepaints
housetrain/3 -> housetrained,housetrains,housetraining
how-do-you-do/3 -> how-does-you-does
hrvatska/3 -> hrvatskas
htel/3 -> htels
huaca/3 -> huacas
hughese/3 -> hugheses
hulsdonck/3 -> hulsdoncks
humbuck/3 -> humbucking
humm/3 -> humms
humore/3 -> humored,humoring
humous/3 -> humouss
humulus/3 -> humuluss
hunting-field/3 -> hunting-fields
husband-hunting/3 -> husband-huntings
hydride/3 -> hydrides
hydrocyclone/3 -> hydrocyclones
hygeia/3 -> hygeias
hygienics/3 -> hygienicss
hyme/3 -> hymes
hymn-setting/3 -> hymn-settings
hymn-tune/3 -> hymn-tunes
hymnary/3 -> hymnaries
hype-merchant/3 -> hype-merchants
hyperaemia/3 -> hyperaemias
hyperextension/3 -> hyperextensions
hypersomnia/3 -> hypersomnias
hypno/3 -> hypnos
hypoplasia/3 -> hypoplasias
hypothecate/3 -> hypothecated,hypothecates,hypothecating
hypsometry/3 -> hypsometries
ibert/3 -> iberts
ice-skater/3 -> ice-skaters
icehouse/3 -> icehouses
ick/3 -> icks
icpe/3 -> icpes
ictalurus/3 -> ictaluruss
idamante/3 -> idamantes
ides/3 -> idess
idolator/3 -> idolators
idun/3 -> iduns
iglesia/3 -> iglesias
ikat/3 -> ikats
ilmen/3 -> ilmens
imbibing/3 -> imbibings
imbrication/3 -> imbrications
immunodiagnostic/3 -> immunodiagnostics
impastoe/3 -> impastoed
impregnability/3 -> impregnabilities
impressment/3 -> impressments
in-fight/3 -> in-fights
in-hour/3 -> in-hours
in-put/3 -> in-puts
inactivator/3 -> inactivators
inadvertency/3 -> inadvertencies
inanition/3 -> inanitions
inarch/3 -> inarching
inaro/3 -> inaros
incendiarism/3 -> incendiarisms
inchon/3 -> inchons
incoherency/3 -> incoherencies
incompressibility/3 -> incompressibilities
incorruption/3 -> incorruptions
indecorum/3 -> indecorums
indenter/3 -> indenters
indigoe/3 -> indigoes
indo-aryan/3 -> indo-aryans
indult/3 -> indults
industrial-relation/3 -> industrial-relations
inebriation/3 -> inebriations
ineffectualness/3 -> ineffectualnesses
inexactitude/3 -> inexactitudes
infecton/3 -> infectons
information-giver/3 -> information-givers
infotainment/3 -> infotainments
ingle-nook/3 -> ingle-nooks
ingression/3 -> ingressions
inhaling/3 -> inhalings
inhospitality/3 -> inhospitalities
inoculant/3 -> inoculants
ins-and-out/3 -> ins-and-outs
insect-eater/3 -> insect-eaters
insidiousness/3 -> insidiousnesses
inspirit/3 -> inspiriting,inspirited,inspirits
installationist/3 -> installationists
instantaneousness/3 -> instantaneousnesses
institutionalist/3 -> institutionalists
insulinoma/3 -> insulinomas
insurgence/3 -> insurgences
intelibot/3 -> intelibots
intellectualization/3 -> intellectualizations
intendency/3 -> intendencies
inter-glacial/3 -> inter-glacials
inter-link/3 -> inter-linked
interfluve/3 -> interfluves
interfuse/3 -> interfused
interiorise/3 -> interiorised,interiorising
interiorize/3 -> interiorized,interiorizing,interiorizes
interlacement/3 -> interlacements
intermixture/3 -> intermixtures
intial/3 -> intials
intuitionism/3 -> intuitionisms
inutile/3 -> inutiles
invigilation/3 -> invigilations
involuntariness/3 -> involuntarinesses
iontophoresis/3 -> iontophoreses
iquito/3 -> iquitos
iron-centre/3 -> iron-centres
iron-filing/3 -> iron-filings
ironwood/3 -> ironwoods
islandpresent/3 -> islandpresents
isoetes/3 -> isoetess
isopropanol/3 -> isopropanols
isozyme/3 -> isozymes
isr/3 -> isrs
italia/3 -> italias
itchiness/3 -> itchinesses
itemisation/3 -> itemisations
itwa/3 -> itwas
ivamy/3 -> ivamys
ivanauska/3 -> ivanauskas
ivy-leave/3 -> ivy-leaves
ixia/3 -> ixias
izenour/3 -> izenours
jackrock/3 -> jackrocks
jagiellonian/3 -> jagiellonians
jalapeno/3 -> jalapenoes
jarrell/3 -> jarrells
jasminoide/3 -> jasminoides
jaw-bone/3 -> jaw-bones
jenkinse/3 -> jenkinses
jennen/3 -> jennens
jennet/3 -> jennets
jeroboam/3 -> jeroboams
jerrican/3 -> jerricans
jessamine/3 -> jessamines
jet-engine/3 -> jet-engines
jetsetter/3 -> jetsetters
jetski/3 -> jetskiing
jiany/3 -> jianying
jicnar/3 -> jicnars
jiggler/3 -> jigglers
jinks/3 -> jinkss
job-seek/3 -> job-seeking
jock-strap/3 -> jock-straps
jogsuit/3 -> jogsuits
joist-hanger/3 -> joist-hangers
jokester/3 -> jokesters
jolley/3 -> jolleys
judiciaire/3 -> judiciaires
juglans/3 -> juglanss
juicer/3 -> juicers
jurat/3 -> jurats
justness/3 -> justnesses
kabano/3 -> kabanos
kahrila/3 -> kahrilas
kaluga/3 -> kalugas
kambyse/3 -> kambyses
kampong/3 -> kampongs
kark/3 -> karks
karl-marx-stadt/3 -> karl-marx-stadts
karstify/3 -> karstified
karyotyp/3 -> karyotyping
kasai/3 -> kasais
kaunas/3 -> kaunass
kazakstan/3 -> kazakstans
keiller/3 -> keillers
kekule/3 -> kekules
kellar/3 -> kellars
kepi/3 -> kepis
kere/3 -> keres
kerise/3 -> kerises
kesey/3 -> keseys
key-change/3 -> key-changes
key-fob/3 -> key-fobs
key-scheme/3 -> key-schemes
keyr/3 -> keyring
khalkha/3 -> khalkhas
khalsa/3 -> khalsas
kidny/3 -> kidnies
kieselguhr/3 -> kieselguhrs
kilderkin/3 -> kilderkins
kilojoule/3 -> kilojoules
kilonewton/3 -> kilonewtons
kino/3 -> kinoes
kiss-curl/3 -> kiss-curls
kist/3 -> kists
kitchen-maid/3 -> kitchen-maids
kite-flier/3 -> kite-fliers
kivell/3 -> kivells
kjoule/3 -> kjoules
klatch/3 -> klatches
kleist/3 -> kleists
kleisthene/3 -> kleisthenes
kleptomania/3 -> kleptomanias
kloster/3 -> klosters
knapweed/3 -> knapweeds
knee-boot/3 -> knee-boots
knee-breech/3 -> knee-breeches
knee-sock/3 -> knee-socks
knee-trembler/3 -> knee-tremblers
knid/3 -> knids
knife-carrier/3 -> knife-carriers
knobstick/3 -> knobsticks
knock-off/3 -> knock-offs
knot-hole/3 -> knot-holes
knothole/3 -> knotholes
knotweed/3 -> knotweeds
knout/3 -> knouts
koinonia/3 -> koinonias
kombinat/3 -> kombinats
koonse/3 -> koonses
koopman/3 -> koopmans
kopje/3 -> kopjes
korp/3 -> korps
kossack/3 -> kossacks
krem/3 -> krems
kuff/3 -> kuffs
kuyper/3 -> kuypers
kuznets/3 -> kuznetss
kwakiutl/3 -> kwakiutls
l-driver/3 -> l-drivers
labetalol/3 -> labetalols
labiodental/3 -> labiodentals
lable/3 -> lables
labroide/3 -> labroides
laccolith/3 -> laccoliths
lacedaemonian/3 -> lacedaemonians
lacemake/3 -> lacemaking
lacerta/3 -> lacertas
lach/3 -> laches
lahu/3 -> lahus
lammergeier/3 -> lammergeiers
lanai/3 -> lanais
land-drain/3 -> land-drains
land-girl/3 -> land-girls
langerhan/3 -> langerhans
langouste/3 -> langoustes
lantana/3 -> lantanas
lanto/3 -> lantos
lao-tse/3 -> lao-tses
lapel-badge/3 -> lapel-badges
laputan/3 -> laputans
lariat/3 -> lariats
larrea/3 -> larreas
larvicide/3 -> larvicides
laserprinter/3 -> laserprinters
lash-up/3 -> lash-ups
lassite/3 -> lassiter
lateen/3 -> lateens
latic/3 -> latics
latinism/3 -> latinisms
latke/3 -> latkes
laugh-line/3 -> laugh-lines
laugher/3 -> laughers
laughter-line/3 -> laughter-lines
lavel/3 -> lavelled
lavoisy/3 -> lavoisier
law-man/3 -> law-men
lay-up/3 -> lay-ups
laywoman/3 -> laywomen
lazarette/3 -> lazarettes
lazaretto/3 -> lazarettos
leader-writer/3 -> leader-writers
leading-note/3 -> leading-notes
leadwork/3 -> leadworks
leafcut/3 -> leafcutting
leafcutter/3 -> leafcutters
learning-curve/3 -> learning-curves
lease-lend/3 -> lease-lends
leasor/3 -> leasors
leatherback/3 -> leatherbacks
leba/3 -> lebas
leeke/3 -> leekes
legwarmer/3 -> legwarmers
lehr/3 -> lehrs
lemnos/3 -> lemnoss
lemure/3 -> lemures
lenity/3 -> lenities
leopardess/3 -> leopardesses
lepomis/3 -> lepomiss
leptospirosis/3 -> leptospiroses
lethe/3 -> lethes
letter-writ/3 -> letter-writing
letters/3 -> letterss
leukocytosis/3 -> leukocytoses
levittown/3 -> levittowns
levka/3 -> levkas
lewiston/3 -> lewistons
lewthwaite/3 -> lewthwaites
lexicology/3 -> lexicologies
lexigram/3 -> lexigrams
liao/3 -> liaos
library-collegian/3 -> library-collegians
lichenologist/3 -> lichenologists
liebfraumilch/3 -> liebfraumilches
life-giver/3 -> life-givers
life-science/3 -> life-sciences
life-skill/3 -> life-skills
life-year/3 -> life-years
liftoff/3 -> liftoffs
light-bearer/3 -> light-bearers
light-day/3 -> light-days
light-ray/3 -> light-rays
light-show/3 -> light-shows
lighterage/3 -> lighterages
lightstick/3 -> lightsticks
ligure/3 -> ligures
likening/3 -> likenings
lil-let/3 -> lil-lets
limite/3 -> limites
limnologist/3 -> limnologists
line-element/3 -> line-elements
linesider/3 -> linesiders
linguini/3 -> linguinis
lionize/3 -> lionized,lionizes,lionizing
lippe/3 -> lippes
liriodendron/3 -> liriodendrons
literalise/3 -> literalising,literalised
lithofacy/3 -> lithofacies
littorina/3 -> littorinas
live-bearer/3 -> live-bearers
lividity/3 -> lividities
load-shedding/3 -> load-sheddings
loaden/3 -> loadened
loafing/3 -> loafings
loan-word/3 -> loan-words
loaner/3 -> loaners
lobachevsky/3 -> lobachevskies
lobectomy/3 -> lobectomies
lobito/3 -> lobitoes
lock-picker/3 -> lock-pickers
lock-set/3 -> lock-sets
lockkeeper/3 -> lockkeepers
loddige/3 -> loddiges
loge/3 -> loges
logotype/3 -> logotypes
lollop/3 -> lollopped,lollops,lolloping,lolloped
long-bow/3 -> long-bows
long-leg/3 -> long-legs
long-player/3 -> long-players
longliner/3 -> longliners
longway/3 -> longways
looper/3 -> loopers
looy/3 -> looies
loranthaceae/3 -> loranthaceaes
lorazepam/3 -> lorazepams
lordliness/3 -> lordlinesses
lorise/3 -> lorises
loud-mouth/3 -> loud-mouths
lovedoll/3 -> lovedolls
loving-kindness/3 -> loving-kindnesses
low-latitude/3 -> low-latitudes
low-relief/3 -> low-reliefs
lubricator/3 -> lubricators
lucasfilm/3 -> lucasfilms
luctian/3 -> luctians
lude/3 -> ludes
luffa/3 -> luffas
luganda/3 -> lugandas
luggable/3 -> luggables
luggnuggian/3 -> luggnuggians
lumberman/3 -> lumbermen
lunger/3 -> lungers
lycida/3 -> lycidas
lycium/3 -> lyciums
lycoperdon/3 -> lycoperdons
lycopersicum/3 -> lycopersicums
lymphoctye/3 -> lymphoctyes
lymphoedema/3 -> lymphoedemas
m-word/3 -> m-words
macaca/3 -> macacas
mackem/3 -> mackems
macro-policy/3 -> macro-policies
macro-structure/3 -> macro-structures
macro-system/3 -> macro-systems
macroevolution/3 -> macroevolutions
madeiras/3 -> madeirass
magnetisation/3 -> magnetisations
magnetostatic/3 -> magnetostatics
maharani/3 -> maharanis
maiduguri/3 -> maiduguris
majestye/3 -> majestyes
make-weight/3 -> make-weights
makem/3 -> makems
malamud/3 -> malamuds
malaprop/3 -> malaprops
malariologist/3 -> malariologists
malteser/3 -> maltesers
malvasia/3 -> malvasias
man-child/3 -> man-children
man-hole/3 -> man-holes
man-servant/3 -> man-servants
mandocello/3 -> mandocellos
mandoline/3 -> mandolines
maneater/3 -> maneaters
manes/3 -> maness
mangelwurzel/3 -> mangelwurzels
manichaeanism/3 -> manichaeanisms
manihot/3 -> manihots
manoeuvering/3 -> manoeuverings
mantinea/3 -> mantineas
manxman/3 -> manxmen
mapread/3 -> mapreading
maracaibo/3 -> maracaiboes
maracay/3 -> maracays
mare's-tail/3 -> mare's-tails
marienburger/3 -> marienburgers
marinist/3 -> marinists
marisco/3 -> mariscos
markoff/3 -> markoffs
marksheet/3 -> marksheets
markswoman/3 -> markswomen
marlease/3 -> marleasing
marmara/3 -> marmaras
marrano/3 -> marranos
marriageability/3 -> marriageabilities
marrowbone/3 -> marrowbones
marshman/3 -> marshmen
marshmill/3 -> marshmills
martin's-in-the-field/3 -> martin's-in-the-fields
marut/3 -> maruts
maschotrometer/3 -> maschotrometers
masculinize/3 -> masculinized
mashie/3 -> mashies
masonite/3 -> masonites
massenet/3 -> massenets
masta/3 -> mastas
master-builder/3 -> master-builders
master-class/3 -> master-classes
mastering/3 -> masterings
match-box/3 -> match-boxes
match-up/3 -> match-ups
matchlock/3 -> matchlocks
matchwin/3 -> matchwinning
matricarioide/3 -> matricarioides
matthiola/3 -> matthiolas
mattole/3 -> mattoles
mauler/3 -> maulers
mauritanie/3 -> mauritanies
maximand/3 -> maximands
maximo/3 -> maximos
mayweed/3 -> mayweeds
mazeltov/3 -> mazeltovs
mbeya/3 -> mbeyas
mccullers/3 -> mccullerss
mcguffin/3 -> mcguffins
mealie/3 -> mealies
meaning-maker/3 -> meaning-makers
meate/3 -> meates
mechanist/3 -> mechanists
meconopsis/3 -> meconopses
mecoptera/3 -> mecopteras
medean/3 -> medeans
medicine-man/3 -> medicine-men
medise/3 -> medised
mediser/3 -> medisers
mega-bid/3 -> mega-bids
mega-flop/3 -> mega-flops
mega-project/3 -> mega-projects
megabase/3 -> megabases
megadeath/3 -> megadeaths
megaflop/3 -> megaflops
megaparsec/3 -> megaparsecs
megrim/3 -> megrims
melalopho/3 -> melalophos
mellowness/3 -> mellownesses
memeber/3 -> memebers
memh/3 -> memhs
memsahib/3 -> memsahibs
men-midwive/3 -> men-midwives
menander/3 -> menanders
menfriend/3 -> menfriends
meningitidi/3 -> meningitidis
mentions-in-despatch/3 -> mentions-in-despatches
menuwork/3 -> menuworks
meprobamate/3 -> meprobamates
merarite/3 -> merarites
mercenaria/3 -> mercenarias
mercurochrome/3 -> mercurochromes
meristem/3 -> meristems
merkhet/3 -> merkhets
merop/3 -> merops
meroving/3 -> merovings
mess-mate/3 -> mess-mates
messidor/3 -> messidors
metacharacter/3 -> metacharacters
metastrongyle/3 -> metastrongyles
metastrongyloid/3 -> metastrongyloids
metavolcanic/3 -> metavolcanics
metical/3 -> meticals
meuny/3 -> meunier
mezuzah/3 -> mezuzahs
michy/3 -> michies
micro-crack/3 -> micro-cracks
micro-electrode/3 -> micro-electrodes
microbalance/3 -> microbalances
microdeletion/3 -> microdeletions
microinjection/3 -> microinjections
micromole/3 -> micromoles
micropelte/3 -> micropeltes
microphthalmo/3 -> microphthalmos
micropore/3 -> micropores
microsporidian/3 -> microsporidians
microspread/3 -> microspreading
microstate/3 -> microstates
mid-iron/3 -> mid-irons
mid-set/3 -> mid-setting
mid-shot/3 -> mid-shots
mida/3 -> midas
midafternoon/3 -> midafternoons
midclass/3 -> midclasses
midnite/3 -> midnites
midrash/3 -> midrashes
midwate/3 -> midwater
mikestand/3 -> mikestands
milirem/3 -> milirems
milkwort/3 -> milkworts
millhand/3 -> millhands
millirem/3 -> millirems
millpool/3 -> millpools
miltonism/3 -> miltonisms
mindlessness/3 -> mindlessnesses
mine-sweeper/3 -> mine-sweepers
mineralogist/3 -> mineralogists
mini-button/3 -> mini-buttons
mini-lecture/3 -> mini-lectures
mini-mill/3 -> mini-mills
minicar/3 -> minicars
minichromosome/3 -> minichromosomes
minidisk/3 -> minidisks
minimus/3 -> minimuss
minocycline/3 -> minocyclines
minore/3 -> minores
miracle-story/3 -> miracle-stories
miraflore/3 -> miraflores
mirv/3 -> mirvs
mis-attribute/3 -> mis-attributed,mis-attributes
mis-understanding/3 -> mis-understandings
misanthrope/3 -> misanthropes
miscellanea/3 -> miscellaneas
miscopy/3 -> miscopied
miseria/3 -> miserias
miserliness/3 -> miserlinesses
misgive/3 -> misgives,misgiving,misgave,misgiven
mishchife/3 -> mishchifing
miskeying/3 -> miskeyings
misplay/3 -> misplays,misplayed,misplaying
missoula/3 -> missoulas
misstate/3 -> misstated,misstates,misstating
mistranslate/3 -> mistranslated,mistranslates,mistranslating
mistyp/3 -> mistyping,mistyped
mithridates/3 -> mithridatess
mitoplast/3 -> mitoplasts
mocassin/3 -> mocassins
mod-con/3 -> mod-cons
modelmaker/3 -> modelmakers
modularise/3 -> modularising,modularised
modularize/3 -> modularizing
module-relation/3 -> module-relations
moeur/3 -> moeurs
mogen/3 -> mogens
moistening/3 -> moistenings
molluscum/3 -> molluscums
momentoe/3 -> momentoes
momentousness/3 -> momentousnesses
monetise/3 -> monetising,monetised
money-broker/3 -> money-brokers
money-form/3 -> money-forms
money-man/3 -> money-men
moniter/3 -> moniters,monitered,monitering
monkeywrench/3 -> monkeywrenching
mono-poly/3 -> mono-polies
monocero/3 -> monoceros
monocline/3 -> monoclines
monocot/3 -> monocots
monophony/3 -> monophonies
monophysite/3 -> monophysites
monoplacophoran/3 -> monoplacophorans
monoprint/3 -> monoprints,monoprinting
moocher/3 -> moochers
moodswing/3 -> moodswings
moon-daisy/3 -> moon-daisies
moonface/3 -> moonfaced
moonlet/3 -> moonlets
moonlighter/3 -> moonlighters
moonshot/3 -> moonshots
moonwalk/3 -> moonwalks
moonwort/3 -> moonworts
mophead/3 -> mopheads
moptop/3 -> moptops
moralisation/3 -> moralisations
moraliser/3 -> moralisers
morl/3 -> morling
mormonism/3 -> mormonisms
mormyrid/3 -> mormyrids
morristown/3 -> morristowns
mors/3 -> morss
mortcloth/3 -> mortcloths
mosasaur/3 -> mosasaurs
motor-mower/3 -> motor-mowers
motor-vehicle/3 -> motor-vehicles
motorcoach/3 -> motorcoaches
motorman/3 -> motormen
mouldboard/3 -> mouldboards
mouldiwarp/3 -> mouldiwarps
mournfulness/3 -> mournfulnesses
mousquetaire/3 -> mousquetaires
mouth-piece/3 -> mouth-pieces
moviestar/3 -> moviestars
mozzy/3 -> mozzies
mphy/3 -> mphys
msd-sm/3 -> msd-sms
mtran/3 -> mtrans
mucoprotein/3 -> mucoproteins
mudcloud/3 -> mudclouds
muddler/3 -> muddlers
muggins/3 -> mugginss
mulatta/3 -> mulattas
multi-billionaire/3 -> multi-billionaires
multi-event/3 -> multi-events
multipack/3 -> multipacks
multipara/3 -> multiparas
multiprogramming/3 -> multiprogrammings
mumbler/3 -> mumblers
munchhausen/3 -> munchhausens
mundanity/3 -> mundanities
munro-bagger/3 -> munro-baggers
mura-mura/3 -> mura-muras
muro/3 -> muros
muscle-man/3 -> muscle-men
music-box/3 -> music-boxes
musidisc/3 -> musidiscs
musket-ball/3 -> musket-balls
mutualism/3 -> mutualisms
muybridge/3 -> muybridges
mycoprotein/3 -> mycoproteins
mykono/3 -> mykonos
myotis/3 -> myotiss
myrmidon/3 -> myrmidons
mysis/3 -> myses
mysticete/3 -> mysticetes
mystifier/3 -> mystifiers
mythmaker/3 -> mythmakers
myxobacteria/3 -> myxobacterias
n'rose/3 -> n'roses
nabataean/3 -> nabataeans
nachip/3 -> nachips
nacionale/3 -> nacionales
nacre/3 -> nacres
nailmaker/3 -> nailmakers
naismith/3 -> naismiths
nakuru/3 -> nakurus
nalchik/3 -> nalchiks
nanai/3 -> nanais
nancy-boy/3 -> nancy-boys
nankeen/3 -> nankeens
nanoamp/3 -> nanoamps
naproxen/3 -> naproxens
naris/3 -> nariss
nasserist/3 -> nasserists
naturale/3 -> naturales
nature-spirit/3 -> nature-spirits
naull/3 -> naulls
naysayer/3 -> naysayers
nbip/3 -> nbips
nde/3 -> ndes
neanderthaler/3 -> neanderthalers
near-collision/3 -> near-collisions
near-duty/3 -> near-duties
near-equal/3 -> near-equals
near-stranger/3 -> near-strangers
near-synonym/3 -> near-synonyms
nebbish/3 -> nebbishes
necturus/3 -> necturuss
needle-point/3 -> needle-points
negotation/3 -> negotations
negrito/3 -> negritos
negritude/3 -> negritudes
neilan/3 -> neilans
neo-colonialist/3 -> neo-colonialists
neo-expressionist/3 -> neo-expressionists
neo-keynesian/3 -> neo-keynesians
neo-lamarckism/3 -> neo-lamarckisms
neo-malthusian/3 -> neo-malthusians
nephrology/3 -> nephrologies
nepo/3 -> nepos
nepotist/3 -> nepotists
nerine/3 -> nerines
nerva/3 -> nervas
neta/3 -> netas
netty/3 -> netties
neum/3 -> neums
neurasthenia/3 -> neurasthenias
neuregulin/3 -> neuregulins
neurite/3 -> neurites
neuroanatomy/3 -> neuroanatomies
neurochemist/3 -> neurochemists
neurofilament/3 -> neurofilaments
neurogenesis/3 -> neurogeneses
neuropsychiatry/3 -> neuropsychiatries
neurospora/3 -> neurosporas
neurtophil/3 -> neurtophils
neutrinor/3 -> neutrinors
neutrionor/3 -> neutrionors
new-comer/3 -> new-comers
news-cutting/3 -> news-cuttings
newscutting/3 -> newscuttings
nextstation/3 -> nextstations
nick-nack/3 -> nick-nacks
niet/3 -> niets
niff/3 -> niffed
night-scene/3 -> night-scenes
nightclubber/3 -> nightclubbers
nightline/3 -> nightlines
nightrider/3 -> nightriders
nightshelter/3 -> nightshelters
nightwalker/3 -> nightwalkers
nigrescen/3 -> nigrescens
nikono/3 -> nikonos
nine-pounder/3 -> nine-pounders
ninereed/3 -> ninereeds
nitrify/3 -> nitrifying,nitrifies,nitrified
nitro-organic/3 -> nitro-organics
nitrobenzene/3 -> nitrobenzenes
no-string/3 -> no-strings
noassessment/3 -> noassessments
nobleness/3 -> noblenesses
nominalisation/3 -> nominalisations
non-citation/3 -> non-citations
non-competitor/3 -> non-competitors
non-conductor/3 -> non-conductors
non-councillor/3 -> non-councillors
non-drug/3 -> non-drugs
non-educationist/3 -> non-educationists
non-employee/3 -> non-employees
non-exerciser/3 -> non-exercisers
non-experience/3 -> non-experiences
non-factive/3 -> non-factives
non-goyigama/3 -> non-goyigamas
non-hungarian/3 -> non-hungarians
non-jacobite/3 -> non-jacobites
non-migrant/3 -> non-migrants
non-practice/3 -> non-practices
non-problem/3 -> non-problems
non-qualifier/3 -> non-qualifiers
non-reminiscer/3 -> non-reminiscers
non-resistant/3 -> non-resistants
non-returner/3 -> non-returners
non-sense/3 -> non-senses
non-solution/3 -> non-solutions
non-somervillian/3 -> non-somervillians
non-swimmer/3 -> non-swimmers
non-teacher/3 -> non-teachers
non-vinyl/3 -> non-vinyls
non-volunteer/3 -> non-volunteers
non-voter/3 -> non-voters
nonagon/3 -> nonagons
nonconformance/3 -> nonconformances
nones/3 -> noness
nonlimit/3 -> nonlimiting
nonmember/3 -> nonmembers
nonpossessor/3 -> nonpossessors
nonscientist/3 -> nonscientists
nonviolence/3 -> nonviolences
north-westerner/3 -> north-westerners
norwegain/3 -> norwegains
nose-bag/3 -> nose-bags
nosewheel/3 -> nosewheels
nostoc/3 -> nostocs
noter/3 -> noters
notetake/3 -> notetaking
nouveaux-rich/3 -> nouveaux-riches
novelisation/3 -> novelisations
noviciate/3 -> noviciates
nowruz/3 -> nowruzs
noyse/3 -> noyses
nubbin/3 -> nubbins
nucleoprotein/3 -> nucleoproteins
numidian/3 -> numidians
numnah/3 -> numnahs
numskull/3 -> numskulls
nune/3 -> nunes
nurse-maid/3 -> nurse-maids
nuts-and-bolt/3 -> nuts-and-bolts
nymphomania/3 -> nymphomanias
oaa/3 -> oaas
oak-apple/3 -> oak-apples
oakeshottian/3 -> oakeshottians
oarlock/3 -> oarlocks
oasy/3 -> oasys
obeche/3 -> obeches
object-relationship/3 -> object-relationships
objectcent/3 -> objectcenter
oblidge/3 -> oblidged
obliqueness/3 -> obliquenesses
obnoxiousness/3 -> obnoxiousnesses
observa-tion/3 -> observa-tions
occluden/3 -> occludens
octan/3 -> octans
octave-combination/3 -> octave-combinations
octopod/3 -> octopods
oculomotor/3 -> oculomotors
odbm/3 -> odbms
odet/3 -> odets
odham/3 -> odhams
odle/3 -> odling
odontocete/3 -> odontocetes
oenothera/3 -> oenotheras
ofer/3 -> ofered
offendor/3 -> offendors
officeholder/3 -> officeholders
officiousness/3 -> officiousnesses
offr/3 -> offrs,offred
oflag/3 -> oflags
ogling/3 -> oglings
oiko/3 -> oikos
oireachtas/3 -> oireachtass
old-maid/3 -> old-maids
old-people/3 -> old-peoples
old-stager/3 -> old-stagers
olecranon/3 -> olecranons
olefine/3 -> olefines
olfaction/3 -> olfactions
oligodeoxyribonucleotide/3 -> oligodeoxyribonucleotides
olla/3 -> ollas
omda/3 -> omdas
ommatidium/3 -> ommatidiums
oncer/3 -> oncers
oncovin/3 -> oncovins
ondart/3 -> ondarts
oneida/3 -> oneidas
oneliner/3 -> oneliners
onlyapprove/3 -> onlyapproved
onomastic/3 -> onomastics
onoufrio/3 -> onoufrios
opcode/3 -> opcodes
open-space/3 -> open-spaces
openmind/3 -> openminded
operationalism/3 -> operationalisms
ophiacanthid/3 -> ophiacanthids
ophiolebe/3 -> ophiolebes
ophthalmia/3 -> ophthalmias
opic/3 -> opics
oportunity/3 -> oportunities
oppertunity/3 -> oppertunities
oppoe/3 -> oppoes
opportunty/3 -> opportunties
optimizer/3 -> optimizers
optionholder/3 -> optionholders
opy/3 -> opies
orang-utang/3 -> orang-utangs
orchestrion/3 -> orchestrions
orgainse/3 -> orgainsed
organ-builder/3 -> organ-builders
ornamentalism/3 -> ornamentalisms
orozco/3 -> orozcoes
orse/3 -> orses
orthodontist/3 -> orthodontists
orthogonalise/3 -> orthogonalised,orthogonalises
orthopantogram/3 -> orthopantograms
orzo/3 -> orzoes
oscillograph/3 -> oscillographs
osculation/3 -> osculations
ossicle/3 -> ossicles
osteoblast/3 -> osteoblasts
osteoclast/3 -> osteoclasts
osteomalacia/3 -> osteomalacias
ostracoderm/3 -> ostracoderms
osy/3 -> osier
out-drive/3 -> out-driving
out-live/3 -> out-living,out-lived
out-performance/3 -> out-performanced
out-produce/3 -> out-produces
out-rank/3 -> out-ranked
outcoming/3 -> outcomings
outdoorsman/3 -> outdoorsmen
outguess/3 -> outguessed,outguessing
outload/3 -> outloading
outpour/3 -> outpouring
outproduce/3 -> outproduces
outride/3 -> outrides,outriding,outrode,outridden
outside-halve/3 -> outside-halves
outstare/3 -> outstares
outstretch/3 -> outstretching
outsw/3 -> outswing
ovalbumin/3 -> ovalbumins
over-arch/3 -> over-arching
over-consume/3 -> over-consuming
over-correct/3 -> over-corrected
over-dramatize/3 -> over-dramatizes,over-dramatizing
over-fil/3 -> over-filled
over-haul/3 -> over-hauling
over-hyp/3 -> over-hyped
over-persuade/3 -> over-persuaded,over-persuading
over-process/3 -> over-processed,over-processing
over-producer/3 -> over-producers
over-qualify/3 -> over-qualified
over-recruit/3 -> over-recruited
over-regard/3 -> over-regarded
over-rudder/3 -> over-ruddering
over-see/3 -> over-seeing
over-sixty-year-old/3 -> over-sixty-year-olds
over-strain/3 -> over-straining
over-stuff/3 -> over-stuffed,over-stuffing
over-take/3 -> over-taking
over-top/3 -> over-topping
over-water/3 -> over-watering
overabundance/3 -> overabundances
overachieve/3 -> overachieving,overachieves,overachieved
overact/3 -> overacting,overacts,overacted
overbid/3 -> overbidding,overbids
overbrown/3 -> overbrowning
overcomplicate/3 -> overcomplicated
overconcern/3 -> overconcerned
overdoe/3 -> overdoes
overfall/3 -> overfalls
overfeeding/3 -> overfeedings
overgeneralization/3 -> overgeneralizations
overgeneralize/3 -> overgeneralized,overgeneralizing
overhunt/3 -> overhunted,overhunting
overpass/3 -> overpasses
overpressure/3 -> overpressuring
oversample/3 -> oversampling,oversampled
oversel/3 -> overselling
overskirt/3 -> overskirts
overspray/3 -> overspraying
overstamp/3 -> overstamped
overstuff/3 -> overstuffed,overstuffs,overstuffing
oversw/3 -> overswing
overtrade/3 -> overtrading
overwate/3 -> overwater
oxalate/3 -> oxalates
oxalis/3 -> oxaliss
oxhide/3 -> oxhides
oxoanion/3 -> oxoanions
oxytocic/3 -> oxytocics
oxyura/3 -> oxyuras
ozokerite/3 -> ozokerites
ozymandia/3 -> ozymandias
p-selectin/3 -> p-selectins
pacemake/3 -> pacemaking
pacha/3 -> pachas
pack-animal/3 -> pack-animals
packete/3 -> packeted,packeting
padauk/3 -> padauks
padda/3 -> paddas
paddle-wheel/3 -> paddle-wheels
paintpot/3 -> paintpots
paintstick/3 -> paintsticks
paionio/3 -> paionios
pakora/3 -> pakoras
palaeobotanist/3 -> palaeobotanists
palaeobotany/3 -> palaeobotanies
palaestra/3 -> palaestras
paleface/3 -> palefaces
palestinan/3 -> palestinans
palheiro/3 -> palheiros
pallbearer/3 -> pallbearers
palmer-tomkinson/3 -> palmer-tomkinsons
palmetto/3 -> palmettos
palmtree/3 -> palmtrees
pan-/3 -> pan-s
pan-pipe/3 -> pan-pipes
pancreatin/3 -> pancreatins
pancreatogram/3 -> pancreatograms
panemone/3 -> panemones
panful/3 -> panfuls
panhandler/3 -> panhandlers
panorpoid/3 -> panorpoids
panslav/3 -> panslavs
pantaloon/3 -> pantalooned
papain/3 -> papains
paparazzo/3 -> paparazzoes
paper-boy/3 -> paper-boys
paper-weight/3 -> paper-weights
paperbacker/3 -> paperbackers
papho/3 -> paphos
papia/3 -> papias
papier-mache/3 -> papier-maches
papio/3 -> papios
para-legal/3 -> para-legals
paracentesis/3 -> paracenteses
parado/3 -> parados
paraldehyde/3 -> paraldehydes
paraliturgy/3 -> paraliturgies
parallelepipe/3 -> parallelepiped
parallelepiped/3 -> parallelepipeds
paramagnetism/3 -> paramagnetisms
parameterize/3 -> parameterized
parametrise/3 -> parametrised
parapraxis/3 -> parapraxes
parcelling/3 -> parcellings
parcour/3 -> parcours
parede/3 -> paredes
paren/3 -> parens
paresis/3 -> pareses
parishoner/3 -> parishoners
parite/3 -> parites
parking-token/3 -> parking-tokens
parkinsonism/3 -> parkinsonisms
parsi/3 -> parsis
part-gargoyle/3 -> part-gargoyles
part-object/3 -> part-objects
parter/3 -> parters
parthenium/3 -> partheniums
partheno/3 -> parthenos
parthia/3 -> parthias
partwork/3 -> partworks
party-giver/3 -> party-givers
party-member/3 -> party-members
pashtu/3 -> pashtus
passage-grave/3 -> passage-graves
passenger-mile/3 -> passenger-miles
passion-flower/3 -> passion-flowers
passkey/3 -> passkeys
passport-holder/3 -> passport-holders
past-master/3 -> past-masters
pastness/3 -> pastnesses
patien/3 -> patiens
patronne/3 -> patronnes
patry/3 -> patries
pavlo/3 -> pavlos
pay-rise/3 -> pay-rises
paybook/3 -> paybooks
payment-by-result/3 -> payment-by-results
pazo/3 -> pazos
pea-shooter/3 -> pea-shooters
peace-broker/3 -> peace-brokers
pealing/3 -> pealings
pean/3 -> peans
pear-tree/3 -> pear-trees
peary/3 -> pearies
pecheneg/3 -> pechenegs
pecs/3 -> pecss
pederasty/3 -> pederasties
pedestrianize/3 -> pedestrianizing,pedestrianizes,pedestrianized
pedicab/3 -> pedicabs
pediplain/3 -> pediplains
pedon/3 -> pedons
peel-tower/3 -> peel-towers
peelite/3 -> peelites
peesy/3 -> peesies
peever/3 -> peevers
peform/3 -> peformed,peforming
peghead/3 -> pegheads
peintre/3 -> peintres
pekoe/3 -> pekoes
pel/3 -> pels
pelkman/3 -> pelkmans
pen-up/3 -> pen-ups
penholder/3 -> penholders
penni/3 -> pennis
pennyfarthing/3 -> pennyfarthings
pensionary/3 -> pensionaries
pensiveness/3 -> pensivenesses
pentacle/3 -> pentacles
pentamete/3 -> pentameter
pentobarbital/3 -> pentobarbitals
pentremite/3 -> pentremites
pentstemon/3 -> pentstemons
peploide/3 -> peploides
peplos/3 -> peploss
pepper-and-salt/3 -> pepper-and-salts
percenter/3 -> percenters
perfecter/3 -> perfecters
perilla/3 -> perillas
perineurium/3 -> perineuriums
periosteum/3 -> periosteums
periwig/3 -> periwigs
permer/3 -> permers
permo-tria/3 -> permo-trias
pernis/3 -> perniss
peronista/3 -> peronistas
perrico/3 -> perricos
person-hour/3 -> person-hours
persue/3 -> persuing
persulphate/3 -> persulphates
peruke/3 -> perukes
pervasion/3 -> pervasions
pet-food/3 -> pet-foods
petitio/3 -> petitios
petrol-station/3 -> petrol-stations
petshop/3 -> petshops
pewterer/3 -> pewterers
pfenning/3 -> pfennings
phalacrocorax/3 -> phalacrocoraxes
phalaropus/3 -> phalaropera
phasianus/3 -> phasianuss
pheidias/3 -> pheidiass
phelpse/3 -> phelpses
phenacetin/3 -> phenacetins
phenobarbitone/3 -> phenobarbitones
pheochromocytoma/3 -> pheochromocytomas
philippic/3 -> philippics
philosopher-scientist/3 -> philosopher-scientists
philosophizing/3 -> philosophizings
phlebotomist/3 -> phlebotomists
phlebotomy/3 -> phlebotomies
phocid/3 -> phocids
phon/3 -> phons
phonics/3 -> phonicss
photius/3 -> photiuss
photo-album/3 -> photo-albums
photo-booth/3 -> photo-booths
photoemission/3 -> photoemissions
photoflood/3 -> photofloods
photomicroscope/3 -> photomicroscopes
photosensitivity/3 -> photosensitivities
photowork/3 -> photoworks
phrase-structure/3 -> phrase-structures
phraxo/3 -> phraxos
phthisis/3 -> phthises
phycoerythrin/3 -> phycoerythrins
physicalism/3 -> physicalisms
physiography/3 -> physiographies
phytologist/3 -> phytologists
pi_activate_dc/3 -> pi_activate_dcs
pi_update_module_detail/3 -> pi_update_module_details
pi_view_dc_assessor/3 -> pi_view_dc_assessors
pi_view_module_detail/3 -> pi_view_module_details
pianola/3 -> pianolas
pick-ax/3 -> pick-axes
pickax/3 -> pickaxes
picken/3 -> pickens
picture-house/3 -> picture-houses
pid/3 -> pids
pier-head/3 -> pier-heads
pig-pen/3 -> pig-pens
pigheadedness/3 -> pigheadednesses
pigswill/3 -> pigswills
pika/3 -> pikas
pilaff/3 -> pilaffs
pilsen/3 -> pilsens
pimelodid/3 -> pimelodids
pin-head/3 -> pin-heads
pincurl/3 -> pincurls
pink-brown/3 -> pink-browns
pinocheque/3 -> pinocheques
pint-pot/3 -> pint-pots
pirin/3 -> pirins
pish/3 -> pished
piss-artist/3 -> piss-artists
piss-head/3 -> piss-heads
pist/3 -> pisted
pistia/3 -> pistias
pit-fall/3 -> pit-falls
pit-shaft/3 -> pit-shafts
pitch-cover/3 -> pitch-covers
pitchman/3 -> pitchmen
pithecanthropus/3 -> pithecanthropera
pitsaw/3 -> pitsaws
pituriaspid/3 -> pituriaspids
place-holder/3 -> place-holders
place-kick/3 -> place-kicks
placemat/3 -> placemats
placet/3 -> placets
plaiter/3 -> plaiters
planetoid/3 -> planetoids
plangency/3 -> plangencies
plant-pot/3 -> plant-pots
plastochron/3 -> plastochrons
plataea/3 -> plataeas
platanus/3 -> platanuss
plate-layer/3 -> plate-layers
platelock/3 -> platelocks
platyrhyncho/3 -> platyrhynchos
play-/3 -> play-ing,play-ed
play-actor/3 -> play-actors
play-maker/3 -> play-makers
play-school/3 -> play-schools
play-script/3 -> play-scripts
playfellow/3 -> playfellows
playset/3 -> playsets
plecoptera/3 -> plecopteras
plee/3 -> plees
ploce/3 -> ploces
plough-witch/3 -> plough-witches
plumet/3 -> plumetted
pluralisation/3 -> pluralisations
pneumatics/3 -> pneumaticss
poderoso/3 -> poderosos
podiatry/3 -> podiatries
podocarpus/3 -> podocarpuss
podsol/3 -> podsols
poeticism/3 -> poeticisms
pogonophoran/3 -> pogonophorans
poilu/3 -> poilus
poin/3 -> poins
pointedness/3 -> pointednesses
polemicise/3 -> polemicised,polemicising
polluter-pay/3 -> polluter-pays
polo-shirt/3 -> polo-shirts
polyblock/3 -> polyblocks
polybutadiene/3 -> polybutadienes
polygamist/3 -> polygamists
polygnoto/3 -> polygnotos
polyhymnia/3 -> polyhymnias
polyneuropathy/3 -> polyneuropathies
polyol/3 -> polyols
polyploid/3 -> polyploids
polypodiaceae/3 -> polypodiaceaes
polypodium/3 -> polypodiums
polysaturate/3 -> polysaturates
polyversity/3 -> polyversities
polyzoa/3 -> polyzoas
pompon/3 -> pompons
ponca/3 -> poncas
pond-weed/3 -> pond-weeds
pondy/3 -> pondies
ponen/3 -> ponens
pongo/3 -> pongoes
poolroom/3 -> poolrooms
poop-scoop/3 -> poop-scoops
pop-hole/3 -> pop-holes
poppadam/3 -> poppadams
popsicle/3 -> popsicles
populo/3 -> populos
porblem/3 -> porblems
pore-canal/3 -> pore-canals
porringer/3 -> porringers
porta-cabin/3 -> porta-cabins
portfire/3 -> portfires
portiere/3 -> portieres
portunus/3 -> portunuss
posess/3 -> posessing,posessed
positive-image/3 -> positive-images
postillion/3 -> postillions
postlude/3 -> postludes
pot-lid/3 -> pot-lids
pot-painter/3 -> pot-painters
pot-plant/3 -> pot-plants
potation/3 -> potations
potentise/3 -> potentised,potentising
pothouse/3 -> pothouses
potterer/3 -> potterers
pottok/3 -> pottoks
poulet/3 -> poulets
poulette/3 -> poulettes
pouncer/3 -> pouncers
pouter/3 -> pouters
powellite/3 -> powellites
power-structure/3 -> power-structures
powerchord/3 -> powerchords
powerfilter/3 -> powerfilters
powerglyde/3 -> powerglydes
powerlift/3 -> powerlifting
powersystem/3 -> powersystems
poxvirus/3 -> poxviruss
poynt/3 -> poynting
ppia/3 -> ppias
praestan/3 -> praestans
prancer/3 -> prancers
pranny/3 -> prannies
pratincole/3 -> pratincoles
pre-announcement/3 -> pre-announcements
pre-conception/3 -> pre-conceptions
pre-install/3 -> pre-installs
pre-trna/3 -> pre-trnas
pre-woman/3 -> pre-women
precedency/3 -> precedencies
preciosity/3 -> preciosities
preclear/3 -> precleared,preclearing
precoat/3 -> precoated
preconfigure/3 -> preconfigured
predic-tion/3 -> predic-tions
prefiguration/3 -> prefigurations
prepossession/3 -> prepossessions
preprocess/3 -> preprocessing,preprocessed
presant/3 -> presants
prescind/3 -> prescinds,prescinded,prescinding
presidio/3 -> presidios
pressgange/3 -> pressganged
pressmaster/3 -> pressmasters
preste/3 -> prestes
prestidigitation/3 -> prestidigitations
presumptuousness/3 -> presumptuousnesses
preventer/3 -> preventers
prickliness/3 -> pricklinesses
printing-office/3 -> printing-offices
prison-officer/3 -> prison-officers
pro-hanoverian/3 -> pro-hanoverians
pro-standard/3 -> pro-standards
problem-solution/3 -> problem-solutions
procaryote/3 -> procaryotes
proceding/3 -> procedings
process-server/3 -> process-servers
procreat/3 -> procreating,procreated
proctoscopy/3 -> proctoscopies
productionise/3 -> productionising,productionised
productionist/3 -> productionists
profer/3 -> proferred,proferring
profit-maximizer/3 -> profit-maximizers
profit-share/3 -> profit-sharing
profit-taker/3 -> profit-takers
profuseness/3 -> profusenesses
programmme/3 -> programmmes
pron/3 -> proned
pronk/3 -> pronking
pronominalisation/3 -> pronominalisations
proove/3 -> prooving
propanol/3 -> propanols
propounder/3 -> propounders
proprioceptor/3 -> proprioceptors
propyl/3 -> propyls
prorogate/3 -> prorogates
prosauropod/3 -> prosauropods
prosodist/3 -> prosodists
prosopopoeia/3 -> prosopopoeias
protea/3 -> proteas
protist/3 -> protists
protraction/3 -> protractions
provera/3 -> proveras
providee/3 -> providees
provisor/3 -> provisors
provos/3 -> provoss
proxima/3 -> proximas
pruning-hook/3 -> pruning-hooks
pseudanthia/3 -> pseudanthias
pseudo-question/3 -> pseudo-questions
psittacosis/3 -> psittacoses
psychometrics/3 -> psychometricss
pteropod/3 -> pteropods
pthread/3 -> pthreads
ption/3 -> ptions
ptosis/3 -> ptoses
pubber/3 -> pubbers
public-affair/3 -> public-affairs
puja/3 -> pujas
pump-handle/3 -> pump-handles
pump-prime/3 -> pump-primes
punched-card/3 -> punched-cards
punctiliousness/3 -> punctiliousnesses
punctuationist/3 -> punctuationists
punctum/3 -> punctums
pupil-master/3 -> pupil-masters
pupitre/3 -> pupitres
purfle/3 -> purfling
purge-task/3 -> purge-tasks
purpurascen/3 -> purpurascens
purse-seiner/3 -> purse-seiners
push-down/3 -> push-downs
push-rod/3 -> push-rods
pushtun/3 -> pushtuns
pussy-cat/3 -> pussy-cats
putatoe/3 -> putatoes
pyama/3 -> pyamas
pyocyanase/3 -> pyocyanases
pyrola/3 -> pyrolas
pyrozine/3 -> pyrozines
pyrrhotite/3 -> pyrrhotites
python-hunter/3 -> python-hunters
qed/3 -> qeds
quacker/3 -> quackers
quadrivium/3 -> quadriviums
qualitite/3 -> qualitites
quanity/3 -> quanities
quarrelsomeness/3 -> quarrelsomenesses
quarter-back/3 -> quarter-backs
quarters/3 -> quarterss
quasi-loan/3 -> quasi-loans
quasi-partnership/3 -> quasi-partnerships
questionmark/3 -> questionmarks
queuer/3 -> queuers
quimica/3 -> quimicas
quincentennial/3 -> quincentennials
quintan/3 -> quintans
quisle/3 -> quisling
quitain/3 -> quitainer
quittance/3 -> quittances
quoits/3 -> quoitss
quotability/3 -> quotabilities
r.v./3 -> r.v.s
rack-rent/3 -> rack-rents
radical-socialist/3 -> radical-socialists
radio-nuclide/3 -> radio-nuclides
radio-phone/3 -> radio-phones
radio-wave/3 -> radio-waves
radiobiology/3 -> radiobiologies
radiolaria/3 -> radiolarias
radiuse/3 -> radiused,radiusing
radix/3 -> radixes
radome/3 -> radomes
rafalo/3 -> rafalos
raftsman/3 -> raftsmen
rag-doll/3 -> rag-dolls
railbreak/3 -> railbreaks
railbuse/3 -> railbuses
rain-maker/3 -> rain-makers
rainsuit/3 -> rainsuits
rakehell/3 -> rakehells
ramalina/3 -> ramalinas
ramayana/3 -> ramayanas
ramp-up/3 -> ramp-ups
ramson/3 -> ramsons
raphanus/3 -> raphanuss
raphe/3 -> raphes
rapine/3 -> rapines
rappel/3 -> rappelling,rappels,rappelled
rapscallion/3 -> rapscallions
rarify/3 -> rarified,rarifying,rarifies
rasht/3 -> rashts
rasper/3 -> raspers
rassela/3 -> rasselas
rastas/3 -> rastass
rationalizer/3 -> rationalizers
ravanel/3 -> ravanels
rbc/3 -> rbcs
re-animate/3 -> re-animated,re-animating
re-appraise/3 -> re-appraised
re-assume/3 -> re-assumes
re-box/3 -> re-boxed
re-cap/3 -> re-capped
re-climb/3 -> re-climbed
re-code/3 -> re-coded
re-combine/3 -> re-combined,re-combining
re-compa/3 -> re-compas
re-construct/3 -> re-constructing
re-convert/3 -> re-converting
re-cost/3 -> re-costed,re-costing
re-deliver/3 -> re-delivered,re-delivering
re-deploy/3 -> re-deploying,re-deployed
re-describe/3 -> re-describes
re-designate/3 -> re-designated
re-divide/3 -> re-divided
re-dress/3 -> re-dressing,re-dressed
re-encode/3 -> re-encoded
re-expand/3 -> re-expanding,re-expanded
re-fight/3 -> re-fighting
re-fold/3 -> re-folded,re-folding
re-formulate/3 -> re-formulated
re-found/3 -> re-founded
re-grouping/3 -> re-groupings
re-hash/3 -> re-hashing
re-heel/3 -> re-heeled
re-ignit/3 -> re-ignited
re-implement/3 -> re-implements,re-implementing
re-index/3 -> re-indexed,re-indexing
re-inforcement/3 -> re-inforcements
re-jig/3 -> re-jigged,re-jigs
re-lock/3 -> re-locked
re-melt/3 -> re-melted,re-melting
re-orient/3 -> re-oriented
re-pose/3 -> re-posing
re-prioritisation/3 -> re-prioritisations
re-produce/3 -> re-produced,re-producing
re-promote/3 -> re-promoted
re-qualify/3 -> re-qualified
re-referral/3 -> re-referrals
re-rig/3 -> re-rigging,re-rigged
re-sentence/3 -> re-sentenced,re-sentencing
re-silver/3 -> re-silvering
re-sort/3 -> re-sorted,re-sorting
re-spray/3 -> re-sprayed
re-stage/3 -> re-staged,re-staging
re-suspend/3 -> re-suspended
re-tel/3 -> re-telling
re-tighten/3 -> re-tightened
re-view/3 -> re-viewing
re-vision/3 -> re-visioning,re-visioned
re-weigh/3 -> re-weighed
re-wheel/3 -> re-wheeling,re-wheeled
re-wrap/3 -> re-wrapped
reaction-time/3 -> reaction-times
realo/3 -> realos
reapportionment/3 -> reapportionments
reapprove/3 -> reapproved
rearticulation/3 -> rearticulations
reascend/3 -> reascending
reauthorise/3 -> reauthorised,reauthorising
reboil/3 -> reboiled
rebottle/3 -> rebottled
rebrethe/3 -> rebreathing
receiving-station/3 -> receiving-stations
recit/3 -> recits
reck/3 -> recks
reclass/3 -> reclassed
recognisance/3 -> recognisances
recommitment/3 -> recommitments
recompa/3 -> recompas
recon/3 -> recons
reconnoitring/3 -> reconnoitrings
reconquest/3 -> reconquests
recontour/3 -> recontoured,recontours,recontouring
recontra/3 -> recontras
record-book/3 -> record-books
record-collector/3 -> record-collectors
red-and-black/3 -> red-and-blacks
redi-hot/3 -> redi-hots
redistrict/3 -> redistricting
redleg/3 -> redlegs
redner/3 -> redners
redolence/3 -> redolences
redonian/3 -> redonians
reductio/3 -> reductios
redundance/3 -> redundances
reduplication/3 -> reduplications
reed-warbler/3 -> reed-warblers
reedling/3 -> reedlings
reeling/3 -> reelings
reep/3 -> reeping
reerect/3 -> reerected
reexamination/3 -> reexaminations
reface/3 -> refaced,refaces,refacing
refeed/3 -> refeeding
refight/3 -> refighting
refloor/3 -> refloored,reflooring
refront/3 -> refronted
refry/3 -> refried
refusnik/3 -> refusniks
regalvanise/3 -> regalvanised,regalvanising
regather/3 -> regathered
rege/3 -> reges
regionalise/3 -> regionalised,regionalising
regionalize/3 -> regionalized
reglue/3 -> regluing,reglued
regulare/3 -> regulares
reinject/3 -> reinjected
reinvade/3 -> reinvaded,reinvading
relativise/3 -> relativising,relativised
relentlessness/3 -> relentlessnesses
remarkete/3 -> remarketing
remarketer/3 -> remarketers
remediate/3 -> remediating
reminiscer/3 -> reminiscers
remotor/3 -> remotors
renderer/3 -> renderers
rent-a-mob/3 -> rent-a-mobs
repaper/3 -> repapering,repapered
repect/3 -> repects,repected
rephrasing/3 -> rephrasings
report-back/3 -> report-backs
reprivatize/3 -> reprivatized
reprocessor/3 -> reprocessors
reprofile/3 -> reprofiling,reprofiled
reptilon/3 -> reptilons
republicain/3 -> republicains
rerough/3 -> reroughing
rescore/3 -> rescoring,rescored
resecure/3 -> resecured
reseda/3 -> resedas
resentence/3 -> resentencing,resentenced
resew/3 -> resewn
resharpen/3 -> resharpened,resharpening
resid/3 -> resids
reskil/3 -> reskilling
responsibilite/3 -> responsibilites
rest-house/3 -> rest-houses
restaff/3 -> restaffing,restaffed
restrainer/3 -> restrainers
restring/3 -> restringing
retentiveness/3 -> retentivenesses
reticulate/3 -> reticulated,reticulates,reticulating
retighten/3 -> retightened
retirer/3 -> retirers
retranslate/3 -> retranslating
revalve/3 -> revalving
reverse-/3 -> reverse-s
reverting/3 -> revertings
review-article/3 -> review-articles
revilement/3 -> revilements
reweld/3 -> rewelding,rewelded
rhabdomyosarcoma/3 -> rhabdomyosarcomas
rheinland/3 -> rheinlands
rhime/3 -> rhimes
rhumb/3 -> rhumbs
rhumba/3 -> rhumbas
ribes/3 -> ribess
riblet/3 -> riblets
riching/3 -> richings
rickover/3 -> rickovers
riesle/3 -> riesling
riesman/3 -> riesmen
riggit/3 -> riggits
rigorousness/3 -> rigorousnesses
ring-handle/3 -> ring-handles
ring-tail/3 -> ring-tails
ringbinder/3 -> ringbinders
ritualize/3 -> ritualized,ritualizing,ritualizes
rivete/3 -> riveter
roadname/3 -> roadnames
roanoke/3 -> roanokes
roben/3 -> robens
robin-year/3 -> robin-years
robinia/3 -> robinias
rock-dweller/3 -> rock-dwellers
rockboot/3 -> rockboots
rockclimber/3 -> rockclimbers
rockdweller/3 -> rockdwellers
rockpile/3 -> rockpiles
rockstar/3 -> rockstars
roed/3 -> roeder
roguishness/3 -> roguishnesses
rohlf/3 -> rohlfs
roisterer/3 -> roisterers
role-bearer/3 -> role-bearers
rollason/3 -> rollasons
roller-blind/3 -> roller-blinds
rolodex/3 -> rolodexes
romke/3 -> romkes
romper-suit/3 -> romper-suits
rompre/3 -> rompres
romusha/3 -> romushas
roote/3 -> rootes
rosale/3 -> rosales
rose-hip/3 -> rose-hips
rosiness/3 -> rosinesses
rotavirus/3 -> rotaviruss
round-wound/3 -> round-wounds
rounder/3 -> rounders
rousso/3 -> roussos
row-boat/3 -> row-boats
rowel/3 -> rowelled,rowelling
rowling/3 -> rowlings
rtma/3 -> rtmas
ruanda/3 -> ruandas
rubberstamp/3 -> rubberstamped,rubberstamps,rubberstamping
rubdown/3 -> rubdowns
rubel/3 -> rubels
rubette/3 -> rubettes
ruefulness/3 -> ruefulnesses
rufescen/3 -> rufescens
rugger-bugger/3 -> rugger-buggers
rule-enforcer/3 -> rule-enforcers
rule-follower/3 -> rule-followers
rule-maker/3 -> rule-makers
rumpelstiltskin/3 -> rumpelstiltskins
rumper/3 -> rumpers
russett/3 -> russetts
rustication/3 -> rustications
s-trap/3 -> s-traps
saarinen/3 -> saarinens
sabaty/3 -> sabatier
sabbat/3 -> sabbats
sacculation/3 -> sacculations
sackbut/3 -> sackbuts
saddlebow/3 -> saddlebows
saddoe/3 -> saddoes
saginaw/3 -> saginaws
saguaro/3 -> saguaros
saler/3 -> salers
saleslady/3 -> salesladies
salish/3 -> salishes
sallet/3 -> sallets
salmagundi/3 -> salmagundis
salmonella-in-egg/3 -> salmonella-in-eggs
salmonellosis/3 -> salmonelloses
salp/3 -> salps
salubrity/3 -> salubrities
salvadoran/3 -> salvadorans
salvia/3 -> salvias
samite/3 -> samites
samuelite/3 -> samuelites
sanctimoniousness/3 -> sanctimoniousnesses
sanctimony/3 -> sanctimonies
sandanista/3 -> sandanistas
sandarac/3 -> sandaracs
sandbox/3 -> sandboxes
sandking/3 -> sandkings
sandwich-board/3 -> sandwich-boards
sangar/3 -> sangars
saone/3 -> saones
sapience/3 -> sapiences
sapindaceae/3 -> sapindaceaes
sapodilla/3 -> sapodillas
sapotaceae/3 -> sapotaceaes
sarajevan/3 -> sarajevans
sarariman/3 -> sararimen
sarbutt/3 -> sarbutts
sarcomere/3 -> sarcomeres
sarcoplasm/3 -> sarcoplasms
sardonyx/3 -> sardonyxes
sarmatian/3 -> sarmatians
satori/3 -> satoris
saturnalia/3 -> saturnalias
saunt/3 -> saunting
savedvalue/3 -> savedvalues
savor/3 -> savors
sawbill/3 -> sawbills
scabies/3 -> scabiess
scabiosa/3 -> scabiosas
scaler/3 -> scalers
scandal-monger/3 -> scandal-mongers
scapular/3 -> scapulars
scarification/3 -> scarifications
scathe/3 -> scathed
scene-stealer/3 -> scene-stealers
scentmaker/3 -> scentmakers
scheele/3 -> scheeles
schematise/3 -> schematised
schenectady/3 -> schenectadies
schonberg/3 -> schonbergs
school-fellow/3 -> school-fellows
schundler/3 -> schundlers
scientologist/3 -> scientologists
scintillator/3 -> scintillators
scoffing/3 -> scoffings
scoopful/3 -> scoopfuls
scoping/3 -> scopings
scopolamine/3 -> scopolamines
score-draw/3 -> score-draws
scrat/3 -> scratted,scratting
scratchman/3 -> scratchmen
scratter/3 -> scratters
screendump/3 -> screendumps
screwdrive/3 -> screwdriving
scrimshander/3 -> scrimshandered,scrimshandering
scripps/3 -> scrippss
scrophulariaceae/3 -> scrophulariaceaes
scry/3 -> scrying,scryed,scries,scried
scurrility/3 -> scurrilities
scythia/3 -> scythias
sea-cliff/3 -> sea-cliffs
sea-creature/3 -> sea-creatures
sea-grass/3 -> sea-grasses
sea-kayak/3 -> sea-kayaks
sea-port/3 -> sea-ports
sea-slug/3 -> sea-slugs
sea-snake/3 -> sea-snakes
sea-stack/3 -> sea-stacks
sea-wave/3 -> sea-waves
sea-weed/3 -> sea-weeds
seacock/3 -> seacocks
seal-stone/3 -> seal-stones
seasson/3 -> seassons
seatette/3 -> seatettes
secant/3 -> secants
second-large/3 -> second-largest
sectary/3 -> sectaries
seditionary/3 -> seditionaries
seed-pod/3 -> seed-pods
seedtray/3 -> seedtrays
seigneur/3 -> seigneurs
seleucus/3 -> seleucuss
self-annihilation/3 -> self-annihilations
self-conception/3 -> self-conceptions
self-deceit/3 -> self-deceits
self-distrust/3 -> self-distrusts
self-insurance/3 -> self-insurances
self-invert/3 -> self-inverts
self-peptide/3 -> self-peptides
self-promoter/3 -> self-promoters
self-quotation/3 -> self-quotations
self-referral/3 -> self-referrals
self-regulator/3 -> self-regulators
selkup/3 -> selkups
semi-luxury/3 -> semi-luxuries
semi-negative/3 -> semi-negatives
semi-submersible/3 -> semi-submersibles
semi-vowel/3 -> semi-vowels
seminarist/3 -> seminarists
senega/3 -> senegas
sensationalize/3 -> sensationalized
sense-group/3 -> sense-groups
sense-impression/3 -> sense-impressions
senselessness/3 -> senselessnesses
sensitiser/3 -> sensitisers
sensitizing/3 -> sensitizings
seperation/3 -> seperations
serape/3 -> serapes
serjeant-at-arms/3 -> serjeants-at-arms
serosurvey/3 -> serosurveys
serotyp/3 -> serotyping,serotyped
serpin/3 -> serpins
servingman/3 -> servingmen
sesquicentenary/3 -> sesquicentenaries
sessioneer/3 -> sessioneers
sex-live/3 -> sex-lives
sexagenarian/3 -> sexagenarians
sextan/3 -> sextans
seymouriamorph/3 -> seymouriamorphs
shabbo/3 -> shabbos
shader/3 -> shaders
shadow-voice/3 -> shadow-voices
shagger/3 -> shaggers
shagpile/3 -> shagpiles
shamash/3 -> shamashes
shant/3 -> shanter
shape-changer/3 -> shape-changers
shapeshifter/3 -> shapeshifters
shapka/3 -> shapkas
shari/3 -> sharis
shariah/3 -> shariahs
sharp-shooter/3 -> sharp-shooters
sharper/3 -> sharpers
shawly/3 -> shawlies
she-cat/3 -> she-cats
she-goat/3 -> she-goats
sheathbill/3 -> sheathbills
sheetflood/3 -> sheetfloods
sheikdom/3 -> sheikdoms
shell-toe/3 -> shell-toes
shellback/3 -> shellbacks
shevchenko/3 -> shevchenkoes
shiah/3 -> shiahs
shiant/3 -> shiants
shiism/3 -> shiisms
shin-bone/3 -> shin-bones
shirking/3 -> shirkings
shirring/3 -> shirrings
shit-house/3 -> shit-houses
shitface/3 -> shitfaced
shivle/3 -> shivling
shockcord/3 -> shockcorded
shoe-horn/3 -> shoe-horns
shoe-maker/3 -> shoe-makers
shogunate/3 -> shogunates
shoo-in/3 -> shoos-in
shooting-party/3 -> shooting-parties
shorework/3 -> shoreworks
short-sleeve/3 -> short-sleeves
shortchange/3 -> shortchanged
shortcircuit/3 -> shortcircuited,shortcircuiting
shortform/3 -> shortforms
shortgrass/3 -> shortgrasses
shoulder-pad/3 -> shoulder-pads
shovelling/3 -> shovellings
showjump/3 -> showjumps,showjumping
shrugging/3 -> shruggings
shuman/3 -> shumen
sia/3 -> sias
sickbag/3 -> sickbags
side-booth/3 -> side-booths
side-branch/3 -> side-branches
side-dot/3 -> side-dots
side-passage/3 -> side-passages
sidearm/3 -> sidearms
sidecut/3 -> sidecutting,sidecuts
sider/3 -> siders
siemen/3 -> siemens
sifter/3 -> sifters
sight-seer/3 -> sight-seers
sign-writer/3 -> sign-writers
siloxane/3 -> siloxanes
silure/3 -> silures
silylate/3 -> silylating,silylated
simonite/3 -> simonites
single-end/3 -> single-ends
single-hander/3 -> single-handers
single-honour/3 -> single-honours
sinne/3 -> sinnes
sino-tibetan/3 -> sino-tibetans
sinologist/3 -> sinologists
sinterklaa/3 -> sinterklaas
siphonaptera/3 -> siphonapteras
sipp/3 -> sipps
siqueiros/3 -> siqueiross
sirn/3 -> sirns
sison/3 -> sisons
sisyrinchium/3 -> sisyrinchiums
sitework/3 -> siteworks
skag/3 -> skags
skedaddle/3 -> skedaddled,skedaddles,skedaddling
sketchiness/3 -> sketchinesses
ski-bum/3 -> ski-bums
skidmark/3 -> skidmarks
skin-colour/3 -> skin-colours
skinnerian/3 -> skinnerians
skipload/3 -> skiploads
skittishness/3 -> skittishnesses
sky-rocket/3 -> sky-rockets
skydiving/3 -> skydivings
slanderer/3 -> slanderers
slipcase/3 -> slipcases
slivovitz/3 -> slivovitzs
sloganise/3 -> sloganised,sloganising
slothfulness/3 -> slothfulnesses
sloughing/3 -> sloughings
small-area/3 -> small-areas
smartarse/3 -> smartarses
smartgun/3 -> smartguns
smatter/3 -> smattered,smatters,smattering
smily/3 -> smilies
smoak/3 -> smoaking
smocking/3 -> smockings
smoke-signal/3 -> smoke-signals
snaffle-bit/3 -> snaffle-bits
snake-bark/3 -> snake-barks
sne/3 -> snes
sneerer/3 -> sneerers
sniperscope/3 -> sniperscopes
snow-blower/3 -> snow-blowers
snow-wreath/3 -> snow-wreaths
snowbird/3 -> snowbirds
soakage/3 -> soakages
socinian/3 -> socinians
sociologize/3 -> sociologizing
sockeye/3 -> sockeyes
sodger/3 -> sodgers
soil-type/3 -> soil-types
solan/3 -> solans
solanaceae/3 -> solanaceaes
solemnise/3 -> solemnised,solemnising
solenopsis/3 -> solenopses
solfatara/3 -> solfataras
solidus/3 -> soliduss
solognat/3 -> solognats
sometyme/3 -> sometymes
somo/3 -> somos
sonolidate/3 -> sonolidating
sonora/3 -> sonoras
sook/3 -> sooks
soroptomist/3 -> soroptomists
soubise/3 -> soubises
sound-pulse/3 -> sound-pulses
soundlessness/3 -> soundlessnesses
soup-kitchen/3 -> soup-kitchens
source-text/3 -> source-texts
soursop/3 -> soursops
sovietologist/3 -> sovietologists
sowar/3 -> sowars
sowden/3 -> sowdens
space-god/3 -> space-gods
space-probe/3 -> space-probes
spaceflight/3 -> spaceflights
spadeful/3 -> spadefuls
spanky/3 -> spankier
sparccent/3 -> sparccenter
sparcompiler/3 -> sparcompilers
sparker/3 -> sparkers
spathiphyllum/3 -> spathiphyllums
spatiality/3 -> spatialities
spavin/3 -> spavins
speak-up/3 -> speak-ups
specialeye/3 -> specialeyes
specs/3 -> specss
spectrogram/3 -> spectrograms
spectromete/3 -> spectrometer
speech-writer/3 -> speech-writers
spele/3 -> speling
spelling-bee/3 -> spelling-bees
sphalerite/3 -> sphalerites
spherule/3 -> spherules
sphoeroide/3 -> sphoeroides
spider-monkey/3 -> spider-monkeys
spik/3 -> spiks
spillikin/3 -> spillikins
spin-up/3 -> spin-ups
spinelessness/3 -> spinelessnesses
spinning-top/3 -> spinning-tops
spirale/3 -> spiraling
spirelet/3 -> spirelets
spittle-bug/3 -> spittle-bugs
splashproof/3 -> splashproofing
splittist/3 -> splittists
spoonerism/3 -> spoonerisms
spoonfeed/3 -> spoonfeeds,spoonfeeding
sportswork/3 -> sportsworks
spot-lamp/3 -> spot-lamps
spot-light/3 -> spot-lights
spotlist/3 -> spotlisted,spotlisting
spratling/3 -> spratlings
spraybar/3 -> spraybars
spraydeck/3 -> spraydecks
spraygun/3 -> spraygunned
sprigit/3 -> sprigits
sprouch/3 -> sprouches
square-rigger/3 -> square-riggers
squark/3 -> squarks,squarking
squawl/3 -> squawled
squeaker/3 -> squeakers
squinny/3 -> squinnying,squinnied
squireen/3 -> squireens
squirrele/3 -> squirreled,squirreling
sricam/3 -> sricams
stabber/3 -> stabbers
stachy/3 -> stachys
stage-direction/3 -> stage-directions
stagemanage/3 -> stagemanaged
stageplay/3 -> stageplays
staginess/3 -> staginesses
stair-carpet/3 -> stair-carpets
stair-rod/3 -> stair-rods
stair-well/3 -> stair-wells
staith/3 -> staiths
stake-hole/3 -> stake-holes
staman/3 -> stamen
stamping-ground/3 -> stamping-grounds
stand-point/3 -> stand-points
stannary/3 -> stannaries
stapelia/3 -> stapelias
star-cloud/3 -> star-clouds
star-cluster/3 -> star-clusters
starkadder/3 -> starkadders
starre/3 -> starres
stars-and-stripe/3 -> stars-and-stripes
state-room/3 -> state-rooms
statice/3 -> statices
station-house/3 -> station-houses
statute-law/3 -> statute-laws
staunchness/3 -> staunchnesses
steam-generator/3 -> steam-generators
steam-train/3 -> steam-trains
steamroom/3 -> steamrooms
steel-casting/3 -> steel-castings
steel-worker/3 -> steel-workers
steelmaster/3 -> steelmasters
steerer/3 -> steerers
stepboard/3 -> stepboards
steradian/3 -> steradians
stereo-type/3 -> stereo-types
sterol/3 -> sterols
sticklebrick/3 -> sticklebricks
stillson/3 -> stillsons
stillwate/3 -> stillwater
stinginess/3 -> stinginesses
stinkhorn/3 -> stinkhorns
stock-broker/3 -> stock-brokers
stockjobber/3 -> stockjobbers
stocktaker/3 -> stocktakers
stodginess/3 -> stodginesses
stogie/3 -> stogies
stone-mine/3 -> stone-mines
stonebreaker/3 -> stonebreakers
stoneface/3 -> stonefaces
stonefly/3 -> stoneflies
stonewalling/3 -> stonewallings
stop-light/3 -> stop-lights
storme/3 -> stormes
stoutness/3 -> stoutnesses
straightener/3 -> straighteners
stratore/3 -> stratores
stream-line/3 -> stream-lining
street-market/3 -> street-markets
street-trader/3 -> street-traders
street-woman/3 -> street-women
streptomyces/3 -> streptomycess
stretch-limousine/3 -> stretch-limousines
stretchmark/3 -> stretchmarks
striatum/3 -> striatums
stricutre/3 -> stricutres
strikebreak/3 -> strikebreaking
stringline/3 -> stringlines
strip-light/3 -> strip-lights
strip-show/3 -> strip-shows
stripogram/3 -> stripograms
stroke-maker/3 -> stroke-makers
strollathon/3 -> strollathons
stronach/3 -> stronachs
strong-room/3 -> strong-rooms
strow/3 -> strows
stubbing/3 -> stubbings
stude/3 -> studes
studiousness/3 -> studiousnesses
stutterer/3 -> stutterers
styptic/3 -> styptics
sub-centre/3 -> sub-centres
sub-circuit/3 -> sub-circuits
sub-consciousness/3 -> sub-consciousnesses
sub-element/3 -> sub-elements
sub-family/3 -> sub-families
sub-fund/3 -> sub-funds
sub-government/3 -> sub-governments
sub-kingdom/3 -> sub-kingdoms
sub-man/3 -> sub-men
sub-object/3 -> sub-objects
sub-organisation/3 -> sub-organisations
sub-panel/3 -> sub-panels
sub-question/3 -> sub-questions
sub-record/3 -> sub-records
sub-underlease/3 -> sub-underleases
subcommand/3 -> subcommands
subconsciousness/3 -> subconsciousnesses
subentry/3 -> subentries
subgenus/3 -> subgenera
subgoal/3 -> subgoals
subgovernment/3 -> subgovernments
sublate/3 -> sublating,sublates
sublessee/3 -> sublessees
submessage/3 -> submessages
subparagraph/3 -> subparagraphs
subpart/3 -> subparts
subpool/3 -> subpools
subsociety/3 -> subsocieties
subspecialist/3 -> subspecialists
substring/3 -> substrings
subtopic/3 -> subtopics
subtour/3 -> subtours
subtree/3 -> subtrees
subvent/3 -> subvented
subverter/3 -> subverters
subwoofer/3 -> subwoofers
succoth/3 -> succoths
succuba/3 -> succubas
sueve/3 -> sueves
sugarglider/3 -> sugargliders
sulfide/3 -> sulfides
sulindac/3 -> sulindacs
suling/3 -> sulings
sulphonate/3 -> sulphonated
sumac/3 -> sumacs
sun-bathe/3 -> sun-bathed
sun-day/3 -> sun-days
sun-ray/3 -> sun-rays
sun-worship/3 -> sun-worships
sunbonnet/3 -> sunbonnets
sundarban/3 -> sundarbans
sunderland-attender/3 -> sunderland-attenders
sunlamp/3 -> sunlamps
sunnah/3 -> sunnahs
sup-plement/3 -> sup-plemented,sup-plementing
super-order/3 -> super-orders
super-quarry/3 -> super-quarries
super-sprinter/3 -> super-sprinters
superfetation/3 -> superfetations
superheat/3 -> superheated
superheroe/3 -> superheroes
superking/3 -> superkings
superloo/3 -> superloos
supernaturalism/3 -> supernaturalisms
superscription/3 -> superscriptions
superstud/3 -> superstuds
supertax/3 -> supertaxes
superteen/3 -> superteens
supertonic/3 -> supertonics
supervize/3 -> supervizing
supination/3 -> supinations
surf-board/3 -> surf-boards
surform/3 -> surforms
surpress/3 -> surpressing
sustainment/3 -> sustainments
susurrus/3 -> susurruss
swage/3 -> swaged,swages,swaging
swapo-democrat/3 -> swapo-democrats
swearer/3 -> swearers
swee/3 -> sweeing
swimming-bath/3 -> swimming-baths
swing-boat/3 -> swing-boats
swing-weight/3 -> swing-weights
swordfight/3 -> swordfights
swordplay/3 -> swordplays
syg/3 -> syggest
syllabification/3 -> syllabifications
syllabify/3 -> syllabifying,syllabifies,syllabified
symbology/3 -> symbologies
symphonist/3 -> symphonists
syncytium/3 -> syncytiums
systole/3 -> systoles
t'ing/3 -> t'ings
t-bird/3 -> t-birds
tabby-cat/3 -> tabby-cats
tabe/3 -> tabes
tabled/3 -> tableds
tag-question/3 -> tag-questions
tail-back/3 -> tail-backs
tail-gate/3 -> tail-gates
tail-wagger/3 -> tail-waggers
tailstock/3 -> tailstocks
takeout/3 -> takeouts
talbothay/3 -> talbothays
talkativeness/3 -> talkativenesses
talkshow/3 -> talkshows
tallgrass/3 -> tallgrasses
tallin/3 -> tallins
tam-tam/3 -> tams-tams
tambrand/3 -> tambrands
tanka/3 -> tankas
tankship/3 -> tankships
tap-dancer/3 -> tap-dancers
taproot/3 -> taproots
tapster/3 -> tapsters
tarazet/3 -> tarazets
tarboosh/3 -> tarbooshes
tardi/3 -> tardis
tarl/3 -> tarling
tarmacadame/3 -> tarmacadamed
tartine/3 -> tartines
tastefulness/3 -> tastefulnesses
tati/3 -> tatis
tattler/3 -> tattlers
tautonym/3 -> tautonyms
taxability/3 -> taxabilities
taxi-jam/3 -> taxi-jams
taxpay/3 -> taxpaying
tchad/3 -> tchads
tea-strainer/3 -> tea-strainers
teacher-governor/3 -> teacher-governors
tearjerker/3 -> tearjerkers
technicien/3 -> techniciens
teef/3 -> teefs
teeger/3 -> teegers
teeny-bopper/3 -> teeny-boppers
telamon/3 -> telamons
telecommuting/3 -> telecommutings
telegraph-pole/3 -> telegraph-poles
telekinesis/3 -> telekineses
telekur/3 -> telekurs
telephone-call/3 -> telephone-calls
telescreen/3 -> telescreens
teleservice/3 -> teleservices
teleshop/3 -> teleshopping
televangelism/3 -> televangelisms
televangelist/3 -> televangelists
temple-complex/3 -> temple-complexes
tenant-farmer/3 -> tenant-farmers
tennessean/3 -> tennesseans
tennis-player/3 -> tennis-players
tenuicolli/3 -> tenuicollis
teraflop/3 -> teraflops
tere/3 -> teres
terebellid/3 -> terebellids
tergopleural/3 -> tergopleurals
terpsichorean/3 -> terpsichoreans
terrarium/3 -> terrariums
territoriale/3 -> territoriales
test-kit/3 -> test-kits
test-rig/3 -> test-rigs
tete-a-tete/3 -> tetes-a-tetes
tetrachloromethane/3 -> tetrachloromethanes
tetrahydrocannabinol/3 -> tetrahydrocannabinols
teucrium/3 -> teucriums
text-sentence/3 -> text-sentences
th'go/3 -> th'going
th'hand/3 -> th'hands
th'think/3 -> th'thinks
thale/3 -> thales
tharo/3 -> tharos
tharp/3 -> tharps
thd/3 -> thds
thee/3 -> thees
themsleve/3 -> themsleves
theologist/3 -> theologists
theologize/3 -> theologizing,theologizes,theologized
therate/3 -> theratest
thermochemistry/3 -> thermochemistries
thermoset/3 -> thermosets
thievery/3 -> thieveries
thingumajig/3 -> thingumajigs
third-rater/3 -> third-raters
tholoid/3 -> tholoids
thorgill/3 -> thorgills
thornbush/3 -> thornbushes
thought-content/3 -> thought-contents
thought-experiment/3 -> thought-experiments
thought-modality/3 -> thought-modalities
three-d/3 -> three-ds
three-decker/3 -> three-deckers
three-dimension/3 -> three-dimensions
three-length/3 -> three-lengths
three-system/3 -> three-systems
thriftlessness/3 -> thriftlessnesses
throttling/3 -> throttlings
throughfare/3 -> throughfares
throughway/3 -> throughways
throwster/3 -> throwsters
thrutch/3 -> thrutching,thrutches
thuggee/3 -> thuggees
thumbsuck/3 -> thumbsucking
thunder-storm/3 -> thunder-storms
thurian/3 -> thurians
thyroxin/3 -> thyroxins
tiamat/3 -> tiamats
tide-mark/3 -> tide-marks
tide-table/3 -> tide-tables
tie-line/3 -> tie-lines
tiento/3 -> tientos
tiggle/3 -> tiggles
tillite/3 -> tillites
tilt-hammer/3 -> tilt-hammers
timball/3 -> timballs
time-ball/3 -> time-balls
time-chart/3 -> time-charts
time-fuse/3 -> time-fuses
time-step/3 -> time-steps
timidness/3 -> timidnesses
tinky/3 -> tinkies
tintinnabulation/3 -> tintinnabulations
tip-tank/3 -> tip-tanks
tiptop/3 -> tiptops
tiu/3 -> tius
toadlet/3 -> toadlets
tobogganing/3 -> tobogganings
tocantins/3 -> tocantinss
toda/3 -> todas
toll-booth/3 -> toll-booths
tomate/3 -> tomates
tomb-chest/3 -> tomb-chests
tomb-painting/3 -> tomb-paintings
tomb-robber/3 -> tomb-robbers
tombaugh/3 -> tombaughs
tommyrot/3 -> tommyrots
ton-mile/3 -> ton-miles
tongue-twister/3 -> tongue-twisters
tonicity/3 -> tonicities
tonus/3 -> tonuss
toodle/3 -> toodling
toolmake/3 -> toolmaking
top-boot/3 -> top-boots
top-dog/3 -> top-dogs
torchbearer/3 -> torchbearers
torpedo-boat/3 -> torpedo-boats
torpedo-bomber/3 -> torpedo-bombers
torricelli/3 -> torricellis
tostada/3 -> tostadas
totale/3 -> totaled
totem-pole/3 -> totem-poles
tothe/3 -> toothing
tott/3 -> totts
touch-up/3 -> touch-ups
toughy/3 -> toughies
tourelle/3 -> tourelles
touvy/3 -> touvier
towaway/3 -> towaways
towell/3 -> towells
toying/3 -> toyings
trabajo/3 -> trabajos
trablo/3 -> trablos
trade-name/3 -> trade-names
tradecraft/3 -> tradecrafts
trailblaze/3 -> trailblazing,trailblazes,trailblazed
trailing-edge/3 -> trailing-edges
train-load/3 -> train-loads
train-tube/3 -> train-tubes
tramontana/3 -> tramontanas
tramwayman/3 -> tramwaymen
transcathete/3 -> transcatheter
transcode/3 -> transcoding,transcoded
transformist/3 -> transformists
transliterate/3 -> transliterated,transliterates,transliterating
transparence/3 -> transparences
transpersonalize/3 -> transpersonalized
trapline/3 -> traplines
travel-book/3 -> travel-books
travel-writer/3 -> travel-writers
travelog/3 -> travelogs
trayful/3 -> trayfuls
treadwheel/3 -> treadwheels
treasure-hunter/3 -> treasure-hunters
tree-dweller/3 -> tree-dwellers
tree-farmer/3 -> tree-farmers
tree-light/3 -> tree-lights
trembler/3 -> tremblers
trenchancy/3 -> trenchancies
trendset/3 -> trendsetting
trepan/3 -> trepanned,trepanning,trepans
triazine/3 -> triazines
tribromoethanol/3 -> tribromoethanols
trichloroethane/3 -> trichloroethanes
trichomona/3 -> trichomonas
triglochin/3 -> triglochins
trigon/3 -> trigons
trigonid/3 -> trigonids
trilobozoan/3 -> trilobozoans
trimer/3 -> trimers
trinitarianism/3 -> trinitarianisms
trip-hammer/3 -> trip-hammers
tripeptide/3 -> tripeptides
triphosphor/3 -> triphosphors
trisaccharide/3 -> trisaccharides
trishaw/3 -> trishaws
triterpenoid/3 -> triterpenoids
trm/3 -> trms
troctolite/3 -> troctolites
trod/3 -> trodding
troop-carrier/3 -> troop-carriers
troopy/3 -> troopies
trouve/3 -> trouves
truck-load/3 -> truck-loads
truffe/3 -> truffes
trumpet-player/3 -> trumpet-players
trumping/3 -> trumpings
trunk-road/3 -> trunk-roads
trunnion/3 -> trunnions
trusbut/3 -> trusbuts
trust-me/3 -> trust-mes
truster/3 -> trusters
tryout/3 -> tryouts
tswana/3 -> tswanas
tube-well/3 -> tube-wells
tuck-box/3 -> tuck-boxes
tugmaster/3 -> tugmasters
tumefacien/3 -> tumefaciens
tunga/3 -> tungas
tunneler/3 -> tunnelers
turcoman/3 -> turcomans
turkistan/3 -> turkistans
turn-table/3 -> turn-tables
turnery/3 -> turneries
tursiop/3 -> tursiops
tussie-mussy/3 -> tussie-mussies
tuvan/3 -> tuvans
tvtime/3 -> tvtimes
twiddling/3 -> twiddlings
twistwood/3 -> twistwoods
two-third/3 -> two-thirds
two-up-two-down/3 -> two-up-two-downs
two-world/3 -> two-worlds
twogate/3 -> twogates
tympan/3 -> tympans
tympanogram/3 -> tympanograms
type-case/3 -> type-cases
type-token/3 -> type-tokens
tyrannosaur/3 -> tyrannosaurs
tyre-mark/3 -> tyre-marks
tyrothricin/3 -> tyrothricins
tyto/3 -> tytoes
ulcha/3 -> ulchas
ulex/3 -> ulexes
ullswate/3 -> ullswater
ultra-draw/3 -> ultra-drawn
ultra-radical/3 -> ultra-radicals
ultracentrifugation/3 -> ultracentrifugations
ultracentrifuge/3 -> ultracentrifuged
umbra/3 -> umbras
unbar/3 -> unbarring,unbars,unbarred
unbury/3 -> unburies,unburying
unchangeability/3 -> unchangeabilities
uncleanliness/3 -> uncleanlinesses
unclo/3 -> unclos
uncompress/3 -> uncompresses
under-appreciate/3 -> under-appreciated
under-compensate/3 -> under-compensated,under-compensating
under-dress/3 -> under-dressed
under-mine/3 -> under-mined,under-mining
under-pay/3 -> under-paying,under-paid
under-recognise/3 -> under-recognised
under-stand/3 -> under-standing
under-supply/3 -> under-supplied
underdrawer/3 -> underdrawers
undereat/3 -> undereating
underman/3 -> undermanning
underpaint/3 -> underpainting,underpainted
underrating/3 -> underratings
undersel/3 -> underselling
understandability/3 -> understandabilities
unembarrass/3 -> unembarrassing
unessential/3 -> unessentials
unfix/3 -> unfixing
unfound/3 -> unfounds
unfrighten/3 -> unfrightening
ungrudge/3 -> ungrudging
unheed/3 -> unheeding
unhelpfulness/3 -> unhelpfulnesses
unitisation/3 -> unitisations
unlikeness/3 -> unlikenesses
unlink/3 -> unlinked
unpeel/3 -> unpeeling
unpin/3 -> unpinning,unpins,unpinned
unpleasantry/3 -> unpleasantries
unsatisfactoriness/3 -> unsatisfactorinesses
unselfconsciousness/3 -> unselfconsciousnesses
unserviceability/3 -> unserviceabilities
unsightliness/3 -> unsightlinesses
unsling/3 -> unslinging
unsnap/3 -> unsnapping
unsubscribe/3 -> unsubscribing
untense/3 -> untensing
unwedge/3 -> unwedging,unwedges
unwieldiness/3 -> unwieldinesses
up-lighter/3 -> up-lighters
up-rate/3 -> up-rated
up-stroke/3 -> up-strokes
uplander/3 -> uplanders
upperside/3 -> uppersides
ups-and-down/3 -> ups-and-downs
upsize/3 -> upsizing
upskil/3 -> upskilling
urbana/3 -> urbanas
urey/3 -> ureys
uro/3 -> uros
usine/3 -> usines
usnea/3 -> usneas
usufruct/3 -> usufructs
utnapishtim/3 -> utnapishtims
uw/3 -> uws
v-baffle/3 -> v-baffles
vade-mecum/3 -> vade-mecums
vahumpura/3 -> vahumpuras
vakif/3 -> vakifs
vall/3 -> valls
valses-caprice/3 -> valses-caprices
valuate/3 -> valuates,valuating,valuated
value-position/3 -> value-positions
value-subtractor/3 -> value-subtractors
vampirism/3 -> vampirisms
vapourise/3 -> vapourises
varangian/3 -> varangians
varanus/3 -> varanuss
vardo/3 -> vardos
varicella/3 -> varicellas
variorum/3 -> variorums
varmint/3 -> varmints
varzea/3 -> varzeas
vase-picture/3 -> vase-pictures
vasectomize/3 -> vasectomized
ved/3 -> vedding
veda/3 -> vedas
venizelo/3 -> venizelos
vergla/3 -> verglas
verse-speaker/3 -> verse-speakers
vervain/3 -> vervains
vespucci/3 -> vespuccis
vestris/3 -> vestriss
vichyssoise/3 -> vichyssoises
victimology/3 -> victimologies
video-clip/3 -> video-clips
video-maker/3 -> video-makers
video-nasty/3 -> video-nasties
video-screen/3 -> video-screens
vidoe/3 -> vidoes
viewstation/3 -> viewstations
vigee-lebrun/3 -> vigee-lebruns
villeinage/3 -> villeinages
villian/3 -> villians
villify/3 -> villified
vinblastine/3 -> vinblastines
vinifera/3 -> viniferas
violoncello/3 -> violoncelloes
virologist/3 -> virologists
viscum/3 -> viscums
vivant/3 -> vivants
vivisectionist/3 -> vivisectionists
volubility/3 -> volubilities
volumise/3 -> volumising
volvulus/3 -> volvuluss
vomitorium/3 -> vomitoriums
vrata/3 -> vratas
vulgarian/3 -> vulgarians
vulgarise/3 -> vulgarised
wage-cost/3 -> wage-costs
wage-cut/3 -> wage-cuts
waggy/3 -> waggiest
wagon-lit/3 -> wagon-lits
waldensian/3 -> waldensians
walk-about/3 -> walk-abouts
walkstation/3 -> walkstations
wall-top/3 -> wall-tops
wallscreen/3 -> wallscreens
wallwalk/3 -> wallwalks
wallwasher/3 -> wallwashers
waltzer/3 -> waltzers
wandere/3 -> wanderer
wanter/3 -> wanters
war-cry/3 -> war-cries
war-game/3 -> war-games
warmness/3 -> warmnesses
warp-vane/3 -> warp-vanes
warrior-ascetic/3 -> warrior-ascetics
wart-hog/3 -> wart-hogs
washer-drier/3 -> washer-driers
washer-up/3 -> washers-up
waste-pipe/3 -> waste-pipes
water-bed/3 -> water-beds
water-bird/3 -> water-birds
water-butt/3 -> water-butts
water-carrier/3 -> water-carriers
water-channel/3 -> water-channels
water-closet/3 -> water-closets
water-filter/3 -> water-filters
water-nymph/3 -> water-nymphs
water-race/3 -> water-races
water-seller/3 -> water-sellers
water-snail/3 -> water-snails
watermeadow/3 -> watermeadows
waterskier/3 -> waterskiers
watertown/3 -> watertowns
wavetop/3 -> wavetops
way-point/3 -> way-points
wayfare/3 -> wayfaring
wayleave/3 -> wayleaves
wazzock/3 -> wazzocks
wealdmoor/3 -> wealdmoors
wealth-creator/3 -> wealth-creators
wealth-producer/3 -> wealth-producers
weanling/3 -> weanlings
wearunder/3 -> wearunders
weather-watcher/3 -> weather-watchers
weaverbird/3 -> weaverbirds
wedding-bell/3 -> wedding-bells
weddoe/3 -> weddoes
wee'un/3 -> wee'uns
weelke/3 -> weelkes
weid/3 -> weider
weight-lifter/3 -> weight-lifters
weizenbier/3 -> weizenbiers
well-woman/3 -> well-women
weltschmerz/3 -> weltschmerzs
wender/3 -> wenders
weser/3 -> wesers
wharfage/3 -> wharfages
wharfmaster/3 -> wharfmasters
wheat-field/3 -> wheat-fields
wheel-rut/3 -> wheel-ruts
wheelset/3 -> wheelsets
whelm/3 -> whelmed,whelms,whelming
whipsaw/3 -> whipsawing,whipsaws,whipsawed
whisky-and-soda/3 -> whisky-and-sodas
whitethorn/3 -> whitethorns
whitwham/3 -> whitwhams
whortleberry/3 -> whortleberries
wicketkeeper-batsman/3 -> wicketkeeper-batsmen
wife-beater/3 -> wife-beaters
wig-out/3 -> wig-outs
wigman/3 -> wigmen
wild-flower/3 -> wild-flowers
wild-man/3 -> wild-men
wilke/3 -> wilkes
williamstown/3 -> williamstowns
willian/3 -> willians
willow-tree/3 -> willow-trees
wimble/3 -> wimbles
wind-chime/3 -> wind-chimes
wind-sucker/3 -> wind-suckers
windflower/3 -> windflowers
window-dresser/3 -> window-dressers
windowwork/3 -> windowworks
windpump/3 -> windpumps
windup/3 -> windups
wine-merchant/3 -> wine-merchants
wine-shop/3 -> wine-shops
wing-bone/3 -> wing-bones
wing-collar/3 -> wing-collars
wing-forward/3 -> wing-forwards
wing-walker/3 -> wing-walkers
winker/3 -> winkers
wintam/3 -> wintams
winter-sport/3 -> winter-sports
wintergreen/3 -> wintergreens
wish-impulse/3 -> wish-impulses
with-draw/3 -> with-drawn,with-drawing
wittiness/3 -> wittinesses
wittle/3 -> wittled,wittles
wob/3 -> wobs
woggle/3 -> woggles
wolf-tool/3 -> wolf-tools
won/3 -> wonned
wonderer/3 -> wonderers,wonderered
wood-cutter/3 -> wood-cutters
wood-remain/3 -> wood-remains
wood-shaving/3 -> wood-shavings
woodstork/3 -> woodstorks
wook/3 -> wooks
woolen/3 -> woolens
word-form/3 -> word-forms
word-length/3 -> word-lengths
wordbook/3 -> wordbooks
wordgame/3 -> wordgames
work-around/3 -> work-arounds
work-book/3 -> work-books
work-head/3 -> work-heads
worker-director/3 -> worker-directors
working-group/3 -> working-groups
worksong/3 -> worksongs
worktable/3 -> worktables
workwoman/3 -> workwomen
worldpartner/3 -> worldpartners
wormer/3 -> wormers
wotcher/3 -> wotchered
wouter/3 -> wouters
wraithwisp/3 -> wraithwisps
wren-boy/3 -> wren-boys
wriggler/3 -> wrigglers
wrist-spinner/3 -> wrist-spinners
wristlet/3 -> wristlets
write-a-thon/3 -> write-a-thons
wycherley/3 -> wycherleys
wyfe/3 -> wyfes
wymanise/3 -> wymanised
wynne-free/3 -> wynne-freer
x-term/3 -> x-terms
xarite/3 -> xarites
xizang/3 -> xizangs
xperiment/3 -> xperiments
xray/3 -> xrays
xstone/3 -> xstones
xxy/3 -> xxies
y-neuron/3 -> y-neurons
yachty/3 -> yachties
yanqui/3 -> yanquis
yardang/3 -> yardangs
yatter/3 -> yattered,yattering
yb/3 -> ybs
yeate/3 -> yeates
yeller/3 -> yellers
yellow-hammer/3 -> yellow-hammers
yhwh/3 -> yhwhs
ymir/3 -> ymirs
yosser/3 -> yossers
young'un/3 -> young'uns
yourinitial/3 -> yourinitials
yuma/3 -> yumas
zabania/3 -> zabanias
zacaria/3 -> zacarias
zadruga/3 -> zadrugas
zakk/3 -> zakks
zama/3 -> zamas
zealotry/3 -> zealotries
zemindar/3 -> zemindars
zephaniah/3 -> zephaniahs
zeppo/3 -> zeppoes
zero-rate/3 -> zero-rates
zhuang/3 -> zhuangs
zn-finger/3 -> zn-fingers
zoo-keeper/3 -> zoo-keepers
zoomer/3 -> zoomers
zuni/3 -> zunis
zur/3 -> zurs
zygoma/3 -> zygomas
'come/2 -> 'coming
'dog/2 -> 'dogs
'eat/2 -> 'eats,'eating
'gator/2 -> 'gators
'ha/2 -> 'has
'j/2 -> 'jed
'le/2 -> 'les
'man/2 -> 'men
'nthe/2 -> 'nothing
'oover/2 -> 'oovered
'phon/2 -> 'phoned
'r/2 -> 'red
'scape/2 -> 'scaped
'set/2 -> 'sets
'seventy/2 -> 'seventies
'tatoe/2 -> 'tatoes
'twenty/2 -> 'twenties
a'level/2 -> a'levels
a-borrow/2 -> a-borrowing
a-conformoline/2 -> a-conformolines
a-couple/2 -> a-coupled
a-drive/2 -> a-driving
a-go/2 -> a-going
a-hunt/2 -> a-hunting
a-ko-ru/2 -> a-ko-rus
a-play/2 -> a-playing
a-rain/2 -> a-raining
a-sit/2 -> a-sitting
a-sorrow/2 -> a-sorrowing
a-spin/2 -> a-spinning
a-subunit/2 -> a-subunits
a-tremble/2 -> a-trembling
abaco/2 -> abacos
abacuse/2 -> abacuses
abbatoir/2 -> abbatoirs
aberrance/2 -> aberrances
abete/2 -> abeted
abetment/2 -> abetments
abhuman/2 -> abhumans
ablaut/2 -> ablauts
above-stair/2 -> above-stairs
absail/2 -> absailing
absolutize/2 -> absolutizes,absolutized
absorptance/2 -> absorptances
abstractor/2 -> abstractors
acanthocephala/2 -> acanthocephalas
acanthocephalan/2 -> acanthocephalans
acanthurus/2 -> acanthuruss
accelerando/2 -> accelerandoes
accelerant/2 -> accelerants
accessoriser/2 -> accessorisers
accesswork/2 -> accessworks
accidence/2 -> accidences
acclimate/2 -> acclimated
accommodator/2 -> accommodators
accordian/2 -> accordians
accouchement/2 -> accouchements
accroach/2 -> accroaching
accrochage/2 -> accrochages
accur/2 -> accurs,accurred
acetal/2 -> acetals
aceve/2 -> aceves
acharnian/2 -> acharnians
acheloo/2 -> acheloos
achrome/2 -> achromes
acidifier/2 -> acidifiers
acinus/2 -> acinuss
acord/2 -> acording
acount/2 -> acounted
acquistion/2 -> acquistions
acrobate/2 -> acrobated
acrolein/2 -> acroleins
acromegalic/2 -> acromegalics
acropora/2 -> acroporas
actinomyces/2 -> actinomycess
activite/2 -> activites
acylate/2 -> acylating
ad-man/2 -> ad-men
ad-minister/2 -> ad-ministered
add-up/2 -> add-ups
addbit/2 -> addbits
addio/2 -> addios
adeem/2 -> adeemed
adisappoint/2 -> adisappointing
adjustor/2 -> adjustors
adorer/2 -> adorers
adourn/2 -> adourning,adourned
advan-tage/2 -> advan-tages
aede/2 -> aedes
aegypius/2 -> aegypiuss
aeonium/2 -> aeoniums
aerie/2 -> aeries
aerobrake/2 -> aerobraking,aerobraked
aethiop/2 -> aethiops
affairs/2 -> affairss
afforce/2 -> afforced
affright/2 -> affrighted,affrights,affrighting
aflatoxin/2 -> aflatoxins
aflotoxin/2 -> aflotoxins
africa-homeland/2 -> africa-homelands
africanise/2 -> africanised
afro-asiatic/2 -> afro-asiatics
afro-mauritanian/2 -> afro-mauritanians
afrocentrist/2 -> afrocentrists
afrolistic/2 -> afrolistics
aftercast/2 -> aftercasts
againt/2 -> againts
agapito/2 -> agapitos
agaric/2 -> agarics
agavaceae/2 -> agavaceaes
age-mate/2 -> age-mates
age-peer/2 -> age-peers
age-type/2 -> age-types
agelessness/2 -> agelessnesses
agit-popper/2 -> agit-poppers
agni/2 -> agnis
agreeableness/2 -> agreeablenesses
agri-chemical/2 -> agri-chemicals
agro-export/2 -> agro-exports
agv/2 -> agvs
ai-idea/2 -> ai-ideas
ai-worker/2 -> ai-workers
aiai/2 -> aiais
aid-donor/2 -> aid-donors
aid-giver/2 -> aid-givers
aid-worker/2 -> aid-workers
aides-memoire/2 -> aides-memoires
aiglet/2 -> aiglets
aiguillette/2 -> aiguillettes
ainsworthian/2 -> ainsworthians
aioli/2 -> aiolis
air-bag/2 -> air-bags
air-bed/2 -> air-beds
air-bottle/2 -> air-bottles
air-current/2 -> air-currents
air-gargoyle/2 -> air-gargoyles
air-sac/2 -> air-sacs
airdrieonian/2 -> airdrieonians
aiter/2 -> aiters
aitolian/2 -> aitolians
ajudge/2 -> ajudged
akan/2 -> akans
akarnanian/2 -> akarnanians
aken/2 -> akens
akhenaton/2 -> akhenatons
al-jihad/2 -> al-jihads
alabamian/2 -> alabamians
alamanda/2 -> alamandas
alasita/2 -> alasitas
alauda/2 -> alaudas
albertan/2 -> albertans
albian/2 -> albians
albizia/2 -> albizias
albuginea/2 -> albugineas
alca/2 -> alcas
alcedo/2 -> alcedoes
alcidae/2 -> alcidaes
aldude/2 -> aldudes
ale-master/2 -> ale-masters
alejack/2 -> alejacks
aleman/2 -> alemans
alewive/2 -> alewives
alexandrine/2 -> alexandrines
algonkian/2 -> algonkians
alhazen/2 -> alhazens
alienor/2 -> alienors
alifab/2 -> alifabs
alkanone/2 -> alkanones
all-high/2 -> all-highest
all-rank/2 -> all-ranks
all-smile/2 -> all-smiles
all-sport/2 -> all-sports
allegorizer/2 -> allegorizers
allentown/2 -> allentowns
alleynian/2 -> alleynians
alliterate/2 -> alliterated,alliterates,alliterating
alloantigen/2 -> alloantigens
allograph/2 -> allographs
allopathy/2 -> allopathies
almoravide/2 -> almoravides
almsgiving/2 -> almsgivings
alongee/2 -> alongees
alpha-blocker/2 -> alpha-blockers
alphabetise/2 -> alphabetises
alsatia/2 -> alsatias
altar-cloth/2 -> altar-cloths
altar-step/2 -> altar-steps
alternan/2 -> alternans
altoona/2 -> altoonas
alvare/2 -> alvares
amanita/2 -> amanitas
ambitiousness/2 -> ambitiousnesses
amboyna/2 -> amboynas
ambulante/2 -> ambulantes
ambulate/2 -> ambulating,ambulates,ambulated
ambulation/2 -> ambulations
amel/2 -> amels
amelanchier/2 -> amelanchiers
amele/2 -> ameling
amenability/2 -> amenabilities
americium/2 -> americiums
amerind/2 -> amerinds
amforta/2 -> amfortas
amidine/2 -> amidines
amonge/2 -> amonges
amora/2 -> amoras
amorge/2 -> amorges
amphioxus/2 -> amphioxuss
amuthe/2 -> amuthed
amygdala/2 -> amygdalas
amylum/2 -> amylums
anabarite/2 -> anabarites
anabaritid/2 -> anabaritids
anaea/2 -> anaeas
anafilaroide/2 -> anafilaroides
analyist/2 -> analyists
ananias/2 -> ananiass
anarcho-punk/2 -> anarcho-punks
anaspida/2 -> anaspidas
anasta/2 -> anastas
anatomise/2 -> anatomises,anatomised
anatomize/2 -> anatomized,anatomizes,anatomizing
ance/2 -> ances
ancester/2 -> ancesters
ancientness/2 -> ancientnesses
andiron/2 -> andirons
andokide/2 -> andokides
andouillette/2 -> andouillettes
androniko/2 -> andronikos
anemomete/2 -> anemometer
aneurysma/2 -> aneurysmas
anga/2 -> angas
angevine/2 -> angevines
anglo-greek/2 -> anglo-greeks
angmer/2 -> angmering
anhedonia/2 -> anhedonias
anhidrosis/2 -> anhidroses
animadversion/2 -> animadversions
animalism/2 -> animalisms
animatic/2 -> animatics
ankle-jack/2 -> ankle-jacks
ankle-strap/2 -> ankle-straps
anklebiter/2 -> anklebiters
annate/2 -> annates
annelida/2 -> annelidas
annonaceae/2 -> annonaceaes
annotator/2 -> annotators
annualize/2 -> annualized
annum/2 -> annums
anoa/2 -> anoas
anomal/2 -> anomals
anophthalmo/2 -> anophthalmos
anorectic/2 -> anorectics
anosmia/2 -> anosmias
answerback/2 -> answerbacks
ant-drug/2 -> ant-drugs
antakya/2 -> antakyas
antalya/2 -> antalyas
anthemis/2 -> anthemiss
anthoceros/2 -> anthoceross
anthologize/2 -> anthologized,anthologizes,anthologizing
anthraquinone/2 -> anthraquinones
anthropocentrism/2 -> anthropocentrisms
anthropoidea/2 -> anthropoideas
anti-abolitionist/2 -> anti-abolitionists
anti-aphrodisiac/2 -> anti-aphrodisiacs
anti-bloodsport/2 -> anti-bloodsports
anti-body/2 -> anti-bodies
anti-calvinist/2 -> anti-calvinists
anti-cyclone/2 -> anti-cyclones
anti-detectorist/2 -> anti-detectorists
anti-garotter/2 -> anti-garotters
anti-golfer/2 -> anti-golfers
anti-law/2 -> anti-laws
anti-leftist/2 -> anti-leftists
anti-parliamentarian/2 -> anti-parliamentarians
anti-quark/2 -> anti-quarks
anti-spirit/2 -> anti-spirits
anti-star/2 -> anti-stars
antiaircraft/2 -> antiaircrafts
antibiase/2 -> antibiasing
antidrug/2 -> antidrugs
antifoul/2 -> antifouling
antiheroe/2 -> antiheroes
antille/2 -> antilles
antilog/2 -> antilogged,antilogs
antimetabolite/2 -> antimetabolites
antineoplastic/2 -> antineoplastics
antiochene/2 -> antiochenes
antipa/2 -> antipas
antipaxo/2 -> antipaxos
antiperspirant/2 -> antiperspirants
antipodal/2 -> antipodals
antiquaire/2 -> antiquaires
antire/2 -> antired
antisen/2 -> antisens
antismoke/2 -> antismoking
antispasmodic/2 -> antispasmodics
antiterrorista/2 -> antiterroristas
anye/2 -> anyes
aoe/2 -> aoes
aphelion/2 -> aphelia
apiarist/2 -> apiarists
apic/2 -> apics
apodemus/2 -> apodemuss
apolgy/2 -> apolgies
apoligise/2 -> apoligised
apostatise/2 -> apostatised
apostatize/2 -> apostatized,apostatizes,apostatizing
apostrophise/2 -> apostrophising
apotheosise/2 -> apotheosising,apotheosised
apotheosize/2 -> apotheosized,apotheosizes,apotheosizing
appaul/2 -> appauling,appauled
appeare/2 -> appeares
appetency/2 -> appetencies
apple-pip/2 -> apple-pips
applier/2 -> appliers
apppoint/2 -> apppointed
appreciator/2 -> appreciators
aproach/2 -> aproaches
aptenodytes/2 -> aptenodytess
aquabatic/2 -> aquabatics
aquanaut/2 -> aquanauts
arabic-speaker/2 -> arabic-speakers
arachnologist/2 -> arachnologists
araneus/2 -> araneuss
arangement/2 -> arangements
aras/2 -> arass
araxes/2 -> araxess
arbalest/2 -> arbalests
arbitrament/2 -> arbitraments
arborescen/2 -> arborescens
arboriculturist/2 -> arboriculturists
arcanum/2 -> arcanums
arch-opponent/2 -> arch-opponents
arch-support/2 -> arch-supports
archaeogastropod/2 -> archaeogastropods
archean/2 -> archeans
archimede/2 -> archimedes
archlute/2 -> archlutes
archness/2 -> archnesses
archpry/2 -> archpriest
arctostaphylo/2 -> arctostaphylos
ardea/2 -> ardeas
ardille/2 -> ardilles
arel/2 -> arels
arene/2 -> arenes
argillite/2 -> argillites
argin/2 -> argins
argovian/2 -> argovians
argyranthemum/2 -> argyranthemums
arhus/2 -> arhuss
aridness/2 -> aridnesses
arimaspian/2 -> arimaspians
aristarchus/2 -> aristarchuss
aristocat/2 -> aristocats
aristodiko/2 -> aristodikos
aristotelean/2 -> aristoteleans
aristotelianism/2 -> aristotelianisms
arizonan/2 -> arizonans
arm-span/2 -> arm-spans
armblaster/2 -> armblasters
armore/2 -> armored
armour-plate/2 -> armour-plates
armshell/2 -> armshells
arouser/2 -> arousers
arpeggio-figure/2 -> arpeggio-figures
arpent/2 -> arpents
arre/2 -> arres
arrent/2 -> arrented
arrhenatherum/2 -> arrhenatherums
arriet/2 -> arriets
arrow-tip/2 -> arrow-tips
arseway/2 -> arseways
art-expert/2 -> art-experts
artefact-type/2 -> artefact-types
arteriogram/2 -> arteriograms
arthrophyte/2 -> arthrophytes
artist-writer/2 -> artist-writers
artmake/2 -> artmaking
arugula/2 -> arugulas
arv/2 -> arvs
aryballo/2 -> aryballos
asault/2 -> asaulted
ascentionist/2 -> ascentionists
ascites/2 -> ascitess
ashcan/2 -> ashcans
asheville/2 -> ashevilles
asid/2 -> asids
assentor/2 -> assentors
asserter/2 -> asserters
assimilator/2 -> assimilators
assur/2 -> assurs
astako/2 -> astakos
astricle/2 -> astricles
astronautics/2 -> astronauticss
astrozoologist/2 -> astrozoologists
atalaya/2 -> atalayas
ataraxia/2 -> ataraxias
atelectasis/2 -> atelectases
atheneum/2 -> atheneums
athetosis/2 -> athetoses
athwartship/2 -> athwartships
atlante/2 -> atlantes
atmo/2 -> atmos
atomization/2 -> atomizations
atonalism/2 -> atonalisms
atony/2 -> atonies
atran/2 -> atrans
atropos/2 -> atroposs
attampt/2 -> attampts
attatch/2 -> attatched
attoskirt/2 -> attoskirts
audiobook/2 -> audiobooks
audiogram/2 -> audiograms
audiometer/2 -> audiometers
audion/2 -> audioning
audiophile/2 -> audiophiles
aulacogen/2 -> aulacogens
auntre/2 -> auntres
auterfoit/2 -> auterfoits
auto-answer/2 -> auto-answers
auto-decrement/2 -> auto-decrementing
autoclub/2 -> autoclubs
autoloader/2 -> autoloaders
automea/2 -> automeas
autoreceptor/2 -> autoreceptors
autoregression/2 -> autoregressions
autoregulate/2 -> autoregulates
autosuggestion/2 -> autosuggestions
autote/2 -> autotest
autotype/2 -> autotypes
averageness/2 -> averagenesses
averting/2 -> avertings
avicenna/2 -> avicennas
aviculturalist/2 -> aviculturalists
awatina/2 -> awatinas
axe-handle/2 -> axe-handles
ayurveda/2 -> ayurvedas
azolla/2 -> azollas
azoturia/2 -> azoturias
babbler/2 -> babblers
babkin/2 -> babkins
babuska/2 -> babuskas
baby-clothe/2 -> baby-clothes
baby-walker/2 -> baby-walkers
babygrow/2 -> babygrows
babykin/2 -> babykins
babyrousa/2 -> babyrousas
bacchante/2 -> bacchantes
bacitracin/2 -> bacitracins
back'ud/2 -> back'uds
back-bend/2 -> back-bends
back-fist/2 -> back-fists
back-plate/2 -> back-plates
back-reference/2 -> back-references
back-road/2 -> back-roads
back-stair/2 -> back-stairs
back-way/2 -> back-ways
backboard/2 -> backboards
backround/2 -> backrounds
backscratcher/2 -> backscratchers
backstop/2 -> backstops
backthw/2 -> backthwing
backward-look/2 -> backward-looking
baconer/2 -> baconers
baddeleyite/2 -> baddeleyites
badmothe/2 -> badmouthing
bag-snatch/2 -> bag-snatches
bagasse/2 -> bagasses
bagrid/2 -> bagrids
bagsnatcher/2 -> bagsnatchers
baigel/2 -> baigels
baillif/2 -> baillifs
bain-marie/2 -> bain-maries
baine/2 -> baines
bairiki/2 -> bairikis
bait-box/2 -> bait-boxes
baitbox/2 -> baitboxes
bake-oven/2 -> bake-ovens
balan/2 -> balans
baldachin/2 -> baldachins
balefulness/2 -> balefulnesses
ball-dress/2 -> ball-dresses
ballad-opera/2 -> ballad-operas
ballad-writer/2 -> ballad-writers
ballbarrow/2 -> ballbarrows
ballet-pantomime/2 -> ballet-pantomimes
ballista/2 -> ballistas
ballse/2 -> ballsed
bambusa/2 -> bambusas
banalize/2 -> banalized
bandboy/2 -> bandboys
bang-your-head-circle/2 -> bang-your-head-circles
bankshare/2 -> bankshares
banner-bearer/2 -> banner-bearers
banqueter/2 -> banqueters
banty/2 -> banties
bar-girl/2 -> bar-girls
bar-tender/2 -> bar-tenders
baraka/2 -> barakas
barathe/2 -> barathes
barchart/2 -> barcharts
barclayslloydsmidland|onatwestrb/2 -> barclayslloydsmidland|onatwestrbs
barge-board/2 -> barge-boards
barge-owner/2 -> barge-owners
bargeowner/2 -> bargeowners
barilla/2 -> barillas
barley-sugar/2 -> barley-sugars
barmkin/2 -> barmkins
barnicle/2 -> barnicles
barnumise/2 -> barnumising
barracade/2 -> barracaded
barracker/2 -> barrackers
barrage-balloon/2 -> barrage-balloons
barralet/2 -> barralets
barrelful/2 -> barrelfuls
barrique/2 -> barriques
barroom/2 -> barrooms
barrow-down/2 -> barrow-downs
barrow-wight/2 -> barrow-wights
barrowful/2 -> barrowfuls
bartram-hynde/2 -> bartram-hyndes
bartramia/2 -> bartramias
base-map/2 -> base-maps
bassarid/2 -> bassarids
basses-alpe/2 -> basses-alpes
bastardisation/2 -> bastardisations
bastnasite/2 -> bastnasites
batarde/2 -> batardes
bath-salt/2 -> bath-salts
bathsalt/2 -> bathsalts
battle-scar/2 -> battle-scars
batw/2 -> batwing
batwing/2 -> batwings
bauhau/2 -> bauhaus
bayonet-mark/2 -> bayonet-marks
be-attitude/2 -> be-attitudes
beach-comber/2 -> beach-combers
beach-hut/2 -> beach-huts
beaglework/2 -> beagleworks
beakful/2 -> beakfuls
beam-end/2 -> beam-ends
bean-counter/2 -> bean-counters
bean-row/2 -> bean-rows
beancounter/2 -> beancounters
beard-shaving/2 -> beard-shavings
beargarden/2 -> beargardens
beasting/2 -> beastings
beaver-tail/2 -> beaver-tails
beavise/2 -> beavises
beb/2 -> bebs
beckertool/2 -> beckertools
bed-bath/2 -> bed-baths
bed-blocker/2 -> bed-blockers
bed-cover/2 -> bed-covers
bed-fellow/2 -> bed-fellows
bed-sheet/2 -> bed-sheets
bed-sock/2 -> bed-socks
beda/2 -> bedas
beddy-bye/2 -> beddy-byes
bedgey/2 -> bedgeys
bedr/2 -> bedrest
bedwa/2 -> bedwas
bee-orchid/2 -> bee-orchids
beechtree/2 -> beechtrees
beecraig/2 -> beecraigs
beer-house/2 -> beer-houses
beer-mug/2 -> beer-mugs
beer-shop/2 -> beer-shops
beerhall/2 -> beerhalls
beever/2 -> beevers
befog/2 -> befogged,befogs,befogging
beggar-my-neighbour/2 -> beggar-my-neighbours
beggarwoman/2 -> beggarwomen
behaviour-pattern/2 -> behaviour-patterns
behind-closed-door/2 -> behind-closed-doors
being-for-other/2 -> being-for-others
bejean/2 -> bejeaned
beleaguer/2 -> beleaguered,beleaguers,beleaguering
bell-glass/2 -> bell-glasses
bell-jar/2 -> bell-jars
bell-note/2 -> bell-notes
bell-sound/2 -> bell-sounds
bell-wall/2 -> bell-walls
bellbird/2 -> bellbirds
bellbottom/2 -> bellbottoms
belles-lettres/2 -> belles-lettress
bellrope/2 -> bellropes
belly-dancer/2 -> belly-dancers
belly-land/2 -> belly-landed
belt-and-brace/2 -> belt-and-braces
bench-altar/2 -> bench-altars
bench-table/2 -> bench-tables
benchley/2 -> benchleys
benefice-holder/2 -> benefice-holders
beneficiation/2 -> beneficiations
benian/2 -> benians
bennie/2 -> bennies
bensonian/2 -> bensonians
benzoate/2 -> benzoates
bequeather/2 -> bequeathers
berbizy/2 -> berbizier
bergsgarden/2 -> bergsgardens
berl/2 -> berling
bermoothe/2 -> bermoothes
beroe/2 -> beroes
berten/2 -> bertens
besmirsch/2 -> besmirsching
besport/2 -> besported
best-match/2 -> best-matches
best-of-17-frame/2 -> best-of-17-frames
betulaceae/2 -> betulaceaes
between-the-war/2 -> between-the-wars
bib-tap/2 -> bib-taps
biblio/2 -> biblios
bichromate/2 -> bichromates
bicky/2 -> bickies
bicorn/2 -> bicorns
bicycle-clip/2 -> bicycle-clips
bid-list/2 -> bid-lists
bidi/2 -> bidis
bierce/2 -> bierces
bife/2 -> bifes
big-boy/2 -> big-boys
big-buck/2 -> big-bucks
bignew/2 -> bignews
biguanide/2 -> biguanides
bikky/2 -> bikkies
bility/2 -> bilities
bill-of-material/2 -> bill-of-materials
billetee/2 -> billetees
billy-button/2 -> billy-buttons
biltong/2 -> biltongs
bimbette/2 -> bimbettes
binliner/2 -> binliners
bino/2 -> binos
bio-hazard/2 -> bio-hazards
bio-hour/2 -> bio-hours
bio-pic/2 -> bio-pics
bio-polymer/2 -> bio-polymers
bio-rhythm/2 -> bio-rhythms
biofluorescent/2 -> biofluorescents
biographee/2 -> biographees
bioherm/2 -> bioherms
bioko/2 -> biokoes
biolistic/2 -> biolistics
biomedicine/2 -> biomedicines
biometrician/2 -> biometricians
biometrics/2 -> biometricss
bionaut/2 -> bionauts
bioproduct/2 -> bioproducts
bipack/2 -> bipacked
biquadratic/2 -> biquadratics
biquaternion/2 -> biquaternions
bircher/2 -> birchers
bird-catcher/2 -> bird-catchers
bird-fancier/2 -> bird-fanciers
birdnest/2 -> birdnesting
birdstrike/2 -> birdstrikes
birth-flower/2 -> birth-flowers
birth-pang/2 -> birth-pangs
bisonte/2 -> bisontes
bittercress/2 -> bittercresses
bizarreness/2 -> bizarrenesses
black-head/2 -> black-heads
black-spot/2 -> black-spots
blackm/2 -> blackmer
blackmark/2 -> blackmarked
blacksburg/2 -> blacksburgs
blacksmthe/2 -> blacksmithing
bladderwort/2 -> bladderworts
bladderwrack/2 -> bladderwracks
blagget/2 -> blaggets
blagrove/2 -> blagroves
blamelessness/2 -> blamelessnesses
blancoe/2 -> blancoed
blandish/2 -> blandishing,blandishes,blandished
blathering/2 -> blatherings
blazen/2 -> blazened
bldg/2 -> bldgs
blind-spot/2 -> blind-spots
blit/2 -> blitter
blodge/2 -> blodged,blodges
blondness/2 -> blondnesses
blood-bead/2 -> blood-beads
blood-cell/2 -> blood-cells
blood-poison/2 -> blood-poisons
blood-product/2 -> blood-products
blood-relationship/2 -> blood-relationships
blood-worm/2 -> blood-worms
bloodfin/2 -> bloodfins
bloodsuck/2 -> bloodsucking
bloodymind/2 -> bloodyminded
bloop/2 -> bloops
blow-dart/2 -> blow-darts
blow-lamp/2 -> blow-lamps
blow-pipe/2 -> blow-pipes
blt/2 -> blts
blue-bottle/2 -> blue-bottles
blue-tree/2 -> blue-trees
bluegum/2 -> bluegums
blueing/2 -> blueings
bluenose/2 -> bluenoses
blues-rocker/2 -> blues-rockers
blueshift/2 -> blueshifted
bluffness/2 -> bluffnesses
blunderer/2 -> blunderers
bluno/2 -> blunos
boat-car/2 -> boat-cars
boat-trip/2 -> boat-trips
boatowner/2 -> boatowners
bob-wig/2 -> bob-wigs
bobber/2 -> bobbers
bobwhite/2 -> bobwhites
body-search/2 -> body-searches
body-shape/2 -> body-shapes
body-thrust/2 -> body-thrusts
body-warme/2 -> body-warmer
bodymaker/2 -> bodymakers
bodyside/2 -> bodysides
bodystock/2 -> bodystocking
bodysurf/2 -> bodysurfed
bodysurfer/2 -> bodysurfers
bogyman/2 -> bogymen
boh/2 -> bohs
boisery/2 -> boiseries
bolinder/2 -> bolinders
bolivare/2 -> bolivares
boltonian/2 -> boltonians
bomb-burst/2 -> bomb-bursts
bomb-crater/2 -> bomb-craters
bomb-vessel/2 -> bomb-vessels
bombing-raid/2 -> bombing-raids
bomblet/2 -> bomblets
bombproof/2 -> bombproofs
bombus/2 -> bombuss
bonduc/2 -> bonducs
bonehead/2 -> boneheads
boner/2 -> boners
bongwate/2 -> bongwater
boniness/2 -> boninesses
bonobo/2 -> bonoboes
boogeyman/2 -> boogeymen
boogieman/2 -> boogiemen
book-entry/2 -> book-entries
book-lover/2 -> book-lovers
book-maker/2 -> book-makers
book-review/2 -> book-reviews
book-stall/2 -> book-stalls
book-store/2 -> book-stores
book-writer/2 -> book-writers
bookfetch/2 -> bookfetching
booknew/2 -> booknews
bookrunner/2 -> bookrunners
bookstack/2 -> bookstacks
boot-maker/2 -> boot-makers
booter/2 -> booters
bootheel/2 -> bootheels
bootscraper/2 -> bootscrapers
boraginaceae/2 -> boraginaceaes
bordelaise/2 -> bordelaises
border-line/2 -> border-lines
bordes-page/2 -> bordes-pages
borea/2 -> boreas
boringness/2 -> boringnesses
borodino/2 -> borodinoes
bosian/2 -> bosians
bota/2 -> botas
botanica/2 -> botanicas
boter/2 -> botering
both-way/2 -> both-ways
botheration/2 -> botherations
bottle-bank/2 -> bottle-banks
bottle-fight/2 -> bottle-fights
bottlebrush/2 -> bottlebrushes
bottlefeed/2 -> bottlefeeding,bottlefeeds,bottlefed
bottletop/2 -> bottletops
bottom-dweller/2 -> bottom-dwellers
bouchy/2 -> bouchier
boucle/2 -> boucles
boulangist/2 -> boulangists
boundary-land/2 -> boundary-lands
boundary-stone/2 -> boundary-stones
bourgchy/2 -> bourgchier
bouygue/2 -> bouygues
bow-window/2 -> bow-windows
bowditch/2 -> bowditches
bowels/2 -> bowelss
bowie-knive/2 -> bowie-knives
bowl-head/2 -> bowl-heads
bowline/2 -> bowlines
bowr/2 -> bowring
boxing-glove/2 -> boxing-gloves
boxmaker/2 -> boxmakers
boy-lover/2 -> boy-lovers
boy-soldier/2 -> boy-soldiers
boycotter/2 -> boycotters
boyk/2 -> boyks
bozeman/2 -> bozemen
bra-and-pant/2 -> bra-and-pants
bracelete/2 -> braceleted
bracero/2 -> braceros
brachiation/2 -> brachiations
brachiopoda/2 -> brachiopodas
brachycephalic/2 -> brachycephalics
brachycero/2 -> brachyceros
bradstonian/2 -> bradstonians
bradyarrhythmia/2 -> bradyarrhythmias
brainstormer/2 -> brainstormers
brakesman/2 -> brakesmen
brancardier/2 -> brancardiers
brande/2 -> brandes
brandenburger/2 -> brandenburgers
branle/2 -> branles
branwhite/2 -> branwhites
brass-hat/2 -> brass-hats
brassie/2 -> brassies
bread-crumb/2 -> bread-crumbs
bread-oven/2 -> bread-ovens
breadpan/2 -> breadpans
breadtwist/2 -> breadtwists
breastroker/2 -> breastrokers
breech-cloth/2 -> breech-cloths
breechload/2 -> breechloading
bretford/2 -> bretfords
brew-pub/2 -> brew-pubs
brickfield/2 -> brickfields
brickmake/2 -> brickmaking
bricole/2 -> bricoles
bridge-corridor/2 -> bridge-corridors
bridge-pin/2 -> bridge-pins
bridgepin/2 -> bridgepins
bridgeport/2 -> bridgeports
bridle-road/2 -> bridle-roads
briercr/2 -> briercrest
brigandine/2 -> brigandines
briggflatt/2 -> briggflatts
brigh/2 -> brighest
bringe/2 -> bringed
briscoe-hook/2 -> briscoe-hooks
brittle-star/2 -> brittle-stars
broad-bean/2 -> broad-beans
broad-cast/2 -> broad-casting
broadwalk/2 -> broadwalks
brodiaea/2 -> brodiaeas
brome/2 -> bromes
brookbank/2 -> brookbanks
brooklime/2 -> brooklimes
broom-cupboard/2 -> broom-cupboards
broon/2 -> broons
broussonetia/2 -> broussonetias
brown-out/2 -> brown-outs
brucella/2 -> brucellas
brugh/2 -> brughs
bruit/2 -> bruited,bruits,bruiting
brummagem/2 -> brummagems
brunn/2 -> brunns
brush-turkey/2 -> brush-turkeys
brushmark/2 -> brushmarks
brushseller/2 -> brushsellers
brutalisation/2 -> brutalisations
buboe/2 -> buboes
buckaroo/2 -> buckaroos
buckle-end/2 -> buckle-ends
budgetholder/2 -> budgetholders
bufflehead/2 -> buffleheads
building-plot/2 -> building-plots
bull-fighter/2 -> bull-fighters
bull-grappler/2 -> bull-grapplers
bullace/2 -> bullaces
bullet-catcher/2 -> bullet-catchers
bullet-hole/2 -> bullet-holes
bullyboy/2 -> bullyboys
bum-cheek/2 -> bum-cheeks
bum-freezer/2 -> bum-freezers
bumbly/2 -> bumblies
bumboat/2 -> bumboats
bump-reader/2 -> bump-readers
bumpiness/2 -> bumpinesses
bun-fight/2 -> bun-fights
bur/2 -> burs,burring,burred
bureacrat/2 -> bureacrats
burgler/2 -> burglers
burgrave/2 -> burgraves
burgy/2 -> burgies
burhinus/2 -> burhinuss
burial-chamber/2 -> burial-chambers
burial-cliff/2 -> burial-cliffs
burial-ground/2 -> burial-grounds
buriat/2 -> buriats
burper/2 -> burpers
burping/2 -> burpings
burundian/2 -> burundians
bus-fare/2 -> bus-fares
bus-route/2 -> bus-routes
bus-ticket/2 -> bus-tickets
busbar/2 -> busbars
busne/2 -> busnes
bustier/2 -> bustiers
bustler/2 -> bustlers
butter-blob/2 -> butter-blobs
butter-churn/2 -> butter-churns
butterhead/2 -> butterheads
buttonback/2 -> buttonbacked
buttoning/2 -> buttonings
buttressing/2 -> buttressings
buxus/2 -> buxuss
buzzboard/2 -> buzzboards
by-and-by/2 -> bies-and-bies
byar/2 -> byars
byle/2 -> byles
byrnie/2 -> byrnies
bywate/2 -> bywater
c-apoprotein/2 -> c-apoproteins
caatinga/2 -> caatingas
cabalism/2 -> cabalisms
cabanne/2 -> cabannes
cabin-trunk/2 -> cabin-trunks
caboose/2 -> cabooses
cabstand/2 -> cabstands
cacatuoide/2 -> cacatuoides
cachexia/2 -> cachexias
cachinnation/2 -> cachinnations
caddisfly/2 -> caddisflies
caerulescen/2 -> caerulescens
caesaropapism/2 -> caesaropapisms
cafe-bar/2 -> cafe-bars
cait/2 -> caits
cakile/2 -> cakiles
calabura/2 -> calaburas
calamare/2 -> calamares
calamari/2 -> calamaris
calan/2 -> calans
calanque/2 -> calanques
calcine/2 -> calcining,calcined,calcines
calda/2 -> caldas
caliche/2 -> caliches
calime/2 -> caliming
calisthenic/2 -> calisthenics
call-signal/2 -> call-signals
calliphora/2 -> calliphoras
callisthenics/2 -> callisthenicss
callitriche/2 -> callitriches
calorifier/2 -> calorifiers
calpe/2 -> calpes
cambyse/2 -> cambyses
came/2 -> cames
camel-train/2 -> camel-trains
cameleon/2 -> cameleons
camerounaise/2 -> camerounaises
camerounian/2 -> camerounians
camp-ground/2 -> camp-grounds
camp-stool/2 -> camp-stools
campanologist/2 -> campanologists
campeche/2 -> campeches
campina/2 -> campinas
can-track/2 -> can-tracks
cancer-sufferer/2 -> cancer-sufferers
candela/2 -> candelas
candidness/2 -> candidnesses
candle-stick/2 -> candle-sticks
candle-stub/2 -> candle-stubs
candlemaker/2 -> candlemakers
canella/2 -> canellas
cannoneer/2 -> cannoneers
cantillation/2 -> cantillations
canvass-return/2 -> canvass-returns
cap-sleeve/2 -> cap-sleeves
cap-ture/2 -> cap-tured
capaciousness/2 -> capaciousnesses
capercailzie/2 -> capercailzies
capillarity/2 -> capillarities
capillipe/2 -> capillipes
capital-gain/2 -> capital-gains
capital-to-asset/2 -> capital-to-assets
caple/2 -> caples
caplin/2 -> caplins
capodistria/2 -> capodistrias
cappadocian/2 -> cappadocians
capparis/2 -> cappariss
cappelletti/2 -> cappellettis
capricho/2 -> caprichos
car-chase/2 -> car-chases
car-driver/2 -> car-drivers
car-port/2 -> car-ports
car-tyre/2 -> car-tyres
car-worker/2 -> car-workers
carabao/2 -> carabaos
carabidae/2 -> carabidaes
carabineer/2 -> carabineers
caracole/2 -> caracoled
carbene/2 -> carbenes
carborane/2 -> carboranes
carboxypeptidase/2 -> carboxypeptidases
card-reader/2 -> card-readers
card-sharpe/2 -> card-sharper
cardigane/2 -> cardiganed
cardoon/2 -> cardoons
cardphone/2 -> cardphones
carducci/2 -> carduccis
care-leaver/2 -> care-leavers
carefreeness/2 -> carefreenesses
caret/2 -> carets
cargo-ship/2 -> cargo-ships
carjacker/2 -> carjackers
carminative/2 -> carminatives
carnauba/2 -> carnaubas
caroller/2 -> carollers
caroom/2 -> caroomed
carousal/2 -> carousals
carpenden/2 -> carpendens
carpentaria/2 -> carpentarias
carpetbag/2 -> carpetbagging
carpette/2 -> carpettes
carrion-eater/2 -> carrion-eaters
carrying-on/2 -> carrying-ons
cartway/2 -> cartways
casals/2 -> casalss
case-conference/2 -> case-conferences
casemate/2 -> casemates
cash-cow/2 -> cash-cows
cassiope/2 -> cassiopes
castaing/2 -> castaings
castanea/2 -> castaneas
castry/2 -> castries
casuarinaceae/2 -> casuarinaceaes
casuarius/2 -> casuariuss
casuist/2 -> casuists
catalepsy/2 -> catalepsies
cataloge/2 -> cataloging
catastrophize/2 -> catastrophizing
catastrophy/2 -> catastrophies
catchall/2 -> catchalls
cath'lic/2 -> cath'lics
catheterization/2 -> catheterizations
cathlick/2 -> cathlicks
cathouse/2 -> cathouses
catling/2 -> catlings
catopleba/2 -> catoplebas
cattle-drive/2 -> cattle-drives
cattle-drover/2 -> cattle-drovers
cattle-lifter/2 -> cattle-lifters
cattle-pen/2 -> cattle-pens
cattle-rancher/2 -> cattle-ranchers
cattle-rustler/2 -> cattle-rustlers
cattle-yard/2 -> cattle-yards
caudron/2 -> caudrons
cavalry-man/2 -> cavalry-men
cave-dweller/2 -> cave-dwellers
cavia/2 -> cavias
cavitate/2 -> cavitated
cavy/2 -> cavies
cawdy-mawdy/2 -> cawdy-mawdies
cdo/2 -> cdos
cearl/2 -> cearls
cebifron/2 -> cebifrons
cebuano/2 -> cebuanoes
cecum/2 -> cecums
cedar-brush/2 -> cedar-brushes
ceding/2 -> cedings
ceilinge/2 -> ceilinged
celebrator/2 -> celebrators
celestite/2 -> celestites
cell-block/2 -> cell-blocks
celtiberian/2 -> celtiberians
cemetary/2 -> cemetaries
cental/2 -> centals
centaurium/2 -> centauriums
centerboard/2 -> centerboards
centerpiece/2 -> centerpieces
centi-second/2 -> centi-seconds
centrex/2 -> centrexes
centrism/2 -> centrisms
centrocercus/2 -> centrocercuss
centrosome/2 -> centrosomes
centuriate/2 -> centuriated
ceorl/2 -> ceorls
cepphus/2 -> cepphuss
cerapla/2 -> ceraplas
cerate/2 -> cerates
ceremoniousness/2 -> ceremoniousnesses
cerillo/2 -> cerillos
cerveza/2 -> cervezas
cervus/2 -> cervuss
cespede/2 -> cespedes
cestode/2 -> cestodes
cetrimide/2 -> cetrimides
ch'kasian/2 -> ch'kasians
chack'/2 -> chack'ed
chaddian/2 -> chaddians
chaetognatha/2 -> chaetognathas
chainmaker/2 -> chainmakers
chainplate/2 -> chainplates
chainsmoke/2 -> chainsmoking
chair-maker/2 -> chair-makers
chair-o-plane/2 -> chair-o-planes
chairbear/2 -> chairbears
chairleg/2 -> chairlegs
chairpersonship/2 -> chairpersonships
chalcid/2 -> chalcids
chalcidian/2 -> chalcidians
chalking/2 -> chalkings
chamounist/2 -> chamounists
champignon/2 -> champignons
changeableness/2 -> changeablenesses
changeroom/2 -> changerooms
chapess/2 -> chapesses
character-witness/2 -> character-witnesses
characteriture/2 -> characteritured
charcutery/2 -> charcuteries
charge-off/2 -> charge-offs
chariot-horse/2 -> chariot-horses
chariot-wheel/2 -> chariot-wheels
charity-school/2 -> charity-schools
charlatanism/2 -> charlatanisms
charlestonian/2 -> charlestonians
charolle/2 -> charolles
charterist/2 -> charterists
chasidim/2 -> chasidims
chauffer/2 -> chauffered
chauldron/2 -> chauldrons
chaung/2 -> chaunging
chaw/2 -> chawing,chaws,chawed
cheap-thrill/2 -> cheap-thrills
checkmark/2 -> checkmarks
cheese-cake/2 -> cheese-cakes
chef-d'oeuvre/2 -> chef-d'oeuvres,chefs-d'oeuvre
chegger/2 -> cheggers
cheif/2 -> cheifest
cheiranthus/2 -> cheiranthuss
chemisorption/2 -> chemisorptions
chemoreceptor/2 -> chemoreceptors
chemstation/2 -> chemstations
cherubin/2 -> cherubins
chess-man/2 -> chess-men
chewchock/2 -> chewchocks
chewer/2 -> chewers
chibol/2 -> chibols
chichewa/2 -> chichewas
chichi/2 -> chichis
chicle/2 -> chicles
chidlow/2 -> chidlows
chiel/2 -> chiels
chiffonnier/2 -> chiffonniers
child-actor/2 -> child-actors
child-bearer/2 -> child-bearers
child-mind/2 -> child-minding
child-molester/2 -> child-molesters
child-rearer/2 -> child-rearers
chimborazo/2 -> chimborazoes
chimley/2 -> chimleys
chimneypot/2 -> chimneypots
chimneystack/2 -> chimneystacks
chimneysweep/2 -> chimneysweeps
chin-up/2 -> chin-ups
chin-wag/2 -> chin-wags
chip-maker/2 -> chip-makers
chiropracter/2 -> chiropracters
chirpiness/2 -> chirpinesses
chirurgeon/2 -> chirurgeons
chishona/2 -> chishonas
chivy/2 -> chivying,chivvies,chivvied
chloasma/2 -> chloasmas
chlorella/2 -> chlorellas
chlorinator/2 -> chlorinators
chlorinity/2 -> chlorinities
chlorobenzoate/2 -> chlorobenzoates
chlorofluorcarbon/2 -> chlorofluorcarbons
chloroflurocarbon/2 -> chloroflurocarbons
chlorohydrocarbon/2 -> chlorohydrocarbons
chlorothiazide/2 -> chlorothiazides
chmo/2 -> chmos
chocaholic/2 -> chocaholics
choirstall/2 -> choirstalls
chokeapple/2 -> chokeapples
choky/2 -> chokies
cholangioscopy/2 -> cholangioscopies
chomping/2 -> chompings
chongq/2 -> chongqing
choo-choo/2 -> choos-choos
chordata/2 -> chordatas
chorine/2 -> chorines
chot/2 -> chots
chrime/2 -> chrimes
chriostat/2 -> chriostats
chrisma/2 -> chrismas
christenyng/2 -> christenyngs
christiania/2 -> christianias
christiano/2 -> christianos
christmastide/2 -> christmastides
chromogen/2 -> chromogens
chromolithograph/2 -> chromolithographs
chronozone/2 -> chronozones
chrysolakko/2 -> chrysolakkos
chrysoprase/2 -> chrysoprases
chuba/2 -> chubas
chubbiness/2 -> chubbinesses
church-due/2 -> church-dues
church-man/2 -> church-men
churchwoman/2 -> churchwomen
churring/2 -> churrings
cibling/2 -> ciblings
cichlidae/2 -> cichlidaes
cienfuego/2 -> cienfuegos
cigar-box/2 -> cigar-boxes
cigar-end/2 -> cigar-ends
cigarette-pack/2 -> cigarette-packs
cigarillo/2 -> cigarillos
cigent/2 -> cigenter
cimarron/2 -> cimarrons
cincar/2 -> cincars
cinderblock/2 -> cinderblocks
cineaste/2 -> cineastes
cineloop/2 -> cineloops
cinnamomum/2 -> cinnamomums
circk/2 -> circking
circl/2 -> circls
circularisation/2 -> circularisations
cirripedia/2 -> cirripedias
citybreak/2 -> citybreaks
civiliser/2 -> civilisers
cladoceran/2 -> cladocerans
clamore/2 -> clamoring
clandestin/2 -> clandestins
clannishness/2 -> clannishnesses
clap-hand/2 -> clap-hands
claque/2 -> claques
clarricoate/2 -> clarricoates
class-division/2 -> class-divisions
clavipe/2 -> clavipes
claw-back/2 -> claw-backs
clay-pipe/2 -> clay-pipes
claypit/2 -> claypits
clearfel/2 -> clearfelling
clearspr/2 -> clearspring
clergywoman/2 -> clergywomen
cleride/2 -> clerides
clerisy/2 -> clerisies
clerking/2 -> clerkings
clethra/2 -> clethras
cliff-wall/2 -> cliff-walls
climbing-frame/2 -> climbing-frames
clinometer/2 -> clinometers
clintonite/2 -> clintonites
clippin/2 -> clippins
clitoridi/2 -> clitoridis
clock-watching/2 -> clock-watchings
clocker/2 -> clockers
clockmake/2 -> clockmaking
clockwatcher/2 -> clockwatchers
clodhopper/2 -> clodhoppers
cloison/2 -> cloisons
clomiphene/2 -> clomiphenes
clomipramine/2 -> clomipramines
clorox/2 -> cloroxes
closed-worlder/2 -> closed-worlders
cloth-ear/2 -> cloth-ears
clothespeg/2 -> clothespegs
clothiar/2 -> clothiars
clothing-manufacturer/2 -> clothing-manufacturers
clothkit/2 -> clothkits
clothmake/2 -> clothmaking
cloud-shadow/2 -> cloud-shadows
cloyster/2 -> cloysters
club-moss/2 -> club-mosses
cnaa-institution/2 -> cnaa-institutions
cnidaria/2 -> cnidarias
co-adventurer/2 -> co-adventurers
co-belligerent/2 -> co-belligerents
co-colonise/2 -> co-colonised
co-condense/2 -> co-condensed
co-constituent/2 -> co-constituents
co-covenantor/2 -> co-covenantors
co-creator/2 -> co-creators
co-curate/2 -> co-curated
co-descendant/2 -> co-descendants
co-drve/2 -> co-driven
co-emperor/2 -> co-emperors
co-favourite/2 -> co-favourites
co-headliner/2 -> co-headliners
co-house/2 -> co-housing
co-infect/2 -> co-infected
co-inherit/2 -> co-inherited
co-m/2 -> co-ming
co-mingle/2 -> co-mingling
co-parent/2 -> co-parented
co-promote/2 -> co-promoted
co-researcher/2 -> co-researchers
co-rotate/2 -> co-rotating
co-variate/2 -> co-variates
co-venture/2 -> co-ventures
co-venturer/2 -> co-venturers
co-wive/2 -> co-wives
coaching-inn/2 -> coaching-inns
coagulant/2 -> coagulants
coal-heaver/2 -> coal-heavers
coardinate/2 -> coardinating,coardinated
cobble-stone/2 -> cobble-stones
coblyn/2 -> coblyns
coca-dollar/2 -> coca-dollars
coccid/2 -> coccids
coccolithophore/2 -> coccolithophores
coccyzus/2 -> coccyzuss
cochlearia/2 -> cochlearias
cockaigne/2 -> cockaignes
cockleshell/2 -> cockleshells
cockneyism/2 -> cockneyisms
cocksureness/2 -> cocksurenesses
cocoa-cup/2 -> cocoa-cups
cocooning/2 -> cocoonings
cocotte/2 -> cocottes
code-sheet/2 -> code-sheets
codebook/2 -> codebooks
codebreak/2 -> codebreaking
coedition/2 -> coeditions
coenty/2 -> coenties
coexpress/2 -> coexpressed
coffea/2 -> coffeas
coffee-bean/2 -> coffee-beans
coffee-drinker/2 -> coffee-drinkers
coffee-filter/2 -> coffee-filters
coffee-stall/2 -> coffee-stalls
coffin-manufacturer/2 -> coffin-manufacturers
cognomen/2 -> cognomens
cohabitor/2 -> cohabitors
coiffeuse/2 -> coiffeuses
coille/2 -> coilles
coin-clipper/2 -> coin-clippers
coition/2 -> coitions
cold-frame/2 -> cold-frames
cold-store/2 -> cold-stores
collague/2 -> collagues
collam/2 -> collams
collegue/2 -> collegues
colligation/2 -> colligations
collywobble/2 -> collywobbles
colocalize/2 -> colocalized
cololur/2 -> cololurs
colophony/2 -> colophonies
colorimeter/2 -> colorimeters
coloring/2 -> colorings
colossians/2 -> colossianss
colour-form/2 -> colour-forms
colour-mark/2 -> colour-marks
colour-marker/2 -> colour-markers
colour-wash/2 -> colour-washes
colourmaster/2 -> colourmasters
colourprint/2 -> colourprinting,colourprinted
colporteur/2 -> colporteurs
columbium/2 -> columbiums
com-munity/2 -> com-munities
coman/2 -> comen
comb-jelly/2 -> comb-jellies
comb-sack/2 -> comb-sacks
combinatoric/2 -> combinatorics
combipen/2 -> combipens
comedies-ballet/2 -> comedies-ballets
comfortabl/2 -> comfortablest
commandante/2 -> commandantes
commensalism/2 -> commensalisms
commissaires-priseur/2 -> commissaires-priseurs
commisson/2 -> commissons
commit-tee/2 -> commit-tees
commmunist/2 -> commmunists
commodiousness/2 -> commodiousnesses
commoditize/2 -> commoditized
communale/2 -> communales
compess/2 -> compesses
compilatione/2 -> compilationes
complacence/2 -> complacences
compost-maker/2 -> compost-makers
compradore/2 -> compradores
compromiso/2 -> compromisos
computervertriebsge/2 -> computervertriebsges
con-artist/2 -> con-artists
con-merchant/2 -> con-merchants
conceptualizer/2 -> conceptualizers
conchology/2 -> conchologies
conchy/2 -> conchies
concieve/2 -> concieving
concision/2 -> concisions
concomitance/2 -> concomitances
concordancer/2 -> concordancers
concour/2 -> concours
concretise/2 -> concretised
condemner/2 -> condemners
conferer/2 -> conferers
confiture/2 -> confitures
confrere/2 -> confreres
congle/2 -> congles
connotate/2 -> connotated
conscientise/2 -> conscientised
conseiller/2 -> conseillers
consensuse/2 -> consensuses
conserationist/2 -> conserationists
considerateness/2 -> consideratenesses
consociation/2 -> consociations
consortship/2 -> consortships
constipaty/2 -> constipatied
constitutionalize/2 -> constitutionalized,constitutionalizes,constitutionalizing
consultor/2 -> consultors
contact-rate/2 -> contact-rates
contactee/2 -> contactees
contant/2 -> contants
contentedness/2 -> contentednesses
contentiousness/2 -> contentiousnesses
contents-page/2 -> contents-pages
context-effect/2 -> context-effects
contextualist/2 -> contextualists
contiune/2 -> contiunes
contol/2 -> contolled
contrabassoon/2 -> contrabassoons
contracter/2 -> contracters
contrail/2 -> contrails
contrave/2 -> contraves
contribition/2 -> contribitions
contributary/2 -> contributaries
contriver/2 -> contrivers
contruct/2 -> contructed
contumacy/2 -> contumacies
contumely/2 -> contumelies
conver/2 -> convers
convergency/2 -> convergencies
conversationist/2 -> conversationists
conversative/2 -> conversatives
coo-/2 -> coo-ed
cook-book/2 -> cook-books
cook-maid/2 -> cook-maids
cookpot/2 -> cookpots
coolwate/2 -> coolwater
coonhound/2 -> coonhounds
copain/2 -> copains
copeck/2 -> copecks
copian/2 -> copians
coppist/2 -> coppists
coprinus/2 -> coprinuss
coprolalia/2 -> coprolalias
coprophagy/2 -> coprophagies
copublish/2 -> copublished
copulative/2 -> copulatives
copulin/2 -> copulins
copurify/2 -> copurified,copurifying
copy-editor/2 -> copy-editors
copy-holder/2 -> copy-holders
coquet/2 -> coquetting,coquets,coquetted
coracias/2 -> coraciass
corday/2 -> cordays
cordone/2 -> cordones
core'journal/2 -> core'journals
coreference/2 -> coreferences
corkage/2 -> corkages
corn-cob/2 -> corn-cobs
corn-flake/2 -> corn-flakes
corn-market/2 -> corn-markets
corn-stack/2 -> corn-stacks
cornbread/2 -> cornbreads
cornel/2 -> cornels
cornerback/2 -> cornerbacks
cornettist/2 -> cornettists
cornfactor/2 -> cornfactors
cornu/2 -> cornus
cornute/2 -> cornutes
corpse-candle/2 -> corpse-candles
correctitude/2 -> correctitudes
correctnewpo/2 -> correctnewpos
correo/2 -> correos
correspondence-computation/2 -> correspondence-computations
corrigenda/2 -> corrigendas
corrodian/2 -> corrodians
cortille/2 -> cortilles
cortland/2 -> cortlands
coscoroba/2 -> coscorobas
cosey/2 -> coseys
cosmeticize/2 -> cosmeticized
cosmetologist/2 -> cosmetologists
cosmetology/2 -> cosmetologies
cosmique/2 -> cosmiques
costanoan/2 -> costanoans
costia/2 -> costias
cotopaxi/2 -> cotopaxis
cotter-pin/2 -> cotter-pins
cottonmouth/2 -> cottonmouths
cottontail/2 -> cottontails
coucal/2 -> coucals
coulommier/2 -> coulommiers
councillorship/2 -> councillorships
counseiller/2 -> counseillers
counter-argue/2 -> counter-argued
counter-gift/2 -> counter-gifts
counter-raid/2 -> counter-raids
counter-smear/2 -> counter-smears
counter-thought/2 -> counter-thoughts
counter-warning/2 -> counter-warnings
counterargument/2 -> counterarguments
counterbore/2 -> counterbored
countercoup/2 -> countercoups
countercurrent/2 -> countercurrents
counterdemonstration/2 -> counterdemonstrations
counterion/2 -> counterions
counteroffer/2 -> counteroffers
counterplot/2 -> counterplots,counterplotting,counterplotted
countersignature/2 -> countersignatures
countersteer/2 -> countersteering
countertransport/2 -> countertransports
countryperson/2 -> countrypersons
coutance/2 -> coutances
coutume/2 -> coutumes
couvade/2 -> couvades
coversation/2 -> coversations
covertape/2 -> covertapes
cow-keeper/2 -> cow-keepers
cowardliness/2 -> cowardlinesses
cowichan/2 -> cowichans
cowlick/2 -> cowlicks
cowp/2 -> cowps
crack-head/2 -> crack-heads
crack-stopper/2 -> crack-stoppers
craftiness/2 -> craftinesses
crafts-man/2 -> crafts-men
craghopper/2 -> craghoppers
craniology/2 -> craniologies
craniotomy/2 -> craniotomies
crankonizer/2 -> crankonizers
crapshooter/2 -> crapshooters
crashland/2 -> crashlanded
crawler-crane/2 -> crawler-cranes
crch/2 -> crches
credulousness/2 -> credulousnesses
creepiness/2 -> creepinesses
creet/2 -> creeting
crescentia/2 -> crescentias
crewelwork/2 -> crewelworks
crewmember/2 -> crewmembers
cribber/2 -> cribbers
cricket-bat/2 -> cricket-bats
crime-fighter/2 -> crime-fighters
cringle/2 -> cringles
criteria/2 -> criterias
criticalness/2 -> criticalnesses
croaker/2 -> croakers
croch/2 -> croches
crocuta/2 -> crocutas
crofthouse/2 -> crofthouses
crolle/2 -> crolles
crono/2 -> cronos
cronyn/2 -> cronyns
crookback/2 -> crookbacks
crop-yield/2 -> crop-yields
crophead/2 -> cropheads
croque-monsieur/2 -> croque-monsieurs
cross-bone/2 -> cross-bones
cross-bunker/2 -> cross-bunkers
cross-fault/2 -> cross-faults
cross-fertilise/2 -> cross-fertilises
cross-influence/2 -> cross-influences
cross-motion/2 -> cross-motions
cross-route/2 -> cross-routes
crossbow-bolt/2 -> crossbow-bolts
crosscurrent/2 -> crosscurrents
crosser/2 -> crossers
crosshatch/2 -> crosshatched,crosshatching,crosshatches
crossing-place/2 -> crossing-places
crossleg/2 -> crosslegged
crowberry/2 -> crowberries
cruce/2 -> cruces
crucifer/2 -> crucifers
crudite/2 -> crudites
cruiseliner/2 -> cruiseliners
crunch-point/2 -> crunch-points
crye/2 -> cryes
cryogenics/2 -> cryogenicss
crypt-room/2 -> crypt-rooms
cryptograph/2 -> cryptographs
crystalise/2 -> crystalised
crystallizing/2 -> crystallizings
csaw/2 -> csaws
csec/2 -> csecs
cuase/2 -> cuased
cubelet/2 -> cubelets
cuck-oo/2 -> cuck-oos
cuckoo-bee/2 -> cuckoo-bees
cuckooe/2 -> cuckooed
cuff-title/2 -> cuff-titles
culicifacy/2 -> culicifacies
cullender/2 -> cullenders
cullercoat/2 -> cullercoats
culotte-short/2 -> culotte-shorts
cult-figure/2 -> cult-figures
cultism/2 -> cultisms
culture-vulture/2 -> culture-vultures
cumbersomeness/2 -> cumbersomenesses
cuninghame/2 -> cuninghames
cunt'ana/2 -> cunt'anas
cunt-lip/2 -> cunt-lips
cup-interior/2 -> cup-interiors
cuprate/2 -> cuprates
cura/2 -> curas
curandera/2 -> curanderas
curbcrawler/2 -> curbcrawlers
curist/2 -> curists
curliness/2 -> curlinesses
curry-powder/2 -> curry-powders
curtain-maker/2 -> curtain-makers
curtainraiser/2 -> curtainraisers
curte/2 -> curter,curtest
curtey/2 -> curteys
curvet/2 -> curvetting,curvets,curvetted
cushitic/2 -> cushitics
custo/2 -> custos
customer-service/2 -> customer-services
cut-key/2 -> cut-keys
cut-water/2 -> cut-waters
cutting-table/2 -> cutting-tables
cyanoferrate/2 -> cyanoferrates
cyanose/2 -> cyanosed
cyathostome/2 -> cyathostomes
cyclepath/2 -> cyclepaths
cyclin/2 -> cyclins
cycloalkane/2 -> cycloalkanes
cyclopropane/2 -> cyclopropanes
cyder/2 -> cyders
cylinder-head/2 -> cylinder-heads
cymric/2 -> cymrics
cyno/2 -> cynos
cypselid/2 -> cypselids
cystoid/2 -> cystoids
cytidine/2 -> cytidines
cytopenia/2 -> cytopenias
d'etude/2 -> d'etudes
d'oignon/2 -> d'oignons
d-cup/2 -> d-cups
dabbing/2 -> dabbings
dabchick/2 -> dabchicks
dactyl/2 -> dactyls
dactylorhiza/2 -> dactylorhizas
daimon/2 -> daimons
daimone/2 -> daimones
daitle/2 -> daitling
daitler/2 -> daitlers
daker/2 -> dakers
dalasi/2 -> dalasis
dalden/2 -> daldens
dalo/2 -> daloes
dam-buster/2 -> dam-busters
damag-/2 -> damag-ing
dammar/2 -> dammars
damnify/2 -> damnified
damozel/2 -> damozels
danaid/2 -> danaids
danaus/2 -> danauss
dance-card/2 -> dance-cards
dance-drama/2 -> dance-dramas
dancemaster/2 -> dancemasters
dancing-master/2 -> dancing-masters
dancing-teacher/2 -> dancing-teachers
dandify/2 -> dandified,dandifies,dandifying
danger-spot/2 -> danger-spots
daredevilry/2 -> daredevilries
darkland/2 -> darklands
darnede/2 -> darnedest
data-desk/2 -> data-desks
datacommunication/2 -> datacommunications
datalogic/2 -> datalogics
datarecorder/2 -> datarecorders
datebook/2 -> datebooks
daumy/2 -> daumier
dauntlessness/2 -> dauntlessnesses
daviese/2 -> davieses
davise/2 -> davises
day-bug/2 -> day-bugs
day-job/2 -> day-jobs
day-labourer/2 -> day-labourers
day-pupil/2 -> day-pupils
day-stage/2 -> day-stages
daybook/2 -> daybooks
daycourse/2 -> daycourses
daysit/2 -> daysitting
daytrip/2 -> daytrips
dayworker/2 -> dayworkers
dbit/2 -> dbits
de-alcoholise/2 -> de-alcoholised
de-beak/2 -> de-beaked,de-beaking
de-bitter/2 -> de-bittered,de-bittering
de-centraliser/2 -> de-centralisers
de-centralize/2 -> de-centralized,de-centralizing
de-centre/2 -> de-centres
de-clutch/2 -> de-clutching
de-couple/2 -> de-coupled,de-coupling
de-focuss/2 -> de-focussing
de-house/2 -> de-housed
de-humanise/2 -> de-humanising
de-ink/2 -> de-inking
de-instal/2 -> de-installing,de-installed
de-insure/2 -> de-insuring,de-insured
de-list/2 -> de-listing,de-listed
de-louse/2 -> de-loused
de-mob/2 -> de-mobbed
de-oxygenate/2 -> de-oxygenated
de-politicize/2 -> de-politicizing,de-politicized
de-registration/2 -> de-registrations
de-restrict/2 -> de-restricted
de-seasonalize/2 -> de-seasonalized
de-sensitise/2 -> de-sensitising,de-sensitised
de-spool/2 -> de-spooling
de-stabilisation/2 -> de-stabilisations
de-stock/2 -> de-stocking,de-stocked
de-worm/2 -> de-worming
dead-line/2 -> dead-lines
dead-lock/2 -> dead-locks
deadring/2 -> deadringer
dearness/2 -> dearnesses
death-camp/2 -> death-camps
deathbat/2 -> deathbats
deathblow/2 -> deathblows
deathrate/2 -> deathrates
deb-type/2 -> deb-types
debag/2 -> debagged
debeak/2 -> debeaking,debeaked
debiase/2 -> debiasing
debride/2 -> debrided
debussyan/2 -> debussyans
decantation/2 -> decantations
decapitan/2 -> decapitans
decerebrate/2 -> decerebrated,decerebrates,decerebrating
decilitre/2 -> decilitres
deck-hand/2 -> deck-hands
deck-shoe/2 -> deck-shoes
decolletage/2 -> decolletages
decolonize/2 -> decolonizing,decolonizes,decolonized
decommit/2 -> decommitted,decommitting
decreet/2 -> decreets
decrescendo/2 -> decrescendos
decribe/2 -> decribed
decurion/2 -> decurions
deer-hound/2 -> deer-hounds
deer-skin/2 -> deer-skins
deer-stalker/2 -> deer-stalkers
deerleap/2 -> deerleaps
defensibility/2 -> defensibilities
definien/2 -> definiens
defocuse/2 -> defocused
defore/2 -> deforest
defuel/2 -> defuelling
defusing/2 -> defusings
degreasant/2 -> degreasants
dehesa/2 -> dehesas
dehisce/2 -> dehiscing,dehisced,dehisces
deindustrialise/2 -> deindustrialising
deinomene/2 -> deinomenes
deinonychosaur/2 -> deinonychosaurs
deinstallation/2 -> deinstallations
deinstitutionalise/2 -> deinstitutionalised
delabel/2 -> delabelling
delapidate/2 -> delapidated
delapidation/2 -> delapidations
delate/2 -> delated
delegating/2 -> delegatings
delegitimate/2 -> delegitimating
delibes/2 -> delibess
deliuer/2 -> deliuered
delivery-man/2 -> delivery-men
delma/2 -> delmas
delocalise/2 -> delocalised
delouse/2 -> deloused,delouses,delousing
delphinid/2 -> delphinids
delphinidae/2 -> delphinidaes
delving/2 -> delvings
demagnetise/2 -> demagnetised
deman/2 -> demanning
demarcator/2 -> demarcators
demi-mondaine/2 -> demi-mondaines
demist/2 -> demisting,demists,demisted
demobiliser/2 -> demobilisers
demodulation/2 -> demodulations
demoe/2 -> demoed
demolisher/2 -> demolishers
demonisation/2 -> demonisations
demonstrativeness/2 -> demonstrativenesses
demonstratorship/2 -> demonstratorships
demop/2 -> demopped
demulsifier/2 -> demulsifiers
demurrage/2 -> demurrages
denar/2 -> denars
denaturate/2 -> denaturated,denaturating
denbery/2 -> denberies
dendrodorid/2 -> dendrodorids
denouncer/2 -> denouncers
densimeter/2 -> densimeters
dental-record/2 -> dental-records
denunciationist/2 -> denunciationists
deodorize/2 -> deodorizing,deodorizes,deodorized
deparaffinise/2 -> deparaffinised
departmentalize/2 -> departmentalized
dependance/2 -> dependances
deposit-holder/2 -> deposit-holders
depravation/2 -> depravations
depredator/2 -> depredators
depth-charge/2 -> depth-charges
deputy-lieutenant/2 -> deputy-lieutenants
deracialize/2 -> deracialized
derang/2 -> deranging
derate/2 -> derated,derating,derates
derecognise/2 -> derecognised
deregulating/2 -> deregulatings
deregulator/2 -> deregulators
derma/2 -> dermas
dermatobia/2 -> dermatobias
des-troy/2 -> des-troying
descamp/2 -> descamps
descombe/2 -> descombes
deseed/2 -> deseeded
desert-dweller/2 -> desert-dwellers
desexualize/2 -> desexualizes,desexualized,desexualizing
desgrange/2 -> desgranges
desiccant/2 -> desiccants
desiderate/2 -> desiderates,desiderated
desk-jockey/2 -> desk-jockeys
despising/2 -> despisings
despoblado/2 -> despoblados
despondence/2 -> despondences
destalinisation/2 -> destalinisations
destory/2 -> destorying
destoy/2 -> destoyed
desublimate/2 -> desublimates,desublimated
desulphurise/2 -> desulphurised
desulphurize/2 -> desulphurizing,desulphurizes,desulphurized
desyre/2 -> desyres
detoxifier/2 -> detoxifiers
detumescence/2 -> detumescences
deutchmark/2 -> deutchmarks
develp/2 -> develped
devestate/2 -> devestating,devestated
devitalize/2 -> devitalized,devitalizes,devitalizing
devlop/2 -> devlops
devlopment/2 -> devlopments
dew-claw/2 -> dew-claws
dewberry/2 -> dewberries
dewire/2 -> dewiring,dewired
dewnior/2 -> dewniors
dhal/2 -> dhals
diacritic/2 -> diacritics
dialectician/2 -> dialecticians
diarrhea/2 -> diarrheas
dias/2 -> diass
dibbit/2 -> dibbits
dibo/2 -> dibos
dicentra/2 -> dicentras
dicer/2 -> dicers
dicranopteris/2 -> dicranopteriss
dicranum/2 -> dicranums
dicte/2 -> dictes
didonian/2 -> didonians
diffence/2 -> diffences
digg/2 -> diggs
digitaria/2 -> digitarias
digitoxin/2 -> digitoxins
diguise/2 -> diguised
diltiazem/2 -> diltiazems
dimitrio/2 -> dimitrios
dinaride/2 -> dinarides
dinge/2 -> dinged
dinner-date/2 -> dinner-dates
dinner-guest/2 -> dinner-guests
dinnerware/2 -> dinnerwares
diodide/2 -> diodides
dionaea/2 -> dionaeas
diphthongize/2 -> diphthongized,diphthongizes,diphthongizing
diplodocuse/2 -> diplodocuses
diploidy/2 -> diploidies
diplopia/2 -> diplopias
dipnoi/2 -> dipnois
diradical/2 -> diradicals
diram/2 -> dirams
directivity/2 -> directivities
director-shareholder/2 -> director-shareholders
dis-associate/2 -> dis-associating
disapprover/2 -> disapprovers
disarrangement/2 -> disarrangements
disco-bat/2 -> disco-bats
disco-dancer/2 -> disco-dancers
discogoer/2 -> discogoers
discolouring/2 -> discolourings
disconnectedness/2 -> disconnectednesses
discountenance/2 -> discountenanced,discountenances,discountenancing
disea/2 -> diseas
disembowelment/2 -> disembowelments
disfunction/2 -> disfunctions
disgorger/2 -> disgorgers
dishabituate/2 -> dishabituated
dishevel/2 -> dishevelling,dishevels,dishevelled
dishful/2 -> dishfuls
disinfrancise/2 -> disinfrancised
disinvest/2 -> disinvests,disinvesting
disinvit/2 -> disinvited
disjointedness/2 -> disjointednesses
dismantlement/2 -> dismantlements
dispensaire/2 -> dispensaires
disprefer/2 -> dispreferred
disquisitione/2 -> disquisitiones
disruptor/2 -> disruptors
dissappear/2 -> dissappears,dissappeared
dissecan/2 -> dissecans
dissembler/2 -> dissemblers
dissembling/2 -> dissemblings
dissolvent/2 -> dissolvents
distanc/2 -> distancs
disulfiram/2 -> disulfirams
disunion/2 -> disunions
disust/2 -> disusting
dittoe/2 -> dittoed
divemaster/2 -> divemasters
diversifier/2 -> diversifiers
divisionalise/2 -> divisionalised
divulgence/2 -> divulgences
diwan/2 -> diwans
dix/2 -> dixes
dixielander/2 -> dixielanders
djakarta/2 -> djakartas
do-day/2 -> do-days
do-it-yourselfer/2 -> do-it-yourselfers
doab/2 -> doabs
dock-gate/2 -> dock-gates
dock-worker/2 -> dock-workers
document-holder/2 -> document-holders
documentalist/2 -> documentalists
docwork/2 -> docworks
dog-day/2 -> dog-days
dog-paddle/2 -> dog-paddles
dog-tag/2 -> dog-tags
dog-team/2 -> dog-teams
dog-walker/2 -> dog-walkers
dogcart/2 -> dogcarts
doget/2 -> dogets
dolly-bird/2 -> dolly-birds
dolly-mixture/2 -> dolly-mixtures
dolphineer/2 -> dolphineers
dolstar/2 -> dolstars
dominie/2 -> dominies
don't-care/2 -> don't-cares
don't-know/2 -> don't-knows
donatism/2 -> donatisms
donbas/2 -> donbass
donkey-ride/2 -> donkey-rides
doo-wop/2 -> doo-wops
doo/2 -> doos
doodad/2 -> doodads
doofer/2 -> doofers
doom-merchant/2 -> doom-merchants
doomsayer/2 -> doomsayers
door-hanging/2 -> door-hangings
door-lock/2 -> door-locks
doore/2 -> doores
doorlock/2 -> doorlocks
doorstopper/2 -> doorstoppers
doover/2 -> doovers
dopa/2 -> dopas
dopy/2 -> dopiest
dorad/2 -> dorads
dorry/2 -> dorries
dorsum/2 -> dorsums
double-booking/2 -> double-bookings
double-dealer/2 -> double-dealers
double-fault/2 -> double-faults
double-lock/2 -> double-locked
double-test/2 -> double-tests
doublere/2 -> doubleres
doubtfulness/2 -> doubtfulnesses
doughball/2 -> doughballs
douka/2 -> doukas
douzet/2 -> douzets
down-play/2 -> down-playing
down-value/2 -> down-valued
downspout/2 -> downspouts
downsw/2 -> downswing
downtowner/2 -> downtowners
downwarp/2 -> downwarping,downwarped
downwast/2 -> downwasting
doxepin/2 -> doxepins
doxology/2 -> doxologies
dozer/2 -> dozers
dracaena/2 -> dracaenas
drag-back/2 -> drag-backs
drag-line/2 -> drag-lines
dragone/2 -> dragones
dragonera/2 -> dragoneras
drain-tile/2 -> drain-tiles
dramman/2 -> drammen
drap-de-dame/2 -> drap-de-dames
dravidian/2 -> dravidians
drawe/2 -> drawes
drawmop/2 -> drawmops
dream-poem/2 -> dream-poems
dreamwalk/2 -> dreamwalking,dreamwalked
dress-fastening/2 -> dress-fastenings
drey/2 -> dreys
drinking-cup/2 -> drinking-cups
drinking-fountain/2 -> drinking-fountains
drinking-party/2 -> drinking-parties
drinks-can/2 -> drinks-cans
driving-licence/2 -> driving-licences
droan/2 -> droaned
droite/2 -> droites
droob/2 -> droobs
drop-shot/2 -> drop-shots
drug-pusher/2 -> drug-pushers
drustan/2 -> drustans
dry-good/2 -> dry-goods
dry-suit/2 -> dry-suits
dubbin/2 -> dubbins
dubbine/2 -> dubbining,dubbined
dubonnet/2 -> dubonnets
duck-pond/2 -> duck-ponds
duckery/2 -> duckeries
ducking-stool/2 -> ducking-stools
duckw/2 -> duckwing
duettist/2 -> duettists
dugla/2 -> duglas
dulse/2 -> dulses
duluth/2 -> duluths
dun-and-white/2 -> dun-and-whites
dunalist/2 -> dunalister
dung-hill/2 -> dung-hills
dunge/2 -> dunged
dunker/2 -> dunkers
dunking/2 -> dunkings
duodenoscope/2 -> duodenoscopes
duolian/2 -> duolians
duralumin/2 -> duralumins
durra/2 -> durras
duskiness/2 -> duskinesses
dust-man/2 -> dust-men
dustbin-liner/2 -> dustbin-liners
dustdevil/2 -> dustdevils
dustheap/2 -> dustheaps
dustup/2 -> dustups
dutifulness/2 -> dutifulnesses
dwelle/2 -> dwelles
dxpedition/2 -> dxpeditions
dycarba/2 -> dycarbas
dynamoe/2 -> dynamoed,dynamoes
dynaste/2 -> dynastes
dyne/2 -> dynes
e-document/2 -> e-documents
e-nf/2 -> e-nfs
eagle-feather/2 -> eagle-feathers
eaglet/2 -> eaglets
earbone/2 -> earbones
earflap/2 -> earflaps
earse/2 -> earsed
earthstation/2 -> earthstations
easain/2 -> easains
easi-jack/2 -> easi-jacks
eastland/2 -> eastlands
eating-disorder/2 -> eating-disorders
eaves/2 -> eavess
eble/2 -> ebles
ebonite/2 -> ebonites
ebv/2 -> ebvs
ecdysis/2 -> ecdyses
echekratida/2 -> echekratidas
echosounder/2 -> echosounders
eco-citizen/2 -> eco-citizens
eco-terrorist/2 -> eco-terrorists
eco-war/2 -> eco-wars
ecotool/2 -> ecotools
ecotoxicologist/2 -> ecotoxicologists
ecumenicism/2 -> ecumenicisms
ecureuil/2 -> ecureuils
eddo/2 -> eddoes
edwardse/2 -> edwardses
eel-fisherman/2 -> eel-fishermen
eel-pout/2 -> eel-pouts
eelgrass/2 -> eelgrasses
effluenct/2 -> effluencts
eftpo/2 -> eftpos
egg-cell/2 -> egg-cells
egg-head/2 -> egg-heads
egg-layer/2 -> egg-layers
egg-producer/2 -> egg-producers
egg-shape/2 -> egg-shapes
egg-timer/2 -> egg-timers
eggcupful/2 -> eggcupfuls
eggspert/2 -> eggsperts
ego-structure/2 -> ego-structures
egomania/2 -> egomanias
eight-to-12-year-old/2 -> eight-to-12-year-olds
eightee/2 -> eightees
eighthold/2 -> eightholds
ejidatario/2 -> ejidatarios
ejoy/2 -> ejoyed
ekman/2 -> ekmen
elaborateness/2 -> elaboratenesses
elapidae/2 -> elapidaes
elavil/2 -> elavils
eldil/2 -> eldils
eldoniid/2 -> eldoniids
elect-ion/2 -> elect-ions
electro-cardiograph/2 -> electro-cardiographs
electro-material/2 -> electro-materials
electrocautery/2 -> electrocauteries
electrocoat/2 -> electrocoating
electrocopy/2 -> electrocopying
electrograph/2 -> electrographs
electroluman/2 -> electrolumen
electrometer/2 -> electrometers
electromyogram/2 -> electromyograms
electron-antineutrino/2 -> electron-antineutrinos
electron-shell/2 -> electron-shells
electronvolt/2 -> electronvolts
electroreceptor/2 -> electroreceptors
electroscope/2 -> electroscopes
elegancy/2 -> elegancies
elephant-joke/2 -> elephant-jokes
elephantipe/2 -> elephantipes
elephas/2 -> elephass
elf-maid/2 -> elf-maids
elgarian/2 -> elgarians
elicitor/2 -> elicitors
eliment/2 -> eliments
eller/2 -> ellers
elode/2 -> elodes
elusion/2 -> elusions
embarra/2 -> embarras
embioptera/2 -> embiopteras
embryophyte/2 -> embryophytes
emnity/2 -> emnities
empark/2 -> emparked
empleado/2 -> empleados
employee-detail/2 -> employee-details
emrge/2 -> emrging,emrged
enamine/2 -> enamines
enantiomorph/2 -> enantiomorphs
enantiotrope/2 -> enantiotropes
encainide/2 -> encainides
enchainement/2 -> enchainements
enchase/2 -> enchased
enclitic/2 -> enclitics
encombr/2 -> encombred
encount/2 -> encounted
enculturate/2 -> enculturated
encyclobank/2 -> encyclobanks
end-block/2 -> end-blocks
end-gap/2 -> end-gaps
end-paper/2 -> end-papers
end-piece/2 -> end-pieces
end-plate/2 -> end-plates
end-stop/2 -> end-stops
endarterectomy/2 -> endarterectomies
endboard/2 -> endboards
endeaveour/2 -> endeaveours
endeavore/2 -> endeavored
endite/2 -> endites
endocardium/2 -> endocardiums
endocarp/2 -> endocarps
endoparasite/2 -> endoparasites
endotergite/2 -> endotergites
endotheline/2 -> endothelines
ends-and-mean/2 -> ends-and-means
endytinge/2 -> endytinges
ene/2 -> enes
energizing/2 -> energizings
enesco/2 -> enescoes
enfeoff/2 -> enfeoffed,enfeoffs,enfeoffing
enflame/2 -> enflamed
engineman/2 -> enginemen
english-man/2 -> english-men
engorgement/2 -> engorgements
engrail/2 -> engrailed
engrosser/2 -> engrossers
enhydrazine/2 -> enhydrazines
enjambement/2 -> enjambements
enjambment/2 -> enjambments
enkindle/2 -> enkindled,enkindles,enkindling
enlace/2 -> enlaced,enlaces,enlacing
enmire/2 -> enmired
enplane/2 -> enplaned,enplanes,enplaning
ensheathe/2 -> ensheathed
enthusaist/2 -> enthusaists
enthymeme/2 -> enthymemes
enticer/2 -> enticers
enton/2 -> entoned
entr'acte/2 -> entr'actes
entr/2 -> entred,entring
entrail/2 -> entrailed
entrammel/2 -> entrammelled
entrancement/2 -> entrancements
entrechat/2 -> entrechats
entrepeneur/2 -> entrepeneurs
enzymologist/2 -> enzymologists
enzymology/2 -> enzymologies
eolian/2 -> eolians
eosinophilia/2 -> eosinophilias
ep-odd/2 -> ep-odds
epaulet/2 -> epaulets
epeeist/2 -> epeeists
ephebe/2 -> ephebes
ephemeropteran/2 -> ephemeropterans
ephialte/2 -> ephialtes
ephor/2 -> ephors
epicureanism/2 -> epicureanisms
epicurism/2 -> epicurisms
epigastrium/2 -> epigastriums
epigrammatist/2 -> epigrammatists
episome/2 -> episomes
epitaxy/2 -> epitaxies
equating/2 -> equatings
eque/2 -> eques
equipp/2 -> equippped
equitation/2 -> equitations
equivocalness/2 -> equivocalnesses
equivocator/2 -> equivocators
eration/2 -> erations
ercan/2 -> ercans
erectness/2 -> erectnesses
eremite/2 -> eremites
erinnye/2 -> erinnyes
eriophye/2 -> eriophyes
eristic/2 -> eristics
erlenmeyer/2 -> erlenmeyers
erly/2 -> erlier
erm-sympathiser/2 -> erm-sympathisers
erran/2 -> errans
errors-and-omission/2 -> errors-and-omissions
ert/2 -> erts
erythrina/2 -> erythrinas
erythropoiesis/2 -> erythropoieses
erythroxyte/2 -> erythroxytes
escalid/2 -> escalids
eschar/2 -> eschars
esfahan/2 -> esfahans
esker/2 -> eskers
espoo/2 -> espoos
esquipula/2 -> esquipulas
estaite/2 -> estaites
estate-manager/2 -> estate-managers
esterify/2 -> esterified,esterifies,esterifying
estover/2 -> estovers
estrang/2 -> estranging
estrogen/2 -> estrogens
etablissement/2 -> etablissements
ethelbert/2 -> ethelberts
ethiope/2 -> ethiopes
ethnomusicologist/2 -> ethnomusicologists
ethoxyethane/2 -> ethoxyethanes
etnia/2 -> etnias
eulogist/2 -> eulogists
eumelanosome/2 -> eumelanosomes
euphrosyne/2 -> euphrosynes
eure/2 -> eures
eurhythmics/2 -> eurhythmicss
euro-broadcaster/2 -> euro-broadcasters
euro-deposit/2 -> euro-deposits
euro-event/2 -> euro-events
euro-institution/2 -> euro-institutions
euro-issue/2 -> euro-issues
euro-loan/2 -> euro-loans
euro-minister/2 -> euro-ministers
eurohack/2 -> eurohacks
europark/2 -> europarks
europhobe/2 -> europhobes
europlant/2 -> europlants
euthanase/2 -> euthanased
evacuue/2 -> evacuues
evante/2 -> evantes
evenhand/2 -> evenhanded
eveningwear/2 -> eveningwears
event-tree/2 -> event-trees
ever-fine/2 -> ever-finer
ever-long/2 -> ever-longer
ever-sharpe/2 -> ever-sharper
ever-tight/2 -> ever-tighter
everlast/2 -> everlasts
everlastingness/2 -> everlastingnesses
eversion/2 -> eversions
everth/2 -> everthing
ex-abbot/2 -> ex-abbots
ex-advert/2 -> ex-adverts
ex-agent/2 -> ex-agents
ex-archon/2 -> ex-archons
ex-bride/2 -> ex-brides
ex-chaser/2 -> ex-chasers
ex-coalitionist/2 -> ex-coalitionists
ex-combatant/2 -> ex-combatants
ex-commando/2 -> ex-commandos
ex-constable/2 -> ex-constables
ex-dictator/2 -> ex-dictators
ex-master/2 -> ex-masters
ex-mineworker/2 -> ex-mineworkers
ex-official/2 -> ex-officials
ex-pilot/2 -> ex-pilots
ex-politician/2 -> ex-politicians
ex-racehorse/2 -> ex-racehorses
ex-resident/2 -> ex-residents
ex-revolutionary/2 -> ex-revolutionaries
ex-sailor/2 -> ex-sailors
ex-salesman/2 -> ex-salesmen
ex-separatist/2 -> ex-separatists
ex-sound/2 -> ex-sounds
ex-stalwart/2 -> ex-stalwarts
ex-supporter/2 -> ex-supporters
ex-tiller/2 -> ex-tillers
ex-trotskyist/2 -> ex-trotskyists
exaltedness/2 -> exaltednesses
exame/2 -> examing
examin/2 -> examins
exarch/2 -> exarches
excede/2 -> exceded
exceedance/2 -> exceedances
exceedence/2 -> exceedences
excessiveness/2 -> excessivenesses
exclamative/2 -> exclamatives
excruciation/2 -> excruciations
excruciator/2 -> excruciators
excurse/2 -> excurses
excursuse/2 -> excursuses
executing/2 -> executings
exegese/2 -> exegeses
exit-door/2 -> exit-doors
exodo/2 -> exodos
exoner/2 -> exoners
exorbitance/2 -> exorbitances
exoticness/2 -> exoticnesses
expeditor/2 -> expeditors
explican/2 -> explicans
exploder/2 -> exploders
explorationist/2 -> explorationists
expounder/2 -> expounders
expurgation/2 -> expurgations
exsheath/2 -> exsheaths
exsmoker/2 -> exsmokers
extemporization/2 -> extemporizations
extemporize/2 -> extemporizing,extemporizes,extemporized
extenuation/2 -> extenuations
extern/2 -> externs
extravagancy/2 -> extravagancies
extravasate/2 -> extravasated,extravasates,extravasating
extraversion/2 -> extraversions
extubate/2 -> extubated
exudation/2 -> exudations
eye-brow/2 -> eye-brows
eye-muscle/2 -> eye-muscles
eye-rim/2 -> eye-rims
eye-shade/2 -> eye-shades
eye-slit/2 -> eye-slits
eyebath/2 -> eyebaths
eyeshade/2 -> eyeshades
eyety/2 -> eyeties
f-star/2 -> f-stars
fabris-petride/2 -> fabris-petrides
face-centre/2 -> face-centres
faceworker/2 -> faceworkers
facilitite/2 -> facilitites
fack/2 -> facks
fact-finder/2 -> fact-finders
faction-fight/2 -> faction-fights
factionalise/2 -> factionalised
factory-home/2 -> factory-homes
facture/2 -> facturing
faddist/2 -> faddists
fagaceae/2 -> fagaceaes
faghagg/2 -> faghaggs
fair-day/2 -> fair-days
fairlead/2 -> fairleads
fairy-elve/2 -> fairy-elves
faith-healer/2 -> faith-healers
falafel/2 -> falafels
falchion/2 -> falchions
falconidae/2 -> falconidaes
fale/2 -> faling
fallaciousness/2 -> fallaciousnesses
fallot/2 -> fallots
fallowlee/2 -> fallowlees
false-negative/2 -> false-negatives
falsettist/2 -> falsettists
falsy/2 -> falsies
famel/2 -> famels
famer/2 -> famers
familye/2 -> familyes
fan-light/2 -> fan-lights
fanbelt/2 -> fanbelts
fancy-pant/2 -> fancy-pants
fandom/2 -> fandoms
fange/2 -> fanged
fanner/2 -> fanners
fantastick/2 -> fantasticks
farang/2 -> farangs
farcy/2 -> farcies
fare-payer/2 -> fare-payers
farm-estate/2 -> farm-estates
farm-horse/2 -> farm-horses
farmhorse/2 -> farmhorses
farragoe/2 -> farragoes
farsightedness/2 -> farsightednesses
fasciculation/2 -> fasciculations
fascioliasis/2 -> fascioliases
fasilada/2 -> fasiladas
fast-day/2 -> fast-days
fastball/2 -> fastballs
fastflow/2 -> fastflowing
fatah-hama/2 -> fatah-hamas
fatback/2 -> fatbacks
fathe/2 -> faithing
father-husband/2 -> father-husbands
fauce/2 -> fauces
fauchard/2 -> fauchards
fault-block/2 -> fault-blocks
faulter/2 -> faultered
fauss/2 -> fausses
fauteuil/2 -> fauteuils
favelado/2 -> favelados
feather-brain/2 -> feather-brains
feature-detector/2 -> feature-detectors
fecundation/2 -> fecundations
federal-fund/2 -> federal-funds
federalisation/2 -> federalisations
federalization/2 -> federalizations
federalize/2 -> federalized,federalizes,federalizing
feedbin/2 -> feedbins
feeding-point/2 -> feeding-points
feedlot/2 -> feedlots
feigning/2 -> feignings
feild/2 -> feilding
fell-walker/2 -> fell-walkers
fellmonger/2 -> fellmongers
fellow-actor/2 -> fellow-actors
fellow-fighter/2 -> fellow-fighters
fellow-guest/2 -> fellow-guests
fellow-heir/2 -> fellow-heirs
fellow-musician/2 -> fellow-musicians
fellow-poet/2 -> fellow-poets
fellow-rebel/2 -> fellow-rebels
fellow-scientist/2 -> fellow-scientists
fellow-soldier/2 -> fellow-soldiers
fellow-struggler/2 -> fellow-strugglers
fellow-teacher/2 -> fellow-teachers
fellow-victim/2 -> fellow-victims
felstedian/2 -> felstedians
felwort/2 -> felworts
fenastra/2 -> fenastras
fenne/2 -> fennes
fennik/2 -> fenniks
fer-de-lance/2 -> fer-de-lances
ferra/2 -> ferras
ferro-alloy/2 -> ferro-alloys
ferromagnet/2 -> ferromagnets
ferromagnetism/2 -> ferromagnetisms
ferrooxidan/2 -> ferrooxidans
feudalist/2 -> feudalists
feverishness/2 -> feverishnesses
fezze/2 -> fezzes
fibben/2 -> fibbens
fibre-pile/2 -> fibre-piles
fice/2 -> fices
fidelista/2 -> fidelistas
fidrika/2 -> fidrikas
fief-holder/2 -> fief-holders
fieldwalk/2 -> fieldwalking
fifer/2 -> fifers
fifth-large/2 -> fifth-largest
fige/2 -> figes
fighting-ship/2 -> fighting-ships
fighting-tower/2 -> fighting-towers
figure-zone/2 -> figure-zones
filarioid/2 -> filarioids
fileserver/2 -> fileservers
filicolli/2 -> filicollis
film-viewer/2 -> film-viewers
film-writer/2 -> film-writers
filmshow/2 -> filmshows
filopod/2 -> filopods
finagle/2 -> finagling,finagles,finagled
find-spot/2 -> find-spots
findia/2 -> findias
fine-tuner/2 -> fine-tuners
finger-bone/2 -> finger-bones
finger-mark/2 -> finger-marks
finger-wag/2 -> finger-wagging
finished-good/2 -> finished-goods
finnbogadottir/2 -> finnbogadottirs
fir-bough/2 -> fir-boughs
fir-tree/2 -> fir-trees
firbob/2 -> firbobs
fire-alarm/2 -> fire-alarms
fire-arm/2 -> fire-arms
fire-bomber/2 -> fire-bombers
fire-festival/2 -> fire-festivals
fire-missile/2 -> fire-missiles
fire-officer/2 -> fire-officers
fire-walker/2 -> fire-walkers
firebowl/2 -> firebowls
firegod/2 -> firegods
firestick/2 -> firesticks
firewatcher/2 -> firewatchers
fireweed/2 -> fireweeds
first-comer/2 -> first-comers
fish-eater/2 -> fish-eaters
fish-egg/2 -> fish-eggs
fish-farm/2 -> fish-farms
fish-gut/2 -> fish-guts
fish-knive/2 -> fish-knives
fishbox/2 -> fishboxes
fishgarth/2 -> fishgarths
fishhead/2 -> fishheads
fishhook/2 -> fishhooks
fishing-net/2 -> fishing-nets
fishplate/2 -> fishplates
fishquay/2 -> fishquays
fistfight/2 -> fistfights
five-finger/2 -> five-fingers
flabbergast/2 -> flabbergasting,flabbergasted,flabbergasts
flaccidity/2 -> flaccidities
flag-bearer/2 -> flag-bearers
flag-burner/2 -> flag-burners
flag-wearer/2 -> flag-wearers
flagellata/2 -> flagellatas
flagyl/2 -> flagyls
flak-jacket/2 -> flak-jackets
flamme/2 -> flammes
flandre/2 -> flandres
flange-plate/2 -> flange-plates
flap-pocket/2 -> flap-pockets
flash-in/2 -> flash-ins
flashee/2 -> flashees
flat-iron/2 -> flat-irons
flatb/2 -> flatbed
flatliner/2 -> flatliners
flatwork/2 -> flatworks
flaunching/2 -> flaunchings
flavipe/2 -> flavipes
flax-spinner/2 -> flax-spinners
flax-worker/2 -> flax-workers
fleabag/2 -> fleabags
flecainide/2 -> flecainides
fleetness/2 -> fleetnesses
fleshiness/2 -> fleshinesses
fleshpot/2 -> fleshpots
flexi-hour/2 -> flexi-hours
fliend/2 -> fliends
flig/2 -> fligs
flightcrew/2 -> flightcrews
flinger/2 -> flingers
flob/2 -> flobs
floor-pan/2 -> floor-pans
floor-plan/2 -> floor-plans
floorwalker/2 -> floorwalkers
floosy/2 -> floosies
flop-house/2 -> flop-houses
floure/2 -> floures
flow-pattern/2 -> flow-patterns
flowage/2 -> flowages
flower-piece/2 -> flower-pieces
flower-plot/2 -> flower-plots
flowerer/2 -> flowerers
flowerseller/2 -> flowersellers
flowline/2 -> flowlines
flowmete/2 -> flowmeter
flowre/2 -> flowres
fluitan/2 -> fluitans
fluorouracil/2 -> fluorouracils
fluter/2 -> fluters
flutte/2 -> fluttes
fly-catcher/2 -> fly-catchers
fly-fisher/2 -> fly-fishers
fly-man/2 -> fly-men
fly-poster/2 -> fly-posters
fly-tipper/2 -> fly-tippers
fly-tyer/2 -> fly-tyers
flybridge/2 -> flybridges
flykiller/2 -> flykillers
flyposter/2 -> flyposters
fmole/2 -> fmoles
fog-signal/2 -> fog-signals
fogginess/2 -> fogginesses
folk-custom/2 -> folk-customs
follet/2 -> follets
folli/2 -> follis
folow/2 -> folowed
fomor/2 -> fomors
fomorian/2 -> fomorians
food-basket/2 -> food-baskets
food-crop/2 -> food-crops
food-parcel/2 -> food-parcels
food-stall/2 -> food-stalls
food-taster/2 -> food-tasters
food-vessel/2 -> food-vessels
foodcrop/2 -> foodcrops
foolery/2 -> fooleries
foot-bath/2 -> foot-baths
foot-shock/2 -> foot-shocks
football-pool/2 -> football-pools
footslog/2 -> footslogging
footvalve/2 -> footvalves
foppery/2 -> fopperies
forcaster/2 -> forcasters
fore-bear/2 -> fore-bears
fore-father/2 -> fore-fathers
forech/2 -> forechest
foreguard/2 -> foreguards
foreknow/2 -> foreknows,foreknew,foreknown,foreknowing
foremark/2 -> foremarks
foresister/2 -> foresisters
foresuffer/2 -> foresuffered
foreswear/2 -> foreswearing,foreswears,foreswore,foresworn
forget-me-knot/2 -> forget-me-knots
forlornness/2 -> forlornnesses
form-filler/2 -> form-fillers
formfeed/2 -> formfeeds
formicidae/2 -> formicidaes
formr/2 -> formrs
formularise/2 -> formularised
fortysomthe/2 -> fortysomething
forwarde/2 -> forwarder
fossile/2 -> fossiles,fossiled
fothergilla/2 -> fothergillas
fougabatic/2 -> fougabatics
four-eye/2 -> four-eyes
fourdriny/2 -> fourdrinier
foureye/2 -> foureyes
fourrage/2 -> fourrages
fox-hunter/2 -> fox-hunters
fox-trot/2 -> fox-trots
fraise/2 -> fraises
franc-tireur/2 -> franc-tireurs
frasne/2 -> frasnes
fratercula/2 -> fraterculas
fratre/2 -> fratres
fraut/2 -> frauts
freakishness/2 -> freakishnesses
free-throw/2 -> free-throws
freebee/2 -> freebees
freend/2 -> freends
freeperson/2 -> freepersons
freeworld/2 -> freeworlds
freezebrand/2 -> freezebranding
freightyard/2 -> freightyards
frenchify/2 -> frenchified
fresnel/2 -> fresnels
fret-end/2 -> fret-ends
fria/2 -> frias
fridrika/2 -> fridrikas
frijole/2 -> frijoles
fringer/2 -> fringers
frisking/2 -> friskings
friulian/2 -> friulians
frockcoat/2 -> frockcoats
froghopper/2 -> froghoppers
frogsleg/2 -> frogslegs
frolicsomeness/2 -> frolicsomenesses
front-rower/2 -> front-rowers
frontperson/2 -> frontpersons
frown-line/2 -> frown-lines
frowst/2 -> frowsting
fructify/2 -> fructified,fructifies,fructifying
fruit-bat/2 -> fruit-bats
frustule/2 -> frustules
fsb/2 -> fsbs
fucoid/2 -> fucoids
fue/2 -> fued
fuegan/2 -> fuegans
fuel-rod/2 -> fuel-rods
fuel-tank/2 -> fuel-tanks
fuggy/2 -> fuggier
fugu/2 -> fugus
fugure/2 -> fugures
fula/2 -> fulas
fulguration/2 -> fulgurations
fulltimer/2 -> fulltimers
fulman/2 -> fulmen
fun-in-the-park/2 -> fun-in-the-parks
fund-hold/2 -> fund-holding
fundectomise/2 -> fundectomised
funnybone/2 -> funnybones
fur-bearer/2 -> fur-bearers
fur-trapper/2 -> fur-trappers
furnivall/2 -> furnivalls
furriner/2 -> furriners
furze-cutter/2 -> furze-cutters
futuriste/2 -> futuristes
futurize/2 -> futurized
fwa/2 -> fwas
g-cramp/2 -> g-cramps
g-girl/2 -> g-girls
g-o-/2 -> g-o-s
gabbita/2 -> gabbitas
gabcikovo-nagymaro/2 -> gabcikovo-nagymaros
gadabout/2 -> gadabouts
gaelic-speaker/2 -> gaelic-speakers
galega/2 -> galegas
galingale/2 -> galingales
gallery-grave/2 -> gallery-graves
gallery-owner/2 -> gallery-owners
gallicanism/2 -> gallicanisms
gallicize/2 -> gallicized
galvani/2 -> galvanis
gamboge/2 -> gamboges
gambusia/2 -> gambusias
gameness/2 -> gamenesses
gametogenesis/2 -> gametogeneses
ganesha/2 -> ganeshas
gang-bang/2 -> gang-bangs
gang-girl/2 -> gang-girls
garcia-villa/2 -> garcia-villas
garget/2 -> gargets
garishness/2 -> garishnesses
garny/2 -> garnies,garnier
garrison-commander/2 -> garrison-commanders
garrotter/2 -> garrotters
gas-cloud/2 -> gas-clouds
gase/2 -> gasing,gases
gasteropod/2 -> gasteropods
gastroenterostomy/2 -> gastroenterostomies
gatekeep/2 -> gatekeeping
gathering-place/2 -> gathering-places
gauchery/2 -> gaucheries
gavriel/2 -> gavriels
gawker/2 -> gawkers
gay-right/2 -> gay-rights
gaybour/2 -> gaybours
gbyte/2 -> gbytes
gear-shift/2 -> gear-shifts
geber/2 -> gebers
geckoe/2 -> geckoes
geddle/2 -> geddling
gee-whizzer/2 -> gee-whizzers
geiger-counter/2 -> geiger-counters
gelcoat/2 -> gelcoats
gemara/2 -> gemaras
gemmologist/2 -> gemmologists
gemsbok/2 -> gemsboks
gene-splicing/2 -> gene-splicings
genese/2 -> geneses
gentianella/2 -> gentianellas
geodesy/2 -> geodesies
geophagia/2 -> geophagias
georgeson/2 -> georgesons
georgic/2 -> georgics
geriatrica/2 -> geriatricas
geriatrify/2 -> geriatrified
germicide/2 -> germicides
gest/2 -> gesting
getbound/2 -> getbounds
getboundary/2 -> getboundaries
gever/2 -> gevers
ghastliness/2 -> ghastlinesses
ghazal/2 -> ghazals
gheg/2 -> ghegs
ghettoblaster/2 -> ghettoblasters
ghilly/2 -> ghillies
ghost-fleet/2 -> ghost-fleets
ghostwriter/2 -> ghostwriters
gier/2 -> giers
gifte/2 -> giftes
gilel/2 -> gilels
gilet/2 -> gilets
gillside/2 -> gillsides
gimbal/2 -> gimballed
gin-palace/2 -> gin-palaces
gin-trap/2 -> gin-traps
gioa/2 -> gioas
girandole/2 -> girandoles
giraudist/2 -> giraudists
girle/2 -> girlest
gittinse/2 -> gittinses
gladhand/2 -> gladhanding
glamourize/2 -> glamourized,glamourizes,glamourizing
glamourpuss/2 -> glamourpusses
glase/2 -> glasing
glasgo/2 -> glasgoing
glasswork/2 -> glassworks
glassworker/2 -> glassworkers
glasswort/2 -> glassworts
glauko/2 -> glaukos
gleet/2 -> gleets
glenden/2 -> glendenning
glitterfest/2 -> glitterfests
globalise/2 -> globalised
globalize/2 -> globalized,globalizing
globe-trotter/2 -> globe-trotters
globigerina/2 -> globigerinas
glock/2 -> glocks
gloom-merchant/2 -> gloom-merchants
gloomster/2 -> gloomsters
gloryberry/2 -> gloryberries
glosa/2 -> glosas
glossa/2 -> glossas
glossator/2 -> glossators
glowglobe/2 -> glowglobes
glowlight/2 -> glowlights
glute/2 -> glutes
glyceride/2 -> glycerides
glyceryl/2 -> glyceryls
glycoalkaloid/2 -> glycoalkaloids
glynw/2 -> glynwed
gnarl/2 -> gnarls,gnars,gnarling,gnarled
gnomon/2 -> gnomons
goanna/2 -> goannas
gob-stopper/2 -> gob-stoppers
godlet/2 -> godlets
goggle-eye/2 -> goggle-eyes
goiss/2 -> goisses
gold-miner/2 -> gold-miners
goldpan/2 -> goldpanning
goldplate/2 -> goldplated
goldsmthe/2 -> goldsmithing
golfbreak/2 -> golfbreaks
golilla/2 -> golillas
gomel/2 -> gomels
gompa/2 -> gompas
gongster/2 -> gongsters
goober/2 -> goobers
good-un/2 -> good-uns
goodeid/2 -> goodeids
goodlook/2 -> goodlooking
goody-two-shoe/2 -> goody-two-shoes
gope/2 -> goping
goral/2 -> gorals
gorbalite/2 -> gorbalites
gorgia/2 -> gorgias
gorgon-mask/2 -> gorgon-masks
gorp/2 -> gorping
gorup/2 -> gorups
gospel-book/2 -> gospel-books
gossel/2 -> gossels
gossipmonger/2 -> gossipmongers
gothicise/2 -> gothicised
gothicize/2 -> gothicizing
goucho/2 -> gouchos
gowry/2 -> gowries
grabe/2 -> grabed
graffitist/2 -> graffitists
graffity/2 -> graffitied
grainfiller/2 -> grainfillers
graing/2 -> grainger
graining/2 -> grainings
gralloch/2 -> grallochs
gramaphone/2 -> gramaphones
grampuse/2 -> grampuses
granado/2 -> granados
grandbaby/2 -> grandbabies
grandwean/2 -> grandweans
graniko/2 -> granikos
grappling-iron/2 -> grappling-irons
grass-stem/2 -> grass-stems
gratefulness/2 -> gratefulnesses
grauve/2 -> grauves
grave-marker/2 -> grave-markers
grave-statue/2 -> grave-statues
gravegood/2 -> gravegoods
gravel-pit/2 -> gravel-pits
graveolen/2 -> graveolens
graver/2 -> gravers
grayfield/2 -> grayfields
great-grand-daughter/2 -> great-grand-daughters
great-grandma/2 -> great-grandmas
great-grandpa/2 -> great-grandpas
greatest/2 -> greatests
greatrake/2 -> greatrakes
gredo/2 -> gredos
green'un/2 -> green'uns
greenbul/2 -> greenbuls
greener/2 -> greeners
greenfinger/2 -> greenfingers
greenjacket/2 -> greenjackets
greens/2 -> greenss
gregarian/2 -> gregarians
greisen/2 -> greisens
greit/2 -> greitest
greivance/2 -> greivances
grenadian/2 -> grenadians
grey-hair/2 -> grey-haired
grey-purple/2 -> grey-purples
greyhen/2 -> greyhens
grid-system/2 -> grid-systems
gride/2 -> griding
gridline/2 -> gridlines
griever/2 -> grievers
grindlay/2 -> grindlays
grindle/2 -> grindles
grinnet/2 -> grinnets
griot/2 -> griots
gripes/2 -> gripess
grison/2 -> grisons
groaner/2 -> groaners
grobbin/2 -> grobbins
gromph/2 -> gromphing
grone/2 -> grones
groom-to-be/2 -> grooms-to-be
grough/2 -> groughs
ground-nest/2 -> ground-nests
ground-stroke/2 -> ground-strokes
groundcover/2 -> groundcovers
groundhop/2 -> groundhopping
groundling/2 -> groundlings
grousebeater/2 -> grousebeaters
growing-pain/2 -> growing-pains
growly/2 -> growliest
gruesomeness/2 -> gruesomenesses
grunch/2 -> grunched,grunches
grupe/2 -> grupes
gry/2 -> grier
gryphite/2 -> gryphites
gthe/2 -> gething
guaiac/2 -> guaiacs
guardist/2 -> guardists
guarneri/2 -> guarneris
gue/2 -> gues
gueridon/2 -> gueridons
guerillero/2 -> guerilleros
guild-hall/2 -> guild-halls
guild-house/2 -> guild-houses
guine/2 -> guines
guineaman/2 -> guineamen
guineapig/2 -> guineapigs
guiraudio/2 -> guiraudios
guiser/2 -> guisers
guitar-strummer/2 -> guitar-strummers
gulper/2 -> gulpers
gun-butt/2 -> gun-butts
gun-emplacement/2 -> gun-emplacements
gun-loop/2 -> gun-loops
gun-team/2 -> gun-teams
gun-tower/2 -> gun-towers
gunkhole/2 -> gunkholing
gunplay/2 -> gunplays
gunsel/2 -> gunsels
gunt/2 -> gunts
gussy/2 -> gussied
gut-man/2 -> gut-men
gutty/2 -> gutties
guy-rope/2 -> guy-ropes
gwera/2 -> gweras
gymnure/2 -> gymnures
gypcrete/2 -> gypcretes
gypsophila/2 -> gypsophilas
gyroplane/2 -> gyroplanes
h2-receptor/2 -> h2-receptors
haand/2 -> haands
habitude/2 -> habitudes
hackbut/2 -> hackbuts
hackster/2 -> hacksters
haemangioma/2 -> haemangiomas
haemastaman/2 -> haemastamen
haemocyte/2 -> haemocytes
haemoglobinopathy/2 -> haemoglobinopathies
haemopoiesis/2 -> haemopoieses
haggai/2 -> haggais
haggisburger/2 -> haggisburgers
hagiology/2 -> hagiologies
hair-piece/2 -> hair-pieces
hairbrain/2 -> hairbrained
haircurler/2 -> haircurlers
hairstyler/2 -> hairstylers
hairwash/2 -> hairwashing
halebarn/2 -> halebarns
half-and-half/2 -> half-and-halfs
half-aunt/2 -> half-aunts
half-bat/2 -> half-bats
half-bred/2 -> half-breds
half-class/2 -> half-classes
half-collar/2 -> half-collars
half-curtain/2 -> half-curtains
half-equation/2 -> half-equations
half-flower/2 -> half-flowers
half-frame/2 -> half-frames
half-green/2 -> half-greens
half-guinea/2 -> half-guineas
half-halt/2 -> half-halts
half-hope/2 -> half-hopes
half-lid/2 -> half-lids
half-ly/2 -> half-lies
half-meaning/2 -> half-meanings
half-memory/2 -> half-memories
half-pot/2 -> half-pots
half-ration/2 -> half-rations
half-remember/2 -> half-remembered
half-shadow/2 -> half-shadows
half-sing/2 -> half-sings
half-somersault/2 -> half-somersaults
half-synod/2 -> half-synods
half-timer/2 -> half-timers
halfpicval/2 -> halfpicvals
halftruth/2 -> halftruths
halliard/2 -> halliards
hallinge/2 -> hallinges
hallux/2 -> halluxes
halocarbon/2 -> halocarbons
halophyte/2 -> halophytes
halter-top/2 -> halter-tops
hamadraya/2 -> hamadrayas
hameln/2 -> hamelns
hamito-semitic/2 -> hamito-semitics
hammer-pond/2 -> hammer-ponds
hammerer/2 -> hammerers
hand-compositor/2 -> hand-compositors
hand-cuff/2 -> hand-cuffs
hand-drier/2 -> hand-driers
hand-maid/2 -> hand-maids
hand-towel/2 -> hand-towels
hand-truck/2 -> hand-trucks
hand-turn/2 -> hand-turned
hande/2 -> handes
handiness/2 -> handinesses
handjam/2 -> handjams
handknit/2 -> handknitting
hands-on-hip/2 -> hands-on-hips
handscroll/2 -> handscrolls
handsel/2 -> handsels
handspring/2 -> handsprings
handstitch/2 -> handstitching
handtool/2 -> handtools
handweaver/2 -> handweavers
hangchow/2 -> hangchows
hansare/2 -> hansaring
hapn/2 -> hapned
haptic/2 -> haptics
harambel/2 -> harambels
harbourage/2 -> harbourages
hard-as-nail/2 -> hard-as-nails
hard-boil/2 -> hard-boiled
hard-disk/2 -> hard-disks
hardface/2 -> hardfaced
hardhit/2 -> hardhitting
hardtack/2 -> hardtacks
hardware-software-service/2 -> hardware-software-services
harl/2 -> harling
harlequinade/2 -> harlequinades
harm-to-other/2 -> harm-to-others
harmfulness/2 -> harmfulnesses
harpooning/2 -> harpoonings
harrison-town/2 -> harrison-towns
hart's-tongue/2 -> hart's-tongues
hartnellism/2 -> hartnellisms
harvestman/2 -> harvestmen
hasdrubal/2 -> hasdrubals
hasid/2 -> hasids
hat-shop/2 -> hat-shops
hatchet-man/2 -> hatchet-men
hate-crime/2 -> hate-crimes
hausen/2 -> hausens
havenot/2 -> havenots
haweswate/2 -> haweswater
hawse/2 -> hawses
hay-bale/2 -> hay-bales
hay-net/2 -> hay-nets
hazlenut/2 -> hazlenuts
hcfile/2 -> hcfiles
head-/2 -> head-ing
head-ach/2 -> head-achs
head-bang/2 -> head-bangs
head-banger/2 -> head-bangers
head-in-the-sand/2 -> head-in-the-sands
head-piece/2 -> head-pieces
head-plume/2 -> head-plumes
headcoatee/2 -> headcoatees
headjog/2 -> headjogs
headline-maker/2 -> headline-makers
headshot/2 -> headshots
headsize/2 -> headsizes
headsquare/2 -> headsquares
headwaiter/2 -> headwaiters
healant/2 -> healants
heame/2 -> heames
heape/2 -> heapes
hearing-bilingual/2 -> hearing-bilinguals
hearing-organ/2 -> hearing-organs
hearth-fire/2 -> hearth-fires
heat-seeker/2 -> heat-seekers
hebraism/2 -> hebraisms
hedge-bottom/2 -> hedge-bottoms
hedge-cutter/2 -> hedge-cutters
hedge-top/2 -> hedge-tops
hedjaz/2 -> hedjazs
heeltip/2 -> heeltips
hegemonize/2 -> hegemonized
helicoplacoid/2 -> helicoplacoids
helionetic/2 -> helionetics
hellene/2 -> hellenes
hellenise/2 -> hellenised
hellraise/2 -> hellraising
helsh/2 -> helshing
hematocrit/2 -> hematocrits
hemiola/2 -> hemiolas
hemipode/2 -> hemipodes
hen-coop/2 -> hen-coops
henbit/2 -> henbits
hennin/2 -> hennins
hepatica/2 -> hepaticas
hepatotoxin/2 -> hepatotoxins
hephaisto/2 -> hephaistos
hephaistos/2 -> hephaistoss
heracleum/2 -> heracleums
herbe/2 -> herbes
herd-mate/2 -> herd-mates
herdboy/2 -> herdboys
herefordian/2 -> herefordians
heresiarch/2 -> heresiarchs
herf/2 -> herfs
hermaphroditus/2 -> hermaphrodituss
herniate/2 -> herniated
herpetology/2 -> herpetologies
herptile/2 -> herptiles
herring-boat/2 -> herring-boats
herule/2 -> herules
hesitance/2 -> hesitances
heterocycle/2 -> heterocycles
heterojunction/2 -> heterojunctions
heterostraci/2 -> heterostracis
hewin/2 -> hewins
hexachlorophene/2 -> hexachlorophenes
hexanucleotide/2 -> hexanucleotides
heyncke/2 -> heynckes
hi-lite/2 -> hi-lites
higging/2 -> higgings
high-kick/2 -> high-kicks
high-layer/2 -> high-layers
high-spirit/2 -> high-spirits
high-spot/2 -> high-spots
highlandman/2 -> highlandmen
highlevel/2 -> highlevels
hill-farmer/2 -> hill-farmers
hilltramper/2 -> hilltrampers
hinayana/2 -> hinayanas
hinting/2 -> hintings
hip-bath/2 -> hip-baths
hipflask/2 -> hipflasking
hiplock/2 -> hiplocks
hipparcho/2 -> hipparchos
hipparco/2 -> hipparcos
hippoe/2 -> hippoes
hippychick/2 -> hippychicks
hirple/2 -> hirpling,hirpled
hirschsprung/2 -> hirschsprungs
hirsuteness/2 -> hirsutenesses
histologist/2 -> histologists
historiation/2 -> historiations
hitch-girl/2 -> hitch-girls
hitlerite/2 -> hitlerites
hiva/2 -> hivas
hja/2 -> hjas
hoagland/2 -> hoaglands
hoarde/2 -> hoardes
hobbit-name/2 -> hobbit-names
hobbit-poem/2 -> hobbit-poems
hobbler/2 -> hobblers
hodad/2 -> hodads
hoder/2 -> hoders
hohhot/2 -> hohhots
hold-er/2 -> hold-ers
holdback/2 -> holdbacks
hole-dweller/2 -> hole-dwellers
holiday-camp/2 -> holiday-camps
holofernes/2 -> holoferness
holonym/2 -> holonyms
holopic/2 -> holopics
homarus/2 -> homaruss
home-affair/2 -> home-affairs
home-builder/2 -> home-builders
home-video/2 -> home-videos
homebuild/2 -> homebuilds
homebuy/2 -> homebuying
homegirl/2 -> homegirls
homegrow/2 -> homegrown
homemaking/2 -> homemakings
homiletics/2 -> homileticss
homina/2 -> hominas
homo-oligomer/2 -> homo-oligomers
homoeomorph/2 -> homoeomorphs
homoeroticism/2 -> homoeroticisms
homoiotherm/2 -> homoiotherms
homolgy/2 -> homolgies
homomorphism/2 -> homomorphisms
homosapien/2 -> homosapiens
homy/2 -> homies
honey-guide/2 -> honey-guides
honeyeater/2 -> honeyeaters
honkey/2 -> honkeys
honkytonk/2 -> honkytonks
honneur/2 -> honneurs
hoodmould/2 -> hoodmoulds
hoof-beat/2 -> hoof-beats
hoof-print/2 -> hoof-prints
hooktier/2 -> hooktiers
hop-picker/2 -> hop-pickers
hoplogeny/2 -> hoplogenys
hordeum/2 -> hordeums
hornito/2 -> hornitos
hornwort/2 -> hornworts
horribl/2 -> horriblest
horridness/2 -> horridnesses
horrife/2 -> horrifed
horse-boy/2 -> horse-boys
horse-doctor/2 -> horse-doctors
horse-harness/2 -> horse-harnesses
horse-head/2 -> horse-heads
horse-herd/2 -> horse-herds
horse-pistol/2 -> horse-pistols
horse-race/2 -> horse-races
horse-trapping/2 -> horse-trappings
horse-wheel/2 -> horse-wheels
horsebrass/2 -> horsebrasses
horses-for-course/2 -> horses-for-courses
hose-reel/2 -> hose-reels
hosetail/2 -> hosetails
hosteller/2 -> hostellers
hosty/2 -> hosties,hostied
hot-box/2 -> hot-boxes
hot-brush/2 -> hot-brushes
hot-head/2 -> hot-heads
hot-pant/2 -> hot-pants
hot-room/2 -> hot-rooms
hotten/2 -> hottened
house-cow/2 -> house-cows
house-dog/2 -> house-dogs
house-maid/2 -> house-maids
house-move/2 -> house-moves
house-top/2 -> house-tops
housebrick/2 -> housebricks
housecleaning/2 -> housecleanings
housecow/2 -> housecows
housefront/2 -> housefronts
houseguest/2 -> houseguesting,houseguests
househunt/2 -> househunting
househusband/2 -> househusbands
housemove/2 -> housemoving
houser/2 -> housers
houseshold/2 -> housesholds
housewarm/2 -> housewarming
houyhnhnms/2 -> houyhnhnmss
hover-speeder/2 -> hover-speeders
howardite/2 -> howardites
hrumph/2 -> hrumphed
huckle-bone/2 -> huckle-bones
hula-hula/2 -> hulas-hulas
humaneness/2 -> humanenesses
humbleness/2 -> humblenesses
humectant/2 -> humectants
humidify/2 -> humidified,humidifying,humidifies
hun-lover/2 -> hun-lovers
hundredman/2 -> hundredmen
hunter-fisher/2 -> hunter-fishers
hunter-killer/2 -> hunter-killers
hunting-whip/2 -> hunting-whips
huridoc/2 -> huridocs
hursey/2 -> hurseys
hurte/2 -> hurter
hurting/2 -> hurtings
hyacinthoides/2 -> hyacinthoidess
hydantoin/2 -> hydantoins
hydrilla/2 -> hydrillas
hydrocele/2 -> hydroceles
hydroga/2 -> hydrogas
hydrogenate/2 -> hydrogenated
hydromete/2 -> hydrometer
hydrop/2 -> hydrops
hydrophobia/2 -> hydrophobias
hydrostatics/2 -> hydrostaticss
hydroxyproline/2 -> hydroxyprolines
hydrus/2 -> hydruss
hykso/2 -> hyksos
hylobatid/2 -> hylobatids
hymeneal/2 -> hymeneals
hymenophyllum/2 -> hymenophyllums
hymenopteran/2 -> hymenopterans
hymerian/2 -> hymerians
hymetto/2 -> hymettos
hymn-writer/2 -> hymn-writers
hyoscyamine/2 -> hyoscyamines
hypatia/2 -> hypatias
hypernumber/2 -> hypernumbers
hyperparasitise/2 -> hyperparasitising
hyperpigmentation/2 -> hyperpigmentations
hyperthyroidism/2 -> hyperthyroidisms
hyperty/2 -> hyperties
hyperventilator/2 -> hyperventilators
hypervolaemia/2 -> hypervolaemias
hypno-groove/2 -> hypno-grooves
hypodermis/2 -> hypodermiss
hypoglycemia/2 -> hypoglycemias
hyr/2 -> hyred
i-band/2 -> i-bands
i-preserve/2 -> i-preserves
i-pursue/2 -> i-pursues
iasso/2 -> iassos
iate/2 -> iating
iberis/2 -> iberiss
ibisy/2 -> ibisys
ice-ax/2 -> ice-axes
ice-block/2 -> ice-blocks
ice-cavern/2 -> ice-caverns
ice-fall/2 -> ice-falls
ice-field/2 -> ice-fields
ice-fisherman/2 -> ice-fishermen
icecloud/2 -> iceclouds
ichneumonidae/2 -> ichneumonidaes
ichthyosis/2 -> ichthyoses
icl-kmec/2 -> icl-kmecs
icp-oe/2 -> icp-oes
identife/2 -> identifed
idol-worshipper/2 -> idol-worshippers
ield/2 -> ields
igbp-di/2 -> igbp-dis
ignorer/2 -> ignorers
iguazu/2 -> iguazus
ijsselmeer/2 -> ijsselmeers
ikb/2 -> ikbs
ill-wisher/2 -> ill-wishers
illimani/2 -> illimanis
illuminant/2 -> illuminants
illya/2 -> illyas
imagemaker/2 -> imagemakers
imaginativeness/2 -> imaginativenesses
imidazole/2 -> imidazoles
immiserize/2 -> immiserized,immiserizing
immortelle/2 -> immortelles
immovability/2 -> immovabilities
immunocompromise/2 -> immunocompromised
immunophenotype/2 -> immunophenotypes
impark/2 -> imparked
impassiveness/2 -> impassivenesses
impast/2 -> impasted
impecuniousness/2 -> impecuniousnesses
impliment/2 -> impliments,implimenting
impoliteness/2 -> impolitenesses
imponderant/2 -> imponderants
imposer/2 -> imposers
impressario/2 -> impressarios
impropriation/2 -> impropriations
improvment/2 -> improvments
impruden/2 -> imprudens
in-road/2 -> in-roads
inat/2 -> inats
incan/2 -> incans
incarnadine/2 -> incarnadined,incarnadines,incarnadining
inchoative/2 -> inchoatives
incisura/2 -> incisuras
incisure/2 -> incisures
income-beneficiary/2 -> income-beneficiaries
incomprehend/2 -> incomprehended,incomprehending
inconsistence/2 -> inconsistences
inconspicuousness/2 -> inconspicuousnesses
incontinency/2 -> incontinencies
inconveniency/2 -> inconveniencies
inconvertibility/2 -> inconvertibilities
incorrectness/2 -> incorrectnesses
incoterm/2 -> incoterms
incunable/2 -> incunables
incurve/2 -> incurving,incurved
indece/2 -> indeces
indentity/2 -> indentities
indicy/2 -> indicies
indie-kid/2 -> indie-kids
indienne/2 -> indiennes
indigene/2 -> indigenes
indigenize/2 -> indigenized
indit/2 -> inditing
indrawing/2 -> indrawings
indris/2 -> indriss
indulger/2 -> indulgers
induration/2 -> indurations
industry-watcher/2 -> industry-watchers
ine-quality/2 -> ine-qualities
ineffectuality/2 -> ineffectualities
inexpensiveness/2 -> inexpensivenesses
infa/2 -> infas
infantilize/2 -> infantilized,infantilizing
infedel/2 -> infedels
inference-procedure/2 -> inference-procedures
inflator/2 -> inflators
infograme/2 -> infogrames
infold/2 -> infolding
information-flow/2 -> information-flows
infractor/2 -> infractors
infusorian/2 -> infusorians
ingathering/2 -> ingatherings
inger/2 -> ingers
ingore/2 -> ingored
inhibiter/2 -> inhibiters
inion/2 -> inions
initiand/2 -> initiands
ink-well/2 -> ink-wells
inka/2 -> inkas
inkpot/2 -> inkpots
inmigrant/2 -> inmigrants
innin/2 -> innins
inniskilling/2 -> inniskillings
innocency/2 -> innocencies
innoculate/2 -> innoculated
inprint/2 -> inprints
inputroutine/2 -> inputroutines
inquiline/2 -> inquilines
insectoverdin/2 -> insectoverdins
insipidness/2 -> insipidnesses
insobriety/2 -> insobrieties
inspissate/2 -> inspissated,inspissating,inspissates
instauration/2 -> instaurations
instititution/2 -> instititutions
institu-tion/2 -> institu-tions
institutione/2 -> institutiones
inswing/2 -> inswinging
intellectualize/2 -> intellectualized
inter-lend/2 -> inter-lending
inter-react/2 -> inter-reacts
inter-twine/2 -> inter-twined
inter-view/2 -> inter-views,inter-viewed
interconvert/2 -> interconverting,interconverted
intercool/2 -> intercooling,intercooled
intercounty/2 -> intercounties
interfer/2 -> interfers,interferring
interferer/2 -> interferers
interfile/2 -> interfiled
intergrowth/2 -> intergrowths
interlope/2 -> interloping,interloped,interlopes
intermeddle/2 -> intermeddling
intermittence/2 -> intermittences
internuncio/2 -> internuncios
interpolationist/2 -> interpolationists
interpretation-computation/2 -> interpretation-computations
intertext/2 -> intertexts
intoning/2 -> intonings
intoximete/2 -> intoximeter
intrada/2 -> intradas
intrant/2 -> intrants
intreat/2 -> intreating,intreated
intrench/2 -> intrenched,intrenches,intrenching
introit/2 -> introits
intussusception/2 -> intussusceptions
inu/2 -> inuest
invariability/2 -> invariabilities
investment-service/2 -> investment-services
investor-relation/2 -> investor-relations
invidual/2 -> inviduals
iodination/2 -> iodinations
iol/2 -> iols
ipecac/2 -> ipecacs
ipswichian/2 -> ipswichians
iren/2 -> irens
irim/2 -> irims
ironfounder/2 -> ironfounders
ironise/2 -> ironising,ironises
ironsides/2 -> ironsidess
irresistibility/2 -> irresistibilities
irritator/2 -> irritators
isagora/2 -> isagoras
ischium/2 -> ischiums
islamophobia/2 -> islamophobias
isoflurane/2 -> isofluranes
isomerization/2 -> isomerizations
isopleth/2 -> isopleths
isoproterenol/2 -> isoproterenols
issue-area/2 -> issue-areas
isue/2 -> isued
italianer/2 -> italianers
itraconazole/2 -> itraconazoles
ivp/2 -> ivps
ivry/2 -> ivries
iw/2 -> iws
j-type/2 -> j-types
jack-pot/2 -> jack-pots
jackrabbit/2 -> jackrabbits
jacquery/2 -> jacqueries
jafar/2 -> jafars
jagannath/2 -> jagannaths
jagellonian/2 -> jagellonians
jaggery/2 -> jaggeries
jagging/2 -> jaggings
jaggy/2 -> jaggies
jahweh/2 -> jahwehs
jailor/2 -> jailors
jalousy/2 -> jalousies
jambe/2 -> jambes
jamese/2 -> jameses
jampot/2 -> jampots
janker/2 -> jankers
japery/2 -> japeries
jarmy/2 -> jarmies
jate/2 -> jates
jati/2 -> jatis
javay/2 -> javaid
jawan/2 -> jawans
jeepney/2 -> jeepneys
jeffersonian/2 -> jeffersonians
jefkin/2 -> jefkins
jellybaby/2 -> jellybabies
jellybean/2 -> jellybeans
jellycrust/2 -> jellycrusts
jenck/2 -> jencks
jeremiad/2 -> jeremiads
jerk-off/2 -> jerk-offs
jete/2 -> jetes
jetskier/2 -> jetskiers
jew-baiter/2 -> jew-baiters
jewison/2 -> jewisons
jhana/2 -> jhanas
jidda/2 -> jiddas
jiggly/2 -> jigglier
jingoe/2 -> jingoes
jnanda/2 -> jnandas
jo-oke/2 -> jo-okes
job-control/2 -> job-controls
job-hunter/2 -> job-hunters
job-sharer/2 -> job-sharers
jobfind/2 -> jobfinding
jobs-cut/2 -> jobs-cuts
jodh/2 -> jodhs
joide/2 -> joides
joint-collectorship/2 -> joint-collectorships
joint-honour/2 -> joint-honours
jointer/2 -> jointers
joke-book/2 -> joke-books
joliet/2 -> joliets
joliot-curie/2 -> joliot-curies
jolle/2 -> jolles
jolliness/2 -> jollinesses
jool/2 -> jools
jordanaire/2 -> jordanaires
jordanella/2 -> jordanellas
journee/2 -> journees
journey-man/2 -> journey-men
journeywoman/2 -> journeywomen
jouster/2 -> jousters
jower/2 -> jowers
jowter/2 -> jowters
juarez/2 -> juarezs
jubbulpore/2 -> jubbulpores
judaiser/2 -> judaisers
judge-arbitrator/2 -> judge-arbitrators
judges/2 -> judgess
jugement/2 -> jugements
jugglery/2 -> juggleries
juiciness/2 -> juicinesses
jujitsu/2 -> jujitsus
jujube/2 -> jujubes
jumbly/2 -> jumblies
jump-jet/2 -> jump-jets
jumpiness/2 -> jumpinesses
jurkan/2 -> jurkans
k-richterite/2 -> k-richterites
k.e./2 -> k.e.s
kabbalism/2 -> kabbalisms
kagool/2 -> kagools
kaki/2 -> kakis
kakovato/2 -> kakovatos
kal-am-oo/2 -> kal-am-oos
kalpoka/2 -> kalpokas
kalut/2 -> kaluts
kamchatkan/2 -> kamchatkans
kananaio/2 -> kananaios
kannada/2 -> kannadas
kansu/2 -> kansus
kapellmeist/2 -> kapellmeister
karakul/2 -> karakuls
karpatho/2 -> karpathos
karrimat/2 -> karrimats
karsale/2 -> karsales
kasha/2 -> kashas
katsika/2 -> katsikas
katydid/2 -> katydids
kaurava/2 -> kauravas
keelson/2 -> keelsons
keill/2 -> keills
kendrew/2 -> kendrews
kennelly/2 -> kennellies
kentuckyan/2 -> kentuckyans
kerameiko/2 -> kerameikos
keratotomy/2 -> keratotomies
kerbala/2 -> kerbalas
kerosine/2 -> kerosines
kerseymere/2 -> kerseymeres
ketalar/2 -> ketalars
ketonuria/2 -> ketonurias
ketoprofen/2 -> ketoprofens
ketosis/2 -> ketoses
kettleful/2 -> kettlefuls
key-code/2 -> key-codes
key-noter/2 -> key-noters
key-press/2 -> key-presses
key-stroke/2 -> key-strokes
keychain/2 -> keychains
keyfront/2 -> keyfronts
keylight/2 -> keylights
keyphone/2 -> keyphones
keytone/2 -> keytones
keyway/2 -> keyways
khachaturian/2 -> khachaturians
khan-queen/2 -> khan-queens
khazar/2 -> khazars
khi/2 -> khis
kibe/2 -> kibes
kiddiwink/2 -> kiddiwinks
kilim/2 -> kilims
kill-joy/2 -> kill-joys
killogramme/2 -> killogrammes
kilobasepair/2 -> kilobasepairs
kiloparsec/2 -> kiloparsecs
kimometre/2 -> kimometres
kinaesthesia/2 -> kinaesthesias
kincay/2 -> kincaid
kindertotenlied/2 -> kindertotenlieder
kinesic/2 -> kinesics
kinetoscope/2 -> kinetoscopes
king-cup/2 -> king-cups
kingfishery/2 -> kingfisheries
kinoform/2 -> kinoforms
kinyarwanda/2 -> kinyarwandas
kipe/2 -> kipes
kite-balloon/2 -> kite-balloons
kitplane/2 -> kitplanes
klamath/2 -> klamaths
klanger/2 -> klangers
kleitia/2 -> kleitias
klong/2 -> klongs
klutz/2 -> klutzs
knackwurst/2 -> knackwursts
kniphofia/2 -> kniphofias
knock-knee/2 -> knock-knees
knoutberry/2 -> knoutberries
knowl/2 -> knowls
knucklebone/2 -> knucklebones
knucklehead/2 -> knuckleheads
kobo/2 -> koboes
kochin/2 -> kochins
kohathite/2 -> kohathites
kohm/2 -> kohms
koitobo/2 -> koitobos
kolkhoze/2 -> kolkhozes
komiteh/2 -> komitehs
kommo/2 -> kommos
komsomolet/2 -> komsomolets
koska/2 -> koskas
kouvela/2 -> kouvelas
krato/2 -> kratos
kreisler/2 -> kreislers
krep/2 -> kreps
krib/2 -> kribs
kris-poo/2 -> kris-poos
ktonne/2 -> ktonnes
kui/2 -> kuis
kunlun/2 -> kunluns
kurta/2 -> kurtas
kvetch/2 -> kvetches
kwajalein/2 -> kwajaleins
kwazulu-natal/2 -> kwazulu-natals
kyke/2 -> kykes
kyrio/2 -> kyrios
l'ou/2 -> l'ouest
l-dopa/2 -> l-dopas
labore/2 -> labored
labradore/2 -> labradores
labridae/2 -> labridaes
labroke/2 -> labrokes
lacew/2 -> lacewing
lack-of-pulse/2 -> lack-of-pulses
laconian/2 -> laconians
laconicism/2 -> laconicisms
lacto/2 -> lactos
lactone/2 -> lactones
lacw/2 -> lacws
ladderman/2 -> laddermen
lader/2 -> laders
ladin/2 -> ladins
ladisla/2 -> ladislas
ladysmock/2 -> ladysmocks
laffite/2 -> laffites
lafitte/2 -> lafittes
lagger/2 -> laggers
lagune/2 -> lagunes
laingian/2 -> laingians
lairage/2 -> lairages
laka/2 -> lakas
lakelord/2 -> lakelords
lakh/2 -> lakhs
lamaism/2 -> lamaisms
lamasery/2 -> lamaseries
lambency/2 -> lambencies
lamellibranch/2 -> lamellibranchs
laminator/2 -> laminators
lamington/2 -> lamingtons
lammergeyer/2 -> lammergeyers
lamp-holder/2 -> lamp-holders
lampe/2 -> lampes
lamut/2 -> lamuts
land-crab/2 -> land-crabs
land-grab/2 -> land-grabs
land-occupation/2 -> land-occupations
landbank/2 -> landbanks
landside/2 -> landsides
landskip/2 -> landskips
landworker/2 -> landworkers
lane-end/2 -> lane-ends
langauage/2 -> langauages
langre/2 -> langres
languedocian/2 -> languedocians
lankiness/2 -> lankinesses
lanternist/2 -> lanternists
lao-tzu/2 -> lao-tzus
laparoscope/2 -> laparoscopes
lappet/2 -> lappets
laramie/2 -> laramies
large-number/2 -> large-numbers
large-system/2 -> large-systems
larget/2 -> largets
lari/2 -> laris
larisan/2 -> larisans
larvate/2 -> larvated
lascelle/2 -> lascelles
laser-axle/2 -> laser-axles
laser-light/2 -> laser-lights
lassoo/2 -> lassoos
laste/2 -> lastes
late-developer/2 -> late-developers
late-starter/2 -> late-starters
latecome/2 -> latecoming
latinise/2 -> latinised
latrobe/2 -> latrobes
latten/2 -> lattens
laudario/2 -> laudarios
laughingstock/2 -> laughingstocks
launce/2 -> launces
laundry-worker/2 -> laundry-workers
laundrywoman/2 -> laundrywomen
laurit/2 -> laurits
laurus/2 -> lauruss
law-enforcer/2 -> law-enforcers
lawk/2 -> lawks
lawyer-freeholder/2 -> lawyer-freeholders
lay-woman/2 -> lay-women
lazybed/2 -> lazybeds
lazybone/2 -> lazybones
lazyjack/2 -> lazyjacks
leaders/2 -> leaderss
leadsman/2 -> leadsmen
leaf-base/2 -> leaf-bases
leaf-eater/2 -> leaf-eaters
leaf-edge/2 -> leaf-edges
leafhopper/2 -> leafhoppers
leakiness/2 -> leakinesses
leandro/2 -> leandros
leaque/2 -> leaques
leatherneck/2 -> leathernecks
leatherwood/2 -> leatherwoods
lebe/2 -> lebed
leeboard/2 -> leeboards
leeuwenhoek/2 -> leeuwenhoeks
legalese/2 -> legaleses
legcuff/2 -> legcuffs
legislating/2 -> legislatings
legola/2 -> legolas
leib/2 -> leibing
lemaitre/2 -> lemaitres
lemna/2 -> lemnas
lenbachhau/2 -> lenbachhaus
length-of-feather/2 -> length-of-feathers
lengthener/2 -> lengtheners
lengthiness/2 -> lengthinesses
lens-clip/2 -> lens-clips
leotychida/2 -> leotychidas
lepisma/2 -> lepismas
leptinotarsa/2 -> leptinotarsas
lesbos/2 -> lesboss
lesseps/2 -> lessepss
lesson-book/2 -> lesson-books
lestrygonian/2 -> lestrygonians
lethality/2 -> lethalities
letter-card/2 -> letter-cards
letter-cutter/2 -> letter-cutters
lettish/2 -> lettishes
leucaena/2 -> leucaenas
leuciscus/2 -> leuciscuss
leucopenia/2 -> leucopenias
leveraging/2 -> leveragings
levirate/2 -> levirates
lewisman/2 -> lewismen
libertye/2 -> libertyes
librate/2 -> librates,librating,librated
licence-payer/2 -> licence-payers
liefman/2 -> liefmans
life-area/2 -> life-areas
life-choice/2 -> life-choices
life-peer/2 -> life-peers
life-plan/2 -> life-plans
life-position/2 -> life-positions
life-process/2 -> life-processes
life-situation/2 -> life-situations
life-system/2 -> life-systems
lifeboy/2 -> lifeboys
lifeskill/2 -> lifeskills
lifestyler/2 -> lifestylers
liftpump/2 -> liftpumps
light-curve/2 -> light-curves
light-fitting/2 -> light-fittings
lighthouseman/2 -> lighthousemen
lightwood/2 -> lightwoods
ligit/2 -> ligits
ligule/2 -> ligules
likeliness/2 -> likelinesses
lilangeni/2 -> lilangenis
lillyvick/2 -> lillyvicks
lily-pad/2 -> lily-pads
lily-trotter/2 -> lily-trotters
lime-burner/2 -> lime-burners
lime-hater/2 -> lime-haters
limewater/2 -> limewaters
limitlessness/2 -> limitlessnesses
limnanthe/2 -> limnanthes
limnodromus/2 -> limnodromuss
limnology/2 -> limnologies
limonium/2 -> limoniums
linaria/2 -> linarias
linch-pin/2 -> linch-pins
line-filler/2 -> line-fillers
lingam/2 -> lingams
link-person/2 -> link-persons
link-stake/2 -> link-stakes
linked-skill/2 -> linked-skills
linum/2 -> linums
liobian/2 -> liobians
lip-o-section/2 -> lip-o-sections
lip-pattern/2 -> lip-patterns
lippizaner/2 -> lippizaners
liquipak/2 -> liquipaks
liquore/2 -> liquored
lir/2 -> lirs
list'n/2 -> list'ning
lisu/2 -> lisus
litter-buster/2 -> litter-busters
living-quarter/2 -> living-quarters
livliehood/2 -> livliehoods
livonia/2 -> livonias
livonian/2 -> livonians
llambia/2 -> llambias
lnternational/2 -> lnternationals
load-bearer/2 -> load-bearers
loadbear/2 -> loadbearing
loan-shark/2 -> loan-sharks
loanword/2 -> loanwords
lobefin/2 -> lobefins
lock-gate/2 -> lock-gates
lockdown/2 -> lockdowns
lockgate/2 -> lockgates
lockmaker/2 -> lockmakers
lockman/2 -> lockmen
lockside/2 -> locksides
locky/2 -> lockyer
lodron/2 -> lodrons
loewi/2 -> loewis
logoe/2 -> logoed
logrone/2 -> logrones
logsy/2 -> logsys
loiseleuria/2 -> loiseleurias
lone-pair/2 -> lone-pairs
lonely-heart/2 -> lonely-hearts
long-bone/2 -> long-bones
long-horn/2 -> long-horns
long-scale/2 -> long-scales
long-wind/2 -> long-winded
longspur/2 -> longspurs
longtail/2 -> longtails
longways/2 -> longwayss
longwind/2 -> longwinded
loomweight/2 -> loomweights
loose-liver/2 -> loose-livers
lop-side/2 -> lop-sided
lopsidedness/2 -> lopsidednesses
loss-adjuster/2 -> loss-adjusters
lossmaker/2 -> lossmakers
lota/2 -> lotas
loto/2 -> lotos
lotus-eater/2 -> lotus-eaters
lought/2 -> loughts
louvette/2 -> louvettes
love-blimp/2 -> love-blimps
love-game/2 -> love-games
love-handle/2 -> love-handles
love-live/2 -> love-lives
low'r/2 -> low'ring
low-heel/2 -> low-heels
low-lifer/2 -> low-lifers
low-rev/2 -> low-revs
lowy/2 -> lowys
loxodonta/2 -> loxodontas
lt-gaa/2 -> lt-gaas
lucania/2 -> lucanias
lucen/2 -> lucens
lucullus/2 -> luculluss
luigiean/2 -> luigieans
luiken/2 -> luikens
lukewarmness/2 -> lukewarmnesses
lukk/2 -> lukks
lumbricoide/2 -> lumbricoides
lummox/2 -> lummoxes
lunaria/2 -> lunarias
lunch-room/2 -> lunch-rooms
luncheon-party/2 -> luncheon-parties
lundhag/2 -> lundhags
lung-power/2 -> lung-powers
lunk/2 -> lunked
lunula/2 -> lunulas
lupa/2 -> lupas
lurrve/2 -> lurrves
luster/2 -> lusters
lustiness/2 -> lustinesses
lute-composer/2 -> lute-composers
luteinize/2 -> luteinizing
luxuriousness/2 -> luxuriousnesses
lycopersicon/2 -> lycopersicons
lymphangiogram/2 -> lymphangiograms
lymphocytopenia/2 -> lymphocytopenias
lyna/2 -> lynas
lyophilize/2 -> lyophilized,lyophilizes,lyophilizing
lyrurus/2 -> lyruruss
m'ar/2 -> m'ars
maalox/2 -> maaloxes
macadamia/2 -> macadamias
macer/2 -> macers
machiavellianism/2 -> machiavellianisms
machinate/2 -> machinated,machinates,machinating
machine-breaker/2 -> machine-breakers
macoun/2 -> macouns
macro-economist/2 -> macro-economists
macro-language/2 -> macro-languages
macro-process/2 -> macro-processes
macrocytosis/2 -> macrocytoses
macroelement/2 -> macroelements
macronutrient/2 -> macronutrients
made/2 -> mader
madeirense/2 -> madeirenses
madrasa/2 -> madrasas
madrasah/2 -> madrasahs
maeander/2 -> maeanders
maggse/2 -> maggses
magh/2 -> maghs
mahan/2 -> mahans
mahommedan/2 -> mahommedans
mahr/2 -> mahrs
maildrop/2 -> maildrops
mainstreamer/2 -> mainstreamers
maintenon/2 -> maintenons
mainy/2 -> mainier
mairy/2 -> mairies
majeur/2 -> majeurs
maladroitness/2 -> maladroitnesses
malayalam/2 -> malayalams
malayo-polynesian/2 -> malayo-polynesians
malefaction/2 -> malefactions
maliciousness/2 -> maliciousnesses
malignity/2 -> malignities
mallarme/2 -> mallarmes
mallophaga/2 -> mallophagas
mallotus/2 -> mallotuss
malpighiaceae/2 -> malpighiaceaes
malthusianism/2 -> malthusianisms
malversation/2 -> malversations
man-horse/2 -> man-horses
man-month/2 -> man-months
mananger/2 -> manangers
manchese/2 -> mancheser
mancuse/2 -> mancuses
mandaean/2 -> mandaeans
mandrill/2 -> mandrills
maner/2 -> maners
mangosteen/2 -> mangosteens
maniot/2 -> maniots
mantelet/2 -> mantelets
manubrium/2 -> manubriums
map-case/2 -> map-cases
map-reader/2 -> map-readers
marabout/2 -> marabouts
marango/2 -> marangos
marasmus/2 -> marasmuss
marathi/2 -> marathis
marbler/2 -> marblers
marchaunte/2 -> marchauntes
marck/2 -> marcks
margine/2 -> margining
marhaen/2 -> marhaens
mariachi/2 -> mariachis
marihuana/2 -> marihuanas
market-porter/2 -> market-porters
market-road/2 -> market-roads
market-watcher/2 -> market-watchers
marlstone/2 -> marlstones
marmora/2 -> marmoras
maroc/2 -> marocs
marocain/2 -> marocains
maron/2 -> marons
marqueterie/2 -> marqueteries
marraine/2 -> marraines
marriage-gift/2 -> marriage-gifts
marshale/2 -> marshaled
marshalling-yard/2 -> marshalling-yards
martinican/2 -> martinicans
marum/2 -> marums
marx-engel/2 -> marx-engels
marxist-feminist/2 -> marxist-feminists
masa/2 -> masas
mascarae/2 -> mascaraed
masculinise/2 -> masculinised,masculinising
masculinization/2 -> masculinizations
mashhad/2 -> mashhads
mason-architect/2 -> mason-architects
mason-watcher/2 -> mason-watchers
masquer/2 -> masquers
mass-killing/2 -> mass-killings
mass-movement/2 -> mass-movements
massite/2 -> massiter
master-craftsman/2 -> master-craftsmen
master-lacquer/2 -> master-lacquers
master-piece/2 -> master-pieces
matamoros/2 -> matamoross
match-girl/2 -> match-girls
match-slip/2 -> match-slips
matchgirl/2 -> matchgirls
matchpot/2 -> matchpots
matelote/2 -> matelotes
matia/2 -> matias
matsutake/2 -> matsutakes
mauberge/2 -> mauberges
mauldin/2 -> mauldins
maulevere/2 -> mauleverer
maxconcurrentuser/2 -> maxconcurrentusers
mayde/2 -> maydes
mayland/2 -> maylands
mayorality/2 -> mayoralities
mayore/2 -> mayores
mcallen/2 -> mcallens
meadowlark/2 -> meadowlarks
mealybug/2 -> mealybugs
meaning-relation/2 -> meaning-relations
mear/2 -> mears
mearn/2 -> mearns
medaille/2 -> medailles
medan/2 -> medans
medder/2 -> medders
medding/2 -> meddings
mediacrat/2 -> mediacrats
medroxyprogesterone/2 -> medroxyprogesterones
medusiform/2 -> medusiforms
mega-model/2 -> mega-models
mega-star/2 -> mega-stars
mega-store/2 -> mega-stores
megabar/2 -> megabars
megacity/2 -> megacities
megalith-builder/2 -> megalith-builders
megamerger/2 -> megamergers
megaseller/2 -> megasellers
megate/2 -> megatest
megavitamin/2 -> megavitamins
meist/2 -> meister
meith/2 -> meiths
melchite/2 -> melchites
melian/2 -> melians
meliorist/2 -> meliorists
melm/2 -> melms
melodiousness/2 -> melodiousnesses
melody-writer/2 -> melody-writers
melopsittacus/2 -> melopsittacuss
melsh/2 -> melshed
melter/2 -> melters
melting-point/2 -> melting-points
member-government/2 -> member-governments
membre/2 -> membres
meme-complex/2 -> meme-complexes
men-friend/2 -> men-friends
menadione/2 -> menadiones
menaquinone/2 -> menaquinones
mendicity/2 -> mendicities
menstruum/2 -> menstruums
mensuration/2 -> mensurations
mentum/2 -> mentums
menu-drve/2 -> menu-driven
menura/2 -> menuras
meol/2 -> meols
meperidine/2 -> meperidines
mercaptopurine/2 -> mercaptopurines
merchandize/2 -> merchandizing
merchanter/2 -> merchanters
mercifulness/2 -> mercifulnesses
meretriciousness/2 -> meretriciousnesses
mergenthaler/2 -> mergenthalers
merkist/2 -> merkister
meronym/2 -> meronyms
merrimack/2 -> merrimacks
mesdemoiselle/2 -> mesdemoiselles
mesh-length/2 -> mesh-lengths
meshuggeneh/2 -> meshuggenehs
mesmerist/2 -> mesmerists
mesocarp/2 -> mesocarps
messageroutine/2 -> messageroutines
meta-procedure/2 -> meta-procedures
meta-source/2 -> meta-sources
metabasalt/2 -> metabasalts
metalepse/2 -> metalepses
metar/2 -> metars
metatherian/2 -> metatherians
metathesis/2 -> metatheses
methacholine/2 -> methacholines
methylbenzene/2 -> methylbenzenes
methylphenidate/2 -> methylphenidates
methylxanthine/2 -> methylxanthines
metoiko/2 -> metoikos
metricate/2 -> metricated,metricates,metricating
metrocab/2 -> metrocabs
metronomize/2 -> metronomized
metronymic/2 -> metronymics
meuble/2 -> meubles
mexicali/2 -> mexicalis
mezereum/2 -> mezereums
mhida/2 -> mhidas
miaoue/2 -> miaouing,miaoued
mickle/2 -> mickles
micro-base/2 -> micro-based
micro-context/2 -> micro-contexts
micro-crystal/2 -> micro-crystals
micro-electric/2 -> micro-electrics
micro-fibre/2 -> micro-fibres
micro-mini/2 -> micro-minis
micro-nutrient/2 -> micro-nutrients
micro-program/2 -> micro-programmed
micro-robotic/2 -> micro-robotics
micro-route/2 -> micro-routes
microbead/2 -> microbeads
microbrewery/2 -> microbreweries
microbubble/2 -> microbubbles
microcircuit/2 -> microcircuits
micrococcus/2 -> micrococcuss
microcytosis/2 -> microcytoses
microdot/2 -> microdots
microequivalent/2 -> microequivalents
microfibril/2 -> microfibrils
microgenesy/2 -> microgenesys
micromosaic/2 -> micromosaics
micronodule/2 -> micronodules
microphysic/2 -> microphysics
micropower/2 -> micropowers
microprocess/2 -> microprocesses
microproduct/2 -> microproducts
microscaler/2 -> microscalers
microsievert/2 -> microsieverts
microsome/2 -> microsomes
microsorium/2 -> microsoriums
microte/2 -> microtest
mid-depth/2 -> mid-depths
mid-ton/2 -> mid-toned
mid-war/2 -> mid-wars
mid-wive/2 -> mid-wives
middle-horn/2 -> middle-horns
middle-of-the-roader/2 -> middle-of-the-roaders
middlefield/2 -> middlefields
middlema/2 -> middlemas
mideast/2 -> mideasts
midinette/2 -> midinettes
midtone/2 -> midtones
migmatise/2 -> migmatised
migrolif/2 -> migrolifs
mikhoel/2 -> mikhoels
milage/2 -> milages
mile-mark/2 -> mile-marks
mileto/2 -> miletos
militance/2 -> militances
milk-churn/2 -> milk-churns
milkcrate/2 -> milkcrates
milkwoman/2 -> milkwomen
millay/2 -> millays
milldam/2 -> milldams
millenary/2 -> millenaries
milli-kelvin/2 -> milli-kelvins
milligal/2 -> milligals
millikan/2 -> millikans
millrace/2 -> millraces
miln/2 -> milns
milnerite/2 -> milnerites
miltown/2 -> miltowns
mincepy/2 -> mincepies
mind-map/2 -> mind-maps
mindblow/2 -> mindblowing
mindboggle/2 -> mindboggling
mindgame/2 -> mindgames
mineowner/2 -> mineowners
minewatch/2 -> minewatching
mingrelian/2 -> mingrelians
mini-battle/2 -> mini-battles
mini-blazer/2 -> mini-blazers
mini-buffet/2 -> mini-buffets
mini-charter/2 -> mini-charters
mini-city/2 -> mini-cities
mini-festival/2 -> mini-festivals
mini-grenade/2 -> mini-grenades
mini-jmc/2 -> mini-jmcs
mini-project/2 -> mini-projects
mini-season/2 -> mini-seasons
mini-stage/2 -> mini-stages
mini-suite/2 -> mini-suites
mini-theory/2 -> mini-theories
mini-township/2 -> mini-townships
mini-trampoline/2 -> mini-trampolines
mini-tripod/2 -> mini-tripods
mini-udc/2 -> mini-udcs
mini-weapon/2 -> mini-weapons
minisatellite/2 -> minisatellites
minisery/2 -> miniseries
minisuper/2 -> minisupers
minium/2 -> miniums
minorite/2 -> minorites
minuit/2 -> minuits
minute-book/2 -> minute-books
minuteness/2 -> minutenesses
miocenic/2 -> miocenics
mirrour/2 -> mirrours
mis-file/2 -> mis-filed
mis-fire/2 -> mis-fired
mis-manage/2 -> mis-managed
mis-represent/2 -> mis-represented
mis-specify/2 -> mis-specified
mis-state/2 -> mis-stated
misappreciate/2 -> misappreciated
misarticulate/2 -> misarticulated
misattribute/2 -> misattributes
miscegenate/2 -> miscegenated
misdoubt/2 -> misdoubts
miseducate/2 -> miseducating,miseducated
misfortunate/2 -> misfortunates
mishearing/2 -> mishearings
miskey/2 -> miskeyed
misposition/2 -> mispositioned
misquotation/2 -> misquotations
misspend/2 -> misspends,misspending,misspent
mistery/2 -> misteries
mistyping/2 -> mistypings
mithramycin/2 -> mithramycins
mithridate/2 -> mithridates
mitochondrion/2 -> mitochondrions
mitropoulo/2 -> mitropoulos
mixed-metal/2 -> mixed-metals
mizen/2 -> mizens
mizzle/2 -> mizzling,mizzles,mizzled
mobber/2 -> mobbers
mochlo/2 -> mochlos
modifica-tion/2 -> modifica-tions
module-detail/2 -> module-details
moeity/2 -> moeities
mohammedian/2 -> mohammedians
mohist/2 -> mohists
mohorovicic/2 -> mohorovicics
moil/2 -> moiling,moils,moiled
moiling/2 -> moilings
moily/2 -> moilies
moirae/2 -> moiraes
molarity/2 -> molarities
mole-catcher/2 -> mole-catchers
molech/2 -> moleches
molegrip/2 -> molegrips
moline/2 -> molines
mollifier/2 -> mollifiers
molluscicide/2 -> molluscicides
molokai/2 -> molokais
momzer/2 -> momzers
monarda/2 -> monardas
monday-friday/2 -> monday-fridays
monetization/2 -> monetizations
money-fief/2 -> money-fiefs
moneymaking/2 -> moneymakings
monkey-wrench/2 -> monkey-wrenches
mono-unsaturate/2 -> mono-unsaturates
monodon/2 -> monodons
monogamist/2 -> monogamists
monopsony/2 -> monopsonies
monosaturate/2 -> monosaturates
monospace/2 -> monospaced
monotreme/2 -> monotremes
monotrope/2 -> monotropes
monotypist/2 -> monotypists
monstera/2 -> monsteras
moon-landing/2 -> moon-landings
moonflower/2 -> moonflowers
moonshoe/2 -> moonshoes
moor-top/2 -> moor-tops
morality-religion/2 -> morality-religions
morchella/2 -> morchellas
morisco/2 -> moriscos
morrisman/2 -> morrismen
morsitan/2 -> morsitans
mortarman/2 -> mortarmen
mortuary-complex/2 -> mortuary-complexes
mosaice/2 -> mosaicing
mosiac/2 -> mosiacs
mosque-cap/2 -> mosque-caps
moss-trooper/2 -> moss-troopers
mossbauer/2 -> mossbauers
motacilla/2 -> motacillas
moth-ball/2 -> moth-balls
motherliness/2 -> motherlinesses
mothproof/2 -> mothproofed,moth-proofs,moth-proofing,moth-proofed
mothw/2 -> mothwing
mothwing/2 -> mothwings
motionlessness/2 -> motionlessnesses
motor-coach/2 -> motor-coaches
motor-glider/2 -> motor-gliders
motor-habit/2 -> motor-habits
motor-tyre/2 -> motor-tyres
motorcaravan/2 -> motorcaravans
mottash/2 -> mottashed
moufflon/2 -> moufflons
moulham/2 -> moulhams
moulmein/2 -> moulmeins
mountain-designer/2 -> mountain-designers
mountaine/2 -> mountaines
mountant/2 -> mountants
mountboard/2 -> mountboards
mouth-part/2 -> mouth-parts
mouvement/2 -> mouvements
moving-picture/2 -> moving-pictures
mozo/2 -> mozos
mqsery/2 -> mqseries
mst/2 -> msts
muchacho/2 -> muchachos
muckraking/2 -> muckrakings
mud-pack/2 -> mud-packs
mudhole/2 -> mudholes
mugful/2 -> mugfuls
muggletonian/2 -> muggletonians
mugwump/2 -> mugwumps
muirlin/2 -> muirlins
mukalla/2 -> mukallas
mulattoe/2 -> mulattoes
mullusc/2 -> mulluscs
multi-buy/2 -> multi-buys
multi-machine/2 -> multi-machines
multi-source/2 -> multi-sources
multi-window/2 -> multi-windows
multieffect/2 -> multieffects
multiline/2 -> multilines
multimelta/2 -> multimeltas
multimete/2 -> multimeter
multiple-stress/2 -> multiple-stresses
multiply-accumulate/2 -> multiply-accumulates
multipole/2 -> multipoles
multiversity/2 -> multiversities
multo/2 -> multos
munchener/2 -> muncheners
mundaneness/2 -> mundanenesses
munger/2 -> mungers
muntingia/2 -> muntingias
murdre/2 -> murdres
muricacean/2 -> muricaceans
muricid/2 -> muricids
murlen/2 -> murlens
muscadine/2 -> muscadines
muscidae/2 -> muscidaes
museum-keeper/2 -> museum-keepers
museumgoer/2 -> museumgoers
musicky/2 -> musickies
muskiness/2 -> muskinesses
musquash/2 -> musquashes
mustachio/2 -> mustachios
mustajew/2 -> mustajews
muteness/2 -> mutenesses
mutualise/2 -> mutualised
muztagh/2 -> muztaghs
mvoement/2 -> mvoements
mwanza/2 -> mwanzas
mycete/2 -> mycetes
mylanta/2 -> mylantas
mylonitize/2 -> mylonitized
myope/2 -> myopes
myotome/2 -> myotomes
myristicaceae/2 -> myristicaceaes
myrmecobius/2 -> myrmecobiuss
myrmecophaga/2 -> myrmecophagas
myrmecophyte/2 -> myrmecophytes
myrsinite/2 -> myrsinites
myrtaceae/2 -> myrtaceaes
mystery-cult/2 -> mystery-cults
mythologist/2 -> mythologists
myxine/2 -> myxines
myxiniformes/2 -> myxiniformess
naaw/2 -> naaws
nabumetone/2 -> nabumetones
nagger/2 -> naggers
nahije/2 -> nahijes
naia/2 -> naias
nail-clipping/2 -> nail-clippings
nail-head/2 -> nail-heads
nail-scissor/2 -> nail-scissors
nailbrush/2 -> nailbrushes
nailchapman/2 -> nailchapmen
nailmake/2 -> nailmaking
naja/2 -> najas
name-board/2 -> name-boards
name-check/2 -> name-checks
nameboard/2 -> nameboards
nametag/2 -> nametags
naming-word/2 -> naming-words
nanoceph/2 -> nanocephs
nanocrystal/2 -> nanocrystals
nanotesla/2 -> nanoteslas
napery/2 -> naperies
naphthol/2 -> naphthols
narberkova/2 -> narberkovas
narcoleptic/2 -> narcoleptics
nard/2 -> nards
narratologist/2 -> narratologists
narrow-boat/2 -> narrow-boats
natality/2 -> natalities
nation-in-arm/2 -> nation-in-arms
national-patriot/2 -> national-patriots
nationaliste/2 -> nationalistes
nativism/2 -> nativisms
natriuresis/2 -> natriureses
natural-fibre/2 -> natural-fibres
naturalist-explorer/2 -> naturalist-explorers
naturopath/2 -> naturopaths
navarino/2 -> navarinoes
navicular/2 -> naviculars
navigability/2 -> navigabilities
nazify/2 -> nazified
near-ruin/2 -> near-ruins
nearly-silence/2 -> nearly-silences
neck-chain/2 -> neck-chains
neck-rest/2 -> neck-rests
neckwear/2 -> neckwears
necropolise/2 -> necropolises
neebor/2 -> neebors
needlecase/2 -> needlecases
nefo/2 -> nefos
negociate/2 -> negociated
nemathelminthe/2 -> nemathelminthes
nemertean/2 -> nemerteans
nemesia/2 -> nemesias
neo-grammarian/2 -> neo-grammarians
neo-latin/2 -> neo-latins
neo-pagan/2 -> neo-pagans
neo-prohibitionist/2 -> neo-prohibitionists
neoclassicist/2 -> neoclassicists
neocolonialism/2 -> neocolonialisms
neoforman/2 -> neoformans
neogastropod/2 -> neogastropods
neon-sign/2 -> neon-signs
neonatologist/2 -> neonatologists
neopallium/2 -> neopalliums
neopetrolisthe/2 -> neopetrolisthes
neoplatonism/2 -> neoplatonisms
neoplatonist/2 -> neoplatonists
neotropic/2 -> neotropics
nephelium/2 -> nepheliums
nephrolepis/2 -> nephrolepiss
nephrosclerosis/2 -> nephroscleroses
nephrosis/2 -> nephroses
neptunium/2 -> neptuniums
nerve-cell/2 -> nerve-cells
nerve-poison/2 -> nerve-poisons
nerve-wrack/2 -> nerve-wracking
nervous-system/2 -> nervous-systems
nery/2 -> nerys
nescience/2 -> nesciences
nestle-rowntree/2 -> nestle-rowntrees
netclass/2 -> netclasses
netsman/2 -> netsmen
nettle-cell/2 -> nettle-cells
neurectomy/2 -> neurectomies
neuroblast/2 -> neuroblasts
neuroepithelium/2 -> neuroepitheliums
neuromere/2 -> neuromeres
nevelson/2 -> nevelsons
neverend/2 -> neverending
newcastle-scouser/2 -> newcastle-scousers
newman-kuel/2 -> newman-kuels
news-flash/2 -> news-flashes
newsclip/2 -> newsclipping,newsclips
newsfax/2 -> newsfaxes
newsvendor/2 -> newsvendors
newswrite/2 -> newswriter
newview/2 -> newviews
nibelungenlied/2 -> nibelungenlieds
nichiman/2 -> nichimen
nichrome/2 -> nichromes
nicolau/2 -> nicolaus
nidaros/2 -> nidaross
nieman/2 -> niemen
niger-congo/2 -> niger-congoes
nigga/2 -> niggas
niggler/2 -> nigglers
night-line/2 -> night-lines
night-sight/2 -> night-sights
night-thought/2 -> night-thoughts
night-walker/2 -> night-walkers
nighter/2 -> nighters
nightsweat/2 -> nightsweats
nikia/2 -> nikias
nine-pin/2 -> nine-pins
nine-time/2 -> nine-times
ninevite/2 -> ninevites
ninjutsu/2 -> ninjutsus
ninnin/2 -> ninnins
nipponite/2 -> nipponites
nit-picker/2 -> nit-pickers
nitery/2 -> niteries
nitrogen-fixer/2 -> nitrogen-fixers
nitroglycerin/2 -> nitroglycerins
nne/2 -> nnes
nnw/2 -> nnws
no-comment/2 -> no-comments
no-eye/2 -> no-eyes
no-gooder/2 -> no-gooders
noce/2 -> noces
noctua/2 -> noctuas
noether/2 -> noethers
nogging/2 -> noggings
noise-bar/2 -> noise-bars
noiselessness/2 -> noiselessnesses
non-activist/2 -> non-activists
non-advance/2 -> non-advanced
non-altruist/2 -> non-altruists
non-answer/2 -> non-answers
non-behaviourist/2 -> non-behaviourists
non-biologist/2 -> non-biologists
non-breeder/2 -> non-breeders
non-churchgoer/2 -> non-churchgoers
non-climber/2 -> non-climbers
non-colitic/2 -> non-colitics
non-collector/2 -> non-collectors
non-complier/2 -> non-compliers
non-conformer/2 -> non-conformers
non-conserver/2 -> non-conservers
non-detection/2 -> non-detections
non-document/2 -> non-documents
non-eligible/2 -> non-eligibles
non-farmer/2 -> non-farmers
non-fascist/2 -> non-fascists
non-father/2 -> non-fathers
non-fishkeeper/2 -> non-fishkeepers
non-gardener/2 -> non-gardeners
non-gascon/2 -> non-gascons
non-guest/2 -> non-guests
non-haemophiliac/2 -> non-haemophiliacs
non-hippy/2 -> non-hippies
non-honour/2 -> non-honours
non-house/2 -> non-housing
non-intellectual/2 -> non-intellectuals
non-intimate/2 -> non-intimates
non-israelite/2 -> non-israelites
non-kuwaiti/2 -> non-kuwaitis
non-leaguer/2 -> non-leaguers
non-libyan/2 -> non-libyans
non-malay/2 -> non-malays
non-manager/2 -> non-managers
non-monetarist/2 -> non-monetarists
non-monogamist/2 -> non-monogamists
non-mother/2 -> non-mothers
non-mountaineer/2 -> non-mountaineers
non-muppet/2 -> non-muppets
non-naturalist/2 -> non-naturalists
non-northerner/2 -> non-northerners
non-nurse/2 -> non-nurses
non-partial/2 -> non-partials
non-performer/2 -> non-performers
non-reply/2 -> non-replies
non-rider/2 -> non-riders
non-sentence/2 -> non-sentences
non-skier/2 -> non-skiers
non-spaniard/2 -> non-spaniards
non-spouse/2 -> non-spouses
non-subject/2 -> non-subjects
non-tax-payer/2 -> non-tax-payers
non-tree/2 -> non-trees
non-virgin/2 -> non-virgins
non-weapon/2 -> non-weapons
non-westerner/2 -> non-westerners
nonreport/2 -> nonreporting
nonrotate/2 -> nonrotating
nonuniformity/2 -> nonuniformities
noodling/2 -> noodlings
nordestino/2 -> nordestinos
norge/2 -> norges
norlander/2 -> norlanders
norman-french/2 -> norman-frenches
norn/2 -> norns
norrkope/2 -> norrkoping
north-north-w/2 -> north-north-west
northeastward/2 -> northeastwards
northener/2 -> northeners
northernness/2 -> northernnesses
northing/2 -> northings
northman/2 -> northmen
northwestward/2 -> northwestwards
nose-hole/2 -> nose-holes
nosecone/2 -> nosecones
nosepick/2 -> nosepicking
noser/2 -> nosers
nosology/2 -> nosologies
nosso/2 -> nossos
nosy-parker/2 -> nosy-parkers
notcutt/2 -> notcutts
note-change/2 -> note-changes
note-length/2 -> note-lengths
nounphrase/2 -> nounphrases
nuage/2 -> nuages
nubble/2 -> nubbles
nuclear-arm/2 -> nuclear-arms
nucleator/2 -> nucleators
nucleide/2 -> nucleides
nuit/2 -> nuits
nullah/2 -> nullahs
nullipara/2 -> nulliparas
numbat/2 -> numbats
numberroutine/2 -> numberroutines
nupkinse/2 -> nupkinses
nuptia/2 -> nuptias
nuptials/2 -> nuptialss
nuptse/2 -> nuptses
nurnberg/2 -> nurnbergs
nuture/2 -> nutured
nycticorax/2 -> nycticoraxes
nyiragongo/2 -> nyiragongoes
nymphalid/2 -> nymphalids
o'ergve/2 -> o'ergiven
oak-wood/2 -> oak-woods
oakleave/2 -> oakleaves
oarsmanship/2 -> oarsmanships
oat-cake/2 -> oat-cakes
obeah/2 -> obeahs
obi/2 -> obis
obite/2 -> obiter
object-topic/2 -> object-topics
objectiveness/2 -> objectivenesses
objectview/2 -> objectviews
objectwork/2 -> objectworks
occluder/2 -> occluders
occupational-pension/2 -> occupational-pensions
oceano/2 -> oceanos
ocellus/2 -> ocelluss
ochlospecy/2 -> ochlospecies
ochr/2 -> ochred
oct-protein/2 -> oct-proteins
octans/2 -> octanss
octoberfe/2 -> octoberfest
octoberfest/2 -> octoberfests
odor/2 -> odors
oena/2 -> oenas
oenanthe/2 -> oenanthes
oenocyte/2 -> oenocytes
oestrogen-mimic/2 -> oestrogen-mimics
off-cutter/2 -> off-cutters
off-gase/2 -> off-gases
off-moment/2 -> off-moments
off-print/2 -> off-prints
off-scouring/2 -> off-scourings
office-hour/2 -> office-hours
office-keeper/2 -> office-keepers
officr/2 -> officrs
ogler/2 -> oglers
ogress/2 -> ogresses
oignon/2 -> oignons
oil-driller/2 -> oil-drillers
oil-field/2 -> oil-fields
oil-sanction/2 -> oil-sanctions
oilstone/2 -> oilstones
oilstove/2 -> oilstoves
oirat/2 -> oirats
old-soldier/2 -> old-soldiers
oldfashion/2 -> oldfashioned
olearia/2 -> olearias
olefin/2 -> olefins
oleo/2 -> oleos
olfact/2 -> olfacts
olistostrome/2 -> olistostromes
olmo/2 -> olmos
olmsted/2 -> olmsteds
olt/2 -> olts
olto/2 -> oltos
ommatin/2 -> ommatins
ommission/2 -> ommissions
omnisport/2 -> omnisports
omphalo/2 -> omphalos
omphalos/2 -> omphaloss
omrah/2 -> omrahs
onanist/2 -> onanists
onde/2 -> ondes
oneiromancy/2 -> oneiromancies
onerousness/2 -> onerousnesses
oneside/2 -> onesided
onesimo/2 -> onesimos
oni/2 -> onis
onychophoran/2 -> onychophorans
onychophore/2 -> onychophores
oob/2 -> oobs
ood/2 -> oods
oogenesis/2 -> oogeneses
ooid/2 -> ooids
ooligan/2 -> ooligans
oolong/2 -> oolongs
op'n/2 -> op'ning
op-amp/2 -> op-amps
open-to-the-element/2 -> open-to-the-elements
opene/2 -> openest
opera-lover/2 -> opera-lovers
opera-singer/2 -> opera-singers
opinon/2 -> opinons
oprder/2 -> oprdered
optative/2 -> optatives
optick/2 -> opticks
orache/2 -> oraches
orangist/2 -> orangists
orbo/2 -> orbos
orchidaceae/2 -> orchidaceaes
orchise/2 -> orchises
order-taker/2 -> order-takers
orderer/2 -> orderers
ordinaire/2 -> ordinaires
oread/2 -> oreads
oreichalko/2 -> oreichalkos
oreshoot/2 -> oreshoots
orgainiser/2 -> orgainisers
orgainser/2 -> orgainsers
organ-pipe/2 -> organ-pipes
organiastion/2 -> organiastions
organisor/2 -> organisors
organo-halogen/2 -> organo-halogens
organo-phosphate/2 -> organo-phosphates
orgiast/2 -> orgiasts
orian/2 -> orians
orkneyism/2 -> orkneyisms
ormosia/2 -> ormosias
ornateness/2 -> ornatenesses
ornithischia/2 -> ornithischias
ornithopter/2 -> ornithopters
oropendola/2 -> oropendolas
oropharynx/2 -> oropharynges
orthoclase/2 -> orthoclases
orthoepist/2 -> orthoepists
orthogneiss/2 -> orthogneisses
orthogonality/2 -> orthogonalities
ortolan/2 -> ortolans
orumiyeh/2 -> orumiyehs
osage/2 -> osages
oscan/2 -> oscans
osmund/2 -> osmunds
ossy/2 -> ossies
osteology/2 -> osteologies
osteoma/2 -> osteomas
osteostraci/2 -> osteostracis
ostwald/2 -> ostwalds
otherise/2 -> otherised
otherway/2 -> otherways
otididae/2 -> otididaes
otosclerosis/2 -> otoscleroses
ottakar/2 -> ottakars
ou/2 -> ouest
out-accelerate/2 -> out-accelerating
out-bluff/2 -> out-bluffed
out-crop/2 -> out-crops
out-date/2 -> out-dated
out-drink/2 -> out-drinking
out-fall/2 -> out-falls
out-field/2 -> out-fields
out-flow/2 -> out-flows
out-gallope/2 -> out-galloped
out-grump/2 -> out-grumped
out-jab/2 -> out-jabbed
out-of-towner/2 -> out-of-towners
out-of-work-hour/2 -> out-of-work-hours
out-pace/2 -> out-pacing,out-paced
out-put/2 -> out-putted
out-score/2 -> out-scored
out-scrummage/2 -> out-scrummaged
out-sel/2 -> out-selling
out-sprint/2 -> out-sprinted,out-sprinting
out-swinger/2 -> out-swingers
out-talk/2 -> out-talked
outbrake/2 -> outbraked
outdrive/2 -> outdriving
outfax/2 -> outfaxed,outfaxes
outfly/2 -> outflying
outgoer/2 -> outgoers
outgross/2 -> outgrossed,outgrossing
outlandishness/2 -> outlandishnesses
outmanoeuvr/2 -> outmanoeuvring
outpol/2 -> outpolled
outprice/2 -> outpriced
outselve/2 -> outselves
outshop/2 -> outshopped
outsprint/2 -> outsprinted
outvoter/2 -> outvoters
outworld/2 -> outworlds
outyield/2 -> outyielded
ovenware/2 -> ovenwares
over-achieve/2 -> over-achieving
over-allocation/2 -> over-allocations
over-bank/2 -> over-banked
over-buy/2 -> over-buying
over-caution/2 -> over-cautioned
over-celebrate/2 -> over-celebrating,over-celebrated
over-coat/2 -> over-coats
over-commercialise/2 -> over-commercialised
over-complicate/2 -> over-complicated
over-concentrate/2 -> over-concentrating
over-cook/2 -> over-cooks,over-cooked
over-crowding/2 -> over-crowdings
over-decorate/2 -> over-decorated
over-design/2 -> over-designed
over-dry/2 -> over-drying
over-dub/2 -> over-dubbed
over-educate/2 -> over-educated
over-eg/2 -> over-egged
over-embalm/2 -> over-embalming,over-embalmed
over-engineer/2 -> over-engineered
over-enjoy/2 -> over-enjoyed
over-equip/2 -> over-equipped
over-exaggerate/2 -> over-exaggerated,over-exaggerating
over-exercise/2 -> over-exercised
over-expand/2 -> over-expanded
over-fill/2 -> over-fills
over-fish/2 -> over-fished
over-fund/2 -> over-funded
over-gear/2 -> over-gearing,over-geared
over-gild/2 -> over-gilding
over-graze/2 -> over-grazing,over-grazed
over-hand/2 -> over-handing
over-heat/2 -> over-heating
over-insure/2 -> over-insured
over-lap/2 -> over-lapping,over-lapped
over-layer/2 -> over-layers
over-order/2 -> over-ordering,over-ordered
over-paint/2 -> over-painted
over-pay/2 -> over-paid
over-polarize/2 -> over-polarized
over-police/2 -> over-policed
over-press/2 -> over-pressed
over-promote/2 -> over-promoted
over-regularization/2 -> over-regularizations
over-restore/2 -> over-restored,over-restoring
over-romanticise/2 -> over-romanticised
over-sel/2 -> over-selling
over-spender/2 -> over-spenders
over-stock/2 -> over-stocked,over-stocking
over-structure/2 -> over-structured
over-swing/2 -> over-swinging
over-trouser/2 -> over-trousers
over-wrap/2 -> over-wrapping
overbake/2 -> overbaked
overbite/2 -> overbites
overblanket/2 -> overblankets
overboil/2 -> overboiled,overboiling
overboot/2 -> overboots
overborrow/2 -> overborrowing,overborrowed
overbreed/2 -> overbreeding
overbuild/2 -> overbuilding
overcal/2 -> overcalled
overcall/2 -> overcalls
overcompensation/2 -> overcompensations
overconstrain/2 -> overconstrained
overdeepen/2 -> overdeepening,overdeepened
overdramatise/2 -> overdramatising
overexploit/2 -> overexploited
overgeneralise/2 -> overgeneralises
overjacket/2 -> overjackets
overleap/2 -> overleaped,overleaps,overleapt,overleaping
overmark/2 -> overmarking
overpackage/2 -> overpackaged
overpronator/2 -> overpronators
overpublish/2 -> overpublishing
overrider/2 -> overriders
oversalt/2 -> oversalted,oversalting
overscore/2 -> overscores,overscored
oversensitiveness/2 -> oversensitivenesses
overspecify/2 -> overspecified
overstitch/2 -> overstitched
oversupinator/2 -> oversupinators
overswing/2 -> overswinging
overtip/2 -> overtipped
overtoll/2 -> overtolls
overule/2 -> overuled
overwatch/2 -> overwatches
overworking/2 -> overworkings
oviposit/2 -> ovipositing
ovolo/2 -> ovoloes
owl-hole/2 -> owl-holes
owner-operator/2 -> owner-operators
owner-pilot/2 -> owner-pilots
oxal/2 -> oxals
oxcart/2 -> oxcarts
oxeye/2 -> oxeyes
oxidoreductase/2 -> oxidoreductases
oxime/2 -> oximes
oxoacid/2 -> oxoacids
oxonanion/2 -> oxonanions
oxoniense/2 -> oxonienses
oxter/2 -> oxters
oxyfluoride/2 -> oxyfluorides
oxyhydroxide/2 -> oxyhydroxides
oxytetracycline/2 -> oxytetracyclines
oxyuroid/2 -> oxyuroids
oy-oy/2 -> oy-oys
oysterman/2 -> oystermen
ozala/2 -> ozalas
ozire/2 -> ozires
ozolin/2 -> ozolins
p-orbital/2 -> p-orbitals
pace-maker/2 -> pace-makers
pachycephalosaurus/2 -> pachycephalosauruss
pachystomia/2 -> pachystomias
pack-mule/2 -> pack-mules
packmate/2 -> packmates
padouk/2 -> padouks
paeon/2 -> paeons
paeonia/2 -> paeonias
page-heading/2 -> page-headings
pagurus/2 -> paguruss
painting-book/2 -> painting-books
paisa/2 -> paisas
palaeoanthropology/2 -> palaeoanthropologies
palaeochannel/2 -> palaeochannels
palaeoclimatology/2 -> palaeoclimatologies
palaeoecologist/2 -> palaeoecologists
palaeomagnetist/2 -> palaeomagnetists
palaeoscolecidan/2 -> palaeoscolecidans
palas/2 -> palass
palauska/2 -> palauskas
paleocene/2 -> paleocenes
palilalia/2 -> palilalias
palinurus/2 -> palinuruss
pallone/2 -> pallones
palm-print/2 -> palm-prints
palm-reader/2 -> palm-readers
palm-top/2 -> palm-tops
palmera/2 -> palmeras
palooka/2 -> palookas
palpability/2 -> palpabilities
palsgrave/2 -> palsgraves
paltriness/2 -> paltrinesses
palynomorph/2 -> palynomorphs
panax/2 -> panaxes
panck/2 -> pancks
pancreatectomy/2 -> pancreatectomies
pandanaceae/2 -> pandanaceaes
pandion/2 -> pandions
panelinha/2 -> panelinhas
pangea/2 -> pangeas
panicum/2 -> panicums
panier/2 -> paniers
panpipe/2 -> panpipes
pansa/2 -> pansas
pantalon/2 -> pantalons
pantsuit/2 -> pantsuits
papaw/2 -> papaws
paper-back/2 -> paper-backs
paper-game/2 -> paper-games
paper-seller/2 -> paper-sellers
paper-towel/2 -> paper-towels
paphiopedilum/2 -> paphiopedilums
papier/2 -> papiers
papillomaviruse/2 -> papillomaviruses
papow/2 -> papows
paque/2 -> paques
paradropper/2 -> paradroppers
parametrize/2 -> parametrized
paramyxovirus/2 -> paramyxoviruss
paraplegia/2 -> paraplegias
parapsid/2 -> parapsids
parasailing/2 -> parasailings
parataxonomist/2 -> parataxonomists
paratyphoid/2 -> paratyphoids
parchment-maker/2 -> parchment-makers
pargete/2 -> pargeting,pargeted
parient/2 -> parients
parkese/2 -> parkeses
parmelia/2 -> parmelias
part-book/2 -> part-books
particpant/2 -> particpants
particularisation/2 -> particularisations
partida/2 -> partidas
parts-maker/2 -> parts-makers
party-popper/2 -> party-poppers
party-thrower/2 -> party-throwers
parvati/2 -> parvatis
parvo/2 -> parvoes
pass-through/2 -> pass-throughs
passaging/2 -> passagings
passementerie/2 -> passementeries
passenger-kilometre/2 -> passenger-kilometres
passifloraceae/2 -> passifloraceaes
passivize/2 -> passivized,passivizes,passivizing
pataca/2 -> patacas
patate/2 -> patates
patent-holder/2 -> patent-holders
path-finder/2 -> path-finders
pathomechanism/2 -> pathomechanisms
patmo/2 -> patmos
pato/2 -> patos
patriline/2 -> patrilines
patronisation/2 -> patronisations
patronym/2 -> patronyms
pattenmaker/2 -> pattenmakers
pattern-book/2 -> pattern-books
pauldron/2 -> pauldrons
paunchiness/2 -> paunchinesses
paupere/2 -> pauperes
pauperisation/2 -> pauperisations
pauperize/2 -> pauperized,pauperizes,pauperizing,pauperize
pavenne/2 -> pavennes
pavonia/2 -> pavonias
pawel/2 -> pawels
pawnbroke/2 -> pawnbroking
pay-cut/2 -> pay-cuts
pay-master/2 -> pay-masters
pay-penny/2 -> pay-pennies
pay-rate/2 -> pay-rates
pay-scale/2 -> pay-scales
paycop/2 -> paycops
payscale/2 -> payscales
pc-user/2 -> pc-users
pea-coat/2 -> pea-coats
pea-flower/2 -> pea-flowers
peaberry/2 -> peaberries
peacenik/2 -> peaceniks
peaklet/2 -> peaklets
peasant-proletarian/2 -> peasant-proletarians
peat-cut/2 -> peat-cuts
peat-digger/2 -> peat-diggers
peat-stack/2 -> peat-stacks
peavy/2 -> peavies
pech/2 -> peches
peckwate/2 -> peckwater
pectinid/2 -> pectinids
ped/2 -> pedder
pedal-bin/2 -> pedal-bins
pedalboard/2 -> pedalboards
peddar/2 -> peddars
pede/2 -> pedes
peder/2 -> peders
pedi/2 -> pedis
pediatrician/2 -> pediatricians
pedicle/2 -> pedicled
pediculus/2 -> pediculuss
pedology/2 -> pedologies
pedra/2 -> pedras
peepul/2 -> peepuls
peeter/2 -> peeters
peevishness/2 -> peevishnesses
peformance/2 -> peformances
peke/2 -> peking
peleus/2 -> peleuss
peloponnesus/2 -> peloponnesuss
pemmatite/2 -> pemmatites
pemmican/2 -> pemmicans
pemphigus/2 -> pemphiguss
pen-driver/2 -> pen-drivers
pen-light/2 -> pen-lights
pen-man/2 -> pen-men
penalisation/2 -> penalisations
penden/2 -> pendens
pendo/2 -> pendos
penetrator/2 -> penetrators
peniko/2 -> penikos
pennanian/2 -> pennanians
penning/2 -> pennings
pennycress/2 -> pennycresses
pennyway/2 -> pennyways
penrhy/2 -> penrhys
pentothal/2 -> pentothals
people-situation/2 -> people-situations
pep-pill/2 -> pep-pills
peptidoleukotriene/2 -> peptidoleukotrienes
percussor/2 -> percussors
perdikka/2 -> perdikkas
performer-composer/2 -> performer-composers
pericope/2 -> pericopes
periodize/2 -> periodized,periodizing
peripheralise/2 -> peripheralised
perita/2 -> peritas
permissibility/2 -> permissibilities
persea/2 -> perseas
person-/2 -> person-s
perspicuity/2 -> perspicuities
pertness/2 -> pertnesses
perverseness/2 -> perversenesses
pest-controller/2 -> pest-controllers
pet-lover/2 -> pet-lovers
pet-name/2 -> pet-names
pet-shop/2 -> pet-shops
peterburg/2 -> peterburgs
petrauska/2 -> petrauskas
petroglyph/2 -> petroglyphs
petrona/2 -> petronas
petso/2 -> petsos
phacochoerus/2 -> phacochoeruss
phagocytose/2 -> phagocytosed
phanerogam/2 -> phanerogams
pharmacokinetics/2 -> pharmacokineticss
phenylbutazone/2 -> phenylbutazones
phi-score/2 -> phi-scores
phidias/2 -> phidiass
philea/2 -> phileas
philhellenism/2 -> philhellenisms
philomachus/2 -> philomachuss
philosophre/2 -> philosophres
phleba/2 -> phlebas
phlomis/2 -> phlomiss
phnaarg/2 -> phnaargs
phokian/2 -> phokians
phone-tap/2 -> phone-taps
phonolite/2 -> phonolites
photo-painting/2 -> photo-paintings
photo-poster/2 -> photo-posters
photo-typesetter/2 -> photo-typesetters
photocard/2 -> photocards
photoframe/2 -> photoframes
photogram/2 -> photograms
photomete/2 -> photometer
photomural/2 -> photomurals
photonic/2 -> photonics
photopiece/2 -> photopieces
photoprotein/2 -> photoproteins
photoresist/2 -> photoresists
photosphere/2 -> photospheres
photosynthesizer/2 -> photosynthesizers
phry/2 -> phries
phylactery/2 -> phylacteries
phyllo/2 -> phylloes
physalia/2 -> physalias
physiognomist/2 -> physiognomists
physitian/2 -> physitians
phyto-oestrogen/2 -> phyto-oestrogens
phytooestrogen/2 -> phytooestrogens
phytophthora/2 -> phytophthoras
piccaninny/2 -> piccaninnies
pichi/2 -> pichis
pick-lock/2 -> pick-locks
pickerel/2 -> pickerels
picklock/2 -> picklocks
picture-gallery/2 -> picture-galleries
picturist/2 -> picturists
picus/2 -> picuss
piddock/2 -> piddocks
pie-seller/2 -> pie-sellers
piece-good/2 -> piece-goods
pig-killing/2 -> pig-killings
pig-stye/2 -> pig-styes
pigeonholing/2 -> pigeonholings
pigman/2 -> pigmen
pilferer/2 -> pilferers
pilgrim-teller/2 -> pilgrim-tellers
pill-taker/2 -> pill-takers
pillow-fight/2 -> pillow-fights
pilocarpine/2 -> pilocarpines
piltock/2 -> piltocks
pin-curl/2 -> pin-curls
pin-out/2 -> pin-outs
pincha/2 -> pinchas
pinchgut/2 -> pinchguts
pind/2 -> pinds
pine-trunk/2 -> pine-trunks
pingo/2 -> pingos
pinken/2 -> pinkened
pinky-red/2 -> pinky-reds
pinning/2 -> pinnings
pintuck/2 -> pintucks
pinup/2 -> pinups
pinwheel/2 -> pinwheels
pip-pip/2 -> pip-pips
pipe-bomb/2 -> pipe-bombs
pipeclay/2 -> pipeclays
pipeful/2 -> pipefuls
piperaceae/2 -> piperaceaes
pipin/2 -> pipins
pisanosaurus/2 -> pisanosauruss
piscivore/2 -> piscivores
piss-hole/2 -> piss-holes
pistacia/2 -> pistacias
pistoly/2 -> pistolier
piston-engine/2 -> piston-engines
pisum/2 -> pisums
pit-owner/2 -> pit-owners
pita/2 -> pitas
pitch-class/2 -> pitch-classes
pitts-bugger/2 -> pitts-buggers
pittse/2 -> pittses
pizzetta/2 -> pizzettas
pku/2 -> pkus
place-kicking/2 -> place-kickings
place-mat/2 -> place-mats
placozoan/2 -> placozoans
plane-maker/2 -> plane-makers
planemake/2 -> planemaking
plantastic/2 -> plantastics
plantfood/2 -> plantfoods
plantpot/2 -> plantpots
plantship/2 -> plantships
plasmapheresis/2 -> plasmaphereses
plasticize/2 -> plasticized,plasticizes,plasticizing
plastid/2 -> plastids
plat-form/2 -> plat-forms
platalea/2 -> plataleas
platanoide/2 -> platanoides
plate-mark/2 -> plate-marks
platero/2 -> plateros
platten/2 -> plattens
plattitude/2 -> plattitudes
platydora/2 -> platydoras
platyhelminth/2 -> platyhelminths
plausence/2 -> plausences
play-through/2 -> play-throughs
play-type/2 -> play-types
play-wright/2 -> play-wrights
play-yard/2 -> play-yards
playboat/2 -> playboats
playbuse/2 -> playbuses
playe/2 -> playes
playsuit/2 -> playsuits
pleasingness/2 -> pleasingnesses
pleione/2 -> pleiones
pleurosternal/2 -> pleurosternals
pliability/2 -> pliabilities
pliancy/2 -> pliancies
plimmy/2 -> plimmies
plodge/2 -> plodging
plot-sequence/2 -> plot-sequences
plough-team/2 -> plough-teams
plougher/2 -> ploughers
ploughmen/2 -> ploughmens
plumper/2 -> plumpers
plumpy/2 -> plumpies
plyboard/2 -> plyboards
plyometric/2 -> plyometrics
pmo/2 -> pmos
pneumococcus/2 -> pneumococcuss
pneumothorace/2 -> pneumothoraces
po-/2 -> po-s
pock-mark/2 -> pock-marks
pocket-borough/2 -> pocket-boroughs
pocket-breach/2 -> pocket-breaches
pocket-handkerchief/2 -> pocket-handkerchiefs
podiatrist/2 -> podiatrists
podophile/2 -> podophiles
pogoe/2 -> pogoed
poignance/2 -> poignances
poikilothermic/2 -> poikilothermics
pointsman/2 -> pointsmen
poison-spur/2 -> poison-spurs
poitrine/2 -> poitrines
poking/2 -> pokings
pole-piece/2 -> pole-pieces
poleidobloc/2 -> poleidoblocs
police-gang/2 -> police-gangs
police-man/2 -> police-men
policman/2 -> policmen
policy-watcher/2 -> policy-watchers
polioviruse/2 -> polioviruses
polish-speaker/2 -> polish-speakers
pollen-tube/2 -> pollen-tubes
pollinologist/2 -> pollinologists
pollwinner/2 -> pollwinners
poltical/2 -> polticals
polyborus/2 -> polyboruss
polycation/2 -> polycations
polychotomy/2 -> polychotomies
polyelectrolyte/2 -> polyelectrolytes
polyfoam/2 -> polyfoams
polygonaceae/2 -> polygonaceaes
polykrate/2 -> polykrates
polyline/2 -> polylines
polypterid/2 -> polypterids
polyrhythm/2 -> polyrhythms
polyside/2 -> polysided
pommier/2 -> pommiers
pommy/2 -> pommies
pompano/2 -> pompanoes
pompom/2 -> pompoms
pompousness/2 -> pompousnesses
pondkeep/2 -> pondkeeping
pondmate/2 -> pondmates
pongidae/2 -> pongidaes
pontederiaceae/2 -> pontederiaceaes
poo-poo/2 -> poo-poos
poofta/2 -> pooftas
pooling-of-interest/2 -> pooling-of-interests
poond/2 -> poonds
poorwill/2 -> poorwills
pooter/2 -> pooters
pootle/2 -> pootled,pootling
pop-on/2 -> pop-ons
pope-burning/2 -> pope-burnings
pophole/2 -> popholes
poppy-seed/2 -> poppy-seeds
popstyle/2 -> popstyling
porbeagle/2 -> porbeagles
porkpie/2 -> porkpies
poro/2 -> poros
porphyrula/2 -> porphyrulas
portcullise/2 -> portcullises
poseuse/2 -> poseuses
poshoe/2 -> poshoes
positionality/2 -> positionalities
positon/2 -> positons
post-buse/2 -> post-buses
post-distribution/2 -> post-distributions
post-horse/2 -> post-horses
post-house/2 -> post-houses
post-modifier/2 -> post-modifiers
post-velvet/2 -> post-velvets
poster-opportunity/2 -> poster-opportunities
posterdesign/2 -> posterdesigned
posthouse/2 -> posthouses
postilion/2 -> postilions
postlabel/2 -> postlabelling
postmodifier/2 -> postmodifiers
posty/2 -> posties
pot-holder/2 -> pot-holders
pot-house/2 -> pot-houses
pot-hunter/2 -> pot-hunters
pot-shape/2 -> pot-shapes
potahtoe/2 -> potahtoes
potaytoe/2 -> potaytoes
pote/2 -> potes
potholder/2 -> potholders
pothook/2 -> pothooks
potluck/2 -> potlucks
pots-and-pan/2 -> pots-and-pans
poulantza/2 -> poulantzas
pound-keeper/2 -> pound-keepers
powderpuff/2 -> powderpuffs
power-game/2 -> power-games
power-pack/2 -> power-packs
power-player/2 -> power-players
power-sharer/2 -> power-sharers
powerline/2 -> powerlines
ppfennig/2 -> ppfennigs
ppk/2 -> ppks
practitioner-researcher/2 -> practitioner-researchers
praier/2 -> praiers
prakrit/2 -> prakrits
pratice/2 -> pratices
prax/2 -> praxes
praxiteles/2 -> praxiteless
pray'r/2 -> pray'rs
prayer-stool/2 -> prayer-stools
prazosin/2 -> prazosins
pre-admission/2 -> pre-admissions
pre-arthropod/2 -> pre-arthropods
pre-determine/2 -> pre-determines
pre-dispose/2 -> pre-disposes,pre-disposed
pre-echinoderm/2 -> pre-echinoderms
pre-echoe/2 -> pre-echoes
pre-group/2 -> pre-groups
pre-tax-profit/2 -> pre-tax-profits
pre-teenager/2 -> pre-teenagers
preadapt/2 -> preadapted
preakness/2 -> preaknesses
prearrangement/2 -> prearrangements
prebait/2 -> prebaited
preceive/2 -> preceived
precipitancy/2 -> precipitancies
precode/2 -> precoded
precompile/2 -> precompiling
precontract/2 -> precontracted
preconviction/2 -> preconvictions
predetermination/2 -> predeterminations
predril/2 -> predrilled
preemption/2 -> preemptions
prefern/2 -> preferns
preferr/2 -> preferrred
preflight/2 -> preflighting
pregass/2 -> pregassed
prehybridize/2 -> prehybridized
prelacy/2 -> prelacies
prelist/2 -> prelisting,prelisted
premodifier/2 -> premodifiers
prequalify/2 -> prequalifying,prequalified
prescaler/2 -> prescalers
preschooler/2 -> preschoolers
presentative/2 -> presentatives
pressure-point/2 -> pressure-points
preta/2 -> pretas
preussen/2 -> preussens
previous-b/2 -> previous-best
prevue/2 -> prevues
prewarm/2 -> prewarmed
priapism/2 -> priapisms
pricelist/2 -> pricelists
pricer/2 -> pricers
priest-son/2 -> priest-sons
priestleyan/2 -> priestleyans
primipara/2 -> primiparas
primordium/2 -> primordiums
primore/2 -> primores
prin/2 -> prins
print-shop/2 -> print-shops
priority-dispute/2 -> priority-disputes
privateness/2 -> privatenesses
prizemony/2 -> prizemonies
pro-act/2 -> pro-acts
pro-carcinogen/2 -> pro-carcinogens
pro-choicer/2 -> pro-choicers
pro-format/2 -> pro-formats
pro-hunter/2 -> pro-hunters
pro-imperialist/2 -> pro-imperialists
pro-marketeer/2 -> pro-marketeers
pro-right/2 -> pro-rights
proboscidea/2 -> proboscideas
procarbazine/2 -> procarbazines
processer/2 -> processers
procide/2 -> procides
procrustes/2 -> procrustess
proctoscope/2 -> proctoscopes
producer-entrepreneur/2 -> producer-entrepreneurs
productiveness/2 -> productivenesses
produit/2 -> produits
profoundness/2 -> profoundnesses
proglem/2 -> proglems
programing/2 -> programings
project-manage/2 -> project-manages
proletaire/2 -> proletaires
pronge/2 -> pronged
pronunciamento/2 -> pronunciamentos
proosian/2 -> proosians
propere/2 -> properest
properness/2 -> propernesses
property-set/2 -> property-sets
proprioception/2 -> proprioceptions
proscute/2 -> proscuted,proscuting
prose-character/2 -> prose-characters
prose-speaker/2 -> prose-speakers
prose-writing/2 -> prose-writings
prosobranch/2 -> prosobranchs
protaganist/2 -> protaganists
protaglandin/2 -> protaglandins
proteaceae/2 -> proteaceaes
protoctista/2 -> protoctistas
protomer/2 -> protomers
protonorm/2 -> protonorms
protosun/2 -> protosuns
protta/2 -> prottas
prowork/2 -> proworks
psammeticho/2 -> psammetichos
psammite/2 -> psammites
pseudo-objective/2 -> pseudo-objectives
pseudo-operation/2 -> pseudo-operations
pseudo-parent/2 -> pseudo-parents
pseudohomophone/2 -> pseudohomophones
pseudopolyp/2 -> pseudopolyps
pseudosound/2 -> pseudosounds
psittacula/2 -> psittaculas
psocoptera/2 -> psocopteras
psoralen/2 -> psoralens
psychoacoustic/2 -> psychoacoustics
psychogeographic/2 -> psychogeographics
psychopathy/2 -> psychopathies
psychopharmacologist/2 -> psychopharmacologists
psychophysics/2 -> psychophysicss
pteridophyte/2 -> pteridophytes
publica/2 -> publicas
publicity-seeker/2 -> publicity-seekers
publicizing/2 -> publicizings
pue/2 -> puing
pugilism/2 -> pugilisms
pugman/2 -> pugmen
puking/2 -> pukings
pule/2 -> puling,pules,puled
pullback/2 -> pullbacks
pullulate/2 -> pullulating,pullulates,pullulated
pultrude/2 -> pultruding
punch-bowl/2 -> punch-bowls
punch-card/2 -> punch-cards
puniness/2 -> puninesses
punkah/2 -> punkahs
punkster/2 -> punksters
pupy/2 -> pupies
purcellian/2 -> purcellians
purfling/2 -> purflings
purger/2 -> purgers
purificator/2 -> purificators
purim/2 -> purims
purple-pink/2 -> purple-pinks
purseful/2 -> pursefuls
puseyism/2 -> puseyisms
pushfit/2 -> pushfitted
pushiness/2 -> pushinesses
puska/2 -> puskas
putrescence/2 -> putrescences
putrify/2 -> putrifying
pygoscelis/2 -> pygosceliss
pyramiding/2 -> pyramidings
pyrene/2 -> pyrenes
pyreneeist/2 -> pyreneeists
pyrobituman/2 -> pyrobitumen
pyromania/2 -> pyromanias
pyrometer/2 -> pyrometers
pythia/2 -> pythias
pythium/2 -> pythiums
pythoness/2 -> pythonesses
qadi/2 -> qadis
qat/2 -> qats
qdo/2 -> qdos
quadgram/2 -> quadgrams
quadraphony/2 -> quadraphonies
quadrivalent/2 -> quadrivalents
quadruplet/2 -> quadruplets
quaestor/2 -> quaestors
qualita/2 -> qualitas
quangoe/2 -> quangoes
quarter-measure/2 -> quarter-measures
quarter-sheet/2 -> quarter-sheets
quarter-staff/2 -> quarter-staffs
quasi-academic/2 -> quasi-academics
quasi-psychedelic/2 -> quasi-psychedelics
quasi-rent/2 -> quasi-rents
quasi-situationist/2 -> quasi-situationists
quasiparticle/2 -> quasiparticles
question-time/2 -> question-times
questionmaster/2 -> questionmasters
quexo/2 -> quexos
quick-wittedness/2 -> quick-wittednesses
quickset/2 -> quicksets
quickskim/2 -> quickskimming
quinacrine/2 -> quinacrines
quintain/2 -> quintains
quira/2 -> quiraing
quivertip/2 -> quivertips
r-interval/2 -> r-intervals
rabbit-hutch/2 -> rabbit-hutches
rabbitoh/2 -> rabbitohs
race-relation/2 -> race-relations
raceline/2 -> racelines
raceme/2 -> racemes
racenight/2 -> racenights
racereader/2 -> racereaders
rachmaninoff/2 -> rachmaninoffs
rackett/2 -> racketts
radhakrishnan/2 -> radhakrishnans
radicalesbian/2 -> radicalesbians
radicle/2 -> radicles
radio-source/2 -> radio-sources
radioastronomer/2 -> radioastronomers
radiochemistry/2 -> radiochemistries
radiotelephone/2 -> radiotelephones
radiotelephony/2 -> radiotelephonies
raffles/2 -> raffless
rag-picker/2 -> rag-pickers
rags-to-rich/2 -> rags-to-riches
raigne/2 -> raignes
rail-road/2 -> rail-roads
railer/2 -> railers
railride/2 -> railriding
railway-builder/2 -> railway-builders
railway-man/2 -> railway-men
railway-truck/2 -> railway-trucks
railway-wagon/2 -> railway-wagons
rainmaker/2 -> rainmakers
rainmaking/2 -> rainmakings
rainsborough/2 -> rainsboroughs
raised-side/2 -> raised-sides
raisonnable/2 -> raisonnables
raisonne/2 -> raisonnes
raita/2 -> raitas
rakison/2 -> rakisons
rambla/2 -> ramblas
ramona/2 -> ramonas
ranchland/2 -> ranchlands
rani/2 -> ranis
rankness/2 -> ranknesses
ransacking/2 -> ransackings
rapaciousness/2 -> rapaciousnesses
rasterise/2 -> rasterising
rat's-tail/2 -> rat's-tails
rate-book/2 -> rate-books
rate-call/2 -> rate-calls
ratecap/2 -> ratecapping
ratel/2 -> ratels
ratepay/2 -> ratepaying
rathau/2 -> rathaus
rattail/2 -> rattails
ratteen/2 -> ratteens
ratting/2 -> rattings
rauschn/2 -> rauschning
rawplug/2 -> rawplugs
ray-floret/2 -> ray-florets
ray-vibration/2 -> ray-vibrations
rbo/2 -> rbos
re-acquire/2 -> re-acquired
re-advance/2 -> re-advances
re-announce/2 -> re-announced
re-architect/2 -> re-architected
re-arouse/2 -> re-aroused
re-articulate/2 -> re-articulated
re-award/2 -> re-awarding,re-awarded
re-board/2 -> re-boarding
re-booking/2 -> re-bookings
re-bore/2 -> re-bored
re-capitalisation/2 -> re-capitalisations
re-capitalize/2 -> re-capitalized
re-coil/2 -> re-coiled
re-compute/2 -> re-computed
re-contact/2 -> re-contacted
re-copy/2 -> re-copying
re-date/2 -> re-dated
re-derive/2 -> re-derived
re-district/2 -> re-districting
re-embodiment/2 -> re-embodiments
re-emigrate/2 -> re-emigrated
re-endow/2 -> re-endowed
re-enforcement/2 -> re-enforcements
re-enrich/2 -> re-enriching,re-enriched
re-exhibit/2 -> re-exhibited
re-explode/2 -> re-exploding
re-felt/2 -> re-felting
re-fire/2 -> re-fired
re-gain/2 -> re-gaining
re-gather/2 -> re-gathered
re-generate/2 -> re-generating,re-generated
re-grade/2 -> re-graded
re-home/2 -> re-homed
re-infect/2 -> re-infected
re-initialise/2 -> re-initialises
re-inspect/2 -> re-inspecting
re-inter/2 -> re-interred
re-isolation/2 -> re-isolations
re-map/2 -> re-mapping,re-mapped
re-modularise/2 -> re-modularised
re-nationalize/2 -> re-nationalizing
re-nominate/2 -> re-nominated
re-oil/2 -> re-oiled
re-orchestration/2 -> re-orchestrations
re-pair/2 -> re-pairs
re-pallete/2 -> re-palleting,re-palleted
re-palletize/2 -> re-palletizing
re-pass/2 -> re-passed
re-people/2 -> re-peopled
re-prescription/2 -> re-prescriptions
re-process/2 -> re-processed
re-proof/2 -> re-proofing
re-propose/2 -> re-proposing,re-proposed
re-provision/2 -> re-provisioned
re-putty/2 -> re-puttied
re-raffle/2 -> re-raffled
re-replicate/2 -> re-replicated
re-rol/2 -> re-rolling
re-see/2 -> re-seeing
re-sheathe/2 -> re-sheathed
re-show/2 -> re-shown,re-showing
re-skil/2 -> re-skilling
re-slate/2 -> re-slated
re-table/2 -> re-tabling
re-tool/2 -> re-tooling
re-touch/2 -> re-touched
re-trigger/2 -> re-triggers
re-tube/2 -> re-tubed
re-turf/2 -> re-turfed
re-walk/2 -> re-walking
re-wash/2 -> re-washing
re-word/2 -> re-worded
reach-me-down/2 -> reach-me-downs
reaction-formation/2 -> reaction-formations
readapt/2 -> readapting
reading-glass/2 -> reading-glasses
readvertise/2 -> readvertised
ready-meal/2 -> ready-meals
reafforest/2 -> reafforested
reality-effect/2 -> reality-effects
realizer/2 -> realizers
reallowance/2 -> reallowances
realtionship/2 -> realtionships
reamplify/2 -> reamplified
rearraign/2 -> rearraigned
reasure/2 -> reasuring
reattain/2 -> reattained
reaveal/2 -> reavealed
reback/2 -> rebacked
rebaptize/2 -> rebaptized
rebin/2 -> rebinning
rebody/2 -> rebodied
rebook/2 -> rebooked
rebrand/2 -> rebranded
rebrief/2 -> rebriefed
rebutton/2 -> rebuttoned
recapitalization/2 -> recapitalizations
recement/2 -> recemented,recementing
recentralise/2 -> recentralised
recep/2 -> receps
rech/2 -> reched
rechabite/2 -> rechabites
rechunk/2 -> rechunking
recidivate/2 -> recidivating
recitalist/2 -> recitalists
recive/2 -> recived
reclon/2 -> recloning,recloned
reclose/2 -> recloses,reclosed
reclusiveness/2 -> reclusivenesses
recodify/2 -> recodified
recom-mend/2 -> recom-mended,recom-mending
recomend/2 -> recomended
recomendation/2 -> recomendations
reconceive/2 -> reconceiving
recondense/2 -> recondensing
reconstituter/2 -> reconstituters
recontaminate/2 -> recontaminated
record-buyer/2 -> record-buyers
record-keeper/2 -> record-keepers
recordite/2 -> recordites
recordkeep/2 -> recordkeeping
recork/2 -> recorking,recorked
recouperate/2 -> recouperating
recreant/2 -> recreants
recriminate/2 -> recriminating,recriminates,recriminated
recrystallize/2 -> recrystallized
recurvirostra/2 -> recurvirostras
red-black/2 -> red-blacks
red-point/2 -> red-pointing
red-wing/2 -> red-wings
redate/2 -> redating,redated
redeposition/2 -> redepositions
redface/2 -> redfaced
redgill/2 -> redgills
redivide/2 -> redividing,redivided
redivorce/2 -> redivorced
redonda/2 -> redondas
redresser/2 -> redressers
reductant/2 -> reductants
reed-thatch/2 -> reed-thatches
reedb/2 -> reedbed
reentry/2 -> reentries
refandweight/2 -> refandweights
refile/2 -> refiled
reflectogram/2 -> reflectograms
reflood/2 -> reflooding
refondateur/2 -> refondateurs
refortify/2 -> refortified
refunction/2 -> refunctioning,refunctions
refurb/2 -> refurbs
refurbisher/2 -> refurbishers
regaining/2 -> regainings
regauge/2 -> regauging
regiomontanus/2 -> regiomontanuss
regognise/2 -> regognises,regognised
regreen/2 -> regreened,regreening
regrind/2 -> regrinding
rehybridize/2 -> rehybridized
reign-year/2 -> reign-years
reignit/2 -> reigniting,reignited
reimagine/2 -> reimagined
reimplant/2 -> reimplanted
reimport/2 -> reimported
reimprison/2 -> reimprisoned
rein-force/2 -> rein-forcing
reinaugurate/2 -> reinaugurated
reinfarct/2 -> reinfarcts
reinherit/2 -> reinherited
reinjure/2 -> reinjuring,reinjured
reit/2 -> reits
rejoycing/2 -> rejoycings
rejudge/2 -> rejudged
relatum/2 -> relatums
relevation/2 -> relevations
religiousness/2 -> religiousnesses
relique/2 -> reliques
relishing/2 -> relishings
remagnetize/2 -> remagnetized
remaine/2 -> remaines
reman/2 -> remans
remilitarisation/2 -> remilitarisations
remobilise/2 -> remobilised
remobilize/2 -> remobilizing,remobilized
remotesense/2 -> remotesensing
renationalize/2 -> renationalized
rent-seeker/2 -> rent-seekers
repa/2 -> repas
repeople/2 -> repeopled,repeopling
reperform/2 -> reperforms,reperformed
repesent/2 -> repesents
repetiteur/2 -> repetiteurs
repillare/2 -> repillared
repoman/2 -> repomen
reprecipitate/2 -> reprecipitated
repropose/2 -> reproposed
reproval/2 -> reprovals
reptilia/2 -> reptilias
repurcussion/2 -> repurcussions
requestor/2 -> requestors
requre/2 -> requring,requred
resample/2 -> resampling
rescreen/2 -> rescreening,rescreened
reseau/2 -> reseaux
resistate/2 -> resistates
reslate/2 -> reslated
resleeve/2 -> resleeving
resophonic/2 -> resophonics
resotr/2 -> resotred
resourse/2 -> resourses
respit/2 -> respited,respiting
resprout/2 -> resprouts
restauranteur/2 -> restauranteurs
restauratrice/2 -> restauratrices
resteam/2 -> resteamed
restitch/2 -> restitching
restreint/2 -> restreints
restress/2 -> restressed
restretch/2 -> restretching
resummon/2 -> resummoned
retime/2 -> retimed
retouching/2 -> retouchings
retrack/2 -> retracked
retransfer/2 -> retransferring
retreatant/2 -> retreatants
retrobolt/2 -> retrobolted
retrogress/2 -> retrogressed,retrogresses,retrogressing
returne/2 -> returnes
revarnish/2 -> revarnished
revegetate/2 -> revegetated
revisal/2 -> revisals
revivification/2 -> revivifications
revolu-tionary/2 -> revolu-tionaries
rewash/2 -> rewashed
reweigh/2 -> reweighed
rezon/2 -> rezoned,rezoning
rheinhold/2 -> rheinholds
rhenium/2 -> rheniums
rheologist/2 -> rheologists
rheometer/2 -> rheometers
rhinelander/2 -> rhinelanders
rhinoviruse/2 -> rhinoviruses
rhipidistia/2 -> rhipidistias
rhody/2 -> rhodies
rhoea/2 -> rhoeas
rhymester/2 -> rhymesters
rhynchonellid/2 -> rhynchonellids
rhyne/2 -> rhynes
ribband/2 -> ribbands
ribbonman/2 -> ribbonmen
ribotriphosphate/2 -> ribotriphosphates
ribotyp/2 -> ribotyping
ribotype/2 -> ribotypes
ribwort/2 -> ribworts
rice-cake/2 -> rice-cakes
richler/2 -> richlers
ricinus/2 -> ricinuss
ricot/2 -> ricots
ridge-line/2 -> ridge-lines
riding-boot/2 -> riding-boots
riding-breech/2 -> riding-breeches
riffraff/2 -> riffraffs
rig-veda/2 -> rig-vedas
right-to-lifer/2 -> right-to-lifers
rights-holder/2 -> rights-holders
rigidness/2 -> rigidnesses
rinderpest/2 -> rinderpests
ring-a-ring-o'-rose/2 -> ring-a-ring-o'-roses
ring-dove/2 -> ring-doves
ringdove/2 -> ringdoves
rington/2 -> ringtons
risk-decision/2 -> risk-decisions
rissa/2 -> rissas
ritual-constraint/2 -> ritual-constraints
river-delta/2 -> river-deltas
river-user/2 -> river-users
rivum/2 -> rivums
road-book/2 -> road-books
road-maker/2 -> road-makers
road-mender/2 -> road-menders
roadmender/2 -> roadmenders
roadstead/2 -> roadsteads
roasting-pan/2 -> roasting-pans
robart/2 -> robarts
robinse/2 -> robinses
robotise/2 -> robotised
rochambeau/2 -> rochambeaux
rochet/2 -> rochets
rock-boot/2 -> rock-boots
rock-star/2 -> rock-stars
rockbed/2 -> rockbeds
rockclimb/2 -> rockclimbs,rockclimbing
rockerfella/2 -> rockerfellas
rockslide/2 -> rockslides
roedere/2 -> roederer
rogernomic/2 -> rogernomics
role-holder/2 -> role-holders
role-relationship/2 -> role-relationships
roll-crusher/2 -> roll-crushers
rollbar/2 -> rollbars
roller-towel/2 -> roller-towels
rollerfurl/2 -> rollerfurling
rollerskater/2 -> rollerskaters
rollersnake/2 -> rollersnakes
rolling-mill/2 -> rolling-mills
romanise/2 -> romanised
romanism/2 -> romanisms
romanize/2 -> romanized
romanoff/2 -> romanoffs
romanza/2 -> romanzas
romaria/2 -> romarias
rondel/2 -> rondels
roof-beam/2 -> roof-beams
roof-span/2 -> roof-spans
roofbeam/2 -> roofbeams
rooflight/2 -> rooflights
rooftile/2 -> rooftiles
room-key/2 -> room-keys
roominess/2 -> roominesses
rope-maker/2 -> rope-makers
ropeman/2 -> ropemen
rosaceae/2 -> rosaceaes
rosicrucianism/2 -> rosicrucianisms
rosmarinus/2 -> rosmarinuss
rosta/2 -> rostas
rotavate/2 -> rotavating
rotovate/2 -> rotovating
rottene/2 -> rottenest
rough-cut/2 -> rough-cuts
rougon/2 -> rougons
roule/2 -> roules
rounce/2 -> rouncing
round-the-house/2 -> round-the-houses
routy/2 -> routier
rouundabout/2 -> rouundabouts
rownd/2 -> rownded
rozy/2 -> rozier
rubber-necker/2 -> rubber-neckers
rubberise/2 -> rubberised
rubricate/2 -> rubricated,rubricates,rubricating
ruddervator/2 -> ruddervators
rudergram/2 -> rudergrams
rudistid/2 -> rudistids
ruffler/2 -> rufflers
rug-rethink/2 -> rug-rethinks
ruina/2 -> ruinas
ruining/2 -> ruinings
rummer/2 -> rummers
runlet/2 -> runlets
running-cost/2 -> running-costs
running-short/2 -> running-shorts
rupicola/2 -> rupicolas
rupripe/2 -> rupripes
rupture-disc/2 -> rupture-discs
ruralist/2 -> ruralists
rutaceae/2 -> rutaceaes
ryemark/2 -> ryemarks
s-language/2 -> s-languages
saar-fernga/2 -> saar-ferngas
sabayon/2 -> sabayons
saccharum/2 -> saccharums
sachitid/2 -> sachitids
sachsen/2 -> sachsens
sack-artist/2 -> sack-artists
sack-load/2 -> sack-loads
sacque/2 -> sacques
saddle-tank/2 -> saddle-tanks
sadhu/2 -> sadhus
safe-breaker/2 -> safe-breakers
safe-haven/2 -> safe-havens
safebreaker/2 -> safebreakers
safecracker/2 -> safecrackers
safeness/2 -> safenesses
safety-assessment/2 -> safety-assessments
sag-bag/2 -> sag-bags
saggar/2 -> saggars
sahib/2 -> sahibs
sailmake/2 -> sailmaking
sainfoin/2 -> sainfoins
saint-saen/2 -> saint-saens
salicaceae/2 -> salicaceaes
salinate/2 -> salinated,salinates
saling/2 -> salinger
sallowness/2 -> sallownesses
salmacis/2 -> salmaces
salme/2 -> salmes
salmo/2 -> salmoes
salmonberry/2 -> salmonberries
salmonoid/2 -> salmonoids
salope/2 -> salopes
salt-burn/2 -> salt-burning
salt-cellar/2 -> salt-cellars
salt-working/2 -> salt-workings
saltpan/2 -> saltpans
saltwork/2 -> saltworks
saluki/2 -> salukis
salvelinus/2 -> salvelinuss
salvor/2 -> salvors
samarium/2 -> samariums
samle/2 -> samling
samnite/2 -> samnites
samoyed/2 -> samoyeds
sanctions-buster/2 -> sanctions-busters
sand-clock/2 -> sand-clocks
sand-flat/2 -> sand-flats
sandburg/2 -> sandburgs
sandeel/2 -> sandeels
sandgrain/2 -> sandgrains
sanguinaria/2 -> sanguinarias
sanitaria/2 -> sanitarias
sans-culotte/2 -> sans-culottes
sansevieria/2 -> sansevierias
saponaria/2 -> saponarias
sarek/2 -> sareks
sarkanda/2 -> sarkandas
saroyan/2 -> saroyans
satisfactoriness/2 -> satisfactorinesses
sauceboat/2 -> sauceboats
sauciness/2 -> saucinesses
saudade/2 -> saudades
sauerbraten/2 -> sauerbratens
saunterer/2 -> saunterers
sausage-roll/2 -> sausage-rolls
saussurea/2 -> saussureas
sauterne/2 -> sauternes
sauveolen/2 -> sauveolens
savanah/2 -> savanahs
savarin/2 -> savarins
savouring/2 -> savourings
say-/2 -> say-ing
sayonara/2 -> sayonaras
scabland/2 -> scablands
scandal-sheet/2 -> scandal-sheets
scandalousness/2 -> scandalousnesses
scandanavian/2 -> scandanavians
scandium/2 -> scandiums
scantiness/2 -> scantinesses
scantling/2 -> scantlings
scare-story/2 -> scare-stories
scatology/2 -> scatologies
scatterer/2 -> scatterers
scattergood/2 -> scattergoods
scene-change/2 -> scene-changes
scheelite/2 -> scheelites
schematisation/2 -> schematisations
scheve/2 -> scheves
schizosaccharomyces/2 -> schizosaccharomycess
schlep/2 -> schlepping,schleps,schlepped
schlumbergera/2 -> schlumbergeras
schnorkel/2 -> schnorkels
schol/2 -> schols
school-mate/2 -> school-mates
school-meal/2 -> school-meals
school-pupil/2 -> school-pupils
school-rule/2 -> school-rules
schoolma'am/2 -> schoolma'ams
schreid/2 -> schreider
schuck/2 -> schucks
schuss/2 -> schussing,schusses,schussed
schwante/2 -> schwantes
schwarzenneger/2 -> schwarzennegers
schweiz/2 -> schweizs
sciadopity/2 -> sciadopitys
sconvol/2 -> sconvols
scoosh/2 -> scooshing
scopes/2 -> scopess
scorekeeper/2 -> scorekeepers
scorzonera/2 -> scorzoneras
scotchguard/2 -> scotchguarded
scott-hodgett/2 -> scott-hodgetts
scotta/2 -> scottas
scrap-book/2 -> scrap-books
scratch-mark/2 -> scratch-marks
scratcher/2 -> scratchers
scratchpad/2 -> scratchpads
scratchstock/2 -> scratchstocks
screamy/2 -> screamiest
screener/2 -> screeners
screenprinter/2 -> screenprinters
screw-jack/2 -> screw-jacks
screwthread/2 -> screwthreads
scuffer/2 -> scuffers
scur/2 -> scurred,scurs
scuttlebutt/2 -> scuttlebutts
scyphozoan/2 -> scyphozoans
scythemaker/2 -> scythemakers
sea-angler/2 -> sea-anglers
sea-cucumber/2 -> sea-cucumbers
sea-fairy/2 -> sea-fairies
sea-farer/2 -> sea-farers
sea-flat/2 -> sea-flats
sea-marshal/2 -> sea-marshals
sea-nymph/2 -> sea-nymphs
sea-stone/2 -> sea-stones
sea-view/2 -> sea-views
seabthe/2 -> seabathing
seacliff/2 -> seacliffs
seadoc/2 -> seadocs
seaking/2 -> seakings
seate/2 -> seates
seawall/2 -> seawalls
sebaty/2 -> sebatier
sebc/2 -> sebcs
sebil/2 -> sebils
secale/2 -> secales
seceder/2 -> seceders
seconal/2 -> seconals
second-great/2 -> second-greatest
second-young/2 -> second-youngest
sectorize/2 -> sectorized
sedateness/2 -> sedatenesses
seed-box/2 -> seed-boxes
seed-pearl/2 -> seed-pearls
seed-plant/2 -> seed-plants
seedbox/2 -> seedboxes
seedpod/2 -> seedpods
seigniorage/2 -> seigniorages
seima/2 -> seimas
seiter/2 -> seiters
selectorate/2 -> selectorates
selesian/2 -> selesians
self-accusation/2 -> self-accusations
self-antigen/2 -> self-antigens
self-attitude/2 -> self-attitudes
self-command/2 -> self-commands
self-complacency/2 -> self-complacencies
self-condemnation/2 -> self-condemnations
self-excuse/2 -> self-excuses
self-heal/2 -> self-heals
self-improver/2 -> self-improvers
self-install/2 -> self-installs
self-publisher/2 -> self-publishers
self-repetition/2 -> self-repetitions
self-rescue/2 -> self-rescues
self-seeder/2 -> self-seeders
self-seeker/2 -> self-seekers
self-trigger/2 -> self-triggers
selfjustify/2 -> selfjustifying
selfsameness/2 -> selfsamenesses
selfseek/2 -> selfseeking
semi-colony/2 -> semi-colonies
semi-consonant/2 -> semi-consonants
semi-control/2 -> semi-controlled
semi-joke/2 -> semi-joked,semi-jokes
semi-manufacture/2 -> semi-manufactures
semi-paralyse/2 -> semi-paralysed
semi-proletarian/2 -> semi-proletarians
semi-recess/2 -> semi-recessed
semi-stal/2 -> semi-stalled
semidarkness/2 -> semidarknesses
seminole/2 -> seminoles
semiochemical/2 -> semiochemicals
semiologist/2 -> semiologists
semiprofessional/2 -> semiprofessionals
semperfloren/2 -> semperflorens
sensation-seeker/2 -> sensation-seekers
sensorium/2 -> sensoriums
sentence-fragment/2 -> sentence-fragments
sentence-token/2 -> sentence-tokens
sentimentalism/2 -> sentimentalisms
seo/2 -> seos
sequal/2 -> sequals
ser-vice/2 -> ser-vices
serach/2 -> serached
serotype/2 -> serotypes
serrasalmus/2 -> serrasalmuss
serrate/2 -> serrating,serrates,serrated
serration/2 -> serrations
sertanejo/2 -> sertanejos
serval/2 -> servals
servant-maid/2 -> servant-maids
servative/2 -> servatives
serveuse/2 -> serveuses
service-book/2 -> service-books
servicer/2 -> servicers
services/2 -> servicess
serving-woman/2 -> serving-women
servomotor/2 -> servomotors
sesquioxide/2 -> sesquioxides
sesquipedalian/2 -> sesquipedalians
setswana/2 -> setswanas
setubal/2 -> setubals
sev/2 -> sevs
seventh-big/2 -> seventh-biggest
seventh-large/2 -> seventh-largest
sevillano/2 -> sevillanos
sewery/2 -> seweries
sex-o-lette/2 -> sex-o-lettes
sex-war/2 -> sex-wars
sexploit/2 -> sexploits
sexpot/2 -> sexpots
sgraffito/2 -> sgraffiti
shade-lover/2 -> shade-lovers
shadowbox/2 -> shadowboxed,shadowboxing,shadowboxes
shahaptian/2 -> shahaptians
shalloon/2 -> shalloons
shalwar/2 -> shalwars
shamma/2 -> shammas
shape-up/2 -> shape-ups
share-cropper/2 -> share-croppers
share-dealer/2 -> share-dealers
share-swap/2 -> share-swaps
sharecrop/2 -> sharecropping
sharpie/2 -> sharpies
shawnee/2 -> shawnees
shcool/2 -> shcools
shearwate/2 -> shearwater
shedder/2 -> shedders
sheeny/2 -> sheenies
sheep-track/2 -> sheep-tracks
sheepbell/2 -> sheepbells
sheet-anchor/2 -> sheet-anchors
shell-burst/2 -> shell-bursts
shellburst/2 -> shellbursts
sheller/2 -> shellers
shelterbelt/2 -> shelterbelts
sherbert/2 -> sherberts
sheriffdom/2 -> sheriffdoms
shiftiness/2 -> shiftinesses
shiitake/2 -> shiitakes
shinbone/2 -> shinbones
shindy/2 -> shindies
shingler/2 -> shinglers
shininess/2 -> shininesses
shinny/2 -> shinnies
shinpad/2 -> shinpads
ship-chandler/2 -> ship-chandlers
shipibo/2 -> shipibos
shipworker/2 -> shipworkers
shireburn/2 -> shireburns
shireoak/2 -> shireoaks
shirt-dress/2 -> shirt-dresses
shitload/2 -> shitloads
shitter/2 -> shitters
shittery/2 -> shitteries
shmuck/2 -> shmucks
shoat/2 -> shoats
shock-troop/2 -> shock-troops
shoe-shape/2 -> shoe-shapes
shoe-shiner/2 -> shoe-shiners
shoe-tree/2 -> shoe-trees
shoji/2 -> shojis
shoot-down/2 -> shoot-downs
shootist/2 -> shootists
shop-fitting/2 -> shop-fittings
shop-worker/2 -> shop-workers
shopsoil/2 -> shopsoiled
shopwindow/2 -> shopwindows
short-back-and-side/2 -> short-back-and-sides
shortswing/2 -> shortswings
shott/2 -> shotts
shouder/2 -> shouders
shovell/2 -> shovells
show-card/2 -> show-cards
show-reel/2 -> show-reels
showhorse/2 -> showhorses
shown/2 -> showns
showq/2 -> showqing
showstop/2 -> showstopping
shtick/2 -> shticks
shuff/2 -> shuffs
shuffler/2 -> shufflers
sick-bag/2 -> sick-bags
sida/2 -> sidas
side-aisle/2 -> side-aisles
side-bet/2 -> side-bets
side-burn/2 -> side-burns
side-chapel/2 -> side-chapels
side-curtain/2 -> side-curtains
side-light/2 -> side-lights
side-product/2 -> side-products
side-screen/2 -> side-screens
side-seam/2 -> side-seams
side-stall/2 -> side-stalls
side-ward/2 -> side-wards
sidelock/2 -> sidelocks
sideplate/2 -> sideplated
siderbra/2 -> siderbras
siderolith/2 -> sideroliths
sidestroke/2 -> sidestrokes
sideswimmer/2 -> sideswimmers
siege-tower/2 -> siege-towers
sieye/2 -> sieyes
sign-flag/2 -> sign-flags
sign-group/2 -> sign-groups
signifer/2 -> signifers
signwrit/2 -> signwriting
silegion/2 -> silegions
silex/2 -> silices
silvermine/2 -> silvermines
similiarity/2 -> similiarities
simplemind/2 -> simpleminded
simpleness/2 -> simplenesses
simulium/2 -> simuliums
single-hand/2 -> single-handed
single-mother/2 -> single-mothers
singlebreast/2 -> singlebreasted
singlemind/2 -> singleminded
singulare/2 -> singulares
sinkiang/2 -> sinkiangs
sinningia/2 -> sinningias
sinophile/2 -> sinophiles
sipper/2 -> sippers
six-egg-box/2 -> six-egg-boxes
six-rear-old/2 -> six-rear-olds
sixmilewate/2 -> sixmilewater
sixth-big/2 -> sixth-biggest
sixty-fourth/2 -> sixty-fourths
size-class/2 -> size-classes
skagway/2 -> skagways
skatefreak/2 -> skatefreaks
skatenig/2 -> skatenigs
skaw/2 -> skaws
skellig/2 -> skelligs
skeuomorph/2 -> skeuomorphs
ski-er/2 -> ski-ers
ski-stick/2 -> ski-sticks
skiboot/2 -> skiboots
skidder/2 -> skidders
skiffin/2 -> skiffins
skileg/2 -> skilegs
skillfulness/2 -> skillfulnesses
skin-diver/2 -> skin-divers
skin-fold/2 -> skin-folds
skipf/2 -> skipfest
skirt-length/2 -> skirt-lengths
skisuit/2 -> skisuits
skither/2 -> skithered
skorpio/2 -> skorpios
skulker/2 -> skulkers
skull-and-crossbone/2 -> skull-and-crossbones
skullplate/2 -> skullplates
sky-scraper/2 -> sky-scrapers
skyrm/2 -> skyrms
skyro/2 -> skyros
slabstone/2 -> slabstones
slacking/2 -> slackings
slapshot/2 -> slapshots
slate-quarry/2 -> slate-quarries
slaveship/2 -> slaveships
slavey/2 -> slaveys
slavophil/2 -> slavophils
sleeptalk/2 -> sleeptalking
sleeve-fastener/2 -> sleeve-fasteners
sleighbell/2 -> sleighbells
sleman/2 -> slemen
sliderule/2 -> sliderules
slightness/2 -> slightnesses
sling-bomb/2 -> sling-bombs
slip-case/2 -> slip-cases
slip-way/2 -> slip-ways
slipcover/2 -> slipcovers
slobber-chop/2 -> slobber-chops
sloganeer/2 -> sloganeering,sloganeers,sloganeered
slopey/2 -> slopeys
slow-dance/2 -> slow-dances
slow-match/2 -> slow-matches
slug-pellet/2 -> slug-pellets
slugf/2 -> slugfest
slum-owner/2 -> slum-owners
slumdweller/2 -> slumdwellers
slusher/2 -> slushers
sluttishness/2 -> sluttishnesses
smaile/2 -> smailes
small-businessman/2 -> small-businessmen
small-hour/2 -> small-hours
smart-drug/2 -> smart-drugs
smartcard/2 -> smartcards
smarttool/2 -> smarttools
smellin'-salt/2 -> smellin'-salts
smelling-salt/2 -> smelling-salts
smidgin/2 -> smidgins
smithe/2 -> smithed
smittle/2 -> smittling
smoke-house/2 -> smoke-houses
smole/2 -> smoling
smooching/2 -> smoochings
smyrnium/2 -> smyrniums
snake-charmer/2 -> snake-charmers
snake-head/2 -> snake-heads
snakewood/2 -> snakewoods
snappit/2 -> snappits
snatch-squad/2 -> snatch-squads
snickelway/2 -> snickelways
sniping/2 -> snipings
snipper/2 -> snippers
snookum/2 -> snookums
snootiness/2 -> snootinesses
snorkeller/2 -> snorkellers
snotter/2 -> snotters
snow-bank/2 -> snow-banks
snow-storm/2 -> snow-storms
snowgun/2 -> snowguns
snowscene/2 -> snowscenes
snowshoot/2 -> snowshooting
snozzwangler/2 -> snozzwanglers
soa/2 -> soas
soaker/2 -> soakers
sobere/2 -> soberest,soberer
social-affair/2 -> social-affairs
sock-maker/2 -> sock-makers
socky/2 -> sockies
soddy/2 -> soddies
soft-ball/2 -> soft-balls
soft-commission/2 -> soft-commissions
soft-spot/2 -> soft-spots
softback/2 -> softbacks
softfont/2 -> softfonts
softheart/2 -> softhearted
soil-nutrient/2 -> soil-nutrients
solbe/2 -> solbes
soldier-husband/2 -> soldier-husbands
solemnization/2 -> solemnizations
soleus/2 -> soleuss
solferino/2 -> solferinoes
solictor/2 -> solictors
soliloquise/2 -> soliloquising
soliloquize/2 -> soliloquized,soliloquizes,soliloquizing
solvate/2 -> solvated,solvates,solvating
solvation/2 -> solvations
somatotropin/2 -> somatotropins
someht/2 -> somehting
somete/2 -> someting
somnambulism/2 -> somnambulisms
sonchus/2 -> sonchuss
song-bird/2 -> song-birds
song-sheet/2 -> song-sheets
song-thrush/2 -> song-thrushes
songman/2 -> songmen
sonian/2 -> sonians
sonneteer/2 -> sonneteers
sons-of-bitch/2 -> sons-of-bitches
sooky/2 -> sookies
soond/2 -> soonds
soothsay/2 -> soothsaying
soothsaying/2 -> soothsayings
sophister/2 -> sophisters
sort-of/2 -> sort-ofs
sotho/2 -> sothos
sottise/2 -> sottises
souce/2 -> souces
soul-cialist/2 -> soul-cialists
soul-friend/2 -> soul-friends
souldier/2 -> souldiers
soulster/2 -> soulsters
sound-man/2 -> sound-men
soundcard/2 -> soundcards
soundscape/2 -> soundscapes
soundstage/2 -> soundstages
sourdough/2 -> sourdoughs
souslik/2 -> sousliks
souterliedeken/2 -> souterliedekens
south-easterner/2 -> south-easterners
southendian/2 -> southendians
souvenir-hunter/2 -> souvenir-hunters
spa-goer/2 -> spa-goers
space-arc/2 -> space-arcs
space-fiction/2 -> space-fictions
space-filler/2 -> space-fillers
space-saver/2 -> space-savers
space-suit/2 -> space-suits
space_fil/2 -> space_filled
spacecake/2 -> spacecakes
spaceglaze/2 -> spaceglazing
spaceprint/2 -> spaceprints
spaghettini/2 -> spaghettinis
spandex/2 -> spandexes
spange/2 -> spanged
spanker/2 -> spankers
sparcette/2 -> sparcettes
sparcsystem-compatible/2 -> sparcsystem-compatibles
spare-rib/2 -> spare-ribs
sparer/2 -> sparers
sparrow-hawk/2 -> sparrow-hawks
spasmolytic/2 -> spasmolytics
spathe/2 -> spathes
spatialize/2 -> spatializes,spatialized
spead/2 -> speading
speaker-group/2 -> speaker-groups
speaker-presupposition/2 -> speaker-presuppositions
spear-blade/2 -> spear-blades
spear-end/2 -> spear-ends
speckling/2 -> specklings
specnf/2 -> specnfs
speech-community/2 -> speech-communities
speech-exchange/2 -> speech-exchanges
speed-bump/2 -> speed-bumps
speedwrit/2 -> speedwriting
speleology/2 -> speleologies
spellcast/2 -> spellcasting
spelter/2 -> spelters
spermaceti/2 -> spermacetis
spermy/2 -> spermiest
sphecothere/2 -> sphecotheres
sphygmomanomete/2 -> sphygmomanometer
spica/2 -> spicas
spilite/2 -> spilites
spindle-tree/2 -> spindle-trees
spinmaster/2 -> spinmasters
spirit-lamp/2 -> spirit-lamps
spiritedness/2 -> spiritednesses
spirochaete/2 -> spirochaetes
spirograph/2 -> spirographs
spirometer/2 -> spirometers
spironolactone/2 -> spironolactones
splicer/2 -> splicers
sploosh/2 -> splooshed
spoggy/2 -> spoggies
spoon-feed/2 -> spoon-feeds,spoon-feeding,spoon-fed
sporangium/2 -> sporangiums
sporn/2 -> sporned
sporophore/2 -> sporophores
sporting-good/2 -> sporting-goods
sports-clothe/2 -> sports-clothes
sportscaster/2 -> sportscasters
sportsfight/2 -> sportsfighting
spouter/2 -> spouters
spraddle/2 -> spraddled
sprag/2 -> spragged,sprags
spray-in-highlight/2 -> spray-in-highlights
spraypaint/2 -> spraypainting
sprechgesang/2 -> sprechgesangs
sprechstimme/2 -> sprechstimmes
sprinkley/2 -> sprinkleys
sprit'sail/2 -> sprit'sails
sprong/2 -> sprongs
spruce-tree/2 -> spruce-trees
sputtering/2 -> sputterings
spye/2 -> spyes
squash-court/2 -> squash-courts
squat-urn/2 -> squat-urns
squillion/2 -> squillions
sssuppose/2 -> sssupposed
sta-pr/2 -> sta-prest
stablehand/2 -> stablehands
stack-pipe/2 -> stack-pipes
staddle/2 -> staddles
staffwork/2 -> staffworking
stage-dive/2 -> stage-dives
stageshow/2 -> stageshows
staidness/2 -> staidnesses
stail/2 -> stails
stairgate/2 -> stairgates
staker/2 -> stakers
stamboul/2 -> stambouls
standards-setter/2 -> standards-setters
stander/2 -> standers
standing-stone/2 -> standing-stones
stanislau/2 -> stanislaus
star-flower/2 -> star-flowers
star-shell/2 -> star-shells
starduster/2 -> stardusters
start-cue/2 -> start-cues
start-hole/2 -> start-holes
starting-block/2 -> starting-blocks
starting-time/2 -> starting-times
stasis-box/2 -> stasis-boxes
state-artist/2 -> state-artists
statehouse/2 -> statehouses
stateman/2 -> statemen
statue-base/2 -> statue-bases
stay-maker/2 -> stay-makers
staysail/2 -> staysails
steak-frite/2 -> steak-frites
steale/2 -> stealeing
stealthiness/2 -> stealthinesses
steel-band/2 -> steel-bands
steelfounder/2 -> steelfounders
steelman/2 -> steelmen
steelyard/2 -> steelyards
steeple-chaser/2 -> steeple-chasers
steinem/2 -> steinems
step-granddaughter/2 -> step-granddaughters
step-in/2 -> steps-in
step-relative/2 -> step-relatives
step-sibling/2 -> step-siblings
step-stool/2 -> step-stools
steppin'-stone/2 -> steppin'-stones
sterculiaceae/2 -> sterculiaceaes
stereopticon/2 -> stereopticons
steriod/2 -> steriods
sterlet/2 -> sterlets
sterope/2 -> steropes
sterotab/2 -> sterotabs
sterr/2 -> sterrs
stiger/2 -> stigers
still-large/2 -> still-larger
stimu-node/2 -> stimu-nodes
stipule/2 -> stipules
stitchery/2 -> stitcheries
stoake/2 -> stoakes
stock-jobber/2 -> stock-jobbers
stock-keeper/2 -> stock-keepers
stock-level/2 -> stock-levels
stock-pile/2 -> stock-piles
stockbroke/2 -> stockbroking
stockhorn/2 -> stockhorns
stocking-mask/2 -> stocking-masks
stocking-top/2 -> stocking-tops
stockinge/2 -> stockinged
stokehold/2 -> stokeholds
stone-carver/2 -> stone-carvers
stoneyard/2 -> stoneyards
stony-iron/2 -> stony-irons
stoolie/2 -> stoolies
stop-press/2 -> stop-presses
store-house/2 -> store-houses
storm-troop/2 -> storm-troops
story-board/2 -> story-boards
stotty/2 -> stotties
stover/2 -> stovers
stovy/2 -> stovies
stradivari/2 -> stradivaris
stragegy/2 -> stragegies
straight-game/2 -> straight-games
straightedge/2 -> straightedges
strap-end/2 -> strap-ends
strap-hanger/2 -> strap-hangers
strapper/2 -> strappers
strata/2 -> stratas
strato/2 -> stratos
stratofortress/2 -> stratofortresses
stravaig/2 -> stravaigs
stravaige/2 -> stravaiging
strawb/2 -> strawbs
stream-water/2 -> stream-waters
streame/2 -> streames
street-battle/2 -> street-battles
street-dweller/2 -> street-dwellers
street-fight/2 -> street-fights
street-gang/2 -> street-gangs
street-girl/2 -> street-girls
street-plan/2 -> street-plans
street-sign/2 -> street-signs
strenghten/2 -> strenghtened
strepsiade/2 -> strepsiades
strepsil/2 -> strepsils
stressball/2 -> stressballs
stretch-limo/2 -> stretch-limos
stretch-mark/2 -> stretch-marks
stretchability/2 -> stretchabilities
stretcher-bed/2 -> stretcher-beds
strete/2 -> stretes
stringbag/2 -> stringbags
stringbean/2 -> stringbeans
stripdown/2 -> stripdowns
striper/2 -> stripers
stripmine/2 -> stripmining
strombus/2 -> strombuss
struction/2 -> structions
strug/2 -> strugging
student-trainer/2 -> student-trainers
study-bedroom/2 -> study-bedrooms
stun-gun/2 -> stun-guns
sturgeite/2 -> sturgeites
stylet/2 -> stylets
stylocumulate/2 -> stylocumulates
suaveolen/2 -> suaveolens
sub-ability/2 -> sub-abilities
sub-account/2 -> sub-accounts
sub-analyse/2 -> sub-analyses
sub-business/2 -> sub-businesses
sub-case/2 -> sub-cases
sub-chunk/2 -> sub-chunks
sub-council/2 -> sub-councils
sub-dimension/2 -> sub-dimensions
sub-environment/2 -> sub-environments
sub-form/2 -> sub-forms
sub-grade/2 -> sub-grades
sub-jmc/2 -> sub-jmcs
sub-locality/2 -> sub-localities
sub-mariner/2 -> sub-mariners
sub-objective/2 -> sub-objectives
sub-programme/2 -> sub-programmes
sub-rent/2 -> sub-rents
sub-scale/2 -> sub-scales
sub-score/2 -> sub-scores
sub-sect/2 -> sub-sects
sub-stage/2 -> sub-stages
sub-study/2 -> sub-studies
sub-sub-branch/2 -> sub-sub-branches
sub-sub-committee/2 -> sub-sub-committees
sub-term/2 -> sub-terms
sub-test/2 -> sub-tests
sub-tippee/2 -> sub-tippees
sub-universe/2 -> sub-universes
sub-zone/2 -> sub-zones
subcaste/2 -> subcastes
subcommunity/2 -> subcommunities
subcompact/2 -> subcompacts
subcrystal/2 -> subcrystals
subfloor/2 -> subfloors
subfreight/2 -> subfreights
subgoalcond/2 -> subgoalconds
subharmonic/2 -> subharmonics
subject-heading/2 -> subject-headings
subjectiveness/2 -> subjectivenesses
subjet/2 -> subjets
subkingdom/2 -> subkingdoms
sublicense/2 -> sublicensing
submachinegun/2 -> submachineguns
submarket/2 -> submarkets
submodality/2 -> submodalities
subnetwork/2 -> subnetworks
subpeona/2 -> subpeonas
subportion/2 -> subportions
subprogramme/2 -> subprogrammes
subrule/2 -> subrules
subsector/2 -> subsectors
subsegment/2 -> subsegments
subshell/2 -> subshells
subspace/2 -> subspaces
substition/2 -> substitions
subtyp/2 -> subtyping
succede/2 -> succeded
successfulness/2 -> successfulnesses
succus/2 -> succuss
suceed/2 -> suceeded
sucject/2 -> sucjects
sucker-list/2 -> sucker-lists
sugar-daddy/2 -> sugar-daddies
summarisation/2 -> summarisations
summer-sky/2 -> summer-skies
sun-lense/2 -> sun-lenses
sun-lover/2 -> sun-lovers
sun-spot/2 -> sun-spots
sunblind/2 -> sunblinds
sunboat/2 -> sunboats
sunday-b/2 -> sunday-best
sunna/2 -> sunnas
sunnite/2 -> sunnites
sunseeker/2 -> sunseekers
sunshaft/2 -> sunshafts
sunspec/2 -> sunspecs
sunworshipper/2 -> sunworshippers
supasnap/2 -> supasnaps
supatap/2 -> supataps
super-cinema/2 -> super-cinemas
super-company/2 -> super-companies
super-domestique/2 -> super-domestiques
super-market/2 -> super-markets
super-store/2 -> super-stores
super-tanker/2 -> super-tankers
super-tyrant/2 -> super-tyrants
superalloy/2 -> superalloys
superbank/2 -> superbanks
superbe/2 -> superbes
superbeing/2 -> superbeings
supercargo/2 -> supercargoes
supercent/2 -> supercenter
superchef/2 -> superchefs
superego-precursor/2 -> superego-precursors
supergrain/2 -> supergrains
superpit/2 -> superpits
supersedea/2 -> supersedeas
superseiner/2 -> superseiners
supersite/2 -> supersites
superstring/2 -> superstrings
supertitle/2 -> supertitles
superviser/2 -> supervisers
superyacht/2 -> superyachts
suppe/2 -> suppes
supper-thing/2 -> supper-things
supplanter/2 -> supplanters
support-service/2 -> support-services
surcease/2 -> surceases
surefoot/2 -> surefooted
surfboarder/2 -> surfboarders
surplusage/2 -> surplusages
surrejoinder/2 -> surrejoinders
surrend/2 -> surrending,surrended
surtout/2 -> surtouts
surveyorship/2 -> surveyorships
susenyo/2 -> susenyos
susiana/2 -> susianas
suspire/2 -> suspires,suspiring,suspired
svedberg/2 -> svedbergs
sverige/2 -> sveriges
swallow-tail/2 -> swallow-tails
swamp-dweller/2 -> swamp-dwellers
swank-word/2 -> swank-words
swanker/2 -> swankers
swarme/2 -> swarmes
swatchway/2 -> swatchways
swathing/2 -> swathings
swatter/2 -> swatters
swedenborgian/2 -> swedenborgians
sweet-meat/2 -> sweet-meats
sweet-seller/2 -> sweet-sellers
sweetbriar/2 -> sweetbriars
sweetie-pop/2 -> sweetie-pops
swiler/2 -> swilers
swilling/2 -> swillings
swim-suit/2 -> swim-suits
swinge/2 -> swinged,swinges,swingeing
swings-and-roundabout/2 -> swings-and-roundabouts
swissor/2 -> swissors
swither/2 -> swithered
swoll/2 -> swolled
sword-arm/2 -> sword-arms
swordplant/2 -> swordplants
sworl/2 -> sworls
swthe/2 -> swathing
syenite/2 -> syenites
sylk/2 -> sylks
syllepsis/2 -> syllepses
symbolising/2 -> symbolisings
symboliste/2 -> symbolistes
sympathin/2 -> sympathins
symphonique/2 -> symphoniques
symtom/2 -> symtoms
synectic/2 -> synectics
synergist/2 -> synergists
synonymity/2 -> synonymities
synonymize/2 -> synonymized
synthetise/2 -> synthetised
synthon/2 -> synthons
syrrhaptes/2 -> syrrhaptess
sysop/2 -> sysops
systematiser/2 -> systematisers
systems-constraint/2 -> systems-constraints
t'man/2 -> t'men
t-band/2 -> t-bands
t-network/2 -> t-networks
t-short/2 -> t-shorts
t-switch/2 -> t-switches
t-tail/2 -> t-tails
tab-end/2 -> tab-ends
table-sharer/2 -> table-sharers
tabora/2 -> taboras
tachykinin/2 -> tachykinins
tack-head/2 -> tack-heads
tactfulness/2 -> tactfulnesses
tael/2 -> taels
taenia/2 -> taenias
tail-signal/2 -> tail-signals
tailband/2 -> tailbands
tailchase/2 -> tailchasing
taja/2 -> tajas
tajine/2 -> tajines
takeback/2 -> takebacks
tale-teller/2 -> tale-tellers
talipe/2 -> talipes
talipes/2 -> talipess
talleyrand-perigord/2 -> talleyrand-perigords
tallien/2 -> talliens
tam-o'-shanter/2 -> tam-o'-shanters
tamale/2 -> tamales
tammany/2 -> tammanies
tampion/2 -> tampions
tandoor/2 -> tandoors
tange/2 -> tanges
tankage/2 -> tankages
tanker-load/2 -> tanker-loads
tap-penalty/2 -> tap-penalties
tap-shoe/2 -> tap-shoes
tap-thread/2 -> tap-threads
tape-out/2 -> tape-outs
tapemeister/2 -> tapemeisters
taraxacum/2 -> taraxacums
tarmace/2 -> tarmacing
tarp/2 -> tarps
tatterdemalion/2 -> tatterdemalions
tatu/2 -> tatus
taverny/2 -> tavernier
tavra/2 -> tavras
tax-cutter/2 -> tax-cutters
tax-dodge/2 -> tax-dodges
tax-rate/2 -> tax-rates
tax-resister/2 -> tax-resisters
taxer/2 -> taxers
taximan/2 -> taximen
tea-cake/2 -> tea-cakes
tea-dance/2 -> tea-dances
tea-drinker/2 -> tea-drinkers
tea-meeting/2 -> tea-meetings
tea-spoon/2 -> tea-spoons
teacher-tutor/2 -> teacher-tutors
teacher-user/2 -> teacher-users
teacupful/2 -> teacupfuls
tealeave/2 -> tealeaves
team-sheet/2 -> team-sheets
teamate/2 -> teamates
teamlink/2 -> teamlinks
tear-duct/2 -> tear-ducts
tearduct/2 -> tearducts
teatowel/2 -> teatowels
teaware/2 -> teawares
technican/2 -> technicans
techniqu/2 -> techniquest
technobabble/2 -> technobabbles
technologize/2 -> technologized
technophile/2 -> technophiles
technosphere/2 -> technospheres
teensy-weensy/2 -> teensy-weensiest
teepee/2 -> teepees
teethy/2 -> teethies
telco/2 -> telcoes
tele-ring/2 -> tele-rings
tele-tot/2 -> tele-tots
telefilm/2 -> telefilms
telefoto/2 -> telefotos
telegrapher/2 -> telegraphers
telemark/2 -> telemarks
telencephalon/2 -> telencephalons
teleorder/2 -> teleordering
telephone-hole/2 -> telephone-holes
teleportation/2 -> teleportations
teleprint/2 -> teleprinted
teleprocess/2 -> teleprocessing
telerecord/2 -> telerecorded,telerecording
telerobotic/2 -> telerobotics
telescopium/2 -> telescopiums
teletex/2 -> teletexes
televize/2 -> televized
telomerase/2 -> telomerases
temple-builder/2 -> temple-builders
temple-centre/2 -> temple-centres
tempura/2 -> tempuras
ten-thousandth/2 -> ten-thousandths
tenability/2 -> tenabilities
tenderfoot/2 -> tenderfeet
tenderize/2 -> tenderizing,tenderizes,tenderized
tenedo/2 -> tenedos
tens/2 -> tenser
tenth-large/2 -> tenth-largest
tention/2 -> tentions
tenue/2 -> tenues
tenze/2 -> tenzing
teraflopper/2 -> terafloppers
teratology/2 -> teratologies
teratoma/2 -> teratomas
tercel/2 -> tercels
tergite/2 -> tergites
tergiversate/2 -> tergiversated,tergiversates,tergiversating
tergosternal/2 -> tergosternals
terpenoid/2 -> terpenoids
terra-cotta/2 -> terra-cottas
terrace-back/2 -> terrace-backs
terrace-house/2 -> terrace-houses
tessa-holder/2 -> tessa-holders
test-pressing/2 -> test-pressings
testa/2 -> testas
testiness/2 -> testinesses
tetchiness/2 -> tetchinesses
tetraceratop/2 -> tetraceratops
tetragrammaton/2 -> tetragrammatons
teutch/2 -> teutches
text-world/2 -> text-worlds
textualist/2 -> textualists
th'like/2 -> th'likes
th'look/2 -> th'looks
th'word/2 -> th'words
thalictroide/2 -> thalictroides
thamnophis/2 -> thamnophiss
thanato/2 -> thanatos
thanatos/2 -> thanatoss
thataway/2 -> thataways
thatch-eave/2 -> thatch-eaves
theaten/2 -> theatens,theatened
theme-pub/2 -> theme-pubs
themun/2 -> themuns
then-nobody/2 -> then-nobodies
thenar/2 -> thenars
theophany/2 -> theophanies
thereness/2 -> therenesses
thermoform/2 -> thermoforming,thermoforms
thermopsis/2 -> thermopses
theropoda/2 -> theropodas
thesauruse/2 -> thesauruses
thespienne/2 -> thespiennes
thespis/2 -> thespiss
thete/2 -> thetes
thick-knee/2 -> thick-knees
thickete/2 -> thicketed,thicketing
thicky/2 -> thickies
thief-taker/2 -> thief-takers
thing-in-itself/2 -> things-in-itself
think-tanker/2 -> think-tankers
thioridazine/2 -> thioridazines
third-strong/2 -> third-strongest
thm/2 -> thms
thone/2 -> thones
thop/2 -> thops
thou-shalt-not/2 -> thou-shalt-nots
thought-form/2 -> thought-forms
thought-wave/2 -> thought-waves
thoughte/2 -> thoughtes
thousand-millionth/2 -> thousand-millionths
thral/2 -> thralled,thralling
thrasydaio/2 -> thrasydaios
three-fifth/2 -> three-fifths
three-iron/2 -> three-irons
three-pack/2 -> three-packs
three-tonner/2 -> three-tonners
three-ty/2 -> three-tier
thromboplastin/2 -> thromboplastins
throw-out/2 -> throw-outs
throw-weight/2 -> throw-weights
throwing-spear/2 -> throwing-spears
thyeste/2 -> thyestes
thymelaeaceae/2 -> thymelaeaceaes
thymol/2 -> thymols
thyroidectomy/2 -> thyroidectomies
thyrsus/2 -> thyrsuss
tidewate/2 -> tidewater
tidewater/2 -> tidewaters
tie-down/2 -> tie-downs
tie-molecule/2 -> tie-molecules
tie-tape/2 -> tie-tapes
tie-wearer/2 -> tie-wearers
tierce/2 -> tierces
tiger-skin/2 -> tiger-skins
tigernut/2 -> tigernuts
tigridia/2 -> tigridias
tike/2 -> tikes
tilleul/2 -> tilleuls
timarchide/2 -> timarchides
timber-tree/2 -> timber-trees
timber-worker/2 -> timber-workers
timberline/2 -> timberlines
time-check/2 -> time-checks
time-consume/2 -> time-consuming
time-horizon/2 -> time-horizons
time-interval/2 -> time-intervals
time-point/2 -> time-points
time-ship/2 -> time-ships
time-signal/2 -> time-signals
timecard/2 -> timecards
timepoint/2 -> timepoints
times-table/2 -> times-tables
timework/2 -> timeworks
timgad/2 -> timgads
timmin/2 -> timmins
timorousness/2 -> timorousnesses
tincup/2 -> tincupping
tinea/2 -> tineas
tinkler-gypsy/2 -> tinkler-gypsies
tintack/2 -> tintacks
tinter/2 -> tinters
tirrick/2 -> tirricks
tishri/2 -> tishris
titi/2 -> titis
titmouse/2 -> titmice
tittup/2 -> tittupped,tittupping,tittups
tobey/2 -> tobeys
toblerone/2 -> toblerones
tobramycin/2 -> tobramycins
tocha/2 -> tochas
tocopherol/2 -> tocopherols
toddel/2 -> toddelling
toe-in/2 -> toes-in
toetuse/2 -> toetuses
tofranil/2 -> tofranils
toggle-switch/2 -> toggle-switches
tokio/2 -> tokios
toll-bar/2 -> toll-bars
toll-bridge/2 -> toll-bridges
tollbooth/2 -> tollbooths
tolu/2 -> tolus
tomahtoe/2 -> tomahtoes
tomaytoe/2 -> tomaytoes
tommahawk/2 -> tommahawks
tommotiid/2 -> tommotiids
tompion/2 -> tompions
took/2 -> tooked,tooks
toolch/2 -> toolchest
toothmark/2 -> toothmarks
top-notcher/2 -> top-notchers
top-roper/2 -> top-ropers
topdress/2 -> topdressed,topdressing,topdresses
topicalization/2 -> topicalizations
topoisome/2 -> topoisomer
tops'l/2 -> tops'ls
torch-song/2 -> torch-songs
toreador/2 -> toreadors
torontonian/2 -> torontonians
torremolino/2 -> torremolinos
torticollis/2 -> torticolliss
tortuosity/2 -> tortuosities
torture-chamber/2 -> torture-chambers
tosk/2 -> tosks
toss-pot/2 -> toss-pots
totalisator/2 -> totalisators
totipotency/2 -> totipotencies
touch-me-not/2 -> touch-me-nots
tourettism/2 -> tourettisms
touriste/2 -> touristes
tourny/2 -> tournier
tow-lift/2 -> tow-lifts
towel-rail/2 -> towel-rails
tower-top/2 -> tower-tops
towhee/2 -> towhees
towndweller/2 -> towndwellers
toxicant/2 -> toxicants
toy-soldier/2 -> toy-soldiers
toys-r-u/2 -> toys-r-us
trabuko/2 -> trabukos
track-gang/2 -> track-gangs
track-owner/2 -> track-owners
trackman/2 -> trackmen
tractarianism/2 -> tractarianisms
traded-option/2 -> traded-options
traducer/2 -> traducers
traghetto/2 -> traghettos
tragopan/2 -> tragopans
trail-blaze/2 -> trail-blazing
trailbuster/2 -> trailbusters
trailfinder/2 -> trailfinders
train-crew/2 -> train-crews
train-driver/2 -> train-drivers
trainee-trainer/2 -> trainee-trainers
trans-sexual/2 -> trans-sexuals
transiency/2 -> transiencies
transition-value/2 -> transition-values
transmigrant/2 -> transmigrants
transtainer/2 -> transtainers
transtool/2 -> transtools
transudate/2 -> transudates
trapa/2 -> trapas
tratado/2 -> tratados
traum/2 -> traums
travelcard/2 -> travelcards
travele/2 -> traveled
trecker/2 -> treckers
tree-branch/2 -> tree-branches
tree-frog/2 -> tree-frogs
tree-hole/2 -> tree-holes
trees-r-u/2 -> trees-r-us
treib-hau/2 -> treib-haus
trejo/2 -> trejos
tremore/2 -> tremoring,tremored
trench-system/2 -> trench-systems
trephine/2 -> trephining,trephines,trephined
tressel/2 -> tressels
trey/2 -> treys
triangularity/2 -> triangularities
triazopho/2 -> triazophos
tribadism/2 -> tribadisms
tribute-payment/2 -> tribute-payments
trichome/2 -> trichomes
trick-cyclist/2 -> trick-cyclists
trick-or-treat/2 -> trick-or-treats
tricker/2 -> trickers
tricolo/2 -> tricolos
tridacna/2 -> tridacnas
trinketry/2 -> trinketries
triose/2 -> trioses
tripping/2 -> trippings
tripple/2 -> trippling
trittye/2 -> trittyes
trna-substrate/2 -> trna-substrates
trobriander/2 -> trobrianders
trochee/2 -> trochees
trochlear/2 -> trochlears
trogon/2 -> trogons
trolley-load/2 -> trolley-loads
trolling/2 -> trollings
troman/2 -> tromans
trooll/2 -> troolls
troop-ship/2 -> troop-ships
troper/2 -> tropers
trophozoite/2 -> trophozoites
trouser-front/2 -> trouser-fronts
trouser-pocket/2 -> trouser-pockets
trouvaille/2 -> trouvailles
truckstop/2 -> truckstops
trucky/2 -> truckies
trundler/2 -> trundlers
trunkload/2 -> trunkloads
truth-predicate/2 -> truth-predicates
trysting-place/2 -> trysting-places
tst/2 -> tsting,tsted
ttwa/2 -> ttwas
tube-nose/2 -> tube-noses
tube-tying/2 -> tube-tyings
tubeless/2 -> tubelesses
tuberosity/2 -> tuberosities
tubeworker/2 -> tubeworkers
tubist/2 -> tubists
tubulovesicle/2 -> tubulovesicles
tuchman/2 -> tuchmen
tuggse/2 -> tuggses
tukul/2 -> tukuls
tulipwood/2 -> tulipwoods
tumbletot/2 -> tumbletots
tunk/2 -> tunks
tupamaro/2 -> tupamaros
turbane/2 -> turbaned
turbocar/2 -> turbocars
turboshaft/2 -> turboshafts
turion/2 -> turions
turkish-speaker/2 -> turkish-speakers
turndown/2 -> turndowns
turnix/2 -> turnixes
tutor-group/2 -> tutor-groups
tutorship/2 -> tutorships
tutti-frutti/2 -> tutti-fruttis
tutzing/2 -> tutzinger
twaite/2 -> twaites
twayblade/2 -> twayblades
tweaker/2 -> tweakers
tweeder/2 -> tweeders
tweezer/2 -> tweezered,tweezers
twelve-pounder/2 -> twelve-pounders
twelve-wheeler/2 -> twelve-wheelers
twenty-one/2 -> twenty-ones
twenty-square/2 -> twenty-squares
twicker/2 -> twickers
twiddler/2 -> twiddlers
twistle/2 -> twistles
twitten/2 -> twittens
two-and-three-quarter/2 -> two-and-three-quarters
two-dimensionality/2 -> two-dimensionalities
two-footer/2 -> two-footers
two-mark/2 -> two-marks
two-timer/2 -> two-timers
two-trade/2 -> two-trades
two-years-old/2 -> two-years-olds
twothird/2 -> twothirds
twyn/2 -> twyning
tya/2 -> tyas
tyler-upfield/2 -> tyler-upfields
tylisso/2 -> tylissos
type-founder/2 -> type-founders
type-setter/2 -> type-setters
typefounder/2 -> typefounders
typha/2 -> typhas
tyrannidae/2 -> tyrannidaes
tyranno/2 -> tyrannos
tyretrack/2 -> tyretracked,tyretracks
tyrocidine/2 -> tyrocidines
tyrrellian/2 -> tyrrellians
uar/2 -> uars
ubitron/2 -> ubitrons
udeghe/2 -> udeghes
uglify/2 -> uglified,uglifies,uglifying
uhlan/2 -> uhlans
uhland/2 -> uhlands
uhtr/2 -> uhtred
ultramarino/2 -> ultramarinos
ummayad/2 -> ummayads
umpirage/2 -> umpirages
un-hint/2 -> un-hinted
un-make/2 -> un-making,un-makes
unapproachability/2 -> unapproachabilities
unban/2 -> unbanning
unbe/2 -> unbeing
unblemish/2 -> unblemished
unblind/2 -> unblinding
unboundedness/2 -> unboundednesses
unbridle/2 -> unbridling,unbridles,unbridled
unca/2 -> uncas
uncalculate/2 -> uncalculating
unchain/2 -> unchaining,unchains,unchained
unchangingness/2 -> unchangingnesses
unconfessed/2 -> unconfesseds
uncouthness/2 -> uncouthnesses
unctuousness/2 -> unctuousnesses
under-absorb/2 -> under-absorbed
under-bailiff/2 -> under-bailiffs
under-belly/2 -> under-bellies
under-blanket/2 -> under-blankets
under-current/2 -> under-currents
under-curtain/2 -> under-curtains
under-cut/2 -> under-cutting
under-foreman/2 -> under-foremen
under-garment/2 -> under-garments
under-inform/2 -> under-informed
under-invest/2 -> under-invested
under-one/2 -> under-ones
under-prepare/2 -> under-prepared
under-price/2 -> under-pricing
under-reward/2 -> under-rewarded
under-servant/2 -> under-servants
under-serve/2 -> under-served
under-side/2 -> under-sides
under-size/2 -> under-sized
under-tenant/2 -> under-tenants
under-utilize/2 -> under-utilized,under-utilizing
undercharge/2 -> undercharging,undercharges,undercharged
underemphasise/2 -> underemphasising
underexpose/2 -> underexposing,underexposes,underexposed
undergrad/2 -> undergrads
underminer/2 -> underminers
underplanting/2 -> underplantings
underrecord/2 -> underrecording
undershort/2 -> undershorts
understimulate/2 -> understimulating
underthing/2 -> underthings
underutilise/2 -> underutilised
underve/2 -> undervest
undine/2 -> undines
undisturb/2 -> undisturbing
undoer/2 -> undoers
unenterprise/2 -> unenterprising
unfade/2 -> unfading
unflicker/2 -> unflickering
unfund/2 -> unfunding
ungainliness/2 -> ungainlinesses
unhappen/2 -> unhappening
unhealthiness/2 -> unhealthinesses
unicyclist/2 -> unicyclists
unira/2 -> uniras
unit-load/2 -> unit-loads
unjustness/2 -> unjustnesses
unlay/2 -> unlaid
unloader/2 -> unloaders
unloosen/2 -> unloosening,unlooses,unloosing,unloosened
unmenace/2 -> unmenacing
unoblige/2 -> unobliging
unopen/2 -> unopening,unopened
unpatronise/2 -> unpatronising
unpay/2 -> unpaying
unperson/2 -> unpersons
unpity/2 -> unpitying
unplait/2 -> unplaiting
unpollute/2 -> unpolluting
unraveller/2 -> unravellers
unrefresh/2 -> unrefreshing
unremember/2 -> unremembering
unretire/2 -> unretiring
unsaturate/2 -> unsaturates
unscrupulousness/2 -> unscrupulousnesses
unself/2 -> unselfing
unsew/2 -> unsewn
unspool/2 -> unspooling
untangling/2 -> untanglings
unthread/2 -> unthreading
untimeliness/2 -> untimelinesses
untrust/2 -> untrusting
unvariable/2 -> unvariables
unweight/2 -> unweighting
up-escalator/2 -> up-escalators
up-to-dateness/2 -> ups-to-dateness
upbraiding/2 -> upbraidings
upbray/2 -> upbraid
updraft/2 -> updrafts
upgrader/2 -> upgraders
upholstering/2 -> upholsterings
uplink/2 -> uplinks
upper-cut/2 -> upper-cuts
upperlip/2 -> upperlips,upperlipped
upperwork/2 -> upperworks
upsala/2 -> upsalas
upsetter/2 -> upsetters
upski/2 -> upskiing
upupidae/2 -> upupidaes
upvaluation/2 -> upvaluations
upvalue/2 -> upvalued,upvaluing
uracil/2 -> uracils
urate/2 -> urates
urina/2 -> urinas
urquhart-dyke/2 -> urquhart-dykes
urus/2 -> uruss
user-group/2 -> user-groups
user_detail/2 -> user_details
usurian/2 -> usurians
uteruse/2 -> uteruses
util/2 -> utils
uvula/2 -> uvulas
uxoriousness/2 -> uxoriousnesses
uze/2 -> uzes
vacuousness/2 -> vacuousnesses
vaginismus/2 -> vaginismuss
vampiro/2 -> vampiros
vanadate/2 -> vanadates
vanderpla/2 -> vanderplas
vanguardist/2 -> vanguardists
vanillin/2 -> vanillins
vanquisher/2 -> vanquishers
vanzetti/2 -> vanzettis
vap/2 -> vaps
vapouriser/2 -> vapourisers
varey/2 -> vareys
variola/2 -> variolas
variscide/2 -> variscides
varix/2 -> varixes
vasculitide/2 -> vasculitides
vasodilate/2 -> vasodilated,vasodilating
vauclusienne/2 -> vauclusiennes
vayu/2 -> vayus
veau/2 -> veaux
vectorise/2 -> vectorised,vectorises
vegtable/2 -> vegtables
vegy/2 -> vegies
veinlet/2 -> veinlets
veinstone/2 -> veinstones
veiny/2 -> veinier
velchano/2 -> velchanos
velleity/2 -> velleities
venatore/2 -> venatores
venire/2 -> venires
verapamil/2 -> verapamils
vercor/2 -> vercors
verdere/2 -> verderer
verdin/2 -> verdins
vergenne/2 -> vergennes
vermiculate/2 -> vermiculated,vermiculates,vermiculating
vermorel/2 -> vermorels
verniko/2 -> vernikos
versicle/2 -> versicles
vertebrata/2 -> vertebratas
verticillium/2 -> verticilliums
vesiculate/2 -> vesiculated,vesiculates,vesiculating
vespidae/2 -> vespidaes
vetchle/2 -> vetchling
vetive/2 -> vetiver
viand/2 -> viands
viborg/2 -> viborgs
vibrascaper/2 -> vibrascapers
vibrocore/2 -> vibrocoring
vice-gerent/2 -> vice-gerents
vicegerent/2 -> vicegerents
vicia/2 -> vicias
vicker/2 -> vickers
victim-complaint/2 -> victim-complaints
vide/2 -> vides,vided
video-disk/2 -> video-disks
video-monitor/2 -> video-monitors
video-pirate/2 -> video-pirates
videocamera/2 -> videocameras
videofilm/2 -> videofilms
view-finder/2 -> view-finders
vignotte/2 -> vignottes
vigy/2 -> vigier
viktr/2 -> viktring
vilayet/2 -> vilayets
villany/2 -> villanies
vindicator/2 -> vindicators
vine-dresser/2 -> vine-dressers
vipera/2 -> viperas
viperidae/2 -> viperidaes
virgilia/2 -> virgilias
viscountcy/2 -> viscountcies
visian/2 -> visians
vision-spirit/2 -> vision-spirits
visitant/2 -> visitants
visiting-list/2 -> visiting-lists
visualwork/2 -> visualworks
vitalise/2 -> vitalising
vitalist/2 -> vitalists
vitiation/2 -> vitiations
viticultivate/2 -> viticultivating,viticultivated
vitro-ceramic/2 -> vitro-ceramics
vituperate/2 -> vituperating,vituperates,vituperated
vivante/2 -> vivantes
vivisector/2 -> vivisectors
vizinho/2 -> vizinhos
vmscluster/2 -> vmsclusters
vociferation/2 -> vociferations
vodka-and-lime/2 -> vodka-and-limes
voice-part/2 -> voice-parts
voidance/2 -> voidances
voidoid/2 -> voidoids
vokin/2 -> vokins
volatilise/2 -> volatilises
voltaic/2 -> voltaics
voraciousness/2 -> voraciousnesses
voto/2 -> votos
vulcanization/2 -> vulcanizations
w-particle/2 -> w-particles
wach/2 -> wachs
wafter/2 -> wafters
wage-freeze/2 -> wage-freezes
wage-good/2 -> wage-goods
wage-slave/2 -> wage-slaves
wahlitit/2 -> wahlitits
waile/2 -> wailes
waiting-woman/2 -> waiting-women
walbiri/2 -> walbiris
waldoe/2 -> waldoes
walk-/2 -> walk-ed
walke/2 -> walkes
wall-bar/2 -> wall-bars
wall-board/2 -> wall-boards
wall-builder/2 -> wall-builders
wall-panel/2 -> wall-panels
wall-plaque/2 -> wall-plaques
wall-sconce/2 -> wall-sconces
wall-washer/2 -> wall-washers
wallace-reader/2 -> wallace-readers
wallbar/2 -> wallbars
wallful/2 -> wallfuls
wallmount/2 -> wallmounted
wallplan/2 -> wallplanner
waltz-caprice/2 -> waltz-caprices
waqf/2 -> waqfs
war-head/2 -> war-heads
war-song/2 -> war-songs
war-whoop/2 -> war-whoops
war-widow/2 -> war-widows
ware-house/2 -> ware-houses
warewasher/2 -> warewashers
warnink/2 -> warninks
warpship/2 -> warpships
warrantee/2 -> warrantees
warrantholder/2 -> warrantholders
warrine/2 -> warriner
warrior-following/2 -> warrior-followings
wasabi/2 -> wasabis
washbag/2 -> washbags
washery/2 -> washeries
washing-powder/2 -> washing-powders
washland/2 -> washlands
washleather/2 -> washleathers
wassailer/2 -> wassailers
wassermann/2 -> wassermanns
waste-product/2 -> waste-products
wastewate/2 -> wastewater
wastoid/2 -> wastoids
watch-alarm/2 -> watch-alarms
watch-dog/2 -> watch-dogs
watch-maker/2 -> watch-makers
watchcase/2 -> watchcases
watchmake/2 -> watchmaking
watchstrap/2 -> watchstraps
watchy/2 -> watchies
water-baby/2 -> water-babies
water-buse/2 -> water-buses
water-chute/2 -> water-chutes
water-clover/2 -> water-clovers
water-crossing/2 -> water-crossings
water-cut/2 -> water-cuts
water-gazer/2 -> water-gazers
water-mint/2 -> water-mints
water-pot/2 -> water-pots
water-softener/2 -> water-softeners
water-spirit/2 -> water-spirits
water-worker/2 -> water-workers
waterdrop/2 -> waterdrops
watered-silk/2 -> watered-silks
waterfal/2 -> waterfalling
waterpower/2 -> waterpowers
waterscape/2 -> waterscaping
waterseller/2 -> watersellers
waterskin/2 -> waterskins
waterwing/2 -> waterwings
wats/2 -> watss
wausau/2 -> wausaus
wave-form/2 -> wave-forms
wave-function/2 -> wave-functions
wax-chandler/2 -> wax-chandlers
waxer/2 -> waxers
weak-ness/2 -> weak-nesses
weakeness/2 -> weakenesses
wealand/2 -> wealands
weanle/2 -> weanling
weather-board/2 -> weather-boards
web-builder/2 -> web-builders
wedding-carriage/2 -> wedding-carriages
weeke/2 -> weekes
weepiness/2 -> weepinesses
weet/2 -> weeting
weighing-scale/2 -> weighing-scales
weighlifter/2 -> weighlifters
weight-trainer/2 -> weight-trainers
weisshorn/2 -> weisshorns
weizenbock/2 -> weizenbocks
weke/2 -> wekes
welcomer/2 -> welcomers
well-establish/2 -> well-established
well-inform/2 -> well-informed
well-man/2 -> well-men
well-represent/2 -> well-represented
wellingtonian/2 -> wellingtonians
wellst/2 -> wellsted
welsh-speaker/2 -> welsh-speakers
werefrog/2 -> werefrogs
wetnurse/2 -> wetnurses
wh-question/2 -> wh-questions
whaleback/2 -> whalebacks
wharfinger/2 -> wharfingers
wheel-barrow/2 -> wheel-barrows
wheelchair-user/2 -> wheelchair-users
wheelrim/2 -> wheelrims
whillian/2 -> whillians
whinberry/2 -> whinberries
whinnying/2 -> whinnyings
whip-lash/2 -> whip-lashing
whip-tendril/2 -> whip-tendrils
whitefriar/2 -> whitefriars
whitening/2 -> whitenings
whitewood/2 -> whitewoods
whity/2 -> whities
whizzbang/2 -> whizzbangs
wholphin/2 -> wholphins
whomp/2 -> whomps,whomped
whore-house/2 -> whore-houses
whoremonger/2 -> whoremongers
whoreson/2 -> whoresons
whosit/2 -> whosits
wiccan/2 -> wiccans
wicketkeep/2 -> wicketkeeping
wicketkeeper-bowler/2 -> wicketkeeper-bowlers
widow-bird/2 -> widow-birds
wies/2 -> wieser
wife-taker/2 -> wife-takers
wigging/2 -> wiggings
wigit/2 -> wigits
wild-fowler/2 -> wild-fowlers
will-o-the-wisp/2 -> will-o-the-wisps
willamette/2 -> willamettes
willet/2 -> willets
williamse/2 -> williamses
williwaw/2 -> williwaws
wimper/2 -> wimpering
wind-shield/2 -> wind-shields
windfall-profit/2 -> windfall-profits
windiness/2 -> windinesses
windloading/2 -> windloadings
window-shopper/2 -> window-shoppers
window-space/2 -> window-spaces
windowframe/2 -> windowframes
windowhead/2 -> windowheads
windscoop/2 -> windscoops
wine-bottle/2 -> wine-bottles
wine-flagon/2 -> wine-flagons
wine-jar/2 -> wine-jars
wing-base/2 -> wing-bases
wing-bud/2 -> wing-buds
wing-flash/2 -> wing-flashes
wing-movement/2 -> wing-movements
wing-rudiment/2 -> wing-rudiments
wing-vein/2 -> wing-veins
wingback/2 -> wingbacks
winsomeness/2 -> winsomenesses
winston-salem/2 -> winston-salems
wintersport/2 -> wintersports
wirehair/2 -> wirehairs
wirl/2 -> wirling
wiseguy/2 -> wiseguys
wish-image/2 -> wish-images
wna/2 -> wnas
wodwo/2 -> wodwos
wol/2 -> wols
wolfeye/2 -> wolfeyes
wond'r/2 -> wond'ring
wonder-worker/2 -> wonder-workers
wood-anemone/2 -> wood-anemones
wood-chip/2 -> wood-chips
wood-spirit/2 -> wood-spirits
woodbender/2 -> woodbenders
woodbone/2 -> woodbones
woodchop/2 -> woodchopping
woodfern/2 -> woodferns
woodhull/2 -> woodhulls
woodiness/2 -> woodinesses
woodnote/2 -> woodnotes
woodnutt/2 -> woodnutts
woodstop/2 -> woodstopping
wool-broker/2 -> wool-brokers
wool-sucker/2 -> wool-suckers
word-ending/2 -> word-endings
word-painting/2 -> word-paintings
work-attitude/2 -> work-attitudes
work-party/2 -> work-parties
work-situation/2 -> work-situations
workbox/2 -> workboxes
worker-priest/2 -> worker-priests
workpack/2 -> workpacks
workstyle/2 -> workstyles
worldling/2 -> worldlings
worm-hole/2 -> worm-holes
worshipp/2 -> worshipps
worthwhileness/2 -> worthwhilenesses
wounder/2 -> wounders
wowser/2 -> wowsers
wrec/2 -> wrecs
wride/2 -> wrides
wrist-rest/2 -> wrist-rests
writeline/2 -> writelines
writership/2 -> writerships
wrongfulness/2 -> wrongfulnesses
wronghead/2 -> wrongheaded
www/2 -> wwws
x-component/2 -> x-components
x-yacht/2 -> x-yachts
xerography/2 -> xerographies
xix/2 -> xixs
xyy/2 -> xyies
yagi/2 -> yagis
yardbird/2 -> yardbirds
yarder/2 -> yarders
yardman/2 -> yardmen
yarmulke/2 -> yarmulkes
yearner/2 -> yearners
yeatsian/2 -> yeatsians
yeman/2 -> yemen
yerke/2 -> yerkes
yersin/2 -> yersins
yeshivah/2 -> yeshivahs
yesterknit/2 -> yesterknits
yike/2 -> yikes
yippy/2 -> yippies
yn-me/2 -> yn-mes
yobot/2 -> yobots
yodeller/2 -> yodellers
yoghurt-maker/2 -> yoghurt-makers
yomper/2 -> yompers
yorlander/2 -> yorlanders
youngness/2 -> youngnesses
yucateco/2 -> yucatecos
yuppiewhite/2 -> yuppiewhites
yveline/2 -> yvelines
zale/2 -> zales
zantedeschia/2 -> zantedeschias
zappy/2 -> zappiest
zarzuela/2 -> zarzuelas
zero-defect/2 -> zero-defects
zeugite/2 -> zeugites
zinc-silicoborate/2 -> zinc-silicoborates
zinge/2 -> zinged
zingiber/2 -> zingibers
zinjanthropus/2 -> zinjanthropera
zonker/2 -> zonkers,zonkered
zoster/2 -> zosters
zymurgy/2 -> zymurgies
zzzz/2 -> zzzzzing
aar/1 -> aars
abing/1 -> abinger
agapanthus/1 -> agapanthuss
airs/1 -> airss
aku/1 -> akus
aller/1 -> allers
apar/1 -> apars
arf/1 -> arfs
assise/1 -> assises
b-52/1 -> b-52's
baa-baa/1 -> baa-baas
bambino/1 -> bambinos
bars/1 -> barss
began/1 -> begans
blam/1 -> blamming
blue-jean/1 -> blue-jeans
bluejean/1 -> bluejeans
caree/1 -> carees
carpe/1 -> carpes
carrere/1 -> carreres
cathedra/1 -> cathedras
celebre/1 -> celebres
chee/1 -> chees
cielo/1 -> cielos
civ/1 -> civs
clavecin/1 -> clavecins
cock-a-doodle-doo/1 -> cock-a-doodle-doos
compa/1 -> compas
competit/1 -> competiting
concentr/1 -> concentred
confere/1 -> conferes
cubiste/1 -> cubistes
d'autre/1 -> d'autres
defrag/1 -> defragging
dinero/1 -> dineroes
disa/1 -> disas
doct/1 -> docted
dum-dum/1 -> dum-dums
ebs/1 -> ebss
economique/1 -> economiques
employe/1 -> employes
englisch/1 -> englisches
f-16c/1 -> f-16cs
falsa/1 -> falsas
fluor/1 -> fluors
gotcha/1 -> gotchas
haggadah/1 -> haggadahs
hedera/1 -> hederas
hee/1 -> hees
increa/1 -> increas
indic/1 -> indics
inhe/1 -> inhes
iphigenia/1 -> iphigenias
jux/1 -> juxes
ler/1 -> lers
leur/1 -> leurs
libertate/1 -> libertates
liebe/1 -> liebes
lilium/1 -> liliums
liquidambar/1 -> liquidambars
lix/1 -> lixs
loved-one/1 -> loved-ones
luxembourg-ville/1 -> luxembourg-villes
magistrature/1 -> magistratures
many-one/1 -> many-ones
maudit/1 -> maudits
medecin/1 -> medecins
minut/1 -> minuts
miroir/1 -> miroirs
monaco-ville/1 -> monaco-villes
morceau/1 -> morceaux
morone/1 -> morones
mult/1 -> multing
nee/1 -> nees
nem/1 -> nems
noch/1 -> noches
notin/1 -> notins
one-fifth/1 -> one-fifths
one-half/1 -> one-halves
orien/1 -> oriens
over-65/1 -> over-65s
porc/1 -> porcs
prag/1 -> prags
prece/1 -> preces
presen/1 -> presens
progno/1 -> prognos
propo/1 -> propos
qu'/1 -> qu'est
rencontre/1 -> rencontres
rugbyman/1 -> rugbymen
samma/1 -> sammas
schnitzel/1 -> schnitzels
seanad/1 -> seanads
secondaire/1 -> secondaires
see-er/1 -> see-ers
shr/1 -> shring
slange/1 -> slanged
solide/1 -> solidest
stoo/1 -> stoos
succe/1 -> succes
suppo/1 -> suppos
symphytum/1 -> symphytums
tears/1 -> tearss
tellima/1 -> tellimas
terr/1 -> terrs
thron/1 -> throned
tick-tock/1 -> tick-tocks
trave/1 -> traves
tremen/1 -> tremens
undoubt/1 -> undoubting
universite/1 -> universites
urb/1 -> urbs
vielle/1 -> vielles
virgine/1 -> virgines
visita/1 -> visitas
wah/1 -> wahs
wird/1 -> wirds
zouave/1 -> zouaves
'hood -> 'hoods
'nt -> 't,nt,t
1-dodecanol -> 1-dodecanols
1-hitter -> 1-hitters
11-plus -> 11-pluss
2-hitter -> 2-hitters
3-d -> 3-ds
3-hitter -> 3-hitters
3d -> 3ds
3tc -> 3tcs
4-hitter -> 4-hitters
401-k -> 401-ks
4to -> 4toes
4wd -> 4wds
5-hitter -> 5-hitters
5-hydroxytryptamine -> 5-hydroxytryptamines
8vo -> 8voes
a -> an
a'man -> a'men
a-horizon -> a-horizons
a.e. -> a.e.s
aalii -> aaliis
aalost -> aalosts
aalto -> aaltoes
aardwolf -> aardwolves
aarp -> aarps
abaca -> abacas
abacus -> abacuses
abamp -> abamps
abampere -> abamperes
abarticulation -> abarticulations
abashment -> abashments
abasia -> abasias
abatis -> abatiss
abator -> abators
abattis -> abattiss
abbreviator -> abbreviators
abc's -> abcs'
abcoulomb -> abcoulombs
abdias -> abdiass
abdicator -> abdicators
abdominocentesis -> abdominocenteses
abdominoplasty -> abdominoplasties
abdominousness -> abdominousnesses
abducens -> abducenss
abducent -> abducents
abecedarian -> abecedarians
abecedarius -> abecedariuss
abele -> abeles
abelia -> abelias
abelmoschus -> abelmoschuss
abelmosk -> abelmosks
aberrancy -> aberrancies
abetalipoproteinemia -> abetalipoproteinemias
abettal -> abettals
abetter -> abetters
abfarad -> abfarads
abhenry -> abhenries
abhorrer -> abhorrers
abidance -> abidances
abience -> abiences
abila -> abilas
abiogenesis -> abiogeneses
abiogenist -> abiogenists
abiotrophy -> abiotrophies
abjurer -> abjurers
abkhas -> abkhass
abkhasian -> abkhasians
ablactation -> ablactations
able -> abler,ablest
able-bodiedism -> able-bodiedisms
able-bodism -> able-bodisms
ableism -> ableisms
ablepharia -> ablepharias
ablism -> ablisms
abls -> ablss
abnaki -> abnakis
abnegator -> abnegators
abnormalcy -> abnormalcies
abocclusion -> abocclusions
abohm -> abohms
abolishment -> abolishments
abominator -> abominators
abor -> abors
aborticide -> aborticides
abortus -> abortuss
aboulia -> aboulias
abrachia -> abrachias
abradant -> abradants
abrader -> abraders
abraham -> abrahams
abramis -> abramiss
abreact -> abreacts,abreacting,abreacted
abreaction -> abreactions
abridger -> abridgers
abrocoma -> abrocomas
abrocome -> abrocomes
abrogator -> abrogators
abronia -> abronias
abruption -> abruptions
abscise -> abscises,abscising,abscised
abscission -> abscissions
abscondment -> abscondments
absentmindedness -> absentmindednesses
absinth -> absinths
absolver -> absolvers
absorbate -> absorbates
absorptivity -> absorptivities
absquatulate -> absquatulates,absquatulating,absquatulated
abstractedness -> abstractednesses
abstracter -> abstracters
abstrusity -> abstrusities
absurdness -> absurdnesses
abudefduf -> abudefdufs
abukir -> abukirs
abulia -> abulias
abutter -> abutters
abvolt -> abvolts
abwatt -> abwatts
abye -> abys,abying,abought
abyla -> abylas
academicianship -> academicianships
academism -> academisms
acadia -> acadias
acalypha -> acalyphas
acantha -> acanthas
acanthion -> acanthions
acanthisitta -> acanthisittas
acanthisittidae -> acanthisittidaes
acanthocereus -> acanthocereuss
acanthocybium -> acanthocybiums
acanthocyte -> acanthocytes
acanthocytosis -> acanthocytoses
acantholysis -> acantholyses
acanthoma -> acanthomas
acanthophis -> acanthophiss
acanthopterygian -> acanthopterygians
acanthopterygii -> acanthopterygiis
acanthoscelides -> acanthoscelidess
acanthosis -> acanthoses
acanthuridae -> acanthuridaes
acapnia -> acapnias
acaracide -> acaracides
acardia -> acardias
acariasis -> acariases
acaricide -> acaricides
acarid -> acarids
acaridae -> acaridaes
acaridiasis -> acaridiases
acarina -> acarinas
acarine -> acarines
acariosis -> acarioses
acarophobia -> acarophobias
acarus -> acaruss
acaryote -> acaryotes
acatalectic -> acatalectics
acataphasia -> acataphasias
acathexia -> acathexias
acathexis -> acathexes
accenting -> accentings
accentor -> accentors
acceptableness -> acceptablenesses
accessary -> accessaries
accho -> acchoes
acciaccatura -> acciaccaturas
accipitriformes -> accipitriformess
acclivity -> acclivities
accompanyist -> accompanyists
accoucheur -> accoucheurs
accoucheuse -> accoucheuses
accountantship -> accountantships
accouterment -> accouterments
accoutre -> accoutres,accoutring,accoutred
accroides -> accroidess
accruement -> accruements
accusal -> accusals
acebutolol -> acebutolols
acedia -> acedias
acephalia -> acephalias
acephalism -> acephalisms
acephaly -> acephalies
aceraceae -> aceraceaes
acerbate -> acerbates,acerbating,acerbated
acerola -> acerolas
acervulus -> acervuluss
acetaldol -> acetaldols
acetamide -> acetamides
acetaminophen -> acetaminophens
acetanilid -> acetanilids
acetanilide -> acetanilides
acetify -> acetifies,acetifying,acetified
acetin -> acetins
acetonemia -> acetonemias
acetonuria -> acetonurias
acetophenetidin -> acetophenetidins
acetphenetidin -> acetphenetidins
acetum -> acetums
achaian -> achaians
acheron -> acherons
acherontia -> acherontias
acheta -> achetas
achievability -> achievabilities
achimenes -> achimeness
achira -> achiras
achoerodus -> achoeroduss
acholia -> acholias
achomawi -> achomawis
achondroplasia -> achondroplasias
achondroplasty -> achondroplasties
achras -> achrass
achromasia -> achromasias
achromaticity -> achromaticities
achromatin -> achromatins
achromatism -> achromatisms
achromatize -> achromatizes,achromatizing,achromatized
achromia -> achromias
achromycin -> achromycins
achylia -> achylias
acicula -> aciculas
acidemia -> acidemias
acidimetry -> acidimetries
acidophil -> acidophils
acidophile -> acidophiles
acidulate -> acidulates,acidulating,acidulated
acidulousness -> acidulousnesses
acinonyx -> acinonyxes
acinos -> acinoss
acipenser -> acipensers
acipenseridae -> acipenseridaes
ackee -> ackees
aclant -> aclants
acnidosporidia -> acnidosporidias
acocanthera -> acocantheras
acokanthera -> acokantheras
aconitum -> aconitums
acoraceae -> acoraceaes
acorea -> acoreas
acores -> acoress
acousma -> acousmas
acoustician -> acousticians
acousticophobia -> acousticophobias
acoustics -> acousticss
acragas -> acragass
acrasiomycetes -> acrasiomycetess
acre-foot -> acre-feet
acres -> acress
acridid -> acridids
acrididae -> acrididaes
acridity -> acridities
acridness -> acridnesses
acridotheres -> acridotheress
acroanaesthesia -> acroanaesthesias
acroanesthesia -> acroanesthesias
acrobates -> acrobatess
acrocarp -> acrocarps
acrocarpus -> acrocarpuss
acrocephalus -> acrocephaluss
acrocephaly -> acrocephalies
acroclinium -> acrocliniums
acrocomia -> acrocomias
acrocyanosis -> acrocyanoses
acrodont -> acrodonts
acrogen -> acrogens
acromegalia -> acromegalias
acromicria -> acromicrias
acromikria -> acromikrias
acromion -> acromions
acromphalus -> acromphaluss
acromyotonia -> acromyotonias
acrophobia -> acrophobias
acrophony -> acrophonies
acropolis -> acropolis
acrosome -> acrosomes
acrostichum -> acrostichums
acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene -> acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrenes
actaea -> actaeas
actias -> actiass
actinaria -> actinarias
actinia -> actinias
actiniaria -> actiniarias
actiniarian -> actiniarians
actinidiaceae -> actinidiaceaes
actiniopteris -> actiniopteriss
actinism -> actinisms
actinium -> actiniums
actinoid -> actinoids
actinolite -> actinolites
actinomeris -> actinomeriss
actinometer -> actinometers
actinometry -> actinometries
actinomycetaceae -> actinomycetaceaes
actinomycetales -> actinomycetaless
actinomycosis -> actinomycoses
actinomyxidia -> actinomyxidias
actinomyxidian -> actinomyxidians
actinon -> actinons
actinopod -> actinopods
actinopoda -> actinopodas
actinotherapy -> actinotherapies
actinozoa -> actinozoas
actinozoan -> actinozoans
activase -> activases
activeness -> activenesses
activewear -> activewears
actomyosin -> actomyosins
acts -> actss
acular -> aculars
aculea -> aculeas
aculeus -> aculeuss
acuminate -> acuminates,acuminating,acuminated
acylglycerol -> acylglycerols
ada-scid -> ada-scids
adactylia -> adactylias
adactylism -> adactylisms
adactyly -> adactylies
adad -> adads
adalia -> adalias
adam -> adams
adam-and-eve -> adam-and-eves
adamance -> adamances
adansonia -> adansonias
adapa -> adapas
adapid -> adapids
adapin -> adapins
addax -> addaxes
addend -> addends
addle-head -> addle-heads
addlehead -> addleheads
addressograph -> addressographs
adducer -> adducers
adducing -> adducings
adelges -> adelgess
adelgid -> adelgids
adelgidae -> adelgidaes
adelie -> adelies
adenanthera -> adenantheras
adenium -> adeniums
adenohypophysis -> adenohypophyses
adenomegaly -> adenomegalies
adenomyosarcoma -> adenomyosarcomas
adenomyosis -> adenomyoses
adenopathy -> adenopathies
adenosis -> adenoses
adenota -> adenotas
adequateness -> adequatenesses
adermin -> adermins
adhd -> adhds
adiantaceae -> adiantaceaes
adiantum -> adiantums
adience -> adiences
adieu -> adieux,adieus
adios -> adioss
adiposeness -> adiposenesses
adiposis -> adiposes
adiposity -> adiposities
adirondacks -> adirondackss
aditi -> aditis
aditya -> adityas
adjunction -> adjunctions
adjuration -> adjurations
adlumia -> adlumias
admeasure -> admeasures,admeasuring,admeasured
administrivia -> administrivias
admirability -> admirabilities
admirableness -> admirablenesses
admonisher -> admonishers
adnexa -> adnexas
adnoun -> adnouns
adobo -> adoboes
adonic -> adonics
adorability -> adorabilities
adorableness -> adorablenesses
adps -> adpss
adrenalectomy -> adrenalectomies
adrenarche -> adrenarches
adrenocorticotrophin -> adrenocorticotrophins
adrenocorticotropin -> adrenocorticotropins
adrenosterone -> adrenosterones
adrianopolis -> adrianopoliss
adulator -> adulators
adulterator -> adulterators
advancer -> advancers
advantageousness -> advantageousnesses
adventitia -> adventitias
advertence -> advertences
advertency -> advertencies
advertizement -> advertizements
advertizer -> advertizers
advertizing -> advertizings
advice -> advice
advil -> advils
advisement -> advisements
advisory -> advisories
advocator -> advocators
adynamia -> adynamias
adz -> adzs
adzhar -> adzhars
aeciospore -> aeciospores
aecium -> aeciums
aedes -> aedess
aegates -> aegatess
aegiceras -> aegicerass
aegilops -> aegilopss
aegir -> aegirs
aegis -> aegis
aegisthus -> aegisthuss
aegospotami -> aegospotamis
aegospotamos -> aegospotamoss
aegypiidae -> aegypiidaes
aegyptopithecus -> aegyptopithecuss
aelfred -> aelfreds
aeolia -> aeolias
aeolic -> aeolics
aeolis -> aeoliss
aepyceros -> aepyceross
aepyornidae -> aepyornidaes
aepyorniformes -> aepyorniformess
aepyornis -> aepyorniss
aerialist -> aerialists
aerides -> aeridess
aerify -> aerifies,aerifying,aerified
aerobacter -> aerobacters
aerobe -> aerobes
aerobiosis -> aerobioses
aerodontalgia -> aerodontalgias
aeroembolism -> aeroembolisms
aerogram -> aerograms
aerolite -> aerolites
aerology -> aerologies
aeromechanics -> aeromechanicss
aeromedicine -> aeromedicines
aerophagia -> aerophagias
aerophilately -> aerophilatelies
aerophile -> aerophiles
aerophyte -> aerophytes
aery -> aeries
aeschynanthus -> aeschynanthuss
aesthesia -> aesthesias
aesthesis -> aestheses
aesthetic -> aesthetics
aethionema -> aethionemas
aethusa -> aethusas
aetiologist -> aetiologists
aetobatus -> aetobatuss
affableness -> affablenesses
affectedness -> affectednesses
affectionateness -> affectionatenesses
affenpinscher -> affenpinschers
affiant -> affiants
affirmativeness -> affirmativenesses
affirmer -> affirmers
affranchise -> affranchises,affranchising,affranchised
affrication -> affrications
affricative -> affricatives
affusion -> affusions
afghanistani -> afghanistanis
afibrinogenemia -> afibrinogenemias
afisr -> afisrs
aflaxen -> aflaxens
aframomum -> aframomums
afrasian -> afrasians
afrikander -> afrikanders
afrl -> afrls
afro-wig -> afro-wigs
afroasiatic -> afroasiatics
afrocarpus -> afrocarpuss
afropavo -> afropavoes
afspc -> afspcs
after -> afters
afterdamp -> afterdamps
aftereffect -> aftereffects
afterpains -> afterpainss
afterpiece -> afterpieces
afters -> afterss
aftersensation -> aftersensations
aftershaft -> aftershafts
aftertaste -> aftertastes
agal -> agals
agalactia -> agalactias
agalactosis -> agalactoses
agalinis -> agaliniss
agama -> agamas
agamete -> agametes
agamid -> agamids
agamidae -> agamidaes
agammaglobulinemia -> agammaglobulinemias
agamogenesis -> agamogeneses
agapornis -> agaporniss
agar-agar -> agars-agars
agaricaceae -> agaricaceaes
agaricales -> agaricaless
agaricus -> agaricuss
agastache -> agastaches
agateware -> agatewares
agathis -> agathiss
agdestis -> agdestiss
agdistis -> agdistiss
agedness -> agednesses
agee -> agees
agelaius -> agelaiuss
agendum -> agenda
agene -> agenes
agenesia -> agenesias
agenesis -> ageneses
agent-in-place -> agents-in-place
agerasia -> agerasias
ageratina -> ageratinas
aggeus -> aggeuss
agglomerator -> agglomerators
agglutinogen -> agglutinogens
aggrandize -> aggrandizes,aggrandizing,aggrandized
aggravator -> aggravators
aggregator -> aggregators
aggress -> aggresses,aggressing,aggressed
aghan -> aghans
agio -> agios
agiotage -> agiotages
agkistrodon -> agkistrodons
aglaomorpha -> aglaomorphas
aglaonema -> aglaonemas
aglet -> aglets
agnail -> agnails
agnatha -> agnathas
agnation -> agnations
agnomen -> agnomens
agnosia -> agnosias
agonidae -> agonidaes
agonus -> agonuss
agranulosis -> agranuloses
agrapha -> agraphas
agreeability -> agreeabilities
agrimonia -> agrimonias
agriocharis -> agriochariss
agrobiology -> agrobiologies
agrology -> agrologies
agromania -> agromanias
agrostemma -> agrostemmas
agrypnia -> agrypnias
agua -> aguas
aguacate -> aguacates
agueweed -> agueweeds
ahpcrc -> ahpcrcs
ahuehuete -> ahuehuetes
ahvenanmaa -> ahvenanmaas
aides -> aidess
aidoneus -> aidoneuss
aigret -> aigrets
aigrette -> aigrettes
aiguilette -> aiguilettes
ailanthus -> ailanthuss
ailey -> aileys
ailuropoda -> ailuropodas
ailuropodidae -> ailuropodidaes
ailurus -> ailuruss
air-sleeve -> air-sleeves
airbed -> airbeds
airbus -> airbuses
aircrewman -> aircrewmen
airdock -> airdocks
airdrome -> airdromes
aire -> aires
airlane -> airlanes
airletter -> airletters
airmailer -> airmailers
airpost -> airposts
airsickness -> airsicknesses
aitchbone -> aitchbones
aizoaceae -> aizoaceaes
ajaia -> ajaias
akaba -> akabas
akaryocyte -> akaryocytes
akaryote -> akaryotes
akee -> akees
akeridae -> akeridaes
akha -> akhas
akhbari -> akhbaris
akinesia -> akinesias
akinesis -> akineses
akka -> akkas
akmola -> akmolas
akvavit -> akvavits
akwa'ala -> akwa'alas
al -> als
al-asifa -> al-asifas
al-haytham -> al-haythams
al-hudaydah -> al-hudaydahs
al-iraq -> al-iraqs
al-ma'unah -> al-ma'unahs
al-magrib -> al-magribs
al-muhajiroun -> al-muhajirouns
al-mukalla -> al-mukallas
al-qa'ida -> al-qa'idas
al-qaeda -> al-qaedas
al-qaida -> al-qaidas
al-qur'an -> al-qur'ans
al-tawhid -> al-tawhids
al-ummah -> al-ummahs
ala -> alas
alabaman -> alabamen
alalia -> alalias
alarmism -> alarmisms
alarum -> alarums
alastrim -> alastrims
alaudidae -> alaudidaes
albatrellus -> albatrelluss
albigenses -> albigensess
albigensianism -> albigensianisms
albizzia -> albizzias
alborg -> alborgs
albuca -> albucas
albuginaceae -> albuginaceaes
albugo -> albugoes
albula -> albulas
albulidae -> albulidaes
albumen -> albumens
albuminoid -> albuminoids
albuterol -> albuterols
alcahest -> alcahests
alcaic -> alcaics
alcapton -> alcaptons
alcaptonuria -> alcaptonurias
alcea -> alceas
alcedinidae -> alcedinidaes
alcelaphus -> alcelaphuss
alces -> alcess
alchemize -> alchemizes,alchemizing,alchemized
alcides -> alcidess
alcoholize -> alcoholizes,alcoholizing,alcoholized
alcyonacea -> alcyonaceas
alcyonaria -> alcyonarias
aldactone -> aldactones
aldehyde-alcohol -> aldehyde-alcohols
alderfly -> alderflies
aldohexose -> aldohexoses
aldol -> aldols
aldomet -> aldomets
aldose -> aldoses
aldosteronism -> aldosteronisms
aldrovanda -> aldrovandas
alecost -> alecosts
alectis -> alectiss
alecto -> alectoes
alectoria -> alectorias
alectura -> alecturas
alehoof -> alehoofs
alendronate -> alendronates
alep -> aleps
aleph-nought -> aleph-noughts
aleph-null -> aleph-nulls
aleph-zero -> aleph-zeroes
alepisaurus -> alepisauruss
aletris -> aletriss
aleurites -> aleuritess
aleurone -> aleurones
aleve -> aleves
alexandrite -> alexandrites
alexic -> alexics
aleyrodes -> aleyrodess
aleyrodidae -> aleyrodidaes
alfilaria -> alfilarias
alfileria -> alfilerias
algarobilla -> algarobillas
algarroba -> algarrobas
algarrobilla -> algarrobillas
algerie -> algeries
algeripithecus -> algeripithecuss
algin -> algins
algolagnia -> algolagnias
algology -> algologies
algometer -> algometers
algometry -> algometries
algonkin -> algonkins
algophilia -> algophilias
algophobia -> algophobias
algorism -> algorisms
alhacen -> alhacens
alias -> aliases
alidad -> alidads
alidade -> alidades
alienage -> alienages
alienator -> alienators
alikeness -> alikenesses
aliment -> aliments,alimenting,alimented
alimentation -> alimentations
aline -> alines,alining,alined
alinement -> alinements
aliquant -> aliquants
alir -> alirs
alisma -> alismas
alismales -> alismaless
alismataceae -> alismataceaes
alismatidae -> alismatidaes
aliterate -> aliterates
aliyah -> aliyahs
alizarine -> alizarines
alkahest -> alkahests
alkalemia -> alkalemias
alkalify -> alkalifies,alkalifying,alkalified
alkalimetry -> alkalimetries
alkalinuria -> alkalinurias
alkaliser -> alkalisers
alkalize -> alkalizes,alkalizing,alkalized
alkalizer -> alkalizers
alkaluria -> alkalurias
alkapton -> alkaptons
alkaptonuria -> alkaptonurias
alkeran -> alkerans
alkylbenzene -> alkylbenzenes
alkylbenzenesulfonate -> alkylbenzenesulfonates
allamanda -> allamandas
allayer -> allayers
allegement -> allegements
alleghenies -> allegheniess
allegoriser -> allegorisers
allelomorph -> allelomorphs
allergology -> allergologies
alleviant -> alleviants
alleviator -> alleviators
allhallowtide -> allhallowtides
alliaceae -> alliaceaes
alliaria -> alliarias
allice -> allices
allies -> alliess
alligatoridae -> alligatoridaes
allionia -> allionias
allioniaceae -> allioniaceaes
alliterator -> alliterators
allmouth -> allmouths
alloantibody -> alloantibodies
allogamy -> allogamies
allomerism -> allomerisms
allosaur -> allosaurs
allotropism -> allotropisms
alluviation -> alluviations
alluvion -> alluvions
allyl -> allyls
almandine -> almandines
almandite -> almandites
almaty -> almaties
alms-giving -> alms-givings
almsgiver -> almsgivers
alocasia -> alocasias
aloeaceae -> aloeaceaes
aloes -> aloess
alopecurus -> alopecuruss
alopex -> alopexes
alopiidae -> alopiidaes
alopius -> alopiuss
alosa -> alosas
alost -> alosts
alouatta -> alouattas
alpena -> alpenas
alpha-adrenoceptor -> alpha-adrenoceptors
alpha-interferon -> alpha-interferons
alpha-lipoprotein -> alpha-lipoproteins
alpha-naphthol -> alpha-naphthols
alpha-tocopheral -> alpha-tocopherals
alphabetisation -> alphabetisations
alphabetiser -> alphabetisers
alphabetization -> alphabetizations
alphabetize -> alphabetizes,alphabetizing,alphabetized
alphabetizer -> alphabetizers
alphanumerics -> alphanumericss
alphavirus -> alphaviruss
alpinia -> alpinias
alprazolam -> alprazolams
alsobia -> alsobias
alsophila -> alsophilas
alstonia -> alstonias
alstroemeriaceae -> alstroemeriaceaes
altaic -> altaics
altazimuth -> altazimuths
alterability -> alterabilities
altercate -> altercates,altercating,altercated
althaea -> althaeas
altocumulus -> altocumuluss
altostratus -> altostratuss
alula -> alulas
alumbloom -> alumblooms
aluminize -> aluminizes,aluminizing,aluminized
alumna -> alumnae
alumnus -> alumni
alumroot -> alumroots
alundum -> alundums
alupent -> alupents
alytes -> alytess
alzheimer's -> alzheimers'
amadavat -> amadavats
amaethon -> amaethons
amalgamator -> amalgamators
amanuensis -> amanuenses
amaranthaceae -> amaranthaceaes
amaranthus -> amaranthuss
amarelle -> amarelles
amarillo -> amarilloes
amaryllidaceae -> amaryllidaceaes
amastia -> amastias
amaterasu -> amaterasus
amatungulu -> amatungulus
amauropelta -> amauropeltas
amaurosis -> amauroses
ambage -> ambages
ambages -> ambagess
ambassadorship -> ambassadorships
ambassadress -> ambassadresses
amberbell -> amberbells
amberboa -> amberboas
ambidexterity -> ambidexterities
ambidextrousness -> ambidextrousnesses
ambivalency -> ambivalencies
ambiversion -> ambiversions
ambloplites -> ambloplitess
amblygonite -> amblygonites
amblyrhynchus -> amblyrhynchuss
ambrosiaceae -> ambrosiaceaes
ambulacrum -> ambulacrums
ambuscade -> ambuscades,ambuscading,ambuscaded
ambystoma -> ambystomas
ambystomatidae -> ambystomatidaes
ambystomid -> ambystomids
ameba -> amebas
amebiasis -> amebiases
amebiosis -> amebioses
ameer -> ameers
ameiuridae -> ameiuridaes
ameiurus -> ameiuruss
ameloblast -> ameloblasts
amelogenesis -> amelogeneses
amen-ra -> amen-ras
amenableness -> amenablenesses
amenia -> amenias
amenities -> amenitiess
amenorrhea -> amenorrheas
ament -> aments
amentiferae -> amentiferaes
america -> americas
americanize -> americanizes,americanizing,americanized
amethopterin -> amethopterins
ametria -> ametrias
ametropia -> ametropias
amia -> amias
amiableness -> amiablenesses
amianthum -> amianthums
amicableness -> amicablenesses
amidopyrine -> amidopyrines
amiidae -> amiidaes
aminoaciduria -> aminoacidurias
aminoalkane -> aminoalkanes
aminobenzine -> aminobenzines
aminomethane -> aminomethanes
aminopherase -> aminopherases
aminoplast -> aminoplasts
amitosis -> amitoses
ammine -> ammines
ammobium -> ammobiums
ammodytes -> ammodytess
ammodytidae -> ammodytidaes
ammoniate -> ammoniates,ammoniating,ammoniated
ammonification -> ammonifications
ammonify -> ammonifies,ammonifying,ammonified
ammoniuria -> ammoniurias
ammotragus -> ammotraguss
amnios -> amnioss
amniota -> amniotas
amobarbital -> amobarbitals
amoebiasis -> amoebiases
amoebida -> amoebidas
amoebina -> amoebinas
amoebiosis -> amoebioses
amon-ra -> amon-ras
amoralism -> amoralisms
amoralist -> amoralists
amorist -> amorists
amorousness -> amorousnesses
amorpha -> amorphas
amorphophallus -> amorphophalluss
amoxil -> amoxils
amperage -> amperages
ampere-hour -> ampere-hours
ampere-minute -> ampere-minutes
ampere-second -> ampere-seconds
ampere-turn -> ampere-turns
amphibolips -> amphibolipss
amphibology -> amphibologies
amphiboly -> amphibolies
amphibrach -> amphibraches
amphicarpa -> amphicarpas
amphicarpaea -> amphicarpaeas
amphidiploid -> amphidiploids
amphidiploidy -> amphidiploidies
amphigory -> amphigories
amphimixis -> amphimixes
amphineura -> amphineuras
amphioxidae -> amphioxidaes
amphipoda -> amphipodas
amphiprion -> amphiprions
amphisbaena -> amphisbaenas
amphisbaenia -> amphisbaenias
amphisbaenidae -> amphisbaenidaes
amphiuma -> amphiumas
amphiumidae -> amphiumidaes
ampleness -> amplenesses
ampul -> ampuls
ampule -> ampules
amputator -> amputators
amrinone -> amrinones
amsinckia -> amsinckias
amsonia -> amsonias
amusd -> amusds
amygdalaceae -> amygdalaceaes
amygdaloid -> amygdaloids
amygdalotomy -> amygdalotomies
amygdalus -> amygdaluss
amylolysis -> amylolyses
amyotonia -> amyotonias
amyotrophia -> amyotrophias
amyotrophy -> amyotrophies
amyxia -> amyxias
an -> some
anabantidae -> anabantidaes
anabaptism -> anabaptisms
anabas -> anabass
anabiosis -> anabioses
anabolism -> anabolisms
anabrus -> anabruss
anacanthini -> anacanthinis
anacardium -> anacardiums
anaclisis -> anaclises
anacoluthia -> anacoluthias
anacoluthon -> anacoluthons
anacyclus -> anacycluss
anadenanthera -> anadenantheras
anagallis -> anagalliss
anagasta -> anagastas
anaglyph -> anaglyphs
anaglyphy -> anaglyphies
anagnost -> anagnosts
anagoge -> anagoges
anagrammatize -> anagrammatizes,anagrammatizing,anagrammatized
anagrams -> anagramss
anagyris -> anagyriss
analbuminemia -> analbuminemias
analecta -> analectas
analects -> analectss
analeptic -> analeptics
analog -> analogs
analogist -> analogists
analphabet -> analphabets
analphabetic -> analphabetics
analphabetism -> analphabetisms
analyticity -> analyticities
anamorphism -> anamorphisms
anamorphosis -> anamorphoses
anapaest -> anapaests
anapest -> anapests
anaphalis -> anaphaliss
anaphase -> anaphases
anaphrodisia -> anaphrodisias
anaplasia -> anaplasias
anaplasmosis -> anaplasmoses
anaplasty -> anaplasties
anaprox -> anaproxes
anapsid -> anapsids
anapsida -> anapsidas
anapurna -> anapurnas
anarhichadidae -> anarhichadidaes
anarhichas -> anarhichass
anarthria -> anarthrias
anasa -> anasas
anasarca -> anasarcas
anasazi -> anasazis
anastalsis -> anastalses
anastatica -> anastaticas
anastigmat -> anastigmats
anastomus -> anastomuss
anastrophe -> anastrophes
anastylosis -> anastyloses
anathematisation -> anathematisations
anathematization -> anathematizations
anatidae -> anatidaes
anatotitan -> anatotitans
anatoxin -> anatoxins
anaxagoras -> anaxagorass
anaximenes -> anaximeness
anchorperson -> anchorpeople
anchusa -> anchusas
anchylosis -> anchyloses
ancients -> ancientss
ancistrodon -> ancistrodons
ancylidae -> ancylidaes
ancylostomatidae -> ancylostomatidaes
ancylus -> ancyluss
andelmin -> andelmins
andira -> andiras
andosite -> andosites
andradite -> andradites
andreaea -> andreaeas
andreaeales -> andreaealess
andrena -> andrenas
andrenid -> andrenids
andrenidae -> andrenidaes
andrew -> andrews
andricus -> andricuss
androecium -> androeciums
androgenesis -> androgeneses
androgeny -> androgenies
androglossia -> androglossias
androphobia -> androphobias
andropogon -> andropogons
andryala -> andryalas
andvari -> andvaris
anecdotist -> anecdotists
aneides -> aneidess
anele -> aneles,aneling,aneled
anemia -> anemias
anemography -> anemographies
anemonella -> anemonellas
anemopsis -> anemopses
anencephalia -> anencephalias
anencephaly -> anencephalies
anesthesiologist -> anesthesiologists
anesthesiology -> anesthesiologies
anesthetic -> anesthetics
anesthetist -> anesthetists
anesthetize -> anesthetizes,anesthetizing,anesthetized
anesthyl -> anesthyls
anestrum -> anestrums
anestrus -> anestruss
anethum -> anethums
aneurism -> aneurisms
angas -> angass
angelim -> angelims
angelology -> angelologies
angiocardiogram -> angiocardiograms
angiocarp -> angiocarps
angiohemophilia -> angiohemophilias
angiologist -> angiologists
angiology -> angiologies
angioma -> angiomas
angiopathy -> angiopathies
angiopteris -> angiopteriss
angiosarcoma -> angiosarcomas
angioscope -> angioscopes
angiospermae -> angiospermaes
angiotelectasia -> angiotelectasias
angiotonin -> angiotonins
angle-park -> angle-parks,angle-parking,angle-parked
angledozer -> angledozers
anglesea -> angleseas
anglewing -> anglewings
angleworm -> angleworms
anglicism -> anglicisms
anglomania -> anglomanias
anglophil -> anglophils
angolese -> angoleses
angraecum -> angraecums
angrecum -> angrecums
angriness -> angrinesses
anguidae -> anguidaes
anguillidae -> anguillidaes
anguilliformes -> anguilliformess
anguillula -> anguillulas
anguis -> anguiss
angwantibo -> angwantiboes
anhima -> anhimas
anhimidae -> anhimidaes
anhinga -> anhingas
anhingidae -> anhingidaes
anhydrosis -> anhydroses
anigozanthus -> anigozanthuss
animal-worship -> animal-worships
animalculum -> animalculums
animalia -> animalias
animalisation -> animalisations
animalization -> animalizations
animalize -> animalizes,animalizing,animalized
animateness -> animatenesses
animatism -> animatisms
anime -> animes
aniseikonia -> aniseikonias
anisogamete -> anisogametes
anisometropia -> anisometropias
anisoptera -> anisopteras
anisotremus -> anisotremuss
anklebone -> anklebones
anklets -> ankletss
ankus -> ankuss
ankyloglossia -> ankyloglossias
ankylosaurus -> ankylosauruss
ankylosis -> ankyloses
anlage -> anlages
anna -> annas
annals -> annalss
annexa -> annexas
anniellidae -> anniellidaes
annihilator -> annihilators
annotating -> annotatings
annoyer -> annoyers
annualry -> annualries
annulet -> annulets
annunciate -> annunciates,annunciating,annunciated
annunciator -> annunciators
annwfn -> annwfns
anobiidae -> anobiidaes
anodize -> anodizes,anodizing,anodized
anodyne -> anodynes
anoectochilus -> anoectochiluss
anoestrum -> anoestrums
anoestrus -> anoestruss
anogramma -> anogrammas
anointer -> anointers
anolis -> anoliss
anomalist -> anomalists
anomalopidae -> anomalopidaes
anomalops -> anomalopss
anomalopteryx -> anomalopteryxes
anomalousness -> anomalousnesses
anomiidae -> anomiidaes
anomy -> anomies
anonym -> anonyms
anopia -> anopias
anoplura -> anopluras
anorchia -> anorchias
anorchidism -> anorchidisms
anorchism -> anorchisms
anorgasmia -> anorgasmias
anorthite -> anorthites
anorthography -> anorthographies
anorthopia -> anorthopias
anostraca -> anostracas
anovulant -> anovulants
anovulation -> anovulations
anoxemia -> anoxemias
ansaid -> ansaids
anseres -> anseress
anseriformes -> anseriformess
anserinae -> anserinaes
anshar -> anshars
answerableness -> answerablenesses
antakiya -> antakiyas
antapex -> antapexes
antbird -> antbirds
antecede -> antecedes,anteceding,anteceded
antecedence -> antecedences
antecedency -> antecedencies
antedon -> antedons
antedonidae -> antedonidaes
antefix -> antefixes
antenatal -> antenatals
antennaria -> antennarias
antennariidae -> antennariidaes
antepenult -> antepenults
antepenultima -> antepenultimas
antepenultimate -> antepenultimates
anthelminthic -> anthelminthics
antheraea -> antheraeas
anthericum -> anthericums
antheridiophore -> antheridiophores
antheridium -> antheridiums
antheropeas -> antheropeass
antherozoid -> antherozoids
anthidium -> anthidiums
anthoceropsida -> anthoceropsidas
anthocerotaceae -> anthocerotaceaes
anthocerotales -> anthocerotaless
anthonomus -> anthonomuss
anthophyllite -> anthophyllites
anthophyta -> anthophytas
anthozoa -> anthozoas
anthozoan -> anthozoans
anthracosis -> anthracoses
anthriscus -> anthriscuss
anthropocentricity -> anthropocentricities
anthropogenesis -> anthropogeneses
anthropogeny -> anthropogenies
anthropolatry -> anthropolatries
anthropometry -> anthropometries
anthropophagite -> anthropophagites
anthropophagus -> anthropophaguss
anthyllis -> anthylliss
antiacid -> antiacids
antialiasing -> antialiasings
antibaryon -> antibaryons
anticatalyst -> anticatalysts
anticholinesterase -> anticholinesterases
anticipant -> anticipants
anticipator -> anticipators
antidiabetic -> antidiabetics
antidiarrheal -> antidiarrheals
antidiuretic -> antidiuretics
antido -> antidoes
antidorcas -> antidorcass
antiepileptic -> antiepileptics
antiestablishmentarianism -> antiestablishmentarianisms
antiestablishmentism -> antiestablishmentisms
antiferromagnetism -> antiferromagnetisms
antiflatulent -> antiflatulents
antigonia -> antigonias
antigram -> antigrams
antiknock -> antiknocks
antilepton -> antileptons
antilocapra -> antilocapras
antilocapridae -> antilocapridaes
antilogarithm -> antilogarithms
antilope -> antilopes
antimeson -> antimesons
antimicrobic -> antimicrobics
antimuon -> antimuons
antimycin -> antimycins
antimycotic -> antimycotics
antinode -> antinodes
antinomasia -> antinomasias
antiphonary -> antiphonaries
antiphrasis -> antiphrases
antipope -> antipopes
antiprotozoal -> antiprotozoals
antipruritic -> antipruritics
antipsychotic -> antipsychotics
antipyresis -> antipyreses
antipyretic -> antipyretics
antiquate -> antiquates,antiquating,antiquated
antiredeposition -> antiredepositions
antistrophe -> antistrophes
antisyphilitic -> antisyphilitics
antitauon -> antitauons
antitrade -> antitrades
antitrades -> antitradess
antitussive -> antitussives
antivenene -> antivenenes
antivenin -> antivenins
antivert -> antiverts
antlia -> antlias
antlion -> antlions
antrozous -> antrozouss
antum -> antums
antwerpen -> antwerpens
anu -> anus
anulus -> anuluss
anunnaki -> anunnakis
anuresis -> anureses
anuria -> anurias
anus -> anuses
anvers -> anverss
aorist -> aorists
aotus -> aotuss
aoudad -> aoudads
apache -> apaches
apadana -> apadanas
apalachicola -> apalachicolas
apatosaur -> apatosaurs
apatosaurus -> apatosauruss
apatura -> apaturas
ape-man -> ape-men
aper -> apers
apercu -> apercus
aperea -> apereas
apertif -> apertifs
apery -> aperies
aphaeresis -> aphaereses
aphagia -> aphagias
aphakia -> aphakias
aphanite -> aphanites
aphasmidia -> aphasmidias
aphesis -> apheses
aphididae -> aphididaes
aphidoidea -> aphidoideas
aphonia -> aphonias
aphorist -> aphorists
aphorize -> aphorizes,aphorizing,aphorized
aphriza -> aphrizas
aphrophora -> aphrophoras
aphyllanthaceae -> aphyllanthaceaes
aphyllanthes -> aphyllanthess
aphyllophorales -> aphyllophoraless
apiaceae -> apiaceaes
apiculture -> apicultures
apiculturist -> apiculturists
apidae -> apidaes
apios -> apioss
apishamore -> apishamores
apium -> apiums
aplacophora -> aplacophoras
aplacophoran -> aplacophorans
aplasia -> aplasias
aplectrum -> aplectrums
aplite -> aplites
aplodontia -> aplodontias
aplodontiidae -> aplodontiidaes
aplysiidae -> aplysiidaes
apnea -> apneas
apoapsis -> apoapses
apocope -> apocopes
apocynum -> apocynums
apodidae -> apodidaes
apodiformes -> apodiformess
apoenzyme -> apoenzymes
apogamy -> apogamies
apogon -> apogons
apogonidae -> apogonidaes
apoidea -> apoideas
apojove -> apojoves
apolemia -> apolemias
apologetics -> apologeticss
apologia -> apologias
apologue -> apologues
apolune -> apolunes
apomict -> apomicts
apomorphine -> apomorphines
aponeurosis -> aponeuroses
apophasis -> apophases
apophatism -> apophatisms
apophysis -> apophyses
aporocactus -> aporocactuss
aposelene -> aposelenes
apostleship -> apostleships
apothecium -> apotheciums
apothegm -> apothegms
apotheosis -> apotheoses
appalachian -> appalachians
appanage -> appanages
apparatus -> apparatuses
apparency -> apparencies
apparentness -> apparentnesses
appealingness -> appealingnesses
appearing -> appearings
appellative -> appellatives
appendicitis -> appendicitis
appendicle -> appendicles
appendicularia -> appendicularias
apperceive -> apperceives,apperceiving,apperceived
apperception -> apperceptions
appetence -> appetences
appetisingness -> appetisingnesses
appetizingness -> appetizingnesses
applauder -> applauders
applemint -> applemints
applesauce -> applesauces
apportioning -> apportionings
appreciativeness -> appreciativenesses
apprehender -> apprehenders
apprisal -> apprisals
apprize -> apprizes,apprizing,apprized
approbate -> approbates,approbating,approbated
appropriator -> appropriators
apresoline -> apresolines
apsis -> apses
apsu -> apsus
apterygidae -> apterygidaes
apterygiformes -> apterygiformess
apteryx -> apteryxes
aqua-lung -> aqua-lungs
aquaphobia -> aquaphobias
aquatics -> aquaticss
aquiculture -> aquicultures
aquifoliaceae -> aquifoliaceaes
aquilege -> aquileges
ara -> aras
arab-berber -> arab-berbers
arability -> arabilities
arabis -> arabiss
arachnoid -> arachnoids
araguaia -> araguaias
araguaya -> araguayas
arales -> araless
aralia -> aralias
araliaceae -> araliaceaes
aramaean -> aramaeans
arame -> arames
aramean -> arameans
aramus -> aramuss
aranea -> araneas
araneae -> araneaes
araneida -> araneidas
aranyaka -> aranyakas
arapaho -> arapahoes
arapahoe -> arapahoes
arariba -> araribas
araroba -> ararobas
araucariaceae -> araucariaceaes
araujia -> araujias
arava -> aravas
arawakan -> arawakans
arawn -> arawns
arbalist -> arbalists
arbitrager -> arbitragers
arbitrement -> arbitrements
arboriculture -> arboricultures
arborist -> arborists
arborolatry -> arborolatries
arborvirus -> arborviruss
arborvitae -> arborvitaes
arbovirus -> arboviruss
arbutus -> arbutuss
arc-boutant -> arc-boutants
arcadic -> arcadics
arccos -> arccoss
arccosecant -> arccosecants
arccosine -> arccosines
arccotangent -> arccotangents
arcdegree -> arcdegrees
arcella -> arcellas
arcellidae -> arcellidaes
arceuthobium -> arceuthobiums
archaeobacteria -> archaeobacterias
archaeornis -> archaeorniss
archaeornithes -> archaeornithess
archaeozoic -> archaeozoics
archaicism -> archaicisms
archaist -> archaists
archaize -> archaizes,archaizing,archaized
archduchy -> archduchies
archegonium -> archegoniums
archenteron -> archenterons
archeobacteria -> archeobacterias
archeology -> archeologies
archeopteryx -> archeopteryxes
archeozoic -> archeozoics
archer -> archers
archespore -> archespores
archesporium -> archesporiums
archiannelid -> archiannelids
archiannelida -> archiannelidas
archidiaconate -> archidiaconates
archidiskidon -> archidiskidons
archil -> archils
archine -> archines
archipallium -> archipalliums
architectonics -> architectonicss
architeuthis -> architeuthiss
archosargus -> archosarguss
archosauria -> archosaurias
archosaurian -> archosaurians
arcidae -> arcidaes
arcminute -> arcminutes
arcsecant -> arcsecants
arcsin -> arcsins
arcsine -> arcsines
arctan -> arctans
arctangent -> arctangents
arctictis -> arctictiss
arctiid -> arctiids
arctiidae -> arctiidaes
arctium -> arctiums
arctocebus -> arctocebuss
arctocephalus -> arctocephaluss
arctonyx -> arctonyxes
arctostaphylos -> arctostaphyloss
arctotis -> arctotiss
arda -> ardas
ardeb -> ardebs
ardeidae -> ardeidaes
ardisia -> ardisias
arduousness -> arduousnesses
areaway -> areaways
arecaceae -> arecaceaes
arecidae -> arecidaes
areflexia -> areflexias
arenaria-melanocephala -> arenaria-melanocephalas
arenaviridae -> arenaviridaes
arenavirus -> arenaviruss
arenga -> arengas
areola -> areolas
arere -> areres
argal -> argals
argali -> argalis
argasid -> argasids
argasidae -> argasidaes
argemone -> argemones
argentinidae -> argentinidaes
argentinosaur -> argentinosaurs
argentite -> argentites
argil -> argils
argiope -> argiopes
argiopidae -> argiopidaes
argle-bargle -> argle-bargles
argonauta -> argonautas
argonautidae -> argonautidaes
argonon -> argonons
argot -> argots
argufy -> argufies,argufying,argufied
argun -> arguns
argusianus -> argusianuss
argynnis -> argynniss
argyreia -> argyreias
argyrodite -> argyrodites
argyrol -> argyrols
argyrotaenia -> argyrotaenias
argyroxiphium -> argyroxiphiums
arhant -> arhants
arhat -> arhats
arianist -> arianists
arianrhod -> arianrhods
arianrod -> arianrods
aricara -> aricaras
arietta -> ariettas
ariidae -> ariidaes
arikara -> arikaras
arilus -> ariluss
ariocarpus -> ariocarpuss
ariomma -> ariommas
arisaema -> arisaemas
arisarum -> arisarums
arishth -> arishths
aristocort -> aristocorts
aristolochia -> aristolochias
aristolochiaceae -> aristolochiaceaes
aristolochiales -> aristolochialess
aristopak -> aristopaks
aristotelia -> aristotelias
arithmancy -> arithmancies
arity -> arities
arizonian -> arizonians
arkansan -> arkansans
arkansawyer -> arkansawyers
armadillidiidae -> armadillidiidaes
armet -> armets
armguard -> armguards
armillaria -> armillarias
armillariella -> armillariellas
armor-bearer -> armor-bearers
armoracia -> armoracias
armorer -> armorers
arms-runner -> arms-runners
armyworm -> armyworms
arng -> arngs
arnoseris -> arnoseriss
aromatize -> aromatizes,aromatizing,aromatized
arouet -> arouets
arroba -> arrobas
arrogator -> arrogators
arrowworm -> arrowworms
arsenate -> arsenates
arsine -> arsines
artamidae -> artamidaes
artamus -> artamuss
arteria -> arterias
arterialize -> arterializes,arterializing,arterialized
arteriectasia -> arteriectasias
arteriectasis -> arteriectases
arteriola -> arteriolas
arteriolosclerosis -> arterioloscleroses
arthritis -> arthritis
arthrocentesis -> arthrocenteses
arthrogram -> arthrograms
arthrography -> arthrographies
arthromere -> arthromeres
arthropathy -> arthropathies
arthroplasty -> arthroplasties
arthropoda -> arthropodas
arthropteris -> arthropteriss
arthroscope -> arthroscopes
arthroscopy -> arthroscopies
arthrospore -> arthrospores
articulatio -> articulatios
artiodactyla -> artiodactylas
artsd -> artsds
arui -> aruis
arulo -> aruloes
arundo -> arundoes
aruru -> arurus
arvicola -> arvicolas
arytaenoid -> arytaenoids
arytenoid -> arytenoids
as -> ass
asadha -> asadhas
asafetida -> asafetidas
asafoetida -> asafoetidas
asahikawa -> asahikawas
asala -> asalas
asama -> asamas
asamiya -> asamiyas
asana -> asanas
asanga -> asangas
asarabacca -> asarabaccas
asarh -> asarhs
asarum -> asarums
asbestos -> asbestos
ascaphidae -> ascaphidaes
ascaphus -> ascaphuss
ascaridae -> ascaridaes
ascendence -> ascendences
ascesis -> asceses
asch -> asches
aschelminthes -> aschelminthess
ascidiaceae -> ascidiaceaes
ascidian -> ascidians
asclepiad -> asclepiads
asclepias -> asclepiass
ascocarp -> ascocarps
ascolichen -> ascolichens
ascoma -> ascomas
ascomycetes -> ascomycetess
ascomycota -> ascomycotas
ascomycotina -> ascomycotinas
ascophyllum -> ascophyllums
ascus -> ascuss
asepsis -> asepses
ash-bin -> ash-bins
ash-key -> ash-keys
ash-pan -> ash-pans
ashbin -> ashbins
ashcake -> ashcakes
ashe -> ashes
ashir -> ashirs
ashkhabad -> ashkhabads
ashtoreth -> ashtoreths
ashur -> ashurs
ashurbanipal -> ashurbanipals
asilidae -> asilidaes
asimina -> asiminas
asin -> asins
asininity -> asininities
asker -> askers
asklepios -> asklepioss
asmera -> asmeras
aspadana -> aspadanas
aspalathus -> aspalathuss
asparagaceae -> asparagaceaes
asparaginase -> asparaginases
asper -> aspers
aspergill -> aspergills
aspergillaceae -> aspergillaceaes
aspergillales -> aspergillaless
aspergillosis -> aspergilloses
asperse -> asperses,aspersing,aspersed
aspersorium -> aspersoriums
asperula -> asperulas
asphodelaceae -> asphodelaceaes
asphodeline -> asphodelines
asphodelus -> asphodeluss
asphyxiator -> asphyxiators
aspidelaps -> aspidelapss
aspidiotus -> aspidiotuss
aspidophoroides -> aspidophoroidess
aspirator -> aspirators
aspirer -> aspirers
aspis -> aspiss
aspleniaceae -> aspleniaceaes
asplenium -> aspleniums
ass-kisser -> ass-kissers
assagai -> assagais
assailability -> assailabilities
assassinator -> assassinators
assaulter -> assaulters
assay-mark -> assay-marks
assegai -> assegais
assemblywoman -> assemblywomen
assenter -> assenters
assenting -> assentings
asses -> assess
assessee -> assessees
assets -> assetss
asseverate -> asseverates,asseverating,asseverated
asseveration -> asseverations
asseverator -> asseverators
assibilate -> assibilates,assibilating,assibilated
assibilation -> assibilations
assizes -> assizess
associableness -> associablenesses
assoil -> assoils,assoiling,assoiled
assouan -> assouans
assuan -> assuans
assurbanipal -> assurbanipals
assyriology -> assyriologies
astacidae -> astacidaes
astacura -> astacuras
astacus -> astacuss
astana -> astanas
astasia -> astasias
astatine -> astatines
asteraceae -> asteraceaes
astereognosis -> astereognoses
asteridae -> asteridaes
asterion -> asterions
asterism -> asterisms
asteroidea -> asteroideas
asterope -> asteropes
asthenia -> asthenias
asthenopia -> asthenopias
astheny -> asthenies
astigmia -> astigmias
astragal -> astragals
astraphobia -> astraphobias
astreus -> astreuss
astringence -> astringences
astrobiology -> astrobiologies
astrodynamics -> astrodynamicss
astrogator -> astrogators
astroglia -> astroglias
astrolatry -> astrolatries
astrologist -> astrologists
astroloma -> astrolomas
astrometry -> astrometries
astronavigation -> astronavigations
astronium -> astroniums
astrophyton -> astrophytons
astropogon -> astropogons
asur -> asurs
asura -> asuras
asurbanipal -> asurbanipals
asvina -> asvinas
asvins -> asvinss
asynchronism -> asynchronisms
asynclitism -> asynclitisms
asyndeton -> asyndeta
asynergia -> asynergias
asynergy -> asynergies
at -> ats
at-bat -> at-bats
atabrine -> atabrines
atakapa -> atakapas
atakapan -> atakapans
atar -> atars
ataractic -> ataractics
atarax -> ataraxes
ataraxis -> ataraxes
atavist -> atavists
ataxy -> ataxies
atayalic -> atayalics
ate -> ates
ateleiosis -> ateleioses
ateles -> ateless
ateliosis -> atelioses
atf -> atfs
athabascan -> athabascans
athabaskan -> athabaskans
athanasianism -> athanasianisms
athanor -> athanors
athapascan -> athapascans
athapaskan -> athapaskans
athar -> athars
atharva-veda -> atharva-vedas
atherinidae -> atherinidaes
atherinopsis -> atherinopses
atherodyde -> atherodydes
atherurus -> atheruruss
athinai -> athinais
athiorhodaceae -> athiorhodaceaes
athletic -> athletics
athodyd -> athodyds
athrotaxis -> athrotaxes
athyriaceae -> athyriaceaes
athyrium -> athyriums
atlantides -> atlantidess
atlas -> atlases
atmometer -> atmometers
atole -> atoles
atomizer -> atomizers
atonia -> atonias
atonicity -> atonicities
atopognosia -> atopognosias
atopognosis -> atopognoses
atopy -> atopies
atorvastatin -> atorvastatins
atrichornis -> atrichorniss
atrichornithidae -> atrichornithidaes
atrociousness -> atrociousnesses
atromid-s -> atromid-ss
atropa -> atropas
atropidae -> atropidaes
atrovent -> atrovents
atsugewi -> atsugewis
attacapa -> attacapas
attacapan -> attacapans
attache -> attaches
attainability -> attainabilities
attainableness -> attainablenesses
attalea -> attaleas
attemper -> attempers,attempering,attempered
attestant -> attestants
attestator -> attestators
attester -> attesters
attestor -> attestors
attitudinize -> attitudinizes,attitudinizing,attitudinized
attorneyship -> attorneyships
attosecond -> attoseconds
attracter -> attracters
atypicality -> atypicalities
audaciousness -> audaciousnesses
audad -> audads
audibleness -> audiblenesses
audile -> audiles
audio-typist -> audio-typists
augeas -> augeass
augend -> augends
augite -> augites
augmentin -> augmentins
aulacorhyncus -> aulacorhyncuss
aulostomidae -> aulostomidaes
aulostomus -> aulostomuss
auntie -> aunties
aureolaria -> aureolarias
aureomycin -> aureomycins
auricle -> auricles
auriculare -> auriculares
auricularia -> auricularias
auriculariaceae -> auriculariaceaes
auriculariales -> auricularialess
auriparus -> auriparuss
auriscope -> auriscopes
aurochs -> aurochss
auroscope -> auroscopes
auscultate -> auscultates,auscultating,auscultated
auspicate -> auspicates,auspicating,auspicated
auspice -> auspices
auspiciousness -> auspiciousnesses
austenite -> austenites
austereness -> austerenesses
austro-asiatic -> austro-asiatics
austrocedrus -> austrocedruss
austronesia -> austronesias
austrotaxus -> austrotaxuss
autacoid -> autacoids
autarchy -> autarchies
authoriser -> authorisers
authorizer -> authorizers
auto-changer -> auto-changers
auto-mechanic -> auto-mechanics
autocatalysis -> autocatalyses
autochthon -> autochthons
autochthony -> autochthonies
autocoid -> autocoids
autocue -> autocues
autoeroticism -> autoeroticisms
autoerotism -> autoerotisms
autogamy -> autogamies
autogenesis -> autogeneses
autogenics -> autogenicss
autogeny -> autogenies
autograft -> autografts
autolatry -> autolatries
autolysis -> autolyses
automat -> automats
automeris -> automeriss
automobilist -> automobilists
automysophobia -> automysophobias
autophyte -> autophytes
autoplasty -> autoplasties
autosexing -> autosexings
autotelism -> autotelisms
autotomize -> autotomizes,autotomizing,autotomized
autotroph -> autotrophs
autotypy -> autotypies
autumn -> autumns
auxesis -> auxeses
avadavat -> avadavats
avahi -> avahis
availableness -> availablenesses
avalanche -> avalanches
avalokiteshvara -> avalokiteshvaras
avalokitesvara -> avalokitesvaras
avaram -> avarams
avariciousness -> avariciousnesses
avaritia -> avaritias
avens -> avenss
aventail -> aventails
aventurine -> aventurines
averrhoa -> averrhoas
avesta -> avestas
avestan -> avestans
aviatress -> aviatresses
aviatrix -> aviatrices
avicennia -> avicennias
avicenniaceae -> avicenniaceaes
avidness -> avidnesses
avitaminosis -> avitaminoses
avouchment -> avouchments
avower -> avowers
avulsion -> avulsions
awayness -> awaynesses
awlwort -> awlworts
axerophthol -> axerophthols
axiology -> axiologies
axis -> axes
axletree -> axletrees
axolemma -> axolemmas
axone -> axones
axseed -> axseeds
ayapana -> ayapanas
ayin -> ayins
azactam -> azactams
azadirachta -> azadirachtas
azadirachtin -> azadirachtins
azaleastrum -> azaleastrums
azedarach -> azedaraches
azederach -> azederaches
azerbajdzhan -> azerbajdzhans
azoimide -> azoimides
azollaceae -> azollaceaes
azotaemia -> azotaemias
azote -> azotes
azotemia -> azotemias
aztecan -> aztecans
aztreonam -> aztreonams
azymia -> azymias
b -> bs
b-girl -> b-girls
b-horizon -> b-horizons
b-meson -> b-mesons
b.t.u. -> b.t.u.s
b.th.u. -> b.th.u.s
baa-lamb -> baa-lambs
babassu -> babassus
babbitt -> babbitts,babbitting,babbitted
babbitting -> babbittings
babesiidae -> babesiidaes
babies'-breath -> babies'-breaths
babinski -> babinskis
babiroussa -> babiroussas
babirussa -> babirussas
babka -> babkas
baboo -> baboos
baby-minder -> baby-minders
babyminder -> babyminders
babytalk -> babytalks
bacchant -> bacchants
baccharis -> bacchariss
bachelor-at-arms -> bachelors-at-arms
bachelorette -> bachelorettes
bacillaceae -> bacillaceaes
bacillariophyceae -> bacillariophyceaes
back-blast -> back-blasts
back-formation -> back-formations
back-number -> back-numbers
backband -> backbands
backbend -> backbends
backbite -> backbites,backbit,backbitten,backbiting
backbiter -> backbiters
backblast -> backblasts
backfield -> backfields
backflowing -> backflowings
backgrounding -> backgroundings
backhoe -> backhoes
backlighting -> backlightings
backsaw -> backsaws
backsheesh -> backsheeshes
backslapper -> backslappers
backspace -> backspaces,backspacing,backspaced
backspacer -> backspacers
backstairs -> backstairss
backstroke -> backstrokes,backstroking,backstroked
backstroker -> backstrokers
backswimmer -> backswimmers
backsword -> backswords
backtalk -> backtalks
backwoods -> backwoodss
bacteremia -> bacteremias
bacteria -> bacterias
bacteriacide -> bacteriacides
bacteriaemia -> bacteriaemias
bacteriemia -> bacteriemias
bacteriochlorophyll -> bacteriochlorophylls
bacteriolysis -> bacteriolyses
bacteriostasis -> bacteriostases
bacteriostat -> bacteriostats
bacteroid -> bacteroids
bacteroidaceae -> bacteroidaceaes
badaga -> badagas
bade -> bades
badgerer -> badgerers
badmouth -> badmouths,badmouthing,badmouthed
baeda -> baedas
bagascosis -> bagascoses
bagassosis -> bagassoses
baggageman -> baggagemen
bagnio -> bagnios
bagpiper -> bagpipers
baguet -> baguets
bahaism -> bahaisms
bahraini -> bahrainis
bahreini -> bahreinis
bailiffship -> bailiffships
baiomys -> baiomyss
bairava -> bairavas
bairdiella -> bairdiellas
baisa -> baisas
baisakh -> baisakhs
baiza -> baizas
bakeapple -> bakeapples
bakersfield -> bakersfields
bakeshop -> bakeshops
bakshis -> bakshiss
bakshish -> bakshishes
balaena -> balaenas
balaeniceps -> balaenicepss
balaenicipitidae -> balaenicipitidaes
balaenidae -> balaenidaes
balaenopteridae -> balaenopteridaes
balagan -> balagans
balalaika -> balalaikas
balanidae -> balanidaes
balarama -> balaramas
balas -> balass
balata -> balatas
balder -> balders
baldpate -> baldpates
baldr -> baldrs
balefire -> balefires
balibago -> balibagoes
balistes -> balistess
balistidae -> balistidaes
balkan -> balkans
balker -> balkers
balkiness -> balkinesses
balkline -> balklines
ball-buster -> ball-busters
balldress -> balldresses
balletomane -> balletomanes
balletomania -> balletomanias
ballistite -> ballistites
ballistocardiogram -> ballistocardiograms
ballistocardiograph -> ballistocardiographs
ballock -> ballocks
ballota -> ballotas
ballottement -> ballottements
ballpen -> ballpens
ballplayer -> ballplayers
ballup -> ballups
ballyhoo -> ballyhoos,ballyhooing,ballyhooed
ballyrag -> ballyrags,ballyragging,ballyragged
balminess -> balminesses
balochi -> balochis
balsaminaceae -> balsaminaceaes
balsamorhiza -> balsamorhizas
balsamroot -> balsamroots
baltic -> baltics
baltic-finnic -> baltic-finnics
balto-slavic -> balto-slavics
balto-slavonic -> balto-slavonics
baluchi -> baluchis
balusters -> balusterss
bambuseae -> bambuseaes
bandelet -> bandelets
bandelette -> bandelettes
banderillero -> banderilleroes
bandlet -> bandlets
bandtail -> bandtails
baneberry -> baneberries
bangiaceae -> bangiaceaes
bangladeshi -> bangladeshis
bangtail -> bangtails
banian -> banians
bankbook -> bankbooks
bankia -> bankias
banksia -> banksias
banning-order -> banning-orders
banshie -> banshies
baphia -> baphias
baptists -> baptistss
bar-room -> bar-room
baranduki -> barandukis
barany -> baranies
barbacan -> barbacans
barbarea -> barbareas
barbarisation -> barbarisations
barbarization -> barbarizations
barbarize -> barbarizes,barbarizing,barbarized
barbarousness -> barbarousnesses
barbasco -> barbascoes
barbecuing -> barbecuings
barbette -> barbettes
barbital -> barbitals
barbitone -> barbitones
barbu -> barbus
barbwire -> barbwires
barcarole -> barcaroles
barde -> bards,barding,barded
bareboating -> bareboatings
baring -> barings
barite -> barites
bark-louse -> bark-lice
barkeep -> barkeeps
barkeeper -> barkeepers
barmbrack -> barmbracks
barnburner -> barnburners
barndoor -> barndoors
barnful -> barnfuls
barnyard -> barnyards
baronduki -> barondukis
baroness -> baronesses
barong -> barongs
baroqueness -> baroquenesses
baroreceptor -> baroreceptors
barosaur -> barosaurs
barosaurus -> barosauruss
barouche -> barouches
barramunda -> barramundas
barramundi -> barramundis
barrater -> barraters
barrator -> barrators
barratry -> barratries
barrelhouse -> barrelhouses
barrels -> barrelss
barrenwort -> barrenworts
barrette -> barrettes
barretter -> barretters
barrio -> barrios
barrow-man -> barrow-men
barterer -> barterers
barthelme -> barthelmes
bartholdi -> bartholdis
bartlesville -> bartlesvilles
bartonia -> bartonias
barunduki -> barundukis
barycenter -> barycenters
barye -> baryes
baryta -> barytas
barytes -> barytess
barytone -> barytones
bas -> bass
baseball -> baseballs
basics -> basicss
basidiocarp -> basidiocarps
basidiolichen -> basidiolichens
basidiomycete -> basidiomycetes
basidiomycetes -> basidiomycetess
basidiomycota -> basidiomycotas
basidiomycotina -> basidiomycotinas
basidiospore -> basidiospores
basidium -> basidiums
basify -> basifies,basifying,basified
basiliscus -> basiliscuss
basinet -> basinets
basinful -> basinfuls
basis -> bases
basketeer -> basketeers
basketmaker -> basketmakers
basketweaver -> basketweavers
basophile -> basophiles
basophilia -> basophilias
bassariscidae -> bassariscidaes
bassariscus -> bassariscuss
bassarisk -> bassarisks
basse-normandie -> basse-normandies
bassia -> bassias
bassine -> bassines
bastardization -> bastardizations
bastinado -> bastinadoes,bastinadoing,bastinadoed
bastnaesite -> bastnaesites
basuco -> basucoes
basuto -> basutoes
batfowl -> batfowls,batfowling,batfowled
bath-towel -> bath-towels
bathmat -> bathmats
batholite -> batholites
bathometer -> bathometers
bathyergidae -> bathyergidaes
bathyergus -> bathyerguss
bathymeter -> bathymeters
bathymetry -> bathymetries
bathyscape -> bathyscapes
bathyscaph -> bathyscaphs
bathyscaphe -> bathyscaphes
bathysphere -> bathyspheres
batidaceae -> batidaceaes
batis -> batiss
batoidei -> batoideis
batrachia -> batrachias
batrachian -> batrachians
batrachoididae -> batrachoididaes
batrachomyomachia -> batrachomyomachias
batrachoseps -> batrachosepss
batswana -> batswanas
battercake -> battercakes
battering -> batterings
battery-acid -> battery-acids
battle-ax -> battle-axes
battle-axe -> battle-axes
battlesight -> battlesights
battlewagon -> battlewagons
battue -> battues
baudelaire -> baudelaires
bauhinia -> bauhinias
baulk-line -> baulk-lines
baulker -> baulkers
bawbee -> bawbees
bawdyhouse -> bawdyhouses
bawler -> bawlers
bayat -> bayats
bayberry -> bayberries
baycol -> baycols
bayrut -> bayruts
bdellium -> bdelliums
beads -> beadss
beadsman -> beadsmen
beady -> beadier,beadiest
beagling -> beaglings
beam-ends -> beam-endss
beanball -> beanballs
beaner -> beaners
beanfeast -> beanfeasts
beanie -> beanies
beantown -> beantowns
bearberry -> bearberries
bearnaise -> bearnaises
beatniks -> beatnikss
beats -> beatss
beaugregory -> beaugregories
beaumontia -> beaumontias
beauteousness -> beauteousnesses
bechance -> bechances,bechancing,bechanced
bechuana -> bechuanas
becomingness -> becomingnesses
bed-ground -> bed-grounds
bedaub -> bedaubs,bedaubing,bedaubed
bedclothes -> bedclothess
bedesman -> bedesmen
bedevilment -> bedevilments
bedew -> bedews,bedewing,bedewed
bedground -> bedgrounds
bedight -> bedights,bedighting,bedighted
bedim -> bedims,bedimming,bedimmed
bedlamite -> bedlamites
bedraggle -> bedraggles,bedraggling,bedraggled
bedrest -> bedrests
beduin -> beduins
beebalm -> beebalms
beebread -> beebreads
beechnut -> beechnuts
beefalo -> beefaloes
beefwood -> beefwoods
beeswax -> beeswaxes,beeswaxing,beeswaxed
beetleweed -> beetleweeds
befool -> befools,befooling,befooled
befooling -> befoolings
befoulment -> befoulments
beggar's-ticks -> beggar's-tickss
beggar-my-neighbor -> beggar-my-neighbors
beggar-ticks -> beggar-tickss
beggarweed -> beggarweeds
begird -> begirds,begirding,begirt
begoniaceae -> begoniaceaes
beguiler -> beguilers
behaviorism -> behaviorisms
behaviorist -> behaviorists
behind -> behinds.
behmen -> behmens
behmenism -> behmenisms
beholding -> beholdings
beigel -> beigels
beignet -> beignets
beingness -> beingnesses
bejewel -> bejewels,bejewelling,bejewelled
bel-merodach -> bel-merodaches
belamcanda -> belamcandas
belarusian -> belarusians
beleaguering -> beleaguerings
belem -> belems
belemnitidae -> belemnitidaes
belemnoidea -> belemnoideas
bell-bottoms -> bell-bottomss
bellarmino -> bellarminoes
bellboy -> bellboys
bellicoseness -> bellicosenesses
bellower -> bellowers
bellpull -> bellpulls
bellwort -> bellworts
bellyache -> bellyaches,bellyaching,bellyached
bellyacher -> bellyachers
bellyband -> bellybands
belonging -> belongings
belonidae -> belonidaes
belostomatidae -> belostomatidaes
bemidji -> bemidjis
bemire -> bemires,bemiring,bemired
bemisia -> bemisias
benadryl -> benadryls
bendability -> bendabilities
bendopa -> bendopas
bends -> bendss
benefactress -> benefactresses
bengali -> bengalis
benignancy -> benignancies
bennettitaceae -> bennettitaceaes
bennettitales -> bennettitaless
benniseed -> benniseeds
bent-grass -> bent-grasses
benthos -> benthoss
benweed -> benweeds
benzocaine -> benzocaines
benzofuran -> benzofurans
benzoquinone -> benzoquinones
beograd -> beograds
berating -> beratings
berberidaceae -> berberidaceaes
bergall -> bergalls
beriberi -> beriberis
berit -> berits
berith -> beriths
berkelium -> berkeliums
berkshires -> berkshiress
berlage -> berlages
berra -> berras
berretta -> berrettas
berteroa -> berteroas
bertholletia -> bertholletias
bertillon -> bertillons
berycomorphi -> berycomorphis
bes -> bess
beseem -> beseems,beseeming,beseemed
beshrew -> beshrews,beshrewing,beshrewed
besmear -> besmears,besmearing,besmeared
bespangle -> bespangles,bespangling,bespangled
besprinkle -> besprinkles,besprinkling,besprinkled
bessera -> besseras
besseya -> besseyas
bestialize -> bestializes,bestializing,bestialized
bestower -> bestowers
bestowment -> bestowments
bestrew -> bestrewed,bestrewn,bestrews,bestrewing
beta-adrenoceptor -> beta-adrenoceptors
beta-interferon -> beta-interferons
beta-lactamase -> beta-lactamases
beta-lipoprotein -> beta-lipoproteins
beta-naphthol -> beta-naphthols
betaine -> betaines
betatron -> betatrons
bethink -> bethinks,bethought,bethinking
bethlehem-judah -> bethlehem-judahs
bethune -> bethunes
betise -> betises
bettong -> bettongs
bettongia -> bettongias
bettor -> bettors
betweenbrain -> betweenbrains
bevatron -> bevatrons
beware -> bewares,bewaring,bewared
bewitchery -> bewitcheries
bewray -> bewrays,bewraying,bewrayed
bezant -> bezants
bezzant -> bezzants
bhadon -> bhadons
bhadrapada -> bhadrapadas
bhaga -> bhagas
bhagavad-gita -> bhagavad-gitas
bhagavadgita -> bhagavadgitas
bhang -> bhangs
bhutani -> bhutanis
bi -> bis
bialy -> bialies
bialystoker -> bialystokers
bib-and-tucker -> bib-and-tuckers
bible-worship -> bible-worships
bibliolatry -> bibliolatries
bibliopole -> bibliopoles
bibliopolist -> bibliopolists
bibliothec -> bibliothecs
bibliotics -> biblioticss
bibliotist -> bibliotists
bibos -> biboss
biceps -> bicepss
bichloride -> bichlorides
bicorne -> bicornes
bicuspid -> bicuspids
bicycle-built-for-two -> bicycle-built-for-twoes
bicycler -> bicyclers
bida -> bidas
bidens -> bidenss
bier -> biers
bifocals -> bifocalss
bigamist -> bigamists
bigarade -> bigarades
bigeye -> bigeyes
bigheartedness -> bigheartednesses
bignonia -> bignonias
bignoniad -> bignoniads
bigos -> bigoss
bikers -> bikerss
bilby -> bilbies
bilestone -> bilestones
bilges -> bilgess
bilgewater -> bilgewaters
bilharziasis -> bilharziases
bilimbi -> bilimbis
bilingualist -> bilingualists
biliousness -> biliousnesses
bill-hook -> bill-hooks
billet-doux -> billets-doux
billfold -> billfolds
billion -> billions
billy -> billies
billy-ho -> billy-hoes
billyo -> billyoes
billyoh -> billyohs
billystick -> billysticks
bilocation -> bilocations
biloxi -> biloxis
bilsted -> bilsteds
bimester -> bimesters
bimetal -> bimetals
bimetallism -> bimetallisms
bimetallist -> bimetallists
bimillenary -> bimillenaries
bimillennium -> bimillenniums
bimli -> bimlis
binful -> binfuls
binger -> bingers
binghamton -> binghamtons
bingle -> bingles
bio-assay -> bio-assays
bioarm -> bioarms
bioattack -> bioattacks
biocatalyst -> biocatalysts
biochip -> biochips
bioclimatology -> bioclimatologies
biodefence -> biodefences
biodefense -> biodefenses
bioelectricity -> bioelectricities
bioengineering -> bioengineerings
bioethics -> bioethicss
bioflavinoid -> bioflavinoids
biogenesis -> biogeneses
biogeny -> biogenies
biohazard -> biohazards
biometry -> biometries
bionics -> bionicss
bionomics -> bionomicss
biont -> bionts
biopiracy -> biopiracies
biosafety -> biosafeties
biostatistics -> biostatisticss
biosystematics -> biosystematicss
biosystematy -> biosystematies
bioterrorism -> bioterrorisms
bioweapon -> bioweapons
biprism -> biprisms
biquadrate -> biquadrates
birchbark -> birchbarks
bird-on-the-wing -> birds-on-the-wing
bird-scarer -> bird-scarers
birdbrain -> birdbrains
birdcall -> birdcalls
birdfeeder -> birdfeeders
birdhouse -> birdhouses
birdie -> birdies
birdlime -> birdlimes,birdliming,birdlimed
birdnesting -> birdnestings
birl -> birls,birling,birled
birr -> birrs,birring,birred
birretta -> birrettas
birthroot -> birthroots
birthwort -> birthworts
bisayan -> bisayans
bisayas -> bisayass
biscutella -> biscutellas
bise -> bises
bishopry -> bishopries
biskek -> biskeks
bister -> bisters
bitartrate -> bitartrates
bitchery -> bitcheries
biteplate -> biteplates
bitewing -> bitewings
bithynia -> bithynias
bitok -> bitoks
bitstock -> bitstocks
bitt -> bitts
bittacidae -> bittacidaes
bitter-bark -> bitter-barks
bitternut -> bitternuts
bitters -> bitterss
bitterweed -> bitterweeds
bitterwood -> bitterwoods
bitthead -> bittheads
bituminize -> bituminizes,bituminizing,bituminized
biu-mandara -> biu-mandaras
bivouacking -> bivouackings
bize -> bizes
bja -> bjas
bjs -> bjss
blabber -> blabbers,blabbering,blabbered
blabbermouth -> blabbermouths
blaberus -> blaberuss
blackball -> blackballs,blackballing,blackballed
blackbeetle -> blackbeetles
blackberry-lily -> blackberry-lilies
blackbody -> blackbodies
blackdamp -> blackdamps
blackfoot -> blackfeet
blackheart -> blackhearts
blackpoll -> blackpolls
blackseed -> blackseeds
blacksnake -> blacksnakes
blacktail -> blacktails
blacktopping -> blacktoppings
bladdernose -> bladdernoses
bladderpod -> bladderpods
blaeberry -> blaeberries
blahs -> blahss
blandfordia -> blandfordias
blandishment -> blandishments
blanquillo -> blanquilloes
blarina -> blarinas
blarney -> blarneys,blarneying,blarneyed
blastema -> blastemas
blastocele -> blastoceles
blastocladia -> blastocladias
blastocladiales -> blastocladialess
blastocoele -> blastocoeles
blastocyte -> blastocytes
blastocytoma -> blastocytomas
blastoderm -> blastoderms
blastodiaceae -> blastodiaceaes
blastodisc -> blastodiscs
blastoff -> blastoffs
blastogenesis -> blastogeneses
blastoma -> blastomas
blastomyces -> blastomycess
blastomycete -> blastomycetes
blastomycosis -> blastomycoses
blastosphere -> blastospheres
blatherskite -> blatherskites
blatta -> blattas
blattaria -> blattarias
blattella -> blattellas
blattidae -> blattidaes
blattodea -> blattodeas
blazonry -> blazonries
bleachers -> bleacherss
blear -> blear,blearing,bleared
bleary -> blearier,bleariest
blechnaceae -> blechnaceaes
blenniidae -> blenniidaes
blennioid -> blennioids
blennioidea -> blennioideas
blennius -> blenniuss
blepharism -> blepharisms
blepharospasm -> blepharospasms
blephilia -> blephilias
bletia -> bletias
bletilla -> bletillas
blewits -> blewitss
blighia -> blighias
blindworm -> blindworms
blini -> blinis
blinks -> blinkss
blintz -> blintzs
blintze -> blintzes
bliny -> blinies
blissfulness -> blissfulnesses
blissus -> blissuss
blitheness -> blithenesses
blitt -> blitts
blitzkrieg -> blitzkriegs
blitzstein -> blitzsteins
blocadren -> blocadrens
blockade-runner -> blockade-runners
blog -> blogs
blogger -> bloggers
blolly -> blollies
blood-twig -> blood-twigs
bloodbath -> bloodbaths
bloodberry -> bloodberries
bloodguilt -> bloodguilts
bloodleaf -> bloodleaves
bloodmobile -> bloodmobiles
bloodroot -> bloodroots
bloodthirsty -> bloodthirstier,bloodthirstiest
bloodwort -> bloodworts
bloomeria -> bloomerias
bloomers -> bloomerss
blooper -> bloopers
blotchy -> blotchier,blotchiest
blowball -> blowballs
blowfish -> blowfish
blowhard -> blowhards
blowsy -> blowsier,blowsiest
blowtorch -> blowtorches
blowtube -> blowtubes
blowup -> blowups
blu-82 -> blu-82s
blubberer -> blubberers
blucher -> bluchers
bludgeoner -> bludgeoners
blue-belly -> blue-bellies
blue-blindness -> blue-blindnesses
bluebill -> bluebills
bluebonnet -> bluebonnets
bluegill -> bluegills
bluehead -> blueheads
bluejacket -> bluejackets
bluepoint -> bluepoints
blues -> bluess
bluestem -> bluestems
bluetick -> blueticks
blueweed -> blueweeds
bluewing -> bluewings
bluing -> bluings
blurriness -> blurrinesses
bmdo -> bmdoes
bo's'n -> bo's'ns
bo'sun -> bo'suns
boann -> boanns
boardinghouse -> boardinghouses
boards -> boardss
boarhound -> boarhounds
boatbill -> boatbills
boatmanship -> boatmanships
bobby-socker -> bobby-sockers
bobbysock -> bobbysocks
bobbysocks -> bobbysockss
bobbysoxer -> bobbysoxers
bobfloat -> bobfloats
bobolink -> bobolinks
bobsled -> bobsleds
bobsledding -> bobsleddings
bocce -> bocces
bocci -> boccis
boccie -> boccies
bocconia -> bocconias
boddhisatva -> boddhisatvas
boding -> bodings
bodo-garo -> bodo-garoes
body-build -> body-builds
boehmenism -> boehmenisms
boehmeria -> boehmerias
bogbean -> bogbeans
boggy -> boggier,boggiest
bogmat -> bogmats
bohme -> bohmes
bohrium -> bohriums
boidae -> boidaes
bokkos -> bokkoss
bokmal -> bokmals
bolanci -> bolancis
boletaceae -> boletaceaes
bolete -> boletes
boletellus -> boletelluss
bollywood -> bollywoods
bologram -> bolograms
bolograph -> bolographs
bolometer -> bolometers
boloney -> boloneys
bolti -> boltis
boltonia -> boltonias
bomarea -> bomareas
bombardon -> bombardons
bombilation -> bombilations
bombina -> bombinas
bombination -> bombinations
bombsight -> bombsights
bombsite -> bombsites
bombycid -> bombycids
bombycidae -> bombycidaes
bombycilla -> bombycillas
bombycillidae -> bombycillidaes
bombyliidae -> bombyliidaes
bonasa -> bonasas
bonavist -> bonavists
bondswoman -> bondswomen
bondwoman -> bondwomen
bonelet -> bonelets
bones -> boness
boneset -> bonesets
bonesetter -> bonesetters
bonete -> bonetes
bonnethead -> bonnetheads
bontemps -> bontempss
bonxie -> bonxies
bony -> bonier,boniest
bonyness -> bonynesses
booboisie -> booboisies
booger -> boogers
boohoo -> boohoos,boohooing,boohooed
bookbindery -> bookbinderies
bookdealer -> bookdealers
bookie -> bookies
bookishness -> bookishnesses
booklouse -> booklice
booklover -> booklovers
bookmarker -> bookmarkers
bookmobile -> bookmobiles
bookshelf -> bookshelves
boondocks -> boondockss
boondoggle -> boondoggles,boondoggling,boondoggled
bootblack -> bootblacks
bootboys -> bootboyss
bootes -> bootess
boothose -> boothoses
bootie -> booties
bootjack -> bootjacks
bootlick -> bootlicks,bootlicking,bootlicked
bootlicker -> bootlickers
booyong -> booyongs
bopeep -> bopeeps
borago -> boragoes
borassus -> borassuss
borecole -> borecoles
bornite -> bornites
borosilicate -> borosilicates
borrelia -> borrelias
borsch -> borsches
borsh -> borshes
borshch -> borshches
borsht -> borshts
bos -> boss
bos'n -> bos'ns
bosc -> boscs
boselaphus -> boselaphuss
bosie -> bosies
bosk -> bosks
bossism -> bossisms
boswellia -> boswellias
botanize -> botanizes,botanizing,botanized
botcher -> botchers
bothidae -> bothidaes
bothrops -> bothropss
botox -> botoxes
botrychium -> botrychiums
bottle-grass -> bottle-grasses
bottle-tree -> bottle-trees
bottlecap -> bottlecaps
bottleful -> bottlefuls
bottomland -> bottomlands
bottomlessness -> bottomlessnesses
botulin -> botulins
botulinus -> botulinuss
botulismotoxin -> botulismotoxins
bouchee -> bouchees
bouffe -> bouffes
bougainvillaea -> bougainvillaeas
boulevardier -> boulevardiers
bounciness -> bouncinesses
boundlessness -> boundlessnesses
bounds -> boundss
bounteousness -> bounteousnesses
bountifulness -> bountifulnesses
bourgeois -> bourgeois
bourtree -> bourtrees
boustrophedon -> boustrophedons
bouteloua -> boutelouas
boutonniere -> boutonnieres
bouyei -> bouyeis
bovidae -> bovidaes
bovinae -> bovinaes
bovini -> bovinis
bow-wow -> bow-wows
bowdlerisation -> bowdlerisations
bowdleriser -> bowdlerisers
bowdlerism -> bowdlerisms
bowdlerization -> bowdlerizations
bowdlerizer -> bowdlerizers
bowiea -> bowieas
bowknot -> bowknots
bowlder -> bowlders
bowleg -> bowlegs
bowls -> bowlss
bowse -> bowses,bowsing,bowsed
bowtie -> bowties
boxberry -> boxberries
boxcars -> boxcarss
boxers -> boxerss
boxershorts -> boxershortss
boxthorn -> boxthorns
boykinia -> boykinias
boys-and-girls -> boys-and-girlss
boysenberry -> boysenberries
bph -> bphs
brabble -> brabbles,brabbling,brabbled
bracer -> bracers
braces -> bracess
brachinus -> brachinuss
brachium -> brachiums
brachycephalism -> brachycephalisms
brachycephaly -> brachycephalies
brachychiton -> brachychitons
brachycome -> brachycomes
brachydactylia -> brachydactylias
brachydactyly -> brachydactylies
brachystegia -> brachystegias
brachyura -> brachyuras
brachyuran -> brachyurans
brackishness -> brackishnesses
bracteole -> bracteoles
bractlet -> bractlets
bradypodidae -> bradypodidaes
bradypus -> bradypuss
brage -> brages
bragi -> bragis
brahmana -> brahmanas
brahmanism -> brahmanisms
brahmi -> brahmis
brahminism -> brahminisms
brahui -> brahuis
brain-fag -> brain-fags
brain-worker -> brain-workers
brainiac -> brainiacs
brainpan -> brainpans
brainworker -> brainworkers
brama -> bramas
bramidae -> bramidaes
branchia -> branchias
branchiobdella -> branchiobdellas
branchiobdellidae -> branchiobdellidaes
branchiopod -> branchiopods
branchiopoda -> branchiopodas
branchiopodan -> branchiopodans
branchiostegidae -> branchiostegidaes
branchiostomidae -> branchiostomidaes
branchiura -> branchiuras
branchlet -> branchlets
brand-newness -> brand-newnesses
brandyball -> brandyballs
brandysnap -> brandysnaps
bras -> brass
brasenia -> brasenias
brassavola -> brassavolas
brasserie -> brasseries
brassia -> brassias
brassicaceae -> brassicaceaes
brassy -> brassier,brassiest
brattice -> brattices,bratticing,bratticed
brattleboro -> brattleboroes
braveness -> bravenesses
brawniness -> brawninesses
brazilwood -> brazilwoods
brazos -> brazoss
bread-bin -> bread-bins
bread-board -> bread-boards
bread-stick -> bread-sticks
breadbox -> breadboxes
breadfruit -> breadfruits
breadroot -> breadroots
breadstuff -> breadstuffs
break-axe -> break-axes
breakability -> breakabilities
breakableness -> breakablenesses
breakax -> breakaxes
breakaxe -> breakaxes
breakers -> breakerss
breakstone -> breakstones
breastbone -> breastbones
breastpin -> breastpins
breaststroker -> breaststrokers
breastwork -> breastworks
breathalyze -> breathalyzes,breathalyzing,breathalyzed
breathalyzer -> breathalyzers
breechblock -> breechblocks
breechcloth -> breechcloths
breeches -> breeches
breechloader -> breechloaders
bregma -> bregmas
breiz -> breizs
brethren -> brethrens
breve -> breves
brevibloc -> breviblocs
brevicipitidae -> brevicipitidaes
brevoortia -> brevoortias
brewage -> brewages
brewpub -> brewpubs
briard -> briards
briarroot -> briarroots
briarwood -> briarwoods
briber -> bribers
brickellia -> brickellias
brickkiln -> brickkilns
bridal-wreath -> bridal-wreaths
bride-gift -> bride-gifts
bride-to-be -> brides-to-be
bridecake -> bridecakes
bridoon -> bridoons
briefness -> briefnesses
briefs -> briefss
brier-wood -> brier-woods
brierpatch -> brierpatches
brierwood -> brierwoods
brihaspati -> brihaspatis
brimstone -> brimstones
brininess -> brininesses
brinjal -> brinjals
brioschi -> brioschis
briquet -> briquets
bris -> briss
brisance -> brisances
brisling -> brislings
briss -> brisses
bristlegrass -> bristlegrasses
bristliness -> bristlinesses
bristly -> bristlier,bristliest
britches -> britches
briticism -> briticisms
britishism -> britishisms
brits -> britss
brittanic -> brittanics
brittlebush -> brittlebushes
broadax -> broadaxes
broadaxe -> broadaxes
broadbill -> broadbills
broadtail -> broadtails
brocadopa -> brocadopas
brocket -> brockets
brockhouse -> brockhouses
broider -> broiders,broidering,broidered
brokenheartedness -> brokenheartednesses
bromate -> bromates,bromating,bromated
bromegrass -> bromegrasses
bromelia -> bromelias
bromeliaceae -> bromeliaceaes
bromeosin -> bromeosins
brominate -> brominates,brominating,brominated
bromo-seltzer -> bromo-seltzers
bromoform -> bromoforms
bromus -> bromuss
bronc -> broncs
bronchitis -> bronchitis
broncho -> bronchoes
broncobuster -> broncobusters
brontosaurus -> brontosauruses,brontosauri
brooder -> brooders
brooke -> brookes
brooklet -> brooklets
brookweed -> brookweeds
broom-weed -> broom-weeds
broomcorn -> broomcorns
broomweed -> broomweeds
brosmius -> brosmiuss
brotula -> brotulas
brotulidae -> brotulidaes
browallia -> browallias
brownie -> brownies
brownout -> brownouts
browntail -> browntails
bruchidae -> bruchidaes
bruchus -> bruchuss
brucine -> brucines
bruckenthalia -> bruckenthalias
brugmansia -> brugmansias
bruin -> bruins
brule -> brules
bruneian -> bruneians
brunfelsia -> brunfelsias
brusa -> brusas
brushup -> brushups
bruxism -> bruxisms
brya -> bryas
bryaceae -> bryaceaes
bryales -> bryaless
bryanthus -> bryanthuss
brynhild -> brynhilds
bryophyta -> bryophytas
bryopsida -> bryopsidas
brythonic -> brythonics
bsarch -> bsarches
bsc -> bscs
bubalus -> bubaluss
bubbler -> bubblers
bubbliness -> bubblinesses
bubulcus -> bubulcuss
buccinidae -> buccinidaes
bucconidae -> bucconidaes
buccula -> bucculas
buceros -> buceross
bucerotidae -> bucerotidaes
bucharesti -> bucharestis
buchloe -> buchloes
buck-and-wing -> buck-and-wings
buckbean -> buckbeans
buckboard -> buckboards
buckeroo -> buckeroos
buckleya -> buckleyas
buckram -> buckrams,buckraming,buckramed
bucksaw -> bucksaws
buckskins -> buckskinss
bucktooth -> buckteeth
bucuresti -> bucurestis
budgereegah -> budgereegahs
budgerygah -> budgerygahs
budgie -> budgies
budorcas -> budorcass
bufferin -> bufferins
bufonidae -> bufonidaes
bug-hunter -> bug-hunters
bugbane -> bugbanes
bugginess -> bugginesses
bugleweed -> bugleweeds
bugloss -> buglosses
bugologist -> bugologists
bugology -> bugologies
bulbil -> bulbils
bulblet -> bulblets
bulghur -> bulghurs
bulginess -> bulginesses
bulgur -> bulgurs
bulimarexia -> bulimarexias
bull-snake -> bull-snakes
bullbat -> bullbats
bullbrier -> bullbriers
bullethead -> bulletheads
bulletproof -> bulletproofs,bulletproofing,bulletproofed
bullheadedness -> bullheadednesses
bullpen -> bullpens
bullshot -> bullshots
bullterrier -> bullterriers
bullyrag -> bullyrags,bullyragging,bullyragged
bulnesia -> bulnesias
bumelia -> bumelias
bunchberry -> bunchberries
bunche -> bunches
bunchgrass -> bunchgrasses
bunco -> buncoes
buncombe -> buncombes
bungarus -> bungaruss
bunghole -> bungholes
bunji-bunji -> bunjis-bunjis
bunkmate -> bunkmates
bunko -> bunkoes
buns -> bunss
bunt -> bunts,bunting,bunted
buntal -> buntals
bunyaviridae -> bunyaviridaes
bunyavirus -> bunyaviruss
buphthalmum -> buphthalmums
burbot -> burbots
burdensomeness -> burdensomenesses
buret -> burets
burglarize -> burglarizes,burglarizing,burglarized
burgomaster -> burgomasters
burgoo -> burgoos
burgrass -> burgrasses
burke -> burkes,burking,burked
burmannia -> burmannias
burmanniaceae -> burmanniaceaes
burmeisteria -> burmeisterias
burmese -> burmese
burmese-yi -> burmese-yis
burnability -> burnabilities
burnoose -> burnooses
burnous -> burnouss
burnouse -> burnouses
burnt-out -> burned-out
burnup -> burnups
burqa -> burqas
burrawong -> burrawongs
bursera -> burseras
burster -> bursters
burunduki -> burundukis
bus-shelter -> bus-shelters
bushido -> bushidoes
bushing -> bushings
bushtit -> bushtits
bushwhacker -> bushwhackers
businessmen -> businessmens
buspar -> buspars
buspirone -> buspirones
busywork -> busyworks
but -> buts
butacaine -> butacaines
butanone -> butanones
butat -> butats
butazolidin -> butazolidins
butcherbird -> butcherbirds
butea -> buteas
butene -> butenes
buteonine -> buteonines
butt-weld -> butt-welds
butt-welding -> butt-weldings
butter-and-eggs -> butter-and-eggss
butter-flower -> butter-flowers
butter-print -> butter-prints
butterball -> butterballs
butterbean -> butterbeans
buttercrunch -> buttercrunches
butterfingers -> butterfingerss
butterflower -> butterflowers
butternut -> butternuts
butterscotch -> butterscotches
butterweed -> butterweeds
buttery -> butteries
buttinsky -> buttinskies
buttocks -> buttockss
button-quail -> button-quails
buttonhook -> buttonhooks
buttonwood -> buttonwoods
butut -> bututs
butylene -> butylenes
butyrin -> butyrins
buxaceae -> buxaceaes
buxomness -> buxomnesses
buyback -> buybacks
buyi -> buyis
bvd -> bvds
bvd's -> bvds'
bwr -> bwrs
by-catch -> by-catches
bycatch -> bycatches
bypath -> bypaths
byrd -> byrds
byssus -> byssuss
byzant -> byzants
byzantinism -> byzantinisms
c -> cs
c-clamp -> c-clamps
c-horizon -> c-horizons
c-note -> c-notes
c-ration -> c-rations
c-section -> c-sections
c.p.u. -> c.p.u.s
c2h6 -> c2h6s
caaba -> caabas
cabasset -> cabassets
cabassous -> cabassouss
cabbageworm -> cabbageworms
cabbalah -> cabbalahs
cabbie -> cabbies
cabell -> cabells
cabinetwork -> cabinetworks
cabombaceae -> cabombaceaes
cacajao -> cacajaos
cacalia -> cacalias
cacatua -> cacatuas
cachalot -> cachalots
cachexy -> cachexies
cachi -> cachis
cachinnate -> cachinnates,cachinnating,cachinnated
cacicus -> cacicuss
cackler -> cacklers
cacodaemon -> cacodaemons
cacodemon -> cacodemons
cacodyl -> cacodyls
cacogenesis -> cacogeneses
cacogenics -> cacogenicss
cacography -> cacographies
cacomistle -> cacomistles
cacomixle -> cacomixles
cactaceae -> cactaceaes
cadaster -> cadasters
cadastre -> cadastres
cadaverine -> cadaverines
caddice-fly -> caddice-flies
caddie -> caddies,caddying,caddied
caddis-fly -> caddis-flies
caddisworm -> caddisworms
caddo -> caddoes
caddoan -> caddoans
cadra -> cadras
caeciliadae -> caeciliadaes
caeciliidae -> caeciliidaes
caelum -> caelums
caenogenesis -> caenogeneses
caenolestes -> caenolestess
caenolestidae -> caenolestidaes
caesalpinia -> caesalpinias
caesalpiniaceae -> caesalpiniaceaes
caesalpinioideae -> caesalpinioideaes
caffein -> caffeins
caffeinism -> caffeinisms
caffre -> caffres
cager -> cagers
cagliostro -> cagliostroes
cahita -> cahitas
caimitillo -> caimitilloes
caimito -> caimitoes
cainogenesis -> cainogeneses
cairina -> cairinas
caitiff -> caitiffs
caitra -> caitras
cajanus -> cajanuss
cakchiquel -> cakchiquels
cakehole -> cakeholes
calaba -> calabas
calabazilla -> calabazillas
caladenia -> caladenias
caladium -> caladiums
calamagrostis -> calamagrostiss
calamary -> calamaries
calamint -> calamints
calamintha -> calaminthas
calandrinia -> calandrinias
calanthe -> calanthes
calapooya -> calapooyas
calapuya -> calapuyas
calash -> calashes
calc-tufa -> calc-tufas
calcaneus -> calcaneuss
calcedony -> calcedonies
calceus -> calceuss
calciferol -> calciferols
calcimine -> calcimines
calcium-cyanamide -> calcium-cyanamides
caldron -> caldrons
calean -> caleans
caleche -> caleches
calefaction -> calefactions
caliculus -> caliculuss
calif. -> calif.s
californium -> californiums
calisaya -> calisayas
calisthenics -> calisthenicss
call-back -> call-backs
call-board -> call-boards
callathump -> callathumps
callback -> callbacks
caller-out -> callers-out
caller-up -> caller-ups
calliandra -> calliandras
callicebus -> callicebuss
calligraphist -> calligraphists
callimorpha -> callimorphas
callinectes -> callinectess
callionymidae -> callionymidaes
calliophis -> calliophiss
calliopsis -> calliopses
calliphoridae -> calliphoridaes
callirhoe -> callirhoes
callisaurus -> callisauruss
callistephus -> callistephuss
callithricidae -> callithricidaes
callithrix -> callithrixes
callithump -> callithumps
callitrichaceae -> callitrichaceaes
callitris -> callitriss
callophis -> callophiss
callorhinus -> callorhinuss
callosectomy -> callosectomies
callosity -> callosities
callosotomy -> callosotomies
callous -> callouses,callousing,calloused
callowness -> callownesses
callus -> calluses
calocarpum -> calocarpums
calocedrus -> calocedruss
calochortus -> calochortuss
caloocan -> caloocans
caloosahatchee -> caloosahatchees
calophyllum -> calophyllums
calopogon -> calopogons
calorie -> calories
calosoma -> calosomas
calostomataceae -> calostomataceaes
calpac -> calpacs
calpack -> calpacks
caltrop -> caltrops
calumet -> calumets
calumniate -> calumniates,calumniating,calumniated
calumniation -> calumniations
calvaria -> calvarias
calvatia -> calvatias
calves -> calvess
calx -> calxes
calycanthaceae -> calycanthaceaes
calycanthus -> calycanthuss
calycle -> calycles
calycophyllum -> calycophyllums
calyculus -> calyculuss
calymmatobacterium -> calymmatobacteriums
calypter -> calypters
calyptra -> calyptras
calystegia -> calystegias
camachile -> camachiles
camail -> camails
camarilla -> camarillas
camash -> camashes
camass -> camasses
camassia -> camassias
cambarus -> cambaruss
cambria -> cambrias
camelidae -> camelidaes
camelina -> camelinas
camelopard -> camelopards
camelus -> cameluss
camion -> camions
camise -> camises
camlan -> camlans
camlet -> camlets
camosh -> camoshes
campanulaceae -> campanulaceaes
campanulales -> campanulaless
campeachy -> campeachies
campephilus -> campephiluss
campground -> campgrounds
camphorate -> camphorates,camphorating,camphorated
camphorweed -> camphorweeds
campmate -> campmates
campong -> campongs
camponotus -> camponotuss
campstool -> campstools
camptosorus -> camptosoruss
campus -> campuses
campyloneurum -> campyloneurums
campylorhynchus -> campylorhynchuss
camwood -> camwoods
can-can -> can-cans
canaanitic -> canaanitics
canachites -> canachitess
canafistola -> canafistolas
canafistula -> canafistulas
canalisation -> canalisations
cananga -> canangas
canangium -> canangiums
canara -> canaras
canarese -> canareses
canavalia -> canavalias
canavanine -> canavanines
cancerweed -> cancerweeds
cancridae -> cancridaes
cancroid -> cancroids
candelabrum -> candelabra
candelilla -> candelillas
candleberry -> candleberries
candlenut -> candlenuts
candlepin -> candlepins
candlepins -> candlepinss
candlepower -> candlepowers
candlesnuffer -> candlesnuffers
candlewood -> candlewoods
candor -> candors
candymaker -> candymakers
candytuft -> candytufts
candyweed -> candyweeds
canebrake -> canebrakes
canecutter -> canecutters
canella-alba -> canella-albas
canellaceae -> canellaceaes
canfield -> canfields
cangue -> cangues
canicula -> caniculas
canicule -> canicules
canidae -> canidaes
canistel -> canistels
cankerweed -> cankerweeds
cankerworm -> cankerworms
cannabidaceae -> cannabidaceaes
cannabin -> cannabins
cannabis -> cannabis
cannaceae -> cannaceaes
cannae -> cannaes
cannikin -> cannikins
cannulisation -> cannulisations
cannulization -> cannulizations
cantabrigian -> cantabrigians
cantala -> cantalas
cantaloup -> cantaloups
cantharellus -> cantharelluss
canthus -> canthuss
canticles -> canticless
cantillate -> cantillates,cantillating,cantillated
cantonese -> cantonese
canulate -> canulates,canulating,canulated
canulation -> canulations
canulisation -> canulisations
canulization -> canulizations
canvasback -> canvasbacks
canyonside -> canyonsides
caoutchouc -> caoutchoucs
capableness -> capablenesses
capacitate -> capacitates,capacitating,capacitated
capek -> capeks
capelan -> capelans
capeweed -> capeweeds
capibara -> capibaras
capitate -> capitates
capitonidae -> capitonidaes
capitualtion -> capitualtions
capiz -> capizs
caponize -> caponizes,caponizing,caponized
caporetto -> caporettoes
capoten -> capotens
capparidaceae -> capparidaceaes
caprella -> caprellas
capreolus -> capreoluss
capricornis -> capricorniss
caprifig -> caprifigs
caprifoliaceae -> caprifoliaceaes
caprimulgid -> caprimulgids
caprimulgiformes -> caprimulgiformess
capriole -> caprioles,caprioling,caprioled
caproidae -> caproidaes
capromyidae -> capromyidaes
capros -> capross
capsella -> capsellas
capsidae -> capsidaes
capsulize -> capsulizes,capsulizing,capsulized
captainship -> captainships
captivation -> captivations
capturer -> capturers
capulin -> capulins
car-mechanic -> car-mechanics
carabiner -> carabiners
carabinier -> carabiniers
caracal -> caracals
carack -> caracks
caracolito -> caracolitoes
caracul -> caraculs
carafate -> carafates
carafe -> carafes
caragana -> caraganas
carageen -> carageens
carambola -> carambolas
caramelize -> caramelizes,caramelizing,caramelized
carancha -> caranchas
caranda -> carandas
caranday -> carandays
carangid -> carangids
carangidae -> carangidaes
caranx -> caranges
carapidae -> carapidaes
caravansary -> caravansaries
caravanserai -> caravanserais
carbamide -> carbamides
carbineer -> carbineers
carboloy -> carboloys
carbomycin -> carbomycins
carbonado -> carbonadoes
carbondale -> carbondales
carbonization -> carbonizations
carburetor -> carburetors
carburize -> carburizes,carburizing,carburized
carcajou -> carcajous
carcharhinidae -> carcharhinidaes
carcharhinus -> carcharhinuss
carcharias -> carchariass
carchariidae -> carchariidaes
carcharodon -> carcharodons
carcinosarcoma -> carcinosarcomas
card-house -> card-houses
cardamon -> cardamons
cardamum -> cardamums
cardcase -> cardcases
cardcastle -> cardcastles
cardhouse -> cardhouses
cardiidae -> cardiidaes
cardinalship -> cardinalships
cardiography -> cardiographies
cardiomegaly -> cardiomegalies
cardiopathy -> cardiopathies
cardiospasm -> cardiospasms
cardiospermum -> cardiospermums
cardium -> cardiums
cardizem -> cardizems
cardroom -> cardrooms
cards -> cardss
cardsharp -> cardsharps
cardsharper -> cardsharpers
carduelinae -> carduelinaes
carduelis -> cardueliss
carelian -> carelians
cares -> caress
carex -> carexes
carfare -> carfares
carful -> carfuls
carhop -> carhops
cariama -> cariamas
cariamidae -> cariamidaes
caribees -> caribeess
caribou -> caribous
caricaceae -> caricaceaes
carillonneur -> carillonneurs
carioca -> cariocas
carissa -> carissas
cark -> carks,carking,carked
carlina -> carlinas
carlovingian -> carlovingians
carnallite -> carnallites
carnegiea -> carnegieas
carnify -> carnifies,carnifying,carnified
carnivora -> carnivoras
carnosaura -> carnosauras
carnotite -> carnotites
caroche -> caroches
caroler -> carolers
carolina -> carolinas
caroling -> carolings
carom -> caroms
carotenemia -> carotenemias
carotin -> carotins
carouser -> carousers
carpathians -> carpathianss
carpenteria -> carpenterias
carpetweed -> carpetweeds
carphophis -> carphophiss
carpinaceae -> carpinaceaes
carpinus -> carpinuss
carpobrotus -> carpobrotuss
carpocapsa -> carpocapsas
carpodacus -> carpodacuss
carpophore -> carpophores
carpospore -> carpospores
carpus -> carpuss
carrageen -> carrageens
carrageenan -> carrageenans
carrageenin -> carrageenins
carragheen -> carragheens
carrizo -> carrizoes
carrottop -> carrottops
carryall -> carryalls
carthamus -> carthamuss
cartilaginification -> cartilaginifications
cartonful -> cartonfuls
cartroad -> cartroads
carum -> carums
caruncula -> carunculas
carvedilol -> carvedilols
carya -> caryas
caryocar -> caryocars
caryocaraceae -> caryocaraceaes
caryophyllaceae -> caryophyllaceaes
caryophyllales -> caryophyllaless
caryophyllidae -> caryophyllidaes
caryopsis -> caryopses
caryota -> caryotas
cas -> cass
casaba -> casabas
casava -> casavas
cascabel -> cascabels
cascades -> cascadess
cascarilla -> cascarillas
caseate -> caseates,caseating,caseated
caseful -> casefuls
casern -> caserns
caseworm -> caseworms
cash-and-carry -> cash-and-carries
cash-desk -> cash-desks
casino-hotel -> casino-hotels
caskful -> caskfuls
casmerodius -> casmerodiuss
caspase -> caspases
casquet -> casquets
casquetel -> casquetels
cassareep -> cassareeps
cassiri -> cassiris
cassite -> cassites
castanets -> castanetss
castanopsis -> castanopses
castanospermum -> castanospermums
castilla -> castillas
castilleia -> castilleias
castilleja -> castillejas
castillian -> castillians
castling -> castlings
castoridae -> castoridaes
castoroides -> castoroidess
casuaridae -> casuaridaes
casuariiformes -> casuariiformess
casuarinales -> casuarinaless
cat's-claw -> cat's-claws
cat's-ear -> cat's-ears
cat's-eye -> cat's-eyes
cat's-paw -> cat's-paws
cat's-tail -> cat's-tails
cat-o'-nine-tails -> cat-o'-nine-tailss
catabiosis -> catabioses
catacala -> catacalas
catachresis -> catachreses
cataflam -> cataflams
catalectic -> catalectics
catalexis -> catalexes
cataloger -> catalogers
catalufa -> catalufas
catamenia -> catamenias
catamount -> catamounts
catamountain -> catamountains
catananche -> catananches
cataphasia -> cataphasias
cataphatism -> cataphatisms
cataphoresis -> cataphoreses
cataphract -> cataphracts
cataphyll -> cataphylls
cataplasia -> cataplasias
cataplasm -> cataplasms
catapres -> catapress
catasetum -> catasetums
catawba -> catawbas
catbird -> catbirds
catboat -> catboats
catbrier -> catbriers
catchfly -> catchflies
catchweed -> catchweeds
catclaw -> catclaws
catechu -> catechus
categorem -> categorems
categoreme -> categoremes
catenate -> catenates,catenating,catenated
catha -> cathas
catharacta -> catharactas
catharanthus -> catharanthuss
cathari -> catharis
catharism -> catharisms
cathartes -> cathartess
cathartid -> cathartids
cathartidae -> cathartidaes
cathaya -> cathayas
catheterize -> catheterizes,catheterizing,catheterized
catholicize -> catholicizes,catholicizing,catholicized
catholicon -> catholicons
catholicos -> catholicoss
catoptrics -> catoptricss
catoptrophorus -> catoptrophoruss
catostomid -> catostomids
catostomidae -> catostomidaes
catostomus -> catostomuss
catskills -> catskillss
catsup -> catsups
cattail -> cattails
cattalo -> cattaloes
cattie -> catties
cattle-grid -> cattle-grids
cattleship -> cattleships
cattleya -> cattleyas
catty -> cattier,cattiest
caucus -> caucuses
caudata -> caudatas
caudex -> caudexes
causa -> causas
causalgia -> causalgias
causerie -> causeries
cauterant -> cauterants
cauterisation -> cauterisations
cauterization -> cauterizations
cavalla -> cavallas
cavetto -> cavettoes
caviidae -> caviidaes
caviler -> cavilers
caviller -> cavillers
cavum -> cavums
cayuga -> cayugas
cazique -> caziques
ccrc -> ccrcs
cctv -> cctvs
cd-r -> cd-rs
cd-wo -> cd-woes
cd4 -> cd4s
cd8 -> cd8s
ceaselessness -> ceaselessnesses
cebidae -> cebidaes
cebuan -> cebuans
cebuella -> cebuellas
cebus -> cebuss
cecidomyidae -> cecidomyidaes
cecity -> cecities
cecropiaceae -> cecropiaceaes
cedarbird -> cedarbirds
cedilla -> cedillas
cedrela -> cedrelas
cedrus -> cedruss
cefadroxil -> cefadroxils
cefobid -> cefobids
cefoperazone -> cefoperazones
ceftazidime -> ceftazidimes
ceftin -> ceftins
ceftriaxone -> ceftriaxones
cefuroxime -> cefuroximes
ceibo -> ceiboes
ceil -> ceils,ceiling
celastraceae -> celastraceaes
celastrus -> celastruss
celebrater -> celebraters
celebrex -> celebrexes
celecoxib -> celecoxibs
celiocentesis -> celiocenteses
celioma -> celiomas
celioscopy -> celioscopies
cellarage -> cellarages
cellaret -> cellarets
celom -> celoms
celoma -> celomas
celosia -> celosias
celtic -> celtics
celtis -> celtiss
celtuce -> celtuces
cembalo -> cembaloes
cementite -> cementites
cementum -> cementums
cenchrus -> cenchruss
cenobite -> cenobites
cenogenesis -> cenogeneses
cense -> censes,censing,censed
centare -> centares
centas -> centass
centennial -> centennials
centerfield -> centerfields
centerfielder -> centerfielders
centerfold -> centerfolds
centesimo -> centesimoes
centesis -> centeses
centiliter -> centiliters
centimo -> centimoes
centner -> centners
centranthus -> centranthuss
centrarchid -> centrarchids
centrarchidae -> centrarchidaes
centriole -> centrioles
centriscidae -> centriscidaes
centrolobium -> centrolobiums
centropomidae -> centropomidaes
centropomus -> centropomuss
centropristis -> centropristiss
centropus -> centropera
centrosema -> centrosemas
centrospermae -> centrospermaes
centunculus -> centunculuss
cephalalgia -> cephalalgias
cephalanthera -> cephalantheras
cephalaspida -> cephalaspidas
cephalexin -> cephalexins
cephalhematoma -> cephalhematomas
cephalobidae -> cephalobidaes
cephalochordata -> cephalochordatas
cephaloglycin -> cephaloglycins
cephalohematoma -> cephalohematomas
cephalometry -> cephalometries
cephalopoda -> cephalopodas
cephalopterus -> cephalopteruss
cephaloridine -> cephaloridines
cephalotaceae -> cephalotaceaes
cephalotaxaceae -> cephalotaxaceaes
cephalotaxus -> cephalotaxuss
cephalothin -> cephalothins
cephalotus -> cephalotuss
cerambycidae -> cerambycidaes
ceramics -> ceramicss
ceramist -> ceramists
cerapteryx -> cerapteryxes
ceras -> cerass
cerastes -> cerastess
cerastium -> cerastiums
ceratin -> ceratins
ceratodontidae -> ceratodontidaes
ceratodus -> ceratoduss
ceratonia -> ceratonias
ceratopetalum -> ceratopetalums
ceratophyllaceae -> ceratophyllaceaes
ceratophyllum -> ceratophyllums
ceratopogon -> ceratopogons
ceratopogonidae -> ceratopogonidaes
ceratopsia -> ceratopsias
ceratopsidae -> ceratopsidaes
ceratosaur -> ceratosaurs
ceratosaurus -> ceratosauruss
ceratostomataceae -> ceratostomataceaes
ceratostomella -> ceratostomellas
ceratotherium -> ceratotheriums
ceratozamia -> ceratozamias
cercidiphyllaceae -> cercidiphyllaceaes
cercidiphyllum -> cercidiphyllums
cercidium -> cercidiums
cercis -> cerces
cercocebus -> cercocebuss
cercopidae -> cercopidaes
cercopithecidae -> cercopithecidaes
cercopithecus -> cercopithecuss
cercospora -> cercosporas
cercosporella -> cercosporellas
cere -> ceres,cering,cered
cerebrate -> cerebrates,cerebrating,cerebrated
cerebrum -> cerebrums,cerebra
ceresin -> ceresins
ceriman -> cerimen
cerivastatin -> cerivastatins
ceroxylon -> ceroxylons
cerriped -> cerripeds
cerripede -> cerripedes
certhia -> certhias
certhiidae -> certhiidaes
cerumen -> cerumens
ceruse -> ceruses
cerussite -> cerussites
cervid -> cervids
cervidae -> cervidaes
cesarean -> cesareans
cesarian -> cesarians
cestida -> cestidas
cestidae -> cestidaes
cestoda -> cestodas
cestrum -> cestrums
cestum -> cestums
cetchup -> cetchups
ceterach -> ceteraches
cetonia -> cetonias
cetoniidae -> cetoniidaes
cetorhinidae -> cetorhinidaes
cetorhinus -> cetorhinuss
cetraria -> cetrarias
ceylonite -> ceylonites
cfo -> cfoes
cha-cha -> cha-chas
cha-cha-cha -> chas-chas-chas
chabad -> chabads
chabad-lubavitch -> chabad-lubavitches
chabasite -> chabasites
chabazite -> chabazites
chachalaca -> chachalacas
chachka -> chachkas
chacma -> chacmas
chadar -> chadars
chaddar -> chaddars
chadic -> chadics
chadlock -> chadlocks
chaenactis -> chaenactiss
chaenomeles -> chaenomeless
chaenopsis -> chaenopses
chaeronea -> chaeroneas
chaeta -> chaetas
chaetodipterus -> chaetodipteruss
chaetodontidae -> chaetodontidaes
chafeweed -> chafeweeds
chaffweed -> chaffweeds
chaga -> chagas
chagatai -> chagatais
chagrin -> chagrins,chagrining,chagrined
chahta -> chahtas
chain-smoker -> chain-smokers
chains -> chainss
chaja -> chajas
chalaza -> chalazas
chalazion -> chalazions
chalcanthite -> chalcanthites
chalcidae -> chalcidaes
chalcidfly -> chalcidflies
chalcididae -> chalcididaes
chalcis -> chalces
chalcocite -> chalcocites
chalcostigma -> chalcostigmas
chaldaea -> chaldaeas
chaldaean -> chaldaeans
chaldea -> chaldeas
chaldron -> chaldrons
chalkstone -> chalkstones
challah -> challahs
chalons -> chalonss
chalons-sur-marne -> chalons-sur-marnes
chalybite -> chalybites
chamaea -> chamaeas
chamaecrista -> chamaecristas
chamaecyparis -> chamaecypariss
chamaecytisus -> chamaecytisuss
chamaedaphne -> chamaedaphnes
chamaeleo -> chamaeleos
chamaeleon -> chamaeleons
chamaeleonidae -> chamaeleonidaes
chamaeleontidae -> chamaeleontidaes
chamaemelum -> chamaemelums
chamfron -> chamfrons
chammy -> chammies
chamois -> chamois
chamosite -> chamosites
champagne-ardenne -> champagne-ardennes
chanal -> chanals
chanar -> chanars
chance-medley -> chance-medleys
chancellorsville -> chancellorsvilles
chandelle -> chandelles,chandelling,chandelled
chandi -> chandis
chanfron -> chanfrons
change-of-pace -> changes-of-pace
change-up -> change-ups
changefulness -> changefulnesses
changjiang -> changjiangs
changtzu -> changtzus
channelisation -> channelisations
channelization -> channelizations
channelize -> channelizes,channelizing,channelized
channels -> channelss
channidae -> channidaes
channukah -> channukahs
channukkah -> channukkahs
chanoyu -> chanoyus
chantarelle -> chantarelles
chantey -> chanteys
chanukah -> chanukahs
chanukkah -> chanukkahs
chaos -> chaos
chaparral -> chaparrals
chapelgoer -> chapelgoers
chapiter -> chapiters
chaplainship -> chaplainships
chapultepec -> chapultepecs
characeae -> characeaes
characid -> characids
characidae -> characidaes
characinidae -> characinidaes
charade -> charades
charadrii -> charadriis
charadriidae -> charadriidaes
charadriiformes -> charadriiformess
charales -> charaless
chari-nile -> chari-niles
charina -> charinas
chariness -> charinesses
charitableness -> charitablenesses
charley-horse -> charley-horses
charophyceae -> charophyceaes
charr -> charrs
charronia -> charronias
chasid -> chasids
chasidism -> chasidisms
chassid -> chassids
chassidim -> chassidims
chassidism -> chassidisms
chassis -> chassis
chasteness -> chastenesses
chateau -> chateaux
chateau-thierry -> chateau-thierries
chateura -> chateuras
chatroom -> chatrooms
chaulmoogra -> chaulmoogras
chaulmugra -> chaulmugras
chauna -> chaunas
chawbacon -> chawbacons
cheatgrass -> cheatgrasses
chebab -> chebabs
chechen -> chechens
chechenia -> chechenias
chechnya -> chechnyas
checkbook -> checkbooks
checkerberry -> checkerberries
checkerbloom -> checkerblooms
checkers -> checkerss
checkrein -> checkreins
checkroom -> checkrooms
checkrow -> checkrows,checkrowing,checkrowed
cheekpiece -> cheekpieces
cheerer -> cheerers
cheerio -> cheerios
cheerlessness -> cheerlessnesses
cheeseflower -> cheeseflowers
cheewink -> cheewinks
cheilanthes -> cheilanthess
cheiloschisis -> cheiloschises
cheilosis -> cheiloses
chelicera -> cheliceras
chelicerata -> cheliceratas
chelidonium -> chelidoniums
chelifer -> chelifers
cheloid -> cheloids
chelone -> chelones
chelonethida -> chelonethidas
chelonidae -> chelonidaes
cheloniidae -> cheloniidaes
chelydra -> chelydras
chelydridae -> chelydridaes
chemakuan -> chemakuans
chemakum -> chemakums
chemist's -> chemists'
chemoimmunology -> chemoimmunologies
chemosis -> chemoses
chemosorption -> chemosorptions
chemosurgery -> chemosurgeries
chemosynthesis -> chemosyntheses
chemulpo -> chemulpoes
chennai -> chennais
chenopodiaceae -> chenopodiaceaes
chenopodiales -> chenopodialess
cheremis -> cheremiss
cheremiss -> cheremisses
cherepovets -> cherepovetss
cherimolla -> cherimollas
cherimoya -> cherimoyas
chermidae -> chermidaes
cherrystone -> cherrystones
chetah -> chetahs
chetrum -> chetrums
cheval-de-frise -> cheval-de-frises
chevaux-de-frise -> chevaux-de-frises
chevre -> chevres
chevrotain -> chevrotains
chewa -> chewas
chewink -> chewinks
cheyenne -> cheyennes
chicanery -> chicaneries
chicano -> chicanoes
chichipe -> chichipes
chickamauga -> chickamaugas
chickasaw -> chickasaws
chickenpox -> chickenpox
chickenshit -> chickenshits
chickeree -> chickerees
chicness -> chicnesses
chigetai -> chigetais
chiggerflower -> chiggerflowers
chilblains -> chilblainss
chile -> chiles
chiliad -> chiliads
chiliasm -> chiliasms
chiliast -> chiliasts
chiloe -> chiloes
chilomastix -> chilomastixes
chilomeniscus -> chilomeniscuss
chilomycterus -> chilomycteruss
chilopoda -> chilopodas
chilopsis -> chilopses
chimaeridae -> chimaeridaes
chimakum -> chimakums
chimaphila -> chimaphilas
chimariko -> chimarikoes
chimneysweeper -> chimneysweepers
chimonanthus -> chimonanthuss
chimwini -> chimwinis
chin-wagging -> chin-waggings
chinaberry -> chinaberries
chincapin -> chincapins
chinch -> chinches
chincherinchee -> chincherinchees
chinchillidae -> chinchillidaes
chinchillon -> chinchillons
chinchona -> chinchonas
chinese -> chinese
chingpo -> chingpoes
chinkapin -> chinkapins
chinookan -> chinookans
chinquapin -> chinquapins
chiococca -> chiococcas
chionanthus -> chionanthuss
chipewyan -> chipewyans
chipotle -> chipotles
chippewaian -> chippewaians
chippewyan -> chippewyans
chiralgia -> chiralgias
chirocephalus -> chirocephaluss
chirography -> chirographies
chirology -> chirologies
chiromancer -> chiromancers
chiromancy -> chiromancies
chironomidae -> chironomidaes
chironomus -> chironomuss
chiroptera -> chiropteras
chiropteran -> chiropterans
chirpy -> chirpier,chirpiest
chiseler -> chiselers
chiseller -> chisellers
chisinau -> chisinaus
chislev -> chislevs
chitchat -> chitchats,chitchatting,chitchatted
chitlings -> chitlingss
chitlins -> chitlinss
chittamwood -> chittamwoods
chitterlings -> chitterlingss
chittimwood -> chittimwoods
chivaree -> chivarees
chives -> chivess
chiwere -> chiweres
chlamydera -> chlamyderas
chlamydiaceae -> chlamydiaceaes
chlamydomonadaceae -> chlamydomonadaceaes
chlamydosaurus -> chlamydosauruss
chlamydospore -> chlamydospores
chlamyphore -> chlamyphores
chlamyphorus -> chlamyphoruss
chlamys -> chlamyss
chlor-trimeton -> chlor-trimetons
chloramine-t -> chloramine-ts
chloranthaceae -> chloranthaceaes
chloranthus -> chloranthuss
chlordiazepoxide -> chlordiazepoxides
chlorenchyma -> chlorenchymas
chloris -> chloriss
chloroacetophenone -> chloroacetophenones
chlorobenzene -> chlorobenzenes
chlorobenzylidenemalononitrile -> chlorobenzylidenemalononitriles
chlorococcales -> chlorococcaless
chlorococcum -> chlorococcums
chloroform -> chloroforms,chloroforming,chloroformed
chlorofucin -> chlorofucins
chloromycetin -> chloromycetins
chlorophis -> chlorophiss
chlorophoneus -> chlorophoneuss
chlorophthalmidae -> chlorophthalmidaes
chlorophyceae -> chlorophyceaes
chlorophyl -> chlorophyls
chlorophyta -> chlorophytas
chloropicrin -> chloropicrins
chloroprene -> chloroprenes
chloroxylon -> chloroxylons
chlorpyrifos -> chlorpyrifoss
chlortetracycline -> chlortetracyclines
chlorthalidone -> chlorthalidones
chlorura -> chloruras
choanocyte -> choanocytes
choctaw -> choctaws
choeronycteris -> choeronycteriss
choiceness -> choicenesses
chokecherry -> chokecherries
chokedamp -> chokedamps
chokehold -> chokeholds
chokepoint -> chokepoints
cholecarciferol -> cholecarciferols
cholelithotomy -> cholelithotomies
cholesterin -> cholesterins
choloepus -> choloepuss
chondrichthian -> chondrichthians
chondrichthyes -> chondrichthyess
chondrify -> chondrifies,chondrifying,chondrified
chondrin -> chondrins
chondriosome -> chondriosomes
chondrodystrophy -> chondrodystrophies
chondroma -> chondromas
chondrosarcoma -> chondrosarcomas
chondrus -> chondruss
chongqing -> chongqings
chophouse -> chophouses
chopine -> chopines
choppiness -> choppinesses
chopsteak -> chopsteaks
choragus -> choraguss
chordamesoderm -> chordamesoderms
chordeiles -> chordeiless
chordomesoderm -> chordomesoderms
chordophone -> chordophones
chordospartium -> chordospartiums
choriotis -> choriotiss
chorizagrotis -> chorizagrotiss
chorizema -> chorizemas
chow -> chows
chowchow -> chowchows
chrestomathy -> chrestomathies
chrisom -> chrisoms
christ's-thorn -> christ's-thorns
christella -> christellas
christmas -> christmases
christmasberry -> christmasberries
chroma -> chromas
chromaesthesia -> chromaesthesias
chromaticity -> chromaticities
chromatism -> chromatisms
chromesthesia -> chromesthesias
chromoblastomycosis -> chromoblastomycoses
chromolithography -> chromolithographies
chromoplast -> chromoplasts
chronoperates -> chronoperatess
chronoscope -> chronoscopes
chrysalis -> chrysalises
chrysaora -> chrysaoras
chrysarobin -> chrysarobins
chrysemys -> chrysemyss
chrysobalanus -> chrysobalanuss
chrysoberyl -> chrysoberyls
chrysochloridae -> chrysochloridaes
chrysochloris -> chrysochloriss
chrysolepis -> chrysolepiss
chrysolite -> chrysolites
chrysomelid -> chrysomelids
chrysomelidae -> chrysomelidaes
chrysophrys -> chrysophryss
chrysophyceae -> chrysophyceaes
chrysophyllum -> chrysophyllums
chrysophyta -> chrysophytas
chrysopid -> chrysopids
chrysopidae -> chrysopidaes
chrysopsis -> chrysopses
chrysosplenium -> chrysospleniums
chrysothamnus -> chrysothamnuss
chrysotherapy -> chrysotherapies
chrysotile -> chrysotiles
chuang-tzu -> chuang-tzus
chuck-will's-widow -> chuck-will's-widows
chuckhole -> chuckholes
chuckwalla -> chuckwallas
chuddar -> chuddars
chufa -> chufas
chukaku-ha -> chukaku-has
chukker -> chukkers
chummy -> chummier,chummiest
chunga -> chungas
churidars -> churidarss
churr -> churrs,churring,churred
chute-the-chute -> chutes-the-chutes
chutzpa -> chutzpas
chutzpanik -> chutzpaniks
chuvash -> chuvashes
chyle -> chyles
chyloderma -> chylodermas
chylomicron -> chylomicrons
chymosin -> chymosins
chytridiaceae -> chytridiaceaes
chytridiales -> chytridialess
chytridiomycetes -> chytridiomycetess
cialis -> cialiss
ciardi -> ciardis
cibotium -> cibotiums
cicadellidae -> cicadellidaes
cicadidae -> cicadidaes
cicala -> cicalas
cicatrix -> cicatrices
cicatrize -> cicatrizes,cicatrizing,cicatrized
cicer -> cicers
cichorium -> cichoriums
cicindelidae -> cicindelidaes
ciconiidae -> ciconiidaes
ciconiiformes -> ciconiiformess
cicuta -> cicutas
ciderpress -> ciderpresses
cigaret -> cigarets
cilantro -> cilantroes
cilioflagellata -> cilioflagellatas
ciliophora -> ciliophoras
ciliophoran -> ciliophorans
cilium -> ciliums
cimex -> cimexes
cimicidae -> cimicidaes
cimicifuga -> cimicifugas
cinchonine -> cinchonines
cincinnatus -> cincinnatuss
cinclidae -> cinclidaes
cinclus -> cincluss
cincture -> cinctures
cinerarium -> cinerariums
cingulum -> cingulums
cinnamene -> cinnamenes
cipro -> ciproes
cira -> ciras
circaea -> circaeas
circaetus -> circaetuss
circinus -> circinuss
circularization -> circularizations
circumduction -> circumductions
circumfuse -> circumfuses,circumfusing,circumfused
circumstances -> circumstancess
circumstantiate -> circumstantiates,circumstantiating,circumstantiated
circumvallate -> circumvallates,circumvallating,circumvallated
circumvolution -> circumvolutions
cirio -> cirios
cirrhus -> cirrhuss
cirrocumulus -> cirrocumuluss
cirrostratus -> cirrostratuss
cis -> ces
cistaceae -> cistaceaes
cisterna -> cisternas
cistothorus -> cistothoruss
cistron -> cistrons
citellus -> citelluss
citharichthys -> citharichthyss
cither -> cithers
cithern -> citherns
citlaltepetl -> citlaltepetls
citole -> citoles
citrange -> citranges
citrin -> citrins
citroncirus -> citronciruss
citronwood -> citronwoods
citrulline -> citrullines
citrullus -> citrulluss
civies -> civiess
clabber -> clabbers
cladistics -> cladisticss
cladode -> cladodes
cladoniaceae -> cladoniaceaes
cladophyll -> cladophylls
cladorhyncus -> cladorhyncuss
cladrastis -> cladrastiss
claforan -> claforans
clamatores -> clamatoress
clambake -> clambakes
clammyweed -> clammyweeds
clamor -> clamors
clamoring -> clamorings
clams -> clamss
clangor -> clangors
clangoring -> clangorings
clangour -> clangours,clangouring,clangoured
clanswoman -> clanswomen
clapboard -> clapboards
clapperboard -> clapperboards
clapperclaw -> clapperclaws,clapperclawing,clapperclawed
clappers -> clapperss
clarinettist -> clarinettists
clarion -> clarions,clarioning,clarioned
clarksburg -> clarksburgs
classicalism -> classicalisms
classics -> classicss
clathraceae -> clathraceaes
clathrus -> clathruss
claustrophobe -> claustrophobes
claustrum -> claustrums
clavariaceae -> clavariaceaes
claviceps -> clavicepss
clavicipitaceae -> clavicipitaceaes
clavus -> clavuss
clawfoot -> clawfeet
clawhammer -> clawhammers
claxon -> claxons
claytonia -> claytonias
clayware -> claywares
cleaners -> cleanerss
cleanthes -> cleanthess
clear-headed -> clearer-headed,clearest-headed
clearcutness -> clearcutnesses
clearstory -> clearstories
clearweed -> clearweeds
cleats -> cleatss
cleavers -> cleaverss
cleistes -> cleistess
cleistocarp -> cleistocarps
cleistogamy -> cleistogamies
cleistothecium -> cleistotheciums
clericalist -> clericalists
clerid -> clerids
cleridae -> cleridaes
clethraceae -> clethraceaes
clevis -> cleviss
cli -> clis
clianthus -> clianthuss
clichy-la-garenne -> clichy-la-garennes
clickety-clack -> clickety-clacks
cliff-brake -> cliff-brakes
cliftonia -> cliftonias
clincher -> clinchers
clingstone -> clingstones
clinid -> clinids
clinidae -> clinidaes
clinocephalism -> clinocephalisms
clinocephaly -> clinocephalies
clinodactyly -> clinodactylies
clinopodium -> clinopodiums
clinoril -> clinorils
clinton -> clintons
clintonia -> clintonias
clioquinol -> clioquinols
clippers -> clippers
clippety-clop -> clippety-clops
cliquishness -> cliquishnesses
clitocybe -> clitocybes
clitoria -> clitorias
clitoris -> clitorises
clivers -> cliverss
cloakmaker -> cloakmakers
cloche -> cloches
clocks -> clockss
clocksmith -> clocksmiths
clofibrate -> clofibrates
clomid -> clomids
clonus -> clonuss
clopping -> cloppings
closeout -> closeouts
clostridia -> clostridias
clotbur -> clotburs
clothesbrush -> clothesbrushes
clotheshorse -> clotheshorses
clothespin -> clothespins
clothespress -> clothespresses
cloture -> clotures,cloturing,clotured
cloudberry -> cloudberries
cloudlessness -> cloudlessnesses
clover-root -> clover-roots
cloveroot -> cloveroots
clowder -> clowders
clozaril -> clozarils
clupea -> clupeas
clupeid -> clupeids
clupeidae -> clupeidaes
clusia -> clusias
clusiaceae -> clusiaceaes
clutches -> clutchess
clyster -> clysters
cmv -> cmvs
cnemidophorus -> cnemidophoruss
cnicus -> cnicuss
cnidoscolus -> cnidoscoluss
cnidosporidia -> cnidosporidias
cnossos -> cnossoss
cnossus -> cnossuss
cnpz -> cnpzs
co-beneficiary -> co-beneficiaries
co2 -> co2s
coach-and-four -> coach-and-fours
coachwhip -> coachwhips
coaction -> coactions
coagulase -> coagulases
coagulator -> coagulators
coagulum -> coagulums
coahuila -> coahuilas
coalbin -> coalbins
coalescency -> coalescencies
coalface -> coalfaces
coalhole -> coalholes
coalpit -> coalpits
coarctation -> coarctations
coastguardsman -> coastguardsmen
coatdress -> coatdresses
coatee -> coatees
coati-mondi -> coati-mondis
coati-mundi -> coati-mundis
coatrack -> coatracks
coatroom -> coatrooms
coattail -> coattails
coaxer -> coaxers
cob-nut -> cob-nuts
cobalamin -> cobalamins
cobaltite -> cobaltites
cobia -> cobias
cobitidae -> cobitidaes
cocain -> cocains
cocainize -> cocainizes,cocainizing,cocainized
cocarboxylase -> cocarboxylases
cocci -> coccis
coccidae -> coccidaes
coccidia -> coccidias
coccidioidomycosis -> coccidioidomycoses
coccidiomycosis -> coccidiomycoses
coccidiosis -> coccidioses
coccidium -> coccidiums
coccinellidae -> coccinellidaes
coccobacillus -> coccobacilluss
coccothraustes -> coccothraustess
cocculus -> cocculuss
coccyx -> coccyxes
cochimi -> cochimis
cochise -> cochises
cochlearius -> cochleariuss
cockateel -> cockateels
cocker -> cockers,cockering,cockered
cockhorse -> cockhorses
cockle-bur -> cockle-burs
cockle-burr -> cockle-burrs
cocklebur -> cockleburs
cockleburr -> cockleburrs
cockloft -> cocklofts
cockscomb -> cockscombs
cocky-leeky -> cocky-leekies
cocoanut -> cocoanuts
cocobolo -> cocoboloes
coconspirator -> coconspirators
cocopa -> cocopas
cocopah -> cocopahs
cocoswood -> cocoswoods
cocoyam -> cocoyams
cocozelle -> cocozelles
cocus -> cocuss
cocuswood -> cocuswoods
cocytus -> cocytuss
codariocalyx -> codariocalyxes
coddler -> coddlers
codefendant -> codefendants
codetalker -> codetalkers
codfish -> codfish
codiaeum -> codiaeums
codlins-and-cream -> codlins-and-creams
coelenterata -> coelenteratas
coelenteron -> coelenterons
coeloglossum -> coeloglossums
coelogyne -> coelogynes
coelophysis -> coelophyses
coelostat -> coelostats
coenobite -> coenobites
coereba -> coerebas
coerebidae -> coerebidaes
coevals -> coevalss
coffeeberry -> coffeeberries
coffeecake -> coffeecakes
coffeehouse -> coffeehouses
coffeepot -> coffeepots
cofferdam -> cofferdams
cognation -> cognations
cognize -> cognizes,cognizing,cognized
cohoe -> cohoes
cohosh -> cohoshes
cohune -> cohunes
coign -> coigns
coigne -> coignes
coigue -> coigues
coinsurance -> coinsurances
coinsure -> coinsures,coinsuring,coinsured
coitus -> coitus
col. -> cols.
colaptes -> colaptess
colchicaceae -> colchicaceaes
colchine -> colchines
colchis -> colchiss
cold-shoulder -> cold-shoulders,cold-shouldering,cold-shouldered
coldcream -> coldcreams
coldheartedness -> coldheartednesses
coleonyx -> coleonyxes
colewort -> coleworts
colicroot -> colicroots
colima -> colimas
colinus -> colinuss
coliphage -> coliphages
collaborationism -> collaborationisms
collards -> collardss
collation -> collations
collembolan -> collembolans
collie -> collies
colligate -> colligates,colligating,colligated
collimation -> collimations
collinsia -> collinsias
collinsonia -> collinsonias
collocalia -> collocalias
collogue -> collogues,colloguing,collogued
colloquium -> colloquia
collotype -> collotypes
collyrium -> collyriums
collywobbles -> collywobbless
colocasia -> colocasias
coloradan -> coloradans
coloradillo -> coloradilloes
colorcast -> colorcasts,colorcasted,colorcasting
colored -> coloreds
colorist -> colorists
colorlessness -> colorlessnesses
colors -> colorss
colossus -> colossuses
colourcast -> colourcasts
colourlessness -> colourlessnesses
colours -> colourss
colpocele -> colpoceles
colpocystocele -> colpocystoceles
colpoxerosis -> colpoxeroses
coltan -> coltans
coluber -> colubers
colubrid -> colubrids
colubridae -> colubridaes
colubrina -> colubrinas
columbary -> columbaries
columbidae -> columbidaes
columbiformes -> columbiformess
columbite -> columbites
columbite-tantalite -> columbite-tantalites
columella -> columellas
columnea -> columneas
columniation -> columniations
colutea -> coluteas
colymbiformes -> colymbiformess
colza -> colzas
comanche -> comanches
comandra -> comandras
comatoseness -> comatosenesses
comatula -> comatulas
comatulid -> comatulids
comatulidae -> comatulidaes
comb-plate -> comb-plates
combretum -> combretums
combustibility -> combustibilities
combustibleness -> combustiblenesses
comedienne -> comediennes
comedo -> comedoes
comeupance -> comeupances
comfortableness -> comfortablenesses
comforts -> comfortss
comicality -> comicalities
comint -> comints
commandant -> commandants
commander-in-chief -> commanders-in-chief
commandership -> commanderships
commelina -> commelinas
commelinaceae -> commelinaceaes
commelinales -> commelinaless
commelinidae -> commelinidaes
commencement -> commencements
commensurateness -> commensuratenesses
commination -> comminations
comminute -> comminutes,comminuting,comminuted
commiphora -> commiphoras
committedness -> committednesses
committeewoman -> committeewomen
commix -> commixes,commixing,commixed
commixture -> commixtures
common -> commoner,commonest,commons
commonage -> commonages
commonplaceness -> commonplacenesses
commonwealth -> commonwealths
commove -> commoves,commoving,commoved
communalize -> communalizes,communalizing,communalized
communications -> communicationss
communicativeness -> communicativenesses
communisation -> communisations
communization -> communizations
communize -> communizes,communizing,communized
commutability -> commutabilities
commutate -> commutates,commutating,commutated
companionability -> companionabilities
companionableness -> companionablenesses
compassionateness -> compassionatenesses
compeer -> compeers
complect -> complects,complecting,complected
complexifier -> complexifiers
complexness -> complexnesses
compliancy -> compliancies
complicatedness -> complicatednesses
compliments -> complimentss
complin -> complins
complot -> complots,complotting,complotted
compositeness -> compositenesses
comprehension -> comprehensions
compressing -> compressings
compsognathus -> compsognathuss
compulsiveness -> compulsivenesses
compulsivity -> compulsivities
comradeliness -> comradelinesses
comradery -> comraderies
comstockery -> comstockeries
comtism -> comtisms
conacaste -> conacastes
concaveness -> concavenesses
conceding -> concedings
conceitedness -> conceitednesses
conceivability -> conceivabilities
conceivableness -> conceivablenesses
conceiver -> conceivers
concentre -> concentres,concentring,concentred
concentricity -> concentricities
conceptuality -> conceptualities
concertize -> concertizes,concertizing,concertized
concertmaster -> concertmasters
concessioner -> concessioners
conchologist -> conchologists
concretism -> concretisms
concurrence -> concurrences
condescendingness -> condescendingnesses
condylion -> condylions
condylura -> condyluras
coneflower -> coneflowers
conenose -> conenoses
conepatus -> conepatuss
conessi -> conessis
confabulate -> confabulates,confabulating,confabulated
confederacy -> confederacies
conferrer -> conferrers
conferva -> confervas
configurationism -> configurationisms
confines -> confiness
conflux -> confluxes
confucianist -> confucianists
confusedness -> confusednesses
confuter -> confuters
conge -> conges
congealment -> congealments
congee -> congees
congelation -> congelations
congenator -> congenators
congenialness -> congenialnesses
congeries -> congeriess
congius -> congiuss
conglobate -> conglobates,conglobating,conglobated
conglobation -> conglobations
conglutinate -> conglutinates,conglutinating,conglutinated
conglutination -> conglutinations
congou -> congous
congratulation -> congratulations
congresswoman -> congresswomen
congridae -> congridaes
congruousness -> congruousnesses
conidiophore -> conidiophores
conidiospore -> conidiospores
conidium -> conidiums
coniferales -> coniferaless
coniferophyta -> coniferophytas
coniferophytina -> coniferophytinas
coniferopsida -> coniferopsidas
conilurus -> coniluruss
conima -> conimas
coniogramme -> coniogrammes
conjury -> conjuries
conn -> cons,conning,conned
connaraceae -> connaraceaes
connarus -> connaruss
connecter -> connecters
connecticuter -> connecticuters
conniption -> conniptions
connochaetes -> connochaetess
conocarpus -> conocarpuss
conoclinium -> conocliniums
conodonta -> conodontas
conodontophorida -> conodontophoridas
conoid -> conoids
conopodium -> conopodiums
conospermum -> conospermums
conoy -> conoys
conradina -> conradinas
conservativist -> conservativists
conserves -> conservess
consociate -> consociates,consociating,consociated
consolida -> consolidas
consomme -> consommes
constantan -> constantans
constatation -> constatations
constellate -> constellates,constellating,constellated
consternate -> consternates,consternating,consternated
constitutional -> constitutionals
constringe -> constringes,constringing,constringed
constructiveness -> constructivenesses
consubstantiate -> consubstantiates,consubstantiating,consubstantiated
consuetude -> consuetudes
consuetudinal -> consuetudinals
consuetudinary -> consuetudinaries
contadino -> contadinoes
contagion -> contagions
containerful -> containerfuls
containerize -> containerizes,containerizing,containerized
containership -> containerships
contemplativeness -> contemplativenesses
contemporaneousness -> contemporaneousnesses
contemporaries -> contemporariess
contemporize -> contemporizes,contemporizing,contemporized
contemptibility -> contemptibilities
contemptuousness -> contemptuousnesses
contents -> contentss
contestee -> contestees
contester -> contesters
contiguousness -> contiguousnesses
continency -> continencies
contingence -> contingences
continuousness -> continuousnesses
conto -> contoes
contopus -> contopera
contrabandist -> contrabandists
contradance -> contradances
contradistinguish -> contradistinguishes,contradistinguishing,contradistinguished
contrafagotto -> contrafagottoes
contrapuntist -> contrapuntists
contredanse -> contredanses
contriteness -> contritenesses
controllership -> controllerships
contuse -> contuses,contusing,contused
conuropsis -> conuropses
convallaria -> convallarias
convallariaceae -> convallariaceaes
conveniences -> conveniencess
conventionalisation -> conventionalisations
conventionalization -> conventionalizations
conversance -> conversances
conversancy -> conversancies
converso -> conversoes
convexness -> convexnesses
convincingness -> convincingnesses
convolve -> convolves,convolving,convolved
convolvulaceae -> convolvulaceaes
conyza -> conyzas
cookfire -> cookfires
cookie -> cookies
cookout -> cookouts
cookstove -> cookstoves
coolwart -> coolwarts
cooly -> coolies
coondog -> coondogs
coonskin -> coonskins
coontie -> coonties
cooperstown -> cooperstowns
coosa -> coosas
cooter -> cooters
cootie -> cooties
copaiba -> copaibas
copaline -> copalines
copalite -> copalites
copartner -> copartners
copartnership -> copartnerships
copehan -> copehans
copepoda -> copepodas
copernicia -> copernicias
copestone -> copestones
copilot -> copilots
copolymerize -> copolymerizes,copolymerizing,copolymerized
copout -> copouts
copper-bottom -> copper-bottoms,copper-bottoming,copper-bottomed
coprinaceae -> coprinaceaes
coprolite -> coprolites
coprolith -> coproliths
coptis -> coptiss
copula -> copulas
copyedit -> copyedits,copyediting,copyedited
copyread -> copyreads,copyreading,copyread
copyreader -> copyreaders
coquille -> coquilles
coracan -> coracans
coraciidae -> coraciidaes
coraciiformes -> coraciiformess
coragyps -> coragypss
corakan -> corakans
coral-wood -> coral-woods
coralbells -> coralbellss
coralberry -> coralberries
corallorhiza -> corallorhizas
coralroot -> coralroots
coralwood -> coralwoods
coralwort -> coralworts
corbie-step -> corbie-steps
corbiestep -> corbiesteps
corbina -> corbinas
corchorus -> corchoruss
cordaitaceae -> cordaitaceaes
cordaitales -> cordaitaless
cordaites -> cordaitess
cordarone -> cordarones
cordgrass -> cordgrasses
cordierite -> cordierites
cords -> cordss
cordylidae -> cordylidaes
cordylus -> cordyluss
coregonidae -> coregonidaes
coregonus -> coregonuss
coreid -> coreids
coreidae -> coreidaes
coreligionist -> coreligionists
corespondent -> corespondents
corgard -> corgards
coriandrum -> coriandrums
coricidin -> coricidins
corium -> coriums
corixa -> corixas
corixidae -> corixidaes
corkwood -> corkwoods
cornaceae -> cornaceaes
corncrib -> corncribs
cornetist -> cornetists
corneum -> corneums
cornhusk -> cornhusks
cornhusker -> cornhuskers
cornhusking -> cornhuskings
cornishwoman -> cornishwomen
cornpone -> cornpones
cornsmut -> cornsmuts
cornstarch -> cornstarches
cornus -> cornuss
corokia -> corokias
coronach -> coronaches
coronilla -> coronillas
coronion -> coronions
coropuna -> coropunas
corozo -> corozoes
corp -> corps
corporality -> corporalities
corposant -> corposants
corps -> corps
corpulency -> corpulencies
corpus -> corpora,corpuses
corrade -> corrades,corrading,corraded
corrasion -> corrasions
corrections -> correctionss
correlativity -> correlativities
corrigendum -> corrigendums
corrodentia -> corrodentias
corruptness -> corruptnesses
corslet -> corslets
cortaderia -> cortaderias
cortef -> cortefs
cortege -> corteges
corticium -> corticiums
corticoid -> corticoids
corticosterone -> corticosterones
corticotrophin -> corticotrophins
corticotropin -> corticotropins
cortinariaceae -> cortinariaceaes
cortinarius -> cortinariuss
corundom -> corundoms
coruscation -> coruscations
corvee -> corvees
corvidae -> corvidaes
coryanthes -> coryanthess
corydalidae -> corydalidaes
corydalus -> corydaluss
corylaceae -> corylaceaes
corylopsis -> corylopses
corymb -> corymbs
corynebacteriaceae -> corynebacteriaceaes
corypha -> coryphas
coryphaenidae -> coryphaenidaes
coryphantha -> coryphanthas
corythosaur -> corythosaurs
corythosaurus -> corythosauruss
cosec -> cosecs
cosecant -> cosecants
cosignatory -> cosignatories
cosigner -> cosigners
cosmea -> cosmeas
cosmetician -> cosmeticians
cosmocampus -> cosmocampuss
cosmogeny -> cosmogenies
cosmographer -> cosmographers
cosmographist -> cosmographists
cosmolatry -> cosmolatries
cosmopolite -> cosmopolites
cosmos -> cosmos
cosmotron -> cosmotrons
cosponsor -> cosponsors,cosponsoring,cosponsored
costalgia -> costalgias
costiasis -> costiases
costs -> costss
costumer -> costumers
costusroot -> costusroots
cotacachi -> cotacachis
cotan -> cotans
cotangent -> cotangents
cotenant -> cotenants
coterie -> coteries
cothromboplastin -> cothromboplastins
cotilion -> cotilions
cotillion -> cotillions
cotingidae -> cotingidaes
cottidae -> cottidaes
cottier -> cottiers
cottonseed -> cottonseeds
cottonweed -> cottonweeds
cottonwick -> cottonwicks
cottus -> cottuss
cotula -> cotulas
cougar -> cougars
coulisse -> coulisses
coumadin -> coumadins
coumarone -> coumarones
coumarouna -> coumarounas
councilorship -> councilorships
councilwoman -> councilwomen
counseling -> counselings
counsellorship -> counsellorships
counselor -> counselors
counselor-at-law -> counselors-at-law
counselorship -> counselorships
countdown -> countdowns
counter-revolutionist -> counter-revolutionists
counter-sabotage -> counter-sabotages
counterattraction -> counterattractions
counterblow -> counterblows
counterbombardment -> counterbombardments
countercharge -> countercharges
counterdemonstrator -> counterdemonstrators
counterfactuality -> counterfactualities
counterfire -> counterfires
counterglow -> counterglows
counterirritant -> counterirritants
counterman -> countermen
countermine -> countermines,countermining,countermined
counterperson -> counterpeople
counterplan -> counterplans
counterplea -> counterpleas
counterpoison -> counterpoisons
counterpunch -> counterpunches
counterreformation -> counterreformations
counterrevolutionist -> counterrevolutionists
countershot -> countershots
counterspy -> counterspies
countersubversion -> countersubversions
counterterrorism -> counterterrorisms
counterterrorist -> counterterrorists
countertransference -> countertransferences
countervail -> countervails,countervailing,countervailed
counterwoman -> counterwomen
countinghouse -> countinghouses
countlessness -> countlessnesses
country-dance -> country-dances
countryseat -> countryseats
courageousness -> courageousnesses
courbaril -> courbarils
courlan -> courlans
courtly -> courtlier,courtliest
cousin-german -> cousin-germen
couverture -> couvertures
covalence -> covalences
covalency -> covalencies
covertness -> covertnesses
coville -> covilles
cowage -> cowages
cowbarn -> cowbarns
cowberry -> cowberries
cowherb -> cowherbs
cowhouse -> cowhouses
cowman -> cowmen
cowpat -> cowpats
cowpens -> cowpenss
cowpie -> cowpies
cowpuncher -> cowpunchers
cowrie -> cowries
cows -> cowss
cowskin -> cowskins
cox-1 -> cox-1s
cox-2 -> cox-2s
coxsackievirus -> coxsackieviruss
coydog -> coydogs
coyol -> coyols
cozenage -> cozenages
cozey -> cozeys
cozie -> cozies
crabbedness -> crabbednesses
crabbiness -> crabbinesses
crabs -> crabss
cracidae -> cracidaes
crackerberry -> crackerberries
crackleware -> cracklewares
cracklings -> cracklingss
cracticidae -> cracticidaes
cracticus -> cracticuss
cradle-snatcher -> cradle-snatchers
cradlesong -> cradlesongs
crampbark -> crampbarks
crampoon -> crampoons
crangon -> crangons
crangonidae -> crangonidaes
craniata -> craniatas
craniologist -> craniologists
craniometer -> craniometers
craniometry -> craniometries
crap-shooter -> crap-shooters
crapaud -> crapauds
crapette -> crapettes
crappie -> crappies
craps -> crapss
crapshoot -> crapshoots
crapulence -> crapulences
crash-dive -> crash-dives',crash-diving,crash-dived
crash-landing -> crash-landings
craspedia -> craspedias
crassitude -> crassitudes
crassostrea -> crassostreas
crassula -> crassulas
crassulaceae -> crassulaceaes
crateful -> cratefuls
crateva -> cratevas
craunch -> craunches,craunching,craunched
cravenness -> cravennesses
crawdad -> crawdads
crawdaddy -> crawdaddies
crawfish -> crawfish
crax -> craxes
crazyweed -> crazyweeds
creaky -> creakier,creakiest
creamcups -> creamcupss
creashak -> creashaks
creatin -> creatins
creche -> creches
credendum -> credendums
credenza -> credenzas
credibleness -> crediblenesses
credits -> creditss
creeps -> creepss
creepy-crawlies -> creepy-crawliess
cremains -> cremainss
crematory -> crematories
crenation -> crenations
crenature -> crenatures
crenel -> crenels
crenelation -> crenelations
crenelle -> crenelles
creosol -> creosols
crepis -> crepiss
crepitate -> crepitates,crepitating,crepitated
crepuscle -> crepuscles
crepuscule -> crepuscules
cresol -> cresols
crevasse -> crevasses
crewet -> crewets
cricetidae -> cricetidaes
cricetus -> cricetuss
criminalism -> criminalisms
criminalness -> criminalnesses
criminate -> criminates,criminating,criminated
crinion -> crinions
crinkle-root -> crinkle-roots
crinkleroot -> crinkleroots
crispiness -> crispinesses
cristobalite -> cristobalites
crith -> criths
crius -> criuss
crixivan -> crixivans
crocethia -> crocethias
crochet -> crochets,crocheting,crocheted
crocodilia -> crocodilias
crocodilus -> crocodiluss
crocodylia -> crocodylias
crocodylidae -> crocodylidaes
crocodylus -> crocodyluss
crocolite -> crocolites
crocus -> crocuses
cromorne -> cromornes
cronartium -> cronartiums
crookedness -> crookednesses
crookneck -> crooknecks
crop-dusting -> crop-dustings
croquet -> croquets,croqueting,croqueted
crore -> crores
cross-division -> cross-divisions
cross-examiner -> cross-examiners
cross-index -> cross-indexes
cross-linkage -> cross-linkages
cross-questioner -> cross-questioners
crossbones -> crossboness
crossbreeding -> crossbreedings
crosse -> crosses
crosshairs -> crosshairss
crossheading -> crossheadings
crossjack -> crossjacks
crossopterygian -> crossopterygians
crosspatch -> crosspatches
crossroad -> crossroads
crossruff -> crossruffs,crossruffing,crossruffed
crosstie -> crossties
crosswalk -> crosswalks
crotalaria -> crotalarias
crotalidae -> crotalidaes
crotalus -> crotaluss
crotaphion -> crotaphions
crotaphytus -> crotaphytuss
crotchetiness -> crotchetinesses
crotonbug -> crotonbugs
crotophaga -> crotophagas
crottal -> crottals
crottle -> crottles
croupe -> croupes
crow-bait -> crow-baits
crowbait -> crowbaits
crown-beard -> crown-beards
crown-of-the-field -> crowns-of-the-field
crownbeard -> crownbeards
crownwork -> crownworks
cruciality -> crucialities
crudites -> cruditess
cruelness -> cruelnesses
cruet-stand -> cruet-stands
cruller -> crullers
crumbliness -> crumblinesses
crumhorn -> crumhorns
crummy -> crummier,crummiest
cryaesthesia -> cryaesthesias
cryesthesia -> cryesthesias
cryoanaesthesia -> cryoanaesthesias
cryoanesthesia -> cryoanesthesias
cryobiology -> cryobiologies
cryocautery -> cryocauteries
cryogen -> cryogens
cryogeny -> cryogenies
cryolite -> cryolites
cryometer -> cryometers
cryonics -> cryonicss
cryopathy -> cryopathies
cryophobia -> cryophobias
cryoscope -> cryoscopes
cryosurgery -> cryosurgeries
cryptacanthodes -> cryptacanthodess
cryptanalysis -> cryptanalyses
cryptanalytics -> cryptanalyticss
cryptobiosis -> cryptobioses
cryptobranchidae -> cryptobranchidaes
cryptobranchus -> cryptobranchuss
cryptocercidae -> cryptocercidaes
cryptocercus -> cryptocercuss
cryptococcosis -> cryptococcoses
cryptogamia -> cryptogamias
cryptogramma -> cryptogrammas
cryptogrammataceae -> cryptogrammataceaes
cryptomeria -> cryptomerias
cryptomonad -> cryptomonads
cryptophyceae -> cryptophyceaes
cryptophyta -> cryptophytas
cryptophyte -> cryptophytes
cryptoprocta -> cryptoproctas
cryptorchidism -> cryptorchidisms
cryptorchidy -> cryptorchidies
cryptorchism -> cryptorchisms
cryptotermes -> cryptotermess
cryptotis -> cryptotiss
cs -> css
csis -> cses
ctene -> ctenes
ctenidium -> ctenidiums
ctenizidae -> ctenizidaes
ctenocephalides -> ctenocephalidess
ctenocephalus -> ctenocephaluss
ctenophora -> ctenophoras
cu -> cus
cubeb -> cubebs
cubicity -> cubicities
cubitiere -> cubitieres
cuckoldom -> cuckoldoms
cuckoldry -> cuckoldries
cuckoo-bumblebee -> cuckoo-bumblebees
cuckooflower -> cuckooflowers
cuckoopint -> cuckoopints
cuculidae -> cuculidaes
cuculiformes -> cuculiformess
cucumis -> cucumiss
cucurbit -> cucurbits
cucurbita -> cucurbitas
cudbear -> cudbears
cudweed -> cudweeds
cuisse -> cuisses
cuke -> cukes
culbertson -> culbertsons
culcita -> culcitas
culdoscope -> culdoscopes
culdoscopy -> culdoscopies
culebra -> culebras
culiacan -> culiacans
culicidae -> culicidaes
culpableness -> culpablenesses
culturati -> culturatis
cultus -> cultuss
culverin -> culverins
cumana -> cumanas
cumarone -> cumarones
cumfrey -> cumfreys
cuminum -> cuminums
cumquat -> cumquats
cumulonimbus -> cumulonimbuss
cumulus -> cumuli
cunaxa -> cunaxas
cunctation -> cunctations
cunctator -> cunctators
cuneus -> cuneuss
cuniculus -> cuniculuss
cunner -> cunners
cunnilinctus -> cunnilinctuss
cunoniaceae -> cunoniaceaes
cuon -> cuons
cup-tie -> cup-ties
cupbearer -> cupbearers
cupcake -> cupcakes
cupel -> cupels
cupflower -> cupflowers
cupressaceae -> cupressaceaes
cuprimine -> cuprimines
cuprite -> cuprites
cupronickel -> cupronickels
cupule -> cupules
cuquenan -> cuquenans
curability -> curabilities
curableness -> curablenesses
curacoa -> curacoas
curandero -> curanderoes
curassow -> curassows
curbstone -> curbstones
curculionidae -> curculionidaes
curcuma -> curcumas
curdling -> curdlings
curet -> curets
curette -> curettes
curettement -> curettements
curietherapy -> curietherapies
curiousness -> curiousnesses
curitiba -> curitibas
curium -> curiums
curly-heads -> curly-headss
currajong -> currajongs
currawong -> currawongs
currentness -> currentnesses
currycomb -> currycombs
cursorius -> cursoriuss
curt -> curter,curtest
curtisia -> curtisias
curvaceousness -> curvaceousnesses
cusco -> cuscoes
cush-cush -> cushes-cushes
cushat -> cushats
cushaw -> cushaws
cusk -> cusks
cusk-eel -> cusk-eels
cuspid -> cuspids
cuspidation -> cuspidations
cuspidor -> cuspidors
customhouse -> customhouses
customs -> customss
customshouse -> customshouses
cutch -> cutches
cuterebra -> cuterebras
cuterebridae -> cuterebridaes
cuticula -> cuticulas
cutin -> cutins
cutinize -> cutinizes,cutinizing,cutinized
cutis -> cutiss
cutlas -> cutlass
cuttlefish -> cuttlefishes
cutwork -> cutworks
cutworm -> cutworms
cyamopsis -> cyamopses
cyamus -> cyamuss
cyanamide -> cyanamides
cyanite -> cyanites
cyanocitta -> cyanocittas
cyanocobalamin -> cyanocobalamins
cyanogen -> cyanogens
cyanohydrin -> cyanohydrins
cyanophyceae -> cyanophyceaes
cyanophyta -> cyanophytas
cyanuramide -> cyanuramides
cyathea -> cyatheas
cyatheaceae -> cyatheaceaes
cyber-terrorism -> cyber-terrorisms
cyber-terrorist -> cyber-terrorists
cyberart -> cyberarts
cybercafe -> cybercafes
cybercrime -> cybercrimes
cyberculture -> cybercultures
cybernate -> cybernates,cybernating,cybernated
cybernation -> cybernations
cybernaut -> cybernauts
cyberphobia -> cyberphobias
cybersex -> cybersexes
cyberwar -> cyberwars
cycadaceae -> cycadaceaes
cycadales -> cycadaless
cycadofilicales -> cycadofilicaless
cycadophyta -> cycadophytas
cycadophytina -> cycadophytinas
cycadopsida -> cycadopsidas
cycas -> cycass
cycliophora -> cycliophoras
cyclobenzaprine -> cyclobenzaprines
cyclohexanol -> cyclohexanols
cycloloma -> cyclolomas
cyclooxygenase-1 -> cyclooxygenase-1s
cyclooxygenase-2 -> cyclooxygenase-2s
cyclopes -> cyclopess
cyclophorus -> cyclophoruss
cyclopia -> cyclopias
cyclopteridae -> cyclopteridaes
cyclopterus -> cyclopteruss
cycloserine -> cycloserines
cyclosis -> cycloses
cyclosorus -> cyclosoruss
cyclosporeae -> cyclosporeaes
cyclostomata -> cyclostomatas
cyclostyle -> cyclostyles,cyclostyling,cyclostyled
cycnoches -> cycnochess
cydippea -> cydippeas
cydippida -> cydippidas
cydippidea -> cydippideas
cydonia -> cydonias
cylindricality -> cylindricalities
cylindricalness -> cylindricalnesses
cylix -> cylixes
cyma -> cymas
cymatiidae -> cymatiidaes
cymatium -> cymatiums
cymbalist -> cymbalists
cymbid -> cymbids
cymbidium -> cymbidiums
cyme -> cymes
cymene -> cymenes
cymling -> cymlings
cymograph -> cymographs
cymry -> cymries
cymule -> cymules
cynancum -> cynancums
cynipidae -> cynipidaes
cynips -> cynipss
cynocephalidae -> cynocephalidaes
cynocephalus -> cynocephaluss
cynodon -> cynodons
cynodontia -> cynodontias
cynoglossidae -> cynoglossidaes
cynoglossum -> cynoglossums
cynomys -> cynomyss
cynophobia -> cynophobias
cynopterus -> cynopteruss
cynoscephalae -> cynoscephalaes
cynoscion -> cynoscions
cynwulf -> cynwulfs
cyon -> cyons
cyperus -> cyperuss
cyphomandra -> cyphomandras
cypraeidae -> cypraeidaes
cypre -> cypres
cypres -> cypress
cypriniformes -> cypriniformess
cyprinodont -> cyprinodonts
cyprinodontidae -> cyprinodontidaes
cyprinus -> cyprinuss
cypriote -> cypriotes
cypripedia -> cypripedias
cypripedium -> cypripediums
cyproheptadine -> cyproheptadines
cyrilla -> cyrillas
cyrilliaceae -> cyrilliaceaes
cyrtomium -> cyrtomiums
cystine -> cystines
cystocele -> cystoceles
cystolith -> cystoliths
cystoparalysis -> cystoparalyses
cystophora -> cystophoras
cystoplegia -> cystoplegias
cystopteris -> cystopteriss
cytherea -> cythereas
cytoarchitectonics -> cytoarchitectonicss
cytoarchitecture -> cytoarchitectures
cytogenesis -> cytogeneses
cytogeny -> cytogenies
cytokinesis -> cytokineses
cytol -> cytols
cytolysin -> cytolysins
cytolysis -> cytolyses
cytomembrane -> cytomembranes
cytophotometer -> cytophotometers
cytoplast -> cytoplasts
cytosmear -> cytosmears
cytostome -> cytostomes
cytotoxin -> cytotoxins
czaritza -> czaritzas
czestochowa -> czestochowas
d -> ds
d-layer -> d-layers
d.a. -> d.a.s
d.p.r.k. -> d.p.r.k.s
da -> das
da'wah -> da'wahs
daboecia -> daboecias
dacelo -> daceloes
dachsie -> dachsies
dacninae -> dacninaes
dacoity -> dacoities
dacrycarpus -> dacrycarpuss
dacrydium -> dacrydiums
dacrymyces -> dacrymycess
dacrymycetaceae -> dacrymycetaceaes
dacryocyst -> dacryocysts
dacryon -> dacryons
dactylis -> dactyliss
dactyloctenium -> dactylocteniums
dactylomegaly -> dactylomegalies
dactylopiidae -> dactylopiidaes
dactylopius -> dactylopiuss
dactylopteridae -> dactylopteridaes
dactylopterus -> dactylopteruss
dactyloscopidae -> dactyloscopidaes
dae-han-min-gook -> dae-han-min-gooks
daedal -> daedals
daffo -> daffoes
dafla -> daflas
dagame -> dagames
dagestani -> dagestanis
dagga -> daggas
dahna -> dahnas
daikon -> daikons
daiquiri -> daiquiris
dais -> dais
daishiki -> daishikis
daisy-bush -> daisy-bushes
daisybush -> daisybushes
daisywheel -> daisywheels
dakoit -> dakoits
dakoity -> dakoities
dakota -> dakotas
dal -> dals
dalea -> daleas
daleth -> daleths
dallier -> dalliers
dallisgrass -> dallisgrasses
dalmane -> dalmanes
daltonism -> daltonisms
damages -> damagess
damaliscus -> damaliscuss
damar -> damars
damgalnunna -> damgalnunnas
daminozide -> daminozides
damkina -> damkinas
damoiselle -> damoiselles
damosel -> damosels
damourite -> damourites
danaea -> danaeas
danaidae -> danaidaes
danau -> danaus
danewort -> daneworts
dangaleat -> dangaleats
dangla -> danglas
dangle-berry -> dangle-berries
dangleberry -> dangleberries
daniel -> daniels
danmark -> danmarks
dano-norwegian -> dano-norwegians
dante -> dantes
dapperness -> dappernesses
dapple-gray -> dapple-grays
dapple-grey -> dapple-greys
dappled-gray -> dappled-grays
dappled-grey -> dappled-greys
dapsang -> dapsangs
daraf -> darafs
dardan -> dardans
dardanian -> dardanians
dardic -> dardics
daredeviltry -> daredeviltries
daricon -> daricons
darkey -> darkeys
darkie -> darkies
darlingtonia -> darlingtonias
darmera -> darmeras
darmstadtium -> darmstadtiums
darner -> darners
darsana -> darsanas
darts -> dartss
darvon -> darvons
dasheen -> dasheens
dashiki -> dashikis
dasht-e-kavir -> dasht-e-kavirs
dasht-e-lut -> dasht-e-luts
dassie -> dassies
dastard -> dastards
dastardliness -> dastardlinesses
dasyatidae -> dasyatidaes
dasyatis -> dasyatiss
dasymeter -> dasymeters
dasypodidae -> dasypodidaes
dasyprocta -> dasyproctas
dasyproctidae -> dasyproctidaes
dasypus -> dasypuss
dasyure -> dasyures
dasyurid -> dasyurids
dasyuridae -> dasyuridaes
dasyurus -> dasyuruss
dateline -> datelines,datelining,datelined
datril -> datrils
daubentonia -> daubentonias
daubentoniidae -> daubentoniidaes
daugavpils -> daugavpilss
davallia -> davallias
davalliaceae -> davalliaceaes
daviesia -> daviesias
davys -> davyss
dawah -> dawahs
dawdler -> dawdlers
dayboy -> dayboys
daydreamer -> daydreamers
dayfly -> dayflies
daygirl -> daygirls
daylily -> daylilies
daypro -> dayproes
days -> dayss
dayspring -> daysprings
db -> dbs
dbms -> dbmss
dccp -> dccps
dci -> dcis
dd -> dds
dds -> ddss
de -> des
de-escalate -> de-escalates,de-escalating,de-escalated
de-escalation -> de-escalations
de-iodinase -> de-iodinases
de-iodination -> de-iodinations
de-nazification -> de-nazifications
dead -> deads
dead-man's-fingers -> dead-man's-fingerss
dead-men's-fingers -> dead-men's-fingerss
deadlight -> deadlights
deaf-muteness -> deaf-mutenesses
deaf-mutism -> deaf-mutisms
dealignment -> dealignments
dealings -> dealingss
deamination -> deaminations
deaminization -> deaminizations
deaminize -> deaminizes,deaminizing,deaminized
dearest -> dearests
death-roll -> death-rolls
debarkation -> debarkations
debarment -> debarments
debaser -> debasers
debaucher -> debauchers
debitor -> debitors
debris -> debris
decadency -> decadencies
decadron -> decadrons
decagram -> decagrams
decahedron -> decahedrons
decalcification -> decalcifications
decalcify -> decalcifies,decalcifying,decalcified
decalcomania -> decalcomanias
decalescence -> decalescences
decaliter -> decaliters
decalitre -> decalitres
decameter -> decameters
decametre -> decametres
decampment -> decampments
decapod -> decapods
decapoda -> decapodas
decapterus -> decapteruss
decarbonate -> decarbonates,decarbonating,decarbonated
decarbonize -> decarbonizes,decarbonizing,decarbonized
decarburize -> decarburizes,decarburizing,decarburized
decasyllable -> decasyllables
decathlon -> decathlons
decedent -> decedents
decennary -> decennaries
decennium -> decenniums
decentalisation -> decentalisations
decertify -> decertifies,decertifying,decertified
decidua -> deciduas
decigram -> decigrams
deciliter -> deciliters
decimalization -> decimalizations
decimalize -> decimalizes,decimalizing,decimalized
decimeter -> decimeters
decipherer -> decipherers
deck-house -> deck-houses
declinometer -> declinometers
declomycin -> declomycins
declutch -> declutches,declutching,declutched
decoagulant -> decoagulants
decoct -> decocts,decocting,decocted
decoke -> decokes,decoking,decoked
decollate -> decollates,decollating,decollated
decollete -> decolletes
decolour -> decolours,decolouring,decoloured
decompressing -> decompressings
deconstructivism -> deconstructivisms
decorousness -> decorousnesses
decorticate -> decorticates,decorticating,decorticated
decortication -> decortications
decrepitate -> decrepitates,decrepitating,decrepitated
decrepitation -> decrepitations
decryption -> decryptions
decubitus -> decubituss
decuma -> decumas
decumaria -> decumarias
decumary -> decumaries
decussation -> decussations
dedifferentiation -> dedifferentiations
deedbox -> deedboxes
deeds -> deedss
deep-fry -> deep-fries,deep-frying,deep-fried
deepfreeze -> deepfreezes
deepness -> deepnesses
deer's-ear -> deer's-ears
deer's-ears -> deer's-earss
deerberry -> deerberries
deerstalking -> deerstalkings
defalcate -> defalcates,defalcating,defalcated
defalcation -> defalcations
defalcator -> defalcators
defecator -> defecators
defenselessness -> defenselessnesses
defervescence -> defervescences
defilade -> defilades
deflagrate -> deflagrates,deflagrating,deflagrated
deflagration -> deflagrations
deflexion -> deflexions
defoliator -> defoliators
deforest -> deforests,deforesting,deforested
defrauder -> defrauders
defrayal -> defrayals
defrayment -> defrayments
defroster -> defrosters
defunctness -> defunctnesses
degas -> degasses,degassing,degassed
degauss -> degausses,degaussing,degaussed
degrader -> degraders
degustation -> degustations
dehumidify -> dehumidifies,dehumidifying,dehumidified
dehydroretinol -> dehydroretinols
deice -> deices,deicing,deiced
deicer -> deicers
deinocheirus -> deinocheiruss
deinonychus -> deinonychuss
deipnosophist -> deipnosophists
deject -> dejects,dejecting,dejected
dejectedness -> dejectednesses
dekagram -> dekagrams
dekaliter -> dekaliters
dekalitre -> dekalitres
dekameter -> dekameters
dekametre -> dekametres
delairea -> delaireas
delavirdine -> delavirdines
delawarean -> delawareans
delawarian -> delawarians
delayer -> delayers
delbruck -> delbrucks
delectability -> delectabilities
delichon -> delichons
delimitate -> delimits,delimiting,delimited
deliquium -> deliquiums
deliveryman -> deliverymen
delocalize -> delocalizes,delocalizing,delocalized
delonix -> delonixes
delphinapterus -> delphinapteruss
deltasone -> deltasones
demagnetisation -> demagnetisations
demagnetize -> demagnetizes,demagnetizing,demagnetized
demagog -> demagogs
demantoid -> demantoids
dematiaceae -> dematiaceaes
demavend -> demavends
demeanor -> demeanors
dementedness -> dementednesses
demi-glaze -> demi-glazes
demiglace -> demiglaces
demilitarize -> demilitarizes,demilitarizing,demilitarized
demille -> demilles
demimondaine -> demimondaines
demimonde -> demimondes
demineralization -> demineralizations
demineralize -> demineralizes,demineralizing,demineralized
demitasse -> demitasses
demiurge -> demiurges
demodulate -> demodulates,demodulating,demodulated
demodulator -> demodulators
demographist -> demographists
demolishing -> demolishings
demonetisation -> demonetisations
demonetization -> demonetizations
demonetize -> demonetizes,demonetizing,demonetized
demonism -> demonisms
demonolatry -> demonolatries
demonstrability -> demonstrabilities
demulcent -> demulcents
demulen -> demulens
demulsify -> demulsifies,demulsifying,demulsified
demureness -> demurenesses
demythologisation -> demythologisations
demythologization -> demythologizations
den-mother -> den-mothers
denaturant -> denaturants
denazify -> denazifies,denazifying,denazified
dendranthema -> dendranthemas
dendraspis -> dendraspiss
dendroaspis -> dendroaspiss
dendrocalamus -> dendrocalamuss
dendrocolaptes -> dendrocolaptess
dendrocolaptidae -> dendrocolaptidaes
dendroctonus -> dendroctonuss
dendroica -> dendroicas
dendrolagus -> dendrolaguss
dendromecon -> dendromecons
denebola -> denebolas
denisonia -> denisonias
dennstaedtia -> dennstaedtias
dennstaedtiaceae -> dennstaedtiaceaes
denotatum -> denotatums
dense -> denser,densest
densification -> densifications
dentaria -> dentarias
denticle -> denticles
dentifrice -> dentifrices
dentin -> dentins
denturist -> denturists
denudate -> denudates,denudating,denudated
deodar -> deodars
deodourant -> deodourants
deossification -> deossifications
deoxidize -> deoxidizes,deoxidizing,deoxidized
deoxyadenosine -> deoxyadenosines
deoxyephedrine -> deoxyephedrines
deoxythymidine -> deoxythymidines
depardieu -> depardieu
deparia -> deparias
departer -> departers
dependableness -> dependablenesses
depicting -> depictings
depigmentation -> depigmentations
depilate -> depilates,depilating,depilated
depilation -> depilations
deplane -> deplanes,deplaning,deplaned
deplume -> deplumes,depluming,deplumed
depokene -> depokenes
depone -> depones,deponing,deponed
deposer -> deposers
depreciator -> depreciators
depressurize -> depressurizes,depressurizing,depressurized
deracinate -> deracinates,deracinating,deracinated
deracination -> deracinations
derequisition -> derequisitions,derequisitioning,derequisitioned
derestrict -> derestricts,derestricting,derestricted
deriving -> derivings
dermabrasion -> dermabrasions
dermacentor -> dermacentors
dermatoglyphic -> dermatoglyphics
dermatoglyphics -> dermatoglyphicss
dermatome -> dermatomes
dermatomycosis -> dermatomycoses
dermatophytosis -> dermatophytoses
dermatosclerosis -> dermatoscleroses
dermatosis -> dermatoses
dermestidae -> dermestidaes
dermochelyidae -> dermochelyidaes
dermochelys -> dermochelyss
dermoptera -> dermopteras
derringer -> derringers
desalinisation -> desalinisations
desalinization -> desalinizations
desalinize -> desalinizes,desalinizing,desalinized
desalt -> desalts,desalting,desalted
descendants -> descendantss
descensus -> descensuss
descriptivism -> descriptivisms
descurainia -> descurainias
desegregate -> desegregates,desegregating,desegregated
deserts -> desertss
deservingness -> deservingnesses
deshabille -> deshabilles
designatum -> designatums
desirableness -> desirablenesses
deskman -> deskmen
desmanthus -> desmanthuss
desmidiaceae -> desmidiaceaes
desmidium -> desmidiums
desmodium -> desmodiums
desmodontidae -> desmodontidaes
desmodus -> desmoduss
desmograthus -> desmograthuss
desolate -> desolates,desolating,desolated
desorb -> desorbs,desorbing,desorbed
despicability -> despicabilities
despicableness -> despicablenesses
despiramine -> despiramines
despisal -> despisals
despoilation -> despoilations
despoilment -> despoilments
despoina -> despoinas
despond -> desponds,desponding,desponded
desquamate -> desquamates,desquamating,desquamated
dessiatine -> dessiatines
destalinization -> destalinizations
desynchronisation -> desynchronisations
desynchronization -> desynchronizations
desynchronizing -> desynchronizings
desyrel -> desyrels
details -> detailss
detainment -> detainments
deterge -> deterges,deterging,deterged
detergence -> detergences
determent -> determents
determinateness -> determinatenesses
dethrone -> dethrones,dethroning,dethroned
detoxicate -> detoxicates,detoxicating,detoxicated
detribalisation -> detribalisations
detribalization -> detribalizations
detribalize -> detribalizes,detribalizing,detribalized
detrition -> detritions
deuce-ace -> deuce-aces
deuteranopia -> deuteranopias
deuteromycetes -> deuteromycetess
deuteromycota -> deuteromycotas
deuteromycotina -> deuteromycotinas
deutzia -> deutzias
devanagari -> devanagaris
deviationism -> deviationisms
devices -> devicess
devil-worship -> devil-worships
deviltry -> deviltries
devilwood -> devilwoods
devisal -> devisals
devisee -> devisees
devisor -> devisors
devitalisation -> devitalisations
devitalization -> devitalizations
devitrify -> devitrifies,devitrifying,devitrified
devoir -> devoirs
devolvement -> devolvements
devotedness -> devotednesses
devries -> devriess
dewy -> dewier,dewiest
dexone -> dexones
dextrality -> dextralities
dextrin -> dextrins
dextrocardia -> dextrocardias
dextrorotation -> dextrorotations
dhak -> dhaks
dharhan -> dharhans
dhaulagiri -> dhaulagiris
dhava -> dhavas
dhawa -> dhawas
dhegiha -> dhegihas
dhodhekanisos -> dhodhekanisoss
dhole -> dholes
dhoti -> dhotis
dhu'l-hijja -> dhu'l-hijjas
dhu'l-hijjah -> dhu'l-hijjahs
dhu'l-qa'dah -> dhu'l-qa'dahs
di-iodotyrosine -> di-iodotyrosines
dia -> dias
diabeta -> diabetas
diabetes -> diabetes
diabolatry -> diabolatries
diabolism -> diabolisms
diabolist -> diabolists
diabolize -> diabolizes,diabolizing,diabolized
diacalpa -> diacalpas
diacetylmorphine -> diacetylmorphines
diadophis -> diadophiss
diaeresis -> diaereses
diaglyph -> diaglyphs
diagnosing -> diagnosings
diagonalisation -> diagonalisations
diagonalization -> diagonalizations
diagramming -> diagrammings
diakinesis -> diakineses
dialectics -> dialecticss
dialeurodes -> dialeurodess
dialog -> dialogs
dialyze -> dialyzes,dialyzing,dialyzed
dialyzer -> dialyzers
diam -> diams
diamagnetism -> diamagnetisms
diamonte -> diamontes
diapedesis -> diapedeses
diapensia -> diapensias
diapensiaceae -> diapensiaceaes
diapensiales -> diapensialess
diapheromera -> diapheromeras
diaphone -> diaphones
diaphoresis -> diaphoreses
diaphoretic -> diaphoretics
diaphysis -> diaphyses
diapsid -> diapsids
diapsida -> diapsidas
diarchy -> diarchies
diarthrosis -> diarthroses
diaspididae -> diaspididaes
diastasis -> diastases
diastole -> diastoles
diastrophism -> diastrophisms
diatomophyceae -> diatomophyceaes
diazonium -> diazoniums
diazotize -> diazotizes,diazotizing,diazotized
diazoxide -> diazoxides
dibbuk -> dibbuks
dibrach -> dibraches
dibranch -> dibranches
dibranchia -> dibranchias
dibranchiata -> dibranchiatas
dibranchiate -> dibranchiates
dibucaine -> dibucaines
dicamptodon -> dicamptodons
dicamptodontid -> dicamptodontids
dicamptodontidae -> dicamptodontidaes
diceros -> diceross
dicey -> dicier,diciest
dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane -> dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes
dichondra -> dichondras
dichotomisation -> dichotomisations
dichotomization -> dichotomizations
dichromacy -> dichromacies
dichromasy -> dichromasies
dichromat -> dichromats
dichromate -> dichromates
dichromatism -> dichromatisms
dichromatopsia -> dichromatopsias
dichromia -> dichromias
dickey-bird -> dickey-birds
dickey-seat -> dickey-seats
dickeybird -> dickeybirds
dickie-seat -> dickie-seats
dicksonia -> dicksonias
dicksoniaceae -> dicksoniaceaes
dicky-bird -> dicky-birds
dicky-seat -> dicky-seats
dickybird -> dickybirds
dicloxacillin -> dicloxacillins
dicotyledonae -> dicotyledonaes
dicotyledones -> dicotyledoness
dicoumarol -> dicoumarols
dicranaceae -> dicranaceaes
dicranales -> dicranaless
dicrostonyx -> dicrostonyxes
dictostylium -> dictostyliums
dictyophera -> dictyopheras
dictyosome -> dictyosomes
dicumarol -> dicumarols
dicynodontia -> dicynodontias
didactics -> didacticss
diddly-shit -> diddly-shits
diddly-squat -> diddly-squats
diddlyshit -> diddlyshits
diddlysquat -> diddlysquats
didelphidae -> didelphidaes
didelphis -> didelphiss
didrikson -> didriksons
die-sinker -> die-sinkers
diegueno -> dieguenoes
dielectrolysis -> dielectrolyses
diemaker -> diemakers
dieresis -> diereses
diervilla -> diervillas
diesel-hydraulic -> diesel-hydraulics
diesinker -> diesinkers
diesis -> dieses
diestock -> diestocks
diestrum -> diestrums
diestrus -> diestruss
dietetics -> dieteticss
diethylmalonylurea -> diethylmalonylureas
diethylstilbesterol -> diethylstilbesterols
diethylstilbestrol -> diethylstilbestrols
diethylstilboestrol -> diethylstilboestrols
difficultness -> difficultnesses
difflugia -> difflugias
diffusor -> diffusors
diflunisal -> diflunisals
digenesis -> digeneses
digestibleness -> digestiblenesses
diggings -> diggingss
digitalin -> digitalins
digitalisation -> digitalisations
digitalization -> digitalizations
digitalize -> digitalizes,digitalizing,digitalized
digitigrade -> digitigrades
digram -> digrams
digs -> digss
dihybrid -> dihybrids
dihydrostreptomycin -> dihydrostreptomycins
dihydroxyphenylalanine -> dihydroxyphenylalanines
dik-dik -> diks-diks
dika -> dikas
dilantin -> dilantins
dilapidate -> dilapidates,dilapidating,dilapidated
dilater -> dilaters
dilaudid -> dilaudids
dillenia -> dillenias
dilleniaceae -> dilleniaceaes
dilleniidae -> dilleniidaes
dilly-dallier -> dilly-dalliers
dillydallier -> dillydalliers
dillydally -> dillydallies,dillydallying,dillydallied
dilutant -> dilutants
dimaggio -> dimaggios
dimash -> dimashes
dimenhydrinate -> dimenhydrinates
dimetane -> dimetanes
dimetapp -> dimetapps
dimethylglyoxime -> dimethylglyoximes
diminutiveness -> diminutivenesses
dimocarpus -> dimocarpuss
dimorphotheca -> dimorphothecas
dimout -> dimouts
dindymene -> dindymenes
dinesen -> dinesens
ding-dong -> ding-dongs
dingo -> dingoes
dinkey -> dinkeys
dinoceras -> dinocerass
dinocerata -> dinoceratas
dinocerate -> dinocerates
dinoflagellata -> dinoflagellatas
dinornis -> dinorniss
dinornithidae -> dinornithidaes
dinornithiformes -> dinornithiformess
diodontidae -> diodontidaes
diol -> diols
diomedeidae -> diomedeidaes
dioon -> dioons
diophantus -> diophantuss
diopter -> diopters
dioscorea -> dioscoreas
dioscoreaceae -> dioscoreaceaes
diospyros -> diospyross
diphenhydramine -> diphenhydramines
diphenylhydantoin -> diphenylhydantoins
diphylla -> diphyllas
dipladenia -> dipladenias
diplegia -> diplegias
diplococcus -> diplococcuss
diplopoda -> diplopodas
diplopterygium -> diplopterygiums
diplotaxis -> diplotaxes
dipodidae -> dipodidaes
dipodomys -> dipodomyss
dipogon -> dipogons
dippers -> dipperss
dipsacaceae -> dipsacaceaes
dipsacus -> dipsacuss
dipsomania -> dipsomanias
dipsosaurus -> dipsosauruss
dipteron -> dipterons
dipteronia -> dipteronias
dipus -> dipuss
dipylon -> dipylons
dirca -> dircas
directiveness -> directivenesses
dirndl -> dirndls
dirtying -> dirtyings
dis -> diss
disaccord -> disaccords,disaccording,disaccorded
disaffect -> disaffects,disaffecting,disaffected
disaffirmation -> disaffirmations
disagreeableness -> disagreeablenesses
disambiguator -> disambiguators
disarray -> disarrays,disarraying,disarrayed
disburden -> disburdens,disburdening,disburdened
disbursal -> disbursals
disburser -> disbursers
discant -> discants
disceptation -> disceptations
discernability -> discernabilities
discina -> discinas
discocephali -> discocephalis
discoglossidae -> discoglossidaes
discombobulate -> discombobulates,discombobulating,discombobulated
discombobulation -> discombobulations
discomycete -> discomycetes
discomycetes -> discomycetess
disconcertion -> disconcertions
disconcertment -> disconcertments
disconsolateness -> disconsolatenesses
discontentedness -> discontentednesses
discreetness -> discreetnesses
discus -> discuses
disdainfulness -> disdainfulnesses
disembarkment -> disembarkments
disembarrass -> disembarrasses,disembarrassing,disembarrassed
disembarrassment -> disembarrassments
disembroil -> disembroils,disembroiling,disembroiled
disenable -> disenables,disenabling,disenabled
disenchant -> disenchants,disenchanting,disenchanted
disencumber -> disencumbers,disencumbering,disencumbered
disentangler -> disentanglers
disesteem -> disesteems,disesteeming,disesteemed
disfavor -> disfavors
disforest -> disforests,disforesting,disforested
disforestation -> disforestations
disgracefulness -> disgracefulnesses
disgruntle -> disgruntles,disgruntling,disgruntled
dishabille -> dishabilles
disheartenment -> disheartenments
dishonor -> dishonors
dishonorableness -> dishonorablenesses
dishonourableness -> dishonourablenesses
dishpan -> dishpans
dishrag -> dishrags
dishware -> dishwares
disincline -> disinclines,disinclining,disinclined
disinfest -> disinfests,disinfesting,disinfested
disinfestation -> disinfestations
disinflation -> disinflations
disinterment -> disinterments
dislodgment -> dislodgments
dismission -> dismissions
disoblige -> disobliges,disobliging,disobliged
disowning -> disownings
disownment -> disownments
disparager -> disparagers
disparateness -> disparatenesses
dispassionateness -> dispassionatenesses
dispensability -> dispensabilities
dispensableness -> dispensablenesses
dispiritedness -> dispiritednesses
dispraise -> dispraises
disprover -> disprovers
disreputability -> disreputabilities
disreputableness -> disreputablenesses
dissertate -> dissertates,dissertating,dissertated
dissever -> dissevers,dissevering,dissevered
dissilience -> dissiliences
dissimilate -> dissimilates,dissimilating,dissimilated
dissimilation -> dissimilations
dissimilitude -> dissimilitudes
dissimulator -> dissimulators
dissolubility -> dissolubilities
dissoluteness -> dissolutenesses
dissolver -> dissolvers
dissyllable -> dissyllables
distillment -> distillments
distomatosis -> distomatoses
distortionist -> distortionists
distressfulness -> distressfulnesses
distressingness -> distressingnesses
distrustfulness -> distrustfulnesses
disunite -> disunites,disuniting,disunited
dita -> ditas
ditchmoss -> ditchmosses
ditto -> dittos,dittoing,dittoed
diuril -> diurils
divagate -> divagates,divagating,divagated
divaricate -> divaricates,divaricating,divaricated
divarication -> divarications
diversionist -> diversionists
divestiture -> divestitures
divi-divi -> divis-divis
divorcement -> divorcements
divulgement -> divulgements
dixiecrats -> dixiecratss
dizen -> dizens,dizening,dizened
djanet -> djanets
djinni -> djinnis
djinny -> djinnies
dkg -> dkgs
dkl -> dkls
dkm -> dkms
dl -> dls
dle -> dles
dmd -> dmds
dneprodzerzhinsk -> dneprodzerzhinsks
dnipropetrovsk -> dnipropetrovsks
do-si-do -> does-si-does
dobrich -> dobriches
dobsonfly -> dobsonflies
docent -> docents
docetism -> docetisms
dock-walloper -> dock-wallopers
dockage -> dockages
dockhand -> dockhands
doctorow -> doctorows
doctorspeak -> doctorspeaks
dodderer -> dodderers
dodecagon -> dodecagons
dodonaea -> dodonaeas
doei -> doeis
dog-ear -> dog-ears
dog-iron -> dog-irons
dogbane -> dogbanes
dogfighter -> dogfighters
doggie -> doggies
dogie -> dogies
dogmatize -> dogmatizes,dogmatizing,dogmatized
dogsled -> dogsleds
dogtooth -> dogteeth
dogtrot -> dogtrots
dogwatch -> dogwatches
dogy -> dogies
doi -> dois
doings -> doingss
doj -> dojs
dojc -> dojcs
doldrums -> doldrumss
dolefulness -> dolefulnesses
dolichocephalic -> dolichocephalics
dolichocephalism -> dolichocephalisms
dolichocephaly -> dolichocephalies
dolichonyx -> dolichonyxes
dolichotis -> dolichotiss
doliolidae -> doliolidaes
doliolum -> doliolums
dollhouse -> dollhouses
dolmas -> dolmass
dolobid -> dolobids
domatium -> domatiums
dombeya -> dombeyas
domesticize -> domesticizes,domesticizing,domesticized
domiciliation -> domiciliations
dominee -> dominees
domineeringness -> domineeringnesses
dominicus -> dominicuss
dominoes -> dominoess
dominos -> dominoss
donatus -> donatuss
donetske -> donetskes
donkeywork -> donkeyworks
doob -> doobs
doodia -> doodias
doodly-squat -> doodly-squats
doofus -> doofuss
doojigger -> doojiggers
door-handle -> door-handles
doorplate -> doorplates
doorsill -> doorsills
dopastat -> dopastats
doppelzentner -> doppelzentners
dorbeetle -> dorbeetles
doriden -> doridens
dormouse -> dormice
doronicum -> doronicums
dorotheanthus -> dorotheanthuss
dorsiflexion -> dorsiflexions
dorylinae -> dorylinaes
doryopteris -> doryopteriss
dos -> doss
dosemeter -> dosemeters
dossal -> dossals
dossel -> dossels
dosshouse -> dosshouses
dostoevski -> dostoevskis
dot-com -> dot-coms
dotrel -> dotrels
dottle -> dottles
double-crosser -> double-crossers
double-magnum -> double-magnums
double-park -> double-parks,double-parking,double-parked
double-prop -> double-props
double-spacing -> double-spacings
double-u -> dousble-us
doubleheader -> doubleheaders
doubles -> doubless
doubleton -> doubletons
doubletree -> doubletrees
douche -> douches,douching,douched
doughy -> doughier,doughiest
douglas -> douglass
doura -> douras
dourah -> dourahs
douroucouli -> douroucoulis
dovekie -> dovekies
dovishness -> dovishnesses
dovyalis -> dovyaliss
doweling -> dowelings
dower -> dowers,dowering,dowered
dowery -> doweries
down-bow -> down-bows
downdraft -> downdrafts
downheartedness -> downheartednesses
downiness -> downinesses
downrightness -> downrightnesses
downspin -> downspins
downtick -> downticks
downy -> downier,downiest
doxorubicin -> doxorubicins
doyenne -> doyennes
doyley -> doyleys
doyly -> doylies
dozen -> dozens
dozens -> dozenss
dp -> dps
dph -> dphs
dr -> drs
dracaenaceae -> dracaenaceaes
dracenaceae -> dracenaceaes
drachm -> drachms
dracocephalum -> dracocephalums
dracontium -> dracontiums
dracunculiasis -> dracunculiases
dracunculidae -> dracunculidaes
dracunculus -> dracunculuss
draftsperson -> draftspeople
dragee -> dragees
dragonet -> dragonets
dragonhead -> dragonheads
dragunov -> dragunovs
drainboard -> drainboards
drainplug -> drainplugs
dramamine -> dramamines
draughtboard -> draughtboards
draughts -> draughtss
dravidic -> dravidics
drawers -> drawerss
drawknife -> drawknives
drawler -> drawlers
drawnwork -> drawnworks
drawshave -> drawshaves
drayhorse -> drayhorses
dreadnaught -> dreadnaughts
dreg -> dregs
dreissena -> dreissenas
drepanididae -> drepanididaes
drepanis -> drepaniss
dreyfus -> dreyfuss
driftage -> driftages
drimys -> drimyss
drippage -> drippages
drippiness -> drippinesses
dripping -> drippings
drippings -> drippingss
dripstone -> dripstones
driveller -> drivellers
drixoral -> drixorals
drms -> drmss
dromaeosaur -> dromaeosaurs
dromaeosauridae -> dromaeosauridaes
dromaius -> dromaiuss
dronabinol -> dronabinols
drooler -> droolers
droopy -> droopier,droopiest
drop-seed -> drop-seeds
dropkick -> dropkicks,dropkicking,dropkicked
dropkicker -> dropkickers
dropline -> droplines
droppings -> droppingss
dropseed -> dropseeds
droseraceae -> droseraceaes
droshky -> droshkies
drosky -> droskies
drosophilidae -> drosophilidaes
drosophyllum -> drosophyllums
drouth -> drouths
druidism -> druidisms
drumbeater -> drumbeaters
drumfire -> drumfires
drunk-and-disorderly -> drunk-and-disorderlies
drupelet -> drupelets
druthers -> drutherss
dry-clean -> dry-cleans,dry-cleaning,dry-cleaned
dry-gulching -> dry-gulchings
dryadella -> dryadellas
dryas -> dryass
drygoods -> drygoodss
drymarchon -> drymarchons
drymoglossum -> drymoglossums
drynaria -> drynarias
dryopteridaceae -> dryopteridaceaes
drypis -> drypiss
drywall -> drywalls
ds -> dss
dtic -> dtics
duad -> duads
dubnium -> dubniums
dubuque -> dubuques
dubya -> dubyas
dubyuh -> dubyuhs
duckpin -> duckpins
duckpins -> duckpinss
ductileness -> ductilenesses
ductulus -> ductuluss
dudeen -> dudeens
duds -> dudss
due -> dues
dueler -> duelers
duelist -> duelists
dueller -> duellers
duffel -> duffels
dugongidae -> dugongidaes
dulciana -> dulcianas
dulcify -> dulcifies,dulcifying,dulcified
dulcinea -> dulcineas
dumbass -> dumbasses
dumbwaiter -> dumbwaiters
dumdum -> dumdums
dumetella -> dumetellas
dumpcart -> dumpcarts
dumpiness -> dumpinesses
dumplings -> dumplingss
dumps -> dumpss
dunkard -> dunkards
dunkers -> dunkerss
duodecimal -> duodecimals
duodenum -> duodenums
duologue -> duologues
dupery -> duperies
duplicability -> duplicabilities
duplicidentata -> duplicidentatas
durables -> durabless
durabolin -> durabolins
duramen -> duramens
durative -> duratives
durio -> durios
durion -> durions
durmast -> durmasts
dusanbe -> dusanbes
duse -> duses
dusicyon -> dusicyons
dust-up -> dust-ups
dustcloth -> dustcloths
dustiness -> dustinesses
dustmop -> dustmops
dustpanful -> dustpanfuls
dustrag -> dustrags
dutchman's-pipe -> dutchman's-pipes
dutchwoman -> dutchwomen
dvd -> dvds
dwarfishness -> dwarfishnesses
dyaus -> dyauss
dyaus-pitar -> dyaus-pitars
dyer's-broom -> dyer's-brooms
dyes -> dyess
dyeweed -> dyeweeds
dyewood -> dyewoods
dynamic -> dynamics
dynamite -> dynamites,dynamiting,dynamited
dynamiter -> dynamiters
dynamitist -> dynamitists
dynapen -> dynapens
dysaphia -> dysaphias
dysarthria -> dysarthrias
dyscalculia -> dyscalculias
dyschezia -> dyschezias
dyscrasia -> dyscrasias
dysgenesis -> dysgeneses
dysgenics -> dysgenicss
dyslectic -> dyslectics
dyslogia -> dyslogias
dysmenorrhea -> dysmenorrheas
dysomia -> dysomias
dysosmia -> dysosmias
dysphemism -> dysphemisms
dysphonia -> dysphonias
dysphoria -> dysphorias
dyspnea -> dyspneas
dysprosium -> dysprosiums
dyssynergia -> dyssynergias
dysthymia -> dysthymias
dytiscidae -> dytiscidaes
dyushambe -> dyushambes
dziggetai -> dziggetais
e -> es
e-bomb -> e-bombs
e-commerce -> e-commerces
e-mycin -> e-mycins
e.s.p. -> e.s.p.s
eacles -> eacless
eagre -> eagres
ear-shell -> ear-shells
eardrop -> eardrops
earlap -> earlaps
earreach -> earreaches
earth-ball -> earth-balls
earth-closet -> earth-closets
earth-god -> earth-gods
earth-goddess -> earth-goddesses
earth-tongue -> earth-tongues
earthball -> earthballs
earthman -> earthmen
earthnut -> earthnuts
earthstar -> earthstars
earthtongue -> earthtongues
east-sider -> east-siders
eastward -> eastwards
easygoingness -> easygoingnesses
eatage -> eatages
eats -> eatss
ebbtide -> ebbtides
ebenaceae -> ebenaceaes
ebenales -> ebenaless
ebitda -> ebitdas
ebn -> ebns
ebola -> ebolas
ebonics -> ebonicss
ebonize -> ebonizes,ebonizing,ebonized
ebullition -> ebullitions
eburnation -> eburnations
eburophyton -> eburophytons
ecarte -> ecartes
ecballium -> ecballiums
ecc -> eccs
ecchymosis -> ecchymoses
ecclesiasticism -> ecclesiasticisms
ecclesiasticus -> ecclesiasticuss
eccm -> eccms
eccyesis -> eccyeses
ecdysiast -> ecdysiasts
ecesis -> eceses
ecf -> ecfs
echeneididae -> echeneididaes
echeneis -> echeneiss
echidnophaga -> echidnophagas
echinocactus -> echinocactuss
echinocereus -> echinocereuss
echinochloa -> echinochloas
echinococcosis -> echinococcoses
echinococcus -> echinococcuss
echinoidea -> echinoideas
echinops -> echinopss
echinus -> echinuss
echium -> echiums
echoencephalogram -> echoencephalograms
echoencephalograph -> echoencephalographs
echoencephalography -> echoencephalographies
echogram -> echograms
echovirus -> echoviruss
eclampsia -> eclampsias
eclecticist -> eclecticists
eclipsis -> eclipses
eco-warfare -> eco-warfares
ecobabble -> ecobabbles
econometrist -> econometrists
economiser -> economisers
economizer -> economizers
ecoterrorism -> ecoterrorisms
ecphonesis -> ecphoneses
ecrevisse -> ecrevisses
ectasia -> ectasias
ectasis -> ectases
ectoblast -> ectoblasts
ectomorphy -> ectomorphies
ectopia -> ectopias
ectopistes -> ectopistess
ectoproct -> ectoprocts
ectoprocta -> ectoproctas
ectozoan -> ectozoans
ectozoon -> ectozoa
ectrodactyly -> ectrodactylies
ecuadoran -> ecuadorans
edacity -> edacities
edaphosauridae -> edaphosauridaes
edaphosaurus -> edaphosauruss
edecrin -> edecrins
edentata -> edentatas
edentate -> edentates
ederle -> ederles
edibleness -> ediblenesses
edmontonia -> edmontonias
edmontosaurus -> edmontosauruss
edronax -> edronaxes
eds -> edss
educatee -> educatees
education -> educations
edulcorate -> edulcorates,edulcorating,edulcorated
edward -> edwards
eelblenny -> eelblennies
eelpout -> eelpouts
eelworm -> eelworms
eerie -> eerier,eeriest
effecter -> effecters
effects -> effectss
effectuality -> effectualities
effectualness -> effectualnesses
effectuation -> effectuations
effeminateness -> effeminatenesses
efficaciousness -> efficaciousnesses
effloresce -> effloresces,efflorescing,effloresced
effortfulness -> effortfulnesses
effortlessness -> effortlessnesses
eft -> efts
egalite -> egalites
egality -> egalities
egest -> egests,egesting,egested
egg-and-anchor -> egg-and-anchors
egg-and-dart -> egg-and-darts
egg-and-tongue -> egg-and-tongues
eggbeater -> eggbeaters
eggfruit -> eggfruits
eggnog -> eggnogs
eggs -> eggss
eggshake -> eggshakes
eggwhisk -> eggwhisks
egis -> egiss
eglevsky -> eglevskies
egotrip -> egotrips',egotripping,egotripped
egression -> egressions
egretta -> egrettas
egtk -> egtks
ehadhamen -> ehadhamens
ehf -> ehfs
ehrenberg -> ehrenbergs
eidos -> eidoss
eight -> eights
eight-spot -> eight-spots
eighteen -> eighteens
eighter -> eighters
eighth -> eighths
eighties -> eightiess
eightvo -> eightvoes
eighty -> eighties
eijkman -> eijkmen
eimeria -> eimerias
eimeriidae -> eimeriidaes
einsteinium -> einsteiniums
einthoven -> einthovens
eisegesis -> eisegeses
eisenstaedt -> eisenstaedts
ejaculator -> ejaculators
ekg -> ekgs
el -> els
el-aksur -> el-aksurs
elaeagnaceae -> elaeagnaceaes
elaeis -> elaeiss
elaeocarpaceae -> elaeocarpaceaes
elaeocarpus -> elaeocarpuss
elagatis -> elagatiss
elamitic -> elamitics
elanoides -> elanoidess
elanus -> elanuss
elaphe -> elaphes
elaphure -> elaphures
elaphurus -> elaphuruss
elapid -> elapids
elasmobranch -> elasmobranches
elasmobranchii -> elasmobranchiis
elastance -> elastances
elastosis -> elastoses
elater -> elaters
elaterid -> elaterids
elateridae -> elateridaes
elecampane -> elecampanes
electricity -> electricity
electrocutioner -> electrocutioners
electrodeposition -> electrodepositions
electrologist -> electrologists
electromagnetics -> electromagneticss
electromyograph -> electromyographs
electronic -> electronics
electrophoridae -> electrophoridaes
electrophorus -> electrophoruss
electroplater -> electroplaters
electrosleep -> electrosleeps
electrosurgery -> electrosurgeries
electrotherapist -> electrotherapists
electrotherapy -> electrotherapies
elegist -> elegists
elegize -> elegizes,elegizing,elegized
elements -> elementss
elemi -> elemis
eleotridae -> eleotridaes
elephant's-foot -> elephant's-feet
elephant-tusk -> elephant-tusks
elephantidae -> elephantidaes
elephantopus -> elephantopera
elettaria -> elettarias
eleusine -> eleusines
eleutherodactylus -> eleutherodactyluss
eleven -> elevens
eleventh -> elevenths
elia -> elias
elinvar -> elinvars
eliomys -> eliomyss
elisabethville -> elisabethvilles
elixophyllin -> elixophyllins
elk-wood -> elk-woods
elkhound -> elkhounds
elkwood -> elkwoods
ellas -> ellass
elli -> ellis
ellipse -> ellipses
ellipsis -> ellipses
ellipticity -> ellipticities
elmont -> elmonts
eln -> elns
elocutionist -> elocutionists
elopement -> elopements
elopidae -> elopidaes
elops -> elopss
elsass -> elsasses
elsholtzia -> elsholtzias
elspar -> elspars
eluding -> eludings
elul -> eluls
elves -> elvess
elytron -> elytrons
email -> emails
embarkment -> embarkments
embassador -> embassadors
emberiza -> emberizas
emberizidae -> emberizidaes
embiodea -> embiodeas
embiotocidae -> embiotocidaes
embitterment -> embitterments
embolectomy -> embolectomies
embossment -> embossments
embothrium -> embothriums
embracement -> embracements
embrangle -> embrangles,embrangling,embrangled
embrocate -> embrocates,embrocating,embrocated
embrocation -> embrocations
embroideress -> embroideresses
emcee -> emcees
emda -> emdas
emeer -> emeers
emeside -> emesides
emesis -> emeses
emetrol -> emetrols
emigree -> emigrees
emmanthe -> emmanthes
emmenagogue -> emmenagogues
emmentaler -> emmentalers
emmenthaler -> emmenthalers
emmetropia -> emmetropias
emoticon -> emoticons
emotionlessness -> emotionlessnesses
empetraceae -> empetraceaes
emphasis -> emphases
emphasizing -> emphasizings
empirin -> empirins
emplane -> emplanes,emplaning,emplaned
emydidae -> emydidaes
en-lil -> en-lils
enallage -> enallages
enamelware -> enamelwares
enamoredness -> enamorednesses
enanthem -> enanthems
enanthema -> enanthemas
enantiomorphism -> enantiomorphisms
enarthrosis -> enarthroses
enate -> enates
enation -> enations
enbrel -> enbrels
encasement -> encasements
encelia -> encelias
enceliopsis -> enceliopses
encephalartos -> encephalartoss
encephalitis -> encephalitis
encephalocele -> encephaloceles
encephalogram -> encephalograms
encephalography -> encephalographies
encephalon -> encephalons
enchain -> enchains,enchaining,enchained
enchantress -> enchantresses
enchiridion -> enchiridions
enchondroma -> enchondromas
encipher -> enciphers,enciphering,enciphered
encolure -> encolures
encompassment -> encompassments
encroacher -> encroachers
encyclia -> encyclias
encyclopaedism -> encyclopaedisms
encyclopedism -> encyclopedisms
encyclopedist -> encyclopedists
endaemonism -> endaemonisms
endameba -> endamebas
endamoeba -> endamoebas
endamoebidae -> endamoebidaes
endecott -> endecotts
endoblast -> endoblasts
endocranium -> endocraniums
endodontia -> endodontias
endodontics -> endodonticss
endodontist -> endodontists
endogen -> endogens
endogeny -> endogenies
endolymph -> endolymphs
endomorphy -> endomorphies
endomycetales -> endomycetaless
endoneurium -> endoneuriums
endoplasm -> endoplasms
endoprocta -> endoproctas
endospore -> endospores
endosteum -> endosteums
endozoan -> endozoans
endplate -> endplates
enduringness -> enduringnesses
energid -> energids
enets -> enetss
enfeoffment -> enfeoffments
enflurane -> enfluranes
engelmannia -> engelmannias
enginery -> engineries
english-gothic -> english-gothics
english-weed -> english-weeds
englut -> engluts,englutting,englutted
engraulidae -> engraulidaes
engraulis -> engrauliss
enhydra -> enhydras
enjoining -> enjoinings
enjoinment -> enjoinments
enjoyableness -> enjoyablenesses
enkaid -> enkaids
enki -> enkis
enl -> enls
enlistee -> enlistees
enlivener -> enliveners
ennervation -> ennervations
enol -> enols
enologist -> enologists
enology -> enologies
enormousness -> enormousnesses
enosis -> enoses
enounce -> enounces,enouncing,enounced
enovid -> enovids
enragement -> enragements
enrobe -> enrobes,enrobing,enrobed
enroll -> enrols,enrolling,enrolled
enrollee -> enrollees
enrollment -> enrollments
ensete -> ensetes
ensilage -> ensilages
ensile -> ensiles,ensiling,ensiled
entandrophragma -> entandrophragmas
entelea -> enteleas
entellus -> entelluss
enterics -> entericss
enterobacteriaceae -> enterobacteriaceaes
enterobiasis -> enterobiases
enterobius -> enterobiuss
enteroceptor -> enteroceptors
enterokinase -> enterokinases
enterolith -> enteroliths
enterolithiasis -> enterolithiases
enterolobium -> enterolobiums
enteron -> enterons
enteroptosis -> enteroptoses
enterostenosis -> enterostenoses
enterostomy -> enterostomies
enterotomy -> enterotomies
enterotoxemia -> enterotoxemias
enterovirus -> enteroviruss
enterpriser -> enterprisers
enterprisingness -> enterprisingnesses
enthrallment -> enthrallments
enthrone -> enthrones,enthroning,enthroned
enthronement -> enthronements
enthronisation -> enthronisations
enthronization -> enthronizations
entireness -> entirenesses
entoblast -> entoblasts
entoderm -> entoderms
entoloma -> entolomas
entolomataceae -> entolomataceaes
entomion -> entomions
entomophobia -> entomophobias
entomophthora -> entomophthoras
entomophthoraceae -> entomophthoraceaes
entomophthorales -> entomophthoraless
entomostraca -> entomostracas
entoparasite -> entoparasites
entoproct -> entoprocts
entoprocta -> entoproctas
entozoan -> entozoans
entozoon -> entozoa
entremots -> entremotss
entresol -> entresols
entric -> entrics
entsi -> entsis
entsy -> entsies
enucleate -> enucleates,enucleating,enucleated
enucleation -> enucleations
enuki -> enukis
envenom -> envenoms,envenoming,envenomed
enviousness -> enviousnesses
eohippus -> eohippuss
eolic -> eolics
eolith -> eoliths
eolithic -> eolithics
eosinopenia -> eosinopenias
eosinophile -> eosinophiles
ep -> eps
epacridaceae -> epacridaceaes
epacris -> epacriss
epanalepsis -> epanalepses
epanaphora -> epanaphoras
epanodos -> epanodoss
epanorthosis -> epanorthoses
eparch -> eparches
eparchy -> eparchies
epauliere -> epaulieres
ependyma -> ependymas
epenthesis -> epentheses
epha -> ephas
ephah -> ephahs
ephedra -> ephedras
ephedraceae -> ephedraceaes
ephemeralness -> ephemeralnesses
ephemerid -> ephemerids
ephemerida -> ephemeridas
ephemeridae -> ephemeridaes
ephemeron -> ephemerons
ephestia -> ephestias
ephippidae -> ephippidaes
ephippiorhynchus -> ephippiorhynchuss
epicalyx -> epicalyxes
epicanthus -> epicanthuss
epicardia -> epicardias
epicardium -> epicardiums
epicarp -> epicarps
epicenter -> epicenters
epicine -> epicines
epicondyle -> epicondyles
epicure -> epicures
epidendron -> epidendrons
epidendrum -> epidendrums
epigaea -> epigaeas
epiglottis -> epiglottises,epiglottides
epigon -> epigons
epikeratophakia -> epikeratophakias
epilachna -> epilachnas
epilate -> epilates,epilating,epilated
epilation -> epilations
epilog -> epilogs
epimedium -> epimediums
epimetheus -> epimetheuss
epinephelus -> epinepheluss
epinephrin -> epinephrins
epipactis -> epipactiss
epipaleolithic -> epipaleolithics
epiphora -> epiphoras
epiphyllum -> epiphyllums
epiplexis -> epiplexes
epipremnum -> epipremnums
episcia -> episcias
epispadias -> epispadiass
episperm -> episperms
epistasis -> epistases
epistrophe -> epistrophes
epithelioma -> epitheliomas
epizoan -> epizoans
epizoon -> epizoa
epkwele -> epkweles
eponym -> eponyms
eponymy -> eponymies
eptatretus -> eptatretuss
eptesicus -> eptesicuss
equalitarian -> equalitarians
equalitarianism -> equalitarianisms
equalizer -> equalizers
equanil -> equanils
equatability -> equatabilities
equetus -> equetuss
equid -> equids
equidae -> equidaes
equidistribution -> equidistributions
equilibrium -> equilibria
equisetaceae -> equisetaceaes
equisetales -> equisetaless
equisetatae -> equisetataes
er -> ers
eragrostis -> eragrostiss
erbium -> erbiums
ercilla -> ercillas
eremitism -> eremitisms
eresh-kigal -> eresh-kigals
ereshkigal -> ereshkigals
ereshkigel -> ereshkigels
erethism -> erethisms
erethizon -> erethizons
erethizontidae -> erethizontidaes
eretmochelys -> eretmochelyss
ergodicity -> ergodicities
ergometer -> ergometers
ergonovine -> ergonovines
ergosterol -> ergosterols
ergotamine -> ergotamines
ergotism -> ergotisms
ergotropism -> ergotropisms
erianthus -> erianthuss
ericales -> ericaless
erigeron -> erigerons
erignathus -> erignathuss
erinaceidae -> erinaceidaes
eringo -> eringoes
erinyes -> erinyess
eriobotrya -> eriobotryas
eriocaulaceae -> eriocaulaceaes
eriocaulon -> eriocaulons
eriodictyon -> eriodictyons
eriogonum -> eriogonums
eriophyllum -> eriophyllums
eriosoma -> eriosomas
erithacus -> erithacuss
erlang -> erlangs
erodium -> erodiums
erolia -> erolias
errancy -> errancies
erroneousness -> erroneousnesses
eruca -> erucas
eruditeness -> eruditenesses
erwinia -> erwinias
eryngo -> eryngoes
erysimum -> erysimums
erysipelas -> erysipelass
erysiphaceae -> erysiphaceaes
erysiphales -> erysiphaless
erysiphe -> erysiphes
erythrite -> erythrites
erythroblast -> erythroblasts
erythroblastosis -> erythroblastoses
erythrocebus -> erythrocebuss
erythrocin -> erythrocins
erythrocytolysin -> erythrocytolysins
erythroderma -> erythrodermas
erythrolysin -> erythrolysins
erythroxylaceae -> erythroxylaceaes
erythroxylon -> erythroxylons
erythroxylum -> erythroxylums
es -> ess
esaki -> esakis
escalade -> escalades,escalading,escaladed
escalader -> escaladers
escarole -> escaroles
escarp -> escarps
eschalot -> eschalots
eschatologist -> eschatologists
eschrichtiidae -> eschrichtiidaes
eschrichtius -> eschrichtiuss
eschscholtzia -> eschscholtzias
escolar -> escolars
esidrix -> esidrixes
eskalith -> eskaliths
eskimo-aleut -> eskimo-aleuts
esmolol -> esmolols
esocidae -> esocidaes
esophagoscope -> esophagoscopes
esoterica -> esotericas
esotropia -> esotropias
esox -> esoxes
espanole -> espanoles
esparcet -> esparcets
esperantido -> esperantidoes
espial -> espials
esplanade -> esplanades
esquimau -> esquimaus
essayer -> essayers
esselen -> esselens
essentiality -> essentialities
essentialness -> essentialnesses
essonite -> essonites
establishmentarianism -> establishmentarianisms
establishmentism -> establishmentisms
estazolam -> estazolams
esthesia -> esthesias
esthesis -> estheses
esthete -> esthetes
esthetic -> esthetics
esthetician -> estheticians
esthetics -> estheticss
esthonia -> esthonias
esthonian -> esthonians
estivate -> estivates,estivating,estivated
estivation -> estivations
estradiol -> estradiols
estragon -> estragons
estrange -> estranges,estranging,estranged
estrilda -> estrildas
estriol -> estriols
estrone -> estrones
estronol -> estronols
estrus -> estruss
esurience -> esuriences
etagere -> etageres
etamin -> etamins
etamine -> etamines
etanercept -> etanercepts
etd -> etds
eternize -> eternizes,eternizing,eternized
ethanal -> ethanals
ethanamide -> ethanamides
ethanediol -> ethanediols
ethanoate -> ethanoates
ethchlorvynol -> ethchlorvynols
etherealize -> etherealizes,etherealizing,etherealized
etherify -> etherifies,etherifying,etherified
etherize -> etherizes,etherizing,etherized
ethic -> ethics
ethician -> ethicians
ethicism -> ethicisms
ethmoid -> ethmoids
ethnarch -> ethnarches
ethnos -> ethnoss
ethocaine -> ethocaines
ethos -> ethos
ethosuximide -> ethosuximides
ethrane -> ethranes
ethril -> ethrils
etiolation -> etiolations
etiologist -> etiologists
etodolac -> etodolacs
etropus -> etropera
etui -> etuis
etymologize -> etymologizes,etymologizing,etymologized
etymologizing -> etymologizings
euarctos -> euarctoss
euascomycetes -> euascomycetess
eubacteriales -> eubacterialess
eubacterium -> eubacteriums
eubryales -> eubryaless
eucalyptus -> eucalyptuses
eucarya -> eucaryas
eucaryote -> eucaryotes
euchre -> euchres
eucinostomus -> eucinostomuss
eudaemon -> eudaemons
eudaemonia -> eudaemonias
eudaimonia -> eudaimonias
eudemon -> eudemons
eudemonism -> eudemonisms
euderma -> eudermas
eudiometer -> eudiometers
eudyptes -> eudyptess
euglena -> euglenas
euglenaceae -> euglenaceaes
euglenid -> euglenids
euglenoid -> euglenoids
euglenophyceae -> euglenophyceaes
euglenophyta -> euglenophytas
euglenophyte -> euglenophytes
eulogium -> eulogiums
eumeces -> eumecess
eumenes -> eumeness
eumetopias -> eumetopiass
eumops -> eumopss
eumycetes -> eumycetess
eumycota -> eumycotas
eunectes -> eunectess
eunuchoidism -> eunuchoidisms
euphagus -> euphaguss
euphausiacea -> euphausiaceas
euphemize -> euphemizes,euphemizing,euphemized
euphorbium -> euphorbiums
euphoriant -> euphoriants
euphory -> euphories
euphractus -> euphractuss
euphuism -> euphuisms
euplectella -> euplectellas
eupnea -> eupneas
eupnoea -> eupnoeas
euproctis -> euproctiss
eurafrican -> eurafricans
eurhythmy -> eurhythmies
eurobabble -> eurobabbles
euronithopod -> euronithopods
euronithopoda -> euronithopodas
europan -> europans
eurotiales -> eurotialess
eurotium -> eurotiums
euryale -> euryales
euryalida -> euryalidas
eurylaimi -> eurylaimis
eurylaimidae -> eurylaimidaes
eurypterida -> eurypteridas
eurythmy -> eurythmies
eusporangium -> eusporangiums
eustachio -> eustachios
eustoma -> eustomas
eutamias -> eutamiass
euthenics -> euthenicss
eutheria -> eutherias
euthynnus -> euthynnuss
evanesce -> evanesces,evanescing,evanesced
evansville -> evansvilles
evaporometer -> evaporometers
even -> evens,evening,evened
evenfall -> evenfalls
evening-snow -> evening-snows
evenk -> evenks
eventration -> eventrations
evernia -> evernias
everting -> evertings
everydayness -> everydaynesses
evildoing -> evildoings
evilness -> evilnesses
ewenki -> ewenkis
ex-gambler -> ex-gamblers
exacta -> exactas
exacum -> exacums
exaeretodon -> exaeretodons
examen -> examens
exanthem -> exanthems
exanthema -> exanthemas
exboyfriend -> exboyfriends
excerption -> excerptions
exchangeability -> exchangeabilities
excitableness -> excitablenesses
excitant -> excitants
excogitate -> excogitates,excogitating,excogitated
excogitation -> excogitations
excogitator -> excogitators
excreting -> excretings
excruciate -> excruciates,excruciating,excruciated
excuser -> excusers
executability -> executabilities
exegesis -> exegeses
exenterate -> exenterates,exenterating,exenterated
exenteration -> exenterations
exercycle -> exercycles
exiguity -> exiguities
exobiology -> exobiologies
exocarp -> exocarps
exocoetidae -> exocoetidaes
exocycloida -> exocycloidas
exode -> exodes
exoderm -> exoderms
exodontia -> exodontias
exodontics -> exodonticss
exodontist -> exodontists
exogen -> exogens
exomphalos -> exomphaloss
exophthalmos -> exophthalmoss
exopterygota -> exopterygotas
exorciser -> exorcisers
exordium -> exordiums
exostosis -> exostoses
exotherm -> exotherms
exotism -> exotisms
exotropia -> exotropias
expatiation -> expatiations
expectedness -> expectednesses
expectorator -> expectorators
expedite -> expedites,expediting,expedited
expeditiousness -> expeditiousnesses
expelling -> expellings
expender -> expenders
expending -> expendings
expensiveness -> expensivenesses
expiration -> expirations
explanandum -> explanandums
explanans -> explananss
explicandum -> explicandums
exponentiation -> exponentiations
expounding -> expoundings
expressage -> expressages
expunction -> expunctions
expunging -> expungings
expurgator -> expurgators
exsert -> exserts,exserting,exserted
exsiccate -> exsiccates,exsiccating,exsiccated
exteriorisation -> exteriorisations
exteriorization -> exteriorizations
exteroception -> exteroceptions
exteroceptor -> exteroceptors
extoller -> extollers
extolment -> extolments
extradite -> extradites,extraditing,extradited
extrados -> extradoss
extraneousness -> extraneousnesses
extremeness -> extremenesses
extropy -> extropies
exuberate -> exuberates,exuberating,exuberated
exurbia -> exurbias
exuviae -> exuviaes
exuviate -> exuviates,exuviating,exuviated
exwife -> exwives
eye-beaming -> eye-beamings
eye-lotion -> eye-lotions
eyeful -> eyefuls
eyeglasses -> eyeglassess
eyeish -> eyeishes
eyelessness -> eyelessnesses
eyes -> eyess
eyeshot -> eyeshots
eyespot -> eyespots
eyetooth -> eyeteeth
eyewash -> eyewashes
eyra -> eyras
eyrie -> eyries
eyrir -> eyrirs
ezed -> ezeds
ezekias -> ezekiass
ezo -> ezoes
ezo-yama-hagi -> ezo-yama-hagis
f -> fs
f.i.s.c. -> f.i.s.c.s
fabaceae -> fabaceaes
fabiana -> fabianas
facde -> facdes
factorization -> factorizations
factualness -> factualnesses
facula -> faculas
faddy -> faddier,faddiest
fadeout -> fadeouts
faecalith -> faecaliths
faeces -> faecess
faeroes -> faeroess
faeroese -> faeroeses
fagales -> fagaless
faggpting -> faggptings
fagopyrum -> fagopyrums
fagoting -> fagotings
faineance -> faineances
faintheartedness -> faintheartednesses
fair-maids-of-france -> fair-maids-of-frances
fairy-slipper -> fairy-slippers
fairyland -> fairylands
fakeer -> fakeers
falanga -> falangas
falcatifolium -> falcatifoliums
falcon-gentil -> falcon-gentils
falcon-gentle -> falcon-gentles
falconiformes -> falconiformess
falderol -> falderols
fall-board -> fall-boards
fallal -> fallals
fallboard -> fallboards
falloff -> falloffs
fallopio -> fallopios
fallopius -> fallopiuss
false -> falser,falsest
falsetto -> falsettos
falsie -> falsies
famish -> famishes,famishing,famished
famishment -> famishments
famotidine -> famotidines
famulus -> famuluss
fan-jet -> fan-jets
fanaloka -> fanalokas
fanatism -> fanatisms
fancywork -> fancyworks
fanion -> fanions
fantan -> fantans
fantasm -> fantasms
fantast -> fantasts
fantods -> fantodss
fanweed -> fanweeds
fanwort -> fanworts
faq -> faqs
faqir -> faqirs
faquir -> faquirs
farad -> farads
farandole -> farandoles
farawayness -> farawaynesses
fardel -> fardels
fare-stage -> fare-stages
fare-thee-well -> fare-thee-wells
farfalle -> farfalles
farkleberry -> farkleberries
farm-place -> farm-places
farmerette -> farmerettes
farmplace -> farmplaces
farness -> farnesses
farragut -> farraguts
fartlek -> fartleks
fasces -> fascess
fascicule -> fascicules
fasciola -> fasciolas
fasciolidae -> fasciolidaes
fasciolopsiasis -> fasciolopsiases
fasciolopsis -> fasciolopses
fasciolosis -> fascioloses
fashionmonger -> fashionmongers
fastnacht -> fastnachts
fatah-rc -> fatah-rcs
fates -> fatess
fathead -> fatheads
father-god -> father-gods
father-in-law -> fathers-in-law
fatherliness -> fatherlinesses
fathometer -> fathometers
fatigability -> fatigabilities
fatigues -> fatiguess
fatiha -> fatihas
fatihah -> fatihahs
fatism -> fatisms
fattiness -> fattinesses
fattism -> fattisms
fatuousness -> fatuousnesses
fauces -> faucess
faultfinder -> faultfinders
faultfinding -> faultfindings
faultiness -> faultinesses
faultlessness -> faultlessnesses
favism -> favisms
favorableness -> favorablenesses
favoritism -> favoritisms
favus -> favuss
fawner -> fawners
fe -> fes
fealty -> fealties
feasibleness -> feasiblenesses
feather-foil -> feather-foils
featherbedding -> featherbeddings
featheredge -> featheredges
featherfoil -> featherfoils
featheriness -> featherinesses
feathertop -> feathertops
febricity -> febricities
febrility -> febrilities
fecalith -> fecaliths
feces -> fecess
fecula -> feculas
feculence -> feculences
fecundate -> fecundates,fecundating,fecundated
fed -> feds
fedelline -> fedellines
federal -> federals
federita -> federitas
fedex -> fedexes,fedexing,fedexed
feeblemindedness -> feeblemindednesses
feedbag -> feedbags
feeding-bottle -> feeding-bottles
feelings -> feelingss
feifer -> feifers
feijoa -> feijoas
felafel -> felafels
felicitate -> felicitates,felicitating,felicitated
felicitousness -> felicitousnesses
felidae -> felidaes
fellata -> fellatas
felly -> fellies
felo-de-se -> felo-de-ses
feminineness -> femininenesses
femoris -> femoriss
femtochemistry -> femtochemistries
femtometer -> femtometers
femtometre -> femtometres
femtovolt -> femtovolts
fence-sitter -> fence-sitters
fencesitter -> fencesitters
fender-bender -> fender-benders
fenestella -> fenestellas
fengtien -> fengtiens
fennic -> fennics
fenoprofen -> fenoprofens
fenusa -> fenusas
feoff -> feoffs
feosol -> feosols
ferber -> ferbers
fergon -> fergons
fergusonite -> fergusonites
fermentologist -> fermentologists
fermium -> fermiums
ferocactus -> ferocactuss
ferociousness -> ferociousnesses
ferrimagnetism -> ferrimagnetisms
ferrocerium -> ferroceriums
ferroconcrete -> ferroconcretes
ferrocyanide -> ferrocyanides
ferule -> ferules
fervidness -> fervidnesses
fes -> fess
fesse -> fesses
festination -> festinations
festoonery -> festooneries
feterita -> feteritas
fetichism -> fetichisms
feticide -> feticides
fetidness -> fetidnesses
fetology -> fetologies
fetometry -> fetometries
fetor -> fetors
fetoscope -> fetoscopes
fetterbush -> fetterbushes
fettuccini -> fettuccinis
feudalize -> feudalizes,feudalizing,feudalized
feverroot -> feverroots
few -> fewer,fewest
fewness -> fewnesses
fez -> fezzes
fha -> fhas
fhlmc -> fhlmcs
fiance -> fiances
fiberboard -> fiberboards
fiberglass -> fiberglasses
fiberoptics -> fiberopticss
fiberscope -> fiberscopes
fibreoptics -> fibreopticss
fibrinase -> fibrinases
fibrinolysin -> fibrinolysins
fibroadenoma -> fibroadenomas
fibrocartilage -> fibrocartilages
fibroma -> fibromas
fibrosity -> fibrosities
fibrousness -> fibrousnesses
fica -> ficas
fictionalisation -> fictionalisations
fictionalization -> fictionalizations
fiddlehead -> fiddleheads
fiddleneck -> fiddlenecks
fiddlestick -> fiddlesticks
fidgetiness -> fidgetinesses
fieldhand -> fieldhands
fieldmouse -> fieldmice
fieldstone -> fieldstones
fifteen -> fifteens
fifth -> fifths
fifties -> fiftiess
fifty -> fifties
fig-bird -> fig-birds
figeater -> figeaters
figurer -> figurers
fijis -> fijiss
filaggrin -> filaggrins
filago -> filagoes
filagree -> filagrees
filaree -> filarees
filariidae -> filariidaes
filature -> filatures
filiate -> filiates,filiating,filiated
filibusterer -> filibusterers
filicales -> filicaless
filicide -> filicides
filicinae -> filicinaes
filicopsida -> filicopsidas
fillagree -> fillagrees
fillip -> fillips
film-strip -> film-strips
filmy -> filmier,filmiest
filoviridae -> filoviridaes
filovirus -> filoviruss
fils -> filss
filum -> filums
fimbria -> fimbrias
finagler -> finaglers
finances -> financess
finback -> finbacks
fincen -> fincens
findings -> findingss
finger-flower -> finger-flowers
finger-painting -> finger-paintings
finger-roll -> finger-rolls
finger-root -> finger-roots
fingerbreadth -> fingerbreadths
fingerflower -> fingerflowers
fingerpaint -> fingerpaints
fingerpointing -> fingerpointings
fingerroot -> fingerroots
finnic -> finnics
finno-ugrian -> finno-ugrians
finno-ugric -> finno-ugrics
finocchio -> finocchios
fipple -> fipples
fire-bush -> fire-bushes
fire-on-the-mountain -> fires-on-the-mountain
fire-storm -> fire-storms
fire-swallower -> fire-swallowers
fire-wheel -> fire-wheels
fire-worship -> fire-worships
firebase -> firebases
fireboat -> fireboats
firebrat -> firebrats
firebrick -> firebricks
firedrake -> firedrakes
firelock -> firelocks
fireplug -> fireplugs
fireroom -> firerooms
firethorn -> firethorns
firmiana -> firmianas
first -> firsts
first-rater -> first-raters
fish-fly -> fish-flies
fish-worship -> fish-worships
fishgig -> fishgigs
fishworm -> fishworms
fissiparity -> fissiparities
fissiped -> fissipeds
fissipedia -> fissipedias
fissurella -> fissurellas
fissurellidae -> fissurellidaes
fisticuffs -> fisticuffss
fistmele -> fistmeles
fistularia -> fistularias
fistulariidae -> fistulariidaes
fistulina -> fistulinas
fistulinaceae -> fistulinaceaes
fitfulness -> fitfulnesses
fittingness -> fittingnesses
five -> fives
five-hitter -> five-hitters
five-spot -> five-spots
fives -> fivess
fixedness -> fixednesses
fixer-upper -> fixer-uppers
fixings -> fixingss
fizgig -> fizgigs
fizz -> fizzes,fizzing,fizzed
flacourtia -> flacourtias
flacourtiaceae -> flacourtiaceaes
flag-waver -> flag-wavers
flagroot -> flagroots
flambe -> flambes,flambeing,flambeed
flame-flower -> flame-flowers
flame-out -> flames-out
flameflower -> flameflowers
flamen -> flamens
flaminius -> flaminiuss
flammulina -> flammulinas
flannel-cake -> flannel-cakes
flannelbush -> flannelbushes
flapcake -> flapcakes
flaps -> flapss
flash-forward -> flash-forwards
flashboard -> flashboards
flashboarding -> flashboardings
flashcube -> flashcubes
flashflood -> flashfloods
flashover -> flashovers
flaskful -> flaskfuls
flatbread -> flatbreads
flatbrod -> flatbrods
flatcar -> flatcars
flatfish -> flatfishes
flatiron -> flatirons
flats -> flatss
flattop -> flattops
flatulency -> flatulencies
flaviviridae -> flaviviridaes
flavivirus -> flaviviruss
flavorer -> flavorers
flavoring -> flavorings
flavorlessness -> flavorlessnesses
flavorsomeness -> flavorsomenesses
flavourer -> flavourers
flavourlessness -> flavourlessnesses
flavoursomeness -> flavoursomenesses
flawlessness -> flawlessnesses
flaxedil -> flaxedils
flaxseed -> flaxseeds
fleawort -> fleaworts
flection -> flections
fleer -> fleers,fleering,fleered
fleetingness -> fleetingnesses
fletc -> fletcs
flexeril -> flexerils
flexibleness -> flexiblenesses
flick-knife -> flick-knives
flickertail -> flickertails
flies -> fliess
flightiness -> flightinesses
flighty -> flightier,flightiest
flimflam -> flimflams
flindersia -> flindersias
flindosa -> flindosas
flindosy -> flindosies
flinthead -> flintheads
floating-moss -> floating-mosses
floccule -> floccules
floodhead -> floodheads
floreal -> floreals
florescence -> florescences
floriculture -> floricultures
floridity -> floridities
floridness -> floridnesses
florilegium -> florilegiums
flouter -> flouters
flower-of-an-hour -> flowers-of-an-hour
floweret -> flowerets
flowers-of-an-hour -> flowerss-of-an-hour
floxuridine -> floxuridines
flub -> flubs
fluegelhorn -> fluegelhorns
fluidness -> fluidnesses
fluidounce -> fluidounces
fluidram -> fluidrams
flunitrazepan -> flunitrazepans
fluorapatite -> fluorapatites
fluoresceine -> fluoresceines
fluoridisation -> fluoridisations
fluoridization -> fluoridizations
fluoridize -> fluoridizes,fluoridizing,fluoridized
fluoroboride -> fluoroborides
fluoroform -> fluoroforms
fluoroscope -> fluoroscopes
fluosilicate -> fluosilicates
fluoxetine -> fluoxetines
fluphenazine -> fluphenazines
flurbiprofen -> flurbiprofens
flutist -> flutists
fluvastatin -> fluvastatins
fluxion -> fluxions
fluxmeter -> fluxmeters
flyby -> flybys
flyfish -> flyfishes,flyfishing,flyfished
flyleaf -> flyleaves
flyspeck -> flyspecks
flyswat -> flyswats
flyswatter -> flyswatters
fmri -> fmris
fnma -> fnmas
fo'c'sle -> fo'c'sles
foamentation -> foamentations
foamflower -> foamflowers
foaminess -> foaminesses
foamy -> foamier,foamiest
focalize -> focalizes,focalizing,focalized
foehn -> foehns
foeman -> foemen
foeniculum -> foeniculums
foetology -> foetologies
foetometry -> foetometries
foetoprotein -> foetoproteins
foetor -> foetors
foetoscope -> foetoscopes
foetoscopy -> foetoscopies
foetus -> foetuses
fogbank -> fogbanks
foglamp -> foglamps
fogsignal -> fogsignals
foiling -> foilings
folacin -> folacins
folderal -> folderals
folderol -> folderols
foldout -> foldouts
folie -> folies
folium -> foliums
folks -> folkss
follies -> folliess
follow-on -> follow-ons
follow-through -> follow-throughs
followers -> followerss
fomentation -> fomentations
fomenter -> fomenters
fomes -> fomess
fondu -> fondus
fontanel -> fontanels
fontanne -> fontannes
foot-lambert -> foot-lamberts
foot-pound -> foot-pounds
foot-poundal -> foot-poundals
foot-ton -> foot-tons
footcandle -> footcandles
footedness -> footednesses
footfault -> footfaults
footlights -> footlightss
footlocker -> footlockers
footrace -> footraces
footslogger -> footsloggers
footstall -> footstalls
footsteps-of-spring -> footstepss-of-spring
foppishness -> foppishnesses
foram -> forams
foramen -> foramina
force-land -> force-lands,force-landing,force-landed
force-out -> forces-out
fordhooks -> fordhookss
fore-and-after -> fore-and-afters
fore-topmast -> fore-topmasts
fore-topsail -> fore-topsails
foredge -> foredges
foredoom -> foredooms,foredooming,foredoomed
forefoot -> forefeet
forelady -> foreladies
foremanship -> foremanships
foremilk -> foremilks
foreordain -> foreordains,foreordaining,foreordained
foreordination -> foreordinations
foreperson -> forepeople
foreshank -> foreshanks
foreshock -> foreshocks
foreshow -> foreshows,foreshowed,foreshown,foreshowing
foresightedness -> foresightednesses
foresightfulness -> foresightfulnesses
forestage -> forestages
forestalling -> forestallings
forestiera -> forestieras
foretaste -> foretastes
foretelling -> foretellings
foretoken -> foretokens
foretop -> foretops
forficula -> forficulas
forficulidae -> forficulidaes
forgiver -> forgivers
forking -> forkings
formalities -> formalitiess
formalness -> formalnesses
formalwear -> formalwears
formicariidae -> formicariidaes
formicarius -> formicariuss
formicary -> formicaries
formicate -> formicates,formicating,formicated
formication -> formications
formidability -> formidabilities
formularize -> formularizes,formularizing,formularized
fornicatress -> fornicatresses
fornix -> fornixes
forsaking -> forsakings
forseti -> forsetis
forswearing -> forswearings
fort-lamy -> fort-lamies
fortaz -> fortazs
forte-piano -> forte-pianoes
forthcomingness -> forthcomingnesses
forties -> fortiess
fortuitousness -> fortuitousnesses
fortunella -> fortunellas
fortuneteller -> fortunetellers
fortunetelling -> fortunetellings
forty -> forties
forty-five -> forty-fives
forty-niner -> forty-niners
foryml -> forymls
fosamax -> fosamaxes
fossilist -> fossilists
fossilology -> fossilologies
foster-daughter -> foster-daughters
foster-nurse -> foster-nurses
foster-sister -> foster-sisters
fosterage -> fosterages
fosterling -> fosterlings
fots -> fotss
foulmart -> foulmarts
foumart -> foumarts
fouquieria -> fouquierias
fouquieriaceae -> fouquieriaceaes
four -> fours
four-flusher -> four-flushers
four-hitter -> four-hitters
four-pounder -> four-pounders
four-spot -> four-spots
fourscore -> fourscores
fourteen -> fourteens
foxberry -> foxberries
foxiness -> foxinesses
foxtail -> foxtails
foxy -> foxier,foxiest
fr -> frs
fractiousness -> fractiousnesses
fradicin -> fradicins
fragaria -> fragarias
fragrancy -> fragrancies
frambesia -> frambesias
framboesia -> framboesias
france -> frances
franche-comte -> franche-comtes
francisella -> francisellas
francium -> franciums
francoa -> francoas
francophil -> francophils
francophobe -> francophobes
frangibility -> frangibilities
frangibleness -> frangiblenesses
frangipane -> frangipanes
frangipanni -> frangipannis
frankfort -> frankforts
frankliniella -> frankliniellas
frap -> fraps,frapping,frapped
frasera -> fraseras
fraxinella -> fraxinellas
freaky -> freakier,freakiest
fredericton -> frederictons
free-for-all -> free-for-alls
free-liver -> free-livers
free-reed -> free-reeds
freebie -> freebies
freedwoman -> freedwomen
freemail -> freemails
freetail -> freetails
freethinking -> freethinkings
freewheeler -> freewheelers
fregata -> fregatas
fregatidae -> fregatidaes
freightage -> freightages
fremontia -> fremontias
fremontodendron -> fremontodendrons
frequence -> frequences
frequentative -> frequentatives
freshet -> freshets
freyja -> freyjas
freyr -> freyrs
friar's-cowl -> friar's-cowls
fricandeau -> fricandeaux
friedcake -> friedcakes
friendlessness -> friendlessnesses
fries -> friess
frigga -> friggas
frigidness -> frigidnesses
frijol -> frijols
frijolillo -> frijolilloes
frijolito -> frijolitoes
frimaire -> frimaires
fringepod -> fringepods
fringilla -> fringillas
fringillidae -> fringillidaes
friskiness -> friskinesses
frittata -> frittatas
frivol -> frivols,frivolling,frivolled
frivolousness -> frivolousnesses
frizz -> frizzes,frizzing,frizzed
froelichia -> froelichias
frog's-bit -> frog's-bits
frog-march -> frog-marches,frog-marching,frog-marched
frogbit -> frogbits
frogging -> froggings
front-stall -> front-stalls
frontierswoman -> frontierswomen
frontlet -> frontlets
frontstall -> frontstalls
frost-weed -> frost-weeds
frostweed -> frostweeds
frostwort -> frostworts
frothiness -> frothinesses
fructidor -> fructidors
fructosuria -> fructosurias
frugalness -> frugalnesses
fruitage -> fruitages
fruitlessness -> fruitlessnesses
fruitlet -> fruitlets
frumenty -> frumenties
frump -> frumps
frustum -> frustums
fs -> fss
ft-l -> ft-ls
fthm -> fthms
fto -> ftoes
fucaceae -> fucaceaes
fucales -> fucaless
fuckup -> fuckups
fucus -> fucuss
fueling -> fuelings
fugaciousness -> fugaciousnesses
fugacity -> fugacities
fugleman -> fuglemen
fugo -> fugoes
fuji-san -> fuji-sans
fujinoyama -> fujinoyamas
fujiyama -> fujiyamas
fukien -> fukiens
fukkianese -> fukkianeses
fulah -> fulahs
fulbe -> fulbes
fulcrum -> fulcrums,fulcra
fulgoridae -> fulgoridaes
full-of-the-moon -> fulls-of-the-moon
fulmarus -> fulmaruss
fulsomeness -> fulsomenesses
fulvicin -> fulvicins
fumaria -> fumarias
fumariaceae -> fumariaceaes
fumbler -> fumblers
fumeroot -> fumeroots
fumes -> fumess
fumewort -> fumeworts
funambulism -> funambulisms
funambulist -> funambulists
funds -> fundss
fundulus -> funduluss
funeral-residence -> funeral-residences
fungia -> fungias
funiculus -> funiculuss
funka -> funkas
funkaceae -> funkaceaes
funnies -> funniess
funrun -> funruns
fuqra -> fuqras
fur-piece -> fur-pieces
furan -> furans
furane -> furanes
furcate -> furcates,furcating,furcated
furcation -> furcations
furcula -> furculas
furfural -> furfurals
furfuraldehyde -> furfuraldehydes
furfuran -> furfurans
furiousness -> furiousnesses
furnariidae -> furnariidaes
furnarius -> furnariuss
furniture -> furniture
furosemide -> furosemides
furuncle -> furuncles
furunculosis -> furunculoses
fusain -> fusains
fusanus -> fusanuss
fuscoboletinus -> fuscoboletinuss
fuss-budget -> fuss-budgets
fustigate -> fustigates,fustigating,fustigated
fusty -> fustier,fustiest
futuristics -> futuristicss
fuzee -> fuzees
fws -> fwss
g -> gs
g-jo -> g-joes
gabfest -> gabfests
gaboriau -> gaboriaus
gabun -> gabuns
gadaba -> gadabas
gadgeteer -> gadgeteers
gadidae -> gadidaes
gadiformes -> gadiformess
gadoid -> gadoids
gadolinite -> gadolinites
gadus -> gaduss
gaffsail -> gaffsails
gafsa -> gafsas
gagman -> gagmen
gagster -> gagsters
gagwriter -> gagwriters
gainfulness -> gainfulnesses
gaiseric -> gaiserics
galactagogue -> galactagogues
galactocele -> galactoceles
galactosemia -> galactosemias
galactosis -> galactoses
galago -> galagoes
galangal -> galangals
galatians -> galatianss
galax -> galaxes
galbanum -> galbanums
galbulidae -> galbulidaes
galbulus -> galbuluss
galeocerdo -> galeocerdoes
galeopsis -> galeopses
galeorhinus -> galeorhinuss
galere -> galeres
galilaean -> galilaeans
gall-berry -> gall-berries
gallamine -> gallamines
gallberry -> gallberries
gallfly -> gallflies
gallicism -> gallicisms
galliformes -> galliformess
gallina -> gallinas
gallinacean -> gallinaceans
gallirallus -> galliralluss
gallous -> gallouss
gallows -> gallows
gallows-tree -> gallows-trees
galoot -> galoots
galvanisation -> galvanisations
galvaniser -> galvanisers
galvanization -> galvanizations
galvanizer -> galvanizers
gambelia -> gambelias
gambist -> gambists
gambrel -> gambrels
gamebag -> gamebags
gameboard -> gameboards
games-master -> games-masters
games-mistress -> games-mistresses
gametangium -> gametangiums
gametocyte -> gametocytes
gametoecium -> gametoeciums
gametophore -> gametophores
gametophyte -> gametophytes
gaminess -> gaminesses
gammopathy -> gammopathies
ganapati -> ganapatis
gand -> gands
ganef -> ganefs
gangboard -> gangboards
gangdom -> gangdoms
gangrene -> gangrenes,gangrening,gangrened
gangsaw -> gangsaws
ganof -> ganofs
ganoid -> ganoids
ganoidei -> ganoideis
ganoin -> ganoins
ganoine -> ganoines
gantanol -> gantanols
gantlet -> gantlets
gantrisin -> gantrisins
gaolbird -> gaolbirds
gaolbreak -> gaolbreaks
garambulla -> garambullas
garamycin -> garamycins
garand -> garands
garbage -> garbage
garbageman -> garbagemen
garbanzo -> garbanzoes
garboard -> garboards
garboil -> garboils
garbology -> garbologies
garcinia -> garcinias
gargoylism -> gargoylisms
garment-worker -> garment-workers
garmentmaker -> garmentmakers
garnierite -> garnierites
garnishee -> garnishees,garnisheeing,garnisheed
garnishment -> garnishments
garpike -> garpikes
garrote -> garrotes
garroter -> garroters
garrotte -> garrottes,garrotting,garrotted
garrulinae -> garrulinaes
garrulus -> garruluss
gasconade -> gasconades,gasconading,gasconaded
gaseousness -> gaseousnesses
gasholder -> gasholders
gasman -> gasmen
gasoline -> gasolines
gasteromycete -> gasteromycetes
gasteromycetes -> gasteromycetess
gasterophilidae -> gasterophilidaes
gasterophilus -> gasterophiluss
gasteropoda -> gasteropodas
gasterosteidae -> gasterosteidaes
gasterosteus -> gasterosteuss
gastralgia -> gastralgias
gastroboletus -> gastroboletuss
gastrocnemius -> gastrocnemiuss
gastrocybe -> gastrocybes
gastrogavage -> gastrogavages
gastrolobium -> gastrolobiums
gastromy -> gastromies
gastromycete -> gastromycetes
gastromycetes -> gastromycetess
gastrophryne -> gastrophrynes
gate-crash -> gate-crashes,gate-crashing,gate-crashed
gathic -> gathics
gatling -> gatlings
gaudery -> gauderies
gauffer -> gauffers
gaultheria -> gaultherias
gauntry -> gauntries
gauri -> gauris
gaussmeter -> gaussmeters
gavage -> gavages
gavial -> gavials
gavialidae -> gavialidaes
gavialis -> gavialiss
gavidae -> gavidaes
gaviiformes -> gaviiformess
gay-feather -> gay-feathers
gayal -> gayals
gayfeather -> gayfeathers
gaylussacia -> gaylussacias
gaywings -> gaywingss
gazella -> gazellas
gbu-28 -> gbu-28s
gearset -> gearsets
gearshift -> gearshifts
geartrain -> geartrains
geastraceae -> geastraceaes
geastrum -> geastrums
gee-gee -> gees-gees
geebung -> geebungs
geezerhood -> geezerhoods
gegenschein -> gegenscheins
geglossaceae -> geglossaceaes
gehenna -> gehennas
geisel -> geisels
gekkonidae -> gekkonidaes
gelatinize -> gelatinizes,gelatinizing,gelatinized
gelatinousness -> gelatinousnesses
gelechia -> gelechias
gelechiid -> gelechiids
gelechiidae -> gelechiidaes
gelidity -> gelidities
gell-mann -> gell-manns
gelly -> gellies
gemfibrozil -> gemfibrozils
geminate -> geminates,geminating,geminated
gemination -> geminations
gemmation -> gemmations
gemonil -> gemonils
gempylid -> gempylids
gempylidae -> gempylidaes
gempylus -> gempyluss
gemsbuck -> gemsbucks
gendarmery -> gendarmeries
generalcy -> generalcies
generalissimo -> generalissimos
generousness -> generousnesses
genetic -> genetics
geneticism -> geneticisms
genetta -> genettas
geneve -> geneves
genf -> genfs
genie -> genies
genip -> genips
genipa -> genipas
genipap -> genipaps
genitals -> genitalss
genlisea -> genliseas
genoese -> genoese
genoise -> genoises
genomics -> genomicss
gens -> genss
genseric -> genserics
genteelness -> genteelnesses
gentiana -> gentianas
gentianaceae -> gentianaceaes
gentianales -> gentianaless
gentianopsis -> gentianopses
gentleman's-cane -> gentleman's-canes
gentleman-at-arms -> gentlemen-at-arms
genu -> genus
genus-fenusa -> genus-fenusas
genus-megapodius -> genus-megapodiuss
genus-milvus -> genus-milvuss
genyonemus -> genyonemuss
geochelone -> geochelones
geococcyx -> geococcyxes
geoduck -> geoducks
geoffroea -> geoffroeas
geoglossaceae -> geoglossaceaes
geoglossum -> geoglossums
geographics -> geographicss
geometrid -> geometrids
geometridae -> geometridaes
geomyidae -> geomyidaes
geomys -> geomyss
geophagy -> geophagies
geophilidae -> geophilidaes
geophilomorpha -> geophilomorphas
geophilus -> geophiluss
geophyte -> geophytes
geopolitics -> geopoliticss
george -> georges
geostrategy -> geostrategies
geothlypis -> geothlypiss
geotropism -> geotropisms
geraniaceae -> geraniaceaes
geraniales -> geranialess
gerardia -> gerardias
gerbert -> gerberts
gerbille -> gerbilles
gerbillinae -> gerbillinaes
gerbillus -> gerbilluss
gerea -> gereas
gerfalcon -> gerfalcons
geriatrics -> geriatricss
germaneness -> germanenesses
germanism -> germanisms
germanist -> germanists
germanite -> germanites
germany -> germanys
gerreidae -> gerreidaes
gerres -> gerress
gerrhonotus -> gerrhonotuss
gerridae -> gerridaes
gerrididae -> gerrididaes
gerris -> gerriss
gesneria -> gesnerias
gesneriad -> gesneriads
get-go -> get-goes
get-up -> get-ups
getup -> getups
ghanian -> ghanians
gharry -> gharries
ghatti -> ghattis
ghb -> ghbs
ghost-write -> ghost-writes,ghost-writing,ghost-wrote,ghost-written
ghostliness -> ghostlinesses
ghostwrite -> ghostwrites,ghostwrote,ghostwritten,ghostwriting
ghrelin -> ghrelins
ghrf -> ghrfs
gibbosity -> gibbosities
gibbousness -> gibbousnesses
giblets -> gibletss
gidar -> gidars
gidgee -> gidgees
gigacycle -> gigacycles
gigartinaceae -> gigartinaceaes
gigo -> gigoes
gigue -> gigues
gildhall -> gildhalls
gilgamish -> gilgamishes
gill-over-the-ground -> gills-over-the-ground
gilmer -> gilmers
gimcrackery -> gimcrackeries
gimel -> gimels
gimpiness -> gimpinesses
ginep -> gineps
gingerol -> gingerols
gingerroot -> gingerroots
gingersnap -> gingersnaps
gingiva -> gingivas
gingko -> gingkoes
ginglymostoma -> ginglymostomas
ginkgoaceae -> ginkgoaceaes
ginkgoales -> ginkgoaless
ginkgophytina -> ginkgophytinas
ginkgopsida -> ginkgopsidas
ginmill -> ginmills
ginzo -> ginzoes
gipsywort -> gipsyworts
giraffa -> giraffas
giraffidae -> giraffidaes
girandola -> girandolas
girasol -> girasols
giraudoux -> giraudouxes
girgenti -> girgentis
giriama -> giriamas
girondism -> girondisms
girondist -> girondists
girru -> girrus
girt -> girds,girding,girt
gitana -> gitanas
gitano -> gitanoes
gittern -> gitterns
give-and-go -> give-and-goes
gizeh -> gizehs
gjellerup -> gjellerups
gladdon -> gladdons
gladfulness -> gladfulnesses
gladiola -> gladiolas
gladsomeness -> gladsomenesses
glamor -> glamors
glamorization -> glamorizations
glamourisation -> glamourisations
glamourization -> glamourizations
glanders -> glanderss
glans -> glanss
glareole -> glareoles
glareolidae -> glareolidaes
glass-cutter -> glass-cutters
glassblower -> glassblowers
glasses -> glassess
glaucium -> glauciums
glaucomys -> glaucomyss
glauconite -> glauconites
gleba -> glebas
glechoma -> glechomas
gleditsia -> gleditsias
gleefulness -> gleefulnesses
gleichenia -> gleichenias
gleicheniaceae -> gleicheniaceaes
glib -> glibber,glibbest
glipzide -> glipzides
gliricidia -> gliricidias
gliridae -> gliridaes
glis -> gliss
globe-trot -> globe-trots,globe-trotting,globe-trotted
globeflower -> globeflowers
globicephala -> globicephalas
globigerinidae -> globigerinidaes
globosity -> globosities
globularness -> globularnesses
glochid -> glochids
glochidium -> glochidiums
glogg -> gloggs
glomerule -> glomerules
gloominess -> gloominesses
gloriole -> glorioles
glossalgia -> glossalgias
glossarist -> glossarists
glossinidae -> glossinidaes
glossodia -> glossodias
glossodynia -> glossodynias
glossolalia -> glossolalias
glossopsitta -> glossopsittas
glossoptosis -> glossoptoses
glucinium -> gluciniums
glucophage -> glucophages
glucose -> glucose
glucosuria -> glucosurias
glucotrol -> glucotrols
glueyness -> glueynesses
gluiness -> gluinesses
glume -> glumes
glutelin -> glutelins
glutethimide -> glutethimides
gluteus -> gluteuss
glutinosity -> glutinosities
glutinousness -> glutinousnesses
glyburide -> glyburides
glyceraldehyde -> glyceraldehydes
glyceria -> glycerias
glycerite -> glycerites
glycerogel -> glycerogels
glycerogelatin -> glycerogelatins
glycerole -> glyceroles
glycogenesis -> glycogeneses
glycyrrhiza -> glycyrrhizas
glyoxaline -> glyoxalines
glyptics -> glypticss
glyptography -> glyptographies
gm -> gms
gnaphalium -> gnaphaliums
gnatcatcher -> gnatcatchers
gnathion -> gnathions
gnathostomata -> gnathostomatas
gnawer -> gnawers
gnetaceae -> gnetaceaes
gnetales -> gnetaless
gnetophyta -> gnetophytas
gnetophytina -> gnetophytinas
gnetopsida -> gnetopsidas
gnetum -> gnetums
goal-kick -> goal-kicks
goalie -> goalies
goaltender -> goaltenders
goatee -> goatees
goatsbeard -> goatsbeards
goatsfoot -> goatsfeet
gobbler -> gobblers
gobiesocidae -> gobiesocidaes
gobiesox -> gobiesoxes
gobiidae -> gobiidaes
gobio -> gobios
gobs -> gobss
godchild -> godchildren
goddaughter -> goddaughters
godel -> godels
goeteborg -> goeteborgs
goethite -> goethites
goggles -> goggless
goidelic -> goidelics
going-over -> goings-over
goiter -> goiters
goitrogen -> goitrogens
gold-beater -> gold-beaters
gold-plate -> gold-plates,gold-plating,gold-plated
gold-worker -> gold-workers
goldbeater -> goldbeaters
goldbrick -> goldbricks
goldbricking -> goldbrickings
goldcup -> goldcups
goldenbush -> goldenbushes
goldenseal -> goldenseals
goldmark -> goldmarks
goldsboro -> goldsboroes
goldthread -> goldthreads
goldworker -> goldworkers
golfcart -> golfcarts
goliard -> goliards
golliwogg -> golliwoggs
golly -> gollies
golosh -> goloshes
gombrowicz -> gombrowiczs
gomorrha -> gomorrhas
gompers -> gomperss
gomphothere -> gomphotheres
gomphotheriidae -> gomphotheriidaes
gomphotherium -> gomphotheriums
gomphrena -> gomphrenas
gomuti -> gomutis
gond -> gonds
gondi -> gondis
gondoliere -> gondolieres
gongora -> gongoras
gongorism -> gongorisms
gongorist -> gongorists
gonif -> gonifs
goniff -> goniffs
gonion -> gonions
goniopteris -> goniopteriss
gonorhynchidae -> gonorhynchidaes
gonorhynchus -> gonorhynchuss
gonorrhea -> gonorrheas
good-by -> goods-by
good-for-naught -> goods-for-naught
good-humoredness -> good-humorednesses
good-humoured -> better-humoured
good-humouredness -> good-humourednesses
good-king-henry -> good-king-henries
good-looking -> better-looking,best-looking
good-naturedness -> good-naturednesses
good-neighborliness -> good-neighborlinesses
good-temperedness -> good-temperednesses
goodby -> goodbies
goodenia -> goodenias
goodeniaceae -> goodeniaceaes
goodyera -> goodyeras
gooey -> gooier,gooiest
goof-off -> goofs-off
goofball -> goofballs
goofy -> goofier,goofiest
google -> googles
googolplex -> googolplexes
gooney -> gooneys
goonie -> goonies
goony -> goonies
goop -> goops
goose-step -> goose-steps,goose-stepping,goose-stepped
goose-tansy -> goose-tansies
goosefoot -> goosefeet
gopherus -> gopheruss
gopherwood -> gopherwoods
gorbachev -> gorbachevs
gordius -> gordiuss
gorgas -> gorgass
gorger -> gorgers
gorgerin -> gorgerins
gorgonacea -> gorgonaceas
gorgoniacea -> gorgoniaceas
gorkiy -> gorkiys
gormandize -> gormandizes,gormandizing,gormandized
gosainthan -> gosainthans
gosan-chiku -> gosan-chikus
gosmore -> gosmores
gospeler -> gospelers
gospeller -> gospellers
gospels -> gospelss
gossipmongering -> gossipmongerings
gossypium -> gossypiums
gothite -> gothites
gotterdammerung -> gotterdammerungs
gourmandism -> gourmandisms
gourmandizer -> gourmandizers
governor-general -> governors-general,governor-generals
gps -> gpss
gracelessness -> gracelessnesses
gracilariid -> gracilariids
gracilariidae -> gracilariidaes
gracility -> gracilities
gracillariidae -> gracillariidaes
gracula -> graculas
gradate -> gradates,gradating,gradated
graduality -> gradualities
graecophile -> graecophiles
graffito -> graffiti
grainfield -> grainfields
grama -> gramas
gramicidin -> gramicidins
graminaceae -> graminaceaes
graminales -> graminaless
grammatolatry -> grammatolatries
grammatophyllum -> grammatophyllums
granadilla -> granadillas
granadillo -> granadilloes
grandaunt -> grandaunts
grandchild -> grandchildren
grandnephew -> grandnephews
grandniece -> grandnieces
grandstander -> grandstanders
granduncle -> granduncles
granicus -> granicuss
graniteware -> granitewares
grannie -> grannies
granola -> granolas
granulocytopenia -> granulocytopenias
graphic -> graphics
graphospasm -> graphospasms
graptophyllum -> graptophyllums
grass-of-parnassus -> grasses-of-parnassus
grassfinch -> grassfinches
grassfire -> grassfires
gravelweed -> gravelweeds
graveness -> gravenesses
graverobber -> graverobbers
gravida -> gravidas
gravidation -> gravidations
gravidity -> gravidities
gravidness -> gravidnesses
gravimeter -> gravimeters
gravimetry -> gravimetries
gravitas -> gravitass
gravity-assist -> gravity-assists
grayback -> graybacks
graybeard -> graybeards
grayhen -> grayhens
graylag -> graylags
grayness -> graynesses
grease-gun -> grease-guns
greasewood -> greasewoods
greegree -> greegrees
green-blindness -> green-blindnesses
greenbottle -> greenbottles
greenbrier -> greenbriers
greeneye -> greeneyes
greenhood -> greenhoods
greenishness -> greenishnesses
greenling -> greenlings
greenmail -> greenmails
greenmarket -> greenmarkets
greenockite -> greenockites
greenroom -> greenrooms
greensickness -> greensicknesses
greenskeeper -> greenskeepers
greenweed -> greenweeds
greenwing -> greenwings
gregarine -> gregarines
gregarinida -> gregarinidas
gres-gris -> gres-griss
gretzky -> gretzkies
grewia -> grewias
greyback -> greybacks
gri-gri -> gris-gris
grias -> griass
griddlecake -> griddlecakes
griffith -> griffiths
grigri -> grigris
grillroom -> grillrooms
grillwork -> grillworks
griminess -> griminesses
grindelia -> grindelias
grinner -> grinners
grippe -> grippes
gripsack -> gripsacks
griselinia -> griselinias
griseofulvin -> griseofulvins
grissino -> grissinoes
gristmill -> gristmills
gritrock -> gritrocks
grits -> gritss
grivet -> grivets
groenendael -> groenendaels
groenlandia -> groenlandias
grogginess -> grogginesses
groggy -> groggier,groggiest
grogram -> grograms
gronland -> gronlands
grooving -> groovings
groschen -> groschens
grossbeak -> grossbeaks
grossulariaceae -> grossulariaceaes
grotesqueness -> grotesquenesses
grotesquery -> grotesqueries
grotty -> grottier,grottiest
ground-berry -> ground-berries
ground-shaker -> ground-shakers
groundball -> groundballs
groundberry -> groundberries
groundbreaker -> groundbreakers
groundcloth -> groundcloths
grounder -> grounders
groundfish -> groundfish
groundkeeper -> groundkeepers
groundlessness -> groundlessnesses
grounds -> groundss
groundskeeper -> groundskeepers
groundswell -> groundswells
groupie -> groupies
groupthink -> groupthinks
grouse-berry -> grouse-berries
grouseberry -> grouseberries
groveler -> grovelers
groveller -> grovellers
groznyy -> groznyies
grubstake -> grubstakes,grubstaking,grubstaked
grugru -> grugrus
gruidae -> gruidaes
gruiformes -> gruiformess
grume -> grumes
grummet -> grummets
grundyism -> grundyisms
grunter -> grunters
gryllidae -> gryllidaes
gspc -> gspcs
gu -> gus
guacharo -> guacharoes
guaira -> guairas
guallatiri -> guallatiris
guama -> guamas
guanabana -> guanabanas
guanabenz -> guanabenzs
guarnerius -> guarneriuss
guarnieri -> guarnieris
guayule -> guayules
guck -> gucks
guenevere -> gueneveres
guereza -> guerezas
guevina -> guevinas
gui -> guis
guib -> guibs
guidepost -> guideposts
guideword -> guidewords
guiltiness -> guiltinesses
guiltlessness -> guiltlessnesses
guilty -> guiltier,guiltiest
guimpe -> guimpes
guine-bissau -> guine-bissaus
gulch -> gulches
gulfweed -> gulfweeds
gulo -> guloes
gulyas -> gulyass
gum-lac -> gum-lacs
gumbo-limbo -> gumbo-limboes
gumdrop -> gumdrops
gumminess -> gumminesses
gumming -> gummings
gummite -> gummites
gummosis -> gummoses
gumweed -> gumweeds
gumwood -> gumwoods
gun-sight -> gun-sights
guncotton -> guncottons
gunite -> gunites
gunlock -> gunlocks
gunny -> gunnies
gunnysack -> gunnysacks
gunrunner -> gunrunners
gunrunning -> gunrunnings
gunstock -> gunstocks
guomindang -> guomindangs
guru -> gurus
gustation -> gustations
gutierrezia -> gutierrezias
gutlessness -> gutlessnesses
gutsiness -> gutsinesses
guttiferales -> guttiferaless
guvnor -> guvnors
gwydion -> gwydions
gymnadenia -> gymnadenias
gymnadeniopsis -> gymnadeniopses
gymnastic -> gymnastics
gymnelis -> gymneliss
gymnocalycium -> gymnocalyciums
gymnocarpium -> gymnocarpiums
gymnocladus -> gymnocladuss
gymnogyps -> gymnogypss
gymnomycota -> gymnomycotas
gymnophiona -> gymnophionas
gymnopilus -> gymnopiluss
gymnorhina -> gymnorhinas
gymnosophist -> gymnosophists
gymnosophy -> gymnosophies
gymnospermae -> gymnospermaes
gymnospermophyta -> gymnospermophytas
gymnosporangium -> gymnosporangiums
gymnura -> gymnuras
gynaeolatry -> gynaeolatries
gynandromorph -> gynandromorphs
gynarchy -> gynarchies
gynecocracy -> gynecocracies
gynecologist -> gynecologists
gynecology -> gynecologies
gynecomastia -> gynecomastias
gyneolatry -> gyneolatries
gynne -> gynnes
gynobase -> gynobases
gynoecium -> gynoeciums
gynogenesis -> gynogeneses
gynophobia -> gynophobias
gynophore -> gynophores
gynostegium -> gynostegiums
gynura -> gynuras
gypaetus -> gypaetuss
gyps -> gypss
gypsyweed -> gypsyweeds
gypsywort -> gypsyworts
gyrinidae -> gyrinidaes
gyrocompass -> gyrocompasses
gyromitra -> gyromitras
gyrostabilizer -> gyrostabilizers
gywn -> gywns
h2o -> h2oes
ha -> has
ha'p'orth -> ha'p'orths
haart -> haarts
haastia -> haastias
habacuc -> habacucs
habanera -> habaneras
habenaria -> habenarias
habergeon -> habergeons
habiliment -> habiliments
habilitate -> habilitates,habilitating,habilitated
habitableness -> habitablenesses
habitant -> habitants
hacek -> haceks
hachiman -> hachimen
hachure -> hachures
hack-driver -> hack-drivers
hackamore -> hackamores
hackberry -> hackberries
hackee -> hackees
hackelia -> hackelias
hackles -> hackless
hackmatack -> hackmatacks
hackwork -> hackworks
hadean -> hadeans
hadji -> hadjis
hadrosauridae -> hadrosauridaes
hadrosaurus -> hadrosauruss
haecceity -> haecceities
haemanthus -> haemanthuss
haematinic -> haematinics
haematobia -> haematobias
haematocele -> haematoceles
haematochezia -> haematochezias
haematocoele -> haematocoeles
haematocolpometra -> haematocolpometras
haematocolpos -> haematocolposs
haematocytopenia -> haematocytopenias
haematocyturia -> haematocyturias
haematogenesis -> haematogeneses
haematohiston -> haematohistons
haematoidin -> haematoidins
haematolysis -> haematolyses
haematopodidae -> haematopodidaes
haematopoiesis -> haematopoieses
haematoxylon -> haematoxylons
haematoxylum -> haematoxylums
haemitin -> haemitins
haemodoraceae -> haemodoraceaes
haemodorum -> haemodorums
haemogenesis -> haemogeneses
haemoglobinemia -> haemoglobinemias
haemoglobinuria -> haemoglobinurias
haemolysin -> haemolysins
haemophile -> haemophiles
haemopis -> haemopiss
haemoproteid -> haemoproteids
haemoproteidae -> haemoproteidaes
haemoprotein -> haemoproteins
haemoproteus -> haemoproteuss
haemosiderin -> haemosiderins
haemosiderosis -> haemosideroses
haemosporidia -> haemosporidias
haemosporidian -> haemosporidians
haemostasia -> haemostasias
haemostat -> haemostats
haemothorax -> haemothoraxes
haemulidae -> haemulidaes
haemulon -> haemulons
hafnium -> hafniums
haftarah -> haftarahs
haftorah -> haftorahs
hagada -> hagadas
haganah -> haganahs
hagberry -> hagberries
hagbut -> hagbuts
hagerstown -> hagerstowns
haggada -> haggadas
haggis -> haggises
hagiographa -> hagiographas
hagiographist -> hagiographists
hagiolatry -> hagiolatries
hagiologist -> hagiologists
hahnium -> hahniums
haick -> haicks
haik -> haiks
hair-grip -> hair-grips
hair-raiser -> hair-raisers
hairball -> hairballs
haircloth -> haircloths
hairlessness -> hairlessnesses
hairsplitter -> hairsplitters
hairsplitting -> hairsplittings
hairspring -> hairsprings
hairtail -> hairtails
hairweaving -> hairweavings
hakea -> hakeas
hakeem -> hakeems
hakenkreuz -> hakenkreuzs
hakham -> hakhams
hakka -> hakkas
halab -> halabs
halacha -> halachas
halaka -> halakas
halakah -> halakahs
halchidhoma -> halchidhomas
haldea -> haldeas
haldol -> haldols
haleness -> halenesses
halenia -> halenias
halesia -> halesias
half-caste -> half-castes
half-intensity -> half-intensities
half-note -> half-notes
half-relief -> half-reliefs
half-slip -> half-slips
halfpennyworth -> halfpennyworths
halibut -> halibuts
halicoeres -> halicoeress
halictidae -> halictidaes
halimodendron -> halimodendrons
haliotidae -> haliotidaes
haliotis -> haliotiss
halitus -> halituss
hallah -> hallahs
halle-an-der-saale -> halle-an-der-saales
hallowmas -> hallowmass
hallowmass -> hallowmasses
hallstand -> hallstands
hallucinosis -> hallucinoses
haloalkane -> haloalkanes
halobacter -> halobacters
halobacteria -> halobacterias
halocarpus -> halocarpuss
haloform -> haloforms
halogeton -> halogetons
halophil -> halophils
halophile -> halophiles
haloragaceae -> haloragaceaes
haloragidaceae -> haloragidaceaes
hamamelidaceae -> hamamelidaceaes
hamamelidae -> hamamelidaes
hamamelidanthum -> hamamelidanthums
hamamelidoxylon -> hamamelidoxylons
hamamelites -> hamamelitess
hamartia -> hamartias
hamartoma -> hamartomas
hamate -> hamates
hamelia -> hamelias
haminoea -> haminoeas
hammerlock -> hammerlocks
hammertoe -> hammertoes
hammurapi -> hammurapis
hampton -> hamptons
hamsun -> hamsuns
han-gook -> han-gooks
handbarrow -> handbarrows
handbasket -> handbaskets
handbow -> handbows
handbrake -> handbrakes
handbreadth -> handbreadths
handcar -> handcars
handle-bars -> handle-barss
handline -> handlines
handlock -> handlocks
handoff -> handoffs
handrest -> handrests
handsbreadth -> handsbreadths
handspike -> handspikes
handstamp -> handstamps
handwear -> handwears
hangbird -> hangbirds
hanger-on -> hangers-on
hangzhou -> hangzhous
hankering -> hankerings
hannukah -> hannukahs
hanukah -> hanukahs
hanukkah -> hanukkahs
haoma -> haomas
haphazardness -> haphazardnesses
haphtarah -> haphtarahs
haphtorah -> haphtorahs
haploidy -> haploidies
haplopappus -> haplopappuss
haplosporidia -> haplosporidias
haplosporidian -> haplosporidians
haranguer -> haranguers
harbor -> harbors
harborage -> harborages
hardbake -> hardbakes
hardball -> hardballs
hardenbergia -> hardenbergias
hardheads -> hardheadss
hardheartedness -> hardheartednesses
hardinggrass -> hardinggrasses
hardpan -> hardpans
hardwareman -> hardwaremen
haredi -> haredis
harikari -> harikaris
harkat-ul-jihad-e-islami -> harkat-ul-jihad-e-islamis
harkat-ul-mujahidin -> harkat-ul-mujahidins
harlequin-snake -> harlequin-snakes
harmattan -> harmattans
harmonics -> harmonicss
harmoniousness -> harmoniousnesses
harpia -> harpias
harpooneer -> harpooneers
harpooner -> harpooners
harpulla -> harpullas
harpullia -> harpullias
harquebus -> harquebuss
harrisia -> harrisias
harrod -> harrods
hartebeest -> hartebeests
harvest-lice -> harvest-lices
haschisch -> haschisches
hasek -> haseks
hasheesh -> hasheeshes
hashmark -> hashmarks
hasidism -> hasidisms
hassid -> hassids
hassidim -> hassidims
hassidism -> hassidisms
hassium -> hassiums
hastinapura -> hastinapuras
hatband -> hatbands
hatchel -> hatchels,hatcheling,hatcheled
hatefulness -> hatefulnesses
hatemonger -> hatemongers
hatiora -> hatioras
hatoglobin -> hatoglobins
hatrack -> hatracks
hattiesburg -> hattiesburgs
hauler -> haulers
hausmannite -> hausmannites
haussa -> haussas
haute-normandie -> haute-normandies
havasupai -> havasupais
hawai'i -> hawai'is
hawala -> hawalas
hawk's-beard -> hawk's-beards
hawk's-beards -> hawk's-beardss
hawkbill -> hawkbills
hawkishness -> hawkishnesses
hawkyns -> hawkynss
hawsehole -> hawseholes
hawsepipe -> hawsepipes
hay-scented -> hay-scenteds
hayastan -> hayastans
hayfork -> hayforks
haying -> hayings
haymow -> haymows
hayrack -> hayracks
hayrig -> hayrigs
hayseed -> hayseeds
hayti -> haytis
hazardia -> hazardias
hazmat -> hazmats
hcfc -> hcfcs
he-huckleberry -> he-huckleberries
head-shrinker -> head-shrinkers
headcheese -> headcheeses
headcounter -> headcounters
headfast -> headfasts
headlinese -> headlineses
headmistressship -> headmistressships
headpin -> headpins
headquarters -> headquarters
headrace -> headraces
heads-up -> heads-ups
headshaking -> headshakings
headspace -> headspaces
headspring -> headsprings
headstand -> headstands
headstream -> headstreams
headwaters -> headwaterss
healthfulness -> healthfulnesses
heart-leaf -> heart-leaves
heartache -> heartaches
heartburning -> heartburnings
hearthrug -> hearthrugs
heartleaf -> heartleaves
heartrot -> heartrots
heartseed -> heartseeds
heartsickness -> heartsicknesses
heartstrings -> heartstringss
heartthrob -> heartthrobs
heathfowl -> heathfowls
heaume -> heaumes
heavens -> heavenss
heaves -> heavess
heavyheartedness -> heavyheartednesses
hebbel -> hebbels
hebdomad -> hebdomads
hebephrenia -> hebephrenias
hebetude -> hebetudes
hebrews -> hebrewss
hecatomb -> hecatombs
heckelphone -> heckelphones
hectogram -> hectograms
hectograph -> hectographs
hectoliter -> hectoliters
hectometer -> hectometers
hectometre -> hectometres
hector -> hectors,hectoring,hectored
hedeoma -> hedeomas
hedgefund -> hedgefunds
hedgehop -> hedgehops,hedgehopping,hedgehopped
hediondilla -> hediondillas
hedysarum -> hedysarums
hee-haw -> hee-haws
heebie-jeebies -> heebie-jeebiess
heedfulness -> heedfulnesses
heelbone -> heelbones
hefa -> hefas
heftiness -> heftinesses
hegari -> hegaris
hegira -> hegiras
heilong -> heilongs
heimdal -> heimdals
heimdallr -> heimdallrs
heir-at-law -> heirs-at-law
hejira -> hejiras
helen -> helens
heleodytes -> heleodytess
heliamphora -> heliamphoras
helianthus -> helianthuss
helicidae -> helicidaes
helicteres -> helicteress
heliobacter -> heliobacters
heliogram -> heliograms
heliogravure -> heliogravures
heliolatry -> heliolatries
heliometer -> heliometers
heliopause -> heliopauses
heliophila -> heliophilas
heliosphere -> heliospheres
heliotherapy -> heliotherapies
heliotropism -> heliotropisms
heliotype -> heliotypes
heliozoa -> heliozoas
heliozoan -> heliozoans
helipterum -> helipterums
hell-kite -> hell-kites
hell-rooster -> hell-roosters
hellbender -> hellbenders
helleri -> helleris
hellgrammiate -> hellgrammiates
hellion -> hellions
helmetflower -> helmetflowers
helminthiasis -> helminthiases
helminthic -> helminthics
helminthostachys -> helminthostachyss
heloderma -> helodermas
helodermatidae -> helodermatidaes
helotiaceae -> helotiaceaes
helotiales -> helotialess
helotium -> helotiums
helsingfors -> helsingforss
helve -> helves
helvella -> helvellas
helvellaceae -> helvellaceaes
helwingia -> helwingias
helxine -> helxines
hemachatus -> hemachatuss
hemagglutinate -> hemagglutinates,hemagglutinating,hemagglutinated
hemagglutination -> hemagglutinations
hemangioma -> hemangiomas
hematemesis -> hematemeses
hematin -> hematins
hematinic -> hematinics
hematocele -> hematoceles
hematochezia -> hematochezias
hematochrome -> hematochromes
hematocoele -> hematocoeles
hematocolpometra -> hematocolpometras
hematocolpos -> hematocolposs
hematocyst -> hematocysts
hematocytopenia -> hematocytopenias
hematocyturia -> hematocyturias
hematogenesis -> hematogeneses
hematohiston -> hematohistons
hematoidin -> hematoidins
hematologist -> hematologists
hematology -> hematologies
hematolysis -> hematolyses
hematoma -> hematomas
hematopoiesis -> hematopoieses
hematuria -> hematurias
heme -> hemes
hemeralopia -> hemeralopias
hemerobiid -> hemerobiids
hemerobiidae -> hemerobiidaes
hemerocallidaceae -> hemerocallidaceaes
hemerocallis -> hemerocalliss
hemiacetal -> hemiacetals
hemianopsia -> hemianopsias
hemiascomycetes -> hemiascomycetess
hemicrania -> hemicranias
hemicycle -> hemicycles
hemidemisemiquaver -> hemidemisemiquavers
hemiepiphyte -> hemiepiphytes
hemigalus -> hemigaluss
hemigrammus -> hemigrammuss
hemimetabola -> hemimetabolas
hemimetabolism -> hemimetabolisms
hemimetaboly -> hemimetabolies
hemimetamorphosis -> hemimetamorphoses
hemimorphite -> hemimorphites
hemin -> hemins
heming -> hemings
hemiparasite -> hemiparasites
hemiprocnidae -> hemiprocnidaes
hemipteran -> hemipterans
hemipteron -> hemipterons
hemipteronatus -> hemipteronatuss
hemiramphidae -> hemiramphidaes
hemitripterus -> hemitripteruss
hemming-stitch -> hemming-stitches
hemminge -> hemminges
hemochromatosis -> hemochromatoses
hemodialysis -> hemodialyses
hemodialyzer -> hemodialyzers
hemodynamics -> hemodynamicss
hemofil -> hemofils
hemogenesis -> hemogeneses
hemoglobin -> hemoglobins
hemoglobinemia -> hemoglobinemias
hemoglobinopathy -> hemoglobinopathies
hemoglobinuria -> hemoglobinurias
hemolysin -> hemolysins
hemolysis -> hemolyses
hemophile -> hemophiles
hemophilia -> hemophilias
hemophiliac -> hemophiliacs
hemopoiesis -> hemopoieses
hemoprotein -> hemoproteins
hemoptysis -> hemoptyses
hemorrhage -> hemorrhages,hemorrhaging,hemorrhaged
hemorrhoid -> hemorrhoids
hemorrhoidectomy -> hemorrhoidectomies
hemosiderin -> hemosiderins
hemosiderosis -> hemosideroses
hemostasia -> hemostasias
hemostasis -> hemostases
hemostat -> hemostats
hemothorax -> hemothoraxes
hemstitch -> hemstitches,hemstitching,hemstitched
hemstitching -> hemstitchings
hen-of-the-woods -> hens-of-the-woods
henbane -> henbanes
hencoop -> hencoops
hendiadys -> hendiadyss
henna -> hennas,hennaing,hennaed
henroost -> henroosts
hepadnavirus -> hepadnaviruss
hepaticae -> hepaticaes
hepaticopsida -> hepaticopsidas
hepatitis -> hepatitis
hepatocarcinoma -> hepatocarcinomas
hepatoflavin -> hepatoflavins
heptad -> heptads
heptagon -> heptagons
heptane -> heptanes
herbart -> herbarts
hercules'-club -> hercules'-clubs
hercules'-clubs -> hercules'-clubss
hercules-club -> hercules-clubs
herculius -> herculiuss
here -> heres
hereditarianism -> hereditarianisms
hereness -> herenesses
heritiera -> heritieras
hermannia -> hermannias
hermaphrodism -> hermaphrodisms
hermosillo -> hermosilloes
hernaria -> hernarias
herniation -> herniations
herpangia -> herpangias
herpes -> herpes
herpestes -> herpestess
herrerasaur -> herrerasaurs
hes -> hess
heshvan -> heshvans
hesitater -> hesitaters
hesitator -> hesitators
hesperiphona -> hesperiphonas
hesperis -> hesperiss
hessonite -> hessonites
heterobasidiomycetes -> heterobasidiomycetess
heterocephalus -> heterocephaluss
heterodon -> heterodons
heterodyne -> heterodynes,heterodyning,heterodyned
heterogeneousness -> heterogeneousnesses
heterogenesis -> heterogeneses
heterograft -> heterografts
heterokontae -> heterokontaes
heterokontophyta -> heterokontophytas
heterology -> heterologies
heteromeles -> heteromeless
heterometabolism -> heterometabolisms
heterometaboly -> heterometabolies
heteromyidae -> heteromyidaes
heteronym -> heteronyms
heteroploid -> heteroploids
heteroploidy -> heteroploidies
heteroscelus -> heterosceluss
heterosexualism -> heterosexualisms
heterosomata -> heterosomatas
heterospory -> heterospories
heterotaxy -> heterotaxies
heterotheca -> heterothecas
heterotrichales -> heterotrichaless
heterotroph -> heterotrophs
heth -> heths
heulandite -> heulandites
hevea -> heveas
hevesy -> hevesies
hexad -> hexads
hexadrol -> hexadrols
hexagrammidae -> hexagrammidaes
hexagrammos -> hexagrammoss
hexahedron -> hexahedrons
hexalectris -> hexalectriss
hexanchidae -> hexanchidaes
hexanchus -> hexanchuss
hexapod -> hexapods
hexapoda -> hexapodas
hexenbesen -> hexenbesens
hexestrol -> hexestrols
heyrovsky -> heyrovskies
heyse -> heyses
hhs -> hhss
hi -> his
hiatus -> hiatuses
hibachi -> hibachis
hibbertia -> hibbertias
hibbing -> hibbings
hibiscus -> hibiscuses
hickock -> hickocks
hidatsa -> hidatsas
hiddenite -> hiddenites
hiding -> hidings
hidrosis -> hidroses
hierolatry -> hierolatries
higgle -> higgles,higgling,higgled
high-five -> high-fives
high-low-jack -> high-low-jacks
high-muck-a-muck -> high-mucks-a-mucks
high-spiritedness -> high-spiritednesses
highbinder -> highbinders
highboard -> highboards
highboy -> highboys
highflier -> highfliers
highflyer -> highflyers
highjacking -> highjackings
highschool -> highschools
highwater -> highwaters
higi -> higis
hijab -> hijabs
hijinks -> hijinkss
hilliness -> hillinesses
hilo -> hiloes
hilus -> hiluss
himalaya -> himalayas
himalayish -> himalayishes
himantoglossum -> himantoglossums
hinayanism -> hinayanisms
hinayanist -> hinayanists
hindfoot -> hindfeet
hindooism -> hindooisms
hindoostani -> hindoostanis
hindostani -> hindostanis
hindquarters -> hindquarterss
hindshank -> hindshanks
hipline -> hiplines
hippeastrum -> hippeastrums
hippie -> hippies
hippies -> hippiess
hippobosca -> hippoboscas
hippoboscid -> hippoboscids
hippoboscidae -> hippoboscidaes
hippocastanaceae -> hippocastanaceaes
hippocrepis -> hippocrepiss
hippodamia -> hippodamias
hippoglossoides -> hippoglossoidess
hippoglossus -> hippoglossuss
hippopotamidae -> hippopotamidaes
hippopotamus -> hippopotamuses,hippopotami
hipposideridae -> hipposideridaes
hipposideros -> hipposideross
hippotragus -> hippotraguss
hipsters -> hipsterss
hipsurus -> hipsuruss
hirschfeld -> hirschfelds
hirudinea -> hirudineas
hirudinean -> hirudineans
hirudinidae -> hirudinidaes
hirudo -> hirudoes
hirundinidae -> hirundinidaes
hisser -> hissers
histaminase -> histaminases
histiocyte -> histiocytes
histoincompatibility -> histoincompatibilities
historicalness -> historicalnesses
histrion -> histrions
hitchiti -> hitchitis
hitchrack -> hitchracks
hives -> hivess
hizballah -> hizballahs
hl -> hls
hm -> hms
hoactzin -> hoactzins
hoagie -> hoagies
hoagy -> hoagies
hoarfrost -> hoarfrosts
hoariness -> hoarinesses
hoatzin -> hoatzins
hobbledehoy -> hobbledehoys
hobbyism -> hobbyisms
hock-joint -> hock-joints
hodeida -> hodeidas
hodgepodge -> hodgepodges
hodman -> hodmen
hodometer -> hodometers
hodoscope -> hodoscopes
hodr -> hodrs
hodur -> hodurs
hoecake -> hoecakes
hoenir -> hoenirs
hoffmannsthal -> hoffmannsthals
hogback -> hogbacks
hogchoker -> hogchokers
hoggishness -> hoggishnesses
hohenlinden -> hohenlindens
hoheria -> hoherias
hoister -> hoisters
hoka -> hokas
hokan -> hokans
hokkianese -> hokkianeses
holarrhena -> holarrhenas
holbrookia -> holbrookias
holcus -> holcuss
holdout -> holdouts
holdover -> holdovers
holibut -> holibuts
holloa -> holloas
hollow-back -> hollow-backs
holloware -> hollowares
hollowware -> hollowwares
hollygrape -> hollygrapes
holmium -> holmiums
holocentridae -> holocentridaes
holocentrus -> holocentruss
holocephalan -> holocephalans
holocephali -> holocephalis
holometabola -> holometabolas
holometabolism -> holometabolisms
holometaboly -> holometabolies
holonymy -> holonymies
holophyte -> holophytes
holothuria -> holothurias
holothurian -> holothurians
holothuridae -> holothuridaes
holothuroidea -> holothuroideas
holystone -> holystones,holystoning,holystoned
homaridae -> homaridaes
hombre -> hombres
home-farm -> home-farms
homebound -> homebounds
homebuilder -> homebuilders
homefolk -> homefolks
homel -> homels
homepage -> homepages
homeroom -> homerooms
homestretch -> homestretches
hometown -> hometowns
hominy -> hominies
hommos -> hommoss
homobasidiomycetes -> homobasidiomycetess
homogeneousness -> homogeneousnesses
homogeny -> homogenies
homograft -> homografts
homogyne -> homogynes
homologize -> homologizes,homologizing,homologized
homomorphy -> homomorphies
homona -> homonas
homonymy -> homonymies
homophile -> homophiles
homopteran -> homopterans
homosexualism -> homosexualisms
homospory -> homospories
homotherm -> homotherms
homyel -> homyels
honestness -> honestnesses
honey-flower -> honey-flowers
honeybells -> honeybellss
honeycreeper -> honeycreepers
honeyflower -> honeyflowers
honeysucker -> honeysuckers
honkie -> honkies
honorableness -> honorablenesses
honoree -> honorees
honoring -> honorings
honourableness -> honourablenesses
honours -> honourss
hoodmold -> hoodmolds
hoodooism -> hoodooisms
hoofing -> hoofings
hooknose -> hooknoses
hooks -> hookss
hookup -> hookups
hoop-la -> hoop-las
hoopoo -> hoopoos
hoops -> hoopss
hoopskirt -> hoopskirts
hoosegow -> hoosegows
hoosgow -> hoosgows
hoosier -> hoosiers
hootch -> hootches
hop-step-and-jump -> hop-step-and-jumps
hopeh -> hopehs
hopei -> hopeis
hopple -> hopples,hoppling,hoppled
hops -> hopss
hopsack -> hopsacks
hopsacking -> hopsackings
hordeolum -> hordeolums
horehound -> horehounds
hornbook -> hornbooks
horneophyton -> horneophytons
hornfels -> hornfelss
horniness -> horninesses
hornist -> hornists
hornpout -> hornpouts
hornstone -> hornstones
hornswoggle -> hornswoggles,hornswoggling,hornswoggled
horologe -> horologes
horologer -> horologers
horoscopy -> horoscopies
horripilation -> horripilations
horse-brier -> horse-briers
horse-cart -> horse-carts
horse-trail -> horse-trails
horsebean -> horsebeans
horsecar -> horsecars
horsecloth -> horsecloths
horsehead -> horseheads
horsehide -> horsehides
horselaugh -> horselaughs
horseleech -> horseleeches
horsemint -> horsemints
horsepond -> horseponds
horsepower-hour -> horsepower-hours
horseshoer -> horseshoers
horseshoes -> horseshoess
horseshow -> horseshows
horseweed -> horseweeds
horsewhipping -> horsewhippings
horsey -> horsier,horsiest
hos -> hoss
hospitableness -> hospitablenesses
hostaceae -> hostaceaes
hostilities -> hostilitiess
hostler -> hostlers
hot-plate -> hot-plates
hotbox -> hotboxes
hotei -> hoteis
hotei-chiku -> hotei-chikus
hotel-casino -> hotel-casinoes
hotelman -> hotelmen
hoth -> hoths
hothr -> hothrs
hottonia -> hottonias
houdah -> houdahs
houhere -> houheres
hoummos -> hoummoss
hound's-tongue -> hound's-tongues
hourglass -> hourglasses
housatonic -> housatonics
house-raising -> house-raisings
house-warming -> house-warmings
housebreaking -> housebreakings
housecraft -> housecrafts
housedog -> housedogs
housefather -> housefathers
houseful -> housefuls
houselights -> houselightss
housemistress -> housemistresses
housemother -> housemothers
housewrecker -> housewreckers
houttuynia -> houttuynias
houyhnhnm -> houyhnhnms
hovea -> hoveas
hovercraft -> hovercrafts
how-d'ye-do -> how-d'ye-does
howard -> howards
howe -> howes
hoya -> hoyas
hoydenism -> hoydenisms
hryvnia -> hryvnias
hs1 -> hs1s
hs2 -> hs2s
hsian -> hsians
hsv-1 -> hsv-1s
hsv-2 -> hsv-2s
hsv-i -> hsv-is
hsv-ii -> hsv-iis
htlv-1 -> htlv-1s
html -> htmls
http -> https
huainaputina -> huainaputinas
hualapai -> hualapais
hualpai -> hualpais
huamachil -> huamachils
huaraches -> huarachess
huascaran -> huascarans
hubble-bubble -> hubble-bubbles
hubbly-bubbly -> hubbly-bubblies
huckaback -> huckabacks
huddler -> huddlers
hudood -> hudoods
hudsonia -> hudsonias
huffiness -> huffinesses
huffishness -> huffishnesses
huffy -> huffier,huffiest
hug-me-tight -> hug-me-tights
huge -> huger,hugest
hugueninia -> hugueninias
huisache -> huisaches
huitre -> huitres
huji -> hujis
hullabaloo -> hullabaloos
hulsea -> hulseas
humanity -> humanities
humans -> humanss
humate -> humates
humblebee -> humblebees
humerus -> humeruses,humeri
humidness -> humidnesses
humification -> humifications
humin -> humins
humoring -> humorings
humorousness -> humorousnesses
humulin -> humulins
humvee -> humvees
hun -> huns
hundred -> hundreds
hundred-percenter -> hundred-percenters
hundredth -> hundredths
hungriness -> hungrinesses
hunkpapa -> hunkpapas
hunnemannia -> hunnemannias
hupa -> hupas
hurdles -> hurdless
hurok -> huroks
hurriedness -> hurriednesses
hushpuppy -> hushpuppies
husking -> huskings
hustings -> hustingss
hutment -> hutments
hutu -> hutus
hutzpah -> hutzpahs
hyacinthaceae -> hyacinthaceaes
hyaenidae -> hyaenidaes
hyalin -> hyalins
hyalinisation -> hyalinisations
hyalinization -> hyalinizations
hyaloid -> hyaloids
hyalophora -> hyalophoras
hyaloplasm -> hyaloplasms
hyalosperma -> hyalospermas
hyalospongiae -> hyalospongiaes
hyazyme -> hyazymes
hybanthus -> hybanthuss
hydathode -> hydathodes
hydatid -> hydatids
hydatidosis -> hydatidoses
hydnaceae -> hydnaceaes
hydnocarpus -> hydnocarpuss
hydnoraceae -> hydnoraceaes
hydnum -> hydnums
hydralazine -> hydralazines
hydramnios -> hydramnioss
hydrangeaceae -> hydrangeaceaes
hydrargyrum -> hydrargyrums
hydrarthrosis -> hydrarthroses
hydraulic -> hydraulics
hydrazine -> hydrazines
hydrazoite -> hydrazoites
hydremia -> hydremias
hydrobates -> hydrobatess
hydrobatidae -> hydrobatidaes
hydrocephaly -> hydrocephalies
hydrocharidaceae -> hydrocharidaceaes
hydrocharis -> hydrochariss
hydrochoeridae -> hydrochoeridaes
hydrochoerus -> hydrochoeruss
hydrocortone -> hydrocortones
hydrocracking -> hydrocrackings
hydrodamalis -> hydrodamaliss
hydrodiuril -> hydrodiurils
hydrodynamics -> hydrodynamicss
hydroflumethiazide -> hydroflumethiazides
hydrokinetics -> hydrokineticss
hydrolith -> hydroliths
hydrolyze -> hydrolyzes,hydrolyzing,hydrolyzed
hydromancer -> hydromancers
hydromancy -> hydromancies
hydromantes -> hydromantess
hydromel -> hydromels
hydrometry -> hydrometries
hydromorphone -> hydromorphones
hydromyinae -> hydromyinaes
hydromys -> hydromyss
hydropathy -> hydropathies
hydrophidae -> hydrophidaes
hydrophyllaceae -> hydrophyllaceaes
hydrophyllum -> hydrophyllums
hydrophyte -> hydrophytes
hydrops -> hydropss
hydrothorax -> hydrothoraxes
hydroxybenzene -> hydroxybenzenes
hydroxychloroquine -> hydroxychloroquines
hydroxymethyl -> hydroxymethyls
hydroxytetracycline -> hydroxytetracyclines
hydroxyzine -> hydroxyzines
hydrozoa -> hydrozoas
hydrozoan -> hydrozoans
hyemoschus -> hyemoschuss
hygrocybe -> hygrocybes
hygrodeik -> hygrodeiks
hygrometer -> hygrometers
hygrophoraceae -> hygrophoraceaes
hygrophorus -> hygrophoruss
hygrophyte -> hygrophytes
hygroscope -> hygroscopes
hygroton -> hygrotons
hygrotrama -> hygrotramas
hylactophryne -> hylactophrynes
hylidae -> hylidaes
hylobates -> hylobatess
hylobatidae -> hylobatidaes
hylocereus -> hylocereuss
hylocichla -> hylocichlas
hylophylax -> hylophylaxes
hymenaea -> hymenaeas
hymenanthera -> hymenantheras
hymeneals -> hymenealss
hymenium -> hymeniums
hymenogastrales -> hymenogastraless
hymenomycetes -> hymenomycetess
hymenophyllaceae -> hymenophyllaceaes
hymenopter -> hymenopters
hymenopteron -> hymenopterons
hynerpeton -> hynerpetons
hyoscyamus -> hyoscyamuss
hypallage -> hypallages
hypanthium -> hypanthiums
hypentelium -> hypenteliums
hyperacidity -> hyperacidities
hyperacusia -> hyperacusias
hyperacusis -> hyperacuses
hyperadrenalism -> hyperadrenalisms
hyperadrenocorticism -> hyperadrenocorticisms
hyperaldosteronism -> hyperaldosteronisms
hyperalimentation -> hyperalimentations
hyperbaton -> hyperbata
hyperbetalipoproteinemia -> hyperbetalipoproteinemias
hyperbilirubinemia -> hyperbilirubinemias
hyperbolize -> hyperbolizes,hyperbolizing,hyperbolized
hyperboloid -> hyperboloids
hyperborean -> hyperboreans
hypercalcemia -> hypercalcemias
hypercalcinuria -> hypercalcinurias
hypercalciuria -> hypercalciurias
hypercapnia -> hypercapnias
hypercarbia -> hypercarbias
hypercatalectic -> hypercatalectics
hypercellularity -> hypercellularities
hypercholesteremia -> hypercholesteremias
hypercholesterolemia -> hypercholesterolemias
hypercoaster -> hypercoasters
hyperdactyly -> hyperdactylies
hyperemesis -> hyperemeses
hyperemia -> hyperemias
hyperglycemia -> hyperglycemias
hyperhidrosis -> hyperhidroses
hypericaceae -> hypericaceaes
hypericales -> hypericaless
hypericism -> hypericisms
hyperidrosis -> hyperidroses
hyperkalemia -> hyperkalemias
hyperlink -> hyperlinks
hyperlipaemia -> hyperlipaemias
hyperlipemia -> hyperlipemias
hyperlipidemia -> hyperlipidemias
hyperlipoidaemia -> hyperlipoidaemias
hyperlipoidemia -> hyperlipoidemias
hyperlipoproteinemia -> hyperlipoproteinemias
hypermastigina -> hypermastiginas
hypermastigote -> hypermastigotes
hypermenorrhea -> hypermenorrheas
hypermetropy -> hypermetropies
hypermotility -> hypermotilities
hypernatremia -> hypernatremias
hypernymy -> hypernymies
hyperoartia -> hyperoartias
hyperodontidae -> hyperodontidaes
hyperoglyphe -> hyperoglyphes
hyperon -> hyperons
hyperoodon -> hyperoodons
hyperope -> hyperopes
hyperopia -> hyperopias
hyperotreta -> hyperotretas
hyperpiesia -> hyperpiesias
hyperpiesis -> hyperpieses
hyperpituitarism -> hyperpituitarisms
hyperpnea -> hyperpneas
hyperpyrexia -> hyperpyrexias
hyperstat -> hyperstats
hypertensin -> hypertensins
hyperthermy -> hyperthermies
hypertonia -> hypertonias
hypertonicity -> hypertonicities
hypertonus -> hypertonuss
hypertrophy -> hypertrophies,hypertrophying,hypertrophied
hypervelocity -> hypervelocities
hypervitaminosis -> hypervitaminoses
hypervolemia -> hypervolemias
hypesthesia -> hypesthesias
hypha -> hyphas
hyphantria -> hyphantrias
hyphema -> hyphemas
hypnagogue -> hypnagogues
hypnoanalysis -> hypnoanalyses
hypnogenesis -> hypnogeneses
hypnopedia -> hypnopedias
hypnophobia -> hypnophobias
hypnos -> hypnoss
hypnotiser -> hypnotisers
hypnotizer -> hypnotizers
hypoadrenalism -> hypoadrenalisms
hypoadrenocorticism -> hypoadrenocorticisms
hypobasidium -> hypobasidiums
hypobetalipoproteinemia -> hypobetalipoproteinemias
hypoblast -> hypoblasts
hypocalcemia -> hypocalcemias
hypocapnia -> hypocapnias
hypocellularity -> hypocellularities
hypochaeris -> hypochaeriss
hypochoeris -> hypochoeriss
hypochondriasis -> hypochondriases
hypochondrium -> hypochondriums
hypocorism -> hypocorisms
hypocreaceae -> hypocreaceaes
hypocreales -> hypocrealess
hypoderma -> hypodermas
hypodermatidae -> hypodermatidaes
hypoesthesia -> hypoesthesias
hypogammaglobulinemia -> hypogammaglobulinemias
hypoglossal -> hypoglossals
hypogonadism -> hypogonadisms
hypokalemia -> hypokalemias
hypolipoproteinemia -> hypolipoproteinemias
hyponatremia -> hyponatremias
hypopachus -> hypopachuss
hypoparathyroidism -> hypoparathyroidisms
hypophysectomy -> hypophysectomies
hypophysis -> hypophyses
hypopitys -> hypopityss
hypopnea -> hypopneas
hypoproteinemia -> hypoproteinemias
hyposmia -> hyposmias
hypospadias -> hypospadiass
hypostasis -> hypostases
hypostatisation -> hypostatisations
hypostatization -> hypostatizations
hypostatize -> hypostatizes,hypostatizing,hypostatized
hypotenuse -> hypotenuses
hypothrombinemia -> hypothrombinemias
hypotonicity -> hypotonicities
hypotonus -> hypotonuss
hypovitaminosis -> hypovitaminoses
hypovolemia -> hypovolemias
hypoxidaceae -> hypoxidaceaes
hypoxis -> hypoxes
hypozeugma -> hypozeugmas
hypozeuxis -> hypozeuxes
hypsiglena -> hypsiglenas
hypsiprymnodon -> hypsiprymnodons
hypsography -> hypsographies
hypsometer -> hypsometers
hyracoidea -> hyracoideas
hyracotherium -> hyracotheriums
hyssopus -> hyssopera
hysterocatalepsy -> hysterocatalepsies
hysterosalpingogram -> hysterosalpingograms
hysterotomy -> hysterotomies
hystricidae -> hystricidaes
hystricomorpha -> hystricomorphas
hytrin -> hytrins
i.d. -> i.d.s
i.e.d. -> i.e.d.s
i.w.w. -> i.w.w.s
iaa -> iaas
iambus -> iambuss
ianfu -> ianfus
ibda-c -> ibda-cs
ibero-mesornis -> ibero-mesorniss
ibn-roshd -> ibn-roshds
ibn-sina -> ibn-sinas
icaco -> icacoes
ice-box -> ice-boxes
ice-wagon -> ice-wagons
iceboat -> iceboats
icepick -> icepicks
icetray -> icetrays
ichthyolatry -> ichthyolatries
ichthyology -> ichthyologies
ichthyosauria -> ichthyosaurias
ichthyosauridae -> ichthyosauridaes
ichthyosaurus -> ichthyosauruss
ichyostega -> ichyostegas
iconolatry -> iconolatries
iconoscope -> iconoscopes
ics -> icss
icsh -> icshes
icteria -> icterias
icteridae -> icteridaes
icterus -> icteruss
ictiobus -> ictiobuss
ictodosaur -> ictodosaurs
ictodosauria -> ictodosaurias
ictonyx -> ictonyxes
ictus -> ictuss
idahoan -> idahoans
iddm -> iddms
idealogue -> idealogues
ideate -> ideates,ideating,ideated
identicalness -> identicalnesses
identikit -> identikits
ideography -> ideographies
idesia -> idesias
idiolatry -> idiolatries
idiopathy -> idiopathies
idocrase -> idocrases
idolater -> idolaters
idolatress -> idolatresses
idolisation -> idolisations
idoliser -> idolisers
idolization -> idolizations
idolizer -> idolizers
idyl -> idyls
ies -> iess
ige -> iges
igigi -> igigis
iglu -> iglus
ignitor -> ignitors
ignobility -> ignobilities
ignobleness -> ignoblenesses
ignominiousness -> ignominiousnesses
ignoramus -> ignoramuses
ignorantness -> ignorantnesses
iguania -> iguanias
iguanid -> iguanids
iguanidae -> iguanidaes
iguanodontidae -> iguanodontidaes
iguassu -> iguassus
ii -> iis
iii -> iiis
iis -> iiss
ijssel -> ijssels
ijtihad -> ijtihads
ikhanaton -> ikhanatons
ilama -> ilamas
ilang-ilang -> ilangs-ilangs
ile-st-louis -> ile-st-louiss
iliamna -> iliamnas
ilion -> ilions
ill-being -> ill-beings
ill-breeding -> ill-breedings
ill-treat -> ill-treats,ill-treating,ill-treated
ill-usage -> ill-usages
illampu -> illampus
illation -> illations
illecebrum -> illecebrums
illegalize -> illegalizes,illegalizing,illegalized
illiberality -> illiberalities
illicitness -> illicitnesses
illicium -> illiciums
illinois -> illinois
illinoisan -> illinoisans
illogicalness -> illogicalnesses
illume -> illumes,illuming,illumed
illuminance -> illuminances
illustriousness -> illustriousnesses
ilosone -> ilosones
imaret -> imarets
imaum -> imaums
imavate -> imavates
imbauba -> imbaubas
imbibition -> imbibitions
imbroglio -> imbroglios
imbrue -> imbrues,imbruing,imbrued
imide -> imides
iminazole -> iminazoles
immaculateness -> immaculatenesses
immanency -> immanencies
immaterialize -> immaterializes,immaterializing,immaterialized
immatureness -> immaturenesses
immediateness -> immediatenesses
immenseness -> immensenesses
immigration -> immigrations
imminency -> imminencies
imminentness -> imminentnesses
immingle -> immingles,immingling,immingled
immix -> immixes,immixing,immixed
immobilizing -> immobilizings
immoderateness -> immoderatenesses
immoderation -> immoderations
immotility -> immotilities
immovableness -> immovablenesses
immunochemistry -> immunochemistries
immunocompetence -> immunocompetences
immunoelectrophoresis -> immunoelectrophoreses
immunosuppressor -> immunosuppressors
immurement -> immurements
immutableness -> immutablenesses
impairer -> impairers
impalpability -> impalpabilities
impanel -> impanels,impanelling,impanelled
impartation -> impartations
impeachability -> impeachabilities
impeccability -> impeccabilities
impeller -> impellers
impend -> impends,impending,impended
impendence -> impendences
impendency -> impendencies
impenetrableness -> impenetrablenesses
impenitence -> impenitences
impenitency -> impenitencies
imperativeness -> imperativenesses
imperceptibility -> imperceptibilities
imperfectibility -> imperfectibilities
imperfective -> imperfectives
imperfectness -> imperfectnesses
imperishability -> imperishabilities
imperishableness -> imperishablenesses
imperishingness -> imperishingnesses
impermanency -> impermanencies
impermeableness -> impermeablenesses
impermissibility -> impermissibilities
imperturbableness -> imperturbablenesses
impetus -> impetus
impiousness -> impiousnesses
impishness -> impishnesses
implausibleness -> implausiblenesses
importee -> importees
impossibleness -> impossiblenesses
impracticableness -> impracticablenesses
imprecate -> imprecates,imprecating,imprecated
impreciseness -> imprecisenesses
improbableness -> improbablenesses
improperness -> impropernesses
impuissance -> impuissances
impulse-buy -> impulse-buys,impulse-buying,impulse-bought
impureness -> impurenesses
imu -> imus
imuran -> imurans
in -> ins
in-basket -> in-baskets
inachis -> inachiss
inactiveness -> inactivenesses
inadequateness -> inadequatenesses
inamorato -> inamoratoes
inanimateness -> inanimatenesses
inappositeness -> inappositenesses
inaptitude -> inaptitudes
inaptness -> inaptnesses
inaudibleness -> inaudiblenesses
inauspiciousness -> inauspiciousnesses
incalescence -> incalescences
incapableness -> incapablenesses
incasement -> incasements
incaution -> incautions
incautiousness -> incautiousnesses
incertitude -> incertitudes
incessancy -> incessancies
incessantness -> incessantnesses
incheon -> incheons
inchworm -> inchworms
incienso -> inciensoes
incipience -> incipiences
incipiency -> incipiencies
incitation -> incitations
inclementness -> inclementnesses
inclining -> inclinings
inclinometer -> inclinometers
incognizance -> incognizances
incommodiousness -> incommodiousnesses
incommutability -> incommutabilities
inconceivability -> inconceivabilities
inconceivableness -> inconceivablenesses
inconel -> inconels
incongruousness -> incongruousnesses
inconsiderateness -> inconsideratenesses
inconsideration -> inconsiderations
incontrovertibility -> incontrovertibilities
incontrovertibleness -> incontrovertiblenesses
incoordination -> incoordinations
incorporeality -> incorporealities
incorruptness -> incorruptnesses
incredibility -> incredibilities
incredibleness -> incrediblenesses
incrust -> incrusts,incrusting,incrusted
inculpability -> inculpabilities
inculpableness -> inculpablenesses
inculpate -> inculpates,inculpating,inculpated
inculpation -> inculpations
incurability -> incurabilities
incurableness -> incurablenesses
incurrence -> incurrences
incurvate -> incurvates,incurvating,incurvated
incurvation -> incurvations
incurvature -> incurvatures
incus -> incuss
indaba -> indabas
indapamide -> indapamides
indecorousness -> indecorousnesses
indefatigability -> indefatigabilities
indefatigableness -> indefatigablenesses
indefinity -> indefinities
indene -> indenes
indention -> indentions
inderal -> inderals
indeterminateness -> indeterminatenesses
india -> indias
indianan -> indianans
indicant -> indicants
indicatoridae -> indicatoridaes
indictability -> indictabilities
indie -> indies
indigen -> indigens
indigenousness -> indigenousnesses
indigestibility -> indigestibilities
indigestibleness -> indigestiblenesses
indigirka -> indigirkas
indigofera -> indigoferas
indigotin -> indigotins
indinavir -> indinavirs
indiscreetness -> indiscreetnesses
indispensableness -> indispensablenesses
indispose -> indisposes,indisposing,indisposed
indisputability -> indisputabilities
indistinctness -> indistinctnesses
indite -> indites,inditing,indited
indo-hittite -> indo-hittites
indo-iranian -> indo-iranians
indocin -> indocins
indomitability -> indomitabilities
indoor -> indoors
indorsement -> indorsements
indorser -> indorsers
indriidae -> indriidaes
inductee -> inductees
indue -> indues,induing,indued
indulging -> indulgings
indument -> induments
indumentum -> indumentums
indusium -> indusiums
indweller -> indwellers
inebriant -> inebriants
inebriety -> inebrieties
inefficaciousness -> inefficaciousnesses
ineluctability -> ineluctabilities
inessentiality -> inessentialities
inevitableness -> inevitablenesses
inexactness -> inexactnesses
inexorableness -> inexorablenesses
inexpedience -> inexpediences
inexpediency -> inexpediencies
inexplicitness -> inexplicitnesses
infant's-breath -> infant's-breaths
infatuate -> infatuates,infatuating,infatuated
infielder -> infielders
infiniteness -> infinitenesses
infix -> infixes,infixing,infixed
inflaming -> inflamings
inflammability -> inflammabilities
inflater -> inflaters
inflexibleness -> inflexiblenesses
infliximab -> infliximabs
infomercial -> infomercials
information -> information
informercial -> informercials
infract -> infracts,infracting,infracted
infrigidation -> infrigidations
infructescence -> infructescences
infundibulum -> infundibulums
infuriation -> infuriations
ingeminate -> ingeminates,ingeminating,ingeminated
ingeniousness -> ingeniousnesses
ingerman -> ingermen
ingesta -> ingestas
ingraft -> ingrafts,ingrafting,ingrafted
ingraining -> ingrainings
ingrian -> ingrians
ingroup -> ingroups
inguen -> inguens
ingurgitate -> ingurgitates,ingurgitating,ingurgitated
inh -> inhs
inhabitancy -> inhabitancies
inhabitation -> inhabitations
inhalator -> inhalators
inharmoniousness -> inharmoniousnesses
inherence -> inherences
inherency -> inherencies
inheritress -> inheritresses
inheritrix -> inheritrices
inhospitableness -> inhospitablenesses
inhumaneness -> inhumanenesses
inhumanity -> inhumanities
inhume -> inhumes,inhuming,inhumed
injectant -> injectants
injudiciousness -> injudiciousnesses
injuriousness -> injuriousnesses
inkberry -> inkberries
inkblot -> inkblots
inkiness -> inkinesses
inkle -> inkles
inkpad -> inkpads
inkstand -> inkstands
inmarriage -> inmarriages
innersole -> innersoles
inning -> innings
innings -> innings
innocense -> innocenses
innumerableness -> innumerablenesses
inocor -> inocors
inoculating -> inoculatings
inopportuneness -> inopportunenesses
inordinateness -> inordinatenesses
inosculate -> inosculates,inosculating,inosculated
inosculation -> inosculations
inosine -> inosines
inpour -> inpours
inpouring -> inpourings
inquietude -> inquietudes
inr -> inrs
ins -> inss
insalubriousness -> insalubriousnesses
insalubrity -> insalubrities
insaneness -> insanenesses
insecta -> insectas
insectifuge -> insectifuges
insectivora -> insectivoras
insecureness -> insecurenesses
insensitiveness -> insensitivenesses
insentience -> insentiences
insessores -> insessoress
insightfulness -> insightfulnesses
insipidity -> insipidities
insistency -> insistencies
insisting -> insistings
insolate -> insolates,insolating,insolated
inspan -> inspans,inspanning,inspanned
inspectorship -> inspectorships
inspissation -> inspissations
installing -> installings
instancy -> instancies
instigant -> instigants
instillator -> instillators
instillment -> instillments
instilment -> instilments
instroke -> instrokes
instructions -> instructionss
instructorship -> instructorships
insufflate -> insufflates,insufflating,insufflated
insulant -> insulants
insularism -> insularisms
insurrectionism -> insurrectionisms
intangibleness -> intangiblenesses
integrality -> integralities
intellection -> intellections
intelnet -> intelnets
intemperateness -> intemperatenesses
intensiveness -> intensivenesses
interahamwe -> interahamwes
interbrain -> interbrains
interchangeableness -> interchangeablenesses
intercommunicate -> intercommunicates,intercommunicating,intercommunicated
interestedness -> interestednesses
interestingness -> interestingnesses
interlingua -> interlinguas
intermediator -> intermediators
intermit -> intermits,intermitting,intermitted
interne -> internes
interoception -> interoceptions
interoceptor -> interoceptors
interphone -> interphones
interreflection -> interreflections
interspersal -> interspersals
interspersion -> interspersions
interstratify -> interstratifies,interstratifying,interstratified
intertrigo -> intertrigoes
intervenor -> intervenors
intifadah -> intifadahs
intonate -> intonates,intonating,intonated
intractableness -> intractablenesses
intrados -> intradoss
intranet -> intranets
intransigency -> intransigencies
intransitiveness -> intransitivenesses
intransitivity -> intransitivities
intravasation -> intravasations
intrenchment -> intrenchments
intromission -> intromissions
intromit -> intromits,intromitting,intromitted
intropin -> intropins
introspectiveness -> introspectivenesses
intrust -> intrusts,intrusting,intrusted
intumesce -> intumesces,intumescing,intumesced
intumescence -> intumescences
intumescency -> intumescencies
intussuscept -> intussuscepts,intussuscepting,intussuscepted
inulin -> inulins
inunction -> inunctions
inutility -> inutilities
invalidator -> invalidators
invalidness -> invalidnesses
invaluableness -> invaluablenesses
invar -> invars
invariableness -> invariablenesses
inventorying -> inventoryings
invertase -> invertases
invidia -> invidias
invigorator -> invigorators
invirase -> invirases
invisibleness -> invisiblenesses
involucre -> involucres
inweave -> inweaves,inweaving,inwove,inwoven
iodin -> iodins
iodine-125 -> iodine-125s
iodine-131 -> iodine-131s
iodize -> iodizes,iodizing,iodized
iodochlorhydroxyquin -> iodochlorhydroxyquins
iodocompound -> iodocompounds
iodoform -> iodoforms
iodoprotein -> iodoproteins
iodopsin -> iodopsins
iodothyronine -> iodothyronines
iodotyrosine -> iodotyrosines
ionophoresis -> ionophoreses
iontotherapy -> iontotherapies
ios -> ioss
iowan -> iowans
ioway -> ioways
ipidae -> ipidaes
ipomoea -> ipomoeas
iproclozid -> iproclozids
ipsedixitism -> ipsedixitisms
ipsus -> ipsuss
iq -> iqs
ir -> irs
ira -> iras
irak -> iraks
iraki -> irakis
irelander -> irelanders
irenidae -> irenidaes
iresine -> iresines
iridaceae -> iridaceaes
iridectomy -> iridectomies
iridoncus -> iridoncuss
iridoprocne -> iridoprocnes
iridosmine -> iridosmines
iridotomy -> iridotomies
iron-gray -> iron-grays
iron-tree -> iron-trees
ironware -> ironwares
ironworks -> ironworkss
iroquoian -> iroquoians
iroquois -> iroquois
irreality -> irrealities
irredenta -> irredentas
irredentism -> irredentisms
irreligionist -> irreligionists
irreligiousness -> irreligiousnesses
irreplaceableness -> irreplaceablenesses
irrepressibility -> irrepressibilities
irreproducibility -> irreproducibilities
irresistibleness -> irresistiblenesses
irresoluteness -> irresolutenesses
irresponsibleness -> irresponsiblenesses
irridenta -> irridentas
irridentism -> irridentisms
irridentist -> irridentists
irtish -> irtishes
irula -> irulas
irvingia -> irvingias
isaac -> isaacs
isarithm -> isarithms
isatis -> isatiss
ischemia -> ischemias
ischigualastia -> ischigualastias
isere -> iseres
isi -> isis
iskcon -> iskcons
islamism -> islamisms
island-dweller -> island-dwellers
ismailian -> ismailians
ismailism -> ismailisms
isoagglutination -> isoagglutinations
isoagglutinin -> isoagglutinins
isoagglutinogen -> isoagglutinogens
isoantibody -> isoantibodies
isobutylene -> isobutylenes
isocarboxazid -> isocarboxazids
isochrone -> isochrones
isoclinal -> isoclinals
isocrates -> isocratess
isocyanate -> isocyanates
isoetaceae -> isoetaceaes
isoetales -> isoetaless
isogamete -> isogametes
isogamy -> isogamies
isogon -> isogons
isogone -> isogones
isogram -> isograms
isohel -> isohels
isomerize -> isomerizes,isomerizing,isomerized
isometrics -> isometricss
isometropia -> isometropias
isomorphy -> isomorphies
isopoda -> isopodas
isoptin -> isoptins
isopyrum -> isopyrums
isordil -> isordils
isosorbide -> isosorbides
isospondyli -> isospondylis
israelites -> israelitess
issus -> issuss
isthmus -> isthmuses
istiophoridae -> istiophoridaes
istiophorus -> istiophoruss
isuprel -> isuprels
isuridae -> isuridaes
isurus -> isuruss
ithaki -> ithakis
ithunn -> ithunns
itineration -> itinerations
its -> their
ivorybill -> ivorybills
ix -> ixes
ixobrychus -> ixobrychuss
ixodes -> ixodess
ixodid -> ixodids
ixodidae -> ixodidaes
iyar -> iyars
iyyar -> iyyars
izar -> izars
jabalpur -> jabalpurs
jabberer -> jabberers
jabiru -> jabirus
jaboncillo -> jaboncilloes
jaboticaba -> jaboticabas
jacamar -> jacamars
jacinth -> jacinths
jack-a-lantern -> jack-a-lanterns
jack-by-the-hedge -> jacks-by-the-hedge
jack-in-the-pulpit -> jacks-in-the-pulpit
jack-o'-lantern -> jack-o'-lanterns
jack-o-lantern -> jack-o-lanterns
jack-tar -> jack-tars
jackass -> jackasses
jackfruit -> jackfruits
jacklight -> jacklights
jackscrew -> jackscrews
jacksmelt -> jacksmelts
jacksnipe -> jacksnipes
jacksonia -> jacksonias
jacksonian -> jacksonians
jackstones -> jackstoness
jackstraw -> jackstraws
jackstraws -> jackstrawss
jacob -> jacobs
jaconet -> jaconets
jacquinia -> jacquinias
jactation -> jactations
jactitation -> jactitations
jaculus -> jaculuss
jacuzzi -> jacuzzis
jadestone -> jadestones
jaffa -> jaffas
jagannatha -> jagannathas
jagatai -> jagatais
jagganath -> jagganaths
jaggary -> jaggaries
jaggedness -> jaggednesses
jagghery -> jaggheries
jaghatai -> jaghatais
jagua -> jaguas
jaguarondi -> jaguarondis
jaguarundi -> jaguarundis
jahvey -> jahveys
jailbreak -> jailbreaks
jainist -> jainists
jaish-e-muhammad -> jaish-e-muhammads
jaish-i-mohammed -> jaish-i-mohammeds
jambeau -> jambeaux
jamberry -> jamberries
jambos -> jamboss
jambosa -> jambosas
jamesonia -> jamesonias
jammies -> jammiess
jampack -> jampacks,jampacking,jampacked
jampan -> jampans
japan -> japans,japanning,japanned
japanese -> japanese
japheth -> japheths
japonica -> japonicas
jarful -> jarfuls
jargoon -> jargoons
jasminum -> jasminums
jassid -> jassids
jassidae -> jassidaes
jatropha -> jatrophas
javanthropus -> javanthropera
javelina -> javelinas
jawbreaker -> jawbreakers
jaybird -> jaybirds
jayshullah -> jayshullahs
jaywalk -> jaywalks,jaywalking,jaywalked
jaywalker -> jaywalkers
jazz -> jazzes,jazzing,jazzed
jdam -> jdams
jean -> jeans
jed'dah -> jed'dahs
jeerer -> jeerers
jehad -> jehads
jejuneness -> jejunenesses
jejunity -> jejunities
jejunostomy -> jejunostomies
jell-o -> jell-oes
jellaba -> jellabas
jellify -> jellifies,jellifying,jellified
jellyleaf -> jellyleaves
jellyroll -> jellyrolls
jerevan -> jerevans
jerry -> jerries
jerry-build -> jerry-builds,jerry-building,jerry-built
jerry-builder -> jerry-builders
jerry-building -> jerry-buildings
jesuitism -> jesuitisms
jesuitry -> jesuitries
jeth -> jeths
jets -> jetss
jew's-ear -> jew's-ears
jew's-ears -> jew's-earss
jew-bush -> jew-bushes
jewbush -> jewbushes
jeweler -> jewelers
jewels-of-opar -> jewelss-of-opar
jewelweed -> jewelweeds
jewess -> jewesses
jhvh -> jhvhs
jiao -> jiaos
jibboom -> jibbooms
jiddah -> jiddahs
jigaboo -> jigaboos
jiggermast -> jiggermasts
jihadist -> jihadists
jillion -> jillions
jimdandy -> jimdandies
jimhickey -> jimhickeys
jimmies -> jimmiess
jimmy -> jimmies
jimsonweed -> jimsonweeds
jinghpo -> jinghpoes
jingoist -> jingoists
jinja -> jinjas
jinnee -> jinnees
jinni -> jinnis
jinrikisha -> jinrikishas
jiqui -> jiquis
jird -> jirds
jirrbal -> jirrbals
jitteriness -> jitterinesses
jitters -> jitterss
jiujitsu -> jiujitsus
jnd -> jnds
jobholder -> jobholders
jocoseness -> jocosenesses
jocosity -> jocosities
jocote -> jocotes
jocundity -> jocundities
jodhpurs -> jodhpurss
joewood -> joewoods
joffrey -> joffreys
john -> johns
johnny-jump-up -> johnny-jump-ups
johnnycake -> johnnycakes
johnson -> johnsons
jointworm -> jointworms
joliot -> joliots
jolliet -> jolliets
jollify -> jollifies,jollifying,jollified
jonesboro -> jonesboroes
jook -> jooks
jordan -> jordans
jorum -> jorums
josue -> josues
jotun -> jotuns
jotunn -> jotunns
journeyer -> journeyers
joylessness -> joylessnesses
jubilance -> jubilances
jubilancy -> jubilancies
jubilate -> jubilates,jubilating,jubilated
judas -> judases
judeo-spanish -> judeo-spanishes
judicatory -> judicatories
jugale -> jugales
juglandaceae -> juglandaceaes
juglandales -> juglandaless
jugoslavian -> jugoslavians
jugoslavija -> jugoslavijas
jujutsu -> jujutsus
jumbal -> jumbals
jumbojet -> jumbojets
jument -> juments
jumpstart -> jumpstarts,jumpstarting,jumpstarted
jumpy -> jumpier,jumpiest
juncaceae -> juncaceaes
juncaginaceae -> juncaginaceaes
junco -> juncoes
jund-ul-islam -> jund-ul-islams
juneberry -> juneberries
jungermanniaceae -> jungermanniaceaes
jungermanniales -> jungermannialess
junkie -> junkies
jupati -> jupatis
jupaty -> jupaties
jurywoman -> jurywomen
jutish -> jutishes
juvenescence -> juvenescences
juvenility -> juvenilities
jyaistha -> jyaisthas
jylland -> jyllands
jynx -> jynges
k -> ks
k-lor -> k-lors
k-lyte -> k-lytes
k-meson -> k-mesons
kaaba -> kaabas
kabala -> kabalas
kabbala -> kabbalas
kabob -> kabobs
kabolin -> kabolins
kachaturian -> kachaturians
kachina -> kachinas
kachinic -> kachinics
kadai -> kadais
kadikoy -> kadikoys
kaffiyeh -> kaffiyehs
kafir -> kafirs
kafiri -> kafiris
kafocin -> kafocins
kahikatea -> kahikateas
kahlua -> kahluas
kahoolawe -> kahoolawes
kail -> kails
kainite -> kainites
kainogenesis -> kainogeneses
kakatoe -> kakatoes
kakemono -> kakemonoes
kala-azar -> kala-azars
kalansuwa -> kalansuwas
kalantas -> kalantass
kalapooia -> kalapooias
kalapooian -> kalapooians
kalapuya -> kalapuyas
kalapuyan -> kalapuyans
kalemia -> kalemias
kalian -> kalians
kalif -> kalifs
kaliph -> kaliphs
kaliuresis -> kaliureses
kalka -> kalkas
kalki -> kalkis
kalotermes -> kalotermess
kalotermitidae -> kalotermitidaes
kalpac -> kalpacs
kalumpang -> kalumpangs
kaluresis -> kalureses
kam-sui -> kam-suis
kam-tai -> kam-tais
kamarupan -> kamarupans
kamasutra -> kamasutras
kamet -> kamets
kamia -> kamias
kamikaze -> kamikazes
kanaf -> kanafs
kananga -> kanangas
kanara -> kanaras
kanarese -> kanareses
kanawha -> kanawhas
kanchanjanga -> kanchanjangas
kanchil -> kanchils
kandinski -> kandinskis
kangaroo's-foot -> kangaroo's-feet
kansa -> kansas
kansan -> kansans
kantrex -> kantrexes
kanzu -> kanzus
kaochlor -> kaochlors
kaoliang -> kaoliangs
kaoline -> kaolines
kaon -> kaons
kapeika -> kapeikas
kaph -> kaphs
kappa-meson -> kappa-mesons
kapsiki -> kapsikis
kapuka -> kapukas
karaites -> karaitess
karakalpak -> karakalpaks
karat -> karats
karelian -> karelians
karen -> karens
karenic -> karenics
karlfeldt -> karlfeldts
karok -> karoks
kartik -> kartiks
kartikeya -> kartikeyas
karttika -> karttikas
karttikeya -> karttikeyas
karyokinesis -> karyokineses
karyolymph -> karyolymphs
karyolysis -> karyolyses
karyon -> karyons
karyoplasm -> karyoplasms
kashag -> kashags
kashmiri -> kashmiris
kassite -> kassites
kastler -> kastlers
katabolism -> katabolisms
katamorphism -> katamorphisms
katar -> katars
katari -> kataris
katharevusa -> katharevusas
katharobe -> katharobes
katharometer -> katharometers
katharsis -> katharses
katsuwonidae -> katsuwonidaes
katsuwonus -> katsuwonuss
kattegatt -> kattegatts
katzenjammer -> katzenjammers
kaury -> kauries
kavakava -> kavakavas
kavrin -> kavrins
kawaka -> kawakas
kayo -> kayos,kayoing,kayoed
kazakhstani -> kazakhstanis
kbo -> kboes
keb -> kebs
kechua -> kechuas
kechuan -> kechuans
keeshond -> keeshonds
keflex -> keflexes
keflin -> keflins
keftab -> keftabs
kegful -> kegfuls
keister -> keisters
kekchi -> kekchis
keloid -> keloids
kelpwort -> kelpworts
kelter -> kelters
kemadrin -> kemadrins
kenaf -> kenafs
kenalog -> kenalogs
kennedia -> kennedias
kennedya -> kennedyas
kennewick -> kennewicks
kenogenesis -> kenogeneses
kentan -> kentans
kentuckian -> kentuckians
kenyata -> kenyatas
keokuk -> keokuks
kera -> keras
keratalgia -> keratalgias
keratectasia -> keratectasias
keratinisation -> keratinisations
keratinization -> keratinizations
keratinize -> keratinizes,keratinizing,keratinized
keratoacanthoma -> keratoacanthomas
keratocele -> keratoceles
keratoconus -> keratoconuss
keratoderma -> keratodermas
keratodermia -> keratodermias
keratohyalin -> keratohyalins
keratomalacia -> keratomalacias
keratomycosis -> keratomycoses
keratonosis -> keratonoses
keratonosus -> keratonosuss
keratoplasty -> keratoplasties
keratoscope -> keratoscopes
keratoscopy -> keratoscopies
keratosis -> keratoses
kerbela -> kerbelas
kerfuffle -> kerfuffles
kerion -> kerions
kernicterus -> kernicteruss
kernite -> kernites
kerugma -> kerugmas
keteleeria -> keteleerias
ketembilla -> ketembillas
ketoaciduria -> ketoacidurias
ketohexose -> ketohexoses
ketonemia -> ketonemias
ketorolac -> ketorolacs
ketosteroid -> ketosteroids
ketubim -> ketubims
keurboom -> keurbooms
khadafy -> khadafies
khaddar -> khaddars
khakis -> khakiss
khalif -> khalifs
khalka -> khalkas
khamsin -> khamsins
khamti -> khamtis
kharkiv -> kharkivs
khaya -> khayas
khepera -> kheperas
khesari -> khesaris
khimar -> khimars
khios -> khioss
khirghiz -> khirghizs
khoikhoi -> khoikhois
khoikhoin -> khoikhoins
khoisan -> khoisans
khoum -> khoums
khowar -> khowars
khuen -> khuens
khufu -> khufus
khukuri -> khukuris
kiaat -> kiaats
kibbutz -> kibbutzes,kibbutzim
kibbutznik -> kibbutzniks
kibitz -> kibitzes,kibitzing,kibitzed
kibitzer -> kibitzers
kibosh -> kiboshes,kiboshing,kiboshed
kichaga -> kichagas
kichai -> kichais
kickapoo -> kickapoos
kickshaw -> kickshaws
kicksorter -> kicksorters
kiddie -> kiddies
kidnaper -> kidnapers
kidskin -> kidskins
kieserite -> kieserites
kiggelaria -> kiggelarias
kike -> kikes
kikladhes -> kikladhess
kiliwa -> kiliwas
kiliwi -> kiliwis
kilocycle -> kilocycles
kilogram-meter -> kilogram-meters
kiloliter -> kiloliters
kilolitre -> kilolitres
kilovolt -> kilovolts
kilovolt-ampere -> kilovolt-amperes
kinaesthesis -> kinaestheses
kinanesthesia -> kinanesthesias
kinchinjunga -> kinchinjungas
kind-heartedness -> kind-heartednesses
kindergartener -> kindergarteners
kindergartner -> kindergartners
kindheartedness -> kindheartednesses
kinescope -> kinescopes
kinesiology -> kinesiologies
kinesis -> kineses
kinesthesia -> kinesthesias
kinesthesis -> kinestheses
kinesthetics -> kinestheticss
kinetic -> kinetics
kinetochore -> kinetochores
kinetosis -> kinetoses
kingbird -> kingbirds
kingbolt -> kingbolts
kingsnake -> kingsnakes
kinin -> kinins
kinkajou -> kinkajous
kinosternidae -> kinosternidaes
kinosternon -> kinosternons
kinsperson -> kinspeople
kiowa -> kiowas
kirghizstan -> kirghizstans
kirkia -> kirkias
kirpan -> kirpans
kis -> kiss
kishar -> kishars
kishke -> kishkes
kismat -> kismats
kiss-me-over-the-garden-gate -> kiss-me-over-the-garden-gates
kitakyushu -> kitakyushus
kitambilla -> kitambillas
kitembilla -> kitembillas
kittee -> kittees
kitten-tails -> kitten-tailss
kittul -> kittuls
kitty -> kitties
kitty-cat -> kitty-cats
kitul -> kituls
kivu -> kivus
klaipeda -> klaipedas
klaproth -> klaproths
klavern -> klaverns
klavier -> klaviers
kleptomaniac -> kleptomaniacs
klinefelter -> klinefelters
klorvess -> klorvesses
kludge -> kludges
kluxer -> kluxers
klyuchevskaya -> klyuchevskayas
knawe -> knawes
knawel -> knawels
knee-hi -> knee-his
kneepan -> kneepans
knesseth -> knesseths
knickerbockers -> knickerbockerss
knickknack -> knickknacks
knickknackery -> knickknackeries
knife-handle -> knife-handles
knightia -> knightias
knightliness -> knightlinesses
knish -> knishes
knitwork -> knitworks
knobkerrie -> knobkerries
knobkerry -> knobkerries
knock-up -> knock-ups
knockoff -> knockoffs
knockwurst -> knockwursts
knotgrass -> knotgrasses
knottiness -> knottinesses
knowledgeability -> knowledgeabilities
knowledgeableness -> knowledgeablenesses
knuckleball -> knuckleballs
knucklebones -> knuckleboness
knuckler -> knucklers
knuckles -> knuckless
knucks -> knuckss
koan -> koans
koasati -> koasatis
kob -> kobs
kobenhavn -> kobenhavns
kochia -> kochias
kodagu -> kodagus
koellia -> koellias
kogia -> kogias
kohleria -> kohlerias
koine -> koines
kok-saghyz -> kok-saghyzs
kok-sagyz -> kok-sagyzs
kokka -> kokkas
kolam -> kolams
kolami -> kolamis
kolkata -> kolkatas
kolkhoznik -> kolkhozniks
kolkwitzia -> kolkwitzias
kolonia -> kolonias
komondor -> komondors
konakri -> konakris
kongfuze -> kongfuzes
konini -> koninis
konoe -> konoes
konoye -> konoyes
konqueror -> konquerors
koodoo -> koodoos
koopmans -> koopmanss
kopiyka -> kopiykas
koppie -> koppies
korbut -> korbuts
kordofanian -> kordofanians
korea -> koreas
korinthos -> korinthoss
korzybski -> korzybskis
kosciusko -> kosciuskoes
kosciuszko -> kosciuszkoes
kosteletzya -> kosteletzyas
kotar -> kotars
kotex -> kotexes
koto -> kotoes
kotow -> kotows,kotowing,kotowed
koudou -> koudous
koumiss -> koumisses
kovna -> kovnas
koweit -> koweits
kowhai -> kowhais
krakatao -> krakataos
krakau -> krakaus
kraurosis -> krauroses
krauthead -> krautheads
krigia -> krigias
kris -> kriss
krishnaism -> krishnaisms
kriti -> kritis
kroto -> krotoes
krubi -> krubis
krummhorn -> krummhorns
krypterophaneron -> krypterophanerons
kshatriya -> kshatriyas
ku-chiku -> ku-chikus
kuangchou -> kuangchous
kuchean -> kucheans
kudzu -> kudzus
kuenlun -> kuenluns
kukenaam -> kukenaams
kuki -> kukis
kuki-chin -> kuki-chins
kulanapan -> kulanapans
kulun -> kuluns
kumis -> kumiss
kunzite -> kunzites
kura -> kuras
kurakkan -> kurakkans
kurchee -> kurchees
kurchi -> kurchis
kuri-chiku -> kuri-chikus
kuroshio -> kuroshios
kurrajong -> kurrajongs
kurrat -> kurrats
kurux -> kuruxes
kusan -> kusans
kuvasz -> kuvaszs
kuvi -> kuvis
kvass -> kvasses
kw-hr -> kw-hrs
kwan-yin -> kwan-yins
kwangchow -> kwangchows
kwangtung -> kwangtungs
kwannon -> kwannons
kwanzaa -> kwanzaas
kweek -> kweeks
kwela -> kwelas
kwell -> kwells
kyanite -> kyanites
kymograph -> kymographs
kyo-chiku -> kyo-chikus
kyphosidae -> kyphosidaes
kyphosis -> kyphoses
kyphosus -> kyphosuss
kyyiv -> kyyivs
l-p -> l-ps
labanotation -> labanotations
labdanum -> labdanums
labialize -> labializes,labializing,labialized
labiatae -> labiataes
lablab -> lablabs
lablink -> lablinks
labrocyte -> labrocytes
labrouste -> labroustes
labyrinthodonta -> labyrinthodontas
labyrinthodontia -> labyrinthodontias
laccopetalum -> laccopetalums
lacebark -> lacebarks
lacepod -> lacepods
lacer -> lacers
lacertid -> lacertids
lacertidae -> lacertidaes
lacertilia -> lacertilias
lacewood -> lacewoods
lachnolaimus -> lachnolaimuss
lachrymation -> lachrymations
lachrymator -> lachrymators
laconism -> laconisms
lacrimation -> lacrimations
lacrimator -> lacrimators
lactaid -> lactaids
lactarius -> lactariuss
lacteal -> lacteals
lactifuge -> lactifuges
lactobacillaceae -> lactobacillaceaes
lactobacteriaceae -> lactobacteriaceaes
lactoflavin -> lactoflavins
lactogen -> lactogens
lactophrys -> lactophryss
lactose -> lactose
lactosuria -> lactosurias
lactuca -> lactucas
lacy -> lacier,laciest
ladanum -> ladanums
ladder-back -> ladder-backs
laddie -> laddies
ladies'-eardrop -> ladies'-eardrops
ladies'-eardrops -> ladies'-eardropss
lady's-eardrop -> lady's-eardrops
lady's-eardrops -> lady's-eardropss
lady's-finger -> lady's-fingers
lady-in-waiting -> ladies-in-waiting
lady-killer -> lady-killers
lady-of-the-night -> ladies-of-the-night
lady-slipper -> lady-slippers
ladybeetle -> ladybeetles
ladybug -> ladybugs
ladyfinger -> ladyfingers
ladylikeness -> ladylikenesses
ladylove -> ladyloves
ladyship -> ladyships
laelia -> laelias
laevulose -> laevuloses
lagarostrobus -> lagarostrobuss
lagenaria -> lagenarias
lagend -> lagends
lagenophera -> lagenopheras
lagerstroemia -> lagerstroemias
lagidium -> lagidiums
lagniappe -> lagniappes
lagodon -> lagodons
lagomorpha -> lagomorphas
lagophthalmos -> lagophthalmoss
lagorchestes -> lagorchestess
lagostomus -> lagostomuss
lagothrix -> lagothrixes
laguncularia -> laguncularias
laicize -> laicizes,laicizing,laicized
laius -> laiuss
lakefront -> lakefronts
lallans -> lallanss
lallation -> lallations
lallygag -> lallygags,lallygagging,lallygagged
lamaist -> lamaists
lamb's-quarter -> lamb's-quarters
lamb's-quarters -> lamb's-quarterss
lamb-chop -> lamb-chops
lambaste -> lambasts,lambasting,lambasted
lambchop -> lambchops
lambdacism -> lambdacisms
lambertia -> lambertias
lambis -> lambiss
lambkill -> lambkills
lambrequin -> lambrequins
lamedh -> lamedhs
lamellibranchia -> lamellibranchias
lamellicornia -> lamellicornias
lamentations -> lamentationss
lamenter -> lamenters
lamiaceae -> lamiaceaes
laminaria -> laminarias
laminariaceae -> laminariaceaes
laminariales -> laminarialess
laminectomy -> laminectomies
lamivudine -> lamivudines
lammastide -> lammastides
lamna -> lamnas
lamnidae -> lamnidaes
lampblack -> lampblacks
lamphouse -> lamphouses
lampooner -> lampooners
lampridae -> lampridaes
lampris -> lampriss
lampropeltis -> lampropeltiss
lampshell -> lampshells
lampyridae -> lampyridaes
lancers -> lancerss
lancewood -> lancewoods
lanchou -> lanchous
lanchow -> lanchows
landler -> landlers
landman -> landmen
landowska -> landowskas
landscapist -> landscapists
landsmal -> landsmals
landsteiner -> landsteiners
langbeinite -> langbeinites
langlauffer -> langlauffers
langobard -> langobards
langsat -> langsats
langset -> langsets
langsyne -> langsynes
languedoc-roussillon -> languedoc-roussillons
languisher -> languishers
laniard -> laniards
laniidae -> laniidaes
lanius -> laniuss
lanky -> lankier,lankiest
lanoxin -> lanoxins
lansa -> lansas
lansat -> lansats
lanseh -> lansehs
lanset -> lansets
lansoprazole -> lansoprazoles
lantern-fly -> lantern-flies
lanthanoid -> lanthanoids
lanthanon -> lanthanons
lanthanotidae -> lanthanotidaes
lanthanotus -> lanthanotuss
lanugo -> lanugoes
lao -> laos
lao-zi -> lao-zis
laparocele -> laparoceles
lapboard -> lapboards
lapful -> lapfuls
lapidarist -> lapidarists
lapidate -> lapidates,lapidating,lapidated
lapidation -> lapidations
lapidator -> lapidators
lapidify -> lapidifies,lapidifying,lapidified
lapidist -> lapidists
laportea -> laporteas
lappic -> lappics
lapplander -> lapplanders
lappula -> lappulas
larboard -> larboards
larcener -> larceners
larcenist -> larcenists
larcenous -> larcenouss
lardizabala -> lardizabalas
lardizabalaceae -> lardizabalaceaes
laricariidae -> laricariidaes
larid -> larids
laridae -> laridaes
larium -> lariums
larix -> larixes
larn -> larns,larning,larned
larodopa -> larodopas
larotid -> larotids
larrup -> larrups,larruping,larruped
larvacea -> larvaceas
larvacean -> larvaceans
larvacide -> larvacides
laryngectomy -> laryngectomies
laryngismus -> laryngismuss
laryngitis -> laryngitis
laryngopharynx -> laryngopharynges
laryngoscope -> laryngoscopes
laryngospasm -> laryngospasms
laryngostenosis -> laryngostenoses
larynx -> larynxes
las -> lass
lasher -> lashers
lashings -> lashingss
lashkar-e-jhangvi -> lashkar-e-jhangvis
lashkar-e-omar -> lashkar-e-omars
lashkar-e-taiba -> lashkar-e-taibas
lashkar-e-tayyiba -> lashkar-e-tayyibas
lashkar-e-toiba -> lashkar-e-toibas
lasiocampa -> lasiocampas
lasiocampid -> lasiocampids
lasiocampidae -> lasiocampidaes
lasiurus -> lasiuruss
lasix -> lasixes
lassie -> lassies
lastex -> lastexes
lasthenia -> lasthenias
lastingness -> lastingnesses
lastreopsis -> lastreopses
latanier -> lataniers
latchet -> latchets
latchkey -> latchkeys
latchstring -> latchstrings
lateen-rig -> lateen-rigs
lateralization -> lateralizations
latest -> latests
lathee -> lathees
lathi -> lathis
laticifer -> laticifers
latimeridae -> latimeridaes
latinesce -> latinesces
latona -> latonas
latria -> latrias
latrodectus -> latrodectuss
lats -> latss
latte -> lattes
laudability -> laudabilities
laudableness -> laudablenesses
laudator -> laudators
laudo -> laudoes
lauhala -> lauhalas
laurel-tree -> laurel-trees
laurels -> laurelss
laurelwood -> laurelwoods
lavabo -> lavaboes
lavalava -> lavalavas
lavalier -> lavaliers
lavaliere -> lavalieres
lavalliere -> lavallieres
lavandula -> lavandulas
lavation -> lavations
law-makers -> law-makerss
lawrencium -> lawrenciums
lawyerbush -> lawyerbushes
lax -> laxer,laxest
laxation -> laxations
layette -> layettes
layia -> layias
layover -> layovers
layup -> layups
lazaret -> lazarets
lazuline -> lazulines
lazybones -> lazyboness
lbf. -> lbf.s
lcm -> lcms
ld. -> ld.s
le -> les
lea -> leas
lead-in -> lead-ins
leadplant -> leadplants
leadwort -> leadworts
leaf-book -> leaf-books
leaf-miner -> leaf-miners
leaf-roller -> leaf-rollers
leafing -> leafings
leafstalk -> leafstalks
leaker -> leakers
leaner -> leaners
learnedness -> learnednesses
leatherjack -> leatherjacks
leatherleaf -> leatherleaves
lebistes -> lebistess
lecanopteris -> lecanopteriss
lecanora -> lecanoras
lecanoraceae -> lecanoraceaes
leccinum -> leccinums
lechanorales -> lechanoraless
lechartelierite -> lechartelierites
lechatelierite -> lechatelierites
lecherousness -> lecherousnesses
lechwe -> lechwes
lede -> ledes
ledgeman -> ledgemen
leechee -> leechees
leflunomide -> leflunomides
left -> lefts
left-handedess -> left-handedesses
lefthander -> lefthanders
leftie -> lefties
leftovers -> leftoverss
legateship -> legateships
legerity -> legerities
legin -> legins
legislatorship -> legislatorships
legs -> legss
leiomyoma -> leiomyomas
leiomyosarcoma -> leiomyosarcomas
leiopelma -> leiopelmas
leiopelmatidae -> leiopelmatidaes
leiophyllum -> leiophyllums
leipoa -> leipoas
leishmaniosis -> leishmanioses
leister -> leisters
leisureliness -> leisurelinesses
leitneria -> leitnerias
leitneriaceae -> leitneriaceaes
lekvar -> lekvars
lemaireocereus -> lemaireocereuss
lemanderin -> lemanderins
lemmus -> lemmuss
lemnaceae -> lemnaceaes
lemniscus -> lemniscuss
lemon-wood -> lemon-woods
lemongrass -> lemongrasses
lemonwood -> lemonwoods
lemuridae -> lemuridaes
lemuroidea -> lemuroideas
lenard -> lenards
lenitive -> lenitives
lennoaceae -> lennoaceaes
lens -> lenses
lententide -> lententides
lentia -> lentias
lentibulariaceae -> lentibulariaceaes
lenticel -> lenticels
lentigo -> lentigoes
lentinus -> lentinuss
lentisk -> lentisks
leonberg -> leonbergs
leoncita -> leoncitas
leonotis -> leonotiss
leontocebus -> leontocebuss
leontopodium -> leontopodiums
leonurus -> leonuruss
leopard's-bane -> leopard's-banes
leopardbane -> leopardbanes
leotards -> leotardss
lepadidae -> lepadidaes
lepas -> lepass
lepechinia -> lepechinias
lepidium -> lepidiums
lepidobotryaceae -> lepidobotryaceaes
lepidobotrys -> lepidobotryss
lepidochelys -> lepidochelyss
lepidocrocite -> lepidocrocites
lepidocybium -> lepidocybiums
lepidodendraceae -> lepidodendraceaes
lepidodendrales -> lepidodendraless
lepidolite -> lepidolites
lepidomelane -> lepidomelanes
lepidophobia -> lepidophobias
lepidopterologist -> lepidopterologists
lepidopterology -> lepidopterologies
lepidopteron -> lepidopterons
lepidoptery -> lepidopteries
lepidosauria -> lepidosaurias
lepidothamnus -> lepidothamnuss
lepiota -> lepiotas
lepiotaceae -> lepiotaceaes
lepisosteidae -> lepisosteidaes
lepisosteus -> lepisosteuss
leporid -> leporids
leporidae -> leporidaes
leporide -> leporides
leppy -> leppies
leptarrhena -> leptarrhenas
leptocephalus -> leptocephaluss
leptodactylid -> leptodactylids
leptodactylidae -> leptodactylidaes
leptodactylus -> leptodactyluss
leptoglossus -> leptoglossuss
leptomeninges -> leptomeningess
leptopteris -> leptopteriss
leptoptilus -> leptoptiluss
leptospira -> leptospiras
leptosporangium -> leptosporangiums
leptotene -> leptotenes
leptotyphlopidae -> leptotyphlopidaes
leptotyphlops -> leptotyphlopss
leresis -> lereses
lerot -> lerots
les -> less
lescol -> lescols
lespedeza -> lespedezas
lesquerella -> lesquerellas
lesvos -> lesvoss
let-up -> let-ups
letdown -> letdowns
leto -> letoes
lettercard -> lettercards
letterer -> letterers
letup -> letups
leucadendron -> leucadendrons
leucaemia -> leucaemias
leucanthemum -> leucanthemums
leucocytozoan -> leucocytozoans
leucocytozoon -> leucocytozoa
leucogenes -> leucogeness
leucoma -> leucomas
leucorrhea -> leucorrheas
leucothoe -> leucothoes
leucotomy -> leucotomies
leuctra -> leuctras
leukeran -> leukerans
leukoderma -> leukodermas
leukoma -> leukomas
leukopenia -> leukopenias
leukorrhea -> leukorrheas
leukotomy -> leukotomies
leuwenhoek -> leuwenhoeks
levallorphan -> levallorphans
levant -> levants,levanting,levanted
levanter -> levanters
leveler -> levelers
leveling -> levelings
leveret -> leverets
levi's -> levis'
levisticum -> levisticums
levitra -> levitras
levorotation -> levorotations
levulose -> levuloses
lewisia -> lewisias
lexicalisation -> lexicalisations
lexicalization -> lexicalizations
lexicologist -> lexicologists
lexicostatistics -> lexicostatisticss
leycesteria -> leycesterias
leymus -> leymuss
li -> lis
liabilities -> liabilitiess
liakoura -> liakouras
liatris -> liatriss
libeler -> libelers
liberalist -> liberalists
liberalness -> liberalnesses
libocedrus -> libocedruss
libritabs -> libritabss
lichanura -> lichanuras
lichee -> lichees
lichenales -> lichenaless
lichenes -> licheness
lichgate -> lichgates
lichi -> lichis
licitness -> licitnesses
lidar -> lidars
lie-abed -> lie-abeds
liechtensteiner -> liechtensteiners
lied -> lieds
liederkranz -> liederkranzs
liepaja -> liepajas
lietuva -> lietuvas
lieu -> lieu
life-of-man -> lives-of-man
lifework -> lifeworks
liftman -> liftmen
ligan -> ligans
liger -> ligers
light-mindedness -> light-mindednesses
light-of-love -> lights-of-love
lightheadedness -> lightheadednesses
lightlessness -> lightlessnesses
lightsomeness -> lightsomenesses
lignify -> lignifies,lignifying,lignified
lignosae -> lignosaes
ligularia -> ligularias
ligustrum -> ligustrums
likuta -> likutas
liliales -> lilialess
liliidae -> liliidaes
liliopsid -> liliopsids
liliopsida -> liliopsidas
liliuokalani -> liliuokalanis
lilyturf -> lilyturves
limacidae -> limacidaes
limanda -> limandas
limax -> limaxes
limbers -> limberss
limburger -> limburgers
limbus -> limbuss
limeade -> limeades
limeira -> limeiras
limen -> limens
limicolae -> limicolaes
limning -> limnings
limnobium -> limnobiums
limnocryptes -> limnocryptess
limnos -> limnoss
limonene -> limonenes
limpa -> limpas
limper -> limpers
limpkin -> limpkins
limulidae -> limulidaes
linaceae -> linaceaes
linage -> linages
linalool -> linalools
linanthus -> linanthuss
lincocin -> lincocins
lincomycin -> lincomycins
linctus -> linctuses
lindera -> linderas
lindesnes -> lindesness
lindheimera -> lindheimeras
line-shooter -> line-shooters
line-shooting -> line-shootings
linecut -> linecuts
linemen -> linemens
linendraper -> linendrapers
ling-pao -> ling-paos
lingberry -> lingberries
lingcod -> lingcods
lingenberry -> lingenberries
lingerer -> lingerers
lingo -> lingoes
lingonberry -> lingonberries
lingualumina -> lingualuminas
linguica -> linguicas
linguine -> linguines
linguistic -> linguistics
linin -> linins
linkboy -> linkboys
linkman -> linkmen
linksman -> linksmen
linkup -> linkups
linnaea -> linnaeas
linsey-woolsey -> linsey-woolseys
linstock -> linstocks
lintwhite -> lintwhites
linuron -> linurons
linux -> linuxes
liomys -> liomyss
lion's-ear -> lion's-ears
lion-hunter -> lion-hunters
lionet -> lionets
liopelma -> liopelmas
liopelmidae -> liopelmidaes
liothyronine -> liothyronines
liparidae -> liparidaes
liparididae -> liparididaes
liparis -> lipariss
lipectomy -> lipectomies
lipemia -> lipemias
lipfern -> lipferns
lipidaemia -> lipidaemias
lipide -> lipides
lipidemia -> lipidemias
lipidosis -> lipidoses
lipitor -> lipitors
lipizzan -> lipizzans
lipmann -> lipmanns
lipo-hepin -> lipo-hepins
lipo-lutin -> lipo-lutins
lipochondrodystrophy -> lipochondrodystrophies
lipoid -> lipoids
lipoidaemia -> lipoidaemias
lipoidemia -> lipoidemias
lipoma -> lipomas
lipomatosis -> lipomatoses
liposarcoma -> liposarcomas
liposcelis -> liposceliss
lipotyphla -> lipotyphlas
lippizan -> lippizans
liquaemin -> liquaemins
liquidizer -> liquidizers
liquidness -> liquidnesses
liriope -> liriopes
lisinopril -> lisinoprils
lisper -> lispers
lissomeness -> lissomenesses
listera -> listeras
listeriosis -> listerioses
litas -> litass
litchee -> litchees
litchi -> litchis
liter -> liters
lithane -> lithanes
litheness -> lithenesses
lithiasis -> lithiases
lithocarpus -> lithocarpuss
lithodidae -> lithodidaes
lithoglyptics -> lithoglypticss
lithomancer -> lithomancers
lithomancy -> lithomancies
lithonate -> lithonates
lithophragma -> lithophragmas
lithophyte -> lithophytes
lithops -> lithopss
lithospermum -> lithospermums
lithuresis -> lithureses
litocranius -> litocraniuss
litoral -> litorals
litotes -> litotess
litter-basket -> litter-baskets
litter-bearer -> litter-bearers
litterateur -> litterateurs
litterbin -> litterbins
litterer -> litterers
littleneck -> littlenecks
littorinidae -> littorinidaes
littre -> littres
liturgics -> liturgicss
liturgiology -> liturgiologies
live-and-die -> live-and-dies
live-forever -> live-forevers
livedo -> livedoes
liveness -> livenesses
liverleaf -> liverleaves
liverwurst -> liverwursts
lividness -> lividnesses
livistona -> livistonas
lizard's-tail -> lizard's-tails
lloyd -> lloyds
llud -> lluds
llullaillaco -> llullaillacoes
llyr -> llyrs
loads -> loadss
loadstar -> loadstars
loadstone -> loadstones
loan-blend -> loan-blends
loanblend -> loanblends
loasa -> loasas
loasaceae -> loasaceaes
loather -> loathers
loathsomeness -> loathsomenesses
lobata -> lobatas
lobbyism -> lobbyisms
lobeliaceae -> lobeliaceaes
lobipes -> lobipess
loblolly -> loblollies
lobotes -> lobotess
lobotidae -> lobotidaes
lobscouse -> lobscouses
lobscuse -> lobscuses
lobsterback -> lobsterbacks
lobsterman -> lobstermen
lobularia -> lobularias
lobularity -> lobularities
locater -> locaters
lochia -> lochias
lockbox -> lockboxes
lockmaster -> lockmasters
locknut -> locknuts
lockring -> lockrings
lockstep -> locksteps
lockup -> lockups
locoism -> locoisms
locoweed -> locoweeds
locule -> locules
loculus -> loculuss
locus -> loci
locustidae -> locustidaes
lodging -> lodgings
lodgment -> lodgments
lodine -> lodines
loestrin -> loestrins
lofortyx -> lofortyxes
logagraphia -> logagraphias
logania -> loganias
loganiaceae -> loganiaceaes
logginess -> logginesses
logicalness -> logicalnesses
logicism -> logicisms
loginess -> loginesses
logion -> logions
logistic -> logistics
logistician -> logisticians
logogram -> logograms
logograph -> logographs
logomach -> logomaches
logomachist -> logomachists
logomachy -> logomachies
logomania -> logomanias
logorrhea -> logorrheas
logos -> logoss
logroll -> logrolls,logrolling,logrolled
logrolling -> logrollings
logrono -> logronoes
loins -> loinss
loligo -> loligoes
lolo-burmese -> lolo-burmeses
loloish -> loloishes
lomariopsidaceae -> lomariopsidaceaes
lomatia -> lomatias
lombardia -> lombardias
loment -> loments
lomogramma -> lomogrammas
lomotil -> lomotils
lomustine -> lomustines
lonas -> lonass
lonchocarpus -> lonchocarpuss
lonesomeness -> lonesomenesses
long-beard -> long-beards
long-lasting -> longer-lasting
long-legs -> long-legss
long-running -> longest-running
long-sufferance -> long-sufferances
long-term -> longer-term
long-windedness -> long-windednesses
longan -> longans
longanberry -> longanberries
longanimity -> longanimities
longbeard -> longbeards
longicorn -> longicorns
longlegs -> longlegss
longness -> longnesses
longroot -> longroots
longsightedness -> longsightednesses
longwool -> longwools
longyi -> longyis
lonicera -> loniceras
loniten -> lonitens
lontar -> lontars
loofa -> loofas
look-over -> looks-over
lookdown -> lookdowns
looker-on -> lookers-on
loonie -> loonies
loop-line -> loop-lines
lophiidae -> lophiidaes
lophius -> lophiuss
lophodytes -> lophodytess
lopholatilus -> lopholatiluss
lophophora -> lophophoras
lophophorus -> lophophoruss
lophosoria -> lophosorias
lophosoriaceae -> lophosoriaceaes
lopid -> lopids
lopressor -> lopressors
loquaciousness -> loquaciousnesses
loranthus -> loranthuss
lorchel -> lorchels
lord -> lords,lording,lorded
lordolatry -> lordolatries
lordosis -> lordoses
lords-and-ladies -> lords-and-ladiess
lorfan -> lorfans
lorgnette -> lorgnettes
lorica -> loricas
loricata -> loricatas
loriinae -> loriinaes
lorisidae -> lorisidaes
losings -> losingss
losses -> lossess
lost-and-found -> lost-and-founds
lot -> lots
lothringen -> lothringens
lotus -> lotuses
lotusland -> lotuslands
louden -> loudens,loudening,loudened
louisianan -> louisianans
louisianian -> louisianians
loungewear -> loungewears
lousiness -> lousinesses
louvar -> louvars
lovastatin -> lovastatins
love-lies-bleeding -> love-lies-bleedings
love-philter -> love-philters
love-philtre -> love-philtres
love-potion -> love-potions
love-token -> love-tokens
loveseat -> loveseats
lovesickness -> lovesicknesses
lovingness -> lovingnesses
lovoa -> lovoas
low-spiritedness -> low-spiritednesses
low-warp-loom -> low-warp-looms
lowan -> lowans
lowboy -> lowboys
lower-normandy -> lower-normandies
lowerclassman -> lowerclassmen
lowlands -> lowlandss
lox -> loxes
loxapine -> loxapines
loxia -> loxias
loxitane -> loxitanes
loxodrome -> loxodromes
loxoma -> loxomas
loxomataceae -> loxomataceaes
loxostege -> loxosteges
loyang -> loyangs
lozal -> lozals
lozier -> loziers
lpn -> lpns
lr -> lrs
ltm -> ltms
lubitsch -> lubitsches
lucanidae -> lucanidaes
lucidness -> lucidnesses
luciferin -> luciferins
lucilia -> lucilias
lucite -> lucites
luckiness -> luckinesses
lucrativeness -> lucrativenesses
lucubrate -> lucubrates,lucubrating,lucubrated
lucubration -> lucubrations
luculus -> luculuss
luda -> ludas
ludian -> ludians
lufengpithecus -> lufengpithecuss
luge -> luges
lughole -> lugholes
luging -> lugings
lugsail -> lugsails
lugubriousness -> lugubriousnesses
luik -> luiks
lulli -> lullis
luluabourg -> luluabourgs
lumbermill -> lumbermills
lumberyard -> lumberyards
lumbus -> lumbuss
luminism -> luminisms
luminousness -> luminousnesses
lumma -> lummas
lumpenus -> lumpenuss
lumpsucker -> lumpsuckers
lunation -> lunations
lunchroom -> lunchrooms
lungen -> lungens
lungi -> lungis
lungyi -> lungyis
lunkhead -> lunkheads
lunule -> lunules
luoyang -> luoyangs
lupine -> lupines
luridness -> luridnesses
lusatian -> lusatians
luscinia -> luscinias
lusciousness -> lusciousnesses
lushun -> lushuns
lusterlessness -> lusterlessnesses
lusterware -> lusterwares
lustfulness -> lustfulnesses
lustrate -> lustrates,lustrating,lustrated
lustrelessness -> lustrelessnesses
lustrum -> lustra
lutanist -> lutanists
lutecium -> luteciums
lutefisk -> lutefisks
lutein -> luteins
luteotropin -> luteotropins
lutetium -> lutetiums
lutfisk -> lutfisks
luting -> lutings
lutist -> lutists
lutjanidae -> lutjanidaes
lutjanus -> lutjanuss
lutra -> lutras
lutrinae -> lutrinaes
lutzen -> lutzens
luvaridae -> luvaridaes
luvarus -> luvaruss
luvian -> luvians
luwian -> luwians
luxate -> luxates,luxating,luxated
luxation -> luxations
luxemburger -> luxemburgers
luxuria -> luxurias
luxuriation -> luxuriations
luyia -> luyias
lv -> lv's
lwei -> lweis
lx -> lxes
lxx -> lxxes
lxxviii -> lxxviiis
lxxx -> lxxxes
lyallpur -> lyallpurs
lycaena -> lycaenas
lycaenid -> lycaenids
lycaenidae -> lycaenidaes
lycaeon -> lycaeons
lycanthrope -> lycanthropes
lycanthropy -> lycanthropies
lychgate -> lychgates
lycopene -> lycopenes
lycoperdaceae -> lycoperdaceaes
lycoperdales -> lycoperdaless
lycophyta -> lycophytas
lycopodiaceae -> lycopodiaceaes
lycopodiales -> lycopodialess
lycopodiate -> lycopodiates
lycopodineae -> lycopodineaes
lycopsida -> lycopsidas
lycopus -> lycopera
lycosa -> lycosas
lycosidae -> lycosidaes
lygaeid -> lygaeids
lygaeidae -> lygaeidaes
lyginopteridales -> lyginopteridaless
lyginopteris -> lyginopteriss
lygodium -> lygodiums
lygus -> lyguss
lymantria -> lymantrias
lymantriid -> lymantriids
lymantriidae -> lymantriidaes
lymphadenoma -> lymphadenomas
lymphangiectasia -> lymphangiectasias
lymphangiectasis -> lymphangiectases
lymphangiography -> lymphangiographies
lymphangioma -> lymphangiomas
lymphedema -> lymphedemas
lymphography -> lymphographies
lymphopenia -> lymphopenias
lymphopoiesis -> lymphopoieses
lymphuria -> lymphurias
lynchburg -> lynchburgs
lyonia -> lyonias
lyophilisation -> lyophilisations
lyophilization -> lyophilizations
lypressin -> lypressins
lyre-flower -> lyre-flowers
lyrebird -> lyrebirds
lyreflower -> lyreflowers
lyricality -> lyricalities
lyrist -> lyrists
lysichiton -> lysichitons
lysichitum -> lysichitums
lysiloma -> lysilomas
lysimachia -> lysimachias
lysin -> lysins
lysinemia -> lysinemias
lysogenicity -> lysogenicities
lysogenisation -> lysogenisations
lysogenization -> lysogenizations
lysogeny -> lysogenies
lyssa -> lyssas
lyssavirus -> lyssaviruss
lythraceae -> lythraceaes
lythrum -> lythrums
m-1 -> m-1s
m-theory -> m-theories
m.m. -> m.m.s
m1 -> m1s
m2 -> m2s
m3 -> m3s
ma -> mas
maarianhamina -> maarianhaminas
macadamize -> macadamizes,macadamizing,macadamized
macamba -> macambas
macebearer -> macebearers
macedoine -> macedoines
macedonian -> macedonians
maceration -> macerations
macguffin -> macguffins
machaeranthera -> machaerantheras
machicolate -> machicolates,machicolating,machicolated
machilid -> machilids
machinator -> machinators
machmeter -> machmeters
macho-man -> macho-men
macintosh -> macintoshes
mackinaw -> mackinaws
macleaya -> macleayas
maclura -> macluras
maconnais -> maconnaiss
macowanites -> macowanitess
macrencephaly -> macrencephalies
macrobiotics -> macrobioticss
macrocephalon -> macrocephalons
macrocephaly -> macrocephalies
macrocheira -> macrocheiras
macroclemys -> macroclemyss
macrocyte -> macrocytes
macrodactylus -> macrodactyluss
macrodantin -> macrodantins
macroglia -> macroglias
macroglossia -> macroglossias
macron -> macrons
macronectes -> macronectess
macropodidae -> macropodidaes
macropus -> macropera
macrorhamphosidae -> macrorhamphosidaes
macrosporangium -> macrosporangiums
macrospore -> macrospores
macrothelypteris -> macrothelypteriss
macrotis -> macrotiss
macrotus -> macrotuss
macrotyloma -> macrotylomas
macrouridae -> macrouridaes
macrozamia -> macrozamias
macrozoarces -> macrozoarcess
macruridae -> macruridaes
maculate -> maculates,maculating,maculated
maculation -> maculations
macule -> macules
macumba -> macumbas
madake -> madakes
madderwort -> madderworts
madia -> madias
madnep -> madneps
madoqua -> madoquas
madreporaria -> madreporarias
madrepore -> madrepores
madrilene -> madrilenes
madrona -> madronas
madrono -> madronoes
madwort -> madworts
maeandra -> maeandras
mafa -> mafas
maffia -> maffias
magadhan -> magadhans
magha -> maghas
magicicada -> magicicadas
magnanimousness -> magnanimousnesses
magnesite -> magnesites
magnetograph -> magnetographs
magnetohydrodynamics -> magnetohydrodynamicss
magneton -> magnetons
magnificio -> magnificios
magniloquence -> magniloquences
magnoliaceae -> magnoliaceaes
magnoliidae -> magnoliidaes
magnoliophyta -> magnoliophytas
magnoliopsid -> magnoliopsids
magnoliopsida -> magnoliopsidas
maguey -> magueys
magyarorszag -> magyarorszags
mah-jong -> mah-jongg
mahabharatam -> mahabharatams
mahabharatum -> mahabharatums
mahagua -> mahaguas
maharanee -> maharanees
mahayanism -> mahayanisms
mahayanist -> mahayanists
mahdism -> mahdisms
mahdist -> mahdists
mahgrib -> mahgribs
mahican -> mahicans
mahimahi -> mahimahis
mahjong -> mahjongs
mahlstick -> mahlsticks
mahoe -> mahoes
mahound -> mahounds
mahratta -> mahrattas
mahratti -> mahrattis
mahuang -> mahuangs
maianthemum -> maianthemums
maidenliness -> maidenlinesses
maidhood -> maidhoods
maidism -> maidisms
maidu -> maidus
maiger -> maigers
maigre -> maigres
maikoa -> maikoas
mailboat -> mailboats
mailing-card -> mailing-cards
mailsorter -> mailsorters
maimer -> maimers
main -> mains
main-topmast -> main-topmasts
main-topsail -> main-topsails
mainer -> mainers
maisonnette -> maisonnettes
majagua -> majaguas
majidae -> majidaes
majorana -> majoranas
makaira -> makairas
makataimeshekiakiak -> makataimeshekiakiaks
make-peace -> make-peaces
makedonija -> makedonijas
makeready -> makereadies
mako -> makoes
makomako -> makomakoes
malacanthidae -> malacanthidaes
malachias -> malachiass
malacia -> malacias
malaclemys -> malaclemyss
malacologist -> malacologists
malacology -> malacologies
malaconotinae -> malaconotinaes
malacopterygian -> malacopterygians
malacopterygii -> malacopterygiis
malacosoma -> malacosomas
malacostraca -> malacostracas
malacothamnus -> malacothamnuss
malahini -> malahinis
malanga -> malangas
malaxis -> malaxes
malaxis-unifolia -> malaxis-unifolias
malcolmia -> malcolmias
maldivan -> maldivans
maleate -> maleates
maleberry -> maleberries
malecite -> malecites
maledict -> maledicts,maledicting,maledicted
maleficence -> maleficences
malemute -> malemutes
maleseet -> maleseets
malevolency -> malevolencies
malfeasant -> malfeasants
maligner -> maligners
malignment -> malignments
malocclusion -> malocclusions
malodor -> malodors
malodorousness -> malodorousnesses
malodour -> malodours
malonylurea -> malonylureas
malope -> malopes
malopterurus -> malopteruruss
malosma -> malosmas
malpighia -> malpighias
malposition -> malpositions
mals -> malss
maltha -> malthas
malto -> maltoes
maltreater -> maltreaters
malva -> malvas
malvaceae -> malvaceaes
malvales -> malvaless
malvastrum -> malvastrums
malvaviscus -> malvaviscuss
mambo -> mambos,mamboing,mamboed
mamilla -> mamillas
mammalogist -> mammalogists
mammalogy -> mammalogies
mammea -> mammeas
mammee -> mammees
mammilla -> mammillas
mammillaria -> mammillarias
mammothermography -> mammothermographies
mammut -> mammuts
mammuthus -> mammuthuss
mammutidae -> mammutidaes
mamo -> mamoes
mamoncillo -> mamoncilloes
man-at-arms -> men-at-arms
man-of-the-earth -> men-of-the-earth
man-on-a-horse -> men-on-a-horse
manageableness -> manageablenesses
manawydan -> manawydans
manawyddan -> manawyddans
mandaeanism -> mandaeanisms
mandara -> mandaras
mandatary -> mandataries
mandator -> mandators
mande -> mandes
mandean -> mandeans
mandeanism -> mandeanisms
mandelamine -> mandelamines
mandelshtam -> mandelshtams
mandevilla -> mandevillas
mandibula -> mandibulas
mandioc -> mandiocs
mandioca -> mandiocas
mandola -> mandolas
mandril -> mandrils
mandrillus -> mandrilluss
manduca -> manducas
manducate -> manducates,manducating,manducated
manduction -> manductions
maneuverability -> maneuverabilities
maneuverer -> maneuverers
manfulness -> manfulnesses
mangabey -> mangabeys
manganate -> manganates
manganite -> manganites
mangel-wurzel -> mangel-wurzels
mangifera -> mangiferas
manginess -> manginesses
mangler -> manglers
manglietia -> manglietias
mangold-wurzel -> mangold-wurzels
mangy -> mangier,mangiest
manicotti -> manicottis
manidae -> manidaes
manilkara -> manilkaras
manioca -> maniocas
maniraptor -> maniraptors
maniraptora -> maniraptoras
manis -> maniss
mankato -> mankatoes
manoeuvrer -> manoeuvrers
manpad -> manpads
manroot -> manroots
mansart -> mansarts
manslayer -> manslayers
manteidae -> manteidaes
mantelshelf -> mantelshelves
manteodea -> manteodeas
mantichora -> mantichoras
manticora -> manticoras
mantidae -> mantidaes
mantiger -> mantigers
mantineia -> mantineias
mantis -> mantises
mantispid -> mantispids
mantispidae -> mantispidaes
mantlet -> mantlets
mantophasmatodea -> mantophasmatodeas
manul -> manuls
manumit -> manumits,manumitting,manumitted
manumitter -> manumitters
manzanita -> manzanitas
maoi -> maois
mapinguari -> mapinguaris
maple-leaf -> maple-leaves
mapmaking -> mapmakings
maquisard -> maquisards
maraco -> maracoes
marang -> marangs
maranta -> marantas
marasca -> marascas
marasmius -> marasmiuss
maratha -> marathas
marattia -> marattias
marattiaceae -> marattiaceaes
marattiales -> marattialess
marble-wood -> marble-woods
marbleisation -> marbleisations
marbleising -> marbleisings
marbleization -> marbleizations
marbleizing -> marbleizings
marbles -> marbless
marblewood -> marblewoods
marcel -> marcels,marcelling,marcelled
marchantiaceae -> marchantiaceaes
marchantiales -> marchantialess
marche -> marches
marches -> marchess
marchioness -> marchionesses
marchland -> marchlands
marcionism -> marcionisms
margarin -> margarins
margasivsa -> margasivsas
marginocephalia -> marginocephalias
marginocephalian -> marginocephalians
margosa -> margosas
mari -> maris
maricopa -> maricopas
mariehamn -> mariehamns
marines -> mariness
mariposa -> mariposas
mariposan -> mariposans
mariticide -> mariticides
maritimes -> maritimess
markaz-ud-dawa-wal-irshad -> markaz-ud-dawa-wal-irshads
markhoor -> markhoors
markhor -> markhors
markweed -> markweeds
marlberry -> marlberries
marline -> marlines
marlinespike -> marlinespikes
marlingspike -> marlingspikes
marlinspike -> marlinspikes
marlite -> marlites
marmota -> marmotas
marques -> marquess
marquette -> marquettes
marquis -> marquises
marrubium -> marrubiums
marruecos -> marruecoss
marseille -> marseilles
marshals -> marshalss
marshalship -> marshalships
marshy -> marshier,marshiest
marsileaceae -> marsileaceaes
marstan -> marstans
marsupialia -> marsupialias
marsupium -> marsupiums
martensite -> martensites
martes -> martess
martynia -> martynias
martyniaceae -> martyniaceaes
marumi -> marumis
marupa -> marupas
marvel-of-peru -> marvels-of-peru
marveller -> marvellers
marylander -> marylanders
mas -> mass
masculinisation -> masculinisations
masdevallia -> masdevallias
mashi -> mashis
mashriq -> mashriqs
masora -> masoras
masorah -> masorahs
masorete -> masoretes
masorite -> masorites
masqat -> masqats
masquerader -> masqueraders
mass-produce -> mass-produces,mass-producing,mass-produced
massachuset -> massachusets
massasauga -> massasaugas
massasoit -> massasoits
masse -> masses
masses -> massess
masseter -> masseters
massicot -> massicots
massicotite -> massicotites
massorete -> massoretes
mastabah -> mastabahs
mastalgia -> mastalgias
mastectomy -> mastectomies
master-at-arms -> masters-at-arms
masterwort -> masterworts
masticophis -> masticophiss
mastigomycota -> mastigomycotas
mastigomycotina -> mastigomycotinas
mastigophora -> mastigophoras
mastigophoran -> mastigophorans
mastigophore -> mastigophores
mastigoproctus -> mastigoproctuss
mastocyte -> mastocytes
mastodont -> mastodonts
mastoidal -> mastoidals
mastoidale -> mastoidales
mastoidectomy -> mastoidectomies
mastopathy -> mastopathies
mastopexy -> mastopexies
mastotermes -> mastotermess
mastotermitidae -> mastotermitidaes
matakam -> matakams
matchbush -> matchbushes
matcher -> matchers
matchet -> matchets
matchup -> matchups
matchweed -> matchweeds
materfamilias -> materfamiliass
math -> maths
mathematics -> mathematics
matins -> matinss
matman -> matmen
matoaka -> matoakas
matriarchate -> matriarchates
matriarchy -> matriarchies
matrikin -> matrikins
matrisib -> matrisibs
matronymic -> matronymics
matsyendra -> matsyendras
matteuccia -> matteuccias
matthew -> matthews
maturate -> maturates,maturating,maturated
maturement -> maturements
matureness -> maturenesses
matzah -> matzahs
matzoh -> matzohs
maulers -> maulerss
maulstick -> maulsticks
mawlamyine -> mawlamyines
maxillaria -> maxillarias
maximation -> maximations
maxostoma -> maxostomas
maxzide -> maxzides
may -> mays
mayaca -> mayacas
mayacaceae -> mayacaceaes
mayakovski -> mayakovskis
mayapple -> mayapples
mayeng -> mayengs
mayenne -> mayennes
mayetiola -> mayetiolas
mayhaw -> mayhaws
mayidism -> mayidisms
maypop -> maypops
mazama -> mazamas
mazatlan -> mazatlans
mazdaism -> mazdaisms
mazer -> mazers
mazopathy -> mazopathies
mazzard -> mazzards
mbd -> mbds
mbundu -> mbundus
mcalester -> mcalesters
mcguffey -> mcguffeys
mcia -> mcias
mcmaster -> mcmasters
mcp -> mcps
mdi -> mdis
mdiv -> mdivs
meadowgrass -> meadowgrasses
meagerness -> meagernesses
mealberry -> mealberries
meanie -> meanies
mearstone -> mearstones
measles -> measles
measly -> measlier,measliest
meatman -> meatmen
meatpacking -> meatpackings
mebaral -> mebarals
mechanics -> mechanicss
mecholyl -> mecholyls
meclizine -> meclizines
meclofenamate -> meclofenamates
meclomen -> meclomens
mecopteran -> mecopterans
med -> meds
meddlesomeness -> meddlesomenesses
medevac -> medevacs
medfly -> medflies
medford -> medfords
mediacy -> mediacies
mediateness -> mediatenesses
mediatrix -> mediatrices
medicago -> medicagoes
mediety -> medieties
medinilla -> medinillas
meditativeness -> meditativenesses
medivac -> medivacs
medlars -> medlarss
medusan -> medusans
meerestone -> meerestones
meeter -> meeters
meetinghouse -> meetinghouses
mefoxin -> mefoxins
megabat -> megabats
megabucks -> megabuckss
megacardia -> megacardias
megacephaly -> megacephalies
megachile -> megachiles
megachilidae -> megachilidaes
megachiroptera -> megachiropteras
megacycle -> megacycles
megaderma -> megadermas
megadermatidae -> megadermatidaes
megaera -> megaeras
megagametophyte -> megagametophytes
megahit -> megahits
megalobatrachus -> megalobatrachuss
megaloblast -> megaloblasts
megalocardia -> megalocardias
megalocephaly -> megalocephalies
megalocyte -> megalocytes
megalohepatia -> megalohepatias
megalonychidae -> megalonychidaes
megaloptera -> megalopteras
megalosaur -> megalosaurs
megalosauridae -> megalosauridaes
megalp -> megalps
megapodiidae -> megapodiidaes
megapodius -> megapodiuss
megaptera -> megapteras
megasporangium -> megasporangiums
megaspore -> megaspores
megasporophyll -> megasporophylls
megathere -> megatheres
megatherian -> megatherians
megatheriid -> megatheriids
megatheriidae -> megatheriidaes
megatherium -> megatheriums
megesterol -> megesterols
megillah -> megillahs
megilp -> megilps
megohm -> megohms
megrims -> megrimss
meitnerium -> meitneriums
melagra -> melagras
melampodium -> melampodiums
melampsora -> melampsoras
melampsoraceae -> melampsoraceaes
melancholiac -> melancholiacs
melanerpes -> melanerpess
melanoblast -> melanoblasts
melanoderma -> melanodermas
melanogrammus -> melanogrammuss
melanoplus -> melanopluss
melanosis -> melanoses
melanotis -> melanotiss
melanthiaceae -> melanthiaceaes
melasma -> melasmas
melastoma -> melastomas
melastomaceae -> melastomaceaes
meleagrididae -> meleagrididaes
melena -> melenas
melicocca -> melicoccas
melicoccus -> melicoccuss
melicytus -> melicytuss
melilot -> melilots
melilotus -> melilotuss
melinae -> melinaes
meliorate -> meliorates,meliorating,meliorated
melioration -> meliorations
meliorism -> meliorisms
meliphagidae -> meliphagidaes
melkite -> melkites
mellaril -> mellarils
mellivora -> mellivoras
melocactus -> melocactuss
melodize -> melodizes,melodizing,melodized
melogale -> melogales
meloid -> meloids
meloidae -> meloidaes
melolontha -> melolonthas
melolonthidae -> melolonthidaes
melophagus -> melophaguss
melosa -> melosas
melospiza -> melospizas
melphalan -> melphalans
melursus -> melursuss
membracidae -> membracidaes
membranophone -> membranophones
memoranda -> memorandas
memorialisation -> memorialisations
memorialization -> memorializations
memoriser -> memorisers
memorization -> memorizations
memorizer -> memorizers
men's -> mens'
menage -> menages
menagerie -> menageries
mendelevium -> mendeleviums
mendelianism -> mendelianisms
mendicancy -> mendicancies
menhaden -> menhadens
meniere -> menieres
meninges -> meningess
meningioma -> meningiomas
meningism -> meningisms
meningitis -> meningitis
meningocele -> meningoceles
meninx -> meninges
menippe -> menippes
meniscectomy -> meniscectomies
meniscium -> menisciums
menispermaceae -> menispermaceaes
menispermum -> menispermums
mennonitism -> mennonitisms
menominee -> menominees
menomini -> menominis
menopon -> menopons
menorah -> menorahs
menorrhea -> menorrheas
menotyphla -> menotyphlas
menses -> mensess
mensh -> menshes
mentation -> mentations
mentha -> menthas
menticirrhus -> menticirrhuss
mentioner -> mentioners
mentzelia -> mentzelias
menurae -> menuraes
menuridae -> menuridaes
menyanthaceae -> menyanthaceaes
menyanthes -> menyanthess
menziesia -> menziesias
mephaquine -> mephaquines
mephenytoin -> mephenytoins
mephitinae -> mephitinaes
mephobarbital -> mephobarbitals
meprin -> meprins
meq -> meqs
meralgia -> meralgias
merbromine -> merbromines
mercedario -> mercedarios
mercerize -> mercerizes,mercerizing,mercerized
merchant-venturer -> merchant-venturers
mercilessness -> mercilessnesses
mercurialis -> mercurialiss
merestone -> merestones
merginae -> merginaes
mericarp -> mericarps
meriones -> merioness
meritoriousness -> meritoriousnesses
merl -> merls
merlangus -> merlanguss
merluccius -> merlucciuss
merodach -> merodaches
meromelia -> meromelias
meronymy -> meronymies
meropidae -> meropidaes
merops -> meropss
merostomata -> merostomatas
merozoite -> merozoites
merrimac -> merrimacs
merriness -> merrinesses
mertensia -> mertensias
merthiolate -> merthiolates
meryta -> merytas
mes -> mess
mesalliance -> mesalliances
mesantoin -> mesantoins
mesasamkranti -> mesasamkrantis
mesembryanthemum -> mesembryanthemums
mesencephalon -> mesencephalons
meshugaas -> meshugaass
meshuggener -> meshuggeners
mesmerizer -> mesmerizers
mesoblast -> mesoblasts
mesocolon -> mesocolons
mesocricetus -> mesocricetuss
mesohippus -> mesohippuss
mesomorphy -> mesomorphies
mesophyron -> mesophyrons
mesophyte -> mesophytes
mesosphere -> mesospheres
mesothelium -> mesotheliums
mespilus -> mespiluss
mesquit -> mesquits
mess-up -> mess-ups
messmate -> messmates
mestiza -> mestizas
mestranol -> mestranols
mesua -> mesuas
metabola -> metabolas
metacarpus -> metacarpuss
metacenter -> metacenters
metacentre -> metacentres
metacyesis -> metacyeses
metagenesis -> metageneses
metaknowledge -> metaknowledges
metalepsis -> metalepses
metallize -> metallizes,metallizing,metallized
metalworks -> metalworkss
metamathematics -> metamathematicss
metamere -> metameres
metamorphopsia -> metamorphopsias
metamorphosis -> metamorphoses
metaphysis -> metaphyses
metaproterenol -> metaproterenols
metarule -> metarules
metasequoia -> metasequoias
metatarsus -> metatarsuss
metatheria -> metatherias
metchnikoff -> metchnikoffs
metchnikov -> metchnikovs
metencephalon -> metencephalons
meteoroid -> meteoroids
meteortropism -> meteortropisms
meterstick -> metersticks
methadon -> methadons
methamphetamine -> methamphetamines
methanal -> methanals
methapyrilene -> methapyrilenes
methaqualone -> methaqualones
metharbital -> metharbitals
metheglin -> metheglins
methenamine -> methenamines
methicillin -> methicillins
methink -> methinks,methought
methocarbamol -> methocarbamols
methodicalness -> methodicalnesses
methodists -> methodistss
methylenedioxymethamphetamine -> methylenedioxymethamphetamines
methyltestosterone -> methyltestosterones
metic -> metics
meticorten -> meticortens
meticulosity -> meticulosities
metier -> metiers
metis -> metiss
metonym -> metonyms
metopion -> metopions
metralgia -> metralgias
metrazol -> metrazols
metrestick -> metresticks
metricize -> metricizes,metricizing,metricized
metrification -> metrifications
metrify -> metrifies,metrifying,metrified
metroptosis -> metroptoses
metrorrhagia -> metrorrhagias
metroxylon -> metroxylons
mettlesomeness -> mettlesomenesses
metycaine -> metycaines
meuse-argonne -> meuse-argonnes
mevacor -> mevacors
mews -> mews
mexiletine -> mexiletines
mexitil -> mexitils
meyerhof -> meyerhofs
mezcal -> mezcals
mezereon -> mezereons
mezuza -> mezuzas
mezzo -> mezzos
mezzo-relievo -> mezzo-relievoes
mezzo-rilievo -> mezzo-rilievoes
mf -> mfs
mflop -> mflops
mho -> mhoes
mi -> mis
miao -> miaos
miaou -> miaous
miaul -> miauls
mib -> mibs
michael -> michaels
michaelmastide -> michaelmastides
micheas -> micheass
michigander -> michiganders
mick -> micks
micmac -> micmacs
miconazole -> miconazoles
micophage -> micophages
microbar -> microbars
microbat -> microbats
microbrachia -> microbrachias
microcentrum -> microcentrums
microcephalus -> microcephaluss
microchiroptera -> microchiropteras
micrococcaceae -> micrococcaceaes
microcyte -> microcytes
microdesmidae -> microdesmidaes
microdipodops -> microdipodopss
microeconomist -> microeconomists
microelectronic -> microelectronics
microevolution -> microevolutions
microfarad -> microfarads
microfiche -> microfiches
microgametophyte -> microgametophytes
microgauss -> microgausses
microglia -> microglias
microgliacyte -> microgliacytes
microgramma -> microgrammas
microgramma-piloselloides -> microgramma-piloselloidess
microhylidae -> microhylidaes
micromeria -> micromerias
micrometeor -> micrometeors
micrometeoroid -> micrometeoroids
micrometry -> micrometries
micromicron -> micromicrons
micromillimeter -> micromillimeters
micromillimetre -> micromillimetres
micromyx -> micromyxes
micronase -> micronases
micronor -> micronors
micropaleontology -> micropaleontologies
micropenis -> micropenes
microphage -> microphages
microphallus -> microphalluss
microphoning -> microphonings
microphotometer -> microphotometers
micropogonias -> micropogoniass
micropterus -> micropteruss
micropyle -> micropyles
microradian -> microradians
microscopium -> microscopiums
microseism -> microseisms
microsporangium -> microsporangiums
microspore -> microspores
microsporophyll -> microsporophylls
microsporum -> microsporums
microstomus -> microstomuss
microstrobos -> microstroboss
microtaggant -> microtaggants
micruroides -> micruroidess
micrurus -> micruruss
micturate -> micturates,micturating,micturated
mid-eighties -> mid-eightiess
mid-fifties -> mid-fiftiess
mid-forties -> mid-fortiess
mid-nineties -> mid-ninetiess
mid-seventies -> mid-seventiess
mid-sixties -> mid-sixtiess
mid-thirties -> mid-thirtiess
mid-twenties -> mid-twentiess
middlebreaker -> middlebreakers
middlebrow -> middlebrows
midgard -> midgards
midgrass -> midgrasses
midi-pyrenees -> midi-pyreneess
midiron -> midirons
midplane -> midplanes
midsummer-men -> midsummer-mens
midterm -> midterms
midvein -> midveins
midwatch -> midwatches
midwife -> midwives
mierkat -> mierkats
mightiness -> mightinesses
mikania -> mikanias
mikir-meithei -> mikir-meitheis
mikvah -> mikvahs
milanese -> milanese
milcher -> milchers
miliaria -> miliarias
militainment -> militainments
milium -> miliums
milk-vetch -> milk-vetches
milkcap -> milkcaps
milkwagon -> milkwagons
milky -> milkier,milkiest
mill-girl -> mill-girls
mill-hand -> mill-hands
millenarism -> millenarisms
millenarist -> millenarists
millenniumism -> millenniumisms
millepede -> millepedes
miller's-thumb -> miller's-thumbs
millerite -> millerites
millettia -> millettias
milliammeter -> milliammeters
milliampere -> milliamperes
millicurie -> millicuries
millidegree -> millidegrees
milliequivalent -> milliequivalents
millifarad -> millifarads
millihenry -> millihenries
milliliter -> milliliters
millime -> millimes
millimeter -> millimeters
millimicron -> millimicrons
milline -> millines
million -> millions
milliped -> millipeds
milliradian -> milliradians
millivoltmeter -> millivoltmeters
milliwatt -> milliwatts
millrun -> millruns
millwheel -> millwheels
millwork -> millworks
milontin -> milontins
milquetoast -> milquetoasts
miltomate -> miltomates
miltonia -> miltonias
mimamsa -> mimamsas
mimeo -> mimeos
mimeograph -> mimeographs,mimeographing,mimeographed
mimer -> mimers
mimicker -> mimickers
mimidae -> mimidaes
mimir -> mimirs
mimosaceae -> mimosaceaes
mimosoideae -> mimosoideaes
mimus -> mimuss
minah -> minahs
mindfulness -> mindfulnesses
minelayer -> minelayers
minelaying -> minelayings
mineralocorticoid -> mineralocorticoids
minesweeping -> minesweepings
minginess -> minginesses
mingle-mangle -> mingle-mangles
mingy -> mingier,mingiest
minibike -> minibikes
minibus -> minibuses
miniconju -> miniconjus
minify -> minifies,minifying,minified
minipress -> minipresses
ministrant -> ministrants
minisub -> minisubs
minisubmarine -> minisubmarines
minnesotan -> minnesotans
minnewit -> minnewits
minniebush -> minniebushes
minocin -> minocins
minoxidil -> minoxidils
mintage -> mintages
mintmark -> mintmarks
minuartia -> minuartias
minuend -> minuends
minutes -> minutess
miosis -> mioses
miotic -> miotics
miracle-worship -> miracle-worships
mirasol -> mirasols
mirid -> mirids
miridae -> miridaes
mirish -> mirishes
mirounga -> miroungas
mirthfulness -> mirthfulnesses
mis -> miss
misadvise -> misadvises,misadvising,misadvised
misanthropist -> misanthropists
misapprehend -> misapprehends,misapprehending,misapprehended
misbecome -> misbecame,misbecomes,misbecoming
misbehavior -> misbehaviors
misbeliever -> misbelievers
miscall -> miscalls,miscalling,miscalled
misconstrual -> misconstruals
misconstruction -> misconstructions
miscreate -> miscreates,miscreating,miscreated
miscreation -> miscreations
misdating -> misdatings
misdeal -> misdeals,misdealt,misdealing
misdemean -> misdemeans,misdemeaning,misdemeaned
misdo -> misdoes,misdid,misdone,misdoing
miserableness -> miserablenesses
misestimation -> misestimations
misgovern -> misgoverns,misgoverning,misgoverned
mishegaas -> mishegaass
mishegoss -> mishegosses
mishit -> mishits,mishitting
mishna -> mishnas
mishpachah -> mishpachahs
mishpocha -> mishpochas
misleader -> misleaders
misocainea -> misocaineas
misogamist -> misogamists
misogamy -> misogamies
misology -> misologies
misoneism -> misoneisms
misopedia -> misopedias
mispickel -> mispickels
misreckoning -> misreckonings
misrepresentaation -> misrepresentaations
misshapenness -> misshapennesses
missis -> misses
missourian -> missourians
misstep -> missteps
mist-flower -> mist-flowers
mistflower -> mistflowers
mistiming -> mistimings
mitchella -> mitchellas
mitella -> mitellas
miter -> miters
miterwort -> miterworts
mithan -> mithans
mithracin -> mithracins
mithraicism -> mithraicisms
mithraist -> mithraists
mitomycin -> mitomycins
mitrewort -> mitreworts
mitsvah -> mitsvahs
mittelschmerz -> mittelschmerzs
mitzvah -> mitzvahs
miwok -> miwoks
mixed-blood -> mixed-bloods
mixologist -> mixologists
mixology -> mixologies
mizenmast -> mizenmasts
mizzenmast -> mizzenmasts
mko -> mkoes
mls -> mlss
mm -> mms
mnemonics -> mnemonicss
mnemonist -> mnemonists
mniaceae -> mniaceaes
mnium -> mniums
moban -> mobans
mobcap -> mobcaps
mobocracy -> mobocracies
mobula -> mobulas
mobulidae -> mobulidaes
mocambique -> mocambiques
mockernut -> mockernuts
modeler -> modelers
moderateness -> moderatenesses
moderationism -> moderationisms
moderationist -> moderationists
moderatism -> moderatisms
moderatorship -> moderatorships
modernness -> modernnesses
modestness -> modestnesses
modicon -> modicons
modillion -> modillions
modiolus -> modioluss
modishness -> modishnesses
modiste -> modistes
mods -> modss
moehringia -> moehringias
mogadiscio -> mogadiscios
moggy -> moggies
mohammedan -> mohammedans
mohammedanism -> mohammedanisms
moharram -> moharrams
mohave -> mohaves
mohria -> mohrias
moirai -> moirais
moistener -> moisteners
mojarra -> mojarras
moksa -> moksas
mokulu -> mokulus
moldboard -> moldboards
moldiness -> moldinesses
molding -> moldings
molidae -> molidaes
molindone -> molindones
mollah -> mollahs
mollienesia -> mollienesias
mollification -> mollifications
molluga -> mollugas
mollusk -> mollusks
mollycoddler -> mollycoddlers
mollymawk -> mollymawks
molossidae -> molossidaes
molothrus -> molothruss
molt -> molts,molting,molted
molter -> molters
molting -> moltings
molucella -> molucellas
molva -> molvas
molybdenite -> molybdenites
mombin -> mombins
momentum -> momenta
momism -> momisms
momma -> mommas
momordica -> momordicas
momos -> momoss
momot -> momots
momotidae -> momotidaes
momotus -> momotuss
momus -> momuss
mon-khmer -> mon-khmers
monacan -> monacans
monal -> monals
monandry -> monandries
monardella -> monardellas
monario -> monarios
monas -> monass
monaul -> monauls
monegasque -> monegasques
monera -> moneras
moneran -> monerans
moneron -> monerons
moneses -> monesess
monetize -> monetizes,monetizing,monetized
money-box -> money-boxes
moneygrubber -> moneygrubbers
moneywort -> moneyworts
mongo -> mongoes
mongolianism -> mongolianisms
mongolic -> mongolics
mongrelize -> mongrelizes,mongrelizing,mongrelized
monilia -> monilias
moniliaceae -> moniliaceaes
moniliales -> monilialess
moniliasis -> moniliases
monistat -> monistats
monition -> monitions
monitrice -> monitrices
monkeypod -> monkeypods
mono-iodotyrosine -> mono-iodotyrosines
monoblast -> monoblasts
monocanthidae -> monocanthidaes
monocanthus -> monocanthuss
monocarp -> monocarps
monochamus -> monochamuss
monochromacy -> monochromacies
monochromasy -> monochromasies
monochromat -> monochromats
monochromatism -> monochromatisms
monochromia -> monochromias
monocotyledonae -> monocotyledonaes
monocotyledones -> monocotyledoness
monocracy -> monocracies
monocycle -> monocycles
monocytosis -> monocytoses
monodontidae -> monodontidaes
monogamousness -> monogamousnesses
monogenesis -> monogeneses
monogynist -> monogynists
monogyny -> monogynies
monohybrid -> monohybrids
monolatry -> monolatries
monologist -> monologists
monomorium -> monomoriums
mononeuropathy -> mononeuropathies
monophthalmos -> monophthalmoss
monophysitism -> monophysitisms
monoplegia -> monoplegias
monopoliser -> monopolisers
monopolizer -> monopolizers
monorchidism -> monorchidisms
monorchism -> monorchisms
monosemy -> monosemies
monosomy -> monosomies
monothelitism -> monothelitisms
monotremata -> monotrematas
monotropa -> monotropas
monotropaceae -> monotropaceaes
montanan -> montanans
monte -> montes
montespan -> montespans
montez -> montezs
montgolfier -> montgolfiers
montia -> montias
montserratian -> montserratians
moo-cow -> moo-cows
moolah -> moolahs
moon-curser -> moon-cursers
moon-ray -> moon-rays
moon-worship -> moon-worships
mooneye -> mooneyes
moonseed -> moonseeds
moonshell -> moonshells
moonshiner -> moonshiners
moor-bird -> moor-birds
moorage -> moorages
moorbird -> moorbirds
moore -> moores
moorfowl -> moorfowls
moorgame -> moorgames
moorwort -> moorworts
moose-wood -> moose-woods
moosewood -> moosewoods
mopboard -> mopboards
mopes -> mopess
mopper -> moppers
moquelumnan -> moquelumnans
morals -> moralss
morbidness -> morbidnesses
morbilli -> morbillis
morchellaceae -> morchellaceaes
mordacity -> mordacities
mordva -> mordvas
mordvin -> mordvins
mordvinian -> mordvinians
more -> mores
mores -> moress
morganite -> morganites
morgantown -> morgantowns
morgen -> morgens
morion -> morions
mormons -> mormonss
morn -> morns
moronity -> moronities
morosoph -> morosophs
morphallaxis -> morphallaxes
morphea -> morpheas
morphophoneme -> morphophonemes
morphophonemics -> morphophonemicss
morphophysiology -> morphophysiologies
morrigan -> morrigans
morrigu -> morrigus
mortarboard -> mortarboards
mortgager -> mortgagers
mos -> moss
mosaicism -> mosaicisms
mosan -> mosans
mosander -> mosanders
moschus -> moschuss
moshav -> moshavs
mossback -> mossbacks
mostaccioli -> mostacciolis
motacillidae -> motacillidaes
mother-of-thousands -> mothers-of-thousands
motherwort -> motherworts
motivity -> motivities
motmot -> motmots
motoneuron -> motoneurons
motorbus -> motorbuss
motorisation -> motorisations
motorization -> motorizations
motortruck -> motortrucks
motrin -> motrins
mouflon -> mouflons
moujik -> moujiks
moukden -> moukdens
moulter -> moulters
mound-bird -> mound-birds
mountie -> mounties
mounties -> mountiess
mouse-click -> mouse-clicks
mousepad -> mousepads
mousy -> mousier,mousiest
mouthbreeder -> mouthbreeders
movability -> movabilities
movableness -> movablenesses
moviemaking -> moviemakings
mr -> messrs,mrs
ms -> mse
msasa -> msasas
mt -> mts
mu-meson -> mu-mesons
muadhdhin -> muadhdhins
muazzin -> muazzins
muckheap -> muckheaps
muckhill -> muckhills
muckrake -> muckrakes,muckraking,muckraked
mucopolysaccharidosis -> mucopolysaccharidoses
mucor -> mucors
mucoraceae -> mucoraceaes
mucorales -> mucoraless
mucoviscidosis -> mucoviscidoses
mucuna -> mucunas
mudcat -> mudcats
muddiness -> muddinesses
mudhif -> mudhifs
mudslinger -> mudslingers
mudspringer -> mudspringers
muenchen -> muenchens
muenster -> muensters
muggee -> muggees
mugginess -> mugginesses
mugil -> mugils
mugilidae -> mugilidaes
mugiloidea -> mugiloideas
muhammadan -> muhammadans
muhammadanism -> muhammadanisms
muhammedan -> muhammedans
muharrum -> muharrums
muhlenbergia -> muhlenbergias
muishond -> muishonds
mujahadein -> mujahadeins
mujahadin -> mujahadins
mujik -> mujiks
mujtihad -> mujtihads
mukataa -> mukataas
muliebrity -> muliebrities
mulishness -> mulishnesses
mullidae -> mullidaes
mulloidichthys -> mulloidichthyss
mulloway -> mulloways
mullus -> mulluss
multicollinearity -> multicollinearities
multifariousness -> multifariousnesses
multinomial -> multinomials
multitudinousness -> multitudinousnesses
multivalence -> multivalences
multivalency -> multivalencies
mulwi -> mulwis
mumbai -> mumbais
mumble-the-peg -> mumble-the-pegs
mumblety-peg -> mumblety-pegs
mummichog -> mummichogs
mumps -> mumps
mumpsimus -> mumpsimuss
munda -> mundas
munda-mon-khmer -> munda-mon-khmers
muniments -> munimentss
munj -> munjs
munja -> munjas
munjeet -> munjeets
munjuk -> munjuks
muntiacus -> muntiacuss
muraenidae -> muraenidaes
muramidase -> muramidases
murderee -> murderees
murderess -> murderesses
murderousness -> murderousnesses
muridae -> muridaes
muritaniya -> muritaniyas
murmuration -> murmurations
murmurer -> murmurers
muroidea -> muroideas
murrow -> murrows
murrumbidgee -> murrumbidgees
mus -> muss
musaceae -> musaceaes
musales -> musaless
muscadel -> muscadels
muscadelle -> muscadelles
muscardinus -> muscardinuss
musci -> muscis
muscicapa -> muscicapas
muscicapidae -> muscicapidaes
muscivora -> muscivoras
muscivora-forficata -> muscivora-forficatas
muscle-builder -> muscle-builders
musclebuilder -> musclebuilders
musclebuilding -> musclebuildings
muscoidea -> muscoideas
musd -> musds
muser -> musers
musgoi -> musgois
musgu -> musgus
mushiness -> mushinesses
musial -> musials
musicalness -> musicalnesses
musjid -> musjids
muskat -> muskats
muskellunge -> muskellunges
muskhogean -> muskhogeans
muskmelon -> muskmelons
muskogean -> muskogeans
muskogee -> muskogees
muskwood -> muskwoods
muslimah -> muslimahs
muslimism -> muslimisms
musnud -> musnuds
musophaga -> musophagas
musophagidae -> musophagidaes
musophobia -> musophobias
mussiness -> mussinesses
mussitation -> mussitations
mustache -> mustaches
mustagh -> mustaghs
mustelidae -> mustelidaes
musteline -> mustelines
mustelus -> musteluss
musth -> musths
mutableness -> mutablenesses
mutamycin -> mutamycins
mutawa'een -> mutawa'eens
mutchkin -> mutchkins
mutilator -> mutilators
mutillidae -> mutillidaes
mutinus -> mutinuss
mutisia -> mutisias
muton -> mutons
mutsuhito -> mutsuhitoes
mutterer -> mutterers
muttonhead -> muttonheads
mutualness -> mutualnesses
muumuu -> muumuus
muzjik -> muzjiks
muztag -> muztags
muzzler -> muzzlers
mv -> mvs
mwera -> mweras
mx -> mxes
myaceae -> myaceaes
myacidae -> myacidaes
myadestes -> myadestess
mycenaen -> mycenaens
mycetophilidae -> mycetophilidaes
mycobacteriaceae -> mycobacteriaceaes
mycomycin -> mycomycins
mycophagist -> mycophagists
mycophagy -> mycophagies
mycoplasmataceae -> mycoplasmataceaes
mycoplasmatales -> mycoplasmataless
mycosis -> mycoses
mycostatin -> mycostatins
mycrosporidia -> mycrosporidias
mycteria -> mycterias
mycteroperca -> mycteropercas
myctophidae -> myctophidaes
mydriasis -> mydriases
mydriatic -> mydriatics
myelatelia -> myelatelias
myelencephalon -> myelencephalons
myeline -> myelines
myelinisation -> myelinisations
myelinization -> myelinizations
myeloblast -> myeloblasts
myelocyte -> myelocytes
myelofibrosis -> myelofibroses
myelogram -> myelograms
myelomeningocele -> myelomeningoceles
myg -> mygs
myiasis -> myiases
myliobatidae -> myliobatidaes
mylitta -> mylittas
mylodon -> mylodons
mylodontid -> mylodontids
mylodontidae -> mylodontidaes
mym -> myms
myna -> mynas
myocardiopathy -> myocardiopathies
myocastor -> myocastors
myodynia -> myodynias
myofibril -> myofibrils
myofibrilla -> myofibrillas
myoglobinuria -> myoglobinurias
myogram -> myograms
myology -> myologies
myoma -> myomas
myometrium -> myometriums
myomorpha -> myomorphas
myonecrosis -> myonecroses
myopus -> myopera
myosarcoma -> myosarcomas
myosis -> myoses
myotic -> myotics
myotomy -> myotomies
myotonia -> myotonias
myrcia -> myrcias
myrciaria -> myrciarias
myriagram -> myriagrams
myriameter -> myriameters
myriametre -> myriametres
myriapod -> myriapods
myriapoda -> myriapodas
myricaceae -> myricaceaes
myricales -> myricaless
myricaria -> myricarias
myringa -> myringas
myringectomy -> myringectomies
myringoplasty -> myringoplasties
myristica -> myristicas
myrmecia -> myrmecias
myrmecophagidae -> myrmecophagidaes
myrmecophile -> myrmecophiles
myrmeleon -> myrmeleons
myrmeleontidae -> myrmeleontidaes
myroxylon -> myroxylons
myrrhis -> myrrhiss
myrsinaceae -> myrsinaceaes
myrsine -> myrsines
myrtales -> myrtaless
myrtillocactus -> myrtillocactuss
myrtus -> myrtuss
mysidacea -> mysidaceas
mysidae -> mysidaes
mysoline -> mysolines
mysophilia -> mysophilias
mysophobia -> mysophobias
mysticeti -> mysticetis
mythicize -> mythicizes,mythicizing,mythicized
mythologisation -> mythologisations
mythologization -> mythologizations
mytilene -> mytilenes
mytilid -> mytilids
mytilidae -> mytilidaes
myxedema -> myxedemas
myxinidae -> myxinidaes
myxinikela -> myxinikelas
myxinoidea -> myxinoideas
myxinoidei -> myxinoideis
myxobacter -> myxobacters
myxobacterales -> myxobacteraless
myxobacteriaceae -> myxobacteriaceaes
myxobacteriales -> myxobacterialess
myxobacterium -> myxobacteriums
myxocephalus -> myxocephaluss
myxoma -> myxomas
myxomycete -> myxomycetes
myxomycetes -> myxomycetess
myxomycota -> myxomycotas
myxophyceae -> myxophyceaes
myxosporidia -> myxosporidias
myxosporidian -> myxosporidians
myxovirus -> myxoviruss
n -> ns
n.b. -> n.b.s
na -> nas
nabalus -> nabaluss
naboom -> nabooms
nabu -> nabus
nacimiento -> nacimientoes
nad -> nads
nadolol -> nadolols
naemorhedus -> naemorheduss
nafcil -> nafcils
nafcillin -> nafcillins
nafud -> nafuds
nagami -> nagamis
nagari -> nagaris
nageia -> nageias
nagi -> nagis
nahuatl -> nahuatls
naiadaceae -> naiadaceaes
naiadales -> naiadaless
naif -> naifs
naiki -> naikis
nailhead -> nailheads
nailrod -> nailrods
nainsook -> nainsooks
naiveness -> naivenesses
najadaceae -> najadaceaes
najas -> najass
najd -> najds
nakedwood -> nakedwoods
nalfon -> nalfons
nalline -> nallines
nalorphine -> nalorphines
nameko -> namekoes
namelessness -> namelessnesses
names -> namess
nammad -> nammads
nammu -> nammus
namtar -> namtars
namtaru -> namtarus
nan-chang -> nan-changs
nan-ning -> nan-nings
nancere -> nanceres
nandrolone -> nandrolones
nandu -> nandus
nanism -> nanisms
nanning -> nannings
nanny-goat -> nanny-goats
nanocephaly -> nanocephalies
nanometer -> nanometers
nanomia -> nanomias
nanophthalmos -> nanophthalmoss
nanovolt -> nanovolts
nanticoke -> nanticokes
nantua -> nantuas
napaea -> napaeas
napea -> napeas
naphazoline -> naphazolines
naphthoquinone -> naphthoquinones
naprapath -> naprapaths
naprapathy -> naprapathies
naprosyn -> naprosyns
napu -> napus
naqua -> naquas
naranjilla -> naranjillas
narc -> narcs
narcan -> narcans
narcism -> narcisms
narcissus -> narcissi
narcist -> narcists
narco-state -> narco-states
narcoterrorism -> narcoterrorisms
narcotize -> narcotizes,narcotizing,narcotized
narcotraffic -> narcotraffics
nardil -> nardils
nardo -> nardoes
nardoo -> nardoos
narghile -> narghiles
nargileh -> nargilehs
narrow-body -> narrow-bodies
narthecium -> nartheciums
narwal -> narwals
narwhale -> narwhales
nasalis -> nasaliss
nasalisation -> nasalisations
nasality -> nasalities
nasalization -> nasalizations
nasalize -> nasalizes,nasalizing,nasalized
nascence -> nascences
nascency -> nascencies
nasion -> nasions
nasua -> nasuas
natantia -> natantias
natation -> natations
natator -> natators
natatorium -> natatoriums
nates -> natess
naticidae -> naticidaes
nativeness -> nativenesses
natrix -> natrices
natrolite -> natrolites
nattiness -> nattinesses
natural -> naturals
nauch -> nauches
nauclea -> naucleas
naucrates -> naucratess
naumachia -> naumachias
naumachy -> naumachies
naupathia -> naupathias
nauseant -> nauseants
nauseatingness -> nauseatingnesses
nautilidae -> nautilidaes
navane -> navanes
nawcwpns -> nawcwpnss
nay -> nays
naysaying -> naysayings
naziism -> naziisms
nazimova -> nazimovas
nb -> nbs
nbe -> nbes
nbw -> nbws
ncdc -> ncdcs
nco -> nco's
nd -> nds
ndebele -> ndebeles
neandertal -> neandertals
nearsightedness -> nearsightednesses
nebbech -> nebbeches
nebcin -> nebcins
nebiim -> nebiims
nebn -> nebns
nebraskan -> nebraskans
nebuchadrezzar -> nebuchadrezzars
nebule -> nebules
nebulizer -> nebulizers
necessitarian -> necessitarians
neckpiece -> neckpieces
necktie -> neckties
necrobiosis -> necrobioses
necrology -> necrologies
necrolysis -> necrolyses
necromania -> necromanias
necrophagia -> necrophagias
necrophagy -> necrophagies
necrophilism -> necrophilisms
necrose -> necroses,necrosing,necrosed
needer -> needers
neediness -> needinesses
needle-bush -> needle-bushes
needle-wood -> needle-woods
needlebush -> needlebushes
needles -> needless
needlewood -> needlewoods
neencephalon -> neencephalons
nefariousness -> nefariousnesses
nefazodone -> nefazodones
nefud -> nefuds
negaprion -> negaprions
negativeness -> negativenesses
negativist -> negativists
negatron -> negatrons
neggram -> neggrams
neglecter -> neglecters
neglectfulness -> neglectfulnesses
neglige -> negliges
negotiant -> negotiants
negotiatress -> negotiatresses
negotiatrix -> negotiatrices
neighborliness -> neighborlinesses
nejd -> nejds
nekton -> nektons
nelfinavir -> nelfinavirs
nelumbo -> nelumboes
nelumbonaceae -> nelumbonaceaes
nematocera -> nematoceras
nemea -> nemeas
nemertea -> nemerteas
nemertina -> nemertinas
nemertine -> nemertines
nemophila -> nemophilas
nentsi -> nentsis
nentsy -> nentsies
neobiotic -> neobiotics
neoceratodus -> neoceratoduss
neocon -> neocons
neoconservatism -> neoconservatisms
neoconservative -> neoconservatives
neoencephalon -> neoencephalons
neoexpressionism -> neoexpressionisms
neofiber -> neofibers
neohygrophorus -> neohygrophoruss
neolentinus -> neolentinuss
neoliberalism -> neoliberalisms
neolith -> neoliths
neologist -> neologists
neology -> neologies
neomys -> neomyss
neonatology -> neonatologies
neophron -> neophrons
neoromanticism -> neoromanticisms
neosho -> neoshoes
neosporin -> neosporins
neostigmine -> neostigmines
neotoma -> neotomas
neotony -> neotonies
nepa -> nepas
nepalese -> nepalese
nepenthaceae -> nepenthaceaes
nepenthes -> nepenthess
nepheline -> nephelines
nephelite -> nephelites
nephology -> nephologies
nephoscope -> nephoscopes
nephralgia -> nephralgias
nephrectomy -> nephrectomies
nephroangiosclerosis -> nephroangioscleroses
nephroblastoma -> nephroblastomas
nephrocalcinosis -> nephrocalcinoses
nephrolith -> nephroliths
nephrolithiasis -> nephrolithiases
nephron -> nephrons
nephrops -> nephropss
nephropsidae -> nephropsidaes
nephroptosia -> nephroptosias
nephroptosis -> nephroptoses
nephrotomy -> nephrotomies
nephrotoxin -> nephrotoxins
nephthytis -> nephthytiss
nepidae -> nepidaes
nereus -> nereuss
nergal -> nergals
nerita -> neritas
neritid -> neritids
neritidae -> neritidaes
neritina -> neritinas
nerium -> neriums
nerodia -> nerodias
nerthus -> nerthuss
nervelessness -> nervelessnesses
nerveroot -> nerveroots
nerves -> nervess
nervi -> nervis
nervure -> nervures
nervus -> nervuss
nes -> ness
nesokia -> nesokias
nestorianism -> nestorianisms
netkeeper -> netkeepers
netminder -> netminders
netscape -> netscapes
neuralgy -> neuralgies
neurilemma -> neurilemmas
neurilemoma -> neurilemomas
neurinoma -> neurinomas
neuroepithelioma -> neuroepitheliomas
neuroethics -> neuroethicss
neurofibroma -> neurofibromas
neurofibromatosis -> neurofibromatoses
neuroglia -> neuroglias
neurogliacyte -> neurogliacytes
neurohormone -> neurohormones
neurohypophysis -> neurohypophyses
neurolemma -> neurolemmas
neurolinguist -> neurolinguists
neurolinguistics -> neurolinguisticss
neurolysin -> neurolysins
neuroma -> neuromas
neuroplasty -> neuroplasties
neuroptera -> neuropteras
neuropteran -> neuropterans
neuropteron -> neuropterons
neurosarcoma -> neurosarcomas
neurotrichus -> neurotrichuss
neurotropism -> neurotropisms
neutrophile -> neutrophiles
nevadan -> nevadans
nevirapine -> nevirapines
nevus -> nevuss
newari -> newaris
newbie -> newbies
news -> news
newsdealer -> newsdealers
newsmonger -> newsmongers
newspapering -> newspaperings
newspaperwoman -> newspaperwomen
newsperson -> newspeople
newswoman -> newswomen
newswriter -> newswriters
nexus -> nexus
ng -> ngs
ngb -> ngbs
nguni -> ngunis
ngwee -> ngwees
ni -> nis
ni-hard -> ni-hards
ni-resist -> ni-resists
nibelung -> nibelungs
niche -> niches
nicknack -> nicknacks
nictation -> nictations
nictitate -> nictitates,nictitating,nictitated
nictitation -> nictitations
nidation -> nidations
niddm -> niddms
nidularia -> nidularias
nidulariaceae -> nidulariaceaes
nidulariales -> nidularialess
nierembergia -> nierembergias
niger-kordofanian -> niger-kordofanians
nigerien -> nigeriens
niggard -> niggards
niggardliness -> niggardlinesses
niggardness -> niggardnesses
night-robe -> night-robes
night-stop -> night-stops
nightclothes -> nightclothess
nightcrawler -> nightcrawlers
nightwork -> nightworks
nigrify -> nigrifies,nigrifying,nigrified
nigroporus -> nigroporuss
nihau -> nihaus
nihil -> nihils
nihility -> nihilities
nij -> nijs
nile -> niles
nilo-saharan -> nilo-saharans
nimblewill -> nimblewills
nimbus -> nimbuses
nimiety -> nimieties
nimitz -> nimitzs
nimravus -> nimravuss
nin-sin -> nin-sins
nine -> nines
nine-spot -> nine-spots
ninepins -> ninepinss
nineteen -> nineteens
nineties -> ninetiess
ninety -> nineties
ningal -> ningals
ningirsu -> ningirsus
ningishzida -> ningishzidas
ninhursag -> ninhursags
ninib -> ninibs
ninigi -> ninigis
ninigino-mikoto -> ninigino-mikotoes
ninja -> ninjas
ninjitsu -> ninjitsus
ninkharsag -> ninkharsags
ninkhursag -> ninkhursags
ninth -> ninths
nintoo -> nintoos
nintu -> nintus
ninurta -> ninurtas
niobite -> niobites
niobrara -> niobraras
nipr -> niprs
niqaabi -> niqaabis
niqab -> niqabs
nisan -> nisans
nitella -> nitellas
niter -> niters
nitpicker -> nitpickers
nitramine -> nitramines
nitrazepam -> nitrazepams
nitre -> nitres
nitril -> nitrils
nitrobacter -> nitrobacters
nitrobacteria -> nitrobacterias
nitrobacteriaceae -> nitrobacteriaceaes
nitrobacterium -> nitrobacteriums
nitrocalcite -> nitrocalcites
nitrocellulose -> nitrocellulose
nitrochloroform -> nitrochloroforms
nitrochloromethane -> nitrochloromethanes
nitrocotton -> nitrocottons
nitrofuran -> nitrofurans
nitrofurantoin -> nitrofurantoins
nitrogenase -> nitrogenases
nitrogenize -> nitrogenizes,nitrogenizing,nitrogenized
nitrosobacteria -> nitrosobacterias
nitrosomonas -> nitrosomonass
nitrospan -> nitrospans
nitrostat -> nitrostats
nitweed -> nitweeds
nivose -> nivoses
njord -> njords
njorth -> njorths
nm -> nms
nnrti -> nnrtis
no -> nos,noes,no's
no-brainer -> no-brainers
no-goal -> no-goals
no-hitter -> no-hitters
no-see-um -> no-see-ums
nobelist -> nobelists
nobelium -> nobeliums
noble-mindedness -> noble-mindednesses
noblewoman -> noblewomen
noc -> nocs
noctambulation -> noctambulations
noctambulism -> noctambulisms
noctambulist -> noctambulists
noctiluca -> noctilucas
noctuidae -> noctuidaes
nocturia -> nocturias
noemi -> noemis
noesis -> noeses
noisemaker -> noisemakers
noisiness -> noisinesses
noisomeness -> noisomenesses
noli-me-tangere -> noli-me-tangeres
nolina -> nolinas
noma -> nomas
nombril -> nombrils
nomia -> nomias
nominative -> nominatives
nomograph -> nomographs
non-engagement -> non-engagements
non-ugric -> non-ugrics
nonabsorbency -> nonabsorbencies
nonacceptance -> nonacceptances
nonaccomplishment -> nonaccomplishments
nonachievement -> nonachievements
nonachiever -> nonachievers
nonage -> nonages
nonalignment -> nonalignments
nonalinement -> nonalinements
nonallele -> nonalleles
nonappearance -> nonappearances
nonattendance -> nonattendances
nonattender -> nonattenders
nonbeing -> nonbeings
nonbeliever -> nonbelievers
noncandidate -> noncandidates
noncitizen -> noncitizens
noncom -> noncoms
noncombatant -> noncombatants
noncompliant -> noncompliants
nonconductor -> nonconductors
nondevelopment -> nondevelopments
nondisjunction -> nondisjunctions
nondrinker -> nondrinkers
nondriver -> nondrivers
nonequivalence -> nonequivalences
nonevent -> nonevents
nonindulgence -> nonindulgences
noninterference -> noninterferences
nonintervention -> noninterventions
nonmetal -> nonmetals
nonobservance -> nonobservances
nonoccurrence -> nonoccurrences
nonparticipant -> nonparticipants
nonparticipation -> nonparticipations
nonpartisan -> nonpartisans
nonpartisanship -> nonpartisanships
nonpartizan -> nonpartizans
nonpayment -> nonpayments
nonperformance -> nonperformances
nonperson -> nonpeople
nonplus -> nonplusses,nonplussing,nonplussed
nonprofit -> nonprofits
nonproliferation -> nonproliferations
nonreader -> nonreaders
nonremittal -> nonremittals
nonresistance -> nonresistances
nonsensicality -> nonsensicalities
nonstarter -> nonstarters
nonsteroid -> nonsteroids
nonsteroidal -> nonsteroidals
nontricyclic -> nontricyclics
nonworker -> nonworkers
nootka -> nootkas
nopal -> nopals
nopalea -> nopaleas
nor'-east -> nor'-easts
nor'-nor'-east -> nor'-nor'-easts
nor'-nor'-west -> nor'-nor'-wests
nor'-west -> nor'-wests
nor-q-d -> nor-q-ds
noreaster -> noreasters
noreg -> noregs
norethandrolone -> norethandrolones
norethindrone -> norethindrones
norethynodrel -> norethynodrels
norflex -> norflexes
norgestrel -> norgestrels
noria -> norias
norinyl -> norinyls
norlestrin -> norlestrins
norlutin -> norlutins
normaliser -> normalisers
normalizer -> normalizers
normodyne -> normodynes
normothermia -> normothermias
northeaster -> northeasters
northward -> northwards
northwester -> northwesters
nortriptyline -> nortriptylines
noruz -> noruzs
norvasc -> norvascs
norvir -> norvirs
nosecount -> nosecounts
nosepiece -> nosepieces
nosher -> noshers
nostocaceae -> nostocaceaes
nosy -> nosier,nosiest
notarize -> notarizes,notarizing,notarized
notecase -> notecases
notechis -> notechiss
notemigonus -> notemigonuss
nothing -> nothings
nothings -> nothingss
nothofagus -> nothofaguss
nothosaur -> nothosaurs
nothosauria -> nothosaurias
noticeableness -> noticeablenesses
noticer -> noticers
notomys -> notomyss
notonecta -> notonectas
notonectidae -> notonectidaes
notophthalmus -> notophthalmuss
notornis -> notorniss
notoryctidae -> notoryctidaes
notoryctus -> notoryctuss
notostraca -> notostracas
notropis -> notropiss
noumenon -> noumena
nouveau-riche -> nouveaux-riches
nov-esperanto -> nov-esperantoes
nov-latin -> nov-latins
novelization -> novelizations
novelize -> novelizes,novelizing,novelized
novial -> novials
novillada -> novilladas
novillero -> novilleroes
novobiocin -> novobiocins
novocain -> novocains
nowness -> nownesses
nowrooz -> nowroozs
noxiousness -> noxiousnesses
noxiptiline -> noxiptilines
np -> nps
nrl -> nrls
nrna -> nrnas
nrti -> nrtis
ns -> nss
nswc -> nswcs
nt -> nts
ntis -> ntiss
nubbiness -> nubbinesses
nucellus -> nucelluss
nucha -> nuchas
nucifraga -> nucifragas
nucleate -> nucleates,nucleating,nucleated
nucleole -> nucleoles
nucleolus -> nucleoli
nucleonics -> nucleonicss
nucleoplasm -> nucleoplasms
nuda -> nudas
nudeness -> nudenesses
nudger -> nudgers
nudibranchia -> nudibranchias
nudism -> nudisms
nudnick -> nudnicks
nudnik -> nudniks
nullifier -> nullifiers
numbers -> numberss
numdah -> numdahs
numen -> numena
numerate -> numerates,numerating,numerated
numerologist -> numerologists
numerousness -> numerousnesses
numida -> numidas
numidia -> numidias
numididae -> numididaes
numidinae -> numidinaes
numismatologist -> numismatologists
numismatology -> numismatologies
nummulitidae -> nummulitidaes
nung -> nungs
nuprin -> nuprins
nurse-midwife -> nurse-midwives
nurseling -> nurselings
nurser -> nursers
nursling -> nurslings
nusku -> nuskus
nutation -> nutations
nutgrass -> nutgrasses
nuthouse -> nuthouses
nutlet -> nutlets
nutmeg-yew -> nutmeg-yews
nutria -> nutrias
nutriment -> nutriments
nutritiousness -> nutritiousnesses
nutritiveness -> nutritivenesses
nutsedge -> nutsedges
nuwc -> nuwcs
nuytsia -> nuytsias
nwbn -> nwbns
nwbw -> nwbws
nyamuragira -> nyamuragiras
nyamwezi -> nyamwezis
nybble -> nybbles
nyctaginaceae -> nyctaginaceaes
nyctaginia -> nyctaginias
nyctalopia -> nyctalopias
nyctanassa -> nyctanassas
nyctereutes -> nyctereutess
nycticebus -> nycticebuss
nyctimene -> nyctimenes
nyctophobia -> nyctophobias
nycturia -> nycturias
nydrazid -> nydrazids
nylghai -> nylghais
nylghau -> nylghaus
nylons -> nylonss
nymphalidae -> nymphalidaes
nymphalis -> nymphaliss
nymphicus -> nymphicuss
nympholepsy -> nympholepsies
nympholept -> nympholepts
nynorsk -> nynorsks
nypa -> nypas
nyssa -> nyssas
nyssaceae -> nyssaceaes
nystan -> nystans
nyx -> nyxes
o -> os
oarswoman -> oarswomen
oat -> oats
obechi -> obechis
obelion -> obelions
oberson -> obersons
obiism -> obiisms
objectionableness -> objectionablenesses
objurgate -> objurgates,objurgating,objurgated
objurgation -> objurgations
oblateness -> oblatenesses
obliger -> obligers
obligingness -> obligingnesses
obliterator -> obliterators
obliviousness -> obliviousnesses
oblongness -> oblongnesses
obnubilate -> obnubilates,obnubilating,obnubilated
obolus -> oboluss
obscureness -> obscurenesses
obsessivity -> obsessivities
obsolesce -> obsolesces,obsolescing,obsolesced
obsoleteness -> obsoletenesses
obstetric -> obstetrics
obstinance -> obstinances
obstipation -> obstipations
obstreperousness -> obstreperousnesses
obstructer -> obstructers
obstructor -> obstructors
obtainment -> obtainments
obtention -> obtentions
obtrusiveness -> obtrusivenesses
obtund -> obtunds,obtunding,obtunded
obturate -> obturates,obturating,obturated
obturator -> obturators
obviation -> obviations
occasions -> occasionss
occidentalism -> occidentalisms
occult -> occults,occulting,occulted
occurrent -> occurrents
oceanaut -> oceanauts
oceanfront -> oceanfronts
oceanica -> oceanicas
oceanid -> oceanids
oceanites -> oceanitess
oceanology -> oceanologies
ocher -> ochers
ochlocracy -> ochlocracies
ochna -> ochnas
ochnaceae -> ochnaceaes
ochotona -> ochotonas
ochotonidae -> ochotonidaes
ochroma -> ochromas
ochronosis -> ochronoses
ocimum -> ocimums
ocotillo -> ocotilloes
octad -> octads
octameter -> octameters
octant -> octants
octette -> octettes
octillion -> octillions
octonary -> octonaries
octopoda -> octopodas
octopodidae -> octopodidaes
octopus -> octopuses
octoroon -> octoroons
octosyllable -> octosyllables
octroi -> octrois
oculism -> oculisms
ocyurus -> ocyuruss
odd -> odder,oddest,odds
oddments -> oddmentss
odds-maker -> odds-makers
odesa -> odesas
odiousness -> odiousnesses
odist -> odists
odoacer -> odoacers
odobenidae -> odobenidaes
odobenus -> odobenuss
odocoileus -> odocoileuss
odonate -> odonates
odontalgia -> odontalgias
odontaspididae -> odontaspididaes
odontaspis -> odontaspiss
odontiasis -> odontiases
odontoceti -> odontocetis
odontoglossum -> odontoglossums
odontology -> odontologies
odontophorus -> odontophoruss
odovacar -> odovacars
odovakar -> odovakars
odynophagia -> odynophagias
oecanthus -> oecanthuss
oecumenism -> oecumenisms
oedogoniaceae -> oedogoniaceaes
oedogoniales -> oedogonialess
oedogonium -> oedogoniums
oengus -> oenguss
oenologist -> oenologists
oenology -> oenologies
oenomel -> oenomels
oenophile -> oenophiles
oenophilist -> oenophilists
oesophagoscope -> oesophagoscopes
oesophagus -> oesophaguses
oesterreich -> oesterreiches
oestridae -> oestridaes
oestriol -> oestriols
oestrone -> oestrones
officiation -> officiations
ofo -> ofoes
oftenness -> oftennesses
ogalala -> ogalalas
ogcocephalidae -> ogcocephalidaes
ogdoad -> ogdoads
ogive -> ogives
ohioan -> ohioans
ohmage -> ohmages
ohmmeter -> ohmmeters
oig -> oigs
oilcan -> oilcans
oiler -> oilers
oilpaper -> oilpapers
oilrig -> oilrigs
ois -> ois
ojibway -> ojibways
okapia -> okapias
okay -> okays,okaying,okayed
okeh -> okehs
oken -> okens
okenfuss -> okenfusses
oklahoman -> oklahomen
oktoberfest -> oktoberfests
old-fashionedness -> old-fashionednesses
old-man-of-the-woods -> old-man-of-the-woodss
oldie -> oldies
oldtimer -> oldtimers
oldwench -> oldwenches
oldwife -> oldwives
olea -> oleas
oleaceae -> oleaceaes
oleaginousness -> oleaginousnesses
oleales -> olealess
oleandra -> oleandras
oleandraceae -> oleandraceaes
oleaster -> oleasters
oled -> oleds
olein -> oleins
oleomargarine -> oleomargarines
oleoresin -> oleoresins
olfersia -> olfersias
olibanum -> olibanums
oligochaeta -> oligochaetas
oligoclase -> oligoclases
oligodactyly -> oligodactylies
oligodendria -> oligodendrias
oligodendroglia -> oligodendroglias
oligodontia -> oligodontias
oligomenorrhea -> oligomenorrheas
oligoplites -> oligoplitess
oligoporus -> oligoporuss
oligospermia -> oligospermias
olimbos -> olimboss
olivenite -> olivenites
ollari -> ollaris
olm -> olms
oman -> omen
omasum -> omasums
omayyad -> omayyads
ombu -> ombus
omega-3 -> omega-3s
omega-6 -> omega-6s
omelet -> omelets
omiya -> omiyas
ommastrephes -> ommastrephess
ommiad -> ommiads
omnibus -> omnibuses
omnirange -> omniranges
omnium-gatherum -> omnium-gatherums
omomyid -> omomyids
omophagia -> omophagias
omotic -> omotics
omphalocele -> omphaloceles
omphaloskepsis -> omphaloskepses
omphalotus -> omphalotuss
omphalus -> omphaluss
on-license -> on-licenses
onager -> onagers
onagraceae -> onagraceaes
oncidium -> oncidiums
oncorhynchus -> oncorhynchuss
ondatra -> ondatras
one-and-one -> ones-and-ones
one-billionth -> one-billionths
one-dimensionality -> one-dimensionalities
one-eighth -> one-eighths
one-fourth -> one-fourths
one-hitter -> one-hitters
one-hundred-millionth -> one-hundred-millionths
one-hundred-thousandth -> one-hundred-thousandths
one-hundredth -> one-hundredths
one-millionth -> one-millionths
one-ninth -> one-ninths
one-quadrillionth -> one-quadrillionths
one-quintillionth -> one-quintillionths
one-seventh -> one-sevenths
one-sixteenth -> one-sixteenths
one-sixth -> one-sixths
one-sixtieth -> one-sixtieths
one-sixty-fourth -> one-sixty-fourths
one-ten-thousandth -> one-ten-thousandths
one-tenth -> one-tenths
one-third -> one-thirds
one-thirty-second -> one-thirty-seconds
one-thousandth -> one-thousandths
one-trillionth -> one-trillionths
one-twelfth -> one-twelfths
onega -> onegas
oneirism -> oneirisms
oneiromancer -> oneiromancers
onionskin -> onionskins
oniscidae -> oniscidaes
oniscus -> oniscuss
onobrychis -> onobrychiss
onoclea -> onocleas
onomancer -> onomancers
onomancy -> onomancies
onomasticon -> onomasticons
onomastics -> onomasticss
onomatomania -> onomatomanias
onondaga -> onondagas
ononis -> ononiss
onopordon -> onopordons
onopordum -> onopordums
onosmodium -> onosmodiums
onsager -> onsagers
onward -> onwards
onychium -> onychiums
onychogalea -> onychogaleas
onycholysis -> onycholyses
onychomys -> onychomyss
onychophora -> onychophoras
onychosis -> onychoses
onyxis -> onyxes
oodles -> oodless
oology -> oologies
oomycetes -> oomycetess
oophorectomy -> oophorectomies
oophorosalpingectomy -> oophorosalpingectomies
oosphere -> oospheres
oospore -> oospores
ootid -> ootids
opah -> opahs
opalesce -> opalesces,opalescing,opalesced
opcw -> opcws
openbill -> openbills
openhandedness -> openhandednesses
opepe -> opepes
operagoer -> operagoers
operations -> operationss
operoseness -> operosenesses
opheodrys -> opheodryss
ophidia -> ophidias
ophidian -> ophidians
ophidiidae -> ophidiidaes
ophidism -> ophidisms
ophiodon -> ophiodons
ophiodontidae -> ophiodontidaes
ophioglossaceae -> ophioglossaceaes
ophioglossales -> ophioglossaless
ophioglossum -> ophioglossums
ophiolatry -> ophiolatries
ophiophagus -> ophiophaguss
ophisaurus -> ophisauruss
ophiurida -> ophiuridas
ophiuroidea -> ophiuroideas
ophryon -> ophryons
ophrys -> ophryss
ophthalmectomy -> ophthalmectomies
ophthalmoplegia -> ophthalmoplegias
ophthalmoscopy -> ophthalmoscopies
opiliones -> opilioness
opisthobranchia -> opisthobranchias
opisthocomidae -> opisthocomidaes
opisthocomus -> opisthocomuss
opisthognathidae -> opisthognathidaes
opisthorchiasis -> opisthorchiases
opisthotonos -> opisthotonoss
opopanax -> opopanaxes
opportuneness -> opportunenesses
oppugn -> oppugns,oppugning,oppugned
ops -> opss
opsin -> opsins
opsonin -> opsonins
opsonisation -> opsonisations
opsonization -> opsonizations
opsonize -> opsonizes,opsonizing,opsonized
optez -> optezs
optic -> optics
optimization -> optimizations
opuntia -> opuntias
opuntiales -> opuntialess
opus -> opuses,opera
orach -> oraches
oradexon -> oradexons
orang-outang -> orang-outangs
orangeness -> orangenesses
orangewood -> orangewoods
orasone -> orasones
orb-weaver -> orb-weavers
orbignya -> orbignyas
orbitale -> orbitales
orchestia -> orchestias
orchestiidae -> orchestiidaes
orchidales -> orchidaless
orchidalgia -> orchidalgias
orchidectomy -> orchidectomies
orchiectomy -> orchiectomies
orchil -> orchils
orchiopexy -> orchiopexies
orchotomy -> orchotomies
orcinus -> orcinuss
orcus -> orcuss
orczy -> orczies
order-chenopodiales -> order-chenopodialess
oreamnos -> oreamnoss
orectolobidae -> orectolobidaes
orectolobus -> orectolobuss
oregonian -> oregonians
oreide -> oreides
orelanism -> orelanisms
oreo -> oreos
oreopteris -> oreopteriss
oreortyx -> oreortyxes
organ-grinder -> organ-grinders
organdy -> organdies
organification -> organifications
organs -> organss
originalism -> originalisms
orinasal -> orinasals
orinase -> orinases
oriolidae -> oriolidaes
oriolus -> orioluss
orites -> oritess
oriya -> oriyas
orizaba -> orizabas
orleanais -> orleanaiss
orleanism -> orleanisms
orleanist -> orleanists
orlon -> orlons
orlop -> orlops
ormazd -> ormazds
ormer -> ormers
ormuzd -> ormuzds
ornamentalist -> ornamentalists
orneriness -> ornerinesses
ornithine -> ornithines
ornithogalum -> ornithogalums
ornithomimid -> ornithomimids
ornithomimida -> ornithomimidas
ornithopoda -> ornithopodas
ornithorhynchidae -> ornithorhynchidaes
ornithorhynchus -> ornithorhynchuss
ornithosis -> ornithoses
orobanchaceae -> orobanchaceaes
orography -> orographies
oroide -> oroides
orology -> orologies
orono -> oronoes
orontium -> orontiums
orphanhood -> orphanhoods
orphenadrine -> orphenadrines
orphrey -> orphreys
orpiment -> orpiments
orpin -> orpins
orpine -> orpines
orrisroot -> orrisroots
ortalis -> ortaliss
orthicon -> orthicons
orthilia -> orthilias
orthochorea -> orthochoreas
orthodontia -> orthodontias
orthodontics -> orthodonticss
orthodonture -> orthodontures
orthoepy -> orthoepies
orthomyxovirus -> orthomyxoviruss
orthopaedist -> orthopaedists
orthopedics -> orthopedicss
orthopedist -> orthopedists
orthopnea -> orthopneas
orthopristis -> orthopristiss
orthopter -> orthopters
orthopteran -> orthopterans
orthopteron -> orthopterons
orthoptics -> orthopticss
orthoptist -> orthoptists
orthoscope -> orthoscopes
orthotomus -> orthotomuss
ortygan -> ortygans
orudis -> orudiss
oruvail -> oruvails
orycteropodidae -> orycteropodidaes
orycteropus -> orycteropera
oryctolagus -> oryctolaguss
oryza -> oryzas
oryzomys -> oryzomyss
oryzopsis -> oryzopses
os -> oss
osasco -> osascoes
oscheocele -> oscheoceles
oscheocoele -> oscheocoeles
oscillatoriaceae -> oscillatoriaceaes
oscine -> oscines
oscines -> osciness
oscitance -> oscitances
oscitancy -> oscitancies
osco-umbrian -> osco-umbrians
osculate -> osculates,osculating,osculated
osculator -> osculators
osmanli -> osmanlis
osmanthus -> osmanthuss
osmeridae -> osmeridaes
osmerus -> osmeruss
osmiridium -> osmiridiums
osmitrol -> osmitrols
osmoreceptor -> osmoreceptors
osmundaceae -> osmundaceaes
ossiculum -> ossiculums
ostariophysi -> ostariophysis
osteichthyes -> osteichthyess
ostentatiousness -> ostentatiousnesses
osteoblastoma -> osteoblastomas
osteochondroma -> osteochondromas
osteoclasis -> osteoclases
osteocyte -> osteocytes
osteodystrophy -> osteodystrophies
osteologer -> osteologers
osteologist -> osteologists
osteolysis -> osteolyses
osteomyelitis -> osteomyelitis
osteopathist -> osteopathists
osteopetrosis -> osteopetroses
osteophyte -> osteophytes
osteosclerosis -> osteoscleroses
osteotomy -> osteotomies
ostiarius -> ostiariuss
ostiary -> ostiaries
ostomy -> ostomies
ostraciidae -> ostraciidaes
ostracoda -> ostracodas
ostracodermi -> ostracodermis
ostrea -> ostreas
ostreidae -> ostreidaes
ostrya -> ostryas
ostryopsis -> ostryopses
ostyak -> ostyaks
ostyak-samoyed -> ostyak-samoyeds
otaria -> otarias
otariidae -> otariidaes
othonna -> othonnas
otides -> otidess
otoe -> otoes
otoganglion -> otoganglia
otolaryngologist -> otolaryngologists
otologist -> otologists
otology -> otologies
otoplasty -> otoplasties
otorhinolaryngologist -> otorhinolaryngologists
otorhinolaryngology -> otorhinolaryngologies
otorrhea -> otorrheas
otoscope -> otoscopes
otterhound -> otterhounds
ottumwa -> ottumwas
ouachita -> ouachitas
ouranopithecus -> ouranopithecuss
ouranos -> ouranoss
ousel -> ousels
out -> outs,outing,outed
out-and-outer -> out-and-outers
out-basket -> out-baskets
out-herod -> out-herods,out-heroding,out-heroded
out-of-doors -> outs-of-doors
outaouais -> outaouaiss
outbalance -> outbalances,outbalancing,outbalanced
outbrave -> outbraves,outbraving,outbraved
outdoor -> outdoors
outdoorswoman -> outdoorswomen
outercourse -> outercourses
outfight -> outfights,outfought,outfighting
outgeneral -> outgenerals,outgeneralling,outgeneralled
outgo -> outgoes,outgoing,outwent,outgone
outlander -> outlanders
outmarch -> outmarches,outmarching,outmarched
outrange -> outranges,outranging,outranged
outrival -> outrivals,outrivalling,outrivalled
outsail -> outsails,outsailing,outsailed
outside -> outsides
outskirt -> outskirts
outspan -> outspans,outspanning,outspanned
outspread -> outspreads,outspreading
outstroke -> outstrokes
outtake -> outtakes
outthrust -> outthrusts
outvie -> outvies,outvying,outvied
outward -> outwards
outwardness -> outwardnesses
outwear -> outwears,outwore,outworn,outwearing
ovalipes -> ovalipess
ovariectomy -> ovariectomies
ovenbird -> ovenbirds
overachievement -> overachievements
overachiever -> overachievers
overacting -> overactings
overage -> overages
overanxiety -> overanxieties
overappraisal -> overappraisals
overbearingness -> overbearingnesses
overcapitalisation -> overcapitalisations
overcapitalization -> overcapitalizations
overcapitalize -> overcapitalizes,overcapitalizing,overcapitalized
overcasting -> overcastings
overclothes -> overclothess
overcoating -> overcoatings
overcomer -> overcomers
overcredulity -> overcredulities
overcrop -> overcrops,overcropping,overcropped
overcrossing -> overcrossings
overexert -> overexerts,overexerting,overexerted
overexpose -> overexposes,overexposing,overexposed
overgarment -> overgarments
overindulge -> overindulges,overindulging,overindulged
overjoy -> overjoys,overjoying,overjoyed
overlip -> overlips
overmaster -> overmasters,overmastering,overmastered
overmuchness -> overmuchnesses
overnighter -> overnighters
overrating -> overratings
overreckoning -> overreckonings
overrefine -> overrefines,overrefining,overrefined
overrefinement -> overrefinements
oversell -> oversells,overselling,oversold
overset -> oversets,oversetting
oversew -> oversews,oversewing,oversewed,oversewn
overshielding -> overshieldings
overtolerance -> overtolerances
overtrump -> overtrumps,overtrumping,overtrumped
overutilisation -> overutilisations
overutilization -> overutilizations
ovibos -> oviboss
oviraptorid -> oviraptorids
ovis -> oviss
ovocon -> ovocons
ovoflavin -> ovoflavins
ovotestis -> ovotestes
ovral -> ovrals
ovrette -> ovrettes
ovulen -> ovulens
ovum -> ova
owen -> owens
owensboro -> owensboroes
owlclaws -> owlclawss
owlt -> owlts
oxacillin -> oxacillins
oxalacetate -> oxalacetates
oxalidaceae -> oxalidaceaes
oxaloacetate -> oxaloacetates
oxandra -> oxandras
oxaprozin -> oxaprozins
oxazepam -> oxazepams
oxen -> oxens
oxheart -> oxhearts
oxidate -> oxidates,oxidating,oxidated
oxidation-reduction -> oxidation-reductions
oxidiser -> oxidisers
oxidization -> oxidizations
oxidizer -> oxidizers
oxidoreduction -> oxidoreductions
oxtant -> oxtants
oxtongue -> oxtongues
oxyacid -> oxyacids
oxybelis -> oxybeliss
oxybenzene -> oxybenzenes
oxycephaly -> oxycephalies
oxydendrum -> oxydendrums
oxygenize -> oxygenizes,oxygenizing,oxygenized
oxyhemoglobin -> oxyhemoglobins
oxylebius -> oxylebiuss
oxyopia -> oxyopias
oxyphenbutazone -> oxyphenbutazones
oxyphencyclimine -> oxyphencyclimines
oxytone -> oxytones
oxytropis -> oxytropiss
oxyuranus -> oxyuranuss
oxyuridae -> oxyuridaes
oyabun -> oyabuns
ozaena -> ozaenas
ozarks -> ozarkss
ozena -> ozenas
ozocerite -> ozocerites
ozonide -> ozonides
ozonium -> ozoniums
ozonize -> ozonizes,ozonizing,ozonized
ozonosphere -> ozonospheres
ozothamnus -> ozothamnuss
pa -> pa's,pas
pabir -> pabirs
pablum -> pablums
pac -> pacs
pachisi -> pachisis
pachouli -> pachoulis
pachuco -> pachucoes
pachycephala -> pachycephalas
pachycephalosaur -> pachycephalosaurs
pachycheilia -> pachycheilias
pachyderma -> pachydermas
pachyrhizus -> pachyrhizuss
pacificism -> pacificisms
pacificist -> pacificists
packera -> packeras
packinghouse -> packinghouses
packrat -> packrats
packsack -> packsacks
packsaddle -> packsaddles
packthread -> packthreads
padder -> padders
paddle-box -> paddle-boxes
paddle-wheeler -> paddle-wheelers
paddlewheel -> paddlewheels
paddymelon -> paddymelons
pademelon -> pademelons
paducah -> paducahs
paederast -> paederasts
paederasty -> paederasties
paeoniaceae -> paeoniaceaes
pagad -> pagads
paganize -> paganizes,paganizing,paganized
pagellus -> pagelluss
pagophila -> pagophilas
pagophilus -> pagophiluss
pagrus -> pagruss
paguridae -> paguridaes
pahautea -> pahauteas
pahlevi -> pahlevis
paigle -> paigles
pailful -> pailfuls
paillasse -> paillasses
pains -> painss
painstakingness -> painstakingnesses
paintbox -> paintboxes
paiwanic -> paiwanics
pajama -> pajamas
pakchoi -> pakchois
palaeencephalon -> palaeencephalons
palaemon -> palaemons
palaemonidae -> palaemonidaes
palaeobiology -> palaeobiologies
palaeodendrology -> palaeodendrologies
palaeoethnography -> palaeoethnographies
palaeogeology -> palaeogeologies
palaeology -> palaeologies
palaeopathology -> palaeopathologies
palaeornithology -> palaeornithologies
palaeozoology -> palaeozoologies
palaetiology -> palaetiologies
palaic -> palaics
palankeen -> palankeens
palaquium -> palaquiums
palatableness -> palatablenesses
palatalize -> palatalizes,palatalizing,palatalized
palatopharyngoplasty -> palatopharyngoplasties
paleacrita -> paleacritas
paleencephalon -> paleencephalons
paleo-american -> paleo-americans
paleo-amerind -> paleo-amerinds
paleo-indian -> paleo-indians
paleoanthropology -> paleoanthropologies
paleobiology -> paleobiologies
paleobotany -> paleobotanies
paleocerebellum -> paleocerebellums
paleoclimatology -> paleoclimatologies
paleocortex -> paleocortexes
paleodendrology -> paleodendrologies
paleoecology -> paleoecologies
paleoencephalon -> paleoencephalons
paleoethnography -> paleoethnographies
paleogeography -> paleogeographies
paleogeology -> paleogeologies
paleographer -> paleographers
paleographist -> paleographists
paleography -> paleographies
paleolith -> paleoliths
paleology -> paleologies
paleomammalogy -> paleomammalogies
paleopathology -> paleopathologies
paleornithology -> paleornithologies
paleostriatum -> paleostriatums
paleozoology -> paleozoologies
palestra -> palestras
paletiology -> paletiologies
palingenesis -> palingeneses
palinuridae -> palinuridaes
paliurus -> paliuruss
pall-mall -> pall-malls
pallasite -> pallasites
pallette -> pallettes
pallidity -> pallidities
pallidness -> pallidnesses
palmaceae -> palmaceaes
palmales -> palmaless
palmature -> palmatures
palmister -> palmisters
palmitin -> palmitins
palometa -> palometas
paloverde -> paloverdes
palpebra -> palpebras
palpebrate -> palpebrates,palpebrating,palpebrated
palpebration -> palpebrations
palter -> palters,paltering,paltered
paltering -> palterings
pamelor -> pamelors
pamlico -> pamlicoes
pamperer -> pamperers
panamica -> panamicas
panamiga -> panamigas
panatela -> panatelas
panatella -> panatellas
panchayet -> panchayets
pancreas -> pancreases
pancytopenia -> pancytopenias
pandanales -> pandanaless
pandar -> pandars
panderer -> panderers
pandiculation -> pandiculations
pandionidae -> pandionidaes
pandowdy -> pandowdies
panegyrist -> panegyrists
paneling -> panelings
panetela -> panetelas
panetella -> panetellas
panhysterectomy -> panhysterectomies
panipat -> panipats
pannikin -> pannikins
panocha -> panochas
panoche -> panoches
panonychus -> panonychuss
panorpidae -> panorpidaes
pansexual -> pansexuals
pantie -> panties
pantomimer -> pantomimers
pantomimist -> pantomimists
pantothen -> pantothens
pantotheria -> pantotherias
pantryman -> pantrymen
pantywaist -> pantywaists
papaia -> papaias
papaveraceae -> papaveraceaes
papaverales -> papaveraless
papaverine -> papaverines
paper-knife -> paper-knives
paper-pusher -> paper-pushers
paperboard -> paperboards
paperboy -> paperboys
paperer -> paperers
paperhanger -> paperhangers
paperhanging -> paperhangings
papering -> paperings
papers -> paperss
papilionaceae -> papilionaceaes
papilionoideae -> papilionoideaes
papilledema -> papilledemas
papism -> papisms
papooseroot -> papooseroots
papovavirus -> papovaviruss
pappoose -> pappooses
paprilus -> papriluss
papule -> papules
papulovesicle -> papulovesicles
paracheirodon -> paracheirodons
parachuter -> parachuters
paracosm -> paracosms
parader -> paraders
paradiddle -> paradiddles
paradisaeidae -> paradisaeidaes
paradoxurus -> paradoxuruss
parafovea -> parafoveas
paragonite -> paragonites
paragrapher -> paragraphers
paralanguage -> paralanguages
paraleipsis -> paraleipses
paralepsis -> paralepses
paralichthys -> paralichthyss
paralipomenon -> paralipomenons
paralipsis -> paralipses
paralithodes -> paralithodess
parallelepipedon -> parallelepipedons
parallelopiped -> parallelopipeds
parallelopipedon -> parallelopipedons
paralogism -> paralogisms
paralytic -> paralytics
paramagnet -> paramagnets
paramecia -> paramecias
paramnesia -> paramnesias
paranthias -> paranthiass
paranthropus -> paranthropera
paraparesis -> parapareses
paraph -> paraphs
paraphilia -> paraphilias
paraphrasis -> paraphrases
paraphrenia -> paraphrenias
paraphysis -> paraphyses
paraplegic -> paraplegics
parapodium -> parapodiums
paraquet -> paraquets
parasail -> parasails
parascalops -> parascalopss
parashurama -> parashuramas
parasitaxus -> parasitaxuss
parasitemia -> parasitemias
parathelypteris -> parathelypteriss
parathormone -> parathormones
paratroops -> paratroopss
parazoa -> parazoas
parazoan -> parazoans
parcae -> parcaes
parceling -> parcelings
parcellation -> parcellations
parcheesi -> parcheesis
paregmenon -> paregmenons
parer -> parers
paresthesia -> paresthesias
paretic -> paretics
parget -> pargets
pargeting -> pargetings
pargetry -> pargetries
pargetting -> pargettings
parhelion -> parhelions
paridae -> paridaes
paries -> pariess
parietales -> parietaless
parietaria -> parietarias
parimutuel -> parimutuels
parisology -> parisologies
parjanya -> parjanyas
parji -> parjis
parkeriaceae -> parkeriaceaes
parkersburg -> parkersburgs
parkinson's -> parkinsons'
parkinsonia -> parkinsonias
parlormaid -> parlormaids
parmeliaceae -> parmeliaceaes
parnahiba -> parnahibas
parnaiba -> parnaibas
parnassia -> parnassias
parochetus -> parochetuss
parolee -> parolees
paronomasia -> paronomasias
paronychia -> paronychias
parophrys -> parophryss
paroquet -> paroquets
parosamia -> parosamias
paroxetime -> paroxetimes
paroxytone -> paroxytones
parqueterie -> parqueteries
parrakeet -> parrakeets
parroket -> parrokets
parroquet -> parroquets
parrotia -> parrotias
parrotiopsis -> parrotiopses
parseeism -> parseeisms
parsiism -> parsiisms
parsimoniousness -> parsimoniousnesses
part-singing -> part-singings
parthenocarpy -> parthenocarpies
parthenocissus -> parthenocissuss
parthenogeny -> parthenogenies
parthenote -> parthenotes
partialness -> partialnesses
particular -> particulars
partitia -> partitias
partitionist -> partitionists
partitive -> partitives
partridgeberry -> partridgeberries
parts -> partss
partsong -> partsongs
parturiency -> parturiencies
parula -> parulas
parulidae -> parulidaes
pas -> pass
pasang -> pasangs
pasch -> pasches
pascha -> paschas
pashto -> pashtoes
pashtoon -> pashtoons
pasigraphy -> pasigraphies
pasiphae -> pasiphaes
paspalum -> paspalums
pasqueflower -> pasqueflowers
pasquinade -> pasquinades
passado -> passadoes
passamaquody -> passamaquodies
passe-partout -> passe-partouts
passer-by -> passers-by
passeres -> passeress
passeridae -> passeridaes
passeriformes -> passeriformess
passerina -> passerinas
passero -> passeroes
passionateness -> passionatenesses
passionflower -> passionflowers
passivism -> passivisms
past -> pasts
pasteurellosis -> pasteurelloses
pastiche -> pastiches
pastil -> pastils
pastinaca -> pastinacas
pasto -> pastoes
pastorship -> pastorships
patas -> patass
patavium -> pataviums
patchboard -> patchboards
patchcord -> patchcords
patchouly -> patchoulies
patella -> patellae
patellidae -> patellidaes
paterfamilias -> paterfamiliases
pathos -> pathos
patisserie -> patisseries
patka -> patkas
patness -> patnesses
patrai -> patrais
patriarchy -> patriarchies
patricide -> patricides
patrikin -> patrikins
patrilineage -> patrilineages
patrioteer -> patrioteers
patrisib -> patrisibs
patristics -> patristicss
patroller -> patrollers
patrology -> patrologies
patternmaker -> patternmakers
patty-pan -> patty-pans
patwin -> patwins
patzer -> patzers
paunchy -> paunchier,paunchiest
pauropoda -> pauropodas
pavage -> pavages
pavise -> pavises
pawer -> pawers
paxil -> paxils
paxto -> paxtoes
pay-station -> pay-stations
payables -> payabless
paycheck -> paychecks
payena -> payenas
paygrade -> paygrades
paynim -> paynims
paysheet -> paysheets
pb -> pbs
pd -> pds
pdflp -> pdflps
pe-tsai -> pe-tsais
pea-chick -> pea-chicks
peaceableness -> peaceablenesses
peach-wood -> peach-woods
peachick -> peachicks
peachwood -> peachwoods
peacoat -> peacoats
peacock-throne -> peacock-thrones
peag -> peags
peaky -> peakier,peakiest
peanuts -> peanutss
pearl-weed -> pearl-weeds
pearler -> pearlers
pearlite -> pearlites
pearlweed -> pearlweeds
pearlwort -> pearlworts
peasanthood -> peasanthoods
peasecod -> peasecods
peaty -> peatier,peatiest
peba -> pebas
pebbly -> pebblier,pebbliest
peckerwood -> peckerwoods
pecopteris -> pecopteriss
pectinibranchia -> pectinibranchias
pectinidae -> pectinidaes
pectus -> pectuss
peculate -> peculates,peculating,peculated
peculator -> peculators
pedagog -> pedagogs
pedagogics -> pedagogicss
pedagogue -> pedagogues
pedaler -> pedalers
pedaliaceae -> pedaliaceaes
pedaller -> pedallers
pedesis -> pedeses
pediamycin -> pediamycins
pediapred -> pediapreds
pediatrist -> pediatrists
pediculati -> pediculatis
pediculicide -> pediculicides
pediculidae -> pediculidaes
pedilanthus -> pedilanthuss
pediocactus -> pediocactuss
pedioecetes -> pedioecetess
pedionomus -> pedionomuss
pedipalpi -> pedipalpis
pedodontist -> pedodontists
pedophile -> pedophiles
pedophilia -> pedophilias
pedwood -> pedwoods
peen -> peens
peeve -> peeves,peeving,peeved
peewee -> peewees
peg-leg -> peg-legs
pegboard -> pegboards
pegleg -> peglegs
pei -> peis
peiping -> peipings
peireskia -> peireskias
pekan -> pekans
pelage -> pelages
pelecanidae -> pelecanidaes
pelecaniformes -> pelecaniformess
pelecanoididae -> pelecanoididaes
pelecanus -> pelecanuss
pelecypod -> pelecypods
pelew -> pelews
peliosis -> pelioses
pellaea -> pellaeas
pellicle -> pellicles
pellicularia -> pellicularias
pellitory -> pellitories
pellitory-of-spain -> pellitories-of-spain
pellitory-of-the-wall -> pellitories-of-the-wall
pellucidity -> pellucidities
pellucidness -> pellucidnesses
pelobatidae -> pelobatidaes
peltandra -> peltandras
pelter -> pelters
peltiphyllum -> peltiphyllums
peludo -> peludoes
pelvimeter -> pelvimeters
pelvimetry -> pelvimetries
pelycosauria -> pelycosaurias
pemican -> pemicans
pempheridae -> pempheridaes
pen-tail -> pen-tails
penalization -> penalizations
peneidae -> peneidaes
peneplain -> peneplains
peneplane -> peneplanes
penetrability -> penetrabilities
penetralia -> penetralias
peneus -> peneuss
pengo -> pengoes
penicillinase -> penicillinases
penis -> penises
penitentiary -> penitentiaries
penknife -> penknives
pennatula -> pennatulas
pennatulidae -> pennatulidaes
pennilessness -> pennilessnesses
pennisetum -> pennisetums
pennoncel -> pennoncels
pennoncelle -> pennoncelles
pennyweight -> pennyweights
pennywhistle -> pennywhistles
penobscot -> penobscots
penoche -> penoches
penoncel -> penoncels
penpusher -> penpushers
pensacola -> pensacolas
pentaerythritol -> pentaerythritols
pentahedron -> pentahedrons
pentail -> pentails
pentamethylenetetrazol -> pentamethylenetetrazols
pentastomid -> pentastomids
pentastomida -> pentastomidas
pentathlon -> pentathlons
pentatone -> pentatones
pentazocine -> pentazocines
pentecostalism -> pentecostalisms
pentimento -> pentimentoes
pentlandite -> pentlandites
pentode -> pentodes
pentose -> pentoses
pentoxide -> pentoxides
pentoxifylline -> pentoxifyllines
pentylenetetrazol -> pentylenetetrazols
penuche -> penuches
penuchle -> penuchles
penult -> penults
penultima -> penultimas
penuriousness -> penuriousnesses
penutian -> penutians
peoples -> peopless
pepcid -> pepcids
peperomia -> peperomias
peplum -> peplums
peplus -> pepluss
pepperidge -> pepperidges
pepperiness -> pepperinesses
pepperpot -> pepperpots
pepperwood -> pepperwoods
pepperwort -> pepperworts
peppiness -> peppinesses
peptidase -> peptidases
peptisation -> peptisations
peptization -> peptizations
peptize -> peptizes,peptizing,peptized
pepto-bismal -> pepto-bismals
peramelidae -> peramelidaes
perca -> percas
perceptivity -> perceptivities
percher -> perchers
percheron -> percherons
perchloride -> perchlorides
perchloromethane -> perchloromethanes
percidae -> percidaes
perciformes -> perciformess
percina -> percinas
percoid -> percoids
percoidea -> percoideas
percoidean -> percoideans
percomorphi -> percomorphis
percophidae -> percophidaes
percuss -> percusses,percussing,percussed
perdicidae -> perdicidaes
perdicinae -> perdicinaes
perdurability -> perdurabilities
peregrinate -> peregrinates,peregrinating,peregrinated
perejil -> perejils
perennate -> perennates,perennating,perennated
perennation -> perennations
pereskia -> pereskias
perfecta -> perfectas
perfidiousness -> perfidiousnesses
perfluorocarbon -> perfluorocarbons
periactin -> periactins
perianth -> perianths
periapsis -> periapses
pericallis -> pericalliss
pericardium -> pericardiums
pericementoclasia -> pericementoclasias
periclase -> periclases
peridinian -> peridinians
peridiniidae -> peridiniidaes
peridinium -> peridiniums
peridium -> peridiums
perigee -> perigees
perigon -> perigons
perigone -> perigones
perigonium -> perigoniums
perijove -> perijoves
perilousness -> perilousnesses
perilune -> perilunes
perilymph -> perilymphs
perimysium -> perimysiums
perinatologist -> perinatologists
perinatology -> perinatologies
perineotomy -> perineotomies
periodontia -> periodontias
periodontics -> periodonticss
periodontist -> periodontists
periophthalmus -> periophthalmuss
peripatidae -> peripatidaes
peripatopsidae -> peripatopsidaes
peripatopsis -> peripatopses
peripatus -> peripatuss
peripeteia -> peripeteias
peripetia -> peripetias
peripety -> peripeties
periploca -> periplocas
periselene -> periselenes
perishability -> perishabilities
perishableness -> perishablenesses
perisoreus -> perisoreuss
perisperm -> perisperms
perissodactyl -> perissodactyls
perissodactyla -> perissodactylas
peristediinae -> peristediinaes
peristedion -> peristedions
peristome -> peristomes
perithelium -> peritheliums
peritrate -> peritrates
perleche -> perleches
permalloy -> permalloys
permanency -> permanencies
permeableness -> permeablenesses
permic -> permics
permutability -> permutabilities
permutableness -> permutablenesses
perniciousness -> perniciousnesses
pernio -> pernios
perodicticus -> perodicticuss
perognathus -> perognathuss
peromyscus -> peromyscuss
peroneus -> peroneuss
peronospora -> peronosporas
peronosporaceae -> peronosporaceaes
peronosporales -> peronosporaless
perorate -> perorates,perorating,perorated
perpendicularity -> perpendicularities
perphenazine -> perphenazines
perseveration -> perseverations
persimmon -> persimmons
personableness -> personablenesses
personal -> personals
personate -> personates,personating,personated
persoonia -> persoonias
perspicaciousness -> perspicaciousnesses
perspicuousness -> perspicuousnesses
perspirer -> perspirers
pertainym -> pertainyms
pertinency -> pertinencies
pertusaria -> pertusarias
pertusariaceae -> pertusariaceaes
perusing -> perusings
pervaporation -> pervaporations
perviousness -> perviousnesses
pes -> pess
pesah -> pesahs
pesantran -> pesantrans
pesantren -> pesantrens
pesewa -> pesewas
pesterer -> pesterers
pesthole -> pestholes
pesthouse -> pesthouses
petabyte -> petabytes
petasites -> petasitess
petaurista -> petauristas
petauristidae -> petauristidaes
petaurus -> petauruss
petchary -> petcharies
petcock -> petcocks
petechia -> petechias
petiolule -> petiolules
petit-four -> petit-fours,petits-fours
petiteness -> petitenesses
petrarca -> petrarcas
petrifaction -> petrifactions
petrissage -> petrissages
petrocoptis -> petrocoptiss
petrogale -> petrogales
petrolatum -> petrolatums
petromyzon -> petromyzons
petromyzoniformes -> petromyzoniformess
petromyzontidae -> petromyzontidaes
petroselinum -> petroselinums
petteria -> petterias
pettifog -> pettifogs,pettifogging,pettifogged
pettifogger -> pettifoggers
pettifoggery -> pettifoggeries
pettishness -> pettishnesses
peul -> peuls
pewee -> pewees
pewit -> pewits
peziza -> pezizas
pezizaceae -> pezizaceaes
pezizales -> pezizaless
pezophaps -> pezophapss
pfannkuchen -> pfannkuchens
pfc -> pfcs
phacelia -> phacelias
phaeochromocytoma -> phaeochromocytomas
phaeophyceae -> phaeophyceaes
phaeophyta -> phaeophytas
phaethon -> phaethons
phaethontidae -> phaethontidaes
phagun -> phaguns
phaius -> phaiuss
phalacrocoracidae -> phalacrocoracidaes
phalacrosis -> phalacroses
phalaenopsis -> phalaenopses
phalaenoptilus -> phalaenoptiluss
phalanger -> phalangers
phalangeridae -> phalangeridaes
phalangida -> phalangidas
phalangiidae -> phalangiidaes
phalangium -> phalangiums
phalaropidae -> phalaropidaes
phalguna -> phalgunas
phallaceae -> phallaceaes
phallales -> phallaless
phalloplasty -> phalloplasties
phallus -> phalli,phalluses
phalsa -> phalsas
phanerogamae -> phanerogamaes
phaneromania -> phaneromanias
phantasma -> phantasmas
pharmaceutic -> pharmaceutics
pharmaceutics -> pharmaceuticss
pharmacogenetics -> pharmacogeneticss
pharmacopeia -> pharmacopeias
pharomacrus -> pharomacruss
pharsalus -> pharsaluss
phascogale -> phascogales
phascolarctos -> phascolarctoss
phaseolus -> phaseoluss
phasianid -> phasianids
phasianidae -> phasianidaes
phasmatidae -> phasmatidaes
phasmatodea -> phasmatodeas
phasmida -> phasmidas
phasmidae -> phasmidaes
phasmidia -> phasmidias
pheasant's-eye -> pheasant's-eyes
phegopteris -> phegopteriss
phellem -> phellems
phellodendron -> phellodendrons
phenacomys -> phenacomyss
phenaphen -> phenaphens
phenazopyridine -> phenazopyridines
phencyclidine -> phencyclidines
phenelzine -> phenelzines
phenergan -> phenergans
phenicia -> phenicias
pheniramine -> pheniramines
pheno-safranine -> pheno-safranines
phenolphthalein -> phenolphthaleins
phenoplast -> phenoplasts
phensuximide -> phensuximides
phentolamine -> phentolamines
phenylacetamide -> phenylacetamides
phenylethylene -> phenylethylenes
phenylpropanolamine -> phenylpropanolamines
phenyltoloxamine -> phenyltoloxamines
pheresis -> phereses
philadelphaceae -> philadelphaceaes
philaenus -> philaenuss
philanderer -> philanderers
philhellenist -> philhellenists
philia -> philias
philip -> philips
philippians -> philippianss
philippine -> philippines
philippopolis -> philippopoliss
phillidae -> phillidaes
phillipsite -> phillipsites
phillyrea -> phillyreas
philogyny -> philogynies
philohela -> philohelas
philologue -> philologues
philomath -> philomaths
philophylla -> philophyllas
philosophiser -> philosophisers
philosophizer -> philosophizers
philter -> philters
phintias -> phintiass
phlebectomy -> phlebectomies
phlebodium -> phlebodiums
phlebogram -> phlebograms
phlebothrombosis -> phlebothromboses
phlebotomize -> phlebotomizes,phlebotomizing,phlebotomized
phlebotomus -> phlebotomuss
phleum -> phleums
phobophobia -> phobophobias
phoca -> phocas
phocaena -> phocaenas
phocidae -> phocidaes
phocomelia -> phocomelias
phoenicophorium -> phoenicophoriums
phoenicopteridae -> phoenicopteridaes
phoeniculidae -> phoeniculidaes
phoeniculus -> phoeniculuss
phoenicurus -> phoenicuruss
pholadidae -> pholadidaes
pholas -> pholass
pholidae -> pholidaes
pholidota -> pholidotas
pholiota -> pholiotas
pholis -> pholiss
pholistoma -> pholistomas
phonate -> phonates,phonating,phonated
phonation -> phonations
phonemics -> phonemicss
phoner -> phoners
phonetic -> phonetics
phonophobia -> phonophobias
phoradendron -> phoradendrons
phoronid -> phoronids
phoronida -> phoronidas
phoronidea -> phoronideas
phosphocreatine -> phosphocreatines
phosphoresce -> phosphoresces,phosphorescing,phosphoresced
phot -> phots
photalgia -> photalgias
photinia -> photinias
photo-offset -> photo-offsets
photoblepharon -> photoblepharons
photocathode -> photocathodes
photocoagulator -> photocoagulators
photoconduction -> photoconductions
photoconductivity -> photoconductivities
photoelectricity -> photoelectricities
photoengraving -> photoengravings
photoflash -> photoflashes
photolithograph -> photolithographs
photomechanics -> photomechanicss
photometrician -> photometricians
photometrist -> photometrists
photopigment -> photopigments
photoplatemaking -> photoplatemakings
photosensitize -> photosensitizes,photosensitizing,photosensitized
phototropism -> phototropisms
phoxinus -> phoxinuss
phragmacone -> phragmacones
phragmipedium -> phragmipediums
phragmites -> phragmitess
phragmocone -> phragmocones
phrontistery -> phrontisteries
phrynosoma -> phrynosomas
phs -> phss
phthiriidae -> phthiriidaes
phthirius -> phthiriuss
phthorimaea -> phthorimaeas
phycobilin -> phycobilins
phycocyanin -> phycocyanins
phycology -> phycologies
phycomycetes -> phycomycetess
phycomycosis -> phycomycoses
phyle -> phyles
phyllidae -> phyllidaes
phyllium -> phylliums
phylloclad -> phylloclads
phyllocladaceae -> phyllocladaceaes
phylloclade -> phylloclades
phyllocladus -> phyllocladuss
phyllode -> phyllodes
phyllodoce -> phyllodoces
phylloporus -> phylloporuss
phylloquinone -> phylloquinones
phyllorhynchus -> phyllorhynchuss
phylloscopus -> phylloscopera
phyllostachys -> phyllostachyss
phyllostomatidae -> phyllostomatidaes
phyllostomidae -> phyllostomidaes
phyllostomus -> phyllostomuss
phylloxeridae -> phylloxeridaes
phylogenesis -> phylogeneses
physa -> physas
physalis -> physaliss
physaria -> physarias
physeter -> physeters
physeteridae -> physeteridaes
physiatrics -> physiatricss
physic -> physics
physical -> physicals
physicalness -> physicalnesses
physidae -> physidaes
physostegia -> physostegias
physostigma -> physostigmas
physostigmine -> physostigmines
phytelephas -> phytelephass
phytohormone -> phytohormones
phytolaccaceae -> phytolaccaceaes
phytology -> phytologies
phytomastigina -> phytomastiginas
phytonadione -> phytonadiones
phytotherapy -> phytotherapies
phytotoxin -> phytotoxins
piaffe -> piaffes
pibgorn -> pibgorns
pica-pica -> picas-picas
picaninny -> picaninnies
picariae -> picariaes
pichiciago -> pichiciagoes
pichiciego -> pichiciegoes
picidae -> picidaes
piciformes -> piciformess
pick-me-up -> pick-me-ups
pick-off -> picks-off
pickaninny -> pickaninnies
pickaxe -> pickaxes
pickelhaube -> pickelhaubes
pickerelweed -> pickerelweeds
pickeringia -> pickeringias
pickings -> pickingss
picklepuss -> picklepusses
picknicker -> picknickers
picky -> pickier,pickiest
picofarad -> picofarads
picoides -> picoidess
picometer -> picometers
picometre -> picometres
picornavirus -> picornaviruss
picovolt -> picovolts
picrasma -> picrasmas
picris -> picriss
pictograph -> pictographs
picul -> piculs
piculet -> piculets
picumnus -> picumnuss
pidlimdi -> pidlimdis
pie-dog -> pie-dogs
pied-a-terre -> pied-a-terres
pied-à-terre -> pieds-à-terre
pieplant -> pieplants
pierid -> pierids
pieridae -> pieridaes
pierrot -> pierrots
piezoelectricity -> piezoelectricities
piezometer -> piezometers
pigboat -> pigboats
piggishness -> piggishnesses
piggybank -> piggybanks
pignolia -> pignolias
pignut -> pignuts
pigpen -> pigpens
pigsticking -> pigstickings
pigwash -> pigwashes
pigweed -> pigweeds
pike-perch -> pike-perches
pikeblenny -> pikeblennies
pilate -> pilates
pilaw -> pilaws
pilea -> pileas
piles -> piless
pileus -> pileuss
pilewort -> pileworts
pillwort -> pillworts
pilosella -> pilosellas
pilosity -> pilosities
pilothouse -> pilothouses
pilularia -> pilularias
pilus -> piluss
pimenta -> pimentas
pimozide -> pimozides
pimpinella -> pimpinellas
pin-table -> pin-tables
pinaceae -> pinaceaes
pinata -> pinatas
pincer -> pincers
pinch-hit -> pinch-hits,pinch-hitting
pinche -> pinches
pinckneya -> pinckneyas
pinctada -> pinctadas
pindaric -> pindarics
pindolol -> pindolols
pine-weed -> pine-weeds
pinealoma -> pinealomas
pinesap -> pinesaps
pineus -> pineuss
pineweed -> pineweeds
pinguecula -> pingueculas
pinguicula -> pinguiculas
pinguinus -> pinguinuss
pinhead -> pinheads
pinicola -> pinicolas
pinite -> pinites
pinkeye -> pinkeyes
pinkie -> pinkies
pinkroot -> pinkroots
pinna -> pinnas
pinnatiped -> pinnatipeds
pinniped -> pinnipeds
pinnipedia -> pinnipedias
pinnotheres -> pinnotheress
pinnotheridae -> pinnotheridaes
pinochle -> pinochles
pinocle -> pinocles
pinocytosis -> pinocytoses
pinole -> pinoles
pinon -> pinons
pinophytina -> pinophytinas
pinopsida -> pinopsidas
pinsk -> pinsks
pintado -> pintadoes
pintle -> pintles
pinworm -> pinworms
pinyon -> pinyons
piolet -> piolets
piousness -> piousnesses
pip-squeak -> pip-squeaks
pipage -> pipages
pipal -> pipals
pipefitting -> pipefittings
piperacillin -> piperacillins
piperales -> piperaless
piperin -> piperins
piperine -> piperines
piperocaine -> piperocaines
pipewort -> pipeworts
pipidae -> pipidaes
pipile -> pipiles
pipilo -> pipiloes
pipistrel -> pipistrels
pipistrellus -> pipistrelluss
pipra -> pipras
pipracil -> pipracils
pipridae -> pipridaes
pipsissewa -> pipsissewas
piptadenia -> piptadenias
pipturus -> pipturuss
pipul -> pipuls
piquance -> piquances
piquantness -> piquantnesses
piqueria -> piquerias
pirana -> piranas
piranga -> pirangas
pirogi -> pirogis
piroplasm -> piroplasms
piroshki -> piroshkis
pirozhki -> pirozhkis
pis -> piss
pisanosaur -> pisanosaurs
piscary -> piscaries
piscidia -> piscidias
pisiform -> pisiforms
pismire -> pismires
pisonia -> pisonias
pissis -> pisses
pistillode -> pistillodes
pistoleer -> pistoleers
pitahaya -> pitahayas
pitanga -> pitangas
pitcherful -> pitcherfuls
pitchstone -> pitchstones
pith -> piths,pithing,pithed
pithecellobium -> pithecellobiums
pithecia -> pithecias
pithecolobium -> pithecolobiums
pithiness -> pithinesses
pitilessness -> pitilessnesses
pitocin -> pitocins
pitprop -> pitprops
pitressin -> pitressins
pitt -> pitts
pittidae -> pittidaes
pittsfield -> pittsfields
pituophis -> pituophiss
pitymys -> pitymyss
pityriasis -> pityriases
pityrogramma -> pityrogrammas
piute -> piutes
pixie -> pixies
pizzaz -> pizzazs
pj's -> pjs'
pkd -> pkds
placation -> placations
place-kicker -> place-kickers
place-worship -> place-worships
placeholder -> placeholders
placekicker -> placekickers
placentation -> placentations
placeseeker -> placeseekers
placidness -> placidnesses
placidyl -> placidyls
placodermi -> placodermis
placuna -> placunas
plagianthus -> plagianthuss
plagiarisation -> plagiarisations
plagiariser -> plagiarisers
plagiarization -> plagiarizations
plagiarizer -> plagiarizers
plagiocephaly -> plagiocephalies
plainclothesman -> plainclothesmen
plainsman -> plainsmen
plaintiveness -> plaintivenesses
planchet -> planchets
planeness -> planenesses
planera -> planeras
planimeter -> planimeters
plank-bed -> plank-beds
plano -> planoes
planococcus -> planococcuss
planography -> planographies
plantaginaceae -> plantaginaceaes
plantaginales -> plantaginaless
planthopper -> planthoppers
plantigrade -> plantigrades
planula -> planulas
plaquenil -> plaquenils
plasmablast -> plasmablasts
plasmacyte -> plasmacytes
plasmacytoma -> plasmacytomas
plasmodiidae -> plasmodiidaes
plasmodiophora -> plasmodiophoras
plasmodiophoraceae -> plasmodiophoraceaes
plastination -> plastinations
plataleidae -> plataleidaes
platan -> platans
platanaceae -> platanaceaes
platanistidae -> platanistidaes
platanthera -> platantheras
plateletpheresis -> plateletphereses
platichthys -> platichthyss
platinize -> platinizes,platinizing,platinized
platitudinarian -> platitudinarians
platitudinize -> platitudinizes,platitudinizing,platitudinized
plattdeutsch -> plattdeutsches
plattensee -> plattensees
platycephalidae -> platycephalidaes
platycerium -> platyceriums
platyctenea -> platycteneas
platyctenean -> platycteneans
platyhelminthes -> platyhelminthess
platylobium -> platylobiums
platymiscium -> platymisciums
platypoecilus -> platypoeciluss
platyrrhine -> platyrrhines
platyrrhini -> platyrrhinis
platyrrhinian -> platyrrhinians
platysma -> platysmas
platystemon -> platystemons
plaudits -> plauditss
plausibleness -> plausiblenesses
plavix -> plavixes
play-act -> play-acts,play-acting,play-acted
play-box -> play-boxes
playacting -> playactings
playactor -> playactors
playbox -> playboxes
pleach -> pleaches,pleaching,pleached
plebe -> plebes
plecopteran -> plecopterans
plecotus -> plecotuss
plectania -> plectanias
plectognath -> plectognaths
plectognathi -> plectognathis
plectomycetes -> plectomycetess
plectophera -> plectopheras
plectorrhiza -> plectorrhizas
plectranthus -> plectranthuss
plectron -> plectrons
plectrophenax -> plectrophenaxes
pleiades -> pleiadess
pleiospilos -> pleiospiloss
plenteousness -> plenteousnesses
plentifulness -> plentifulnesses
plentitude -> plentitudes
pleochroism -> pleochroisms
pleomorphism -> pleomorphisms
pleonaste -> pleonastes
pleopod -> pleopods
plesianthropus -> plesianthropera
plesiosauria -> plesiosaurias
plesiosaurus -> plesiosauruss
plessimeter -> plessimeters
plessor -> plessors
plethodon -> plethodons
plethodont -> plethodonts
plethodontidae -> plethodontidaes
plethysmograph -> plethysmographs
pleuralgia -> pleuralgias
pleurobrachia -> pleurobrachias
pleurobrachiidae -> pleurobrachiidaes
pleurocarp -> pleurocarps
pleurodont -> pleurodonts
pleurodynia -> pleurodynias
pleuronectes -> pleuronectess
pleuronectidae -> pleuronectidaes
pleuropneumonia -> pleuropneumonias
pleurosorus -> pleurosoruss
pleurothallis -> pleurothalliss
pleurotus -> pleurotuss
plevna -> plevnas
pleximeter -> pleximeters
pleximetry -> pleximetries
plexor -> plexors
plexus -> plexus
pliantness -> pliantnesses
plica -> plicas
plication -> plications
plicatoperipatus -> plicatoperipatuss
pliers -> pliers
ploceidae -> ploceidaes
ploceus -> ploceuss
plosion -> plosions
ploughwright -> ploughwrights
plowboy -> plowboys
plower -> plowers
plowing -> plowings
plowland -> plowlands
plowshare -> plowshares
plowwright -> plowwrights
ployurethan -> ployurethans
pluckiness -> pluckinesses
plug-ugly -> plug-uglies
plugboard -> plugboards
plum-yew -> plum-yews
plumbaginaceae -> plumbaginaceaes
plumbaginales -> plumbaginaless
plumbery -> plumberies
plumbism -> plumbisms
plumcot -> plumcots
plumeria -> plumerias
plumiera -> plumieras
plummy -> plummier,plummiest
plumule -> plumules
plunderage -> plunderages
plunker -> plunkers
pluralization -> pluralizations
plushy -> plushier,plushiest
pluteaceae -> pluteaceaes
pluteus -> pluteuss
plutocracy -> plutocracies
pluvianus -> pluvianuss
pluviometer -> pluviometers
pluviose -> pluvioses
plyer -> plyers
plyers -> plyerss
plzen -> plzens
pms -> pmss
pneumatophore -> pneumatophores
pneumocytosis -> pneumocytoses
pneumoencephalogram -> pneumoencephalograms
pneumogastric -> pneumogastrics
pneumonectomy -> pneumonectomies
pneumonitis -> pneumonitis
pneumonoconiosis -> pneumonoconioses
pneumovax -> pneumovaxes
poaceae -> poaceaes
pocahontas -> pocahontass
pocatello -> pocatelloes
pocketbook -> pocketbooks
pocketcomb -> pocketcombs
pocketknife -> pocketknives
podalgia -> podalgias
podalyria -> podalyrias
podargidae -> podargidaes
podargus -> podarguss
podaxaceae -> podaxaceaes
podetium -> podetiums
podicipedidae -> podicipedidaes
podicipediformes -> podicipediformess
podicipitiformes -> podicipitiformess
podilymbus -> podilymbuss
podocarp -> podocarps
podocarpaceae -> podocarpaceaes
podophyllum -> podophyllums
poeciliid -> poeciliids
poeciliidae -> poeciliidaes
poecilocapsus -> poecilocapsuss
poecilogale -> poecilogales
poenology -> poenologies
poephila -> poephilas
poet-singer -> poet-singers
poetiser -> poetisers
poetize -> poetizes,poetizing,poetized
poetizer -> poetizers
pogey -> pogeys
pogge -> pogges
pogonia -> pogonias
pogonion -> pogonions
pogonip -> pogonips
pogonophora -> pogonophoras
pogostemon -> pogostemons
pogy -> pogies
poikilotherm -> poikilotherms
poinciana -> poincianas
pointel -> pointels
pointilism -> pointilisms
pointilist -> pointilists
pointrel -> pointrels
poison-berry -> poison-berries
poisonberry -> poisonberries
poitou-charentes -> poitou-charentess
poivrade -> poivrades
pokeweed -> pokeweeds
pokomo -> pokomoes
poky -> pokier,pokiest
polack -> polacks
polanisia -> polanisias
polarimeter -> polarimeters
polariscope -> polariscopes
polarography -> polarographies
poleaxe -> poleaxes,poleaxing,poleaxed
polemics -> polemicss
polemist -> polemists
polemoniaceae -> polemoniaceaes
polemoniales -> polemonialess
polemonium -> polemoniums
poler -> polers
polestar -> polestars
polianthes -> polianthess
polioptila -> polioptilas
poliosis -> polioses
polistes -> polistess
politic -> politics
pollachius -> pollachiuss
pollenation -> pollenations
pollex -> pollexes
pollinium -> polliniums
pollinosis -> pollinoses
polliwog -> polliwogs
polls -> pollss
pollucite -> pollucites
pollywog -> pollywogs
polony -> polonies
poltroonery -> poltrooneries
polyandrist -> polyandrists
polyangiaceae -> polyangiaceaes
polyangium -> polyangiums
polybotria -> polybotrias
polybotrya -> polybotryas
polybutene -> polybutenes
polychaeta -> polychaetas
polychete -> polychetes
polycillin -> polycillins
polycirrus -> polycirruss
polycythemia -> polycythemias
polydactylus -> polydactyluss
polydactyly -> polydactylies
polydipsia -> polydipsias
polyergus -> polyerguss
polygalaceae -> polygalaceaes
polygene -> polygenes
polyglot -> polyglots
polygonales -> polygonaless
polygonatum -> polygonatums
polygonia -> polygonias
polygynist -> polygynists
polyhidrosis -> polyhidroses
polymastigina -> polymastiginas
polymastigote -> polymastigotes
polymox -> polymoxes
polynemidae -> polynemidaes
polyodon -> polyodons
polyodontidae -> polyodontidaes
polyoma -> polyomas
polyose -> polyoses
polypedates -> polypedatess
polypedatidae -> polypedatidaes
polyphone -> polyphones
polyplacophora -> polyplacophoras
polyplacophore -> polyplacophores
polypodiales -> polypodialess
polypody -> polypodies
polyporaceae -> polyporaceaes
polypore -> polypores
polyporus -> polyporuss
polyprion -> polyprions
polypropene -> polypropenes
polypropenonitrile -> polypropenonitriles
polyptoton -> polyptotons
polypus -> polypuss
polysemant -> polysemants
polysomy -> polysomies
polystichum -> polystichums
polysyndeton -> polysyndetons
polytonalism -> polytonalisms
polyuria -> polyurias
polyvalence -> polyvalences
polyvalency -> polyvalencies
polyvinyl-formaldehyde -> polyvinyl-formaldehydes
polyzoan -> polyzoans
pomacanthus -> pomacanthuss
pomacentridae -> pomacentridaes
pomacentrus -> pomacentruss
pomaderris -> pomaderriss
pomatomidae -> pomatomidaes
pomatomus -> pomatomuss
pomatum -> pomatums
pomo -> pomoes
pomolobus -> pomolobuss
pomologist -> pomologists
pomology -> pomologies
pomoxis -> pomoxes
poncirus -> ponciruss
pond-skater -> pond-skaters
ponderer -> ponderers
ponderosity -> ponderosities
pone -> pones
pongamia -> pongamias
pongee -> pongees
pongid -> pongids
poniard -> poniards,poniarding,poniarded
ponka -> ponkas
ponstel -> ponstels
pontederia -> pontederias
pontos -> pontoss
ponycart -> ponycarts
pood -> poods
pooecetes -> pooecetess
poon -> poons
poorness -> poornesses
poove -> pooves
pop-fly -> pop-flies
popillia -> popillias
popover -> popovers
porcellio -> porcellios
porcellionidae -> porcellionidaes
porcupines -> porcupiness
poriferan -> poriferans
pork-barreling -> pork-barrelings
porkchop -> porkchops
porkholt -> porkholts
poronotus -> poronotuss
poroporo -> poroporoes
porousness -> porousnesses
porphyra -> porphyras
porphyria -> porphyrias
portcullis -> portcullises
porte-cochere -> porte-cocheres
portly -> portlier,portliest
portrayer -> portrayers
portraying -> portrayings
portuguese -> portuguese
portulaca -> portulacas
portulacaceae -> portulacaceaes
portunidae -> portunidaes
portwatcher -> portwatchers
positioner -> positioners
posology -> posologies
posse -> posses
posseman -> possemen
possible -> possibles
possibleness -> possiblenesses
possumwood -> possumwoods
post-box -> post-boxes
post-maturity -> post-maturities
post-menopause -> post-menopauses
postcava -> postcavas
postdiluvian -> postdiluvians
postdoc -> postdocs
posterboard -> posterboards
posteriority -> posteriorities
postiche -> postiches
postimpressionist -> postimpressionists
postponer -> postponers
postposition -> postpositions
postulator -> postulators
postum -> postums
posturer -> posturers
potamogale -> potamogales
potamogalidae -> potamogalidaes
potamogetonaceae -> potamogetonaceaes
potamophis -> potamophiss
potawatomi -> potawatomis
potence -> potences
poterium -> poteriums
pothead -> potheads
pothos -> pothoss
pothunter -> pothunters
potomania -> potomanias
potoroinae -> potoroinaes
potoroo -> potoroos
potorous -> potorouss
potos -> potoss
potpie -> potpies
poudrin -> poudrins
pouffe -> pouffes
poultryman -> poultrymen
poundal -> poundals
pourboire -> pourboires
pousse-cafe -> pousse-cafes
pouteria -> pouterias
powderer -> powderers
powderiness -> powderinesses
powerfulness -> powerfulnesses
powhatan -> powhatans
powwow -> powwows,powwowing,powwowed
poyang -> poyangs
poyou -> poyous
pozsony -> pozsonies
pplo -> pploes
practicableness -> practicablenesses
practician -> practicians
praenomen -> praenomens
praetorship -> praetorships
pragmatic -> pragmatics
prairial -> prairials
prairie -> prairies
praiseworthiness -> praiseworthinesses
praisworthiness -> praisworthinesses
prajapati -> prajapatis
prankishness -> prankishnesses
praseodymium -> praseodymiums
praunus -> praunuss
pravachol -> pravachols
pravastatin -> pravastatins
praya -> prayas
pre-emptor -> pre-emptors
pre-socratic -> pre-socratics
preachification -> preachifications
preachify -> preachifies,preachifying,preachified
preachment -> preachments
precava -> precavas
precentorship -> precentorships
preceptorship -> preceptorships
prechlorination -> prechlorinations
precipitance -> precipitances
precipitateness -> precipitatenesses
precipitator -> precipitators
precipitin -> precipitins
precipitousness -> precipitousnesses
precis -> precises,precising,precised
preclusion -> preclusions
precordium -> precordiums
predestinate -> predestinates,predestinating,predestinated
predestinationist -> predestinationists
predeterminaation -> predeterminaations
predeterminer -> predeterminers
predigest -> predigests,predigesting,predigested
predomination -> predominations
preeclampsia -> preeclampsias
preemie -> preemies
preemptor -> preemptors
preexistence -> preexistences
prefixation -> prefixations
pregnanediol -> pregnanediols
prehension -> prehensions
preindication -> preindications
prejudgement -> prejudgements
prelature -> prelatures
prelims -> prelimss
prelone -> prelones
prematureness -> prematurenesses
premie -> premies
premises -> premisess
prenanthes -> prenanthess
preoccupancy -> preoccupancies
preordination -> preordinations
prepotency -> prepotencies
prepuberty -> prepuberties
presbyope -> presbyopes
presbyopia -> presbyopias
presbytes -> presbytess
prescript -> prescripts
presentism -> presentisms
presentness -> presentnesses
preserves -> preservess
president-elect -> president-elects
presidentship -> presidentships
pressburg -> pressburgs
pressgang -> pressgangs,pressganging,pressganged
pressure-cook -> pressure-cooks,pressure-cooking,pressure-cooked
prestidigitator -> prestidigitators
prestigiousness -> prestigiousnesses
preteen -> preteens
preteenager -> preteenagers
preterist -> preterists
preterit -> preterits
preterition -> preteritions
pretermission -> pretermissions
pretermit -> pretermits,pretermitting,pretermitted
pretorium -> pretoriums
prevacid -> prevacids
prevaricator -> prevaricators
previse -> previses,prevising,prevised
prevision -> previsions
prexy -> prexies
priacanthidae -> priacanthidaes
priacanthus -> priacanthuss
pricelessness -> pricelessnesses
pricey -> pricier,priciest
pricing -> pricings
pricket -> prickets
prickle-weed -> prickle-weeds
prickleback -> pricklebacks
prickteaser -> prickteasers
pride-of-india -> prides-of-india
pridefulness -> pridefulnesses
priest-doctor -> priest-doctors
priestcraft -> priestcrafts
prilosec -> prilosecs
primality -> primalities
primates -> primatess
primateship -> primateships
primatology -> primatologies
primaxin -> primaxins
primidone -> primidones
primogenitor -> primogenitors
primping -> primpings
primulaceae -> primulaceaes
primulales -> primulaless
primus -> primuses
prince's-feather -> prince's-feathers
prince's-plume -> prince's-plumes
prince-of-wales'-heath -> princes-of-wales'-heath
princes -> princess
princewood -> princewoods
principen -> principens
prinia -> prinias
prinival -> prinivals
priodontes -> priodontess
prionace -> prionaces
prionotus -> prionotuss
priorship -> priorships
priscoan -> priscoans
prismatoid -> prismatoids
prismoid -> prismoids
prison-breaking -> prison-breakings
prisonbreak -> prisonbreaks
pristidae -> pristidaes
pristis -> pristiss
pritzelago -> pritzelagoes
privateersman -> privateersmen
privates -> privatess
privine -> privines
prize-fighter -> prize-fighters
proaccelerin -> proaccelerins
probabilism -> probabilisms
probenecid -> probenecids
proboscidean -> proboscideans
proboscidian -> proboscidians
proboscis -> proboscises
procardia -> procardias
procavia -> procavias
procaviidae -> procaviidaes
proceedings -> proceedings
proceeds -> proceedss
procellaria -> procellarias
procellariidae -> procellariidaes
procellariiformes -> procellariiformess
prochlorperazine -> prochlorperazines
prociphilus -> prociphiluss
procnias -> procniass
proconsulate -> proconsulates
proconsulship -> proconsulships
proconvertin -> proconvertins
procreate -> procreates,procreating,procreated
proctalgia -> proctalgias
proctocele -> proctoceles
proctology -> proctologies
proctoplasty -> proctoplasties
proctorship -> proctorships
procural -> procurals
procurance -> procurances
procyclidine -> procyclidines
procyonid -> procyonids
procyonidae -> procyonidaes
prodigal -> prodigals
prodroma -> prodromas
prodrome -> prodromes
professing -> professings
profitableness -> profitablenesses
profits -> profitss
progeria -> progerias
progestin -> progestins
prognathism -> prognathisms
progne -> prognes
prognosis -> prognoses
prognosticator -> prognosticators
programma -> programmas
progymnosperm -> progymnosperms
prokayotae -> prokayotaes
prolamine -> prolamines
prolapsus -> prolapsuss
prolegomenon -> prolegomena
prolepsis -> prolepses
prolificacy -> prolificacies
prolixness -> prolixnesses
prolonge -> prolonges
prolusion -> prolusions
promethium -> promethiums
promiscuousness -> promiscuousnesses
promiser -> promisers
promptbook -> promptbooks
prompter -> prompters
promulgator -> promulgators
promycelium -> promyceliums
pronate -> pronates,pronating,pronated
pronator -> pronators
prongbuck -> prongbucks
pronghorn -> pronghorns
pronucleus -> pronucleuss
propaedeutic -> propaedeutics
propaedeutics -> propaedeuticss
propagandize -> propagandizes,propagandizing,propagandized
propanal -> propanals
propanamide -> propanamides
propanediol -> propanediols
propanolol -> propanolols
proparoxytone -> proparoxytones
propellent -> propellents
propenal -> propenals
propene -> propenes
propenoate -> propenoates
propenonitrile -> propenonitriles
prophesier -> prophesiers
prophets -> prophetss
prophyll -> prophylls
propionaldehyde -> propionaldehydes
propitiousness -> propitiousnesses
propjet -> propjets
propman -> propmen
proportionateness -> proportionatenesses
propositus -> proposituss
propoxyphene -> propoxyphenes
proprionamide -> proprionamides
props -> propss
propylthiouracil -> propylthiouracils
prorate -> prorates,prorating,prorated
proration -> prorations
prosaicness -> prosaicnesses
prosauropoda -> prosauropodas
proscenium -> prosceniums
prosciuto -> prosciutoes
prosencephalon -> prosencephalons
prosimii -> prosimiis
prosiness -> prosinesses
prosodion -> prosodions
prosom -> prosoms
prosopis -> prosopiss
prosopium -> prosopiums
prospectus -> prospectuses
prospicience -> prospiciences
prostheon -> prostheons
prosthesis -> prostheses
prosthetics -> prostheticss
prosthion -> prosthions
prosthodontia -> prosthodontias
prosthodontics -> prosthodonticss
prosthodontist -> prosthodontists
prostigmin -> prostigmins
prosy -> prosier,prosiest
protactinium -> protactiniums
protagonism -> protagonisms
protanopia -> protanopias
proteales -> protealess
protegee -> protegees
proteidae -> proteidaes
proteles -> proteless
proteome -> proteomes
proteomics -> proteomicss
proteosome -> proteosomes
proterochampsa -> proterochampsas
prothalamion -> prothalamions
prothalamium -> prothalamiums
prothrombinase -> prothrombinases
protirelin -> protirelins
protista -> protistas
protium -> protiums
proto-norse -> proto-norses
protoactinium -> protoactiniums
protoanthropology -> protoanthropologies
protoarchaeology -> protoarchaeologies
protoarcheology -> protoarcheologies
protoavis -> protoaviss
protoceratops -> protoceratopss
protoctist -> protoctists
protoheme -> protohemes
protohemin -> protohemins
protohippus -> protohippuss
protohistory -> protohistories
protology -> protologies
protomammal -> protomammals
prototheria -> prototherias
prototherian -> prototherians
protozoologist -> protozoologists
protozoology -> protozoologies
protriptyline -> protriptylines
protropin -> protropins
protuberate -> protuberates,protuberating,protuberated
proturan -> proturans
provability -> provabilities
provenience -> proveniences
proventil -> proventils
proverbs -> proverbss
provisioner -> provisioners
provisions -> provisionss
provitamin -> provitamins
provoker -> provokers
proxemics -> proxemicss
prumnopitys -> prumnopityss
prunellidae -> prunellidaes
pruno -> prunoes
pruriency -> pruriencies
prurigo -> prurigoes
psalms -> psalmss
psalterium -> psalteriums
psaltriparus -> psaltriparuss
psammoma -> psammomas
psenes -> pseness
psephurus -> psephuruss
psetta -> psettas
psettichthys -> psettichthyss
pseudacris -> pseudacriss
pseudaletia -> pseudaletias
pseudechis -> pseudechiss
pseudemys -> pseudemyss
pseudepigrapha -> pseudepigraphas
pseudobombax -> pseudobombaxes
pseudobulb -> pseudobulbs
pseudocarp -> pseudocarps
pseudococcidae -> pseudococcidaes
pseudococcus -> pseudococcuss
pseudocolus -> pseudocoluss
pseudocyesis -> pseudocyeses
pseudoephedrine -> pseudoephedrines
pseudohallucination -> pseudohallucinations
pseudohermaphrodite -> pseudohermaphrodites
pseudohermaphroditism -> pseudohermaphroditisms
pseudolarix -> pseudolarixes
pseudomonadales -> pseudomonadaless
pseudomonodaceae -> pseudomonodaceaes
pseudophloem -> pseudophloems
pseudopleuronectes -> pseudopleuronectess
pseudopodium -> pseudopodiums
pseudorubella -> pseudorubellas
pseudoryx -> pseudoryxes
pseudoscorpion -> pseudoscorpions
pseudoscorpiones -> pseudoscorpioness
pseudoscorpionida -> pseudoscorpionidas
pseudotaxus -> pseudotaxuss
pseudotsuga -> pseudotsugas
pseudovariola -> pseudovariolas
pseudowintera -> pseudowinteras
psidium -> psidiums
psilocin -> psilocins
psilocybin -> psilocybins
psilomelane -> psilomelanes
psilophytaceae -> psilophytaceaes
psilophytales -> psilophytaless
psilophyte -> psilophytes
psilophyton -> psilophytons
psilopsida -> psilopsidas
psilosis -> psiloses
psilotaceae -> psilotaceaes
psilotales -> psilotaless
psilotatae -> psilotataes
psilotum -> psilotums
psithyrus -> psithyruss
psittaciformes -> psittaciformess
psittacosaur -> psittacosaurs
psittacosaurus -> psittacosauruss
psittacus -> psittacuss
psoas -> psoass
psocid -> psocids
psocidae -> psocidaes
psophia -> psophias
psophiidae -> psophiidaes
psophocarpus -> psophocarpuss
psoralea -> psoraleas
psyche -> psyches
psychoanalyze -> psychoanalyzes,psychoanalyzing,psychoanalyzed
psychodid -> psychodids
psychodidae -> psychodidaes
psychogenesis -> psychogeneses
psychokinesis -> psychokineses
psychometrika -> psychometrikas
psychoneurosis -> psychoneuroses
psychoneurotic -> psychoneurotics
psychonomics -> psychonomicss
psychopharmacology -> psychopharmacologies
psychophysicist -> psychophysicists
psychopsis -> psychopses
psychosexuality -> psychosexualities
psychosis -> psychoses
psychosurgery -> psychosurgeries
psychotherapeutics -> psychotherapeuticss
psychotria -> psychotrias
psychrometer -> psychrometers
psylla -> psyllas
psyllid -> psyllids
psyllidae -> psyllidaes
psyop -> psyops
pteretis -> pteretiss
pteridaceae -> pteridaceaes
pteridologist -> pteridologists
pteridology -> pteridologies
pteridophyta -> pteridophytas
pteridosperm -> pteridosperms
pteridospermae -> pteridospermaes
pteridospermaphyta -> pteridospermaphytas
pteridospermopsida -> pteridospermopsidas
pteriidae -> pteriidaes
pterion -> pterions
pteris -> pteriss
pternohyla -> pternohylas
pterocarpus -> pterocarpuss
pterocarya -> pterocaryas
pteroclididae -> pteroclididaes
pterocnemia -> pterocnemias
pterodactylidae -> pterodactylidaes
pterodactylus -> pterodactyluss
pteropogon -> pteropogons
pteropsida -> pteropsidas
pterosauria -> pterosaurias
pterospermum -> pterospermums
pterostylis -> pterostyliss
pterygium -> pterygiums
ptilocercus -> ptilocercuss
ptilocrinus -> ptilocrinuss
ptilonorhynchidae -> ptilonorhynchidaes
ptilonorhynchus -> ptilonorhynchuss
ptloris -> ptloriss
ptomain -> ptomains
ptomaine -> ptomaines
ptyalin -> ptyalins
ptyalism -> ptyalisms
ptyalith -> ptyaliths
ptyas -> ptyass
ptychozoon -> ptychozoa
pu -> pus
pubes -> pubess
publiciser -> publicisers
publicizer -> publicizers
puccinia -> puccinias
pucciniaceae -> pucciniaceaes
puccoon -> puccoons
puck -> pucks
puckerbush -> puckerbushes
puckishness -> puckishnesses
pudden-head -> pudden-heads
pudding-face -> pudding-faces
pudding-wife -> pudding-wives
puddingwife -> puddingwives
puddler -> puddlers
pudge -> pudges
pudginess -> pudginesses
pueraria -> puerarias
puerility -> puerilities
puerpera -> puerperas
puffbird -> puffbirds
puffery -> pufferies
pug-dog -> pug-dogs
pujunan -> pujunans
puka -> pukas
puku -> pukus
pulasan -> pulasans
pulassan -> pulassans
pulchritude -> pulchritudes
pulicaria -> pulicarias
pulicidae -> pulicidaes
pulley-block -> pulley-blocks
pullulation -> pullulations
pulmonata -> pulmonatas
pulpiness -> pulpinesses
pulpwood -> pulpwoods
pulque -> pulques
pulverisation -> pulverisations
pulverization -> pulverizations
pummelo -> pummeloes
punchayet -> punchayets
punchball -> punchballs
punchboard -> punchboards
pungapung -> pungapungs
punicaceae -> punicaceaes
punkey -> punkeys
punkie -> punkies
punks -> punkss
pupa -> pupae
purace -> puraces
purana -> puranas
purau -> puraus
pureblood -> purebloods
pureness -> purenesses
purinethol -> purinethols
purloo -> purloos
purpleness -> purplenesses
pursual -> pursuals
purulence -> purulences
purulency -> purulencies
purus -> puruss
pus -> puss
pushan -> pushans
pushball -> pushballs
pushcart -> pushcarts
pushpin -> pushpins
pushup -> pushups
pusillanimousness -> pusillanimousnesses
pusly -> puslies
pussley -> pussleys
pussy's-paw -> pussy's-paws
pussy-paw -> pussy-paws
pussy-paws -> pussy-pawss
pussy-willow -> pussy-willows
pussytoes -> pussytoess
putamen -> putamens
putin -> putins
putoff -> putoffs
putout -> putouts
putrajaya -> putrajayas
putrescine -> putrescines
putridity -> putridities
putridness -> putridnesses
putterer -> putterers
puttyroot -> puttyroots
putz -> putzs
pya -> pyas
pyaemia -> pyaemias
pycnanthemum -> pycnanthemums
pycnidium -> pycnidiums
pycnodysostosis -> pycnodysostoses
pycnogonida -> pycnogonidas
pycnosis -> pycnoses
pyelography -> pyelographies
pyemia -> pyemias
pygopodidae -> pygopodidaes
pygopus -> pygopera
pyinma -> pyinmas
pyjama -> pyjamas
pyknosis -> pyknoses
pylodictus -> pylodictuss
pyocyanin -> pyocyanins
pyorrhea -> pyorrheas
pyorrhoea -> pyorrhoeas
pyracanth -> pyracanths
pyralid -> pyralids
pyralidae -> pyralidaes
pyralididae -> pyralididaes
pyralis -> pyraliss
pyrausta -> pyraustas
pyrectic -> pyrectics
pyrenomycetes -> pyrenomycetess
pyridium -> pyridiums
pyridoxal -> pyridoxals
pyridoxamine -> pyridoxamines
pyrilamine -> pyrilamines
pyrites -> pyritess
pyrocephalus -> pyrocephaluss
pyrochemistry -> pyrochemistries
pyroelectricity -> pyroelectricities
pyrogallol -> pyrogallols
pyrogen -> pyrogens
pyrograph -> pyrographs
pyrographer -> pyrographers
pyrography -> pyrographies
pyrolaceae -> pyrolaceaes
pyrolatry -> pyrolatries
pyrolusite -> pyrolusites
pyromancer -> pyromancers
pyromancy -> pyromancies
pyromorphite -> pyromorphites
pyrope -> pyropes
pyrophobia -> pyrophobias
pyrophorus -> pyrophoruss
pyrophyllite -> pyrophyllites
pyroscope -> pyroscopes
pyrosis -> pyroses
pyrostat -> pyrostats
pyrotechnics -> pyrotechnicss
pyrotechny -> pyrotechnies
pyroxylin -> pyroxylins
pyroxyline -> pyroxylines
pyrrhocoridae -> pyrrhocoridaes
pyrrhotine -> pyrrhotines
pyrrhula -> pyrrhulas
pyrrhuloxia -> pyrrhuloxias
pyrrophyta -> pyrrophytas
pyrrosia -> pyrrosias
pyrularia -> pyrularias
pyrus -> pyruss
pythiaceae -> pythiaceaes
pythias -> pythiass
pythius -> pythiuss
pythonidae -> pythonidaes
pythoninae -> pythoninaes
pyuria -> pyurias
pyxidanthera -> pyxidantheras
pyxidium -> pyxidiums
pyxie -> pyxies
qabala -> qabalas
qabalah -> qabalahs
qabbala -> qabbalas
qabbalah -> qabbalahs
qadhafi -> qadhafis
qaeda -> qaedas
qandahar -> qandahars
qepiq -> qepiqs
qiang -> qiangs
qiangic -> qiangics
qindarka -> qindarkas
qintar -> qintars
qoph -> qophs
quaalude -> quaaludes
quack-quack -> quacks-quacks
quackgrass -> quackgrasses
quadragesima -> quadragesimas
quadrantanopia -> quadrantanopias
quadratics -> quadraticss
quadrennium -> quadrenniums
quadric -> quadrics
quadriceps -> quadricepss
quadrillion -> quadrillions
quadrillionth -> quadrillionths
quadripara -> quadriparas
quadriplegia -> quadriplegias
quadroon -> quadroons
quadrumvirate -> quadrumvirates
quaffer -> quaffers
quag -> quags
quahaug -> quahaugs
quahog -> quahogs
quakers -> quakerss
quamash -> quamashes
quamassia -> quamassias
quandang -> quandangs
quandong -> quandongs
quantic -> quantics
quantifiability -> quantifiabilities
quantong -> quantongs
quantum -> quanta
quaoar -> quaoars
quapaw -> quapaws
quarreler -> quarrelers
quarreller -> quarrellers
quarter-circle -> quarter-circles
quarter-tone -> quarter-tones
quarter-vine -> quarter-vines
quarterlight -> quarterlights
quarterstaff -> quarterstaffs
quartervine -> quartervines
quasi-ngo -> quasi-ngoes
quassia -> quassias
quat -> quats
quatercentennial -> quatercentennials
quatern -> quaterns
quaternity -> quaternities
quayage -> quayages
quebecois -> quebecois
quechuan -> quechuans
queerness -> queernesses
quellung -> quellungs
quercitron -> quercitrons
querier -> queriers
querulousness -> querulousnesses
question-master -> question-masters
quiaquia -> quiaquias
quibbler -> quibblers
quiche -> quiches
quick-freeze -> quick-freezes,quick-froze,quick-frozen,quick-freezing
quickener -> quickeners
quickie -> quickies
quidnunc -> quidnuncs
quiescency -> quiescencies
quillwort -> quillworts
quinidex -> quinidexes
quinora -> quinoras
quinquagesima -> quinquagesimas
quintette -> quintettes
quintillion -> quintillions
quintillionth -> quintillionths
quintipara -> quintiparas
quintupling -> quintuplings
quipu -> quipus
quirt -> quirts
quiscalus -> quiscaluss
quislingism -> quislingisms
quitclaim -> quitclaims
quixotism -> quixotisms
quizzer -> quizzers
qum -> qums
quodlibet -> quodlibets
quoratean -> quorateans
quoter -> quoters
qurush -> qurushes
r -> rs
r-2 -> r-2s
rabato -> rabatoes
rabbet -> rabbets
rabbit-weed -> rabbit-weeds
rabbiteye -> rabbiteyes
rabbitweed -> rabbitweeds
rabbitwood -> rabbitwoods
rabidity -> rabidities
rabidness -> rabidnesses
rabies -> rabies
raceabout -> raceabouts
racerunner -> racerunners
rachet -> rachets
rachis -> rachiss
rachischisis -> rachischises
rachycentridae -> rachycentridaes
rachycentron -> rachycentrons
raciness -> racinesses
racker -> rackers
racketiness -> racketinesses
racon -> racons
racquetball -> racquetballs
radiancy -> radiancies
radiigera -> radiigeras
radio-gramophone -> radio-gramophones
radio-opacity -> radio-opacities
radio-phonograph -> radio-phonographs
radio-telephone -> radio-telephones
radiochemist -> radiochemists
radiochlorine -> radiochlorines
radiolocation -> radiolocations
radiolysis -> radiolyses
radiomicrometer -> radiomicrometers
radiopacity -> radiopacities
radiophone -> radiophones
radiophoto -> radiophotoes
radiophotograph -> radiophotographs
radiophotography -> radiophotographies
radioprotection -> radioprotections
radioscopy -> radioscopies
radiosensitivity -> radiosensitivities
radiotelegraph -> radiotelegraphs
radiotelegraphy -> radiotelegraphies
radiothorium -> radiothoriums
radyera -> radyeras
raetam -> raetams
raffinose -> raffinoses
rafflesiaceae -> rafflesiaceaes
raftman -> raftmen
rafts -> raftss
raga -> ragas
ragee -> ragees
ragi -> ragis
ragsorter -> ragsorters
ragweed -> ragweeds
rahu -> rahus
rail-splitter -> rail-splitters
railbird -> railbirds
railroader -> railroaders
railroading -> railroadings
rails -> railss
rain-giver -> rain-givers
rain-in-the-face -> rains-in-the-face
rain-wash -> rain-washes
rainfly -> rainflies
raininess -> raininesses
raiu -> raius
rajanya -> rajanyas
rajidae -> rajidaes
rajiformes -> rajiformess
rajpoot -> rajpoots
rakaposhi -> rakaposhis
rakishness -> rakishnesses
rale -> rales
rallidae -> rallidaes
ram's-head -> ram's-heads
ramachandra -> ramachandras
ramanavami -> ramanavamis
rambotan -> rambotans
ramee -> ramees
ramequin -> ramequins
ramjet -> ramjets
ramman -> rammen
ramontchi -> ramontchis
ramphastidae -> ramphastidaes
ramphomicron -> ramphomicrons
rampion -> rampions
ramsons -> ramsonss
ranales -> ranaless
ranatra -> ranatras
rancidity -> rancidities
rancidness -> rancidnesses
rancor -> rancors
ranee -> ranees
rangefinder -> rangefinders
rangifer -> rangifers
ranid -> ranids
ranidae -> ranidaes
ranier -> raniers
ranula -> ranulas
ranunculaceae -> ranunculaceaes
ranunculales -> ranunculaless
raoulia -> raoulias
rapateaceae -> rapateaceaes
raphia -> raphias
raphicerus -> raphiceruss
raphidae -> raphidaes
raphidiidae -> raphidiidaes
raphus -> raphuss
rapidness -> rapidnesses
rappahannock -> rappahannocks
rappee -> rappees
raptores -> raptoress
raptus -> raptuss
raree-show -> raree-shows
rariora -> rarioras
ras -> rass
rascality -> rascalities
rassling -> rasslings
rat-a-tat -> rat-a-tats
rat-a-tat-tat -> rat-a-tats-tats
ratability -> ratabilities
ratables -> ratabless
ratafee -> ratafees
ratan -> ratans
rataplan -> rataplans
ratch -> ratches
rateability -> rateabilities
rateables -> rateabless
rates -> ratess
rathole -> ratholes
rathskeller -> rathskellers
ratibida -> ratibidas
ratifier -> ratifiers
ratiocinate -> ratiocinates,ratiocinating,ratiocinated
ratiocinator -> ratiocinators
rationalness -> rationalnesses
ratitae -> ratitaes
ratite -> ratites
ratlin -> ratlins
ratsbane -> ratsbanes
rattle-top -> rattle-tops
rattlebox -> rattleboxes
rattrap -> rattraps
ratty -> rattier,rattiest
rau-sed -> rau-seds
raudixin -> raudixins
rauvolfia -> rauvolfias
rave-up -> rave-ups
ravehook -> ravehooks
raveling -> ravelings
ravelling -> ravellings
ravenala -> ravenalas
ravenousness -> ravenousnesses
ravigote -> ravigotes
rawhide -> rawhides
rayons -> rayonss
razbliuto -> razbliutoes
razmataz -> razmatazs
razorback -> razorbacks
razz -> razzes,razzing,razzed
razzing -> razzings
razzle-dazzle -> razzle-dazzles
rb -> rbs
rbi -> rbis
rc -> rc's,rcs
re-afforest -> re-afforests,re-afforesting,re-afforested
re-experiencing -> re-experiencings
re-sentencing -> re-sentencings
reactionism -> reactionisms
readying -> readyings
reaffiliation -> reaffiliations
real -> reals
realgar -> realgars
reallotment -> reallotments
realness -> realnesses
reata -> reatas
reb -> rebs
rebato -> rebatoes
reboxetine -> reboxetines
rebozo -> rebozoes
rebroadcast -> rebroadcasts,rebroadcasted,rebroadcasting
rebuker -> rebukers
reburying -> reburyings
rebutter -> rebutters
recalcitrancy -> recalcitrancies
recapitualtion -> recapitualtions
recco -> reccoes
reccy -> reccies
receipts -> receiptss
receivables -> receivabless
recentness -> recentnesses
rechauffe -> rechauffes
reciprocality -> reciprocalities
recission -> recissions
reconditeness -> reconditenesses
reconnoitering -> reconnoiterings
recoverer -> recoverers
recrudesce -> recrudesces,recrudescing,recrudesced
recruiting-sergeant -> recruiting-sergeants
rectangularity -> rectangularities
rectocele -> rectoceles
rectoplasty -> rectoplasties
rectorate -> rectorates
rectorship -> rectorships
recurvirostridae -> recurvirostridaes
recusal -> recusals
recusation -> recusations
red-berry -> red-berries
red-blindness -> red-blindnesses
red-header -> red-headers
redact -> redacts,redacting,redacted
redactor -> redactors
redbelly -> redbellies
redberry -> redberries
redbird -> redbirds
redbone -> redbones
redbrush -> redbrushes
redbud -> redbuds
redbug -> redbugs
reddle -> reddles
rede -> redes,reding,reded
redeye -> redeyes
redheader -> redheaders
redhorse -> redhorses
redisposition -> redispositions
redmaids -> redmaidss
redroot -> redroots
redtail -> redtails
reduviid -> reduviids
reduviidae -> reduviidaes
reedbird -> reedbirds
reeler -> reelers
reenactor -> reenactors
reenforcement -> reenforcements
reenlistment -> reenlistments
refabrication -> refabrications
refection -> refections
refilling -> refillings
refinisher -> refinishers
reflectometer -> reflectometers
reflexiveness -> reflexivenesses
refractiveness -> refractivenesses
refractivity -> refractivities
refueling -> refuelings
refulgence -> refulgences
refulgency -> refulgencies
refutal -> refutals
refuter -> refuters
regalecidae -> regalecidaes
regimentals -> regimentalss
reglaecus -> reglaecuss
regnellidium -> regnellidiums
regorge -> regorges,regorging,regorged
regrets -> regretss
regur -> regurs
reharmonisation -> reharmonisations
reharmonization -> reharmonizations
reichstein -> reichsteins
reignite -> reignites,reigniting,reignited
reincarnationism -> reincarnationisms
reis -> reiss
reithrodontomys -> reithrodontomyss
relafen -> relafens
relations -> relationss
relative-in-law -> relatives-in-law
relaxer -> relaxers
relays -> relayss
relegating -> relegatings
reliableness -> reliablenesses
relievo -> relievoes
religionism -> religionisms
religionist -> religionists
religiousism -> religiousisms
relistening -> relistenings
reliving -> relivings
reluctivity -> reluctivities
remicade -> remicades
remilegia -> remilegias
remilitarization -> remilitarizations
remilitarize -> remilitarizes,remilitarizing,remilitarized
remissness -> remissnesses
remitment -> remitments
remittal -> remittals
remora -> remoras
remotion -> remotions
remuda -> remudas
remunerator -> remunerators
renascence -> renascences
rendezvous -> rendezvousing,rendezvoused
rennin -> rennins
renouncement -> renouncements
rensselaerite -> rensselaerites
rent-rebate -> rent-rebates
rent-roll -> rent-rolls
reoviridae -> reoviridaes
reovirus -> reoviruss
repartee -> repartees
replaceability -> replaceabilities
replacing -> replacings
repletion -> repletions
reposit -> reposits,repositing,reposited
repositing -> repositings
reprehend -> reprehends,reprehending,reprehended
reprehensibility -> reprehensibilities
reprehension -> reprehensions
represser -> repressers
reproacher -> reproachers
reprover -> reprovers
reptantia -> reptantias
republishing -> republishings
repugn -> repugns,repugning,repugned
repulsiveness -> repulsivenesses
reputability -> reputabilities
requiescat -> requiescats
requisiteness -> requisitenesses
requital -> requitals
requite -> requites,requiting,requited
rerebrace -> rerebraces
reredos -> reredoss
rescission -> rescissions
rescriptor -> rescriptors
resedaceae -> resedaceaes
reserves -> reservess
resh -> reshes
reshipment -> reshipments
resht -> reshts
resinate -> resinates,resinating,resinated
resinoid -> resinoids
resolvent -> resolvents
resorb -> resorbs,resorbing,resorbed
resorcinolphthalein -> resorcinolphthaleins
respectfulness -> respectfulnesses
respects -> respectss
resplendence -> resplendences
resplendency -> resplendencies
responsibleness -> responsiblenesses
rest-cure -> rest-cures
rest-harrow -> rest-harrows
rest-home -> rest-homes
restauranter -> restauranters
rester -> resters
restfulness -> restfulnesses
restharrow -> restharrows
restoril -> restorils
restroom -> restrooms
resurge -> resurges,resurging,resurged
resuscitator -> resuscitators
retaliator -> retaliators
retama -> retamas
retardent -> retardents
retem -> retems
retentivity -> retentivities
reticle -> reticles
reticulitermes -> reticulitermess
retinene -> retinenes
retreated -> retreateds
retroflection -> retroflections
retroflexion -> retroflexions
retronym -> retronyms
retrophyllum -> retrophyllums
retrorocket -> retrorockets
retroversion -> retroversions
retrovision -> retrovisions
reuben -> reubens
reveler -> revelers
revenuer -> revenuers
reverberance -> reverberances
reversionist -> reversionists
revet -> revets,revetting,revetted
revetement -> revetements
revolutionism -> revolutionisms
revolutionist -> revolutionists
rewa-rewa -> rewas-rewas
rewriter -> rewriters
rhabdomancer -> rhabdomancers
rhabdomancy -> rhabdomancies
rhabdomyoma -> rhabdomyomas
rhabdosarcoma -> rhabdosarcomas
rhabdoviridae -> rhabdoviridaes
rhabdovirus -> rhabdoviruss
rhadamanthus -> rhadamanthuss
rhaeto-romance -> rhaeto-romances
rhaeto-romanic -> rhaeto-romanics
rhagades -> rhagadess
rhagoletis -> rhagoletiss
rhamnaceae -> rhamnaceaes
rhamnales -> rhamnaless
rhamnus -> rhamnuss
rhaphe -> rhaphes
rhapis -> rhapiss
rheidae -> rheidaes
rheiformes -> rheiformess
rheostat -> rheostats
rhesus -> rhesuses
rhexia -> rhexias
rhibhus -> rhibhuss
rhincodon -> rhincodons
rhincodontidae -> rhincodontidaes
rhinencephalon -> rhinencephalons
rhinion -> rhinions
rhinobatidae -> rhinobatidaes
rhinoceros -> rhinoceroses
rhinocerotidae -> rhinocerotidaes
rhinolaryngologist -> rhinolaryngologists
rhinolaryngology -> rhinolaryngologies
rhinolophidae -> rhinolophidaes
rhinonicteris -> rhinonicteriss
rhinopathy -> rhinopathies
rhinophyma -> rhinophymas
rhinoplasty -> rhinoplasties
rhinoptera -> rhinopteras
rhinorrhea -> rhinorrheas
rhinoscope -> rhinoscopes
rhinoscopy -> rhinoscopies
rhinosporidiosis -> rhinosporidioses
rhinostenosis -> rhinostenoses
rhinotermitidae -> rhinotermitidaes
rhinotomy -> rhinotomies
rhinovirus -> rhinoviruss
rhipsalis -> rhipsaliss
rhiptoglossa -> rhiptoglossas
rhizobiaceae -> rhizobiaceaes
rhizoctinia -> rhizoctinias
rhizoid -> rhizoids
rhizomorph -> rhizomorphs
rhizophora -> rhizophoras
rhizophoraceae -> rhizophoraceaes
rhizopod -> rhizopods
rhizopoda -> rhizopodas
rhizopodan -> rhizopodans
rhizopogon -> rhizopogons
rhizopogonaceae -> rhizopogonaceaes
rhizopus -> rhizopera
rhizotomy -> rhizotomies
rhodanthe -> rhodanthes
rhodochrosite -> rhodochrosites
rhodolite -> rhodolites
rhodomontade -> rhodomontades
rhodonite -> rhodonites
rhodophyceae -> rhodophyceaes
rhodophyta -> rhodophytas
rhodosphaera -> rhodosphaeras
rhodymenia -> rhodymenias
rhodymeniaceae -> rhodymeniaceaes
rhoeadales -> rhoeadaless
rhomb -> rhombs
rhombencephalon -> rhombencephalons
rhombohedron -> rhombohedrons
rhombus -> rhombuses
rhonchus -> rhonchuss
rhone-alpes -> rhone-alpess
rhyacotriton -> rhyacotritons
rhynchocephalia -> rhynchocephalias
rhynchoelaps -> rhynchoelapss
rhyncostylis -> rhyncostyliss
rhynia -> rhynias
rhyniaceae -> rhyniaceaes
rhytidectomy -> rhytidectomies
rhytidoplasty -> rhytidoplasties
rib-cage -> rib-cages
rib-tickler -> rib-ticklers
ribavirin -> ribavirins
ribbonwood -> ribbonwoods
ribgrass -> ribgrasses
ribhus -> ribhuss
ribier -> ribiers
ribonucleinase -> ribonucleinases
ricebird -> ricebirds
ricegrass -> ricegrasses
ricer -> ricers
richea -> richeas
richelieu -> richelieu
richmondena -> richmondenas
richweed -> richweeds
ricketiness -> ricketinesses
rickettsia -> rickettsias
rickettsiaceae -> rickettsiaceaes
rickettsiales -> rickettsialess
rickettsiosis -> rickettsioses
rickrack -> rickracks
ricksha -> rickshas
ricrac -> ricracs
ridgel -> ridgels
ridgeline -> ridgelines
ridgeling -> ridgelings
ridgepole -> ridgepoles
ridgil -> ridgils
ridgling -> ridglings
ridiculer -> ridiculers
rifadin -> rifadins
rifampin -> rifampins
riffian -> riffians
riflebird -> riflebirds
rig-out -> rig-outs
rigamarole -> rigamaroles
rigatoni -> rigatonis
right-handedness -> right-handednesses
rightfield -> rightfields
rightfulness -> rightfulnesses
righthander -> righthanders
rightism -> rightisms
rigidification -> rigidifications
rigidifying -> rigidifyings
rigil -> rigils
rigourousness -> rigourousnesses
rigout -> rigouts
rijstafel -> rijstafels
rijstaffel -> rijstaffels
rijsttaffel -> rijsttaffels
riksmal -> riksmals
rilievo -> rilievoes
rimactane -> rimactanes
rimski-korsakov -> rimski-korsakovs
rimu -> rimus
ring-a-rosy -> ring-a-rosies
ring-around-a-rosy -> rings-around-a-rosy
ring-around-the-rosy -> rings-around-the-rosy
ring-binder -> ring-binders
ringling -> ringlings
rings -> ringss
ringtail -> ringtails
rinkhals -> rinkhalss
rio -> rios
ripple-grass -> ripple-grasses
ripsaw -> ripsaws
rira -> riras
risibility -> risibilities
risklessness -> risklessnesses
risotto -> risottos
ritalin -> ritalins
ritonavir -> ritonavirs
rittenhouse -> rittenhouses
rivetter -> rivetters
rivina -> rivinas
rivulus -> rivuluss
riyal-omani -> riyal-omanis
roadbed -> roadbeds
roadbook -> roadbooks
roadhog -> roadhogs
roadkill -> roadkills
roads -> roadss
roasting -> roastings
robaxin -> robaxins
robe-de-chambre -> robe-de-chambres
robert -> roberts
robitussin -> robitussins
robolo -> roboloes
rocambole -> rocamboles
roccella -> roccellas
roccellaceae -> roccellaceaes
roccus -> roccuss
rocephin -> rocephins
rock'n'roll -> rock'n'rolls
rockchuck -> rockchucks
rockcress -> rockcresses
rockfish -> rockfish
rockfoil -> rockfoils
rockiness -> rockinesses
rockrose -> rockroses
rockweed -> rockweeds
rocroi -> rocrois
rodentia -> rodentias
rodhos -> rodhoss
rodolia -> rodolias
rodomontade -> rodomontades
roebling -> roeblings
roentgenium -> roentgeniums
roentgenogram -> roentgenograms
roentgenography -> roentgenographies
roentgenoscope -> roentgenoscopes
rofecoxib -> rofecoxibs
rogaine -> rogaines
rohypnol -> rohypnols
rolaids -> rolaidss
rollback -> rollbacks
roller-skater -> roller-skaters
rollerblade -> rollerblades
rollerblader -> rollerbladers
rollerblading -> rollerbladings
rollick -> rollicks,rollicking,rollicked
rollmops -> rollmopss
rolypoliness -> rolypolinesses
romaic -> romaics
romanal -> romanals
romans -> romanss
romansh -> romanshes
rommany -> rommanies
romneya -> romneyas
rondelet -> rondelets
rondo -> rondos
roneo -> roneos
roneograph -> roneographs
rontgen -> rontgens
rood-tree -> rood-trees
rooftree -> rooftrees
roofy -> roofies
rooibos -> rooiboss
rookie -> rookies
roomer -> roomers
roomful -> roomfuls
roomie -> roomies
rooms -> roomss
rootage -> rootages
rooter -> rooters
roots -> rootss
rootstalk -> rootstalks
rope-a-dope -> rope-a-dopes
ropebark -> ropebarks
ropedancer -> ropedancers
ropewalker -> ropewalkers
ropeway -> ropeways
ropey -> ropier,ropiest
rophy -> rophies
ropiness -> ropinesses
roridula -> roridulas
roridulaceae -> roridulaceaes
rorippa -> rorippas
ros -> ross
rosa -> rosas
rose-root -> rose-roots
roselle -> roselles
rosellinia -> rosellinias
rosemaling -> rosemalings
roseola -> roseolas
rosidae -> rosidaes
rosilla -> rosillas
rosinweed -> rosinweeds
rossbach -> rossbaches
rostrum -> rostrums,rostra
rotc -> rotcs
rotenone -> rotenones
rotifera -> rotiferas
rotl -> rotls
rotogravure -> rotogravures
rottenstone -> rottenstones
rotundness -> rotundnesses
rougeberry -> rougeberries
roughcast -> roughcasts,roughcasting
roughhouse -> roughhouses,roughhousing,roughhoused
roughleg -> roughlegs
roughrider -> roughriders
roundedness -> roundednesses
roundelay -> roundelays
routemarch -> routemarches
rowanberry -> rowanberries
roystonea -> roystoneas
rozelle -> rozelles
rpa-abb -> rpa-abbs
rtlt -> rtlts
ru -> rus
rub-a-dub -> rub-a-dubs
rubber-necking -> rubber-neckings
rubberize -> rubberizes,rubberizing,rubberized
rubbernecker -> rubberneckers
rube -> rubes
rubefacient -> rubefacients
rubeola -> rubeolas
rubiales -> rubialess
rubicelle -> rubicelles
rubor -> rubors
rudapithecus -> rudapithecuss
rudderpost -> rudderposts
rudderstock -> rudderstocks
rudiments -> rudimentss
rudra -> rudras
ruga -> rugas
rugelach -> rugelaches
ruggedisation -> ruggedisations
ruggedization -> ruggedizations
ruggedize -> ruggedizes,ruggedizing,ruggedized
ruggelach -> ruggelaches
rugulah -> rugulahs
ruiner -> ruiners
rum-blossom -> rum-blossoms
rumansh -> rumanshes
ruminantia -> ruminantias
ruminator -> ruminators
rumohra -> rumohras
rumormonger -> rumormongers
rumourmonger -> rumourmongers
rumrunner -> rumrunners
runch -> runches
rundstedt -> rundstedts
runner-up -> runners-up
runniness -> runninesses
runtiness -> runtinesses
runup -> runups
rupicapra -> rupicapras
ruptiliocarpon -> ruptiliocarpons
rupturewort -> ruptureworts
rus -> russ
ruscaceae -> ruscaceaes
ruscus -> ruscuss
rush-grass -> rush-grasses
rush-hour -> rush-hours
russula -> russulas
russulaceae -> russulaceaes
rustbelt -> rustbelts
rusticism -> rusticisms
rutabaga -> rutabagas
rutherfordium -> rutherfordiums
ruthfulness -> ruthfulnesses
rutile -> rutiles
rutilus -> rutiluss
rwandan -> rwandans
rynchopidae -> rynchopidaes
rynchops -> rynchopss
rypticus -> rypticuss
ryukyuan -> ryukyuans
s -> ss
s.u.v. -> s.u.v.s
saale -> saales
saame -> saames
saba -> sabas
sabahan -> sabahans
sabal -> sabals
sabaoth -> sabaoths
sabaton -> sabatons
sabbatia -> sabbatias
sabbatum -> sabbatums
sabellian -> sabellians
saber -> sabers,sabering,sabered
sabertooth -> saberteeth
sabicu -> sabicus
sabinea -> sabineas
sabot -> sabots
sacagawea -> sacagaweas
sacajawea -> sacajaweas
saccharase -> saccharases
saccharide -> saccharides
saccharinity -> saccharinities
saccharomycetaceae -> saccharomycetaceaes
saccule -> saccules
sacculus -> sacculuss
sacerdotalism -> sacerdotalisms
sachem -> sachems
sackload -> sackloads
saclant -> saclants
sacrificer -> sacrificers
sacrilegiousness -> sacrilegiousnesses
saddhu -> saddhus
saddlebill -> saddlebills
sadhe -> sadhes
sadleria -> sadlerias
sadomasochist -> sadomasochists
saek -> saeks
safaqis -> safaqiss
safehold -> safeholds
safety -> safeties
saffranine -> saffranines
safranin -> safranins
safranine -> safranines
sagaciousness -> sagaciousnesses
sagamore -> sagamores
sagebrush -> sagebrushes
sagina -> saginas
sagittariidae -> sagittariidaes
sagittate-leaf -> sagittate-leaves
sahaptin -> sahaptins
sahaptino -> sahaptinoes
sahuaro -> sahuaroes
sailing-race -> sailing-races
sailor's-choice -> sailor's-choices
sailplaning -> sailplanings
saimiri -> saimiris
saint-bernard's-lily -> saint-bernard's-lilies
saint-mihiel -> saint-mihiels
saintpaulia -> saintpaulias
sajama -> sajamas
sakartvelo -> sakartveloes
sakkara -> sakkaras
saktism -> saktisms
salaah -> salaahs
salaat -> salaats
salability -> salabilities
salableness -> salablenesses
salacity -> salacities
salafism -> salafisms
salai -> salais
salal -> salals
salamandra -> salamandras
salamandridae -> salamandridaes
salat -> salats
sale -> sales
saleratus -> saleratuss
salesclerk -> salesclerks
salicales -> salicaless
salientia -> salientias
salientian -> salientians
salina -> salinas
salinometer -> salinometers
salishan -> salishans
salix -> salixes
sallade -> sallades
salmonidae -> salmonidaes
salmwood -> salmwoods
salol -> salols
salpa -> salpas
salpichroa -> salpichroas
salpidae -> salpidaes
salpiglossis -> salpiglosses
salpinctes -> salpinctess
salpingectomy -> salpingectomies
salpinx -> salpinges
salsilla -> salsillas
salsola -> salsolas
saltbox -> saltboxes
saltbush -> saltbushes
saltcellar -> saltcellars
saltine -> saltines
saltpeter -> saltpeters
saltshaker -> saltshakers
saltworks -> saltworkss
saltwort -> saltworts
salubriousness -> salubriousnesses
salutatorian -> salutatorians
salutatory -> salutatories
saluter -> saluters
salvadora -> salvadoras
salvadoraceae -> salvadoraceaes
salvadorian -> salvadorians
salviniaceae -> salviniaceaes
salvinorin -> salvinorins
sam -> sams
sama-veda -> sama-vedas
samanala -> samanalas
samarang -> samarangs
samarcand -> samarcands
samarskite -> samarskites
samba -> sambas
sambuca -> sambucas
samekh -> samekhs
samhita -> samhitas
samiel -> samiels
samisen -> samisens
samolus -> samoluss
samoyede -> samoyedes
samoyedic -> samoyedics
samuel -> samuels
sanaa -> sanaas
sanatarium -> sanatariums
sanctitude -> sanctitudes
sandarach -> sandaraches
sandbagger -> sandbaggers
sandberry -> sandberries
sandblaster -> sandblasters
sandbur -> sandburs
sandglass -> sandglasses
sandhi -> sandhis
sandiness -> sandinesses
sandlot -> sandlots
sandpile -> sandpiles
sandril -> sandrils
sandspur -> sandspurs
sandwichman -> sandwichmen
sandwort -> sandworts
saneness -> sanenesses
sanfoin -> sanfoins
sang -> sangs
sangapenum -> sangapenums
sangaree -> sangarees
sangay -> sangays
sangoma -> sangomas
sangraal -> sangraals
sanguification -> sanguifications
sanguineness -> sanguinenesses
sanguinity -> sanguinities
sanicle -> sanicles
sanicula -> saniculas
sanies -> saniess
sanitariness -> sanitarinesses
sanitarium -> sanitariums
sanitization -> sanitizations
sannup -> sannups
sannyasi -> sannyasis
sannyasin -> sannyasins
santa -> santas
santalaceae -> santalaceaes
santalales -> santalaless
santalum -> santalums
santee -> santees
santims -> santimss
sanvitalia -> sanvitalias
sanyasi -> sanyasis
saphar -> saphars
saphead -> sapheads
sapidity -> sapidities
sapidness -> sapidnesses
sapindales -> sapindaless
sapindus -> sapinduss
saponify -> saponifies,saponifying,saponified
sapota -> sapotas
sapote -> sapotes
sapphirine -> sapphirines
sapphism -> sapphisms
sapraemia -> sapraemias
sapremia -> sapremias
saprobe -> saprobes
saprolegniales -> saprolegnialess
saprolite -> saprolites
sapropel -> sapropels
saprophyte -> saprophytes
sapsago -> sapsagoes
sapsucker -> sapsuckers
saqqarah -> saqqarahs
saquinavir -> saquinavirs
sarape -> sarapes
sarasvati -> sarasvatis
sarawakian -> sarawakians
sarcenet -> sarcenets
sarcobatus -> sarcobatuss
sarcocephalus -> sarcocephaluss
sarcochilus -> sarcochiluss
sarcocystidean -> sarcocystideans
sarcocystieian -> sarcocystieians
sarcocystis -> sarcocystiss
sarcodes -> sarcodess
sarcodina -> sarcodinas
sarcodine -> sarcodines
sarcodinian -> sarcodinians
sarcophaga -> sarcophagas
sarcophagus -> sarcophagi,sarcophaguses
sarcophilus -> sarcophiluss
sarcoptid -> sarcoptids
sarcoptidae -> sarcoptidaes
sarcorhamphus -> sarcorhamphuss
sarcoscyphaceae -> sarcoscyphaceaes
sarcosine -> sarcosines
sarcosomataceae -> sarcosomataceaes
sarcosome -> sarcosomes
sarcosporidia -> sarcosporidias
sarcosporidian -> sarcosporidians
sarcostemma -> sarcostemmas
sarcostyle -> sarcostyles
sarda -> sardas
sardegna -> sardegnas
sardina -> sardinas
sardinops -> sardinopss
sardius -> sardiuss
saree -> sarees
sarpanitu -> sarpanitus
sarpedon -> sarpedons
sarracenia -> sarracenias
sarraceniaceae -> sarraceniaceaes
sarraceniales -> sarracenialess
sarsenet -> sarsenets
sas -> sass
sashimi -> sashimis
sasquatch -> sasquatches
sass -> sasses,sassing,sassed
sassaby -> sassabies
sassafras -> sassafras
sassing -> sassings
satang -> satangs
satanophobia -> satanophobias
satchmo -> satchmoes
satinet -> satinets
satinette -> satinettes
satinleaf -> satinleaves
satinpod -> satinpods
satureia -> satureias
satureja -> saturejas
saturnia -> saturnias
saturniid -> saturniids
saturniidae -> saturniidaes
saturnism -> saturnisms
satyriasis -> satyriases
satyridae -> satyridaes
sauce-alone -> sauce-alones
saucepot -> saucepots
sauk -> sauks
saurel -> saurels
sauria -> saurias
saurischia -> saurischias
sauromalus -> sauromaluss
sauropoda -> sauropodas
sauropodomorpha -> sauropodomorphas
sauropterygia -> sauropterygias
saurosuchus -> saurosuchuss
saururaceae -> saururaceaes
saururus -> saururuss
saury -> sauries
saute -> sautes,sauteing,sauteed
sauteing -> sauteings
savageness -> savagenesses
savara -> savaras
save-all -> save-alls
savings -> savingss
savior -> saviors
savitar -> savitars
savoriness -> savorinesses
savoring -> savorings
savorlessness -> savorlessnesses
savourlessness -> savourlessnesses
sawan -> sawans
sawbuck -> sawbucks
sawhorse -> sawhorses
sawm -> sawms
sawpit -> sawpits
sawwort -> sawworts
saxe-gothea -> saxe-gotheas
saxegothea -> saxegotheas
saxhorn -> saxhorns
saxicola -> saxicolas
saxifragaceae -> saxifragaceaes
saxist -> saxists
saxitoxin -> saxitoxins
sayanci -> sayancis
sayda -> saydas
sayeret -> sayerets
sayornis -> sayorniss
sazerac -> sazeracs
sb -> sbs
sbw -> sbws
sc -> scs
scabicide -> scabicides
scablands -> scablandss
scads -> scadss
scag -> scags
scalage -> scalages
scalawag -> scalawags
scalenus -> scalenuss
scaliness -> scalinesses
scallion -> scallions
scallopine -> scallopines
scallopini -> scallopinis
scaly -> scalier,scaliest
scammer -> scammers
scammony -> scammonies
scammonyroot -> scammonyroots
scampo -> scampoes
scandalisation -> scandalisations
scandalization -> scandalizations
scandalmongering -> scandalmongerings
scandentia -> scandentias
scantness -> scantnesses
scaphiopus -> scaphiopera
scaphocephaly -> scaphocephalies
scaphopod -> scaphopods
scaphopoda -> scaphopodas
scaphosepalum -> scaphosepalums
scapula -> scapulas
scapulary -> scapularies
scarabaean -> scarabaeans
scarabaeid -> scarabaeids
scarabaeidae -> scarabaeidaes
scarabaeus -> scarabaeuss
scaramouch -> scaramouches
scarceness -> scarcenesses
scardinius -> scardiniuss
scarfpin -> scarfpins
scaridae -> scaridaes
scarlatina -> scarlatinas
scartella -> scartellas
scatophagy -> scatophagies
scatterbrain -> scatterbrains
scattergun -> scatterguns
scatty -> scattier,scattiest
scauper -> scaupers
sceliphron -> sceliphrons
sceloglaux -> sceloglauxes
sceloporus -> sceloporuss
scenarist -> scenarists
scend -> scends,scending,sended
scene-shifter -> scene-shifters
sceneshifter -> sceneshifters
scepter -> scepters
schaffneria -> schaffnerias
schematization -> schematizations
schemozzle -> schemozzles
scheol -> scheols
scheuchzeriaceae -> scheuchzeriaceaes
schinus -> schinuss
schipperke -> schipperkes
schistorrhachis -> schistorrhachiss
schistosomatidae -> schistosomatidaes
schizachyrium -> schizachyriums
schizaea -> schizaeas
schizaeaceae -> schizaeaceaes
schizanthus -> schizanthuss
schizocarp -> schizocarps
schizogony -> schizogonies
schizomycetes -> schizomycetess
schizopetalon -> schizopetalons
schizophragma -> schizophragmas
schizophyceae -> schizophyceaes
schizophyta -> schizophytas
schizopoda -> schizopodas
schizosaccharomycetaceae -> schizosaccharomycetaceaes
schizothymia -> schizothymias
schleiden -> schleidens
schlemiel -> schlemiels
schlepper -> schleppers
schlesien -> schlesiens
schlimazel -> schlimazels
schlockmeister -> schlockmeisters
schmalz -> schmalzs
schmear -> schmears
schmeer -> schmeers
schmegegge -> schmegegges
schmo -> schmoes
schmoose -> schmooses
schmoozer -> schmoozers
schnaps -> schnapss
schnecken -> schneckens
schnittlaugh -> schnittlaughs
schnook -> schnooks
schnorchel -> schnorchels
schnorrer -> schnorrers
schnoz -> schnozs
schnozzle -> schnozzles
scholiast -> scholiasts
schomburgkia -> schomburgkias
schonbein -> schonbeins
schoolchild -> schoolchildren
schoolcraft -> schoolcrafts
schooldays -> schooldayss
schooltime -> schooltimes
schorl -> schorls
schottische -> schottisches
schrod -> schrods
schtickl -> schtickls
schtik -> schtiks
schtikl -> schtikls
schumann-heink -> schumann-heinks
schutzstaffel -> schutzstaffels
schwarzwald -> schwarzwalds
sciadopityaceae -> sciadopityaceaes
sciadopitys -> sciadopityss
sciaena -> sciaenas
sciaenid -> sciaenids
sciaenidae -> sciaenidaes
sciaenops -> sciaenopss
sciara -> sciaras
sciarid -> sciarids
sciaridae -> sciaridaes
scincella -> scincellas
scincid -> scincids
scincidae -> scincidaes
scincus -> scincuss
scindapsus -> scindapsuss
sciolism -> sciolisms
sciolist -> sciolists
scissor -> scissors
scissure -> scissures
sciuridae -> sciuridaes
sciuromorpha -> sciuromorphas
sciurus -> sciuruss
sclaff -> sclaffs,sclaffing,sclaffed
sclera -> scleras
scleranthus -> scleranthuss
scleredema -> scleredemas
sclerodermataceae -> sclerodermataceaes
sclerodermatales -> sclerodermataless
sclerometer -> sclerometers
scleroparei -> scleropareis
scleroprotein -> scleroproteins
sclerotinia -> sclerotinias
sclerotiniaceae -> sclerotiniaceaes
sclerotium -> sclerotiums
sclerotomy -> sclerotomies
sclk -> sclks
scnt -> scnts
scofflaw -> scofflaws
scoke -> scokes
scolder -> scolders
scolion -> scolions
scollop -> scollops,scolloping,scolloped
scolopacidae -> scolopacidaes
scolopax -> scolopaxes
scolopendrium -> scolopendriums
scolymus -> scolymuss
scolytidae -> scolytidaes
scolytus -> scolytuss
scomber -> scombers
scomberesocidae -> scomberesocidaes
scomberesox -> scomberesoxes
scomberomorus -> scomberomoruss
scombresocidae -> scombresocidaes
scombresox -> scombresoxes
scombridae -> scombridaes
scombroid -> scombroids
scombroidea -> scombroideas
scophthalmus -> scophthalmuss
scopolia -> scopolias
scorbutus -> scorbutuss
scores -> scoress
scorner -> scorners
scorpaena -> scorpaenas
scorpaenid -> scorpaenids
scorpaenidae -> scorpaenidaes
scorpaenoid -> scorpaenoids
scorpaenoidea -> scorpaenoideas
scorper -> scorpers
scorpionida -> scorpionidas
scorpionweed -> scorpionweeds
scorsese -> scorsese
scotchwoman -> scotchwomen
scotswoman -> scotswomen
scott -> scotts
scotticism -> scotticisms
scourger -> scourgers
scours -> scourss
scow -> scows
scraggy -> scraggier,scraggiest
scrappiness -> scrappinesses
scrapple -> scrapples
scraps -> scrapss
scrawler -> scrawlers
scrawniness -> scrawninesses
screak -> screaks,screaking,screaked
screecher -> screechers
screenland -> screenlands
screw-top -> screw-tops
screwballer -> screwballers
screwbean -> screwbeans
screwup -> screwups
screwy -> screwier,screwiest
scrimshank -> scrimshanks,scrimshanking,scrimshanked
scrimshanker -> scrimshankers
scrod -> scrods
scrophularia -> scrophularias
scrophulariales -> scrophularialess
scrub-bird -> scrub-birds
scrubbiness -> scrubbinesses
scrubbird -> scrubbirds
scrutiniser -> scrutinisers
scrutinizer -> scrutinizers
sculpturer -> sculpturers
scunner -> scunners
scup -> scups
scuppernong -> scuppernongs
scutcheon -> scutcheons
scutellaria -> scutellarias
scutigera -> scutigeras
scutigerella -> scutigerellas
scutigeridae -> scutigeridaes
scyliorhinidae -> scyliorhinidaes
scyphozoa -> scyphozoas
scyphus -> scyphuss
sd -> sds
sea-duty -> sea-duties
sea-ear -> sea-ears
sea-poose -> sea-pooses
sea-purse -> sea-purses
sea-puss -> sea-pusses
sea-rocket -> sea-rockets
seabag -> seabags
seaboard -> seaboards
seaborg -> seaborgs
seaborgium -> seaborgiums
seafowl -> seafowls
sealyham -> sealyhams
seamster -> seamsters
seaquake -> seaquakes
searobin -> searobins
seasnail -> seasnails
seasonableness -> seasonablenesses
seasoner -> seasoners
seats -> seatss
seaward -> seawards
sebastodes -> sebastodess
seborrhea -> seborrheas
sebs -> sebss
secateurs -> secateurss
secern -> secerns,secerning,secerned
secernment -> secernments
sechuana -> sechuanas
seckel -> seckels
secobarbital -> secobarbitals
second-stringer -> second-stringers
secotiaceae -> secotiaceaes
secotiales -> secotialess
secpar -> secpars
secretariate -> secretariates
secretase -> secretases
secreter -> secreters
secretor -> secretors
sectarist -> sectarists
sectional -> sectionals
sectionalisation -> sectionalisations
sectionalize -> sectionalizes,sectionalizing,sectionalized
sectral -> sectrals
secundigravida -> secundigravidas
secureness -> securenesses
securer -> securers
sedalia -> sedalias
sedative-hypnotic -> sedative-hypnotics
sedna -> sednas
sedulity -> sedulities
sedulousness -> sedulousnesses
seedcake -> seedcakes
seedcase -> seedcases
seeder -> seeders
seedman -> seedmen
seedtime -> seedtimes
seeland -> seelands
seemliness -> seemlinesses
segno -> segnoes
segregationism -> segregationisms
segregator -> segregators
segway -> segways
seiche -> seiches
seigneury -> seigneuries
seignior -> seigniors
seism -> seisms
seismogram -> seismograms
seismography -> seismographies
seismosaur -> seismosaurs
seismosaurus -> seismosauruss
seiurus -> seiuruss
seizer -> seizers
sekhet -> sekhets
selachian -> selachians
selachii -> selachiis
selaginella -> selaginellas
selaginellaceae -> selaginellaceaes
selaginellales -> selaginellaless
selar -> selars
selcraig -> selcraigs
selectman -> selectmen
selectwoman -> selectwomen
selenarctos -> selenarctoss
selenicereus -> selenicereuss
selenipedium -> selenipediums
selenolatry -> selenolatries
selenology -> selenologies
self-centeredness -> self-centerednesses
self-concern -> self-concerns
self-cultivation -> self-cultivations
self-defense -> self-defenses
self-digestion -> self-digestions
self-feeder -> self-feeders
self-fertilisation -> self-fertilisations
self-fertilization -> self-fertilizations
self-fulfillment -> self-fulfillments
self-induction -> self-inductions
self-loader -> self-loaders
self-mortification -> self-mortifications
self-pollination -> self-pollinations
self-pride -> self-prides
self-reformation -> self-reformations
self-renunciation -> self-renunciations
self-reproof -> self-reproofs
self-suggestion -> self-suggestions
self-torment -> self-torments
self-worship -> self-worships
selloff -> selloffs
selsyn -> selsyns
selvage -> selvages
semantic -> semantics
semasiology -> semasiologies
semi-abstraction -> semi-abstractions
semi-climber -> semi-climbers
semi-detached -> semi-detacheds
semiautomatic -> semiautomatics
semicentenary -> semicentenaries
semicentennial -> semicentennials
semicoma -> semicomas
semiconsciousness -> semiconsciousnesses
semidesert -> semideserts
semidiameter -> semidiameters
semiepiphyte -> semiepiphytes
semifinalist -> semifinalists
semifluidity -> semifluidities
semigloss -> semiglosses
semimonthly -> semimonthlies
seminoma -> seminomas
semiparasite -> semiparasites
semipro -> semiproes
semitrailer -> semitrailers
semitrance -> semitrances
semitransparency -> semitransparencies
semitropics -> semitropicss
semivowel -> semivowels
semiweekly -> semiweeklies
sempatch -> sempatches
sempiternity -> sempiternities
sempstress -> sempstresses
senatorship -> senatorships
send-off -> send-offs
sendee -> sendees
sendup -> sendups
sene -> senes
senefelder -> senefelders
senegalese -> senegalese
seniti -> senitis
sennacherib -> sennacheribs
sennit -> sennits
sensibleness -> sensiblenesses
sensitising -> sensitisings
sensitizer -> sensitizers
sensitometer -> sensitometers
sensualism -> sensualisms
sensualness -> sensualnesses
sent -> sents
sente -> sentes
sentiency -> sentiencies
sentimentalisation -> sentimentalisations
sentimentalization -> sentimentalizations
separationism -> separationisms
separationist -> separationists
separatrix -> separatrices
sepiidae -> sepiidaes
sepiolite -> sepiolites
septation -> septations
septectomy -> septectomies
septenary -> septenaries
septentrion -> septentrions
septette -> septettes
septicemia -> septicemias
septillion -> septillions
septobasidiaceae -> septobasidiaceaes
septobasidium -> septobasidiums
septuagesima -> septuagesimas
sepulcher -> sepulchers
sepulture -> sepultures
sequela -> sequelas
sequella -> sequellas
sequenator -> sequenators
sequoiadendron -> sequoiadendrons
sequoya -> sequoyas
sequoyah -> sequoyahs
serax -> seraxes
serbo-croatian -> serbo-croatians
serdica -> serdicas
sereness -> serenesses
serenoa -> serenoas
serer -> serers
serfhood -> serfhoods
sergeant-at-law -> sergeants-at-law
serger -> sergers
serialization -> serializations
sericocarpus -> sericocarpuss
sericterium -> sericteriums
serictery -> sericteries
sericulture -> sericultures
sericulturist -> sericulturists
seriema -> seriemas
series -> series
serigraph -> serigraphs
serigraphy -> serigraphies
serin -> serins
serinus -> serinuss
seriocomedy -> seriocomedies
seriola -> seriolas
serious-mindedness -> serious-mindednesses
seriph -> seriphs
seriphidium -> seriphidiums
seriphus -> seriphuss
sermoniser -> sermonisers
sermonizer -> sermonizers
serologist -> serologists
serotine -> serotines
serpasil -> serpasils
serpent-worship -> serpent-worships
serpentes -> serpentess
serranid -> serranids
serranidae -> serranidaes
serranus -> serranuss
serratia -> serratias
serratula -> serratulas
sertraline -> sertralines
sertularia -> sertularias
sertularian -> sertularians
serviceableness -> serviceablenesses
serviceberry -> serviceberries
servosystem -> servosystems
serzone -> serzones
sesamoid -> sesamoids
sesamum -> sesamums
sesbania -> sesbanias
seseli -> seselis
sesquipedalia -> sesquipedalias
sesquipedality -> sesquipedalities
sessions -> sessionss
set-to -> set-tos
setaria -> setarias
setline -> setlines
setoff -> setoffs
setophaga -> setophagas
setscrew -> setscrews
setterwort -> setterworts
settlings -> settlingss
seven -> sevens
seven-spot -> seven-spots
seven-up -> seven-ups
sevener -> seveners
sevens -> sevenss
sevensome -> sevensomes
seventeen -> seventeens
seventh -> sevenths
seventies -> seventiess
seventy -> seventies
seventy-eight -> seventy-eights
severalty -> severalties
severeness -> severenesses
sewellel -> sewellels
sexcapade -> sexcapades
sexlessness -> sexlessnesses
sexploitation -> sexploitations
sextette -> sextettes
sextillion -> sextillions
seyhan -> seyhans
sg -> sgs
shaaban -> shaabans
shabu -> shabus
shabuoth -> shabuoths
shad-flower -> shad-flowers
shadberry -> shadberries
shadblow -> shadblows
shadbush -> shadbushes
shaddock -> shaddocks
shades -> shadess
shadflower -> shadflowers
shadfly -> shadflies
shadiness -> shadinesses
shadowboxing -> shadowboxings
shadowiness -> shadowinesses
shagbark -> shagbarks
shagginess -> shagginesses
shaggy -> shaggier,shaggiest
shaggymane -> shaggymanes
shahadah -> shahadahs
shaheed -> shaheeds
shahn -> shahns
shaitan -> shaitans
shakers -> shakerss
shakspere -> shaksperes
shaktism -> shaktisms
shaktist -> shaktists
shall-flower -> shall-flowers
shallon -> shallons
shallu -> shallus
shamefacedness -> shamefacednesses
shamefulness -> shamefulnesses
shamisen -> shamisens
shammer -> shammers
shandygaff -> shandygaffs
shanghai -> shanghais,shanghaiing,shanghaied
shanghaier -> shanghaiers
shapley -> shapleys
sharksucker -> sharksuckers
sharp-sightedness -> sharp-sightednesses
sharpy -> sharpies
shastan -> shastans
shavous -> shavouss
shavuot -> shavuots
shavuoth -> shavuoths
shawny -> shawnies
shay -> shays
shaytan -> shaytans
she-oak -> she-oaks
shears -> shears
sheathing -> sheathings
shebat -> shebats
sheep-tick -> sheep-ticks
sheepcote -> sheepcotes
sheepdip -> sheepdips
sheepherder -> sheepherders
sheepishness -> sheepishnesses
sheepman -> sheepmen
sheeprun -> sheepruns
sheepshank -> sheepshanks
sheepshead -> sheepsheads
sheepshearing -> sheepshearings
sheepwalk -> sheepwalks
sheesha -> sheeshas
sheetrock -> sheetrocks
shegetz -> shegetzs
sheika -> sheikas
shekels -> shekelss
shelfful -> shelffuls
shell-flower -> shell-flowers
shellac -> shellacs,shellacking,shellacked
shellbark -> shellbarks
shellfish -> shellfish
shellflower -> shellflowers
shelver -> shelvers
shemozzle -> shemozzles
shen-pao -> shen-paos
shevat -> shevats
shf -> shfs
shibah -> shibahs
shielder -> shielders
shiftlessness -> shiftlessnesses
shigellosis -> shigelloses
shih-tzu -> shih-tzus
shikse -> shikses
shillalah -> shillalahs
shillyshally -> shilly-shallies,shilly-shallying,shillyshallied,shilly-shallied
shina -> shinas
shingling -> shinglings
shingon -> shingons
shinleaf -> shinleaves
shinney -> shinneys
shinplaster -> shinplasters
shintoist -> shintoists
ship-breaker -> ship-breakers
shipside -> shipsides
shipworm -> shipworms
shirr -> shirrs,shirring,shirred
shirtdress -> shirtdresses
shirting -> shirtings
shirtlifter -> shirtlifters
shirtsleeves -> shirtsleevess
shirttail -> shirttails
shirtwaist -> shirtwaists
shisha -> shishas
shitlist -> shitlists
shittah -> shittahs
shittim -> shittims
shittimwood -> shittimwoods
shivah -> shivahs
shivaism -> shivaisms
shivaist -> shivaists
shivaree -> shivarees
shlemiel -> shlemiels
shlep -> shleps
shlepper -> shleppers
shlimazel -> shlimazels
shlock -> shlocks
shlockmeister -> shlockmeisters
shmaltz -> shmaltzs
shmear -> shmears
shmegegge -> shmegegges
shmo -> shmoes
shmooze -> shmoozes
shnook -> shnooks
shnorrer -> shnorrers
shockley -> shockleys
shoebill -> shoebills
shoebird -> shoebirds
shoeblack -> shoeblacks
shoeful -> shoefuls
shoes -> shoess
shoetree -> shoetrees
shofar -> shofars
shogi -> shogis
shoofly -> shooflies
shook -> shooks
shophar -> shophars
shopwalker -> shopwalkers
shorebird -> shorebirds
shoring -> shorings
short-grass -> short-grasses
short-stop -> short-stops
short-weight -> short-weights,short-weighting,short-weighted
shortia -> shortias
shortie -> shorties
shortstop -> shortstops
shoshonean -> shoshoneans
shoshonian -> shoshonians
shote -> shotes
shove-ha'penny -> shove-ha'pennies
shove-halfpenny -> shove-halfpennies
shovelboard -> shovelboards
shovelhead -> shovelheads
shoveller -> shovellers
shover -> shovers
showiness -> showinesses
showplace -> showplaces
showstopper -> showstoppers
showy -> showier,showiest
shreveport -> shreveports
shrewishness -> shrewishnesses
shrewmouse -> shrewmice
shrublet -> shrublets
shtickl -> shtickls
shtik -> shtiks
shtikl -> shtikls
shtup -> shtups
shua -> shuas
shudra -> shudras
shuffleboard -> shuffleboards
shumac -> shumacs
shunning -> shunnings
shuteye -> shuteyes
shutout -> shutouts
shutterbug -> shutterbugs
shwa -> shwas
si -> sis
sialia -> sialias
sialidae -> sialidaes
sialis -> sialiss
sialolith -> sialoliths
sibilate -> sibilates,sibilating,sibilated
sibilation -> sibilations
sibine -> sibines
sic -> sics,sicking,sicked
sicative -> sicatives
sickbay -> sickbays
sickbed -> sickbeds
sickeningness -> sickeningnesses
sicklepod -> sicklepods
sickroom -> sickrooms
sidalcea -> sidalceas
siddhartha -> siddharthas
side-look -> side-looks
side-wheeler -> side-wheelers
side-whiskers -> side-whiskerss
sideroblast -> sideroblasts
siderocyte -> siderocytes
sideropenia -> sideropenias
siderophilin -> siderophilins
siderosis -> sideroses
sidesaddle -> sidesaddles
sidesplitter -> sidesplitters
sigeh -> sigehs
sight-read -> sight-reads,sight-reading
sight-translate -> sight-translates,sight-translated
sight-translation -> sight-translations
sightedness -> sightednesses
sightlessness -> sightlessnesses
sightread -> sightreads,sightreading,sightread
sightreader -> sightreaders
sigmodon -> sigmodons
sigmoidectomy -> sigmoidectomies
signaler -> signalers
signaling -> signalings
signalisation -> signalisations
signalization -> signalizations
signalize -> signalizes,signalizing,signalized
signior -> signiors
signory -> signories
sigyn -> sigyns
sihasapa -> sihasapas
sild -> silds
sildenafil -> sildenafils
silents -> silentss
silicide -> silicides
silicle -> silicles
siliqua -> siliquas
silique -> siliques
silkgrass -> silkgrasses
silks -> silkss
silkweed -> silkweeds
sillaginidae -> sillaginidaes
sillago -> sillagoes
sills -> sillss
silurid -> silurids
siluridae -> siluridaes
siluriformes -> siluriformess
silurus -> siluruss
silver-bush -> silver-bushes
silver-lace -> silver-laces
silver-plate -> silver-plates,silver-plating,silver-plated
silver-tip -> silver-tips
silver-worker -> silver-workers
silverback -> silverbacks
silverberry -> silverberries
silverbush -> silverbushes
silverrod -> silverrods
silversides -> silversidess
silverspot -> silverspots
silversword -> silverswords
silvertip -> silvertips
silvervine -> silvervines
silverworker -> silverworkers
silybum -> silybums
simal -> simals
simarouba -> simaroubas
simaroubaceae -> simaroubaceaes
simmpleness -> simmplenesses
simoleons -> simoleonss
simon -> simons
simoniz -> simonizs
simoom -> simooms
simoon -> simoons
simperer -> simperers
simplism -> simplisms
simuliidae -> simuliidaes
simultaneousness -> simultaneousnesses
simvastatin -> simvastatins
sinanthropus -> sinanthropera
sinapis -> sinapiss
sinapism -> sinapisms
sinciput -> sinciputs
sinequan -> sinequans
sing-kwa -> sing-kwas
singan -> singans
singhalese -> singhaleses
single-foot -> single-feet
single-spacing -> single-spacings
singles -> singless
singlestick -> singlesticks
singularize -> singularizes,singularizing,singularized
singultus -> singultuss
sinhalese -> sinhalese
sinitic -> sinitics
sinology -> sinologies
sinoper -> sinopers
sinopia -> sinopias
sinopis -> sinopiss
sinornis -> sinorniss
sinuosity -> sinuosities
sinuousness -> sinuousnesses
sinus -> sinuses
siouan -> siouans
sipah-e-sahaba -> sipah-e-sahabas
siphonophora -> siphonophoras
siphonophore -> siphonophores
sipuncula -> sipunculas
sipunculid -> sipunculids
sirach -> siraches
siracusa -> siracusas
sirc -> sircs
sirenia -> sirenias
sirenian -> sirenians
sirenidae -> sirenidaes
siriasis -> siriases
sirup -> sirups
sis -> ses
sise -> sises
sisham -> sishams
sissiness -> sissinesses
sissoo -> sissoos
sissu -> sissus
sissy -> sissies
sistership -> sisterships
sistrurus -> sistruruss
sisyridae -> sisyridaes
sitophylus -> sitophyluss
sitotroga -> sitotrogas
sitsang -> sitsangs
sitta -> sittas
sittidae -> sittidaes
sium -> siums
sivaism -> sivaisms
sivan -> sivans
siwan -> siwans
six -> sixes
six-spot -> six-spots
sixpack -> sixpacks
sixsome -> sixsomes
sixteen -> sixteens
sixteenth -> sixteenths
sixth -> sixths
sixties -> sixtiess
sixty -> sixties
sixty-nine -> sixty-nines
sizeableness -> sizeablenesses
sjaelland -> sjaellands
sk-ampicillin -> sk-ampicillins
skagerak -> skageraks
skagerrak -> skagerraks
skagit -> skagits
skanda -> skandas
skepful -> skepfuls
skeptic -> skeptics
ski-plane -> ski-planes
skiagram -> skiagrams
skiagraph -> skiagraphs
skiagraphy -> skiagraphies
skibob -> skibobs
skidpan -> skidpans
skilly -> skillies
skin-dive -> skin-dives
skinflint -> skinflints
skinheads -> skinheadss
skinniness -> skinninesses
skinny-dip -> skinny-dips
skinny-dipper -> skinny-dippers
skirret -> skirrets
skittles -> skittless
skivvies -> skivviess
skoplje -> skopljes
skuld -> skulds
skunk-weed -> skunk-weeds
skunkbush -> skunkbushes
skunkweed -> skunkweeds
skybox -> skyboxes
skycap -> skycaps
skyjack -> skyjacks,skyjacking,skyjacked
skyrocket -> skyrockets,skyrocketing,skyrocketed
skysail -> skysails
skywriting -> skywritings
sl -> sls
slacks -> slackss
slagheap -> slagheaps
slanginess -> slanginesses
slanguage -> slanguages
slangy -> slangier,slangiest
slant-eye -> slant-eyes
slask -> slasks
slatternliness -> slatternlinesses
slave-maker -> slave-makers
slaveholding -> slaveholdings
slaw -> slaws
sleaziness -> sleazinesses
sledder -> sledders
sledding -> sleddings
sleep-learning -> sleep-learnings
sleepover -> sleepovers
sleepwear -> sleepwears
sleepyhead -> sleepyheads
slenderize -> slenderizes,slenderizing,slenderized
sleuthhound -> sleuthhounds
slews -> slewss
slezsko -> slezskoes
slideway -> slideways
sliminess -> sliminesses
slinging -> slingings
slipknot -> slipknots
slipperwort -> slipperworts
slipstick -> slipsticks
slo-bid -> slo-bids
sloanea -> sloaneas
slobberer -> slobberers
slop-seller -> slop-sellers
slops -> slopss
slopseller -> slopsellers
slopshop -> slopshops
sloucher -> slouchers
sloven -> slovens
slovenija -> slovenijas
slow-wittedness -> slow-wittednesses
slowpoke -> slowpokes
slowworm -> slowworms
slue -> slues,sluing,slued
slugabed -> slugabeds
slugfest -> slugfests
sluicegate -> sluicegates
sluiceway -> sluiceways
slumberer -> slumberers
slumgullion -> slumgullions
slummy -> slummier,slummiest
sly -> slyer,slyest
slyboots -> slybootss
sm -> sms
smallmouth -> smallmouths
smallpox -> smallpox
smaltite -> smaltites
smarminess -> smarminesses
smarmy -> smarmier,smarmiest
smarta -> smartas
smash-up -> smash-ups
smeltery -> smelteries
smilacaceae -> smilacaceaes
smiledon -> smiledons
smilo -> smiloes
smirker -> smirkers
smitane -> smitanes
smithereens -> smithereenss
smogginess -> smogginesses
smolder -> smolders
smoothbark -> smoothbarks
smoothbore -> smoothbores
smoothen -> smoothens,smoothening,smoothened
smoother -> smoothers
smoothhound -> smoothhounds
smoothie -> smoothies
smotherer -> smotherers
smudgy -> smudgier,smudgiest
smutch -> smutches,smutching,smutched
smuttiness -> smuttinesses
snacker -> snackers
snafu -> snafues,snafuing,snafued
snail-flower -> snail-flowers
snailflower -> snailflowers
snakeberry -> snakeberries
snakebird -> snakebirds
snakeblenny -> snakeblennies
snakefly -> snakeflies
snakeroot -> snakeroots
snakeweed -> snakeweeds
snaky -> snakier,snakiest
snapline -> snaplines
snappishness -> snappishnesses
snarer -> snarers
sneakiness -> sneakinesses
sneezer -> sneezers
sneezeweed -> sneezeweeds
sneezewort -> sneezeworts
snickersnee -> snickersnees
sniffler -> snifflers
sniffy -> sniffier,sniffiest
snipping -> snippings
snips -> snipss
snitcher -> snitchers
sniveler -> snivelers
sniveling -> snivelings
sniveller -> snivellers
sno-cat -> sno-cats
snobby -> snobbier,snobbiest
snogging -> snoggings
snook -> snooks
snoopiness -> snoopinesses
snooty -> snootier,snootiest
snorkeling -> snorkelings
snow-blindness -> snow-blindnesses
snow-in-summer -> snows-in-summer
snow-on-the-mountain -> snows-on-the-mountain
snowbank -> snowbanks
snowbell -> snowbells
snowberry -> snowberries
snowblindness -> snowblindnesses
snowboarding -> snowboardings
snowcap -> snowcaps
snowplow -> snowplows
snowshoe -> snowshoes
snowsuit -> snowsuits
snuff-color -> snuff-colors
snuff-colour -> snuff-colours
snuffers -> snufferss
snuffler -> snufflers
snuggery -> snuggeries
snuggling -> snugglings
so -> soes
soap-rock -> soap-rocks
soap-weed -> soap-weeds
soapberry -> soapberries
soapiness -> soapinesses
soaprock -> soaprocks
soapsuds -> soapsudss
soapweed -> soapweeds
soapy -> soapier,soapiest
soberness -> sobernesses
sobersides -> sobersidess
sobralia -> sobralias
sociableness -> sociablenesses
social -> socials
socialiser -> socialisers
socializer -> socializers
sociometry -> sociometries
socle -> socles
sodalist -> sodalists
sodalite -> sodalites
sodbuster -> sodbusters
sodoku -> sodokus
sodomist -> sodomists
soft-cover -> soft-covers
soft-pedal -> soft-pedals,soft-pedalling,soft-pedalled
soft-soap -> soft-soaps,soft-soaping,soft-soaped
soft-solder -> soft-solders,soft-soldering,soft-soldered
softball -> softballs
softheartedness -> softheartednesses
softie -> softies
software -> software
sogginess -> sogginesses
soilure -> soilures
soja -> sojas
sokoro -> sokoroes
solacement -> solacements
solandra -> solandras
solanopteris -> solanopteriss
solarization -> solarizations
solarize -> solarizes,solarizing,solarized
solderer -> solderers
soldiership -> soldierships
solea -> soleas
soledad -> soledads
soleidae -> soleidaes
soleirolia -> soleirolias
solemness -> solemnesses
solemnisation -> solemnisations
solenichthyes -> solenichthyess
solenidae -> solenidaes
solenogaster -> solenogasters
solenogastres -> solenogastress
solenostemon -> solenostemons
solfa -> solfas
solfege -> solfeges
solfeggio -> solfeggios
soli -> solis
solicitorship -> solicitorships
solicitousness -> solicitousnesses
solidifying -> solidifyings
solitaire -> solitaires
solitudinarian -> solitudinarians
solleret -> sollerets
solmisation -> solmisations
solmization -> solmizations
solomon -> solomons
solomon's-seal -> solomon's-seals
solresol -> solresols
solubleness -> solublenesses
solvability -> solvabilities
somaesthesia -> somaesthesias
somaesthesis -> somaestheses
soman -> somen
somataesthesis -> somataestheses
somatesthesia -> somatesthesias
somatosense -> somatosenses
somatotrophin -> somatotrophins
somatotype -> somatotypes
somberness -> sombernesses
someone -> someones
somesthesia -> somesthesias
somesthesis -> somestheses
something -> somethings
somewhere -> somewheres
somnambulate -> somnambulates,somnambulating,somnambulated
somnambulation -> somnambulations
somniloquism -> somniloquisms
somniloquist -> somniloquists
somniloquy -> somniloquys
somrai -> somrais
sonant -> sonants
songfulness -> songfulnesses
songhai -> songhais
sonograph -> sonographs
sonometer -> sonometers
sonorousness -> sonorousnesses
soochong -> soochongs
soon -> sooner,soonest
sooner -> sooners
sootiness -> sootinesses
soph -> sophs
sophomore -> sophomores
sophonias -> sophoniass
sophora -> sophoras
sopor -> sopors
sops -> sopss
sorb -> sorbs
sorbate -> sorbates
sorbian -> sorbians
sordino -> sordinoes
sorehead -> soreheads
sorex -> sorexes
sorgho -> sorghoes
sorgo -> sorgoes
soricidae -> soricidaes
sorriness -> sorrinesses
sorrower -> sorrowers
sorrowfulness -> sorrowfulnesses
sort-out -> sort-outs
sortition -> sortitions
sorus -> soruss
sothis -> sothiss
sottishness -> sottishnesses
sou -> sous
sou'-east -> sou'-easts
sou'-sou'-east -> sou'-sou'-easts
sou'-sou'-west -> sou'-sou'-wests
sou'-west -> sou'-wests
sou'easter -> sou'easters
souari -> souaris
soufflot -> soufflots
soulfulness -> soulfulnesses
soup-fin -> soup-fins
soup-strainer -> soup-strainers
soupfin -> soupfins
soupiness -> soupinesses
soupspoon -> soupspoons
sourball -> sourballs
sourdine -> sourdines
sourwood -> sourwoods
sousaphone -> sousaphones
sousing -> sousings
soutache -> soutaches
southeaster -> southeasters
southeastward -> southeastwards
southernism -> southernisms
southernness -> southernnesses
southward -> southwards
southwester -> southwesters
southwestward -> southwestwards
souvlaki -> souvlakis
souvlakia -> souvlakias
sovietism -> sovietisms
sovietize -> sovietizes,sovietizing,sovietized
soviets -> sovietss
sowbane -> sowbanes
sowbelly -> sowbellies
sowbread -> sowbreads
soymilk -> soymilks
spacefaring -> spacefarings
spacewalker -> spacewalkers
spackle -> spackles
spadix -> spadixes
spalacidae -> spalacidaes
spalax -> spalaxes
spallanzani -> spallanzanis
spallation -> spallations
spammer -> spammers
spandril -> spandrils
sparaxis -> sparaxes
sparerib -> spareribs
spareribs -> spareribss
sparganiaceae -> sparganiaceaes
sparganium -> sparganiums
sparge -> sparges,sparging,sparged
sparid -> sparids
sparidae -> sparidaes
sparkleberry -> sparkleberries
sparmannia -> sparmannias
spartium -> spartiums
spasmolysis -> spasmolyses
spatangoida -> spatangoidas
spatterdock -> spatterdocks
spawl -> spawls
speakerphone -> speakerphones
spearmint -> spearmints
specialiser -> specialisers
specializer -> specializers
specie -> species
species -> species
speciousness -> speciousnesses
spectacles -> spectacless
spectinomycin -> spectinomycins
speculativeness -> speculativenesses
speechifier -> speechifiers
speechify -> speechifies,speechifying,speechified
speechmaking -> speechmakings
speed-reading -> speed-readings
speediness -> speedinesses
speedskater -> speedskaters
speedup -> speedups
speedwell -> speedwells
spelaeologist -> spelaeologists
spelaeology -> spelaeologies
spelldown -> spelldowns
spelunk -> spelunks,spelunking,spelunked
spelunker -> spelunkers
spend-all -> spend-alls
spergula -> spergulas
spergularia -> spergularias
spermatid -> spermatids
spermatocele -> spermatoceles
spermatocide -> spermatocides
spermatophyta -> spermatophytas
spermatophyte -> spermatophytes
spermatozoan -> spermatozoans
spermatozoid -> spermatozoids
spermatozoon -> spermatozoa
spermophile -> spermophiles
spermophilus -> spermophiluss
spewer -> spewers
sphacele -> sphaceles
sphacelotheca -> sphacelothecas
sphacelus -> sphaceluss
sphaeralcea -> sphaeralceas
sphaeriaceae -> sphaeriaceaes
sphaeriales -> sphaerialess
sphaerobolaceae -> sphaerobolaceaes
sphaerocarpaceae -> sphaerocarpaceaes
sphaerocarpales -> sphaerocarpaless
sphaerocarpos -> sphaerocarposs
sphaerocarpus -> sphaerocarpuss
sphagnales -> sphagnaless
sphecidae -> sphecidaes
sphecius -> spheciuss
sphecoid -> sphecoids
sphecoidea -> sphecoideas
sphecotheres -> sphecotheress
sphenion -> sphenions
spheniscidae -> spheniscidaes
sphenisciformes -> sphenisciformess
spheniscus -> spheniscuss
sphenodon -> sphenodons
sphenoid -> sphenoids
sphenopsida -> sphenopsidas
sphericalness -> sphericalnesses
spherocyte -> spherocytes
spherometer -> spherometers
sphingid -> sphingids
sphingidae -> sphingidaes
sphyraena -> sphyraenas
sphyraenidae -> sphyraenidaes
sphyrapicus -> sphyrapicuss
sphyrna -> sphyrnas
sphyrnidae -> sphyrnidaes
spiccato -> spiccatoes
spiceberry -> spiceberries
spicebush -> spicebushes
spicemill -> spicemills
spicery -> spiceries
spiciness -> spicinesses
spiculum -> spiculums
spiderflower -> spiderflowers
spiderwort -> spiderworts
spiegeleisen -> spiegeleisens
spikelet -> spikelets
spikemoss -> spikemosses
spillikins -> spillikinss
spilogale -> spilogales
spin-dry -> spin-dries,spin-drying,spin-dried,spun,dry
spinacia -> spinacias
spindleberry -> spindleberries
spindlelegs -> spindlelegss
spindleshanks -> spindleshankss
spindly -> spindlier,spindliest
spininess -> spininesses
spinmeister -> spinmeisters
spinnability -> spinnabilities
spinnbarkeit -> spinnbarkeits
spinus -> spinuss
spirant -> spirants
spiranthes -> spiranthess
spirea -> spireas
spirilla -> spirillas
spirillaceae -> spirillaceaes
spirillum -> spirillums
spiritlessness -> spiritlessnesses
spirits -> spiritss
spiritualisation -> spiritualisations
spiritualization -> spiritualizations
spiritualty -> spiritualties
spirochaeta -> spirochaetas
spirochaetaceae -> spirochaetaceaes
spirochaetales -> spirochaetaless
spirochete -> spirochetes
spirodela -> spirodelas
spirogram -> spirograms
spirogyra -> spirogyras
spirt -> spirts
spirula -> spirulas
spirulidae -> spirulidaes
spite -> spites,spiting,spited
spitter -> spitters
spittlebug -> spittlebugs
spizella -> spizellas
splash-guard -> splash-guards
splashboard -> splashboards
splashdown -> splashdowns
splasher -> splashers
splashiness -> splashinesses
splayfoot -> splayfeet
spleenwort -> spleenworts
splenius -> spleniuss
splinters -> splinterss
split-pea -> split-peas
splitsaw -> splitsaws
splitsville -> splitsvilles
splitworm -> splitworms
spodumene -> spodumenes
spoilable -> spoilables
spoilation -> spoilations
spondee -> spondees
spondias -> spondiass
spondylolisthesis -> spondylolistheses
spongebag -> spongebags
spongefly -> spongeflies
spongillafly -> spongillaflies
spongioblast -> spongioblasts
spongioblastoma -> spongioblastomas
spongy -> spongier,spongiest
spontaneousness -> spontaneousnesses
spoondrift -> spoondrifts
spoonfeeding -> spoonfeedings
spoonflower -> spoonflowers
sporangiophore -> sporangiophores
sporanox -> sporanoxes
spork -> sporks
sporobolus -> sporoboluss
sporocarp -> sporocarps
sporophyl -> sporophyls
sporophyll -> sporophylls
sporophyte -> sporophytes
sporotrichosis -> sporotrichoses
sporozoa -> sporozoas
sporozoan -> sporozoans
sportfishing -> sportfishings
sportiveness -> sportivenesses
sporulate -> sporulates,sporulating,sporulated
sporulation -> sporulations
spot-weld -> spot-welds,spot-welding,spot-welded
spot-welder -> spot-welders
spot-welding -> spot-weldings
spotlessness -> spotlessnesses
spots -> spotss
spotsylvania -> spotsylvanias
spotting -> spottings
spotty -> spottier,spottiest
sprachgefuhl -> sprachgefuhls
spraguea -> spragueas
spreadhead -> spreadheads
sprigger -> spriggers
sprigtail -> sprigtails
spring-clean -> spring-cleans,spring-cleaning,spring-cleaned
springbuck -> springbucks
springtide -> springtides
sprinkles -> sprinkless
sprites -> spritess
spruceness -> sprucenesses
spry -> spryer,spryest
spue -> spues,spuing,spued
spuriousness -> spuriousnesses
spurner -> spurners
spurring -> spurrings
spyeria -> spyerias
spyware -> spywares
squabbler -> squabblers
squalidae -> squalidaes
squalidness -> squalidnesses
squalus -> squaluss
squama -> squamas
squamule -> squamules
squanderer -> squanderers
squandermania -> squandermanias
squaretail -> squaretails
squashy -> squashier,squashiest
squatina -> squatinas
squatinidae -> squatinidaes
squatness -> squatnesses
squattiness -> squattinesses
squaw-bush -> squaw-bushes
squawbush -> squawbushes
squawker -> squawkers
squawroot -> squawroots
squeezability -> squeezabilities
squelcher -> squelchers
squilla -> squillas
squillidae -> squillidaes
squint-eye -> squint-eyes
squinter -> squinters
squirmer -> squirmers
sr -> srs
sravana -> sravanas
srbija -> srbijas
srn -> srns
ss -> sss
ssri -> ssris
ssw -> ssws
st -> sts
st.-bruno's-lily -> st.-bruno's-lilies
stableboy -> stableboys
stableness -> stablenesses
stabroek -> stabroeks
stachyose -> stachyoses
stacks -> stackss
stacte -> stactes
stage-manager -> stage-managers
staggerbush -> staggerbushes
staggerer -> staggerers
staghead -> stagheads
staghound -> staghounds
stagira -> stagiras
stagirus -> stagiruss
stagnancy -> stagnancies
stagy -> stagier,stagiest
stainability -> stainabilities
stair -> stairs
stakeout -> stakeouts
stakes -> stakess
stalinabad -> stalinabads
stalinisation -> stalinisations
stalinization -> stalinizations
stalino -> stalinoes
stalls -> stallss
stalwartness -> stalwartnesses
stambul -> stambuls
stammel -> stammels
standardiser -> standardisers
standardizer -> standardizers
standdown -> standdowns
standoffishness -> standoffishnesses
stanhopea -> stanhopeas
stanleya -> stanleyas
stannite -> stannites
stapedectomy -> stapedectomies
stapes -> stapess
staph -> staphs
staphylaceae -> staphylaceaes
staphylea -> staphyleas
staphylinidae -> staphylinidaes
staplegun -> stapleguns
star-duckweed -> star-duckweeds
star-glory -> star-glories
star-of-bethlehem -> stars-of-bethlehem
star-thistle -> star-thistles
starchy -> starchier,starchiest
starer -> starers
starets -> staretss
starflower -> starflowers
stargazing -> stargazings
stark -> starker,starkest
start-off -> starts-off
starwort -> starworts
stateswoman -> stateswomen
statics -> staticss
statin -> statins
stationariness -> stationarinesses
stations -> stationss
statistic -> statistics
status -> status
staurikosaur -> staurikosaurs
staurikosaurus -> staurikosauruss
stayman -> staymen
stays -> stayss
steam-heat -> steam-heats,steam-heating,steam-heated
steamfitter -> steamfitters
steaminess -> steaminesses
steamy -> steamier,steamiest
stearin -> stearins
steatocystoma -> steatocystomas
steatornis -> steatorniss
steatornithidae -> steatornithidaes
steatorrhea -> steatorrheas
steenbok -> steenboks
steeper -> steepers
steerageway -> steerageways
steffens -> steffenss
steganography -> steganographies
steganopus -> steganopera
stegocephalia -> stegocephalias
steinbok -> steinboks
steinman -> steinmen
steinmetz -> steinmetzs
stela -> stelas
stelis -> steliss
stellite -> stellites
stem-winder -> stem-winders
stemma -> stemmas
stemmatics -> stemmaticss
stemmatology -> stemmatologies
stemmer -> stemmers
stengel -> stengels
stenocarpus -> stenocarpuss
stenochlaena -> stenochlaenas
stenograph -> stenographs,stenographing,stenographed
stenography -> stenographies
stenopelmatidae -> stenopelmatidaes
stenopelmatus -> stenopelmatuss
stenopterygius -> stenopterygiuss
stenotaphrum -> stenotaphrums
stenotomus -> stenotomuss
stenotus -> stenotuss
stentor -> stentors
stepchild -> stepchildren
stephanion -> stephanions
stephanomeria -> stephanomerias
stephead -> stepheads
stephen -> stephens
steprelationship -> steprelationships
steps -> stepss
stercobilinogen -> stercobilinogens
stercolith -> stercoliths
stercorariidae -> stercorariidaes
sterculia -> sterculias
stereophony -> stereophonies
stereoscopy -> stereoscopies
stereospondyli -> stereospondylis
sterileness -> sterilenesses
sterninae -> sterninaes
sternocleidomastoid -> sternocleidomastoids
sternotherus -> sternotheruss
sternpost -> sternposts
sternum -> sternums,sterna
sternutation -> sternutations
sternutator -> sternutators
sternutatory -> sternutatories
sternwheeler -> sternwheelers
stertor -> stertors
stet -> stets,stetting,stetted
steuben -> steubens
stevia -> stevias
stewpan -> stewpans
sthene -> sthenes
stheno -> sthenoes
stibnite -> stibnites
stichaeidae -> stichaeidaes
sticherus -> sticheruss
stick-up -> stick-ups
stickball -> stickballs
stickle -> stickles,stickling,stickled
stickpin -> stickpins
sticktight -> sticktights
stickup -> stickups
stickweed -> stickweeds
stictomys -> stictomyss
stictopelia -> stictopelias
stifler -> stiflers
stigmatism -> stigmatisms
stigmatist -> stigmatists
stilbesterol -> stilbesterols
stilbestrol -> stilbestrols
stilboestrol -> stilboestrols
stillroom -> stillrooms
stiltbird -> stiltbirds
stingaree-bush -> stingaree-bushes
stingy -> stingier,stingiest
stinkbird -> stinkbirds
stinkiness -> stinkinesses
stinkpot -> stinkpots
stinkweed -> stinkweeds
stinter -> stinters
stippler -> stipplers
stizidae -> stizidaes
stizolobium -> stizolobiums
stizostedion -> stizostedions
stochasticity -> stochasticities
stock-car -> stock-cars
stock-taker -> stock-takers
stockcar -> stockcars
stockholdings -> stockholdingss
stockinet -> stockinets
stodgy -> stodgier,stodgiest
stoep -> stoeps
stogy -> stogies
stokehole -> stokeholes
stokesia -> stokesias
stolidness -> stolidnesses
stomach-ache -> stomach-aches
stomachache -> stomachaches
stomate -> stomates
stomatopod -> stomatopods
stomatopoda -> stomatopodas
stone-face -> stone-faces
stone-root -> stone-roots
stonecress -> stonecresses
stoneroot -> stoneroots
stonewaller -> stonewallers
stonewort -> stoneworts
stoolpigeon -> stoolpigeons
stooper -> stoopers
stoplight -> stoplights
stopple -> stopples
stops -> stopss
stopwatch -> stopwatches
storax -> storaxes
storeria -> storerias
storksbill -> storksbills
storminess -> storminesses
stotinka -> stotinkas
stoutheartedness -> stoutheartednesses
stovepiping -> stovepipings
strabotomy -> strabotomies
strad -> strads
stradavarius -> stradavariuss
strafer -> strafers
straggly -> stragglier,straggliest
straight-arm -> straight-arms
straits -> straitss
stranglehold -> strangleholds
strangles -> strangless
strapado -> strapadoes
straphanger -> straphangers
strappado -> strappadoes
strassburg -> strassburgs
strategian -> strategians
strategics -> strategicss
stratocracy -> stratocracies
strawflower -> strawflowers
strawman -> strawmen
strawworm -> strawworms
strayer -> strayers
streaker -> streakers
streaky -> streakier,streakiest
streambed -> streambeds
streetcar -> streetcars
strekelia -> strekelias
strelitzia -> strelitzias
strelitziaceae -> strelitziaceaes
strenuosity -> strenuosities
strep -> streps
strepsiceros -> strepsiceross
strepsirhini -> strepsirhinis
streptobacillus -> streptobacilluss
streptocarpus -> streptocarpuss
streptodornase -> streptodornases
streptolysin -> streptolysins
streptomycetaceae -> streptomycetaceaes
streptosolen -> streptosolens
streptothricin -> streptothricins
stretchiness -> stretchinesses
strewing -> strewings
stria -> strias
strickle -> strickles,strickling,strickled
stridence -> stridences
stridor -> stridors
stridulate -> stridulates,stridulating,stridulated
strigidae -> strigidaes
strigiformes -> strigiformess
strikebreaking -> strikebreakings
strikeout -> strikeouts
strikingness -> strikingnesses
strings -> stringss
stringybark -> stringybarks
strip-jack-naked -> strip-jack-nakeds
stripes -> stripess
striptease -> stripteases
stripteaser -> stripteasers
stripy -> stripier,stripiest
striver -> strivers
strobile -> strobiles
strobilomyces -> strobilomycess
strobilus -> strobiluss
stromateid -> stromateids
stromateidae -> stromateidaes
strombidae -> strombidaes
strong-armer -> strong-armers
strongylodon -> strongylodons
strontianite -> strontianites
strophanthin -> strophanthins
strophanthus -> strophanthuss
stropharia -> stropharias
strophariaceae -> strophariaceaes
stroppy -> stroppier,stroppiest
struma -> strumas
strumpet -> strumpets
struthio -> struthios
struthiomimus -> struthiomimuss
struthionidae -> struthionidaes
struthioniformes -> struthioniformess
stubbiness -> stubbinesses
stucco -> stuccos,stuccoing,stuccoed
studbook -> studbooks
studhorse -> studhorses
stultification -> stultifications
stumblebum -> stumblebums
stumbler -> stumblers
stumper -> stumpers
stumpknocker -> stumpknockers
stuntedness -> stuntednesses
stupe -> stupes
stupid -> stupider,stupidest
stupor -> stupors
sturmarbeiteilung -> sturmarbeiteilungs
sturnella -> sturnellas
sturnidae -> sturnidaes
sturnus -> sturnuss
stylemark -> stylemarks
stylistic -> stylistics
stylite -> stylites
stylomecon -> stylomecons
stylophorum -> stylophorums
stylopodium -> stylopodiums
stylostixis -> stylostixes
stylus -> styluses
styphelia -> styphelias
stypsis -> stypses
styracaceae -> styracaceaes
styracosaur -> styracosaurs
styracosaurus -> styracosauruss
styrax -> styraxes
styron -> styrons
suave -> suaver,suavest
suaveness -> suavenesses
sub-interval -> sub-intervals
sub-lieutenant -> sub-lieutenants
subbase -> subbases
subbing -> subbings
subcontinent -> subcontinents
subdivider -> subdividers
subduedness -> subduednesses
subduer -> subduers
subedit -> subedits,subediting,subedited
subeditor -> subeditors
subfigure -> subfigures
subjoin -> subjoins,subjoining,subjoined
subjoining -> subjoinings
subjugator -> subjugators
subjunction -> subjunctions
sublieutenant -> sublieutenants
sublimaze -> sublimazes
submaxilla -> submaxillas
submenu -> submenus
submerging -> submergings
subordinateness -> subordinatenesses
subornation -> subornations
suborner -> suborners
subphylum -> subphylums
subprogram -> subprograms
subsequentness -> subsequentnesses
subservientness -> subservientnesses
subshrub -> subshrubs
subsidiser -> subsidisers
subsidizer -> subsidizers
subsister -> subsisters
substantiality -> substantialities
substantialness -> substantialnesses
substituting -> substitutings
subthalamus -> subthalamuss
subtilin -> subtilins
subtilize -> subtilizes,subtilizing,subtilized
subtle -> subtler,subtlest
subtonic -> subtonics
subtopia -> subtopias
subtracter -> subtracters
subtrahend -> subtrahends
subtreasury -> subtreasuries
subularia -> subularias
suburbanize -> suburbanizes,suburbanizing,suburbanized
subvocaliser -> subvocalisers
subvocalizer -> subvocalizers
succedaneum -> succedaneums
succeeder -> succeeders
successiveness -> successivenesses
succinylcholine -> succinylcholines
succor -> succors
succorer -> succorers
succory -> succories
succos -> succoss
succotash -> succotashes
succourer -> succourers
succulency -> succulencies
sucrase -> sucrases
sudafed -> sudafeds
sudanese -> sudanese
sudation -> sudations
sudatorium -> sudatoriums
sudatory -> sudatories
sudor -> sudors
sudorific -> sudorifics
sudra -> sudras
suds -> sudss
suer -> suers
suffixation -> suffixations
suffragism -> suffragisms
suffrutex -> suffrutexes
sugar-bush -> sugar-bushes
sugarberry -> sugarberries
sugarcoat -> sugarcoats,sugarcoating,sugarcoated
sugariness -> sugarinesses
sugarplum -> sugarplums
suggester -> suggesters
sugi -> sugis
suidae -> suidaes
suillus -> suilluss
suitableness -> suitablenesses
sukiyaki -> sukiyakis
sukkoth -> sukkoths
suksdorfia -> suksdorfias
sukur -> sukurs
sulamyd -> sulamyds
sulfa -> sulfas
sulfacetamide -> sulfacetamides
sulfadiazine -> sulfadiazines
sulfamethazine -> sulfamethazines
sulfamethoxazole -> sulfamethoxazoles
sulfamezathine -> sulfamezathines
sulfanilamide -> sulfanilamides
sulfapyridine -> sulfapyridines
sulfisoxazole -> sulfisoxazoles
sulfonamide -> sulfonamides
sulfonate -> sulfonates
sulfonylurea -> sulfonylureas
sulidae -> sulidaes
sulky -> sulkier,sulkiest
sulpha -> sulphas
sum-up -> sum-ups
sumerology -> sumerologies
summarization -> summarizations
summercater -> summercaters
summercaters -> summercaterss
summersault -> summersaults
summerset -> summersets
summing-up -> summings-up
sumpsimus -> sumpsimuss
sumptuosity -> sumptuosities
sunberry -> sunberries
sunchoke -> sunchokes
sundacarpus -> sundacarpuss
sundanese -> sundaneses
sundeck -> sundecks
sundog -> sundogs
sundries -> sundriess
sundrops -> sundropss
sunglasses -> sunglassess
sunniness -> sunninesses
sunporch -> sunporches
sunrose -> sunroses
sunshine-roof -> sunshine-roofs
sunstone -> sunstones
sunsuit -> sunsuits
sunup -> sunups
suomi -> suomis
superbia -> superbias
superbug -> superbugs
supercharge -> supercharges,supercharging,supercharged
supercilium -> superciliums
superclass -> superclasses
supererogation -> supererogations
superfecta -> superfectas
superficies -> superficiess
superhet -> superhets
superload -> superloads
supermarketeer -> supermarketeers
supermarketer -> supermarketers
supermex -> supermexes
supermolecule -> supermolecules
supermom -> supermoms
supernaturalness -> supernaturalnesses
superorder -> superorders
superordination -> superordinations
superpatriotism -> superpatriotisms
superphylum -> superphylums
superscribe -> superscribes,superscribing,superscribed
supersedure -> supersedures
superslasher -> superslashers
superstrate -> superstrates
superstratum -> superstratums
supersymmetry -> supersymmetries
supertwister -> supertwisters
supervention -> superventions
supinate -> supinates,supinating,supinated
supinator -> supinators
supping -> suppings
supplejack -> supplejacks
supposal -> supposals
suppresser -> suppressers
suppuku -> suppukus
suprainfection -> suprainfections
suprarenalectomy -> suprarenalectomies
supremacism -> supremacisms
suprematism -> suprematisms
surbase -> surbases
surd -> surds
surfbird -> surfbirds
surfboarding -> surfboardings
surfboat -> surfboats
surfperch -> surfperches
surfriding -> surfridings
suricata -> suricatas
suricate -> suricates
surmisal -> surmisals
surmontil -> surmontils
surmounter -> surmounters
surmullet -> surmullets
surnia -> surnias
surplus -> surpluses
surprint -> surprints
surprisal -> surprisals
surpriser -> surprisers
surprisingness -> surprisingnesses
surrebuttal -> surrebuttals
surrebutter -> surrebutters
surrenderer -> surrenderers
surrounding -> surroundings
surtitle -> surtitles
sus -> suss
susah -> susahs
susceptibleness -> susceptiblenesses
susian -> susians
suslik -> susliks
suspender -> suspenders
suspensor -> suspensors
suspiration -> suspirations
susurrate -> susurrates,susurrating,susurrated
sutra -> sutras
sutura -> suturas
suv -> suvs
sverdrup -> sverdrups
svizzera -> svizzeras
swabbing -> swabbings
swad -> swads
swaggerer -> swaggerers
swaggie -> swaggies
swainsona -> swainsonas
swallowwort -> swallowworts
swammerdam -> swammerdams
swamphen -> swamphens
swampy -> swampier,swampiest
swan-flower -> swan-flowers
swanflower -> swanflowers
swanneck -> swannecks
swarthy -> swarthier,swarthiest
swayer -> swayers
swbs -> swbss
swbw -> swbws
sweatband -> sweatbands
sweatbox -> sweatboxes
sweatpants -> sweatpantss
sweats -> sweatss
sweatsuit -> sweatsuits
sweep-second -> sweep-seconds
sweepstakes -> sweepstakess
sweetbreads -> sweetbreadss
sweetbrier -> sweetbriers
sweetie -> sweeties
sweetleaf -> sweetleaves
sweetsop -> sweetsops
swellhead -> swellheads
swertia -> swertias
swietinia -> swietinias
swimmeret -> swimmerets
swingletree -> swingletrees
switch-hitter -> switch-hitters
switch-ivy -> switch-ivies
switcheroo -> switcheroos
switchman -> switchmen
swiz -> swizs
swob -> swobs,swobbing,swobbed
sword-cut -> sword-cuts
swordfish -> swordfishes
syllabication -> syllabications
syllabicity -> syllabicities
syllabize -> syllabizes,syllabizing,syllabized
syllogiser -> syllogisers
syllogist -> syllogists
syllogize -> syllogizes,syllogizing,syllogized
syllogizer -> syllogizers
sylvanite -> sylvanites
sylviidae -> sylviidaes
sylviinae -> sylviinaes
sylvilagus -> sylvilaguss
sylvine -> sylvines
sylvite -> sylvites
symbol-worship -> symbol-worships
symbolatry -> symbolatries
symboliser -> symbolisers
symbolizer -> symbolizers
symbolizing -> symbolizings
symbololatry -> symbololatries
symmetricalness -> symmetricalnesses
symmetrize -> symmetrizes,symmetrizing,symmetrized
sympathectomy -> sympathectomies
symphalangus -> symphalanguss
symphilid -> symphilids
symphoricarpos -> symphoricarposs
symphyla -> symphylas
symphysion -> symphysions
symplocaceae -> symplocaceaes
symplocarpus -> symplocarpuss
symploce -> symploces
symplocus -> symplocuss
symposiarch -> symposiarches
symposiast -> symposiasts
synaeresis -> synaereses
synagrops -> synagropss
synanceja -> synancejas
synapsida -> synapsidas
synapsis -> synapses
synaptomys -> synaptomyss
sync -> syncs,syncing,synced
syncarp -> syncarps
syncategorem -> syncategorems
syncategoreme -> syncategoremes
synchrocyclotron -> synchrocyclotrons
synchroflash -> synchroflashes
synchroneity -> synchroneities
synchroniser -> synchronisers
synchronising -> synchronisings
synchronizer -> synchronizers
synchronizing -> synchronizings
synchronoscope -> synchronoscopes
synchroscope -> synchroscopes
synchytriaceae -> synchytriaceaes
synchytrium -> synchytriums
syncopator -> syncopators
syncretize -> syncretizes,syncretizing,syncretized
syndactylism -> syndactylisms
syndactyly -> syndactylies
syndicator -> syndicators
synechia -> synechias
synentognathi -> synentognathis
synercus -> synercuss
syneresis -> synereses
synesthesia -> synesthesias
synezesis -> synezeses
syngnathidae -> syngnathidaes
syngnathus -> syngnathuss
syngonium -> syngoniums
synizesis -> synizeses
synodontidae -> synodontidaes
synonymist -> synonymists
synonymousness -> synonymousnesses
synovia -> synovias
synovium -> synoviums
synset -> synsets
syntactician -> syntacticians
syntagm -> syntagms
synthetism -> synthetisms
syph -> syphs
syrinx -> syringes
systematism -> systematisms
systematizer -> systematizers
systemiser -> systemisers
systemize -> systemizes,systemizing,systemized
systemizer -> systemizers
syzygium -> syzygiums
syzygy -> syzygies
szent-gyorgyi -> szent-gyorgyis
t -> ts
t'ien-ching -> t'ien-chings
t-bill -> t-bills
t-man -> t-men
t-scope -> t-scopes
t.b. -> t.b.s
ta'ziyeh -> ta'ziyehs
tabanidae -> tabanidaes
tabbouleh -> tabboulehs
tabernacles -> tabernacless
tabernaemontana -> tabernaemontanas
tabes -> tabess
tabis -> tabiss
tablefork -> tableforks
tablemate -> tablemates
tabooli -> taboolis
taboret -> taborets
tabour -> tabours
tabouret -> tabourets
tabu -> tabus
tabuk -> tabuks
tacamahac -> tacamahacs
tacca -> taccas
taccaceae -> taccaceaes
tach -> taches
tacheometer -> tacheometers
tachinidae -> tachinidaes
tachogram -> tachograms
tachyglossidae -> tachyglossidaes
tachyglossus -> tachyglossuss
tachygraphy -> tachygraphies
tachylite -> tachylites
tachymeter -> tachymeters
tachypleus -> tachypleuss
tacky -> tackier,tackiest
taconite -> taconites
tactics -> tacticss
tadalafil -> tadalafils
tadarida -> tadaridas
tadzhik -> tadzhiks
tadzhikistan -> tadzhikistans
taeniidae -> taeniidaes
tagalong -> tagalongs
tagasaste -> tagasastes
tageteste -> tagetestes
taguan -> taguans
tahini -> tahinis
tai -> tais
taichi -> taichis
taichichuan -> taichichuans
taichung -> taichungs
tail-flower -> tail-flowers
tailflower -> tailflowers
tailgater -> tailgaters
taillight -> taillights
tailorbird -> tailorbirds
tailrace -> tailraces
tails -> tailss
tailwort -> tailworts
taipan -> taipans
taipeh -> taipehs
taiyuan -> taiyuans
tajiki -> tajikis
takahe -> takahes
takakkaw -> takakkaws
take-in -> takes-in
takedown -> takedowns
takelma -> takelmas
takilman -> takilmen
takings -> takingss
talaria -> talarias
taleban -> talebans
talebearer -> talebearers
talentlessness -> talentlessnesses
taleteller -> taletellers
taliban -> talibans
talinum -> talinums
talipot -> talipots
talkie -> talkies
talks -> talkss
tall-grass -> tall-grasses
tallapoosa -> tallapoosas
tallchief -> tallchiefs
tallith -> talliths
talpidae -> talpidaes
talwin -> talwins
tamandu -> tamandus
tamandua -> tamanduas
tamanoir -> tamanoirs
tamarack -> tamaracks
tamarao -> tamaraos
tamarau -> tamaraus
tamaricaceae -> tamaricaceaes
tamarillo -> tamarilloes
tamarindo -> tamarindoes
tamarindus -> tamarinduss
tamarix -> tamarixes
tambac -> tambacs
tambala -> tambalas
tambocor -> tambocors
tamias -> tamiass
tamiasciurus -> tamiasciuruss
tammerfors -> tammerforss
tammy -> tammies
tamponage -> tamponages
tamus -> tamuss
tanach -> tanaches
tanakh -> tanakhs
tanbark -> tanbarks
tandearil -> tandearils
tanekaha -> tanekahas
taney -> taneys
tangelo -> tangeloes
tangibleness -> tangiblenesses
tangier -> tangiers
tanginess -> tanginesses
tanglebush -> tanglebushes
tangor -> tangors
tangy -> tangier,tangiest
tannia -> tannias
tanoan -> tanoans
tantaliser -> tantalisers
tantalite -> tantalites
tantalization -> tantalizations
tantalizer -> tantalizers
tantilla -> tantillas
tantra -> tantras
tantrism -> tantrisms
tantrist -> tantrists
tanzim -> tanzims
tap-off -> taps-off
tape-record -> tape-records,tape-recording,tape-recorded
tapeline -> tapelines
tapenade -> tapenades
taphephobia -> taphephobias
taphouse -> taphouses
tapiridae -> tapiridaes
tapirus -> tapiruss
tapis -> tapiss
tapotement -> tapotements
tappa -> tappas
taps -> tapss
tar-wood -> tar-woods
tara -> taras
tarabulus -> tarabuluss
taracahitian -> taracahitians
taradiddle -> taradiddles
tarahumara -> tarahumaras
taraktagenos -> taraktagenoss
taraktogenos -> taraktogenoss
tarantelle -> tarantelles
tarantism -> tarantisms
tarawa-makin -> tarawa-makins
tarbell -> tarbells
tardigrada -> tardigradas
tardy -> tardier,tardiest
tarheel -> tarheels
taricha -> tarichas
tarmac -> tarmacs,tarmacking,tarmacked
tarpan -> tarpans
tarquinius -> tarquiniuss
tarradiddle -> tarradiddles
tarriance -> tarriances
tarrietia -> tarrietias
tarsioidea -> tarsioideas
tarsius -> tarsiuss
tartarus -> tartaruss
tartrate -> tartrates
tartufe -> tartufes
tarweed -> tarweeds
tarwood -> tarwoods
tas -> tass
tashmit -> tashmits
tashmitum -> tashmitums
tashunca-uitco -> tashunca-uitcoes
taskent -> taskents
taskmistress -> taskmistresses
tasset -> tassets
taste-tester -> taste-testers
tastelessness -> tastelessnesses
tastiness -> tastinesses
tatahumara -> tatahumaras
tatary -> tataries
tatou -> tatous
tatouay -> tatouays
tatting -> tattings
tattletale -> tattletales
tattooist -> tattooists
tauon -> tauons
tauromachy -> tauromachies
taurotragus -> taurotraguss
tautog -> tautogs
tautoga -> tautogas
tautogolabrus -> tautogolabruss
tawdry -> tawdrier,tawdriest
tawniness -> tawninesses
tax-increase -> tax-increases
taxaceae -> taxaceaes
taxales -> taxaless
taxidea -> taxideas
taxidriver -> taxidrivers
taximeter -> taximeters
taxis -> taxes
taxistand -> taxistands
taxodiaceae -> taxodiaceaes
taxodium -> taxodiums
taxonomer -> taxonomers
taxophytina -> taxophytinas
taxopsida -> taxopsidas
tay-sachs -> tay-sachss
tayalic -> tayalics
tayassu -> tayassus
tayassuidae -> tayassuidaes
tayra -> tayras
tazicef -> tazicefs
tchotchke -> tchotchkes
tdt -> tdts
teaberry -> teaberries
teacart -> teacarts
teachership -> teacherships
teakettle -> teakettles
teakwood -> teakwoods
tear-jerker -> tear-jerkers
teasle -> teasles
teasmaid -> teasmaids
teazel -> teazels
tebet -> tebets
technocracy -> technocracies
technophilia -> technophilias
technophobe -> technophobes
technophobia -> technophobias
tecophilaeacea -> tecophilaeaceas
tectaria -> tectarias
tectona -> tectonas
tecumseh -> tecumsehs
tecumtha -> tecumthas
teemingness -> teemingnesses
teens -> teenss
teeoff -> teeoffs
teeter-totter -> teeter-totters
teeterboard -> teeterboards
teetertotter -> teetertotters
teeth -> teeths
teetotaler -> teetotalers
teetotaling -> teetotalings
teetotalist -> teetotalists
teetotum -> teetotums
teff -> teffs
tefillin -> tefillins
tegu -> tegus
tegument -> teguments
teiid -> teiids
teiidae -> teiidaes
teju -> tejus
tekki -> tekkis
tektite -> tektites
telanthera -> telantheras
telecasting -> telecastings
telecom -> telecoms
telecommerce -> telecommerces
telegnosis -> telegnoses
telegraphese -> telegrapheses
telemeter -> telemeters
teleologist -> teleologists
teleostan -> teleostans
teleostei -> teleosteis
telepathist -> telepathists
telepathize -> telepathizes,telepathizing,telepathized
telephoner -> telephoners
telephotograph -> telephotographs
telephotography -> telephotographies
teleprocessing -> teleprocessings
telerobotics -> teleroboticss
telescopy -> telescopies
teleselling -> telesellings
telethermometer -> telethermometers
teletypewriter -> teletypewriters
telferage -> telferages
telint -> telints
teliospore -> teliospores
telling-off -> tellings-off
tellurian -> tellurians
tellus -> telluss
telopea -> telopeas
telophase -> telophases
telosporidia -> telosporidias
telpher -> telphers
telpherage -> telpherages
telsontail -> telsontails
temblor -> temblors
temnospondyli -> temnospondylis
temperateness -> temperatenesses
tempestuousness -> tempestuousnesses
templet -> templets
templetonia -> templetonias
temporalis -> temporaliss
temporalty -> temporalties
temporiser -> temporisers
temporizer -> temporizers
temptingness -> temptingnesses
temuco -> temucoes
temujin -> temujins
ten -> tens
ten-spot -> ten-spots
ten-strike -> ten-strikes
tenableness -> tenablenesses
tenaciousness -> tenaciousnesses
tendergreen -> tendergreens
tenderheartedness -> tenderheartednesses
tenderisation -> tenderisations
tenderiser -> tenderisers
tenderization -> tenderizations
tenderizer -> tenderizers
tendinitis -> tendinitis
tendrac -> tendracs
tenebrionid -> tenebrionids
tenebrionidae -> tenebrionidaes
tenge -> tenges
tenia -> tenias
tenno -> tennoes
tenoretic -> tenoretics
tenorist -> tenorists
tenoroon -> tenoroons
tenpins -> tenpinss
tenpounder -> tenpounders
tenrecidae -> tenrecidaes
tensimeter -> tensimeters
tensiometer -> tensiometers
tensity -> tensities
tent-fly -> tent-flies
tentaculata -> tentaculatas
tenterhook -> tenterhooks
tenth -> tenths
tenthredinidae -> tenthredinidaes
tenting -> tentings
tentmaker -> tentmakers
tenuity -> tenuities
tepal -> tepals
tephrosia -> tephrosias
tepic -> tepics
tepidness -> tepidnesses
tera -> teras
terahertz -> terahertzs
teras -> terass
teratogenesis -> teratogeneses
terazosin -> terazosins
terbinafine -> terbinafines
terbium -> terbiums
tercelet -> tercelets
tercentenary -> tercentenaries
tercentennial -> tercentennials
tercet -> tercets
terebella -> terebellas
terebellidae -> terebellidaes
terebinth -> terebinths
teredinid -> teredinids
teredinidae -> teredinidaes
teres -> teress
tereshkova -> tereshkovas
tergiversator -> tergiversators
termer -> termers
termes -> termess
termitidae -> termitidaes
terms -> termss
ternion -> ternions
terpsichore -> terpsichores
terramycin -> terramycins
terrapene -> terrapenes
terreplein -> terrepleins
terribleness -> terriblenesses
terrietia -> terrietias
territorialisation -> territorialisations
territorialization -> territorializations
territorialize -> territorializes,territorializing,territorialized
terrorisation -> terrorisations
terrorization -> terrorizations
terrycloth -> terrycloths
tertigravida -> tertigravidas
tertry -> tertries
terzetto -> terzettoes
tes -> tess
tessella -> tessellas
tessera -> tesseras
tessin -> tessins
test-cross -> test-crosses
testacea -> testaceas
testacean -> testaceans
testate -> testates
testcross -> testcrosses
testiere -> testieres
testifier -> testifiers
testis -> testes
testudinata -> testudinatas
testudines -> testudiness
testudinidae -> testudinidaes
testudo -> testudoes
testy -> testier,testiest
tetanilla -> tetanillas
tetany -> tetanies
tetartanopia -> tetartanopias
teth -> teths
tetherball -> tetherballs
tethyidae -> tethyidaes
tetrabromo-phenolsulfonephthalein -> tetrabromo-phenolsulfonephthaleins
tetracaine -> tetracaines
tetrachlorethylene -> tetrachlorethylenes
tetrachloroethylene -> tetrachloroethylenes
tetraclinis -> tetracliniss
tetrafluoroethylene -> tetrafluoroethylenes
tetragon -> tetragons
tetragonia -> tetragonias
tetragoniaceae -> tetragoniaceaes
tetragonurus -> tetragonuruss
tetragram -> tetragrams
tetrahalide -> tetrahalides
tetraiodothyronine -> tetraiodothyronines
tetrameter -> tetrameters
tetramethyldiarsine -> tetramethyldiarsines
tetraneuris -> tetraneuriss
tetranychid -> tetranychids
tetranychidae -> tetranychidaes
tetrao -> tetraos
tetraodontidae -> tetraodontidaes
tetraonidae -> tetraonidaes
tetrapturus -> tetrapturuss
tetrasaccharide -> tetrasaccharides
tetraskele -> tetraskeles
tetraskelion -> tetraskelions
tetrasporangium -> tetrasporangiums
tetraspore -> tetraspores
tetrazzini -> tetrazzinis
tetri -> tetris
tetrode -> tetrodes
tetrose -> tetroses
tetryl -> tetryls
tetterwort -> tetterworts
tettigoniid -> tettigoniids
tettigoniidae -> tettigoniidaes
teutonist -> teutonists
tevere -> teveres
tevet -> tevets
texarkana -> texarkanas
text-matching -> text-matchings
th -> ths
thai -> thais
thalarctos -> thalarctoss
thalassemia -> thalassemias
thalassoma -> thalassomas
thales -> thaless
thaliacea -> thaliaceas
thalidone -> thalidones
thallophyta -> thallophytas
thallophyte -> thallophytes
thalmencephalon -> thalmencephalons
thalweg -> thalwegs
thammuz -> thammuzs
thamnophilus -> thamnophiluss
thanatology -> thanatologies
thanatophobia -> thanatophobias
thanatopsis -> thanatopses
thaneship -> thaneships
that -> those
thaumatolatry -> thaumatolatries
thaumaturge -> thaumaturges
thaumaturgist -> thaumaturgists
thaumaturgy -> thaumaturgies
thb -> thbs
theaceae -> theaceaes
theanthropism -> theanthropisms
theater -> theaters
theatergoer -> theatergoers
thebe -> thebes
theca -> thecas
thecodontia -> thecodontias
theelin -> theelins
theia -> theias
thelarche -> thelarches
thelephoraceae -> thelephoraceaes
thelypteridaceae -> thelypteridaceaes
thelypteris -> thelypteriss
theobid -> theobids
theobroma -> theobromas
theogony -> theogonies
theologiser -> theologisers
theologizer -> theologizers
theophrastaceae -> theophrastaceaes
theoriser -> theorisers
theorizer -> theorizers
theosophism -> theosophisms
theoterrorism -> theoterrorisms
theraphosidae -> theraphosidaes
therapsida -> therapsidas
there -> theres
theridiid -> theridiids
theridiidae -> theridiidaes
thermalgesia -> thermalgesias
thermel -> thermels
thermion -> thermions
thermionics -> thermionicss
thermoacidophile -> thermoacidophiles
thermobia -> thermobias
thermocautery -> thermocauteries
thermoelectricity -> thermoelectricities
thermogram -> thermograms
thermograph -> thermographs
thermogravimeter -> thermogravimeters
thermogravimetry -> thermogravimetries
thermohydrometer -> thermohydrometers
thermojunction -> thermojunctions
thermometrograph -> thermometrographs
thermometry -> thermometries
thermopile -> thermopiles
thermoreceptor -> thermoreceptors
thermoregulator -> thermoregulators
thermos -> thermoses
thermostatics -> thermostaticss
thermotherapy -> thermotherapies
thermotropism -> thermotropisms
thesaurus -> thesauruses
thespesia -> thespesias
thessalia -> thessalias
theurgy -> theurgies
thevetia -> thevetias
thiazine -> thiazines
thibet -> thibets
thielavia -> thielavias
thievishness -> thievishnesses
thigh-slapper -> thigh-slappers
thill -> thills
thimbleberry -> thimbleberries
thimbleful -> thimblefuls
thimblerig -> thimblerigs
thimbleweed -> thimbleweeds
thimerosal -> thimerosals
thingamabob -> thingamabobs
thingmabob -> thingmabobs
thingmajig -> thingmajigs
things -> thingss
thingumabob -> thingumabobs
thiobacillus -> thiobacilluss
thiobacteria -> thiobacterias
thiobacteriaceae -> thiobacteriaceaes
thiodiphenylamine -> thiodiphenylamines
thioguanine -> thioguanines
thiopental -> thiopentals
thiosulfil -> thiosulfils
thiotepa -> thiotepas
thiothixene -> thiothixenes
thiouracil -> thiouracils
third -> thirds
third-dimensionality -> third-dimensionalities
thirster -> thirsters
thirstiness -> thirstinesses
thirteen -> thirteens
thirties -> thirtiess
thirty -> thirties
this -> these
thlaspi -> thlaspis
tholepin -> tholepins
thomomys -> thomomyss
thoracentesis -> thoracenteses
thoracocentesis -> thoracocenteses
thorax -> thoraxes,thoraces
thorazine -> thorazines
thorite -> thorites
thorium-228 -> thorium-228s
thornbill -> thornbills
thorniness -> thorninesses
thoroughwort -> thoroughworts
thorshavn -> thorshavns
thortveitite -> thortveitites
thought-image -> thought-images
thought-reader -> thought-readers
thousand -> thousands
thousandth -> thousandths
thraco-phrygian -> thraco-phrygians
thralldom -> thralldoms
thraupidae -> thraupidaes
threads -> threadss
three -> threes
three-bagger -> three-baggers
three-fourths -> three-fourthss
three-hitter -> three-hitters
three-wheeler -> three-wheelers
threescore -> threescores
threskiornis -> threskiorniss
threskiornithidae -> threskiornithidaes
thriftshop -> thriftshops
thrifty -> thriftier,thriftiest
thrinax -> thrinaxes
thripid -> thripids
thripidae -> thripidaes
thrips -> thripss
throatwort -> throatworts
throes -> throess
thrombasthenia -> thrombasthenias
thrombectomy -> thrombectomies
thrombocyte -> thrombocytes
thrombocytosis -> thrombocytoses
thrombokinase -> thrombokinases
thrombopenia -> thrombopenias
thrombose -> thromboses,thrombosing,thrombosed
thrombosis -> thromboses
throstle -> throstles
throttlehold -> throttleholds
throttler -> throttlers
thruway -> thruways
thryothorus -> thryothoruss
thujopsis -> thujopses
thulium -> thuliums
thumbhole -> thumbholes
thumbnut -> thumbnuts
thumbstall -> thumbstalls
thumbtack -> thumbtacks
thunbergia -> thunbergias
thundershower -> thundershowers
thunnus -> thunnuss
thur -> thurs
thurifer -> thurifers
thwarter -> thwarters
thylacinus -> thylacinuss
thylogale -> thylogales
thymelaeales -> thymelaealess
thymosin -> thymosins
thyreophora -> thyreophoras
thyreophoran -> thyreophorans
thyrocalcitonin -> thyrocalcitonins
thyroid -> thyroids
thyromegaly -> thyromegalies
thyronine -> thyronines
thyroprotein -> thyroproteins
thyrotrophin -> thyrotrophins
thyrotropin -> thyrotropins
thyrse -> thyrses
thyrsopteris -> thyrsopteriss
thysanocarpus -> thysanocarpuss
thysanopter -> thysanopters
thysanoptera -> thysanopteras
thysanopteron -> thysanopterons
thysanuron -> thysanurons
thz -> thzs
ti -> tis
tiarella -> tiarellas
tibeto-burman -> tibeto-burmen
tibia -> tibias
tibialis -> tibialiss
tibicen -> tibicens
tibur -> tiburs
tic-tac-toe -> tic-tac-toes
tical -> ticals
tichodroma -> tichodromas
tichodrome -> tichodromes
tick-tack-toe -> tick-tack-toes
tick-weed -> tick-weeds
tickseed -> tickseeds
ticktack -> ticktacks
ticktacktoe -> ticktacktoes
ticktacktoo -> ticktacktoos
ticktock -> ticktocks,ticktocking,ticktocked
tickweed -> tickweeds
ticonderoga -> ticonderogas
tictac -> tictacs
tiddly -> tiddlier,tiddliest
tiddlywinks -> tiddlywinkss
tideland -> tidelands
tidings -> tidingss
tidytips -> tidytipss
tie-dye -> tie-dyes,tie-dyeing,tie-dyed
tie-pin -> tie-pins
tien-pao -> tien-paos
tiercel -> tiercels
tigers -> tigerss
tightfistedness -> tightfistednesses
tights -> tightss
tightwad -> tightwads
tiglon -> tiglons
tigon -> tigons
tilde -> tildes
tilia -> tilias
tiliaceae -> tiliaceaes
tiliomycetes -> tiliomycetess
tillandsia -> tillandsias
tilletia -> tilletias
tilletiaceae -> tilletiaceaes
tilter -> tilters
tiltyard -> tiltyards
timalia -> timalias
timaliidae -> timaliidaes
timberman -> timbermen
time-share -> time-shares
time-switch -> time-switches
timeserver -> timeservers
timimoun -> timimouns
timolol -> timolols
timorese -> timorese
timpanist -> timpanists
timucu -> timucus
tin-plating -> tin-platings
tinamidae -> tinamidaes
tinamiformes -> tinamiformess
tinca -> tincas
tinct -> tincts,tincting,tincted
tindale -> tindales
tinderbox -> tinderboxes
tineid -> tineids
tineidae -> tineidaes
tineoid -> tineoids
tineoidea -> tineoideas
tineola -> tineolas
tingidae -> tingidaes
tininess -> tininesses
tinny -> tinnier,tinniest
tinsnips -> tinsnipss
tintometer -> tintometers
tinware -> tinwares
tipsiness -> tipsinesses
tipsy -> tipsier,tipsiest
tipu -> tipus
tipuana -> tipuanas
tipulidae -> tipulidaes
tirelessness -> tirelessnesses
tiresomeness -> tiresomenesses
tiro -> tiros
tisiphone -> tisiphones
tit-tat-toe -> tit-tat-toes
titaness -> titanesses
titanosaur -> titanosaurs
titanosaurian -> titanosaurians
titanosauridae -> titanosauridaes
titanosaurus -> titanosauruss
titchy -> titchier,titchiest
titer -> titers
titfer -> titfers
tither -> tithers
tithonia -> tithonias
titivation -> titivations
titlark -> titlarks
titrator -> titrators
titterer -> titterers
tittivate -> tittivates,tittivating,tittivated
tittivation -> tittivations
tiyin -> tiyins
tlingit -> tlingits
tmv -> tmvs
toadshade -> toadshades
tobagonian -> tobagonians
tobit -> tobits
tobogganist -> tobogganists
tocainide -> tocainides
tocharian -> tocharians
tocktact -> tocktacts
tocology -> tocologies
todea -> todeas
todidae -> todidaes
todus -> toduss
tody -> todies
toea -> toeas
toetoe -> toetoes
toffy -> toffies
tofieldia -> tofieldias
togaviridae -> togaviridaes
togs -> togss
toilet-train -> toilet-trains,toilet-training,toilet-trained
toilsomeness -> toilsomenesses
toitoi -> toitois
toklas -> toklass
tolazamide -> tolazamides
tolazoline -> tolazolines
tole -> toles
tolectin -> tolectins
tolinase -> tolinases
tollbar -> tollbars
tollgatherer -> tollgatherers
tollhouse -> tollhouses
tollkeeper -> tollkeepers
tollman -> tollmen
tollon -> tollons
tolmiea -> tolmieas
toltec -> toltecs
tolypeutes -> tolypeutess
tomalley -> tomalleys
tomatillo -> tomatilloes
tombac -> tombacs
tombak -> tombaks
tombigbee -> tombigbees
tomboyishness -> tomboyishnesses
tomentum -> tomentums
tomfool -> tomfools
tomistoma -> tomistomas
tomograph -> tomographs
tomtate -> tomtates
tomtit -> tomtits
tone-beginning -> tone-beginnings
tongs -> tongss
tongue-flower -> tongue-flowers
tongueflower -> tongueflowers
tonocard -> tonocards
tonometer -> tonometers
tons -> tonss
tonsilla -> tonsillas
toolhouse -> toolhouses
toona -> toonas
tooshie -> tooshies
toothpowder -> toothpowders
toothsomeness -> toothsomenesses
toothwort -> toothworts
tootsie -> tootsies
topaz -> topazes
topgallant -> topgallants
tophus -> tophuss
topmast -> topmasts
topminnow -> topminnows
topognosia -> topognosias
topognosis -> topognoses
topolatry -> topolatries
toponomy -> toponomies
toponym -> toponyms
toponymy -> toponymies
topos -> toposs
topsy-turvydom -> topsy-turvydoms
topsy-turvyness -> topsy-turvynesses
topv -> topvs
toradol -> toradols
tore -> tores
torero -> toreroes
tornillo -> tornilloes
torodal -> torodals
torpedinidae -> torpedinidaes
torpediniformes -> torpediniformess
torpidity -> torpidities
torpidness -> torpidnesses
torreon -> torreons
torreya -> torreyas
torridity -> torridities
torsk -> torsks
tort-feasor -> tort-feasors
tortoiseshell-cat -> tortoiseshell-cats
tortricid -> tortricids
tortricidae -> tortricidaes
tortuousness -> tortuousnesses
torus -> tori
tossup -> tossups
totaliser -> totalisers
totalism -> totalisms
totalizator -> totalizators
totara -> totaras
totemist -> totemists
toter -> toters
totipotence -> totipotences
totterer -> totterers
toucanet -> toucanets
touch-type -> touch-types,touch-typing,touch-typed
touch-typist -> touch-typists
touchback -> touchbacks
toupe -> toupes
touraco -> touracoes
touristry -> touristries
tournedos -> tournedoss
touter -> touters
towboat -> towboats
toweling -> towelings
towhead -> towheads
townie -> townies
townsendia -> townsendias
towrope -> towropes
toxemia -> toxemias
toxostoma -> toxostomas
toxotes -> toxotess
toxotidae -> toxotidaes
toyohashi -> toyohashis
toyon -> toyons
toyonaki -> toyonakis
tpn -> tpns
tra-la -> tra-las
tra-la-la -> tra-las-las
trabecula -> trabeculas
trablous -> trablouss
tracheid -> tracheids
trachelospermum -> trachelospermums
tracheophyta -> tracheophytas
tracheophyte -> tracheophytes
trachinotus -> trachinotuss
trachipteridae -> trachipteridaes
trachipterus -> trachipteruss
trachodon -> trachodons
trachodont -> trachodonts
trachurus -> trachuruss
tracklayer -> tracklayers
tractableness -> tractablenesses
trade-last -> trade-lasts
traditionality -> traditionalities
traducement -> traducements
traffic -> traffics,trafficking,trafficked
trafficator -> trafficators
tragacanth -> tragacanths
tragelaphus -> tragelaphuss
tragicomedy -> tragicomedies
tragopogon -> tragopogons
tragulidae -> tragulidaes
tragulus -> traguluss
tragus -> traguss
trailhead -> trailheads
trainband -> trainbands
trainbandsman -> trainbandsmen
trainbearer -> trainbearers
trainman -> trainmen
trainmaster -> trainmasters
traitorousness -> traitorousnesses
traitress -> traitresses
tramontane -> tramontanes
trampler -> tramplers
tranche -> tranches
trandate -> trandates
transactinide -> transactinides
transactions -> transactionss
transalpine -> transalpines
transamination -> transaminations
transcendency -> transcendencies
transcendentalism -> transcendentalisms
transferer -> transferers
transferrer -> transferrers
transistorize -> transistorizes,transistorizing,transistorized
transitiveness -> transitivenesses
transmigrante -> transmigrantes
transmigrate -> transmigrates,transmigrating,transmigrated
transmutability -> transmutabilities
transparentness -> transparentnesses
transplanter -> transplanters
transposability -> transposabilities
transship -> transships,transshipping,transshipped
transubstantiate -> transubstantiates,transubstantiating,transubstantiated
transudation -> transudations
transude -> transudes,transuding,transuded
transvestitism -> transvestitisms
tranylcypromine -> tranylcypromines
trapaceae -> trapaceaes
trapezohedron -> trapezohedrons
trappings -> trappingss
trapshooter -> trapshooters
trapshooting -> trapshootings
trashiness -> trashinesses
trashy -> trashier,trashiest
traubel -> traubels
traumatology -> traumatologies
traumatophobia -> traumatophobias
trautvetteria -> trautvetterias
traveling -> travelings
trazodone -> trazodones
tread-softly -> tread-softlies
tread-wheel -> tread-wheels
treasonist -> treasonists
treasuries -> treasuriess
treater -> treaters
trebucket -> trebuckets
tree-worship -> tree-worships
treehopper -> treehoppers
treelet -> treelets
treenail -> treenails
treillage -> treillages
trellis -> trellises
trema -> tremas
trematoda -> trematodas
trembles -> trembless
tremella -> tremellas
tremellaceae -> tremellaceaes
tremellales -> tremellaless
tremolite -> tremolites
trenail -> trenails
trental -> trentals
trente-et-quarante -> trente-et-quarantes
trepang -> trepangs
trephination -> trephinations
trephritidae -> trephritidaes
treponemataceae -> treponemataceaes
trestlework -> trestleworks
trews -> trewss
trf -> trfs
tri-chad -> tri-chads
tri-iodomethane -> tri-iodomethanes
tri-iodothyronine -> tri-iodothyronines
triacetate -> triacetates
triaenodon -> triaenodons
triakidae -> triakidaes
trialeurodes -> trialeurodess
triamcinolone -> triamcinolones
triatoma -> triatomas
triavil -> triavils
tribalisation -> tribalisations
tribalization -> tribalizations
tribolium -> triboliums
tribologist -> tribologists
tribonema -> tribonemas
tribonemaceae -> tribonemaceaes
tribromomethane -> tribromomethanes
tribulus -> tribuluss
tribuneship -> tribuneships
tributyrin -> tributyrins
trice -> trices,tricing,triced
trichechidae -> trichechidaes
trichechus -> trichechuss
trichina -> trichinas
trichiniasis -> trichiniases
trichinosis -> trichinoses
trichion -> trichions
trichiuridae -> trichiuridaes
trichloride -> trichlorides
trichlormethiazide -> trichlormethiazides
trichloromethane -> trichloromethanes
trichobezoar -> trichobezoars
trichoceros -> trichoceross
trichodesmium -> trichodesmiums
trichodontidae -> trichodontidaes
trichoglossus -> trichoglossuss
tricholoma -> tricholomas
tricholomataceae -> tricholomataceaes
trichomanes -> trichomaness
trichomonad -> trichomonads
trichophaga -> trichophagas
trichophyton -> trichophytons
trichopteran -> trichopterans
trichopteron -> trichopterons
trichostema -> trichostemas
trichostigma -> trichostigmas
trichosurus -> trichosuruss
trichotillomania -> trichotillomanias
trichroism -> trichroisms
trichromacy -> trichromacies
trichuriasis -> trichuriases
trichys -> trichyss
trickiness -> trickinesses
triclinium -> tricliniums
tridacnidae -> tridacnidaes
tridymite -> tridymites
trifler -> triflers
trifluoromethane -> trifluoromethanes
trifoliata -> trifoliatas
trifurcation -> trifurcations
triga -> trigas
trigeminus -> trigeminuss
triggerman -> triggermen
triglidae -> triglidaes
triglinae -> triglinaes
trigonella -> trigonellas
trigonometrician -> trigonometricians
triiodomethane -> triiodomethanes
trilisa -> trilisas
trilliaceae -> trilliaceaes
trillion -> trillions
trillionth -> trillionths
trimipramine -> trimipramines
trimmings -> trimmingss
trimness -> trimnesses
trimorphodon -> trimorphodons
trimox -> trimoxes
trimurti -> trimurtis
trinectes -> trinectess
trinitroglycerin -> trinitroglycerins
trinitrotoluene -> trinitrotoluenes
triolein -> trioleins
trionychidae -> trionychidaes
trionyx -> trionyxes
triopidae -> triopidaes
triops -> triopss
triostium -> triostiums
trip-up -> trip-ups
tripalmitin -> tripalmitins
triphammer -> triphammers
triphosphopyridine -> triphosphopyridines
triple-decker -> triple-deckers
triple-spacing -> triple-spacings
triple-tongue -> triple-tongues,triple-tonguing,triple-tongued
tripletail -> tripletails
tripleurospermum -> tripleurospermums
triplicity -> triplicities
triplochiton -> triplochitons
triquetral -> triquetrals
trisect -> trisects,trisecting,trisected
triskaidekaphobia -> triskaidekaphobias
triskele -> triskeles
triskelion -> triskelions
trismus -> trismuss
tristearin -> tristearins
trisyllable -> trisyllables
tritanopia -> tritanopias
tritheism -> tritheisms
tritheist -> tritheists
tritoma -> tritomas
triturus -> trituruss
triumvir -> triumvirs
triumvirate -> triumvirates
troat -> troats,troating,troated
troche -> troches
trochilidae -> trochilidaes
trochlearis -> trochleariss
trogium -> trogiums
troglodytes -> troglodytess
troglodytidae -> troglodytidaes
trogonidae -> trogonidaes
trogoniformes -> trogoniformess
troller -> trollers
trollius -> trolliuss
trombicula -> trombiculas
trombiculiasis -> trombiculiases
trombiculidae -> trombiculidaes
trombiculiid -> trombiculiids
trombidiid -> trombidiids
trombidiidae -> trombidiidaes
trompillo -> trompilloes
troops -> troopss
tropaeolaceae -> tropaeolaceaes
tropaeolum -> tropaeolums
trophobiosis -> trophobioses
trophotropism -> trophotropisms
tropic -> tropics
tropicbird -> tropicbirds
tropidoclonion -> tropidoclonions
troponomy -> troponomies
troponym -> troponyms
troponymy -> troponymies
trotline -> trotlines
trou-de-loup -> trou-de-loups
troubler -> troublers
troublesomeness -> troublesomenesses
trousering -> trouserings
truckage -> truckages
truckler -> trucklers
truckling -> trucklings
truculency -> truculencies
trudger -> trudgers
trueness -> truenesses
trumpet-wood -> trumpet-woods
trumpets -> trumpetss
trumpetwood -> trumpetwoods
truncocolumella -> truncocolumellas
trunks -> trunkss
trunnel -> trunnels
trustfulness -> trustfulnesses
trustiness -> trustinesses
trustingness -> trustingnesses
trypetidae -> trypetidaes
trypsinogen -> trypsinogens
tryptophane -> tryptophanes
tsarina -> tsarinas
tsaritsa -> tsaritsas
tsh -> tshes
tshiluba -> tshilubas
tsine -> tsines
tsoris -> tsoriss
tsouic -> tsouics
tsp -> tsps
tsuga -> tsugas
tsunami -> tsunamis
tsuris -> tsuriss
tuatara -> tuataras
tub-cart -> tub-carts
tub-thumper -> tub-thumpers
tubbiness -> tubbinesses
tuberaceae -> tuberaceaes
tuberales -> tuberaless
tubercularia -> tubercularias
tuberculariaceae -> tuberculariaceaes
tubful -> tubfuls
tubocurarine -> tubocurarines
tubulidentata -> tubulidentatas
tuckahoe -> tuckahoes
tucker-bag -> tucker-bags
tucket -> tuckets
tudung -> tudungs
tue -> tues
tugela -> tugelas
tugger -> tuggers
tughrik -> tughriks
tuille -> tuilles
tularaemia -> tularaemias
tularemia -> tularemias
tulestoma -> tulestomas
tulostoma -> tulostomas
tulostomaceae -> tulostomaceaes
tulostomataceae -> tulostomataceaes
tulostomatales -> tulostomataless
tumblebug -> tumblebugs
tumbrel -> tumbrels
tumefaction -> tumefactions
tumefy -> tumefies,tumefying,tumefied
tumidity -> tumidities
tumidness -> tumidnesses
tums -> tumss
tumultuousness -> tumultuousnesses
tunaburger -> tunaburgers
tungstate -> tungstates
tungusic -> tungusics
tunguz -> tunguzs
tunicata -> tunicatas
tunker -> tunkers
tunnage -> tunnages
tupaia -> tupaias
tupaiidae -> tupaiidaes
tupek -> tupeks
tupi -> tupis
tupi-guarani -> tupi-guaranis
tupik -> tupiks
tupinambis -> tupinambiss
tupungatito -> tupungatitoes
tupungato -> tupungatoes
turaco -> turacoes
turacou -> turacous
turakoo -> turakoos
turbatrix -> turbatrices
turbellaria -> turbellarias
turbidness -> turbidnesses
turbinal -> turbinals
turbinate -> turbinates
turbogenerator -> turbogenerators
turbulency -> turbulencies
turdidae -> turdidaes
turdinae -> turdinaes
turfan -> turfans
turgidness -> turgidnesses
turk's-cap -> turk's-caps
turko-tatar -> turko-tatars
turkomen -> turkomens
turnbuckle -> turnbuckles
turncock -> turncocks
turnicidae -> turnicidaes
turnspit -> turnspits
turnverein -> turnvereins
turp -> turps
turreae -> turreaes
tursiops -> tursiopss
turtlehead -> turtleheads
turtleneck -> turtlenecks
turtler -> turtlers
tuscaloosa -> tuscaloosas
tuscarora -> tuscaroras
tushery -> tusheries
tuskegee -> tuskegees
tussah -> tussahs
tusseh -> tussehs
tussilago -> tussilagoes
tussur -> tussurs
tutelo -> tuteloes
tutsan -> tutsans
tutsi -> tutsis
tv -> tvs
tv-antenna -> tv-antennas
twaddle -> twaddles,twaddling,twaddled
twaddler -> twaddlers
tweediness -> tweedinesses
tweeze -> tweezes,tweezing,tweezed
twelfth -> twelfths
twelfthtide -> twelfthtides
twelve -> twelves
twelve-month -> twelve-months
twenties -> twentiess
twentieth -> twentieths
twenty -> twenties
twenty-eight -> twenty-eights
twenty-first -> twenty-firsts
twenty-five -> twenty-fives
twenty-four -> twenty-fours
twenty-nine -> twenty-nines
twenty-seven -> twenty-sevens
twenty-six -> twenty-sixes
twenty-three -> twenty-threes
twenty-two -> twenty-twoes
twice-pinnate -> twice-pinnates
twin-prop -> twin-props
twin-propeller-plane -> twin-propeller-planes
twinberry -> twinberries
twiner -> twiners
twinflower -> twinflowers
twinjet -> twinjets
twinkie -> twinkies
twinkler -> twinklers
twins -> twinss
twirler -> twirlers
twirp -> twirps
twitterer -> twitterers
two -> twos
two-bagger -> two-baggers
two-baser -> two-basers
two-by-four -> twoes-by-four
two-hitter -> two-hitters
two-thirds -> two-thirdss
twofer -> twofers
twosome -> twosomes
tyiyn -> tyiyns
tylenchidae -> tylenchidaes
tylenchus -> tylenchuss
tylenol -> tylenols
tympani -> tympanis
tympanist -> tympanists
tympanites -> tympanitess
tympanoplasty -> tympanoplasties
tympanuchus -> tympanuchuss
typewrite -> typewrites,typewrote,typewritten,typewriting
typhaceae -> typhaceaes
typhlopidae -> typhlopidaes
typhoeus -> typhoeuss
tyramine -> tyramines
tyranni -> tyrannis
tyrannid -> tyrannids
tyrannus -> tyrannuss
tyrocidin -> tyrocidins
tyrosinemia -> tyrosinemias
tyrr -> tyrrs
tytonidae -> tytonidaes
tyyn -> tyyns
tzara -> tzaras
tzetze -> tzetzes
u -> u's,us
u-drive -> u-drives
u308 -> u308s
uakari -> uakaris
ubermensch -> ubermensches
ubiety -> ubieties
ubiquitousness -> ubiquitousnesses
ubykh -> ubykhs
udmurt -> udmurts
udometer -> udometers
ufa -> ufas
ugrian -> ugrians
ugric -> ugrics
uigur -> uigurs
uintathere -> uintatheres
uintatheriidae -> uintatheriidaes
uintatherium -> uintatheriums
ukase -> ukases
uke -> ukes
ukrayina -> ukrayinas
ulaanbaatar -> ulaanbaatars
ulalgia -> ulalgias
ulanova -> ulanovas
ulatrophia -> ulatrophias
ulemorrhagia -> ulemorrhagias
ulfila -> ulfilas
ulfilas -> ulfilass
ull -> ulls
ullage -> ullages
ullr -> ullrs
ulmaceae -> ulmaceaes
ulteriority -> ulteriorities
ultimateness -> ultimatenesses
ultracef -> ultracefs
ultramicroscope -> ultramicroscopes
ultrasuede -> ultrasuedes
ulvaceae -> ulvaceaes
ulvales -> ulvaless
ulvophyceae -> ulvophyceaes
umbellales -> umbellaless
umbellularia -> umbellularias
umbrellawort -> umbrellaworts
umbrina -> umbrinas
umbundu -> umbundus
umlaut -> umlauts
un -> uns
unacceptableness -> unacceptablenesses
unadaptability -> unadaptabilities
unaffectedness -> unaffectednesses
unai -> unais
unalterability -> unalterabilities
unappetisingness -> unappetisingnesses
unappetizingness -> unappetizingnesses
unarm -> unarms,unarming,unarmed
unassertiveness -> unassertivenesses
unassumingness -> unassumingnesses
unattainableness -> unattainablenesses
unau -> unaus
unavoidability -> unavoidabilities
unbecomingness -> unbecomingnesses
unbelt -> unbelts,unbelting,unbelted
unbosom -> unbosoms,unbosoming,unbosomed
unbrace -> unbraces,unbracing,unbraced
unbreakableness -> unbreakablenesses
unceremoniousness -> unceremoniousnesses
uncertainness -> uncertainnesses
unchangeableness -> unchangeablenesses
uncheerfulness -> uncheerfulnesses
unchurch -> unchurches,unchurching,unchurched
unclearness -> unclearnesses
unclog -> unclogs,unclogging,unclogged
unclothe -> unclothes,unclothing,unclothed
uncloudedness -> uncloudednesses
uncomfortableness -> uncomfortablenesses
uncommonness -> uncommonnesses
uncommunicativeness -> uncommunicativenesses
uncongeniality -> uncongenialities
unconnectedness -> unconnectednesses
unconscientiousness -> unconscientiousnesses
unconstraint -> unconstraints
uncreativeness -> uncreativenesses
uncus -> uncuss
undecagon -> undecagons
undeceive -> undeceives,undeceiving,undeceived
undependability -> undependabilities
undependableness -> undependablenesses
underact -> underacts,underacting,underacted
underbelly -> underbellies
underbodice -> underbodices
underboss -> underbosses
underclassman -> underclassmen
underclothes -> underclothess
underdevelop -> underdevelops,underdeveloping,underdeveloped
underdrawers -> underdrawerss
underevaluation -> underevaluations
underexposure -> underexposures
underlayment -> underlayments
underlip -> underlips
undernourish -> undernourishes,undernourishing,undernourished
underperformer -> underperformers
underproduction -> underproductions
underquote -> underquotes,underquoting,underquoted
underreckoning -> underreckonings
underseal -> underseals
underseller -> undersellers
undershirt -> undershirts
undershrub -> undershrubs
undersign -> undersigns,undersigning,undersigned
understock -> understocks,understocking,understocked
understructure -> understructures
undertide -> undertides
undies -> undiess
undiscipline -> undisciplines
undock -> undocks,undocking,undocked
undset -> undsets
undutifulness -> undutifulnesses
uneasy -> uneasier,uneasiest
unemotionality -> unemotionalities
unenlightenment -> unenlightenments
unequivocalness -> unequivocalnesses
unexchangeability -> unexchangeabilities
unfastener -> unfasteners
unfastening -> unfastenings
unfavorableness -> unfavorablenesses
unfavourableness -> unfavourablenesses
unfeasibility -> unfeasibilities
unfeelingness -> unfeelingnesses
unfriendly -> unfriendlier,unfriendliest
unfrock -> unfrocks,unfrocking,unfrocked
ungird -> ungirds,ungirt,ungirded,ungirding
ungodliness -> ungodlinesses
ungracefulness -> ungracefulnesses
ungraciousness -> ungraciousnesses
ungratefulness -> ungratefulnesses
unguiculata -> unguiculatas
unguiculate -> unguiculates
unguis -> unguiss
ungulata -> ungulatas
unhallow -> unhallows,unhallowing,unhallowed
unharness -> unharnesses,unharnessing,unharnessed
unhealthfulness -> unhealthfulnesses
unhealthy -> unhealthier,unhealthiest
unholiness -> unholinesses
unhorse -> unhorses,unhorsing,unhorsed
unhurriedness -> unhurriednesses
uniat -> uniats
uniformness -> uniformnesses
uninitiate -> uninitiates
uninsurability -> uninsurabilities
uninterestingness -> uninterestingnesses
unio -> unios
unionidae -> unionidaes
unitard -> unitards
unitization -> unitizations
univalve -> univalves
unkemptness -> unkemptnesses
unknowingness -> unknowingnesses
unlade -> unlades,unlading,unladed
unlive -> unlives,unliving,unlived
unmalleability -> unmalleabilities
unmanageableness -> unmanageablenesses
unmanliness -> unmanlinesses
unmercifulness -> unmercifulnesses
unmindfulness -> unmindfulnesses
unmuzzle -> unmuzzles,unmuzzling,unmuzzled
unneighborliness -> unneighborlinesses
unnilquadium -> unnilquadiums
unnoticeableness -> unnoticeablenesses
unoriginality -> unoriginalities
unpalatableness -> unpalatablenesses
unperceptiveness -> unperceptivenesses
unpermissiveness -> unpermissivenesses
unpersuasiveness -> unpersuasivenesses
unpleasingness -> unpleasingnesses
unpointedness -> unpointednesses
unpretentiousness -> unpretentiousnesses
unproductiveness -> unproductivenesses
unprofitableness -> unprofitablenesses
unpropitiousness -> unpropitiousnesses
unprotectedness -> unprotectednesses
unq -> unqs
unquestionability -> unquestionabilities
unquestionableness -> unquestionablenesses
unraveler -> unravelers
unregularity -> unregularities
unrelatedness -> unrelatednesses
unreliableness -> unreliablenesses
unrespectability -> unrespectabilities
unrestraint -> unrestraints
unsanctification -> unsanctifications
unsanitariness -> unsanitarinesses
unsavoriness -> unsavorinesses
unseasonableness -> unseasonablenesses
unseemliness -> unseemlinesses
unsex -> unsexes,unsexing,unsexed
unsheathe -> unsheathes,unsheathing,unsheathed
unsimilarity -> unsimilarities
unskillfulness -> unskillfulnesses
unsnarl -> unsnarls,unsnarling,unsnarled
unsnarling -> unsnarlings
unsociability -> unsociabilities
unsociableness -> unsociablenesses
unsolvability -> unsolvabilities
unstableness -> unstablenesses
unstring -> unstrings,unstrung,unstringing
unsuitableness -> unsuitablenesses
unsusceptibility -> unsusceptibilities
unteach -> unteaches,unteaching,untaught
unthoughtfulness -> unthoughtfulnesses
untie -> unties,untying,untied
untier -> untiers
untrustiness -> untrustinesses
untying -> untyings
untypicality -> untypicalities
ununbium -> ununbiums
ununhexium -> ununhexiums
ununpentium -> ununpentiums
ununquadium -> ununquadiums
ununtrium -> ununtriums
unusefulness -> unusefulnesses
unvariedness -> unvariednesses
unwariness -> unwarinesses
unwellness -> unwellnesses
unwholesomeness -> unwholesomenesses
unwiseness -> unwisenesses
unyieldingness -> unyieldingnesses
up-bow -> up-bows
up-tick -> up-ticks
upanishad -> upanishads
upbraider -> upbraiders
upcast -> upcasts
upending -> upendings
upheave -> upheaves,upheaving,upheaved
upper-normandy -> upper-normandies
uppishness -> uppishnesses
uppityness -> uppitynesses
uppp -> uppps
uprise -> uprises,uprose,uprisen
uprooter -> uprooters
upstager -> upstagers
upsweep -> upsweeps,upswept,upsweeping
upthrow -> upthrows
upupa -> upupas
ural-altaic -> ural-altaics
uralic -> uralics
uranalysis -> uranalyses
uranologist -> uranologists
uranology -> uranologies
uranoplasty -> uranoplasties
uranoscopidae -> uranoscopidaes
uratemia -> uratemias
uraturia -> uraturias
urceole -> urceoles
uredinales -> uredinaless
uremia -> uremias
ureterocele -> ureteroceles
ureterostenosis -> ureterostenoses
urethrocele -> urethroceles
urex -> urexes
urga -> urgas
urginea -> urgineas
urial -> urials
uricaciduria -> uricacidurias
urinator -> urinators
url -> urls
urmia -> urmias
urobilin -> urobilins
urobilinogen -> urobilinogens
urocele -> uroceles
urochesia -> urochesias
urochezia -> urochezias
urochord -> urochords
urochorda -> urochordas
urochordata -> urochordatas
urochordate -> urochordates
urocyon -> urocyons
urocystis -> urocystiss
urodella -> urodellas
urodynia -> urodynias
urolith -> uroliths
uropathy -> uropathies
urophycis -> urophyces
uropsilus -> uropsiluss
uropygi -> uropygis
uropygium -> uropygiums
urosaurus -> urosauruss
ursidae -> ursidaes
ursinia -> ursinias
urth -> urths
urticaceae -> urticaceaes
urticales -> urticaless
urticate -> urticates,urticating,urticated
urtication -> urtications
urubupunga -> urubupungas
us -> uss
usableness -> usablenesses
usacil -> usacils
usance -> usances
usbeg -> usbegs
usbek -> usbeks
uscb -> uscbs
useableness -> useablenesses
ushas -> ushass
using -> usings
uskub -> uskubs
usneaceae -> usneaceaes
usps -> uspss
usss -> ussses
ustilaginaceae -> ustilaginaceaes
ustilaginales -> ustilaginaless
ustilaginoidea -> ustilaginoideas
ustilago -> ustilagoes
usualness -> usualnesses
usufructuary -> usufructuaries
usuli -> usulis
usumbura -> usumburas
ut1 -> ut1s
utahan -> utahans
utahraptor -> utahraptors
uterus -> uteruses
utiliser -> utilisers
utilizer -> utilizers
utn -> utns
uto-aztecan -> uto-aztecans
utricle -> utricles
utricularia -> utricularias
utriculus -> utriculuss
utterness -> utternesses
utug -> utugs
uub -> uubs
uuh -> uuhs
uuq -> uuqs
uut -> uuts
uvea -> uveas
uvularia -> uvularias
uvulariaceae -> uvulariaceaes
uvulopalatopharyngoplasty -> uvulopalatopharyngoplasties
uxor -> uxors
uxoricide -> uxoricides
uzbak -> uzbaks
uzbeg -> uzbegs
v -> vs
v-1 -> v-1s
v-day -> v-days
vacationer -> vacationers
vacationing -> vacationings
vacationist -> vacationists
vaccaria -> vaccarias
vaccina -> vaccinas
vaccinating -> vaccinatings
vaccinee -> vaccinees
vaccinum -> vaccinums
vacillator -> vacillators
vacuolization -> vacuolizations
vagabondage -> vagabondages
vaginocele -> vaginoceles
vague -> vaguer,vaguest
vaisakha -> vaisakhas
vaishnava -> vaishnavas
vaishnavism -> vaishnavisms
vaisnavism -> vaisnavisms
vaisya -> vaisyas
vajra -> vajras
valdosta -> valdostas
valedictorian -> valedictorians
valeriana -> valerianas
valerianaceae -> valerianaceaes
valerianella -> valerianellas
valetudinarianism -> valetudinarianisms
vali -> valis
valiancy -> valiancies
validness -> validnesses
valkyrie -> valkyries
vallecula -> valleculas
valmy -> valmies
valois -> valois
valorousness -> valorousnesses
valuable -> valuables
valuableness -> valuablenesses
valuator -> valuators
valuelessness -> valuelessnesses
values -> valuess
valvelet -> valvelets
valvotomy -> valvotomies
valvula -> valvulas
valvule -> valvules
valvulotomy -> valvulotomies
vambrace -> vambraces
vamoose -> vamooses,vamoosing,vamoosed
vamper -> vampers
vanadinite -> vanadinites
vancocin -> vancocins
vancomycin -> vancomycins
vanern -> vanerns
vangueria -> vanguerias
vanir -> vanirs
vanisher -> vanishers
vapidness -> vapidnesses
vaporing -> vaporings
vaporizer -> vaporizers
vaporousness -> vaporousnesses
vapors -> vaporss
vapourousness -> vapourousnesses
vapours -> vapourss
vara -> varas
varan -> varans
varanidae -> varanidaes
vardenafil -> vardenafils
variableness -> variablenesses
varicocele -> varicoceles
varicosis -> varicoses
varicosity -> varicosities
variedness -> variednesses
variolation -> variolations
variolization -> variolizations
varment -> varments
varnisher -> varnishers
varuna -> varunas
vascularization -> vascularizations
vase-fine -> vase-fines
vasodilative -> vasodilatives
vasomax -> vasomaxes
vasopressor -> vasopressors
vasosection -> vasosections
vasotec -> vasotecs
vasotomy -> vasotomies
vasovasostomy -> vasovasostomies
vaticinate -> vaticinates,vaticinating,vaticinated
vaticination -> vaticinations
vaticinator -> vaticinators
vaunter -> vaunters
vcr -> vcrs
veadar -> veadars
vedalia -> vedalias
vedanga -> vedangas
vedanta -> vedantas
vedism -> vedisms
vedist -> vedists
veering -> veerings
veery -> veeries
vega -> vegas
veggie -> veggies
velban -> velbans
vellicate -> vellicates,vellicating,vellicated
vellication -> vellications
velociraptor -> velociraptors
velours -> velourss
veloute -> veloutes
velum -> vela
velveeta -> velveetas
velvet-leaf -> velvet-leaves
velvetleaf -> velvetleaves
velvetweed -> velvetweeds
vendee -> vendees
vendemiaire -> vendemiaires
vender -> venders
vendition -> venditions
vendue -> vendues
venerableness -> venerablenesses
venerator -> venerators
veneridae -> veneridaes
venesection -> venesections
venezia-euganea -> venezia-euganeas
vengefulness -> vengefulnesses
venipuncture -> venipunctures
venogram -> venograms
venography -> venographies
vent-hole -> vent-holes
ventail -> ventails
venthole -> ventholes
ventner -> ventners
ventose -> ventoses
ventriculus -> ventriculuss
venturesomeness -> venturesomenesses
venula -> venulas
venushair -> venushairs
veps -> vepss
vepse -> vepses
vepsian -> vepsians
verbaliser -> verbalisers
verbalism -> verbalisms
verbalizer -> verbalizers
verbesina -> verbesinas
verbify -> verbifies,verbifying,verbified
verbolatry -> verbolatries
verboseness -> verbosenesses
verdancy -> verdancies
verdandi -> verdandis
verdicchio -> verdicchios
verdolagas -> verdolagass
vermicide -> vermicides
vermiculation -> vermiculations
vermifuge -> vermifuges
vermis -> vermiss
vermonter -> vermonters
vernation -> vernations
verner -> verners
vernix -> vernixes
vernonia -> vernonias
verpa -> verpas
verrazano -> verrazanoes
verrazzano -> verrazzanoes
versed -> verseds
verthandi -> verthandis
verticalness -> verticalnesses
verticil -> verticils
verticilliosis -> verticillioses
very-light -> very-lights
vesicant -> vesicants
vesicaria -> vesicarias
vesicate -> vesicates,vesicating,vesicated
vesication -> vesications
vesicatory -> vesicatories
vesicopapule -> vesicopapules
vesiculovirus -> vesiculoviruss
vespertilio -> vespertilios
vespertilionid -> vespertilionids
vespertilionidae -> vespertilionidaes
vespid -> vespids
vespula -> vespulas
vestiture -> vestitures
vestrywoman -> vestrywomen
vesture -> vestures,vesturing,vestured
vesuvianite -> vesuvianites
vetchling -> vetchlings
vetchworm -> vetchworms
vetluga -> vetlugas
vexer -> vexers
vfw -> vfws
vi -> vis
viagra -> viagras
viands -> viandss
viatication -> viatications
viaticus -> viaticuss
vibes -> vibess
vibist -> vibists
vibraharp -> vibraharps
vibramycin -> vibramycins
vibraphone -> vibraphones
vibraphonist -> vibraphonists
vibrion -> vibrions
vibrissa -> vibrissas
vicarship -> vicarships
vice-regent -> vice-regents
vicereine -> vicereines
viceroyship -> viceroyships
vicksburg -> vicksburgs
victimiser -> victimisers
victimizer -> victimizers
victrola -> victrolas
victualer -> victualers
victuals -> victualss
vicugna -> vicugnas
vidar -> vidars
vidua -> viduas
vieques -> viequess
viewers -> viewerss
viewgraph -> viewgraphs
vigilantism -> vigilantisms
vigor -> vigors
vigorish -> vigorishes
vii -> viis
viii -> viiis
vilifier -> vilifiers
vilipend -> vilipends,vilipending,vilipended
villainage -> villainages
villainousness -> villainousnesses
villoma -> villomas
vilno -> vilnoes
viminaria -> viminarias
vincetoxicum -> vincetoxicums
vinegariness -> vinegarinesses
vinegarishness -> vinegarishnesses
vinegarroon -> vinegarroons
vinegarweed -> vinegarweeds
vinery -> vineries
vingt-et-un -> vingt-et-uns
viniculture -> vinicultures
vinogradoff -> vinogradoffs
vintager -> vintagers
vinylbenzene -> vinylbenzenes
vinylite -> vinylites
viocin -> viocins
violaceae -> violaceaes
violoncellist -> violoncellists
viomycin -> viomycins
viosterol -> viosterols
vioxx -> vioxxes
viracept -> viracepts
viramune -> viramunes
virazole -> virazoles
viremia -> viremias
vireo -> vireos
vireonidae -> vireonidaes
virga -> virgas
virgule -> virgules
viricide -> viricides
viridity -> viridities
virilisation -> virilisations
virilism -> virilisms
virilization -> virilizations
virino -> virinoes
viroid -> viroids
virtu -> virtus
virtuousness -> virtuousnesses
virucide -> virucides
virulency -> virulencies
virusoid -> virusoids
viscaceae -> viscaceaes
viscacha -> viscachas
viscidity -> viscidities
viscidness -> viscidnesses
viscometry -> viscometries
viscosimeter -> viscosimeters
viscosimetry -> viscosimetries
viscountess -> viscountesses
viscousness -> viscousnesses
vise -> vises
vishnuism -> vishnuisms
visibleness -> visiblenesses
visken -> viskens
vistaril -> vistarils
visualizer -> visualizers
vitaceae -> vitaceaes
vitalisation -> vitalisations
vitaliser -> vitalisers
vitalization -> vitalizations
vitalizer -> vitalizers
vitalness -> vitalnesses
vitals -> vitalss
vitellus -> vitelluss
vithar -> vithars
vitharr -> vitharrs
viticulturist -> viticulturists
vitidaceae -> vitidaceaes
vitiligo -> vitiligoes
vitriol -> vitriols,vitrioling,vitrioled
vittaria -> vittarias
vittariaceae -> vittariaceaes
viverra -> viverras
viverricula -> viverriculas
viverridae -> viverridaes
viverrinae -> viverrinaes
viverrine -> viverrines
vivification -> vivifications
vivisect -> vivisects,vivisecting,vivisected
vizcaino -> vizcainoes
viziership -> vizierships
vizla -> vizlas
vocable -> vocables
vocaliser -> vocalisers
vocalism -> vocalisms
vocalizer -> vocalizers
vocalizing -> vocalizings
vociferate -> vociferates,vociferating,vociferated
vociferator -> vociferators
vodoun -> vodouns
vogul -> voguls
voicelessness -> voicelessnesses
voiceprint -> voiceprints
voicer -> voicers
volaille -> volailles
volapuk -> volapuks
volary -> volaries
volatilize -> volatilizes,volatilizing,volatilized
volgaic -> volgaics
volt-ampere -> volt-amperes
voltaren -> voltarens
volumeter -> volumeters
voluminosity -> voluminosities
voluminousness -> voluminousnesses
volund -> volunds
volution -> volutions
volva -> volvas
volvaria -> volvarias
volvariaceae -> volvariaceaes
volvariella -> volvariellas
volvocaceae -> volvocaceaes
volvocales -> volvocaless
vombatidae -> vombatidaes
vomer -> vomers
vomiter -> vomiters
vomitive -> vomitives
vomitory -> vomitories
vomitus -> vomituss
voodooism -> voodooisms
vorticella -> vorticellas
votyak -> votyaks
vouchee -> vouchees
vouge -> vouges
vowelize -> vowelizes,vowelizing,vowelized
vower -> vowers
voznesenski -> voznesenskis
vulcanisation -> vulcanisations
vulcaniser -> vulcanisers
vulcanize -> vulcanizes,vulcanizing,vulcanized
vulcanizer -> vulcanizers
vulgarisation -> vulgarisations
vulgariser -> vulgarisers
vulgarizer -> vulgarizers
vulpes -> vulpess
vultur -> vulturs
vulvectomy -> vulvectomies
w.m.d. -> w.m.d.s
wa -> was
wabash -> wabashes
waddler -> waddlers
waders -> waderss
wads -> wadss
wafture -> waftures
wagerer -> wagerers
wages -> wagess
waggery -> waggeries
waggishness -> waggishnesses
waggonwright -> waggonwrights
wagonwright -> wagonwrights
wagram -> wagrams
wahabi -> wahabis
wahabism -> wahabisms
wahhabism -> wahhabisms
wahunsonacock -> wahunsonacocks
wahvey -> wahveys
wainscotting -> wainscottings
waistcloth -> waistcloths
wakashan -> wakashans
wake-robin -> wake-robins
wakeboard -> wakeboards
waker -> wakers
walapai -> walapais
waldenses -> waldensess
waldmeister -> waldmeisters
walhalla -> walhallas
walk-up -> walk-ups
walkaway -> walkaways
walkie-talkie -> walkie-talkies
walkingstick -> walkingsticks
walky-talky -> walky-talkies
wall-paperer -> wall-paperers
wallboard -> wallboards
walleye -> walleyes
wallop -> wallops,walloping,walloped
walloper -> wallopers
walloping -> wallopings
wallpaperer -> wallpaperers
walrus -> walruses
walter -> walters
waltz -> waltzes,waltzing,waltzed
wamble -> wambles,wambling,wambled
wampanoag -> wampanoags
wampee -> wampees
wampum -> wampums
wampumpeag -> wampumpeags
wandala -> wandalas
wandflower -> wandflowers
wangler -> wanglers
wangling -> wanglings
wanness -> wannesses
waratah -> waratahs
ward-heeler -> ward-heelers
wardership -> warderships
wardress -> wardresses
warehouser -> warehousers
warji -> warjis
warlpiri -> warlpiris
warmheartedness -> warmheartednesses
warragal -> warragals
warranter -> warranters
warrigal -> warrigals
warszawa -> warszawas
wartweed -> wartweeds
wartwort -> wartworts
wash-and-wear -> wash-and-wears
washables -> washabless
washbowl -> washbowls
washcloth -> washcloths
washrag -> washrags
washup -> washups
washwoman -> washwomen
wasp -> wasps
waste-yard -> waste-yards
wastebasket -> wastebaskets
wastewater -> wastewaters
wasteweir -> wasteweirs
wasteyard -> wasteyards
watch-chain -> watch-chains
watchband -> watchbands
water-color -> water-colors
water-ice -> water-ices
water-rate -> water-rates
water-shield -> water-shields
water-target -> water-targets
waterbed -> waterbeds
waterbury -> waterburies
watercannon -> watercannons
watercolor -> watercolors
watercolorist -> watercolorists
waterdog -> waterdogs
waterfinder -> waterfinders
waterfront -> waterfronts
wateriness -> waterinesses
waterlessness -> waterlessnesses
waterline -> waterlines
watermeal -> watermeals
watt-hour -> watt-hours
wattmeter -> wattmeters
watusi -> watusis
watutsi -> watutsis
waul -> wauls,wauling,wauled
wave-off -> waves-off
waviness -> wavinesses
waw -> waws
wawl -> wawls,wawling,wawled
waxberry -> waxberries
waxflower -> waxflowers
waxiness -> waxinesses
waxmallow -> waxmallows
waxy -> waxier,waxiest
waxycap -> waxycaps
ways -> wayss
wbn -> wbns
wbs -> wbss
weakener -> weakeners
wealthiness -> wealthinesses
weatherglass -> weatherglasses
weatherliness -> weatherlinesses
weatherstrip -> weatherstrips
webcam -> webcams
webfoot -> webfeet
webmaster -> webmasters
webpage -> webpages
website -> websites
webworm -> webworms
wee-wee -> wee-wees,wee-weeing,wee-weed
weed-whacker -> weed-whackers
weeds -> weedss
weeness -> weenesses
weenie -> weenies
weewee -> weewees
weigela -> weigelas
weird -> weirder,weirdest
weirdie -> weirdies
weisenheimer -> weisenheimers
welcher -> welchers
weldment -> weldments
welkin -> welkins
wellerism -> wellerisms
wellpoint -> wellpoints
welsh -> welshes,welshing,welshed
welsher -> welshers
welshwoman -> welshwomen
welwitschia -> welwitschias
welwitschiaceae -> welwitschiaceaes
wen-ti -> wen-tis
wencher -> wenchers
werfel -> werfels
wesleyanism -> wesleyanisms
wesleyism -> wesleyisms
west-sider -> west-siders
westward -> westwards
wetback -> wetbacks
whaleboat -> whaleboats
whalesucker -> whalesuckers
whap -> whaps,whaping,whaped
whatchamacallum -> whatchamacallums
whatsis -> whatses
wheat-grass -> wheat-grasses
wheatflake -> wheatflakes
wheatgrass -> wheatgrasses
wheatworm -> wheatworms
wheedler -> wheedlers
wheelbase -> wheelbases
wheelhouse -> wheelhouses
wheelwork -> wheelworks
whidah -> whidahs
whiffer -> whiffers
whiffletree -> whiffletrees
while -> whiles,whiling,whiled
whinstone -> whinstones
whip-scorpion -> whip-scorpions
whip-snake -> whip-snakes
whippletree -> whippletrees
whippoorwill -> whippoorwills
whipsnake -> whipsnakes
whipstitch -> whipstitches
whipstitching -> whipstitchings
whirlaway -> whirlaways
whirler -> whirlers
whirlybird -> whirlybirds
whish -> whishes,whishing,whished
whiskers -> whiskerss
whistlestop -> whistlestops,whistlestoping,whistlestoped
whit-tuesday -> whit-tuesdays
whitecup -> whitecups
whitelash -> whitelashes
whitener -> whiteners
whitetail -> whitetails
whitlavia -> whitlavias
whitlowwort -> whitlowworts
whitmonday -> whitmondays
whittier -> whittiers
whitweek -> whitweeks
whizbang -> whizbangs
wholeheartedness -> wholeheartednesses
whoremaster -> whoremasters
whorlywort -> whorlyworts
why -> whys
wicket-keeper -> wicket-keepers
wickiup -> wickiups
wickliffe -> wickliffes
wickup -> wickups
wiclif -> wiclifs
wicopy -> wicopies
widowman -> widowmen
wienerwurst -> wienerwursts
wiesenboden -> wiesenbodens
wiffle -> wiffles
wifi -> wifis
wiggliness -> wigglinesses
wigmaker -> wigmakers
wigwag -> wigwags,wigwagging,wigwagged
wikiup -> wikiups
wildcatter -> wildcatters
wildebeest -> wildebeest
willfulness -> willfulnesses
willie -> willies
willowware -> willowwares
wilmut -> wilmuts
wilno -> wilnoes
wincey -> winceys
windage -> windages
windaus -> windauss
windbag -> windbags
windburn -> windburns
winding-clothes -> winding-clothess
windlessness -> windlessnesses
window-shop -> window-shops,window-shopping,window-shopped
window-washing -> window-washings
windstorm -> windstorms
windtalker -> windtalkers
wine-colored -> wine-coloreds
wineberry -> wineberries
winepress -> winepresses
winesap -> winesaps
winfred -> winfreds
wing-nut -> wing-nuts
wings -> wingss
wingspread -> wingspreads
wingstem -> wingstems
winnings -> winningss
wintera -> winteras
winteraceae -> winteraceaes
winterberry -> winterberries
winterize -> winterizes,winterizing,winterized
wintun -> wintuns
wire-puller -> wire-pullers
wiredraw -> wiredraws,wiredrew,wiredrawn,wiredrawing
wireman -> wiremen
wirer -> wirers
wiretapper -> wiretappers
wiriness -> wirinesses
wisconsinite -> wisconsinites
wiseness -> wisenesses
wisenheimer -> wisenheimers
wisent -> wisents
wishfulness -> wishfulnesses
wister -> wisters
witchgrass -> witchgrasses
withdrawer -> withdrawers
withdrawnness -> withdrawnnesses
withholder -> withholders
withstander -> withstanders
witloof -> witloofs
witness-box -> witness-boxes
witnesser -> witnessers
wits -> witss
wittol -> wittols
wive -> wives,wiving,wived
wivern -> wiverns
wk -> wks
wlan -> wlans
wmd -> wmds
wnw -> wnws
woadwaxen -> woadwaxens
wodan -> wodans
woefulness -> woefulnesses
wolfbane -> wolfbanes
wolffia -> wolffias
wolffiella -> wolffiellas
wolfsbane -> wolfsbanes
woman-worship -> woman-worships
womanishness -> womanishnesses
womanizer -> womanizers
womanlike -> womanlikes
wonderberry -> wonderberries
wonk -> wonks
wood-creeper -> wood-creepers
wood-fern -> wood-ferns
wood-frog -> wood-frogs
wood-rat -> wood-rats
woodborer -> woodborers
woodcreeper -> woodcreepers
woodenness -> woodennesses
woodenware -> woodenwares
woodgraining -> woodgrainings
woodhewer -> woodhewers
woodlet -> woodlets
woodlouse -> woodlice
woodshed -> woodsheds
woodsia -> woodsias
woodsiness -> woodsinesses
woodwardia -> woodwardias
woodwaxen -> woodwaxens
wooer -> wooers
woolgatherer -> woolgatherers
woolgathering -> woolgatherings
woollcott -> woollcotts
woolsorter -> woolsorters
woosh -> wooshes,wooshing,wooshed
woozy -> woozier,wooziest
word-painter -> word-painters
word-splitting -> word-splittings
word-worship -> word-worships
wordfinder -> wordfinders
wordmonger -> wordmongers
wordnet -> wordnets
words -> wordss
work-board -> work-boards
work-clothes -> work-clothess
work-clothing -> work-clothings
work-shirt -> work-shirts
workbag -> workbags
workbasket -> workbaskets
workboard -> workboards
workfellow -> workfellows
workings -> workingss
workweek -> workweeks
wormcast -> wormcasts
wormseed -> wormseeds
wormy -> wormier,wormiest
worriment -> worriments
worrywart -> worrywarts
worshiper -> worshipers
wouk -> wouks
wpc -> wpcs
wren-tit -> wren-tits
wrester -> wresters
wrick -> wricks,wricking,wricked
writings -> writingss
wrymouth -> wrymouths
wsw -> wsws
wtc -> wtcs
wtv -> wtvs
wuerzburg -> wuerzburgs
wulfenite -> wulfenites
wulfila -> wulfilas
wuss -> wusses
wyat -> wyats
wynnea -> wynneas
wyomingite -> wyomingites
wys -> wyss
wyszynski -> wyszynskis
wytensin -> wytensins
x-raying -> x-rayings
x-scid -> x-scids
xanax -> xanaxes
xanthate -> xanthates
xanthelasma -> xanthelasmas
xanthemia -> xanthemias
xanthium -> xanthiums
xanthoma -> xanthomas
xanthomatosis -> xanthomatoses
xanthomonad -> xanthomonads
xanthomonas -> xanthomonass
xanthophyceae -> xanthophyceaes
xanthophyl -> xanthophyls
xanthophyll -> xanthophylls
xanthopsia -> xanthopsias
xanthorrhoeaceae -> xanthorrhoeaceaes
xanthorroea -> xanthorroeas
xanthosis -> xanthoses
xanthosoma -> xanthosomas
xantusiidae -> xantusiidaes
xc -> xcs
xenarthra -> xenarthras
xenicidae -> xenicidaes
xenicus -> xenicuss
xenogenesis -> xenogeneses
xenophanes -> xenophaness
xenopodidae -> xenopodidaes
xenorhyncus -> xenorhyncuss
xenosauridae -> xenosauridaes
xenosaurus -> xenosauruss
xenotime -> xenotimes
xenotransplant -> xenotransplants
xenotransplantation -> xenotransplantations
xeranthemum -> xeranthemums
xerobates -> xerobatess
xeroderma -> xerodermas
xerodermia -> xerodermias
xeroma -> xeromas
xerophile -> xerophiles
xerophthalmus -> xerophthalmuss
xerophyllum -> xerophyllums
xeroradiography -> xeroradiographies
xerostomia -> xerostomias
xerotes -> xerotess
xii -> xiis
xiii -> xiiis
xiphias -> xiphiass
xiphiidae -> xiphiidaes
xiphosura -> xiphosuras
xiv -> xivs
xl -> xls
xv -> xvs
xvi -> xvis
xvii -> xviis
xviii -> xviiis
xxi -> xxis
xxii -> xxiis
xxiii -> xxiiis
xxiv -> xxivs
xxix -> xxixes
xxv -> xxvs
xxvi -> xxvis
xxvii -> xxviis
xxviii -> xxviiis
xxy-syndrome -> xxy-syndromes
xy -> xies
xylaria -> xylarias
xylariaceae -> xylariaceaes
xylocaine -> xylocaines
xylol -> xylols
xylomelum -> xylomelums
xylophonist -> xylophonists
xylopia -> xylopias
xylose -> xyloses
xylosma -> xylosmas
xyphophorus -> xyphophoruss
xyridaceae -> xyridaceaes
xyridales -> xyridaless
xyris -> xyriss
y -> ys,ies
y2k -> y2ks
yacca -> yaccas
yachtswoman -> yachtswomen
yack -> yacks,yacking,yacked
yafo -> yafoes
yahi -> yahis
yahve -> yahves
yahveh -> yahvehs
yahwe -> yahwes
yajur-veda -> yajur-vedas
yakety-yak -> yaksety-yaks
yakuza -> yakuzas
yaltopya -> yaltopyas
yama -> yamas
yamaltu -> yamaltus
yamoussukro -> yamoussukroes
yanan -> yanans
yankee-doodle -> yankee-doodles
yanker -> yankers
yanquapin -> yanquapins
yaounde -> yaoundes
yardgrass -> yardgrasses
yarmelke -> yarmelkes
yarmulka -> yarmulkas
yashmac -> yashmacs
yashmak -> yashmaks
yastrzemski -> yastrzemskis
yataghan -> yataghans
yatobyo -> yatobyoes
yaup -> yaups,yauping,yauped
yautia -> yautias
yavapai -> yavapais
yawner -> yawners
yawp -> yawps,yawping,yawped
yaws -> yawss
years -> yearss
yeddo -> yeddoes
yedo -> yedoes
yekaterinoslav -> yekaterinoslavs
yellow-blindness -> yellow-blindnesses
yellowbird -> yellowbirds
yellowcake -> yellowcakes
yellowknife -> yellowknives
yellowlegs -> yellowlegss
yellowthroat -> yellowthroats
yellowwood -> yellowwoods
yenisei-samoyed -> yenisei-samoyeds
yeniseian -> yeniseians
yenisey -> yeniseys
yenta -> yentas
yerupaja -> yerupajas
yerwa-maiduguri -> yerwa-maiduguris
yes -> yeses
yesterday -> yesterdays
yeti -> yetis
yezo -> yezoes
ygdrasil -> ygdrasils
yhvh -> yhvhs
yips -> yipss
ylem -> ylems
ymca -> ymcas
yobo -> yoboes
yodeling -> yodelings
yodh -> yodhs
yogacara -> yogacaras
yokuts -> yokutss
yorktwon -> yorktwons
you-drive -> you-drives
youngstown -> youngstowns
younker -> younkers
yourself -> yourselves
youth-on-age -> youths-on-age
yquem -> yquems
ytterbite -> ytterbites
yucatec -> yucatecs
yuman -> yumen
yuppie -> yuppies
yurak-samoyed -> yurak-samoyeds
ywca -> ywcas
zaar -> zaars
zabrze -> zabrzes
zaglossus -> zaglossuss
zaharias -> zahariass
zairese -> zaireses
zakat -> zakats
zalophus -> zalophuss
zamang -> zamangs
zamboni -> zambonis
zamia -> zamias
zamiaceae -> zamiaceaes
zannichellia -> zannichellias
zannichelliaceae -> zannichelliaceaes
zanthoxylum -> zanthoxylums
zapodidae -> zapodidaes
zapotecan -> zapotecans
zapus -> zapuss
zarf -> zarves
zarontin -> zarontins
zarpanit -> zarpanits
zarqa -> zarqas
zayin -> zayins
zdv -> zdvs
zeaxanthin -> zeaxanthins
zebrawood -> zebrawoods
zeidae -> zeidaes
zenaidura -> zenaiduras
zend -> zends
zend-avesta -> zend-avestas
zeomorphi -> zeomorphis
zest -> zests,zesting,zested
zestfulness -> zestfulnesses
zestril -> zestrils
zigadene -> zigadenes
zigadenus -> zigadenuss
zikkurat -> zikkurats
zikurat -> zikurats
zill -> zills
zimbalist -> zimbalists
zinacef -> zinacefs
zinfandel -> zinfandels
zinkenite -> zinkenites
zinnemann -> zinnemanns
zinnwaldite -> zinnwaldites
zinsser -> zinssers
zinzendorf -> zinzendorfs
ziphiidae -> ziphiidaes
zirbanit -> zirbanits
zirconia -> zirconias
zither -> zithers
zithern -> zitherns
ziti -> zitis
zizania -> zizanias
ziziphus -> ziziphuss
zizz -> zizzs
zoanthropy -> zoanthropies
zoarces -> zoarcess
zoarcidae -> zoarcidaes
zocor -> zocors
zoisia -> zoisias
zoloft -> zolofts
zombie -> zombies
zonotrichia -> zonotrichias
zonule -> zonules
zooerastia -> zooerastias
zooerasty -> zooerasties
zooflagellate -> zooflagellates
zoolatry -> zoolatries
zoomastigina -> zoomastiginas
zoomastigote -> zoomastigotes
zoomorphism -> zoomorphisms
zoonosis -> zoonoses
zoophilia -> zoophilias
zoophilism -> zoophilisms
zoophobia -> zoophobias
zoophyte -> zoophytes
zoopsia -> zoopsias
zoospore -> zoospores
zootoxin -> zootoxins
zori -> zoris
zoril -> zorils
zosteraceae -> zosteraceaes
zoysia -> zoysias
zr -> zrs
zsigmondy -> zsigmondies
zu -> zus
zubird -> zubirds
zucchini -> zucchinis
zurvanism -> zurvanisms
zwieback -> zwiebacks
zworykin -> zworykins
zygnema -> zygnemas
zygnemales -> zygnemaless
zygnemataceae -> zygnemataceaes
zygnematales -> zygnemataless
zygocactus -> zygocactuss
zygomycetes -> zygomycetess
zygomycota -> zygomycotas
zygomycotina -> zygomycotinas
zygophyllaceae -> zygophyllaceaes
zygophyllum -> zygophyllums
zygoptera -> zygopteras
zygospore -> zygospores
zygotene -> zygotenes
zyloprim -> zyloprims
zymase -> zymases
zymolysis -> zymolyses
zymosis -> zymoses
zyrian -> zyrians