#SingleInstance, force #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. ; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. #InstallKeybdHook ;~ http://de.autohotkey.com/wiki/index.php?title=InstallKeybdHook ; #Include %A_ScriptDir%\..\..\inc_ahk\init_global.init.inc.ahk setCoordModeAll() needle=Telegram ahk_class Qt5QWindowIcon ; mouseWindowTitle=0x500908 ; WinActivate, % needle ;settitlematchmode,2 ;#IfWinActive, Telegram ahk_class Qt5QWindowIcon ; Hotkey, IfWinActive, Telegram ahk_class Qt5QWindowIcon Hotkey, IfWinActive, ahk_class Qt5QWindowIcon Hotkey,LButton, lblLButton settitlematchmode,3 While(1){ if(A_TimeIdle < 1000 || A_TimeIdlePhysical < 1000){ sleep,1000 Continue } ;WinGetActiveStats, at, Width, Height, X, Y ;WinGetClass, ac2 , %at% WinGetActiveTitle, at WinGetClass, ac , %at% tc:= at " ahk_class " ac if(InStr(tc, "tooltip")){ sleep,1000 Continue } workWithNewWindow(tc,at,ac) ;ToolTip, % "WinWaitNotActive:" tc WinWaitNotActive, % tc ;WinWaitNotActive, % ac,,,tooltip,tooltip ; WinWaitNotActive, [ WinTitle, WinText, Seconds, ExcludeTitle, ExcludeText], % ac ;ToolTip, sleep,50 } lblLButton: Suspend,On SetTitleMatchMode, 2 WinGetActiveTitle, at WinGetActiveStats, at2, w, h, x, y IfWinActive, Telegram ahk_class Qt5QWindowIcon { SetTitleMatchMode, 2 WinSetTitle, ahk_class Qt5QWindowIcon, , Telegram , ToolTip ;MsgBox,test 18-06-10_13-55 %at% %at2% (%A_LineFile%) ;ToolTip, 18-06-10_13-55 %at% %at2% (%A_LineFile%) ToolTip5sec(c A_LineNumber . " " . RegExReplace(A_LineFile,".*\\") . " " . Last_A_This) } MouseClick Suspend,Off ;ToolTip, % A_LineNumber " : " RegExReplace(A_LineFile,".*\\") ToolTip5sec(c A_LineNumber . " " . RegExReplace(A_LineFile,".*\\") . " " . Last_A_This) return workWithNewWindow(tc,at,ac){ needle=Telegram ahk_class Qt5QWindowIcon ; mouseWindowTitle=0x500908 ; if( 1 AND (InStr(tc, needle) )) { ;ToolTip1sec(A_LineNumber . " " . RegExReplace(A_LineFile,".*\\") . " " . Last_A_This) WinGetPos, X, Y, Width, Height, % needle ;MouseClick, WhichButton [, X, Y, ClickCount, Speed, D|U, R], left, % X + Width/2 , Y ;MouseClick, left, % X + Width/2 , Y + 55 , 1 , 1 , , MouseGetPos, OutputVarX, OutputVarY, OutputVarWin, OutputVarControl Suspend, On MouseClick, left, % X + Width/2 - 30 , Y + 55,1,1 sleep,1500 MouseClick, left, % X + Width/2 - 30 , Y + 210, 3 , 1 MouseMove, % OutputVarX, % OutputVarY, 1 Suspend,off SetKeyDelay,180,280 if(0){ sleepDelay := 50 c:=copySelection2clipBoard( sleepDelay ) if(!c) return send,{Esc} }else{ clipboardOld := clipboard clipboard := "" sleep,100 send,^c sleep,100 c:=clipboard sleep,100 send,{Esc} if(clipboardOld == c || RegExMatch(c, "^\d")) return } sleep,500 ;MsgBox, % c " A_LineNumber=" A_LineNumber WinSetTitle, % needle, , % c " - Telegram" , ToolTip ;ToolTip5sec(c A_LineNumber . " " . RegExReplace(A_LineFile,".*\\") . " " . Last_A_This) ;Pause } } setCoordModeAll(coord = "Screen"){ if(false) { coord = coord = Client coord = Pixel coord = Screen } CoordMode, ToolTip, %coord% CoordMode, Pixel, %coord% CoordMode, Mouse, %coord% CoordMode, Caret, %coord% CoordMode, Menu, %coord% return coord } #Include %A_ScriptDir%\..\..\inc_ahk\move2Img_functions.inc.ahk #Include %A_ScriptDir%\..\..\inc_ahk\functions_global.inc.ahk ;<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ;~ subroutinen beispielsweise m�sen ans Dateiende #Include %A_ScriptDir%\..\..\inc_ahk\functions_global_dateiende.inc.ahk #Include %A_ScriptDir%\..\..\inc_ahk\ToolTipSec.inc.ahk #Include %A_ScriptDir%\..\..\inc_ahk\ToolTipSec_RemoveToolTip.inc.ahk ;#Include %A_ScriptDir%\..\..\inc_ahk\functions_global.inc.ahk #Include %A_ScriptDir%\..\..\inc_ahk\copy2clipBoard.functions.inc.ahk ;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ; #Include *i %A_ScriptDir%\..\..\inc_ahk\UPDATEDSCRIPT_global.inc.ahk