import os, sys, json, MySQLdb, requests, random, string from itertools import cycle, izip # ADDITIONAL HOSTS TO ALLOW IN MYSQL (OPTIONAL) rAddHosts = [] # DO NOT MODIFY BELOW rBasePath = "/home/xtreamcodes/iptv_xtream_codes" rConfigPath = "%s/config" % rBasePath def decryptConfig(rConfig): try: return json.loads(''.join(chr(ord(c)^ord(k)) for c,k in izip(rConfig.decode("base64"), cycle('5709650b0d7806074842c6de575025b1')))) except: return None def encryptConfig(rConfig): return ''.join(chr(ord(c)^ord(k)) for c,k in izip(json.dumps(rConfig), cycle('5709650b0d7806074842c6de575025b1'))).encode('base64').replace('\n', '') def generate(length=16): return ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for i in range(length)) rKnownFiles = [ # Ignore /tmp/ui.php as it's not always accessible by XC, and it can't be used anyway. "%s/wwwdir/langs/Italian.php" % rBasePath, "%s/admin/assets/css/souza3.php" % rBasePath, "%s/php/include/php/main/fastcgi.php" % rBasePath, "%s/wwwdir/includes/geo/Database.php" % rBasePath ] rNginxAllowed = [ "%s/nginx/sbin/" % rBasePath, "%s/nginx/sbin/nginx" % rBasePath, ] if __name__ == "__main__": print "THIS IS AN EXPERIMENTAL TOOL, ONLY CONTINUE IF YOU HAVE TO!" print "THIS CAN DO MORE DAMAGE THAN GOOD, WHO KNOWS?" print "ENSURE ALL OF YOUR LOAD BALANCERS ARE RUNNING AND WORKING FIRST" print " " rQ = None while rQ not in ["Y", "N"]: rQ = raw_input("Continue? (Y/N) : ").upper() if rQ == "N": sys.exit(1) print " " # Decrypt Config rConfig = decryptConfig(open(rConfigPath, 'rb').read()) # Connect to Database try: rDB = MySQLdb.connect(host=rConfig["host"], user=rConfig["db_user"], passwd=rConfig["db_pass"], db=rConfig["db_name"], port=int(rConfig["db_port"])) rCursor = rDB.cursor() except: print "No MySQL connection!" sys.exit(1) # Get LB Password rRet = rCursor.execute("SELECT `live_streaming_pass` FROM `settings`;") rPassword = rCursor.fetchall()[0][0] # Get Load Balancers rRet = rCursor.execute("SELECT `id`, `server_ip`, `http_broadcast_port` FROM `streaming_servers`;") rServers = rCursor.fetchall() for rServer in rServers: rInfected = False rFailed = False print "Checking Server #%d: %s" % (int(rServer[0]), rServer[1]) print " " rAPI = "http://%s:%d/system_api.php" % (rServer[1], int(rServer[2])) # Check known files for rFile in rKnownFiles: rData = {"action": "getFile", "filename": rFile, "password": rPassword} try: rFileData =, data=rData, timeout=5).content except: rFailed = True rFileData = "" if len(rFileData) > 0: rInfected = True print "Found infected file at: %s" % rFile rCommand = "rm -f \"%s\"" % rFile rData = {"action": "runCMD", "command": rCommand, "password": rPassword} try: rResponse =, data=rData, timeout=5).content except: rFailed = True # Check NGINX rCommand = "/usr/bin/find \"" + rBasePath + "/nginx/sbin/\"" rData = {"action": "runCMD", "command": rCommand, "password": rPassword} try: rResponse =, data=rData, timeout=5).content except: rFailed = True rResponse = None if rResponse: for rFile in json.loads(rResponse): if not rFile.lower() in rNginxAllowed: rInfected = True print "Found infected NGINX at: %s" % rFile rCommand = "rm -f \"%s\"" % rFile rData = {"action": "runCMD", "command": rCommand, "password": rPassword} try: rResponse =, data=rData, timeout=5).content except: rFailed = True # Check Sudo rData = {"action": "runCMD", "command": "passwd --status xtreamcodes", "password": rPassword} try: rResponse = json.loads(, data=rData, timeout=5).content)[0].split() except: rFailed = True rResponse = [] if len(rResponse) > 1 and rResponse[0] == "xtreamcodes" and rResponse[1].upper() == "P": print " " rInfected = True print "Xtream Codes user has a password!" if int(rServer[0]) == int(rConfig["server_id"]): os.system("sudo passwd -d xtreamcodes >/dev/null 2>&1") os.system("sudo usermod -s /usr/sbin/nologin xtreamcodes >/dev/null 2>&1") else: rCommand = "sudo passwd -d xtreamcodes && sudo usermod -s /usr/sbin/nologin xtreamcodes" rData = {"action": "runCMD", "command": rCommand, "password": rPassword} rResponse =, data=rData, timeout=5).content rData = {"action": "runCMD", "command": "passwd --status xtreamcodes", "password": rPassword} try: rResponse = json.loads(, data=rData, timeout=5).content)[0].split() except: pass if len(rResponse) > 1 and rResponse[0] == "xtreamcodes" and rResponse[1].upper() == "P": print "Couldn't disable user password... Please disable it manually on the LB, check github notes." if int(rServer[0]) <> int(rConfig["server_id"]): print "You may need to modify /etc/sudoers manually on this load balancer. Delete any duplicate after the first `xtreamcodes` line." # Main server only! if int(rServer[0]) == int(rConfig["server_id"]): rSudoers = open("/etc/sudoers", "r").read() if "xtreamcodes ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" in rSudoers: print "Xtream Codes user has unrestricted sudo! Fixing on main..." rSudoers = rSudoers.replace("xtreamcodes ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL", "") rFile = open("/etc/sudoers", "w") rFile.write(rSudoers) rFile.close() # Check rFile = open(rBasePath + "/", "r").read() rNewServices = [] rWriteServices = False for rLine in rFile.split("\n"): if rLine.startswith("echo"): rWriteServices = True else: rNewServices.append(rLine) if rWriteServices: print " " print "Xtream Codes is infected! Fixing..." rFile = open(rBasePath + "/", "w") rFile.write("\n".join(rNewServices)) rFile.close() os.system("sudo chmod +x %s/" % rBasePath) # Report back if rFailed: print "Server failed to execute some commands, cannot confirm it's not infected! Please check the server status." elif not rInfected: print "Server not infected!" print " " print " " # Check MySQL remote access. for rServer in rServers: if int(rServer[0]) == int(rConfig["server_id"]): try: rRDB = MySQLdb.connect(host=rServer[1], user=rConfig["db_user"], passwd=rConfig["db_pass"], db=rConfig["db_name"], port=int(rConfig["db_port"])) except: rRDB = None if rRDB: print "Main MySQL server is accessible from outside world!" rQ = None while rQ not in ["Y", "N"]: rQ = raw_input("Would you like to secure your MySQL and only allow LB's to connect? (Enter Y/N) : ").upper() if rQ == "Y": rRet = os.system("mysql -u root -e \"SELECT VERSION()\" >/dev/null 2>&1") if rRet == 0: print "Connected without password." rRootPass = None else: while True: rRootPass = raw_input("Please enter your MySQL Root Password: ") rRet = os.system("mysql -u root -p%s -e \"SELECT VERSION()\" >/dev/null 2>&1" % rRootPass) if rRet == 0: print "Connected!" print " " break else: print "No MySQL connection! Try again..." rQ = None while rQ not in ["Y", "N"]: rQ = raw_input("Would you like to generate a new MySQL password? (Enter Y/N) : ").upper() rNewPass = False if rQ == "Y": rNewPass = True rMySQLPass = generate() print " " print "MySQL password changed to: %s" % rMySQLPass print "SAVE THIS PASSWORD SOMEWHERE!" print " " else: rMySQLPass = rConfig["db_pass"] rHosts = ["localhost", ""] + rAddHosts for rServer in rServers: if int(rServer[0]) <> int(rConfig["server_id"]): rHosts.append(rServer[1]) if rNewPass: print "Generating a new config on #%d: %s" % (int(rServer[0]), rServer[1]) rAPI = "http://%s:%d/system_api.php" % (rServer[1], int(rServer[2])) rData = {"action": "getFile", "filename": "%s/config" % rBasePath, "password": rPassword} try: rOldConfig = decryptConfig(, data=rData, timeout=5).content) except: # Couldn't get config? Make a new one. if int(rServer[0]) == int(rConfig["server_id"]): rHost = "" else: rHost = rServer[1] rOldConfig = {'server_id': str(rServer[0]), 'db_name': rConfig["db_name"], 'pconnect': '0', 'db_port': str(rConfig["db_port"]), 'db_pass': None, u'host': rHost, 'db_user': rConfig["db_user"]} rOldConfig["db_pass"] = rMySQLPass rNewConfig = encryptConfig(rOldConfig) rCommand = "echo \"%s\" > %s/config" % (rNewConfig, rBasePath) rData = {"action": "runCMD", "command": rCommand, "password": rPassword} rResponse =, data=rData, timeout=5).content rCommand = "REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* FROM '%s'@'%%';" % rConfig["db_user"] if rRootPass: rRet = os.system("mysql -u root -p%s -e \"%s\" >/dev/null 2>&1" % (rRootPass, rCommand)) else: rRet = os.system("mysql -u root -e \"%s\" >/dev/null 2>&1" % rCommand) rCommand = "DELETE FROM `mysql`.`user` WHERE `user` = '%s';" % rConfig["db_user"] if rRootPass: rRet = os.system("mysql -u root -p%s -e \"%s\" >/dev/null 2>&1" % (rRootPass, rCommand)) else: rRet = os.system("mysql -u root -e \"%s\" >/dev/null 2>&1" % rCommand) print " " for rHost in rHosts: print "Granted access from: %s" % rHost rCommand = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, ALTER, CREATE, TRUNCATE ON %s.* TO '%s'@'%s' IDENTIFIED BY '%s';" % (rConfig["db_name"], rConfig["db_user"], rHost, rMySQLPass) if rRootPass: rRet = os.system("mysql -u root -p%s -e \"%s\" >/dev/null 2>&1" % (rRootPass, rCommand)) else: rRet = os.system("mysql -u root -e \"%s\" >/dev/null 2>&1" % rCommand) rCommand = "FLUSH PRIVILEGES;" if rRootPass: rRet = os.system("mysql -u root -p%s -e \"%s\" >/dev/null 2>&1" % (rRootPass, rCommand)) else: rRet = os.system("mysql -u root -e \"%s\" >/dev/null 2>&1" % rCommand) rDB.commit() else: print "MySQL is secure from the outside world! :)" break print " " print " " print "Done! Run this again to be sure..."