#!/bin/bash ## Constants imgtag=klaemo/couchdb-ssl craimgtag=slauber/crawcial ## Check for root and docker if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then echo "This script must be run as root" 1>&2;exit 1;fi command -v docker >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "This script requires docker. Please install it first."; exit 1; } if [ "$#" -eq 7 ]; then ## Non-interactive - 7 Params: dbuser dbpassword dbcontainername dbport crawcialcontainername crawcialport crawcialfbcallbackport user="$1" password="$2" password_conf="$2" name="$3" port="$4" craname="$5" craport="$6" craporth="$7" else ## Interactive echo "*** Crawcial with CouchDB for Docker setup ****" echo echo "for non-interactive, use ./crawcial_setup.sh [dbuser dbpassword dbcontainername dbport crawcialcontainername crawcialport crawcialfbcallbackport]" echo echo "Do not use blanks or not URL-safe characters!" echo echo "Enter a CouchDB administrator username" read user echo "Enter a CouchDB administrator password (will not be shown)" read -s password echo "Confirm CouchDB administrator password (will not be shown)" read -s password_conf echo "Enter a Docker container name for CouchDB or press [ENTER] to use default (couchdb)" read customname [ ! -z "$customname" ] && name="$customname" || name="couchdb" echo "Enter a Docker container name for Crawcial or press [ENTER] to use default (crawcial)" read customcraname [ ! -z "$customcraname" ] && craname="$customcraname" || craname="crawcial" echo "Enter an avaiable TCP port for https access to CouchDB or press [ENTER] to use default (6984)" read customport [ ! -z "$customport" ] && port="$customport" || port="6984" echo "Enter an avaiable TCP port for https access to Crawcial or press [ENTER] to use default (443)" read customcraport [ ! -z "$customcraport" ] && craport="$customcraport" || craport="443" echo "Enter an avaiable TCP port for http access to Crawcial (use for FB Callbacks) or press [ENTER] to use default (80)" read customcraporth [ ! -z "$customcraporth" ] && craport="$customcraporth" || craporth="80" fi ## Check for matching passwords if [ "$password_conf" == "$password" ]; then ## Start CouchDB and set credentials echo echo "**** Starting CouchDB container... ****" docker run -d -p "$port":6984 --name="$name" "$imgtag" echo echo "**** Setting CouchDB credentials ****" until $(curl -k --output /dev/null --silent --head --fail"$port"); do printf '.' sleep 2 done curl -k --silent -XPUT"$port"/_config/admins/$user -d \""$password"\" echo echo "**** Starting Crawcial container... ****" docker run -d -p "$craport":8443 -p "$craporth":8080 --link="$name":"couchdb" --name="$craname" "$craimgtag" ## Start Crawcial and set credentials echo echo "**** Preparing Crawcial ****" until $(curl -k --output /dev/null --silent --head --fail"$craport"); do printf '.' sleep 2 done curl -k --silent -XPOST"$craport"/updateconfig --data \ "port=5984&protocol=http&user=$user&password=$password&feedback=\ Accept&action=update&code=2&host=couchdb" echo echo "Your Crawcial instance is now available via HTTPS at port $craport" else echo "Passwords did not match, exiting..." exit 1 fi