!HH> 3He-4He mixtures !H> Constants block data he34_const_block implicit none include 'he3.fh' data . he34_xcr /0.674D0/, !C> critical point at saturated pressure, concentration of He3 . he34_tcr /0.867D0/ !C> critical point at saturated pressure, temperature [K] end !> Phase diagram functions are from Chaudhry PhD thesis (Massachusetts, 2009) !H> Phase diagram at saturated vapor pressure !> Dilute phase-separation curve, concentration vs temperature [K] !> (0.08014 < x < 0.674; 0.15 K < T < 0.867 K): !> Chaudhry PhD thesis (Massachusetts, 2009) !> Below 0.15 K: Edwards, Ifft, Sarwinski, Phys.Rev. 177, 380 (1969) Eq.23 function he34_xdil(t) !F> implicit none include 'he3.fh' real*8 t, dt if (t.gt.he34_tcr) then he34_xdil = NaN elseif (t.gt.0.15) then dt = t-he34_tcr he34_xdil = he34_xcr . - 0.209148D0*dt/(dt-0.080280D0) . + 0.960222D0*dt + 0.549920D0*dt**2 else ! ! formula from Lancaster wire programs ! he34_xdil = 0.066D0 + 0.5056D0*t**2 ! . - 0.2488D0*t**3 + 18.22D0*t**4 - 74.22D0*t**5 ! Edwards-1969, eq.23 he34_xdil = 0.064D0*(1D0 + 10.8D0*t**2) endif end !> Concentrated phase-separation curve, concentration vs temperature [K] !> (0.674 < x < 1; 0.15 K < T < 0.867 K). !> Chaudhry PhD thesis (Massachusetts, 2009) !> Below 0.15 K: Edwards, Ifft, Sarwinski, Phys.Rev. 177, 380 (1969) Eq.25. function he34_xcon(t) !F> implicit none include 'he3.fh' real*8 t, dt if (t.gt.he34_tcr) then he34_xcon = NaN elseif (t.gt.0.15) then dt = t-he34_tcr he34_xcon = he34_xcr + 0.316170D0*dt**3 . - 0.180743D0*dt**2 - 0.746805D0*dt else ! Edwards-1969, eq.25 he34_xcon = 1D0 - 1.13D0*t**1.5D0*dexp(-0.71D0/t) endif end !> Lambda curve, temperature [K] vs concentration !> Chaudhry PhD thesis (Massachusetts, 2009) function he34_tlambda(x) !F> implicit none include 'he3.fh' real*8 x, dx if (x.gt.he34_xcr.or.x.lt.0D0) then he34_tlambda = NaN else dx = x - he34_xcr he34_tlambda = he34_tcr . - 2.620259D0*dx - 1.023726D0*dx**2 endif end !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !H> Phase diagram at pressures 0..10bar (T>0.15K) !> Tricritical line vs pressure [bar], 0..10 bar !> Chaudhry PhD thesis (Massachusetts, 2009) function he34_tcr_p(p) !F> implicit none include 'he3.fh' real*8 p if (p.lt.0D0.or.p.gt.10D0) then he34_tcr_p = NaN else he34_tcr_p = he34_tcr . - 0.12992576D0*p/(p+2.5967345D0) - 6.457263D-4*p endif end !> Concentration along the tricritical line vs pressure [bar]: !> Chaudhry PhD thesis (Massachusetts, 2009) function he34_xcr_p(p) !F> implicit none include 'he3.fh' real*8 p, dt if (p.lt.0D0.or.p.gt.10D0) then he34_xcr_p = NaN else dt = he34_tcr - he34_tcr_p(p) he34_xcr_p = he34_xcr . + 0.3037124D0*dt - 4.41225D6*dt**9 endif end !> Dilute phase-separation curve, x vs t[K] and p[bar] !> Chaudhry PhD thesis (Massachusetts, 2009) function he34_xdil_p(t,p) !F> implicit none include 'he3.fh' real*8 t, p, dt, K0,K1,K2,Ka if (t.lt.0.15D0.or.t.gt.he34_tcr_p(p)) then he34_xdil_p = NaN elseif (p.lt.0D0.or.p.gt.10D0) then he34_xdil_p = NaN else dt = t-he34_tcr_p(p) K0 = -0.209148D0 - 0.1269791D0*p + 0.0102283D0*p**2 K1 = 0.960222D0 - 0.2165742D0*p + 0.0169801D0*p**2 K2 = 0.549920D0 - 0.1198491D0*p + 0.0092997D0*p**2 Ka = 0.080280D0 +0.02291499D0*p - 0.0020886D0*p**2 he34_xdil_p = he34_xcr_p(p) . + K0*dt/(dt-Ka) + K1*dt + K2*dt**2 endif end !> Concentrated phase-separation curve, x vs t[K] and p[bar] !> Chaudhry PhD thesis (Massachusetts, 2009) function he34_xcon_p(t,p) !F> implicit none include 'he3.fh' real*8 t, p, dt, K1,K2,K3 if (t.lt.0.15D0.or.t.gt.he34_tcr_p(p)) then he34_xcon_p = NaN elseif (p.lt.0D0.or.p.gt.10D0) then he34_xcon_p = NaN else dt = t-he34_tcr_p(p) K1 = -0.746805D0 + 0.0173549D0*p - 0.0028598D0*p**2 K2 = -0.180743D0 + 0.1120251D0*p - 0.0152076D0*p**2 K3 = 0.316170D0 + 0.1723264D0*p - 0.0201411D0*p**2 he34_xcon_p = he34_xcr_p(p) . + K1*dt + K2*dt**2 + K3*dt**3 endif end !> Lambda curve, t[K] vs x and p[bar] !> Chaudhry PhD thesis (Massachusetts, 2009) function he34_tlambda_p(x,p) !F> implicit none include 'he3.fh' real*8 x, p, dx, K1,K2 if (x.gt.he34_xcr_p(p).or.x.lt.0D0) then he34_tlambda_p = NaN elseif (p.lt.0D0.or.p.gt.10D0) then he34_tlambda_p = NaN else dx = x - he34_xcr_p(p) K1 = -2.620259D0 + 0.0024823D0*p + 0.0009255D0*p**2 K2 = -1.023726D0 + 0.0013175D0*p + 0.0009397D0*p**2 he34_tlambda_p = he34_tcr_p(p) + K1*dx + K2*dx**2 endif end !>

Phase diagram functions on the plot: !>