!HH> Helium-3 as a normal fermi-liquid !> See Wheatley, Rev.Mod.Phys. 47, 415(1975), tables at p.467 !H> Molar volume and specific heat !> He3 molar volume [cm^3/mole] vs P [bar] (exp data, Greywall-86) function he3_vm(P) !F> implicit none include 'he3.fh' real*8 P if (P.ge.0D0.and.P.le.34.40D0) then ! he3_vm = ! Graywall-83 ! . +6.218603D-08 * P**6 ! . -7.287781D-06 * P**5 ! . +3.393465D-04 * P**4 ! . -8.190787D-03 * P**3 ! . +1.171477D-01 * P**2 ! . -1.269684D+00 * P**1 ! . +3.683605D+01 he3_vm = ! Graywall-86 (from Wheatley-75) . + 36.837231D0 . - 0.11803474D+1*P . + 0.83421417D-1*P**2 . - 0.38859562D-2*P**3 . + 0.94759780D-4*P**4 . - 0.91253577D-6*P**5 else he3_vm = NaN endif end !> He3 specific heat Cv/RT [1/K] vs P [bar], (exp data, Greywall-86) !> see also Alvesalo PRL44 1076 (1980) - they have different values! function he3_gammaf(P) !F> implicit none include 'he3.fh' real*8 P if (P.ge.0D0.and.P.le.34.40D0) then he3_gammaf = . +0.27840464D+1 . +0.69575243D-1*P . -0.14738303D-2*P**2 . +0.46153498D-4*P**3 . -0.53785385D-6*P**4 else he3_gammaf = NaN endif end !H> derived values !> He3 heat capacity [C/R] vs T [K] and P [bar] function he3_c_n(T,P) !F> implicit none include 'he3.fh' real*8 T,P he3_c_n = he3_gammaf(P)*T end !> He3 density [g/cm^3] vs P [bar] function he3_rho(P) !F> implicit none include 'he3.fh' real*8 P he3_rho = he3_mmass / he3_vm(P) end !> 2N0 [1/erg/cm^3] vs P [bar] function he3_2n0(P) !F> implicit none include 'he3.fh' real*8 P he3_2n0 = he3_gammaf(P) / he3_vm(P) * . 3D0 *const_na/const_kb/const_pi**2 end !> He3 Fermi momentum [g cm/s] vs P [bar] function he3_pf(P) !F> implicit none include 'he3.fh' real*8 P he3_pf = const_h * (3D0/8D0/const_pi * . const_na/he3_vm(P))**.3333333D0 end !> He3 Fermi velocity [cm/s] vs P [bar] function he3_vf(P) !F> implicit none include 'he3.fh' real*8 P he3_vf = he3_pf(P)/he3_meff(P) end !> He3 effective mass [g] vs P [bar] function he3_meff(P) !F> implicit none include 'he3.fh' real*8 P he3_meff = const_h**3/8D0/const_pi * . he3_2n0(P)/he3_pf(P) end !> He3 effective mass ratio, m_eff/m_3 vs P [bar] function he3_mm(P) !F> implicit none include 'he3.fh' real*8 P he3_mm = const_h**3/8D0/const_pi * . he3_2n0(P)/he3_pf(P) / he3_amass end !> He3 F1s fermi-liquid parameter vs P [bar] function he3_f1s(P) !F> implicit none include 'he3.fh' real*8 P he3_f1s = 3D0*(he3_mm(P)-1D0) end !> He3 average atomic spacing [Å] vs P [bar] function he3_a(P) !F> implicit none include 'he3.fh' real*8 P he3_a = (he3_vm(P)/const_na)**0.3333333D0 * 1D8 end !> He3 average dipolar coupling energy [K] vs P [bar] function he3_gdk(P) !F> implicit none include 'he3.fh' real*8 P he3_gdk = 2D0/3D0*const_pi*he3_gyro**2 / he3_vm(P) . * const_hbar**2 * const_na/const_kb end !> He3 effective Fermi temperature [K] vs P [bar] function he3_tfeff(P) !F> implicit none include 'he3.fh' real*8 P he3_tfeff = const_pi**2/2D0 / he3_gammaf(P) end !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !H> Sound velocity and F0s parameter !> He3 first sound velocity c1 [m/s] vs P [bar] (exp data, Wheatley-75) function he3_c1(P) !F> implicit none include 'he3.fh' real*8 P if (P.ge.0D0.and.P.le.34.40D0) then he3_c1 = . -4.604822D-07*P**6 . +5.472623D-05*P**5 . -2.635920D-03*P**4 . +6.846620D-02*P**3 . -1.130160D+00*P**2 . +1.764852D+01*P . +1.829327D+02 he3_c1 = he3_c1 * 1D2 ! m/s -> cm/s else he3_c1 = NaN endif end !> He3 F0s fermi-liquid parameter vs P [bar] function he3_f0s(P) !F> implicit none include 'he3.fh' real*8 P he3_f0s = 3D0*he3_amass*he3_meff(P) . *he3_c1(P)**2 / he3_pf(P)**2 - 1D0 end !> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !H> Susceptibility and F0a parameter !> He3 F0a fermi-liquid parameter (same as Z0/4) vs P [bar] (Hensley-1993) !> Hensley, JLTP89 501 (1992), JLTP90 149 (1993) !> See also: Wheatley-75; Ramm, JLTP 2 539 (1970); function he3_f0a(P) !F> implicit none include 'he3.fh' real*8 P, tmag if (P.ge.0D0.and.P.le.34.40D0) then !!! Magnetic temperature T* (exp data), K, from Wheatley-75 ! tmag = ! . +2.119835D-09*P**6 ! . -2.382702D-07*P**5 ! . +1.043133D-05*P**4 ! . -2.283417D-04*P**3 ! . +2.794162D-03*P**2 ! . -2.427311D-02*P ! . +3.588074D-01 ! he3_f0a = ! . 3D0*const_kb*tmag(P)*he3_meff(P)/he3_pf(P)**2 - 1D0 !!! Hensley JLTP90 149 (1993) he3_f0a = . +1.0891D-09*P**6 . -1.3033D-07*P**5 . +6.0659D-06*P**4 . -1.3904D-04*P**3 . +1.6950D-03*P**2 . -1.2308D-02*P . -6.9863D-01 else he3_f0a = NaN endif end !> Susceptibility [sgs] vs P [bar] !> see Einzel-1991 f.10 function he3_chi_n(P) !F> implicit none include 'he3.fh' real*8 P he3_chi_n = he3_2n0(P)*(he3_gyro*const_hbar/2D0)**2 . / (1D0 + he3_f0a(P)) end !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !H> Other fermi-liquid parameters !> He3 F1a fermi-liquid parameter vs P [bar] (Zavjalov-2015, from spin-wave velocities); !> Zavjalov-2015 -- Spin-wave velocity in 3He-B; !>
See also: !>
Corruccini PRL27 650 (1971) -- Leggett-Rice effect in 3He-N, not accurate; !>
Osheroff PhB90 20 (1977) -- Spin-wave velocity in 3He-B, not accurate; !>
Greywall-1983 -- high temperature Cv; !>
theory, spin waves: Dorfle PRB23 3267 (1981) + F3s; !>
theory, spin waves: Cross JLTP 21 525 (1975); function he3_f1a(P) !F> implicit none include 'he3.fh' real*8 P if (P.ge.0D0.and.P.le.34.40D0) then ! ! Greywall-83 ! he3_f1a = ! . +1.489333D-08 * P**6 ! . -1.661179D-06 * P**5 ! . +7.056909D-05 * P**4 ! . -1.430616D-03 * P**3 ! . +1.476252D-02 * P**2 ! . -9.170753D-02 * P**1 ! . -5.506076D-01 ! our data he3_f1a = -0.598D0 -0.00214D0*P else he3_f1a = NaN endif end !> He3 F2a fermi-liquid parameter vs P [bar] (zero at the moment) !> Halperin??? function he3_f2a(P) !F> implicit none include 'he3.fh' real*8 P if (P.ge.0D0.and.P.le.34.40D0) then he3_f2a = 0D0 else he3_f2a = NaN endif end !> He3 F2s fermi-liquid parameter vs P [bar] (zero at the moment) !> See also: !>
Engel, Ihas, Phys. Rev. Lett. 55, 955958 (1985); !>
Hamot, Lee, ... Halperin, JLTP 99 p651 (1995); !>
Mastumoto et al. JLTP 102 p227 (1996); function he3_f2s(P) !F> implicit none include 'he3.fh' real*8 P if (P.ge.0D0.and.P.le.34.40D0) then he3_f2s = 0D0 ! ! value from Engel-1985 ! he3_f2s = -1.264D0 + 0.896D0*dsqrt(P) ! . -0.187D0*P + 0.0163D0*dsqrt(P**3) ! ! value from Mastumoto-1996 ! he3_f2s = 0.15D0; else he3_f2s = NaN endif end