!HH> Normal He3 transport properties !H> Crossections ! s-p approximation, only l=0,1 fermi-liquid parameters are non-zero. ! then (see Einzel-1978 f.81): ! As(th, phi) = S0 + S1 cos(th) ! At(th, phi) = (T0 + T1 cos(th))cos(ph) ! A2s(th, phi) = S0 + S1 cos(th2) ! A2t(th, phi) = (T0 + T1 cos(th2))cos(ph2) ! ! S and T are given by following subroutine: ! Ti, Si parameters (for using in calculations) ! Einzel & Wolfle JLTP32 (1978) page 34 subroutine he3_s0s1t0t1(P, S0,S1,T0,T1) implicit none include 'he3.fh' real*8 P real*8 f0s, f0a, f1s, f1a real*8 A0s, A0a, A1s, A1a real*8 S0,S1,T0,T1, W, Wa f0s = he3_f0s(P) f0a = he3_f0a(P) f1s = he3_f1s(P) f1a = he3_f1a(P) A0s = f0s/(1D0+f0s) A0a = f0a/(1D0+f0a) A1s = f1s/(1D0+f1s/3D0) A1a = f1a/(1D0+f1a/3D0) S0 = A0s - 3D0*A0a S1 = A1s - 3D0*A1a T0 = A0s + A0a T1 = A1s + A1a end ! Average over angles: ! <...> = int(0, pi) sin(th)/2cos(th/2) dth int (0..2pi) dphi/2pi ... ! <1> = 2 ! = -2/3 ! = 14/15 ! = -18/35 ! = 1 ! = 2S0 - S1 2/3, = 0 ! ! W(th, phi) = pi/4 (3 At^2 + As^2) ! = pi/4 < ! + S0^2 ! + 2 S0 S1 cos(th) ! + S1^2 cos^2(th) ! + 3 T0^2 cos^2(ph) ! + 6 T0 T1 cos(th)cos^2(ph) ! + 3 T1^2 cos^2(th)cos^2(ph) ! > ! = ! = pi/2 < ! + 1 S0^2 ! - 2/3 S0 S1 ! + 7/15 S1^2 ! + 3/2 T0^2 ! - 1 T0 T1 ! + 7/10 T1^2 ! > ! = ! = pi/2 < ! - 1/3 S0^2 ! + 14/15 S0 S1 ! - 9/35 S1^2 ! - 1/2 T0^2 ! + 7/5 T0 T1 ! - 27/70 T1^2 ! > ! = ! = pi/2 < ! + 4/15 S0^2 ! - 8/21 S0 S1 ! + 52/315 S1^2 ! + 1/5 T0^2 ! - 2/7 T0 T1 ! + 13/105 T1^2 ! > !> Scattering crossection , Einzel & Wolfle JLTP32 (1978) f.82 function he3_crsect_w(P) !F> implicit none include 'he3.fh' real*8 P, S0,S1,T0,T1 call he3_s0s1t0t1(P, S0,S1,T0,T1) he3_crsect_w = const_pi/2D0 * . (S0**2 - 2D0/3D0*S0*S1 + 7D0/15D0*S1**2 . + 1.5D0*T0**2 - T0*T1 + 7D0/10D0*T1**2) end !> Scattering crossection , Einzel & Wolfle JLTP32 (1978) f.82 function he3_crsect_wi(P) !F> implicit none include 'he3.fh' real*8 P, S0,S1,T0,T1 call he3_s0s1t0t1(P, S0,S1,T0,T1) he3_crsect_wi = const_pi/2D0 * . ((S0**2)/3D0 + 2D0/15D0*S0*S1 - 29D0/105D0*S1**2 . + 2D0/3D0*S0*T0 - 2D0/5D0*S0*T1 . + 5D0/3D0*(25D0-36D0*dlog(2D0))*T0**2 . + (84D0-120D0*dlog(2D0))*T0*T1 . + 5D0/21D0*(173D0-252D0*dlog(2D0))*T1**2) end !> Scattering crossection , Einzel & Wolfle JLTP32 (1978) f.82 function he3_crsect_wd(P) !F> implicit none include 'he3.fh' real*8 P, S0,S1,T0,T1 call he3_s0s1t0t1(P, S0,S1,T0,T1) he3_crsect_wd = const_pi/2D0 * . (7D0/15D0*S0**2 - 18D0/35D0*S0*S1 + 107D0/315D0*S1**2 . + 8D0/15D0*S0*T0 - 8D0/105D0*(S0*T1 + S1*T0) . + 8D0/63D0*S1*T1 + 29D0/30D0*T0**2 . - 19D0/35D0*T0*T1 + 33D0/70D0*T1**2) end !>

Scattering parameters !> $\lambda_n^+$ ($\lambda_n$, $\lambda_n^s$), $\lambda_n^-$ ($\lambda_n^a$), !> $\delta_n^+$, $\delta_n^-$, !> $\gamma_n^+$, $\gamma_n^-$, !>
$\lambda_0^+ = \lambda_1^+ = 1$, $\lambda_0^- = 3$, !> $\delta_0^+ = \delta_1^+ = \delta_0^-/3 = \delta_0$ !>
See Sykes-1970 f.26-29, Einzel-1978 f66,67,71,74, Einzel-1984 f.24 !> Scattering parameter $\lambda_1^-$ ($\lambda_1^a$) !> l1a = 1 + 2 <W*cos(th)>/<W> function he3_scatt_l1a(P) !F> implicit none include 'he3.fh' real*8 P, wl, S0,S1,T0,T1 call he3_s0s1t0t1(P, S0,S1,T0,T1) wl = const_pi/2D0 * . (-1D0/3D0*S0**2 + 14D0/15D0*S0*S1 - 9D0/35D0*S1**2 . - 0.5D0*T0**2 +1.4D0*T0*T1 + 27D0/70D0*T1**2) he3_scatt_l1a = 1D0 + 2D0 * wl / he3_crsect_w(P) end !> Scattering parameter $\lambda_2$ ($\lambda_2^+$) !> l2 = 1 - 3 <W*sin^4(th/2)sin^2(phi)>/<W> function he3_scatt_l2(P) !F> implicit none include 'he3.fh' real*8 P, wl, S0,S1,T0,T1 call he3_s0s1t0t1(P, S0,S1,T0,T1) wl = const_pi/2D0 * . (4D0/15D0*S0**2 - 8D0/21D0*S0*S1 + 52D0/315D0*S1**2 . + 0.2D0*T0**2 - 2D0/7D0*T0*T1 + 13D0/105D0*T1**2) he3_scatt_l2 = 1D0 - 3D0 * wl / he3_crsect_w(P) end !> Scattering parameter $\gamma_0$, function he3_scatt_g0(P) !F> implicit none include 'he3.fh' real*8 P he3_scatt_g0 = . he3_crsect_wi(P) / he3_crsect_w(P) end !> Scattering parameter $\delta_0$, function he3_scatt_d0(P) !F> implicit none include 'he3.fh' real*8 P he3_scatt_d0 = . he3_crsect_wd(P) / he3_crsect_w(P) end !>
!> Normal phase viscosity correction c(\lambda), (Sykes-1970) function he3_sykes_c(l) !F> implicit none include 'he3.fh' real*8 l,s,ds integer n, k if (l.eq.1D0) then he3_sykes_c = 0.75D0 return endif if (l.gt.1D0) then he3_sykes_c = NaN return endif s = 0D0 do n=0,100 k = (n+1)*(2*n+1) ds = (4D0*n + 3D0)/(k*(k-l)) s = s + ds if (ds.lt.1D-8*s) then goto 121 endif enddo 121 he3_sykes_c = (1D0-l)/4D0 * s end !> Normal phase viscosity * T^2 (Sykes-1970) function he3n_visc(p) !F> implicit none include 'he3.fh' real*8 p,l2,B l2 = he3_scatt_l2(p) B = 8D0 * const_pi**4 * const_hbar**6 . / (he3_meff(p)**3 * const_kb**2 * he3_crsect_w(p)) he3n_visc = 0.2D0*he3_rho(p)*he3_vf(p)**2*(1D0+he3_f1a/3D0) . * 2D0/const_pi * B/(1D0-l2) * he3_sykes_c(l2) end !> Normal phase thermal conductivity correction H(\lambda), (Sykes-1970) function he3_sykes_h(l) !F> implicit none include 'he3.fh' real*8 l,s,ds integer n, k if (l.eq.3D0) then he3_sykes_h = 5D0/12D0 return endif if (l.gt.3D0) then he3_sykes_h = NaN return endif s = 0D0 do n=0,100 k = (n+1)*(2*n+3) ds = (4D0*n + 5D0)/(k*(k-l)) s = s + ds if (ds.lt.1D-8*s) then goto 122 endif enddo 122 he3_sykes_h = (3D0-l)/4D0 * s end !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !H> Quasiparticle lifetimes !> Normal state quasiparticle lifetime at the Fermi level $\tau_N(0,T)$, s !> Einzel JLTP32 (1978) p.28,34 !>
Einzel JLTP84 (1991) f.4 !>
In VW2.38. tau_n0 is different by pi/4 factor! function he3_tau_n0(ttc, p) !F> implicit none include 'he3.fh' real*8 p,ttc real*8 S0,S1,T0,T1, W W = he3_crsect_w(p) he3_tau_n0 = 32D0 * . he3_tfeff(P)*const_hbar/const_pi**2 . / W / const_kb / (1D-3*ttc*he3_tc(P))**2 end !> Thermal average of normal state quasiparticle lifetime $3/4\tau_N(0,T)$, s !> Einzel JLTP84 (1991) f.5 function he3_tau_n_av(ttc, p) !F> implicit none include 'he3.fh' real*8 p,ttc he3_tau_n_av = 0.75D0 * he3_tau_n0(ttc, p) end !> Thermal average of normal state spin diffusion transport time, s !> Einzel JLTP84 (1991) p.328 function he3_tau_nd(ttc, p) !F> implicit none include 'he3.fh' real*8 p,ttc he3_tau_nd = 0.75D0 * he3_tau_n0(ttc, p) . / (1D0-he3_scatt_l1a(p)) end !> Thermal average ot normal state viscous transport time, s !> See Einzel JLTP84 (1990) p.41 function he3_tau_nv(ttc, p) !F> implicit none include 'he3.fh' real*8 p,ttc he3_tau_nv = 0.75D0 * he3_tau_n0(ttc, p) . / (1D0-he3_scatt_l2(p)) end !> Hydrodynamic spin diffusion in normal liquid, cm2/s !> Einzel JLTP84 (1991) f.23 !>
1/3 * vf^2 * tau_n0 * (1+f0a) * 3/4 1/(1-L1) # Einzel-1991 !>
1/3 * vf^2 * tau_n0 * (1+f0a) * f_e(L1) # VW 2.40 + 2.71 !>
Result is same if tau_n0 is different by pi/4 factor function he3_diffn_hydr(ttc, p) !F> implicit none include 'he3.fh' real*8 ttc, p real*8 gap, f0a, tau, vf tau = he3_tau_nd(ttc,p) vf = he3_vf(p) f0a = he3_f0a(p) he3_diffn_hydr = vf**2 / 3D0 * (1D0+f0a) * tau end !> Frequency-dependent spin diffusion D_perp in normal liquid, cm2/s !> Einzel JLTP84 (1991) f.22, Bunkov PRL65 function he3_diffn_perp(ttc, p, nu0) !F> implicit none include 'he3.fh' real*8 ttc, p, nu0 real*8 vf, f0a, tau, oe f0a = he3_f0a(p) vf = he3_vf(p) tau = he3_tau_nd(ttc,p) oe = -f0a/(1D0+f0a) * nu0*const_2pi he3_diffn_perp = vf**2 / 3D0 * (1D0+f0a) . * tau /(1D0 + (tau * oe)**2) end