import sys sys.path.insert(0, ".") import pandas as pd import numpy as np from utils.dataset import Dataset from utils.styled_plot import plt def get_bounds(X, s, n_intervals=100): """ Calculates interval bounds given a X's min and max values. Only values in the s-th column are considered. Parameters: X (np.array with shape (num_instances, num_features)): Input data. s (int): Index of the feature x_s. n_intervals (int): Number of intervals. Returns: bounds (list): Values of bounds with `n_intervals`+1 entries. """ x_s = X[:, s] x_s_min = np.min(x_s) x_s_max = np.max(x_s) bounds = list(np.linspace(x_s_min, x_s_max, n_intervals+1)) return bounds def calculate_ale(model, X, s, n_intervals=100, centered=False): """ Compute the accumulated local effect of a numeric continuous feature. Parameters: model: Classifier which has a predict method. X (np.array with shape (num_instances, num_features)): Input data. s (int): Index of the feature x_s. n_intervals (int): How many intervals should be used. centered (bool): Whether to return uncentered or centered ALE. Returns: bounds (list): See function `get_bounds`. ale (list with `n_intervals` entries): Values of ALE. """ x_s = X[:, s] bounds = get_bounds(X, s, n_intervals) uncentered_ale = [] # i1 = z_{k-1} # i2 = z_k for i1, i2 in zip(bounds, bounds[1:]): # Get ids in between the interval if i1 == bounds[0]: # Make sure to include the point on the first intervall too idx = np.where((x_s >= i1) & (x_s <= i2))[0] else: idx = np.where((x_s > i1) & (x_s <= i2))[0] if len(idx) == 0: uncentered_ale.append(0) continue # Now we replace the values at position s one time with smallest value # and one time with the highest value in this interval. X_min = X[idx, :] X_max = X[idx, :] X_min[:, s] = i1 X_max[:, s] = i2 # And get the new predictions y_min = model.predict(X_min) y_max = model.predict(X_max) # Calculate difference now diff = y_max - y_min uncentered_ale_k = np.sum(diff) / len(idx) uncentered_ale.append(uncentered_ale_k) # Now accumulate uncentered_ale = np.cumsum(uncentered_ale) if centered: # Center ALE here centered_ale = [] mean_uncentered_ale = np.sum(uncentered_ale) / len(uncentered_ale) for uncentered_ale_k in uncentered_ale: centered_ale_k = uncentered_ale_k - mean_uncentered_ale centered_ale.append(centered_ale_k) return bounds, centered_ale else: return bounds, uncentered_ale def prepare_ale(model, X, s, n_intervals=100, centered=False): """ Uses `calculate_ale` to prepare x and y data, which can be used by matplotlib directly. Parameters: model: Classifier which has a predict method. X (np.array with shape (num_instances, num_features)): Input data. s (int): Index of the feature x_s. n_intervals (int): How many intervals should be used. centered (bool): Whether to return uncentered or centered ALE. Returns: x (list or 1D np.ndarray): Centers of two bounds. `n_intervals` entries. y (list or 1D np.ndarray): ALE values. `n_intervals` entries. """ bounds, y = calculate_ale(model, X, s, n_intervals, centered) x = [(i1+i2)/2 for i1, i2 in zip(bounds, bounds[1:])] return x, y if __name__ == "__main__": dataset = Dataset("wheat_seeds", [5,6,7], [2], normalize=True, categorical=False) (X_train, y_train), (X_test, y_test) = dataset.get_data() from sklearn import ensemble model = ensemble.RandomForestRegressor(random_state=0), y_train) X = dataset.X s = 1 print("Run `get_bounds` ...") print(get_bounds(X, 0, n_intervals=4)) num_samples = X.shape[0] n_intervals = [int(num_samples/16), int(num_samples/8), int(num_samples/4)] num_features = len(dataset.input_ids) print("Plot ...") plt.subplots(cols=len(n_intervals), rows=2, sharey=True) for row_id, centered in enumerate([False, True]): for col_id, k in enumerate(n_intervals): plt.subplot(2, len(n_intervals), col_id+1+len(n_intervals)*row_id) plt.title(f"{k} bins") plt.xlabel(dataset.get_input_labels(s)) if col_id == 0: centered_text = "" if not centered: centered_text = "Uncentered" plt.ylabel(f"{centered_text} ALE [{dataset.get_output_label()}]") x, y = prepare_ale(model, X, s, n_intervals=k, centered=centered) plt.plot(x, y, linewidth=0.5) plt.tight_layout(pad=0.75)