import sys import os import random sys.path.insert(0, ".") import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from utils.dataset import Dataset import numpy as np import itertools from sklearn import tree from math import sqrt def get_grid(model, dataset, points_per_feature=50): """ Retrieve grid data for plotting a two-dimensional graph with `points_per_feature` for each axis. The space is created by the hyperparameters' lower and upper values. Only the first two input labels are used. Parameters: model: Classifier which can call a predict method. dataset (utils.Dataset): Dataset with access to configspace and input labels. points_per_feature: How many points in each dimension. Returns: u (np.ndarray): x-axis points with shape (`points_per_feature`,). v (np.ndarray): y-axis points with shape (`points_per_feature`,). z (np.ndarray): Values with shape (`points_per_feature`, `points_per_feature`). """ hps = dataset.get_configspace().get_hyperparameters_dict() labels = dataset.get_input_labels() x1 = np.linspace(hps[labels[0]].lower, hps[labels[0]].upper, points_per_feature) x2 = np.linspace(hps[labels[1]].lower, hps[labels[1]].upper, points_per_feature) X = [] for x in itertools.product(x1, x2): X.append(x) X = np.array(X) y = model.predict(X) # Reshape all x u = x1 v = x2 z = y.reshape(points_per_feature, points_per_feature).T return u, v, z def plot_grid(u, v, z, labels, title=None, embedded=False): """ Uses the grid data to add a color grid to the plot. Parameters: u (np.ndarray): x-axis points with shape (N,). v (np.ndarray): y-axis points with shape (N,). z (np.ndarray): Color values with shape (N, N). labels (list): Labels for x and y axis. embedded (bool): Whether a new figure should be created or not. Returns: plt (matplotlib.pyplot or utils.styled_plot.plt): Plot with applied color grid. """ if not embedded: plt.figure() plt.xlabel(labels[0]) plt.ylabel(labels[1]) plt.title(title) plt.pcolormesh(u, v, z, cmap='viridis', shading='auto') plt.colorbar() plt.grid(alpha=0) return plt def plot_points_in_grid(plt, Z=[], y=[], weights=None, colors={}, x_interest=None, size=8): """ Given a plot, add scatter points from `Z` and `x_interest`. Parameters: plt (matplotlib.pyplot or utils.styled_plot.plt): Plot with color grid. Z (np.ndarray): Points with shape (?, 2) which should be added to the plot. y (np.ndarray): Target values with shape (?,), of the points added to the plot, determines the colouring of points. weights (np.ndarray): Normalized weights with shape (?,), determine the size of points in the plot. colors (dict): Returns the color for an y value. x_interest (np.ndarray): Single point with shape (2,) whose prediciton we want to explain. If None (default) no point is added. size (int): Default size of the markers/points. Default is 8. """ w = 1 for y_ in list(set(y)): idx = np.where(y == y_)[0] color = "black" if y_ in colors: color = colors[y_] if weights is not None: w = weights[idx] plt.scatter(Z[idx, 0], Z[idx, 1], c=color, s=w*size, label=y_) if x_interest is not None: plt.scatter([x_interest[0]], [x_interest[1]], c='red', s=size, label="POI") def sample_points(model, dataset, num_points, seed=0): """ Samples points for the two first features. Uses the bounds from configspace again. Parameters: model: Classifier which can call a predict method. dataset (utils.Dataset): Dataset with access to configspace and input labels. num_points (int): How many points should be sampled. seed (int): Seed to feed random. Returns: X (np.ndarray): Data with shape (`num_points`, 2) y (np.ndarray): Target values with shape (`num_points`,) """ random.seed(seed) hps = dataset.get_configspace().get_hyperparameters_dict() labels = dataset.get_input_labels() Z = [] for _ in range(num_points): Z.append(( random.uniform(hps[labels[0]].lower, hps[labels[0]].upper), random.uniform(hps[labels[1]].lower, hps[labels[1]].upper) )) Z = np.array(Z) y = model.predict(Z) return Z, y def weight_points(x_interest, Z, kernel_width=0.2): """ For every z in `Z` returns a weight depending on the distance to `x_interest`. Parameters: x_interest (np.ndarray): Single point with shape (2,) whose prediction we want to explain. Z (np.ndarray): Points with shape (?, 2), data which needs to be weighted. kernel_width (float): kernel_width value to calculate distance according to exponential kernel. Returns: weights (np.ndarray): Normalized weights between 0..1 with shape (?,). """ weights = [] eucl = [] for z in Z: eucl = sqrt(sum(np.square(z-x_interest))) dist = np.exp(-eucl/(kernel_width*kernel_width)) weights.append(dist) weights = np.array(weights) # Normalize between 0 and 1 weights = (weights - min(weights)) / (max(weights) - min(weights)) return weights def fit_explainer_model(Z, y, weights=None, seed=0): """ Fits a decision tree. Parameters: Z (np.ndarray): Points with shape (?, 2), used to fit surrogate model. y (np.ndarray): Target values with shape (?,). weights (np.ndarray): Normalized weights with shape (?,). seed (int): Seed for the decision tree. Returns: model (DecisionTreeRegressor): Fitted explainer model. """ explainer_model = tree.DecisionTreeRegressor(random_state=seed), y, sample_weight=weights) return explainer_model if __name__ == "__main__": from sklearn.svm import SVC dataset = Dataset( "wheat_seeds", [1, 5], [7], normalize=True, categorical=True) (X_train, y_train), (X_test, y_test) = dataset.get_data() model = SVC(gamma = 'auto'), y_train) X = dataset.X s = 1 x_interest = np.array([0.31, 0.37]) points_per_feature = 50 n_points = 1000 labels = dataset.get_input_labels() colors = { 0: "purple", 1: "green", 2: "orange", } print("Run `get_grid` ...") u, v, z = get_grid( model, dataset, points_per_feature=points_per_feature) print("Run `plot_grid` ...") plt = plot_grid(u, v, z, labels=labels, title="SVM") print("Run `sample_points` ...") Z_sampled, y_sampled = sample_points(model, dataset, n_points) print("Run `plot_points_in_grid` ...") plt = plot_grid(u, v, z, labels=labels, title="SVM + Sampled Points") plot_points_in_grid(plt, Z_sampled, y_sampled, colors=colors) print("Run `weight_points` ...") weights = weight_points(x_interest, Z_sampled) print("Run `plot_points_in_grid` ...") plt = plot_grid(u, v, z, labels=labels, title="SVM + Weighted Sampled Points") plot_points_in_grid(plt, Z_sampled, y_sampled, weights, colors, x_interest) print("Run `fit_explainer_model` ...") explainer = fit_explainer_model(Z_sampled, y_sampled, weights) print("Compare models ...") plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) plot_grid(u, v, z, labels=labels, title="SVM", embedded=True) plot_points_in_grid(plt, Z_sampled, y_sampled, weights, colors, x_interest) plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) u2, v2, z2 = get_grid( explainer, dataset, points_per_feature=points_per_feature) plot_grid(u2, v2, z2, labels=labels, title="Decision Tree", embedded=True) plot_points_in_grid(plt, Z_sampled, y_sampled, weights, colors, x_interest)