from pygments import styles from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name from pygments.styles import get_all_styles def highlight_source_code(*args): ctx = XSCRIPTCONTEXT doc = ctx.getDocument() # Get the selected item selected_item = doc.getCurrentController().getSelection() # Validate that the selected item is a Shape if '' in selected_item.getSupportedServiceNames(): for item_idx in range(selected_item.getCount()): # Get the textbox from the shape box = selected_item.getByIndex(item_idx) if '' in box.SupportedServiceNames: # Extract the language name. smt = '' try: # Libreoffice Writer and Calc have the Description attribute smt = box.Description.lower() except Exception as err: smt = '' if not smt: try: # Libreoffice Impress has Style attribute not Description smt = box.Style.getName().lower() except Exception as err: smt = '' if smt: if 'code-' in smt: # Remove the prefix code- lang = smt.replace('code-', '') # Default style style = 'default' # Check for explicit style. lang-style if '-' in lang: temp = lang.split('-') lang = temp[0] style = temp[1] # Check whether the style is supported by pygments supported_styles = list(get_all_styles()) if(style not in supported_styles): # If the given style is not supported, use the default style style = 'default' highlight_code(style, lang, box) def rgb(r, g, b): return (r & 255) << 16 | (g & 255) << 8 | (b & 255) def to_rgbint(hex_str): if hex_str: r = int(hex_str[:2], 16) g = int(hex_str[2:4], 16) b = int(hex_str[4:], 16) return rgb(r, g, b) return rgb(0, 0, 0) def highlight_code(style, lang, codebox): code = codebox.String lexer = get_lexer_by_name(lang) cursor = codebox.createTextCursor() style = styles.get_style_by_name(style) cursor.gotoStart(False) for tok_type, tok_value in lexer.get_tokens(code): cursor.goRight(len(tok_value), True) # selects the token's text cursor.CharColor = to_rgbint(style.style_for_token(tok_type)['color']) cursor.goRight(0, False) # deselects the selected text g_exportedScripts = (highlight_source_code,)