--- title: "Homework 04" author: "yourname" date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%d %B, %Y')`" output: #word_document: # toc: yes # number_sections: yes html_document: toc: no number_sections: yes code_folding: show #hide --- ```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) R.utils::sourceDirectory(here::here("r", "functions")) ``` **This homework is due by Thursday by 2:30pm.** For this homework, you will save the `R Markdown` (e.g., `.Rmd`) homework document and save it to your `/fods-exercises/report` project directory. Either rename it or save a copy of this file so that its name has the prefix `2024_Lastname_FirstInitial`. Full name example: `2024_cookg_HW_04.Rmd`. # **Overview** This homework will involve you thinking carefully about creating variables and adding them to a data frame. These steps will be entered into the sections below. Instructions for the homework are in a separate file to keep the homework file short. You can: - download the instructions for this homework from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/slicesofdata/fods24/main/homework/HW04_instructions.pdf - or view at https://github.com/slicesofdata/fods24/blob/main/homework/HW04_instructions.pdf # **Loading Libraries** Create a code block to load only the libraries you need. # **Reading Data** Create a code block and read the `gng_long.Rds` data file and assign that to `GNG` in the code block below. # **Combining the Full Code** Finally, using `GNG`, *remove/select out* the id_subject, id_wave, w1age, and trial variables and pipe that data frame subset to the function that you would used to view the top part of the data frame so that I can see the contents. ```{r} ``` # **Viewing the Data Frame Contents** Finally, using `GNG`, select out the id_subject, id_wave, w1age, and trial variables and pipe that to the function used to view the top part of the data frame so that I can see the contents. Put your code in the block below. ```{r} ``` Finally, knit an `html` file and upload it to: https://claremontmckenna.app.box.com/f/026ed41483fb4a739f0ddfc7fbf8fd01