package import scala.concurrent.{Future, Await} import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import slick.jdbc.H2Profile.api._ import java.sql.Date import scala.reflect.ClassTag object LiftedEmbedding extends App { // Simple Coffees for Rep types comparison { //#reptypes class Coffees(tag: Tag) extends Table[(String, Double)](tag, "COFFEES") { def name = column[String]("COF_NAME") def price = column[Double]("PRICE") def * = (name, price) } val coffees = TableQuery[Coffees] //#reptypes } { //#plaintypes case class Coffee(name: String, price: Double) val coffees: List[Coffee] = //... //#plaintypes Nil //#plaintypes val l = coffees.filter(_.price > 8.0).map( // ^ ^ ^ // Double Double String //#plaintypes } //#foreignkey class Suppliers(tag: Tag) extends Table[(Int, String, String, String, String, String)](tag, "SUPPLIERS") { def id = column[Int]("SUP_ID", O.PrimaryKey) //... //#foreignkey def name = column[String]("SUP_NAME") def street = column[String]("STREET") def city = column[String]("CITY") def state = column[String]("STATE") def zip = column[String]("ZIP") // Every table needs a * projection with the same type as the table's type parameter def * = (id, name, street, city, state, zip) //#foreignkey } val suppliers = TableQuery[Suppliers] //#foreignkey //#tabledef //#foreignkey class Coffees(tag: Tag) extends Table[(String, Int, Double, Int, Int)](tag, "COFFEES") { //#foreignkey def name = column[String]("COF_NAME", O.PrimaryKey) //#foreignkey def supID = column[Int]("SUP_ID") //#foreignkey def price = column[Double]("PRICE") //#foreignkey //#tabledef //... //#tabledef //#foreignkey def sales = column[Int]("SALES", O.Default(0)) def total = column[Int]("TOTAL", O.Default(0)) def * = (name, supID, price, sales, total) //#tabledef //#foreignkeynav //#foreignkey def supplier = foreignKey("SUP_FK", supID, suppliers)(, onUpdate=ForeignKeyAction.Restrict, onDelete=ForeignKeyAction.Cascade) //#foreignkeynav // compiles to SQL: // alter table "COFFEES" add constraint "SUP_FK" foreign key("SUP_ID") // references "SUPPLIERS"("SUP_ID") // on update RESTRICT on delete CASCADE //#foreignkeynav //#foreignkey def supplier2 = suppliers.filter( === supID) //#foreignkeynav //#foreignkey //#tabledef } //#tabledef //#tablequery val coffees = TableQuery[Coffees] //#tablequery //#foreignkey { //#schemaname class Coffees(tag: Tag) extends Table[(String, Int, Double, Int, Int)](tag, Some("MYSCHEMA"), "COFFEES") { //... //#schemaname def * = ??? def name = column[String]("NAME") //#schemaname } //#schemaname //#tablequery2 object coffees extends TableQuery(new Coffees(_)) { val findByName = this.findBy( } //#tablequery2 } //#reptypes val q = coffees.filter(_.price > 8.0).map( // ^ ^ ^ // Rep[Double] Rep[Double] Rep[String] //#reptypes //#mappedtable //#insert2 case class User(id: Option[Int], first: String, last: String) class Users(tag: Tag) extends Table[User](tag, "users") { def id = column[Int]("id", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc) def first = column[String]("first") def last = column[String]("last") def * = (id.?, first, last) <> (User.tupled, User.unapply) } val users = TableQuery[Users] //#mappedtable def usersForInsert = => (u.first, u.last).shaped <> ({ t => User(None, t._1, t._2)}, { (u: User) => Some((u.first, u.last))})) //#insert2 //#index //#primarykey class A(tag: Tag) extends Table[(Int, Int)](tag, "a") { def k1 = column[Int]("k1") def k2 = column[Int]("k2") def * = (k1, k2) //#index def pk = primaryKey("pk_a", (k1, k2)) // compiles to SQL: // alter table "a" add constraint "pk_a" primary key("k1","k2") //#primarykey //#index def idx = index("idx_a", (k1, k2), unique = true) // compiles to SQL: // create unique index "idx_a" on "a" ("k1","k2") //#primarykey } //#primarykey //#index val db: Database = Database.forConfig("h2mem1") try { //#ddl val schema = coffees.schema ++ suppliers.schema //#ddl Await.result( //#ddl schema.create, //... schema.drop )) //#ddl , Duration.Inf) //#ddl2 schema.create.statements.foreach(println) schema.truncate.statements.foreach(println) schema.drop.statements.foreach(println) //#ddl2 TableQuery[A].schema.create.statements.foreach(println) ;{ //#filtering val q1 = coffees.filter(_.supID === 101) // compiles to SQL (simplified): // select "COF_NAME", "SUP_ID", "PRICE", "SALES", "TOTAL" // from "COFFEES" // where "SUP_ID" = 101 val q2 = coffees.drop(10).take(5) // compiles to SQL (simplified): // select "COF_NAME", "SUP_ID", "PRICE", "SALES", "TOTAL" // from "COFFEES" // limit 5 offset 10 val q3 = coffees.sortBy( // compiles to SQL (simplified): // select "COF_NAME", "SUP_ID", "PRICE", "SALES", "TOTAL" // from "COFFEES" // order by "COF_NAME" desc nulls first // building criteria using a "dynamic filter" e.g. from a webform. val criteriaColombian = Option("Colombian") val criteriaEspresso = Option("Espresso") val criteriaRoast:Option[String] = None val q4 = coffees.filter { coffee => List( === _), === _), === _) // not a condition as `criteriaRoast` evaluates to `None` ).collect({case Some(criteria) => criteria}).reduceLeftOption(_ || _).getOrElse(true: Rep[Boolean]) } // compiles to SQL (simplified): // select "COF_NAME", "SUP_ID", "PRICE", "SALES", "TOTAL" // from "COFFEES" // where ("COF_NAME" = 'Colombian' or "COF_NAME" = 'Espresso') //#filtering println(q1.result.statements.head) println(q2.result.statements.head) println(q3.result.statements.head) println(q4.result.statements.head) } ;{ //#aggregation1 val q = val q1 = q.min // compiles to SQL (simplified): // select min(x4."PRICE") from "COFFEES" x4 val q2 = q.max // compiles to SQL (simplified): // select max(x4."PRICE") from "COFFEES" x4 val q3 = q.sum // compiles to SQL (simplified): // select sum(x4."PRICE") from "COFFEES" x4 val q4 = q.avg // compiles to SQL (simplified): // select avg(x4."PRICE") from "COFFEES" x4 //#aggregation1 println(q.result.statements.head) println(q1.shaped.result.statements.head) println(q2.shaped.result.statements.head) println(q3.shaped.result.statements.head) println(q4.shaped.result.statements.head) } ;{ Await.result(, Duration.Inf) //#aggregation2 val q1 = coffees.length // compiles to SQL (simplified): // select count(1) from "COFFEES" val q2 = coffees.exists // compiles to SQL (simplified): // select exists(select * from "COFFEES") //#aggregation2 println(q1.shaped.result.statements.head) println(q2.shaped.result.statements.head) { //#result val q = val action = q.result val result: Future[Seq[Double]] = val sql = action.statements.head //#result Await.result(result, Duration.Inf) } { //#delete1 val q = coffees.filter(_.supID === 15) val action = q.delete val affectedRowsCount: Future[Int] = val sql = action.statements.head //#delete1 Await.result(affectedRowsCount, Duration.Inf) } { //#delete2 // val q = coffees filter { coffee => // You can do any subquery here - this example uses the foreign key relation in coffees. coffee.supID in ( coffee.supplier filter { === "Delete Me" } map { } ) } val action = q.delete val affectedRowsCount: Future[Int] = val sql = action.statements.head //#delete2 Await.result(affectedRowsCount, Duration.Inf) } } ;{ //#aggregation3 val q = (for { c <- coffees s <- c.supplier } yield (c, s)).groupBy(_._1.supID) val q2 = { case (supID, css) => (supID, css.length, } // compiles to SQL: // select x2."SUP_ID", count(1), avg(x2."PRICE") // from "COFFEES" x2, "SUPPLIERS" x3 // where x3."SUP_ID" = x2."SUP_ID" // group by x2."SUP_ID" //#aggregation3 println(q2.result.statements.head) } ;{ //#insert1 val insertActions = DBIO.seq( coffees += ("Colombian", 101, 7.99, 0, 0), coffees ++= Seq( ("French_Roast", 49, 8.99, 0, 0), ("Espresso", 150, 9.99, 0, 0) ), // "sales" and "total" will use the default value 0: => (, c.supID, c.price)) += ("Colombian_Decaf", 101, 8.99) ) // Get the statement without having to specify a value to insert: val sql = coffees.insertStatement // compiles to SQL: // INSERT INTO "COFFEES" ("COF_NAME","SUP_ID","PRICE","SALES","TOTAL") VALUES (?,?,?,?,?) //#insert1 println(sql) Await.result( (suppliers ++= Seq( (101, "", "", "", "", ""), (49, "", "", "", "", ""), (150, "", "", "", "", "") )), insertActions )), Duration.Inf) //#insert3 val userId = (users returning += User(None, "Stefan", "Zeiger") //#insert3 println((users returning //#insert3b val userWithId = (users returning into ((user,id) => user.copy(id=Some(id))) ) += User(None, "Stefan", "Zeiger") //#insert3b val userWithIdRes = Await.result( >> userWithId), Duration.Inf) println(userWithIdRes) //#insert4 class Users2(tag: Tag) extends Table[(Int, String)](tag, "users2") { def id = column[Int]("id", O.PrimaryKey) def name = column[String]("name") def * = (id, name) } val users2 = TableQuery[Users2] val actions = DBIO.seq( users2.schema.create, users2 forceInsertQuery ( { u => (, u.first ++ " " ++ u.last) }), users2 forceInsertExpr (users.length + 1, "admin") ) //#insert4 Await.result(, Duration.Inf) //#insertOrUpdate val updated = users.insertOrUpdate(User(Some(1), "Admin", "Zeiger")) // returns: number of rows updated val updatedAdmin = (users returning users).insertOrUpdate(User(Some(1), "Slick Admin", "Zeiger")) // returns: None if updated, Some((Int, String)) if row inserted //#insertOrUpdate Await.result(, Duration.Inf) Await.result(, Duration.Inf) } ;{ //#update1 val q = for { c <- coffees if === "Espresso" } yield c.price val updateAction = q.update(10.49) // Get the statement without having to specify an updated value: val sql = q.updateStatement // compiles to SQL: // update "COFFEES" set "PRICE" = ? where "COFFEES"."COF_NAME" = 'Espresso' //#update1 println(sql) } ;{ Await.result( usersForInsert ++= Seq( User(None,"",""), User(None,"","") ) ), Duration.Inf) { //#compiled1 def userNameByIDRange(min: Rep[Int], max: Rep[Int]) = for { u <- users if >= min && < max } yield u.first val userNameByIDRangeCompiled = Compiled(userNameByIDRange _) // The query will be compiled only once: val namesAction1 = userNameByIDRangeCompiled(2, 5).result val namesAction2 = userNameByIDRangeCompiled(1, 3).result // Also works for .insert, .update and .delete //#compiled1 } { //#compiled2 val userPaged = Compiled((d: ConstColumn[Long], t: ConstColumn[Long]) => users.drop(d).take(t)) val usersAction1 = userPaged(2, 1).result val usersAction2 = userPaged(1, 3).result //#compiled2 } { //#template1 val userNameByID = for { id <- Parameters[Int] u <- users if === id } yield u.first val nameAction = userNameByID(2).result.head val userNameByIDRange = for { (min, max) <- Parameters[(Int, Int)] u <- users if >= min && < max } yield u.first val namesAction = userNameByIDRange(2, 5).result //#template1 } } ;{ class SalesPerDay(tag: Tag) extends Table[(Date, Int)](tag, "SALES_PER_DAY") { def day = column[Date]("DAY", O.PrimaryKey) def count = column[Int]("COUNT") def * = (day, count) } val salesPerDay = TableQuery[SalesPerDay] //#simplefunction1 // H2 has a day_of_week() function which extracts the day of week from a timestamp val dayOfWeek = SimpleFunction.unary[Date, Int]("day_of_week") // Use the lifted function in a query to group by day of week val q1 = for { (dow, q) <- => (dayOfWeek(, s.count)).groupBy(_._1) } yield (dow, //#simplefunction1 //#simplefunction2 def dayOfWeek2(c: Rep[Date]) = SimpleFunction[Int]("day_of_week").apply(Seq(c)) //#simplefunction2 assert{ Await.result( salesPerDay.schema.create >> (salesPerDay += ( (new Date(999999999), 999) )) >> { //#simpleliteral val current_date = SimpleLiteral[java.sql.Date]("CURRENT_DATE") => current_date) //#simpleliteral }.result.head ), Duration.Inf).isInstanceOf[java.sql.Date] } } { //#mappedtype1 // An algebraic data type for booleans sealed trait Bool case object True extends Bool case object False extends Bool // And a ColumnType that maps it to Int values 1 and 0 implicit val boolColumnType = MappedColumnType.base[Bool, Int]( { b => if(b == True) 1 else 0 }, // map Bool to Int { i => if(i == 1) True else False } // map Int to Bool ) // You can now use Bool like any built-in column type (in tables, queries, etc.) //#mappedtype1 } { //#mappedtype2 // A custom ID type for a table case class MyID(value: Long) extends MappedTo[Long] // Use it directly for this table's ID -- No extra boilerplate needed class MyTable(tag: Tag) extends Table[(MyID, String)](tag, "MY_TABLE") { def id = column[MyID]("ID") def data = column[String]("DATA") def * = (id, data) } //#mappedtype2 } ;{ //#recordtype1 // A custom record class case class Pair[A, B](a: A, b: B) // A Shape implementation for Pair final class PairShape[Level <: ShapeLevel, M <: Pair[_,_], U <: Pair[_,_] : ClassTag, P <: Pair[_,_]]( val shapes: Seq[Shape[_, _, _, _]]) extends MappedScalaProductShape[Level, Pair[_,_], M, U, P] { def buildValue(elems: IndexedSeq[Any]) = Pair(elems(0), elems(1)) def copy(shapes: Seq[Shape[_ <: ShapeLevel, _, _, _]]) = new PairShape(shapes) } implicit def pairShape[Level <: ShapeLevel, M1, M2, U1, U2, P1, P2]( implicit s1: Shape[_ <: Level, M1, U1, P1], s2: Shape[_ <: Level, M2, U2, P2] ) = new PairShape[Level, Pair[M1, M2], Pair[U1, U2], Pair[P1, P2]](Seq(s1, s2)) //#recordtype1 //#recordtype2 // Use it in a table definition class A(tag: Tag) extends Table[Pair[Int, String]](tag, "shape_a") { def id = column[Int]("id", O.PrimaryKey) def s = column[String]("s") def * = Pair(id, s) } val as = TableQuery[A] // Insert data with the custom shape val insertAction = DBIO.seq( as += Pair(1, "a"), as += Pair(2, "c"), as += Pair(3, "b") ) // Use it for returning data from a query val q2 = as .map { case a => Pair(, (a.s ++ a.s)) } .filter { case Pair(id, _) => id =!= 1 } .sortBy { case Pair(_, ss) => ss } .map { case Pair(id, ss) => Pair(id, Pair(42 , ss)) } // returns: Vector(Pair(3,Pair(42,"bb")), Pair(2,Pair(42,"cc"))) //#recordtype2 assert(Await.result( >> insertAction >> q2.result), Duration.Inf) == Vector(Pair(3,Pair(42,"bb")), Pair(2,Pair(42,"cc")))) //#case-class-shape // two custom case class variants case class LiftedB(a: Rep[Int], b: Rep[String]) case class B(a: Int, b: String) // custom case class mapping implicit object BShape extends CaseClassShape(LiftedB.tupled, B.tupled) class BRow(tag: Tag) extends Table[B](tag, "shape_b") { def id = column[Int]("id", O.PrimaryKey) def s = column[String]("s") def * = LiftedB(id, s) } val bs = TableQuery[BRow] val insertActions = DBIO.seq( bs += B(1, "a"), => (, b.s)) += ((2, "c")), bs += B(3, "b") ) val q3 = bs .map { case b => LiftedB(, (b.s ++ b.s)) } .filter { case LiftedB(id, _) => id =!= 1 } .sortBy { case LiftedB(_, ss) => ss } // returns: Vector(B(3,"bb"), B(2,"cc")) //#case-class-shape assert(Await.result( >> insertActions >> q3.result), Duration.Inf) == Vector(B(3,"bb"), B(2,"cc"))) //#combining-shapes // Combining multiple mapped types case class LiftedC(p: Pair[Rep[Int],Rep[String]], b: LiftedB) case class C(p: Pair[Int,String], b: B) implicit object CShape extends CaseClassShape(LiftedC.tupled, C.tupled) class CRow(tag: Tag) extends Table[C](tag, "shape_c") { def id = column[Int]("id") def s = column[String]("s") def projection = LiftedC( Pair(column("p1"),column("p2")), // (cols defined inline, type inferred) LiftedB(id,s) ) def * = projection } val cs = TableQuery[CRow] val insertActions2 = DBIO.seq( cs += C(Pair(7,"x"), B(1,"a")), cs += C(Pair(8,"y"), B(2,"c")), cs += C(Pair(9,"z"), B(3,"b")) ) val q4 = cs .map { case c => LiftedC(c.projection.p, LiftedB(,(c.s ++ c.s))) } .filter { case LiftedC(_, LiftedB(id,_)) => id =!= 1 } .sortBy { case LiftedC(Pair(_,p2), LiftedB(_,ss)) => ss++p2 } // returns: Vector(C(Pair(9,"z"),B(3,"bb")), C(Pair(8,"y"),B(2,"cc"))) //#combining-shapes assert(Await.result( >> insertActions2 >> q4.result), Duration.Inf) == Vector(C(Pair(9,"z"),B(3,"bb")), C(Pair(8,"y"),B(2,"cc")))) () } } finally db.close }