using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace HREngine.Bots { /* SE Style Mulligans Format: type;self;enemy;card:[count]:[required cards];[coin];[mana border] type = "hold" or "discard" self = a class name like "shaman" or "all" for all classes enemy = a class name like "shaman" or "all" for all classes card = a card id like "OG_024" or its English name without any spaces or special characters like "cthunschosen" - search _carddb.txt for the name of your card to find the id count = up to how many copies of the card to keep or discard (default 2) required cards = card,[count],[req #][operator][card,[count],[req #]]... card = another card that must be present count = how many copies (0-2) of this card to keep/discard (keep default 1, discard default 0) req # = how many copies (1-2) of this card are required (default 1) operator = "+" or "/" "+" = each card joined by "+" is also required ie. card1 AND card2 "/" = separates required cards and groups of cards that are joined by "+" ie. card1 OR card2 OR (card3 AND card4) coin = "coin" or "nocoin" (default both) mana border = also hold any cards under/equal cost to this value or discard higher/equal cost cards Examples: hold;shaman;all;OG_024:1;coin;2 \\hold 1 copy of OG_024 if you are shaman vs any class with coin and hold any cards that cost 2 or less hold;shaman;all;OG_024:1:CS2_106,0,0+CS2_222,0,2 \\hold 1 copy of OG_024 if you are shaman vs any class and have 1x CS2_106 and 2x CS2_222 but don't hold any CS2_106 or CS2_222 (other rules may hold them before/after this rule) hold;shaman;all;OG_024:2:CS2_106,2,2+CS2_222 \\hold up to 2 copies of OG_024 if you are shaman vs any class and have 2x CS2_106 and 1x CS2_222 and hold the 2x CS2_106 and 1x CS2_222 discard;mage;mage;OG_024:2:EX1_019/CS2_106+CS2_222 \\discard up to 2 copies of OG_024 if you are mage vs mage and have EX1_019 (don't discard any EX1_019), or if you have both CS2_106 and CS2_222 (don't discard any CS2_106 or CS2_222) hold;shaman;all;OG_024:2:OG_024,2,2 \\hold exactly 2x OG_024 if you are shaman vs any class Priority: Rules are prioritized in the order they are read with the first being lowest priority and the last being highest. If your first rule holds a card and your next rule discards it then it will be discarded and vice versa. If you have a rule that holds 2 copies and then a rule that holds 1 copy, 2 copies will be held. If hold count=1 then the 2nd copy is discarded, if discard count=1 then the 2nd copy is held. If any of the "/" requirements (starting with the first set) are matched then the rule is executed using that set of requirements only, thus your most complex requirements should be first if count > 0 for the requirement Incompatibilities With Old Rules: type;self;enemy;card,card is no longer supported, write rules for each card instead! "/" requirements hold 1x of each card from the first valid set of requirements but it used to save 1x from every match HB Style Mulligans Format: card;self;enemy;type:[count];requirements card = a card id like "OG_024" - search _carddb.txt for the name of your card to find the id self = a class name like "shaman" enemy = a class name like "shaman" type = "Hold" or "Discard" count = up to how many copies of the card to keep or discard (default 2) requirements = "/" - no addition rules, or "0-20" - manarule, or card:card:card:... - more cards required mulltest.txt Format: card,card,card[,card];self;enemy;coin card = a cardid self = your class name like "mage" enemy = enemy class name like "mage" coin = "coin" if you have the coin, anything else = no coin Examples: OG_114,EX1_319,EX1_162,EX1_310;warlock;mage;coin OG_114,EX1_319,EX1_162;warlock;mage; Explanation: Create a text file in your Silverfish folder and name it mulltest(.txt) and then put a list of hypothetical cards in it and save. Then run Silver.exe and it will tell you what cards would be discarded with hints about why. */ public sealed class Mulligan { public class CardIDEntity { public CardDB.cardIDEnum id; public string idstring; public int entity; public CardIDEntity(string idstring, int entt) { id = CardDB.Instance.cardIdstringToEnum(idstring); this.idstring = idstring; entity = entt; } } class mulliitem { public bool holdrule; public string cardid = ""; public string enemyclass; public string ownclass; public int count; public string[] requiresCard; public int manarule; public int coinrule; //0 = for both, 1 = if you are first, 2 if you are second public mulliitem(bool hrule, string id, string own, string enemy, int number, string[] req = null, int coinr = 0, int mrule = -1) { if (own == "none") own = "all"; if (own != "all") own = Hrtprozis.Instance.heroNametoEnum(own).ToString(); if (enemy == "none") enemy = "all"; if (enemy != "all") enemy = Hrtprozis.Instance.heroNametoEnum(enemy).ToString(); holdrule = hrule; cardid = id; ownclass = own; enemyclass = enemy; count = number; requiresCard = req; manarule = mrule; coinrule = coinr; //warn about invalid data even though we accepted it (parts of reqs may be usable) if (id != "#MANARULE" && CardDB.Instance.cardIdstringToEnum(id) == CardDB.cardIDEnum.None) { Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog("[Mulligan] CardID: \"" + id + "\" is not a valid card"); } if (own != "all" && Hrtprozis.Instance.heroNametoEnum(own) == HeroEnum.None) { Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog("[Mulligan] Class: \"" + own + "\" is not a valid class"); } if (enemy != "all" && Hrtprozis.Instance.heroNametoEnum(enemy) == HeroEnum.None) { Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog("[Mulligan] Class: \"" + enemy + "\" is not a valid class"); } if (req != null) { foreach (string card in req) { string[] crds = card.Split('+'); foreach (string crd in crds) { if (CardDB.Instance.cardIdstringToEnum(crd.Split(',')[0]) == CardDB.cardIDEnum.None) { Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog("[Mulligan] CardID: \"" + crd + "\" is not a valid card"); } } } } } } class concedeItem { public HeroEnum urhero = HeroEnum.None; public List enemhero = new List(); } private Dictionary holdDB = new Dictionary(4); List cardlist = new List(50); List concedelist = new List(); public bool loserLoserLoser; private string ownClass = Hrtprozis.Instance.heroEnumtoCommonName(Hrtprozis.Instance.heroname); private string deckName = Hrtprozis.Instance.deckName; private string cleanPath = ""; private static Mulligan instance; public static Mulligan Instance { get { if (instance == null) { instance = new Mulligan(); } return instance; } } private Mulligan() { readMulligan(); } public void updateInstance() { ownClass = Hrtprozis.Instance.heroEnumtoCommonName(Hrtprozis.Instance.heroname); deckName = Hrtprozis.Instance.deckName; lock (instance) { readMulligan(); } } public void loggCleanPath() { Helpfunctions.Instance.logg(cleanPath); } private void readMulligan() { string[] lines = new string[] { }; cardlist.Clear(); holdDB.Clear(); concedelist.Clear(); string path = Settings.Instance.path; string cleanpath = "Silverfish" + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; string datapath = path + "Data" + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; string cleandatapath = cleanpath + "Data" + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; string classpath = datapath + ownClass + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; string cleanclasspath = cleandatapath + ownClass + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; string deckpath = classpath + deckName + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; string cleandeckpath = cleanclasspath + deckName + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; const string filestring = "_mulligan.txt"; if (deckName != "" && System.IO.File.Exists(deckpath + filestring)) { path = deckpath; cleanPath = cleandeckpath + filestring; } else if (deckName != "" && System.IO.File.Exists(classpath + filestring)) { path = classpath; cleanPath = cleanclasspath + filestring; } else if (deckName != "" && System.IO.File.Exists(datapath + filestring)) { path = datapath; cleanPath = cleandatapath + filestring; } else if (System.IO.File.Exists(path + filestring)) { cleanPath = cleanpath + filestring; } else { Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog("[Mulligan] cant find base _mulligan.txt, consider creating one"); return; } Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog("[Mulligan] read " + cleanPath); try { lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(path + "_mulligan.txt"); } catch { Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog("[Mulligan] _mulligan.txt read error. Continuing without user-defined rules."); return; } foreach (string line in lines) { string ln = line.Trim(); if (ln.StartsWith("//")) continue; if (ln.Length == 0) continue; string entry1 = ln.Split(';')[0]; if (entry1 == "hold" || entry1 == "discard") { addRule(ln); } else if (entry1 == "None" || CardDB.Instance.cardIdstringToEnum(entry1) != CardDB.cardIDEnum.None) { addHBRule(ln); } else if (entry1 == "loser") { loserLoserLoser = true; continue; } else if (entry1 == "concede:") { try { string ownh = ln.Split(':')[1]; concedeItem ci = new concedeItem(); ci.urhero = Hrtprozis.Instance.heroNametoEnum(ownh); string enemlist = ln.Split(':')[2]; foreach (string s in enemlist.Split(',')) { ci.enemhero.Add(Hrtprozis.Instance.heroNametoEnum(s)); } concedelist.Add(ci); } catch { Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog("[Mulligan] cant read: " + ln); } continue; } else { Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog("[Mulligan] cant read: " + ln); } } if (cardlist.Count > 0) Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog("[Mulligan] " + cardlist.Count + " rules found"); if (concedelist.Count > 0) Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog("[Mulligan] " + concedelist.Count + " concede rules found"); } private void addRule(string line) { try { bool holdrule = (line.Split(';')[0].ToLower() == "hold"); string ownclass = line.Split(';')[1].ToLower(); string enemyclass = line.Split(';')[2].ToLower(); string card = line.Split(';')[3]; CardDB.cardName cardEnum = CardDB.Instance.cardNamestringToEnum(card); if (cardEnum != CardDB.cardName.unknown) { card = CardDB.Instance.getCardData(cardEnum).cardIDenum.ToString(); } int coinrule = 0; if (line.Split(';').Length >= 5) { string coin = line.Split(';')[4]; if (coin == "nocoin") coinrule = 1; if (coin == "coin") coinrule = 2; } if (card.Contains(":")) { if ((card.Split(':')).Length == 3) { cardlist.Add(new mulliitem(holdrule, card.Split(':')[0], ownclass, enemyclass, Convert.ToInt32(card.Split(':')[1]), card.Split(':')[2].Split('/'), coinrule, -1)); } else { cardlist.Add(new mulliitem(holdrule, card.Split(':')[0], ownclass, enemyclass, Convert.ToInt32(card.Split(':')[1]), null, coinrule, -1)); } } else { cardlist.Add(new mulliitem(holdrule, card, ownclass, enemyclass, 2, null, coinrule, -1)); } if (line.Split(';').Length >= 6) { string mr = (line.Split(';')[5]); if (mr == "") return; int manarule = Convert.ToInt32(mr); if (manarule <= 0) return; //Console.WriteLine("[Mulligan] found MANA rule: " + mr); cardlist.Add(new mulliitem(holdrule, "#MANARULE", ownclass, enemyclass, 2, null, coinrule, manarule)); } } catch { Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog("[Mulligan] cant read: " + line); } } private void addHBRule(string line) { try { string card = line.Split(';')[0]; string ownclass = line.Split(';')[1].ToLower(); string enemyclass = line.Split(';')[2].ToLower(); bool holdrule = (line.Split(';')[3].Split(':')[0].ToLower() == "hold"); int coinrule = 0; string reqs = line.Split(';')[4]; if (reqs.Contains("GAME_005")) coinrule = 2; if (reqs != "/") { if (reqs.Length < 4) // if length < 4 then it's a manarule { int manarule = Convert.ToInt32(reqs); if (manarule <= 0) return; //Console.WriteLine("[Mulligan] found MANA rule: " + reqs); cardlist.Add(new mulliitem(holdrule, "#MANARULE", ownclass, enemyclass, 2, null, coinrule, manarule)); } else { if (line.Split(';')[3].Contains(":")) { cardlist.Add(new mulliitem(holdrule, card, ownclass, enemyclass, Convert.ToInt32(line.Split(';')[3].Split(':')[1]), line.Split(';')[4].Replace(':', '+').Split('/'), coinrule, -1)); } else { cardlist.Add(new mulliitem(holdrule, card, ownclass, enemyclass, 2, line.Split(';')[3].Replace(':', '+').Split('/'), coinrule, -1)); } } } else { if (line.Split(';')[3].Contains(":")) { cardlist.Add(new mulliitem(holdrule, card, ownclass, enemyclass, Convert.ToInt32(line.Split(';')[3].Split(':')[1]), null, coinrule, -1)); } else { cardlist.Add(new mulliitem(holdrule, card, ownclass, enemyclass, 2, null, coinrule, -1)); } } } catch { Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog("[Mulligan] cant read: " + line); } } public bool hasmulliganrules(string ownclass, string enemclass) { if (cardlist.Count == 0) return false; bool hasARule = false; foreach (mulliitem mi in cardlist) { if ((mi.enemyclass == "all" || mi.enemyclass == enemclass) && (mi.ownclass == "all" || mi.ownclass == ownclass)) hasARule = true; } if (!hasARule) Helpfunctions.Instance.logg("[Mulligan] using default rules for " + ownclass + " vs " + enemclass); return hasARule; } public bool hasHoldListRule(string ownclass, string enemclass) { bool hasARule = false; foreach (mulliitem mi in cardlist) { if (mi.holdrule && (mi.enemyclass == "all" || mi.enemyclass == enemclass) && (mi.ownclass == "all" || mi.ownclass == ownclass)) hasARule = true; } return hasARule; } public List whatShouldIMulligan(List cards, string ownclass, string enemclass, bool hascoin) { Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog("[Mulligan] do mulligan..."); if (hascoin) { Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog("[Mulligan] we hold the coin"); } else { Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog("[Mulligan] we don't hold the coin"); } List discarditems = new List(); holdDB.Clear(); Dictionary mullCards = new Dictionary(5); string mullstring = ""; for (int i = 0; i < cards.Count; i++) { CardIDEntity c = cards[i]; if (mullCards.ContainsKey(c.idstring)) { mullCards[c.idstring]++; } else { mullCards.Add(c.idstring, 1); } mullstring += c.idstring; if (i + 1 < cards.Count) mullstring += ","; } mullstring += ";" + ownclass + ";" + enemclass + ";"; mullstring += (hascoin) ? "coin" : "nocoin"; Helpfunctions.Instance.logg("[Mulligan] mulltest string: " + mullstring); foreach (CardIDEntity c in cards) { setHoldCount(c.idstring, 0); //default hold 0 = discard foreach (mulliitem mi in cardlist) { if (hascoin && mi.coinrule == 1) continue; if (!hascoin && mi.coinrule == 2) continue; if (mi.cardid == "#MANARULE" && (mi.enemyclass == "all" || mi.enemyclass == enemclass) && (mi.ownclass == "all" || mi.ownclass == ownclass)) { if (mi.holdrule) { if (CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID( <= mi.manarule) { Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog("[Mulligan] HOLD MANA rule holding: " + c.idstring); setHoldCount(c.idstring, 2); } } else { if (CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID( <= mi.manarule) { Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog("[Mulligan] DISCARD MANA rule discarding: " + c.idstring); setHoldCount(c.idstring, -2); } else { Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog("[Mulligan] DISCARD MANA rule holding: " + c.idstring); setHoldCount(c.idstring, 2); //hold 2 so they don't get discarded by default } } continue; } if (c.idstring == mi.cardid && (mi.enemyclass == "all" || mi.enemyclass == enemclass) && (mi.ownclass == "all" || mi.ownclass == ownclass)) { if (mi.requiresCard == null) { if (mi.holdrule) { Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog("[Mulligan] HOLD: " + mi.cardid + " x" + mi.count); setHoldCount(mi.cardid, mi.count); } else { Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog("[Mulligan] DISCARD: " + mi.cardid + " x" + mi.count); setHoldCount(mi.cardid, -mi.count); } continue; } else { bool hasReqs = false; foreach (string reqs in mi.requiresCard) { Dictionary reqCards = new Dictionary(); foreach (string req in reqs.Split('+')) //check each card in a "/" subset of requirements { if (req == "") continue; string cardid = req.Split(',')[0]; int holdcount = (mi.holdrule) ? 1 : 0; int reqcount = 1; if (req.Contains(",")) { holdcount = Convert.ToInt32(req.Split(',')[1]); if (req.Split(',').Length == 3) { reqcount = Convert.ToInt32(req.Split(',')[2]); } } if (mullCards.ContainsKey(cardid)) { if (reqcount <= mullCards[cardid]) { reqCards.Add(cardid, holdcount); } } } if (reqs.Split('+').Length == reqCards.Count) //we have a complete set of requirements so stop checking the other sets { foreach (KeyValuePair card in reqCards) { if (mi.holdrule) { Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog("[Mulligan] HOLD: " + card.Key + " x" + card.Value + ", for: " + mi.cardid + " x" + mi.count); setHoldCount(card.Key, card.Value); } else { Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog("[Mulligan] DISCARD: " + card.Key + " x" + card.Value + ", for: " + mi.cardid + " x" + mi.count); setHoldCount(card.Key, -card.Value); } } hasReqs = true; break; } } if (hasReqs) { if (mi.holdrule) { Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog("[Mulligan] HOLD: " + mi.cardid + " x" + mi.count); setHoldCount(mi.cardid, mi.count); } else { Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog("[Mulligan] DISCARD: " + mi.cardid + " x" + mi.count); setHoldCount(mi.cardid, -mi.count); } } } } } } //build the discard list string discards = ""; foreach (CardIDEntity card in cards) { switch (holdDB[card.idstring]) { case 2: break; case 1: holdDB[card.idstring] = -2; //discard the next break; case -1: holdDB[card.idstring] = 2; //hold the next discarditems.Add(card.entity); discards += " " + card.idstring; break; case 0: case -2: default: discarditems.Add(card.entity); discards += " " + card.idstring; break; } } Helpfunctions.Instance.logg("[Mulligan] final discards:" + discards); return discarditems; } private void setHoldCount(string cardid, int count) { //update the max hold count depending on what it currently is if (holdDB.ContainsKey(cardid)) { if (holdDB[cardid] != 0 && count == 0) return; if (holdDB[cardid] > 0) { if (count > 1) holdDB[cardid] = 2; else holdDB[cardid] = count; } else if (holdDB[cardid] < 0) { if (count < -1) holdDB[cardid] = -2; else holdDB[cardid] = count; } else { holdDB[cardid] = count; } } else { holdDB.Add(cardid, count); } } public void setAutoConcede(bool mode) { loserLoserLoser = mode; } public bool shouldConcede(HeroEnum ownhero, HeroEnum enemHero) { foreach (concedeItem ci in concedelist) { if (ci.urhero == ownhero && ci.enemhero.Contains(enemHero)) return true; } return false; } public void runDebugTest() { string[] lines = new string[] { }; try { string path = Settings.Instance.path; lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(path + "mulltest.txt"); } catch { Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog("[Mulligan] cant find mulltest.txt (only for debugging mulligans)"); return; } foreach (string line in lines) { string ln = line.Trim(); List cards = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < ln.Split(';')[0].Split(',').Length; i++) { string card = ln.Split(';')[0].Split(',')[i]; Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog("[Mulligan] hand contains card: " + card); cards.Add(new CardIDEntity(card, i)); } Instance.whatShouldIMulligan(cards, ln.Split(';')[1], ln.Split(';')[2], (ln.Split(';')[3] == "coin")); continue; } } } }