Sublime Text Snippets For pytest =========================================== Sublime Text snippets for testing with [pytest]( Install ------- ### Package Control (the easy way) Install Sublime Package Control if you don't have it. In the command pallette (Cmd-Shift+P on Mac) type 'Install' then press enter to see a list of packages. Search for 'pytest snippets' then press enter to install. ### ...OR copy files to your Packages directory. #### Linux git clone git:// ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/python/sublime-pytest-snippets #### Mac OS X git clone git:// ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/Python/sublime-pytest-snippets #### Windows git clone git:// %userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\Python\sublime-pytest-snippets Examples -------- - `a==` expands to `assert first == second` - `a>` expands to `assert first > second` - `fixture` expands to ```python @pytest.fixture(scope='function') def name: body ``` All snippets ------------ Assertions - `a==` and `a!=` - `a~=` and `a!~=` - `a>`, `a>=`, `a<`, and `a<=` - `atrue` and `afalse` - `ain` and `a!in` - `ais` and `aisnot` - `araises` Fixtures - `fixture` - `yieldfixture` - `mark` - `parametrize` License ------- Licensed under the [WTFPL](