'000 hello.bas SmallBASIC 0.12.6 [B+=MGA] 2016-06-08 'For Code library section: 000 Getting Started ? ? "Getting Started: Hello World example" ? ? "0. From sbasicg.exe main 'Navigator' window" ? " (the first screen you see when running sbasicg.exe)" ? ? "Make sure you are in the directory/folder you want." ? " Sub-directories or folders, under the current one you" ? " are in, are enclosed with square brackets" ? " [I_am_a Folder]" ? " Only .bas files will show under the folders listing." ? ? "You may need to 'go up' in the directory tree," ? " use [Go up] folder listed first under the current" ? " directory you are in according to the Navigator" ? " current directory listing." ? ? "To start a new file called Hello.bas: ? "1. Click/tap menu File and get into File screen." ? ? "2. Clear first line (backspace) then type Hello" ? " and click New, Hello.bas should appear in files listing." ? " (You have just created a new file called Hello.bas" ? " but you have to go back to Navigator window to edit it.)" ? ? "3. Click << to get back to main Navigator window" ? " where Hello.bas should now also appear." ? ? "click to continue......." : pause : cls ? ? "4. Make sure the Editor is toggled on, Editor On mode." ? ? "!!! Right click mouse or tap 3 vertical bars (Android)" ? "!!! to access the popup menu that gives access to vital" ? "!!! functions. Call this GET POPUP." ? ? "You may have to toggle a couple of times" ? " there are 3 modes from GET POPUP:" ? " Editor [Off] run only mode, Editor [On], Editor [Live]" ? " keep toggling (clicking or tapping that line)" ? " until you see Editor [On]" ? ? "Now click on Hello.bas from Navigator window," ? " you should see two REM comments in editor" ? " with new Hello.bas file loaded:" ? ? "5. under the two REM comments type:" ? "print \"Hello world\"" ? "pause" ? ? "6. GET POPUP, select RUN" ? ? "7. see Hello world in output screen, yeah!" ? "8. GET POPUP, select back" ? "9. should be back to editor" ? "10. GET POPUP and select back again to exit SmallBASIC" ? ? "click to continue......." : pause : cls ? ? "Comments about Hello.bas:" ? " The PRINT keyword is so often used in SmallBASIC" ? " it has a shortcut ? So we could also write:" ? "? \"Hello World\"" ? " and get the same result in output window." ? ? "PAUSE is used to hold the output screen until a" ? " click or keypress, without it you will only see" ? " a flash and then be back in edit window." ? ? "There is an option in GET POPUP to show the Output" ? " screen. Click/tap that and see the Output screen" ? " anytime while you are editing. It comes in handy to" ? " refer to that while tweaking your program." ? ? "A comment about comments:" ? " REM or # can start a whole line comment at the left" ? " most position in a line. But only ' the apostrophe" ? " can be used to the right side of code on a line." ? ? "click to continue......." : pause : cls ? ? "HELP!" ? " F1 will access keyword category help in the right" ? " column of screen. From there you can access keywords." ? " To exit back to the main editor, use esc." ? ? " Ctrl+h will give a listing of keyboard shortcuts" ? " in the right column of screen. To exit that, press" ? " esc and get focus back into editor." ? ? " When you run code and get an error message, press esc" ? " to get the focus back into the editor, otherwise all" ? " typing in the editor will be for naught!" ? ? " You are also invited to participate in the forum at ? " http://smallbasic.sourceforge.net/" ? ? " OK, I hope this helps, ? " B+=MGA" pause