'arc from top-left to bottom-left points=files("*") th = txth("Q") x_left = 10 y_top = th y_bottom = ymax - th * 2.5 y_step = (y_bottom - y_top) / th y_step = th r = xmax/10 n_points = int((y_bottom - y_top) / th) offs = 7 mid_p = int(n_points / 2) gray_col = rgb(64,64,64) for n = 0 to n_points - 1 x = x_left + r * sin(n * pi / n_points) y = y_top + (n * y_step) if (n = mid_p) then color 15 else color gray_col endif if offs+n < len(points) then at x,y:print points[offs +n] endif next n