rem Title: LoadSaveBMP_Fltk rem Description: Subroutines for loading and saving 24bit .BMP image files in rem Small Basic Fltk versions rem Category: Applications rem Copyright: Keijo Koskinen rem Email: rem Created: 04.March.2006 rem Version: Fltk rem Sbver: SB_FLTK Versions '''; Subroutines for loading and saving ''; for 24bit .BMP images for SB Fltk ''; for SmallBasic by Keijo Koskinen 20.01.2006 ''; If you have image other than 24bit .BMP ''; use Paint, MSPaint or Irfanview (free/good one) ''; to change (=to save ) image to 24bit BMP sub bmpload(name,bx,by) ''; this makes sure that file is at write/read mode. Please change "c:\\sb\\" to your path CHMOD "c:\\sb\\" + name + ".bmp",0o666 ''; next free file handle fh=freefile ''; This will open file for loading (reading). Please change "c:\\sb\\" to your path open "c:\\sb\\" + name + ".bmp" For Input As #fh ''; This will read the .BMP file header Dim bmhead(55) For iii=0 To 53 bmhead(iii)= bgetc(fh) ''; read header info Next bmxmax= bmhead(19)*256+bmhead(18) ''; image width bmymax=bmhead(23)*256+bmhead(22) ''; image height ''; calculate 32 (4-byte) boundary bmkk= bmxmax*3 ''; real line length bmk=fix(bmkk/4) ''; but it has to be 4-bit bmk=bmk*4 ''; total length (expanded by 0 :s ) ero=bmk-bmkk ''; how many 0:s on the end of each line bmx=bx bmy=by+bmymax ''; This will read pixel info (in binary mode) from file For bmyy=bmymax To 1 Step -1 ''; loop for pixel info For bmxx=1 To bmxmax bmx=bx+bmxx-1 bmy=by+bmyy-1 b= bgetc(fh) ''; blue g= bgetc(fh) ''; green r= bgetc(fh) ''; red bmcol=-(r+(g*256)+(b*256*256)) ''; calculate rgb color value pset bmx,bmy,bmcol ''; draw a pixel to screen Next ''; next pixels If ero>0 Then ''; if 32bit (4-byte) boundary For eri=1 To ero ''; does not mach erf=bgetc(fh) ''; added zeros have to count off Next End If Next ''; close file close #fh End sub bmpsave(bx1,by1,bx2,by2,name) ''; This makes sure that if file exists, it is at write/read mode. Please change "c:\\sb\\" to your path if exist ("c:\\sb\\c.bmp") then CHMOD "c:\\sb\\" + name + ".bmp",0o666 ''; next free file handle fh=freefile ''; This will open file for saving (writing). Please change "c:\\sb\\" to your path open "c:\\sb\\" + name + ".bmp" For output As #fh ''; writes .BMP file header to file bmpbin=66:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; B byte 0 bmpbin=77:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; M 1 bmpbin=54:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; 6 2 bmpbin=3:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; 3 bmpbin=0:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; 4 bmpbin=0:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; 5 bmpbin=0:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; 6 bmpbin=0:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; 7 bmpbin=0:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; 8 bmpbin=0:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; 9 bmpbin=54:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; pixelinfo starts fr 10 bmpbin=0:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; 11 bmpbin=0:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; 12 bmpbin=0:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; 13 bmpbin=40:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; 14 bmpbin=0 :bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; 15 bmpbin=0:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; 16 bmpbin=0:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; 17 bmdatxh=Int((bx2-bx1+1)/256) bmdatxl=(bx2-bx1+1)-bmdatxh*256 bmpbin=bmdatxl:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; image width lb 18 bmpbin=bmdatxh :bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; image width hb 19 bmpbin=0 :bputc #fh,bmpbin '' ;20 bmpbin=0 :bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; 21 bmdatyh=Int((by2-by1+1)/256) bmdatyl=(by2-by1+1)-bmdatyh*256 bmpbin=bmdatyl:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; image height lb 22 bmpbin=bmdatyh :bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; image height hb 23 bmpbin=0:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; 24 bmpbin=0:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; 25 bmpbin=1:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; number of planes 26 bmpbin=0:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; 27 bmpbin=24 :bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; 24bit image 28 bmpbin=0:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; 29 bmpbin=0:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; 0= nocompression 30 bmpbin=0:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; 31 bmpbin=0:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; 32 bmpbin=0:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; 33 bmkk= ((bx2-bx1)+1)*3 ''; real line length bmk=fix(bmkk/4) ''; but it has to be 4-bit bmk=bmk*4 ''; total length (expanded by 0 :s ) ero=bmk-bmkk ''; how many 0:s on the end of each line bmtot=(bmk*(by2-by1+1)) ''; +54 bml=Int(bmtot/256) bmll=bmtot-(bml*256) If bml>256 Then bmh=Int(bml/256) bml= bml-(bmh*256) If bmh>256 Then bmhh=Int(bmh/256) bmh=bmh-(bmh*256) End If End If bmpbin=bmll:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; these 4 bytes are 34 bmpbin=bml:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; for length of the 35 bmpbin=bmh:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; image file 36 bmpbin=bmhh:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; 37 bmpbin=19:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; 38 bmpbin=11:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; 39 bmpbin=0:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; 40 bmpbin=0:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; 41 bmpbin=19:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; 42 bmpbin=11:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; 43 bmpbin=0:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; 44 bmpbin=0:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; 45 bmpbin=0:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; 46 bmpbin=0:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; 47 bmpbin=0:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; 48 bmpbin=0:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; 49 bmpbin=0:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; 50 bmpbin=0:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; 51 bmpbin=0:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; header ending 52 bmpbin=0:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; 53 ''; Writes the pixel info of image (in binary mode) to file For bmpy=by2 To by1 Step -1 For bmpx=bx1 To bx2 bmpcolor=-point(bmpx,bmpy) b=Int(bmpcolor/(0x10000)) ''; b g=Int((bmpcolor-(r*0x10000))/256) ''; g r=bmpcolor-(r*0x10000)-(g*256) ''; r bmpbin=b:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; first pixel blue 55 bmpbin=g:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; first pixel green 56 bmpbin=r:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; first pixel red 57 Next ''; and next three colors If ero>0 Then ''; if 32bit (4-byte) boundary For eri= 1 To ero ''; does not match bmpbin=0:bputc #fh,bmpbin ''; rows have to be filled with zeros Next ''; to macth boundary End If Next ''; next row (y-value) ''; Close file close #fh End '';******* lets try the code samples ********** ''; *** This is for loading (24bit) .bmp image ''; Input name ''; bmpload name,100,100 ''; load image to location x,y ''; This for saving as 24bit .bmp image '';Input name '';bmpsave 100,100,161,189,name ''; save image area from x1,y1,x2,y2 ''; ************************************************** ''; *** This following has nothing to do with saving or loading ''; *** Just a small extra routine if you want to copy image on screen from one place to an other place" ''; At first we reserves space for info ( note size (x,y)) ''; dim image1(100,100) '';x=300 '';y=100 '';xx=100 '';xxi=x+xx '';yy=100 '';yyi=y+yy ''; *** This routine read pixel info to image1(a,b) array '';for yi=y to yyi '';for xi=x to xxi '';image1(xi-x,yi-y)=point(xi,yi) '';next '';next ''; *** This routine drops same image to other position '';for yi=y to yyi '';for xi=x to xxi '';pset xi+200,yi+200,image1(xi-x,yi-y) '';next '';next '