'app-plug-in 'menu Memory Test REM Game idea taken from this site: REM http://milov.nl/iambald/20.html const rows = 5 const cols = 5 const gap = 3 const size=30 const xoffs = 0 const yoffs = 0 const cellSize=gap+size const st_init = 1 const st_ready = 2 const st_active = 3 const st_done = 4 const lineHeight = 15 + txth("Q") numCorrect = 0 func createGrid(skillFactor) local x,y dim grid (1 to cols, 1 to rows) for x = 1 to cols for y = 1 to rows grid(x,y) = if(skillFactor=0,0, if(rnd*10 > skillFactor, 1,0)) next y next x creategrid=grid end func isEqual(byref g1, byref g2) local x,y for x = 1 to cols for y = 1 to rows if (g1(x,y) != g2(x,y)) then isEqual=0 exit func fi next y next x isEqual=1 end func numMatches(byref g1, byref g2) local x,y,n n = 0 for x = 1 to cols for y = 1 to rows if (g1(x,y) != 0 and g1(x,y) = g2(x,y)) then n++ fi next y next x numMatches=n end func numCells(byref g1) local x,y,n n = 0 for x = 1 to cols for y = 1 to rows if (g1(x,y) != 0) then n++ fi next y next x numCells=n end sub drawGrid(byref grid) local x,y,x1,y1 x1 = xoffs for x = 1 to cols y1 = yoffs for y = 1 to rows rect x1,y1,x1+size,y1+size, if(grid(x,y)=1,3,2) filled y1 += size+gap next y x1 += size+gap next x end sub clickCell(byref grid, cell) local x,y for y = 1 to rows for x = 1 to cols if (x = cell(0) and y = cell(1)) then grid(x,y) = 1 exit func fi next y next x end sub display(s) at 170, 200 print chr(27)+"[K" + s end sub intro local h = txtw("Z") + 10 local x = 170 local y = 0 at x, y: y += h: ? cat(3) + "Objective:" + cat(0) at x, y: y += h: ? "To view a pattern and reproduce it entirely from memory." at x, y: y += h: ? cat(3) + "Instructions:" + cat(0) at x, y: y += h: ? "1. Choose a difficulty-level from the menu." at x, y: y += h: ? "2. Click on 'Generate!' to generate a random pattern." at x, y: y += h: ? " If you're not happy with the result, simply click it again." at x, y: y += h: ? "3. Click on 'Start!' to hide the generated pattern, then start" at x, y: y += h: ? " rebuilding the pattern by clicking on the" at x, y: y += h: ? " blocks where you think they belong." at x, y: y += h: ? "4. Click 'Check' to find out the results, and to unhide" at x, y: y += h: ? " the original pattern so you can compare it with your guess." end func button(x, y, w, h) button.x = x button.y = y button.width = w button.height = h button.type = "button" button.color = "blue" button.backgroundColor = "green" end sub getOptions local x = 5 local w = 10 local h = -1 local y = (cellSize*rows)+3 local frm, bn_opt local skillFactor local selected color 11,0 frm.inputs << button(x, y, 80, 20) frm.inputs << button(x, -lineHeight, -1, -5) frm.inputs(0).value = "Easy|Medium|Hard" frm.inputs(0).type = "choice" frm.inputs(1).label = "Generate" local start_ready = false frm = form(frm) ' display the form until either generate or start has been clicked repeat frm.doEvents() if (frm.value == "Generate") then selected = frm.inputs(0).selectedIndex skillFactor = iff(selected==0, 9, iff(selected==1, 7, 5)) test = createGrid(skillFactor) drawGrid test if (start_ready == false) frm.close() frm.inputs << button(x, -lineHeight, -1, -5) frm.inputs(2).label = "Start" frm = form(frm) start_ready = true fi fi until frm.value = "Start" frm.close() end sub init local emptyGrid rect 0, 0, xmax, ymax, 0 filled randomize timer intro emptyGrid = createGrid(0) drawGrid emptyGrid end sub play_game local test, guess, emptyGrid, frm, clicked 'get the user skillFactor emptyGrid = createGrid(0) getOptions 'run the memory test drawGrid emptyGrid guess = createGrid(0) drawGrid guess color 8,0 local y = (cellSize*rows)+3 local is_check_click = false sub check_click is_check_click = true end local is_clear_click = false sub clear_click is_clear_click = true end ' this shows how to create a combine pen/form loop frm.inputs << button(10, y, -1, -5) frm.inputs << button(10, -lineHeight, -1, -5) frm.inputs(0).label = "Check" frm.inputs(1).label = "Clear" frm.inputs(0).onclick = @check_click frm.inputs(1).onclick = @clear_click frm = form(frm) pen on while is_check_click == false repeat until pen(0) || is_check_click || is_clear_click if (is_clear_click) then guess = createGrid(0) drawGrid guess is_clear_click = false else if (is_check_click == false) then clicked = [1+Int(Pen(1)/cellSize), 1+Int(Pen(2)/cellSize)] clickCell guess, clicked drawGrid guess end if wend pen off frm.close() 'test completed if isEqual(guess, test) then numCorrect++ display, "Correct [" + numCorrect + "]" else matches = numMatches(guess, test) cells = numCells(test) display "You guessed " + matches + " of the " +cells + " cells." fi local x,y,x1,y1 x1 = xoffs for x = 1 to cols y1 = yoffs for y = 1 to rows if (test(x,y) == 1) then rect x1,y1,x1+size,y1+size, 3 filled else if (guess(x,y) == 1) then rect x1,y1,x1+size,y1+size, 4 filled end if y1 += size+gap next y x1 += size+gap next x cls end init while 1 play_game wend