w = window() w.setfont(8,"px",0,0) '' form.bas ''''27/02/2002 ''sean.nixon(@xtra.co.nz) ''Got the formulas from....... ''http://williams.best.vwh.net/ '' '' Sets Initial Variables (NZWN, NZAA) fromlat="41 19.8" fromlon="174 48.6" tolat="37 00.0" tolon="174 46.9" fmns=-1 fmew=-1 tons=-1 toew=-1 kmtoggle= 1 kmnm="NM" def omod(a,b)=a-b*(a\b) gosub screen label peninput pen on while pen(0)=0 wend x=pen(4) y=pen(5) pen off '' N S E W Toggle if x>=125:if x<=140 if y>=20:if y<=35 fmns=fmns*-1 endif:endif if y>=40:if y<=55 fmew=fmew*-1 endif:endif if y>=60:if y<=75 tons=tons*-1 endif:endif if y>=80:if y<=95 toew=toew*-1 endif:endif endif:endif '' Lat / Lon input if x>=80:if x<=120 if y>=20:if y<=35 rect 40,140,120,155 at 43,142 ?""; input fromlat endif:endif if y>=40:if y<=55 rect 40,140,120,155 at 43,142 ?""; input fromlon endif:endif if y>=60:if y<=75 rect 40,140,120,155 at 43,142 ?""; input tolat endif:endif if y>=80:if y<=95 rect 40,140,120,155 at 43,142 ?""; input tolon endif:endif endif:endif '' KM/NM, Help, End buttons if x>=10:if x<=30 if y>=20:if y<=35 gosub helpscreen endif:endif if y>=40:if y<=55 kmtoggle=kmtoggle*-1 if kmtoggle=-1:kmnm="KM":endif if kmtoggle=1:kmnm="NM":endif endif:endif if y>=60:if y<=75 end endif:endif endif:endif gosub screen goto peninput label screen gosub calculate cls'' Form Layout rect 80,20,120,35 rect 125,20,140,35 rect 80,40,120,55 rect 125,40,140,55 rect 80,60,120,75 rect 125,60,140,75 rect 80,80,120,95 rect 125,80,140,95 line 40,15,120,15 at 40,3 ?" Great Circle Nav" at 55,33 ?"FROM" at 60,73 ?"TO" ''to/from border line 75,65,50,65 line 50,65,50,90 line 50,90,75,90 line 75,25,50,25 line 50,25,50,50 line 50,50,75,50 line 5,115,155,115 line 5,135,155,135 at 5,102 ?"INITIAL COURSE ";round(deg(TC),1);" deg. ";round(dist,1);" ";kmnm at 5,122 ?"RHUMBLINE ";round(deg(TCR),1);" deg. ";round(rhumbdist,1);" ";kmnm rect 10,20,40,35 at 13,23 ?"HELP" rect 10,40,40,55 at 13,43:?"K/NM" rect 10,60,40,75 at 14,63 ?" End" ''fills to/from feilds at 85,23 ?fromlat at 85,43 ?fromlon at 85,63 ?tolat at 85,83 ?tolon ''fills N/S E/W feilds at 130,23 if fmns=-1 ?"S" elseif fmns=1 ?"N" endif at 130,43 if fmew=-1 ?"E" elseif fmew=1 ?"W" endif at 130,63 if tons=-1 ?"S" elseif tons=1 ?"N" endif at 130,83 if toew=-1 ?"E" elseif toew=1 ?"W" endif return label helpscreen cls ?"NSEW buttons tap to toggle" ? ?"KM/NM button toggles" ?"current measure" ? ?"LAT/LON format DD MM.M" ?"Tap feild to enter" ?"e.g. for 40S the valid inputs are" ?"40 00.0, 40 00, 40 0." ?"you must include the space after" ?"the degrees" ? ?"tap tap to exit" pause 10 return label calculate latone=rad(fmns*(leftof(fromlat," ")+rightof(fromlat," ")/60)) lonone=rad(fmew*(leftof(fromlon," ")+rightof(fromlon," ")/60)) lattwo=rad(tons*(leftof(tolat," ")+rightof(tolat," ")/60)) lontwo=rad(toew*(leftof(tolon," ")+rightof(tolon," ")/60)) ''greatcircle gcdist=acos(sin(latone)*sin(lattwo)+cos(latone)*cos(lattwo)*cos(lonone-lontwo)) dist=60*deg(gcdist) if kmnm="KM" then dist=dist/.539612 tc=omod((atan2(sin(lonone-lontwo)*cos(lattwo),cos(latone)*sin(lattwo)-sin(latone)*cos(lattwo)*cos(lonone-lontwo))), (2*pi)) if tc<=0 tc=tc+2*pi endif ''rhumbline dlonw=omod((lontwo-lonone), (2*pi)) if dlonw<0 dlonw=dlonw+2*pi endif dlone=omod((lonone-lontwo), (2*pi)) if dlone<0 dlone=dlone+2*pi endif dphi=log(tan(lattwo/2+pi/4)/tan(latone/2+pi/4)) if abs(lattwo-latone)