rem Title: recognition_training rem Description: About 70% of kids have problems with the recognition of letters. rem When you are reading your eyes are bouncing about part of the words. rem In case of dyslexia there are often problems with this part of recognition. rem The program trains the eyes recognition speed. rem For the Training the window should have the dimensions about 20 X 16 cm. rem You can find the german versions and 2 articles about the idea under rem rem Category: Applications rem Copyright: Karsten Malcher rem Email: rem Created: 01.02.2004 rem Version: 1.0 rem Sbver: 0.7 'CLS ? cat(1); "Recognition Training"; cat(0) ? "Program by Karsten Malcher" ? "Version 1.0 from 01.02.2004" ? ? Label Anfang input "Count of Sessions (Standard = 200) ? ", TZ if TZ = "e" then End if TZ = "" then TZ = 200 input "Arrowsize (Standard = 4) ? ", PG if PG = "" then PG = 4 input "Start in sec. (Standard = 0.7) ? ", IV if IV = "" then IV = 0.7 SIV = IV input "Pause in sec. (Standard = 1) ? ", PU if PU = "" then PU = 1 ? ? "Calibrating time measurement ..." Calib = 1 : TimeConst = 1 LTimer = Timer while Timer = LTimer wend Warte 1 Calib = 0 TimeConst = TCount / 3 BTimer = Timer BZeit = Time$ for Schleife = TZ to 1 step -1 cls RI = Int(Rnd * 3 + 1.55555555) ''Richtung PS = Int(Rnd * 3 + 1.55555555) ''Position RA = 20 ''Abstand vom Rand ''Koordinaten f?r Pfeil if PS = 1 then X = RA : Y = RA if PS = 2 then X = XMAX - RA : Y = RA if PS = 3 then X = XMAX - RA : Y = YMAX - RA if PS = 4 then X = RA : Y = YMAX - RA PF = 2 ''Pfeilproportionen ''Pfeil nach oben if RI = 1 then line X, Y, X, Y + PF * PG line X, Y, X - PG, Y + PG line X, Y, X + PG, Y + PG endif ''Pfeil nach rechts if RI = 2 then line X, Y, X - PF * PG, Y line X, Y, X - PG, Y - PG line X, Y, X - PG, Y + PG endif ''Pfeil nach unten if RI = 3 then line X, Y, X, Y - 2 * PG line X, Y, X - PG, Y - PG line X, Y, X + PG, Y - PG endif ''Pfeil nach links if RI = 4 then line X, Y, X + 2 * PG, Y line X, Y, X + PG, Y - PG line X, Y, X + PG, Y + PG endif Warte IV cls at XMAX / 2 - 20, YMAX / 2 ? "? ("; Schleife; ") ?" repeat K = inkey until K <> "" if len(K) = 1 and asc(K) = 27 then goto Auswertung ''Pr?fung der Eingabe Check = 0 if len(k)=2 then KA = asc(right(k,1)) ''Oben if KA = 9 and RI = 1 then Check = 1 ''Rechts if KA = 5 and RI = 2 then Check = 1 ''Unten if KA = 10 and RI = 3 then Check = 1 ''Links if KA = 4 and RI = 4 then Check = 1 endif OK = OK + Check ''Anzeigezeit dynamisch anpassen if Check then SZeit = SZeit + IV OKCount = OKCount + 1 LXCount = 0 if OKCount = 5 then IV = IV * 0.95 OKCount = 0 endif else XZeit = XZeit + IV LXCount = XCount + 1 OKCount = 0 if LXCount = 2 then IV = IV * 1,02 LXCount = 0 endif endif Warte PU next Label Auswertung ETimer = Timer EZeit = Time$ cls TZ = TZ - Schleife ''Division durch Null vermeiden if TZ = OK then FRate = 1 else FRate = round(XZeit / (TZ - OK), 2) endif ? cat(1); "Recognition Training complete."; cat(0) ? ? "Begin of Training: "; BZeit ? "End of Training: "; EZeit ? "Estimated Time : "; round((ETimer - BTimer) / 60, 2); " minutes" ? ? TZ; " sessions made." ? OK; " correct recognized ("; round(OK / TZ * 100, 2); " %)" ? "average recognition time = "; round(SZeit / TZ, 2); " sec. (rate = "; round(TZ / SZeit, 2); ")" ? "average time by failure = "; FRate; " sec. (rate = "; round(1 / FRate, 2); ")" ? "last recognition time = "; round(IV, 2); " sec." ''Log-Datei schreiben Datum = left$(Date$, 2) + "." + mid$(Date$, 4, 2) + "." + right$(Date$, 4) Filename = CWD + "recognition_training.log" if exist(Filename) then Open Filename for append as #1 else Open Filename for output as #1 endif ? #1, "Date of Training : "; Datum; chr(13) ? #1, "Begin of Training: "; BZeit; chr(13) ? #1, "End of Training: "; EZeit; chr(13) ? #1, "Estimated Time : "; round((ETimer - BTimer) / 60, 2); " minutes"; chr(13) ? #1, "Initial value : "; SIV; " sek."; chr(13) ? #1, chr(13) ? #1, TZ; " sessions made."; chr(13) ? #1, OK; " correct recognized ("; round(OK / TZ * 100, 2); " %)"; chr(13) ? #1, "average recognition time = "; round(SZeit / TZ, 2); " sec. (rate = "; round(TZ / SZeit, 2); ")"; chr(13) ? #1, "average time by failure = "; FRate; " sec. (rate = "; round(1 / FRate, 2); ")"; chr(13) ? #1, "last recognition time = "; round(IV, 2); " sec."; chr(13) ? #1, "--------------------------------------------------"; chr(13) close #1 ''CSV-Datei schreiben Filename = CWD + "recognition_training.csv" if exist(Filename) then Open Filename for append as #1 else Open Filename for output as #1 ? #1, "date;begin;end;duration;sessions;OK;reco-time;fail-time;last-time;initial"; chr(13) endif ? #1, Datum; ";"; BZeit; ";"; EZeit; ";"; round((ETimer - BTimer) / 60, 2); ";"; TZ; ";"; OK; ";"; round(SZeit / TZ, 2); ";"; FRate; ";"; round(IV, 2); ";"; SIV; chr(13) close #1 End Sub Warte (Zeit) TCount = 0 while TCount < Zeit * TimeConst or (Calib and Timer < LTimer + 4) TCount = TCount + 1 wend End '