REM const variables const Lowest = 1 const Highest = 99 REM main loop of program CanExit = false while (CanExit = false) cls randomize timer Randomed = int(Highest * rnd) + Lowest : REM number to guess Rounds = 0 print " # Guess the number im thinking?" print " # E.K.Virtanen 2007, public domain." print " #" print "" print "Ok, i think random number between "; Lowest; " to "; Highest + Lowest; "." print "Your job is to guess what it is in as minimal tries as possible." print "" print "After your every guess, ill give you hint is my number higher or lower than your guess." print "You can exit by 'guessing' 0." print "Press any key to start game."; pause REM loop of game Rounds = 0 ExitGame = false cls repeat Rounds = (Rounds + 1) print "" print "" print "This is round number: "; Rounds; "." input "Give your guess: "; PlrGuess REM now we check the user input REM if player wants to quit we change falses to trues if PlrGuess = 0 then CanExit = true exit end if REM if it's higher... if PlrGuess > Randomed THEN Print "My number is smaller..." end if REM if it's lower if PlrGuess < Randomed THEN Print "My number is higher..." end if REM and finally, if it was correct guess we end loop if PlrGuess = Randomed then ExitGame = true end if until(ExitGame = true) REM if only correct answer and no full exit we print out result of rounds. if CanExit = false then print "You got it!!!" print "It took "; Rounds; " rounds to guess right number." print "" input "Press 'y' to play again. Any other key to quit."; YesNo$ if upper(YesNo$) <> "Y" then CanExit = true end if end if wend print "Thank you for playing."