' rem SCRAMBLE rem a program to scramble a word rem Cyril G. Kurtz rem ckurtz11@ home.net rem ima286@netscape.net a = space(12) print chr$(27) + "[93m"; 10 rem get a new string, check the length, and save it print "Word or string to scramble" print "(3 to 12 characters) ";:input a x = len(a) if x > 12 then 10 if x < 3 then 10 randomize timer 20 rem scramble (again) print:print a b = a c = a count = 1 30 rem generate a random number between 1 and x rem and check to see if that letter is available p = int(rnd*x + 1) z = mid$(b, p, 1) if z = "." then 30:rem letter is taken 40 rem place period claiming letter if p = 1 then b = "." + right$(b,x - 1):goto 50 if p = x then b = left$(b,x - 1) + ".":goto 50 b = left$(b,p-1) + "." + right$(b,x - p) 50 rem place letter in c if count = 1 then c = z + right$(c,x - 1):goto 70 if count = x then c = left$(c,x - 1) + z:goto 70 c = left$(c,count - 1) + z + right$(c,x - count) 70 count = count + 1 if count > x then 100 goto 30 100 print "..........":print c 110 rem does the user want to scramble again print:print "again(y/n) ";:input z if z = "Y" or z = "y" then 20 if z = "N" or z = "n" then 120 goto 130 120 rem does the user want to input a new string print:print:print "another word(y/n) ";:input z if z = "Y" or z = "y" then 10 130 print:print:print "Thank you for using ''scramble''." print "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^" end '