const kUP = 0 const kDOWN = 1 const kLEFT = 2 const kRIGHT = 3 const vecIndex = [kUP, kDOWN, kLEFT, kRIGHT] const directionVectors = [[-1, 0], [1, 0], [0, -1], [0, 1]] const inf = maxint const ninf = -maxint - 1 const timeLimit = 140 const emptyCellPattern =& [[1,0,0,0], [1,1,0,0], [0,1,1,0], [0,0,1,1]] const monotonicityPattern =& [[4, 2, 1, 0], [8, 4, 2, 1], [16, 8, 4, 2], [32,16, 8, 4]] const colorMap = { 0 : 0, 2 : 1, 4 : 2, 8 : 3, 16 : 4, 32 : 5, 64 : 6, 128 : 7, 256 : 8, 512 : 9, 1024 : 10, 2048 : 11, 4096 : 12, 8192 : 13, 16384 : 14, 32768 : 15 } const actionDict = { 0: "UP", 1: "DOWN", 2: "LEFT", 3: "RIGHT" } const sz = min(xmax,ymax)/6 const offs = 15 const gap = 2 const w = window() const bgc = rgb(15,40,15) func Display() sub println(s) color 15, bgc at offs, self.y_out print s + chr(27) + "[K" end sub display(grid) local i,j,x,y,v,c y = 0 x = 0 for i = 0 to grid.size for j = 0 to grid.size v =[i][j] c = colorMap[v] color rgb(45,100,40), c rect x+offs, y+offs, x+offs+sz-gap, y+offs+sz-gap, c filled at x+offs+((sz-txtw(v))/2), y+offs+((sz-txth(v))/2) print v x += sz next j y += sz x = 0 next i self.y_out = y + 10 showpage end w.setFont(sz/4,0,1,0) color 0, bgc: cls local result = {} result.println=@println return result end func GridClass() func createGrid() local result = {} result.clone=@clone result.getAvailableCells = @getavailablecells result.getMaxTile = @getmaxtile result.canInsert = @caninsert result.canMove = @canmove result.move = @move result.merge = @merge result.getCellValue = @getCellValue result.setCellValue = @setCellValue return result end # Make a Deep Copy of This Object func clone() local result = self = return result end sub setCellValue(byref cell, v) local x,y (y,x) = cell if (v == 0) then throw "Set empty value" if ([y][x] != 0) then throw "Overwrite non empty cell"[y][x] = v end func getAvailableCells() local x,y dim cells for y = 0 to self.size for x = 0 to self.size if[y][x] == 0 then append cells, [y,x] endif next x next y return cells end # Return the Tile with Maximum Value func getMaxTile() local x,y local maxTile = 0 for y = 0 to self.size for x = 0 to self.size maxTile = max(maxTile,[y][x]) next x next y return maxTile end # Check If Able to Insert a Tile in Position func canInsert(byref cell) local x,y (y,x)=cell return getCellValue(x, y) == 0 end # Move the Grid # 0 = "Up", 1 = "Down", 2 = "Left", 3 = "Right". func move(dir) local result select case dir case kUP: result = moveUD(True) case kDOWN: result = moveUD(False) case kLEFT: result = moveLR(True) case kRIGHT: result = moveLR(False) case else: throw "Invalid move:" + dir end select return result end # Move Up or Down func moveUD(move_up) local x,y,y1,y2,incr,moved,cells,cell,value dim cells(self.size) incr = iff(move_up, 1, -1) y1 = iff(move_up, 0, self.size) y2 = iff(move_up, self.size, 0) moved = False for x = 0 to self.size erase cells for y = y1 to y2 step incr cell =[y][x] if cell != 0 then append cells, cell next y merge(cells) for y = y1 to y2 step incr if len(cells) then value = cells[0] delete cells, 0 else value = 0 endif if[y][x] != value then[y][x] = value moved = True endif next y next x return moved end # move left or right func moveLR(move_left) local x,y,x1,x2,incr,moved,cells,cell,value dim cells(self.size) incr = iff(move_left, 1, -1) x1 = iff(move_left, 0, self.size) x2 = iff(move_left, self.size, 0) moved = False for y = 0 to self.size erase cells for x = x1 to x2 step incr cell =[y][x] if cell != 0 then append cells, cell next y merge(cells) for x = x1 to x2 step incr if len(cells) then value = cells[0] delete cells, 0 else value = 0 endif if[y][x] != value then moved = True[y][x] = value endif next y next y return moved end # Merge Tiles sub merge(byref cells) local num_cells = len(cells) if num_cells <= 1 then return local i = 0 while i < len(cells) - 1 if cells[i] == cells[i+1] then cells[i] *= 2 delete cells, i+1 endif i += 1 wend end func canMove(dirs) local i, x, y, xm, ym, checkingMoves, adjCellValue # Init Moves to be Checked checkingMoves = IFF(len(dirs)==0, vecIndex, dirs) for y = 0 to self.size for x = 0 to self.size # If Current Cell is Filled if[y][x] != 0 then # Look Ajacent Cell Value for i in checkingMoves then [ym, xm] = directionVectors[i] adjCellValue = getCellValue(x + xm, y + ym) # If Value is the Same or Adjacent Cell is Empty if adjCellValue ==[y][x] or adjCellValue == 0 then return True endif next i elif[y][x] == 0 then # Current Cell is Empty return True endif next x next y return False end func crossBound(x, y) return (x < 0 or x > self.size or y < 0 or y > self.size) end func getCellValue(x, y) if not crossBound(x, y) then return[y][x] else return Nil endif end local result = createGrid() = [[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0]] result.size = 3 return result end func PlayerAI() # func getUtility(state) local x,y local numEmpty = 0 local result = 0.0 local highest = 0 local size=state.size for y = 0 to size for x = 0 to size if ([y][x] != 0) then result +=[y][x] * monotonicityPattern[y][x] if[y][x] > highest then highest =[y][x] endif else numEmpty += 1 endif next x next y if ([0][3] != highest) then result += highest * 100 endif if (numEmpty == 0) then result = 0 elif (result != 0) then result = 1 / result endif return result end # whether to stop evaluating lower depths func isTerminal(move, depth) if move == Nil then return True endif if depth >= self.maxDepth then return True endif if ((ticks - self.startTime) > self.timeLimit) then self.timeout = True return True endif return False end func maximise(byref state, a, b, move, depth) local availableMoves, child, maxMove, maxUtility, nextMove if (isTerminal(move, depth)) then return [move, getUtility(state)] endif availableMoves = False [maxMove, maxUtility] = [Nil, ninf] for nextMove in [0,3,1,2] child = state.clone() if child.move(nextMove) then availableMoves = True # get the estimated attack/response move [_, utility] = minimise(child, a, b, nextMove, depth + 1) if (utility > maxUtility) then [maxMove, maxUtility] = [nextMove, utility] endif if (maxUtility >= b) then # this node will not be selected in ancestor min function # we are larger than a sibling node so will be discounted exit for endif if (maxUtility > a) then a = maxUtility endif endif next nextmove if (availableMoves == False) then # terminal state detected return [move, getUtility(state)] endif return [maxMove, maxUtility] end func minimise(byref state, a, b, move, depth) local child,x,y,minMove,utility,emptyPos,nextMove,minUtility local availableCells = state.getAvailableCells() if (isTerminal(move, depth) or len(availableCells) == 0) then return [move, getUtility(state)] endif local minimisingMoves = [] if len(availableCells) > 2 then # filter to cells in the top right area for emptyPos in availableCells: [y,x] = emptyPos if (emptyCellPattern[y][x] == 0) then append minimisingMoves, emptyPos endif next emptyPos else # try the remaining 1 or 2 cells minimisingMoves = availableCells endif if len(minimisingMoves) == 0 then return [move, getUtility(state)] endif [minMove, minUtility] = [Nil, inf] for nextMove in minimisingMoves child = state.clone() child.setcellvalue(nextMove, 2) [_, utility] = maximise(child, a, b, move, depth + 1) if (utility < minUtility) then [minMove, minUtility] = [move, utility] endif if (minUtility <= a) then exit for endif if (minUtility < b) then b = minUtility endif next nextmove return [minMove, minUtility] end func getMove(byref grid) local move, utility self.startTime = ticks self.timeout = False [move, utility] = maximise(grid, ninf, inf, 0, 0) if (self.tuned == False) then if self.timeout == True then self.tuned = True else self.maxDepth += 1 endif endif return move end local result = {} result.getMove=@getMove result.getUtility=@getUtility result.startTime = 0 result.startMaxScore = 0 result.timeLimit = 105 result.maxDepth = 4 result.timeout = False result.tuned = False return result end func ComputerAI() func getMove(grid) local cells = grid.getAvailableCells() if len(cells) = 0 then return -1 endif return cells[rnd * len(cells)] end local result = {} result.getMove=@getMove return result end func Game() sub updateAlarm(currTime) if currTime - self.prevTime > timeLimit then self.over = True else self.prevTime = ticks endif end func isGameOver() return not self.grid.canMove([]) end func getNewTileValue() if rnd < self.probability then return self.possibleNewTiles[0] else return self.possibleNewTiles[1] endif end sub insertRandomTile() local tileValue = getNewTileValue() local cells = self.grid.getAvailableCells() local cell = cells[rnd * len(cells)] self.grid.setCellValue(cell, tileValue) end sub start() local i, playerTurn, maxTile, prevMaxTile, gridCopy, move local computerAI, playerAI, displayer, moveStr computerAI = ComputerAI() playerAI = PlayerAI() displayer = Display() for i = 1 to self.initTiles insertRandomTile() next i # Player AI Goes First playerTurn = true maxTile = 0 self.prevTime = ticks while not isGameOver() and not self.over # Copy to Ensure AI Cannot Change the Real Grid to Cheat gridCopy = self.grid.clone() move = Nil if playerTurn then move = playerAI.getMove(gridCopy) moveStr = actionDict[move] displayer.println("AI move = " + moveStr) # Validate and set Move if move != Nil and move >= 0 and move < 4 then if self.grid.canMove([move]) then unused = self.grid.move(move) # Update maxTile maxTile = self.grid.getMaxTile() if maxTile < prevMaxTile then throw "maxTile now less" endif prevMaxTile = maxTile else displayer.println("Invalid PlayerAI Move") self.over = True endif else displayer.println("Invalid PlayerAI Move") self.over = True endif else move = computerAI.getMove(gridCopy) # Validate Move if isarray(move) and self.grid.canInsert(move) then local value = getNewtilevalue() self.grid.setCellValue(move, value) displayer.println("Played " + value + " at " + str(move)) else logprint "Invalid Computer AI Move" self.over = True endif endif if not self.over then endif # Exceeding the Time Allotted for Any Turn Terminates the Game updateAlarm(ticks) playerTurn = IFF(playerTurn, false, true) wend displayer.println("Game over. (max tile: " + self.grid.getMaxTile() + ")") end randomize timer local result = {} result.start = @start result.grid = GridClass() result.possibleNewTiles = [2, 4] result.probability = 0.8 result.initTiles = 2 result.over = False return result end g = Game() g.start() pause