''' Mira fractals '' Martin Latter '' Converted to SB from my old 1992 version in Archimedes BASIC - SB and modern computers thankfully plot a bit faster. '' (Run/f9 to replot) dim ca(6) randomize a=rnd b=0.9998 c=2-2*a dots=12000 x=j=0 y=rnd*12+0.1 col=2 for pc=0 to 5 ca(pc)=round(rnd*15) next for i=0 to dots z=x x=b*y+j j=a*x+c*(x^2)/(1+x^2) y=j-z xp=(x*20)+300 yp=(y*20)+300 if i>1000 then col=ca(0) if i>3000 then col=ca(1) if i>5000 then col=ca(2) if i>7000 then col=ca(3) if i>9000 then col=ca(4) if i>11000 then col=ca(5) pset xp,yp,col next i '