'3d rotating cube with message, harixxx 2016-02-22 rotx=2 roty=3 rotz=1 zoom=1 'store message w=txtw("W") h=txth("H") m=6*w-1 x=w/2 y=(m-2*h)/2 at x,y:?"Small at x,y+h:?"BASIC for y=0 to m for x=0 to m 'take the strong pixel only if (-point(x,y) & 255)>50 if y=0 x4=t(f(i,3),0) y4=t(f(i,3),1) a=[x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4] l=min(1,n/40000+.4) c=rgbf(l/3,l/2,l) 'draw cube face poly drawpoly a color c filled c1=[rgbf(l/4,l,l),rgbf(l,l,l)] c2=rgbf(0,0,l/2) r=sz/100*l+2 sx1=(x4-x1)/m sy1=(y4-y1)/m sx2=(x3-x2)/m sy2=(y3-y2)/m 'draw message on the cube side for j=0 to u x=ms(j)(0) y=ms(j)(1) c=ms(j)(2) tx1=sx1*x+x1 ty1=sy1*x+y1 tx2=(sx2*x+x2-tx1)/m ty2=(sy2*x+y2-ty1)/m xx=tx2*y+tx1 yy=ty2*y+ty1 circle xx,yy,r color c1(c) filled circle xx,yy,r color c2 next fi next showpage 'if ticks move foward 'we can catch the fps here while ticks