'2016-02-08 now updated to loose need for keyboard, much cleaner screen REM Crop Circles.bas for SmallBASIC 0.12.0 REM created: 05-11-2015 MGA/B+ for On-line samples ' This is almost a direct translation of PeterMaria's BP.org post: ' "Alien Signs" 1-11-2015, I changed the coloration for my own title xq=xmax/2 yq=ymax/2 color 15,2 pen on while 1 cls r0= Rand(1,5)/10: r1=Rand(1,5)/10: r2=Rand(1,5)/10 fc= Rand(10,200)/10: st=Rand(10,500)/800 xol=0 yol=0 mol=0 for i=0 to 120 step st a0=(i/r0)*(2*pi) a1=((i/r1)*(2*pi))*-1 x1=xq+(sin(a0)*((r0-r1)*fc))*50 y1=yq+(cos(a0)*((r0-r1)*fc))*50 x2=x1+(sin(a1)*((r2)*fc))*50 y2=y1+(cos(a1)*((r2)*fc))*50 if mol = 0 then mol = 1 xol = x2 yol = y2 else line xol,yol,x2,y2,rgb(0,194,0) xol=x2 yol=y2 end if next 'locate 0,0: input "press enter for next screen ";t at 10,10:?"Tap/click/press key for next screen..." showpage pause wend pen off func rand(low, high) rand=rnd*(high-low)+low end