'Snow Snake.bas SmallBASIC 0.12.0 05-11-2015 update by MGA/B+ 'translated and modified snow snake from PeterMaria BP.org 2015-10-22 post ' color 0,9 while asc(inkey)<>27 cls for t=0 to 1 Step .01 xs=.6*xmax+100*cos(a*t) ys=ymax/2-100*sin(t*8) if sin(t*100)>0 then c=15 else c=0 circle xs-100,i+ys,20,1,c filled next circle xs-117,ys,3,1.5,12 filled circle xs-83,ys,3,1.5,12 filled if m mod 10=0 then rect xs-101,ys+5,xs-99,ys+18,12 filled line xs-101,ys+18,xs-103,ys+23,12 line xs-99,ys+18,xs-97,ys+23,12 line xs-103,ys+6,xs-97,ys+6,12 flag=1 else line xs-101,ys+6,xs-99,ys+6,12 flag=0 end if a +=.1:if a>=16 then a=-a m+=1 at 0,0:?"Also try w, k, b, r keys..." at 100,40:? "Hsssterical Snow Snake" showpage if flag then delay 60 else delay 10 k=inkey if k="w" then color 0,15 if k="k" then color 15,0 if k="r" then color 15,12 if k="b" then color 0,9 wend