REM SmallBASIC REM created: 13/08/2019 option predef load modules import android android.sensor_on(0) randomize ticks x=xmax/2 y=ymax/2 np=60 gap=7 ar=[] func mk(n) local r,90-n,n)'rnd*15 r.p1=rnd*360 r.p2=rnd*360 r.dr=iff(n mod 2==1,1,0) r.s=rnd*900 r.n=n+5 return r end sub sh(i,of,ac) local r,s,e,j j=iff(ar[i].dr==1, of, -of) s=rad(ar[i].p1+j+ar[i].s) e=rad(ar[i].p2+j+ar[i].s) r=ar[i].n*gap arc x,y,r,s,e,1,ar[i].co if i==ac then arc x,y,r+1,s,e,1,ar[i].co arc x,y,r-1,s,e,1,ar[i].co arc x,y,r+2,s,e,1,ar[i].co arc x,y,r-2,s,e,1,ar[i].co endif end for i = 0 to np - 1 ar<xmax then x=xmax if y<0 then y=0 if y>ymax then y=ymax if ac>0 and s.y*s.x < 0 then ac-=1 if ac 0 then ac+=1 ' if ac==0 then exit loop cls 'print ac+ " "+s.z for i = 0 to np-1 sh(i,of,ac) next i showpage delay t wend