DIM r(256) DIM g(256) DIM b(256) LET f=0 CLS FOR x=0 TO 255 LET r(x)=255-CEIL((SIN(PI*2*x/255)+1)*127) LET g(x)=CEIL((SIN(PI*2*x/127)+1)*64) LET b(x)=255-r(x) NEXT x bw=xmax/3 bh=ymax/3 t1=timer maxFps=0 while 1 t=TICKS FOR y=0 TO bh FOR x=0 TO bw LET c1=SIN(x/50+f+y/200) LET c2=SQR((SIN(0.8*f)*400-x+400)*(SIN(0.8*f)*400-x+400)+(COS(1.2*f)*240-y+240)*(COS(1.2*f)*240-y+240)) LET c2=SIN(c2/50) LET c3=(c1+c2)/2 LET res=(c3+1)*127 color RGB(r(res),g(res),b(res)) pset x,y NEXT x NEXT y fps=1000/(TICKS-t) if (fps>maxfps) then maxfps = fps endif iter++ at bw+10,0 print format("Fps: ###.##", fps) at bw+10,20 print format("Best: ###.##", maxfps) at bw+10,40 print format("Cnt: ###", iter) at bw+10,60 print format("Elap: ###", timer-t1) SHOWPAGE f += 0.1 wend