REM SmallBASIC REM created: 07/05/2016 ' What's new in version 2.2: ' 1. Water Pressure implemented. (Pressure is Speed... of Atoms...); ' e.g. If Pressure = 5 Then each drop = 5 drops. ' 2. Bug fix for SB 0.12.2: BAND instead of AND which returns 1 OR -1 ' 3. User is prompt to choose factors. ' 4. MaxX = 800 to avoid error in high pressure. ' 5. Minimum MaxDrops is 100 (for high pressure). '=========================================================================== ' Subject: WATER SIMULATION Date: 08-19-98 (13:57) ' Author: Joe Huber, Jr. Code: QB, QBasic, PDS ' Origin: Packet: GRAPHICS.ABC '=========================================================================== ' Hit TAB To pull the plug, ESC To exit (N/A) - just hit Ctrl+B to Stop... ' If anybody has any ideas about how To implement pressure, please email me ' please send any comments, questions, ect. To ' Prompt user to enter a factor: Func factor(prompt, minv, maxv, is_int, defv) Local n prompt = "\tEnter " + prompt + " [" + minv + ".." + maxv + "] " Color 15: ? Cbs(prompt + "(Default=" + defv +"): " + Chr(7)); Lineinput n If Empty(Trim(n)) Then ' user just pressed Enter, so use default value n = defv Else n = Val(n) If is_int Then n = Int(n) ' use Integer value (not Real) If n < minv Or n > maxv Then n = defv ' invalid value, so use Default Fi Color 14: ? Cbs("\t") + n factor = n End Func ' Initialize variables (also let user enter factor values): ? Cbs(Cat(0) + Chr(12) + "\n\t" + Cat(2) + "WATER SIMULATION\n") ? Cbs(Cat(0) + "\t\t( Press ENTER for using default values... )\n") ' Pressure 1 is default (low-pressure) Const Pressure = factor("Water Pressure", 1, 5, True, 1) ' MaxDrops 6000 is default; less=faster. On my P133, I can get (author's PC) Const MaxDrops = factor("Maximum Drops", 100, 9000, True, 6000) ' SpreadChance 0.5 is default (50-50 for RND); try 0..1 For interesting effects Const SpreadChance = factor("Spread Chance", 0, 1, False, 0.5) ' SpreadTime 3 is default; how many cycles of free-fall it takes Const SpreadTime = factor("Spread Time", 1, 9, True, 3) ? Cbs(Cat(0) + "\nPress any key to start...") Showpage: Pause ' Pause after prompt for factors... Const MaxX = 800 ' 320 ' about 33 fps compiled with 6000 drops ' Const MaxY = 200 ' and 20 fps in QBasic w/1000 drops Const MaxY = Ymax Const Half_MaxX = MaxX \ 2 Const h2o = Rgb(0, 128, 255) ' Water color Const BLACK = 0 ' Empty color (no water no lines no nothing) ' The water To spread ' (in some languages 1-D array is faster...) Dim Water_X(1 To MaxDrops) Dim Water_Y(1 To MaxDrops) Dim Water_FreeTime(1 To MaxDrops) Dim Water_LastDir(1 To MaxDrops) For i = 1 To MaxDrops Water_X(i) = Half_MaxX Water_Y(i) = 1 Water_FreeTime(i) = 0 Next i ' Draw all the construction before start: Sub draw_construction Local lm, rm, p, m = Half_MaxX ' middle of construction Local lmh = m - Pressure + 1 ' Left to the middle factor (for horizontal) Local rmh = m + Pressure - 1 ' Right to the middle factor (for horizontal) Local pr = Pressure - 1 ' (for extending vertical) For p = 0 To Pressure - 1 ' you need strong pipes for strong pressure lm = m - p ' Left to the middle factor rm = m + p ' Right to the middle factor ' Draws box at top Line lm - 20 , 1 , lm - 20 , 20 Color 15 ' vertical Line rm + 20 , 1 , rm + 20 , 20 Color 15 ' vertical Line lmh - 20, 20 + p, rmh + 20, 20 + p Color 15 ' horizontal ' Draws Pipe Line lm - 4 , 20 , lm - 4 , 44 Color 15 ' vertical Line rm + 4 , 20 , rm + 4 , 50 Color 15 ' vertical Line lmh - 4, 44 - p, lmh - 40, 44 - p Color 15 ' horizontal Line rmh + 4, 50 + p, lmh - 40, 50 + p Color 15 ' horizontal ' Draws slanted line (draw few lines to fill up few holes) Line lmh - 110, 50 + p, rmh + 40, 110 + p Color 15 ' slanted Line lmh - 110, 51 + p, rmh + 40, 111 + p Color 15 ' slanted ' Line lmh - 110, 52 + p, rmh + 40, 112 + p Color 15 ' slanted ' Draws box under slanted lines Line lm - 10 , 130 , lm - 10 , 150 Color 15 ' vertical Line rm + 90 , 130 , rm + 90 , 150 Color 15 ' vertical Line lmh - 10, 150 + p, rmh + 90, 150 + p Color 15 ' horizontal ' Draw two boxes under box Line lm - 40 , 170 , lm - 40 , 210 Color 15 ' vertical Line rm + 0 , 180 , rm + 0 , 210 Color 15 ' vertical Line lmh - 40, 210 + p, rmh + 0 , 210 + p Color 15 ' horizontal Line rm + 70 , 180 , rm + 70 , 210 + pr Color 15 ' vertical Line rm + 110 , 170 , rm + 110 , 210 Color 15 ' vertical Line rmh + 70 , 210 + p, rmh + 110, 210 + p Color 15 ' horizontal ' Draw pipe between boxes Line rmh + 1 , 180 + p, rmh + 30, 180 + p Color 15 ' horizontal Line rmh + 40, 180 + p, rmh + 70, 180 + p Color 15 ' horizontal ' Draw lowest catchment Line rm + 20 , 210 , rm + 20 , 270 + pr Color 15 ' vertical line rm + 50 , 210 , rm + 50 , 270 Color 15 ' vertical Line rmh + 20, 270 + p, rmh + 50, 270 + p Color 15 ' horizontal Next p End Sub ' Display the time it took, and stop the program: Sub Quit_Program Local end_time = timer ' check how long it takes... At MaxX, 20: Color 14, 1 ? " That took: "; end_time - start_time + 1; " seconds. " Showpage Stop End Sub ' Open the cork to let the water flow: Sub Break_the_cork Local i, p For p = 0 To Pressure - 1 ' you need strong pipes for strong pressure For i = 0 To 3 Vscrn(Half_MaxX + i, 20 + p) = BLACK ' update virtual screen Vscrn(Half_MaxX - i, 20 + p) = BLACK Pset Half_MaxX + i, 20 + p, BLACK ' update real screen Pset Half_MaxX - i, 20 + p, BLACK Next i Next p Showpage End Sub Color 7, BLACK: Cls draw_construction ' Update Virtual screen (Vscrn should be faster then POINT): Dim Vscrn(1 To MaxX, 1 To MaxY) For x = 1 To maxX For y = 1 To MaxY Vscrn(x, y) = Point(x, y) Next y Next x ' INKEY is too slow in SB 0.12.2; Maybe DEFINEKEY is a bit faster...? ' Definekey 27, Quit_Program ' Escape key to Stop ' Definekey 9, Break_the_cork ' Tab key Break the cork Break_the_cork ' Don't use DEFINEKEY, for speeding up (Ctrl+B to Stop). Showpage Randomize Timer start_time = timer ' check how long it takes... ' Main loop (Hit TAB To pull the plug, ESC To exit) - just hit Ctrl+B to Stop: Label Start_Main_Loop For i = 1 To MaxDrops OldX = Water_X(i) ' For erase (and for speed...) OldY = Water_Y(i) WLeft = OldX - Pressure ' Precalcs posision To the left, WRight = OldX + Pressure ' ... To the right, WDown = OldY + Pressure ' ... And below Select Case Vscrn(OldX, WDown) ' Check point-down below droplet Case BLACK If Water_FreeTime(i) = SpreadTime Then ' spread effect If Rnd < SpreadChance Then Select Case Rnd < .5 ' (50-50 chance) space to Right or Left is free? Case 1: If Vscrn(WRight, WDown) = BLACK Then Water_X(i) = WRight Case Else: If Vscrn(WLeft, WDown) = BLACK Then Water_X(i) = WLeft End Select Fi Water_FreeTime(i) = 0 Fi Water_Y(i) = WDown Water_FreeTime(i)++ Water_LastDir(i) = 0 Move = True Case Else ' Not BLACK PntLeft = (Vscrn(WLeft, OldY) = BLACK) ' can't fall down, so PntRight = (Vscrn(WRight, OldY) = BLACK) ' check To right & left Move = (PntLeft Or PntRight) If Move Then Select Case 1 ' (Select Case should be faster then If..Then) Case (PntLeft Band PntRight) ' Bug fix for SB0.12.2: BAND instead of AND Select Case Water_LastDir(i) Case 0 ' are free, travel Select Case Rnd < .5 ' in last known dir, Case 1 Water_X(i) = WLeft ' Else pick a new one Water_LastDir(i) = -Pressure Case Else ' (50-50 chance) Water_X(i) = WRight Water_LastDir(i) = Pressure End Select Case Else ' <> 0 Water_X(i) += Water_LastDir(i) ' If both directions End Select Case PntLeft ' if the left is open, go there... Water_X(i) = WLeft Water_LastDir(i) = -Pressure Case Else ' PntRight ' ...or go right Water_X(i) = WRight Water_LastDir(i) = Pressure End Select Fi ' if Move End Select ' did it move (OldX <> Water_X(i) Or OldY <> Water_Y(i))? If Move Then Pset OldX, OldY, BLACK ' yes, erase Pset Water_X(i), Water_Y(i), h2o ' and draw ' update virtual screen Vscrn(OldX, OldY) = BLACK ' yes, erase Vscrn(Water_X(i), Water_Y(i)) = h2o ' and draw Move = False ' reset flag Fi Next i Showpage ' Using SHOWPAGE should speed-up main loop Goto Start_Main_Loop ' Unconditional jump (as fast as the light...) End