'screen info.bas 'written directly into Code Library by B+=MGA 2015-12-10 after another failed screen fit for NOOK Android device th=txth("By") tw=txtw("B") for y=0 to 2000 step 10 for x=0 to 2000 step 10 if x=0 or y=0 then if (x mod 100=0 and y=0) or (x=0 and y mod 100=0) then cc=9 else cc=14 rect x,y,x+10,y+10,cc end if next:next at 20+tw,20+th:? "Current Screen Width, xmax = ";xmax at 20+tw,20+th*3:? "Current Screen Height, ymax = ";ymax at 20+tw,20+th*5:? "Text height of By is ";th at 20+tw,20+th*7:? "Text width of B is ";tw at 20+tw,20+th*9:? "The blocks are drawn as 10x10 scale markers, blue/100." at 20+tw,20+th*10:? "So check counts with reported xmax and ymax." 'at 20+tw,20+th*12:? "TICSPERSEC: ";tickspersec at 20+tw,20+th*15:? "Plan you apps accordingly, happy programming!" pause