*** # Translate plugin for Sublime Text 3 *** ==================== mail: [housha55@gmail.com](mailto:houshao55@gmail.com) weibo: [http://weibo.com/houshao55](http://weibo.com/houshao55) ##Summary ![last](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1271747/9989828/9432532e-608e-11e5-83d4-3d6bbade3b06.gif) ##Usage Use the keyboard shortcut *CTRL + Alt + H* ( *COMMAND + Alt + H* on Mac OS X ). ## Installation Using the Sublime Text 3 Package Control plugin (http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control) press *CTRL + SHIFT + P* and find **Package Control: Install Package** and press *Enter*. Find this plugin in the list by name **ctranslator**. Or git clone to your Sublime Text 3 packages folder directly (usually located at /Sublime Text 3/Packages/).