{ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/schema#", "$schemaVersion": "0.0.1", "$id": "https://smart-data-models.github.io/dataModels.CIMEnergyClasses/SynchronousMachineEquivalentCircuit/schema.json", "title": " Smart Data Models - SynchronousMachineEquivalentCircuit", "description": "Adapted from CIM data models. The electrical equations for all variations of the synchronous models are based on the SynchronousEquivalentCircuit diagram for the direct and quadrature axes. = + = + * / ( + ) = + * * / ( * + * + * ) = + = + * / (+ ) = + ** / ( * + * + * ) = ( + ) / ( * ) = ( * + * + * ) / ( * * ( + ) = ( + ) / ( * ) = ( * + * + * )/ ( * * ( + ) Same equations using CIM attributes from SynchronousMachineTimeConstantReactance class on left of = sign and SynchronousMachineEquivalentCircuit class on right (except as noted): xDirectSync = xad + RotatingMachineDynamics.statorLeakageReactance xDirectTrans = RotatingMachineDynamics.statorLeakageReactance + xad * xfd / (xad + xfd) xDirectSubtrans = RotatingMachineDynamics.statorLeakageReactance + xad * xfd * x1d / (xad * xfd + xad * x1d + xfd * x1d) xQuadSync = xaq + RotatingMachineDynamics.statorLeakageReactance xQuadTrans = RotatingMachineDynamics.statorLeakageReactance + xaq * x1q / (xaq+ x1q) xQuadSubtrans = RotatingMachineDynamics.statorLeakageReactance + xaq * x1q* x2q / (xaq * x1q + xaq * x2q + x1q * x2q) tpdo = (xad + xfd) / (2*pi*nominal frequency * rfd) tppdo = (xad * xfd + xad * x1d + xfd * x1d) / (2*pi*nominal frequency * r1d * (xad + xfd) tpqo = (xaq + x1q) / (2*pi*nominal frequency * r1q) tppqo = (xaq * x1q + xaq * x2q + x1q * x2q)/ (2*pi*nominal frequency * r2q * (xaq + x1q). Are only valid for a simplified model where 'Canay' reactance is zero.", "type": "object", "allOf": [ { "$ref": "https://smart-data-models.github.io/data-models/common-schema.json#/definitions/GSMA-Commons" }, { "$ref": "https://smart-data-models.github.io/data-models/common-schema.json#/definitions/Location-Commons" }, { "properties": { "type": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "SynchronousMachineEquivalentCircuit" ], "description": "Property. NGSI type. It has to be SynchronousMachineEquivalentCircuit" }, "r1d": { "description": "Property. Model:'https://schema.org/Number'. D-axis damper 1 winding resistance. Default: 0.0", "type": "number" }, "r1q": { "description": "Property. Model:'https://schema.org/Number'. Q-axis damper 1 winding resistance. Default: 0.0", "type": "number" }, "r2q": { "description": "Property. Model:'https://schema.org/Number'. Q-axis damper 2 winding resistance. Default: 0.0", "type": "number" }, "rfd": { "description": "Property. Model:'https://schema.org/Number'. Field winding resistance. Default: 0.0", "type": "number" }, "x1d": { "description": "Property. Model:'https://schema.org/Number'. D-axis damper 1 winding leakage reactance. Default: 0.0", "type": "number" }, "x1q": { "description": "Property. Model:'https://schema.org/Number'. Q-axis damper 1 winding leakage reactance. Default: 0.0", "type": "number" }, "x2q": { "description": "Property. Model:'https://schema.org/Number'. Q-axis damper 2 winding leakage reactance. Default: 0.0", "type": "number" }, "xad": { "description": "Property. Model:'https://schema.org/Number'. D-axis mutual reactance. Default: 0.0", "type": "number" }, "xaq": { "description": "Property. Model:'https://schema.org/Number'. Q-axis mutual reactance. Default: 0.0", "type": "number" }, "xf1d": { "description": "Property. Model:'https://schema.org/Number'. Differential mutual (`Canay`) reactance. Default: 0.0", "type": "number" }, "xfd": { "description": "Property. Model:'https://schema.org/Number'. Field winding leakage reactance. Default: 0.0", "type": "number" } } } ] }