{ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/schema#", "$schemaVersion": "0.0.1", "modelTags": "OCF", "$id": "https://smart-data-models.github.io/dataModel.IoTDataModels/Brewing/schema.json", "title": "Brewing", "description": "Smart Data Models Program adaptation of the original IoTData data Models. This Resource describes the attributes associated with brewing. This resource is used for configuration only. The Operation of the Device is handled independently of this Resource. The amount requested is in ml. The strength of a brewed drink is an integer, the range of which may be enforced by the presence of a strengthrange Property.", "type": "object", "allOf": [ { "$ref": "https://smart-data-models.github.io/data-models/common-schema.json#/definitions/GSMA-Commons" }, { "$ref": "https://smart-data-models.github.io/data-models/common-schema.json#/definitions/Location-Commons" } ], "properties": { "rt": { "description": "Property. The Resource Type.", "items": { "enum": [ "oic.r.brewing" ], "maxLength": 64, "type": "string" }, "minItems": 1, "uniqueItems": true, "readOnly": true, "type": "array" }, "strength": { "description": "Property. The strength of a brewed drink.", "type": "integer" }, "amountrequested": { "description": "Property. The amount requested in ml.", "type": "integer" }, "strengthrange": { "items": { "type": "integer" }, "maxItems": 2, "minItems": 2, "readOnly": true, "type": "array", "description": "Property. No original description has been provided" }, "n": { "type": "string", "maxLength": 64, "readOnly": true, "description": "Property. Friendly name of the Resource" }, "if": { "description": "Property. The OCF Interface set supported by this Resource.", "items": { "enum": [ "oic.if.rw", "oic.if.baseline" ], "type": "string" }, "minItems": 2, "uniqueItems": true, "readOnly": true, "type": "array" }, "type": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "Brewing" ], "description": "Property. NGSI entity type. It has to be Brewing" } }, "derivedFrom": "https://github.com/OpenInterConnect/IoTDataModels/blob/master/BrewingResURI.swagger.json", "license": "https://github.com/OpenInterConnect/IoTDataModels/blob/master/README.md", "required": [ "id", "type" ] }