## 0.15.3 * Update all mentions of `futil-js` to `futil` ## 0.15.2 * Support arbitrary file extensions for changelog & readme ## 0.15.1 * Do not import Danger globals in the dangerfile ## 0.15.0 * Danger is now a peer dependency ## 0.14.2 * Bump dependencies to fix Circle issue ## 0.14.1 * Bump dependencies to stop security warnings ## 0.14.0 * Fixed DangerJS to v2.0.1 ## 0.13.0 * Add explanation to auto-fix ## 0.12.0 * Add links to ESLint and Jest results * Add config for determining projectRoot ## 0.11.2 * Add ESLint to the project ## 0.11.1 * Use real diffs for personality ## 0.11.0 * Add Git Flow Warnings ## 0.10.0 * Add some personality ## 0.9.5 * Show proper error messages for failed autofix depending on reason ## 0.9.4 * Fix bug where adding a `CHANGELOG.md` file fails changelog checking ## 0.9.3 * Remove Node 8 restriction ## 0.9.2 * Updated [Danger.js](http://danger.systems/js/) version ## 0.9.1 * If parsing JSON fails, throw with the correct stack instead of a generic syntax error ## 0.9.0 * Removen node-git depdency * Commit all modified files on an autofix instead of specific file types ## 0.8.0 * Add browser test result parser (karma). * Add prettier configuration. ## 0.7.1 * Fix default configuration not loading properly ## 0.7.0 * Add configuration support * Fix autofixer duti committing non-js files ## 0.6.2 * Fix autofix publishing to unintended branches ## 0.6.1 * Fix lint results erroring if there are none ## 0.6.0 * Add ability to disallow strings in PR descriptions ## 0.5.0 * Fix parsing standard-json eslint outputs * Add ability to automatically format PRs and push to them ## 0.4.0 * Reduce default configuration of recommended reviewers to 1 ## 0.3.5 * Always run duti against itself in CI ## 0.3.4 * Changed internal prettier config to be ES5-compatible ## 0.3.3 * Made readme check warn instead fail ## 0.3.2 * Fix issue with NPM not finding `bin/duti.js` ## 0.3.1 * Fix issue when running `duti` as a binary and it fails spawning the danger process. ## 0.3.0 * Fail on not changing the following: * `CHANGELOG.md` * `README.md` * `package.json`'s `version` property ## 0.2.0 * Add support for mocha JSON output files ## 0.1.0 Initial Release