ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[ProductLoadAllPaged] ( @CategoryIds nvarchar(MAX) = null, --a list of category IDs (comma-separated list). e.g. 1,2,3 @ManufacturerId int = 0, @StoreId int = 0, @ParentGroupedProductId int = 0, @ProductTypeId int = null, --product type identifier, null - load all products @VisibleIndividuallyOnly bit = 0, --0 - load all products , 1 - "visible indivially" only @ProductTagId int = 0, @FeaturedProducts bit = null, --0 featured only , 1 not featured only, null - load all products @PriceMin decimal(18, 4) = null, @PriceMax decimal(18, 4) = null, @Keywords nvarchar(4000) = null, @SearchDescriptions bit = 0, --a value indicating whether to search by a specified "keyword" in product descriptions @SearchSku bit = 0, --a value indicating whether to search by a specified "keyword" in product SKU @SearchProductTags bit = 0, --a value indicating whether to search by a specified "keyword" in product tags @UseFullTextSearch bit = 0, @FullTextMode int = 0, --0 - using CONTAINS with , 5 - using CONTAINS and OR with , 10 - using CONTAINS and AND with @FilteredSpecs nvarchar(MAX) = null, --filter by attributes (comma-separated list). e.g. 14,15,16 @LanguageId int = 0, @OrderBy int = 0, --0 - position, 5 - Name: A to Z, 6 - Name: Z to A, 10 - Price: Low to High, 11 - Price: High to Low, 15 - creation date @AllowedCustomerRoleIds nvarchar(MAX) = null, --a list of customer role IDs (comma-separated list) for which a product should be shown (if a subjet to ACL) @PageIndex int = 0, @PageSize int = 2147483644, @ShowHidden bit = 0, @LoadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds bit = 0, --a value indicating whether we should load the specification attribute option identifiers applied to loaded products (all pages) @WithoutCategories bit = null, @WithoutManufacturers bit = null, @IsPublished bit = null, @HomePageProducts bit = null, @IdMin int = 0, @IdMax int = 0, @AvailabilityMin int = null, @AvailabilityMax int = null, @CreatedFromUtc nvarchar(MAX) = null, @CreatedToUtc nvarchar(MAX) = null, @FilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds nvarchar(MAX) = null OUTPUT, --the specification attribute option identifiers applied to loaded products (all pages). returned as a comma separated list of identifiers @TotalRecords int = null OUTPUT ) AS BEGIN /* Products that filtered by keywords */ CREATE TABLE #KeywordProducts ( [ProductId] int NOT NULL ) DECLARE @SearchKeywords bit, @sql nvarchar(max), @sql_orderby nvarchar(max) SET NOCOUNT ON --filter by keywords SET @Keywords = isnull(@Keywords, '') SET @Keywords = rtrim(ltrim(@Keywords)) IF ISNULL(@Keywords, '') != '' BEGIN SET @SearchKeywords = 1 IF @UseFullTextSearch = 1 BEGIN --remove wrong chars (' ") SET @Keywords = REPLACE(@Keywords, '''', '') SET @Keywords = REPLACE(@Keywords, '"', '') --full-text search IF @FullTextMode = 0 BEGIN --0 - using CONTAINS with SET @Keywords = ' "' + @Keywords + '*" ' END ELSE BEGIN --5 - using CONTAINS and OR with --10 - using CONTAINS and AND with --clean multiple spaces WHILE CHARINDEX(' ', @Keywords) > 0 SET @Keywords = REPLACE(@Keywords, ' ', ' ') DECLARE @concat_term nvarchar(100) IF @FullTextMode = 5 --5 - using CONTAINS and OR with BEGIN SET @concat_term = 'OR' END IF @FullTextMode = 10 --10 - using CONTAINS and AND with BEGIN SET @concat_term = 'AND' END --now let's build search string declare @fulltext_keywords nvarchar(4000) set @fulltext_keywords = N'' declare @index int set @index = CHARINDEX(' ', @Keywords, 0) -- if index = 0, then only one field was passed IF(@index = 0) set @fulltext_keywords = ' "' + @Keywords + '*" ' ELSE BEGIN DECLARE @first BIT SET @first = 1 WHILE @index > 0 BEGIN IF (@first = 0) SET @fulltext_keywords = @fulltext_keywords + ' ' + @concat_term + ' ' ELSE SET @first = 0 SET @fulltext_keywords = @fulltext_keywords + '"' + SUBSTRING(@Keywords, 1, @index - 1) + '*"' SET @Keywords = SUBSTRING(@Keywords, @index + 1, LEN(@Keywords) - @index) SET @index = CHARINDEX(' ', @Keywords, 0) end -- add the last field IF LEN(@fulltext_keywords) > 0 SET @fulltext_keywords = @fulltext_keywords + ' ' + @concat_term + ' ' + '"' + SUBSTRING(@Keywords, 1, LEN(@Keywords)) + '*"' END SET @Keywords = @fulltext_keywords END END ELSE BEGIN --usual search by PATINDEX SET @Keywords = '%' + @Keywords + '%' END --PRINT @Keywords --product name SET @sql = ' INSERT INTO #KeywordProducts ([ProductId]) SELECT p.Id FROM Product p with (NOLOCK) WHERE ' IF @UseFullTextSearch = 1 SET @sql = @sql + 'CONTAINS(p.[Name], @Keywords) ' ELSE SET @sql = @sql + 'PATINDEX(@Keywords, p.[Name]) > 0 ' --localized product name SET @sql = @sql + ' UNION SELECT lp.EntityId FROM LocalizedProperty lp with (NOLOCK) WHERE lp.LocaleKeyGroup = N''Product'' AND lp.LanguageId = ' + ISNULL(CAST(@LanguageId AS nvarchar(max)), '0') + ' AND lp.LocaleKey = N''Name''' IF @UseFullTextSearch = 1 SET @sql = @sql + ' AND CONTAINS(lp.[LocaleValue], @Keywords) ' ELSE SET @sql = @sql + ' AND PATINDEX(@Keywords, lp.[LocaleValue]) > 0 ' IF @SearchDescriptions = 1 BEGIN --product short description SET @sql = @sql + ' UNION SELECT p.Id FROM Product p with (NOLOCK) WHERE ' IF @UseFullTextSearch = 1 SET @sql = @sql + 'CONTAINS(p.[ShortDescription], @Keywords) ' ELSE SET @sql = @sql + 'PATINDEX(@Keywords, p.[ShortDescription]) > 0 ' --product full description SET @sql = @sql + ' UNION SELECT p.Id FROM Product p with (NOLOCK) WHERE ' IF @UseFullTextSearch = 1 SET @sql = @sql + 'CONTAINS(p.[FullDescription], @Keywords) ' ELSE SET @sql = @sql + 'PATINDEX(@Keywords, p.[FullDescription]) > 0 ' --localized product short description SET @sql = @sql + ' UNION SELECT lp.EntityId FROM LocalizedProperty lp with (NOLOCK) WHERE lp.LocaleKeyGroup = N''Product'' AND lp.LanguageId = ' + ISNULL(CAST(@LanguageId AS nvarchar(max)), '0') + ' AND lp.LocaleKey = N''ShortDescription''' IF @UseFullTextSearch = 1 SET @sql = @sql + ' AND CONTAINS(lp.[LocaleValue], @Keywords) ' ELSE SET @sql = @sql + ' AND PATINDEX(@Keywords, lp.[LocaleValue]) > 0 ' --localized product full description SET @sql = @sql + ' UNION SELECT lp.EntityId FROM LocalizedProperty lp with (NOLOCK) WHERE lp.LocaleKeyGroup = N''Product'' AND lp.LanguageId = ' + ISNULL(CAST(@LanguageId AS nvarchar(max)), '0') + ' AND lp.LocaleKey = N''FullDescription''' IF @UseFullTextSearch = 1 SET @sql = @sql + ' AND CONTAINS(lp.[LocaleValue], @Keywords) ' ELSE SET @sql = @sql + ' AND PATINDEX(@Keywords, lp.[LocaleValue]) > 0 ' END --SKU IF @SearchSku = 1 BEGIN SET @sql = @sql + ' UNION SELECT p.Id FROM Product p with (NOLOCK) LEFT OUTER JOIN ProductVariantAttributeCombination pvac with(NOLOCK) ON pvac.ProductId = p.Id WHERE ' IF @UseFullTextSearch = 1 SET @sql = @sql + '(CONTAINS(pvac.[Sku], @Keywords) OR CONTAINS(p.[Sku], @Keywords)) ' ELSE SET @sql = @sql + 'PATINDEX(@Keywords, pvac.[Sku]) > 0 OR PATINDEX(@Keywords, p.[Sku]) > 0 ' END IF @SearchProductTags = 1 BEGIN --product tag SET @sql = @sql + ' UNION SELECT pptm.Product_Id FROM Product_ProductTag_Mapping pptm with(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN ProductTag pt with(NOLOCK) ON pt.Id = pptm.ProductTag_Id WHERE ' IF @UseFullTextSearch = 1 SET @sql = @sql + 'CONTAINS(pt.[Name], @Keywords) ' ELSE SET @sql = @sql + 'PATINDEX(@Keywords, pt.[Name]) > 0 ' --localized product tag SET @sql = @sql + ' UNION SELECT pptm.Product_Id FROM LocalizedProperty lp with (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN Product_ProductTag_Mapping pptm with(NOLOCK) ON lp.EntityId = pptm.ProductTag_Id WHERE lp.LocaleKeyGroup = N''ProductTag'' AND lp.LanguageId = ' + ISNULL(CAST(@LanguageId AS nvarchar(max)), '0') + ' AND lp.LocaleKey = N''Name''' IF @UseFullTextSearch = 1 SET @sql = @sql + ' AND CONTAINS(lp.[LocaleValue], @Keywords) ' ELSE SET @sql = @sql + ' AND PATINDEX(@Keywords, lp.[LocaleValue]) > 0 ' END --PRINT (@sql) EXEC sp_executesql @sql, N'@Keywords nvarchar(4000)', @Keywords END ELSE BEGIN SET @SearchKeywords = 0 END --filter by category IDs SET @CategoryIds = isnull(@CategoryIds, '') CREATE TABLE #FilteredCategoryIds ( CategoryId int not null ) INSERT INTO #FilteredCategoryIds (CategoryId) SELECT CAST(data as int) FROM [sm_splitstring_to_table](@CategoryIds, ',') DECLARE @CategoryIdsCount int SET @CategoryIdsCount = (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM #FilteredCategoryIds) --filter by attributes SET @FilteredSpecs = isnull(@FilteredSpecs, '') CREATE TABLE #FilteredSpecs ( SpecificationAttributeOptionId int not null ) INSERT INTO #FilteredSpecs (SpecificationAttributeOptionId) SELECT CAST(data as int) FROM [sm_splitstring_to_table](@FilteredSpecs, ',') DECLARE @SpecAttributesCount int SET @SpecAttributesCount = (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM #FilteredSpecs) --filter by customer role IDs (access control list) SET @AllowedCustomerRoleIds = isnull(@AllowedCustomerRoleIds, '') CREATE TABLE #FilteredCustomerRoleIds ( CustomerRoleId int not null ) INSERT INTO #FilteredCustomerRoleIds (CustomerRoleId) SELECT CAST(data as int) FROM [sm_splitstring_to_table](@AllowedCustomerRoleIds, ',') --paging DECLARE @PageLowerBound int DECLARE @PageUpperBound int DECLARE @RowsToReturn int SET @RowsToReturn = @PageSize * (@PageIndex + 1) SET @PageLowerBound = @PageSize * @PageIndex SET @PageUpperBound = @PageLowerBound + @PageSize + 1 CREATE TABLE #DisplayOrderTmp ( [Id] int IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL, [ProductId] int NOT NULL ) SET @sql = ' INSERT INTO #DisplayOrderTmp ([ProductId]) SELECT p.Id FROM Product p with (NOLOCK)' IF @CategoryIdsCount > 0 BEGIN SET @sql = @sql + ' LEFT JOIN Product_Category_Mapping pcm with (NOLOCK) ON p.Id = pcm.ProductId' END IF @ManufacturerId > 0 BEGIN SET @sql = @sql + ' LEFT JOIN Product_Manufacturer_Mapping pmm with (NOLOCK) ON p.Id = pmm.ProductId' END IF ISNULL(@ProductTagId, 0) != 0 BEGIN SET @sql = @sql + ' LEFT JOIN Product_ProductTag_Mapping pptm with (NOLOCK) ON p.Id = pptm.Product_Id' END --searching by keywords IF @SearchKeywords = 1 BEGIN SET @sql = @sql + ' JOIN #KeywordProducts kp ON p.Id = kp.ProductId' END SET @sql = @sql + ' WHERE p.Deleted = 0' --filter by category IF @CategoryIdsCount > 0 BEGIN SET @sql = @sql + ' AND pcm.CategoryId IN (SELECT CategoryId FROM #FilteredCategoryIds)' IF @FeaturedProducts IS NOT NULL BEGIN SET @sql = @sql + ' AND pcm.IsFeaturedProduct = ' + CAST(@FeaturedProducts AS nvarchar(max)) END END --filter by manufacturer IF @ManufacturerId > 0 BEGIN SET @sql = @sql + ' AND pmm.ManufacturerId = ' + CAST(@ManufacturerId AS nvarchar(max)) IF @FeaturedProducts IS NOT NULL BEGIN SET @sql = @sql + ' AND pmm.IsFeaturedProduct = ' + CAST(@FeaturedProducts AS nvarchar(max)) END END --filter by parent grouped product identifer IF @ParentGroupedProductId > 0 BEGIN SET @sql = @sql + ' AND p.ParentGroupedProductId = ' + CAST(@ParentGroupedProductId AS nvarchar(max)) END --filter by product type IF @ProductTypeId is not null BEGIN SET @sql = @sql + ' AND p.ProductTypeId = ' + CAST(@ProductTypeId AS nvarchar(max)) END --filter by visible individually IF @VisibleIndividuallyOnly = 1 BEGIN SET @sql = @sql + ' AND p.VisibleIndividually = 1' END --filter by product tag IF ISNULL(@ProductTagId, 0) != 0 BEGIN SET @sql = @sql + ' AND pptm.ProductTag_Id = ' + CAST(@ProductTagId AS nvarchar(max)) END --homepage products IF (@HomePageProducts is not null) BEGIN SET @sql = @sql + ' AND p.ShowOnHomePage = ' + CAST(@HomePageProducts AS nvarchar(max)) END --is published IF (@IsPublished is null) BEGIN IF @ShowHidden = 0 BEGIN SET @sql = @sql + ' AND p.Published = 1' END END ELSE IF (@IsPublished = 1) BEGIN SET @sql = @sql + ' AND p.Published = 1' END ELSE IF (@IsPublished = 0) BEGIN SET @sql = @sql + ' AND p.Published = 0' END --show hidden IF @ShowHidden = 0 BEGIN SET @sql = @sql + ' AND p.Deleted = 0 AND (getutcdate() BETWEEN ISNULL(p.AvailableStartDateTimeUtc, ''1/1/1900'') and ISNULL(p.AvailableEndDateTimeUtc, ''1/1/2999''))' END --min price IF @PriceMin > 0 BEGIN SET @sql = @sql + ' AND ( ( --special price (specified price and valid date range) (p.SpecialPrice IS NOT NULL AND (getutcdate() BETWEEN isnull(p.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc, ''1/1/1900'') AND isnull(p.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc, ''1/1/2999''))) AND (p.SpecialPrice >= ' + CAST(@PriceMin AS nvarchar(max)) + ') ) OR ( --regular price (price isnt specified or date range isnt valid) (p.SpecialPrice IS NULL OR (getutcdate() NOT BETWEEN isnull(p.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc, ''1/1/1900'') AND isnull(p.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc, ''1/1/2999''))) AND (p.Price >= ' + CAST(@PriceMin AS nvarchar(max)) + ') ) )' END --max price IF @PriceMax > 0 BEGIN SET @sql = @sql + ' AND ( ( --special price (specified price and valid date range) (p.SpecialPrice IS NOT NULL AND (getutcdate() BETWEEN isnull(p.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc, ''1/1/1900'') AND isnull(p.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc, ''1/1/2999''))) AND (p.SpecialPrice <= ' + CAST(@PriceMax AS nvarchar(max)) + ') ) OR ( --regular price (price isnt specified or date range isnt valid) (p.SpecialPrice IS NULL OR (getutcdate() NOT BETWEEN isnull(p.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc, ''1/1/1900'') AND isnull(p.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc, ''1/1/2999''))) AND (p.Price <= ' + CAST(@PriceMax AS nvarchar(max)) + ') ) )' END --show hidden and ACL IF @ShowHidden = 0 BEGIN SET @sql = @sql + ' AND (p.SubjectToAcl = 0 OR EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM #FilteredCustomerRoleIds [fcr] WHERE [fcr].CustomerRoleId IN ( SELECT [acl].CustomerRoleId FROM [AclRecord] acl with (NOLOCK) WHERE [acl].EntityId = p.Id AND [acl].EntityName = ''Product'' ) ))' END --show hidden and filter by store IF @StoreId > 0 BEGIN SET @sql = @sql + ' AND (p.LimitedToStores = 0 OR EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM [StoreMapping] sm with (NOLOCK) WHERE [sm].EntityId = p.Id AND [sm].EntityName = ''Product'' and [sm].StoreId=' + CAST(@StoreId AS nvarchar(max)) + ' ))' END --filter by product identifier IF @IdMin != 0 BEGIN SET @sql = @sql + ' AND p.Id >= ' + CAST(@IdMin AS nvarchar(max)) END IF @IdMax != 0 BEGIN SET @sql = @sql + ' AND p.Id <= ' + CAST(@IdMax AS nvarchar(max)) END --filter by availability IF @AvailabilityMin is not null BEGIN SET @sql = @sql + ' AND p.StockQuantity >= ' + CAST(@AvailabilityMin AS nvarchar(max)) END IF @AvailabilityMax is not null BEGIN SET @sql = @sql + ' AND p.StockQuantity <= ' + CAST(@AvailabilityMax AS nvarchar(max)) END --filter by creation date IF @CreatedFromUtc is not null BEGIN SET @sql = @sql + ' AND p.CreatedOnUtc >= ''' + CAST(@CreatedFromUtc AS nvarchar(max)) + '''' END IF @CreatedToUtc is not null BEGIN SET @sql = @sql + ' AND p.CreatedOnUtc <= ''' + CAST(@CreatedToUtc AS nvarchar(max)) + '''' END --filter by specs IF @SpecAttributesCount > 0 BEGIN SET @sql = @sql + ' AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM #FilteredSpecs [fs] WHERE [fs].SpecificationAttributeOptionId NOT IN ( SELECT psam.SpecificationAttributeOptionId FROM Product_SpecificationAttribute_Mapping psam with (NOLOCK) WHERE psam.AllowFiltering = 1 AND psam.ProductId = p.Id ) )' END IF (@WithoutCategories is not null) BEGIN IF (@WithoutCategories = 1) BEGIN SET @sql = @sql + ' AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM [Product_Category_Mapping] pcm with (NOLOCK) WHERE [pcm].[ProductId] = p.Id)' END ELSE IF (@WithoutCategories = 0) BEGIN SET @sql = @sql + ' AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM [Product_Category_Mapping] pcm with (NOLOCK) WHERE [pcm].[ProductId] = p.Id)' END END IF (@WithoutManufacturers is not null) BEGIN IF (@WithoutManufacturers = 1) BEGIN SET @sql = @sql + ' AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM [Product_Manufacturer_Mapping] pmm with (NOLOCK) WHERE [pmm].[ProductId] = p.Id)' END ELSE IF (@WithoutManufacturers = 0) BEGIN SET @sql = @sql + ' AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM [Product_Manufacturer_Mapping] pmm with (NOLOCK) WHERE [pmm].[ProductId] = p.Id)' END END --sorting SET @sql_orderby = '' IF @OrderBy = 5 /* Name: A to Z */ SET @sql_orderby = ' p.[Name] ASC' ELSE IF @OrderBy = 6 /* Name: Z to A */ SET @sql_orderby = ' p.[Name] DESC' ELSE IF @OrderBy = 10 /* Price: Low to High */ SET @sql_orderby = ' p.[Price] ASC' ELSE IF @OrderBy = 11 /* Price: High to Low */ SET @sql_orderby = ' p.[Price] DESC' ELSE IF @OrderBy = 15 /* creation date */ SET @sql_orderby = ' p.[CreatedOnUtc] DESC' ELSE /* default sorting, 0 (position) */ BEGIN --category position (display order) IF @CategoryIdsCount > 0 SET @sql_orderby = ' pcm.DisplayOrder ASC' --manufacturer position (display order) IF @ManufacturerId > 0 BEGIN IF LEN(@sql_orderby) > 0 SET @sql_orderby = @sql_orderby + ', ' SET @sql_orderby = @sql_orderby + ' pmm.DisplayOrder ASC' END --parent grouped product specified (sort associated products) IF @ParentGroupedProductId > 0 BEGIN IF LEN(@sql_orderby) > 0 SET @sql_orderby = @sql_orderby + ', ' SET @sql_orderby = @sql_orderby + ' p.[DisplayOrder] ASC' END --name IF LEN(@sql_orderby) > 0 SET @sql_orderby = @sql_orderby + ', ' SET @sql_orderby = @sql_orderby + ' p.[Name] ASC' END SET @sql = @sql + ' ORDER BY' + @sql_orderby --PRINT (@sql) EXEC sp_executesql @sql DROP TABLE #FilteredCategoryIds DROP TABLE #FilteredSpecs DROP TABLE #FilteredCustomerRoleIds DROP TABLE #KeywordProducts CREATE TABLE #PageIndex ( [IndexId] int IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL, [ProductId] int NOT NULL ) INSERT INTO #PageIndex ([ProductId]) SELECT ProductId FROM #DisplayOrderTmp GROUP BY ProductId ORDER BY min([Id]) --total records SET @TotalRecords = @@rowcount DROP TABLE #DisplayOrderTmp --prepare filterable specification attribute option identifier (if requested) IF @LoadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds = 1 BEGIN CREATE TABLE #FilterableSpecs ( [SpecificationAttributeOptionId] int NOT NULL ) INSERT INTO #FilterableSpecs ([SpecificationAttributeOptionId]) SELECT DISTINCT [psam].SpecificationAttributeOptionId FROM [Product_SpecificationAttribute_Mapping] [psam] with (NOLOCK) WHERE [psam].[AllowFiltering] = 1 AND [psam].[ProductId] IN (SELECT [pi].ProductId FROM #PageIndex [pi]) --build comma separated list of filterable identifiers SELECT @FilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds = COALESCE(@FilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds + ',' , '') + CAST(SpecificationAttributeOptionId as nvarchar(4000)) FROM #FilterableSpecs DROP TABLE #FilterableSpecs END --return products SELECT TOP (@RowsToReturn) p.* FROM #PageIndex [pi] INNER JOIN Product p with (NOLOCK) on p.Id = [pi].[ProductId] WHERE [pi].IndexId > @PageLowerBound AND [pi].IndexId < @PageUpperBound ORDER BY [pi].IndexId DROP TABLE #PageIndex END