# Prettierd Format Sublime Text plugin to format files faster using [prettierd](https://github.com/fsouza/prettierd).
## Installation 1. Install [prettierd](https://github.com/fsouza/prettierd) globally with npm/yarn/pnpm: ```sh npm i -g @fsouza/prettierd ``` 2. Install this plugin with [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Prettierd%20Formatter): `Package Control: Install Package` → `Prettierd Format` 3. Restart Sublime Text
## Usage By default it formats on save any file supported by [Prettier](https://prettier.io/docs/en/) out-of-the-box. ### Commands To format a file: - `Prettierd: Format` To save a file without formatting: - `Prettierd: Save without formatting` ### Options Enable/disable format on save: ```json "format_on_save": true ``` Add additional extensions (enabled via prettier plugins) to be formatted either on save or commands: ```json "additional_extensions": ["php"] ``` Exclude extensions from being formatted on save: ```json "disabled_extensions_on_save": ["md"] ``` Exclude directories from being formatted on save: ```json "disabled_directories_on_save": ["*/node_modules/*"] ``` Optional, path to `prettierd` executable. If not specified, it will be searched for in the system: ```json "prettierd_path": null ```
## Notes This plugin does nothing else than piping the input to `prettierd` and replacing the view contents with the output. It is basically just like executing `cat file.js | prettierd file.js` with the command line. For this reason, any issue with prettier plugins or configuration should be investigated on the [prettierd](https://github.com/fsouza/prettierd) repo as it is the underlying tool actually interacting with Prettier. ### Astro / Svelte As of September 2023, there are some upstream issues with Astro and Svelte files. You can format them with the command `LSP: format` after installing their LSPs and enabling format on save for each language in the LSP settings. Using the above command not only respects the `.prettierrc` configuration but is also very fast.
## License 0BSD