var commandlist = $("#command_list"); var request_body = $("#request_body"); var request_button = $("#request_button"); var response_body = $("#response_body"); var response_code = $("#rest_responsecode"); var rest_url = $('#rest_url'); var rest_method = $("#rest_method"); var selected_command = $("#selected_command"); var spinner = $(".loader"); var reminders = $("#rest_url_wrapper .rest_reminders"); var test_warning = $("#test_warning"); var GET = "GET"; var POST = "POST"; var PUT = "PUT"; var DELETE = "DELETE"; function slugify(str) { str = str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); // trim str = str.toLowerCase(); // remove accents, swap ñ for n, etc var from = "àáäâèéëêìíïîòóöôùúüûñç·/_,:;"; var to = "aaaaeeeeiiiioooouuuunc------"; for (var i=0, l=from.length ; i"""); } else { commandlist.append("
  • ""
  • "); } }); } function make_commands_clickable() { commandlist.children("li").click(function() { var cmd = slugify($(this).text().trim()); if (!requests[cmd]) return; select_request(cmd, true); window.location.hash = cmd; $(this).siblings().removeClass('selected'); $(this).addClass('selected'); }); } var cm_request = CodeMirror(request_body.get(0), { mode: 'javascript', json: true, smartIndent: false }); var cm_response = CodeMirror(response_body.get(0), { mode: 'javascript', json: true, smartIndent: false, readOnly: true }); function update_method(el) { if (el === undefined) { method = $(this).val(); } else { method = $(el).val(); } if (method == GET) { request_body.hide(); } else {; cm_request.refresh(); } } function change_path(command) { rest_url.empty(); reminders.html(" "); var re = /(\{:[^}]+\})/g; // match stuff like {:address} params = command.path.split(re); //console.log(params); for (i=0; i"+default_val+""); var new_div = $("
    ").appendTo(rest_url); var new_param = $("").appendTo(new_div); new_param.autosizeInput({"space": 0}); //var new_label = $("").appendTo(new_div); } else { rest_url.append(""+params[i]+""); } } } function select_request(request) { if (request === undefined) { var el = commandlist.children("li:not(.separator)").eq(0); request = slugify(el.text()); /* var keys = Object.keys(requests); var index = keys.indexOf(cmd); if (index === -1) return;*/ } else { var el = commandlist.find("li a[href='#"+request+"']").parent(); } $(el).siblings().removeClass('selected'); $(el).addClass('selected'); command = requests[request]; if (command.test_only === true) {; } else { test_warning.hide(); } if (command.description) { $(description).html(command.description); if ( { $(description).append(" Read more"); } $(description).show(); } else if ( { $(description).html("Read more"); } else { $(description).hide(); } selected_command.html($('') .attr('href', .text(; change_path(command); request_button.val(command.method); request_button.text(command.method+" request"); update_method(request_button); if (command.hasOwnProperty("body")) { cm_request.setValue(JSON.stringify(command.body, null, 2)); } else { //No body, so wipe out the current contents. cm_request.setValue(""); } cm_request.refresh(); reset_response_area(); }; function get_path() { s = ""; rest_url.find(".non_editable, .editable").each(function() { if (this.tagName == "INPUT") { s += $(this).val(); } else { s += $(this).text(); } }); return s; } function send_request() { //var method = rest_method.val(); var method = request_button.val(); if (method != GET && method != POST && method != PUT && method != DELETE) { console.log("ERROR: unrecognized http method"); return; } //var path = rest_url.val(); var path = get_path(); $(this).addClass('depressed'); response_body.addClass('obscured'); var original_cmd = requests[slugify(selected_command.text())]; if (original_cmd.hasOwnProperty("body")) { var body = cm_request.getValue(); $.ajax({ type: method, url: URL_BASE + path, data: body, contentType: 'application/json', processData: false }).done(success_output).fail(error_output).always(reset_sending_status); } else { $.ajax({ type: method, url: URL_BASE + path }).done(success_output).fail(error_output).always(reset_sending_status); }; } function error_output(xhr,status,statusText) { response_code.text(xhr.status+" "+xhr.statusText); cm_response.setValue(xhr.responseText); } function success_output(body,status,xhr) { response_code.text(xhr.status+" "+xhr.statusText); cm_response.setValue(JSON.stringify(body, null, 2)); } function reset_sending_status() { response_body.removeClass('obscured'); request_button.removeClass('depressed'); spinner.hide(); } function reset_response_area() { cm_response.setValue(""); response_code.text(""); } function change_base_url(u) { window.URL_BASE = u; $("#rest_host").text(u); } $(document).ready(function() { //wait for the Requests to be populated by another file generate_table_of_contents(); make_commands_clickable(); if (window.location.hash) { var cmd = window.location.hash.slice(1).toLowerCase(); select_request(cmd); } else { select_request(); } if (urlParams["base_url"]) { change_base_url(urlParams["base_url"]); }; }); var urlParams; (window.onpopstate = function () { var match, pl = /\+/g, // Regex for replacing addition symbol with a space search = /([^&=]+)=?([^&]*)/g, decode = function (s) { return decodeURIComponent(s.replace(pl, " ")); }, query =; urlParams = {}; while (match = search.exec(query)) urlParams[decode(match[1])] = decode(match[2]); })();