zabbix_export: version: '6.0' date: '2023-05-17T06:48:01Z' groups: - uuid: 7df96b18c230490a9a0a9e2307226338 name: Templates templates: - uuid: f6055f57986b400cb905dda680b8bfc4 template: 'Starlink dish by Prom' name: 'Starlink dish by Prom' description: | Use project Python starlink-grpc-tools Run Starlink exporter: python status alert_detail groups: - name: Templates items: - uuid: 23a75a484aa242ebbe8aa8ce7906d1f4 name: 'Starlink alerts' type: DEPENDENT key: starlink.alerts delay: '0' value_type: FLOAT description: 'A bit field combining all active alerts, where a 1 bit indicates the alert is active. See alert detail status data for which bits correspond with each alert, or to get individual alert flags instead of a combined bit mask.' valuemap: name: 'Starlink alerts codes' preprocessing: - type: PROMETHEUS_PATTERN parameters: - '{__name__=~"^starlink_status_alerts"}' - value - '' master_item: key: tags: - tag: component value: starlink - tag: scope value: alert triggers: - uuid: a1ad84cb677045f293f2f66af9b9fd54 expression: 'last(/Starlink dish by Prom/starlink.alerts,#3)>0' name: 'Starlink alert' opdata: 'Current value: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}' priority: INFO description: 'Starlink alert. Ack to close' manual_close: 'YES' dependencies: - name: 'Starlink alert install pending' expression: 'last(/Starlink dish by Prom/starlink.status_alert_install_pending,#3)=1' tags: - tag: scope value: notice - uuid: 36d845fb88a84524b4077a9bc8f15c76 name: 'Starlink currently obstructed' type: DEPENDENT key: starlink.currently_obstructed delay: '0' value_type: FLOAT description: 'Most recent sample value. See *obstructed* in bulk history data for detail. This item still appears to be reported by the user terminal despite no longer appearing in the bulk history data.' preprocessing: - type: PROMETHEUS_PATTERN parameters: - '{__name__=~"^starlink_status_currently_obstructed"}' - value - '' master_item: key: tags: - tag: component value: starlink - tag: scope value: obstructed - uuid: 19b29b8ef1fc427196567abcd314efea name: 'Starlink direction azimuth' type: DEPENDENT key: starlink.direction_azimuth delay: '0' value_type: FLOAT description: 'Azimuth angle, in degrees, of the direction in which the user terminal''s dish antenna is physically pointing. Note that this generally is not the exact direction of the satellite with which the user terminal is communicating.' preprocessing: - type: PROMETHEUS_PATTERN parameters: - '{__name__=~"^starlink_status_direction_azimuth"}' - value - '' master_item: key: tags: - tag: component value: starlink - uuid: fb43d683ef274e65b75bd9afa349f933 name: 'Starlink direction elevation' type: DEPENDENT key: starlink.direction_elevation delay: '0' value_type: FLOAT description: 'Elevation angle, in degrees, of the direction in which the user terminal''s dish antenna is physically pointing.' preprocessing: - type: PROMETHEUS_PATTERN parameters: - '{__name__=~"^starlink_status_direction_elevation"}' - value - '' master_item: key: tags: - tag: component value: starlink - uuid: 52bab1a4b4cf4f99bd99019ef612c7b2 name: 'Starlink downlink throughput bps' type: DEPENDENT key: starlink.downlink delay: '0' value_type: FLOAT units: bps description: 'Most recent sample value. See bulk history data for detail.' preprocessing: - type: PROMETHEUS_PATTERN parameters: - '{__name__=~"^starlink_status_downlink_throughput_bps"}' - value - '' master_item: key: tags: - tag: component value: starlink - tag: scope value: traffic - uuid: bfe3d4b905bf42a1a8d9d7a7b8f8f5ef name: 'Starlink fraction obstructed' type: DEPENDENT key: starlink.fraction_obstructed delay: '0' value_type: FLOAT description: 'The fraction of total area (or possibly fraction of time?) that the user terminal has determined to be obstructed between it and the satellites with which it communicates.' preprocessing: - type: PROMETHEUS_PATTERN parameters: - '{__name__=~"^starlink_status_fraction_obstructed"}' - value - '' master_item: key: tags: - tag: component value: starlink - tag: scope value: obstructed - uuid: 4173e1a5a24647d5a52354ee5fce84b3 name: 'Starlink hardware version' type: DEPENDENT key: starlink.hardware_version delay: '0' trends: '0' value_type: CHAR description: 'A string identifying the user terminal hardware version.' inventory_link: HARDWARE preprocessing: - type: PROMETHEUS_PATTERN parameters: - starlink_info - label - hardware_version master_item: key: tags: - tag: component value: starlink - uuid: 0975b98eb75c4f1ba94fded1c8587bd0 name: 'Starlink ID' type: DEPENDENT key: delay: '0' trends: '0' value_type: CHAR description: 'A string identifying the specific user terminal device that was reachable from the local network. Something like a serial number.' inventory_link: SERIALNO_A preprocessing: - type: PROMETHEUS_PATTERN parameters: - starlink_info - label - id master_item: key: tags: - tag: component value: starlink - uuid: 9b40dcf1fdd5436c92270cc3723cbf9b name: 'Starlink obstruction duration' type: DEPENDENT key: starlink.obstruction_duration delay: '0' value_type: FLOAT description: 'Average consecutive time, in seconds, the user terminal has detected its signal to be obstructed for a period of time that it considers "prolonged", or None if no such obstructions were recorded.' preprocessing: - type: PROMETHEUS_PATTERN parameters: - '{__name__=~"^starlink_status_obstruction_duration"}' - value - '' master_item: key: tags: - tag: component value: starlink - uuid: db795f37aa7543298ed90da5f86ab238 name: 'Starlink obstruction interval' type: DEPENDENT key: starlink.obstruction_interval delay: '0' value_type: FLOAT description: 'Average time, in seconds, between the start of such "prolonged" obstructions, or None if no such obstructions were recorded.' preprocessing: - type: PROMETHEUS_PATTERN parameters: - '{__name__=~"^starlink_status_obstruction_interval"}' - value - '' master_item: key: tags: - tag: component value: starlink - uuid: ccd54bdcee33414eb4a75340bb4a248c name: 'Starlink ping latency' type: DEPENDENT key: starlink.ping_latency delay: '0' value_type: FLOAT description: 'Most recent sample value. See bulk history data for detail.' preprocessing: - type: PROMETHEUS_PATTERN parameters: - '{__name__=~"^starlink_status_pop_ping_latency_ms(?:_seconds)?$"}' - value - '' master_item: key: tags: - tag: component value: starlink - tag: scope value: ping - uuid: 93fafdf8d72f42868dc1e9a75a8d6ebf name: 'Starlink pop ping drop rate' type: DEPENDENT key: starlink.pop_ping_drop_rate delay: '0' value_type: FLOAT description: 'Most recent sample value. See bulk history data for detail.' preprocessing: - type: PROMETHEUS_PATTERN parameters: - '{__name__=~"^starlink_status_pop_ping_drop_rate(?:_seconds)?$"}' - value - '' master_item: key: tags: - tag: component value: starlink - tag: scope value: ping - uuid: 47cd286176814f5ea46ca016083c16f9 name: 'Starlink seconds obstructed' type: DEPENDENT key: starlink.seconds_obstructed delay: '0' value_type: FLOAT description: | The amount of time within the history buffer, in seconds, that the user terminal determined to be obstructed, regardless of whether or not packets were able to be transmitted or received. **OBSOLETE**: The user terminal no longer provides this data. preprocessing: - type: PROMETHEUS_PATTERN parameters: - '{__name__=~"^starlink_status_seconds_obstructed"}' - value - '' master_item: key: tags: - tag: component value: starlink - tag: scope value: obstructed - uuid: d9a2dadd53b04cab990a018c1423a6fd name: 'Starlink seconds to first nonempty slot' type: DEPENDENT key: starlink.seconds_to_first_nonempty_slot delay: '0' value_type: FLOAT description: 'Amount of time from now, in seconds, until a satellite will be scheduled to be available for transmit/receive. See also *scheduled* in the bulk history data. May report as a negative number, which appears to indicate unknown time until next satellite scheduled and usually correlates with *state* reporting as other than "CONNECTED".' preprocessing: - type: PROMETHEUS_PATTERN parameters: - '{__name__=~"^starlink_status_seconds_to_first_nonempty_slot"}' - value - '' master_item: key: tags: - tag: component value: starlink - uuid: e6773890986e49b9b8276f1072b0d64e name: 'Starlink snr above noise floor' type: DEPENDENT key: starlink.snr_above_noise_floor delay: '0' value_type: FLOAT description: | Most recent sample value. See bulk history data for detail. **OBSOLETE**: The user terminal no longer provides this data. preprocessing: - type: PROMETHEUS_PATTERN parameters: - '{__name__=~"^starlink_status_is_snr_above_noise_floor"}' - value - '' master_item: key: tags: - tag: component value: starlink - uuid: 87e7b5bf4eff4124a844e9e23507bc8f name: 'Starlink software version' type: DEPENDENT key: starlink.software_version delay: '0' trends: '0' value_type: CHAR description: 'A string identifying the software currently installed on the user terminal.' inventory_link: SOFTWARE preprocessing: - type: PROMETHEUS_PATTERN parameters: - starlink_info - label - software_version master_item: key: tags: - tag: component value: starlink triggers: - uuid: 7e4096730de54400be0339925823520c expression: 'last(/Starlink dish by Prom/starlink.software_version,#1)<>last(/Starlink dish by Prom/starlink.software_version,#2) and length(last(/Starlink dish by Prom/starlink.software_version))>0' name: 'Starlink firmware has changed' opdata: 'Current value: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}' priority: INFO description: 'Firmware version has changed. Ack to close' manual_close: 'YES' tags: - tag: scope value: firmware - tag: scope value: notice - uuid: 8088d0e95ad042d09b237176470c7a6f name: 'Starlink state' type: DEPENDENT key: starlink.state delay: '0' trends: '0' value_type: CHAR description: | As string describing the current connectivity state of the user terminal. One of: "UNKNOWN", "CONNECTED", "BOOTING", "SEARCHING", "STOWED", "THERMAL_SHUTDOWN", "NO_SATS", "OBSTRUCTED", "NO_DOWNLINK", "NO_PINGS" preprocessing: - type: PROMETHEUS_PATTERN parameters: - 'starlink_status_state{state=~".*"}==1' - label - state master_item: key: tags: - tag: component value: starlink triggers: - uuid: f8f20063cab947bc8543499b810bece7 expression: 'last(/Starlink dish by Prom/starlink.state,#1)<>last(/Starlink dish by Prom/starlink.state,#2) and length(last(/Starlink dish by Prom/starlink.state))>0' name: 'Starlink status has changed' opdata: 'Current value: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}' priority: AVERAGE description: 'Status has changed. Ack to close' manual_close: 'YES' tags: - tag: scope value: status - uuid: e2e7a46a5ea04091a4fd67734536eeac name: 'Starlink status alert install pending' type: DEPENDENT key: starlink.status_alert_install_pending delay: '0' description: 'Alert corresponding with bit 7 (bit mask 128) in *alerts*.' valuemap: name: 'Starlink alert' preprocessing: - type: PROMETHEUS_PATTERN parameters: - '{__name__=~"^starlink_status_alert_install_pending"}' - value - '' master_item: key: tags: - tag: component value: starlink - tag: scope value: alert triggers: - uuid: 5150a68a99c84bee83eac7fd788e6745 expression: 'last(/Starlink dish by Prom/starlink.status_alert_install_pending,#3)=1' name: 'Starlink alert install pending' opdata: 'Current value: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}' priority: WARNING description: 'Starlink alert install pending. Ack to close' manual_close: 'YES' tags: - tag: scope value: notice - uuid: 0e6993064aa744c7b6048bfb6c8c7c9b name: 'Starlink status alert is heating' type: DEPENDENT key: starlink.status_alert_is_heating delay: '0' description: 'Alert corresponding with bit 8 (bit mask 256) in *alerts*.' valuemap: name: 'Starlink alert' preprocessing: - type: PROMETHEUS_PATTERN parameters: - '{__name__=~"^starlink_status_alert_is_heating"}' - value - '' master_item: key: tags: - tag: component value: starlink - tag: scope value: alert triggers: - uuid: d4446b9885844f348897bcb5df522f91 expression: 'last(/Starlink dish by Prom/starlink.status_alert_is_heating,#3)=1' name: 'Starlink alert Terminal is heating' opdata: 'Current value: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}' priority: INFO description: 'Starlink alert Terminal is heating. Ack to close' manual_close: 'YES' tags: - tag: scope value: notice - uuid: c00dcd92c1824d88902418f65bbc5faa name: 'Starlink status alert mast not near vertical' type: DEPENDENT key: starlink.status_alert_mast_not_near_vertical delay: '0' description: 'Alert corresponding with bit 4 (bit mask 16) in *alerts*.' valuemap: name: 'Starlink alert' preprocessing: - type: PROMETHEUS_PATTERN parameters: - '{__name__=~"^starlink_status_alert_mast_not_near_vertical"}' - value - '' master_item: key: tags: - tag: component value: starlink - tag: scope value: alert triggers: - uuid: 9032a63d5aef462ba0b76160a10922a3 expression: 'last(/Starlink dish by Prom/starlink.status_alert_mast_not_near_vertical,#3)=1' name: 'Starlink alert Terminal mast not near vertical' opdata: 'Current value: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}' priority: WARNING description: 'Starlink alert Terminal mast not near vertical. Ack to close' manual_close: 'YES' tags: - tag: scope value: notice - uuid: c7432a9bf7fc4a6e9250b6f71d02bdfc name: 'Starlink status alert motors stuck' type: DEPENDENT key: starlink.status_alert_motors_stuck delay: '0' description: 'Alert corresponding with bit 0 (bit mask 1) in *alerts*.' valuemap: name: 'Starlink alert' preprocessing: - type: PROMETHEUS_PATTERN parameters: - '{__name__=~"^starlink_status_alert_motors_stuck"}' - value - '' master_item: key: tags: - tag: component value: starlink - tag: scope value: alert triggers: - uuid: 866110f20aab42cf88d161ed25cc2261 expression: 'last(/Starlink dish by Prom/starlink.status_alert_motors_stuck,#3)=1' name: 'Starlink alert motors stuck' opdata: 'Current value: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}' priority: HIGH description: 'Starlink alert motors stuck. Ack to close' manual_close: 'YES' tags: - tag: scope value: notice - uuid: 5f71a14067ea444684d24356eea2a8fb name: 'Starlink status alert power supply thermal throttle' type: DEPENDENT key: starlink.status_alert_power_supply_thermal_throttle delay: '0' description: 'Alert corresponding with bit 9 (bit mask 512) in *alerts*.' valuemap: name: 'Starlink alert' preprocessing: - type: PROMETHEUS_PATTERN parameters: - '{__name__=~"^starlink_status_alert_power_supply_thermal_throttle"}' - value - '' master_item: key: tags: - tag: component value: starlink - tag: scope value: alert - uuid: bcac577ec68245e6a258302534f2acde name: 'Starlink status alert roaming' type: DEPENDENT key: starlink.status_alert_roaming delay: '0' description: 'Alert corresponding with bit 6 (bit mask 64) in *alerts*.' valuemap: name: 'Starlink alert' preprocessing: - type: PROMETHEUS_PATTERN parameters: - '{__name__=~"^starlink_status_alert_roaming"}' - value - '' master_item: key: tags: - tag: component value: starlink - tag: scope value: alert - uuid: 9860f65e08b646bfaa1bc3ffe9ad1b77 name: 'Starlink status alert slow ethernet speeds' type: DEPENDENT key: starlink.status_alert_slow_ethernet_speeds delay: '0' description: 'Alert corresponding with bit 5 (bit mask 32) in *alerts*.' valuemap: name: 'Starlink alert' preprocessing: - type: PROMETHEUS_PATTERN parameters: - '{__name__=~"^starlink_status_alert_slow_ethernet_speeds"}' - value - '' master_item: key: tags: - tag: component value: starlink - tag: scope value: alert - uuid: 8b1dfc3c63fd44f59155a3174fafd940 name: 'Starlink status alert thermal shutdown' type: DEPENDENT key: starlink.status_alert_thermal_shutdown delay: '0' description: 'Alert corresponding with bit 1 (bit mask 2) in *alerts*.' valuemap: name: 'Starlink alert' preprocessing: - type: PROMETHEUS_PATTERN parameters: - '{__name__=~"^starlink_status_alert_thermal_shutdown"}' - value - '' master_item: key: tags: - tag: component value: starlink - tag: scope value: alert - uuid: 9d33ef5ce4894116a585297ef13d8579 name: 'Starlink status alert thermal throttle' type: DEPENDENT key: starlink.status_alert_thermal_throttle delay: '0' description: 'lert corresponding with bit 2 (bit mask 4) in *alerts*.' valuemap: name: 'Starlink alert' preprocessing: - type: PROMETHEUS_PATTERN parameters: - '{__name__=~"^starlink_status_alert_thermal_throttle"}' - value - '' master_item: key: tags: - tag: component value: starlink - tag: scope value: alert - uuid: 50124293ef7f48dab0892cdf580b78d9 name: 'Starlink status alert unexpected location' type: DEPENDENT key: starlink.status_alert_unexpected_location delay: '0' description: 'Alert corresponding with bit 3 (bit mask 8) in *alerts*.' valuemap: name: 'Starlink alert' preprocessing: - type: PROMETHEUS_PATTERN parameters: - '{__name__=~"^starlink_status_alert_unexpected_location"}' - value - '' master_item: key: tags: - tag: component value: starlink - tag: scope value: alert - uuid: 9471928fa80440c4afd9f4a25e3203bd name: 'Starlink uplink throughput bps' type: DEPENDENT key: starlink.uplink delay: '0' value_type: FLOAT units: bps description: 'Most recent sample value. See bulk history data for detail.' preprocessing: - type: PROMETHEUS_PATTERN parameters: - '{__name__=~"^starlink_status_uplink_throughput_bps"}' - value - '' master_item: key: tags: - tag: component value: starlink - tag: scope value: traffic - uuid: 2a63882f6458498993adcc2883cbafda name: 'Starlink uptime' type: DEPENDENT key: starlink.uptime delay: '0' value_type: FLOAT units: uptime description: | The amount of time, in seconds, since the user terminal last rebooted. Starlink uptime in 'N days, hh:mm:ss' format. preprocessing: - type: PROMETHEUS_PATTERN parameters: - '{__name__=~"^starlink_status_uptime_seconds(?:_seconds)?$"}' - value - '' master_item: key: tags: - tag: component value: starlink triggers: - uuid: 4608a14b970746c7902c2034e7b8374c expression: 'last(/Starlink dish by Prom/starlink.uptime)<10m' name: '{HOST.NAME} has been restarted (uptime < 10m)' priority: WARNING description: 'Uptime is less than 10 minutes' manual_close: 'YES' tags: - tag: scope value: notice - uuid: 7a4b25cffa4040858c0026ca1beb73fd name: 'Starlink: Get dish data' type: HTTP_AGENT key: history: '0' trends: '0' value_type: TEXT description: 'Getting data from a starlink prometeus exporter - Python project starlink-grpc-tools.' url: '{$STARLINK.SCHEME}://{HOST.CONN}:{$STARLINK.PORT}/metrics' tags: - tag: component value: raw triggers: - uuid: 756bd2aa891b40d79df8795638f30d60 expression: 'nodata(/Starlink dish by Prom/,30)=1' name: 'starlink_exporter is not available (or no data for 30m)' priority: HIGH description: 'Failed to fetch starlink metrics from starlink_exporter in time.' manual_close: 'YES' tags: - tag: scope value: availability tags: - tag: class value: hardware - tag: target value: starlink macros: - macro: '{$STARLINK.PORT}' value: '8080' - macro: '{$STARLINK.SCHEME}' value: http dashboards: - uuid: ba6c008bf8ad4ca2973501188824689e name: 'Starlink status' pages: - name: 'Ping & Alerts' widgets: - type: GRAPH_CLASSIC width: '12' height: '6' fields: - type: GRAPH name: graphid value: host: 'Starlink dish by Prom' name: 'Starlink ping' - type: GRAPH_CLASSIC x: '12' width: '12' height: '6' fields: - type: GRAPH name: graphid value: host: 'Starlink dish by Prom' name: 'Starlink alerts' - name: Status widgets: - type: GRAPH_CLASSIC width: '10' height: '6' fields: - type: GRAPH name: graphid value: host: 'Starlink dish by Prom' name: 'Starlink traffic' - type: ITEM x: '10' 'y': '3' width: '10' height: '3' fields: - type: INTEGER name: show value: '2' - type: INTEGER name: adv_conf value: '1' - type: INTEGER name: decimal_size value: '15' - type: INTEGER name: value_size value: '25' - type: STRING name: value_color value: 0040FF - type: ITEM name: itemid value: host: 'Starlink dish by Prom' key: starlink.software_version - type: ITEM x: '10' width: '7' height: '3' fields: - type: INTEGER name: show value: '2' - type: INTEGER name: adv_conf value: '1' - type: STRING name: value_color value: 00FF00 - type: ITEM name: itemid value: host: 'Starlink dish by Prom' key: starlink.state - type: ITEM x: '17' width: '7' height: '3' fields: - type: INTEGER name: show value: '2' - type: INTEGER name: adv_conf value: '1' - type: ITEM name: itemid value: host: 'Starlink dish by Prom' key: starlink.uptime - type: ITEM x: '20' 'y': '3' width: '4' height: '3' fields: - type: INTEGER name: show value: '2' - type: INTEGER name: adv_conf value: '1' - type: INTEGER name: decimal_places value: '0' - type: INTEGER name: decimal_size value: '25' - type: INTEGER name: value_size value: '35' - type: STRING name: value_color value: FF0000 - type: ITEM name: itemid value: host: 'Starlink dish by Prom' key: starlink.alerts - uuid: 2194f8109a73498d8206ce5904c94469 name: 'Starlink traffic' pages: - widgets: - type: GRAPH_CLASSIC width: '24' height: '7' fields: - type: GRAPH name: graphid value: host: 'Starlink dish by Prom' name: 'Starlink traffic' valuemaps: - uuid: a943017fbebb4b72a885dd7e17a5530a name: 'Starlink alert' mappings: - value: '1' newvalue: 'On' - value: '0' newvalue: 'Off' - uuid: 4b05a06f34934b05a048c64d5dd12097 name: 'Starlink alerts codes' mappings: - value: '0' newvalue: Normal - value: '1' newvalue: 'Motors stuck' - value: '2' newvalue: 'Thermal shutdown' - value: '4' newvalue: 'Thermal throttle' - value: '8' newvalue: 'Unexpected location' - value: '16' newvalue: 'Mast not near vertical' - value: '32' newvalue: 'Slow ethernet speeds' - value: '64' newvalue: Roaming - value: '128' newvalue: 'Install pending' - value: '256' newvalue: 'Is heating' - value: '257' newvalue: 'Unknown ?' - value: '512' newvalue: 'Power supply thermal throttle' - value: '1024' newvalue: 'Is power save idle' - value: '2048' newvalue: 'Moving while not mobile' - value: '4096' newvalue: 'Moving fast while not aviation' graphs: - uuid: e1fcb0b355d242f0acebad9c74a63f4a name: 'Starlink alerts' show_work_period: 'NO' show_triggers: 'NO' graph_items: - drawtype: DOTTED_LINE color: 199C0D calc_fnc: MIN item: host: 'Starlink dish by Prom' key: starlink.status_alert_install_pending - sortorder: '1' drawtype: DOTTED_LINE color: F63100 calc_fnc: MIN item: host: 'Starlink dish by Prom' key: starlink.status_alert_is_heating - sortorder: '2' drawtype: DOTTED_LINE color: 2774A4 calc_fnc: MIN item: host: 'Starlink dish by Prom' key: starlink.status_alert_mast_not_near_vertical - sortorder: '3' drawtype: DOTTED_LINE color: F7941D calc_fnc: MIN item: host: 'Starlink dish by Prom' key: starlink.status_alert_motors_stuck - sortorder: '4' drawtype: DOTTED_LINE color: FC6EA3 calc_fnc: MIN item: host: 'Starlink dish by Prom' key: starlink.status_alert_power_supply_thermal_throttle - sortorder: '5' drawtype: DOTTED_LINE color: 6C59DC calc_fnc: MIN item: host: 'Starlink dish by Prom' key: starlink.status_alert_roaming - sortorder: '6' drawtype: DOTTED_LINE color: C7A72D calc_fnc: MIN item: host: 'Starlink dish by Prom' key: starlink.status_alert_slow_ethernet_speeds - sortorder: '7' drawtype: DOTTED_LINE color: BA2A5D calc_fnc: MIN item: host: 'Starlink dish by Prom' key: starlink.status_alert_thermal_shutdown - sortorder: '8' drawtype: DOTTED_LINE color: F230E0 calc_fnc: MIN item: host: 'Starlink dish by Prom' key: starlink.status_alert_thermal_throttle - uuid: 372a22ccff854c5cb92b038debf536b8 name: 'Starlink alerts codes' show_work_period: 'NO' show_triggers: 'NO' graph_items: - drawtype: DOTTED_LINE color: FF0000 calc_fnc: MIN item: host: 'Starlink dish by Prom' key: starlink.alerts - uuid: eae4f9fcfc304441bde0224582153bc5 name: 'Starlink ping' graph_items: - drawtype: BOLD_LINE color: 199C0D calc_fnc: ALL item: host: 'Starlink dish by Prom' key: starlink.ping_latency - sortorder: '1' drawtype: BOLD_LINE color: F63100 calc_fnc: ALL item: host: 'Starlink dish by Prom' key: starlink.pop_ping_drop_rate - uuid: 9c5acfc4e0ad4d62aa3644de07550373 name: 'Starlink traffic' graph_items: - drawtype: FILLED_REGION color: 199C0D calc_fnc: ALL item: host: 'Starlink dish by Prom' key: starlink.downlink - sortorder: '1' drawtype: FILLED_REGION color: 0040FF calc_fnc: ALL item: host: 'Starlink dish by Prom' key: starlink.uplink