--- title: "GT Demo - Part 2 - more elaborate" author: "John D. Smith" date: "10/16/2020" output: html_document --- ## Resources: - - - ## Load libraries ```{r} suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(tidyverse)) library(gt) ``` This demo meanders from the outside and top of a table and works its way in. At the end we explore how to use the output. ![](img/gt_parts_of_a_table.svg) # The tour ## Continue with `gtcars` We'll use the `gtcars` data frame including cars from all countries. ```{r} glimpse(gtcars) ``` `gt` interacts with `dplyr` groups in interesting ways. ```{r} mileage <- gtcars %>% group_by(year, ctry_origin, bdy_style) %>% summarize(n = n(), hp_mean = mean(hp), mpg_h_mean = mean(mpg_h)) ``` ## `group_by` is a natural The last variable in the `group_by` becomes a row label and the others are concatenated into a block label. ```{r} t <- mileage %>% gt() t ``` We'll use a simpler grouping in subsequent examples. Just passing a grouped data frame produces a table with a more complicated structure than an un-grouped data frame. ```{r} mileage <- gtcars %>% group_by(ctry_origin, bdy_style) %>% summarize(n = n(), hp_mean = mean(hp), mpg_h_mean = mean(mpg_h)) t <- mileage %>% gt() t ``` ## A bestiary of functions to format columns `gt` provides the following `fmt_` functions: - `fmt_currency()` - `fmt_date()` - `fmt_datetime()` - `fmt_markdown()` - `fmt_missing()` - `fmt_number()` - `fmt_passthrough()` - `fmt_percent()` - `fmt_scientific()` - `fmt_time()` ```{r} t <- t %>% fmt_number(vars(n, hp_mean, mpg_h_mean), decimals = 0) t ``` ## Many `cols_` functions to manipulate columns - `cols_align()` - `cols_hide()` - `cols_label()` - `cols_merge()` - `cols_merge_range()` - `cols_merge_uncert()` - `cols_move()` - `cols_move_to_end()` - `cols_move_to_start()` - `cols_width()` Nice labels for columns, except that labeling the `group_by` seems to have no effect. ```{r} t <- t %>% cols_label( bdy_style = "Style", hp_mean = html("Horse
Mean"), mpg_h_mean = html("Highway
Mean"), n = html("Number
Models"), ctry_origin = "Country" ) t ``` - `tab_footnote()` - `tab_header()` - `tab_options()` - `tab_row_group()` - `tab_source_note()` - `tab_spanner()` - `tab_spanner_delim()` - `tab_stubhead()` - `tab_style()` The `tab_spanner()` function helps describe the table's contents, but doesn't improve the labeling of the grouping variable. ```{r} t <- t %>% tab_spanner( label = "Mean", columns = vars( hp_mean, mpg_h_mean) ) %>% tab_spanner( label = "Count", columns = vars(n) ) %>% cols_label( bdy_style = "Style", hp_mean = html("Horse
Power"), mpg_h_mean = html("Highway
MPG"), n = html("Models"), ctry_origin = "Country" ) t ``` ## Footnotes Explanatory footnotes on individual cells can be specified in several ways. ```{r} t <- t %>% tab_footnote( footnote = "Highest horsepower group of all.", locations = cells_body( columns = vars(hp_mean), rows = hp_mean == max(hp_mean)) ) t ``` Footnotes appear in order on the table, not in the order they are specified: ```{r} t <- t %>% tab_footnote( footnote = "Best overall gas mileage.", locations = cells_body( columns = vars(mpg_h_mean), rows = mpg_h_mean == 27.5) ) t ``` ## Saving a `gt` table The HTML file that `gtsave()` generates is easy to copy and paste into a Google Doc. The supported file extensions / file types are: `.html`, `.png`, `pdf`, `.tex`, `.ltx`, `.rtf`. In my, the `.png` files are not very easy to work with. ```{r} gtsave(t, "gtdemo_table.html") ``` Here is a problem that I have not solved. Formatting totals at the bottom of a table. ```{r} tm <- mileage %>% gt(groupname_col = vars("bdy_style")) %>% tab_spanner( label = "Mean", columns = vars( hp_mean, mpg_h_mean) ) %>% tab_spanner( label = "Count", columns = vars(n) ) %>% cols_label( bdy_style = "Style", hp_mean = html("Horse
Power"), mpg_h_mean = html("Highway
MPG"), n = html("Models"), ctry_origin = "Country" ) %>% summary_rows(groups = NULL, columns = vars(n), fns = list(sum = ~sum(.))) %>% # formatter = fmt_number(.)) %>% fmt_number(vars(n, hp_mean, mpg_h_mean), decimals = 0) tm ``` # More resources Here are some more in-depth resources about tables and `gt` in particular: - Tom Mock ([\@thomas\_mock](https://twitter.com/thomas_mock)) presentation on [Beautiful Tables in R; gt and the grammar of tables](https://themockup.blog/static/slides/intro-tables.html#1). - [Table Talk](http://www.storytellingwithdata.com/blog/2020/10/27/table-talkhttp://www.storytellingwithdata.com/blog/2020/10/27/table-talk) - [Alex Velez](http://www.storytellingwithdata.com/blog?author=5d025ce5e4376c0001389069) IN [Data Viz Challenge](http://www.storytellingwithdata.com/blog?category=Data+Viz+Challenge), [SWD Challenge](http://www.storytellingwithdata.com/blog?category=SWDchallenge) - [Rstudio Community](https://community.rstudio.com/) - [Table Contest](https://community.rstudio.com/c/R-Markdown/tables/38) - an incredibly rich set of examples - New package [reactable](https://glin.github.io/reactable/) - see the examples for what's possible - Kable - Anybody else?