# Changelog ## [21.10] - 2021-10-25 * Possibility to use yt-dlp instead of youtube-dl. * yt-dlp is used now by default. ## [21.7] - 2021-07-19 * Possibility to use some invidious sites. ### Windows * Enable HDPI in the portable version. * Using Qt 5.15.2. ## [20.6] - 2020-06-18 * The internal YouTube code has been removed. Now SMTube uses an external application to get the video URLs. * Now it's possible to select the web site to use as homepage. ## [20.1] - 2020-01-21 * The YouTube code has been fixed. ## [19.6] - 2019-06-16 * The YouTube code has been fixed. ## [18.10] 2018-11-10 * New option in the context menu to play the video with a web browser. The web browser may allow you to download the video. ## [18.9] - 2018-09-12 * Fix Youtube. ## [18.3] - 2018-04-01 * Fix the option "open audio with". ## [18.1] - 2018-01-09 * Fix Youtube. * Add the Catalan translation. ## [17.5] - 2017-05-05 * Fix for VEVO videos. ## [17.1] - 2017-01-31 * Fix for VEVO videos. ## [16.7] - 2016-06-29 * Fix for VEVO videos. ## [16.6] - 2016-06-02 * Add support for high DPI screens. * Build by default with Qt 5. ## [16.3] - 2016-03-03 * Possibility to use an external service (website) to download videos. * Options to zoom in and out. * New options in the settings dialog to change the font and style of the application. ## [16.1] - 2016-01-05 * Fix for VEVO videos. ## [15.11] - 2015-11-18 * Fix for VEVO videos. * Add support for YouTube live streams. ## [15.9] - 2015-09-27 * Fix the 'can't find URL' error when using Qt 5. ## [15.8] - 2015-08-20 * Improve support for VEVO videos. * Possibility to play the audio only.