from __future__ import unicode_literals import base64 import json import logging import math import os import shutil import tempfile from builtins import range from copy import deepcopy from pathlib import Path from future.utils import iteritems from snips_nlu.common.dataset_utils import get_slot_name_mapping from snips_nlu.common.dict_utils import UnupdatableDict from snips_nlu.common.io_utils import mkdir_p from snips_nlu.common.log_utils import DifferedLoggingMessage, log_elapsed_time from snips_nlu.common.utils import ( check_persisted_path, fitted_required, json_string) from snips_nlu.constants import DATA, LANGUAGE from snips_nlu.data_augmentation import augment_utterances from snips_nlu.dataset import validate_and_format_dataset from snips_nlu.exceptions import LoadingError from snips_nlu.pipeline.configs import CRFSlotFillerConfig from snips_nlu.preprocessing import tokenize from snips_nlu.slot_filler.crf_utils import ( OUTSIDE, TAGS, TOKENS, tags_to_slots, utterance_to_sample) from snips_nlu.slot_filler.feature import TOKEN_NAME from snips_nlu.slot_filler.feature_factory import CRFFeatureFactory from snips_nlu.slot_filler.slot_filler import SlotFiller CRF_MODEL_FILENAME = "model.crfsuite" logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @SlotFiller.register("crf_slot_filler") class CRFSlotFiller(SlotFiller): """Slot filler which uses Linear-Chain Conditional Random Fields underneath Check to learn more about CRFs """ config_type = CRFSlotFillerConfig def __init__(self, config=None, **shared): """The CRF slot filler can be configured by passing a :class:`.CRFSlotFillerConfig`""" # The CRFSlotFillerConfig must be deep-copied as it is mutated when # fitting the feature factories config = deepcopy(config) super(CRFSlotFiller, self).__init__(config, **shared) self.crf_model = None self.features_factories = [ CRFFeatureFactory.from_config(conf, **shared) for conf in self.config.feature_factory_configs] self._features = None self.language = None self.intent = None self.slot_name_mapping = None @property def features(self): """List of :class:`.Feature` used by the CRF""" if self._features is None: self._features = [] feature_names = set() for factory in self.features_factories: for feature in factory.build_features(): if in feature_names: raise KeyError("Duplicated feature: %s" % feature_names.add( self._features.append(feature) return self._features @property def labels(self): """List of CRF labels These labels differ from the slot names as they contain an additional prefix which depends on the :class:`.TaggingScheme` that is used (BIO by default). """ labels = [] if self.crf_model.tagger_ is not None: labels = [_decode_tag(label) for label in self.crf_model.tagger_.labels()] return labels @property def fitted(self): """Whether or not the slot filler has already been fitted""" return self.slot_name_mapping is not None @log_elapsed_time(logger, logging.INFO, "Fitted CRFSlotFiller in {elapsed_time}") # pylint:disable=arguments-differ def fit(self, dataset, intent): """Fits the slot filler Args: dataset (dict): A valid Snips dataset intent (str): The specific intent of the dataset to train the slot filler on Returns: :class:`CRFSlotFiller`: The same instance, trained """"Fitting %s slot filler...", intent) dataset = validate_and_format_dataset(dataset) self.load_resources_if_needed(dataset[LANGUAGE]) self.fit_builtin_entity_parser_if_needed(dataset) self.fit_custom_entity_parser_if_needed(dataset) for factory in self.features_factories: factory.custom_entity_parser = self.custom_entity_parser factory.builtin_entity_parser = self.builtin_entity_parser factory.resources = self.resources self.language = dataset[LANGUAGE] self.intent = intent self.slot_name_mapping = get_slot_name_mapping(dataset, intent) if not self.slot_name_mapping: # No need to train the CRF if the intent has no slots return self augmented_intent_utterances = augment_utterances( dataset, self.intent, language=self.language, resources=self.resources, random_state=self.random_state, **self.config.data_augmentation_config.to_dict()) crf_samples = [ utterance_to_sample(u[DATA], self.config.tagging_scheme, self.language) for u in augmented_intent_utterances] for factory in self.features_factories:, intent) # Ensure that X, Y are safe and that the OUTSIDE label is learnt to # avoid segfault at inference time # pylint: disable=C0103 X = [self.compute_features(sample[TOKENS], drop_out=True) for sample in crf_samples] Y = [[tag for tag in sample[TAGS]] for sample in crf_samples] X, Y = _ensure_safe(X, Y) # ensure ascii tags Y = [[_encode_tag(tag) for tag in y] for y in Y] # pylint: enable=C0103 self.crf_model = _get_crf_model(self.config.crf_args), Y) logger.debug( "Most relevant features for %s:\n%s", self.intent, DifferedLoggingMessage(self.log_weights)) return self # pylint:enable=arguments-differ @fitted_required def get_slots(self, text): """Extracts slots from the provided text Returns: list of dict: The list of extracted slots Raises: NotTrained: When the slot filler is not fitted """ if not self.slot_name_mapping: # Early return if the intent has no slots return [] tokens = tokenize(text, self.language) if not tokens: return [] features = self.compute_features(tokens) tags = self.crf_model.predict_single(features) logger.debug(DifferedLoggingMessage( self.log_inference_weights, text, tokens=tokens, features=features, tags=tags)) decoded_tags = [_decode_tag(t) for t in tags] return tags_to_slots(text, tokens, decoded_tags, self.config.tagging_scheme, self.slot_name_mapping) def compute_features(self, tokens, drop_out=False): """Computes features on the provided tokens The *drop_out* parameters allows to activate drop out on features that have a positive drop out ratio. This should only be used during training. """ cache = [{TOKEN_NAME: token} for token in tokens] features = [] for i in range(len(tokens)): token_features = UnupdatableDict() for feature in self.features: f_drop_out = feature.drop_out if drop_out and self.random_state.rand() < f_drop_out: continue value = feature.compute(i, cache) if value is not None: token_features[] = value features.append(token_features) return features @fitted_required def get_sequence_probability(self, tokens, labels): """Gives the joint probability of a sequence of tokens and CRF labels Args: tokens (list of :class:`.Token`): list of tokens labels (list of str): CRF labels with their tagging scheme prefix ("B-color", "I-color", "O", etc) Note: The absolute value returned here is generally not very useful, however it can be used to compare a sequence of labels relatively to another one. """ if not self.slot_name_mapping: return 0.0 if any(label != OUTSIDE for label in labels) else 1.0 features = self.compute_features(tokens) return self._get_sequence_probability(features, labels) @fitted_required def _get_sequence_probability(self, features, labels): # Use a default substitution label when a label was not seen during # training substitution_label = OUTSIDE if OUTSIDE in self.labels else \ self.labels[0] cleaned_labels = [ _encode_tag(substitution_label if l not in self.labels else l) for l in labels] self.crf_model.tagger_.set(features) return self.crf_model.tagger_.probability(cleaned_labels) @fitted_required def log_weights(self): """Returns a logs for both the label-to-label and label-to-features weights""" if not self.slot_name_mapping: return "No weights to display: intent '%s' has no slots" \ % self.intent log = "" transition_features = self.crf_model.transition_features_ transition_features = sorted( iteritems(transition_features), key=_weight_absolute_value, reverse=True) log += "\nTransition weights: \n\n" for (state_1, state_2), weight in transition_features: log += "\n%s %s: %s" % ( _decode_tag(state_1), _decode_tag(state_2), weight) feature_weights = self.crf_model.state_features_ feature_weights = sorted( iteritems(feature_weights), key=_weight_absolute_value, reverse=True) log += "\n\nFeature weights: \n\n" for (feat, tag), weight in feature_weights: log += "\n%s %s: %s" % (feat, _decode_tag(tag), weight) return log def log_inference_weights(self, text, tokens, features, tags): model_features = set( f for (f, _), w in iteritems(self.crf_model.state_features_)) log = "Feature weights for \"%s\":\n\n" % text max_index = len(tokens) - 1 tokens_logs = [] for i, (token, feats, tag) in enumerate(zip(tokens, features, tags)): token_log = "# Token \"%s\" (tagged as %s):" \ % (token.value, _decode_tag(tag)) if i != 0: weights = sorted(self._get_outgoing_weights(tags[i - 1]), key=_weight_absolute_value, reverse=True) if weights: token_log += "\n\nTransition weights from previous tag:" weight_lines = ( "- (%s, %s) -> %s" % (_decode_tag(a), _decode_tag(b), w) for (a, b), w in weights ) token_log += "\n" + "\n".join(weight_lines) else: token_log += \ "\n\nNo transition from previous tag seen at" \ " train time !" if i != max_index: weights = sorted(self._get_incoming_weights(tags[i + 1]), key=_weight_absolute_value, reverse=True) if weights: token_log += "\n\nTransition weights to next tag:" weight_lines = ( "- (%s, %s) -> %s" % (_decode_tag(a), _decode_tag(b), w) for (a, b), w in weights ) token_log += "\n" + "\n".join(weight_lines) else: token_log += \ "\n\nNo transition to next tag seen at train time !" feats = [":".join(f) for f in iteritems(feats)] weights = (w for f in feats for w in self._get_feature_weight(f)) weights = sorted(weights, key=_weight_absolute_value, reverse=True) if weights: token_log += "\n\nFeature weights:\n" token_log += "\n".join( "- (%s, %s) -> %s" % (f, _decode_tag(t), w) for (f, t), w in weights ) else: token_log += "\n\nNo feature weights !" unseen_features = sorted( set(f for f in feats if f not in model_features)) if unseen_features: token_log += "\n\nFeatures not seen at train time:\n%s" % \ "\n".join("- %s" % f for f in unseen_features) tokens_logs.append(token_log) log += "\n\n\n".join(tokens_logs) return log @fitted_required def _get_incoming_weights(self, tag): return [((first, second), w) for (first, second), w in iteritems(self.crf_model.transition_features_) if second == tag] @fitted_required def _get_outgoing_weights(self, tag): return [((first, second), w) for (first, second), w in iteritems(self.crf_model.transition_features_) if first == tag] @fitted_required def _get_feature_weight(self, feature): return [((f, tag), w) for (f, tag), w in iteritems(self.crf_model.state_features_) if f == feature] @check_persisted_path def persist(self, path): """Persists the object at the given path""" path.mkdir() crf_model_file = None if self.crf_model is not None: crf_model_file = CRF_MODEL_FILENAME destination = path / crf_model_file shutil.copy(, str(destination)) # On windows, permissions of crfsuite files are correct if == "posix": umask = os.umask(0o022) # retrieve the system umask os.umask(umask) # restore the sys umask to its original value os.chmod(str(destination), 0o644 & ~umask) model = { "language_code": self.language, "intent": self.intent, "crf_model_file": crf_model_file, "slot_name_mapping": self.slot_name_mapping, "config": self.config.to_dict(), } model_json = json_string(model) model_path = path / "slot_filler.json" with"w", encoding="utf8") as f: f.write(model_json) self.persist_metadata(path) @classmethod def from_path(cls, path, **shared): """Loads a :class:`CRFSlotFiller` instance from a path The data at the given path must have been generated using :func:`~CRFSlotFiller.persist` """ path = Path(path) model_path = path / "slot_filler.json" if not model_path.exists(): raise LoadingError( "Missing slot filler model file: %s" % with"utf8") as f: model = json.load(f) slot_filler_config = cls.config_type.from_dict(model["config"]) slot_filler = cls(config=slot_filler_config, **shared) slot_filler.language = model["language_code"] slot_filler.intent = model["intent"] slot_filler.slot_name_mapping = model["slot_name_mapping"] crf_model_file = model["crf_model_file"] if crf_model_file is not None: crf = _crf_model_from_path(path / crf_model_file) slot_filler.crf_model = crf return slot_filler def _cleanup(self): if self.crf_model is not None: self.crf_model.modelfile.cleanup() def __del__(self): self._cleanup() def _get_crf_model(crf_args): from sklearn_crfsuite import CRF model_filename = crf_args.get("model_filename", None) if model_filename is not None: directory = Path(model_filename).parent if not directory.is_dir(): mkdir_p(directory) return CRF(model_filename=model_filename, **crf_args) def _encode_tag(tag): return base64.b64encode(tag.encode("utf8")) def _decode_tag(tag): return base64.b64decode(tag).decode("utf8") def _crf_model_from_path(crf_model_path): from sklearn_crfsuite import CRF with"rb") as f: crf_model_data = with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".crfsuite", prefix="model", delete=False) as f: f.write(crf_model_data) f.flush() crf = CRF( return crf # pylint: disable=invalid-name def _ensure_safe(X, Y): """Ensures that Y has at least one not empty label, otherwise the CRF model does not contain any label and crashes at Args: X: features Y: labels Returns: (safe_X, safe_Y): a pair of safe features and labels """ safe_X = list(X) safe_Y = list(Y) if not any(X) or not any(Y): safe_X.append([""]) # empty feature safe_Y.append([OUTSIDE]) # outside label return safe_X, safe_Y def _weight_absolute_value(x): return math.fabs(x[1])