## Changelog ### 2.2.0 #### Bug Fixes * Export to SVG with correct pen colors. ([DynamoEffects](https://github.com/DynamoEffects) in [#260](https://github.com/szimek/signature_pad/pull/260)) #### Features * Allow custom ratio/width/height when loading data URL onto canvas. ([halo](https://github.com/halo) in [#253](https://github.com/szimek/signature_pad/pull/253)) ### 2.1.1 * Fixed a bug where default value was applied for throttle when throttle was set to 0. ([mkrause](https://github.com/mkrause) in [#247](https://github.com/szimek/signature_pad/pull/247)) ### 2.1.0 * No changes since 2.1.0-beta.1. ### 2.1.0-beta.1 * Added throttling. ([@kunukn](https://github.com/kunukn) in [#237](https://github.com/szimek/signature_pad/pull/237)) ### 2.0.0 Unfortunately, some breaking changes were introduced in 1.6.0, so to follow the semantic versioning, it's re-released as 2.0.0. * Removed support for Bower. If you still need it, use [1.5.3](https://github.com/szimek/signature_pad/releases/tag/v1.5.3) release. * Moved `signature_pad.js` and `signature_pad.min.js` files to `dist` folder. * Added ES6 version of the library for use with webpack etc. ### 1.6.0 (deprecated in favor of 2.0.0) * Added support for returning signature as SVG using `#fromDataURL('image/svg+xml')`. [jackspirou](https://github.com/jackspirou) [mymattcarroll](https://github.com/mymattcarroll) [szimek](https://github.com/szimek) * Added `#toData` method that returns data points. * Added `#fromData` method that draws signature from data points. * Moved `signature_pad.js` and `signature_pad.min.js` files to `dist` folder. ### 1.5.3 * Fix `touchend` event on touch devices. (#150) [mtomic](https://github.com/mtomic) * Fix handling touch events in Egde browser. (#134) [dideldum73](https://github.com/dideldum73) ### 1.5.2 * Prevent loading an empty string in `fromDataURL`. (#108) [Remo](https://github.com/Remo) * Reject points generated by resting hand (better handling of multi touch). (#48 and #57) [jurreantonisse](https://github.com/jurreantonisse) ### 1.5.1 * Prevent duplicate events on tap in iOS Safari. [PerfectPixel](https://github.com/PerfectPixel) ### 1.5.0 * Add `on` method that rebinds all event handlers. [Alplob](https://github.com/Alplob) ### 1.4.0 * Add `off` method that unbinds all event handlers. [Rob-ot](https://github.com/Rob-ot) ### 1.3.6 * Fix support for Browserify. [chevett](https://github.com/chevett) ### 1.3.5 * Add support for CommonJS/AMD/UMD. ### 1.3.4 * Really fix `fromDataURL` on HiDPI screens. ### 1.3.3 * Fix `fromDataURL` on HiDPI screens. ### 1.3.2 * Fix `onBegin` and `onEnd` callbacks when passed as options to constructor. [yinsee](https://github.com/yinsee) ### 1.3.1 * Fix handling touch events on mobile IE. [tocsoft](https://github.com/tocsoft) ### 1.3.0 * Add `onBegin` and `onEnd` callbacks. [rogerz](https://github.com/rogerz) ### 1.2.4 * Fix bug where stroke becomes very thin. [mvirkkunen](https://github.com/mvirkkunen) ### 1.2.3 * Fix `SignaturePad#fromDataURL` on Firefox. [Fr3nzzy](https://github.com/Fr3nzzy) ### 1.2.2 * Make `SignaturePad#isEmpty` return false after loading an image using `SignaturePad#fromDataURL`. [krisivanov](https://github.com/krisivanov) ### 1.2.1 * Fixed `SignaturePad#clear()`. ### 1.2.0 * Add `backgroundColor` option to set custom color of the background on `SignaturePad#clear()`. * Rename `color` option to `penColor`. * Fix passing arguments to canvas element on `SignaturePad#toDataURL()`.