Source code for object_storage.client

    Client module. Contains the primary interface for the client.

    See COPYING for license information.
    import simplejson as json
except ImportError:
    import json

from object_storage.container import Container
from object_storage.storage_object import StorageObject
from object_storage.utils import get_path

from object_storage import errors

import logging
import UserDict
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class AccountModel(UserDict.UserDict):
    def __init__(self, controller, headers={}):
        _headers = {}

        # Lowercase headers
        for key, value in headers.iteritems():
            _key = key.lower()
            _headers[_key] = value
        self.headers = _headers
        self._meta = None

        _properties = {}
        _properties['container_count'] = int(self.headers.get('x-account-container-count') or\
                                             self.headers.get('count') or 0)
        _properties['object_count'] = int(self.headers.get('x-account-object-count') or\
                                          self.headers.get('object_count') or 0)
        _properties['size'] = int(self.headers.get('x-account-bytes-used') or\
                                  self.headers.get('size') or 0)

        _properties['path'] = controller.path
        _properties['url'] = controller.url

        meta = {}
        for key, value in self.headers.iteritems():
            if key.startswith('meta_'):
                meta[key[5:]] = value
            elif key.startswith('x-account-meta-'):
                meta[key[15:]] = value
        self.meta = meta
        _properties['meta'] = self.meta = _properties =

[docs]class Client(object): """ Client class. Primary interface for the client. """ def __init__(self, username=None, api_key=None, connection=None, delimiter='/', **kwargs): """ constructor for Client object @param username: the username @param api_key: api_key for Object Storage @param connection: `object_storage.transport.AuthenticatedConnection` instance. @param delimiter: the symbol to use to divid up hiearchical divisions for objects. @param container_class: factory or class for Container constructing @param object_class: factory or class for StorageObject constructing """ self.username = username self.api_key = api_key self.delimiter = delimiter self.container_class = kwargs.get('container_class', Container) self.object_class = kwargs.get('object_class', StorageObject) self.storage_url = None self.conn = connection self.model = None
[docs] def load(self): """ load data for the account @return: object_storage.client, self """ def _formatter(res): self.model = AccountModel(self, res.headers) return self return self.make_request('HEAD', formatter=_formatter)
[docs] def get_info(self): """ loads data if not already available and returns the properties """ if not self.model: self.load() return
[docs] def properties(self): """ loads data if not already available and returns the properties """ return self.get_info()
props = properties @property
[docs] def headers(self): """ loads data if not already available and returns the raw headers for the account """ if not self.model: self.load() return self.model.headers
[docs] def meta(self): """ loads data if not already available and returns the metadata for the account """ if not self.model: self.load() return self.model.meta
[docs] def path(self): """ Returns the file-path. Always returns an empty string. """ return ''
[docs] def url(self): """ Returns the url of the resource. """ return self.get_url()
[docs] def is_dir(self): """ Returns whether or not this is a directory. Always True. """ return True
[docs] def search(self, q, options=None, **kwargs): """ Access the search interface. @param q: the search query. This can be None. @param options: options for the search API. Valid options: q.[fieldname] -> define search query for a specific field. field -> field name (when using q) type -> 'object' or 'container'; default shows both. recursive -> whether to search recursively or to limit to one level; default=true @param **kwargs: to be merged into the options param. Provides a nicer interface for the same thing. More information on options: """ default_params = { 'format': 'json', 'q': q } params = {} options = options or {} options.update(kwargs) for key, val in options.iteritems(): if key.startswith('q_'): params["q.%s" % key[2:]] = val else: params[key] = val params = dict(default_params.items() + params.items()) headers = {'X-Context': 'search'} _path = None if options.has_key('container'): _path = [options['container']] if 'path' in options and type(options['path']) is not dict: _path = [options['path']] def _formatter(response): """ Formats search results. """ headers = response.headers content = response.content items = json.loads(content) objs = [] for item in items: if 'type' not in item or item['type'] == 'container': objs.append(self.container(item['name'], headers=item)) elif item['type'] == 'object': obj = self.storage_object(item['container'], item['name'], headers=item) objs.append(obj) count = int(headers.get('x-search-items-count', 0)) total = int(headers.get('x-search-items-total', 0)) return {'count': count, 'total': total, 'results': objs} return self.make_request('GET', _path, headers=headers, params=params, formatter=_formatter)
[docs] def set_delimiter(self, delimiter): """ Sets the delimiter for pseudo hierarchical directory structure. @param delimiter: delimiter to use """ self.delimiter = delimiter
[docs] def set_storage_url(self, url): """ Sets the storage URL. After authentication, the URL is automatically populated, but the default value can be overwritten. @param url: url to use to call the Object Storage API. """ self.storage_url = url
[docs] def container(self, name, headers=None): """ Initializes container object. @param name: name of the container @param headers: initial headers to use to initialize the object """ return self.container_class(name, headers=headers, client=self)
[docs] def get_container(self, name): """ Makes a container object and calls load() on it. @param name: container name @raises ResponseError """ return self.container(name).load()
[docs] def set_metadata(self, meta, headers={}): """ Sets metadata for the account @param meta: dict of metadata on the account @raises ResponseError """ meta_headers = {} for k, v in headers.iteritems(): meta_headers[k] = v for k, v in meta.iteritems(): meta_headers["x-account-meta-{0}".format(k)] = v self.make_request('POST', headers=meta_headers)
[docs] def create_container(self, name): """ Creates a new container @param name: container name @raises ResponseError """ return self.container(name).create()
[docs] def delete_container(self, name, recursive=False): """ Deletes a container. @param name: container name @raises ResponseError @raises ContainerNotEmpty if container is not empty """ params = {} if recursive: params['recursive'] = True def _formatter(res): if res.status_code is 409: raise errors.ContainerNotEmpty(name) return True return self.make_request('DELETE', [name], params=params, formatter=_formatter)
[docs] def containers(self, marker=None, headers=None): """ Lists containers @param marker: start listing after this container name @param headers: extra headers to use when making the listing call @raises ResponseError """ params = {'format': 'json'} if marker: params['marker'] = marker def _formatter(res): containers = [] if res.content: items = json.loads(res.content) for item in items: name = item.get('name', None) containers.append(self.container(name, item)) return containers return self.make_request('GET', params=params, headers=headers, formatter=_formatter)
[docs] def public_containers(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Lists public containers. Same interface as self.containers() @raises ResponseError """ kwargs['headers'] = {'X-Context': 'cdn'} return self.containers(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def storage_object(self, container, name, headers=None): """ Initialize a StorageObject instance @param container: container name @param name: object name @param headers: initial headers to use to initialize the object """ return self.object_class(container, name, headers=headers, client=self)
[docs] def get_object(self, container, name): """ Load an object from swift @param container: container name @param name: object name @raises ResponseError """ return self.storage_object(container, name).load()
[docs] def delete_object(self, container, name): """ Delete an object from swift @param container: container name @param name: object name @raises ResponseError """ return self.make_request('DELETE', [container, name], formatter=lambda r: True)
[docs] def get_url(self, path=None): """ Returns the url of the resource @param path: path to append to the end of the URL """ url = self.storage_url if not url: self.storage_url = self.conn.storage_url url = self.storage_url if path: url = "%s/%s" % (url, get_path(path)) return url
[docs] def make_request(self, method, path=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Make an HTTP request @param method: HTTP method (GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, ...) @param path: path @raises ResponseError """ url = self.get_url(path) result = self.conn.make_request(method, url, *args, **kwargs) return result
[docs] def chunk_download(self, path, chunk_size=10*1024, headers=None): """ Returns a chunk download generator @param path: path @param chunk_size: the max size in bytes to return on each yield @param headers: extra headers to use with this request @raises ResponseError """ url = self.get_url(path) return self.conn.chunk_download(url, chunk_size=chunk_size)
[docs] def chunk_upload(self, path, headers=None): """ Returns a chunkable connection object at the given path @param path: path @param headers: extra headers to use with this request @raises ResponseError """ url = self.get_url(path) return self.conn.chunk_upload('PUT', url, headers)
def __getitem__(self, name): """ Returns a container object with the given name """ return self.container(name) def __iter__(self): """ Returns an interator based on results of self.containers() """ listing = self.containers() for obj in listing: yield obj