[mts] ; MTS-compatible theme file saved by Peace and Protection 4.20 by pai Author pai BaseColors 02,01,14,14 BoldLeft  BoldRight  ChannelsLowercase 1 CLineEnemy 02 CLineFriend 05 CLineHOP 14 CLineIrcOP 06 CLineMe 05 CLineOP 14 CLineOwner 14 CLineRegular 01 CLineVoice 01 ColorError 04 Colors 00,06,02,07,12,12,10,04,03,10,10,01,14,04,06,01,03,03,10,05,02,00,01,00,01,15 Description Based off the "test" scheme from PnP 4.06 Email pai@pairc.com FontChan Arial,12 FontDCC Arial,12 FontDefault Arial,12 FontQuery Arial,12 FontScript Arial,12 ImageScript LineSep 01········02········12········14········15········ LineSepWhois 1 MTSVersion 1.1 Name PnP "test" theme ParenText () PnPLineSep 40 · 01 02 12 14 15 PnPNickColors 01 05 02 02 06 05 07 03,01 05 02 02 06 05 07 03,14 04 12 12 13 04 07 03,14 04 12 12 13 04 07 10 PnPTheme 1 Prefix 12•2•1• RGBColors 255,255,255 0,0,0 0,0,127 0,147,0 255,0,0 127,0,0 156,0,156 252,127,0 255,255,0 0,252,0 0,147,147 0,255,255 0,0,252 255,0,255 127,127,127 210,210,210 Scheme1 Alternate nicklist colors 1 Scheme2 Alternate nicklist colors 2 Scheme3 Alternate nicklist colors 3 TimeStamp ON TimeStampFormat [HH:nn] TextChan « TextChanOp *:* TextChanSelf !Script %:echo $iif($_optn(0,23),$+(«,%::cnick,%::cmode,%::me,»),») %::text %:comments ActionChan ¢ ActionChanOp *:* ActionChanSelf ¢ Notice ±± NoticeChan !Script %:echo $iif(%::target == %::chan,$+(±,%::nick,::,%::target,±),$+(<-,%::nick,:,%::target,->)) %::text %:comments NoticeSelf -> ±± NoticeSelfChan !Script %:echo -> $iif(%::target == %::chan,$+(±,%::target,±),$+(<-,%::target,->)) %::text %:comments TextQuery «» TextQuerySelf !Script %:echo $iif($_optn(0,23),$+(«,%::me,»),») %::text %:comments ActionQuery ¢ ActionQuerySelf ¢ TextMsg !Script %:echo $iif($event == ACTION,‹¢ $+ %::nick $+ ¢›,‹* $+ %::nick $+ *›) %::text %:comments TextMsgSelf -> ‹**› Mode *** -mode- Join *** (
) --> Join *** --> Part *** (
) <-- Kick *** -kicked- KickSelf *** -kicked- you Quit *** (
) quit Topic *** -topic- '' Nick *** is now NickSelf *** You are now JoinStatus *** (
) --> PartStatus *** (
) <-- KickStatus *** -kicked- in ModeStatus *** -mode-- TopicStatus *** -topic-- '' TextSelfChanOp -> <**> [scheme1] PnPNickColors 01 02 10 10 07 02 05 06,01 02 10 10 07 02 05 06,14 12 10 10 07 12 04 13,14 12 10 10 07 12 04 13 [scheme2] PnPNickColors 01 12 10 14 13 05 04 03,01 12 10 14 13 05 04 03,01 12 10 14 13 05 04 03,01 12 10 14 13 05 04 03 [scheme3] PnPNickColors 02 06 05 05 10 01 07 03,02 06 05 05 10 01 07 03,12 13 04 04 10 14 07 03,12 13 04 04 10 14 07 03